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Multiple Choice Questions (40%)

1. Event-driven languages are: (a) FORTRAN based (b) Are used to write procedural languages (c) OOP (d) Designed to make programming GUI easier Answer: D


IDE is: (a) Independent Development Enterprise (b) A development environment for machine language (c) A software project management tool (d) An Integrated Development Environment for Visual Basic

Answer: D 3. Which of the following is not part of the IDE: (a) Code editor window (b) Properties window (c) Form layout window (d) General window Answer: D 4. The application name always appears in the: (a) Properties window (b) Intermediate window (c) Code window (d) Title bar Answer: D 5. The color of a button is: (a) One of its properties (b) Not updateable (c) Defined in the project (d) Defined in the Intermediate window

Answer: A 6. Code is: (a) Updateable in the form editor (b) Instructions (c) Seldom used (d) An object Answer: B 7. Controls are: (a) Code (b) Part of the menus (c) Rules (d) Objects Answer: D 8. In the IDE, which of following is used to design the layout of an application? (a) Form Designer window (b) Project Explorer window (c) Context Menu (d) Form Layout window Answer: A 9. The location of the form on the desktop during execution is determined by the: (a) Form Designer window (b) Project Explorer window (c) Context Menu (d) Form Layout window Answer: D 10. The Object Browser: (a) Displays the command buttons and textboxes, etc. (b) Shows frequently used shortcuts as objects (c) Is a Context Menu (d) Displays the object libraries and their combinations of data and code Answer: D 11. The location of the form on the desktop during execution is determined by the: (a) Form Designer window (b) Project Explorer window (c) Context Menu (d) Form Layout window

Answer: D 12. The first procedure-oriented language was: (a) FORTRAN (b) BASIC (c) COBOL (d) ADA Answer: A 13. C is: (a) A language widely used in UNIX (b) A language based on BASIC (c) Used primarily for business applications (d) A GUI Answer: A 14. COBOL is: (a) One of the oldest programming languages (b) Still widely used (c) Not suitable for business applications (d) None of the above Answer: D

15. Object Oriented languages: (a) Are procedural languages (b) Are task oriented (c) Are based on actions happening to objects (d) Are natural language techniques Answer: C 16. Visual Basic projects are identified by a: (a) .vbp suffix (b) .mak suffix (c) .vbg suffix (d) All the above Answer: D 17. Visual Basic forms are identified by a:

(a) .frm suffix (b) .mak suffix (c) .for suffix (d) A special icon Answer: A 18. To run an application in Visual Basic: (a) Click on the start button (blue arrow) (b) Use the File Menu (c) Use the Project Menu to select Run (d) None of the above Answer: A 19. To exit Visual Basic: (a) Click Alt-Q (b) Use the File Menu to select Quit (c) Use the Window Menu to select Exit (d) Click on the diskette icon Answer: A 20. The reference library of Visual Basic books is called: (a) MSDN Library (b) Help Library (c) Contents (d) Topic pane Answer: A

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