WSM 2.3 Admin Guide

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Administrators Guide

Wyse WSM™ Release 2.3

Issue: 040609
PN: 883874-01 Rev. F
1 Introduction 1
About this Guide 1
Organization of this Guide 2
Wyse Technical Support 3
Links to Related Documentation and Services 3

2 Overview 5
Wyse WSM Functional Areas 5
Getting Started 6
Logging In 6
Using the System Overview Page 7
Changing Your Administrator Password 7
Navigating in Wyse WSM 8
Filtering Feature 8
Using Message Areas and Quick-Links 8
Logging Out 9
About Using Active Directory Integration 9

3 Operating Systems 11
Managing Operating Systems 11
Operating Systems Page 11
Adding OS Images 12
Editing OS Images 14
Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group 17
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Operating System Classes 18
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Device Classes 19

4 Applications 21
Managing Application Images and Application Licenses 21
Applications Page 21
Adding Application Images 23
Editing Application Images 25
Assigning Application Images to Server Groups 27
Adding Application Licenses 28
Editing Application Licenses 30
Assigning Groups for an Application License 31

5 Server Groups 33
Creating and Managing Server Groups 33
Server Groups Page 33
The Default Server Group and User-Created Server Groups 34
OS Image and Application Image Assignments in Server Groups 34
iv Contents

Creating a Server Group 34

Browsing and Editing Server Groups 35
Deleting a Server Group 37
Assigning OS and Application Images to a Server Group 37
Managing and Configuring Servers 37
Servers Page 37
Adding Servers by Using the Installation Procedures 39
Editing Servers 39
Managing Services for a Server 41
Assigning OS Images for a Server 42
Assigning Application Images for a Server 44

6 Device Groups 47
Managing Device Groups 47
Device Groups Page 47
Understanding the Default and User-Created Device Groups 48
Default Device Group 48
User-Created Device Groups 48
Adding a Device Group 49
Deleting a Device Group 51
Editing and Managing Device Groups 51
Sending a Command to Devices in a Device Group 53
Managing Devices 54
Devices Page 54
Adding Network and Mobile Devices 56
Editing Devices 58
Reassigning a Device to a Different Device Group 62
Adding an OS Image for a Device 62
Updating an OS Image Assignment for a Device 63
Sending Commands to Devices 64

7 User Groups 67
About Active Directory Integration 67
Managing User Groups and Members 67
Managing User Groups and Members with Active Directory Integration 67
User Groups Page 68
Adding User Groups 69
Adding User Groups without Active Directory Integration 69
Adding User Groups with Active Directory Integration 71
Editing User Groups 72
Editing User Groups without Active Directory Integration 72
Assigning Users for User Groups without Active Directory Integration 73
Editing User Groups with Active Directory Integration 73
Assigning Application Licenses for User Groups 74

8 Users 77
About Active Directory Integration 77
Managing Users with Active Directory Integration 77
Managing Users without Active Directory Integration 78
Users Page without Active Directory Integration 78
Adding Users without Active Directory Integration 79
Editing Users without Active Directory Integration 81
Changing User Passwords without Active Directory Integration 82
Assigning User Groups for a User without Active Directory Integration 82
Contents v

9 System Settings 85
Managing System Settings 85
System Settings Page 85
Importing Server Licenses 89
Active Directory Configuration 89
Database Configuration 90
Moving Servers 91
Renaming an SQL Server 92
Importing Devices from a File 93
Managing Device Templates 94
Adding Device Templates 94
Editing Device Templates 96
Choosing a Different Device Group for a Device Template 98
Adding an OS Image for a Device Template 99
Managing Active Directory Domains 100
Active Directory Domains Page 100
Adding Domains 102
Editing Domains 103
Importing Groups from a Domain 104
Adding a Device Organizational Unit 105
Importing Certificates to Allow SSL Connections with Active Directory 106
Managing Virtual Centers 106

10 Reports 111
Client Report 112
License Usage Report 112
Standard Usage Report 113
Activation Report 113
Subscription Report 114

11 Load Balancing 115

How Load Balancing Works 115
Using Server Groups and Device Groups 115
WSM’s Choice of Boot Servers in the Server Group 116
Volatile and Persistent Cache Mode 116
Setup for Load Balancing 117

12 Updating OS Images and Application Images 119

Updating an OS Image 119
Updating an Application Image 124
Preparing an Application Image Update 125

13 Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 127

Installing Wyse UniPlat Tool 127
About the Wyse UniPlat Tool 127
Creating a Backup Windows Partition 128
Restoring a Windows Partition 128
Creating a UniPlat Disk File 129
Creating the Initial File 129
Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties 129
Information Properties Tab 129
Description Properties Tab 129
Options Properties Tab 129
Inserting Files into a UniPlat Disk File 131
Restoring a UniPlat Disk File to a Partition 132
vi Contents

Creating a Single OS Image that Supports Multiple Hardware Platforms 132

Requirements for a UniPlat Disk File and Supported Platforms 132
Creating a Combined UniPlat Disk File 133
Reinstalling Drivers for the Current Platform 134
Creating a “Golden” OS Image from Current OS Images 135
Hardware and Partition Requirements 136
Creating the Golden Image 136
Checking and Changing a Computer’s HAL 138
Checking the HAL on a Computer 138
Changing the HAL on a Computer 139
Limitations and Known Issues 140

Figures 141
2 Overview
This chapter provides a brief overview of the functional areas within the Wyse WSM
system. It also provides important information on the general features of the system to
help you quickly get started as the Wyse WSM Administrator. In addition, this section
contains important information concerning Active Directory integration.

Wyse WSM Functional Areas

In addition to the System Overview page, Wyse WSM is divided into several functional
• Overview - Allows you to quickly view important summary information for each
functional area of the Wyse WSM system.
• Operating Systems - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM operating
systems that are available.
• Applications - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM Application Images
and Application Licenses that are available.
• Server Groups - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM servers and server
groups that are available (for example, Core Server and Edge Server).
• Device Groups - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM devices that are
• User Groups - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM User Groups that are
• Users - Allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM Users that are available.
• System Settings - Allows you to configure the system settings of the Wyse WSM.
• Reports - Allows you to view and use all of the reports that are available.
In Wyse WSM, each functional area has a set of automated tools that helps you to perform
your Administrator duties and daily activities in that functional area. Wyse WSM tracks the
status of each of the functional areas necessary to successfully maintain your Wyse WSM

Wyse WSM currently supports Microsoft IE 6.0 or later.
6 Chapter 2

Getting Started
One of the best ways to get started as the Wyse WSM Administrator is to become familiar
with the system and learn how to get where you want to go. After you become familiar with
the general features of the system, you can refer to the various sections of this guide for
more details on specific areas.
To begin using Wyse WSM you need to know about:
• "Logging In"
• "Using the System Overview Page"
• "Changing Your Administrator Password"
• "Navigating in Wyse WSM"
• "Logging Out"

Logging In
If you have never started Wyse WSM and this is your first log-in, refer to the Installation
Guide: Wyse WSMTM for instructions on starting Wyse WSM for the first time.
To log in any time after you have completed your first log-in to Wyse WSM, be sure to use
your correct Admin Username (default is admin) and Password (default is admin).

If your database has connection problems, the Database Configuration page
will automatically appear instead of the Login page. For information on
configuring the database, refer to "Database Configuration."

To log in to the Administrator Console:

1. Open the Administrator Console login page by clicking Start | WSM Server | WSM on
the machine to which you have installed the WSM Core Server (you can also open a
Web browser from any machine with access to the WSM Core Server and go to http://

Figure 1 Login page

2. Enter your Admin Username and Password.

3. Click Login to open the System Overview page.
Overview 7

Using the System Overview Page

The System Overview page allows you to quickly view important status information about
the Wyse WSM system. By clicking a link in the Category or Requires Attention column,
you can open a window and address a problem or undertake a task.

Figure 2 System Overview page

Links on the System Overview page include:

• Help - Provides information to help you complete your tasks. This link is also located
on the main page of each functional area.
• About - Provides information about the Wyse WSM software. This link is also located
on the main page of each functional area.
• Logout - Allows you to log out of the Wyse WSM system. This link is also located on
the main page of each functional area.
• Category Area - Provides you with quick access to the main functional areas.
Functional area links are also located across the top of the main page of each
functional area.
• System Settings - Opens the System Settings page, where you can configure the
settings of the Wyse WSM system.
• Reports - Opens the Reports page, where you can create reports on Wyse WSM
system information.
• Change Admin Password - Allows you to change your Administrator Password. This
link is also located on the System Settings page.
• Configuration Wizard - Allows you to view and edit the system configurations.
• Requires Attention Links - Allows you to quickly go to functional areas of the system
that require your attention. These links (marked with a warning sign) are located under
the Requires Attention area on the System Overview page and in the functional area
where attention is required.

Changing Your Administrator Password

After logging in, you can change your password by clicking the Change Admin Password
link on the System Overview page. The System Settings page opens.
8 Chapter 2

Figure 3 Change Admin Password page

To change your Administrator password:

1. Enter the New Password.
2. Enter the password again in the Re-enter Password text box.
3. Click Update Password.

Navigating in Wyse WSM

Navigating within Wyse WSM is as easy as clicking your mouse button. Wyse WSM is a
fully integrated system, allowing you to perform your daily Administrator activities quickly
and efficiently.
Wyse WSM is easy to use because common navigation and process features are
available throughout the system. For example, you can sort lists according to a heading by
clicking on the column heading you want. You can also list your selected heading in
ascending or descending order by clicking on that column heading again.

Filtering Feature
While in Wyse WSM, you can filter and sort through various lists to organize items in ways
that are helpful to you. For example, you can filter and sort a list of servers by Name, IP
Address, OS Image, Application Image, and Status. The Wyse WSM filtering feature
allows you to locate and go to what you want quickly and efficiently.
In some areas, there are multiple filtering steps to help you find the item you want. For
example, on the Applications page you can filter by server first, and then filter by
application name.

Using Message Areas and Quick-Links

In addition to the Requires Attention area on the System Overview page, message areas
and Quick-Links are also available throughout the system to help you run and maintain
your Wyse WSM environment.
Overview 9

Logging Out
To log out of Wyse WSM, click the Logout link. This link is always available in the
upper-right corner of the screen.

About Using Active Directory Integration

This section contains important information about Active Directory to help you decide
whether or not you want to integrate Active Directory with your Wyse WSM system.
Understanding the Levels of Active Directory Integration
Wyse WSM integrates with Active Directory on two major levels:
• Device (Computer Account) Level - On a device level, Wyse WSM will automatically
manage the creation and maintenance of the computer accounts in the appropriate
Active Directory Organizational Unit.
• User Level - On a user level, Wyse WSM will re-use the group structure that is created
in Active Directory. You do not have to re-create the users and groups, that are needed
for application assignment, within Wyse WSM.
Another user level benefit is single sign-on capability. With single sign-on, user
credentials entered during the Windows log-on are used for WSM application
streaming authentication.

If the Active Directory integration is not enabled, then the user must enter
user credentials as follows:
For an OS Image mode of Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) - Only the first
time they log-in to Wyse WSM.
For an OS Image mode of Volatile Cache (Shared Mode) - Each time they
log-in to Wyse WSM.

Using Active Directory Integration with and without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Wyse WSM can operate with or without SSL, with respect to the Active Directory
connection. This option is controlled through a WSM system setting (Enable SSL
Connection) on the Active Directory Configuration page (see "Active Directory
In Active Directory integration without SSL, the communication between you, Active
Directory, and the WSM Server occurs using a non-SSL protocol. The OS Authentication
Service must be run with a domain account that has privileges to add and modify
computer accounts in Active Directory (members of the default group named Account
Operators or Domain Administrators have the privilege to create and maintain computers
accounts). The user account and password used while adding the Domain should also
have the same privileges. For convenience you can use the same username and
password for both the computer account and user account, although it is not necessary.
The WSM Server will use these credentials to connect to the Active Directory and perform
all operations on the device/computer accounts in Active Directory.
In Active Directory integration with SSL, Wyse WSM uses SSL (a secure protocol) for
communications with the Active Directory Server. The digital certificate installed on the
Domain Controller can be either a third party certificate or a Microsoft Certificate Authority
(CA). In the Microsoft Certificate Authority case, the certificate must be an Enterprise Root
In Active Directory integration with SSL, you have the flexibility to:
10 Chapter 2

• Trust any secure Domain Controller - In this case, the WSM Server will work with
any Domain Controller which has a digital certificate installed.
• Enforce the Domain Controller certificate - In this case, the digital certificate
installed on the Domain Controller must be imported into Wyse WSM. After the
certificate is imported into Wyse WSM, the WSM Server will communicate only with the
Domain Controllers that have this certificate. Thus, the enforcement of the certificate is
carried out by Wyse WSM before the communication between Wyse WSM and the
Domain Controller can be established.
3 Operating Systems
This chapter describes how to perform routine operating system tasks on the Wyse WSM
system. It provides information on managing operating systems, OS Classes, and Device

Managing Operating Systems

You can add, edit, and delete operating systems starting on the Operating Systems page.

Operating Systems Page

Clicking the Operating Systems link from any functional area main page opens the
Operating Systems page. This page allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM
operating systems that are available. It also allows you to easily display the operating
systems you want by using the filtering feature.

Figure 4 Operating Systems page

Initially, the Operating Systems page shows you all of the operating systems available on
the Wyse WSM system, but you can use these tools to view the operating systems you
• Name Contains - Name of an operating system for client support (use only letters,
numbers, dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• OS Class - Name of the Operating System Class to which an operating system is
assigned (for example, Windows 2000 or Windows XP).
• Device Class - Class value of the network device to which the operating system is
assigned (for example, Wyse V00).
12 Chapter 3

After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the OS
Images you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the Operating Systems page:
• Click the Add OS Image link to open the Add OS Image page (for details on adding an
OS Image, refer to "Adding OS Images").
• Click the Manage OS Classes link to open the Manage OS Classes page (for details
on adding, editing, and deleting OS Classes, refer to "Managing Operating Systems").
• Click the Manage Device Classes link to open the Manage Device Classes page (for
details on adding, editing, and deleting Device Classes, refer to "Managing Devices").
• Click a Name link in the OS Images area to edit the OS Image (for details on editing an
OS Image, refer to "Editing OS Images").
• Delete an OS Image by selecting the check box next to the name of the OS Image you
want in the OS Images area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to help
you select all OS Images), clicking Delete Selected, and confirming the deletion. The
OS Image is deleted and is no longer shown in the list of available OS Images on the
Operating Systems page.

Adding OS Images
To add an OS Image to the system for use, you must add the OS Image and assign it to a
server or server group.

Step 1: Adding an OS Image

1. On the Operating Systems page, click the Add OS Image link to open the Add OS
Image page.

Figure 5 Add OS Image page

2. Enter the Name of the OS Image for client support (use only letters, numbers, dashes,
spaces, the @ character, and periods).
Operating Systems 13

3. Select the File Name of the OS Image you want to add (if no file exists for you to select,
you must capture an OS Image and place the file into the OS Images folder located
where you installed the WSM Core Server as described in the Installation Guide: Wyse
WSMTM - for example,
C:\Program Files\Wyse\WSM\StreamingDir\OSimages).
4. (Optional) Enter a Description.
5. Enter the Version.
6. Select the OS Class.
7. Select the Device Class.
8. Select the Mode for the OS Image (either No Cache (Private Mode), Persistent
Cache (Shared Mode), or Volatile Cache (Shared Mode)).
No Cache (Private Mode), Persistent Cache (Shared Mode), and Volatile Cache
(Shared Mode) are the three operating system options in which OS Images can be
delivered to the device:
· Private Mode - An administrator mode that allows complete read-write access to
the OS Image. Any changes made in the OS Image are permanent. This is the
mode to use when you need to make any configuration changes or when you are
applying patches to the OS Image (as described in "Updating an OS Image"). In this
mode, only one device can boot from the OS Image at any time. To use the Private
Mode on the OS Image, select the No Cache (Private Mode) option
· Shared Mode - The mode in which a single OS Image is shared between multiple
devices. The original OS Image is in read-only mode. That is, any changes made by
any user on any device are not added to the base image. For each device, a
separate file is created in the Write Cache directory that will store the changes that
are made by the user using this device. These changes include 1) changes made
by the operating system itself (including swapping files or other operations that the
operating system performs, such as updating the registry for specific operations,
and so on); and 2) changes made by the users who log in to the device (including
changes to the files stored in the virtual C: drive, user profile information, or
temporary files created by different applications, and so on). Shared Mode options
include Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) and Volatile Cache (Shared Mode). In
Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) the Write Cache is persistent across reboots (that
is, any changes made on the OS Image are stored and are available to users when
they reboot the device). To use this mode on the OS Image, select the Persistent
Cache (Shared Mode) option. In Volatile Cache (Shared Mode) the Write Cache is
discarded when the device reboots (that is, after the device reboots the device is
always returned to the original base OS Image). To use this mode on the OS Image,
select the Volatile Cache (Shared Mode) option.
9. (Volatile Cache (Shared Mode) only) Depending on whether or not you want to enable
multicast for the OS Image, select or clear the Enable Multicast check box (if you
enable multicast, you must enter the Multicast IP Address and Multicast Time To
Live, select the Multicast Invite Type, and enter the Multicast Invite Period).
10.Click Next to open the Assign to a Server Group page.

Step 2: Assigning to a Server Group

In the All Server Groups list, select the server group to which you want to add the image:
• Default server group - Select Default, click Add, and click Next to open the Assign to
a Server window (see Step 3).
• User-created server group - Select the name of the server group (or groups), click
Add, click Next to open the Assign to a Server window, and then click Finish.
14 Chapter 3

Figure 6 Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group

Step 3: Assigning an OS Image to a Server (Default server group only)

Figure 7 Assign to a Server page

1. In the Servers of Default Group list, select the servers that will be assigned the OS
2. Click Add.
3. Click Finish. The OS Image is added to the list of available OS Images on the
Operating Systems page and can now be streamed.

Editing OS Images
With Wyse WSM you can easily edit operating system settings, including the OS Images
and servers assigned to the operating system.
To edit OS Image settings:

You must turn off all streaming clients before editing an OS Image.

1. On the Operating Systems page, click the Name link of the operating system you want
to edit. The OS Image Details page opens.
Operating Systems 15

Figure 8 OS Image Details page - Edit OS Image

2. Enter the OS Image Name.

The File Name is shown.

3. (Optional) Enter a Description.

4. Enter the Version.
5. Select the OS Class.
6. Select the Device Class.

The OS Image ID is shown.

7. Select the Mode for the OS Image ID (either No Cache (Private Mode), Persistent
Cache (Shared Mode), or Volatile Cache (Shared Mode)).

No Cache (Private Mode), Persistent Cache (Shared Mode), or Volatile
Cache (Shared Mode) are the three operating system options in which OS
Images can be delivered to the device.
Private Mode is an administrator mode that allows complete read-write
access to the OS Image. Any changes made in the OS Image are
permanent. This is the mode that you will use when you need to make any
configuration changes or when you are applying patches to the OS Image
(as described in "Updating an OS Image"). In this mode, only one device can
boot from the OS Image at any time. To use the Private Mode on the OS
Image, select the No Cache (Private Mode) option.
Shared Mode is the mode in which a single OS Image is shared between
multiple devices. The original OS Image is in read-only mode. That is, any
16 Chapter 3

changes made by any user on any device are not added to the base image.
For each device, a separate file is created in the Write Cache directory which
will store the changes that are made by the user using this device. These
changes include 1) changes made by the operating system itself (including
swapping files or other operations that the operating system performs, such
as updating the registry for specific operations, and so on) and 2) changes
made by the users who log in to the device (including changes to the files
stored in the virtual C: drive, user profile information, or temporary files
created by different applications, and so on). Shared Mode options include
Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) and Volatile Cache (Shared Mode). In
Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) the Write Cache is persistent across
reboots (that is, any changes made on the OS Image are stored and are
available to users when they reboot the device). To use this mode on the OS
Image, select the Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) option. In Volatile
Cache (Shared Mode) the Write Cache is discarded when the device reboots
(that is, after the device reboots the device is always returned to the original
base OS Image). To use this mode on the OS Image, select the Volatile
Cache (Shared Mode) option.

8. (Volatile Cache (Shared Mode) only) Depending on whether or not you want to enable
multicast for the OS Image, select or clear the Enable Multicast check box (if you
enable multicast, you must enter the Multicast IP Address and Multicast Time To
Live, select the Multicast Invite Type, and enter the Multicast Invite Period).
9. (Optional) Click the Add a New OS Image link to open the Add OS Image page (for
details on adding an OS Image, refer to "Adding OS Images").
10.(Optional) Click the Start Patch Process for this OS Image link to open the Update
OS Image page (for details on updating an OS Image, refer to "Updating an OS
11. (Optional) Click the Delete this OS Image link to delete the OS Image.
12.(Optional) Click the Change Server/Server Group Assignment link to open the
Assign Server Groups For OS Image page (for details on changing a server group
assignment, refer to "Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group").
13.(Optional) Click a Name link the Server Groups Hosting area to edit the Server Group
associated with the OS Image (for details on editing a server group, refer to "Creating
and Managing Server Groups").
14.(Optional) Click a Name link in the Servers Streaming area to edit the Server
associated with the OS Image (for details on editing a server, refer to "Editing
15.(Optional) Click the Release Lock link to reset the lock on the server.

Wyse WSM helps you avoid making changes to servers that are currently in
use by others. In some cases where you want to modify a server (but receive
a message that you are unable to modify a server at this time) and you know
that no one else is using it, clicking the Release Lock link allows you to reset
the lock on the server and make the modifications you want.

Release locks should be used only as a last resort. If the locks are released
for devices that are actively using the OS Image, it may cause operating
system failures (BSOD issues). In general, it is recommended that if you
want to delete the OS Image assignment or change the OS Image assigned
to a device, then you should use device commands to shut down the device
Operating Systems 17

before making these changes. For information on using device commands,

refer to "Sending Commands to Devices." For information on updating an OS
Image, refer to "Updating an OS Image Assignment for a Device."

16.You can view the details about the hierarchy of an OS Image in the Hierarchy area.
17.After editing the settings, click Save Changes. The OS Image is modified and can be
viewed in the list of available OS Images on the Operating Systems page.

Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group

While editing an OS Image on the OS Image Details page, you can assign an OS image to
all servers in a server group or to individual servers in the Default server group by
following these steps:
1. Click the Change Server/Server Group Assignment link. The Assign Server Groups
For OS Image page appears.

Figure 9 Assign Server Groups For OS Image page

2. In the All Server Groups list, select the server group to which you want to assign the
OS Image; if you want to assign the image to a server or servers in the Default server
group, select Default.
3. Click Add. The server group or Default server group is added to the Assigned Server
Groups list.
4. Add the OS Image to the server group you selected or to servers in the Default server
• The server group you selected - Click Next and then click Finish in the message box
that tells you to which server group or groups the OS image was assigned.
• Servers in the Default group - Click Next. A list of servers in the Default server group
appears in the Assign Server Groups For OS Image window. In the Servers of Default
Group list, select the servers to which you want to assign the OS Image. Then click
Add, and click Finish.

If you have installed and are editing an Edge Server, you must also complete
the following:
On the server details page of the Edge Server, click the To be Scheduled
link in the Status column to open the Schedule Content page, select the date
and time you want the server to start the content distribution, and then click
Schedule. Until the content become available on the Edge server, the
18 Chapter 3

content will not be available to Users (completion of the process will show a
Status of Ready on the Edge Server Details page).

Figure 10 Schedule Content page - assign a server for an OS Image

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Operating System Classes

To add, edit, or delete OS Classes, start on the Operating Systems page and click the
Manage OS Classes link. The Manage OS Classes page opens.

Figure 11 Manage OS Classes page

Follow these instructions to add, edit, or delete OS Classes:

• Adding - Enter a new OS Class name in the Add a new OS Class text box, click Add,
and click Close.
• Editing - Enter a new name for an OS Class, click Rename, and click Close.
• Deleting - Select the check box of the OS Class you want to delete (you can click
Select All or Deselect All as needed to help you select all OS Classes). Then click
Delete Selected, and click Close.
Operating Systems 19

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Device Classes

To add, edit, or delete Device Classes, start on the Operating Systems page and click the
Manage Device Classes link. The Manage Device Classes page opens.

Figure 12 Manage Device Classes page

Follow these instructions to add, edit, or delete Device Classes:

• Adding - Enter the new Device Class name in the Add a new Device Class text box,
click Add, and click Close. The Device Class is added to the list of available Device
• Editing - Enter the new name you want for a current Device Class, click Rename, and
click Close.
• Deleting - Select the check box of the Device Class you want to delete (you can click
Select All or Deselect All as needed to help you select all Device Classes). Then click
Delete Selected and click Close. The Device Class is deleted from the list of available
Device Classes.
4 Applications
This chapter describes how to perform routine application tasks on the Wyse WSM
system. It provides information on managing Application Images and Application

Managing Application Images and Application Licenses

You can add, edit, and delete Application Images and Application Licenses starting from
the Applications page.

Applications Page
Clicking the Applications link from any functional area opens the Applications page. This
page allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM Application Images and Application
Licenses that are available. It also allows you to easily display the Application Images and
Application Licenses you want by using the filtering feature.

Figure 13 Applications page

22 Chapter 4

Although the Applications page shows you all of the Application Images and Application
Licenses available on the Wyse WSM system, you can use the following guidelines to
view the Application Images and Application Licenses you want:

You can use the Filter Application Images By filter or the Filter Application
Licenses By filter or both (one at a time).

• Name Contains - Name of an Application Images or Application Licenses for client

support (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• Server - Name of the server to which the Applications Image is assigned. Use the
Server Select link to select the server you want.
• Group - Name of the user group to which the Application License is assigned. Use the
Group Select link to select the user group you want.
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the
Application Images and Application Licenses you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the Applications page:
• Click the Add Application Image link to open the Add Application Image page (for
details on adding an Application Image, refer to "Adding Application Images").
• Click the Add Application License link to open the Add Application License page (for
details on adding an Application License, refer to "Adding Application Licenses").
• Click a Name link in the Application Images area to edit the Application Image (for
details on editing an Application Image, refer to "Editing Application Images").
• Delete an Application Image by selecting the check box next to its name in the
Application Images area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to help
you select all Application Images), clicking Delete Selected, and then confirming the

Before you can delete an Application Image, it must be unassigned from a
server. You cannot delete an Application Image which is assigned to a
You can also delete an Application Image by using the Delete this
Application Image link on the Application Image Details page.

• Click a Name link in the Application Licenses area to edit the Application License (for
details on editing an Application License, refer to "Editing Application Licenses").
• Delete an Application License by selecting the check box next to its name in the
Application Licenses area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to help
you select all Application Licenses), clicking Delete Selected, and then confirming the

You can also delete an Application License by using the Delete this
Application License link on the Application License Details page.
Applications 23

Adding Application Images

To add an Application Image to the system for use, you must add the Application Image
and assign it to a sever. On the Application page, click the Add Application Image link to
open the Add Application Image page.

Step 1: Adding an Application Image to a Server

Figure 14 Add Application Image page

1. Select the File Name of the Application Image you want to add (if no file exists for you
to select, you must copy an Application Image and place the file into the Application
Images folder located where you installed the WSM Core Server; for example,
C:\Program Files\Wyse\WSM\StreamingDir\APPimages).
2. Enter the Name of the Application Image for client support (use only letters, numbers,
dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
3. (Optional) Enter a Description.
4. Enter the Version.
5. Depending on whether or not you want to automatically subscribe this Application
Image (with user unsubscribe flexibility) to an end user when the user first logs into the
WSM Client, select or clear the Auto Subscribe Application check box (note that
after the user has been subscribed to the application during the first login, the user has
the option of unsubscribing from this application at any time thereafter).
6. Depending on whether or not you want to automatically subscribe this Application
Image (without user unsubscribe flexibility) to an end user when the user first logs into
the WSM Client, select or clear the Mandatory Application check box (note that after
the user has been subscribed to the application during the first login, the user will not
have the option of unsubscribing from this application; if the user tries to unsubscribe,
a message appears saying that the application is mandatory and cannot be
7. Click Next to open the Assign to a Server page.
24 Chapter 4

Step 2: Assigning to a Server Group

Figure 15 Assign to a Server Group

In the All Server Groups list, select the server group you want to add the application to:
• Default server group - Select Default, click Add, and then click Next to open the
Assign to a Server page (see Step 3).
• User-created server group - Select the name of the server group (or groups), click
Add, click Next to open the Assign to a Server window, and then click Finish.

Step 3: Assigning an Application Image to a Server (Default server group only)

Figure 16 Assign to a Server page

1. In the Servers of Default Group list, select the servers that will be assigned the
Application Image.
2. Click Add.
3. Click Finish. The Application Image is added to the list of available Application Images
on the Operating Systems page and can now be streamed.
After an Application Image is added, it is available to be used by an Application License
(for example, an update) and assigned to a User Group.
Applications 25

Editing Application Images

With Wyse WSM you can easily edit application settings, including the licenses, servers,
and subscriptions assigned to the application.
To edit an Application Image:
1. On the Applications page, click the Name link of the Application Image you want to edit
to open the Application Image Details page.

Figure 17 Application Image Details page

2. Enter the Name.

3. (Optional) Enter a Description.
4. Enter the Version.
5. Depending on whether or not you want to automatically subscribe this Application
Image (with unsubscribed flexibility) to an end user when the user first logs into the
WSM Client, select or clear the Auto Subscribe Application check box (note that
after the user has been subscribed to the application during the first login, the user has
the options of unsubscribing from this application at any time).
6. Depending on whether or not you want to automatically subscribe this Application
Image (without unsubscribed flexibility) to an end user when the user first logs into the
WSM Client, select or clear the Mandatory Application check box (note that after the
user has been subscribed to the application during the first login, the user will not have
the options of unsubscribing from this application; if the user tries to unsubscribe, a
26 Chapter 4

message appears saying that the application is mandatory and cannot be


The File Name, Application Image ID, and File ID are shown.

7. (Optional) Click the Add an Application License for this Image link to open the Add
Application License page (for details on adding an Application License, refer to "Adding
Application Licenses").

For convenience, the Add an Application License for this Image link also
appears on the bottom of the Application Image Details page.

8. (Optional) Click the Add a Patch for this Application Image link to open the Updating
Application Image page (for details on adding an Application Image, refer to "Updating
an Application Image").
9. (Optional) Click the Add a New Application Image link to open the Add Application
Image page (for details on adding an Application Image, refer to "Adding Application
10.(Optional) Click the Delete this Application Image link to delete the Application

Before you can delete an Application Image, it must be unassigned from a
server. You cannot delete an Application Image that is assigned to a server.

11. (Optional) Click the Change Server/Server Group Assignment link to open the
Assign Server Groups For App Image page (for details on changing a server
assignment, refer to "Assigning Application Images to Server Groups").
12.(Optional) Click a Name link in the Servers Streaming area to edit the Server
associated with the Application Image (for details on editing a server, refer to "Editing
13.(Options) Click a Name link the Server Groups Hosting area to edit the Server Group
associated with the Application Image (for details on editing a server group, refer to
"Creating and Managing Server Groups").
14.(Optional) Click a Name link in the Application Licenses Using area to edit the
Application Licenses associated with the Application Image (for details on editing an
Application License, refer to "Editing Application Licenses").
15.After editing the Application Image settings, click Save Changes. The Application
Image is modified and can be viewed in the list of available Application Images on the
Applications page.
Applications 27

Assigning Application Images to Server Groups

While editing an Application Image on the Application Image Details page, you can assign
an Application Image to the servers in a server group or to individual servers in the Default
server group by following these steps:
1. Click the Change Server/Server Group Assignment link. The Assign Server Groups
For App Image page appears.

Figure 18 Assign Server Groups For App Image page

2. In the All Server Groups list, select the server group to which you want to assign the
Application Image; if you want to assign the image to a server or servers in the Default
server group, select Default.
3. Click Add. The server group or Default server group is added to the Assigned Server
Groups list.
4. Add the Application Image to the server group you selected or to servers in the Default
server group.
• The server group you selected - Click Next and then click Finish in the message
box that tells you to which server group or groups the Application Image was
• Servers in the Default group - Click Next. A list of servers in the Default server
group appears in Assign Server Groups For App Image window. In the Servers of
Default Group list, select the servers to which you want to assign the OS Image.
Then click Add, and click Finish.

If you have installed and are editing an Edge Server, you must also complete
the following:
On the server details page of the Edge Server, click the To be Scheduled
link in the Status column to open the Schedule Content page, select the date
and time you want the Application Image to become available, and then click
Schedule (until the time the Application Image is copied to Edge Server, the
Status will be displayed as Copy in Progress on the Edge Server Details
page). Until the content become available on the Edge server, the content
will not be available to Users (completion of the process will display a Status
of Ready on the Edge Server Details page).
28 Chapter 4

Figure 19 Schedule Content page - assign a server for an Application Image

Adding Application Licenses

To add an Application License to the system for use, you must add the Application License
and assign it to a User Group (the two step process to add an Application License will only
appear if there is a User Group available to use on the Core Server; if not, then a one-step
process appears without the Assign to a Group page.

Step 1: Adding an Application License

1. On the Applications page, click the Add an Application License link to open the Add
Application License page.

Figure 20 Add Application License page

2. Enter the Name of the Application License you want to add (use only letters, numbers,
dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
3. Click the Select an Application Image link, and on the Select an Application Image
page, select the Application Image you want to assign to the application in the list; then
click Done to return to the Add Application License page.
Applications 29

Figure 21 Select An Application Image page

4. Select a Sessions per User option (either a custom amount or Unlimited). If you select
a custom amount, enter the number of Sessions. Be aware that once an Application
License is in use, Sessions per User cannot be edited.
5. Select a Duration option (either a custom amount or Unlimited). If you select a custom
amount, enter the number of Days.
6. Select a Maximum Concurrent Sessions option (either a custom amount or Unlimited).
If you select a custom amount, enter the number of Sessions.
7. Click Next to open the Assign to a Group page.

Step 2: Assigning an Application License to a Group

Figure 22 Assign to a Group page

1. In the All Groups list, select the User Group you want to assign to the Application
2. Click Add to move the group to the Assigned Groups list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many groups as you want to (and
from) the Assigned Groups list.

3. Click Finish. The Application License is added to the list of available Application
Licenses on the Applications page.
30 Chapter 4

After an Application License is added, it is available to be used by an
Application Image and assigned to a user group.

Editing Application Licenses

With Wyse WSM you can easily edit Application License settings, including the group
assigned to the Application License. To edit Application License settings:
1. On the Applications page, click the Name link of the Application License you want to
edit. The Application License Details page opens.

Figure 23 Application License Details page

2. Enter s Name for the application if you want to change the name.

The Application Image and Sessions per User are shown.

3. Select a Duration option (either a custom amount or Unlimited). If you select a custom
amount, enter the number of Days.
4. Select a Maximum Concurrent Sessions option (either a custom amount or Unlimited).
If you select a custom amount, enter the number of Sessions.
5. (Optional) Click the Add a New Application License link to open the Add Application
License page (for details on adding an Application License, refer to "Adding Application
6. (Optional) Click the Delete this Application License link to delete the Application
7. (Optional) Click the Change Group Assignment link to open the Assign User Groups
For Application page (for details on changing a server assignment, refer to "Assigning
Groups for an Application License").
Applications 31

8. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Assigned Groups area to edit the User Groups
associated with the Application (for details on editing a user group, refer to "Editing
User Groups").
9. After editing the Application settings, click Save Changes. The Application License is
updated and can be viewed in the list of available Application Licenses on the
Applications page.

Assigning Groups for an Application License

While editing an Application License, you can assign an application to a User Group by
following these steps:
1. On the Application License Details page, click the Change Group Assignment link.
The Assign Groups for Application License page opens.

Figure 24 Assign Groups For Application License page

2. Select the User group you want to assign to the Application License in the All Groups
3. Use Add to move the user group to the Assigned Groups list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many user groups as you want to
(and from) the Assigned Groups list.

4. Click Done to return to the Application License Details page.

32 Chapter 4

This page intentionally blank.

5 Server Groups
This chapter describes how to perform routine server tasks on the Wyse WSM system and
how server groups can help with these tasks. It also provides information about
configuring and managing the servers on the system.

Creating and Managing Server Groups

Server Groups make it easier to assign OS Images, Application Images, and Device
Groups because you can assign images and groups to all the servers in a Server Group
rather than assign them to one server at a time. For example, to assign the same OS
Image to five different servers, place the servers in a Server Group and then assign the
OS Image to the Server Group. When you add a server to a Server Group, this server is
automatically assigned the server group’s OS Images and Application Images

Server Groups Page

Click the Server Groups link from any functional area main page to open the Server
Groups page. This page allows you to view and manage server groups, as well as add
server groups, browse the details of a server group, edit a server group, and delete a
server group.

Figure 25 Server Groups page

34 Chapter 5

The Default Server Group and User-Created Server Groups

Servers cannot belong to more than one server group. Each server must be in the Default
server group or a user-created server group:
• Default server group - Servers that have not been assigned to a user-created group
are kept in a server group called Default. Initially, when WSM is installed or upgraded,
all servers are assigned to the Default server group.
• User-created groups – You can create server groups. When you create a server
group, you reassign servers from the Default group to the newly created group.

OS Image and Application Image Assignments in Server Groups

Servers in the same user-created server group have the same OS Image and Application
Image assignments. When you assign a server to a user-created server group, its
previous OS Image and Application Image assignments are stripped away; it adopts the
OS Image and Application Image assignments of the user-created server group to which it
was reassigned.
Servers in the Default server group can be treated individually. These servers can have
their own unique OS Image and Application Image assignments. However, servers in a
user-created server group adopt the OS Image and Application Image assignments of the
Because the Default server group permits individual servers to have unique OS Image
and Application Image assignments, a server in a user-created group retains its Image
assignments when it is reassigned to the Default server group.
You cannot reassign servers by moving them from one user-created server group to
another. To move a server to a different user-created server group, move it to the Default
server group first. You can move it from there to user-created server group.

Creating a Server Group

To create a server group, your first name the group, and then you select servers for the
group. On the Server Groups page, click the Add Server Group link. The Adding Server
Group window opens.
Step 1: Adding a Server Group

Figure 26 Add Server Group

Server Groups 35

1. Enter a Name for the server group.

2. Enter a Description of the server group.
3. Click Next.
Step 2: Assigning Servers to the Group

Figure 27 Assign Servers

1. Select the servers you want to assign to the server group in the Servers of Default
Group list.
2. Click Add to move the servers to the Assigned Servers list.
3. Click Finish. The Server Group is added to the list of Server Groups on the Server
Groups page.

Browsing and Editing Server Groups

You can browse and edit server groups starting on the Server Groups page. Click the
Server Groups link from any functional area to open this page. Then click the name of a
server group to open the Server Group Details page.
This page lists the servers in the group, as well as the device groups, OS Images, and
Application Images assigned to this server group.
36 Chapter 5

Figure 28 Server Group Details page

On the Server Group Details page, you can do the following tasks:
• Change the name and description of a server group – Enter a new Name, enter a
Description, and click Save Changes.
• Assign a server to the server group – Click Change Server Assignment. The
Assign Servers For Group window appears. In the Servers of Default Group list, select
the server you want to add to the group. Then click Add and click Done.

Figure 29 Assign Servers For Group window

If you want to move a server from one user-created server group to another,
first move the server to the Default group. Then open Server Group Details
page of the server group to which you want to move the server, click Change
Server Assignment, and move the server from the Default group to your
user-created server group.
Server Groups 37

• Remove a server from the server group – Click Change Server Assignment. In the
Assign Servers For Group window, select the Server in the Assigned Servers list. Then
click Remove and click Done to move the server to the Default group.

Deleting a Server Group

Deleting a server group reassigns all servers in the group to the Default server group. You
cannot delete this Default server group.
To delete a server group, click the Server Groups link from any functional area main page
to open the Server Groups page. This page lists the names of the Default server group
and all user-created groups. Select the check box next to the name of the server group
you want to delete and click Delete Selected.

Assigning OS and Application Images to a Server Group

Follow these instructions on the Operating Systems page or Applications page to assign
an OS Image or Application Image to a server group or to individual servers in the Default
server group:
• Adding an OS Image to a server group - On the Operating Systems page, click the
name of the OS Image, and then click Change Server/Server Group Assignment.
On the Assign Server Groups For OS Image page, select a server group. For more
information, see "Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group."
• Adding an Application Image to a Server group - On the Applications page, click the
name of an Application Image, and then click Change Server/Server Group
Assignment. On the Assign Server Groups For App Image page, select a server
group. For more information, see "Assigning Application Images to Server Groups."
You can also add OS Images and Application Images to server groups when you create
images. For more information, see "Adding OS Images" and "Adding Application Images."

Managing and Configuring Servers

During a Server installation, configuration settings are made through an installation
wizard. After the Wyse WSM system installation is complete, you can then edit and delete
servers by using the Servers page.

For information on adding servers by using the installation procedures in the
Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM, refer to "Adding Servers by Using the
Installation Procedures."

Servers Page
To see the complete list of installed servers, go to the Server Groups page and click the
View All Servers. The Servers page opens. This page allows you to view and manage the
Wyse WSM servers that are available. It also allows you to easily display the servers you
want by using the filtering feature.
38 Chapter 5

Figure 30 Servers page

Although the Servers page shows you all of the servers available on the Wyse WSM
system, you can use the following guidelines to view the servers you want:
• Name Contains - Name of a server for client support (use only letters, numbers,
dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• IP Address - IP Address of the server.
• Server Group - Server group that the sever belongs to.
• OS Image - Name of the OS Image to which the server is assigned. Use the OS Image
Select link to select the OS Image you want.
• Application Image - Name of the Application Image to which the server is assigned.
Use the Application Image Select link to select the Application Image you want.
• Status - Status of the server (all, Up, or Down).
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the servers
you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the Servers page:
• For information on adding servers by using the installation procedures in the
Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM, refer to "Adding Servers by Using the Installation
• Click a Name link in the Servers area to edit the server (for details on editing a server,
refer to "Editing Servers").
• Delete a server by selecting the check box next to the name of the server you want in
the Servers area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to help you select
all servers), clicking Delete Selected, and then confirming the deletion. The server is
deleted and is no longer shown in the list of available servers on the Servers page.

You can also delete a Server by using the Delete this Server link on the
Server Details page.
Server Groups 39

Adding Servers by Using the Installation Procedures

As the Wyse WSM Administrator, you can add an Edge server to the system by using the
installation procedures in the Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM (you cannot manually add
an Edge Server). After a server is added, you can assign Wyse WSM operating systems
and applications.

If you have installed an Edge Server according to the procedures in the
Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM, the Edge Server is automatically added to
the list of servers available on the Servers page.

Editing Servers
With Wyse WSM you can easily edit server settings including the licenses, operating
systems, and applications assigned to the server.
To edit server settings:
1. On the Servers page, click the Name of the server you want to edit to open the Server
Details page.

Figure 31 Server Details page

The Name and Type of server are shown. For example, Core Server (or
Streaming for an Edge Server) can be shown as the Type for the server you
are editing.

2. (Optional) Enter a Description.

3. Enter the IP address of the server (before editing the server IP address settings, you
must stop all of the server services; after all server editing is complete, be sure to start
all of the server services).
40 Chapter 5

4. Enter the Streaming Directory containing your OS Images and Application Images
(before editing the server Streaming Directory settings, you must stop all of the server
services; after all server editing is complete, be sure to start all of the server services).

The Status of server is shown.

5. (Optional) Click Manage Server to open a Remote Desktop Connection dialog box
which allows you to specify the server that you want to access and manage.

To use the Manage Server command button, you must ensure that the
following requirements are completed on the machine from which you are
accessing the Administrator Console:
1) The Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection client software must be
installed according to the Microsoft instructions found on the Microsoft Web
site (also be sure that the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection service is
enabled on the target server, and on the Core server).
2) Open the Trusted sites dialog box in Microsoft Internet Explorer (click
Tools | Internet Options | Security | Trusted Sites | Sites), clear the
Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box,
and then add the following Web sites to the zone: http://<coreserver ip
address> and http://localhost.

For Windows 2000 users only - The Manage Server command button looks
for the mstsc.exe in the %systemroot%\system32 folder. However, when
you load the terminal service client on Windows 2000, the mstsc.exe is
loaded at C:\Progam files\Remote desktop by default. To make the Manage
Server command button execute correctly, you must copy mstsc.exe and
mstscax.dll to the %systemroot%\system32 folder.

6. (Optional) Click the Delete this Server link to delete the server.

Before deleting a server, all of the assigned OS Images and Application
Images must be unassigned from the server. In addition, you must also shut
down the devices which are booted from that server.

7. (Optional) Click a Service Name link in the Services area to manage that service
associated with the server (for details on managing a Service, refer to "Managing
Services for a Server").

For example, the Enable Device Discovery feature of the DHCP Proxy
Service allows you to configure the WSM Server to automatically add new
devices to the system (this feature setting is on a per server basis). You can
use the Enable Device Discovery feature by selecting the Enable Device
Discovery check box in the DHCP Proxy Service page (click the DHCP
Proxy Service link in the Services area to open the DHCP Proxy Service
page). If the Enable Device Discovery check box is cleared, the WSM Server
will only respond to devices which are already included in the WSM
Database. If the Enable Device Discovery check box is selected, any new
device will be added to the WSM system using the WSM device templates
Server Groups 41

(for information on using device templates, refer to "Adding Device

Templates"). If Active Directory integration is enabled, the new device will be
added to the WSM system based on the appropriate device template that is

8. (Optional) Click the Start link (to start the service) or Stop link (to stop the service) for
the service you want in the Services area (you can also use the Start All link or Stop
All link). The Status list shows whether or not a service is running (Up) or stopped
(Down) for the server.
9. (Optional) Click the View Log link to view the service log you want in the Services
10.(Optional, for servers in Default server groups only) Click the Change OS Image
Assignment link to open the Assign OS Images For Server page (for details on
changing an OS Image assignment, refer to "Assigning OS Images for a Server").
11. (Optional, for servers in Default server groups only) Click a Name link in the OS
Images Streamed By area to edit the OS Image associated with the server (for details
on editing an OS Image, refer to "Editing OS Images").

Wyse WSM helps you avoid making changes to OS Images that are currently
in use by others. In some cases where you want to modify an OS Image (but
receive a message that you are unable to modify an OS Image at this time)
and you know that no one else is using it, clicking the Release Lock link in
the OS Image Details page allows you to reset the lock on the OS Image and
make the modifications you want.

12.(Optional, for servers in Default server groups only) Click the Change Application
Image Assignment link to open the Assign Application Images For Server page (for
details on changing an Application Image assignment, refer to "Assigning Application
Images for a Server").
13.(Optional, for servers in Default server groups only) Click a Name link in the Application
Images Streamed By area to edit the Application Images associated with the server
(for details on editing an Application Image, refer to "Editing Application Images").
14.(Optional, for servers in Default server groups only) Click the View Log link to view the
Application Image log you want in the Application Images Streamed By area.
15.After editing the Server settings, click Save Changes. The server is modified and can
be viewed in the list of available servers on the Servers page.

Managing Services for a Server

While editing a server, you can quickly access and manage a Service for a server by
clicking a Service Name link in the Services area.

You can also use the Start All link (to start all of the services) or Stop All link
(to stop all of the services) in the Services area.
42 Chapter 5

Figure 32 Service Details page

The Service Details page shows you the Service Type, Server, Port, and Status of the
Service you selected. Depending on the Service you selected, you may be allowed to
modify the Port that the Service uses. However, in all Service cases you will be able to use
the Start link (to start the service) or Stop link (to stop the service), and the View Log link
(to view the log for the service). After you complete your modifications on the Service
Details page, be sure to click Save Changes. The Service is then modified and can be
viewed in the list of Services on the Server Details page.

If your DHCP Server and DHCP Proxy Service are running on the same
machine, be sure to select the 4011 Port option.

Assigning OS Images for a Server

While editing a server in the Default server group, you can assign it an OS Image by
clicking the Change OS Image Assignment link.

Figure 33 Assign OS Images For Server page

To assign an OS Image for a server:

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the server in the All OS Images list.
2. Use Add to move the OS Image to the Assigned OS Images list.
Server Groups 43

You can use Add and Remove to move as many OS Images as you want to
(and from) the Assigned OS Images list (removing an OS Image in the
Administrator Console does not remove the OS Image from the Edge Server
Streaming Directory; it is when you un-assign an OS Image from an Edge
Server, that the OS Image is removed from the Edge Server Streaming

3. Click Done to return to the Server Details page.

If you have installed and are editing an Edge Server, you must also complete
the following:
On the server details page of the Edge Server, click the To be Scheduled
link in the Status column to open the Schedule Content page, select the date
and time you want the server to start the content distribution, and then click
Schedule (until the time the OS Image is copied to Edge Server, the Status
will be displayed as Copy in Progress on the Edge Server Details page). Until
the content become available on the Edge server, the content will not be
available to Users (completion of the process will show a Status of Ready on
the Edge Server Details page).

Figure 34 Schedule Content page - assign an OS Image for a server

44 Chapter 5

Assigning Application Images for a Server

While editing a server in the Default server group, you can assign it an Application Image r
by clicking the Change Application Image Assignment link.

Figure 35 Assign Application Images For Server page

To assign an Application Image for a server:

1. Select the Application Image you want to assign to the server in the All Application
Images list.
2. Use Add to move the Application Image to the Assigned Application Images list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many Application Images as you
want to (and from) the Assigned Application Images list (removing an
Application Image in the Administrator Console does not remove the
Application Image from the Edge Server Streaming Directory).

3. Click Done to return to the Server Details page.

If you have installed and are editing an Edge Server, you must also complete
the following:
On the server details page of the Edge Server, click the To be Scheduled
link in the Status column to open the Schedule Content page, select the date
and time you want the Application Image to become available, and then click
Schedule (until the time the Application Image is copied to Edge Server, the
Status will be displayed as Copy in Progress on the Edge Server Details
page). Until the content become available on the Edge server, the content
will not be available to Users (completion of the process will show a Status of
Ready on the Edge Server Details page).
Server Groups 45

Figure 36 Schedule Content page - assign an Application Image for a server

6 Device Groups
This chapter describes how to perform routine device management tasks on the Wyse
WSM system. It explains how to manage and create device groups. This chapter also
provides information on managing devices, both with and without Active Directory

Managing Device Groups

Device groups allow you to easily group and manage devices with similar attributes from a
single place, the Device Groups page.

Device Groups Page

Clicking the Device Groups link from any functional area main page opens the Device
Groups page. This page allows you to view and manage Device Groups. It also allows you
to easily display the Device Groups you want by using the filtering feature.

Figure 37 Device Groups page

The Device Groups page lists all Device Groups. You can filter the list with the following
• Name Contains - Name of a Device Group (use only letters, numbers, dashes,
spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• Server Group - Name of the Server Group that is assigned to Device Group. Use the
Server Group Select link to select the Server Group
48 Chapter 6

• OS Image - Name of the OS Image that is assigned to Device Group. Use the OS
Image Select link to select the OS Image.
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the User Groups page:
• Click on Add Device Group Link to open the Add Device Group Wizard (for details on
adding a Device Group, refer to “Adding a Device Group”).
• Click on All Devices to view all devices within WSM by clicking on All Devices link.
• Delete Device Group(s) by selecting the check box next to the name of the Device
Group you want in the Device Groups area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as
needed to help you select all Device Groups except for default), clicking Delete
Selected, and then confirming the deletion. The Device Group is deleted and is no
longer shown on the Device Groups page. You cannot delete the Default device group.

Deleting a Device Group moves the devices in the group to the Default
device group. It also clears the image assignment from devices that belong
to the device group being deleted. Deleting a Device Group is irreversible.

Understanding the Default and User-Created Device Groups

WSM provides two types of device groups called Default and user-created. The Default
device group is created automatically. Administrators can create user-created device

Default Device Group

Wyse WSM creates the Default device group during installation or during an upgrade to
version 2.2 (in an upgrade, all existing devices are moved to the Default device group).
There is only one Default device group. Its purpose is to store devices until, if necessary,
they are assigned to a user-created device group. You can move devices in and out of the
Default device group as they are needed in user-created device groups.
Unlike user-created device groups, devices in the Default device group do not have to
share common attributes such as connection type, device class, and OS Image.
You cannot delete or modify the Default device group. The Default device group is
automatically assigned to the Default server group.
Devices and device templates in the Default device group cannot boot in Load Balanced
mode. These devices need to update their attributes, including their image assignments,
on their respective pages.

User-Created Device Groups

Administrators create user-created device groups. All devices in this kind of device group
share these properties:
• Connection Type
• Device Class
• Server Group
• OS Image
Device Groups 49

By default, Load Balanced is the boot selection mode for devices in a user-created device
group. In Load Balanced boot mode, the system notes which server in a server group is
least loaded and assigns that server group to a particular device in the device group. For
more information about Load Balancing, see "Load Balancing."
Devices and device templates in user-created device groups cannot update their
attributes, including image assignments, on their respective pages. Because these
attributes are shared among all devices in the same device group, they can only be
changed on the Device Group Details page.

Adding a Device Group

Wyse WSM Administrators can add a user-created device group starting on the Device
Group page. As part of creating a user-created device group, you can select devices, a
server group, and an OS Image for the device group.
On the Device Groups page, click the Add Device Group link to open the Add Device
Group window.

Step 1: Adding a Device Group

Figure 38 Add Device Group

1. Enter or select a Name, Description, Device Class, and Connection Type. If you
select Mobile from the Connection Type menu, you are asked to select a Force
Provision option (either Enabled or Disabled).
2. Click Next.
50 Chapter 6

Step 2: Assigning a Server Group

Figure 39 Assign Server Group

Which type of device group you assign determines which choices you make next:
• User-created device group – Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group.
Moreover, the device is assigned the device class and connection type of the device
group. Click Finish. You go to the Device Group Details page.
• Default device group – Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page (see Step 3).

Step 3: Assigning an OS Image (Default device group only)

Figure 40 Assign an OS Image

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the Default device group.
2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page.
Device Groups 51

Step 4: Selecting a Server to Stream the OS Image (Default device group only)
1. Select a server on the list. The list contains servers from the Default server group that
can stream the OS Image you selected in Step 3.
2. Click Finish.

Deleting a Device Group

You can delete device group starting on the Device Groups page. Deleting a device group
moves the devices in the group to Default device group. It also clears the Image
assignment from devices that belong to device group being deleted.
To delete a device group, select it on the Device Groups page and click Delete Selected.

Editing and Managing Device Groups

To edit a user-created device group (you cannot edit the Default device group), click the
name of device group you want on the Device Groups page (the Device Groups page lists
the Default device group and all user-created device groups) to open and use the Device
Group Details page.

Figure 41 Device Group Details page

52 Chapter 6

The Device Group Details page allows the following options:

• Name – Change the name of the device group.
• Description – Enter a description of the device group.
• Device Class – Select a device class.
• Connection Type – Select Network or Mobile Disconnected (if you select Mobile
Disconnected, select a Force Provision option - either Enabled or Disabled).
• Server Group – Select a different server group. Be aware that selecting this option
clears previous image assignment for all the devices in device group.
• Image Name – Select a different OS Image. Changing the OS Image invalidates the
previous image assignment and assigns a new image.
Click Save Changes after you change any of these options to update your device group.

Reassigning Devices to a Different Device Group

To assign devices in a device group to a different device group, open the device group’s
Device Group Details page and click Change Device Assignment. The Change Device
Assignment window opens. It lists devices that belong to the device group you selected.

Step 1: Selecting Devices

Figure 42 Select Devices

1. In the All Devices from Group list, select the devices you want to reassign to a different
device group.
2. Click Add to move the devices to the Selected Devices list.
3. Click Next to open the Select a Device Group page.
Device Groups 53

Step 2: Selecting a Device Group

Figure 43 Select Device Group

Which type of device group you assign determines which choices you make next:
• User-created device group – Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group.
Moreover, the device is assigned the device class and connection type of the device
group. Click Finish. You go to the Device Group Details page.
• Default device group – Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page.

Step 3: Assigning an OS Image (Default device group only)

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the Default device group.
2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page.

Step 4: Selecting a Server to Stream the OS Image (Default device group only)
1. Select a server on the list. The list contains servers from the Default server group that
can stream the OS Image you selected in Step 3.
2. Click Finish.

Sending a Command to Devices in a Device Group

Wyse WSM administrators can send commands (and schedule commands to be sent) to
selected devices. The commands are Reboot, Shut down, and Wake on LAN. Follow
these steps to send a command to the devices in a device group:
1. On the Device Group Details page, select the device groups to which you want to send
a command.
2. Click Send Command to open the Send Device Command page.
54 Chapter 6

Figure 44 Send Device Command page

3. Select the command (Reboot, Shut down, or Wake on LAN) you want to send to the
4. Send the command now or schedule the command to be sent later:
· Send the command now - Enter a Time Delay in seconds (the default is 300).
· Send the command later - Click the schedule link to open the Schedule Device
Command page. Then select a date, enter a time, and click Schedule.
5. Click Send Command.

To abort previously scheduled commands, select the devices with
commands you want to abort and click Abort Command. In the message
confirming the removal of the commands, click OK.

Managing Devices
With Wyse WSM you can easily add, edit, and delete devices by using the Devices page.

Depending on whether or not Active Directory is enabled, some procedures
may be different. For example, while adding a device with Active Directory
enabled, you must select an Active Directory Organizational Unit.

Devices Page
To open the Devices page, start on the Device Groups pages and click the All Devices
link. The Devices page allows you to view and manage network devices and mobile
devices. It also allows you to easily display the devices you want by using the filtering
feature. The names of network devices appear on the top half of the page; the names of
mobile devices appear on the bottom half.
Device Groups 55

Figure 45 Devices page

Use the following guidelines to perform tasks on the Devices page:

• Click the Add Device link to open the Add Network Device page (for details on adding
a device, refer to "Adding Network and Mobile Devices").
• Click the View / Edit Reference Device link to open the Device Details page for the
current Reference Device (for details on editing a Reference Device, refer to "Editing
• Click a Name link in the View Details area to edit the device (for details on editing a
device, refer to "Editing Devices").
• Select the devices to which you want to send supported commands and click Send
Command to open the Send Device Command page (for details on sending and
scheduling supported commands to selected devices, refer to "Sending Commands to
• Select the devices for which you want to abort previously scheduled commands, click
Abort Command to open a message confirming the removal of the commands, and
then click OK to abort the commands.
• Select multiple devices and click Configure Devices to edit many devices at once (for
details on editing Description, Device Class, and Boot Selection Mode configurations,
refer to "Editing Devices").
• Delete a device by selecting the check box next to the name of the device (you can use
Select All or Deselect All as needed to select all devices), clicking Delete Selected,
and then confirming the deletion. The device is deleted and is no longer shown in the
list of available devices on the Devices page. With Active Directory integration, deleting
a device also deletes the computer account of the device from Active Directory.

You can also delete a device by using the Delete this Device link on the
Device Details page.
56 Chapter 6

Adding Network and Mobile Devices

As the Wyse WSM Administrator, you can add devices to the WSM system and assign OS
images to those devices. After a device is added to WSM, the device can run operating
systems and activate applications from WSM.
An OS image can be provisioned to devices in two modes — Network or Mobile:
• In Network mode, the device must always have a LAN connection to the WSM server.
• In Mobile mode, the device can be disconnected from the server and still be
The OS image itself remains the same; it is not modified in any way. The Network/Mobile
modes apply to devices, not OS images. The same OS image can be used by Network
mode devices and Mobile mode devices simultaneously. By choosing a mode, you are
deciding how the device receives the OS image — over the network or cached to the local

You can only configure a device to run an existing OS image. For information
on creating an OS image, refer to "Adding OS Images."

To add a device to the system for use, you must add the device, assign an OS Image to be
streamed to the device, and then select a streaming server to stream the OS Image.

Step 1: Adding a device

1. On the Devices page, click the Add Device link to open the Adding Network Device

Figure 46 Adding Network Device page

2. Enter the Name of the device for client support (use only letters, numbers, dashes,
spaces, the @ character, and periods).
3. (Optional) Enter a Description for the device.
4. Enter the MAC Address of the device.
Device Groups 57

5. Select the Device Class you want to assign to the device (for example, Wyse V00).
6. (For Active Directory integration only) Select the Active Directory Organizational Unit
(for example,
7. Select a Connection Type (either Network or Mobile Disconnected). If you select
Mobile Disconnected to add a mobile device, select a Force Provision option for the
· Disabled: In this type of provision, the user decides when to provision the mobile
device with an OS image. (To initiate the provisioning, the user can right-click the
WSM Client icon in the system tray and select Provision Disk.)
· Enabled: In this type of provision, the mobile device connects to the server
automatically each time it boots up. If a new or updated OS image is detected for
this device, the image is provisioned automatically to the mobile device.
8. Click Next to open the Assign OS Image page.

Provisioning does not start automatically when you add or configure a device
for Mobile mode. A device’s provisioning status is reflected on its Device
Details page.

Step 2: Assigning a device group

Figure 47 Assign a Device Group

Which type of device group you assign the device to determines whether you can make a
choice for an OS Image and streaming server for the device:
• User-created device group – Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group.
Moreover, the device is also assigned the device class and connection type of the
device group. Click Finish. You go to the Device Details page.
• Default device group – Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page.
58 Chapter 6

Step 3: Assigning an OS Image (Default device group only)

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the device.
2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page.

Step 4: Selecting a Server to Stream the OS Image (Default device group only)
1. Select a server on the list. The list contains servers from the Default server group that
can stream the OS Image you selected in Step 3.
2. Click Finish.

If you added a mobile device, do not use the device while the provisioning
process is being completed. A message box tells you when OS provisioning
is complete. Moreover, although the OS has been provisioned for Mobile
mode, users still need to provision the applications that will run on the mobile
device when their device is disconnected. To provision applications, the user
must reboot the device and log on to Windows. Applications will be
provisioned automatically. Users must not disconnect from the network or
use their devices for any purpose while applications are being provisioned.

Editing Devices
While editing a device, you can modify the settings of the device.

Editing a device instructions are for any device, including network devices,
mobile devices, and the Reference Device.

To edit device settings:

1. On the Devices page, click the Name link of the device you want to edit to open the
Device Details page.

You can select more than one device to configure at the same time by
selecting check boxes next to the names of the devices and clicking
Configure Devices.
Device Groups 59

Figure 48 Device Details page

2. Enter the Name of the device.

3. (Optional) Enter a Description for the device.
4. Select the MAC address of the device.

The IP Address and Reference Device of the device are shown.

5. Select the Device Class you want to assign to the device (this option is only available
for devices assigned to the Default device group).
6. Select the Connection Type you want to assign to the device (either Network or
Mobile Disconnected). If you select Mobile Disconnected, also select a Force
Provision option (either Disabled or Enabled - this option is only available for devices
assigned to the Default device group.)
7. Select the Boot Selection Mode for the device (First Disk, First Available, or User
Select). (This option is only available for devices assigned to the Default device

First Disk (default) specifies that the device will always boot from the first
OS Image that is assigned to it.
First Available is the mode that is used for failover purposes. In this mode
you can specify the same OS Image on multiple servers and use that
specification as the assignment for two or more OS Images available. Thus,
the device will try and connect to the first server, and if the server is not
available, the device will try and connect to the remaining assigned servers
as specified.
User Select is the mode that allows users to specify from which OS Image
60 Chapter 6

the device should boot. A menu is displayed for the user when the device
boots, allowing the user to specify the OS Image and server combination.

(For Active Directory integration only) The Active Directory Organizational
Unit is shown (for example,

8. Depending on whether or not you want to schedule a device command, select or clear
the Schedule Device Command check box (for more information on scheduling a
device command, refer to "Sending Commands to Devices").
9. View the Status of the device shown as one of the following:
• Authenticated - WSM Server has authenticated the device and identified the
operating system image assigned to it.
• Boot Aborted - Boot process has aborted for some reason (such as a network
connection failure between the device and WSM Server, no VDisk is available,
insufficient resource at the WSM server to process the device request, or a timeout
is reached on waiting for user input from the device).
• Booting - Device is booting up and trying to connect to the WSM Server for
authentication (new device or existing device).
• Disconnected - WSM Server is not receiving heartbeats from the device beyond
the Device Heartbeat Timeout as defined in the Systems Setting page. The
resources held by the device are released and the device can be treated as down.
The device can reconnect to the WSM server later without reboot provided that the
VDisk image associated to the device has not been changed.
• Down - Device has been shut down. The shutdown process can be initiated by a
WSM administrator from the administrator UI or the user of the device. Down
indicates a clean shutdown.
• No Response - Device is not sending heartbeats to the WSM Server indicating a
forced shutdown, power failure, or network connection failure.
• Reconnect aborted - Reconnection attempts have failed. The device is not
functional until a successful reboot.
• Reconnecting - Device is trying to reconnect to the WSM Server after a connection
• Starting OS - WSM Server has transferred control to the Operating System for the
device and Operating System is starting up.
• Up - Device is up and sending heartbeats to the WSM Server.
10.(Optional) Click the Add a New Device link to open the Add Device page (for details
on adding a new device, refer to "Adding Network and Mobile Devices").
11. (Optional) Click the Delete this Device link to delete the device.
12.(Optional) Click the Make this a Reference Device link to make the device the
Reference Device.

The Make this a Reference Device link does not appear if the device you
are editing is currently designated as the Reference Device.
A Reference Device is used as a default device when updating an OS Image,
as described in "Updating an OS Image."
Device Groups 61

13.(Optional, devices in the Default device group only) Click the Remove OS Image link
in the Assigned Operating System Images area for the OS Image you want to remove
from the device.

In order to prevent any loss of work for the end user, the ability to remove an
OS Image (the Remove OS Image link) is not available for any OS Image
that is currently being used by a device. If an OS Image assignment needs to
be changed immediately for a device in this case, you must shut down the
device to make the Remove OS Image link available for use to remove the
OS image assignment, and then use the Add OS Image link to add a new
OS image assignment to the device. If you want to change an OS Image
assignment for the next device boot (no immediate change needed), then
you can use the Update OS Image link and follow the procedures in
"Updating an OS Image Assignment for a Device."

14.(Optional, devices in the Default device group only) Click the Add OS Image link in the
Assigned Operating System Images area and select the OS Image you want to assign
to the device (for details on adding an OS Image, refer to "Adding an OS Image for a
15.(Optional, devices in the Default device group only) Click the Update OS Image link in
the Assigned Operating System Images area for the OS Image you want to update for
the device (for details on updating an OS Image, refer to "Updating an OS Image
Assignment for a Device").
16.(Optional, devices in the Default device group only) Click the Reset Device State link
in the Assigned Operating System Images area for the OS Image and OS Server
association you want to clear the Write Cache for the device (to clear all Write Caches
associated with the device be sure to click each Reset Device State link that appears).

You cannot successfully use the Reset Device State link if the OS Image
and OS Server combination is currently being used (a currently being used
message appears at the top of the Network Device Details page). In such a
case, you must first shut down the device, and then use the Reset Device
State link.

Using the Reset Device State link will cause all changes made to the OS
Image by this device to be lost.

17.After you have completed setting the device configurations, click Save Changes. The
device is modified and can be viewed in the list of available devices on the Devices
62 Chapter 6

Reassigning a Device to a Different Device Group

To reassign a device to a different device group, click the name of the device on the
Devices page. The Device Details page opens. Click the Change Device Group link and
follow the steps in the window that appears.

Step 1: Selecting a device group

Which type of device group you assign determines whether you can make a choice for an
OS Image and streaming server for the device:
• User-created device group – Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group.
Moreover, the device is also assigned the device class and connection type of the
device group. Click Finish. You go to the Device Details page.
• Default device group – Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page.

Step 2: Assigning an OS Image to be streamed to this device

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the device.
2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page

Step 3: Selecting a server to stream the OS Image (Default device group only)
1. Select a server on the list. The list contains servers from the Default server group that
can stream the OS Image you selected in Step 3.
2. Click Finish. You go to the Device Details page.

Adding an OS Image for a Device

While editing a device on the Device Details page, you can add an OS Image for a device
if the device you are working with is in the Default device group. To add an OS Image,
click the Add OS Image link.

Only one OS image can be added for a mobile device.

Figure 49 Select an OS Image page - Add OS Image

Device Groups 63

To add an OS Image for a device:

1. Select the OS Image you want and click Next.

Figure 50 Select a Streaming Server page - Add OS Image - Network Device

2. Select the Streaming Server you want to assign to the device.

3. Click Finish to return to the Device Details page.

Updating an OS Image Assignment for a Device

While editing a device, you can update an OS Image assignment for a device if the device
you are working with is in the Default device group. To update an OS Image assignment,
click the Update OS Image link.

Figure 51 Select an OS Image page - Change OS Image

To update an OS Image for a device:

1. Select the OS Image you want and click Next.
64 Chapter 6

Figure 52 Select a Streaming Server page - Change OS Image

2. Select the Streaming Server you want to assign to the device.

3. Click Finish to return to the Device Details page (when the device reboots, the new OS
Image assignment will take effect).

Sending Commands to Devices

As the Wyse WSM Administrator you can send (and schedule) supported commands
(Reboot, Shut down, and Wake on LAN) to selected devices by using Send Command
on the Devices page or by using the Schedule Device Command check box on the
Device Details page.

Figure 53 Send Device Command page

To send a command to selected devices:

1. Select the command (Reboot, Shut down, and Wake on LAN) to be issued for the
devices you selected on the Devices page.
2. Complete one of the following:
• To send the command now, enter a Time Delay in seconds (default is 300).
• To send the command later, click the schedule link to open the Schedule Device
Command page (select the date, enter a time, and click Schedule).
Device Groups 65

Figure 54 Schedule Device Command page

You can clear the schedule for the command you just scheduled by clicking
the now link in the Send Device Command page.

3. Click Send Command to send the command (according to your Time Delay or
schedule) and return to the Devices page.

You can remove previously scheduled commands by going to the Devices
page, selecting the devices, clicking Abort Command to open a
confirmation message, and then clicking OK.
7 User Groups
This chapter describes how to perform routine User Group management tasks on the
Wyse WSM system. It provides information on managing User Groups, both with and
without Active Directory integration.

About Active Directory Integration

You will manage User Groups differently depending on whether or not Wyse WSM is
integrated with Active Directory. For example, if Wyse WSM is integrated with Active
Directory, then User Groups are created in Active Directory rather than in Wyse WSM.
Although you can add, edit, and delete User Groups with or without Active Directory
integration, you can review general information on managing User Groups with Active
Directory integration (including guidelines and requirements) in "Managing User Groups
and Members with Active Directory Integration."

Managing User Groups and Members

With Wyse WSM you can easily view User Groups and their members, add new User
Groups, add new members to User Groups, edit User Groups, edit User Group members,
delete User Groups, and delete User Group members.

Managing User Groups and Members with Active Directory Integration

If you are using Wyse WSM integrated with Active Directory, use the following guidelines
and requirements when managing User Groups:
• Wyse WSM integrates with Security Groups.
• Security Groups are flat in structure and unique across all organizational structures.
• Access to application licenses is granted through Security Groups. This model is based
on the Windows file sharing security model.
• To be included in Wyse WSM, User Groups must be marked in Active Directory.
• User Passwords are set and verified within Active Directory.
• User Groups cannot be deleted from the Active Directory using the Wyse WSM.
• You can add and delete User Groups in Wyse WSM. You can edit the OS Images,
Application Images, and Application Licenses associated with the User Group.
However, you cannot edit User Groups and other User Group settings from Wyse
• User group settings and modifications you make using Active Directory will
automatically update in Wyse WSM according to the settings you configure as
described in "Active Directory Configuration."
68 Chapter 7

User Groups Page

Clicking the User Groups link from any functional area main page opens the User Groups
page. This page allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM User Groups that are
available. It also allows you to easily display the User Groups you want by using the
filtering feature.

Figure 55 User Groups page

Although the User Groups page shows you all of the User Groups available on the Wyse
WSM system, you can use the following guidelines to view the User Groups you want:
• Name Contains - Name of a User Group (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces,
the @ character, and periods).
• Application - Name of the application to which the User Group is assigned. Use the
Application Select link to select the application you want.
• Status - Status of the User Group (all, Enabled, or Disabled).
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the User
Groups you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the User Groups page:
• (Without Active Directory Integration Only) Click the Add User Group link to open the
Add User Group page (for details on adding a User Group, refer to "Adding User
• (With Active Directory Integration Only) Click the Import a Groups from Active
Directory link to open the Import Group from Active Directory page (for details on
adding a User Group using this link, refer to "Adding User Groups with Active Directory
• Click a Name link in the Groups area to edit the User Group (for details on editing a
User Group, refer to "Editing User Groups").
• You can enable or disable a User Group by using the Enable or Disable link in the
Status list for the User Group.
• Delete a User Group by selecting the check box next to the name of the User Group
you want in the Groups area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to
help you select all User Groups), clicking Delete Selected, and then confirming the
deletion. The User Group is deleted and is no longer shown in the list of available User
Groups on the User Groups page.
User Groups 69

You can also delete a User Group by using the Delete this Group link on the
User Groups Details page.
After deleting a User Group, a User attempting to access a subscribed
application (or refreshing the list of available applications) will receive a
message informing the User that the subscription to the application is no
longer active.
If Wyse WSM is integrated with Active Directory, deleting a User Group by
using the Wyse WSM removes the User Group and Users of that group from
the Wyse WSM system only; it does not remove the User Group or Users of
that group from the Active Directory.

Adding User Groups

As the Wyse WSM Administrator you can add a User Group. Once a User Group is added,
you can then add members (Users) who can subscribe, activate, and run Wyse WSM
operating systems and applications for that User Group.

You can only add a member (User) to an existing User Group. If Wyse WSM
is integrated with Active Directory, members (Users) are automatically added
to the group according to your Active Directory settings.

For information on adding User Groups without Active Directory integration, refer to
"Adding User Groups without Active Directory Integration."
For information on adding User Groups with Active Directory integration, refer to "Adding
User Groups with Active Directory Integration."

Adding User Groups without Active Directory Integration

To add a User Group to the system for use, you must add the User Group, assign Users to
the User Group, and then assign Application Licenses to the User Group.

If no User exists in the system, "Step 2: Assigning Users," will not appear.
If no Application License exists in the system, "Step 3: Assigning Application
Licenses," will not appear.

Step 1: Adding a User Group

1. On the User Groups page, click the Add User Group link to open the Add User Group

Figure 56 Add User Group page

70 Chapter 7

2. Enter the Name of the User Group (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @
character, and periods).
3. Click Next to open the Assign Users page.

Step 2: Assigning Users

Figure 57 Assign Users page

1. Select the User you want to assign to the User Group in the All Users list.
2. Use Add to move the User to the Assigned Users list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many Users as you want to (and
from) the Assigned Users list.

3. Click Next to open the Assign Application Licenses page.

Step 3: Assigning Application Licenses

Figure 58 Assign Application Licenses page

1. Select the application license you want to assign to the User Group in the All
Application Licenses list.
User Groups 71

2. Use Add to move the application licenses to the Assigned Application Licenses list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many applications as you want to
(and from) the Assigned Application Licenses list.

3. Click Finish to return to the User Group Details page. The User Group is added to the
list of available User Groups on the User Groups page and can now subscribe,
activate, and run Wyse WSM operating systems and applications for that User Group.

Adding User Groups with Active Directory Integration

To add (import) User Groups using the Import a Group from Active Directory link:
1. On the User Groups page, click the Import a Group from Active Directory link to
open the Import Group from Active Directory page.

Figure 59 Import Group from Active Directory page

2. Select the User Groups you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter the group name you want in the Group Name Contains text box (use only
letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• Enter the LDAP Context Root.
• Enter the Max Results limit (zero to the limit of all Users in Active Directory).
• After entering your filter criteria, click Filter to view the results.
• Scroll through the list of User Groups and select the Group Names you want.
3. After selecting the User Groups you want, click Finish. The User Groups you selected
are added to the Wyse WSM Group Name list.

Users of these imported groups will automatically be added to the Wyse
WSM User Name list on the Users page.
72 Chapter 7

Editing User Groups

With Wyse WSM you can easily edit User Group settings, enable and disable a User
Group, as well as enable and disable a User Group member.
For information on editing User Groups without Active Directory integration, refer to
"Editing User Groups without Active Directory Integration."
For information on editing User Groups with Active Directory integration, refer to "Editing
User Groups with Active Directory Integration."

Editing User Groups without Active Directory Integration

To edit User Group settings:
1. On the User Groups page, click the Name of the User Group you want to edit to open
the User Groups Details page.

Figure 60 User Groups Details page - without Active Directory integration

2. Enter the Name of the User Group.

3. Select the Status of the User Group (Enabled or Disabled).
4. (Optional) Click the Add a New User Group link to open the Add Group page (for
details on adding a User Group, refer to "Adding User Groups without Active Directory
5. (Optional) Click the Delete this Group link to delete the User Group.
6. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Users Belonging To area to edit the User associated
with the User Group (for details on editing a User, refer to "Editing Users without Active
Directory Integration").
7. (Optional) Click the Change User Assignment link to open the Assign Users For
Group page (for details on changing a User assignment, refer to "Assigning Users for
User Groups without Active Directory Integration").
User Groups 73

8. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Application Licenses Assigned To area to edit the
Application License associated with the User Group (for details on editing an
application license, refer to "Editing Application Licenses").
9. (Optional) Click the Change Application License Assignment link to open the
Assign Application Licenses For Group page (for details on changing an application
license assignment, refer to "Assigning Application Licenses for User Groups").
10.After editing the User Group settings, click Save Changes. The User Group is
modified and can be viewed in the list of available User Groups on the User Groups

Assigning Users for User Groups without Active Directory Integration

While editing a User Group, you can assign a User for the User Group by clicking the
Change User Assignment link.

Figure 61 Assign Users For Group page

To assign a User for a User Group:

1. Select the User you want to assign to the User Group in the All Users list.
2. Click Add to move the User to the Assigned Users list.

You can click Add and Remove to move as many Users as you want to (and
from) the Assigned Users list.

3. Click Done to return to the User Groups Details page.

Editing User Groups with Active Directory Integration

If you are using Wyse WSM integrated with Active Directory, you can edit the operating
systems, application images, and application licenses associated with the group. In
addition, you can select the Status of a group (Enabled or Disabled) and delete a group
from Wyse WSM.
To edit User Groups:
1. On the User Groups page, click the Name of the User Group you want to edit to open
the User Groups Details page.
74 Chapter 7

Figure 62 User Groups Details page - with Active Directory integration

The Name of the User Group is shown.

2. Select the Status of the User Group (Enabled or Disabled).

3. (Optional) Click the link of the Domain name to open the Active Directory Domain
Details page (for details on editing a domain, refer to "Editing Domains").
4. (Optional) Click the Delete this Group link to delete the User Group.
5. (Optional) Click the Import a User Group from Active Directory link to open the
Import Groups from Active Directory page (for details on importing groups from the
domain, refer to "Importing Groups from a Domain").
6. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Users Belonging To area to view the User Details
7. (Optional) Click the Change Application License Assignment link to open the
Assign Application Licenses For Group page (for details on changing an application
assignment, refer to "Assigning Application Licenses for User Groups").
8. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Application Licenses Assigned To area to edit the
application license associated with the User Group (for details on editing an application
license, refer to "Editing Application Licenses").
9. After editing the User Group settings, click Save Changes.The User Group is modified
and can be viewed in the list of available User Groups on the User Groups page.

Assigning Application Licenses for User Groups

While editing a User Group, you can assign an application license for the User Group by
using the Change Application License Assignment link.
User Groups 75

Figure 63 Assign Application Licenses For Group page

To assign an Application License for a User Group:

1. Select the Application License you want to assign to the User Group in the All
Application Licenses list.
2. Use Add to move the Application License to the Assigned Application Licenses list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many Application Licenses as
you want to (and from) the Assigned Application Licenses list.

3. Click Done to return to the User Groups Details page.

8 Users
This chapter describes how to perform routine User management tasks on the Wyse
WSM system. It provides information on managing Users, both with and without Active
Directory integration.

About Active Directory Integration

You will manage Users differently depending on whether or not Wyse WSM is integrated
with Active Directory. If Wyse WSM is integrated with Active Directory then you must
manage the Users in Active Directory rather than in Wyse WSM.
For information on managing Users with Active Directory integration, refer to "Managing
Users with Active Directory Integration."
For information on managing Users without Active Directory integration, refer to
"Managing Users without Active Directory Integration."

Managing Users with Active Directory Integration

If you are using Wyse WSM integrated with Active Directory, use the following guidelines
and requirements when managing Users:
• Users must exist in Active Directory before they can exist in Wyse WSM.
• To be included in Wyse WSM, Users must be marked as active in Active Directory.
• User passwords are set and verified within Active Directory.
• Users cannot be deleted from the Active Directory using the Wyse WSM.
• Users are deleted from the Wyse WSM system when you delete the User Group to
which those Users belong.
• You can filter and view Users in the Users page. You can click on a Name link to view
User details (User Details page). However, you cannot edit Users and User settings
from Wyse WSM.

On the User Details page, you can also click the link of the Domain name to
open the Active Directory Domain Details page (for details on editing a
domain, refer to "Editing Domains").

• User settings and modifications you make using Active Directory will automatically
update in Wyse WSM according to the settings you configure as described in "Active
Directory Configuration."
78 Chapter 8

Figure 64 Users page - with Active Directory

Although the Users page shows you all of the Users available on the Wyse WSM system,
you can use the following guidelines to view the Users you want:
• Name Contains - Name of a User (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @
character, and periods).
• Status - Status of the User (all, Enabled, or Disabled).
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the Users
you want, and begin performing your tasks.

Managing Users without Active Directory Integration

With Wyse WSM you can easily view Users, add new Users, edit Users, delete Users, and
view User usage.

Users Page without Active Directory Integration

Clicking the Users link from any functional area main page opens the User page. This
page allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM Users that are available. It also
allows you to easily display the Users you want by using the filtering feature.
Users 79

Figure 65 Users page - without Active Directory integration

Although the Users page shows you all of the Users available on the Wyse WSM system,
you can use the following guidelines to view the Users you want:
• Name Contains - Name of a User (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @
character, and periods).
• Status - Status of the User (all, Enabled, or Disabled).
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the Users
you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the Users page:
• Click the Add User link to open the Add User page (for details on adding a User, refer
to "Adding Users without Active Directory Integration").
• Click a Name link in the Users area to edit the User (for details on editing a User, refer
to "Editing Users without Active Directory Integration").
• Enable or disable a User by using the Enable or Disable link in the Status list.
• Delete a User by selecting the check box next to the name of the User you want in the
Users area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to help you select all
Users), clicking Delete Selected, and then confirming the deletion. The User is deleted
and is no longer shown in the list of available Users on the Users page.

You can also delete a User by using the Delete this User link on the User
Details page.

Adding Users without Active Directory Integration

As the Wyse WSM Administrator you can add a User (or an Administrator with
administrator rights) to a User Group. After a User is added to a User Group, the User can
subscribe, activate, and run Wyse WSM applications.

You can only add a User to an existing User Group. For information on
creating a User Group, refer to "Adding User Groups."

To add a User to the system for use, you must add the User, and then assign the User to a
User Group.
80 Chapter 8

If no User Group exists in the system, then "Step 2: Assigning to a Group,"
will not be included and the User Status will be Disabled.

Step 1: Adding a User

1. On the Users page, click the Add Users link to open the Add User page.

Figure 66 Add Users page

2. Enter the User Name, Password, and password confirmation (Re-enter Password).
3. (Optional) Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email address of the User.
4. Click Next to open the Assign to a Group page.

Step 2: Assigning to a Group

Figure 67 Assign to a Group page

1. Select the User Group you want to assign to the User in the All Groups list.
2. Use Add to move the User Group to the Assigned Groups list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many User Groups as you want
to (and from) the Assigned Groups list.

3. Click Finish to return to the Users Details page. The User is added to the list of
available Users on the User page and can now subscribe, activate, and run Wyse
Users 81

WSM operating systems and applications for the User Groups to which you have
assigned that User.

Editing Users without Active Directory Integration

With Wyse WSM you can easily edit User settings as well as enable and disable a User in
the system.
To edit User settings:
1. On the Users page, click the Name of the User you want to edit to open the Users
Details page.

Figure 68 Users Details page - without Active Directory integration

2. Enter the User Name.

3. (Optional) Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email address of the User.
4. Select the Status of the User (Enabled or Disabled).
5. (Optional) Click the Add a New User link to open the Add User page (for details on
adding a User, refer to "Adding Users without Active Directory Integration").
6. (Optional) Click the Change Password link to open the System Settings Change
Password page (for details on changing a User password, refer to "Changing User
Passwords without Active Directory Integration").
7. (Optional) Click the Delete this User link to delete the User.
8. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Users Belonging To These Groups area to edit the
User Groups associated with the User (for details on editing a User Group, refer to
"Editing User Groups without Active Directory Integration").
9. (Optional) Click the Show or Hide link for a User in the Applications list to show or hide
the Application Licenses associated with the User. If you show the Application
Licenses of a User, you can then click on the link for an Application License to open the
82 Chapter 8

Application License Details page (for details on editing an Application License, refer to
"Editing Application Licenses").
10.(Optional) Click the Change Group Assignment link to open the Assign User Groups
For User page (for details on changing an OS Image assignment, refer to "Assigning
User Groups for a User without Active Directory Integration").
11. After editing the User settings, click Save Changes. The User is modified and can be
viewed in the list of available Users on the Users page.

Changing User Passwords without Active Directory Integration

While editing a User, you can change a User password by using the Change Password

Figure 69 Change Password For User page

To change a User password:

1. Enter the New Password.
2. Enter the password again in the Re-enter Password text box.
3. Click Update Password.

Assigning User Groups for a User without Active Directory

While editing a User, you can assign a User Group for the User by using the Change
Group Assignment link.

Figure 70 Assign Groups For User page

To assign a User Group for a User:

Users 83

1. Select the User Group you want to assign to the User in the All Groups list.
2. Use Add to move the User Group to the Assigned Groups list.

You can use Add and Remove to move as many User Groups as you want
to (and from) the Assigned Groups list.

3. Click Done to return to the Users Details page.

9 System Settings
This chapter provides information to help you configure the system settings of the Wyse
WSM. It describes how to manage your Administrator Password, OS Classes, Device
Templates, Device Classes, Server License, Active Directory configuration, Database
configuration, and device imports.

Managing System Settings

With Wyse WSM you can easily view and edit the system settings, including your
Administrator Password, OS Classes, Device Templates, Device Classes, Server License,
Active Directory configuration, Database configuration, and device imports.

System Settings Page

Clicking the System Settings link on any functional area main page opens the System
Settings page. This page allows you to view and manage the Wyse WSM system settings
that are available.

Figure 71 System Settings page

86 Chapter 9

To configure the system settings, use the following guidelines:

• Select the Log Level for Log Files (Error, Warning, Info, Notify, Verbose, or
Debug). The log level is a system-wide setting that determines the lowest level of
messages to be logged in all log files for services and applications. If set to Error, only
error messages will be logged; if set to Debug all messages (Error, Info, and Debug)
will be logged.

This setting will not take effect until the service (that is logging) is restarted.

• Enter the Log File size Limit (in kilobytes) up to a maximum of 5120 KB.

This setting will not take effect until the service (that is logging) is restarted. If
the log exceeds the maximum limit, then a .bak file is created.

• Enter the Connection Timeout for Synchronizing OS Image Properties (in

seconds; default is 10 seconds). When changing OS image property information (such
as mode) on the OS Image Details page, a connection is established with each
streaming server hosting the same OS image to synchronize the changes.
• Use Alias for OU - Displays the alias name of the organization unit, not the full name.
• Licensing Model - The Fixed option limits the number of devices that you can add to
WSM. Concurrent limits the number of devices that can be up and operating at a
certain time.
• Enter the Connection Timeout for Adding a Virtual Center (in seconds; default is 30
seconds). When adding a Virtual Center, WSM tries to establish a connection to the
Virtual Center to validate the input data. If the connection details are incorrect, it takes
a long time for the HTTP connection to time out. This field allows the administrator to
set a time-out value in addition to the HTTP connection time-out value so that the UI
does not remain in waiting mode for a long time
• Select a Perform OS Image Synchronization option (either Synchronously or
Asynchronously). Synchronization of OS Image property changes can happen either
synchronously or asynchronously upon submitting the form on the OS Image Details

If there are many streaming servers upon which synchronization must occur,
it is recommended that this option be set to Asynchronously.

• Depending on whether or not you want to enable the OS Image Synchronization

Daemon, select or clear the Enable OS Image Synchronization Daemon check box.
If you enable the OS Image Synchronization Daemon, enter the Retry Failed OS
Image Synchronization Every (in seconds; default is 60 seconds).

If synchronization of OS Image property changes fails on a streaming server
for any reason, a daemon thread (if enabled) will retry the synchronization for
a specified interval until successful.
System Settings 87

• Depending on whether or not you want to enable the DHCP Proxy Service, select or
clear the Enable DHCP Proxy Service check box. If checked, the DHCP Proxy
Service will be enabled and managed by the WSM Admin Service. If checked, be sure
to shut down other DHCP Proxy Services that may be running on all the core and edge

After enabling the DHCP Proxy Service, you must restart the Admin Service
on each WSM Server (both core and edge servers). The Admin Service
starts the DHCP thread during start-up if the appropriate flags are set in the
WSM database.
In addition, note that the enabled DHCP Proxy Service will appear in the
Services list on the Server Details page where you can start and stop the
service as described in "Editing Servers." However, you cannot view a
separate log file for the DHCP Proxy Service as logs for this service are
integrated with the other service logs listed on the Server Details page.

• Depending on whether or not you want to enable the TFTP Service, select or clear the
Enable TFTP Service check box. If checked, the TFTP Service will be enabled and
managed by the WSM Admin Service. If checked, be sure to shut down other TFTP
Services that may be running on all the core and edge servers.

After enabling the TFTP Service, you must restart the Admin Service on each
WSM Server (both core and edge servers). The Admin Service starts the
TFTP thread during start-up if the appropriate flags are set in the WSM
In addition, note that the enabled TFTP Service will appear in the Services
list on the Server Details page where you can start and stop the service as
described in "Editing Servers." However, you cannot view a separate log file
for the TFTP Service as logs for this service are integrated with the other
service logs listed on the Server Details page.

• Enter the DeviceHeartbeat Interval (in seconds; default is 30 seconds). A client

device that is up and running periodically informs its status to the server via a
heartbeat. This heartbeat interval defines the number of seconds between two
heartbeats sent by the device.
• Enter the DeviceHeartbeat Timeout (in minutes; default is 30 seconds). If the server
does not receive a heartbeat within this allowed time limit, it will treat the client as down
and release resources held by the client. Note: If the client device later attempts to
reconnect to the server and the resources are still available, the reconnect request will
be granted and the client device will resume processing from where it was interrupted.
• Enter the Device Boot Timeout (in minutes; default is 5 seconds). If a client device
does not complete boot-up processing within this time limit, it is marked as down and
its resources are released. Note: If the device is still actively booting up, and if it is far
enough along in the initialization process, it may re-establish communications with the
server and complete its boot process.
88 Chapter 9

• Select the Core Server Configuration that will be designated as the WSM Core Server.
There is only one server designated as the core server in a WSM system. The core
server is the server that has file access to the Image Repository. This repository is
used for content distribution and to add images to the system.

Extreme caution must be used when changing the designated WSM Core
Server, as you must ensure that the Master Repository information is also
located on the selected Core Server machine.

• Use Reset to clear any changes you made (before clicking Update System Settings).
• After you have finished configuring the settings, be sure to click Update System
Settings to save your settings.
Quick-Links on the System Settings page include:
• Change Admin Password - Allows you to change your Administrator password. This
link is also located on the Overview page (see "Changing Your Administrator
• Manage OS Classes - Allows you to add, edit, and delete OS Classes (see "Managing
Operating Systems").
• Manage Device Classes - Allows you to add, edit, and delete Device Classes (see
"Managing Devices").
• Manage Device Templates - Allows you to view and manage the available WSM
templates (see “Managing Device Templates”).
• Server License - Allows you to view and add a Server License for the Wyse WSM
system (see "Importing Server Licenses").
• Active Directory Configuration - Allows you to enable or disable the Active Directory
(see "Active Directory Configuration").
• Database Configuration - Allows you to access and edit the database configuration of
a Core Server or Edge Server (see "Database Configuration").
• Move Server - Allows you to move a WSM server from one WSM installation to
another. (see "Moving Servers").
• Rename SQL Server - Allows you to rename an SQL Server Metadata name so that it
is consistent with the name of the host it is running on. (see "Renaming an SQL
• Virtual Center Configuration - Allows you to create virtual machines by using the
Wyse WSM in conjunction with VMWare Virtual Center software (see "Managing
Virtual Centers").
• Import Devices from File - Allows you to import devices into the system from a file
(see "Importing Devices from a File").
System Settings 89

Importing Server Licenses

After initially logging in and importing a Server License after the installation of Wyse WSM
(refer to the procedures in the Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM), you can view the Server
License information and import a new Server License by clicking the Server License link
and using the Server License page.

Figure 72 Server License page

To import a Server License, click Browse to find and select the license.txt file that
was provided to you by Wyse, and then click Import Server License to import the license
and view the valid dates of the license.

Active Directory Configuration

Wyse WSM can be integrated with an Active Directory server for improved user and user
group management. With Wyse WSM you can enable or disable Active Directory use
within the Wyse WSM system by clicking the Active Directory Configuration link on the
System Settings page and using the Active Directory Configuration page.

To select or clear the Enable Active Directory check box, all Devices, Users,
and User Groups must be deleted from the Wyse WSM system.

Figure 73 Active Directory Configuration page

If you select the Enable Active Directory check box, the Active Directory
Configuration page expands.
90 Chapter 9

To configure Active Directory integration with Wyse WSM, use the following guidelines:
• Enter the Synchronizing Polling Frequency time (number of seconds between
synchronizing the members of user groups between the Active Directory and the Wyse
WSM database; the default is 600 seconds, however, you can turn off the feature by
setting the time to 0).
• Depending on whether or not you want to enable SSL, select or clear the Enable SSL
Connection check box (for information on using Active Directory integration with SSL,
refer to "About Using Active Directory Integration").

If you enable SSL, be sure to import a certificate to allow SSL connections to
be established with Active Directory as described in "Importing Certificates to
Allow SSL Connections with Active Directory."

• (Optional) Click the Active Directory Domains link to open the Active Directory
Domains page (for details on managing Active Directory Domains, refer to "Managing
Active Directory Domains").
• Use Reset to clear any changes you made (before clicking Update Active Directory
• After you have finished configuring the settings, be sure to click Update Active
Directory Settings to save your settings.

You can verify that the Active Directory integration is correctly configured
when you can successfully import groups and users from the Active

Database Configuration
During the installation and configuration of a Core Server or Edge Server installation,
database configuration settings are made through an installation wizard. After the Wyse
WSM system installation is complete, you can then edit the database configurations by
using the Database Configuration page.

Changing configuration parameters from the Database Configuration page
will attempt to change database configuration for all active WSM servers in
your system.

For information on the initial installation and configuration settings of a
database, refer to the procedures in the Installation Guide: Wyse WSMTM..
System Settings 91

Figure 74 Database Configuration page

To edit database configurations:

When editing the database configuration of an existing WSM Core Server, all
of the WSM related services (except for the WSM Administration Service) in
the Core Server as well as in an Edge Server must first be stopped. For
information on stopping services from within the Administrator Console, refer
to "Managing Services for a Server."

1. Enter the Server (default is localhost).

2. Enter the Database Name (default is StreamingDB).
3. Enter the User Name (default is wsmdb).
4. Enter the Password (default is wsmdb; or wsmdb@123 for upgraded WSM versions).
5. After you have finished configuring the settings, be sure to click Change DB
Configuration to save your settings.

Moving Servers
While on the System Settings page, you can click the Move Server link to open and use
the Move Server page to move a WSM server from one WSM installation to another.
Before you move a server be aware of the following guidelines and requirements:
• While you can move any WSM edge server from one WSM installation to another, you
can move the WSM core server from one installation to another only if the WSM core
server is the only server in the installation (that is you must move all existing edge
servers before you can move the core server).
• All WSM services on a WSM server that you are moving must be shut down before you
move the server.
• Both WSM installations involved in the server move (the installation you are moving a
WSM server from and the installation you are moving the WSM server to) must have
the same product version.
• To move one server to another server (for example an edge server to another core
server), both servers must have the same WSM product version.
• After the WSM server has been moved, it becomes an edge server of the WSM
installation to which it was moved.
• Registry entries for a moved WSM server are updated accordingly.
92 Chapter 9

• A server entry for the moved WSM server is created on the WSM installation WSMDB
to where the server is moved.
• The server entry for a moved WSM server is deleted on WSM installation WSDB from
where the server is moved. If a server cannot be deleted, a warning message is
provided so that an administrator can delete the server entry from the UI of the WSM
installation from where the WSM server is moved.
• After the WSM server has been moved, an administrator must either restart/stop the
SQL Server Service in the WSM installation from where the WSM server has been
moved or restart the Admin Service on the server where the move occurred (this is to
ensure that all the DB connections to the database are reset to the new connections).
Note that this is a manual step.
• After the WSM server has been moved, an administrator must restart all of the WSM
services on that server. Note that this is a manual step.

Figure 75 Move Server page

To move a server:
1. Select the IP address of the server you want to move in the Server to Move IP box.
2. Enter the IP address you want to move the server to in the Move to Server IP box.
3. Enter the username and password of the remote server (the server with the IP address
you entered in the Move to Server IP box).
4. Click Move Server.

Renaming an SQL Server

While on the System Settings page, you can click the Rename SQL Server link to open
and use the Rename SQL Server page to rename an SQL Server Metadata name so that
it is consistent with the name of the host it is running on.

Figure 76 Rename an SQL Server page

System Settings 93

Importing Devices from a File

You can import devices into Wyse WSM using the Import Devices from File link on the
System Settings page and using the Import Devices page. Wyse WSM requires that the
import file has a list of all MAC addresses of the devices present in this file. The
separators supported are comma, space, or end of line (that is, each MAC address of the
device is on a new line in the file). You can find the MAC ID of a Wyse thin client on a
sticker on the device (Wyse thin client MAC addresses start with 00 80 64). For MAC
addresses of other WSM supported devices, contact the manufacturer.

Be sure the Device Template you want to use exists in the system (see
"Adding Device Templates") before importing devices.

Figure 77 Import Devices page

To import devices from a file:

1. Select the device template you want to use (to set the attributes you want on devices
that are automatically added to the Wyse WSM system.
2. Enter the Device Import File (you can use Browse to find and select a file).

The Description, Device Class, and Boot Mode for the Device Template are

3. Click Import Devices to import the devices into the system. The devices are shown in
the list of available devices on the Devices page.
94 Chapter 9

Managing Device Templates

As the Wyse WSM Administrator, you can add a device template to an operating system.
After a device template is added to an operating system, the device template can be used
to set the attributes you want on devices that are automatically added (whether through
discovery or importing through files) to the Wyse WSM system.
For information on importing devices from a file, refer to "Importing Devices from a File."

You can only add a device template to an existing operating system. For
information on adding an operating system, refer to "Adding OS Images."

Adding Device Templates

To add a device template to the system for use, you must add the device template, assign
a device group to the template, assign an OS Image to be streamed to the device
template, and then select a server to stream the OS Image.

Step 1: Adding a Device Template

1. On the System Settings page, click the Manage Device Templates link to open the
Add Device Template page.
2. Click the Add Device Template link.

Figure 78 Add Device Template

3. Enter the Name of the Device Template for client support (use only letters, numbers,
dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
4. (Optional) Enter a Description for the device template.
5. Select the Device Class you want to assign to the device template (for example, Wyse
6. Select a Connection Type (either Network or Mobile Disconnected). If you select
Mobile Disconnected, you must select a Force Provision option.
7. Depending on whether or not you want to specify a subnet range, select or clear the
Specify a Subnet Range check box (if you enable Specify a Subnet Range, you
System Settings 95

must enter the Subnet Address and Subnet Mask). Be aware that you cannot have
two device templates with the same Subnet Address.

Only one device template without a subnet mask can be added to the WSM

8. (For Active Directory integration only) Select the Active Directory Organizational Unit
(for example, WSM1.COM/OU=Marketing Computers).
9. Click Next to open the Assign a Device Group page.

Step 2: Assigning a Device Group

Figure 79 Assigning a device group - Device Template

Which type of device group you assign determines whether you can make a choice for an
OS Image and streaming server for the device template:
• User-created device group - Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group
you selected. Click Finish. You go to the Device Template Details page.
• Default device group - Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page.

Step 3: Assigning an OS Image to be Streamed to this Device Template (Default device

group only)

Figure 80 Assign an OS Image page - Device Template

96 Chapter 9

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the device template.

2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page.

Step 4: Selecting a Server to Stream the OS Image - Device Template (Default device
group only)

Figure 81 Select Streaming Server page - Device Template

1. Select the Streaming Server you want to stream the OS Image.

2. Click Finish. The device template is added to the list of available device templates on
the Devices page and can now subscribe, activate, and run Wyse WSM operating
systems and applications.

Editing Device Templates

While editing a device template, you can modify the settings of the device template.
To edit device template settings, start on the System Settings page and click the Manage
Device Templates link. Then click the name of the device template you want to edit to
open the Device Template Details page.

Figure 82 Device Template Details page

System Settings 97

Some fields on the Device Template details page can be edited only if you
are working with a Default device group template.

Make your changes to the device template:

• Name - Enter the name of the device template.
• Description - (Optional) Enter a description of the device template.
• Device Class (Default device group templates only) - Select the device class you
want to assign to the device template (for example, Wyse V00).
• Connection Type (Default device group templates only) - Select a connection type
(Network or Mobile Disconnected).
• Boot Selection Mode (Default device group templates only) - Select First Disk,
First Available, or User Select.

First Disk (default) specifies that the device will always boot from the first
OS Image that is assigned to it.
First Available is the mode that is used for failover purposes. In this mode
you can specify the same OS Image on multiple servers and use that
specification as the assignment for two or more OS Images available. Thus,
the device will try and connect to the first server, and if the server is not
available, the device will try and connect to the remaining assigned servers
as specified.
User Select is the mode that allows users to specify from which OS Image
the device should boot. A menu is displayed for the user when the device
boots, allowing the user to specify the OS Image and server combination.

(For Active Directory integration only) The Active Directory Organizational
Unit is shown (for example,

• Image Name (user-created device group templates only) - List the name of the OS
• Specify a subnet range - If you want to specify a subnet range, select the Specify a
Subnet Range check box, and then enter the Subnet Address and Subnet Mask.
• Status - Select Enabled or Disabled. For a device template to be Enabled you must
assign an OS Image to it.
After you have completed setting the device template configurations, click Save Changes.
The device template is modified and can be viewed in the list of available device templates
on the Device Templates page.
98 Chapter 9

Choosing a Different Device Group for a Device Template

You can change the device group assignment for a device template. To do so, click the
name of the device template on the Device Templates page. The Device Template Details
page opens. Click the Change Device Group link.

Step 1: Selecting a Device Group

Figure 83 Select a device group - Device Template

Which type of device group you select determines whether you can make a choice for an
OS Image and streaming server for the device template:
• User-created device group - Select a user-created device group and click Next. The
device is assigned the OS Image and streaming server assigned to the device group
you selected. Click Finish. You go to the Device Template Details page.
• Default device group - Select the Default device group and click Next to open the
Assign an OS Image page.

Step 2: Assigning an OS Image to Be Streamed to this Device Template (Default device

group only)

Figure 84 Assign an OS Image page - Device Template

1. Select the OS Image you want to assign to the device template.

2. Click Next to open the Select Streaming Server page.
System Settings 99

Step 3: Selecting a Server to Stream the OS Image - Device Template (Default device
group only)

Figure 85 Select Streaming Server page - Device Template

1. Select the Streaming Server you want to stream the OS Image.

2. Click Finish. The device template is added to the list of available device templates on
the Devices Templates page.

Adding an OS Image for a Device Template

While editing a device template on the Device Template Details page, you can add an OS
Image for a device template by clicking the Add OS Image link.

Figure 86 Select an OS Image page - Device Template

To add an OS Image for a device template:

1. Select the OS Image you want and click Next.
100 Chapter 9

Figure 87 Select a Streaming Server page - Device Template

2. Select the Streaming Server you want to assign to the device template.
3. Click Finish to return to the Device Template Details page.

Managing Active Directory Domains

This section describes how to perform routine Active Directory Domains tasks on the
Wyse WSM system. It provides information on adding, editing, and deleting Active
Directory Domains by using the Active Directory Domains page.

Active Directory Domains Page

Clicking the Active Directory Domains link from the Active Directory Configuration page
(or the Domains link in the Category area of the Overview main page) opens the Active
Directory Domains page. This page allows you to view and manage the Active Directory
Domains that are managed by Wyse WSM. It also allows you to easily display the Active
Directory Domains you want by using the filtering feature.

Figure 88 Active Directory Domains page

System Settings 101

Although the Active Directory Domains page shows you all of the Domains managed by
the Wyse WSM system, you can use the following guidelines to view the domains you
• Name Contains - Name of a Domain (use only letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the
@ character, and periods).
• Status - Status of the Domain (all, Enabled, or Disabled).
After entering your criteria, click Filter to view the results. You can then select the
Domains you want, and begin performing your tasks.
Use the following guidelines to perform available tasks on the Active Directory Domains
• Click the Add Domain link to open the Add Domain page (for details on adding a
Domain, refer to "Adding Domains").
• Use the Import Certificate link to import a certificate to allow SSL connections to be
established with Active Directory (for details on importing a certificate, refer to
"Importing Certificates to Allow SSL Connections with Active Directory"). If you are
using Active Directory integration without SSL, you will not see the Import Certificate
link as it is not needed for this mode of operation.
• Click a Name link in the Domains area to edit the Domain (for details on editing a
domain, refer to "Editing Domains").
• Click the Enable or Disable links (in the Status list) for the domain you want, to enable
or disable a Domain.
• You can delete a domain by selecting the check box next to the name of the domain
you want in the Domains area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as needed to
help you select all domains), clicking Delete Selected. and then confirming the
deletion. You can also delete a domain by using the Delete this domain link on the
Active Directory Domain Details page. The domain is deleted and is no longer shown in
the list of available domains on the Active Directory Domains page.

Domains can be only deleted from a WSM Server if all of the groups
imported from that domain are deleted from the WSM system as described in
"User Groups Page."

• You can delete a certificate by selecting the check box next to the name of the
certificate you want in the Certificates area (you can use Select All or Deselect All as
needed to help you select all certificates), clicking Delete Selected. and then
confirming the deletion. The certificate is deleted and is no longer shown in the list of
available certificates on the Active Directory Domains page.
102 Chapter 9

Adding Domains
To add a Domain:
1. On the Active Directory Domains page, click the Add Domain link to open the Add
Domain page.

Figure 89 Add Domain page

2. Enter the Domain Name (use the full Domain Name; for example,
3. (Optional) Enter the DC Hostname or IP Address.
4. Enter the Active Directory User (be sure that this User is a member of the Account
Operators group).
5. Enter the Password.
6. (Optional) Select the Enable Kerberos Authentication to enable verification of a user
or host identity.
7. Select the Status (Enabled or Disabled).
8. Click Finish. The Domain is added to the list of available domains on the Active
Directory Domains page.
System Settings 103

Editing Domains
To edit a Domain:
1. On the Active Directory Domains page, click the Name link of the Domain you want to
edit to open the Active Directory Domain Details page.

Figure 90 Active Directory Domain Details page

2. Enter the Domain Name (use the full Domain Name; for example,
3. (Optional) Enter the DC Hostname or IP Address.
4. Enter the Active Directory User.
5. Enter the Password.

The connection status is shown.

6. (Optional) Select the Enable Kerberos Authentication to enable verification of a user

or host identity.
7. Select the Status (Enabled or Disabled).
8. Default OU (for new devices) is shown, however, you can click the Select link to open
the Select an Organization Unit dialog box and select the an OU from the list (be sure
to click Done to save your selection).
9. (Optional) Click the Add a new Domain link to open the Add Domain page (for details
on adding a Domain, refer to "Adding Domains").
104 Chapter 9

10.(Optional) Click the Import Groups from this Domain link to open the Import Groups
from Active Directory page (for details on importing groups from the domain, refer to
"Importing Groups from a Domain").
11. (Optional) Click a Name link in the Contains These Groups area to edit the User
Groups associated with the Domain (for details on editing a User Group, refer to
"Editing User Groups with Active Directory Integration").
12.(Optional) Click the Add a device OU link to open the Add Device Organizational Unit
page (for details on adding a device organizational unit where new devices can be
added to the Active Directory, refer to "Adding a Device Organizational Unit").
13.You can delete a device organizational unit managed by the Active Directory Domain
by selecting the check box next to the name of the device organizational unit you want
in the Device Organizational Unit Managed by area (you can use Select All or
Deselect All as needed to help you select all device organizational units), clicking
Delete Selected. and then confirming the deletion. The device organizational unit is
deleted and is no longer shown in the list of available device organizational units on the
Active Directory Domain Details page.

Device OUs can only be deleted if the Device OU does not contain computer
accounts for the devices added in the WSM system.

14.After editing the Active Directory Domain Details settings, click Save Changes. The
Domain is modified and can be viewed in the list of available Domains on the Active
Directory Domains page.

Importing Groups from a Domain

While editing a Domain, you can import groups from a Domain by using the Import
Groups from this Domain link.

Figure 91 Import Groups from Active Directory page

System Settings 105

To import groups from a Domain:

1. Select the Groups you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter the group name you want in the Group Name Contains text box (use only
letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods).
• (Optional) Enter the LDAP Context Root.
• Enter the Max Results limit (zero to the limit of all Groups in Active Directory
• After entering your filter criteria, click Filter to view the results.
• Scroll through the list of Groups and select the check box for the Group Name you
want (you can use the Select All or Deselect All links to select Groups in the list).
2. After selecting the Groups you want, click Import Selected. The Groups you selected
are added to the Name list on the Active Directory Domain Details page.

Users of these imported groups will automatically be added to the Wyse
WSM User Name list on the Users Groups Details page.

Adding a Device Organizational Unit

While editing a Domain, you can add a Device OU where new devices can be added to
the Active Directory by using the Add a device OU link.

Figure 92 Add Device Organizational Unit page

To add a Device OU:

1. Enter the Name of the Device OU (for example, Finance OU). Use only letters,
numbers, dashes, spaces, the @ character, and periods (special characters may
cause problems when importing User Groups and Users).
2. Enter the Context Path (for example, ou=FinanceOU,dn=wsm1, dn=com).
3. Click Finish to add the Device OU to the system. The Device OU is added to the list of
available Device OUs on the Active Directory Domains Details page.

The Device OU added is available for you to use when adding and editing
devices and device templates.
106 Chapter 9

Importing Certificates to Allow SSL Connections with Active Directory

To import a certificate:
1. On the Active Directory Domains page, click the Import Certificate link to open the
Import Certificates page.

Figure 93 Import Certificates page

2. Enter the Name of the certificate.

3. Enter the Certificate File (you can use Browse to find and select a certificate).
4. Click Finish to import the certificate into the system. The certificate is shown in the list
of available certificates on the Active Directory Domains page (the certificate now
allows SSL connections to be established with Active Directory).

Managing Virtual Centers

This section describes how to create virtual machines by using the Wyse WSM in
conjunction with the VMWare Virtual Center software. To create virtual machines in WSM,
you must first create a template from a “model” virtual machine in the VMWare Virtual
Center, and then use the template in WSM. The virtual machines you create in WSM can
then be managed from the System Settings page.

After your initial virtual machine creation, you can skip the steps that are not
necessary (for example, you can skip to step 3 and continue to create virtual
machines based on the same configurations you originally made in steps 1
and 2).

Step 1: Create a Virtual Machine Template in VMWare

Using the VMWare Virtual Center, create a “model” virtual machine with the parameters
you want for the virtual machines you want to create in WSM. That is, select the operating
system type, memory settings, and so on that you want to duplicate later in the virtual
machines you will create in WSM.
After creating the model, create a template from that virtual machine to use in WSM.
System Settings 107

Step 2: Add a Virtual Center in WSM

To add a virtual center in WSM (where you will use the template):
1. On the Systems Settings page, click the Virtual Center Configuration link to open the
Virtual Centers page.

In future use after adding a virtual center, you can click on a virtual center link
to open the Virtual Center Details page and view its details.

Figure 94 Virtual Centers page

2. Click the Add Virtual Center link to open the Adding Virtual Center page.

Figure 95 Add Virtual Center page

108 Chapter 9

3. Use the following guidelines:

· If you need to import a certificate in order to communicate with the Virtual Center
over SSL, click the import the SSL certificate link to open and use the Import
Certificate page (enter the Name, Certificate File location, and click Finish).

The default location of the certificate is C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\VMWare\VMWare VirtualCenter\SSL.

• Enter the Virtual Center Hostname or IP Address (the address of the server
where the virtual center will run).
• (Optional) Enter the Virtual Center Port (port number).
• Select the Enable SSL Connection check box if the virtual center is only
accessible by SSL.

If the virtual center is only accessible by SSL (default), an administrator must
be sure to import an SSL certificate as stated earlier.

• Select the Validate Server Certificate check box if you want to enable certificate
• Enter the User ID (your user ID).
• Enter the Password (your password).
• Enter the Data Center Name.
4. Click Next to open Assign Templates page.

Figure 96 Assign Templates page

5. Select the template you want from the list of All Unassigned Templates, click Add to
assign the template, and then click Finish.

After you click Finish, WSM tests the connection to the virtual center to
ensure that it is valid, and then adds the valid virtual center to the list of
virtual centers on the Virtual Centers page.
System Settings 109

Step 3: Create Virtual Machines

1. On the Systems Settings page, click the Virtual Center Configuration link to open the
Virtual Centers page.
2. Click on a virtual center link to open the Virtual Center Details page

Figure 97 Virtual Center Details page

3. Click Create Virtual Machine to open the Create Virtual Machine page.

For future creations or when editing a Virtual Center, you can use the
Change Template Assignment link to open the Assign Templates page and
select the template you want from the list of All Unassigned Templates, click
Add to assign the template, and then click Done.

Figure 98 Create Virtual Machine page

110 Chapter 9

4. Use the following guidelines:

• Select the Template Name (the template on which you want to base the virtual
• Enter the VM Name prefix (used for the first half of the name you want to use for
the virtual machine).
• Enter the Start sequence number (used for the second half of the name you want
to use for the virtual machine).
• Enter the Number of Virtual Machines that you want to create.
• Enter the Folder for the VMs (you can enter the folder name or full folder path
excluding the data center name in the format:
Engineering/Software/Virtual Machines).
• Click Create.

After you click Create, the virtual machines are added to the list of virtual
machines on the Virtual Machines page.

Figure 99 Virtual Machines page

In future use after adding a virtual machine, you can open the Virtual Centers
page and click on the View status of last virtual machine creation request
link to open the Virtual Machines page and view its details.
10 Reports
This chapter contains information and instructions to help you generate various reports on
your Wyse WSM environment.
Clicking the Reports link from any functional area main page opens the Reports page.
The Reports page allows you to view and use all of the reports that are supported.
• Client - Report includes detailed information on all the unique clients that have
connected to the server.
• License Usage - Report includes detailed information on all current application usage.
• Standard Usage - Report includes detailed information on past application usage for
all Users and User Groups.
• Activation - Report includes detailed information on all application activations and
• Subscription - Report includes detailed information on which users are subscribed to
which applications.

You can sort report lists according to a heading by clicking on the column
heading you want. You can also list your selected heading in ascending or
descending order by clicking on that column heading again.

Figure 100 Reports page

112 Chapter 10

Client Report
To create a Client Report:
1. On the Reports page, click Client Report to open the Client Reports page.

Figure 101 Client Reports page

2. Select the report criteria you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter a user group name or a user name.
• To view usage for all users in all user groups, leave the corresponding entries blank.
3. After entering your report criteria, click Display Report to generate the report.

License Usage Report

To create a License Usage Report:
1. On the Reports page, click License Usage Report to open the License Usage Reports

Figure 102 License Usage Reports page

2. Select the report criteria you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter a user group name or a user name.
• To view usage for all users in all user groups, leave the corresponding entries blank.
3. After entering your report criteria, click Display Report to generate the report.
Reports 113

Standard Usage Report

To create a Standard Usage Report:
1. On the Reports page, click Standard Usage to open the Standard Usage Report page.

Figure 103 Standard Usage Reports page

2. Select the report criteria you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter a user name or a user group name.
• To view usage for all users in all user groups, leave the corresponding entries blank.
3. After entering your report criteria, click Display Report to generate the report.

Activation Report
To create an Activation Report:
1. On the Reports page, click Activation Report to open the Activation Reports page.

Figure 104 Activation Reports page

2. Select the report criteria you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter a user name or a user group name.
• To view usage for all users in all user groups, leave the corresponding entries blank.
3. After entering your report criteria, click Display Report to generate the report.
114 Chapter 10

Subscription Report
To create a Subscription Report:
1. On the Reports page, click Subscription Report to open the Subscriptions Report

Figure 105 Subscriptions Reports page

2. Select the report criteria you want by using the following guidelines:
• Enter a user name or a user group name.
• To view usage for all users in all user groups, leave the corresponding entries blank.
3. After entering your report criteria, click Display Report to generate the report.
11 Load Balancing
This chapter provides information on the load balancing feature of the Wyse WSM. It
explains how load balancing works and how to set up your system for load balancing.

How Load Balancing Works

Load balancing permits a device to be boot from and be serviced by more than one server.
In this way, Application Images and OS Images can be delivered more reliably and quickly
from servers to thin clients. When the load is too heavy on one server, requests made to
that server are given to a different server instead. The workload is distributed evenly—it is
balanced—across all the servers in the group so that each server does roughly the same
amount of work. If a server goes down, the thin client from boot from a different server and
still obtain the OS Images and Application Images it needs.
Load balancing offers these benefits:
• Faster response time because servers share the workload. No single server is
overloaded when others are idling.
• Improved scalability because adding servers only requires you to place the servers in a
server group. Thin clients can start using the server as soon as images are ready.
• Improved fault tolerance because there is no single point of failure as there is when
only one server serves all clients.

Using Server Groups and Device Groups

Load balancing makes use of server groups and device groups to stream OS Images to
thin clients. Because each device in a device group is assigned the same server group
and OS Image, each device in the group can boot from any server in the server group to
which it belongs. If one server in the group is overworked, another server can take on its
workload. This setup ensures that devices are always being served efficiently by servers.
116 Chapter 11

Figure 106 Load balancing setup

In previous versions of Wyse WSM, you could configure a device to boot
from up to four servers. However, administrators had to configure the devices
to boot from the different servers and track where devices boot. Load
balancing replaces this boot configuration process with the server group and
device group concept.

WSM’s Choice of Boot Servers in the Server Group

With load balancing, WSM selects a server in a server group to provision the device when
you boot it. This selection is based on the number of devices currently booted from the
server and the responsiveness of the server.
WSM uses this process to select which server in the server group to boot from:
1. Finds out the load (number of devices booted from a server) for each server from the
server group.
2. Selects a few of the least loaded servers from all servers in the server group.
3. Sends a request to the servers.
4. Selects the server that responds first.

WSM may select a different server for a device each time it boots up.
However, if a network outage occurs, WSM reconnects the device to the
same it was connected to when the outage occurred. This ensures that any
write cache maintained for the device is preserved as long as the device is
up for a session (until the next boot).

Volatile and Persistent Cache Mode

The load balancing setup works seamlessly when the OS Image is in Volatile Cache
mode. In this mode, each boot deletes changes made during the previous session.
Load Balancing 117

However, if the OS Image is Persistent Cache mode (and is required to preserve the
changes made across multiple sessions), the write cache folder must be shared across all
the servers. If it is not shared across all server, the device may select a different server
during the next boot, and if the new server does not have access to the same write cache
file, changes made during the previous session are not available.

Setup for Load Balancing

Follow these basic steps to use the load balancing feature of WSM:
1. Create a server group with all the servers that you want to configure for load balancing.
Typically, this server group includes all servers on the same site or location. Load
balancing requires servers to have good network connectivity with the devices they
serve. For more information, see "Creating a Server Group."
2. Assign OS Images to the server group you created. For more information, see
"Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group."
3. Schedule a copy of the OS Image to the destination servers and make sure destination
servers are in ready state. For more information, see "Assigning an OS Image to a
Server Group."
4. Create a device group and assign all the devices that you want to configure for load
balancing to the device group.If devices need different OS Images, assign them to
different groups. For more information, see "Adding a Device Group."
5. Assign the server group you created in Step 1 to the device group you created in Step
4. For more information, see "Editing and Managing Device Groups."
6. Assign the OS Image to the device group. For more information, see "Editing and
Managing Device Groups."
118 Chapter 11

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12 Updating OS Images and
Application Images
This chapter contains information and instructions on updating the OS Images and
Application Images in your Wyse WSM system.

Updating an OS Image
While editing an OS Image, you can update the OS Image by using the Start patch
process for this OS Image link and completing the required steps. Changes to an
existing OS Image can be either configuration changes or operating system patches that
are delivered by the vendor which are deemed to be necessary by you the administrator.

Before you begin updating an OS Image, be sure you have denoted the
Reference Device you want to use, as described in "Editing Devices."
The Reference Device is a device which you denote as the default device
that will be used to apply updates or patches that are needed to an OS
Image. By default, the first device that is added to the WSM system is
denoted as the Reference Device (in cases of upgrades from WSM 1.1 to
WSM 1.2, the first device that is recognized from the database and added to
the WSM system after the WSM installation is updated to be the Reference
Device). However, you can change the Reference Device at any time.
On the Network Device Details page for a Reference Device, you can view
the Reference Device notice in the Attention area at the top of the page.
On the Network Device Details page for all other devices, you can use the
Make this the Reference Device link to make a device the Reference
Having a Reference Device is optional for the normal operation of WSM.
However, if you want to update an operating system, you must denote a
device as the Reference Device before you can use the Start patch process
for this OS Image link (on the OS Image Details page) and proceed with
updating the OS Image. For example, if a Reference Device does not exist in
the system, you must specify a Reference Device from the available devices
in the system before updating an OS Image.
It is recommended that you do not select an end-user device for use as the
Reference Device. This will allow you to apply updates to an operating
system without affecting end users. The Reference Device must be on the
same network as that of the WSM Core Server (that is, the Reference Device
must be able to boot directly from the WSM Core Server).
120 Chapter 12

Updating an OS Image consists of:

• "Step 1: Preparing the OS Image for Updating"
• "Step 2: Starting the Patch Process"
• "Step 3: Applying the Patch on the Reference Device"
• "Step 4 Finalizing and Scheduling the Deployment of the Patch"

The updating process is designed so that it does not interfere with your
current Wyse WSM environment. During the updating process your Wyse
WSM environment continues to stream the currently active OS Image. Your
Wyse WSM environment will stream the new updated OS Image only after
the updated OS Image is ready and you schedule it for deployment.

Step 1: Preparing the OS Image for Updating

To prepare the OS Image for updating:
1. Go to the WSM Core Server machine where the OS Image that you want to update
resides (for example, Base Image).

Ensure that this OS Image is either in Persistent Cache (Shared Mode) or
Volatile Cache (Shared Mode), as described in "Editing OS Images."

2. Create a copy of the OS Image in the same directory (be sure to rename the OS Image
so that you can recognize it later - for example, Base Image v2).

Step 2: Starting the Patch Process

To start the patch process:
1. On the OS Image Details page (for the OS Image you want to update), click the Start
Patch Process for this OS Image link to open the Select OS Image Copy page.

Figure 107 Select OS Image Copy page

2. Use the following guidelines:

• Enter the Patch Name.
• Select the File Name (be sure to select the OS Image you created in "Step 1:
Preparing the OS Image for Updating" (for example, Base Image 2).
• (Optional) Enter the Description.
Updating OS Images and Application Images 121

• Enter the Version.

• Select the OS Class.
• Select the Device Class.
• The OS Image Mode is shown as No Cache (Private Mode), as you cannot update
the OS Image Mode during the patch process.
• After completing the entries, click Finish. The OS Image patch is automatically
assigned to the Reference Device

You can be sure to identify that the OS Image patch copy was created by
clicking the Name link of the OS Image on the Operating Systems main page
to open the OS Image Details page, and then viewing the Status of the OS
Image patch copy as Patch Copy Created in the Image Hierarchy area.

3. (Optional) If you receive an error message that the OS Image cannot be assigned to
the Reference Device, the OS Image Details page will display the Assign Patch to the
Reference Device link. This error will display if there is no Reference Device or if the
Reference Device is full (there is a limit of four OS Images that can be assigned to a
Reference Device).

Figure 108 OS Image Details page - Assign Patch to the Reference Device

If there is no Reference Device, you must denote the Reference Device you want to
use as described in "Editing Devices," and then return to this page to click the Assign
Patch to the Reference Device link. The OS Image patch is now assigned to the
Reference Device. Continue with "Step 3: Applying the Patch on the Reference
If the Reference Device is full, you must remove one of the OS Images and add the OS
Image patch as described in "Editing Devices," and then return to this page to click the
Assign Patch to the Reference Device link. The OS Image patch is now assigned to
the Reference Device. Continue with "Step 3: Applying the Patch on the Reference
122 Chapter 12

Step 3: Applying the Patch on the Reference Device

This is a manual step. After the Reference Device (which is in the User Select Boot
Selection Mode) completes the boot process and connects to the WSM server, it provides
you with an option to select the proper OS Image patch from which to boot.
1. Select the OS Image patch (for example, Base Image V2) that you have added to the

Be aware that you are in No Cache (Private Mode) for the OS Image, which
means any modifications that you have made will be permanent.

2. Apply the OS Image patch (be sure you have completed any changes that you want to
be available for all users).
3. Shut down the Reference Device.

Step 4 Finalizing and Scheduling the Deployment of the Patch

This step compares the original OS Image and the patch OS Image, and then
creates a delta file (a file which includes only the changes that were made to
the original OS image) that will be sent to the servers (this reduces the
bandwidth requirements for patch deployment in cases where you have
multiple servers to which this image must be deployed).

To finalize and schedule the deployment of the patch:

1. On the OS Image Details page (for the OS Image you want to update), click the
Finalize Patch link to create the delta between the Active OS Image that is currently
Streaming your operating system (for example, Base Image) and the patched OS
Image (for example, a patched Base Image 2).

Figure 109 OS Image Details page - Finalize Patch

Updating OS Images and Application Images 123

After clicking the Finalize Patch link, a warning appears for finalizing a patch
before the patch has been deployed to all servers.
The process of creating the delta file may take several minutes. You can
check to see that the process has been completed by viewing the OS Image
Details page for the OS Image (showing the Status of the OS Image patch
copy as Patch Finalized). When the process is complete, you will have a
delta file (between the currently active OS Image and the OS Image patch)
ready to be scheduled for deployment.

2. On the OS Image Details page (for the OS Image you want to update), click the
Schedule Patch Deployment Date link to open the Schedule Patch Deployment Date

Figure 110 Schedule Patch Deployment Date page

3. Select the date and time you want the server to start the content distribution and
deploy the patch, and then click Schedule. Until the patch becomes available on the
servers now running the currently active OS Image, the patch will not be available to

You can reschedule a scheduled patch by using the Reschedule Patch
Deployment Date link on the OS Image Details page (for the OS Image you
want to update).

Once the schedule is completed the WSM Content Distribution service will
automatically schedule the copy of the patch (delta) file to the different Edge servers
which have been previously assigned the OS Image. Once this delta file copy is
completed, the process on the Edge server will then merge these changes into a copy
of the original OS Image in its own repository and make it available for the devices that
are using these Edge servers.

On the OS Image Details page, you will see that the old OS Image (for
example, Base Image) has a Status of Retired, while the new updated OS
Image (Base Image 2) has a Status of Active. As the devices using the OS
Image in your Wyse WSM are rebooted, they will begin using the new
updated OS Image.
124 Chapter 12

Figure 111 OS Image Details page - Retired and Active

The design of the patch process reduces end-user downtime during patch
deployment. The newly patched OS Image is only applied as a pending
update to the Network Device OS assignment. Users can continue to use the
original OS Image until they reboots the Network Device. Once the Network
Device reboots, it will begin using the newly patched OS image.

Updating an Application Image

While editing an Application Image, you can update the Application Image by using the
Add a Patch for this Application Image link.

If you need to prepare an Application Image update for use as a patch, refer
to "Preparing an Application Image Update."
Updating OS Images and Application Images 125

Figure 112 Updating Application Image page

To update the Application Image:

1. Select the File Name for the Application Image update (patch).
2. Enter the Name.
3. (Optional) Enter the Description.
4. Enter the Version.
5. Click Finish. The Application Image is updated and can be viewed in the list of
available Application Images on the Applications page.

The updated Application Image is immediately deployed to all of the Edge
servers to which the original image was assigned. As soon as the
deployment is completed, the end user will see a message that the
application has been updated and to save their work if they are actively using
this application. The end user will see the original Application Image being
unsubscribed and the new Application Image being subscribed. This update
process has been automated to ensure that the user has the latest
Application Image, once you update the Application Image.

Preparing an Application Image Update

In general, it is recommended that you store the application environment in
which you originally create an Application Image for future use.

If you are using an existing application environment, complete the following (if you do not
have an existing application environment, create a new Application Image and copy the
Application Set to the repository as described in the Publisher Guide: Wyse WSMTM):
1. Apply the patch or make updates to the existing application environment.
2. Take a snapshot of the changes.
3. Create an Application Set using the snapshot created before the application was
installed and the new snapshot (see the Publisher Guide: Wyse WSMTM).
4. Create an Application Set.
5. Be sure to create a new GUID for the Application Set ID.
6. Copy the Application Set created to the repository.
126 Chapter 12

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13 Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool
This chapter describes how to install and use the Wyse UniPlat Tool. It provides
information on how to create backup files with the tool and use the backup files to create
“golden” OS images for use with Wyse WSM.
Wyse UniPlat Tool (UPT) is part of the WSM Client Utilities package. Using the UPT, you
can create a single hard-disk image (“golden” image) that can be used on multiple
hardware platforms. After you create the golden image, you can convert it into an OS
image and stream the image to multiple platforms using Wyse WSM. This process allows
you to easily create a universal image for use with various platforms.

Installing Wyse UniPlat Tool

To install the Wyse UniPlat Tool:
1. Double-click the WSM Client Utilities.exe to open the installation wizard and click Next.
2. Click Install to start the installation.
3. Click Finish when the installation is complete.

About the Wyse UniPlat Tool

Use UPT to create and handle UniPlat disk files. A UniPlat disk file is an image (or copy)
of a disk or directory. You use UniPlat disk files to re-create disks or directories on different

To run Wyse UniPlat Tool, you must have an account with Administrator

To launch Wyse UniPlat Tool, click Start and select All Programs | Wyse | WSM Client
Utilities | Wyse Universal Platform Tool.
After you launch Wyse UniPlat Tool, you see the UPT application window. It is divided
vertically into two panes:
• On the left-hand pane, you can browse directories and select UniPlat disk files.
• On the right-hand pane, you can see the properties of the currently selected file (if a file
is selected).
To perform actions on a UniPlat disk file, click an icon on the toolbar or select an option on
the File menu.
128 Chapter 13

Figure 113 Wyse UniPlat Tool Interface

Creating a Backup Windows Partition

Follow these basic steps to use Wyse UniPlat Tool to back up a Windows partition on a
client machine:
1. Install and run UPT on the machine on which you will back up the Windows partition.
2. In UPT, create a UniPlat disk file on a mapped drive on the network or an external hard
disk (see "Creating a UniPlat Disk File").
3. In UPT, back up the Windows partition on the client machine (typically the C: drive) to
the newly created UniPlat disk file. You can use this file to restore the partition.

Restoring a Windows Partition

In order to restore a Windows partition, the machine to which the partition will be restored
needs at least two pre-formatted partitions:
• The partition from which Windows currently boots up (called the boot partition).
• The partition to which UPT will restore the backed-up Windows partition (called the
destination partition).

Alternatively, one can boot the machine with an OS image using Wyse WSM
technology, and restore the backed-up Windows partition to a physical hard
disk attached to the machine. In this case, only one partition is needed in the
local hard disk.

Follow these basic steps to restore a Windows partition to a hard drive:

1. On the machine to which the Windows partition is to be restored, install and launch
Wyse UniPlat Tool.
2. Using UPT, restore the UniPlat disk file from a mapped network drive or external hard
disk to the destination partition.
After the restore, the destination partition is made the active partition, and the machine
boots up from the destination partition on this and subsequent reboots (in order for this to
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 129

happen, you must have selected the This Image Is Bootable option in the Properties
dialog box; see "Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties").
Wyse UniPlat Tool can also be used to back up or restore only a selected subfolder within
the Windows partition.

Creating a UniPlat Disk File

A UniPlat disk file contains backup files. Initially when you create the file, it is empty. After
you create it, the next step is to insert backup files into the UniPlat disk file with the Wyse
UniPlat Tool backup feature.

Creating the Initial File

Follow these steps to create the initial UniPlat disk file:
1. On the client machine with the files you want to copy, start Wyse UniPlat Tool.
2. In the left-hand pane, select the directory where you want the UniPlat disk file to reside.

Store UniPlat disk files on a mapped drive or external hard disk; the UniPlat
disk file should not reside on the hard disk being copied. You can click the
Map Drive icon in the toolbar to create a new mapped drive to another

3. Click Create on the toolbar. UPT creates a new UniPlat disk file called New File.wup.
4. Select the file, click Rename, and enter a new name for the UniPlat disk file.

Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties

The properties of a UniPlat disk file help you identify the file, and more importantly, allow
you to prepare the file for use with Wyse WSM. To establish the properties of a UniPlat
disk file, select it and click Properties on the toolbar. You see the Properties dialog box.
Select a tab — Information, Description, or Options — and adjust the values.

Information Properties Tab

Use the Information tab of the Properties dialog box to describe the UniPlat disk file. For
example, you can enter an author and company name. UPT does not interpret these
fields; they are for use by administrators.

Description Properties Tab

Use the Description tab of the Properties dialog box to write a description of the UniPlat
disk file. UPT does not interpret these fields; they are for use by administrators.

Options Properties Tab

Use the Options tab of the Properties dialog box to set the capture and restore options.
Capture options are found at the top of the dialog box; restore options are on the bottom.
130 Chapter 13

Figure 114 Properties dialog box - Options tab

Capture Options:
Capture options are used for backups. The Capture option on the Options tab is:
• Prepare Image for Wyse OS Streaming: Check this box if you intend to use this
image to generate an OS image to deploy with Wyse WSM technology. UPT will launch
SelectNIC.exe to select the network adapter that will connect to the WSM Server
before backing up the Windows session. (This option has no effect if you are not
backing up a bootable image.)
Restore Options:
Restore options are used for restorations. The Restore options on the Options tab are:
• Delete All Files Before Restoring: Clears the destination directory of all files and
subfolders prior to the restoration of a UniPlat disk file.
• This Image Is Bootable: Makes the destination partition bootable after the restoration.
Check this field if you are restoring an entire bootable partition. Checking it ensures
that the destination partition is made active. The boot.ini and drive letter assignment for
the destination partition will be fixed accordingly so that Windows can boot from this
partition after the restoration.
· Keep Critical Drivers from Current Windows Session: Check this box if you are
installing a UniPlat disk file that was captured from a different platform. Due to
hardware differences between the restored image and the current platform, the
current platform may become unbootable after the restoration because it may lack
the appropriate disk controller driver necessary for booting up. This option causes
all drivers and binaries critical for booting up the current platform to be copied from
the current Windows session to the destination partition. It also copies over driver
installation files (such as .inf files and driver binaries) from the current Windows
session to the destination partition. These files may come in handy when
re-installing drivers for the current platform after the image is restored and booted
up. Note that the current Windows session should be the same Windows version as
the restored image; otherwise, the driver files copied from the current Windows
session may not be usable on the restored image.
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 131

You do not need to enable this option if you are restoring a UniPlat disk file
that was captured from the same platform because all the drivers should
already be in place in the UniPlat disk file.

· Perform Post Restore Fix Up Only: This option is mainly for debugging purposes.
Enabling it causes all post-restoration fix-up operations that make the destination
partition bootable to be performed without restoring files from the UniPlat disk file
first. This option can be used if you have gone through the restoration operation
once but Windows failed to boot up from the destination partition. In this case, one
or more post-restoration operations may not have completed successfully. Select
this option to attempt the post-restoration fix-ups again without going through the
whole restore process.

Inserting Files into a UniPlat Disk File

After creating a UniPlat disk file, the next task is to insert one or more files (up to and
including a backup of an entire partition) into the UniPlat disk file. Follow these steps to
insert files into a UniPlat disk file:
1. Start Wyse UniPlat Tool.

Close all open applications except Wyse UniPlat Tool before inserting files in
the UniPlat disk file. Otherwise, you may capture locked or intermediate files.

2. Select a UniPlat disk file on the left side of the window.

3. Examine the file’s Capture options. Make sure the correct options are selected.
4. Click Backup on the toolbar to open the Backup dialog box.

Figure 115 Backup dialog box

5. Enter the directory you want to back up or use Browse to find and select the directory
you want. Select the root drive of the current Windows session if you want to capture a
bootable Windows image.

You cannot back up from a Windows session that is currently streamed from
Wyse WSM. You can, however, restore a UniPlat disk file to the hard disk
while you are booting up from a streaming Windows session.

6. Click Go. All files and subdirectories in the directory you selected are added to the
UniPlat disk file.
132 Chapter 13

Restoring a UniPlat Disk File to a Partition

Follow these steps to restore a UniPlat disk file to a partition:
1. In Wyse UniPlat Tool, select the UniPlat disk file with the backup files.
2. Examine the Restore options of the UniPlat disk file to make sure you selected the
correct options (see "Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties").
3. Click Restore on the toolbar to open the Restore dialog box.

Figure 116 Restore dialog box

4. Enter the directory where the files will be restored. If you are dealing with a bootable
image that captured the entire partition of a Windows session, you normally restore it to
the root of the destination partition.
5. Click Go to restore the files.

Creating a Single OS Image that Supports Multiple Hardware Platforms

This section explains how to create a single UniPlat disk file that supports multiple
Windows-based hardware platforms. It describes the requirements and how to create a
combined OS UniPlat disk file that supports multiple platforms.

Requirements for a UniPlat Disk File and Supported Platforms

In order to support multiple hardware platforms with the UniPlat disk file, the platforms
must meet these requirements:
• The UniPlat disk file’s HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) must be compatible with all
platforms being supported, and for this to occur, the Windows OS installed on each
platform must use the lowest common HAL across all platforms (see "Checking and
Changing a Computer’s HAL" for details on how to select the lowest common HAL).
• The Windows OS on all supported platforms must be the same version and service
pack level. Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or above is
• In order to use Wyse UniPlat Tool to prepare a single UniPlat disk file for multiple
hardware platforms, each platform needs at least two partitions formatted to the
appropriate file system (NTFS is recommended). The partitions must be large enough
to accommodate Windows installations for all platforms being supported. (If you are
able to boot up a platform from an OS image using Wyse Streaming technology, only
one local hard disk partition is required.)
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 133

Creating a Combined UniPlat Disk File

This section explains how to create a combined UniPlat disk file to support multiple
hardware platforms if an OS image does not already exist for any of the target platforms.
Creating the combined image involves backing up the Windows installation to a UniPlat
disk file, restoring it to a partition on another platform, and then rebooting from a second
partition on the other platform. Figure 117 shows an overview of the steps required to
create a combined UniPlat disk file (PF1 represents Platform 1, Part 1 represents Partition
1, and so on).

Figure 117 Overview of steps to create a combined UniPlat disk file

To create a single OS image that supports multiple hardware platforms:

Step 1: Create and back up the UniPlat disk file

1. Install Windows OS, required drivers, and Wyse UniPlat Tool on one of the partitions
on the platform. In the illustration, install on Platform 1 (PF1), Partition 1 (Part1).
2. Launch UPT from Platform 1 to back up the Windows root drive (e.g., C:\) of this
platform to a UniPlat disk file (IMG1.wup in the illustration) on a shared network folder
or external hard disk (see "Creating a UniPlat Disk File" for details).

If you intend to create an OS image for streaming from the final combined
image, select the Prepare Image for Wyse OS Streaming option on the
Options tab of the Properties dialog box before starting the back up process
(see "Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties" for details).

Step 2: Restore the UniPlat disk file to a partition on the next platform
1. Install Windows OS, required drivers, and Wyse UniPlat Tool on one of the partitions
on the next platform. In the illustration, install on Platform 2 (PF2), Partition 1 (Part1).
134 Chapter 13

Make sure both platforms have the same HAL, Windows OS version, and service
2. Launch UPT from Platform 2 (PF2) to restore the UniPlat disk file (IMG1.wup in the
illustration) to the root drive of Partition 2 (e.g. D:\) (this partition must be
pre-formatted). Make sure the following options are chosen on the Options tab of the
Properties dialog box:
· Select Delete All Files Before Restoring. This option ensures that all files from
destination partition (Part2 of Platform 2) are deleted before the restoration.
· Select This Image Is Bootable. This option ensures that the destination partition
(Part2 of Platform 2) is bootable after the restoration.
· Select Keep Critical Drivers from Current Windows Session. This option
ensures that critical drivers and registries (e.g., disk controller driver) required for
platform 2 to boot up are copied over from platform 2’s Windows session (Part1 of
Platform 2) to the destination partition, and that driver installation files (e.g.,
network/display/audio/… drivers) for platform 2 are copied over from platform 2’s
Windows session to the destination partition.
· Do Not select Perform Post Restore Fix Up Only.
3. After the restoration, make sure that no error message is displayed in the UPT dialog

Step 3: Reboot the platform

1. Reboot the platform (PF2 in the illustration). This platform boots to the newly installed
partition (Part 2 in the illustration). When Windows discovers new hardware on the
platform, it starts the Found New Hardware Wizard and prompts you to install drivers.
2. Direct the Found New Hardware Wizard to the C:\Windows\inf folder to find the
appropriate driver installation files (see "Reinstalling Drivers for the Current Platform"
for details). After all drivers for platform 2 are re-installed, the resulting image can run
on platform1 and 2.
Repeat steps these for more platforms if needed. You can reuse the UniPlat disk file to
back up the new combined image.
Optionally, use UPT to restore the final image to each supported platform to verify the

Reinstalling Drivers for the Current Platform

After you restore a UniPlat disk file that was not captured from the current platform, you
have to reinstall drivers for the platform. You have to do this because the newly restored
partition does not have the drivers to support the current platform. If you selected the Keep
Critical Drivers from Current Windows Session option when you created the UniPlat disk
file (see "Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties"), drivers for the current platform are already
in the newly restored partition. You just need to point the Windows Found New Hardware
Wizard to the correct location of these drivers for installation.
Follow these steps to point Windows to drivers for the current platform:
1. When the Found New Hardware Wizard appears, select the Yes, This Time Only
option and click Next.
2. Select the Install from a List or Specific Location (Advanced) option and click Next.
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 135

3. Select the Include this Location in the Search check box.

Figure 118 Found New Hardware Wizard

4. Enter the path to C:\WINDOWS\inf in the text box, and click Next.
After Windows finds the appropriate .inf file for the target hardware, it looks for the driver
binaries. These binaries are typically located either in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 or
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers folder. Some hardware components need to install .hlp
files. These files are typically located in the C:\WINDOWS\help folder. You can use
Browse to find the needed file. If the needed file does not exist in the destination partition,
look for it in the other partition from which Windows used to boot up, if this partition is still

Creating a “Golden” OS Image from Current OS Images

This section explains how to prepare a single OS image for multiple hardware platforms
when individual OS images are currently available for some of the target platforms. For the
purposes of this discussion:
• There are three different hardware platforms called PF1, PF2, and PF3.
• Each platform has a corresponding OS image called OS1, OS2, or OS3 from which the
platform can be booted up using Wyse WSM technology.
• The goal is to prepare a single OS image (called OS123) from which all three platforms
(PF1, PF2, and PF3) can be booted up using Wyse WSM technology. This image is
referred to as the “golden” OS image.
136 Chapter 13

Figure 119 Using a golden OS image to boot all platforms

Hardware and Partition Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for creating a golden OS image are as follows:
• Each platform device must have a local hard disk with one primary Master Boot Record
(MBR)-type partition formatted to NTFS.
• The partitions must be large enough to accommodate the desired Windows installation
of all platforms (PF1, PF2, and PF3 in our example).
• The requirements on existing OS images for platform 2 and 3 (i.e., OS2 and OS3 in our
example, but not OS1; because hard disk Windows installation is required for platform
1, OS1 is not used) are as follows:
· In order to share the same Windows OS image across multiple hardware platforms,
the golden image’s HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) must be compatible with all
platforms. This means the OS Image for PF2 and PF3 must already be using the
lowest common HAL across all three platforms (see "Checking and Changing a
Computer’s HAL" for details on how to confirm that the lowest common HAL is
used). If the OS images are using different HALs, they cannot be used to create a
golden image.
· The Windows OS on all supported platforms must be the same version and service
pack level (Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or above is
recommended). If the platforms are of different service pack levels, you can bring
the OS images up to sync by installing the appropriate service pack while the
images are in private mode.

Creating the Golden Image

Follow these steps to create a golden OS Image that supports multiple Windows-based
hardware platforms:
1. Install Windows OS, required drivers, and Wyse UniPlat Tool on a hard disk partition of
PF1. Make sure this Windows installation is the same version and service pack level as
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 137

OS2 and OS3. Make sure as well that the lowest common HAL across all three
platforms are used in this Windows installation.
2. Boot up PF1 from the hard disk, and launch UPT to back up the Windows root drive
(e.g., C:\) of PF1 to a UniPlat disk file (e.g., IMG123.wup) on a shared network folder or
an external hard disk. Before you start the back up process, select the Prepare Image
for Wyse OS Streaming option on the Options tab of the Properties dialog box.
3. Boot up PF2 from OS2 using Wyse WSM technology. If it is not installed already, install
Wyse UniPlat Tool on OS2. Launch UPT from OS2 to restore IMG123.wup to the root
drive of the PF2 local hard disk. Make sure the following Restore options on the
Options tab of the Properties dialog box are selected before you start the restore
· Select Delete All Files Before Restoring. This option ensures that all files from the
destination partition are deleted before the restoration. In this case, all files from the
PF2 local hard disk partition are deleted before the restoration.
· Select This Image Is Bootable. This option ensures that the PF2 hard disk partition
is bootable.
· Select Keep Critical Drivers from Current Windows Session. This option
ensures that critical drivers and registries (e.g., disk controller driver) required for
PF2 boot up are copied over from OS2 to the PF2 local hard disk partition, and that
driver installation files (e.g., network/display/audio/… drivers) for PF2 are copied
over from OS2 to the PF2 local hard disk partition
· Do Not select Perform Post Restore Fix Up Only.
4. After the restoration, make sure that no error message is displayed in the UPT dialog
5. Reboot PF2 to the local hard disk. PF2 boots to the newly restored local hard disk
partition. When Windows discovers new hardware on PF2, it starts the Found New
Hardware Wizard and prompts the user to install drivers.
6. Direct the Wizard to the C:\Windows\inf folder to find the appropriate driver installation
files (see "Reinstalling Drivers for the Current Platform" for details).
7. After all drivers for PF2 are re-installed, reboot PF2 to the local hard disk if prompted
by Windows. This PF2 hard disk Windows installation can now run on both PF1 and
8. Repeat Steps 2 through 7, but this time boot up PF3 and complete the process with this
platform so that the PF3 installation can now run on PF1, PF2, and PF3.
Optionally, with PF3 booted up from a local hard disk, you can launch UPT to back up the
Windows root drive (e.g., C:\) of PF3 to a UniPlat disk file (e.g., IMG123.wup) on a shared
network folder or an external hard disk. Check the Prepare Image for Wyse OS Streaming
option on the Options tab of the Properties dialog box before you start the back up process
(see "Setting UniPlat Disk File Properties" for details). The resulting IMG123.wup file is
good for PF1, PF2 and PF3. This UniPlat disk file can be useful for disaster recovery or to
generate a golden image for additional hardware platforms.
Optionally, boot up each platform from the corresponding OS image using Wyse WSM
technology, and use UPT to restore IMG123.wup to the hard-disk partition of PF1, PF2
and PF3. Verify that each restoration of IMG123.wup is bootable and functional for all
three platforms.
138 Chapter 13

With PF3 booted from the local hard disk, install WSM Client on PF3. Use WSM’s virtual
disk capturing tool to capture an OS image (VD123) from the PF3 hard disk. The resulting
OS image is capable of booting up all three platforms using Wyse WSM technology.

When installing WSM Client on PF3, you may see an error message telling
you that “the file osmsmdf.sys on (unknown) is needed.” To locate the
requested file, use Browse to locate and enter the following in the Copy
files From field: c:\windows\system32\drivers.

Checking and Changing a Computer’s HAL

To share the same golden OS image across multiple hardware platforms, the image’s HAL
(Hardware Abstraction Layer) must be compatible with all platforms. HAL is the OS
programming interface that serves as an interface between a system's hardware and
Windows XP offers six HALs. From most to least compatible, they are:
• Standard PC
• MPS Uniprocessor PC
• MPS Multiprocessor PC
• Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC
• ACPI Uniprocessor PC
• ACPI Multiprocessor PC

Standard PC, the most compatible HAL, lacks some important features such
as automatic computer turn off upon shutdown.

This section explains how to check which HAL a PC uses and change the HAL if

Checking the HAL on a Computer

Follow these steps to check the HAL on each computer for which you want to create a
golden OS image:
1. Start the PC.
2. Click Start and select Control Panel.
3. In the Control Panel window, select the System icon to open the System Properties
dialog box. (If you do not see the System icon, click the Switch to Classic View link.)
4. Select the Hardware tab.
5. Click Device Manager to open the Device Manager window.
6. Open the Computer folder to view the HAL.
Note the HAL on each PC and which is the lowest common HAL.
Using the Wyse UniPlat Tool 139

Figure 120 Device Manger window

Changing the HAL on a Computer

You cannot change the HAL on an OS image directly because doing so
yields an unbootable OS image. To change the HAL on an OS image, start
by changing the HAL on a Windows session booted from your local hard
disk. Then, after all drivers for the new HAL are installed, install the WSM
client and use WSM’s virtual disk capturing tool to capture the OS image.

If you need to change the HAL on a PC, follow these steps:

1. Open the Control Panel and select the System icon to open the System Properties
dialog box.
2. Select the Hardware tab and click Device to open the Device Manager window.
3. Open the Computer folder to view the HAL.
4. Right-click the HAL and select Properties to open the Properties dialog box.
5. Select the Drivers tab and click Update Driver.
6. Select the Yes, This Time Only option and click Next
7. Select the Install from the List or Specific Location (Advanced) option and click
8. Select the Don’t Search, I Will Choose the Driver to Install option and click Next.
9. Make sure the Show Compatible Hardware check box is selected
10.Select the desired HAL and click Next.
140 Chapter 13

Windows will install the new HAL and reboot the computer. After the reboot, you may be
prompted to install newly found hardware drivers.

Limitations and Known Issues

These issues apply to bootable UniPlat disk files only. If you are not backing up and
restoring the whole Windows partition, these issues do not apply.
• Restoring a bootable UniPlat disk file on a live partition (the partition from which
Windows is currently running) is not supported.
• The destination partition on which the UniPlat disk file restores must be a primary
MBR-type partition. UPT does not support GPT-type partitions or dynamic-disk or
non-simple volumes (i.e., a spanned/Mirrored/Striped/RAID-5 volume).
• Wyse UniPlat Tool does not provide a unique computer name or IP address for the
restored Windows session. All configurations, including computer name and IP
configurations from captured Windows sessions, are carried over. Enabling DHCP in
your source Windows session is recommended.
• When the Keep Critical Drivers from Current Windows Session option is enabled, UPT
attempts to copy driver binaries and registries from the current Windows session to
destination partition. If the current Windows session is of a different version or service
pack level than the target restored image, the copied drivers and registries may not be
• If the first client device has PS2 kbd/mouse and the second has USB kbd/mouse, after
restoring the first client image to the second client device, the second client device’s
kbd/mouse may not function because it is missing the necessary USB controller driver
even if the Keep Critical Drivers from Currenct Windows Session option is elected
before restoring. This is because when the second device boots up with many
uninstalled drivers, the hardware manager enumerates new hardware. It may find
other cards (e.g., display, audio, or network) before the USB Controller. At that time,
the OS will prompt the user to install the new hardware automatically. The user is
supposed to click OK to let Windows install the driver automatically, but because the
USB controller is not installed yet, the USB Kbd/mouse does not function, and the user
cannot get the Hardware Installation Wizard to move on. The workaround is to make
sure that the PS2 kbd/mouse is available on the second device. After getting past this
point, the USB controller is enumerated and installed on the second device, and the
USB kbd/mouse will work.
1 Login page 6
2 System Overview page 7
3 Change Admin Password page 8
4 Operating Systems page 11
5 Add OS Image page 12
6 Assigning an OS Image to a Server Group 14
7 Assign to a Server page 14
8 OS Image Details page - Edit OS Image 15
9 Assign Server Groups For OS Image page 17
10 Schedule Content page - assign a server for an OS Image 18
11 Manage OS Classes page 18
12 Manage Device Classes page 19
13 Applications page 21
14 Add Application Image page 23
15 Assign to a Server Group 24
16 Assign to a Server page 24
17 Application Image Details page 25
18 Assign Server Groups For App Image page 27
19 Schedule Content page - assign a server for an Application Image 28
20 Add Application License page 28
21 Select An Application Image page 29
22 Assign to a Group page 29
23 Application License Details page 30
24 Assign Groups For Application License page 31
25 Server Groups page 33
26 Add Server Group 34
27 Assign Servers 35
28 Server Group Details page 36
29 Assign Servers For Group window 36
30 Servers page 38
31 Server Details page 39
32 Service Details page 42
33 Assign OS Images For Server page 42
34 Schedule Content page - assign an OS Image for a server 43
35 Assign Application Images For Server page 44
36 Schedule Content page - assign an Application Image for a server 45
37 Device Groups page 47
38 Add Device Group 49
39 Assign Server Group 50
40 Assign an OS Image 50
41 Device Group Details page 51
42 Select Devices 52
43 Select Device Group 53
44 Send Device Command page 54
45 Devices page 55
46 Adding Network Device page 56
47 Assign a Device Group 57
48 Device Details page 59
49 Select an OS Image page - Add OS Image 62
50 Select a Streaming Server page - Add OS Image - Network Device 63
51 Select an OS Image page - Change OS Image 63
52 Select a Streaming Server page - Change OS Image 64

53 Send Device Command page 64

54 Schedule Device Command page 65
55 User Groups page 68
56 Add User Group page 69
57 Assign Users page 70
58 Assign Application Licenses page 70
59 Import Group from Active Directory page 71
60 User Groups Details page - without Active Directory integration 72
61 Assign Users For Group page 73
62 User Groups Details page - with Active Directory integration 74
63 Assign Application Licenses For Group page 75
64 Users page - with Active Directory 78
65 Users page - without Active Directory integration 79
66 Add Users page 80
67 Assign to a Group page 80
68 Users Details page - without Active Directory integration 81
69 Change Password For User page 82
70 Assign Groups For User page 82
71 System Settings page 85
72 Server License page 89
73 Active Directory Configuration page 89
74 Database Configuration page 91
75 Move Server page 92
76 Rename an SQL Server page 92
77 Import Devices page 93
78 Add Device Template 94
79 Assigning a device group - Device Template 95
80 Assign an OS Image page - Device Template 95
81 Select Streaming Server page - Device Template 96
82 Device Template Details page 96
83 Select a device group - Device Template 98
84 Assign an OS Image page - Device Template 98
85 Select Streaming Server page - Device Template 99
86 Select an OS Image page - Device Template 99
87 Select a Streaming Server page - Device Template 100
88 Active Directory Domains page 100
89 Add Domain page 102
90 Active Directory Domain Details page 103
91 Import Groups from Active Directory page 104
92 Add Device Organizational Unit page 105
93 Import Certificates page 106
94 Virtual Centers page 107
95 Add Virtual Center page 107
96 Assign Templates page 108
97 Virtual Center Details page 109
98 Create Virtual Machine page 109
99 Virtual Machines page 110
100 Reports page 111
101 Client Reports page 112
102 License Usage Reports page 112
103 Standard Usage Reports page 113
104 Activation Reports page 113
105 Subscriptions Reports page 114
106 Load balancing setup 116

107 Select OS Image Copy page 120

108 OS Image Details page - Assign Patch to the Reference Device 121
109 OS Image Details page - Finalize Patch 122
110 Schedule Patch Deployment Date page 123
111 OS Image Details page - Retired and Active 124
112 Updating Application Image page 125
113 Wyse UniPlat Tool Interface 128
114 Properties dialog box - Options tab 130
115 Backup dialog box 131
116 Restore dialog box 132
117 Overview of steps to create a combined UniPlat disk file 133
118 Found New Hardware Wizard 135
119 Using a golden OS image to boot all platforms 136
120 Device Manger window 139

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