Yellen, The Shutdown, and Tapering - How They Are Connected: U.S. Chief Economist

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Yellen, The Shutdown, And Tapering--How They Are Connected

U.S. Chief Economist: Beth Ann Bovino, New York (1) 212-438-1652; Media Contact: Edward P Sweeney, New York (1) 212-438-6634;

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) Oct. 14, 2013--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services views the nomination of Janet Yellen as Chairman of the Federal Reserve as a near-to-intermediate term positive for two reasons. First, Ms. Yellen's nomination provides the markets a sense of continuity with the Fed's current monetary policy decisionmaking and communications process. The Fed has made clear that its decision on when to start tapering will be determined by economic data. We have long said that the recovery was too fragile for the Fed to begin tapering its bond purchases (see "U.S. Economic Forecast: Legends Of The Fall," published Sept. 13, 2013). Given the state of play in Washington, the economic impact of the government shutdown (we are projecting a 0.3% reduction in GDP growth for each week of the shutdown), and resulting uncertainty as we head toward the debt ceiling, we weren't surprised that the Fed held off on unwinding its $85 billion-a-month bond buying program. We think the Fed under Ms. Yellen will continue to wait until at least December (our June forecast) once storms blow over in Capitol Hill and economic conditions improve. If the shutdown lasts longer, the Fed will need to wait until next year. When the tapering does begin, we expect Ms. Yellen to maintain a patient, gradual and market-friendly removal of Fed accommodation as Ben Bernanke and others have outlined. The second reason we view the nomination as a positive is Ms. Yellen is not as dovish as people think. Inflation hawks have long been concerned that the Fed's quantitative easing (QE) policies would drive inflation higher.


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Yellen, The Shutdown, And Tapering--How They Are Connected

But while she has been in favor of generally accommodative economic policies, Ms. Yellen also played a key role in establishing the Fed's 2% inflation target and unemployment thresholds for policy changes. Currently, inflation remains stubbornly low, with the Fed's key indicator on inflation hovering near 1% year-over-year. Given the state of the recovery, there is a belief that Ms. Yellen may make the full employment portion of the Fed's dual mandate the top priority. However, a closer study of her history suggests that Ms. Yellen won't allow inflation substantially above 2.0%. She has never dissented in favor of a looser policy. In fact, when Ms. Yellen was a Fed Governor in 1996, she threatened to dissent from Fed statements and advocate for tighter monetary policy. Dissention by governors was rare when Alan Greenspan was at the helm of the Fed. Once the economy is past the--hopefully--short-term disruptions caused by Washington, we believe that Janet Yellen's enhanced role with the Fed will be supportive of the economic recovery while keeping a close eye on both elements of the Fed's mandate.

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, part of McGraw Hill Financial (NYSE: MHFI), is the world's leading provider of independent credit risk research and benchmarks. We publish more than a million credit ratings on debt issued by sovereign, municipal, corporate and financial sector entities. With over 1,400 credit analysts in 23 countries, and more than 150 years' experience of assessing credit risk, we offer a unique combination of global coverage and local insight. Our research and opinions about relative credit risk provide market participants with information and independent benchmarks that help to support the growth of transparent, liquid debt markets worldwide.


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