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TEST DE EVALUARE INIIAL Anul colar 2013-2014 Limba englez - Clasa a IX-a - L1 Numele i prenumele elevului: Data susinerii

testului: Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 minute. PARTEA I 1. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word in bold. (5x4p=20 points) a. I dont think anybody is more annoying than him. ever He ___________________________________________________________________ met. b. Did you lend that book to Stephen? from Did Stephen ___________________________________________________________ you? c. I didnt have time to think, because things happened quickly. that Everything happened ___________________________ I didnt have time to think. d. Unfortunately, I dont have enough money to buy that car. if I __________________________________________________ enough money. e. Im tired because the last time I slept was two days ago. for Im tired because I ___________________________________________________________. 2. Choose the most suitable answer. (10x2p=20 points) 1. Dad was the one ____ fixed my bike. a. which b. whom c. who d. he 2. She was always alone, so she used to talk to ____ or to an imaginary friend. a. her b. herself c. himself d. themselves 3. You havent done your homework, _____ ? a. dont you b. did you c. have you c. didnt you 4. The thief ____ of stealing a womans purse. a. accused b. was accused c. has accused d. to accuse 5. She cant ____ done it. a. to b. be c. have d. had 6. When we arrived at school the class had ________ started. a. already b. yet c. been d. lately 7. If _____ I hadnt met her! a. just b. wish c. only d. that 8. If I ________ you, I would take the job. a. am b. was c. will be d. were 9. She told me she had seen Frank ___ . a. yesterday b. the day before c. a day ago d. the following day 10. I promised I wouldnt tell ___ our secret. a. anybody b. nobody c. somebody d. everybody. 2. Complete the article. Use the word in brackets to form a new word. (5x2p=10 points) The Big Issue is sold as a 1.___________________ (week) magazine in several countries around the world. It is written by 2.____________________ (profession) journalists and sold by people who are either 3. _____________________ (home) or in danger of losing their homes. The magazine deals with 4. _______________________ (importance) social issues; it also features interviews with many 5.__________________ (fame) figures, including actors and politicians. (60 de puncte)

3. These sentences contain errors. Write out the sentences correctly. (5x2p=10 points) 1. Laziness is a students badest enemy. 2. Be careful not to loose your money. 3. I dont really like this poem; its tone seems quiet gloomy. 4. Their house is so much bigger then ours. 5. Someones knocking; it must to be him. PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte) 1. You are going to read a story about a girl named Lana. Write your own ending to the story in about ten lines. This wasnt the first time that Lana had noticed the dark-haired boy lurking around the park. But they had never spoken, even though Lana had always been curious about him. They were the only two people in the world that went to that old, almost deserted park daily. She did it because she needed time away from her huge family; what reason could he have? As she was lazily admiring the rusty swings, the boy came up to her and said Ive noticed you come around here a lot, just like me. Whats your name? Lana just stood there, unable to utter a single word. She had never thought her mysterious companion would actually come over and talk to her. Moreover, her parents had always told her to avoid strangers, because you never know what kind of awful person can hide behind a polite smile. But Lana felt safe with this particular stranger and she couldnt see anything awful in his beautiful sad eyes. So, after a few more minutes of awkward silence, she finally managed to say ...

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