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8œ theSun | WEDNESDAY JULY 22 2009

news without borders

Alleged Berlusconi-call girl sex chatter on website

ROME: A purported exchange between of call girl Patrizia D’Addario, replies: material, totally implausible and the charges who allegedly paid call girls to investigation, which does not directly
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi “Which big bed... Putin’s?” in an ap- stuff of invention.” spend the night at the prime minister’s implicate Berlusconi.
and a call girl aired on Monday on parent reference to Russian Prime Anyone using the audio will be Rome residence and a villa in Sardinia. Ghedini questioned how mate-
the website of a left-leaning weekly, Minister Vladimir Putin. sued, he added in a statement. Berlusconi has rebuffed allegations of rial entrusted under seal to the Bari
drawing angry denunciation from the “Putin’s,” the male voice says, to Berlusconi and Ghedini listened to paying for sex saying he prefers the investigation had “entered into the
billionaire’s lawyer. which the woman replies: “Oh, how the recording at the prime minister’s “pleasure of conquest”. possession” of journalists in the ex-
A male voice said to be Berlusconi’s sweet... the one with the curtains.” villa in Arcore, near his native Milan D’Addario has told the Italian plosive affair.
can be heard saying on the L’Espresso D’Addario has said Berlusconi, in northwestern Italy, the Ansa news media that she was promised €2,000 A spokesman for Berlusconi’s Peo-
website, “I’m going to have a shower 72, has a four-poster bed that Putin agency reported. (RM9,884) for each of two overnight ple of Freedom party dismissed the
too. So wait for me in the big bed if has slept in. The prime minister’s D’Addario is at the centre of an visits. She claims to have recorded audio segments as “a pathetic attempt
you finish first.” lawyer Niccolo Ghedini scoffed at the investigation into an entrepreneur conversations with the media tycoon to resuscitate a media campaign that
A woman’s voice, purportedly that recording, calling it “totally worthless from southern Bari facing corruption and handed the recordings over to the has already died”. – AFP

German legislator facing
child porn indictment
briefs BERLIN: Former German Social Demo-
crat (SPD) parliamentarian Joerg Tauss is
Man kills sister facing prosecution on charges of possess-
ing child pornography, state prosecutors
over love affair said yesterday. An investigation begun in
AMMAN: A 32-year-old Jordanian man March after pornographic material was
was charged with premeditated murder found in the legislator’s home has now
after his teenaged sister was shot dead concluded, with prosecutors saying they
on Monday over an alleged love affair in will now press for an indictment against
the northern city of Irbid, police said. the 56-year-old.
“He shot his 17-year-old sister several In order to be prosecuted, Tauss would
times today,” said a police spokesman. have to have his parliamentary immunity
“The girl, who died immediately, had lifted, a decision that has to be made by
disappeared from home three days ago the German Bundestag.
with another man. Police found her with Tauss has claimed that the images
him.” found at his home were related to his
The suspect killed his sister once she work as a media expert. Tauss resigned
arrived home. “Police handed the girl over his SPD party posts upon the discoveries,
to her family, but he murdered her, turned and joined the Pirate Party, a minor party
himself in and confessed to the crime,” advocating, amongst other things, the
the spokesman said. – AFP right to privacy on the internet. – dpa
Firefighters struggle
to contain wildfires
TORONTO: Firefighters have made
slow progress putting out large-scale
Mumbai attacks
trial adjourned
MUMBAI: The Mumbai attacks trial
was adjourned yesterday, with the
Students of
use solar
view goggles
during a class
to view the
Aso calls election,
risks historic defeat
wildfires raging in the western Ca- judge allowing the prosecution more
nadian province of British Columbia, time to respond to the defendant’s solar eclipse
Canadian media said. dramatic confession that he was in Kathmandu
Three fires broke out on Saturday involved. Nepal will be
in mountains surrounding the town Judge M.L. Tahaliyani said prosecu- witnessing
of Kelowna, about 400km east of tor Ujjwal Nikam had today to prepare a total solar
Vancouver. Only one of them could be his response, after Mohammed Ajmal eclipse for TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso worry that the Democrats’ spending plans
partly contained, CTV television said Kasab admitted that he was one of the the first dissolved parliament’s lower house yesterday will inflate an already huge public debt and
late on Monday. gunmen. “If his plea is to be accepted, time in this for an election on Aug 30 and vowed to re- push up government bond prices.
About 11,000 people were forced then what should be the next stage? century this
morning. The store voters’ faith in his fractious ruling party, “I think that for the short-term, hope that
to leave their homes on Sunday while Does his plea cover all the charges which polls show is in danger of a historic the Democrats taking power will cure the
solar eclipse
another 6,000 were told by officials levelled against him?” the judge told will begin at defeat. parliamentary paralysis and lead to smooth
to prepare for evacuation. No casual- Nikam. Pakistani national Kasab, 21, 5.46am and A victory by the opposition Democratic passage of bills and policies will outweigh any
ties have been reported, but several originally pleaded not guilty to 86 end at 7.45am Party of Japan would end more than 50 years worries about uncertainty,” said Noritsugu
homes have been destroyed and large charges connected to last November’s in Nepal. of near-unbroken rule by the conservative Hirakawa, a strategist at Okasan Securities.
areas have no electricity. Authorities attacks. But he stood up in the special Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and raise the “Over the longer term, there are questions
have so far not determined the cause prison court on Monday and admitted chances of breaking a deadlock caused by a about how the Democrats will fund all their
of the fires. – dpa his involvement. – AFP divided parliament that has stymied policy social programmes, and this may eventually
implementation as Japan struggles to emerge weigh on the market.”
from recession. A spate of opinion polls show the Demo-
It would also usher in a government crats well ahead of Aso’s LDP among voters,
pledging to pay more heed to consumers though close to 30% are still undecided.
than companies, to wrest control of policy Aso’s announcement of his election
from bureaucrats to cut waste, and to adopt plan last week – one day after the LDP
a diplomatic stance less subservient to close was trounced in a closely watched Tokyo
ally the United States. assembly poll – sparked chaos in the LDP,
“This is a major, revolutionary election to with critics trying to oust him from the top
allow politicians to take the lead in Japanese party post.
government,” Democratic Party leader Yukio Party heavyweights blocked the move,
Hatoyama told party members. but agreed Aso should appear at a meeting
“We should face it with a sense of historic of LDP lawmakers to hear their complaints.
mission.” In remarks carried live on nationwide TV,
Many investors in Japanese financial Aso apologised for his failings and admitted
markets would welcome an end to the pro- that the party’s internal chaos had contributed
longed political stalemate, but some analysts to recent local election losses. – Reuters

Man says too drugged to

remember chopping up girl
HONGKONG: A man accused of chopping up a the girl, told police he later woke up to find Wong
16-year-old girl and flushing her body parts down Ka-miu lying dead on the bed with blood oozing
a toilet of a Hongkong flat claimed he was so from her mouth.
dazed by drugs that he had no memory of killing He told police he then dismembered Wong’s
her, a newspaper report said yesterday. Ting Kai- body and flushed the small pieces down the
tai, 24, told police he could only remember that toilet. He also said he beheaded the teenager
he had gripped the girl’s neck for “one or two and dumped her head into the sea. Investigators
minutes” in April as they played “vigorously” in later found human tissue mixed with sediment
bed, the South China Morning Post said. in an underground sewer pipe at the building
In a police interview read out on Monday at where Ting rented his flat. Ting and Wong – who
the opening of Ting’s murder trial, he said he had previously met on a website specialising in
could only vaguely remember telephoning the compensated dating, a euphemism for prostitu-
girl on April 27 asking her to have sex with him. tion among teenagers – had agreed to meet for a
Ting, who admitted taking the drugs ecstasy price of HK$1,500 (RM677). Ting has pleaded not
and ketamine at a disco the night before meeting guilty to murder. – dpa

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