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Job ORDGr unltles (;peGPie-staff, job-op&ortunit ics i :
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am look in gform
EN TMC aSrN M , .. cc::n ,.. TiV'CDCF c@C( , " C SF CiCt '" 1 N iVf' (ciB (CCL 18 (
On the area ofm
Economies and Architecture Et
Medici ne Et
,Management Engineering Environmental
Healthcare Science (;;u3 science) Laws (;'US.J'WI)
Sciences Design
Islamic Revealed
Information Et

Human Sciences
Techn,2logy (;">!l,.l.'l
Undergraduate Law s Programmes
8achelor of L aw (Hon s.) - LL .B
'clachelor of Law Silariah (Hons.) L LB_S
fvlaster of Science in Cc mpii:r" r SCience (by Research)
Ch em ist ry
En ,li ft
(1 researchl 1 Llbnry 111Up: i "''''NI, illlrn,<,du ,mv/litJl
MyliUM (http: //r'ny. liurn,cdu,mv1j 1 E-leal,ng eau,m,")
'Ncbmai l 1Irnnl!.iiurl1, ecilJ, '1W/OWil / ) 1
Job Opporlunrlles (f people-staff1job ppOrtlinl lie; ) .
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((NF ( f.l- -OF BNTCFDr( ;GCl !FFIN l'viF! HE). ' 1- FS!iifl
'l'A YS
"" JTL
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Admissions (/adm
International Students
1hltr. ' I /'''/'Ivw.ii l.ll"ll edu. nw/pril\t/ JJ41 ---.:.l .edIJ.rn'j /prmlmaii /3 :)
Gener al Requirements
The general acadernic requiremcnts fo r admissi on Ima under-graduate degree programlnes of II UM "re:
1. At least three 13) principal pass's in the General Cerlificate of Education IGCE) Advanced Leve! lAI Level Exarnin ti on
(UK Edlcational System) obtained in one si ttIng OR
Z i nt ernati onal Bll CCil aureate liB ) with il minimum of s' x 161 subjects obtain d in one sitti ng OR
3. Any other qualif icati ons that <J,C recognized by tne Senate of the University as equi va!ent to the abo'ie,
Appl icants ml;st also have t he foi!owing SliOjeets taken at the above mentioned examinatlOns (A levet, If) or any other
equi 'iaten: CN
1. Mathematics (for apptlcants to al! undergraduatc of eled except for Bache!or of Arabie! .
Z. T'lia other subJects in the int::nded f eld of study.
The Jniversity wlii del errnl ne t tl e mel it and sUltabrll ty of the appiila nt's academic grades ' eceived From t hei r home count ry.
The Uni versi t y resC'r'l es t he nght to dete'mrn ;nI alte' nJti ve relevant subject ta ,y,athernati cs in case th: the [)pli cilli t has
not t ken he subject in his/her examr nat ions.
Specifie Requirements
8achelor of Medi cine and Pharmacy Requirernerlts
in addition to the above quali f i cau ol1\ , appil CJnt5 {(X the MB/35 alld Phallnacy programme must also hiwe at l as t I hree
pnn ipa l l n t he GeE 'A' Level examinauon or '=Gui valel1t in Bi ology, Ch mi st"! and Physi c; or Ma hemat rC3 At t he
mor \t:n t th Uni versit y may c0J15ider appl i cants for MB5S Y/ ith fllllscho!arship From tlll?i r Qwn g vernments .
Bachelor of Engineering Requi r ements
'\Dpl ican 5 to the undergr adllat c programme in Engineering must have three principal irKlllding t wo i2J in
Ma themi'l i ' Jnd Phys; c;. The third subj ect rTl<ly be hosen Fronl ot her Sci ence subjects, Whl Cl1 mil y include Additiond!
Mathcm, lic'. , Chcnltst ry or Bi ology,
Specifie Internati onal Oualificat i ons
To check for qll ali fl ca ti ons requiled f or bridging cheCk Il re .... , .
rhe Universi t y reseNes t he right lo ch,1nge the '.lbolJe reqUII"'?!nent, Lit any t lme v,itholl( pri o, nonce.
Language Requirements
EnghJh Lnd Ar Jbic are the l Vd,) nrirTI 'r y b,'gu gC's U5 l'd fOf L1s tll!cti on ln [tjl;\ (ln tl le" 1:,PCC!fIC
o Sl lly.
Appl tC,1i1!', to t h '1 . ""die,> Ir wlth ,1> (Jf lilllSl pre ,'nt 1 SUlIC or 'J50 l n
:hL' T(",t. [r 'g!ish as a Ldn uage tTOEFL I or 5:\l1d 6.Q :n he ln e niltH'J '(li li sh Tp'i tlng tlEI. TSJ .
I t 1; f or t hosl' wh ppl,! f or 3,,:'1''7 :<1< 01 Fnglish Languge d'l d I. telnture,
A ternat i vely the my Si t for the IIUM ad:lIlI1IS cr<! d rm\l', h Place .nt Tes t (FPTj obl.1 '" 01 mi nimLIi. of 6.0 ooints to
fulflll he E.nll il sh language n:qui rement.
,\ pPlicnts interestE'd il1 programmes 'tJitb M abic as il medium of i nstruction must acr,leve an exemption after si ttin" fOi' the
IIUMadnl i nisterea /II' bIC Plilceme t Test (/l P: ).
l\ pplLCdl115 v/ho re ul1ble to submi t sar is/J eton( reslll:s i n any of t he above tests m y up langUi! e pro fl clencv course, at
the Univ"r;,i ly lo Jl flil il admISsIon requir'mefJ t , .
Other Requirernents
If decmed neces:;Jf'j , applicant s may also te required tb attend iJ11 inter'Yiew andior tak0 an 0ntr,nce test conducted LW the
5tudent Admi sslOll Co rn i ttee (SACI,
should note hat or mally tl1er an,; more appiicaticns t han p!<Jces aVililable at he University. The fill fil i rn 'nt 01 : he
minimum entrance r quir(''Tl ents alone does not sl!!r' !l tee admission into t he Uni versity.
Programmes & Courses I/progrilmmescoursesl Mvil uM (httD:/ l
A missi ons & Apoli cat lOns (/ admiss i onsl S tudent Resources (/ home/currem,s tudents i 5 tudenr reSQll rceSJ
Faci llties & Servi ces (!life-i i um /o her- facil i Uill News & Uodates I /news-updatesl
Li e in I IUN, (ili fe iiuml Clubs & Acti vir.les I my/s oorts Il
Studying i n Mdl aysia (/11 e-iium/ st udying -malaysiill s Payment Omps: i / eyment. myi 1
& FA.,'vl ILl ES & U: C i URERS
LIFe l n II UM C/ llfeilurn l tour-iium) Research Cenue (hltP: ! / research. lium .ed\J.lnv! 1
Ihttp:// lib.i ium .ed'I. myl)
j' PI
Ion Academie Programmes j programmes courses/lna ealth l
II U"" Holdings Sdn. Bhd . http:f !WW'N. i iumholdi gs, )
Internati onalls lami c University Malaysia, P. O. Box Hl , 50728

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