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Withdrawal Notice

Series: New York City Files



Pages: ((_ O

Description: Summary of interview with first responder

Reason for withdrawal: Agreement between 9/11 Commission and City of

New York
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[Empty] From: | [I Thi» to «pam | Actd to Addre«« Book
1% Trash [EmEty] Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 15:26:43 EOT
Subject: From Sally Ragenhard \[

How bad is J
your credit? Hi Sam, \y to take so long in providing the info that we discussed, but I wan
#1 Auto
| Insurance these email addresses, information,, etc.
Check For Your 1) Re the possible Dst of lawfirms, pr firms, etc doing business with the Saudis: please
contact: Kristen Breftweiser, WTC widow, and member of the "Family Steering
'Mail Fax Committee" of which I and Bill Harvey, are members! ~l
Number Just tell her who you are, what your goals are, and your relation to BUI, etc, and that I
recommended that you contact her. She may just have returned from DC Intelligence
Sell or Buy a Commission Hearings.. She testified at the Senate Joint Intelligence Committee last yeai
bme with Ease which I also attended. She is a former attny, and one of a very bright group-maven NJ
widows (I christened them: The Jersey Girls" who are always looking this stuff up on th«
this Summer net, etc) \) The following are people who regularly clip and circulate a

around to the circle of the families of the victims. You will get a lot of stuff, some you can
use, and some will not be pertinent. If you want to go on their lists, just send them an
email, say I recommended you. You need not elaborate as to who you are, why you wan
to be on. etc. They dont realty ask questions.

3) Some passionate advocats/semi-conspiratpryitheorist people, whatever:

kdont say I recommended you,\just ask to be put on the list after you read
one of his articles which I will send to you next)

http://us.f419.mail.yahooxom/yrn/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId"f6616_3098105_20795... 5/27/2003
9/11 Personal Privacy

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