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In the previous lecture we studied that what is the meaning of Relevance of Values in Managers
values but have you ever given it a thought that why as a 1. Young managers should understand and be aware of the
budding manager you should know the importance of these reasons that underline moral principles. These are helpful in
values also. Why it is necessary for you to inculcate all these fostering ability to reason when applying these principles. It
values so as to become a successful person in life. Let us talk is vital part of ensuring compliance by managers with
about values today. company standard for conduct.
Points to be covered in this lesson: 2. Knowledge of business ethics will help managers in
• Relevance of values resolving ethical issues/dilemmas as they arise.
• Team-work 3. Knowledge of values will help managers in setting highly
responsible tone for the organization - in individual
judgments and decisions whether
ethical or not.
4. The study of business ethics
provides conscientious managers
with morally responsible approach to
business. The need for responsible
manager is acute as questions of
business ethics cannot wholly be
determined by law and government
organization but must remain the
concern of individual manager.
5. It helps manager to realize their
social responsibility. Many
organizations find it wise to go
beyond their primary mission and
take into the needs of the
community. Business ethics make
managers more accountable for social
6. The study of business ethics
inculcates high level of integrity in
managers. Goal of ethics education is
to share knowledge of, build skills
and develop minds. It helps to gain
clarity and insight into business
A growing number of today’s economy captains believe that ethics and to avoid business misconduct in organizations.
people make the difference in business. The question is, “What The study of business ethics helps managers to arrive at a
kind of people make the difference?” decision that he feels to be “ right and proper” ‘just’. It
Many progressive organizations want to employ and develop facilitates individuals to understand their moral standards
only people who possess a special predefined set of competen- and ethical norms, beliefs and values so that they can decide
cies (creativity, innovation, adaptability, teamwork, personal when faced with business dilemma.
integrity, etc.). These competencies guarantee that business 7. Business ethics create awareness of social and moral values
strategies and relevant goals will be fulfilled while staying in tune through education because erosion of essential values and
with corporate culture and values. And managers create a unique increasing cynicism in society as leading to violence,
category, as they actively participate in formulating business superstition and fatalism.
strategy and are also directly responsible for ensuring that 8. Knowledge and awareness of the concept and practices of
planned objectives will be met. business ethics is equally helpful to practicing managers in
managerial conduct and decision-making.

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9. Business ethics improve the skills of reflective managers both team and experience a sense of personal accomplishment in
in analyzing concrete moral issues and in deliberating and relation to their team and task contributions.
deciding upon strategies for solving moral dilemmas. Morale. Members are enthusiastic about the work of the team,
Group and Team-work and each person feels pride in being a member of the team.
Confident and committed, members are optimistic about the
Seven Characteristics Of High-Performing Teams Seven
future. There is a sense of excitement about individual and team
characteristics, depicted by the acronym PERFORM, best
accomplishments as well as the way team members work
summarize the desired group behaviors we have identified that
together. Team spirit is high.
are necessary for a group to become a high-performing team. The
seven characteristics are: Purpose, Empowerment, Relation- ships Of these seven characteristics, two are most important: Optimal
and Communication, Flexibility, Optimal Productivity, Productivity and Morale. To be a successful team the group
Recognition and Appreciation, and Morale. Here is what we mean must have a strong ability to produce results and a high degree
by each of these characteristics: of satisfaction in working with one another.
Purpose. Members of high-performing teams share a sense of The overall group’s level of productivity and morale is shaped
common purpose. They are clear about what is the team’s by specific behaviors that may be performed by any member of
“work” and why it is important. They can describe a picture of the group. The needed behaviors must either provide direction
what the team intends to achieve. They have developed (to increase productivity) or provide support (to increase
mutually agreed upon and challenging goals that clearly relate to morale).
the team’s vision. Strategies for achieving goals are clear. Each Giving Direction
member understands his or her role in realizing the vision. Providing direction helps to increase the productivity of a
Empowerment. Members are confident about the team’s ability group. Direction can best be given in three forms: structure,
to overcome obstacles and to realize its vision. A sense of mutual control, and supervision.
respect enables members to share responsibilities, help each
Structure. Groups need structure, or a game plan, to make
other out, and take initiative to meet challenges. Policies, rules,
progress. Structure can come from an agenda or from asking
and team processes enable members to do their jobs easily.
questions to help to clarify roles and goals of the group.
Members have opportunities to grow and learn new skills. There
is a sense of personal, as well as collective, power. Relationships Control. Once a plan is established, the group needs to stick to
and Communication. The team is committed to open it. This involves helping the group to focus and limit its
communication and group members feel they can state their activities. For example, limit interruptions so that members can
opinions, thoughts, and feelings without fear. Listening is finish stating their ideas or put time limits on the discussion of
considered as important as speaking. Differences of opinion and various aspects of the agenda.
perspective are valued and methods of managing conflict are Supervision. Important in shaping any behavior is time for
understood. Through honest and caring feedback, members are observation and redirection of behaviors as needed. For groups
aware of their strengths and weaknesses as team members. There this means monitoring and evaluating how the group is doing
is an atmosphere of trust and acceptance and a sense of and what it needs to reach its goals and then helping as
community. Group cohesion is high. appropriate. Helping can include providing additional informa-
Flexibility. Group members are flexible and perform different tion, making a suggestion, or summarizing and recasting what
tasks and maintenance functions as needed. The responsibility yet needs to be done.
for team development and leadership is shared. The strengths of Giving Support
each member are identified and used, and individual efforts are It is also important for a smoothly functioning team that
coordinated when necessary. The team is fluid and open to both members provide support to each other. This support can best
opinions and feelings, hard work and fun. Members recognize be given in three ways: praising, listening and facilitating.
the inevitability and desirability of change, and adapt to changing Praising. Sincere, specific praise given in a timely manner has
conditions. been proven time and time again to be one of the most
Optimal Productivity. High-performing teams produce effective means of reinforcing desired behaviors. In a group
significant results. There is a commitment to high standards and context, praise can be given for productive contributions such as
quality results. They get the job done, meet deadlines, and new ideas, suggestions, or factual data. Praising encourages
achieve goals. The team has developed effective decision-making others to be involved with the group in a positive way.
and problem-solving methods that result in achieving opti- mum Listening. Few behaviors underscore the value you place on
results and encourage participation and creativity. another person as much as the ability to listen. Demonstrate
Members have developed strong skills in group process as well that you have heard and understood other members by using
as task accomplishment. both verbal cues (for example, paraphrasing) and nonverbal cues
Recognition and Appreciation. Individual and team accom- (for example, head nods).
plishments are frequently recognized by the team leader, as well as
Facilitating. This activity of assisting with members’ interac-
by team members, by celebrating milestones, accomplish- ments
tions can take many forms such as leading the discussion or
and events. Team accomplishments are valued by the larger
encouraging quiet members to contribute to the group. A
organization. Members feel highly regarded within the
facilitator helps move the group toward its goal in a way in

86 11.292
which participation and commitment to the group process are
both high.
The responsibility for initiating behaviors that give direction
and support to the group should be shared by all members.
With practice, the timing of these behaviors will improve and
they can become routinely used by all members. When this
happens the group can easily assume the other characteristics
needed to PERFORM and will be well on its way to becoming a
high-performing team.

So, that is why it is very essential for you to imbibe and inculcate
values in yourself.
• An understanding of values is essential for the manager as
he/she has to take decisions regarding ethical issues/
• The seven characteristics of high-performing teams are:
Purpose, Empowerment, Relationships and
Communication, Flexibility, Optimal Productivity,
Recognition and Appreciation, and Morale.
Discuss the characteristics of high-performing teams.

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