Oct 17 Marin Community Conversation

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Schools Bridgeport
Expect Great Things!


For Immediate Release: Contact: Lissette Coln, Chief of Staff to the Superintendent (203) 275-1001 lcolon@bridgeportedu.net LUIS MUOZ MARN SCHOOL WELCOMES SUPERINTENDENT VALLAS FOR THIRD STATE OF THE SCHOOLS COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Marn Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Co-Hosts Community Conversation in Conjunction with Parent and Children Education Expo Bridgeport, CT: October 11, 2013: The third State of the Schools Community Conversation will be held on Thursday, October 17th at Luis Muoz Marn School. Superintendent Paul G. Vallas is holding weekly forums throughout the month of October to update parents and community members on the state of Bridgeport Public Schools, progress on key initiatives, and ask for input on future district priorities and goals. The Marn Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will co-host this weeks event as part of the Parent and Children Education Expo, which will additionally feature a presentation by CT Against Violence on bullying prevention and information on local education resources and opportunities. The first two State of the Schools presentations were each attended by over 40 community members. Superintendent Vallas discussed how to bring more resources to classrooms, how the city, schools, and community can work together to achieve more equitable funding for Bridgeport schools, and solicited input from parents on how to increase communication. Each State of the Schools presentation is followed by a brief question and answer period and an opportunity to meet with key district staff, including Chief Academic Officer Amy Marshall, Chief Turnaround Officer Mary Beth Stickley, Chief of Staff Lissette Coln, Safety, Security and Climate Special Assistant Shively Willingham, and Human Resources Executive Director Kathleen Jaeger. Superintendent Vallas invites all Bridgeport parents and community members to join him this Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 5:30pm at Luis Muoz Marn School, located at 479 Helen Street in Bridgeport. Special thanks are extended to the Marn PAC for co-hosting the event. Parents and others who will be unable to attend are encouraged to send their ideas or concerns to communications@bridgeportedu.net. Two additional Community Conversations will be held on Thursday, October 24th, and Wednesday, October 30th.

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