Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

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Technology Integration Plan

Mandy Fueston Frit 8530 April 20, 2012

Lesson Topic: Microsoft Word Application Grade level: 4th grade Length of lesson: 6-7 (45 minute) class periods

Stage 1 Desired Results Content Standard(s): National Heritage Academies Standards 1.a.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and mediarich resources 1.a.2 Use digital imaging technology (photos, clip art, etc) to modify or create works of art for digital use 3.d.2 Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology

Understanding (s)/goals Essential Question(s): Students will understand: Why do we need to know how to When to use MS office use MS Office? The different buttons and their Why is it important to know the functions buttons and their functions? How to create WordArt and insert What is WordArt? What is Clipart clipart and why do we use it? Student objectives (outcomes): Students will be able to: Name several tool buttons in the Microsoft Word Ribbon Use the proper keys and functions to create a title and begin a story Use the correct typing stills to make a story in MS Word Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): Students will create a story in story swap where they will select an appealing font, size of font, color of font, use the grammar and spell check using MS Word Students will create WordArt using their three personal bests and choosing clipart that compliments the WordArt. Other Evidence: Checklist of students able to use various buttons correctly and can demonstra te how to change font size, color, use WordArt Orally can tell what the functions of the

various buttons Self Assessme nt Rubric completed by students

Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities: Day 1: Process of opening MS Word a. Learn the following buttons and their functions: office key, ribbon, title bar, tabs, buttons, and expansions. b. Hold mouse over certain buttons c. Search and find activity Day 2: Go over the following buttons: font, size, color, bold, italics, underline, and justification a. Go over the following keys on the keyboard: tab, space, backspace, enter, shift b. Introduce activity Story swap 1. Students will start their story and give it a title 2. After five minutes the teacher will call time and students will stand up push in their chair and find another computer to sit at 3. Students will change the color of text then add onto the story that is on the screen. 4. After five minutes, repeat Day 3: Editing tools: spell check, grammar check, thesaurus a. Insertion points and the cursor b. Edit Story swap, change it to a single color and font, add their name and class code, save, print Day 4: Word Art a. Create, edit, change WordArt b. Choose WordArt design to create name c. Change the size and shape of WordArt and text wrapping function Day 5: WordArt with 3 personal bests a. Insert clipart b. Save lesson

Story Swap
Teacher Name: Ms. Fueston Student Name: ________________________________________


Story makes sense and flows

Story somewhat makes sense and flows

Story makes little sense and does not flow

Story does not make sense and does not flow

Grammar, Spelling

There are no grammar or spelling mistakes

There are 1-2 spelling or grammar mistakes

There are 3-4 spelling or grammar mistakes

There are 5 or more spelling or grammar mistakes


The font size is a 12, Font size is 12, style Font is less than 12, Font is less or larger style is easy to read, is somewhat easy to style is not easy to than 12, style is not and color is pleasing read, and color is read, and color is easy to read, and pleasing somewhat pleasing color is not pleasing.

Teacher Name: Ms. Fueston Student Name: ________________________________________


Personal Bests

Two Personal Bests

Personal Bests Three or More

One Personal Best Did not have a Personal Best

WordArt/Name Used a different

font and color for each word/Name

Repeated font more than two times or used same color more than two times

Used same font but Used the same font different colors for and color for each each word/or used word different font but same color for each word


Clipart compliments each of the WordArt

Clipart Clipart Clipart doesnt\'t compliments 2 out compliments only compliment any of of the 3 required one of the WordArt the words WordArt

Student Self-Assessment Rubric Student Name_______________________________________________ Mostly I am comfortable with using Microsoft Word overall I participated and gave my best effort in creating a story during the Story Swap activity I am comfortable with creating WordArt Somewhat Not at All

I am comfortable with inserting clipart These are the questions I have:

Evidence of Research Using a word processing tool motivates children to write, edit, and revise. In addition, using word processing tools has been shown to raise test scores. (Demski, 2012, 24) Demski, J. (2012). Building 21st century writers. The Journal, 39(2), 23-28.

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