Project Reports6 Agro

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An Agriculture Portal

Project Report
24th March 2013 Submitted by Bhartendu Kumar [14110020] Dhananjay Kumar[14110025] Nishant Kumar[14110048] Laddu Kumar[14110037]


Division of Information Technology

Cochin University of Science and Technology

School of Engineering

Division of Information Technology

Cochin University of Science and Technology

School of Engineering

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled e-agriculture portal being submitted by Mr Bhartendu Kumar, Dhananjay Kumar, Nishant Kumar and Laddu Kumar in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology to the School of engineering is a record of bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance and supervision.

The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Dr. Shelbi joseph Associate Professor

(Project Guide)


First and foremost we are thankful to the Almighty for showering his blessings for successfully completing our project. We have a great pleasure in acknowledging the help given by various individuals throughout the project work. This project is itself an acknowledgement to the inspiration, drive and technical assistance contributed by many individuals. We express our profound sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Mr. SHELBI JOSEPH, for his help in the fulfillment of the project. We also express our deep gratitude to all the faculties for their valuable guidance, timely suggestions and help in the completion of this mini project. We extend our sincere thanks to all the non-teaching staff for providing the necessary facilities and help.


1 2

Abstract Introduction
2.1. Purpose 2.2 Scope 2.3 Definition, acronyms & abbreviation

3 4

Software and Hardware Requirements Software Requirement Analysis

Functional Requirements Non Functional Requirement


Software Design
UML diagrams

- Class Diagrams - Interaction Diagrams - Sequence and collaboration Diagrams - Object Diagrams - Use Cases Diagrams

Database Design E-R diagram

JUnit Test Cases HTTP unit Test Cases Load & Performance Testing

8 9 10 11

Screens [user interfaces pages] Conclusion and Future Enhancements

References Index 1

This software will mainly focus on developing an agricultural platform for the farmers as well as agricultural enthusiasts. This is an informative software, which informs about different agricultural practices, weather conditions, crops, methods, views as well as news. It becomes easier for the farmer to collect relevant data regarding his work. The main purpose of this software is to relieve the farmers from the tedious task of searching the required knowledge from a heap of information. OLD SYSTEM: Many times farmer and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector have to visit multiple websites to trace the desired piece of information or to avail a single service. It results in lot of inconvenience to the user. On the other hand it is challenging job for the owners of these websites also to keep all the information updated and in sync at multiple websites all the time. This results in duplicate efforts, outdated content, multiple sources of information, mismatch of the information finally confusing the service consumer. Following problems are being faced by information and service providers in agricultural sector- 1. Vast content and content types

2. Large geographical area, different types of cultural and socio-economic conditions of the farmers and other stakeholders, hence varied requirements of types of information and services. 3. Lack of standardized processes at State level 4. No clarity on roles and responsibilities 5. No IT enablement of background processes 6. Non availability of means for making content timely available 7. Lack of resources in generating content in digitized formats in English and local languages 8. Content mainly stored as manual record 9. Lack of standardized formats at the state level 10. Lack of adequate dissemination channel / training programs NEW SYSTEM: The new system will have two sections: The new System creates a setup whereby all the recent developments in the field of agriculture are made available for the farmers and others alike. Farmers can register themselves as users and avail Information, blog and receive updates time and again. Not only that, protective measures like Fertilizers, pesticides and their different aspects will be informed about. Statistical information regarding different crops will also be made available.

eAgro is at the centre stage of the project as it will provide platform for all stakeholders
(farmers, private sector and research scholars) to access information, avail services, collaborate and share knowledge. It would play a critical role in providing single access point to information and services related to agricultural sector, eliminating the need to navigate multiple web sites and applications. The eAgro would allow to present information, applications and services in a single consolidated browser view. It would provide a secure and individualized view of multiple online resources and interactive services. In this sense, the eAgro would become an interface between the farmers, government and other stakeholders.

2.1. Purpose
This SRS Document contains the complete software requirements for the Web Application for eAgro Department and describes the design decisions, architectural design and the detailed design needed to implement the system. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developer of the system. It provides the visibility in the design and provides information needed for software support.

2.2. Scope
The Scope of this SRS document is to define the functional requirements for Central Agricultural Portal and its component like User management, Content management, Expert Advisory System, Grievances Redresses and Management System, National Farmers database, etc. It also defines user interfaces, user characteristics, sitemap, navigation etc. for the portal. It also covers the nonfunctional requirements like performance, reliability, availability, security, maintainability etc.

2.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

AgRIS AGRIS AIFF API AU AVI CAP Agriculture Resources Information system International system for Agriculture Science and Technology Audio Interchange file Format Application Programming Interface Audio File Format Audio Video Interleave Central Agriculture Portal

3. Software and Hardware Requirements 3.1. Software Requirements:

OPERATING SYSTEM: - Windows 7, Ubuntu, Windows 8 FRONTEND: - HTML, CSS. BACKEND :- MySQL database SERVER SIDE SCRIPT:-PHP CLIENT SIDE SCRIPT:-JAVA Script CONNECTION :- MySQL Database using PhpMyAdmin WEB BROWSER: - Internet explorer, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox

3.2. Hardware Requirements:

MICROPROCESSOR: - Pentium IV (1.4 GHZ) or better RAM: - 256 MB or more POINTING DEVICE: - 2 Button mouse with wheel

4. Software Requirements Specification and Analysis 4.1. Functional Requirements

User class member-registration
This section is for members registration form. Users can register on the system and fill in all details and submit information to validate login process. validate confirmation code user have to validate their email by entering their code from their respective email. Change Password - users can change his login password at any time for security reason. User class members-area All validated members can view and add news and blog details on the system. User class guest Guest user can access all the contents of site except than they can add the news and manage the news. Change Agri Details - Unit administrator can change agri detail for incorrect information. View Agri Detail - Unit Cohort co-ordinator can view agri information and monitor their progress. Change Password - Unit Cohort co-ordinator can reset the agris password if required. User class System Administrator List Agri - System Administrator can list all agro information and to check any error if found. Change Password - System Administrator can reset the users password if required as per required by the users.

4.2. Non Functional Requirements


I). Secure access of confidential data (users details). ii). 24 X 7 availability. iii). Better component design to get better performance at peak time. iv). Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension Non-functional requirements define system properties and constraints. It arise through user needs, because of budget constraints or organizational policies, or due to the external factors such as safety regulations, privacy registration and so on. Various other Non-functional requirements are: 1. Security 2. Reliability 3. Maintainability 4. Portability 5. Extensibility 6. Reusability 7. Application Affinity/Compatibility 8. Resource Utilization

Design constraints

The system needs to design base on new code and database using PHP, HTML and extensive use of CSS with JavaScript. Security

The system needs to log clients information of registration such as IP address and time for security purpose. Password should encrypted and stored in the database. Maintainability


The system developing using PHP, all action is detailed in web. Configuration that easy to modify and make update. Portability

The web application is coding in PHP and HTML, therefore, it should be transferable between different OS and browsers. User Interface:

User of the system will be provided with the Graphical user interface, there is no command line interface for any functions of the product. The user will get page: Login page followed by Password.

4.3. Performance Requirements

The performance of the system should be up-to the common standard.

5. Software Design
5.1. Data Flow Diagrams


A Data Flow Diagram is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of, or in association with, information-oriented and processoriented system flowcharts.



5.2. UML Diagrams 5.2.1. Class Diagrams


5.2.2. Interaction Diagrams


5.2.3.Sequence Diagrams


5.2.4. Use Cases Diagrams

Use case diagrams are used to model the functional interaction between users and system.


5.3. External Interfaces


5. Database Design
List of tables used to store the informations



Table comments: comments Colum n id nid title author comment date Type int(11) int(11) varchar(70) varchar(50) text datetime Null No No No No No No De fault Com m e nts M IM E


Table comments: contacts_support Colum n sender_name email msg date Type varchar(50) varchar(50) text date Null No No No No De fault Com m e nts M IM E


Table comments: f or the blog entries Colum n id date title contents author Type int(11) date text text text Null No No No No No 0000-00-00 De fault Com m e nts M IM E



Table comments: f gusers3

CCoo uumm Co en n n name email


Ty NNpuue Naauu De fC nno s DDee ull aCCuooltmm ts mm ee varchar(128) No varchar(64) varchar(16) varchar(16) varchar(32) varchar(32) No No No No Yes NULL

sm m e n


phone_number username password conf irmcode

m embers
Table comments: members Colum n id username passw ord Type int(4) varchar(65) varchar(65) Null No No No De fault Com m e nts M IM E


Table comments: new s_posts Colum n id title author post date Type int(11) varchar(70) varchar(50) text datetime Null No No No No No De fault Com m e nts M IM E

6. Testing

5.4. Unit Testing

Login TEST CASES A unit test is a programmer-written test for a single piece of functionality in an application. Login test cases that contain one or more unit test methods, and these tests are grouped into test suites. You can run tests individually, or you can run entire test suites.

Test Scenario
S.No Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TS1.1 TS1.2 TS1.3 TS2.1 TS2.2 TS2.3 TS3.1 TS3.2 TS3.3 TS4.1

Username or Password Match Invalid Username and Password Username and Password blank Valid phone number Invalid phone number phone Number null Valid email Invalid mail Email null Email already in use

5.5. HTTP unit Test Cases

With HTTP Unit, php scripts can access servers directly, without the need for a web browser. HTTP Unit provides an API for interacting with HTML, submitting forms, following hyperlinks, setting cookies and many other tasks associated with web browsers.
S.No Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Description

1 2 3 4 5

TS1.1 TS1.2 TS1.3 TS1.4 TS1.5

Check link from index page to login page Check link from index page to Register page Check link from index page to other pages Check link from index page to Forgot password Check link from index page to user Account Page

Test Cases
S.No Test case Id +/Short Description Steps to follow Expected result 23

1 2

TC1. TC1.

+ +

Check link from index page to login page Check link from index page to signup Check link from index page to crops Check link from index page to fertilizers Check link from index page to news Check link from index page to blogs Check link from index page to forums Check link from index page to user logged in page

Click LOGIN Click Register Click crops


Forward to login page Registration form should be displayed Crops page should display Fertilizers page should display News page should display Blogs page should display Forums page should display Members page should display


Click fertilizers Click news



Click blogs


Click forums


Click members (content manager)

5.6. Load & Performance Testing

The load and performance test is done on the basis of PHP myadmin monitoring for getting ther server requests.



Integration Testing

Integration testing, also known as integration and testing (I&T), is a software development process which program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple ways. I We can employ a bottom top approach, after the first step involving the checking of login details of the user. since only those users which are logged in can read the news or update the blog column ,the login module and the news module can be checked one after the other.if the second module(news) can be accessed by the current user,it implies that it has already passed 25

through the primary module of login.hence,they both come as an integrated setup.hence,this employed methodology is the integration testing.


Validation testing

At the validation level, testing focuses on user visible actions and user recognizable output from the system. Validations testing is said to be successful when software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer. Two types of validation testing:

Alpha testing: is simulated or actual operational testing by potential users/customers or an

independent test team at the developers' site. The use of Eagro forums is one such area which employs alpha testing. A number of users may post in the same forum all at the same time .if there is any discrepancy in obtaining the post of any particular user, itll imply problems in software. hence, this method of finding out the software glitch can be attributed to alpha testing.

Beta testing:
Videos have been made available regarding uses of fertilizers, and depending on seasons different videos will be made available for the users as per the current requirement. the success of these videos depends on the users reactions to it. Hence ,this step can be used as beta testing for the developed software Versions of the software, known as beta version, are released to a limited audience outside of the programming team. The software is released to groups of people so that further testing can ensure the product has few faults or bugs. Sometimes, beta versions are made available to the open public to increase the feedback field to a maxi. 26

7. Output Screens

8. Conclusion
Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs of a vast majority of working population, the ones related to agriculture.. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all of their requirements. We have incorporated a number of events in form of information related to crops, seed varieties, news, blogs, weather reports, market conditions etc. and brought all of them under one head. We have also incorporated forums in which different farmers can discuss methodologies implementations happenings in agriculture, a number of queries can be sorted out by people who are experts in this field.thus,it has been a pleasure working in this project as its development has not only enriched our knowledge in the noble field of agriculture, but helped the mass population of india, involved in agriculture.


9. References 10.
1.Web content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 by W3C. (

10.2. Report of the Sub-Group-5 of the Committee on Statistics of Agriculture and Allied Sector - IT and IT Usage in Agriculture Data, Agro-Climatical level and Small Area Farm Business. 10.3. Websites and Portals of both Central and State Governments, NGOs, Commodity Boards, PSUs, NABARD, ICAR Institutions, Universities, etc. 10.4. Agripedia of IIT Kanpur under NAIP 10.5. NAIP assisted ICT projects Portals 10.6. Institutional Mechanism for Formulation of Domain specific Metadata and Data Standards in e-Governance, eGSI-IM:02,Version 1.0, April 2012, Government of India, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Department of Electronics and Information technology, New Delhi- 11003 10.7. National Portal of India Software Requirement Specifications


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