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9/11 Personal Privacy

Carl Tendler

JXiU: ^Commission

CBSaRadio0News3contacted me me and interviewed me on the air continuously.

An affiliate Station in Toronto also interviewed me and also re-mterviewed

six months later on The Rod Taylor Show a popular Canadian News Show
I waited for a period of time after the Tragedy and called the FBI and
reported findings. They took my name and tel number and said that I would
hear from them. I never heard from them. In the meantime 1 got in touch with
the pre Commission. I believe that I spoke with someone named Di Paulo who
was very interested in what I had witnessed.
I first gave him a description of the two aircraft, their speed; direction,
flight characteristics, pitch, yaw etc, shortly before they hit. The ist
aircraft flew over my Penthouse Terrace at aprox 100'and flew throttled back
at aprox lOOkts flying as straight as an Arrow except for a short time that
he climbed up to aprox 3/4 of the Building Number one and he hit the
and disappeared into the building leaving a scorch mark, wingtip-to wingtip
and then the entire
area .belched forth with blood red flames. Shortly after, while I was
talking to CBS News I could see another aircraft flying low and fast from
the direction of Newark .His, path of flight was very erratic
and he seemed to be having trouble staying in the air. As he approached the
WTCI then realized what was happening. The second aircraft as it approached
the complex seemed to be trying to get to the nose on to the South Tower He
was having problems and I thought he would miss it. Finally he banked to the
left and he clipped the South East portion of the Bldg. J could see his
nose just sticking out of the Northern end of (he Building. A friend of mine
came up to my terrace oddly enough he is a flight attendant for Delta and we
took photos of what we could see before both towers dissappeared When I
discussed that the North Tower had Exploded with the Pre Commission They
asked me why I thought that this has happened.! told them that I had seen
the 400 foot TV Tower nse above the smoke cJbud and slowly turn and dive
for the ground As I saw the tower_going up I could also see tiny bits of
aluminium building sheeting reflecting in the Sunlight like Radar Chaff
dropped from a military aircraft. The building then disappeared in all the
debris making its way to the ground'As an after thought, the explosion in


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Bldg One could have been caused by Generator Fuel in drums left on the roof
There was a Police
Copter hovering dangerously and close to the roof. For some lucky reason
they backed off before the explosion occurred or else that Copter would have
been demolished. I don't know if they realize how lucky they were. They were
there to see if there were any, people on the roof.
My assumptions on the flight of the second aircraft was that the airline
pilots were flying the plane and when they realized(too Late) what was going
to happen, they resisted
and had their throat*s cut with box cutters and were pulled out of their
seats by the hijackers who then tried to fly the aircraft and barely
One last pieee of info; About a few months ago, I was listening to CBS New
white driving when CBS News reported that the FBI was looking for people who
witnessed the second aircraft before the crash, I called the FBI .again-and
they abruptly told me that they had all the info they needed ,as if to say
get lost brother.
Personal History; J have a Pilots License and have had a Jot of flight
experience plus having worked as an Aero Space Engineer.

Carl Lewis Tendler|

9/11 Personal Privacy


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RG: 148 Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions

SERIES: NYC Team: George Delgrosso Files


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DOCUMENT DATE: 03/08/2004 DOCUMENT TYPE: E-Mail Printout/(Profs Notes)



SUBJECT: citizen eyewitness

This document has been withdrawn for the following reason(s):

9/11 Personal Privacy


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