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Kinematics: Projectile Motion Summative Lab Procedure

Figure 3 Cup and stand setup

Part B: Determine Initial Velocity

Step 1 Material Preparation Prepare all the materials to the correct measurements in order to ensure accuracy in the lab results. Refer to figure 1 for the correct setup and placement of the ramp on its base. Refer to figure 2a, and 2b for the correct setup and placement of the ramp, on the table.

Figure 1 Ramp on its base setup

Figure 2a Ramp on table setup (Birds Eye View)

Figure 2b Ramp on table setup (Side View)

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Step 2 Determining dy Place a meter stick, perpendicular from the ground, and against the edge of the table. Make sure the meter stick is next to the front of the ramp. Use a smaller ruler, and place it flat on the plastic tab at the front of the ramp. Line up the smaller ruler to the meter stick to help determine the height more accurately. This is the dy. Refer to figure 3a for the correct method of measuring the dy. Refer to figure 3b to view the incorrect method of measuring dy.

Figure 3a Correct method

Figure 3b Incorrect method

Step 3 Determining dx 3i) Once the ramp has been placed according to the procedures outlined in Step 1, place the marble against the nail at the top of the ramp, and let go of the marble. Pay close attention to where the marble lands. Use this information to approximate where to place the paper on the ground. Tape the paper onto the ground with masking tape. 3ii) After taping the paper to the ground, use a white board marker to colour the surface of the marble.

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After the marble has been coloured, position it against the nail at the top of the ramp, and let it go. The ink of the marker will leave a subtle mark on the paper, indicating where the marble has landed. Refer to figure 4 for clarification of how this process is accomplished. Repeat step 3ii, two more times. In total, there should be 3 marks on the paper. If the 3 marks are not relatively close to each other, check and confirm if the materials are properly set up and measured accurately. (Refer to figures; 1, 2a, 2b) Adjust the materials if required, and repeat step 2ii.

Figure 4 Step 3ii

3iii) After completing step 3ii, take a look at the 3 marks on the paper. Approximate an average point for all 3 marks. Mark down this point on the paper with the marker. Use a meter stick to approximate a straight line from the front of the ramp to the ground. Mark this point on the floor with the marker. Using the meter stick to measure the distance between the point on the paper, and the point on the ground. This is the dx. Refer to figure 5a, and figure 5b for clarification on step 2iii.

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Figure 5a Finding dx. (Birds Eye View)

Figure 5b Finding dx. (Side View)

Part C: Theoretical Calculations

Step 1 Determining the height of the cup

To measure the height of the bottom of the cup, to the bottom of the metal rod. Refer to figure 6 for clarification on how to measure this height accurately.

Figure 6 Measuring the height of cup

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