Soccer Study Guide

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Soccer Study Guide

History of Soccer:
(source: and

Soccer, as we know it today, can be greatly credited to England , but historical references attest that other forms of soccer were around for ages. Official rules were set in England a few times during the 1800s, and in 1862, the first governing body of soccer was created and called the Football Association. Most countries use the word football when referring to the game Americans call soccer. The name soccer is derived from the term Association Soccer which was commonly used in England. Many people shortened it to assoc, and eventually the word soccer was born. FIFA is the international governing body for soccer today. Fdration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) an association governed by Swiss law, founded in 1904, and based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Soccer Field Diagram

Soccer Terminology
Kick-off: The kick-off is taken from the center-spot. All players must be in their own half of the field of play, and all opposing players must remain at least 10 yards from the ball, until the ball is in play. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward. Offense: The team that has possession of the ball and is trying to score on the other team. Defense: The team that does not have possession of the ball and is defending their goal. Throw in: A throw-in is awarded to the opponent of the team that last touched the ball, when the ball leaves the field of play by completely crossing a side line. The ball is brought back into play by a player picking using his/her hands and throwing it back onto the field. The throw must be over the head with both feet on the ground. This is the only time that a player, other than the goalie, is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands. Goal Kick: When the ball goes out of bounds over the end line & was last touched by the attacking team, it is put back into play by the defending team, who may place it anywhere within their Goal Box (including on the line) & then kick it. Corner Kick: A corner kick is a method of restarting play. When the ball goes out of bounds over the end line and was last touched by the defending team, the attacking team inbounds by kicking it from the nearest corner. Free Kick: a method of restarting play in a game of following a foul. A direct kick is when a goal may be scored directly against the opposing side without the ball having first touched another player. An indirect kick must touch another player, other than the kicker, before a goal can be scored. Penalty Kick: a special type of direct free kick. When a player commits a foul within his own Penalty Box, the other team is given a Penalty Kick. On a PK, a player from the fouled team gets a free shot at goal from the "Penalty Mark" (which is 12 yards out) with only the goalkeeper to stop the shot. All other players must stay outside the Penalty Box & the Penalty Box Arc until it is kicked. Dribbling: the maneuvering of a ball through short skillful taps or kicks with either the feet. Goal Keeper: a designated player that is charged with directly preventing the opposite team from scoring by defending the goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who may use his or her hands to play the ball

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