Firewall: Ercan Sancar & Caner Sahin

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Ercan Sancar & Caner Sahin

History of Firewall Why Do You Need A Firewall Working Principle Of Firewalls Can a Firewall Really Protect Me? Multiple Firewalls Firewall Functions in Windows Choosing a Firewall that Meets

History Of Firewall
Firewall technology emerged in the late 1980s...

Why Do you Need a Firewall?

What is Firewall???

A firewall is a piece of software or hardware...

What Firewall Do???

Block incoming network traffic based on source or destination. Block outgoing network traffic based on source or destination. Block incoming network traffic based on content. Make internal resources available. Allow connections to internal network. Report on network traffic and firewall activities.

What Firewall Cant Do???

Inside attack! Social engineering. Viruses and Trojan horse programs. Poorly trained firewall administrators.

A Firewall That Fits

Personal Firewall Departmental or small organiztion Firewall Enterprise Firewall

Some Firewall Rules

Allow everyone to access all Web Sites Allow outgoing e-mail from the internal mail server Drop all outgoing network traffic unless it mathces the first two rules Allow incoming Web request to the public Web server Drop all incoming network traffic expect for connections to the public Web server Log all connection attempts that were rejected by the firewall Log all access to external Web sites

Basic Function of Firewall

Packet filtering Network Address Translation(NAT) Application Proxy

Working Principle of Firewalls

General Strategy: Allow-All or Deny-All Filtering Properties

General Strategy of Firewall

Allow-all Strategy:Allow all network packets except those that are explicitly denied. Deny-all Strategy:Denies all network packets except those that are explicity allowed.

Example Firewall Rules

Filetering Properties

Packet Filtering Network Address Translation(NAT) Application Proxy

Packet Filtering

What is Packet Filtering? Filtering IP data.

Example of Fragment

Stateful Packet Filtering

What is a stateful inspection?

Network Address Translation(NAT)

What is NAT? Security Aspects of NAT. Consequences of NAT.

Application Proxy
What is Application Proxy Differnce between Application Proxy and Packet Filtering Advantages of Application Proxy Drawbacks of Application Proxy

Comparison of NAT & Proxy

NAT Network and Transport layer Not concerns with contents Users dont need any settings Every program uses the same Proxy Application Layer Interface with the content Users need to setup the settings Differnt programs can use differnt proxies

Can a Firewall Really Protect Me?

A firewall is indeed a very effective method of protection against many of these threats, but...

Multiple Firewall

When Two Firewall Are Better Than One Designing Demilitarized Zones(DMZ)

Designing Demilitarized Zones

Advantages of DMZ with Two Firewall

Clear Definition of The DMZ Increased Security Reduce Network Loads on the Two Firewalls

Disadvantages of DMZ with Two Firewall

Increased Cost Extra Training Required Multiple Firewall Rule Listing Must be Maintained Configuration Complexity When more Than Two Firewall are Deployed

Firewall Functions in Windows

Packet Filtering Network Address Translation(NAT/ICS) Encrypted Tunnel

Firewall Functions Which is not provide in Windows

No application Proxies No (or less-than-ideal)monitoring and logging No data caching

Choosing a Firewall That Meets

How do you decided? What compare?

Thank you For Listening

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