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Screenplay By Ameya Sarda

INT.BEDROOM.DAY Frank, (early 30s), and his girlfriend Lorena (early 30s), are bustling around the room. Frank is reading from a sheaf of papers in one hand, and a clothes-hanger with a jacket as he absent-mindedly makes for a suitcase on the bed. There are clothes, papers and books strewn all over the place. FRANK ...take this one, for instance, the guy wants to tax charitable donations of more than a million dollars... While Frank talks and walks away, Lorena approaches the bed with a shirt in her hand. Shes not sure what to do with it. She looks to see if Frank is looking her way, and then opens the laptop lying on the bedside table. On the screen is a Youtube video titled "How to fold a shirt." FRANK ...because he believes charities are not the most efficient when it comes to delivery of services, and if you disincentivise... Lorena does her best, which is not very good, with the shirt and puts it in the case, sighs, and leaves the case. FRANK ...them from putting their money in charities, it will encourage them to put more money into business... Frank eyes the badly folded shirt, puzzled, but keeps talking. FRANK ...because businesses are, of course, more efficient-Lorena walks up to him and holds up two ties. LORENA --Frank, honey, its a journal paper thats not up for review for another six months, the guy just wants your attention...Blue, red? FRANK Red, all Im saying is, people donating money to a charity will never see it again anyway... (CONTINUED)



LORENA ...are you sure? I think you look a bit fruity in red-FRANK --so why would...[looks up] fruity? LORENA What I meant was, its an alumni dinner, and these are serious people youre going to be meeting, and maybe, if you took it a bit more seriously... FRANK (Shaking the sheaf in his hand) Thats exactly the problem. The assumption that charities are all run by arty, liberal types and all businessmen are serious, important people, who, well... LORENA ...mean business? FRANK I was trying not to say that, but charities direct their resources to... Lorenas cellphone rings. LORENA Sorry, gotta take this. (on the phone) Simi, I take one day off in two months. One day... Frank goes back to the suitcase. He tries to improve the way its been packed. LORENA Well, your job is to tell Mr. Patel his heart will be fine for one more day, and that his doctor... Frank notices the video on the laptop, and has a quiet chuckle to himself. LORENA ...what? I dont think youre allowed...(looks back to Frank looking at the video, and (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LORENA (contd) sighs)...I was learning how to fold a shirt...okay, you know what, that cackling laughter is why we lose patients to other hospitals, you little banshee! Im hanging up now. She comes back to the suitcase and has a look at it. It is much neater than before. LORENA Ohh honey, you fixed it! They embrace. FRANK No, no, I did not. LORENA You did. FRANK I really did not. They kiss. LORENA Thats the last time Im helping you pack... FRANK Also, the first time... LORENA Your mother wont know I did this, will she? FRANK Im meeting her for dinner, for two hours, its unlikely that shes going to spend them... why do you care what my mother thinks? LORENA Never mind... FRANK My student writes a controversial term paper, just to impress me, and you pack my suitcase, or at least try to... Lorena gives him a look. (CONTINUED)



A beat. FRANK I lost a brownie point there, didnt I? LORENA Cabs waiting. Youre late. [showing him out] Remember to get the red-eye back. Daddys meeting us tomorrow. A taxi is waiting at the gate. Frank carries his suitcase and gets into the taxi, Lorena follows him out. FRANK (getting into the car) And now I have to try and impress your father. A PhD in political science isnt good enough to be a cardiac surgeons boyfriend? Maybe we should move to the East coast, yes, the weathers worse, but itll put 3000 miles between us and the nearest parent. LORENA Well, I called him, so... FRANK (preoccupied with his seat belt) And why would you do that? Lorena takes a beat. LORENA We, uh, need to discuss a few things... The taxi starts. Frank has finally made himself comfortable. FRANK Such as...? The taxi starts moving. LORENA The fact that Im pregnant.




As the car leaves the house, Frank struggles to leans out of the window, his seat belt pulling him back, he hits his head on the window frame. Struggling, he somehow gets his head out of the window. FRANK WHAT? Lorena shrugs, smiles, and waves. LORENA (sheepishly) Sorry! The taxi turns the corner.

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