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Stress Hyperglycemia in Patient with acute stroke: Let it be or take

action ?


Hyperglycemia will be detected in about one third of patients with stroke and can cause
detrimental effects of increasing tissue lactic acidosis,secondary to anaerobic glycolysis
and free radical production (1) . After stroke of either subtype (ischemic or hemorrhagic),
the unadjusted relative risk of in-hospital or 30-day mortality associated with admission
glucose level >6 to 8 mmol/L (108 to 144 mg/dL) was 3.07 (95% CI, 2.50 to 3.79) in
nondiabetic patients and 1.30 (95% CI, 0.49 to 3.43) in diabetic patients(2) A good
understanding on the pathophysiology and management of stroke hyperglycemia is
essential, particularly before one considers administering glucose containing parenteral
solutions, e.g Aminofluid and KAEN 3B.

Definition of hyperglycemia

The concept of stress-induced hyperglycemia, typically defined as BG concentrations >

200 mg/dl has been described for almost 150 years (3) Various studies assessing relative
risk of 30-day mortality associated with stress hyperglycemia in stroke patients had used
a considerable diversity of cut-offs fasting or random glucose levels(2) . For practical
purpose, in this article hyperglycemia is defined as any BG value > 140 mg/dl or > 7.8
mmol/L (note. 1 mmol/L = 18 mg/dl glucose) (4)


The basic mechanism of stress hyperglycemia in acute stroke is similar to other acute
illness or injury, ie increase in the concentration of counterregulatory hormones and
cytokines(3) . Epinephrine mediates stress hyperglycemia by altering postreceptor
signaling, resulting in insulin resistance. Epinephrine also increases gluconeogenesis and
suppresses insulin secretion. In addition to hyperglycemia, another effect of epinephrine
is hypokalemia (via intracellular shift). Glucagon increases gluconeogenesis and hepatic
glycogenolysis. Glucocorticoids and various cytokines also considerably contributes to
stress hyperglycemia.

Epinephrine skeletal muscle insulin resistance via altered postreceptor signaling

increased gluconeogenesis
increased skeletal muscle and hepatic glycogenolysis
increased lipolysis; increased free fatty acids
direct suppression of insulin secretion
Glucagon increased gluconeogenesis
increased hepatic glycogenolysis
Glucocorticoids skeletal muscle insulin resistance
increased lipolysis
increased gluconeogenesis
Growth hormone skeletal muscle insulin resistance
increased lipolysis
increased gluconeogenesis
Norepinephrine increased lipolysis
increased gluconeogenesis; marked hyperglycemia only at high
Tumor necrosis factor skeletal muscle insulin resistance via altered postreceptor signaling
hepatic insulin resistance

Why does glucose, the main energy substrate for the brain, cause damage of brain
tissue at the time of cerebral ischemia ?

Shortly after being deprived of oxygen, metabolism within penumbral tissue changes
from aerobic to anaerobic glycolysis which is less energy efficient and produces lactate
and unbuffered hydrogen ions.Experimental models have consistently shown that animals
made hyperglycemic before induction of ischemia have higher levels of lactate than
euglycemic controls.Hyperglycemia may initially be neuroprotective, with increased
glucose available for metabolism and ATP production. Persisting anaerobic metabolism
results in the development of intracellular acidosis. It has been shown using both pH-
sensitive microelectrodes and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that the brain
pH of animals pretreated with glucose is considerably more acidotic than saline treated
controls. Acidosis may exacerbate penumbral injury through enhancement of free radical
formation, activation of pH dependent endonucleases, and glutamate release with
subsequent alteration of intracellular Ca++ regulation and mitochondrial failure.

There is currently no direct proof that lactate is detrimental to the ischemic brain. In vitro
work using murine hippocampal slices has shown that glucose and acidosis are
detrimental to cells whereas lactate is not. Using PET scanning it has been shown that
lactate may be the preferred energy supply to the brain especially during times of stress.
This is relevant to the management of hyperglycemia in acute ischemic stroke patients. If
the ischemic brain is dependent on lactate for its source of energy, targeted euglycemia
may result in less glucose load to the brain and thus less substrate for anaerobic
metabolism, therefore attenuated lactate production. (5)

Summary of Evidence Supporting a Detrimental Role for Elevated Glucose in Stroke (3,5,6)
1. Experimental ischemic damage is worsened by hyperglycemia.
2. Experimental ischemic damage is reduced by glucose reduction.
3. Early hyperglycemia is associated with clinical infarct progression in brain imaging.
4. Early hyperglycemia is associated with hemorrhagic conversion in stroke.
5. Early hyperglycemia is associated with poor clinical outcome.
6. Early hyperglycemia may reduce the benefit from recanalization.
7. Immediate insulin therapy reported beneficial in acute myocardial infarction and
surgical critical illness.

So what?
There is strong rationale to treat stress hyperglycemia in acute stroke. Should we
extrapolate the results of randomized clinical trials on glucose control in critically ill
patients ?

Randomized clinical trials on glucose control in critically ill patients were first reported
in 1995. These studies were done at a time when physicians did not place a high priority
on glucose control in hospitalized patients. Physicians used a sliding scale to calculate
insulin doses (the true purpose of the sliding scale is not to control glucose but to provide
a contingency plan for insulin dosing so that nurses could decide the dose without
needing to call the physician, which the sliding scale does admirably). Patients in the ICU
with blood glucose concentrations over 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL) were common (7) The
DIGAMI (Diabetes Insulin-Glucose in Acute Myocardial Infarction) study was the first
clinical trial of tight glucose control in the hospital. This randomized study compared
intravenous insulin followed by multiple-dose insulin therapy versus standard care for
patients with diabetes and acute myocardial infarction (8) . Although the authors did not
define their protocol, attentive control of blood glucose from the time of admission to the
postdischarge period reduced mortality at 1 year by 26%. In 2001, a Belgian group
performed the first large randomized trial of tight glucose control in critically ill patients
in a surgical intensive care unit. Most patients were recovering from coronary artery
bypass surgery (9) . The authors enrolled anyone with elevated glucose concentrations, not
just patients with diabetes. Tight control dramatically reduced the mortality rate from 8%
in the control group (in which the glucose control target was 10.0 mmol/L [<180 mg/dL])
to 4.6% in the normal glucose-control group (in which the glucose control target was 6.1
mmol/L [<110 mg/L]). Of note, the glucose control targets for all patients—diabetic or
nondiabetic—were those typically set for nondiabetic patients. Although most
diabetologists believed that tight glucose control would help, they were surprised by
magnitude of the benefit. At that point, the pendulum was at its apogee on the side of
tight glucose control, and major organizations issued guidelines endorsing tight glucose
control in the ICU.

However, when the Belgian group applied their glucose-control protocol to medical ICU
patients, the results were very different. The mortality rate in the tight control group was
lower in patients who stayed in the ICU for 3 or more days but higher in those who
stayed in the ICU less than 3 days (10) . Furthermore, the benefit was much smaller than
that seen in the Belgian group's study of patients in the surgical ICU: a 6% reduction in
mortality in patients with longer stays in the ICU rather than the 42% reduction seen in
the surgical ICU. However In subsequent syudies, including the NICE-SUGAR (the
Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm
Regulation)— strongly discouraged against tight glucose control. (11) .

Past and Present Attitude

In 2004 active lowering of elevated blood glucose by rapidly acting insulin is

recommended in most published guidelines, even in nondiabetic patients (European
Stroke Initiative [EUSI] guidelines >10 mmol/L, American Stroke Association [ASA]
guidelines >300 mg/dL) (6) . However, current evidence indicates that persistent
hyperglycemia (>140 mg/dl) during the first 24 hours after stroke is associated with poor
outcomes, and thus it is generally agreed that hyperglycemia should be treated in patients
with acute ischemic stroke. The minimum threshold describe in previous statements
likely was too high. Therefore a lower serum glucose concentration (possible >140 to 185
mg/dl) should trigger administration of insulin (Class Iia, Level of Evidence C) (12)


Stress hyperglycemia is common after acute stroke and may be caused by the increased
release of counterregulatory hormones, such as epinephrine, glucagon and glucocorticoid.

Current recommendation should be followed regarding the treatment of stress

hyperglycemia in patient with acute stroke, in view of the grieve consequences to short-
term mortality and poor functional recovery.

Veru good understanding in handling stroke hyperglycemia is important before

considering the administeration of parenteral maintenance fluid therapy containing
glucose, in order to ensure functional recovery and avoid complications.


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dr Iyan Darmawan
Medical Director

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