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thesun says

Only a royal commission can clear the air

Tender followed THE government is expected to de-
cide today whether to set up a royal
commission to look into the death of a
government is to accede to calls by the
public for a thorough investigation to
be undertaken by a royal commission.
some things might have been swept
under the carpet. Only a royal commis-
sion, usually granted with immense

ministry rules politician near the Selangor premises

of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
Commission on Thursday. Teoh Beng
Hock, a political aide of a Selangor
Only a royal commission, known for its
power and thoroughness and usually
set up to look into highly controversial
matters, could clear the MACC of all
investigatory powers, “including sum-
moning witnesses under oath, offering
of indemnities, seizing of documents
and other evidences and – in a few
WITH reference to “How drug procedures to ensure that the assemblyman, was found dead after kinds of allegations surrounding Teoh’s cases – compelling all government
firm got tourism job” (July 20), selected company provided a long interrogation which began on death. officials to aid in the execution of the
the Tourism Ministry would optimal value for money and Wednesday evening and ended early It is unfortunate that this tragic affair commission”, can.
like to clarify that the Shanghai fulfilled the technical require- Thursday. His body was found on the had to happen, and just shortly after But for that to happen the royal
Expo 2010 project was tendered ments. fifth floor between four to five hours af- prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak commission must be made up of men
out through the open tender In order to safeguard the ter he died, apparently from a fall from had celebrated his first 100 days in and women of integrity and given wide
system on May 12 whereby only government’s interests, the the 14th floor of the Plaza Masalam office with a much improved approval terms of reference, possibly to include
companies registered under the tender board specified the where the MACC office is located. rating than when he was about to be the MACC investigations into the
Treasury Code No 220204 (exhi- following conditions to the The MACC was questioning Teoh sworn in. The police and the MACC are alleged misuse of state funds in which
bition management/stage) were successful tender: as part of its investigation of four also conducting their own investiga- Teoh was a witness, the death of Teoh
eligible to participate. » Any variation order involving Selangor executive councillors on the tions. A committee of inquiry may also and the workings of the MACC itself;
In line with the open tender an increase in cost of project alleged misuse of state funds chan- be set up to investigate. Considering especially on the need to question
process, a briefing was made to is not allowed; nelled through the Petaling district their public image their findings, in witnesses after office hours. Once the
the interested parties on May » The company involved shall office. In view of the many questions the present highly charged and politi- commission begins its work, every-
13, which was attended by 35 incur the full costs of engag- remaining unanswered and to ensure cally sensitive atmosphere, cannot be one can contribute to its success by
companies. Subsequently, 15 ing the counterpart company that the credibility of the MACC is not expected to satisfy those demanding holding their tongue and speaking only
tender documents were sold to implement this project in impaired by the death of a witness near for justice for Teoh and his loved ones when they are summoned to give their
on the same day. Tender sub- China; its premises, the best option for the and may spawn speculations that testimony.
mission was closed on June 4 » Arising from the transactions
whereby 11 companies submit- undertaken in China, the Gov-
ted their tender documents with ernment of Malaysia will not
design models. However, only 10 incur any additional cost or
companies fulfilled the required price increase over and above
specifications. the tender price.
The 10 tender documents Therefore, we wish to state
were then evaluated by the that the selection of the said
technical and financial commit- company has been carried out in
tee, which formed the basis for accordance with all the required
consideration and selection by financial procedures as outlined
the Tender Board A of Tourism by the Finance Ministry.
The tender board considered Datuk Dr On Hong Peng
the eligible tenders meticulously Secretary General
in accordance to the financial Tourism Ministry

Why policy reversal

makes no sense
I READ with interest the articles “chalk and cheese”. Employers
by Prof Nor Hashanah Jamalu- have often stated that the lack
din in New Sunday Times and of fluency in English is a major
Prof Ungku Aziz in Mingguan problem. Is it not obvious that
Malaysia (July 19). producing professionals who are
Every survey I have seen on unemployed or unemployable is
employers’ needs unequivocally of no use to anyone?
shows that the lack of fluency in » Malay is important to unite
English by candidates is a major the races – It seems that the races
problem in Malaysia. Every were more united when English
survey on students’ difficulties was the medium of education.
with higher education shows Now we have Malay, Mandarin
the same. Talk to children who and Tamil medium schools
move on to tertiary education catering almost exclusively to
and you find that difficulties with Malays, Chinese and Indians
the English language as one of respectively. We don’t even have
the major hurdles, especially to have English medium schools
with students following science like Singapore. We need a sen-
related programmes because the sible mix with Malay being used
scientific terms used are alien to as the medium of education for
them. most subjects but English being
This shows that the lack of used for subjects like science and
fluency in English is definitely English being taught much better
a problem, particularly so in the than it is done now.
sciences. How do we solve this ? If the latter is done, it will
The teaching of maths and give us a platform for better
science in English is a good solu- understanding among the races
tion. Of course, the implementa- and our future generations will
tion has been very poor. But be better equipped to meet the
instead of working to solve the challenges of the future.
problems of implementation, we As Hashimah and Ungku Aziz
have arguments that we should referred to schools with good
not have implemented it in the teachers and facilities in Petaling
first place. Jaya, Damansara and Bangsar,
The key reasons given for and these parents wanting Eng-
wanting to reverse the policy are lish to teach science and maths
one or more of the following: – is it also a coincidence that
» The rural students will fall the racial composition in these
further behind the urban stu- “better schools” in these districts
dents – So, do we keep everyone have a much better racial mix of
backward until and/or if the students?
rural students catch up? Can’t we English already is the
provide the rural students better language of the cyber world, it
teachers and facilities? will be the language of the world
» We have produced many suc- in future.
cessful professionals using Malay So let us not play politics
as the medium of education, with the future of our children
so what is the problem – Any and stop catering to political
simple comparison between pro- demands.
fessionals produced today and
those produced during the days Concerned Malaysian
of English medium education is Via email

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