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<center> <div class="boxdiv"> <table><tr><td> <div class="back1div"></div> <div class="back2div"> <center> <div class="borderdiv"> <div class="linediv">H e l l o </div> <center><a

href=""><img src="" height="112px" alt="gallery" align="center" /></a></center> <div class="infodiv"> <center><b>?? ?????</b><br /><br /> <b>Senri</b><br /> <b>XY</b><br /> <b>Tokyo,Japan</b><br /> <b>European-Asian</b><br /> <b>Uni Student</b><br /> </center> </div> <div class="linediv">+ i n f o</div> I also have an english name.<br />1/2 Japanese 1/4 British 1/4 Spaniard.<br />I' m a growing kid thus the monstrous appetite.<br />I am pierced.Multiple times.<b r /> I am aware that I lack colour, it's called being pale. <br /> I suffer from chronic boredom &amp; ADD.<br />I rarely verbally communicate.<br />A student by force and an unwilling member of the academic society.<br />If yo u're reading this, might as well say hello.<br />I always respond.<br />Add me o n msn, facebook and skype <br /> <div class="linediv">+ likes</div> Trivial things<br />Ice Cold Coffee<br />Clothes &amp; Shoes<br />Taekwondo<br / >Insects<br />Moonlight<br />Rainy weather<br />Weapons<br />Anime &amp; Manga<b r />Music<br />Smell of petrol<br />Lying on the floor<br />Scaring people<br /> Sleeping and Waking up late<br />Flat Coke<br />Fries dipped in sundae <br /> <div class="linediv">+ loathes</div> Sunlight &amp; Heat<br />People touching me &amp; my things<br /> People who ca n't spell &amp; use proper grammar<br />Loud people in public areas<br />Crowds< br />Worship/ Praise songs<br />Overly tanned,basically orange people<br /> Over ly flirtatious individuals<br />Chemistry<br />Egg yolk<br />Fizzy soda<br />Bee r<br /> <center><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border="0" width="0 " height="0" src="*xJmx* PTEzMjc2NzQwMzc1NjkmcHQ9MTMyNzY3NDQzODI1NiZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jmc9MSZvPTNkNTNlMzgwOWNk MjRjYWI5MGIw/ZTA3ZWViMGZmZTIw.gif" /><embed src=" /swf/mp3/mp-sk.swf?myid=87230078&amp;path=2011/12/13" wmode="transparent" flashv ars="mycolor=222222&amp;mycolor2=77ADD1&amp;mycolor3=FFFFFF&amp;autoplay=true&am p;rand=0&amp;f=4&amp;vol=100&amp;pat=0&amp;grad=false" width="0" height="0" name ="myflashfetish" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" style="visibility:visible;width:0px;height:0px;" /><br /></center> </center> </div></div> <div class="back3div"> <center> <table><tr><td> <form action=";ra te=1" method="post" class="ratecomment"> <input type="submit" value="Rate and Comment" /> </form> </td><td> <form action="" met hod="post" class="addfriend"> <input type="hidden" name="friendslist" value="1" /> <input type="submit" value="Add to friends" /> </form> </td></tr></table> </center> </div> </td><td> <div class="navdiv"> <div class="navlinediv">VF N a v i g a t i o n</div> <span id="nav"> <a href=""><div>Home</div></a> <a href=""><div>Journal</div> </a> <a href=""><div>Comme nt</div></a> <a href=""><div>Videos</di v></a> <a href=";list=friends&a mp;of=1&amp;n=56"><div>Friend of</div></a> <a href=";uid=4 792159"><div>Add to Favourites</div></a> <br /><div class="navlinediv">C u l t s</div> <a href=""><div>Asians</div></a> <a href=""><div>DokiDoki</div></a> <a href=""><div>NumbCreations</div></ a> <a href=""><div>TheOrganization</di v></a> <br /><div class="navlinediv">L i n k s</div> <a <a <a <a <a href=""><div>Ask for MSN</div></a> href=""><div>Facebook</div></a> href=""><div>Asia-U</div></a> href=""><div>Darkstarlings</div></a> href=""><div>Ask for Skype</div></a>

<br /> <div class="credit"> layout <a href="" target="_blan k">Gry</a> </div> </span> </div> </td></tr></table> </center> </div> <style> .back1div { width: 400px; height: 81px; border: none; background: url(' age01.jpg'); color: black; TEXT-ALIGN: left; overflow: auto; } .back2div { width: 400px; height: 374px; border: none; background: url(' age02.jpg'); color: black; TEXT-ALIGN: center; overflow: auto; } .back3div { width: 400px; height: 73px; border: none; background: url(' age03.jpg'); color: black; TEXT-ALIGN: center; overflow: auto; } .borderdiv { width: 286px; height: 360px; border: none; background: url(' age04.gif'); color: black; TEXT-ALIGN: left; overflow: auto; } .infodiv { width: 268px; height: 112px; border: none; background: none; color: black; TEXT-ALIGN: left; overflow: auto; } .linediv { width: 268px; height: auto;

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