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Control and protection components



Product reference index


1/95 and 6/89 490 NTW 000 ppp 6/89 50437 to 50442 50485 and 50486 A AB1 DVppppppp AB1 Gpp AB1 Rpp 1/213 4/30, 4/33 and 7/7 1/213, 4/30 and 4/33 7/7 1/41 and 1/49 2/12 and 2/14 1/41 and 1/49 1/213, 6/89, 5/25 and 6/51 5/25 6/88 6/88

490 NAD 911 pp

D DA1 Tpppp DE1 DSpppp DE1 LT315 DF1pppp 6/51 and 6/88 2/41 2/52 and 2/60 4/29 4/30 and 4/33 4/72 to 4/75 4/72 and 4/74 4/73 and 4/75 4/29 4/33 5/103 4/37 5/138, 5/139, 5/188, 5/189, 5/190 and 5/191 5/133, 5/135, 5/188, 5/189, 5/190 and 5/191 5/135 5/259 6/25, 7/7 and 5/25 1/49, 1/41 and 5/124 6/42 5/259 5/186 and 5/251

GS1 Eppppp GS1 Fpp GS1 Gpp GS1 Jpp GS1 Kppp GS1 Lppp GS1 Npp GS1 Qppp GS2 ADL2 GS2 AEpp GS2 AFpp GS2 AHpppp

4/68 4/55 4/55 4/55 4/55 4/55 4/55 4/55 4/61 4/60 and 4/70 4/59 4/60, 4/61, 4/70 and 4/71 4/61 and 4/71 4/61 4/57 4/68 4/53 4/53 1/32, 1/33, 4/53, 4/57 and 4/68 4/53, 4/57 and 4/68 4/53 1/32, 1/33, 4/53 and 4/57 1/32, 1/33, 4/57 and 4/68 1/32, 1/33, 4/53 and 4/57 4/57 1/32, 1/33, 4/53, 4/57 and 4/68 1/30 to 1/33, 4/53, 4/55, 4/57 and 4/68 4/57 and 4/68 1/31, 4/53, 4/55 and 4/57 1/31 1/31 1/30 1/30 and 1/31 1/30 and 1/31 1/30 and 1/31 3/55 and 3/59 4/37, 3/47, 3/55 and 3/59

GV AM11 GV ANppp GV Apppp GV AXppp GV NGCpppp GV1 F03 GV1 Gpp

3/55 and 3/59 3/47, 3/55 and 3/59 3/55 and 3/59 3/55 2/18 3/57 4/39, 1/66, 3/57 and 5/85 3/55 3/61 1/6, 1/7, 4/39 and 3/57 3/55 3/51 and 3/57 2/15 2/15 2/12 1/8 and 1/9 1/10 and 1/11 2/12, 2/14 and 2/30 1/66, 3/57, 4/39 and 5/85 2/12, 2/14, 2/15 and 2/30 3/53 2/18 3/52 2/12, 2/14 and 2/15 1/6, 1/7, 1/39, 2/15, 3/46, and 3/47 2/12 3/48 3/51 and 3/50 2/12, 2/14, 2/30, 3/57, 3/59, and 4/39 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 and 1/11 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 and 1/11 3/61 and 3/59 3/61 3/61 5/85 and 3/59 3/53

GV3 ME80 GV3 S GV3 Ppp GV3 PCpp GV7 AB11 GV7 ACppp GV7 ADpppp GV7 AE11 GV7 APpp GV7 ASpppp GV7 AUpppp GV7 RE100 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE220 GV7 RE25 GV7 REpp GV7 RSppp GV7 V01 GW ppp

3/48 5/85 3/48 2/13 3/63 3/65 and 5/84 3/63 3/63 3/65 3/63 3/63 3/49 3/49 3/49 3/49 3/49 3/49 3/65

DF2 pppppp DF3 ppppp DF4 pppppp DF8pppp DFCCpp DGK DK1 ppppp DR2 SCpppp

GV1 L3 GV1 V02 GV2 AFpp

AB1 AB8ppp AB1 AC6BL AB1 BCppppp AB1 Gp

GS2 APpp GS2 AX1 GS2 Dpp GS2 Eppp GS2 Fpp GS2 G3 GS2 Gpp

GV2 AK00 GV2 APpp GV2 Apppp GV2 AXppp GV2 CP21 GV2 DMpppppp GV2 DPppppp GV2 Epp GV2 Gppp

AB1 Pp AB1 Rp

1/213, 6/51 and 6/89 AB1 VV635UBL 2/12 and 2/14 ABF H20pppp 1/77 and 1/199 ACM GVpppp 1/49 AE3 FX122 AF1 CDppp 1/49 1/49 and 5/186 1/41 1/49 and 5/186 1/213 1/212


5/279 and 5/293 GY 1611pppppp 5/292 4/19 4/11 and 4/17 4/19 4/17 4/19 4/19 4/19 and 4/11 4/11 and 4/17 4/17 and 4/19 4/17 4/19 4/19 4/11, 4/20 and 4/21 2/45, 2/49, 5/79 and 5/123 7/6 and 5/23 1/165, 2/59, 1/167 and 1/170 1/165 1/169 5/34, 5/35 and 7/13 5/235 5/23 and 7/6 5/81 5/81 and 5/83 5/81 5/81 5/83 5/83 5/83

K KAC 1BZ KAD 1PZ KAE 1BZ KAF pppp KBD 1PZ KBF pppp KCC ppp KCD 1PZ KCE ppp KCF ppp KDD 1PZ KDF pppp KZ ppp L LA1 Dpppp

DR5 TF4V DV1ppppp DX1 AP25 DZ3 ppp E ER1 XA2p ET1 KB50 EZ2 LB0601 G GA1pp GACpppp GAPpp GB2pppp

GS2 Jpp GS2 Kppp GS2 Lppp

AF1 VAppp AF1 VC820 AK5 BT01 AK5 GF1 AK5 JBpppp

GV2 K0pp

GS2 Mppp

1/66 and 1/212 AK5 PAppppppp 1/213 AK5 PCppppp AK5 PEpp AK5 SB1 AM1ppppp 1/66 and 1/212 1/213 1/213 1/212, 1/49, 4/41 and 5/186 1/41 1/199 1/199 1/78 and 1/79 1/128

GV2 Lpp GV2 LCppppp GV2 LEpp GV2 MCpppp GV2 MEpppppp

GS2 Npp

GS2 Pppp 5/279 and 5/293 5/279 and 5/293 5/279 and 5/293 1/41, 1/47, 3/90 and 3/91 5/278 5/286 1/30, 4/36 and 4/37 3/57 and 3/61 3/61 4/59 4/61 4/59 4/59 and 4/69 4/61 and 4/71 4/61 4/61 1/31 to 1/33, 4/53, 4/55, 4/57 and 4/68 GS2 Qppp

AM3 PA65 APE pppppp APP 2AH40H060 ASI pppppp ATSUpppppppp B BMX FCCpppp C CA2 KNppppp CA2 SKppppp CA3 KNppppp CA3 SKpppp CA4 KNppppp CADppppp CR1 Bpppppp CR1 Fpppppp

GS2 Sppp

GV2 MP0p GV2 Ppp GV2 RTpp GV2 V0p

LA1 KNpppp LA1 LCpppp

GC ppppppp GF 16pppp GK1pppp

GS2 Tppp GS2 Vppp

LA1 LB021 LA1 LDppppp LA1 SK01


GK2pppp GK3 AV01

GSp F GSp J GSp K GSp L GSp N GSp QQ GV ADpppp GV AEppppp


7/4 7/12 7/4 7/12 7/5 1/41, 1/47 and 7/21 5/250 5/250

GS1 AFpp GS1 AHppp GS1 AMppp GS1 ANppp GS1 APppp GS1 AVpp GS1 AWpp GS1 Dppp

LA1 VNpppp LA2 KTpp LA4 DApp LA4 DBpp LA4 DC3U LA4 DEpp LA4 DFB LA4 DTpp LA4 DWB


GV3 Appp GV3 Bpp GV3 Dpp GV3 Gpppp GV3 Lpp


Product reference index


5/123 5/124 5/124 5/124 5/124 7/7 and 5/24 5/43, 5/35 and 7/13 5/85 5/127, 5/177 and 5/258 5/80 1/39, 1/41, 1/169, 5/25, 5/124, 6/25, 6/36 and 6/37 1/47, 6/36, 6/37 and 5/125 6/12 5/186 and 5/251 2/45 and 2/49 2/21, 2/25, 2/45 and 2/49 5/84 5/76, 5/77 and 5/84 2/45, 5/76 and 5/84 5/84 5/84 5/76 5/76 and 5/77 5/76, 5/77 and 5/85 5/76 and 5/77 5/85 5/76, 5/77 and 5/84 2/45, 2/49, 3/47, 3/57, 5/85, 6/25, 6/37, 7/7 and 7/23 5/25 3/57 and 4/39 6/37 5/176 5/150 5/150 5/253 and 5/150 5/150

LA9 LB920 LA9 Zpppppp

LA4 FRpp LA4 FTp LA4 FVp LA4 Kpppp LA4 SKppp

LA9 F100 LA9 F103

1/66 and 3/55 1/187, 1/181, 1/183 and 1/185 1/49 5/126, 6/25, 5/176 and 5/251 5/119 and 5/121 1/47 5/125 1/47, 5/119 and 5/121 5/116, 5/126, 5/176 and 5/251 5/119, 5/121, 5/125, 5/150 and 5/253 1/41, 1/47, 5/119, 5/121, 5/124, 5/128, 5/150 and 5/253 1/47, 5/119, 5/121, 5/124, 5/128, 5/150, 5/153 and 5/253 1/47, 5/119, 5/121, 5/125, 5/128, 5/150 and 5/253 5/121, 5/119, 5/124, 5/129, 5/150 and 5/253 5/119, 5/121, 5/124, 5/125, 5/150, 5/253 and 5/253 5/253 5/119, 5/153 and 5/121 5/25 1/170, 2/52 and 2/60 1/170 2/87


LAD 6K10p LAD 7ppppp

LA9 F15ppp LA9 F18517 LA9 F2100 LA9 F22510 LA9 Fppp

LAD 8Npp LAD 90

LA5 Dppppppp LA5pppppppppp

LA6 DK20p LA7 Dppppp

LAD 909pp LAD 91217 LAD 918pp LAD 92560 LAD 93217 LAD 96ppp

5/81, 5/83, 5/76, 5/77 and 7/22 5/80 and 7/22 3/59, 5/85, 6/25 and 6/58 5/79 and 7/21 1/66, 5/85, 6/25 and 7/23 2/40 1/39 and 5/76 2/40 5/84 1/39 and 5/76 3/59, 5/84 and 6/25 4/39 1/199 7/23 and 5/85 5/76 and 5/84 5/76 and 5/77 5/76 2/40 5/76 and 5/77 3/59, 5/85 and 6/25 5/79, 5/123 and 7/21 1/41, 1/47, 5/79, 5/123, 5/175, 5/251 and 7/21 5/123, 5/175, 7/22 and 5/80 5/123, 5/175, 7/22 and 5/80 1/41, 1/47, 5/123, 5/175, 7/22 and 5/80 5/77 7/22 5/156 and 5/157 1/161, 1/163 ,2/57 and 2/58 1/161 and 2/57 5/185

LC1 Dppppppp

1/132, 1/139, 5/102 and 5/62 to 5/67 LC1 DTppppppp 5/66, 5/67, 5/74, 5/75, 5/188, and 5/190 5/191 LC1 Fpppppp 1/32, 1/47, 5/114, 5/115, 5/127, 5/153, and 5/174 6/60 5/14, 5/16 and 2/28 5/34 and 5/42 5/184 5/184 and 5/185 5/184 and 5/185 5/184 and 5/185 5/234 5/73 to 5/75 5/18 and 5/20 5/116 and 5/117 5/234 1/30 and 1/37 1/30 and 1/45 1/30 and 1/37 1/34 5/14 and 5/16 5/18 and 5/20 1/163 1/160 2/56 2/58, 1/163, and 1/160 1/160 2/20 and 2/44 2/30 2/28 2/20 and 2/24 2/20 2/32 and 2/36 2/32 and 2/42 2/24 and 2/48 2/24 2/36 2/24

LE8 Kppppp LF3 Mppp LF3 Pppp LF4 M02E LF4 Ppppp LG1 Kppppppp LG7 Dpppppp LG7 Kpppppp LG8 K06pp02 LJ7pppppp LJ8 Kpppppp LP1 Dppppppp LP1 Kppppppp

2/24 2/84 and 2/85 2/84 2/85 2/84 2/63 2/62 2/62 and 2/64 2/64 2/68 2/69 5/66

LA7 Fppp

LC1 K0901pp LC1 SKppppppp LC1 BLppppp LC1 BMppppp LC1 BPppppp LC1 BRppppp LC1 Vppppp LC2 Dppppp

5/15 and 5/17 LP1 DT20pppppp 5/189 LP1 SK0600pp LP2 K0ppppp LP4 Kpppppp LP5 Kpppppp LR2 Dpppp LR2 K0301 LR9 D5ppp LR9 Dpp LR9 Fpppp 5/34 5/19 and 5/21 5/15 and 5/17 5/19 and 5/21 6/22 1/30 and 6/12 1/31, 1/32 and 6/23 6/23 1/31, 1/32, 6/34 and 6/35 6/54 and 6/58 1/30, 1/31, 6/20 and 6/21 1/30, 4/36 and 4/37 6/50 6/58 6/58 6/58 6/88 6/87 6/87 6/86 6/86 6/86 6/86 1/60 and 1/63 1/63 1/67 and 1/81 1/70 and 1/95 1/77 and 1/81 1/63 1/77 and 1/199 1/67 1/67 and 3/59

LA9 FFpppp

LA9 FGpppp

LAD 99 LAD 9Apppp LAD 9ETp LAD 9Pppp LAD 9Rpp LAD 9SD3 LAD 9T4 LAD 9Vpppp LAD ALLEN4 LAD C22 LAD Npp

LA7 K0064 LA9 B103 LA9 D0975 LA9 D09907

LA9 FHpppp

LA9 D09966 LA9 D11ppppp LA9 D12ppp

LC2 Kppppppp LC2 Fpppp LC2 Vpppppp LC3 Dppppp LC3 Fppppp LC3 Kpppp LC4 Dppppp LC7 Kppppppp LC8 Kpppppp LD1 LC030p LD1 LD030p LD4 LDpppp


LR97 Dppppp LRD pppp

LA9 D2561 LA9 D3260 LA9 D32974 LA9 D4002 LA9 D5pppp

LA9 FK982

LS1 D32ppp

LT3 Sppppp LT47 06ppp LT47 30ppp LT47 60ppp LT6 CTpppp LTM 9TCS LTM EVpppp LTM R08CBD LTM R08ppp LTM R100ppp LTM R27ppp LU2B 12FU LU6M B0pp LU9 App LU9 CD1 LU9 Gpp LU9 M1 LU9 Rpp LU9 SP0 LU9 APpp

LA9 FL982


LA9 D6ppppp LA9 D730 LA9 D8pppp LA9 D9pp


LA9 Fp4p4p LA9 FX970 LA9 K09pp LA9 LCppp


LD5 LD130p LE1 Dppppp LE1 GVppppppp LE1 M35pppp LE2 Dppppp LE2 K0pppp LE3 Dppppp LE3 Fppppp LE4 Dppppp LE4 Kppppp LE6 Dpppp LE8 Dpppp

LAD T9R1p LAD 4Tppp LAZ Rppp

LA9 E0p LA9 E07 LA9 Fppp LA9 FGpppppppp LA9 FH4H LA9 FJpp

LA9 LDppp LA9 Lppppp LA9 V974 LA9 Zppppp LAD 2p LAD 3ppppp

LB1 LD03ppp 5/234 2/99 5/85 and 7/23 1/197, 3/57, 4/39 and 5/76 LB6 LD03ppp LC1 BP32p13


LA9 FKpp LA9 FLpp

Product reference index


LU9 CD1 LU9 Gpp LU9 Rppppp LU9Bpppp

LU9Cp LU9Mppp

1/79 and 1/93 1/93 and 1/199 1/91, 1/81 and 6/87 1/61, 1/62, 1/65 and 1/81 1/65 1/63, 1/77, 1/79, 1/81, 1/85, 1/87, 1/91 and 1/93 1/65 and 1/66 1/58 and 1/62 1/58, 1/60 and 1/69 1/69 and 6/64 1/69 and 6/64 1/69 and 6/64 1/134 1/61, 1/70, 6/60 and 6/64 1/65, 1/61, 1/71 and 1/95 1/61, 1/81, 1/85, 1/87, 6/60 and 1/93 6/60 and 6/64 5/254 and 5/255 5/130 and 5/178 5/130 and 5/178 5/131 and 5/179 5/131 and 5/179 5/132 5/133 and 5/179 5/132 and 5/179 5/88 5/89 5/133 1/169 and 1/171 5/235 5/235 5/235 5/131 5/139 5/90 and 5/91

LX4 D8pp LX4 F8pp LX4 FF020 LX4 FF024 LX4 FFppp LX4 FGppp LX4 FHppp LX4 FJppp LX4 FKppp LX4 FLppp LX4 FXppp LX5 FJppp LX9 FFppp LX9 FGppp LX9 FHpppp LX9 FJppp LX9 FKppp LX9 FLppp LXD 1ppp LXD 3ppp N NS 250HMA P PA1 LBpp PA1 PB50 PA1 RB50 PN1 FBpppp PV1 FA80 R RHZ 66 RM1 XApppp RM1 ZG21 RM1 ZH21 S SR2 CBL06 STB EPI 2145 STB XBEpppp T TSX CAN pppppp TSX CDP ppp TSX FP ACC12 TSX PBSCAppp V Vpp VBD pp VBDN pp

5/91 5/133 and 5/137 5/139 5/136 5/136 and 5/139 5/136 5/139 5/136 and 5/139 5/136 5/137 5/137 5/137 5/139 5/134 5/134 5/134 5/135 and 5/138 5/135 and 5/138 5/135 and 5/138 5/86 and 7/23 5/87

VBF pppp VBFX ppp VCp GUN VCCDppp VCCFpp VCDpp VCDNpp VCFpppp VCFNpppp VCFXppp VNpp VVDp VVEp VW3 A1 104Rpp VW3 A8 306 D30 VW3 A8 306 Rpp VW3 A8 306TFpp VW3 G4104 VW3 A8 ppp

2/4 and 4/13 2/5 2/10 4/8 and 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/8 2/4 and 4/12 2/4 2/5 2/5 and 4/9 4/13 4/13 6/87 1/95 1/95 6/89 1/61 6/89 1/128

LUApppp LUBppp LUCApppp LUCBpppp LUCCpppp LUCDpppp LUCLpppp LUCMpppp

1/74 and 6/88 VW3 A8 306 Rpp 1/61, 6/89 and 1/93 VZpp 2/6, 4/14 and 4/20 2/7, 4/9 and 4/11 5/188, 5/189, 5/190, 5/191 and 5/256 6/25 6/25 6/87 1/70 1/70 and 6/87 5/85 and 7/23 1/74 1/79 1/79 1/79 and 2/99 4/21 6/36 2/40 2/40 2/40 2/40 5/186, 5/188, 5/189, 5/190, 5/191 and 5/259 2/40

6/60 VZN pp 5/186 and 5/259 5/186 and 5/259 5/186 and 5/259 5/259 5/259 W WB1 KBppp



X XB5 AA86102 XB5 AL84101 XBT N410 XBT NU400 XBT Z938 XBY 2U XGS Z24 XZ CG0142 XZ MC11 XZ MG12 Z Z01 ZA2pppp ZB5 AAppp ZB5 ADp ZB5 AL432 ZBA 639 ZC4 GMp

LUTpppp LX0pppp LX1 FFppp LX1 FGppp LX1 FHpppp LX1 FJppp LX1 FKppp LX1 FLppp LX1 D6ppp LX1 D8ppp LX1 FXppp LX1 LDppppp LX1 V1ppppp LX1 V320ppp LX1 V610ppp LX1 FH3802 LX2 FJppp LX4 D7pp

6/51 6/41 and 6/42 6/41 6/42

6/88 1/199 1/91

1/85 and 6/89 1/77 and 1/199 1/95 1/81 and 6/89

2/5 and 4/14 4/13 4/8 ZEN L11pp



1 - TeSys motor starters: open version

b Levels of service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/2

1 2

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/4

Combination automatic motor starters

b D.O.L starters, type 1 coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/6

b D.O.L starters, type 2 coordination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/10

Combination starters for customer assembly

b D.O.L starters v With circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/16 v With circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/18 v With fuse protection (NF C or DIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/22 b Star-delta starters

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

v With circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v With circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v With fuse protection (NF C or DIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v With fuse protection (BS fuses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 1/26 page 1/28 page 1/30 page 1/32

D.O.L. starters, plate mounted, for motor control

b 4 to 37 kW, with isolating device, pre-assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/34

Star-delta starters for motor control

b 5.5 to 132 kW, without isolating device, pre-assembled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/37 b 7.5 to 132 kW, without mechanical interlock,for customer assembly . . . . page 1/41

b 90 to 375 kW, without isolating device, pre-assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/45 b 90 to 375 kW, on chassis for customer assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/47

TeSys U starter-controllers
b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/52 b Application examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/58 b Non-reversing and reversing power bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/62

b Add-on contact blocks and auxiliary contact modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/64 b Control units and function modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/68 b PowerSuite software workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/72 b Parallel wiring module and pre-wired coil connection components . . . . . page 1/76 b AS-Interface communication modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/78

b Profibus DP communication module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/80


b CANopen communication module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/84 b DeviceNet communication module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/86 b Advantys STB communication module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/90 b Modbus communication modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/92 b Communication gateways LUF P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/94 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/96 b Tripping Curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/104

1/0 0

b Selection curves according to categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/108 b Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/110 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/112 b TeSys U starter-controllers, variable speed controllers and soft start/soft stop units v Altistart U01 and TeSys U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/124 v Magnetic control unit for the protection of variable speed controllers and soft start/soft stop units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/134 b Combinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/138

1 2

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

b General, terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/140 b Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/150 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/160 b Accessories and coils references. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/165 b Dimensions, schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/174

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Adaptators for use with busbar systems

b With 40 mm and 60 mm pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/178

TeSys Quickfit, installation system for motor starter components

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/190 b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/192 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/197 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/200 b Dimensions, schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/202

AK5 pre-assembled panel busbar system

b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/207 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/208 b Mounting (equipment possibilities). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/210 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/212 b Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/214

1/1 1


TeSys motor starters

Levels of service

1 2 3 4
t Overload zone Low-level short-circuit zone Short-circuit zone

The standard defines tests at different levels of current; the purpose of these tests is to place the equipment in extreme conditions. The standard defines 2 types of coordination, according to the condition of the components after testing: type 1, type 2. To determine the type of coordination, the standard requires that the behaviour of the equipment be tested under overload and short-circuit conditions for 3 fault current values, covering overload and short-circuit conditions. Type 1 coordination Type 1 coordination requires that in a short-circuit condition, the contactor or starter must not present any danger to personnel or installations and must not be able to resume operation without repair or the replacement of parts. Type 2 coordination Type 2 coordination requires that In a short-circuit condition, the contactor or starter must not present any danger to personnel or installations and must subsequently be able to resume operation. The risk of contact welding is permissible; in this case, the manufacturer must indicate measures to be taken regarding maintenance of the equipment. Type 2 coordination increases reliability of operation.

Type 1 and type 2 coordination according to the standard

1 2 5 4

Current Ico (overload I < 10 In) The thermal overload relay associated with the contactor provides protection against this type of fault, up to a value Ico (see curve) defined by the manufacturer. Standard IEC 60947-4-1 specifies the 2 current values to be used for checking coordination between the thermal overload relay and the short-circuit protection device: b at 0.75 Ico only the thermal overload relay must trip, b at 1.25 Ico the short-circuit protection device must operate. Current r (low level short-circuit 10 < I < 50 In) The main cause of this type of fault is the deterioration of insulating materials. Standard IEC 60947-4-1 defines an intermediate short-circuit current r. This test current makes it possible to check whether the protection device is providing protection against low-level short-circuits.
Operational current Ie (AC-3) (A) Ie y 16 16 < Ie y 63 63 < Ie y 125 125 < Ie y 315 315 < Ie y 630 630 < Ie y 1000 Current r (kA) 1 3 5 10 18 30

Current values

6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 3 6

1 In


0,75 Ico 1,25 Ico Ico

50 Iq

Thermal overload relay curve. Fuse. Tripping of thermal overload relay only. Thermal limit of the circuit-breaker. Thermal overload relay limit. Current broken by the SCPD (1). Circuit breaker magnetic trip.

Current Iq (short-circuit > current r) This type of fault corresponds to a dead short and is relatively rare. It can be caused by a connection error during maintenance work. Short-circuit protection is provided by fast operating devices. Standard IEC 60947-4-1 defines a current Iq. The coordination tables supplied by Schneider Electric are based on a current Iq that is generally u50 kA.
(1) SCPD: short-circuit protection device.


General (continued)

TeSys motor starters

Levels of service

No coordination Considerable risks to both persons and equipment. Not authorised by standards: v NF C 15-100 and IEC60364-1, article 133-1 (installation regulations), v EN/IEC 60204-1, article 7 (electrical equipment in machines), v IEC 60947-4-1, article 8.2.5. (starters) Type 1 coordination The most frequently used solution. b Equipment costs are lower. b Reliability of operation is not a requirement. b Before restarting, it may be necessary to repair the motor starter. Consequences: v significant amount of machine downtime, v skilled maintenance personnel required to repair, check, obtain supplies. Example: air conditioning in commercial premises. Type 2 coordination This solution ensures reliability of operation. Consequences: v reduced machine downtime, v reduced maintenance after a short-circuit. Example: escalators. Total coordination With this solution, no damage or misadjustment is permissible and reliability of operation is guaranteed. Consequences: v immediate return to service, v no special precautions required. Examples: smoke extraction, fire-fighting pumps.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Selection guide

TeSys motor starters - open version


Pre-assembled starters Small machines starting under full load: D.O.L. starters Machines starting under no-load: star-delta starters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Level of service Starter type

D.O.L. or reversing starters with circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters with fuse protection

Soft start units or star-delta starters to be used in association with a circuit-breaker or fuses

Type 1 coordination

Type 2 coordination

Power at 400 V

Up to 5.5 kW

Up to 37 kW

Up to 37 kW

Up to 132 kW

Type of components

Combination automatic motor starter with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

Fuse carrier + plate-mounted contactor

3 contactors (line, star and delta, mounted on plate, rail or chassis)


1/6 and 1/7

1/8 and 1/9

1/10 and 1/11




Starters for customer assembly Small machines starting under full load: D.O.L. starters Machines starting under no-load: star-delta starters

D.O.L., reversoing or star-delta starters with fuses

D.O.L. or reversing starters D.O.L., reversing or star-delta starters with circuit-breakers

2 3 4 5

Total coordination

Type 1 and type 2 coordination

6 7 8 9 10

Up to 15 kW

Up to 110 kW

Up to 315 kW

Up to 355 kW


Thermal magnetic circuit-breaker + contactor(s)

Magnetic circuit-breaker + contactor(s) + thermal overload relay

Fuse carrier + contactor(s) + thermal overload relay

Switch-disconnector-fuse + contactor(s) + thermal overload relay

1/62 and 1/63

1/16 and 1/17, 1/26 and 1/27

1/18 and 1/19, 1/28 and 1/29

1/22 1/31

1/23, 1/31 1/32 and 1/33



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, non-reversing, from 0.37 to 5.5 kW at 400/415 V, type 1 coordination


This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2 ME, b 1 3-pole contactor LC1 K, b 1 combination block GV2AF01.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Starter type Breaking capacity (lq) (1)

Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1

GV2 400/415 V 440 V 500 V

kA kA kA

ME06K1 50 50 50

ME07K1 50 50 50

ME08K1 50 50 50

ME10K1 50 50 50

ME14K1 50 15 10 (4 kW) 6 (5.5 kW)

ME16K1 15 8 6


D.O.L. starters, non-reversing

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference Contactor Reference to be completed (2) LC1K06 Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) GV2ME06K1pp kg 0.460 Weight

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 GV2ME10K1pp 3 4 5.5

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5

A 11.6

A 22.5


1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914

33.5 51 78 138 170


LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K09 LC1K12

GV2ME07K1pp GV2ME08K1pp GV2ME10K1pp GV2ME14K1pp GV2ME16K1pp

0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460

Add-on blocks
Description Combination block between circuit-breaker and contactor Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference GV2AF01 Weight kg 0.020

(1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page3/11 (2) Please consult your Regional Sales Office. (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 110 220/230 230 230/240 a 50/60 Hz B7 F7 M7 P7 U7 c (4) BW3 (4) Coil: low consumption (1.5 W), wide range (0.71.3 Uc) with integral suppression device as standard.

380/400 Q7

Dimensions : page 1/12

Schemes : page 1/14



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, reversing, from 0.37 to 5.5 kW at 400/415 V, type 1 coordination

This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2 ME, b 1 3-pole reversing contactor LC2 K, b 1 combination block GV2AF01.

ME14K2 50 15 10/4 kW 6/5.5 kW ME16K2 15 8 6

Starter type Breaking capacity (lq) (1) Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 GV2 400/415 V 440 V 500 V kA kA kA ME06K2 50 50 50 ME07K2 50 50 50 ME08K2 50 50 50 ME10K2 50 50 50

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


D.O.L. starters, reversing

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference Contactor Reference to be completed (2) LC2K06 Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) GV2ME06K2pp kg 0.460 Weight

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5

A 11.6

A 22.5


1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914

33.5 51 78 138 170


LC2K06 LC2K06 LC2K06 LC2K09 LC2K12

GV2ME07K2pp GV2ME08K2pp GV2ME10K2pp GV2ME14K2pp GV2ME16K2pp

0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460


Add-on blocks
Description Combination block between circuit-breaker and contactor Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference GV2AF01 Weight kg 0.020

(1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page3/11. (2) Please consult your Regional Sales Office. (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 110 220/230 230 230/240 a 50/60 Hz B7 F7 M7 P7 U7 c (4) BW3 (4) Coil: low consumption (1.5 W), wide range (0.71.3 Uc) with integral suppression device as standard. 380/400 Q7

Dimensions : page 1/12

Schemes : page 1/14



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, non-reversing, from 0.06 to 30 kW at 400/415 V, type 1 coordination


This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2ME, b 1 3-pole contactor LC1 D, b 1 combination block GV2AF3.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Starter type


DM 102 to DM 110 kA kA kA 50 50 50

DM 114

DM 116

DM 120

DM 121

DM 122

DM 132

Breaking capacity (lq) (1)

Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1

400/415 V 440 V 500 V

50 15 6

15 8 6

15 8 6

15 6 4

15 6 4

10 6 4


D.O.L. starters, non-reversing

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference Contactor Reference to be completed (2) LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D12pp LC1D18pp LC1D25pp LC1D25pp LC1D32pp Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) GV2DM102pp (3) GV2DM103pp (3) GV2DM104pp (3) GV2DM105pp (3) GV2DM106pp (3) GV2DM107pp (3) GV2DM108pp (3) GV2DM110pp (3) GV2DM114pp (3) GV2DM116pp GV2DM120pp GV2DM121pp GV2DM122pp GV2DM132pp kg 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.596 0.601 0.606 0.646 0.646 0.651 Weight


kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5

A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432

A 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416


Add-on blocks
Mounting of Sold in Unit Weight GV2 lots of reference kg Combination block between circuit-breaker and contactor 5 rail 10 GV2-AF3 0.016 Mounting plate 10 GV2-AF4 0.016 LAD 311 (1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page3/11. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 220 230 a 50/60 Hz B7 M7 P7 c (4) BD (3) Type 2 coordination also possible, see page 1/17 (4) Only available for GV2DM. Coil with integral suppression device as standard. Description

Dimensions : page 1/12

Schemes : page 1/14



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, reversing, from 0.06 to 15 kW at 400/415 V, type 1 coordination

This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2 ME, b 1 3-pole reversing contactor LC2 D, b 1 combination block GV2AF3.

DM221 15 6 4 DM222 15 6 4 DM232 10 6 4

Starter type Breaking capacity (lq) (1) Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 GV2 400/415 V 440 V 500 V kA kA kA DM202 to DM210 50 50 50 DM214 50 15 10 DM216 15 8 6 DM220 15 8 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


D.O.L. starters, reversing (2)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference GV2ME02 GV2ME03 GV2ME04 GV2ME05 GV2ME06 GV2ME07 GV2ME08 GV2ME10 GV2ME14 GV2ME16 GV2ME20 GV2ME21 GV2ME22 GV2ME32 Contactor Reference to be completed (3) LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D12pp LC2D18pp LC2D25pp LC2D25pp LC2D32pp Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (4) GV2DM202pp GV2DM203pp GV2DM204pp GV2DM205pp GV2DM206pp GV2DM207pp GV2DM208pp GV2DM210pp GV2DM214pp GV2DM216pp GV2DM220pp GV2DM221pp GV2DM222pp GV2DM232pp kg 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.973 0.983 1.063 1.063 1.073 Weight

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5

A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432

A 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416


Add-on blocks
Mounting of Sold in Unit Weight GV2 lots of reference kg Combination block between 5 rail 10 GV2-AF3 0.016 circuit-breaker and contactor Mounting plate 10 GV2-AF4 0.016 LAD 311 (1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page 3/11. (2) Type 2 coordination also possible, see page 1/20. (3) See page 5/62. (4) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 220 230 a 50/60 Hz B7 M7 P7 c (5) BD (5) Coil with integral suppression device as standard. Description

Dimensions : page 1/12

Schemes : page 1/14



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, non-reversing, from 0.06 to 30 kW at 400/415 V, type 2 coordination


This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2P, b 1 3-pole contactor LC1 D, b 1 combination block GV2AF3.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Starter type Breaking capacity (lq) (1) Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1

GV2 400/415 V 440 V 500 V kA kA kA

DP102 to DP110 130 130 130

DP114 130 130 50

DP116 130 50 42

DP120 50 20 10

DP121 50 20 10

DP122 50 20 10

DP132 50 20 10


D.O.L. starters, non-reversing

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference Contactor Reference to be completed (2) LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D25pp LC1D25pp LC1D25pp LC1D25pp LC1D32pp LC1D50App LC1D65App LC1D50App LC1D65App LC1D65App Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) GV2DP102pp GV2DP103pp GV2DP104pp GV2DP105pp GV2DP106pp GV2DP107pp GV2DP108pp GV2DP110pp GV2DP114pp GV2DP116pp GV2DP120pp GV2DP121pp GV2DP122pp GV2DP132pp kg 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.696 0.736 0.736 0.741 0.736 0.741 0.741 0.741 1.725 1.730 1.725 1.730 1.730 Weight

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30

A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865

A 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416 560 560 700 700 910

GV2P02 GV2P03 GV2P04 GV2P05 GV2P06 GV2P07 GV2P08 GV2P10 GV2P14 GV2P16 GV2P20 GV2P21 GV2P22 GV2P32 GV3 P401 (4) GV3 P401 (4) GV3 P501 (4) GV3 P501 (4) GV3 P651 (4)


Add-on blocks
Mounting of Sold in Unit Weight GV2 lots of reference kg Combination block between 5 rail 10 GV2-AF3 0.016 circuit-breaker and contactor Mounting plate 10 GV2-AF4 0.016 LAD 311 (1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2P can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page3/11. (2) See page 5/62. (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 220 230 a 50/60 Hz B7 M7 P7 c (5) BD (4) Circuit-breaker supplied without downstream EverLink power terminal block, which is required for vertical mounting. For side by side mounting, use a GV3 P circuit-breaker with terminal blocks and the GV3S set of S-shape busbars (see page 5/85). (5) Coil with integral suppression device as standard. Schemes : page 1/14 Description

GV3P651 + LC1D65App

Dimensions : page 1/12



TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters with overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

D.O.L. starters, reversing, from 0.06 to 30 kW at 400/415 V, type 2 coordination

This pre-assembled combination comprises: b 1 motor circuit-breaker GV2P, b 1 3-pole reversing contactor LC2 D, b 1 combination block GV2AF3.

DP221 50 20 10 DP222 50 20 10 DP232 50 20 10

Starter type Breaking capacity (lq) (1) Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 GV2 400/415 V 440 V 500 V kA kA kA DP202 to DP210 130 130 130 DP214 130 130 50 DP216 130 50 42 DP220 50 20 10

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


D.O.L. starters, reversing

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in AC-3 400/ 440 V 500 V 415V Setting range of thermal trips Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth For customer assembly Motor circuitbreaker Reference Contactor Reference to be completed (2) LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D09pp LC2D25pp LC2D25pp LC2D25pp LC2D25pp LC2D32pp LC2D50App LC2D65App LC2D50App LC2D65App LC2D65App Pre-assembled Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) GV2DP202pp GV2DP203pp GV2DP204pp GV2DP205pp GV2DP206pp GV2DP207pp GV2DP208pp GV2DP210pp GV2DP214pp GV2DP216pp GV2DP220pp GV2DP221pp GV2DP222pp GV2DP232pp kg 1.053 1.053 1.053 1.053 1.053 1.053 1.073 1.153 1.153 1.163 1.153 1.163 1.163 1.163 2.750 2.760 2.750 2.760 2.760 Weight

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30

kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30

A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865

A 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416 560 560 700 700 910

GV2P02 GV2P03 GV2P04 GV2P05 GV2P06 GV2P07 GV2P08 GV2P10 GV2P14 GV2P16 GV2P20 GV2P21 GV2P22 GV2P32 GV3 P401 (4) GV3 P401 (4) GV3 P501 (4) GV3 P501 (4) GV3 P651 (4)


Add-on blocks
Mounting of Sold in Unit Weight GV2 lots of reference kg Combination block between circuit-breaker and contactor 5 rail 10 GV2-AF3 0.016 Mounting plate 10 GV2-AF4 0.016 LAD 311 (1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2P can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1L3, see page3/11. (2) See page 5/62. (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 220 230 a 50/60 Hz B7 M7 P7 c (5) BD (4) Circuit-breaker supplied without downstream EverLink power terminal block, which is required for vertical mounting. For side by side mounting, use a GV3 P circuit-breaker with terminal blocks and the GV3S set of S-shape busbars (see page 5/85). (5) Coil with integral suppression device as standard. Schemes : page 1/14 Description

GV3P651 + LC2D65App

Dimensions : page 1/12


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters

GV2 MEppKppp

1 2 3 4

On mounting rail AM1DE200





66 87



On mounting rail AM1DE200 With adapter plate LAD311 GV2DM1pppp GV2DM2pppp




125 3


7 8 9 10
GV2 b c c1

c1 c d1 d
DMp02pp to DMp20pp 176.4 99.6 94.1 DMp21pp to DMp32pp 186.8 105.9 100.4 GV2 c c1 d d1 DMp02pp to DMp20pp 135.6 130.1 112.5 107 DMp21pp to DMp32pp 141.9 136.4 112.5 107



References : pages 1/6 to 1/11


Dimensions, mounting (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters

On mounting rail AM1DE200 With adapter plate LAD311 GV2DP1pppp GV2DP2pppp

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

125 3

c1 c d1 d




c1 c
DPp10pp to DPp32pp 186.8 111.9 106.4 100.5 95 GV2 c c1 DPp02pp to DPp08pp 141.6 136.5 DPp10pp to DPp32pp 147.9 142.4

GV2 b c c1 d d1

DPp02pp to DPp08pp 176.4 105.6 100.1 100.5 95

GV3 Ppp1 + LC1 D40AD65A (for customer assembly)

Vertical mounting (1) Side by side mounting with S-shape busbar system GV3 S (2)


+3 0


136 141 120


136 141


(1) For several side-by-side motor starters, the maximum current allowed is equal to the nominal current under 400 V. Example: 55 A for a 30 kW motor under 400 V, for a GV3 P65 circuit-breaker and a LC1 D65A contactor association. (2) The maximum current allowed is equal to 90 % of maximum current. Example: 45 A for a LC1 D50A contactor.

References : pages 1/6 to 1/11


A2 T1/2 T2/4 T3/6
14 22 21/NC 13/NO
14 13/NO

A1 1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 6/T3 5/L3
T3/6 5/L3 6/T3 5/L3 A2 T1/2 T2/4 3/L2 4/T2 3/L2 1/L1 2/T1 1/L1 A1

References : pages 1/6 to 1/11

2/T1 4/T2 3/L2




A2 A1 1 3 5 13/NO 21/NC 1 3 5 13/NO 21/NC A1 L3 6/T3

A2 T1/2 T2/4 T3/6 14 3/L2 5/L3 13/NO 1/L1

A1 2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

2 L1 2/T1 L2 4/T2


4 6 14 22 2 4 6 14 22 A2

1/L1 T1/2 T2/4 T3/6 14 A2 A1 3/L2 5/L3 13/NO


Combination automatic motor starters

TeSys motor starters - open version


Schemes (continued) 

TeSys motor starters - open version

Combination automatic motor starters

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3


1 2 3 4
Control circuit c






L2 4/T2








L3 6/T3 13/NO

L1 2/T1







21/NC 22







Mechanical interlock with integral electrical contacts

Control circuit a








5 6 7 8 9 10



















References : pages 1/6 to 1/11





Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

0.06 to 110 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37 37 37 45 55 75 90 110 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 66 80 97 132 160 195 Iq (1) kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 10 50 50 50 15 25 25 25 35 35 35 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37 37 45 45 50 75 90 110 132 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.76 0.99 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 76 90 125 146 178 215

Circuit-breaker Reference Setting range of thermal trips A GV2 ME02 GV2 ME03 GV2 ME04 GV2 ME05 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 11.6 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432 3040 3750 4865 4880 5680 4880 60100 60100 90150 90150 90150 132220 132220 132220

Contactor Reference (2)

500 V Iq (1) kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 15 8 8 8 6 6 50 50 50 25 10 25 25 35 35 35 35 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 55 75 90 110 132 160 0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 6.8 9.2 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 33 44 53 64 78 78 106 128 156 184 224 50 50 50 50 5050 50 10 10 6 6 4 4 4 10 10 10 18 4 18 30 30 30 30 30 P kW Ie A Iq (1) kA

LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K06 or LC1 D09 LC1 K09 or LC1 D09 LC1 K12 or LC1 D12 LC1 D18 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D32 LC1 D40A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F185 LC1 F265 LC1 F225

GV2 ME06 GV2 ME06 GV2 ME07 GV2 ME08 GV2 ME10 GV2 ME14 GV2 ME16 GV2 ME20 GV2 ME21 GV2 ME22 GV2 ME32 GV3 P40 GV3 P50 GV3 P65 GV7 RE80 GV3 ME80 GV7 RE80 GV7 RE100 GV7 RE100 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE220 GV7 RE220 GV7 RE220

(1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2 ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1 L3, see page 3/11. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

0.06 to 110 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 Iq (1) kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 50 35 50 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 2.2 3 4 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 37 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.76 0.99 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.42 5.77 4.42 5.77 7.9 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 Iq (1) kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 130 130 15 130 50 50 20 20 25 50 50 50 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 500 V P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 3 4 5.5 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 30 37 45 55 90 110 132 160 Ie A 0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.8 9.2 6.8 9.2 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 33 44 53 44 53 64 78 128 156 184 224 Iq (1) kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 130 10 10 50 50 42 42 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Circuit-breaker Reference Setting range of thermal trips A GV2 P02 or GV2 ME02 GV2 P03 or GV2 ME03 GV2 P04 or GV2 ME04 GV2 P05 or GV2 ME05 GV2 P06 or GV2 ME06 GV2 P06 or GV2 ME06 GV2 P07 or GV2 ME07 GV2 P08 or GV2 ME08 GV2 P10 or GV2 ME10 GV2 ME10 GV2 P10 GV2 P14 or GV2 ME14 GV2 ME14 GV2 P14 GV2 P16 or GV2 ME16 GV2 P20 or GV2 ME20 GV2 P21 or GV2 ME21 GV2 P22 or GV2 ME22 GV2 P22 GV2 P32 or GV2 ME32 GV3 P40 GV3 P40 GV3 P50 GV3 P50 GV3 P65 GV3 P65 GV7 RS40 GV7 RS50 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS50 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS100 GV7 RS150 GV7 RS220 GV7 RS220 GV7 RS220 0.160.25 0.250.4 0.40.63 0.631 11.6 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 46.3 46.3 610 610 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2025 2540 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865 4865 2540 3050 4880 3050 4880 4880 4880 4880 4880 60100 90150 132220 132220 132220

Contactor Reference (2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D12 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D32 LC1 D32 LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265

(1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2 P can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1 L3, see page 3/11. (2) Combinations with circuit-breaker GV2 ME are type 2 coordinated only at 400/415 V and 440 V. (3) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 10 50 50 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 0.55 0.76 1 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.4 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.5 39 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 15 8 8 8 6 6 50 50 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 Iq kA 50 50 50

Circuit-breaker Reference Rating A GV2 LE03 GV2 LE03 GV2 LE03 GV2 LE04 GV2 LE04 GV2 LE05 GV2 LE05 GV2 LE06 GV2 LE07 GV2 LE07 GV2 LE08 GV2 LE08 GV2 LE10 GV2 LE10 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE16 GV2 LE16 GV2 LE20 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE32 GV3 L40 GV3 L50 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.63 0.63 1 1 1.6 2.5 2.5 4 4 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 14 14 18 25 25 32 40 50 Irm (1) A 5 5 5 8 8 13 13 22.5 33.5 33.5 51 51 78 78 138 138 138 170 170 223 327 327 416 560 700


Thermal overload relay Setting range A 0.160.23 0.230.36 0.360.54 0.360.54 0.540.8 0.540.8 0.81.2 1.21.8 1.21.8 1.82.6 2.63.7 3.75.5 3.75.5 5.58 5.58 5.58 811.5 1014 1218 1218 1624 1624 2332 3040 3750

500 V P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 Ie A 0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 6.8 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 33 44 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 6 6 4 4 4 10 10

Reference (2) Reference

LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K06 LC1 K09 LC1 K09 LC1 K09 LC1 K12 LC1 D18 LC1 D18 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D32 LC1 D40A LC1 D50A

LR2 K0302 LR2 K0303 LR2 K0304 LR2 K0304 LR2 K0305 LR2 K0305 LR2 K0306 LR2 K0307 LR2 K0307 LR2 K0308 LR2 K0310 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0316 LR2 K0321 LRD 21 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 22 LRD 32 LRD 340 LRD 350

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination (continued)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 37 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 Ie A 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 388 430 Iq kA 50 70 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 440 V P kW 37 37 45 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 280 Ie A 51.5 64 76 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 470 Iq kA 50 50 65 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 500 V P kW 37 37 45 55 50 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 Ie A 53 53 64 78 90 106 128 156 184 224 280 310 344 432 488 Iq kA 10 10 50 25 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) GV3 L65 GV3 L65 GV3 L65

Circuit-breaker Reference Rating A 65 65 65 80 100 100 150 150 150 150 220 220 220 220 220 320 320 320 320 320 320 500 500 500 500 500 500 Irm (1) A 910 910 910 1040 1300 1200 1500 1350 1800 1950 2200 2640 2420 2640 2860 3200 2860 3520 4160 3840 4160 5000 5550 5000 5500 6000 6500


Thermal overload relay Setting range A 4865 4865 4865 6380 80104 80104 95120 95120 110140 132220 132220 132220 132220 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 200330 200330 300500 300500 300500 300500 300500 300500 380630

Reference (2) Reference

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 D65A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F330 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F500

LRD 365 LRD 365 LRD 3361 LRD 3363 LRD 3365 LRD 4365 LRD 4367 LRD 4367 LRD 4369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7381

NS80HMA NS100pMA (3) NS100pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3)

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2. (3) Reference to be completed by replacing the p with the breaking performance code: Breaking performance Iq (kA) 400/415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V Code NS100pMA 25 25 18 8 N 70 65 50 10 H NS160pMA and NS250pMA 36 35 30 8 N 70 65 50 10 H NS400pMA and NS630pMA 70 65 50 20 H 130 130 70 35 L


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 Iq kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 50 50 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 2.2 3 4 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.76 0.99 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.42 5.77 4.42 5.77 7.9 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 Iq kA

Circuit-breaker Reference Rating Irm (1) A GV2 L03 or LE03 GV2 L03 or LE03 GV2 L04 or LE04 GV2 L05 or LE05 GV2 L05 or LE05 GV2 L06 or LE06 GV2 L07 or LE07 GV2 L08 or LE08 GV2 L08 or LE08 GV2 L10 or LE10 GV2 LE10 GV2 L10 GV2 L14 or LE14 GV2 LE14 GV2 L14 GV2 L14 or LE14 GV2 LE14 GV2 L14 GV2 LE14 GV2 L14 GV2 L16 GV2 L16 GV2 L20 GV2 L22 GV2 L22 GV3 L32 GV3 L32 0.4 0.4 0.63 1 1 1.6 2.5 4 4 6.3 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 18 25 25 32 32 A 5 5 8 13 13 22.5 33.5 51 51 78 78 78 10 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 170 170 223 327 327 448 448


Thermal overload relay Setting range A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.40.63 0.631 11.7 11.7 1.62.5 2.54 46 46 46 46 5.58 5.58 5.58 710 710 710 710 710 913 1218 1218 1624 1624 2332 2332

500 V P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 3 3 4 4 5.5 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 Ie A 0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.8 6.8 9.2 9.2 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 Iq kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 13 50 130 10 50 10 50 42 42 10 10 10

Reference (2) Reference

130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 130 130 15 130 50 50 20 20 50

LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D12 LC1 D12 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D09 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D25 LC1 D32 LC1 D40A LC1 D65A

LRD 02 LRD 03 LRD 04 LRD 05 LRD 06 LRD 06 LRD 07 LRD 08 LRD 10 LRD 10 LRD 10 LRD 10 LRD 12 LRD 12 LRD 12 LRD 14 LRD 14 LRD 14 LRD 14 LRD 14 LRD 16 LRD 21 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 22 LRD 332 LRD 332

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination (continued)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 18.5 22 Ie A 35 41 37 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 388 430 Iq kA 50 50 50 70 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 440 V P kW 18.5 22 37 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 Ie A 32.5 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 65 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 500 V P kW 30 37 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 Ie A 44 53 78 106 128 156 184 224 280 310 344 432 488 Iq kA 10 10 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) GV3 L40 GV3 L40 GV3 L50 GV3 L50 GV3 L65 GV3 L65

Circuit-breaker Reference Rating Irm (1) A 40 40 50 50 65 65 80 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 220 220 220 220 320 320 320 320 320 320 500 500 500 500 A 560 560 700 700 910 910 1000 1040 1300 1500 1050 1950 1950 1200 2420 1540 2860 2200 3520 2200 4000 4000 3500 3500 5500 4500 6250 5000

Contactor Reference (2)

Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865 4865 6380 6380 60100 90150 90150 90150 90150 90150 132220 132220 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 300500 200330 300500 300500 300500 300500 380630

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 D150 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F500 LC1 F630

LRD 340 LRD 340 LRD 350 LRD 350 LRD 365 LRD 3359 LRD 3363 LRD 3363 LR9 D5367 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7381

NS80HMA NS100pMA (3) NS100pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3)

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2. (3) Reference to be completed by replacing the p with the breaking performance code: Breaking performance Iq (kA) 400/415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V Code NS100pMA 25 25 18 8 N 70 65 50 10 H NS160pMA and NS250pMA 36 35 30 8 N 70 65 50 10 H NS400pMA and NS630pMA 70 65 50 20 H 130 130 70 35 L


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses, type aM)

0.06 to 55 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 Ie A 0.2 440 V P kW 0.06 Ie A 0.19 500 V P kW

Fuse carrier (1) (basic block) Reference

aM fuses Size Rating A

Contactor Reference (2)

Thermal overload relay class 10 Reference Setting range A 0.160.23

Ie A LS1D32 10 x 38 2 LC1K06 LR2K0302




10 x 38




0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4

0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5

0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4

0.37 0.55 0.76 1 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9

0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5

0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 6.8 9.2

LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32

10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38

2 2 2 2 4 4

LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K06

LR2K0304 LR2K0305 LR2K0306 LR2K0307 LR2K0308 LR2K0310

0.360.54 0.540.8 0.81.2 1.21.8 1.82.6 2.63.7

LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32

10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38

6 8 8 12

LC1K06 LC1K06 LC1K09 LC1K09

LR2K0312 LR2K0312 LR2K0314 LR2K0316

3.75.5 3.75.5 5.58 811.5

(1)For breaking under load, add a rotary switch-disconnector. (2)For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses, type aM)

0.06 to 55 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination (continued)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 Ie A 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 440 V P kW 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 Ie A 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 500 V P kW 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 Ie A 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 33 LS1D32 LS1D32 LS1D32 Fuse carrier (1) (basic block) Reference

aM fuses Size Rating A 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 16 16 20

Contactor Reference (2)

Thermal overload relay classe 10 Reference Setting range A 1014 1218 1218

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1K12 LC1D18 LC1D25

LR2K0321 LRD21 LRD21


14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51

25 32 40

LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D40

LRD22 LRD32 LRD3355

1624 2332 3040

22 30 37 (3) 45 55

41 55 66 80 97

22 30 37 45 55

39 51.5 64 76 90

30 37 45 55 75

44 53 64 78 106


22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58

50 80 80 80 80 100 100 125 125

LC1D50 LC1D50 LC1D65 LC1D65 LC1D80 LC1D80 LC1D95 LC1D115 LC1D115

LRD3357 LRD3359 LRD3359 LRD3361 LRD3361 LRD3363 LRD3365 LRD4365 LRD4367

3750 4865 4865 5570 5570 6380 8093 80104 95120

(1)For breaking under load, add a rotary switch-disconnector. (2)For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2. (3)400 V maximum.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses, type aM)

0.06 to 315 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 388 430 540 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 400 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.76 1 1.36 1.68 2.37 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 505 549 611 500 V P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 400

Switchdisconnector Reference (1)

aM fuses Size Rating A

Contactor Reference (2)

Thermal overload relay classe 10 Reference Setting range A 0.160.25 0.250.4 0.40.63 0.631 11.7 1.62.5 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1218 1624 2332 3040 3750 4865 4865 4865 5570 6380 60100 8093 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 200330 300500 300500 380630 380630 380630

Ie A 0.88 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.9 5.2 6.8 9.2 12.4 13.9 17.6 23 28 33 44 53 64 78 106 128 156 184 224 280 310 344 432 488 552 GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpL GSpL GSpN GSpN GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GS2S GS2S GS2S GS2S GS2V 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 T4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 8 10 16 16 20 25 3 40 50 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 400 500 500 630 630 800 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D12 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D40A LC1D50A LC1D65A LC1D65A LC1D65A LC1D95 LC1D80 LC1D115 LC1D95 LC1D150 LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F630 LRD02 LRD03 LRD04 LRD05 LRD06 LRD07 LRD08 LRD10 LRD12 LRD14 LRD16 LRD21 LRD21 LRD22 LRD32 LRD340 LRD350 LRD365 LRD365 LRD365 LRD3361 LRD3363 LR9D5367 LRD3365 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7381 LR9F7381 LR9F7381

(1)GSp: GS1 for direct operator or GS2 for external operator. (2)For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses, type aM)

0.75 to 400 kW at 690 V: type 2 coordination

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 P kW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 400 Ie A 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.8 4.9 6.7 8.9 12.8 17 21 24 32 39 47 57 77 93 113 134 162 203 224 250 313 354 400 GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpJ GSpJ GSpKK GSpKK GSpKK GSpL GSpN GSpN GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GS2S Switchdisconnector

aM fuses Size 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 T00 T00 T00 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 Rating A 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 125 160 200 250 250 315 355 400 500

Contactor Reference (2) LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D40A LC1D40A LC1D65A LC1D80 LC1D115 LC1D115 LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F265 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F630

Thermal overload relay classe 10 Reference LRD06 LRD06 LRD07 LRD08 LRD08 LRD10 LRD12 LRD16 LRD16 LRD22 LRD22 LRD332 LRD340 LRD350 LR2 D3357 LR2 D3359 LR2 D3363 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 Setting range A 11.6 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 2.54 46 5.58 913 913 1624 1624 2332 3040 3750 3750 4865 6380 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 300500 300500 300500

Reference (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1)GSp: GS1 for direct operator or GS2 for external operator. (2)For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maximum operating rate: LC3 K: 12 starts/hour; LC3 D: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 37 45 55 75 90 110 Ie A 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 66 80 97 132 160 195 IrD (1) A 2 2.9 3.8 4.9 6.4 8.6 10 12 17 20 24 33 40 40 47 58 78 95 115 Iq (2) kA 50 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 10 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 35 35 35 440 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 30 37 37 45 45 55 75 90 110 132 Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 51.5 64 64 76 76 90 125 146 178 215 IrD (1) A 1.8 2.6 3.3 4.6 6 7.9 9.8 12 15 19 23 30 30 37 37 44 44 52 72 84 103 124 Iq (2) kA 50 50 50 15 8 8 8 6 6 50 50 50 50 50 25 10 25 25 35 35 35 35 GV2 ME08 GV2 ME10 GV2 ME14 GV2 ME16 GV2 ME20 GV2 ME20 GV2 ME21 GV2 ME22 GV2 ME32 GV3 P40 GV3 P50 GV3 P50 GV3 P65 GV3 P65 GV7 RE80 GV3 ME80 GV7 RE80 GV7 RE100 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE150 GV7 RE220 GV7 RE220 Circuit-breaker Reference Setting range of thermal trips A 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1318 1723 2025 2432 3040 3750 3750 4865 4865 4880 5680 4880 60100 90150 90150 132220 132220 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K09 LC3 D12A LC3 D12A LC3 D12A LC3 D18A LC3 D18A LC3 D32A LC3 D32A LC3 D32A 3 x LC1 D40A (3) 3 x LC1 D40A (3) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (3) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (3) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (3) LC3 D80 LC3 D115 LC3 D115 LC3 D150 Stardelta contactors Reference

1.5 to 110 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

(1) IrD: current in the motor windings in delta connection. (2) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2 ME can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1 L3, see page 3/11. (3) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 DppA, star-delta starter kit LAD 9SD3 must be ordered separately, see page 5/76.


Combination starters or customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection built into the circuit-breaker

Maximum operating rate: LC1 D: 30 starts/hour; LC1 F: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC1 D: 30 seconds; LC1 F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 Ie A 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 Iq kA 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 440 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 Iq (1) kA 130 130 130 130 50 50 20 20 50 50 50 50 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 GV2 P08 GV2 P10 GV2 P10 GV2 P14 GV2 P14 GV2 P16 GV2 P16 GV2 P20 GV2 P21 GV2 P22 GV3 P32 GV3 P40 GV3 P40 GV3 P50 GV3 P50 GV3 P65 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RS100 GV7 RS100 GV7 RS150 GV7 RS150 GV7 RS220 GV7 RS220 Circuit-breaker Reference Setting range of thermal trips A 2.54 46.3 4...6.3 610 610 914 914 1318 1723 2025 2332 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865 4880 4880 60100 60100 90150 90150 132220 132220 3 x LC1 D09 (2) 3 x LC1 D18 (3) 3 x LC1 D18 (3) 3 x LC1 D18 (3) 3 x LC1 D18 (3) 3 x LC1 D25 (3) 3 x LC1 D25 (3) 3 x LC1 D25 (3) 3 x LC1 D25 (3) 3 x LC1 D25 (3) 3 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (3) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (3) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 3 x LC1 D80 (5) 3 x LC1 D80 (5) 3 x LC1 D115 (6) 3 x LC1 D115 (6) 3 x LC1 D150 (6) 3 x LC1 D150 (6) 3 x LC1 F185 (7) 3 x LC1 F225 (7) Stardelta contactors Reference

1.5 to 110 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) The breaking performance of circuit-breakers GV2 P can be increased by adding a current limiter GV1 L3, see page 3/11. (2) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 D09, star-delta starter kit LAD 91217 must be ordered separately, see page 5/76. (3) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 D18 or LC1 D25, star-delta starter kit LAD 93217 must be ordered separately, see page 5/76. (4) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 DppA, star-delta starter kit LAD 9SD3 must be ordered separately, see page 5/76. (5) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 D80, star-delta starter kit LA9 D8017 must be ordered separately, see page 5/76. (6) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 D115 or LC1 D150, see page 1/41 (7) For mounting 3 contactors LC1 F185 or LC1 F225, see pages 1/47 and 1/49


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maximum operating rate: LC3 K and LC3 F: 12 starts/hour; LC3 D: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC3 K and LC3 D: 30 seconds; LC3 F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 280 315 Ie A 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 388 480 540 IrD (1) A 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 16 20 24 33 40 47 58 78 96 116 139 165 204 225 278 322 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 10 50 50 50 70 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 440 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 375 Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 505 518 575 IrD (1) Iq A 1.8 3 3 5 6 8 1 12 15 19 23 30 37 44 52 72 85 103 125 148 186 204 233 295 300 334 kA 50 50 50 50 15 8 8 8 6 50 50 50 50 65 65 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) GV2 LE08 GV2 LE10 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE10 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE16 GV2 LE16 GV2 LE20 GV2 LE16 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE20 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE32 GV3 L40 GV3 L50 GV3 L65 GV3 L65 GV3 L65 NS80HMA NS80HMA NS80HMA NS160pMA (3) NS100pMA (3) NS100pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS160pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS250pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS400pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) NS630pMA (3) C801p+STR35ME C801p+STR35ME C801p+STR35ME A 4 6.3 10 6.3 10 10 14 14 18 14 25 18 25 25 32 40 50 65 65 65 80 80 80 150 100 100 150 150 220 220 220 320 500 320 320 500 500 500 800 800 800 A 51 78 138 78 138 138 170 170 223 170 327 223 327 327 384 560 700 910 910 910 640 800 640 1200 800 1200 1200 1200 1760 1760 1760 2240 3150 2240 2560 3150 3500 4000 4000 4500 5000 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K06 LC3 K09 LC3 K09 LC3 D12A LC3 K12 LC3 K12 LC3 K12 LC3 D18A LC3 D18A LC3 D18A LC3 D32A LC3 D32A LC3 D32A 3 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 3 x LC1 D40A (4) LC3 D80 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (4) LC3 D80 LC3 D115 LC3 D115 LC3 D150 LC3 D115 LC3 D150 LC3 F225 LC3 D150 LC3 F185 LC3 F225 LC3 F265 LC3 F330 LC3 F330 LC3 F330 LC3 F400 LR2 K0308 LR2 K0310 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0316 LR2 K0316 LRD 16 LR2 K0316 LR2 K0321 LR2 K0321 LRD 21 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 32 LRD 32 LRD 35 LRD 340 LRD 350 LRD 365 LRD 365 LRD 3363 LRD 350 LRD 365 LRD 3363 LRD 4365 LRD 4365 LRD 4369 LRD 4369 LR9 D5369 LR9 F5371 LRD 4369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 Circuit-breaker Reference Rating Irm (2) Star-delta contactors Reference Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 1.82.6 2.63.7 3.75.5 3.75.5 3.75.5 5.58 5.58 811.5 811.5 913 811.5 1014 1014 1218 1218 1624 2332 2332 3038 3040 3750 4865 4865 6380 3750 4865 6380 80104 80104 110140 110140 90150 132220 110140 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 200330 300500

1.5 to 315 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

(1) IrD: current in the motor windings in delta connection. (2) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (3) Products marketed under the Merlin Gerin brand. Reference to be completed by replacing the p with the breaking performance code: Breaking performance Iq (kA) 400/415 V 440 V Code NS100pMA 25 25 E 70 65 S NS160pMA, NS250pMA 36 35 E 70 65 S NS400pMA, NS630pMA 70 65 H 130 130 L C801p+STR35ME 70 65 H 150 100 L


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with circuit-breaker and overload protection by separate thermal overload relay

Maximum operating rate: LC3 D: 30 starts/hour; LC3 F: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC3 D: 30 seconds; LC3 F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V 440 V P Ie Iq P Ie kW A kA kW A 1.5 3.6 130 1.5 3.06 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 388 430 130 130 130 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 Circuit-breaker Reference Iq kA 130 130 130 20 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 65 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Rating Irm (1) A 4 6.3 10 10 14 18 25 25 32 40 40 50 50 65 65 80 100 150 150 150 220 220 220 320 320 320 500 500 500 A 51 78 138 138 170 223 327 327 448 560 560 700 700 910 910 640 800 1200 1200 1200 1760 1760 1760 2240 2560 2880 3150 3500 4000 Star-delta contactors Reference Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 2.54 46 710 913 913 1218 1218 1624 2332 3040 3040 3750 3750 4865 4865 6380 60100 90150 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 300500 300500 300500 300500

1.5 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 L08 GV2 L10 GV2 L14 GV2 L14 GV2 L16 GV2 L20 GV2 L22 GV2 L22 GV3 L32 GV3 L40 GV3 L40 GV3 L50 GV3 L50 GV3 L65 GV3 L65 NS80HMA NS100pMA (2) NS160pMA (2) NS160pMA (2) NS160pMA (2) NS250pMA (2) NS250pMA (2) NS250pMA (2) NS400pMA (2) NS400pMA (2) NS400pMA (2) NS630pMA (2) NS630pMA (2) NS630pMA (2)

3 x LC1 D18 3 x LC1 D18 3 x LC1 D18 3 x LC1 D18 3 x LC1 D25 3 x LC1 D25 3 x LC1 D25 3 x LC1 D25 3 x LC1 D40A (2) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (2) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (2) 2 x LC1 D50A + 1 x LC1 D40A (2) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (2) 2 x LC1 D65A + 1 x LC1 D40A (2) 3 x LC1 D80 3 x LC1 D80 3 x LC1 D115 3 x LC1 D115 3 x LC1 D150 3 x LC1 D150 3 x LC1 F185 3 x LC1 F225 3 x LC1 F225 3 x LC1 F265 3 x LC1 F330 3 x LC1 F330 3 x LC1 F400 3 x LC1 F400 3 x LC1 F500

LRD 08 LRD 10 LRD 14 LRD 16 LRD 16 LRD 21 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 332 LRD 340 LRD 340 LRD 350 LRD 350 LRD 365 LRD 3359 LRD 3363 LR9 D5367 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 D5369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7379

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) Products marketed under the Merlin Gerin brand. Reference to be completed by replacing the p with the breaking performance code: Breaking performance Iq (kA) NS100pMA NS160pMA, NS250pMA NS400pMA, NS630pMA 400/415 V 25 70 36 70 70 130 440 V 25 65 35 65 65 130 Code E S E S H L


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maximum operating rate: LC3K and LC3F: 12 starts/hour; LC3D: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC3K and LC3D: 30 seconds; LC3F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P Ie IrD (1) Iq kW A A kA 1.5 3.5 2 50 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 220 280 315 5 6.5 8.4 11 14.8 18.1 21 28.5 35 42 57 69 81 100 135 165 200 240 285 388 480 555 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 16 20 24 33 40 47 58 78 95 115 139 165 225 278 322 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fuse carrier (basic block) Reference Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 401 505 518 575 IrD (1) A 2 3 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 19 23 30 37 44 52 72 84 103 124 148 185 233 293 300 334 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 aM fuses Size Rating Star-delta contactors Reference Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 1.82.6 2.63.7 2.63.7 3.75.5 3.75.5 5.58 811.5 913 913 1218 1624 1624 2332 2332 3040 3750 3750 3750 4865 5570 6380 80104 95120 95120 110140 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 200330 300500

1.5 to 315 kW at 400/415 V: type 1 coordination

440 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 375


A 10 x 38 4 10 x 38 6 10 x 38 8 10 x 38 8 10 x 38 12 10 x 38 16 10 x 38 16 10 x 38 20 14 x 51 25 14 x 51 32 14 x 51 40 22 x 58 50 22 x 58 50 22 x 58 63 22 x 58 80 22 x 58 80 22 x 58 80 22 x 58 100 22 x 58 100 22 x 58 125 T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 160 160 200 200 250 315 400 400 500 500 630 630

LC3K06 LC3K06 LC3K06 LC3K06 LC3K06 LC3K06 LC3K09 LC3D12A LC3D12A LC3D18A LC3D18A LC3D18A LC3D32A LC3D32A LC3D40 LC3D40 LC3D50 LC3D50 LC3D50 LC3D50 LC3D80 LC3D115 LC3D115 LC3D115 LC3D150 LC3F185 LC3F225 LC3F265 LC3F265 LC3F330 LC3F330 LC3F400

LR2K0308 LR2K0310 LR2K0310 LR2K0312 LR2K0312 LR2K0314 LR2K0316 LRD16 LRD16 LRD21 LRD22 LRD22 LRD32 LRD32 LRD3355 LRD3357 LRD3357 LRD3357 LRD3359 LRD3361 LRD3363 LRD4365 LRD4367 LRD4367 LRD4369 LR9F5371 LR9F5369 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379

(1) IrD: current in the motor windings in delta connection.


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with fuse protection (NF C or DIN fuses)

Maximum operating rate: LC1D: 30 starts/hour; LC1F: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC1D: 30 seconds; LC1F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V 440 V P Ie Iq P kW A kA kW 1.5 3.5 50 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 5 6.5 8.4 11 14.8 18.1 21 28.5 35 42 57 69 81 100 135 165 200 240 285 352 388 437 555 605 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 355 400 SwitchaM fuses disconnector-fuse Reference Size Rating Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 32.8 39 51.5 64 76 90 125 146 178 215 256 321 353 401 505 549 611 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 A 4 6 8 10 16 16 25 32 40 50 80 80 80 100 125 125 160 160 200 250 315 315 400 500 500 630 800 800 Star-delta contactors Reference Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1624 2332 3040 3750 5570 6380 8093 60100 90150 90150 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 300500 300500 300500 380630 380630 380630

1.5 to 355 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T0 T0 T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4

3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D12 3 x LC1D18 3 x LC1D25 3 x LC1D32 3 x LC1D40 3 x LC1D50 3 x LC1D65 3 x LC1D80 3 x LC1D80 3 x LC1D115 3 x LC1D115 3 x LC1D150 3 x LC1D150 3 x LC1F185 3 x LC1F185 3 x LC1F225 3 x LC1F265 3 x LC1F330 3 x LC1F330 3 x LC1F400 3 x LC1F500 3 x LC1F630 3 x LC1F630 3 x LC1F780

LRD08 LRD10 LRD12 LRD14 LRD16 LRD21 LRD22 LRD32 LRD3355 LRD3357 LRD3361 LRD3363 LRD3365 LR9D5367 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7381 LR9F7381 LR9F7381


Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters with fuse protection (BS fuses)

0.06 to 375 kW at 415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 22 30 45 55 80 100 110 140 160 220 257 270 375 Ie A 0.22 0.36 0.42 0.6 0.88 1 1.5 2 3.5 5 6.5 8.4 11 14 18.1 21 28.5 42 57 81 100 138 182 196 250 285 388 450 460 610 440 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 22 30 45 55 80 100 110 140 160 220 257 270 375 Ie A 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.76 1 1.36 1.68 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20 26.5 39 51.5 76 90 132 162 178 226 256 353 412 433 577 500 V P A 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 22 30 45 55 80 100 110 140 160 220 257 270 375 425 Ie kA 1 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.8 5 6.5 9 12 13.9 18.4 23 33 45 65 80 116 143 156 200 220 310 362 380 508 556

Switchdisconnectorfuse Reference

BS fuses Size Rating A NIT 2 NIT 2 NIT 2 NIT 2 NIT 4 NIT 6 NIT 10 NIT 10 NIT 16 NIT 16 NIT 20 NIT 20 NIT 20M25 NIT 20M32 TIA 32M35 TIA 32M50 TIA 32M63 TIS 63M80 TIS 63M100 TIS 63M100 TIS 63M100

Contactor Reference (1)

Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 0.160.25 0.250.4 0.40.63 0.631 0.631 11.7 1.62.5 2.54 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1218 1624 2332 3040 3750 4865 4865 6380 8093 90150 60100 90150 90150 132220 132220 132220 132220 200330 200330 300500 300500 300500 380630 380630


A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B3 B3 B4 B4 B4 C2 C2 C2

LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D12 LC1D18 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D40 LC1D50 LC1D50 LC1D65

LRD02 LRD03 LRD04 LRD05 LRD05 LRD06 LRD07 LRD08 LRD08 LRD10 LRD12 LRD14 LRD16 LRD21 LRD21 LRD22 LRD32 LRD3355 LRD3357 LRD3359 LRD3359 LRD3363 LRD3365 LR9D5369 LR9D5367 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7381 LR9F7381

TCP 100M125 LC1D80 TCP 100M125 LC1D95 TCP 100M160 LC1D115 TCP 100M160 LC1D115 TF 200 TF 200M250 TF 200M250 TF 200M250 TF 200M315 TKF 315M355 TKF 315M355 TKF 315M355 TMF 400 TTM 500 TTM 500 TTM 630 LC1D150 LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F500 LC1F630

TMF 400M450 LC1F400

(1) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combination starters for customer assembly


TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters with fuse protection (BS fuses)

Maximum operating rate: LC1D: 30 starts/hour; LC1F: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC1D: 30 seconds; LC1F: 20 seconds.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 415 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 22 30 45 55 80 100 110 140 160 220 257 270 375 Ie A 3.5 5 6.5 8.4 11 14.8 18.1 21 28.5 42 57 81 100 138 182 196 250 285 388 450 460 610 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 440 V P kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 22 30 45 55 80 100 110 140 160 220 257 270 375 Ie A 3.06 4.42 5.77 7.9 10.4 13.7 16.9 20.1 26.5 39 51.5 76 90 132 162 178 226 256 353 412 433 577 Iq kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 GS1DDB GS1DDB GS1DDB GS1DDB GS1DDB GS1DDB GS2GB GS2GB GS2GB GS2GB GS2GB GS2GB GS2LLB GS2LLB GS2LB GS2MMB GS2MMB GS2NB GS2QQB GS2QQB GS2SB GS2SB A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3 A4 A4 B2 B2 B2 B3 B3 B4 C2 C2 A NIT 16 NIT 16 NIT 20 NIT 20 NIT 20M25 NIT 20M32 TIA 32M35 TIA 32M50 TIA 32M63 TIS 63M80 TIS 63M100 TIS 63M100 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D09 3 x LC1D12 3 x LC1D18 3 x LC1D18 3 x LC1D25 3 x LC1D32 3 x LC1D40 3 x LC1D50 3 x LC1D65 LRD08 LRD10 LRD12 LRD14 LRD16 LRD21 LRD21 LRD22 LRD32 LRD3355 LRD3359 LRD3359 LRD3363 LR9D5369 LR9D5369 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 LR9F7381 Switchdisconnectorfuse Reference BS fuses Size Rating Contactor Reference Thermal overload relay Reference Setting range A 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1218 1624 2332 3040 4865 4865 6380 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 300500 300500 380630

1.5 to 375 kW at 415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TCP 100M125 3 x LC1D80 TCP 100M160 3 x LC1D115 TF 200M250 TF 200M250 TF 200M315 TFK 315M355 TFK 315M355 3 x LC1D150 3 x LC1F185 3 x LC1F225 3 x LC1F265 3 x LC1F330

TMF 400M450 3 x LC1F400 TTM 500 TTM 630 3 x LC1F500 3 x LC1F630



TeSys motor starters - open version

D.O.L. starters, plate mounted, for motor control 4 to 37 kW, (1), with isolating device, pre-assembled


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 1/35

Utilisation category AC-3 Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz 220 V 380 V 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V kW kW kW kW 2.2 4 4 4 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 LC4D09App 15 18.5 22 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 37 45 5.5 9 11 15 22 30 37 45

500 V kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 22 30 37 55

660 V 690 V kW 18.5 30 33 37 45

Operational current 440 V up to A 9 12 18 25 32 40 50 65 80

Fuses to be fitted by the customer Size Type aM A 10 x 38 12 10 x 38 16 10 x 38 20 10 x 38 25 14 x 51 32 14 x 51 40 22 x 58 63 22 x 58 80 22 x 58 80

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2)


LC4D09App LC4D12App LC4D18App LC4D25App LC4D32App LC4D40pp LC4D50pp LC4D65pp LC4D80pp

kg 0.870 0.870 1.150 1.580 2.630 2.930 3.200 3.340 3.650

Pre-wired power and control circuit connections. 3-pole isolating device (1) Thermal overload relay to be ordered separately (see pages 6/20 to 6/23). (2) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 50/60 Hz B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7

For other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 1/35


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys motor starters - open version


D.O.L. starters, plate mounted, for motor control 4 to 37 kW, with isolating device, pre-assembled


D.O.L. starters, plate mounted, pre-assembled


LC4 b c1 without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) with LA6DK10 with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover D09AD18A 218 94 96 127 139 147 151 D25A 221 100 102 133 145 153 157

98 79





2 3 4 5 6


= =

55 71 86

= =

LC4D32A LC4 c1 without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) with LA6DK10 with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover D32A 100 102 133 145 153 157



c1 =

88 90 165 =


c c1 c2

G a

LC4 a b b1 c c1 without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks with LA1DN (1 contact) with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) with LA6DK with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover c2 G

D40D65 281 143 45 130 124 129 149 157 169 177 181 100 263

D80 311 143 48 140 135 140 160 168 180 188 192 178 293

= 100/110

7 8 9 10



D.O.L. starters
LC4D09A to D80


- Q1
4 2 6


- KM1
2 4 6

References : page 1/34





TeSys motor starters - open version

Start-delta starters for motor control

Star-delta starting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Current 7

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

This method of starting is applicable to motors on which all 6 stator terminals are accessible and whose delta connection voltage corresponds to the mains voltage. Star-delta starting should be used for motors starting on no-load or having a low load torque and gradual build-up: - the starting torque in star connection is reduced to one third of the direct starting torque, i.e. about 50% of the rated torque. - the starting current in star connection is about 1.8 to 2.6 times the rated current. The transition from star to delta connection must occur when the machine has run up to speed. A too rapid build-up in load torque would cause the stabilised run-up speed to be too low and would therefore eliminate any advantage in this method of starting: this is the case with certain machines whose load torque depends on the machine speed (a characteristic of centrifugal machines, for example).




1 Speed

1 Starting in direct delta connection 2 Starting in star connection

Current 2,5



0 0 0,25 0,50 0,75 1 Speed

All star-delta starters are supplied with a special LADS2 or LA2KT2p time delay relay which imposes a delay on the delta contactor during the transition period in order to allow the star contactor sufficient breaking time. For ratings D115 and D150, this function is performed by a time delay auxiliary contact block LADT2 and a control relay.

1 Starting in direct delta connection 2 Starting in star connection 3 Resistive torque of the machine

(1) Motor manufacturers generally specify machine load torques. Example: maximum resistive torque on completion of star-delta start (expressed as a proportion of the rated torque).



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters for motor control 5.5 to 132 kW, (1), without isolating device, pre-assembled

Plate mounted starters

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors Mains voltage delta connection 220/ 380/ 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V

Maximum operating rate: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds.

Auxiliary contacts available on each contactor line KM2 delta KM3 star KM1 Star delta mechanical interlock Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6


kW 4 5.5 11 15 LC3D32App 18.5

kW 7.5 11 18.5 25 37

kW 7.5 11 22 30 37

kW 7.5 11 22 30 37

(3) (3) (3) (3) (3)

1 1 1 1 1

With With With With Without With Without With Without With Without With

LC3D09App LC3D12App LC3D18App LC3D32App LC3D40pp LC3D40ppA64 LC3D50pp LC3D50ppA64 LC3D80pp LC3D80ppA64 LC3D115pp (4) LC3D115ppA64 (4) LC3D150pp (4) LC3D150ppA64 (4)

kg 1.530 1.530 1.730 2.030 4.360 4.500 4.360 4.500 5.200 5.400 11.800 12.100 12.100 12.100
























1 (3)

Without With

Rail mounted starters (35 mm 7 rail)

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors Mains voltage delta connection 220/ 380/ 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V Auxiliary contacts available on each contactor line KM2 delta KM3 star KM1 Star delta mechanical interlock Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Weight

kW 3 4

kW 5.5 7.5

kW 5.5 7.5

kW 5.5 7.5 1 1 With With LC3K06pp LC3K09pp

kg 0.740 0.740

Maximum operating rate: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds.

7 8 9 10

Maximum operating rate: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds

4 5.5 11 15 7.5 11 18.5 25 7.5 11 22 30 7.5 11 22 30 (3) (3) (3) (3) 1 1 1 1 With With With With LC3D090App LC3D120App LC3D180App LC3D320App 1.530 1.530 1.730 2.030

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current (see pages 6/20 to 6/23). (2) Standard control circuit voltages: Volts a 50/60 Hz 24 36 42 48 110 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 Star-delta starters LC3K06 and K09 Code B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Star-delta starters LC3D09A...D150, LC3D090AD320A Code B7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 For other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (3) One auxiliary contact block type LADN can also be fitted, see page 5/79. (4) These starters consist of contactors LC1D115 or D150 without connectors. Dimensions : pages 1/42 and 1/43 Schemes : page 1/43


1 2 3


4 5

a 1b 1c


6 7



9 10
a 2 1c 1a



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters, for motor control, 7.5 to 132 kW (1), without mechanical interlock, for customer assembly
(on plate or on mounting rail) (2)

Starters for direct combination with a circuit-breaker

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors (3) Mains voltagedelta connection 400/ 415V 440 V kW kW 7.5 7.5 9 9 11 11 15 15 Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breaker

Maximum operating rate: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds

Contactors (basic references, to be completed by adding the voltage code) (4)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


line KM2 LC1D09pp LC1D12pp LC1D12pp LC1D12pp LC1D18pp

delta KM3 LC1D09pp LC1D12pp LC1D12pp LC1D12pp LC1D18pp

star KM1 LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp

Separate component
Description Mounting kit comprising: power circuit connections and 1 time delay contact block LADS2 Illustration item no. a Reference LAD912GV Weight kg 0.130

Starters for mounting separately from upstream protection

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors (3) Mains voltage - delta connection 220/ 380/ 230V 400V 415V 440V kW kW kW kW Contactors (basic references, to be completed by adding the voltage code) (4) line KM2 LC1D09pp LC1D18pp (6) LC1D25pp (7) LC1D32pp LC1D40pp LC1D50pp LC1D80pp LC1D115pp LC1D150pp delta KM3 LC1D09pp LC1D12pp LC1D25pp (7) LC1D32pp LC1D40pp LC1D50pp LC1D80pp LC1D115pp LC1D150pp

Maximum operating rate: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds.

Separate components (see below) star KM1 LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D09pp LC1D18pp LC1D40pp LC1D40pp LC1D50pp LC1D80pp LC1D115pp

4 5.5 11 15 18.5 30 37 63 75

7.5 11 18.5 25 37 55 75 110 132

7.5 11 22 30 37 59 75 110 132

7.5 11 22 30 37 59 75 110 147

Component types D09 D12 D18 D32 D40 D50 D80 D115 (5) D150 (5)

Separate components
Description Mounting kit comprising: - 1 time delay contact block LADS2 (D09D80) (3), - power circuit connections (D09D80), - screws and clamps for fixing contactors to the plate (D40D80). Illustration item no. 1a 1b 1c For components type (5) D09 and D12 D18 and D32 D40 and D50 D80 Equipment mounting plates 2 D09, D12, D18 D32 D40 and D50 D80 Reference LAD91217 LAD93217 LA9D5017 LA9D8017 LA9D12974 LA9D32974 LA9D40973 LA9D80973 Weight kg 0.180 0.310 0.380 0.680 0.150 0.180 0.300 0.300

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/20 and 6/23. (2) For mounting, assembly and cabling: please refer to installation instructions supplied with the equipment. (3) See comments on page 1/36. (4) See page 5/62. (5) For LC1 D115 and LC1 D150 components, see illustration and separate parts on pages 1/40 and 1/41. (6) A LC1 D12 component is adequate for the application, but use of a LC1 D18 is recommended. (connection capacity, correct use of power connection kit and connections). (7) A LC1 D18 component is adequate for the application, but use of a LC1 D25 is recommended. (connection capacity, correct use of power connection kit and connections).

Illustrations : page 1/38

Dimensions : pages 1/42 and 1/43

Schemes : page 1/43


1 2





14 6 8

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters, for motor control, 7.5 to 132 kW (1), without mechanical interlock, for customer assembly
(on plate or mounting rail) (2)

Starters for mounting separately from upstream protection

Separate components (continued)
Description Illustration For item no. use on LC1 1 3 4 5 D115 (star) D115, D150 D115, D150 D115, D150 No. Sold in lots of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit reference LADN10 CAD32pp (3) LADT2 LA9D901 Weight kg 0.020 0.320 0.060 0.005

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks 1 N/O Control relay Time delay auxiliary contact blocks Lead sealing kit for time delay auxiliary contact blocks Thermal magnetic circuit-breaker for control circuit (200415 V) Set of 3 connectors for wider terminations (optional) Set of power connections with fixing accessories Spare volt free terminals

D115, D150



D115, D150



D115 D150

1 1 1 2

1 1 10 10 10 100 10 1 100 100

LA9D11517 LA9D15017 DZ3HA3 DZ3GA3 AB1BC9535 AB1AB8M35 AM1ED021 AM3PA65 AF1VA618 AF1VA410

0.800 1.050 0.007 0.006 0.236 0.005 0.210 1.950 0.006 0.002

D115, D150

Lug-connector terminal block End stop Mounting rail 5 35 mm Pre-slotted mounting plate Screw with captive washer

10 11 12 13 14

D115, D150 D115, D150 D115, D150 D115, D150 D115, D150

1 3 1 1 12 2

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/20 to 6/23. (2) For mounting, assembly and cabling: please refer to installation instructions supplied with the equipment. (3) See page 7/21.

Illustrations : page 1/40

Dimensions : pages 1/42 and 1/43

Schemes : page 1/43



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters


1 2

Star-delta starters
Plate mounted, pre-assembled LC3K Pre-assembled: LC3D09AD32A For customer assembly: 3 x LC1D with components D09 to D32





150 175

90 a

3 4 5

On starters LC3D09A to D18A, a connection block is mounted on the upper part of contactor KM2, increasing the overall height of the product by 6.5 mm.

LC3 a b c with LADS with LADS and sealing cover

D09A 143 26.5 139 143


D12A 143 26.5 139 143



D18A 144 26.5 139 143

D32A 165 32.5 145 149

Pre-assembled: LC3D40, D50 For customer assembly: 3 x LC1D with components D09 or D50

Pre-assembled: LC3D80 For customer assembly: 3 x LC1D with components D80


175 (1)


263 281

183 (1)


293 311

6 7 8 9

(1) + 4 mm with sealing cover Pre-assembled: LC3D115, D150 For customer assembly: 3 x LC1D with components D115 or D150

(1) + 4 mm with sealing cover

G a
a 450 450 b 555 555 c 205 205 G 425 425 H 525 525


LC3D115 or 3 x LC1D with components LC3D150 or 3 x LC1D with components References: pages 1/37 to 1/41

D115 D150

Schemes : pages 1/43







Dimensions (continued), schemes

TeSys motor starters - open version


Star-delta starters

Dimensions (continued)

Star-delta starters (continued)

On mounting rail AM1DP, pre-assembled LC3D090A D320A



160 175

LC3K, LC3D09A to D80 LC3D090A to D320A
L1 L2 L3

LC3 b c with LADS with LADS and sealing cover LC3K

KM3/5 O
96 95

D090A D180A 153 139 143

D320A 137 145 149

2 3





21 96



KM2 KM1 54 53




2 4 6



2 4 6







13 14





13 22

4 5 6 7 8

55 14







21 56

A1 16
W2 U2 V2






A1 22




KM2/1 (N)


N KM3/1



Note: LC3D09A to D18A: Mechanical interlock between KM3 and KM1. LC3D115 and D150
L1 L2 L3





21 96














161 56




Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end).


184 154



55 183













A1 22

21 67


153 13

9 10

A1 162 A1


A1 14






(1) Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end). (2) Remote control. References: pages 1/37 to 1/41



TeSys motor starters - open version

Start-delta starters for motor control

Star-delta starting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

This method of starting is applicable to motors on which all 6 stator terminals are accessible and whose delta connection voltage corresponds to the mains voltage. Star-delta starting should be used for motors starting on no-load or having a low load torque and gradual build-up: - the starting torque in star connection is reduced to one third of the direct starting torque, i.e. about 50% of the rated torque. - the starting current in star connection is about 1.8 to 2.6 times the rated current. The transition from star to delta connection must occur when the machine has run up to speed. A too rapid build-up in load torque would cause the stabilised run-up speed to be too low and would therefore eliminate any advantage in this method of starting: this is the case with certain machines whose load torque depends on the machine speed (a characteristic of centrifugal machines, for example).




1 Speed

1 Starting in direct delta connection 2 Starting in star connection

Current 2,5



0 0 0,25 0,50 0,75 1 Speed

Switching from star to delta connection must be completed within a minimum time. This function is performed by a control relay and a time delay auxiliary contact block.

1 Starting in direct delta connection 2 Starting in star connection 3 Resistive torque of the machine
(1) Motor manufacturers generally specify machine load torques. Example: maximum resistive torque on completion of star-delta start (expressed as a proportion of the rated torque).



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters for motor control, 90 to 375 kW (1), without isolating device, pre-assembled

Maximum operating rate: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: LC3Fppppp: 20 seconds, LC3FpppppA64: 30 seconds (3 identical contactors). Composition of starters without mechanical interlock, see pages 1/47 and 1/49. Star-delta starters
Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors Mains voltage delta connection 220/ 380/ 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V Auxiliary contacts available on each contactor line KM2 delta KM3 star KM1 Star delta mechanical interlock Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Weight

Pre-assembled starters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


kW 90

kW 160

kW 160

kW 185

(3) 1 2 2 1 1 1 Without With LC3F185pp LC3F185ppA64 LC3F225pp LC3F225ppA64 LC3F265pp LC3F265ppA64 LC3F330pp LC3F330ppA64 LC3F400pp LC3F400ppA64

kg 16.500 16.625 16.500 16.625 27.300 27.425 37.000 37.125 37.000 37.125





Without With





Without With






Without With





Without With

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/34 and 6/35. (2) Standard control circuit voltages: Volts a 50/60 Hz 48 110 115 Code E7 F7 FE7 For other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (3) One auxiliary contact block type LADN can be fitted. 220/230 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380/400 Q7 400 V7 415 N7

Presentation : page 1/44

Dimensions : page 1/50

Schemes : page 1/51


1 2 3 4

1 7


5 6 7 8 9 10
* *
1 3 4


* *

* See page 1/48



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters for motor control, 90 to 375 kW, (1), for customer assembly (on chassis)


Maximum operating rate: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 20 seconds (3)

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors 220/ 380/ 230V 400V 415V kW kW kW 90 160 160 100 110 160 185 200 220 280 315 200 220 280 355 Contactors (2) 440V kW 185 220 250 315 375 line KM2 LC1F185pp LC1F225pp LC1F265pp LC1F330pp LC1F400pp delta KM3 LC1F185pp LC1F225pp LC1F265pp LC1F330pp LC1F400pp star KM1 LC1D150pp LC1F185pp LC1F185pp LC1F265pp LC1F265pp Separate components (see below) Component types F185 F225 F265 F330 F400

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Separate components (4)

Description Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks 2 N/O + 2 N/C Control relay Time delay auxiliary contact blocks Sealing cover Illustration For item no. use on 1 F185 to F400 2 3 4 F185 to F400 F185 to F400 F185 to F400 F185 to F400 F185 F225 to F400 F185 F225 F265 F330 and F400 Set of 3 busbars for thermal overload connections 8 F185 to F400 No. 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sold in lots of 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit reference LADN22 CAD32 LADT2 LA9D901 GB2CB10 LA9FG980 LA9FJ980 LA9F18517 LA9F22510 LA9FH610 LA9FJ610 Weight kg 0.050 0.580 0.060 0.005 0.050 0.200 0.490 0.800 1.400 1.400 1.500

Thermal magnetic circuit5 breaker for 5 A control circuit Sets of 3 connectors 6 for wider terminations (optional) Sets of power connections 7

LA7Fppp (Selected according to size of thermal overload relay) see pages 6/34 and 6/35.

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/34 and 6/35. (2) Contactors supplied with coil. Complete the reference by adding the control circuit voltage code. Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): LC1D150 Volts 48 110 115 120 220 230 240 380 400 415 50/60 Hz E7 F7 FE7 G7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 LC1F185 and F225 Volts 50 Hz (coil LX1) 60 Hz (coil LX1)

48 E5 E6

110 F5 F6

115 FE5

120 G6

220 M5 M6

230 P5

240 U5 U6

380 Q5 Q6

400 V5

415 N5

LC1F185 to F400 Volts 48 110 115 120 220 40 400 Hz (5) E7 (6) F7 FE7 G7 M7 Standard voltages, see page 5/114. For other voltages between 24 and 660 V, see pages 5/130 to 5/139. (3) For longer starting times, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (4) Other separate components, see page 1/49. (5) Coil LX1: LC1F265, F330 and F400. Coil LX9: LC1F185 and F225. (6) Except for LC1F400.

230 P7

240 U7

380 Q7

400 V7

415 N7

Presentation : page 1/44

Illustrations : page 1/46

Dimensions : page 1/50

Schemes : page 1/51






1 2 3 4



* *

5 6 7 8 9 10
16 13

* *

* * *
17 11

* See page 1/46


References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters for motor control, 90 to 375 kW, (1), for customer assembly (on chassis)

Separate components (continued from page 1/47)

Description Spare volt free terminals Illustration item no. 9 For use on F185 F225F400 Neutral terminals with stop and spare volt free terminal (for control circuit) 10 F185 No. 3 3 1 2 1 F225 and F265 1 2 1 F330 and F400 1 2 1 Reducer bracket Mounting rails (2) 11 12 13 Uprights (2) 1/4 turn sliding clip nuts and corresponding bolts for rails AM1DE 1/4 turn sliding clip nuts and corresponding bolts for rails AM1DE 1/4 turn sliding clip nuts and corresponding bolts for equipment fixing 14 15 F400 F185F400 F185F400 F115F400 F185F400 2 1 1 2 2 Sold in lots of 10 10 10 100 10 10 100 10 10 100 10 1 10 4 4 10 100 16 F185F400 8 10 10 17 F185F330 15 10 100 F400 8 10 10 100 10 4 Enclosures: metal, grey RAL 7032 F185F225 F265 F330 and F400 Fixing lugs adjustable for enclosure ACM 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 Unit reference DZ3GA3 DZ3HA3 AB1BC9535 AB1AB8P35 DZ3HA3 AB1BC15035 AB1AB8M35 DZ3JA3 AB1BC24035 AB1AB8M35 DZ3JA3 LA9F100 AM1DE200 AM1EC200 AM1EC200 AF1CD061 AF1VA618 AF1CD081 AF1VC820 AF1CD061 AF1VA618 AF1CD061 AF1CD081 AF1VA618 AF1VC820 Weight kg 0.006 0.007 0.236 0.006 0.007 0.277 0.007 0.010 0.287 0.007 0.010 0.100 0.900 2.980 2.980 0.020 0.006 0.020 0.024 0.020 0.006 0.020 0.020 0.006 0.024

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

25 x H6 screws with washers ACMGV763 ACMGV973 ACMGV1084 AE3FX122 19.090 33.310 54.000 0.080

(1) Protection must be provided by the addition of a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/34 and 6/35. (2) Supplied in 2 m lengths. See page 1/50 for cutting to length.

Presentation : page 1/44

Illustrations : page 1/48

Dimensions : page 1/50

Schemes : page 1/51



TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters


1 2 3 4

Chassis mounted starters

Pre-assembled: LC3F185 to LC3F400 For customer assembly: 2xLC1Fppp and 1xLC1D150 or 3xLC1Fppp

G F1 F2




K1 110 110 110 140 140 K2 80 80 100 100 100


a 565 565 665 765 765 b 675 675 775 975 975 c 235 235 266 276 276 G 525 525 625 725 725 H 625 625 725 825 925 K 160 160 165 195 195 K3 110 110 110 110 180 K4 80 80 110 180 110

5 6 7 8 9 10

LC3F185 or 2 x LC1Fppp + 1 x LC1D with components F185 LC3F225 or 3 x LC1Fppp with components F225 LC3F265 or 3 x LC1Fppp with components F265 LC3F330 or 3 x LC1Fppp with components F330 LC3F400 or 3 x LC1Fppp with components F400

Presentation: page 1/44

References: pages 1/47 and 1/49





TeSys motor starters - open version

Star-delta starters


Star-delta starters
LC3F185 to F400 Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end).
L1 L2 L3 2 4 6

1 2


6 2 4

6 2 4

W2 U2 V2 2 4 6



3 4




3 4






5 6
171 172

13 22
Remote control










14 13




















8 9 10

Presentation: page 1/44

References: pages 1/45, 1/47 and 1/49



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The TeSys U starter-controller is a D.O.L. starter (1) which performs the following functions: b Protection and control of single-phase or 3-phase motors: v isolation and breaking function, v overload and short-circuit protection, v thermal overload protection, v power switching. b Control of the application: v protection function alarms, application monitoring (running time, number of faults, motor current values, ...), v logs (last 5 faults saved, together with motor parameter values). These functions can be added by selecting control units and function modules which simply clip into the power base. This late customisation is even possible after power and control circuit wiring has been completed.
TeSys U starter-controller


TeSys U is a flexible range that meets the current and future needs of system builders, panel builders and machine manufacturers, as well as those of additional systems. From design through to operation, TeSys U offers many advantages and simplifies the selection of components in comparison with a traditional solution. - the breaking, isolation and contactor functions are incorporated in a single block; this means fewer references to be ordered and easy selection without any risk of error, because a single reference covers all needs up to 15 Kw. - the control unit has a wide setting range. It can operate on a d.c. or a.c. supply. The number of references required is divided by 10, compared with traditional solutions. The compact components in the TeSys U range are mounted on a single rail, so optimising the amount of space required in enclosures. By eliminating power wiring between the circuit-breaker and contactor, TeSys U reduces installation times in enclosures. Setting-up accessories simplify or completely eliminate wiring between components and eliminate the risk of errors.

Consists of a power base and a control unit. Power bases 1 The power base is independent of the control voltage. It is available from 0 to 15kW at 400 V. It incorporates the breaking function with a breaking capacity of 50 kA at 400V, total coordination (continuity of service) and the switching function. b 2 ratings are available: 012 A and 032 A. b Non-reversing (LUB) and reversing (LU2B). Control units 2 These must be selected according to the control voltage, the power of the motor to be protected and the type of protection required. b Standard control unit (LUCA): satisfies the basic protection requirements for motor starters: overload and short-circuit. b Magnetic control unit (LUCL): when fitted upstream of a variable speed drive or soft start-soft stop unit and used in conjunction with an LUB12 or LUB32 power base, this unit provides isolation and short-circuit protection of the motor starter. b Advanced control unit (LUCB, LUCC or LUCD): allows additional advanced functions such as alarm, fault differentiation,... b Multifunction control unit (LUCM): suitable for the most sophisticated control and protection requirements. The control units are interchangeable without rewiring and without using tools. They have a wide range of adjustment (range of 4) and low heat dissipation, due to the fact that bimetallic overload protection components are no longer used.
(1) For use with resistive and inductive loads. Control of d.c. or capacitive loads is not possible.



Presentation (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


Function modules can be used to increase the functions of the starter-controller. Function modules 3 Must be used in conjunction with advanced control units. 4 types are available: b Thermal overload alarm (LUF W10). b Thermal fault and manual reset (LUF DH11). b Thermal fault and automatic or remote reset (LUF DA01 and LUF DA10). b Indication of motor load (LUF V2), which can also be used in conjunction with the multifunction control unit. All alarm and fault information processed by these modules is available on digital contacts.

Control options

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Communication modules 3 The information processed is exchanged: b Via a parallel bus: v parallel wiring module (LUF C00). b v v v v v v Via a serial bus: AS-Interface modules (ASILUF C5 and ASILUF C51), Profibus DP module (LUL C07), CANopen module (LUL C08), DeviceNet module (LUL C09), Advantys STB module (LUL C15). Modbus modules (LUL C031 and LUL C033).


They must be used in conjunction with a c 24 V control unit and require a c24V supply voltage. Connection to other protocols, such as Fipio, is possible via gateway modules (LUFP) or via the TeSysPort for Ethernet. Auxiliary contact modules (LUFN) 3 3 possible configurations: 2 N/O, 1 N/O + 1 N/C or 2 N/C.

Auxiliary contacts 4 They provide the following information: fault signalling and rotary knob in "ready" position.


Reverser block 5 Allows a non-reversing power base to be converted to reversing operation. The reverser block (LU2M) is mounted directly beneath the power base without modifying the width of the product (45 mm). The reverser block (LU6M) is mounted separately from the power base when the height available is limited. Limiter-disconnector LUA LB This unit is mounted directly on the power base. It allows the breaking capacity to be increased up to 130 kA at 400 V, with a visible break.

Power options

Plug-in terminal blocks 6 The control terminal blocks are of the plug-in type, so allowing wiring to be prepared away from the machine or the replacement of products without rewiring.
5 7

Setting-up accessories

Control circuit pre-wiring system 7 Numerous pre-wired accessories provide simple, clip-in connections, e.g. connection of reverser control terminals, ...


Presentation (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Structure of a motor starter

Disconnection and breaking

Coil cut-out contact built into the handle as standard

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Mirror auxiliary contacts built-in as standard, mechanically linked to the power poles

2 3
Motor starter structure

Short-ciircuit protection
13/NO 14/NO 21/NC

Overload protection Power switching

Control unit







Control unit





2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 A3





Low consumption technology coil






5 6 7 8 9 10
Nonreversing Contactor family

Disconnection and breaking Short-ciircuit protection Power switching Variable speed control

Variable speed controller

Understanding the commercial references through a comparison with a traditional motor starter

12 Amp category AC3 TeSys D Coil voltage : 110 V 50/60 Hz Circuitbreaker family

Size of product 2 (45 mm wide) TeSys D


Auxiliary contact (for cut-out of contactor coil)

Power combination block

Power base Startercontroller family For ratings up to 12 A Startercontroller family

Wide range control unit Standard

Control voltage e.g.. : 110240 V AC/DC Rating e.g.. : 312 A




Presentation (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2
For D.O.L. starting reversing Reference to be completed by adding the voltage code

Maximum standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz Setting range Reference to be completed by adding the voltage code Control circuit voltages (V)

For D.O.L. starting non-reversing Instantaneous auxiliary contacts built-in as standard.

3 4 5




Auxiliary contacts

Auxiliary contacts
Number of contacts

Auxiliary contacts

Power pole status References

7 8 9 10

Signalling contacts Signalling contacts Power base

Number of contacts Fault signalling

Position of rotary knob

Removable terminal block



Presentation (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


Standard control unit

Magnetic control unit


2 3 4

Class 10 - 3-phase (see page 1/69)

For use with a variable speed controller or a soft start-soft stop unit
(see page 1/134)

b Protection against overloads and shortcircuits. b Protection against phase failure and phase imbalance. b Earth fault protection (equipment protection only). b Manual reset.

b Short-circuit protection b Manual Reset Motor thermal overload protection must be provided by the variable speed controller or soft starter.

Power base LUB or LU2B

2 3
Thermal overload signalling module and manual reset LUF DH11 (see page 1/71) Thermal overload signalling modules and automatic or remote reset LUF DA01 and LUF DA10 (see page 1/71) Thermal overload alarm module LUF W10 (see page 1/71)

6 7

Motor load indication module LUF V2 (see page 1/71)

Auxiliary contact modules LUF Npp (see page 1/65)

Parallel wiring module LUF C00 (see page 1/76)

8 9 10
Note: the colour indicates possible combinations with the selected control unit. Example: function module LUF DH11 can only be used with an advanced control unit.

Fault signalling contacts LUA1pp (Depending on configuration) (see page 1/65)


Advanced control unit LUCB

Multifunction control unit

1 2 3 4 5

Class 10 - 3-phase


Class 10 - single-phase Class 20 - 3-phase (see page 1/69)


Classes 5 to 30 - single-phase and 3-phase (see page 1/70)

b b v v v v

Same functions as the standard control unit In addition, in conjunction with a function module: fault differentiation with manual reset, fault differentiation with remote or automatic reset, thermal overload alarm, indication of motor load.

b Same functions as the standard control unit b In addition, reset parameters can be set to manual or automatic. b Protection function alarm. b Indication on front panel or on remote terminal via Modbus RS 485 port. b Log function. b Monitoring function, indication of main motor parameters on front panel of the control unit, or via a remote terminal b Differentiation of thermal overload and magnetic fault. b Overload, no-load running.

AS-Interface communication modules (1) ASILUF C5 and ASILUF C51 (see page 1/78)

Profibus DP communication module (1) LUL C07 (see page 1/80)

CANopen communication module (1) LULC08 (see page 1/84)

DeviceNet communication module (1) LUL C09 (see page 1/86)

Advantys STB communication module (1) LULC15 (see page 1/90)

6 7

Modbus communication modules (1) LUL C031 and LUL C033 (see page 1/92)

8 9 10
(1)Communication modules can only be combined with a c 24 V control unit (LUCp pp BL).


Application examples

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2 3 4 5 6

Starting and protection of a pump.


b b b b b v v b

Operating conditions

Power: 4 kW at 400 V. In: 9 A. Maximum of 10 class 10 starts per hour. Duty class S3. 3-wire control: Start button (S2), Stop button (S1), Control circuit voltage: a 230 V.

Products used
Description Power base 12 A with screw clamp connections Standard control unit Item 1 2 Quantity Reference 1 LUB12 1 LUCA12FU Page 1/62 1/69

b Short-circuit protection with level of protection of 50 kA at 400V. b Total coordination of protection devices conforming to EN 60947-6-2 (continuity of service) in case of a short-circuit. b Electronic protection against thermal overloads with an adjustment range of 4. b Load switching (2 million operating cycles in category AC-43 at In). b Indication of motor status by N/C or N/O contact. b Interlock between the motor starter control and the position of the rotary knob; not possible to start the motor when the knob is in the OFF position.

Functions performed

1/L1 3/L2


230 V


2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 W1 U1 V1


8 9 10

M 3





Application examples

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


Expansion of an existing installation for improved control of its operation.


Monitor the status of the motor and obtain alarm signalling by a digital contact in order to improve operation of the pump and anticipate a complete stoppage due to thermal overload.

Operating conditions

1 2 3 4 5

Additional products used

Description Item Quantity Reference Page

Replace the standard control unit with an advanced control unit and insert a thermal overload alarm function module.
Advanced control unit Alarm function module 2 3 1 1 LUCB12FU LUF W10 1/69 1/71

b Alarm information is generated by the advanced control unit and is processed by the thermal overload alarm function module to make it usable. b The advanced control unit includes a thermal trip Test button on its front panel.

Functions performed

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

230 V





Alarms Module


To application

6 7 8 9 10








M 3

Other versions

The advanced control unit can provide other functions, depending on the type of function modules used (instead of the LUF W module described above): - thermal fault signalling with function modules LUFDA01, LUFDA10 or LUFDH11, - indication of motor load with function module LUFV2. This module delivers a 4-20 mA analogue signal, which is proportional to the average 3-phase current drawn by the motor. This allows the load current to be monitored and provides access to other application functions using this value, or to predictive or preventive maintenance possibilities (replacement of the motor before it breaks down).



Application examples

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Manual control of a 2-position turntable.


b b b b b v v v b b

Operating conditions

Power: 2.2 kW at 400 V. In: 6 A. 30 starts per hour Duty class S4. 3-wire control: Pushbutton for Position 1 (S1), Pushbutton for Position 2 (S2), Stop button (S5), Stopping at the positions is achieved by limit switches S3 and S4. Control circuit voltage: a 115 V.

Products used
Description Power base, reversing, 12 A with screw clamp connections Standard control unit Item 1 2 Quantity Reference 1 LU2B12FU 1 LUCA12FU Page 1/63 1/69

b Short-circuit protection with level of protection of 50 kA at 400V. b Total coordination of protection devices conforming to EN 60947-6-2 (continuity of service) in case of a short-circuit. b Electronic protection against thermal overloads with an adjustment range of 4. b Load switching (2 million operating cycles in category AC-43 at In). b Interlock between the motor starter control and the position of the rotary knob; not possible to start the motor when the knob is in the OFF position. Electrical interlocking is ensured by pre-wired connector LU9MR1C included on base LU2B12. The design of the reversing power block makes mechanical interlocking unnecessary.

Functions performed

Scheme (manual control)

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

A3 B3 A1

Reverser Motor Controller





M 3





115 V



Application examples

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


Monitoring operation of a surface pump in a water treatment plant to avoid dry running, which could lead to destruction of the pump. b b b b b


Operating conditions

1 2
Page 1/62 1/70 1/93 1/93 1/93 1/93

Power: 15 kW at 400 V. In: 28.5 A. Duty class S1. Control circuit voltage: c 24 V. Control-command by PLC and serial link using the Modbus protocol.
Item 1 2 3 4 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reference LUB320 LUCM 32BL LUL C033 LU9B N11C VW3A8306Rpp VW3 A8 306 TF03

Products used
Description Power base 32 A without connections Multifunction control unit Modbus communication module Pre-wired coil connection Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals Connection cable for connecting the communication module to the serial bus T-junction

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


3 4

b Short-circuit protection with level of protection of 50 kA at 400V. b Total coordination of protection devices conforming to EN 60947-6-2 (continuity of service) in case of a short-circuit. b Electronic protection against thermal overloads with an adjustment range of 4. b Load switching (1.5 million operating cycles in category AC-43 at In). b Measurement of load current and detection of no-load running by the multifunction control unit. b Interlock between the motor starter control and the position of the rotary knob; not possible to start the motor when the knob is in the OFF position. b No-load running or operation under load. To use this function, the following parameters must be entered: v trip: the answer yes/no enables or disables the function, v time before tripping: the time period during which the value of the current must be below the tripping threshold in order to cause tripping (adjustable from 1 to 200 s), v tripping threshold: value as a % of the load current ratio in relation to the setting current. If the ratio remains below this threshold for the time specified in the previous parameter, the product trips (adjustable from 30 to 100 %). b Indication of the various motor starter statuses and currents.

Functions performed

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3


Multifunction Control Unit

LUL C033

Modbus Module

D (B) D (A) Gnd

Modbus profile IEC 64915 Commands (Register 704) Forward running Reverse running Reserved Reset Reserved Connection test Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 3-phase control Reserved Reserved Reserved

Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15

Status (Register 455) Ready (available) Poles closed Fault Alarms Tripped Reserved reset enabled A1-A2 powered Motor running Motor current % (bit 0) Motor current % (bit 1) Motor current % (bit 2) Motor current % (bit 3) Motor current % (bit 4) Motor current % (bit 5) Reserved Motor starting

24 V Aux

4 5 8

LU9B N11C Pre wired coil



U1 2/T1

V1 4/T2

W1 6/T3

24 V

M 3

VW3 A8 306 TF03

The multifunction control unit incorporates other control and protection functions, such as: monitoring and control of phase current, alarm, Module LUL C033 also provides a programmable output and two configurable discrete inputs.

Other functions

D (B) D (A) Gnd

24 V 24 V c Aux COM

4 5 8



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Non-reversing power bases

1 2 3

Two versions of control connection configuration are available: b connection by screw terminals, plug-in control terminal block, b without connections. This version enables wiring to be prepared in advance and is recommended when a communication module is required (allowing the use of control connection prewiring accessories) or when a reverser block is to be mounted by the customer.



Power bases for non-reversing D.O.L. starting (1)

Connection Power Control Item (2) Rating y 440 V 500 V A A Reference 690 V A Weight kg

These bases have 2 auxiliary contacts: 1 N/O(13-14) and 1 N/C(21-22) which indicate the closed or open position of the power poles.
LUB p2 LUB p20

A low power internal contact allows power supply to the control unit to be switched off when the rotary knob is no longer in the ON position. The power bases must be used in conjunction with a control unit, see pages 1/68 to 1/70
Screw clamp terminals Screw clamp terminals 1+2+3 +4 12 32 12 32 12 23 12 23 9 21 9 21 LUB12 LUB32 LUB120 LUB320 0.900 0.900 0.865 0.865

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 1/96 to 1/98


1 2

Without 1+2 connections

Terminal block for power bases without connections

Connection Screw clamp terminals For base LUB120 or 320 Item (2) 3+4 Reference LU9BN11 Weight kg 0.045

LUB p2

(1) Rated breaking capacity for operation on short-circuit (Ics), see table below. For higher values, use current limiters, see page 1/66 Volts 230 440 500 690 (3) kA 50 50 10 4 (2) The various sub-assemblies are supplied assembled but they are easy to separate, as shown in the illustration. (3) For 690 V, use phase barrier LU9SP0.

Other versions

Power bases without built-in short-circuit protection device (short-circuit protection by circuit-breaker or separate fuses). Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions: pages 1/110 and 1/111

Schemes: pages 1/112 to 1/119



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Reversing power bases

Two versions of control connection configuration are available: b connection by screw terminals, plug-in control terminal block, b without connections. This version enables wiring to be prepared in advance and is recommended when a communication module is required (allowing the use of control connection prewiring accessories).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Power bases for reversing D.O.L. starting, pre-assembled

Connection Power Control Item (1) Rating y 440 V 500 V A A 690 V A Reference, to be completed) (2)

Weight kg

These bases have two N/O common point contacts (81-82-84) which indicate nonreversing and reversing operating status.
Screw clamp terminals Screw clamp terminals Without connections 1 + 2 + 3 12 +4+5 32 1 + 2 + 3 12 +5 32 12 23 12 23 9 21 9 21 LU2B12pp LU2B32pp LU2BA0pp LU2BB0pp 1.270 1.270 1.270 1.250

LU2B p2


A reverser block should preferably be combined with a non-reversing power base without connections to create a reversing starter-controller. The built-in N/O (13-14) and N/C(21-22) contacts are used for electrical interlocking between the reverser block and the base; they are therefore no longer available as output contacts. The reverser block has two N/O common point contacts (81-82-84) which indicate non-reversing and reversing operating status.
Connection Power For mounting directly Screw clamp beneath the power base terminals For mounting separately Screw clamp from the base terminals (screw or rail fixing) 32 A reverser block Item (1) Control Without 3 connections Without 6 connections Reference, to be completed) (2) LU2M B0pp LU6M B0pp Weight kg 0.400 0.425

Power bases for reversing D.O.L. starting for customer assembly

Description Item Control terminal block 4 Application Reference Reversing power base without LU9 M1 connections LU2B A0pp or B0pp Reverser block LU2M B0pp LU9 M1 for direct mounting beneath power base Reverser block LU6M B0pp LU9 M1 for mounting separately from power base Reverser block LU6M B0pp LU9M R1 for mounting separately from power base Item Reference Weight kg 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.030

3 5

Control circuit pre-wiring components

Weight kg Pre-wired connector (3) 5 LU9M R1C 0.035 (1) The various sub-assemblies are supplied assembled but they are easy to separate, as shown in the illustration. (2) Select the same control voltage as that of the control unit. Standard control circuit voltages: Volts 24 4872 110240 c BL a B c or a ES (4) FU (5) (3) For control connection between a power base and a reverser block, for direct mounting. (4) c : 4872 V, a : 48 V. (5) c : 110220 V, a : 110...240 V.

LU2B p2

Other versions

Power bases without built-in short-circuit protection device (short-circuit protection by circuit-breaker or separate fuses). Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

LU6M + LU9M1 + LU9MR1

Characteristics: pages 1/96 to 1/98

Dimensions: pages 1/110 and 1/111

Schemes : pages 1/112 to 1/119



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Add-on contact blocks and auxiliary contact modules

Contact states depending on the product status

References of add-on contact blocks and auxiliary contact modules Terminal referencing or or or or Off Ready to operate

Position of rotary knob


Indication N/O pole on front contact panel 0 0 1 I>> 0 0 0 LUFN20 33-34 43-44 LUFN11 43-44 LUB9N11 13-14

N/C pole contact

N/O contact any fault LUA1C20 97-98

N/C ontact any fault

N/O contact product ready LUA1C20 17-18 LUA1C200 No terminal block LUA1C11 17-18 LUA1C110 No terminal block

LUFN11 31-32 LUFN02 31-32 41-42 LUB9N11 21-22

LUA1C11 95-96

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: page 1/98 Schemes: page 1/112

LUA1C200 LUA1C110 No terminal No terminal block block

Start Tripped on short-circuit Tripped on thermal overload Manual reset mode Automatic reset on thermal overload fault mode Remote reset mode



N/O contact N/C contact

in closed position. in open position.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Add-on contact blocks and auxiliary contact modules



Auxiliary contacts
Signalling and composition 1 N/C fault signalling contact (95-96) and 1 N/O contact (17-18) indicating rotary knob in ready position 1 N/O fault signalling contact (97-98) and 1 N/O contact (17-18) indicating rotary knob in ready position 2 N/O contacts Contacts open, rotary knob in OFF position Contacts closed, rotary knob in ready position Cabling Screw clamp terminals Without connections Screw clamp terminals Without connections Screw clamp terminals Item 1+2 1 1+2 1 6 Reference LUA1 C11 LUA1 C110 LUA1 C20 LUA1 C200 LUA8E20 Weight kg 0.030 0.012 0.030 0.012 0.048

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 6 1 2 5

Auxiliary contact modules for connection by screw clamp terminals Module with 2 contacts indicating the status of the starter-controller power poles Operation: a or c 24250 V, I th: 5 A
Composition 2 N/O contacts (33-34 and 43-44) 1 N/C contact (31-32) and 1 N/O contact (43-44) 2 N/C contacts (31-32 and 41-42) Item 3 3 3 Reference LUF N20 LUF N11 LUF N02 Weight kg 0.050 0.050 0.050

Description For use on Item 2 2 4 5 Reference LU9B C11 LU9B C20 LU9C 1 LU9C 2 Screw clamp LUA1 C110 terminal blocks LUA1 C200 Blanking covers Location for auxiliary contact, communication or function module Location for add-on contact blocks Weight kg 0.022 0.022 0.020 0.010

Characteristics: page 1/98

Schemes: page 1/112



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Power connection pre-wired system, limiter blocks and accessories

Pre-wired system for power connections up to 63 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 3

4 1


Application 2 tap-offs

Sets of 3-pole 63 A busbars

Pitch mm 45 54 45 54 45 54 54

Item 2 1 4 3

Sold in lots of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

Unit reference GV2 G245 GV2 G254 GV2 G345 GV2 G354 GV2 G445 GV2 G454 GV2 G554 GV1 G10 GV1 G09

Weight kg 0.036 0.038 0.058 0.060 0.77 0.085 0.100 0.005 0.040

3 tap-offs

4 tap-offs

5 tap-offs Protective end cover

For unused busbar outlets

Terminal block for Connection supply to one or from the top more busbar sets

The busbar system can be screw-mounted onto any type of support. Set of 4-pole busbars: 3-phase + neutral or 3-phase + common
Number of tap-offs at 18 mm intervals 18 Item Length mm 452 For mounting in enclosure width mm 800

Pre-wired system for power connections up to 160 A


Weight kg 0.900

AK5 JB144

Removable 3-phase power sockets

Number of points used on the busbar system 2 Thermal current 16 32 Item Cable lengths 200 250 1000 Sold in Unit lots of reference 6 6 6 AK5PC13 (1) AK5PC33 (1) AK5PC33L (1) Weight kg 0.040 0.045 0.060

7 9 8

6 6

Limiter blocks and accessories

Application Item

Limiterdisconnector (3) (5) Current limiter (3) Limiter cartridge Clip-in marker holder

7+9 8 9

Breaking Mounting capacity Iq y 440 V 690 V kA kA 130 70 Direct on power base 100 130 35 70 Separate

Unit reference


LUALB1 (2) LA9 LB920

kg 0.310 0.320 0.135

Limiter-disconnector LUA LF1

LAD90 (4) On power base, 0.001 on reverser block, on parallel link splitter box (1) The rated peak current for power sockets AK5 PCpp is 6 kA. When used in association with power bases LUBpp, the prospective short-circuit current must not exceed 7 kA. (2) Supplied with limiter cartridge. (3) These devices make it possible to increase the breaking capacity of the power base. (4) Sold in lots of 100. (5) The limiter must be mounted on an LUB or LU2B power base. The limiter can therefore not be common to several motor starters.

Dimensions: pages 1/110 and 1/111


References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Power connection pre-wired system, limiter blocks and accessories

Phase barrier LU9 SP0 must be used: b To build a UL 508 type E certified starter (Self Protected Starter). Without the phase barrier, the starter-controller is certified UL 508. b If the starter-controller is to be used on an operational voltage of 690 V.

Phase barrier


Weight kg 0.030

Description Phase barrier


Application LUB or LU2B 12 or 120 LUB or LU2B 32 or 320 LUA LB1

Mounting Reference Direct on LU9 SP0 terminals L1, L2, L3

2 3 4 5


Door interlock mechanisms

Description Fixing kit (1) (2)


Reference LU9 AP00


Weight kg 0.490

Door-mounted black handle on blue front plate, IP54 4

LU9 AP11


Door-mounted red handle on yellow front plate, IP54 4


LU9 AP12


Handle for mounting in the MCC drawer (Motor Control Centre)



(1) The fixing kit includes a bracket and a shaft extension (maximum depth 508 mm). (2) To use the fixing kit with a D.O.L. reversing power base, only reverser block LU6M must be used.

6 7 8 9 10




Dimensions: pages 1/110 and 1/111



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Control units

Operating characteristics

1 2 3 4

Control units Thermal overload protection Overcurrent protection Short-circuit protection Protection against phase loss Protection against phase imbalance Earth fault protection (equipment protection only) Tripping class Motor type Thermal overload test function Overtorque No-load running Long starting time Reset method Manual Automatic or remote

Standard LUCA

Advanced LUCB LUCC


Multifunction LUCM 3 to 17 x the setting current

14.2 x the setting current 14.2 x the max. current

10 3-phase

10 20 Single-phase 3-phase

530 Single-phase and 3-phase

With function module, or parameters can be set via the bus with a communication module, see chart below. Thermal overload alarm only with function module or communication module, see below.

Parameters can be set Parameters can be set Parameters can be set via the bus with a communication module (see below). Possible for each type of fault. Indication on front panel of the control unit, via remote terminal, via PC or via PDA (1). With communication modules to make use of these alarms via a bus, see below. Log of the last 5 trips. Number of starts, number of trips, number of operating hours.


Log function

6 7 8 9 10

Monitoring function

Display of main motor parameters on front panel of the control unit, via remote terminal, via PC or via PDA (1).

With function modules (2)

Thermal overload alarm Thermal overload signalling and manual reset Thermal overload signalling and automatic or remote reset Indication of motor load (analogue) With module LUFW With module LUFDH11 With modules LUFDA01 and LUFDA10 With module LUFV

With communication module or via Modbus port on control unit LUCM (2)
Starter status (ready, running, fault) Reset method Alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions Log function Monitoring function Built-in function (1) PDA: Personal Digital Assistant. (2) Mounting possibilities: 1 function module or 1 communication module. Function provided with accessory With any communication module Parameters can be set via the bus With modules LULC031, LULC033, LULC15, LULC07, LULC08 and LULC09 (thermal overload alarm only). With module LULC031, LULC033, LULC15, LULC07, LULC08 and LULC09 and Modbus port on the control unit (alarm possible for all types of fault). With modules LULC031, LULC033, LULC15, LULC07, LULC08 and LULC09 and Modbus port on the control unit.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Standard and advanced control units


1 5 2

1 2 3 4 5


Extraction and locking handle Test button (on advanced control unit only) Ir adjustment dial Locking of settings by sealing the transparent cover Sealing of locking handle
Setting range Clip-in mounting on power base Rating A 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 32 32 LUCA X6pp LUCA 1Xpp LUCA 05pp LUCA 12pp LUCA 18pp LUCA 32pp Reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standard control units

Maximum standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz 400/440 V 500 V 690 V kW kW kW

A 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832

kg 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135

LUCApppp LUCBpppp

Class 10 for 3-phase motors

0.09 0.25 1.5 5.5 7.5 15 2.2 5.5 9 15 3 9 15 18.5


Pressing the Test button on the front panel simulates tripping on thermal overload. Class 10 for 3-phase motors
0.09 0.25 1.5 5.5 7.5 15 2.2 5.5 9 15 3 9 15 18.5 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 32 32 LUCBX6pp LUCB1Xpp LUCB05pp LUCB12pp LUCB18pp LUCB32pp 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140

Advanced control units

Class 10 for single-phase motors

0.09 0.55 2.2 4 7.5 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 32 32 LUCCX6pp LUCC1Xpp LUCC05pp LUCC12pp LUCC18pp LUCC32pp 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140

LUBp2 + LUCA pppp


Class 20 for 3-phase motors

0.09 0.25 1.5 5.5 7.5 15 2.2 5.5 9 15 3 9 15 18.5 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 32 32 LUCDX6pp LUCD1Xpp LUCD05pp LUCD12pp LUCD18pp LUCD32pp 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140

(1) Standard control circuit voltages: Volts 24 4872 110240 c BL (2), (3) a B c or a ES (4) FU (5) (2) Voltage code to be used for a starter-controller with communication module. (3) d.c. voltage with maximum ripple of 10 %. (4) c : 4872 V, a : 48 V. (5) c : 110220 V, a : 110...240 V. LUBp2 + LUCB pppp

Characteristics: pages 1/96 and 1/99

Schemes: page 1/113



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Multifunction control units


1 2

6 1 2 3 5

1 2 3 4 5 6


Extraction and locking handle Built-in display window (2 lines, 12 characters) 4-button keypad c 24 V auxiliary power supply Modbus RS485 communication port. Connection by RJ45 connector. Sealing of locking handle

The display window 2 and keypad 3 allow: b in configuration mode: local configuration of protection functions and alarms, b in run mode: display of parameter values and events. The Modbus communication port 5 is used to connect: b an operator terminal, b a PC, b a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Parameter entry, monitoring of parameter values and consultation of logs are carried out: b either on the front panel, using the built-in display window/keypad, b or via an operator terminal, b or via a PC or a PDA with PowerSuite software, b or remotely, via a Modbus communication bus. Programming of the product via the keypad requires a c 24 V auxiliary power supply.
Maximum standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz 400/415 V 500 V 690 V kW kW kW 0.09 0.25 3 1.5 2.2 5.5 7.5 15 5.5 9 15 9 15 18.5 Setting range Clip-in mounting on power base Rating A 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 12 and 32 32 32 Reference (1) Weight

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 1/96 and 1/99 Schemes: pages 1/112 to 1/115

Multifunction control units

A 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832


kg 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175


TeSys U users manual (2)

Application On CD-Rom Language Multi-language (3) Reference LU9 CD1 Weight kg 0.022

This compact Magelis terminal enables the parameters of multifunction control unit LUCM to be read and modified. It is supplied pre-configured to provide dialogue with 8 TeSys U starter-controllers (Modbus protocol, application pages and alarm pages loaded). Starter-controller alarm and fault management takes priority.
Language Multi-language (3) XBTNU400 Display window 4lines of 20 characters Length 2.5 m Supply voltage c 24 V Reference XBTNU400 Weight kg 0.150

HMI terminal


Connecting cable (4)


Type SUB-D 25-way female - RJ45

Reference XBTZ938

Connects terminal XBTNU400 to a multifunction control unit.

Weight kg 0.200

(1) Input voltage c 24 V with maximum ripple of 10 %. (2) The CD-Rom contains users manuals for the AS-Interface and Modbus communication modules, multifunction control units and gateway modules, as well as the gateway programming software. (3) English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (4) If a terminal is used with several control units, this cable can be connected to a Modbus hub or to T-junctions (see page 1/93).



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Function modules
Function modules
Output Item Application Reference Weight kg

Thermal overload signalling and manual reset Module LUFDH11 makes it possible to differentiate thermal overload and shortcircuit faults. (The short-circuit fault can then be signalled via add-on contact blocks LUA1C). The module includes two contacts for thermal overload signalling, as well as an LED on the front panel. To reset the motor starter, the operator must use the rotary knob on the power base. The module can only be used with an advanced control unit and requires an a/c 24240 V external power supply.

1 2 3 4 5

1 N/O + 1 N/C

a or c 24250 V



Thermal overload signalling and automatic or remote reset These modules make it possible to differentiate thermal overload and short-circuit faults. (The short-circuit fault can then be signalled via add-on contact blocks LUA1C). The modules include one contact for thermal overload signalling, as well as an LED on the front panel. A second contact (terminals Z1-Z2) must be wired in series with terminal A1 of the motor starter. In the event of a thermal overload fault, this wiring allows motor control to be switched off. The rotary knob on the power base will then stay in the ready position . Resetting of the motor starter is automatic after the required motor cooling time if terminals X1-X2 are linked by a strap, or remote by pulsed closing of a volt-free contact connected to terminals X1-X2. These modules can only be used with an advanced control unit and require an a/c 24240 V external power supply.

LUBp2 + LUCBpppp + LUFW10 or LUFVp

Note: Terminals X1-X2 are not isolated from the signalling module power supply. For remote resetting, use a volt-free contact specific to each module to be reset. 1 N/C 1 N/O 4 4 a or c 24250 V a or c 24250 V LUF DA01 LUF DA10 0.055 0.055


% 200


Thermal overload alarm Through load shedding, this module makes it possible to avoid stoppages in operation due to overload tripping. Imminent thermal overload tripping is displayed as soon as the thermal state exceeds the threshold of 105 % (hysteresis = 5 %). Signalling is possible via an LED on the front panel of the module and externally by an N/O relay output. It can only be used with an advanced control unit, from which it takes its power.
1 2 3
1 N/O 1 2.2 kW 2 4 kW 3 7.5 kW
12 mA 20 mA

6 7 8 9 10

a or c 24250 V



Indication of motor load This module provides a signal which is representative of the motor load status (Iaverage/Ir). b I average = average value of the rms currents in the 3 phases, b Ir = value of the setting current. The value of the signal (4-20 mA) corresponds to a load status of 0 to 200 % (0 to 300 % for a single-phase load). It can be used with an advanced or multifunction control unit. Module LUFV2 requires a c 24 V external power supply.
4 - 20 mA 2 LUF V2 0.050

Characteristics: pages 1/96 and 1/101

Schemes: page 1/114


Presentation, functions

PowerSuite software workshop

1 2 3 4 5 6

The PowerSuite software workshop for PC is a user-friendly tool designed for setting up the Schneider Electric control device motors: b TeSysU starter-controllers b TeSysT motor management systems b Altistart soft start/soft stop units b Altivar variable speed drives b Lexium 05 servo drives It includes various functions designed for setup phases such as: b Preparing configurations b Start-up b Maintenance To facilitate start-up and maintenance, the PowerSuite software workshop is compatible with the Bluetooth wireless link.



PowerSuite screen on PC

Preparing configurations The PowerSuite software workshop can be used on its own to generate the device configuration, which can be saved, printed and exported to office automation software. The PowerSuite software workshop can also be used to convert an Altivar 58 or Altivar58F drive configuration into one that is compatible with an Altivar71. Start-up When the PC is connected to the device, the PowerSuite software workshop can be used to: b Transfer the generated configuration b Adjust b Monitor. This option has been enhanced with new functions such as: v The oscilloscope v The high-speed oscilloscope (minimum time base: 2 ms) v The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) oscilloscope v Display of communication parameters b Control b Save the final configuration
PowerSuite screen on PC View of PI regulator function parameters

Functions (1)


7 8 9 10
View of the FTT oscilloscope References: page 1/74

Maintenance To facilitate maintenance operations, the PowerSuite software workshop can be used to: b Compare the configuration of a device currently being used with a saved configuration b Manage the users installed equipment base, in particular: v Organize the installed base into folders (electrical equipment, machinery, workshops, etc.) v Store maintenance messages v Facilitate Modbus TCP connection by storing the IP address User interface The PowerSuite software workshop can be used to: b Present the device parameters (arranged by function) in the form of illustrated views of diagrams or simple tables b Customize the parameter names b Create: v A user menu (choice of particular parameters) v Monitoring control panels with graphic elements (cursors, gauges, bar charts) b Perform sort operations on the parameters b Display text in five languages (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish). The language changes immediately and there is no need to restart the program. It also features online contextual help: b On the PowerSuite tool b On the device functions by direct access to the user manuals
(1) Certain functions are not available for all devices. See the table of available functions, page 1/73.



Functions (continued)

PowerSuite software workshop

Functions available for the PowerSuite software workshop Functions not listed in the table are available for all devices.
Function available with devices Controller TeSys T Monitoring Oscilloscope High-speed oscilloscope FFT oscilloscope Display of communication parameters Control Customization of parameter names Creation of a user menu Creation of monitoring control panels Sort operation on parameters Custom logic editor Functions available Functions not available Startercontroller TeSys U Soft start/ soft stop unit ATS48 Drives ATV11 ATV31 ATV61 ATV71 Servo drive LXM05

1 2 3


Modbus serial link The PowerSuite software workshop can be connected directly to the device terminal port or Modbus network port via the serial port on the PC. Two types of connection are possible: b With a single device (point-to-point connection), use a VW3A8106 PC serial port connection kit. b With a number of devices (multidrop connection), use the XGSZ24 interface. ModbusTCP communication network The PowerSuite software workshop can be connected to a ModbusTCP network. In this case, the devices can be accessed: b Using a VW3A3310 communication card for the Altivar 61and 71 drives b Using a TSXETG100 Modbus TCP/Modbus gateway Bluetooth wireless link The PowerSuite software workshop can communicate via a Bluetooth radio link if the device is equipped with a Bluetooth Modbus VW3A8114. The adapter plugs into the device connector terminal port or Modbus network port and has a range of 10 m (class2). If the PC does not feature Bluetooth technology, use the VW3A8115 USB Bluetooth adapter. Remote maintenance A simple Modbus TCP connection is all that is required for the PowerSuite software workshop to support remote monitoring and diagnostics. When devices are not connected to the Modbus TCP network, or it is not directly accessible, various remote transmission solutions may be used instead (modem, teleprocessing gateway, etc.). Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Connections (1)


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RS 232 XGS Z24 RS 485

Modbus serial link

ATV31 or Lexium05





Modbus multidrop connection

PLC (2)


Modbus TCP network

Bridge Modbus serial link

ATV31 or Lexium05

ATS 48

Modbus TCP connection

(1) Please refer to the compatibility table on page 1/75. (2) Please refer to our specialist "Automation platform Modicon Premium and Unity - PL7 software" and "Automation platform Modicon M340" catalogues.

Presentation: page 1/72

References: page 1/74



PowerSuite software workshop

PowerSuite software workshop


1 2




PowerSuite CD-ROM

VW3A8104 b 1 program for PC in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish b Variable speed drive, starter and servo drive technical manuals b 1 program for PC in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish b Variable speed drive and starter technical manuals VW3A8105

Weight kg 0.100

PowerSuite update CD-ROM (1) PC serial port connection kit for point-to-point Modbus connection


VW3 A8104

VW3A8106 b 1 x 3 m cable with 1 RJ45 connector on starter-controller or drive side and 1 RS232/RS485 converter with 19-way female SUB-D connector on PC side b For the ATV 11 drive: 1 converter with one 4-way male SUB-D connector and 1 RJ45 connector b For ATV38/58/58F drives: 1 RJ45/9-way male SUB-D adapter XGSZ24 b 1 Modbus multidrop converter for connection to screw terminals. Requires a 24 V c(20...30V), 20mA power supply (2) VW3A8114 b 1 Bluetooth adapter (10m range, class 2) with 1 RJ45 connector b For PowerSuite: 1 x 0.1 m cable with 2 RJ45 connectors b For TwidoSoft: 1 x 0.1 m cable with 1 RJ45 connector and 1 mini DIN connector b For ATV 38/58/58F drives: 1 RJ45/9-way male SUB-D adapter This adapter is required in the case of a PC that does not feature Bluetooth technology. It is connected to a USB port on the PC. 10 m range (class 2) VW3A8115


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation: page 1/72

RS 232/RS 485 interface for multidrop Modbus connection Modbus-Bluetooth adapter (3)

0.105 0.155

VW3 A8114

USB - Bluetooth adapter for PC


(1) Updates a version u V1.40 with the latest available version. For versions < V1.40, you should order the PowerSuite CD-Rom, VW3A8104. (2) Please refer to the "Interfaces, I/O splitter boxes and power supplies" catalogue. (3) Can also be used to communicate between a Twido PLC and the TwidoSoft software workshop.

Functions: page 1/72



PowerSuite software workshop

Compatibility of PowerSuite software workshop with the following devices (1)

Connexion Controller Startercontroller Soft start/ soft stop unit ATS48 V1.30 Drives

Servo drives LXM05A LXM05B LXM05C V2.2 V2.4 V2.5

TeSysT Modbus Modbus TCP (device equipped with Modbus TCP card) Modbus TCP via Modbus TCP/Modbus gateway Bluetooth Compatible software versions Incompatible software versions V2.5

TeSysU (2) V1.40

ATV11 V1.40

ATV31 V2.0

ATV61 V2.3 V2.3

ATV71 V2.2 V2.2 V2.2 V2.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

V1.50 V2.2

V2.0 V2.2

V2.3 V2.3

V2.2 V2.2

V2.4 V2.4

V2.5 V2.5

The PowerSuite software workshop can operate in the following PC environments and configurations: b Microsoft Windows XP SP1, SP2, b Pentium III, 800 MHz, hard disk with 300 MB available, 128 MB RAM b SVGA or higher definition monitor
(1) Minimum software version. (2) TeSys U starter-controllerwithout communication module or with Modbus LULC031 or LULC033 communication module.

Hardware and software environments

Presentation: page 1/72

Functions: page 1/72

References: page 1/74


Presentation, references

TeSys motor starters - open version


TeSys U starter-controllers

Parallel wiring module and pre-wired coil connection components

1 2

1 2

Outputs for starter commands RJ45 connector for connecting to splitter box

The parallel wiring system makes it possible to connect starter-controllers to the PLC I/O modules quickly and without any need for tools. It replaces traditional screw terminal and single wire connections. It is used with the Telefast pre-wired system (1). The parallel wiring module provides the status and command information for each starter-controller. It must be used with an LUB12 or LU2BA0BL power base and a c 24 V control unit LUCpppBL. Splitter boxes LU9G02 and LU9G03 distribute information from the PLC I/O modules to each of the starter-controllers connected to it. Splitter box LU9G02 (maximum of 4 reversing starters) is optimised for use with card TSXDMZ28DTK and splitter box LU9G03 (maximum of 8 reversing starters) for use with cards TSXDMZ64DTK and BMXDDM3202K. When used in conjunction with the Advantys STB distributed I/O solution, the TeSysU starter-controller is ideal in decentralised automation architectures (2). The use of dedicated parallel interface module STBEPI2145 allows remote connection of 4 starter-controllers. Parallel wiring module LUFC00 has: b 2 outputs: control of starter forward and reverse running, b 3 inputs: position of the rotary knob, fault indication and position of the poles.



LU9G02 LU9 G03



Each of the channels of LU9 G0p splitter boxes has: b 2 outputs: control of starter forward and reverse running, in the case of a reversing starter. b 2 inputs: fault indication and position of poles. Connection to the dedicated module is by means of the following cables: b RJ45LU9Rpp, for lengths less than 3 metres, b 490NTW000pp, for lengths greater than 3 metres. Parallel type connection

5 6 7 8 9

9 10

4 3 5

3 7

11 12 12

3 Parallel wiring module LUFC00 4 Pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11C 5 Connection cable LU9Rp with one RJ45 connector at each end 6 Splitter box LU9G02 or LU9G03 for 8 motor starters with channel connections on the PLC side by two HE 10 connectors and on the startercontroller side by 8 RJ45 connectors. 7 Connection cable TSXCDPppp with one HE 10 connector at each end.

Description Parallel wiring module Item Reference LUF C00

Weight kg 0.045

(1) Please consult our "Power Control and connection components catalogue. (2) Please consult our "IP20 distributed inputs/outputs Advantys STB" catalogue


Dedicated parallel interface module (STBEPI2145) 9 Power base 10 c 24 V control unit (LUCB/D/C/M pp BL) 11 Parallel wiring module (LUFC00) 12 Options: add-on contact blocks, reverser blocks


References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Parallel wiring module and pre-wired coil connection components
Pre-wired components simplify wiring and reduce wiring errors.


By pre-wired connector or wire link.

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp Item Reference LU9B N11C LU9M RC Weight kg 0.045 0.030

4 13

LUB + LUF C00 + LU9B

b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block for separate mounting. When reverser block LU6M and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RC may by used.

Connection of parallel wiring module to the PLC

No tools are required to connect the parallel wiring module to the PLC. Connection is via a splitter box which allows up to 8 starter-controllers to be connected; a maximum of 4 reversing starters per splitter box is allowed. The splitter box requires a c 24 V power supply. Splitter boxes
Connectors PLC side 2 x HE 10 20-way For use with Starter-controller side 8 x RJ45 Reference Weight kg 4 reversing starters maximum 8 reversing starters maximum LU9 G02 (1) LU9 G03 (1) 0.260 0.260

Connection cables to the splitter box

Connectors Item 2 x RJ45 connectors

3 13

Length m 0.3 1 3

Reference LU9 R03 LU9 R10 LU9 R30 Length Reference

Weight kg 0.045 0.065 0.125

Connection cables from splitter box to PLC

Type of connection Gauge PLC side Splitter box side AWG HE 10 HE 10 22 20-way 20-way LU2B + LUF C00 + LU9M 28 0.080 C.s.a. Weight

mm2 0.324

m 0.5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10

TSX CDP 053 TSX CDP 103 TSX CDP 203 TSX CDP 303 TSX CDP 503 ABFH20H100 ABFH20H200 ABFH20H300 BMX FCC 053 BMX FCC 103 BMX FCC 203 BMX FCC 303 BMX FCC 503 BMX FCC 1003 TSX CDP 301 TSX CDP 501

kg 0.085 0.150 0.280 0.410 0.670 0.080 0.140 0.210 0.210 0.350 0.630 0.940 1.530 3.000 0.400 0.660

HE 10 40-way

2 x HE 10 20-way


Bare wires

HE 10 20-way



3 5

(1) Allows "run" and "fault" status of each starter-controller to be fed back to the PLC and transmits commands.


Presentation, references

TeSys motor starters - open version


TeSys U starter-controllers

AS-Interface communication modules


AS-Interface communication modules ASILUF C5 and ASILUF C51 make it easy to connect starter-controllers to the AS-Interface cabling system, and therefore allow remote control and command of these starter-controllers. Module ASILUFC51 features extended addresing.

2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4

The various operating states of the modules (AS-Interface voltage present, communication fault, addressing fault,) are indicated on the front panel by a green LED 1 and a red LED 2. Operation of the modules is continuously monitored by auto-testing, in a way that is totally transparent to the user.

Green LED: AS-Interface voltage present Red LED: AS-Interface or module fault Outputs for starter commands Black connector for connection to c 24 V auxiliary power supply 5 Yellow connector for connection to the AS-Interface system

The incorporation of AS-Interface V.2.1 functions allows diagnostics to be performed on the modules, either remotely via the line or locally via the ASI TERV2 addressing terminal. The communication modules must be connected to a c 24 V auxiliary supply and must be used in conjunction with a c 24 V control unit, LUCpppBL. The product is supplied with a yellow connector 4 for connection to the AS-Interface system, a black connector 5 for connection to the c 24 V auxiliary supply and a black connector 3 for connection of the outputs. Series type connection

6 Communication modules ASILUFC5 or ASILUF C51 7 Tap-off TCS ATV01N2 8 Pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11C

7 8

24 V AS-Interface

Information transmitted by the AS-Interface system

AS-Interface profiles Data bits (command) Bit value Command D0 (O) Command D1 (O) Command D2 (O) Command D3 (O) Bit value Status D0 (I) Status D1 (I) Status D2 (I) Status D3 (I) 7.D.F.0 profile and 7.A.7.E profile =0 =1 Stop forward Forward running Stop reverse Reverse running Not used Not used Not used Not used =0 Not ready or fault Stopped Not used Not used =1 Ready Running Not used Not used

Data bits (status)


Addressing Single 31 slaves Extended 62 slaves


Reference ASI LUF C5 ASI LUF C51


Communication modules

6 6

Weight kg 0.065 0.065


References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
AS-Interface communication modules


Pre-wired components simplify wiring and reduce wiring errors.

By pre-wired connector or wire link.

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp Item Reference LU9BN11C LU9MRC Weight kg 0.045 0.030

3 5



b Wire link Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block for separate mounting. When reverser block LU6M and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RC may be used.

This is achieved by using a tap-off for connection to 2 ribbon cables: b 1 for AS-Interface (yellow). b 1 for separate c 24 V supply (black).
1 5
Description Tap-off Length m 2 Reference XZCG0142 Weight kg 0.265

Connection of the communication module (1)

Consoles and cable adapter

Description Addressing terminal Battery operated. Battery charger supplied AS-InterfaceV.1 and V.2.1 compatible Adjustment and diagnostics console Runs on LR6 batteries Allows addressing of AS-Interface V.2.1 slaves and diagnostics Cable adapter For console XZMC11 Reference XZMC11 ASITERV2 Weight kg 0.550 0.500






Software set-up
AS-Interface configuration is carried out using PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software. From the module declaration screen, it is possible to configure all the slave devices corresponding to all the AS-Interface I/O. Configuration is carried out by following the instructions on the screen.

TeSys U users manual (2)

Application On CD-Rom Language Reference Multi-language LU9CD1 (3) (1) Degree of protection IP 54. Connection by 4 x 0.34 mm2 wires. Black wire: + 24 V. White wire: 0 V. Blue wire: AS-Interface (). Brown wire: AS-Interface (+). (2) The CD-Rom contains users manuals for the AS-Interface and Modbus communication modules, multifunction control units and gateway modules, as well as the gateway programming software. (3) English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Weight kg 0.022



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
ProfibusDP communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



When used in conjunction with the power base and control unit, communication module LULC07 allows TeSys U starter-controllers to be controlled via Profibus DP (Deported Periphery). Communication module LULC07 is of the slave type and uses the TeSys U systems internal registers (which can be accessed via the Profibus DP bus) in cyclic or acyclic mode. This module has a 24 V (0.5 A) discrete output and two configurable discrete inputs.


Serial bus topology


8 7 6

15 13 13 14 16 18 17 12
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 LED indicating module status 2 Fault signalling LED 3 LED indicating c 24 V supply ON for outputs OA1, OA3 and LO1 4 SUB-D connector for bus link 5 c 24 V supply connection 6 Discrete input 7 Discrete input 8 Discrete output 9 Outputs for starter-controller commands (nonreversing and reversing) 10 Pin for connection to control unit (advanced or multifunction)





17 24 V


24 V

Programmable controller with Profibus DP master card Other slave (not powered via the bus) Profibus DP 2-wire cable (TSXPBSCA100 = 100 m, TSXPBSCA400 = 400 m) Standard Profibus DP connector (490NAD91103 or 490NAD91104) Profibus DP power supply module for c 24 V-Aux supply to LULC07 modules (LU9GC7) Profibus DP connector, TeSys U dedicated (LU9AD7) Profibus DP 4-wire cable (LU9RPBppp) Profibus DP communication module (LULC07)

Profibus DP: general information The TeSys U communication module supports 2 Profibus application profiles based on DP V0 and DP V1 services: motor starter (MS), motor management starter (MMS). Cyclic/Acyclic services In general, data is exchanged via cyclic services and via acyclic services. The application profiles define, for the cyclic data: b manufacturer independent data, b manufacturer specific data. DP V1 Read/Write services DP V1 read and write services allow access to all data that cannot be accessed by cyclic data exchange. PKW feature In order to make data which is not cyclically exchanged accessible for DP V0 masters, a function called PKW (Periodically Kept in acyclic Words) is implemented. The cyclic data carries a dedicated zone of 4 input words and 4 output words, called PKW, which makes it possible to access all the registers en bloc. Electronic device description The TeSys U system is described by a GS*- file (1). This file will be used by any Profibus configuration tool to get information about the device. The GS*- files and associated icon, dedicated to the TeSys U system, can be downloaded from the website (Library/Software Tools).
(1) Replace the asterisk with the letter corresponding to the required language.


Presentation (continued) references

TeSys motor starters - open version


TeSys U starter-controllers

ProfibusDP communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

Information carried by the bus Depends on the type of control unit used with module LUL C07. Compatibility of Profibus DP communication module LULC07 with c 24 V control units
Information accessible via Profibus DP LULC07 in conjunction with: LUCB/C/DppBL LUCMppBL LUCAppBL Standard Advanced Multifunction control unit control unit control unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Starter status (ready, running, fault) Start and Stop commands Thermal overload alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions Log function Monitoring function Alarms (overcurrent, ...) Functions performed

Description ProfibusDP communication module Item Reference LULC07


Weight kg 0.108

By pre-wired connector or wire link. b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals


Description Pre-wired coil connection

For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp


Reference LU9BN11L LU9MRL

4 6

Weight kg 0.050 0.450

LI2 c 24 V

c 24 V




b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block. When this reverser block and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RL may be used.

Components for connection to the bus and to the installation

The c 24 V-Aux supply to Profibus DP modules LULC07 must pass through power supply module LU9GC7. LULC07 modules must be connected to the LU9GC7 splitter box in order to be powered. The number of TeSys U starter-controllers that can be powered by an LU9GC7 module is limited by the maximum current (1.5 A) which it can deliver. The c 24 V supply for the inputs/outputs must be provided separately.
Description Profibus DP power supply module Profibus DP connector Profibus DP cables 2-wire
A1 A2 L1 On power base c 24 V

Length m 100 400 10 100 400

Item (1)


15 16 13 13 17 17 17

Weight kg

Profibus DP cables 4-wire


(1) See connection diagram on page 1/80.

Connection of power supplies



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
ProfibusDP communication module and pre-wired coil connection components


1 2 3

Compatibility of Profibus DP communication module LULC07 with starter-controller LUB12/LUB32 Maximum 1 or or 2

power ratings 50/60 Hz 400/415 V Power base Standard control unit Class 10 Advanced control unit Class 10 Class 20 Multifunction control unit Classes 530 LUCM6XBL

Profibus DP module

Pre-wired coil connection, nonreversing

Nonreversing kW 0.09 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB32

















LUB + LUCpppBL + LUL C07 + LU9BN11L 5.5






4 5 6 7 8 9 10














Note: Profibus DP module LULC07 is not compatible with LUTM controllers.


Compatibility (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
ProfibusDP communication module and pre-wired coil connection components


Compatibility of Profibus DP communication module LULC07 with starter-controller LU2B12 / LU2B32 Maximum 5 or or 2
power ratings 50/60 Hz 400/415 V Power base Reversing Standard control unit Class 10 LUCA6XBL Advanced control unit Class 10 Class 20 Multifunction control unit Classes 530 LUCM6XBL

Profibus DP module

Pre-wired coil connection, reversing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kW 0.09

LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL or LU2B12BL LU2B32BL LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL LU2B32BL
















LU2B + LUCpppBL + LUL C07 + LU9MRL




















Note: Profibus DP module LULC07 is not compatible with LUTM controllers.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
CANopen communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

1 2 3
and LO1

Communication module LUL C08 allows direct connection of TeSys U startercontrollers and controllers on a CANopen bus. Module LULC08 is of the slave type. When used in conjunction with an LUCpppBL or LUCpT1BL control unit, module LUL C08 provides control and command of the starter-controller and of the controller. 9 4 For local control requirements, the module is equipped with a configurable, c24V. 0.5 V discrete output and two configurable discrete inputs. LULC08 communication modules can be connected to Advantys STB module : XBE2100K. 8 7 6 5


Star topology Bus topology

1 LED indicating module status 2 Fault signalling LED 3 LED indicating c 24 V supply ON for outputs OA1, OA3




4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 5 6 7 8 9

SUB-D connector for bus link c 24 V supply connection Discrete input Discrete input Discrete output Outputs for starter commands or

16 11
c 24 V

16 11 17 16 17

13 17 14 19 11 14 17 16
c 24 V


10 CANopen master module TSX CPP110 (PMCIA card with

junction box).

11 Cable TSXCANCpp equipped with a TSX CANKCDF90T

connector (to be assembled)

12 Terminal block TSX CANTDM4 with 4 SUB D type



connectors for connection of slaves and screw terminal blocks (connection of bus and dedicated 24 V supply to modules LUL C08). cable TSXCANCADDpp or cable TSXCANCpp fitted with TSXCANKCDF90T connectors. TSXCANCADDpp

13 Connection between junction boxes TSX CANTDM4 by 14 The slaves are connected by means of cables

Connection of power supplies The c 24 V power supply for modules LUL C08 is distributed via the bus and must be connected to the first TSX CANTDM4 junction box. The cable c.s.a. allows connection of up to 25 LUL C08 modules . Above this number, another power supply must be connected to the next junction box. A c 24 V supply must be connected to module LUL C08 for outputs OA1, OA3 and LO1. Information carried by the bus Depends on the type of control unit used.
Control unit Standard Starter status (ready, running, fault) Start and Stop commands Thermal overload alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions "Log" function "Monitoring" function Alarms (overcurrent, ...) Functions performed For more detailed information, please refer to User's Manual. Advanced Multifunction

15 Connections are made by means of cables TSXCANCpp

fitted with TSXCANKCDF180T connectors for the slaves and with TSXCANKCDF90T connectors for the junction boxes. 16 Starter-controller 17 CANopen communication module LUL C08

18 Advantys STB island (NIM: Network Interface Modules

+ I/O modules)

19 CANopen extension module STB XBE 2100K

Compatibility of CANopen communication module with control units

LUCAppBL / BppBL / C ppBL / D ppBL All versions marketed after 2T04081 (1) All versions u V3.2 LUCMppBL All versions u V3.2 LUCMT1BL (1) This date code is made up as follows: 2T or 2C factory code. 04,05,06 and so on: year of manufacture. 08: week. 1: 1st day of the week.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
CANopen communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

Communication module LUL C08 uses PDO, SDO and PKW type objects for data exchange (Process Data Objects, Service Data Objects, Periodically Kept in Acyclic Words). Transmit and Receive PDO
PDO 1 Real time command-control Preconfigured and enabled To be defined by configuration PDO 2, PDO 3 Unused PDO 4

Communication services

1 2 3 4

Adjustment, diagnostics and acyclic exchanges Preconfigured and enabled


Description CANopen communication module Item Reference LULC08


Weight kg 0.108

Note: The Electronic Data Sheets (EDS), and users manuals are available on the website

Pre-wired components simplify wiring and reduce wiring errors.


By pre-wired connector or wire link. b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp Item Reference LU9BN11L LU9MRL

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

LUB + LUL C08 + LU9BN11L

17 18

Weight kg 0.050 0.450

5 6 7 8 9 10

b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block for separate mounting. When reverser block LU6M and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RL may be used.

Cables for connection to the bus

Description Length m 0.3 1.0 3 5 Reel of cable 50 100 Item Reference Weight kg 0.045 0.065 0.125 1.500


Cables equipped with SUB-D connectors


14 14 14 14 11 11 14 14 14 14 11 11


UL approved
Cables equipped with SUB-D connectors 0.3 1 3 5 Reel of cable 50 100


0.045 0.065 0.125 1.500

Separate components
Description Elbowed connector Straight connector Junction box Weight kg TSXCANKCDF90T TSXCANKCDF180T TSXCANTDM4 Reference



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
DeviceNet communication module and pre-wired coil connection components


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


When used in conjunction with the power base and control unit, communication module LULC09 allows TeSysU starter-controllers and controllers to be controlled via DeviceNet. Communication module LULC09 is of the slave type and uses the TeSys U systems internal registers which can be accessed via DeviceNet. Module LULC09 has a configurable 24 V (0.5 A) discrete output and two configurable discrete inputs.


Serial bus topology

8 7 6

63 starter-controllers max. with modules LULC09

1 LED indicating module status 2 Fault signalling LED 3 LED indicating c 24 V supply ON for outputs OA1, OA3 and LO1 and 24 V bus 4 DeviceNet connector for bus link 5 c 24 V supply connection 6 Discrete input 7 Discrete input 8 Discrete output 9 Outputs for starter-controller commands (nonreversing and reversing) 10 Pin for connection to control unit (advanced or multifunction)

24 V 12

13 14

13 14

13 14

11 12 13 14

Industrial PLC: Industrial Programmable Controller equipped with a DeviceNet Master. Connection and power distribution box for supply to DeviceNet communication modules. Starter-controller. DeviceNet communication module LUL C09.


Presentation (continued), references

TeSys motor starters - open version


TeSys U starter-controllers

DeviceNet communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

Information carried by the bus Depends on the type of control unit used with module LUL C09.

Compatibility of DeviceNet LULC09 communication module with c 24 V control units

Information accessible via DeviceNet LULC09 in conjunction with: LUCB/C/DppBL LUCMppBL LUCAppBL Standard Advanced Multifunction control unit control unit control unit

1 2 3 4 5
Weight kg 0.050 0.450


Starter status (ready, running, fault) Start and Stop commands Thermal overload alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions Log function Monitoring function Alarms (overcurrent, ...) Functions performed



V Can_L S Can_H



Reference LULC09

DeviceNet communication module


Weight kg 0.108

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

By pre-wired connector or wire link. b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpppp Reference LU9BN11L LU9MRL
24 V LO1 LI1 LI2 24 V 24 V

+ +

6 7 8 9 10

b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block. When this reverser block and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RL may be used.

Connection of power supplies

The 24 V supply to DeviceNet LULC09 modules is provided via the (V+ , V-) terminals. The 24 V supply for the inputs/outputs must be provided separately from the supply to the LULC09 modules. The 24 V Aux terminal is for supply to the LUCM control unit or the LUTM controller.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
DeviceNet communication module and pre-wired coil connection components


Compatibility of DeviceNet communication module LULC09 with starter-controller LUB12/LUB32 Maximum 1 or or 2

power ratings 50/60 Hz 400/415 V Power base Standard control unit Advanced control unit Multifunction control unit

DeviceNet module

Pre-wired coil connection, nonreversing

2 3

Nonreversing kW 0.09 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB32

Class 10

Class 10

Class 20

Classes 530 LUCM6XBL LULC09 LU9BN11L















LUB + LUCpppBL + LUL C09 + LU9BN11L 5.5






4 5 6 7 8 9 10














Note: DeviceNet communication module LUL C09 is compatible with LUTM controllers.


Compatibility (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
DeviceNet communication module and pre-wired coil connection components


Compatibility of DeviceNet communication module LULC09 with starter-controller LU2B12 / LU2B32 Maximum 5 or or 2
power ratings 50/60 Hz 400/415 V Power base Reversing Standard control unit Class 10 LUCA6XBL Advanced control unit Class 10 Class 20 Multifunction control unit Classes 530 LUCM6XBL

DeviceNet module

Pre-wired coil connection, reversing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kW 0.09

LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL or LU2B12BL LU2B32BL LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL LU2B12BL or LU2B32BL LU2B32BL
















LU2B + LUCpppBL + LUL C09 + LU9MRL




















Note: DeviceNet communication module LUL C09 is compatible with LUTM controllers.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Advantys STB communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Communication module LUL C15 allows direct connection of TeSys U startercontrollers and controllers on an Advantys STB island, between two segments or at the end of a segment. In the latter case, the segment must be equipped with an EOS (End of segment) extension module STBXBE1100. The starter-controller will then be able to make use of the services provided by Advantys STB: self-addressing, autobaud, fallback positions. When used in conjunction with an LUCpppBL or LUCpT1BL control unit, module LUL C15 provides control and command of the starter-controller and of the controller. For local control requirements, the module is equipped with a configurable, c24V, 0.5 A discrete output and two configurable discrete inputs.


8 7 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11 13 15


Two-colour LED indicating module status Fault signalling LED LED indicating that c 24 V supply is ON Bus connectors c 24 V supply connection Discrete input Discrete input Discrete output Outputs for starter commands

12 13 14 12 13 14 12 17 13 14 + 16 17 13 14




10 Advantys STB island (NIM: Network Interface Module + I/O modules). 11 Extension module (EOS/End of segment) STBXBE1100. 12 Bus connecting cable LU9RCDpp, elbowed/straight, for connection of the first TeSys U 13 Starter-controller. 14 Communication module LUL C15. 15 Connector for connection of product either by wire link or using coil connection modules 16 Line end adapter LU9RFL15. 17 Bus connection cable LU9RDDpp, straight/straight, for connections between LUL C15 modules. 18 Beginning of segment (BOS). Connection of power supply for the outputs A c 24 V supply must be connected to module LUL C15 for outputs OA1, OA3 and LO1. Information carried by the bus Depends on the type of control unit used.
Control unit Standard Starter status (ready, running, fault) Start and Stop commands Thermal overload alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions "Log" function "Monitoring" function Alarms (overcurrent, ...) Functions performed For more detailed information, please refer to User's Manual. Advanced Multifunction LU9BN11L or LU9MRL. communication module.

Compatibility of Advantys STB communication module with control units

LUCAppBL / BppBL / C ppBL / D ppBL All versions marketed after 2T04081 (1) All versions u V3.2 LUCMppBL All versions u V3.2 LUCMT1BL (1) This date code is made up as follows: 2T or 2C: factory code. 04,05,06 and so on: year of manufacture. 08: week. 1: 1st day of the week.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Advantys STB communication module and pre-wired coil connection components

The maximum number of starter-controllers and controllers that can be connected to an Advantys STB island depends on the Network Interface Module (NIM) used and the associated control units.
NIM (Network Interface Module) CANopen Standard Basic DeviceNet Standard Basic Profibus DP Standard Basic Interbus Standard Basic Fipio Standard Modbus plus Standard Ethernet Standard Number of starter-controllers LUCAppBL LUCBppBL LUCMppBL LUCCppBL LUCD ppBL 17 17 15 12 12 12 18 18 16 12 12 12 9 8 8 9 8 8 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 4 17 17 15 32 32 32 Number of controllers LUCBpp LUCDpp LUCMpp 15 12 16 12 8 8 1 1 4 15 32

Possible architectures

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Description Advantys STB communication module Line end adapter Item Reference LULC15 14 LU9RFL15 16 End of segment (EOS) STBXBE1100 11 Beginning of segment (BOS) STBXBE1300 18 Pre-wired components simplify wiring and reduce wiring errors. Weight kg 0.108 0.012



By pre-wired connector or wire link. b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection. The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp Item Reference LU9BN11L LU9MRL

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

19 20

Weight kg 0.050 0.450

b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block for separate mounting. When reverser block LU6M and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RL may be used.



Cables fitted with connectors, one straight and one elbowed Cables fitted with two straight connectors

Length m 0.3 1 3 5 0.3 1 3


Reference LU9RCD03 LU9RCD10 LU9RCD30 LU9RCD50 LU9RDD03 LU9RDD10 LU9RDD30


12 12 12 12 17 17

Weight kg 0.045 0.065 0.125 1.500 0.045 0.065 0.125

Note: User manuals are available on the website



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Modbus communication modules and pre-wired coil connection components


LULC031 1

LULC033 1

Communication modules LULC031 and LUL C033 enable the TeSys U startercontroller to be connected to the Modbus network. They must have a c 24 V supply and must be used in conjunction with a c 24 V control unit, LUCpppBL. They incorporate a 0.5 A, c 24 V discrete output for local command requirements. The module LUL C033 also has two configurable discrete inputs.


6 3 5 2 6 35 4 2

Series type connection

Star topology Bus topology


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6

Module status signalling LED 24 V supply connection RJ45 connector for RS485 Modbus link 2 discrete inputs 1 discrete output Outputs for starter commands


8 7

8 7

8 7

8 7



11 12

7 8 9 10

Communication module LULC031 or LULC033 Pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11C Connection cable VW3A8306Rpp with one RJ45 connector at each end Modbus hub LU9GC3 with channel connections to PLC and to starter-controller with RJ45 connectors 11 T-junction VW3A8306TFpp 12 Line terminator VW3A8306R Information carried by the bus Depends on the type of control unit used.
Control unit Starter status (ready, running, fault) Start and Stop commands Thermal overload alarm Remote reset via the bus Indication of motor load Fault signalling and differentiation Remote programming and monitoring of all functions Log function Monitoring function Alarms (overcurrent, ...) Functions performed Standard Advanced Multifunction

For more detailed information, please refer to Users Manual LU9CD1, see page opposite.

Compatibility of Modbus communication modules

With starter-controllers and controllers
Starter-controllers and controllers LUB pp / LU2Bp2 LUTM ppBL Possible combinations. LUL C031 LUL C033



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Modbus communication modules and pre-wired coil connection components

Compatibility of Modbus communication modules (continued)

With power bases
Control unit software versions LUCA ppBL LUCB ppBL, LUCC ppBL and LUCD ppBL LUCM ppBL V1.04 V1.05 V1.06 V1.10 (1) LUL C031 V2.3 (1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LUL C031 V2.3 (1) No No LUL C033 V2.2 (1) Yes Yes No Yes No Yes LUL C033 V2.1 (1) Yes Yes

1 2 3 4 5

With base controllers, version 1.200 (1)

Control unit software versions LUCB TppBL and LUCD TppBL LUCM TppBL (1) And higher versions Combinations not permitted.

V2.11 (1)

Description Modbus communication modules Item Reference LULC031 7 LULC033 7 Pre-wired components simplify wiring and reduce wiring errors. Weight kg 0.080 0.080

Connection of communication module output terminals to the coil terminals

7 8
LUB + LUL C03p + LU9B

By pre-wired connector or wire link. b Pre-wired connector: pre-wired coil connection The use of a power base without pre-wired control circuit connections is recommended.
Description Pre-wired coil connection For use with power base LUBpp LU2Bpp Item Reference LU9BN11C LU9MRC Weight kg 0.045 0.030


b Wire link: Allows insertion, for example, of an emergency Stop control or a voltage interface. This type of connection must be used for a reversing starter-controller assembled using an LU6M reverser block for separate mounting. When reverser block LU6M and the power base are mounted side-by-side, a pre-wired coil connection LU9M RC may be used.

8 13

6 7 8 9 10

Connection of communication modules on the serial bus

Achieved either by means of a Modbus hub or using T-junctions.

Description Modbus hub 8 slaves Cables fitted with 2 x RJ45 connectors

Length m 0.3 1 3 0.3 1


Reference LU9GC3 VW3A8306R03 VW3A8306R10 VW3A8306R30 VW3A8306TF03 VW3A8306TF10 VW3A8306R

10 9 9 9 11 11 12

Weight kg 0.260 0.045 0.065 0.125 0.032 0.032 0.012

LU2B + LUL C03p + LU9M

T-junctions (1) RS 485 line terminator

TeSys U users manual (2)

Application On CD-Rom Language Multi-language (3) Reference LU9CD1 Weight kg 0.022

(1) Fitted with 2 x RJ45 female connectors (bus side) and a 0.3 m or 1 m length cable supplied with an RJ45 male connector (station side). (2) The CD-Rom contains users manuals for the AS-Interface and Modbus communication modules, multifunction control units and gateway modules, as well as the gateway programming software. (3) English, French, German, Italian, Spanish


Presentation, description, setting-up

TeSys motor starters - open version

Communication gateways LUFP

1 2 3 4 5 6

Communication gateways LUFP allow connection between the Modbus serial link and Fipio, ProfibusDP or DeviceNet field buses. After configuration, these gateways manage information which can be accessed by the Modbus serial link and make this information available for read/write functions (command, monitoring, configuration and adjustment) on the field buses. An LUFP communication gateway consists of a box which can be clipped onto a 35mm omega rail, allowing connection of up to 8 Slaves connected on the Modbus serial link. Example of architecture
Configuration of gateway by PC TeSys U starter-controllers



Fipio Profibus DP DeviceNet

(1) Modbus

ATS 48 ATV 312


Front panel of the product 1 LED indicating: - communication status of the Modbus serial links, - gateway status, - communication status of the Fipio, ProfibusDP or DeviceNet bus. 2 Connectors for connection to Fipio, ProfibusDP or DeviceNet buses.

7 8 9 10
Characteristics, references: page 1/95 Dimensions: page 1/95

Underside of product

3 RJ45 connector for connection of the Modbus serial link 4 RJ45 connector for link to a PC 5 c 24 V power supply 3 4 5

For the Fipio bus, software set-up of the gateway is performed using either PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software or ABC Configurator software. For the ProfibusDP and DeviceNet buses, software set-up is performed using ABCConfigurator. This software is included in the TeSysU users manual.
(1) Connection kit for PowerSuite software workshop (see page 1/74).

Software set-up

Schemes: page 1/118


Characteristics, references, dimensions

Bus type Environment Ambient air temperature Degree of protection Electromagnetic compatibility Conforming to IEC 60664 Around the device

TeSys motor starters - open version

Communication gateways LUFP

Emission Immunity Number of Modbus slaves which can be connected Connection Modbus To a PC Field bus Supply Consumption Indication/diagnostics Services V mA mA

Max. Typical Profile Command Monitoring Configuration and adjustment

Fipio ProfibusDP DeviceNet Degree of pollution: 2 + 5+ 50 IP 20 Conforming to IEC 50081-2: 1993 Conforming to IEC 61000-6-2: 1999 y8 By RJ45 connector conforming to Schneider Electric RS485 standard By RJ45 connector, with PowerSuite connection kit By SUBD9 female By SUBD9 female By 5-way removable connector connector screw connector External supply, c 24 10 % 280 100 By LED on front panel FEDC32 or FEDC32P 26 configurable words (1) 122 configurable words 256 configurable words 26 configurable words (1) 122 configurable words 256 configurable words By gateway mini messaging facility (PKW)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Description Communication gateways For use with TeSysU starter-controllers, Altistart48, Altivar31, Altivar312 For use with Modbus Length m 3 0.3 1 3 With bus/ serial link Fipio/Modbus ProfibusDP/Modbus DeviceNet/Modbus Reference LUFP1 LUFP7 LUFP9 Weight kg 0.245 0.245 0.245

Connection accessories

Description Connection cables TSXFPACC12

Connectors 1 RJ45 type connector and one end with stripped wires 2 RJ45 type connectors 2 RJ45 type connectors 2 RJ45 type connectors 1 SUB-D 9 male connector 1 SUB-D 9 male connector 1 SUB-D 9 male connector


Weight kg VW3 A8 306 D30 0.150 VW3 A8 306 R03 VW3 A8 306 R10 VW3 A8 306 R30 TSX FP ACC12 490 NAD 911 04 490 NAD 911 03 0.050 0.050 0.150 0.040



Fipio Profibus mid line Profibus line end


Description Users manual for TeSysU range (2) Medium CD-Rom Language Multilingual: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Reference LU9 CD1 Weight kg 0.022


= 120

(1) If the gateway is configured using PL7 and not ABC Configurator, the I/O capacity is limited to a total of 26 words. (2) This CD-Rom contains users manuals for AS-Interface and Modbus communication modules, multifunction control units and gateways, as well as for the gateway programming software, ABC Configurator.



Presentation, description: page 1/94

Setting-up: page 1/94

Schemes: page 1/118



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2 3 4 5 6

Product certifications

Conforming to standards Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1, overvoltage category III, degree of pollution: 3 Conforming to UL508, CSA C22-2 n14 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-6-2 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 appendix N V V kV V

UL, CSA, CCC, GOST, ASEFA. ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LROS. ATEX. IEC/EN 60947-6-2, CSA C22-2 N14, Type E UL 508 type E: with phase barrier LU9 SP0 690 600 6 Between the control or auxiliary circuit and the main circuit: 400 Between the control and auxiliary circuits: 400 IP 40 IP 20 IP 20

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Safety separation of circuits SELV

Degree of protection Front panel outside connection Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 zone (protection against Front panel and wired terminals direct finger contact) Other faces Protective treatment Conforming to IEC/EN 60068 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-11 Storage Operation

Ambient air temperature around the device

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions In relation to normal vertical mounting plane

TH Cycles 12 h 48 C - 40+ 85 C Power bases and standard and advanced control units: - 25 + 70. (At temperatures above 60C and up to 70C, for starter-controller LUB32, leave a minimum gap of 9mm between products). Power bases and multifunction control units: - 25+ 60. (At temperatures above 45 C, leave a minimum gap of 9 mm between products. At temperatures above 55 C and up to 60 C, leave a gap of 20 mm between products.) m 2000

90 90

Flame resistance Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC/EN 60695-2-12 C C V2 960 (parts supporting live components) 650 Cadmium and silicone-free, recyclable Power poles open: 10 gn Power poles closed: 15 gn Power poles open: 2 gn Power poles closed: 4 gn (2) In open air: 8 - Level 3 On contact: 8 - Level 4 10 - Level 3 All circuits except for serial link: 4 - Level 4 Serial link: 2 - Level 3 Common mode Serial mode 2 1 Not applicable 10 Class A

7 8 9 10

Environmental restrictions Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Resistance to electrostatic discharge Immunity to radiated highfrequency disturbance Immunity to fast transient currents Immunity to dissipated shock waves

Conforming to IEC/EN60068-2-27 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 kV kV V/m kV kV

Immunity to conducted high-frequency disturbance Radiated emission and conducted

Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-6-2 Uc a 24240 V, kV Uc c 48220 V Uc = 24 V c Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-6 V Conforming to CISPR 11 and EN 55011

(1) Without modifying the contact states, in the most unfavourable direction. (2) 2 gn with Advantys STB or CANopen communication modules.

References : pages 1/62 to 1/71

Dimensions : pages 1/110 and 1/111

Schemes : pages 1/112 to 1/119



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Power bases and control units

Power base, control unit or reverser block type

Power circuit connection characteristics

Connection to 4 mm screw clamp terminals
Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Control circuit connection characteristics

Connection to 3 mm screw clamp terminals
1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors

2.510 2.510 1.56 1.56 16 16 16 16 110 110 16 16 Philips n 2 or flat screwdriver: 6 mm 1.92.5 1.92.5

2.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 1.92.5

2.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 1.92.5

2.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 1.92.5

Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque Rated voltage of control circuit Voltage limits Operation

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m V V V V V V V V V V V mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA W ms ms ms

Control circuit characteristics

a 50/60 Hz c c 24 V (1) a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V c 110220 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V Closing Opening

0.751.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 Philips n 1 or flat screwdriver: 5 mm 0.81.2 0.81.2 24240 24240 24220 24220 2027 2027 2026.5 2026.5 a 38.572. c 38.593 a 88264 a 88264 c 88242 c 88242 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 29 29 55 55 130 220 140 220 280 280 280 280 60 80 70 90 35 45 35 25 2 3 24 V: 70; 48 V: 60; u 72 V: 50 35 35 3 3 At least 70 % of Uc for 500 ms 15 15 3600 3600 3 3 Yes Yes 1 padlock with 6.9 mm shank 12 32 q y 70C: 12A q y 70C: 32A q y 70C: 12A q y 70C: 32A 690 (3) 690 (3) 4060 4060 3 6 9 12 18 25 32 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.4 4.6 7.5

0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.81.2 24 2028 14.5 150 70 1.7 75 35 3 15 3600 3 Yes

0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.81.2 24 2028 14.5 200 75 1.8 65 35 3 15 3600 3 Yes

0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.81.2 120 2360 2300 1000 120 (2) (2) (2)


Typical consumption I max while closing

I rms sealed

Heat dissipation Operating time

Resistance to micro-breaks Resistance to voltage dips IEC/EN 61000-4-11 Mechanical durability In millions of operating cycles Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour

Main pole characteristics

Number of poles Isolation Possible conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 Padlocking Rated thermal current Rated operational current To IEC/ Category AC-41 (Ue y 440V) EN 60947-6-2 Category AC-43 Rated operational voltage Frequency limits Of the operating current Power dissipated Operational current in the power circuits Power dissipated in all three poles Rated breaking capacity on short-circuit Total breaking time Thermal limit

V Hz A W

12 32 q y 55C: 12A q y 55C: 32A q y 55C: 12A q y 55C: 32A 690 (3) 690 (3) 4060 4060

With Isc max on 440 V

V 230 440 500 690 kA 50 50 10 4 ms 2 2 2 kAs 90 120 90 120 (1) Voltage with maximum ripple of 10 %. (2) No consumption sealed. (3) For 690 V, use phase barrier LU9SP0.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Reversing power bases and auxiliary contacts

Specific characteristics of power bases LU2B and reverser blocks LU2M or LU6M

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Duration of inrush phase Maximum operating time

General characteristics of auxiliary contacts

Conventional For ambient temperature q < 70 C thermal current (Ith) Frequency of the operational current U min Minimum switching capacityl = 10-8 I min Short-circuit Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-5-1 protection Short-time rating Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms Insulation resistance Non-overlap time Guaranteed between N/C and N/O contacts Linked contacts Mirror contact Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1

a 50/60 Hz ms c ms Without change of direction ms With change of direction ms A Hz V mA A A A A mW ms

25 15 75 150 5 Up to 400 17 5 gG fuse: 4 30 40 50 10 2 (on energisation and on de-energisation)

Specific characteristics of auxiliary contacts built-into the power base

Each power base has 1 N/O contact and 1 N/C contact which are mechanically linked The N/C contact fitted in each power base reliably represents the state of the power contacts (safety scheme) Up to a 690; c 250 690 600

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-5-1 voltage (Ui) Conforming to UL, CSA

Specific characteristics of auxiliary contacts in modules LUF N, of auxiliary contacts LUA1 and of reverser blocks LU2M and LU6M
V V V Up to a 250; c 250 250 250


Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation Conforming to IEC/EN60947-5-1 voltage (Ui) Conforming to UL, CSA Rated operational power of contacts Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-5-1

a.c. supply, categories AC-14 and AC-15 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j = 0.4) V VA VA VA 24 60 16 4 48 120 32 8 115 280 80 20 230 560 160 40 400 960 280 70 440 600 1050 1440 300 80 420 100

d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W W
10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 250 V

1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles

10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

24 120 70 25

48 90 50 18

125 75 38 14

250 68 33 12

Millions of operating cycles

Millions of operating cycles

24 V 48 V 125 V

1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

0,1 0,1


0,3 0,4

0,6 0,8 1 0,5 0,7 0,9

6 8 10 5 7 9 Current broken in A

0,1 0,1


0,3 0,4

0,6 0,8 1 0,5 0,7 0,9

3 4 6 8 10 5 7 9 Current broken in A

References : pages 1/63 and 1/64

Dimensions : pages 1/110 and 1/111

Schemes : pages 1/112 to 1/119



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Control units

Characteristics of standard control units LUCA

Protection Overload protection Motor type Conforming to standard Tripping class conforming to UL 508, IEC/EN 60947-6-2 Frequency limits of the operational current Temperature compensation Protection against phase imbalance Tripping threshold Tripping tolerance 3-phase IEC/EN 60947-6-2, UL 508, CSA C22-2 n14 10 Hz C 4060 - 25+ 70 Yes 14.2 x Ir (setting current) 20 %

1 2

Short-circuit protection

Characteristics of advanced control units LUCB, LUCC and LUCD

Control unit type Protection Motor type Conforming to standard Overload protection Tripping class conforming to UL 508, IEC/EN 60947-6-2 Frequency limits of the operational current Temperature compensation Protection against phase imbalance Tripping threshold Tripping tolerance LUCB 3-phase IEC/EN 60947-6-2, UL 508, CSA C22-2 n14 10 Hz C 4060 - 25+ 70 Yes 14.2 x Ir max. 20 % LUCC Single-phase IEC/EN 60947-6-2, UL 508, CSA C22-2 n14 10 4060 - 25+ 55 14.2 x Ir max. 20 % LUCD 3-phase IEC/EN 60947-6-2, UL 508, CSA C22-2 n14 20 4060 - 25+ 70 Yes 14.2 x Ir max. 20 %

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Short-circuit protection

Characteristics of multifunction control units LUCM

Protection Overload protection Motor type Conforming to standard Tripping class conforming to UL 508, IEC/EN 60947-6-2 Frequency limits of the operational current Temperature compensation Physical interface Connections Protocol Maximum transmission speed Maximum return time Type Language version Precision Resolution External type Heat dissipation Parameters can be set: single-phase or 3-phase IEC/EN 60947-6-2, UL 508 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 (selectable) Hz C 5060 - 25+ 55 RS 485 multi-drop RJ45 on front panel Modbus RTU 19 200 (self-configuration up to this value) 200 LCD, 2 lines of 12 characters Multilanguage (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) 5% 1 % of Ir c 24, with maximum ripple of 10 %. 0.8

Communication interface for terminal on enclosure door Display

bit/s ms

Auxiliary supply


Configuration table for protection devices and alarms on multifunction control units LUCM
Tripping Alarm Factory setting Factory setting Overcurrent Overload Earth fault Phase imbalance Torque limitation No-load running Long starting time Activated (1) Activated (1) Activated Activated Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated Activated Activated Activated Deactivated Deactivated Deactivated Adjustment of tripping Adjustment of time before Adjustment of alarm threshold tripping threshold Range Default value Range Default value Range Default value 317 Ir 0.532 A (2) 0.25 Ir min 1030 % 18 Ir 0.31 Ir 18 Ir 14.2 Ir min 0.3 Ir min 10 % 2 Ir 0.5 Ir Ir Class: 530 0.11.2 s 0.220 s 130 s 1200 s 1200 s 5 0.1 s 5s 5s 10 s 10 s 10100 % of 85 % the thermal state 0.25 Ir min 0.3 Ir min 1030 % 10 % 18 Ir 2 Ir 0.31 Ir 0.5 Ir 18 Ir Ir

Configuration of additional functions on multifunction control units LUCM

Factory setting Manual 120 s 3-phase motor Self-cooled English Average current

Reset Time before reset Type of load Language Display

Setting range Manual, automatic or remote 11000 s 3-phase motor, single-phase motor Self-cooled, force cooled English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Average current, thermal state of motor, current in phase 1 / 2 / 3, earth leakage current, phase imbalance, cause of last 5 faults (1) This function cannot be deactivated. (2) The setting range depends on the rating of the control unit used. Schemes : pages 1/112 to 1/119

References : pages 1/69 and 1/70

Dimensions : pages 1/110 and 1/111



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Limiter-disconnector, current limiter, thermal overload alarm function module and thermal overload fault signalling modules

Characteristics of limiter-disconnector LUA LB1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) conforming to standard IEC/EN 60947-1 Conventional thermal current (Ith) conforming to standard IEC/EN 60947-1 Operating threshold Breaking capacity Mounting Cabling Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque I rms

V A kA V kA

690 32 50 440 690 130 70 Directly on the upstream terminals of the starter-controller

1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

1.510 1.5...6 110 16 1...6 1...6 Phillips n2 or flat screwdriver 6 mm 1.92.5

Characteristics of current limiter LA9 LB920

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) conforming to standard IEC/EN 60947-1 Conventional thermal current (Ith) conforming to standard IEC/EN 60947-1 Operating threshold Breaking capacity Mounting Cabling Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque V A I rms A V kA 690 63 1000 440 100 Separate

690 35

1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

1.525 1.5...10 1.525 2.510 1.516 1.54 Phillips n2 or flat screwdriver 6 mm 2.2

Characteristics of thermal overload alarm function modules LUF W10

Activation threshold Hysteresis between activation and switching off Display Supply Discrete output characteristics Type AC-15 DC-13 Conventional thermal current (Ith) For ambient A temperature q < 70 C Short-circuit protection Conforming to A IEC/EN 60947-5-1 Module type Fault signalling External power supply Module consumption Discrete outputs Type AC-15 DC-13 For ambient temperature q < 70 C Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-5-1 Conductor c.s.a. Length A A mm2 m Fixed at 88% of the thermal tripping state 5% By LED on front panel Powered by the control unit N/O contact 230 V max; 400 VA 100 000 operating cycles 24 V; 50 W 100 000 operating cycles 2 gG fuse: 2

Characteristics of thermal overload fault signalling and reset modules

V mA LUF DH11 LUF DA01 By LED on front panel a/c 24 240 7 at c 24 1.1 at a 240 1 N/C+ 1 N/O 1 N/C 230 V max; 400 VA 100 000 operating cycles 24 V; 50 W 100 000 operating cycles 2 gG fuse: 2 0.2 min 500 (R = 50 W , L = 52.8 mH, Cp = 93 pF) LUF DA10

1 N/O

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Short-circuit protection Reset input

References : pages 1/66 and 1/71

Dimensions : pages 1/110 and 1/111

Schemes : pages 1/112 to 1/119



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Function modules and communication modules

Characteristics of motor load indication function module LUF V2

Analogue output Signal delivered Load impedance Minimum Maximum Typical Precision Precision Resolution kW W W 4 - 20 mA Value of I average/Ir ratio within the range of 0 to 2 for LUCB and LUCD Value of I average/Ir ratio within the range of 0 to 3 for LUCC 500 100 6% 10 % 1 % of Ir External c 24 V

1 2

Signal characteristics with advanced control unit Signal characteristics with multifunction control unit Supply

Characteristics of AS-Interface communication modules ASILUF C5 and ASILUF C51

Module type Product certification AS-Interface profile Ambient air temperature Cycle time Addressing AS-Interface supply Current consumption ASILUF C5 AS-Interface V2.1 n 52901 7.D.F.0 Operation - 25+ 70 5 31 slaves 29.5...31.5 Normal operation: 25 Fault condition: 30 200 ASILUF C51 AS-Interface V2.1 n 52303 7.A.7.E 10 62 slaves

C ms V mA mA mA V

3 4 5 6

On the AS-Interface bus On 24 V supply for the outputs

Auxiliary supply Number of outputs Switching capacity of the solid state outputs Indication/diagnostics

c 24 30 % 2 dedicated to starter-controller coil operation 0.5 A/24 V (outputs protected against short-circuits) By 2 LEDs on front panel

Characteristics of Modbus communication module LULC03p

Module type Physical interface Connections Protocol Maximum transmission speed Maximum return time Addressing Ambient air temperature Discrete inputs LUL C031 RS 485 multi-drop RJ45 on front panel Modbus RTU 19 200 (self-configuration up to this value) 30 By switches: from 0...31 Operation - 25+ 55 c 24 (positive logic) 7 10 ( 30 %) 10 ( 30 %) Resistive LUL C033

bit/s ms C V mA V mA ms ms

Number Supply Input current Nominal input values Voltage Current Response time Change to state 1 Change to state 0 Input type Number Supply Max. current gI fuse

2 (to be assigned according to the configuration) c 24 7

7 8 9 10

Solid state outputs Protection Switching capacity Indication/diagnostics

V mA A

3, of which 2 dedicated to starter-controller coil operation c 24 500 1 0.5 A/24 V By 3 LEDs on front panel


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Function modules and communication modules

Characteristics of CANopen, Profibus DPand DeviceNet communication modules

1 2

Communication module Services Conformity class Standard Profile

Profibus DP LULC07 NA Profibus DP LVSG V1.0 MS (Motor Starter) and MMS (Motor Management Starter) Profibus DP 1125 9-way SUB-D male 9600 Kbits/s12 Mbits/s 2 shielded twisted pairs V A A C 2028 1.5 (max) 2 Operation -25+55

CANopen LULC08 S 20 (Schneider Electric) CIADS-301 V4.02 DR 303-2

DeviceNet LULC09 NA IEC 62026-1, overvoltage category III, degree of pollution: 3 ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) MS (Motor Starter) CAN 2.0A (2B passive) 063 Open Style connector 125500kbaud

Protocol Address Structure Physical interface Binary rate Cables Supply for the discrete outputs and control c 24 V Current consumption Protection by gl fuse

CAN 2.0A (2B passive) 0127 (by switches) 9-way SUB-D female 10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 Kbits/s (by switches)

3 4 5
Discrete outputs

Ambient air temperature Logic inputs Number Supply Input current Nominal input values Voltage Current Response time Change to state 1 Change to state 0 Input type Number Max. current Short-circuit protection Switching capacity

V mA V mA ms ms

2 (to be assigned according to the configuration) c 24 7 c 24 (positive logic) 7 10 ( 30%) 10 ( 30%) Resistive 3, of which 2 dedicated to starter-controller coil operation 500 Yes 0.5 A / c 24 V By 3 LEDs on front panel


6 7 8 9


Characteristics of Advantys STB communication module LUL C15

Physical interface Connections Protocol Transmission speed Addressing Supply for the c 24 V discrete outputs Current consumption and control Protection by gl fuse Ambient air temperature Discrete inputs Number Supply Input current Nominal input values Voltage Current Response time Change to state 1 Change to state 0 Input type CAN Fire Wire CAN 2.0 and CAN 2.B (passive mode) kbit/s 800 Self-addressing V 2028 A 1.5 (max) A 2 C Operation - 25+ 55 2 ( to be assigned according to configuration) c 24 7 c 24 (positive logic) 7 10 ( 30%) 10 ( 30%) Resistive 3, of which 2 dedicated to starter-controller coil operation 500 Yes 0.5 A / c 24 V By 3 LEDs on front panel

V mA V mA ms ms

Discrete outputs


Number Max. current Short-circuit protection Switching capacity Indication/diagnostics




TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers
Function modules and communication modules

Connection characteristics
Module type LUFW10, LUFDH11, LUFDA01 and LUFDA10 Pitch 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Flexible cable Without with cable end insulated ferrule With insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors 1 conductor 2 identical conductors (Use a double cable end) 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Conductor size Tightening torque Flat screwdriver Module type 1 conductor N.m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 5.08 0.21.5 0.21 0.251.5 0.251 0.251.5 0.51 0.21.5 0.21 AWG24 AWG16 0.50.6 3.5 LULC031, LULC033, LULC08 and LULC15 Pitch 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Flexible cable Without with cable end insulated ferrule With insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors 1 conductor 2 identical conductors (Use a double cable end) 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Conductor size Tightening torque Flat screwdriver 1 conductor N.m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 3.81 0.141 0.140.75 0.251 0.250.34 0.250.5 0.5 0.141 0.140.5 AWG26 AWG16 0.200.25 2.5 LUF V2 ASILUF C5 and ASILUF C51 Inputs and 24 V auxiliary supply 5.08 0.21.5 0.21 0.251.5 0.251 0.251.5 0.51 0.21.5 0.21 AWG24 AWG16 0.50.6 3.5 LUL C09 Inputs and 24 V auxiliary supply 3.81 0.141 0.140.75 0.251 0.250.34 0.250.5 0.75 0.141 0.140.5 AWG26 AWG16 0.200.25 2.5 Connection on the bus 5 (Open Style) DeviceNet 0.22.5 0.51.5 0.252.5 0.251 0.252.5 0.51.5 0.22.5 0.140.5 AWG24 AWG16 0.50.6 3.5 Outputs 3.81 0.141 0.140.75 0.251 0.250.34 0.250.5 0.5 0.141 0.140.5 AWG26 AWG16 0.200.25 2.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connectors Flexible cable without cable end

3.81 0.141 0.140.75 0.251 0.250.34 0.250.5 0.5 0.141 0.140.5 AWG26 AWG16 0.200.25 2.5 LUFC00

Solid cable without cable end

Connectors Flexible cable without cable end

3.81 0.141 0.140.75 0.251 0.250.34 0.250.5 0.5 0.141 0.140.5 AWG26 AWG16 0.200.25 2.5

Solid cable without cable end



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Tripping curves for control units LUCA, LUCB, LUCD

Time (s)

1 2 3

Average operating times at 20 C according to multiples of the setting current, tolerance : 20 %.



2 3

4 5 6 7

0,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 20 30 x the setting current (Ir)

1 LUCD, 3 poles from cold state, class 20. 2 LUCA, LUCB, 3 poles from cold state, class 10. 3 LUCA, LUCB, LUCD, 3 poles from hot state.

Tripping curves for control units LUCC

Average operating times at 20 C according to multiples of the setting current, tolerance : 20 %.
Time (s)




8 9 10





20 30 x the setting current (Ir)

1 LUCC, single-phase, cold state. 2 LUCC, single-phase, hot state.

References : page 1/69


Curves (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Tripping curves for control units LUCM

Cold state curves

Average operating times at 20 C according to multiples of the setting current, tolerance : 20 %.

Time (s)

1 2 3 4 5



Class 30 Class 25 Class 20 Class 15 Class 10 Class 5

0,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 30 15 17 19 x the setting current (Ir)

6 7 8 9 10
References : page 1/70


Curves (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Tripping curves for control units LUCM

1 2 3 4

Hot state curves


Average operating times at 20 C according to multiples of the setting current, tolerance : 20 %

Time (s)




0,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Class 30 Class 25 Class 20 Class 15 Class 10 Class 5

14 16 18 20 30 15 17 19 x the setting current (Ir)

6 7 8 9 10
References : page 1/70


Curves (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Current limitation on short-circuit

Ue = 460 V
peak current (kA)




2 3

2 3 4

0,1 0,1



0,6 0,8 1

8 10



40 60 80 100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 Maximum peak current 2 32 A power base 3 12 A power base

Thermal limit on short-circuit

Ue = 460 V
Sum of Idt (As) 103

5 6



7 8 9 10


1 0,1




0,8 1

8 10



40 60 80 100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 32 A power base 2 12 A power base

References : page 1/62



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Use in category AC-41

LUB 12
Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 5 4 3 2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 0,8 0,6 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 32 40 Current broken in A

Ue y 440 V

Use in category AC-43

LUB 12 LUB 32

LUB 32

Ue = 690 V
LUB 12 LUB 32

Millions of operating cycles

6 5 4 3 2

Millions of operating cycles

10 8

10 8 6 5 4 3 2

1 0,8 0,6 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 32 40 Current broken in A

1 0,8 0,6 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 32 40 21 Current broken in A






7,5 15 15

230 V









400 V









440 V


References: page 1/62



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Ue y 440 V

Use in category AC-44

LUB 12 LUB 32

Ue = 690 V
LUB 12 LUB 32

1 2 3

Millions of operating cycles

0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

Millions of operating cycles

1 0,8

1 0,8 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

0,1 0,08 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02

0,1 0,08 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02




30 40

50 66 100 200 60 80 170 Current broken in A





200 50 60 100 40 54 80 126 Current broken in A

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

References: page 1/62



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2

LUB: non-reversing Rail mounting X1 126 X2 73 163167 154 126 Screw fixing 30 4 (2) LU2B: reversing Rail mounting Screw fixing 29 4 (2)

a (1)




135 (1) a

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With Modbus module With Advantys STB, CANopen, Profibus DP or DeviceNet modules Minimum electrical clearance: X1 = 50 mm for Ue = 440 V and 70 mm for Ue = 500 and 690 V, X2 = 0

135 147


Reverser block for mounting separately from power base

Rail mounting Screw fixing






Sets of busbars and plug-in power sockets

GV2G445 and GV2G454 GV2Gppp with terminal block GV1G09 GV2G245 and G254


a l


GV1 G09 38



233237 I 89 98 I 134 152


GV2G245 (2 x 45) GV2G254 (2 x 54) I GV2G445 (2 x 45) GV2G454 (2 x 54) 179 206 P 45 54 GV2G554 260 GV2G345 et G354 l

a Number of tap-offs GV2G445 (2 x 45) GV2G454 (2 x 54) AK5JB144 5 224 260 6 269 314 7 314 368 8 359 422 GV2G345 (2 x 45) GV2G354 (2 x 54) AK5PC13, PC33, PC33L 45,5 79 438 452 (1) Depth with communication module. (2) Retractable fixing lugs.
45 30






Dimensions (continued), mounting

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Dimensions, mounting

Limiter-disconnector LUALB1 Disconnector LUALB10

Current limiter LA9LB920

1 2 3 4 5 6 7




103 51


a (1)


6 53,5

With Modbus module With Advantys STB, CANopen, Profibus DP or DeviceNet modules

135 147

Door interlock mechanisms

LU9AP20 45 LU9AP00 Door cut-out 55




= = 54






Addressing consoles




= = 54





Splitter boxes
LU9GC3 (Modbus) LU9G02 and LU9G03 Rail mounting Screw fixing 4 (2) LU9GC7 (ProfibusDP) Rail mounting Screw fixing 4 (2)

8 9 10










(1) Depth with communication module. (2) Retractable fixing lugs.






TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Starter-controllers, 12 or 32 A
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3






Control Unit



Control Unit








With standard, advanced or multifunction control unit

Non-reversing Non-reversing


3 4

With control unit LUCC or LUCM

Connection of a single-phase motor
1 L1 5 L2














Control Unit


Control terminal block


Reverser Motor Controller

U 2

V 6








Reverser blocks

Control terminal blocks

6 7 8 9 10









Reverser Block






With pre-wired connector LU9MRC

S1 S2 S3

LU6M 2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 LU9M RC Pre-wired coil 81 84 A3 B3 A1 B1 A2 82

Reverser Block

Control terminal block

Basic scheme
A2 13 21










Reverser Motor Controller








B3 Reverse A3 Reverse B1 Forward A1 Forward

S1 Start next stage S2 Electrical interlocking S3 Maintaining contact B1 Maintain forward running B3 Maintain reverse running A1 Pulse forward running A2 Common A3 Pulse reverse running (1) Electronically operated bistable electromagnet.

Add-on contact blocks

LUA1 C11
17/NO 95/NC

LUA1 C20

57 I O 67

Add-on contact modules

33/NO 43/NO 34/NO 44/NO

44/NO 32/NC


31/NC 41/NC 32/NC 42/NC

18/NO 96/NC

17/NO 97/NO

18/NO 98/NO

43/NO 31/NC





Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Control units
Standard control units LUCA
Basic scheme
1 2 3 4 5 6 LUCA Sensor L1 Sensor L2 Sensor L3 Supply and Detection of start sequence A1 A2 Thermal overload memory Supply and Detection of start sequence A1 A2
Therm. overload

Advanced control units LUCB, LUCC, LUCD

Basic schemehd
1 2 3 4 5 6 LUCp

1 2 3

Sensor L1 Sensor L2 Sensor L3

Power Base Interface

Power Base Interface

Control A.S.I.C.


Control A.S.I.C.


memory Test

Interface module 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 and 2 Trips 3 and 4 Electromagnet 5 Power base rating 6 N/C

1 and 2 Trips 3 and 4 Electromagnet 5 Power base rating 6 N/C 7 Earth 8 Thermal status/Set 9 Reset mode/Reset 10 (lm/Ir) 11 Vc2 12 Vc1

4 5 6

Multifunction control units LUCM

Control terminal block

LUCM 24 V Aux

Multifunction Control Unit D(B) D(A) +5V 0V 4 5 7 6 8 1 2 3

Basic scheme
4 5 6 LUCM Display and Parameter Entry

Sensor L1 Sensor L2 Sensor L3

Power Base Interface

7 8 9 10

Control A.S.I.C.

RS485 Supply and detection of start sequence Thermal overload memory Supply A1 A2 Interface module 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 V Aux

D(B) D(A) +5V 0V

4 5 RJ45 7 8

1 and 2 Trips 3 and 4 Electromagnet 5 Power base rating 6 N/C 7 Earth 8 N/C 9 Earth 10 (lm/Ir) 11 Rx/Tx 12 Vc1


Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Function modules

1 2 3


Indication of motor load LUF V2

4-20 mA output


LUFW 10 07

Alarms Module 08

LUFV 2 4...20 mA

Analogue output Module 24 V Aux 24 V Aux NC

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit

LUFW 10 Input interface LED Supply Input interface P - Analogue/Digital converter Supply


4 5

Relais bistable

Isolation Digital/Analogue converter



Voltage/Current converter

4...20 mA

100 W < load < 500 W c 30 V max and 40 mA min

Communication modules

Communication modules ASILUFC5 and ASILUFC51

6 7 8 9 10

Without pre-wired coil connection

With pre-wired coil connection LU9B N11C


AS-Interface Module AS-i

ASILUF C5 or ASILUF C51 LU9B N11C Pre-wired coil

AS-Interface Module AS-i

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

ASILUF C5 or ASILUF C51 LU9M RC Pre-wired coil

AS-Interface Module AS-i

Basic scheme
ASILUF C5 or DEL Ready-Fault-Pole ASILUF C51

Output interface Com OA1 OA3



Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Communication modules (continued)

Modbus communication module LULC031
Without pre-wired coil connection

Modbus communication module LULC033

Without pre-wired coil connection

Modbus Module COM D(B) D(A) 0V

LUL C031 Com Com OA1 OA3 LO1 24 V Aux

Modbus Module D(B) D(A) 0V

LUL C033 Com OA1 OA3 LO1 LI1 LI2 24 V c 24 V Aux

4 5 8 6

4 5 8 6

2 3 4

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11C

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11C

LUL C031 Com LO1 LU9B N11C Pre-wired coil 24 V Aux

Modbus Module D(B) D(A) 0V

LUL C033 LU9B N11C Pre-wired coil LO1 LI1 LI2 24 V c 24 V Aux

Modbus Module COM D(B) D(A) 0V 4 5 8 6 D(B) D(A) 0V

4 5 8 6

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

LUL C031 Com LO1 24 V Aux LU9M RC Pre-wired coil

Modbus Module D(B) D(A) 0V

LUL C033 LO1 LI1 LU9M RC Pre-wired coil LI2 24 V c 24 V Aux

Modbus Module COM

4 5 8

4 5 8

5 6 7 8 9 10

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit LUL C031

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit Controller x6 Input interface Control unit interface Ready-Fault-Pole D(B) RS485 D(A) 0V 4 5 Modbus RJ45 8 AL1 AL2 Output interface Com OA1 OA3 LO1 I/O interface LI1 LI2 24 V c 24 V Aux RS485 LED Address LUL C033 Controller interface Ready-Fault-Pole D(B) D(A) 0V 4 5 Modbus RJ45 8



AL1 Output interface Com Com OA1 OA3 LO1 24 V




24 V Aux



Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Communication modules (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Profibus DP communication module LUL C07

Without pre-wired coil connection

CANopen communication module LUL C08

Without pre-wired coil connection

LUL C07 Com OA3 OA1 LO1 LI1 LI2

Profibus DP Module Bus

LUL C08 Com OA3 OA1 LO1 LI1 LI2

Canopen Module Bus

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11LC

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11LC

LUL C07 LO1 LI1 LU9B N11L Pre-wired coil LI2

Profibus DP Module Bus

LUL C08 LO1 LI1 LU9B N11L Pre-wired coil LI2

Canopen Module Bus

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

LUL C07 LO1 LI1 LI2 LU9M RL Pre-wired coil

Profibus DP Module Bus

LUL C08 LO1 LI1 LU9M RL Pre-wired coil LI2

Canopen Module Bus

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit Controller x6 LUL C07 Control unit interface LED Address Controller interface Ready-Fault-Pole

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit Controller x6 LUL C08 Control unit interface LED Address Controller interface Ready-Fault-Pole

AL1 I/O interface Com OA3 OA1 LO1 LI1 LI2


AL1 AL2 OA3 OA1 Com I/O interface LO1 LI1 LI2



7 8 9 10

DeviceNet communication module LUL C09

Without pre-wired coil connection Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit LUL C09 Com OA3 OA1 LO1 LI1 LI2 DeviceNet Module Bus Control unit interface LED Address Controller interface Ready-Fault-Pole Controller x6 LUL C09

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11LC

LUL C09 LO1 LI1 LU9B N11L Pre-wired coil LI2

DeviceNet Module Bus I/O interface 24 V c OA3 OA1 Com LO1 LI1 LI2 AL1 Supply


With pre-wired coil connection LU9M RL

LUL C09 LO1 LI1 LU9M RL Pre-wired coil LI2

DeviceNet Module Bus


Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Communication modules (continued)

Without pre-wired coil connection

Advantys STB communication module LUL C15

Parallel wiring modules

Without pre-wired coil connection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LUL C15 Com OA3 OA1 LO1 LI1 LI2

Advantys STB Module Bus

LUF C00 Com OA1 OA3

Parallel bus Module Link // RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In Out

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11LC

With pre-wired coil connection LU9BN11LC

LUL C15 LO1 LI1 LU9B N11L Pre-wired coil LI2

Advantys STB Module Bus In Out

LUF C00 LU9B N11C Pre-wired coil

Parallel bus Module Link // RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

With pre-wired coil connection LU9MRC

LUL C15 LO1 LI1 LU9M RL Pre-wired coil LI2

Advantys STB Module Bus In Out

LUF C00 LU9M RC Pre-wired coil

Parallel bus Module Link // RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Basic scheme
Advanced Control Unit or Multifunction Control Unit Controller x6 LUL C15 Control unit interface LED Address Controller interface

Basic scheme
LUF C00 Ready Fault Pole Com OA3 OA1 RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ready-Fault-Pole OUT IN AL1 Supply

I/O interface OA3 OA1 Com LO1 LI1 LI2


1 Forward running 2 Reverse running 3 Output common 4 Selector in position 5 Pole state 6 Reserved 7 Fault 8 Input common

Profibus DP power supply module LU9GC7



24 V Aux.


Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Communication modules (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wiring hub and splitter boxes

Modbus hub LU9GC3
X1 N/C N/C N/C D (B) D (A) + RJ45 N/C N/C 0V X2 RJ45 X3 RJ45 X4 RJ45 X5 RJ45 X6 RJ45 X7 RJ45 X8 RJ45 Shielding LU9 GC3

Parallel wiring splitter box LU9G02

X1 Forward running Reverse running Output common N/C Pole state RJ45 N/C Fault +24 V Aux X2 X9 N/C N/C N/C D (B) RJ45 D (A) + N/C 24 V (1) 0V RJ45 LU9 G02

Parallel wiring splitter box LU9G03

X1 Forward running Reverse running Output common N/C Pole state RJ45 + 24 V Fault + 24 V Aux X2 RJ45 LU9 G03

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

X9 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

X3 RJ45 X4 RJ45


X3 RJ45 X4 RJ45


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



X6 RJ45


X7 RJ45 X8 RJ45


D (B)

D (A) +


24 V Aux Outputs Inputs Com Com

8 9 10

1 White 2 Brown 3 Green 4 Yellow 5 Grey 6 Pink 7 Blue 8 Red 9 Black 10 Violet 11 Grey-pink 12 Red-blue 13 White-green 14 Brown-green 15 White-yellow 16 Yellow-brown 17 White-grey 18 Grey-brown 19 White-pink 20 Pink-brown

Colours of TSXCDPppp connection cable wires (4)

X6 RJ45


X7 RJ45 X8 RJ45

24 V Aux Outputs Inputs Com Com DeviceNet - Modbus Gateway X2 DeviceNet 1 2 3 4 5 X1 D(B) D(A) 0V 4 5 8


(1) Not connected on connectors X1 to X8. Only present on RJ45 IN and OUT connectors. (2) 20-way HE10 input connector. (3) 20-way HE10 output connector. (4) Wire colours and corresponding HE10 connector pin numbers.





LUF P1 24 V Aux X2 Fip I/O

Fip I/O - Modbus Gateway D(B) D(A) 0V X1

LUF P7 24 V Aux

Profibus - Modbus Gateway X2 Profibus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X1 D(B) D(A) 0v

LUF P9 24 V Aux

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 5 8

4 5 8


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


X5 Forward running N/C Commun des sorties N/C Pole state RJ45 N/C Fault + 24 V Aux

X5 X10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X10

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Forward running X1 Forward running X2 Forward running X3 Forward running X4 Forward running X5 Forward running X6 Forward running X7 Forward running X8 Reverse running X1 Reverse running X2 Reverse running X3 Reverse running X4 N/C N/C N/C N/C + c 24 V Com + c 24 V Com

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Fault X1 Fault X2 Fault X3 Fault X4 Fault X5 Fault X6 Fault X7 Fault X8 Pole state X1 Pole state X2 Pole state X3 Pole state X4 Pole state X5 Pole state X6 Pole state X7 Pole state X8 + 24 V Aux Com + 24 V Aux Com


Fault X1 Fault X2 Fault X3 Fault X4 Fault X5 Fault X6 Fault X7 Fault X8 Pole state X1 Pole state X2 Pole state X3 Pole state X4 Pole state X5 Pole state X6 Pole state X7 Pole state X8 + 24 V Aux Com + 24 V Aux Com

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Forward running X1 Forward running X2 Forward running X3 Forward running X4 Forward running X5 Forward running X6 Forward running X7 Forward running X8 Reverse running X1 Reverse running X2 Reverse running X3 Reverse running X4 Reverse running X5 Reverse running X6 Reverse running X7 Reverse running X8 + c 24 V Com + c 24 V Com

Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Data profile under AS-Interface

Control unit present in the product Status Commands D0 D1 D0 D1 Ready (available) Poles closed (running) Start - forward running Start - reverse running Standard LUCA Advanced LUCB, CC, CD Multifunction LUCM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Main registers accessible with Modbus, CANopen, AdvantysSTB, Profibus DP and DeviceNet communication modules.
For other registers and for further information, please consult the User's Manual Communication variables on the website Control unit present in the product Standard Advanced Multifunction Marking Register 0Register 99 WordsBits Commercial reference, serial number, software version Log Register 100Register 450 WordsBits Fault log, Operating log, Log of last 5 trips Status Register 451Register 464 WordsBits Alarm signalling (bits), Fault signalling (bits) Values Register 465Register 473 Words Irms phase 1, phase 2, phase 3. Motor load, thermal status Earth leakage current. Phase imbalance and phase failure Register 474Register 599 WordsBits Reserved Configuration Register 600Register 699 WordsBits Protection and alarm thresholds, fallback mode and reset mode Commands Register 700Register 714 WordsBits Commands Status and values Register 452 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 3 Word Word Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Value 0 Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Commands Register 700 Register 704 Bit 0 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 615 Short-circuit fault Overcurrent fault Thermal overload fault Ready (available) Poles closed Fault Alarms Tripped ("TRIP" position) Fault acknowledgement allowed Reserved Motor running Motor current % (bit 0) Motor current % (bit 1) Motor current % (bit 2) Motor current % (bit 3) Motor current % (bit 4) Motor current % (bit 5) Reserved Motor starting Thermal overload alarm Thermal status value Motor load value (Im/Ir) Manual reset on thermal overload fault Remote reset on thermal overload fault Automatic reset on thermal overload fault Fallback mode validation Outputs OA1 and OA3 unchanged Outputs OA1 and OA3 forced to 0 Outputs OA1 and OA3 unchanged, signalling existence of communication failure Outputs OA1 forced to 1 and OA3 unchanged Outputs OA3 forced to 1 and OA1 unchanged LO1 output command OA1 output command OA3 output command Reserved Fault acknowledgement Reserved Trip test Reserved

Register 455

Register 461 Register 465 Register 466 Configuration Register 602

Register 682

Data accessible


Basic schemes

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Non-reversing starter-controllers LUB

1 2


3/L2 V1 4/T2
M 3

Control Unit

U1 2/T1

3 4

2-wire control via 2-position switch

W1 6/T3


3-wire control, pulsed start with maintaining contact

Connection of a motor load indicator module LUFV 2

Start Stop




LUFV 2 4...20 mA
24 V Aux

Analogue output Module 24 V Aux



Connection of thermal overload fault signalling modules LUF DA10
Automatic reset Remote reset


6 7





24230 V


Automatic or remote reset

LUF DA10 Automatic or remote reset













8 9 10





24230 V


Control via Modbus communication module LULC031

Without pre-wired coil connection

Control via Modbus communication module LULC033

Without pre-wired coil connection

LUL C031

Modbus Module

LUL C033

Modbus Module












4 5 8 6



A2 A1

S2 Modbus





4 5 8 6

24 V Aux

24 V 24 V c Aux

Basic schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Non-reversing starter controllers LUB (continued)

Without pre-wired coil connection

Control by communication modules ASILUFC5 and ASILUFC51

Without pre-wired coil connection With local control

AS-Interface Module


Com OA1 OA3

AS-Interface Module

Com OA1




2 3 4 5 6 7






AS-Interface line Normal

AS-Interface line

With pre-wired coil connection LU9B N11C

Without pre-wired coil connection With local control

AS-i Module



AS-Interface Module


Com OA1 OA3

AS-Interface Module

LU9B N11C Pre wired coil


AS-Interface line

AS-Interface line



Without pre-wired coil connection With multifunction control unit LUCM


Com OA1 OA3

AS-Interface Module



8 9



AS-Interface line

24 V Aux

Multifunction Control Unit



4 5 8 6 Bus Modbus RS 485



Basic schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Reversing starter-controllers LUB

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

2-wire control via 3-position switch

3-wire control, pulsed start with maintaining contact


Reverser Motor Controller


Reverser Motor Controller








2 3 4 5 6

Start forward running Control Unit Stop forward running and reverse running Stop forward running




forward running Stop reverse running

Start reverse running

U1 2/T1

V1 4/T2

Control by communication modules ASILUFC5 and ASILUFC51

With pre-wired coil connection LU9M RC With multifunction control unit LUCM

W1 6/T3

Stop reverse running

3-wire control, pulsed start with maintaining contact and limit switches

LU9M RC Pre wired coil

AS-Interface Module


Reverser Motor Controller

A3 A1 A2 B3 B1

AS-Interface line

Stop Limit switch forward running forward running

Start forward running

24 V Aux

Multifunction Control Unit

7 8 9 10


Stop forward running and reverse running

Stop Limit switch reverse running reverse running

Start reverse running

4 5 8 6 Bus Modbus RS 485

Control by communication modules ASILUFC5 and ASILUFC51

Without pre-wired coil connection With running direction pilot lights and limit switches





Reverser Motor Controller

ASILUF C5/C51 AS-Interface Module AS-Interface






AS-Interface line




84 82





Basic schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Reversing starter controllers LU2B (continued) Control via Modbus communication module LULC031
Without pre-wired coil connection. With local control

Control via Modbus communication module LULC033

Without pre-wired coil connection. With local control


A3 B3 A1










24 V Aux


Reverser Motor Controller

LUL C031

Modbus Module

A3 B3 A1

Reverser Motor Controller

LULC 033
24 V c

Modbus Module 24 V Aux COM

4 5 8 6

4 5 8 6

2 3 4 5 6 7

B1 A2








Start forward running Start reverse running

Start reverse running

Reversing starter-controllers LUB + LU6M

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Control Unit







3-wire control, pulsed start with maintaining contact

A1 13 21 14 22 A2







2-wire control via 3-position switch


Start forward running



8 9 10




S2 B3




Stop forward running and reverse Stop Start running forward running forward running S5 S6 S8

Reverser Block




Reverser Block




Stop Start reverse running reverse running S7 S9




forward running Stop reverse running




Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

1 2 3

The Altistart U01 is a soft start/soft stop unit for asynchronous motors. It is designed primarily for combinations with TeSys U starter-controllers. When combined with a TeSys U 1 controller by means of a connector 2 , the AltistartU01 3 is a power option which provides the Soft start/soft stop function. The result is a unique, innovative motor starter. Using the Altistart U01 starter enhances the starting performance of asynchronous motors by allowing them to start gradually, smoothly and in a controlled manner. It prevents mechanical shocks, which lead to wear and tear, and limits the amount of maintenance work and production downtime. The Altistart U01 limits the starting torque and current peaks on starting, on machines which do not require a high starting torque. The Altistart U01 is designed for the following simple applications: b Conveyors b Conveyor belts b Pumps b Fans b Compressors b Automatic doors and gates b Small cranes b Belt-driven machines, etc. The Altistart U01 is compact and easy to install. It complies with standards IEC/EN 60947-4-2, carries UL, CSA, C-Tick, CCC certifications and e marking. b ATSU01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units v Control two phases of the motor power supply to limit the starting current and for deceleration v Internal bypass relay v Motor power ratings ranging from 0.75 kW to 15 kW v Motor supply voltages ranging from 200 V to 480 V, 50/60 Hz. An external power supply is required for controlling the starter.



4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127 References: page 1/128

4 5 6 7 3 8

b Altistart U01 soft start/soft stop units are equipped with: v A potentiometer for setting the starting time 6 v A potentiometer for setting the deceleration time 8 v A potentiometer for adjusting the start voltage threshold according to the motor load 7 v 1 green LED 4 to indicate that the unit is switched on v 1 yellow LED 5 to indicate that the motor is powered at nominal voltage, if it is connected to the starter v A connector 9: - 2 logic inputs for Run/Stop commands - 1 logic input for the BOOST function - 1 logic output to indicate the end of starting - 1 relay output to indicate the starter has a power supply fault or the motor has reached a standstill at the end of the deceleration stage

Dimensions: page 1/129

Schemes: pages 1/130 to 1/133


Presentation (continued)

Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

Description of a TeSys U starter-controller

Please consult the TeSys U starters - open version catalogue.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ATSU01N2pppLT soft start unit functions

b 2-wire control The run and stop commands are controlled by a single logic input. State 1 of logic input LI2 controls starting and state 0 controls stopping.
Altistart U01 control terminals LI1 LI2 + 24 V

Wiring diagram for 2-wire control

b 3-wire control The run and stop commands are controlled by 2 different logic inputs. Stopping is achieved when logic input LI1 opens (state 0). The pulse on input LI2 is stored until input LI1 opens.
Altistart U01 control terminals

+ 24 V



Wiring diagram for 3-wire control

b Starting time Controlling the starting time means that the time of the voltage ramp applied to the motor can be adjusted to obtain a gradual starting time, dependent on the motor load. b Voltage boost function via logic input Activating the BOOST logic input enables the function for supplying a starting overtorque capable of overcoming any mechanical friction. When the input is at state 1, the function is active (input connected to the + 24 V) and the starter applies a fixed voltage to the motor for a limited time before starting.
U 100% Un Voltage ramp

50% Un Initial voltage

200 ms
Application of a voltage boost equal to 100% of the nominal motor voltage

b End of starting v Application function for logic output LO1 ATSU 01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units are equipped with an open collector logic output LO, which indicates the end of starting when the motor has reached nominal speed.

8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127

References: page 1/128

Dimensions: page 1/129

Schemes: pages 1/131 to 1/133



Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

Environmental characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Type of starter Conformity to standards Electromagnetic compatibility EMC Conducted and radiated emissions Harmonics EMC immunity Electrostatic discharge Immunity to radiated radioelectrical interference Immunity to electrical transients Voltage/current impulse Conducted and radiated emissions Immunity to conducted interference caused by radioelectrical fields Damped oscillating waves e marking Product certifications Degree of protection Degree of pollution Vibration resistance Shock resistance Relative humidity Ambient temperature around the unit

ATSU01N2ppLT Altistart U01 electronic starters have been developed to conform to the strictest international standards and the recommendations relating to electrical industrial control devices (IEC, EN), in particular standard IEC/EN 60947-4-2. CISPR 11 level B, IEC 60947-4-2, level B IEC 1000-3-2, IEC 1000-3-4 EN 50082-2, EN 50082-1 IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 IEC 61000-4-4 level 4 IEC 61000-4-5 level 3 IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 61000-4-12 level 3 The starters carry e marking in accordance with the European low voltage directives IEC/EN 60947-4-2. UL, CSA, C-Tick and CCC IP 20 2 conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-2 1.5 mm peak to peak from 3 to 13 Hz, 1 gn from 13 to 150 Hz, conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 15 gn for 11 ms conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 595% without condensation or dripping water conforming to IEC 60068-2-3 -25+70 conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-2 -10+40 without derating, up to 50C with current derating of 2% per C above 40C 1000 without derating (above this, derate the current by 2.2% per additional 100 m)
10 10

Storage Operation

Maximum operating altitude Operating position Maximum permanent angle in relation to the normal vertical mounting position

C C m

Electrical characteristics
Type of starter Category of use Conforming to IEC 60947-4-2 Rated operating voltage 3-phase a voltage Frequency Output voltage Control supply voltage Rated operating current Adjustable starting time Adjustable deceleration time Starting torque Type of starter ATSU Control power supply consumption Power dissipated At full load at end of starting In transient state at 5 times the rated operating current Type of starter Use I Starting time Starting time Maximum number of cycles per hour
Full voltage state or starter at standstill

V Hz

A s s %


ATSU01N2ppLT Ac-53b 200 -10% to 480 +10% 50 -5% to 60 +5% Maximum 3-phase voltage equal to line supply voltage 24 V c, 100 mA 10% 6...32 1...10 1...10 30.... 80% of DOL motor starting torque 01N206LT 01N209LT 01N212LT 01N222LT 01N232LT 24 V c, 65 mA 24 V c, 100 mA 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 61.5 91.5 121.5 222.5 322.5 ATSU01N206LT to ATSU01N222LT ATSU01N232LT 1 50 5 10 10 5

1 100

5 20

10 10

t Operating cycle

Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125

References: page 1/128

Dimensions: page 1/129

Schemes: pages 1/130 to 1/133


Characteristics (continued)

Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

Electrical characteristics (continued)

Logic input power supply (electrically isolated between power and control) + 24 V, COM Logic inputs LI1, LI2, BOOST Stop, run and boost on start-up functions Logic output LO1 End of starting signal Relay output R1A R1C 24 V 10% Isolated Max. current 100 mA Logic inputs with impedance 27kW; 24 V power supply (U max 40 V) Max. current 8 mA State 0 if U < 5 V and I < 0.2 mA State 1 if U > 13 V and I > 0.5 mA Open collector logic output: External 24 V power supply (minimum 6 V, maximum 30 V) Max. current 200 mA Normally open (N/O) contact Minimum switching capacity: 10 mA for 6 V c Maximum switching capacity on inductive load (cos j = 0.5 and L/R = 20 ms): 2 A for 250 V a or 30 V c (AC-15) Maximum operating voltage 440 V Starter powered up Nominal voltage reached

1 2 3 4 5 6

LED signalling

Green LED Yellow LED

Connections (maximum connection capacity and tightening torque)

Power circuit
Connection to 4 mm screw clamps 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m 1.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 1.92.5 8 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG Flexible wire without cable end Flexible wire with cable end Rigid wire Tightening torque

Control circuit
Flexible wire without cable end Flexible wire with cable end Rigid wire Tightening torque 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Screw connector 0.52.5 0.51.5 0.51.5 0.51.5 0.52.5 0.51 0.5 14 AWG 16 AWG 16 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 17 AWG

Torque characteristics (typical curves)

T 3 Tn 2 Tn Tn

U 0,85 U 0,6 U

The diagram opposite shows the torque/speed characteristic of a cage motor in relation to the supply voltage. The torque varies in line with the square of the voltage at a fixed frequency. The gradual increase in the voltage prevents the instantaneous current peak on power-up.

7 8 9 10





Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125

References: page 1/128

Dimensions: page 1/129

Schemes: pages 1/131 to 1/133



Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

Soft start/soft stop units for 0.75 to 15 kW motors


1 2 3

(can be combined with the TeSys U starter-controller)

Motor Motor power (1) 230 V 230 V kW HP 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 ATSU01N222LT 7.5 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 Starter Nominal current A 6 9 12 22 32 ATSU01N206LT ATSU01N209LT ATSU01N212LT ATSU01N222LT ATSU01N232LT Reference Weight kg 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.490 0.490

400 V kW 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15

460 V HP 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20

3-phase supply voltage: 200480 V 50/60 Hz



Description Power connector between ATSU01N2ppLT and TeSys U Used for starter ATSU01N2ppLT Reference VW3 G4104 Weight kg 0.020

5 6

Numerous possibilities for combinations and options are offered. Please consult the TeSys U Starters-open version specialist catalogue. Motor power Voltage 230 V 400 V kW/HP kW 1.5 0.75/1 2.2/3 1.1/1.5 1.5/2 4 2.2/3 3/ 5.5 4/5 7.5 11 5.5/7.5 15 7.5/10 Soft starter 460 V HP 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 TeSys U Power base

TeSys U starter and soft start unit combinations

Control unit (2)

7 8




Example of a starter-motor combination with: 1 non-reversing power base for DOL starting (LUBp2BL) 2 control unit (LUCMppBL) 3 power connector (VW3G4104) 4 Altistart U01soft start/soft stop unit (ATSU01N2ppLT) (1) Standard motor power ratings, HP power ratings indicated according to standard UL508. (2) Depending on the configuration of the chosen TeSys U starter-controller, replace the p with A for standard, B for expandable, and M for multifunction.

9 10
Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125 Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127 Dimensions: page 1/129 Schemes: pages 1/130 to 1/133



Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U

TeSys U combination (non-reversing power base) and ATSU01N206LT to ATSU01N212LT

Mounting on 5 (35 mm) rail with VW3G4104 connector

TeSys U combination (non-reversing or reversing power base) and ATSU01N206LT to ATSU01N212LT

Side by side mounting



1 2 3 4

72,2 154



TeSys U combination (non-reversing power base) and ATSU01N222LT to ATSU01N232LT

Mounting on 5 (35 mm) rail with VW3G4104 connector

TeSys U combination (non-reversing or reversing power base) and ATSU01N222LT to ATSU01N232LT

Side by side mounting





5 6





7 8 9 10
References: page 1/128 Schemes: pages 1/130 to 1/133

VW3G4104 connector



Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125 Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127




Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U
For 0.75 to 15 kW motors

ATSU01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Power wiring

Power wiring with reversing unit

TeSys U





TeSys U with reversing unit









4/T2 3/L2

2/T1 4/T2 6/T3





M1 3

2/T1 4/T2
M1 3

Compatible components (For full references, Please consult our catalogue and Please consult our catalogue or refer to our catalogue: Motor starter solutions - Control and protection components) Code Description A1 Soft start/soft stop unit QF1 TeSys U controller-starter CU TeSys U control unit

Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125

Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127

References: page 1/128


Dimensions: page 1/129


Schemes (continued)

Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U
For 0.75 to 15 kW motors

ATSU01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units (continued)

Automatic 2-wire control
Without deceleration With and without deceleration


c 24 V


c 24 V
LUA1 C20



+ 24 V

+ 24 V

LUA1 C20
18 COM R1C R1A LI1 LI2







Stop Run

2 3 4






Functional diagrams
Power supply voltage Green LED Logic input LI2 Pushbutton S1 Logic output LO1 Yellow LED

Stop Run


Power supply voltage Green LED Logic input LI2 Pushbutton S2 Pushbutton S1 Logic output LO1



10 s t1

Yellow LED Motor voltage

10 s t1 t2


Motor voltage

5 6

Automatic 3-wire control

Without deceleration With deceleration

c 24 V



LUA1 C20
18 R1A

LUA1 C20

+ 24 V



c 24 V



+ 24 V




S1 S2













QF1 S1

7 8 9


Functional diagrams
Power supply voltage Green LED Pushbutton S1 Pushbutton S2 Logic input LI2 Logic output LO1 Yellow LED Motor voltage Logic output LO1 Power supply voltage

500 ms

Green LED Logic input LI2 Pushbutton S2 Logic input LI1 Pushbutton S1


10 s t1

Yellow LED Motor voltage


10 s t1

A1: Soft start/soft stop unit S1, S2: XB4B or XB5B pushbuttons QF1: TeSys U controller-starter t1: Acceleration time can be controlled by a potentiometer t2: Deceleration time can be controlled by a potentiometer U1: Starting time can be controlled by a potentiometer Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125 Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127 References: page 1/128 Dimensions: page 1/129



Schemes (continued)

Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U
For 0.75 to 15 kW motors

ATSU01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units (continued)

1 2

Automatic 3-wire control, with reversing unit

Without deceleration

With deceleration



R1A A3 B3 A1 B1 A2


R1A A3 B3 A1 B1 A2


+ 24 V


Run direction 2

Run direction 1 S1


Run direction 2 S2

Run direction 1 S1

3 4 5 6 7

Stop S3

Stop S3

LUA1 C20

LUA1 C20

c 24 V

c 24 V

QF1: TeSys U controller-starter with reversing unit A1: Soft start/soft stop unit S1, S2, S3: XB4B or XB5B pushbuttons S3: minimum depression time 500 ms

QF1: TeSys U controller-starter with reversing unit A1: Soft start/soft stop unit S1, S2, S3: XB4B or XB5B pushbuttons

Boost on starting and end of starting signal



+ 24 V





A1: Soft start/soft stop unit

8 9 10
Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125 Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127 References: page 1/128 Dimensions: page 1/129









Schemes (continued)

Soft starters for asynchronous motors

Altistart U01 and TeSys U
For 0.75 to 15 kW motors

ATSU01N2ppLT soft start/soft stop units (continued)

Without reversing unit

Automatic control with Modbus communication module, with and without deceleration
With reversing unit
A1 A1

LUL C031


LUL C031

Modbus Module
D(B) D(A) Gnd R1A


Modbus Module
c 24 V 24 V Aux.
D(B) D(A) Gnd

+ 24 V


LU9B N11C Pre-wired coil









c 24 V 24 V Aux.

+ 24 V


4 5 8

4 5 8


2 3

c 24 V


c 24 V


A3 B3 A1 B1 A2

Function Register Bit Powering down TeSys U and ATSU 704 0 Automatic control without deceleration Run 700 0 Stop 704 0 Automatic control with deceleration Run 700 0 Soft stop 700 0

Value 0

1 0 1 0

A1: Soft start/soft stop unit

Function Register Bit Value Powering up TeSys U and ATSU Forward 704 0 1 Reverse 704 1 1 Powering down TeSys U and ATSU Forward 704 0 0 Reverse 704 1 0 Automatic control without deceleration Run 700 0 1 Stop forward 704 0 0 Stop reverse 704 1 0 Automatic control with deceleration (forward or reverse) Run 700 0 1 Soft stop 700 0 0 A1: Soft start/soft stop unit QF1: TeSys U controller-starter with reversing unit With reversing unit

4 5 6

Automatic control with AS-Interface communication module, without deceleration

Without reversing unit



+ 24 V

+ 24 V

7 8










c 24 V AS-Interface LU9B N11C + Pre-wired coil +



COM OA1 OA3 A3 B3 A1 B1


c 24 V AS-Interface

c 24 V






c 24 V

Function Bit Value Power-up and automatic control without deceleration Run D0 1 Stop D0 0

A1: Soft start/soft stop unit

Function Bit Value Power-up and automatic control without deceleration Run forward D0 1 Stop D0 0 Run reverse D1 1 Stop D1 0 A1: Soft start/soft stop unit QF1: TeSys U controller-starter with reversing unit References: page 1/128 Dimensions: page 1/129

9 10

Presentation: pages 1/124 and 1/125

Characteristics: pages 1/126 and 1/127


Presentation, description, references

TeSys motor starters - open version

Magnetic control unit for the protection of variable speed controllers and soft start units

S1 (mm2 / AWG)

1 2
S2 (mm2 / AWG) LUB pp LUCLpp

When installed upstream of a variable speed controller or soft start unit, control unit LUCLpp, used in conjunction with an LUB12 or LUB32 power base, provides: v isolation, v short-circuit protection of the motor starter. (variable speed controller-based or soft start unit-based motor starters).


Note: control unit LUCL, when used in conjunction with power base LUB 12 or LUB32, conforms to standard IEC 60947-2. Installation regulations When the length of the cable between the TeSysU starter and the variable speed controller is more than 1.5 m, the c.s.a. of the cable between the variable speed controller and the TeSysU starter (S2) must be equal to the c.s.a. of the cable upstream of TeSysU (S1).

Altivar or Altistart


1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Extraction and locking handle Sealing of locking handle Dial for magnetic adjustment of motor In Locking of settings by sealing the transparent cover

5 6 7


Line current of the variable speed controller or soft start unit A 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832



Weight kg

Magnetic control unit

LUCLX6pp LUCL1Xpp LUCL05pp LUCL12pp LUCL18pp LUCL32pp 110240 FU (5)

0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135

(1) Standard control circuit voltage: Volts 24 BL (2), (3) B 4872 ES (4)

8 9 10

c a c or a

(2) Voltage code to be used for a starter-controller with communication module. (3) d.c. voltage with maximum ripple of 10 %. (4) c: 4872 V, a: 48 V. (5) c: 110220 V, a: 110240 V.



TeSys motor starters - open version

Magnetic control unit for the protection of variable speed controllers and soft start stop units

Control unit and associated power base selection

Functions provided Maximum motor power ratings 50/60 Hz < 400/415 V KW 500 V KW 2.2 5.5 9 15 690 V KW 3 9 15 18.5

Power base reference

Control unit reference

Line current

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A LUB12 or LUB32 LUB 12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB12 or LUB32 LUB32 LUB32 LUCLX6pp LUCL1Xpp LUCL05pp LUCL12pp LUCL18pp LUCL32pp 0.150.6 0.351.4 1.255 312 4.518 832

b Short-circuit protection b Manual reset

0.09 0.25 1.5 5.5 7.5 15

Operating characteristics
Control units Thermal overload protection Over current protection Short-circuit protection Protection against phase loss Protection against phase imbalance Earth fault protection (equipment protection only) Tripping class Motor type Thermal overload test function Overtorque No-load running Long starting time Reset method Manual Automatic or remote

Standard LUCA


Multifunction LUCM 3 to 17 x the setting current

14.2 x the setting current 14.2 x the max. current

10 3-phase

10 Single-phase

20 3-phase

530 Single-phase and 3-phase

Parameters can be set With function module, or parameters can be set via the bus with a communication module (see page 1/68). Parameters can be set Parameters can be set via the bus with a communication module (see page 1/68).

Integrated function

Function provided with accessory


Compatibility of control unit LUCLpp with The starter-controller The starter The controller Add-on contact blocks with fault signalling and auxiliary contacts Yes No No Yes



LUB12/LUB32 Starter-controller (magnetic protection) LUS12/LUS32 Starter without either magnetic or thermal overload protection) LUT M LUA1C11 LUA1C20 LUF N20 LUF N11 LUF N02 Controller (without thermal overload protection) Add-on contact blocks with fault signalling (1 N/O + 1 N/C) Add-on contact blocks with fault signalling (2 N/O) Auxiliary contacts (2 N/O) Auxiliary contacts (1 N/O + 1 N/C) Auxiliary contacts (2 N/C)

Communication modules


ASILUFC5 and AS-Interface communication modules ASILUFC51 LUF C00 LUL C033 LUL C031 LULC15 LULC08 LUL C09 LUL C07 Parallel wiring module Modbus communication module (1 output/2 inputs) Modbus communication module (1 output) Advantys STB communication module (1 output/2 inputs) CANopen communication module (1 output/2 inputs) DeviceNet communication module (1 output/2 inputs) Profibus DP communication module (1 output/2 inputs) Alarm function module Thermal overload signalling module with manual reset Thermal overload signalling module with automatic or remote reset (1 N/C) Thermal overload signalling module with automatic or remote reset (1 N/O) Motor load indication module

Function modules





TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers

Characteristics of magnetic control unit LUCL

1 2 3 4 5


Motor type Conforming to standard

3-phase When used in conjunction with an LUB 12 or LUB 32 power base, magnetic control unit LUCL conforms to standard IEC 60947-2. 14.2 x In (max. setting current) 20 %

Short-circuit protection

Tripping threshold Tripping tolerance

Product certifications Conforming to standards Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Safety separation of circuits SELV Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1, overvoltage category III, degree of pollution: 3 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-2 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 appendix N V kV V


CE When used in conjunction an LUB power base, control unit LUCL conforms to standard 60947-2. 690 6 Between the control or auxiliary circuit and the main circuit: 400 Between the control and auxiliary circuits: 40 IP 40 IP 20 IP 20 TH Cycles 12 48 - 40+ 85 Power bases and standard and advanced control units: - 25 + 70. (At temperatures above 60C and up to 70C, for Ie = 32 A, leave a minimum gap of 9mm between products). Power bases and multifunction control units: - 25+ 60. (At temperatures above 45 C, leave a minimum gap of 9 mm between products. At temperatures above 55 C up to 60 C, leave a gap of 20 mm between products.) C C

Degree of protection Front panel outside connection Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 zone (protection against Front panel and wired terminals direct finger contact) Other faces Protective treatment Conforming to IEC/EN 60068 Conforming to/EN 60068-2-30 Ambient air temperature around the device Storage Operation Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-11 h

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions In relation to normal vertical mounting plane


6 7 8 9 10

Flame resistance

Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC/EN 60695-2-12 C C

V2 960 (parts supporting live components) 650 Cadmium and silicone-free, recyclable Power poles open: 10 gn Power poles closed: 15 gn Power poles open: 2 gn Power poles closed: 4 gn (2) kV kV V/m kV kV In open air: 8 - Level 3 On contact: 8 - Level 4 10 - Level 3 All circuits except for serial link: 4 - Level 4 Serial link: 2 - Level 3 Common mode kV 2 Not applicable V 10 Serial mode 1

Environmental restrictions Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Resistance to electrostatic discharge Immunity to radiated highfrequency disturbance Immunity to fast transient currents Immunity to dissipated shock waves Conforming to IEC/EN60068-2-27 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-2 Uc a 24240 V, Uc c 48220 V Uc = 24 V c Immunity to conducted high-frequency disturbance Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-6

(1) Without modifying the contact states, in the most unfavourable direction. (2) 2 gn with Advantys STB or CANopen communication modules.



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers Power bases and LUCL magnetic control unit

Power base and control unit type



Power circuit connection characteristics

Connection to 4 mm screw clamp terminals
Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Flexible cable without cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m 2.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 Philips n 2 or flat screwdriver: 6 mm 1.92.5 2.510 1.56 16 16 110 16 1.92.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Control circuit connection characteristics

Connection to 3 mm screw clamp terminals
Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Flexible cable without cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque Rated control circuit voltage Voltage limits Operation 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m a 50/60 Hz c c 24 V (1) a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V c 110240 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V c 24 V a 24 V a or c 4872 V a 110240 V, c 110220 V Closing Opening IEC/EN 61000-4-11 In millions of operating cycles In operating cycles per hour V V V V V V V V V V V mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA W ms ms ms 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 Philips n 2 or flat screwdriver: 5 mm 0.81.2 24240 24220 2027 2026.5 a 38.572. c 38.593 a 88264 c 88242 14.5 14.5 29 55 130 140 280 280 60 70 35 35 2 24 V: 70; 48 V: 60; u 72 V: 50 35 3 At least 70 % of Uc for 500 ms 15 3600 3 Yes 1 padlock with 6.9 mm shank 12 y 70 C: 12 A y 70 C: 12 A 690 (3) 4060 3 6 0.1 0.3 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.341.5 0.341.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 0.81.2 24240 24220 2027 2026.5 a 38.572. c 38.593 a 88264 c 88242 14.5 14.5 29 55 220 220 280 280 80 90 45 25 3 24 V: 70; 48 V: 60; u 72 V: 50 35 3 15 3600 3 Yes 1 padlock with 6.9 mm shank 32 y 70 C: 32 A y 70 C: 32 A 690 (3) 4060 9 0.6 12 1.1 18 2.4 25 4.6 32 7.5

Control circuit characteristics


Typical consumption I max while closing

I rms sealed

Heat dissipation Operating time Resistance to micro-breaks Resistance to voltage dips Mechanical durability Maximum operating rate Number of poles Isolation conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 Rated thermal current Rated operational current (Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage Frequency limits Power dissipated in the power circuits

Main pole characteristics

Possible Padlocking A Conforming to IEC/ EN 60947-2 Category AC-41 Category AC-43 V Hz A W

Of the operating current Operational current Power dissipated in all three poles Rated breaking capacity on short-circuit Total breaking time Thermal limit

With Isc max on 440 V

V 230 440 500 600 kA 50 50 10 4 ms 2 2 2 kA2s 90 (1) d.c. voltage with maximum ripple of 10 %. (2) No consumption sealed. (3) For 690 V, use phase barrier LU9SP0.




TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers


1 2
526112 526113

The standard defines tests at different levels of current; the purpose of these tests is to place the equipment in extreme conditions. The standard defines 2 types of coordination, according to the condition of the components after testing: type 1 and type 2 Type 1 coordination requires that in a short-circuit condition, the contactor or starter must not present any danger to personnel or installations and must not be able to resume operation without repair or the replacement of parts. The product combinations given below provide type 1 coordination .

Soft start-soft stop unit/TeSysU starter controller combination with magnetic protection
TeSys U / Altistart 48: type 1 coordination
Power 400 V (kW) TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB32 + LUCL32 or LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32 Soft start unit reference Class 10 ATS48D17 ATS48D22 ATS48D32 Class 20 ATS48D17 ATS48D22 ATS48D32 ATS48D38

3 4


7.5 11 15

Variable speed controller/TeSysU starter controller combination with magnetic protection

TeSys U / Altivar 21 UL Type 1/IP 20: type 1 coordination
526112 526114

5 6 7

Power 400 V (kW) 0.75

TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB12 + LUCL05

Variable speed controller reference ATV21H075N4 ATV21HU15N4

2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15

LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB32 + LUCL32 or LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 or LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32


TeSys U / Altivar 21 IP 54: type 1 coordination

526112 526115

Power 400 V (kW) 0.75 1.5 2.2 3

TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL12 or LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB32 + LUCL32 or LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 or LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32

Variable speed controller reference ATV21W075N4/N4C ATV21WU15N4/N4C ATV21WU22N4/N4C ATV21WU30N4/N4C ATV21WU40N4/N4C ATV21WU55N4/N4C ATV21WU75N4/N4C ATV21WD11N4/N4C ATV21WD15N4/N4C

8 9 10

4 5.5 7.5 11 15



TeSys motor starters - open version

TeSys U starter-controllers



Variable speed controller/TeSysU starter controller combination with magnetic protection (continued)
TeSys U / Altistart 31: type 1 coordination
Power 400 V (kW) 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32 Variable speed controller reference ATV31H037N4 ATV31H055N4 ATV31H075N4 ATV31HU11N4 ATV31HU15N4 ATV31HU22N4 ATV31HU30N4 ATV31HU40N4 ATV31HU55N4 ATV31HU75N4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



TeSys U / Altistart 61: type 1 coordination

Power 400V (kW) 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 LUB32 + LUCL32 Variable speed controller reference ATV61H075N4 ATV61HU15N4 ATV61HU22N4 ATV61HU30N4 ATV61HU40N4 ATV61HU55N4 ATV61HU75N4



TeSys U / Altistart 71: type 1 coordination

Power 400V (kW) 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 TeSys U references (protection + power switching) LUB12 + LUCL05 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB12 + LUCL12 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL18 LUB32 + LUCL32 Variable speed controller reference ATV71H075N4 ATV71HU15N4 ATV71HU22N4 ATV71HU30N4 ATV71HU40N4 ATV71HU55N4



TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers


1 2 3

integral 63: a high performance concept for reliability of operation

integral 63 contactor breakers combine all the functions of a power switching assembly up to 63 A in a single compact device, with performance equivalent to that of the best separate specialist devices. They conform to the main standards currently in force, in particular IEC60947-1, IEC60947-2, IEC60947-3, IEC60947-4-1 and IEC60947-6-2 (welding of power poles impossible), as well as to international approvals UL, CSA, and the European directives. The integral range ensures reliability of operation up to 63 A. In addition to safety of operation, integral has numerous other functions: increased protection, communication, remote control, fault identification, isolation, padlocking.

Functions performed by integral 63 units

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 1/160 to 1/171 Dimensions, schemes: pages 1/174 to 1/177

The equipment in a power switching circuit must perform 4 main functions: b power switching, b isolation, b overload protection, b short-circuit protection. These functions are traditionally performed by separate devices which must be combined to form a motor starter assembly, the most common being: v fuses + contactor + thermal overload relay, v circuit breaker + contactor + thermal overload relay.

Contactor (for automatic and remote control) b Operational power for use in category AC-43: v up to 30 kW at 400/415 V 50 Hz, v up to 33 kW at 440/415 V 50 Hz. b Electrical life in number of operating cycles, in category AC-43, at 415 V and at rated power: 1.2 million. b Mechanical life in number of operating cycles: 5 million.

Power switching

Reversing pairs Two 3-pole contactors, horizontally mounted: b mechanically interlocked. Can be fitted with the same protection modules as integral 63 contactor breaker.



General (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Functions performed by integral 63 units (continued)

Isolation conforming to IEC 60947 integral 63 contactor breakers provide isolation and padlocking functions conforming to standards IEC 60947. In addition, integral 63 LD4 contactor breakers and LD5 reversing contactor breakers incorporate specific poles for control testing and padlocking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thermal-magnetic protection module (for protection against overload and overcurrent) A range of interchangeable modules allows the equipment to be adapted to suit: b the rated operational current (rating and settings), b the application: v motors, v frequent starting motors, v distribution circuits.

Overload protection



High breaking capacity current limiting circuit breaker For short-circuit protection. High breaking capacity with short-circuit limited by ultra-fast tripping. Possibility of increasing the breaking capacity of the integral unit by adding a current limiter (LA9 LB920). The current limiter is fitted upstream of the integral unit. Several integral units may be fitted downstream of the current limiter (Ith = 63 A, Ie = 32 A).

Short-circuit protection

Signalling and attachments


These devices provide comprehensive local signalling: b pole position indicator, b different signalling for overload and short-circuit. They also allow dialogue with the automated control system by means of numerous add-on blocks: b auxiliary contact and signalling blocks, b remote electrical reset device, b undervoltage and shunt trips, b control circuit switching, b etc.

Simple fixing and cabling methods

integral 63 contractor breakers and reversing contactor breakers fit onto 75 mm 7 rails using a separate mounting plate. integral units can also be mounted on: b panels, b pre-slotted mounting plates type AM1 P, b 2 x 35 mm 7 rails using sliding clip nuts, b CMD prefabricated plug-in busbar trunking (providing an economical assembly, combining safety and simplicity of use), b AK5 panel busbar systems.

9 10

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes: pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 1/160 to 1/171 Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177

The rarefied atmosphere at high altitude reduces the dielectric strength of the air and hence the rated operational voltage of the contactor breaker. It also reduces the cooling effect of the air and hence the rated operational current of the contactor breaker (unless the temperature drops at the same time). No derating is necessary up to 3000 m. Derating factors to be applied above this altitude for main pole operational voltage and current (a.c. supply) are as follows:
Altitude Rated operational voltage Rated operational current 3500 m 0.90 0.92 4000 m 0.80 0.90 4500 m 0.70 0.88 5000 m 0.60 0.86


The temperature of the air surrounding the device, measured near to the device. The operating characteristics are given: b with no restriction for temperatures between - 5 and + 55 C. b with restrictions, if necessary, for temperatures between - 50 and + 70 C.

Ambient air temperature

This is defined taking into account the rated operational voltage, operating rate and duty, utilisation category and air temperature around the device.

Rated operational current (Ie)

Conventional rated thermal current (Ith) (1) The current Ith which a closed contactor breaker can sustain for a minimum of 8 hours without its temperature rise exceeding the limits given in the standards.
The current which a closed contactor breaker can sustain for a short time, after a period of no load, without dangerous overheating.

Short time rating

This is the voltage value which, in conjunction with the rated operational current, determines the use of the contactor breaker or starter, and on which the corresponding tests and the utilisation category are based. For 3-phase circuits, it is expressed as the voltage between phases. Apart from exceptional cases such as rotor short-circuiting, the rated operational voltage Ue is less than or equal to the rated insulation voltage Ui.

Rated operational voltage (Ue)

The rated value of the control circuit voltage, on which the operating characteristics are based. For a.c. applications, the values are given for a near sinusoidal wave form (less than 5% total harmonic distortion).

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc)

This is the voltage value used to define the insulation characteristics of a device and referred to in dielectric tests determining leakage paths and creepage distances. As the specifications are not identical for all standards, the rated values given for each of them are not necessarily the same.

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

This is the highest peak value of an impulse voltage, of prescribed form and polarity, which the device is able to withstand without failure under specified test conditions, and to which isolation clearance values are referred. The rated impulse withstand voltage of a device must be equal to or higher than the values stated for the transient overvoltages appearing in the circuit in which the device is fitted.
Note: these definitions are based on extracts from standard IEC 60947. (1) Conventional free air thermal current, conforming to IEC standards.

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)


Terminology (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Terminology (continued)

Rated operational power (expressed in kW) The rated power of the standard motor which can be switched by the contactor breaker, at the stated operational voltage. Rated breaking capacity (Iq) (1) This is the current value which the contactor breaker can break in accordance with the breaking conditions specified in the IEC standard. Rated making capacity (1) This is the current value which the contactor breaker can make in accordance with the making conditions specified in the IEC standard.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This is the ratio between the time the current flows (t) and the duration of the cycle (T):
t m = --T

On-load factor (m)

Cycle duration: duration of current flow + time at zero current.

The impedance of one pole is the sum of the impedance of all the circuit components between the input terminal and the output terminal. The impedance comprises a resistive component (R) and an inductive component X=Lw). The total impedance therefore depends on the frequency and is normally given for 50 Hz. The average value is given for the pole at its rated operational current.

Pole impedance

This is the average number of on-load operating cycles which the main pole contacts can perform without maintenance. The electrical durability depends on the utilisation category, the rated operational current and the rated operational voltage.

Electrical durability

This is the average number of no-load operating cycles (i.e. with zero current flow through the main poles) which the contactor breaker can perform without mechanical failure.

Mechanical durability

The coordination of protection devices involves combining, in a selective way, a short-circuit protection device (fuses or magnetic circuit-breakers) with a contactor and an overload protection device. Its objective is to break any abnormal current, in plenty of time, without any danger to personnel, whilst providing adequate protection of the equipment against an overload or short-circuit current. Type 1 - IEC 60947-4-1 In a short-circuit condition, the contactor or starter must not present any danger to personnel or installations and may not be able to resume operation without repair or the replacement of parts. Type 2 - IEC 60947-4-1 In a short-circuit condition, the contactor or starter must not present any danger to personnel or installations and must be able to resume operation. The risk of contact welding is permissible if they can be easily separated. Total, ensuring reliability of operation - IEC 60947-6-2 In the event of a short-circuit, no damage or risk of welding is permissible on the equipment constituting the motor starter. Operation can be resumed without any maintenance.
Note: these definitions are based on extracts from standard IEC 60947. (1) For a.c. applications, the breaking and making capacities are expressed by the rms value of the symmetrical component of the short-circuit current. Taking into account the maximum asymmetry which may exist in the circuit, the contacts therefore have to withstand a peak asymmetrical current which may be twice the rms symmetrical component.


References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Terminology (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers


Reminder of standards IEC 60947

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Standards for contactor breakers

The standard utilisation categories define the current values which the contactor breaker must be able to make or break. These values depend on: b the type of load being switched: squirrel cage or slip ring motor, resistors, b the conditions under which making or breaking takes place: motor stalled, starting or running, reversing, plugging. b IEC 60947-1: general rules, b IEC 60947-2: circuit breakers, b IEC 60947-3: isolating devices, b IEC 60947-4-1: contactors and motor starters, b IEC 60947-5-1: control and signalling units, b IEC 60947-6-2: control and protection devices, Standard IEC 60947-4-1: covers contactors and electromechanical motor starters. It concerns: b types of equipment with main contacts designed for connection to circuits whose rated operational voltage does not exceed 1000 V for a.c. applications or 1500 V for d.c. applications, b contactors used in conjunction with overload and/or short-circuit protection devices, b motor starters used in conjunction with separate short-circuit protection devices and/or with separate short-circuit protection devices and built-in overload protection devices, b contactors and combination motor starters which incorporate their own shortcircuit protection device. Standard IEC 60947-6: covers multi-function equipment. It concerns connection, power switching and protection devices (or equipment) with main contacts designed for connection to circuits whose rated operational voltage is less than or equal to 1000 V for a.c. applications, or 1500 V for d.c. applications. Such devices are designed to perform both the power switching function and the protection of remotely controlled circuits function; they can also perform other functions, such as isolation. After short-circuit (Isc) tests, the products must be able to make and break the currents corresponding to the specified utilisation categories, and to the number of operating cycles specified in the standard, without failing. This series of tests is completed by temperature rise tests. Standard IEC 947-6-2 specifies that, in the event of a short-circuit, no damage or risk of contact welding is permissible on the devices constituting the motor starter. The integral contactor breaker, through its design, ensures reliability of operation. After eliminating the fault, operation can be resumed instantly without any maintenance work on the product, other than resetting. Utilisation categories for a.c. applications
Category AC-1

IEC 60947-4-1

IEC 60947-6-2

This category applies to all types of a.c. device (load) with a power factor equal to or greater than 0.95 (cos j y 0.95). Non inductive or slightly inductive loads.
Application examples: heating, distribution. Category AC-2

This category applies to starting, plugging and inching of slip ring motors. b On closing, the contactor breaker makes the starting current, which is about 2.5 times the rated current of the motor. b On opening, it must break the starting current, at a voltage less than or equal to the mains supply voltage.
Category AC-3

This category applies to squirrel cage motors with breaking while motor running. b On closing the contactor breaker makes the starting current, which is about 5 to 7 times the rated current of the motor. b On opening, it breaks the rated current drawn by the motor; at this point, the voltage at the contactor breaker terminals is about 20% of the mains supply voltage. Breaking is light.

Application examples: all standard squirrel cage motors (lifts, escalators, conveyor belts, bucket elevators, compressors, pumps, mixers, air conditioning units, etc.).

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes: pages 1/174 to 1/177


Terminology (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Standards for contactor breakers


Utilisation categories for a.c. applications (continued)

Category AC-4

This category covers starting, plug braking and inching of squirrel cage motors. On closing, the contactor breaker makes a current peak which may be as high as 5 to 7 times the rated motor current. On opening, it breaks this same current at a voltage which is higher, the lower the motor speed. This voltage can be the same as the mains voltage. Breaking is severe.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Application examples: printing machines, wire drawing machines, hoisting equipment, metallurgy industry. Category AC-41

This category applies to all types of a.c. device (load) with a power factor equal to or greater than 0.95 (cos j y 0.95). Non inductive or slightly inductive loads.
Application examples: heating, distribution. Category AC-42

This category applies to starting, plugging and inching of slip ring motors. b On closing, the contactor breaker makes the starting current, which is about 2.5 times the rated current of the motor. b On opening, it must break the starting current, at a voltage less than or equal to the mains supply voltage.
Category AC-43

This category applies to squirrel cage motors with breaking while motor running; inching or occasional reversing of limited duration are permissible if the number of operating cycles does not exceed 5 per minute, or 10 within a 10 minute period. b On closing the contactor breaker makes the starting current, which is about 5 to 7 times the rated current of the motor. b On opening, it breaks the rated current drawn by the motor; at this point, the voltage at the contactor breaker terminals is about 20% of the mains supply voltage. Breaking is light.
Application examples: all standard squirrel cage motors: lifts, escalators, conveyor belts, bucket elevators, compressors, pumps, mixers, air conditioning units, etc.). Category AC-44

This category covers applications with plug braking and inching of squirrel cage or slip ring motors. On closing, the contactor breaker makes a current peak which may be as high as 5 to 7 times the rated motor current. On opening, it breaks this same current at a voltage which is higher, the lower the motor speed. This voltage can be the same as the mains voltage. Breaking is severe. Tripping classes of protection modules The creation of thermal tripping classes allows better adaptation of the thermal protection to suit different motor and application technologies (short or long starting times). Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC 60947-6-2.

Application examples: printing machines, wire drawing machines, hoisting equipment, metallurgy industry.

Standards for auxiliary contacts

Class Tripping time at 7.2 Ir (1)

Standard IEC 60947-5-1: covers switching devices and components for control circuits. It concerns electromechanical devices for control circuits. Utilisation categories for a.c. applications
Category AC-14 (2)

IEC 60947-5

10 A 210 s

10 410 s

20 620 s

30 930 s

This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads whose power drawn with the electromagnet closed is less than 72 VA.
Application example: switching the operating coil of contactors and relays. Category AC-15 (2)

This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads whose power drawn with the electromagnet closed is greater than 72 VA.
Application example: switching the operating coil of contactors.

Utilisation categories for d.c. applications

Category DC-13 (3)

This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads for which the time taken to reach 95 % of the steady state current (T = 0.95) is equal to 6 times the power P drawn by the load (with P y 50 W). Application example: switching the operating coil of contactor breakers.
(1) Ir = protection module setting current. (2) Replaces category AC-11. (3) Replaces category DC-11.

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Equipment selection for starters

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integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

When designing an installation, it is essential to take into account precise criteria for determining the conductor c.s.a. and selecting equipment. In particular: b permissible currents for the conductors, b maximum voltage drops, b short-circuit protection, b protection against indirect contact. The latter three criteria must be taken into account when selecting the integral unit. The principle behind the rules described below is, on the whole, common to all European publications. However, the calculations and values concerning protection against indirect contact are based on French standard NF C 15-100, and it is up to the user to check the regulations in force in the country concerned.

To achieve this, the thermal setting value Irth selected must be greater than the current drawn IB and less than or equal to the permissible current Iz in the cable to be protected. IB < Irth y Iz

Cable protection against overload

Breaking capacity rule Check that the breaking capacity (BC) of the integral unit is equal to or greater than the prospective short-circuit current (Isc max) at the point where it is to be installed. BC u Isc max Breaking time rule 2 conditions must be fulfilled: b The short-circuit current at the end of the circuit, Isc min, must be greater than or equal to the minimum current required for magnetic tripping of the device, b The short-circuit current at the start of the circuit, Isc max, must be such that: I2sc max tm y I2oto I2oto = permissible thermal stress limit for the circuit, tm = operating time of the integral unit or of the short-circuit protection device.

Short-circuit protection

These 2 checks need only be made when modules with a low rating are used. Example: for a 6.3/10 A module, a cable c.s.a. u 2.5 mm2 is required to withstand Isc max = 50 kA.

Protection against indirect contact in TN schemes

TN multiple earthed neutral scheme



8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 References: pages 1/160 to 1/171 Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


TNC scheme

b b b b b v v

Neutral is connected to earth. The earths are connected to neutral. Any phase/earth insulation fault causes a short-circuit. As contact voltage is dangerous, breaking must occur at the first fault. The PE conductor and the neutral conductor may be: combined (TNC scheme), separate (TNS scheme).


Equipment selection for starters

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Protection against indirect contact in TN schemes (continued) b Protection against indirect contact (TN schemes), for dead shorts only, requires that the following 2 conditions be fulfilled simultaneously: v The fault current Id must be greater than or equal to the minimum current required for magnetic tripping of the integral unit, i.e. 1.12 Irth max.
Uo Id = c.q.___ Zb c = coefficient taking into account the upstream part of the fault loop impedance assumed to be equal to 0.8, unless otherwise indicated. q = coefficient dependent on the earth connection scheme and equal to 1 in the TN scheme. Uo = phase-neutral voltage in volts. Zb = fault loop impedance in mW/m such that: Zb R (fault loop resistance). L = length of the fault loop equal to twice the length Lc of the circuit. S = Sph, c.s.a of the phase conductors = SPE = c.s.a. of the protective conductors. r = resistivity of the copper = 0.0225. = ratio between the magnetic tripping current and the maximum setting current of the instantaneous thermal tripping device.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

L Lc R = r __ = 2 r ___ S S

v The contact voltage (UL) for a dead short is at most equal to the value determined by the safety curve for the operating time tm of the integral unit in its magnetic tripping zone. This condition is generally fulfilled for power supplies of 230/415 V. (In fact, for UL = 50 V, a tm y 500 ms would be required and for UL = 25 V, a tm y 110ms would be required). The first condition allows us to calculate the maximum length of the circuit to provide protection against indirect contact in the TN scheme. For the TN scheme: c.q.Uo.Sph L y __________ 2r.1. Irth 0.8 x Uo x Sph i.e. L max = _______________________ 2 x 0.0225 x 1.2 Irth max

Maximum length of 230/415 V circuits with TN scheme

C.s.a. mm2 1.5 2.5 Irth max. A 10 16 10 16 25 32 16 25 32 40 25 32 40 50 32 40 50 63 32 40 50 63 32 40 50 63 =3 m 180 112 298 186 118 92 296 190 148 118 284 222 178 142 370 296 236 188 590 472 378 300 922 738 590 468 =6 m 90 56 149 93 59 46 148 95 74 59 142 111 89 71 185 148 118 94 295 236 189 150 461 369 295 234 = 12 m 45 28 75 47 32 23 74 48 37 30 71 56 45 36 93 74 59 47 148 118 95 75 281 185 148 117 = 15 m 36 22 60 37 60




General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection according to utilisation category and required electrical durability

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Selection for a temperature q y 40 C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rated operational voltage integral 63

220/240 63

400/415 63

440 63

480/525 63

600/690 63

Rated operational currents (according to the rated operational voltage)


Rated operational powers (for standard motors)

integral 63 kW 15 33 33 37 55

Electrical durability
Control and protection of motors at Ue y 415 V

b in utilisation categories AC2, AC3 conforming to IEC 60947-4-1, b in utilisation categories AC2, AC3 conforming to IEC 60947-6-2.
Millions of operating cycles 20

10 8 6 5 4 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01 1 1,5

(63 A)

2 3 45 79 20 6 8 10

40 60 80 150 200 63 100160 300 Current broken in A

1 Not having previously broken a short-circuit current 2 Having broken a short-circuit current 10 times at 30 Ie (most common values of short-circuit current during operation)

Current breaking limit

8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

AC-3 AC-43

AC-2 AC-42

Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection according to utilisation category and required electrical durability

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

a.c. supply, utilisation categories AC-1, AC-3, AC-41, AC-43

Rated operational currents (according to ambient temperature)
integral 63 With cable c.s.a. 16 mm2 A q y 40 C 63 q y 55 C 55 q y 70 C 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a.c. supply, utilisation categories AC-1, AC-41

Maximum operating rates in operating cycles/hour
On-load factor 85 % Operation at Ie max 1200 On-load factor 25 % Operation at Ie max 1800

integral 63

Operating cycles/h

Operation at 0.5 Ie 2400

Electrical durability Ue y 415 V

Millions of operating cycles 20

10 8 6 5 4 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20

(63 A)

63 80 100 60 Current broken in A


Note: for use in category AC-44, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63


integral 63
A V 3 63 690 1.2 million operating cycles 5 million operating cycles 3600 operating cycles/hour 600 operating cycles/hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) In AC-3 Rated operational voltage (Ue) In AC-3 at 400 V Electrical durability Mechanical durability at Uc a Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 55 C c with converter

Conforming to standards IEC: 158-1, 204-1, 204-2, 364, 947-1/2 and 4 UTE: NF C 63-110, C 63-120, C 63-130, C 63-650, C 79-100, C 20-040 VDE: 0100, 0110, 0113, 0170, 0171, 471, 0660 BS: 5424, 4752, 4941 NEN, NBN ASE, ASEFA, ASTA, BV, CSA, DEMKO, DNV, GL NEMKO, NKK, VE, RINA, SCC, SETI, UL, USSR, LROS TH - 20+ 60 - 40+ 80 - 25+ 50 - 25+ 70 Energised state: 3 gn De-energised state: 3 gn Energised state: 8 gn De-energised state: 8 gn IP 20B Protection against direct finger contact Conforming to IEC60295-2-1, NFC20-455 and decree of 22-12-81 (JO 27 NC of 1st and 2/2/1982) Conforming to UL 94 - V0 and NF T 51-072 3000 From main axis (left-right tilt)

Product certifications Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device a

Vibration resistance Permissible acceleration Shock resistance Permissible acceleration Degree of protection Flame resistance Maximum operating altitude Operating positions (without derating)

Operation Storage c Operation (1) Storage 5100 Hz Impulse duration: 11 ms Conforming to IEC 60144 & 60529 Conforming to VDE 0106


Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane

Control circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Voltage limits at q y 55 C Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc a 50Hz a 60Hz c with converter Operation Drop-out a Inrush Sealed c (1) Inrush Sealed a 50/60 Hz c with converter C O C O V V V 24660 24600 24, 48, 110 0.851.1 Uc 0.250.7 Uc 375 (50 Hz), 450 (60 Hz) 25 (50 Hz or 60 Hz) 300 for 50 ms 8 8 (50 Hz), 11 (60 Hz) 1235 720 2540 1525

Heat dissipation Operating time (2) at 20 C and at Uc

VA VA W W W ms ms ms ms

(1) With converter. (2) The closing time C is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time O is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/1711/1741/174

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63


Pole characteristics
Conventional thermal current (Ith) Frequency limits of the operational current Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Heat dissipation in the power circuits of the contactor breaker and its protection module Rated making capacity I rms I peak Rated breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2

integral 63 q y 40 C A Hz 63 4060 8 690 25 4.4

32 5 40 5.8 50 7 63 9

Conforming to IEC 60947-4 kV Conforming to IEC 60947-1 V Operational current A Power per pole, hot state W Conforming to IEC 60947-4 A Conforming to IEC 60947-2 kA Operational voltage Value of cos j Cycle P1 (O-t-CO) Icu (1) Cycle P2 (O-t CO-t-CO) Ics (1) Icu = Ics V

2 3 4 5

12 or 15 x Ith (above this value. the breaker trips) 105 380/415 0.25 50 50 50 440 0.25 50 50 50 480/525 0.25 35 35 30 600/690 0.5 10 10 10

conforming to IEC 60947-6-2 ensuring reliability of operation Total breaking time Electrical durability in AC-3 at Ie max and at 415V after 1 cycle O-CO-r-CO at Isc Thermal limit Cabling

220/240 0.25 kA rms 50 kA rms 50 kA rms 50 ms kA 4 3 1 300 x 103 Maximum c.s.a. 1 x 50 or 2 x 35 2 x 25 1 x 50 6 LB1LD03P Standard motors NFC63-650 3 3 690 1363 10/1345/63 - 20+ 60 With

Prospective rms short-circuit current at terminals of a new device Millions of operating cycles With Isc max. at 415 V, 50 Hz Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable

10 0.9

25 0.6

35 0.5

50 0.2

A 2s

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Minimum c.s.a. 1x6 1x6 1x6

Tightening torque Module type Protection

Characteristics of thermal-magnetic or magnetic only protection modules

Conforming to standards Number of poles Number of protected poles Rated operational voltage Max. continuous current Setting range (Irth min./Irth max.) Temperature compensation Protection against phase imbalance Tripping class Instantaneous trip current setting range Tripping tolerance LB1LD03M Standard motors NFC63-650 3 3 690 1363 10/1345/63 20+ 60 With LB6LD03M Frequent starting NFC63-650 3 3 690 1363 20+ 60 Without LB1LD03L Distribution circuits NFC63-120 3 3 690 1363 10/1345/63 20+ 60 Without 36 Irth max 20 %

6 7 8 9 10

Thermal protection


Magnetic protection conforming to IEC 60947-1/2/4/6-2

Characteristics of versions without control test function, with padlocking facility

Conforming to standards Rated operational voltage Mechanical durability Padlocking Conforming to standards Rated operational voltage Mechanical durability Padlocking V Operating cycles IEC 60947 690 10000 By 1, 2 or 3 padlocks, 8mm shank

20 20 Fixed at 15 Irth max 612 Irth max (usual 612 Irth max setting 910 Irth maxi) 20 % 20 % 20 %

Characteristics of versions with control test function and padlocking facility

Operating cycles IEC 60947, NFC63-130, VDE0660, VDE0113 V 690 10000 1, 2 or 3 padlocks, shank 8mm max and 5mm min. When flush mounting, interlocking of the enclosure or cabinet door is possible. (1) O: breaking short-circuit current (open), t: time CO: closing on short-circuit, breaking short-circuit current (closed-open)

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Add-on current limiter and auxiliary contacts

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts LA1Lpp

1 2 3 4 5

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Switching capacity Rated a category operational AC-15 (1) power Making capacity Rated c category operational DC-13 (2) power Making capacity Cabling

Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 With U u 17 V and I u 10 mA Voltage 1 million operating cycles 1.5 million operating cycles a category AC-15 Voltage 1 million operating cycles 1.5 million operating cycles c category DC-13

A V mVA V VA VA VA V W W W mm2

6 690 600 48 110/127 300 500 160 300 1500 3500 24 48 120 90 70 50 800 700 Maximum c.s.a.: 2 x 2.5 Minimum c.s.a.: 2 x 1

220/240 600 330 6000 110 75 38 400

380/415 520 300 7500 220 68 33 260

440 500 280 7000 440 61 28 220

Isolating auxiliary contacts LA1LC03p

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947 and NFC63-130 Cabling a.c. supply d.c. supply A V V mm2 6 690 125 Maximum c.s.a.: 2 x 1.5 or 1 x 2.5

Signalling contacts LA1LC001

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Operational power for 200 000 operating cycles a Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Voltage Resistive load Lamp load (3) Inductive load (4) Motor (5) Voltage Resistive load Lamp load (3) Inductive load (4) Motor (5) A V V VA VA VA VA V W W W W mm2 3 250 24 48 100 100 50 50 75 75 75 75 Maximum c.s.a.: 2 x 2.5 Minimum c.s.a.: 2 x 1 110/127 600 90 875 160 110/125 50 6 50 6 220 750 125 500 200 200 50 7.5 50 7.5

6 7 8 9 10


(1) Electrical durability on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4). (2) Electrical durability on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, the time constant increasing with the load. (3) Lamp load: peak current = 10 times the rated current. (4) Inductive load: cos j 0.4 for a.c. operation; time constant 7 ms for d.c. operation. (5) Motor: peak current = 6 times the rated current.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Interface modules and converters

Type Ambient air temperature around the device Storage Operation Isolation Cabling Min. Max. Operating limits Protection Module or converter type

Interface modules


C C kV mm2 mm2

- 25+ 70 - 25+ 50 rms voltage between inputs and outputs: 2.5 1x1 2 x 2.5 0.85...10.1 Uc Against reverse polarity (by diode) and against overvoltage LA1LC 580BD

- 25+ 70 - 25+ 50 Common negative terminal 1x1 2 x 2.5 0.8...1.1 Uc (2) Against reverse polarity (by diode) and against overvoltage LA1LC 080BD

1 2

Control circuit characteristics







LA1Lp080BD LA1Lp080ED


A1 A2

+ E1
Indication of input state Input signals Voltage (logic side) Current State 0 guaranteed State 1 guaranteed Supply voltage For U For I For U By LED c 24 c 48 (E1-E2) (E1-E2) 30 20 < 2.4 <2 > 20.4 < 4.8 <2 > 40.8

+ E1
c 24 (E1-E2) 50 < 2.4 <2 > 20.4


E1 E3 E2

A1 A2






V mA V mA V V

c 524 (E1-E2) 1524V 8.55V < 2.5 <2 >4

c 48 (E1-E2) 25 < 4.8 <2 >4

c 524 (E1-E2) 1524V 8.55V < 2.5 <2 >4

c 24 (1) c 48 (1) (E3-E2) (E3-E2) 20 10 <7 <5 > 14 < 14 < 2.5 > 28 c 48 (2) (E1-E2) c 110 (2) (E1-E2)

c 24 (1) c 48 (1) (E3-E2) (E3-E2) 20 10 <7 <5 > 14 c 24 (2) (E1-E2) <14 < 2.5 > 28 c 48 (2) (E1-E2) c 110 (2) (E1-E2)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a a a a a a c 24240 24240 24240 24240 24240 24240 24 (2) (A1-A2) (A1-A2) (A1-A2) (A1-A2) (A1-A2) (A1-A2) (E1-E2)

Operating characteristics
Electrical durability in millions of operating cycles Average Inrush 50Hz consumption 60Hz c 5 160 185 12 1530 2235 160 185 12 1530 2235 160 185 12 1035 830 375 450 25 2040 2545 375 450 25 2040 2545 375 450 25 1045 830 1 250 4 30 15 250 4 30 15 250 4 30 15 300 8 35 20 300 8 35 20 300 8 35 20 VA VA W Sealed 50/60Hz VA c W Operating time Pull-in ms at 20 C Drop-out ms and at Uc

(1) For direct control by external contact: connect E1-E3. (2) Warning: for supply from rectified a.c., the 2 following conditions must be met: the power supply must exceed 300 VA and the maximum ripple must be y14%.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Tripping and reset devices, coil suppressor module


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device

Storage Operation Permissible for operation at Uc


IEC 60337-1 TH - 40+ 80 - 25+ 55 - 25+ 70 Conforming to VDE0106

Protection against direct finger contact

Tripping devices
Uc Uc Inrush Sealed LA1LC070p, LC072p 0.81.1 0.350.7 8 4 LA1LC071p 0.71.1 8 4 10

Type Pull-in voltage Drop-out voltage Average consumption Minimum pulse time

VA VA ms

Reset devices
Type Consumption Duration of a reset cycle Minimum pulse duration VA s s LA1LC052p 9 9 0.5

Suppressor module LA9D09982

Type of protection Connection scheme Operational voltage V RC (resistor-capacitor)

y 250

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

Breaking capacity of integral 63 contactor breakers, according to the operational voltage and protection module fitted.

Breaking capacity
Protection module Reference Irth min A LBpLD03p16 10 LBpLD03p21 LBpLD03p22 LBpLD03p53 LBpLD03p55 LBpLD03p57 LBpLD03p61 13 18 23 28 35 45 Operational voltage 220/240V 400/415V 440V max A 13 18 25 32 40 50 63 kA kA kA 500V kA 600/690V kA 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

u130 u130 u130 u130 u130 u130 u130

u130 u130 u130 50 50 50 50

u130 u130 50 50 50 50 50

u130 u130 35 35 30 30 30

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection of protection module according to the tripping characteristics

TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

1 2 3 4

Motor protection (normal starting)


By thermal-magnetic modules LB1 LD03P (1)

300 min 100 min 10 13 18

23 28 35 45 63 25 32 40 50 irth P16 P21 P22 P53 P55 P57 P61

10 min 40 s 1 min

10 s

1s 195 375 270 0,1 s 600 480 750 945

5 6 7 8

0,01 s


15 20

30 40 54 60





1000 2000 Current in A

By thermal-magnetic modules LB1 LD03M (1)


300 min 100 min 10 13 18

23 28 35 45 63 25 32 40 50 irth M16 M21 M22 M53 M55 M57 M61

Thermal zone

10 min

1 min

10 s

Magnetic zone



156 108 190

240 300 380

480 600 760

0,1 s

150 216

0,01 s 6 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 Current in A

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

(1) Thermal protection: the average operating times shown in the above curves are for an ambient air temperature of 20 C, without prior current flow (cold state). The average operating times after prolonged current flow (hot state) can be calculated by applying the coefficient 0.5.

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection of protection module according to the tripping characteristics

TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

Motor protection (frequent starting)

By magnetic modules LB6 LD03M

1 2 3
78 156 108 190 150 216 240 300 380 480 600 760

300 min 100 min

Thermal zone

10 min

1 min

10 s

Magnetic zone


0,1 s

1000 2000
Current in A

0,01 s




60 80 100 110




Distribution circuit protection

5 6

By thermal-magnetic modules LB1 LD03L


300 min 100 min

25 32 40 50 18 23 28 35 45 63 irth L22 L53 L55 L57 L61

10 min

7 8

1 min

10 s




0,1 s

150 190 120 240 150 300 190 380

0,01 s 6 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 Current in A

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149 References : pages 1/160 to 1/171 Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection of protection module according to the tripping characteristics

TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

3-phase 400/415V, 50Hz Current limitation on short-circuit

Maximum peak current in kA

Current limitation and thermal limit on short-circuit

100 80 60 40
= 0,3




1 (1)

10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1

c os =




0,4 0,3

4 6 8 10 15 20 50 100 200 Prospective rms short-circuit current in kA

1 18 to 25A up to 45 to 63A

Maximum thermal limit on short-circuit

Thermal limit I2t in kA2s in the short-circuit protection zone

1000 800 600 400



100 80 60 40



8 10

15 20

50 100 200 Prospective rms short-circuit current in kA

1 18 to 25A up to 45 to 63A
(1) LB1LD03p22 to LD06p61: rating of associated thermal overload module.

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


Selection of protection module according to the tripping characteristics

TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

3-phase 480/500V, 50Hz Current limitation on short-circuit

Maximum peak current in kA

Current limitation and thermal limit on short-circuit (continued)

= = 0,3 0,2 5

100 80 60 40 20


1 (1)

2 3 4

10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1

c os




0,4 0,3

6 8 10 15 20

35 50



Prospective rms short-circuit current in kA

1 18 to 25A up to 45 to 63A Current limitation on short-circuit

Thermal limit I2t in kA2s in the short-circuit protection zone

5 6
1 (1)

1000 800 600 400


100 80 60 40

7 8
1 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 35 50 100 200 Prospective rms short-circuit current in kA



1 18 to 25A up to 45 to 63A
(1) LB1LD03p22 to LD03p61: rating of associated thermal overload module.

9 10

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63 for control and protection of motors
(for customer assembly)

3-pole contactor breakers without protection module (1)

1 2

Without control test function, with padlocking facility

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60Hz in AC-43 220V 400V 240V 415V 440V 500V 660V kW kW kW kW kW Black knob 15 30 33 37 55 33

Operational Breaking Basic reference (3) current capacity (Iq) To be completed by adding for the control circuit voltage code (2) Ue y 415V A 63 kA 50 LD1LD030p


kg 3.700

With control test function and padlocking facility

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60Hz in AC-43 220V 400V 240V 415V 440V 500V 660V kW kW kW kW kW Black knob (CNOMO, VDE0113) 15 30 33 37 55 33 Operational Breaking Basic reference (3) current capacity (Iq) To be completed by adding for the control circuit voltage code (2) Ue y 415V A 63 kA 50 LD4LD130p Weight

3 4 5 6 7

kg 3.800

Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO) Emergency Stop 15 30 33 37 55 63 50 33



3-pole reversing contactor breakers without protection module (1)

With control test function and padlocking facility
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60Hz in AC-43 220V 400V 240V 415V 440V 500V 660V kW kW kW kW kW Black knob (CNOMO, VDE0113) 15 30 33 37 55 33 Operational Breaking Basic reference (3) current capacity (Iq) To be completed by adding for the control circuit voltage code (2) Ue y 415V A 63 kA 50 LD5LD130p Weight

kg 7.600

Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO) Emergency Stop 15 30 33 37 55 63 50 33



(1) For the unit to function, it must be fitted with a protection module, to be ordered separately, see page opposite. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 36 42 48 110 120 220 230 240 380 415 440 480 500 400 50Hz B D E F M M U Q N N S 60Hz BC BD CC CE ED K FD FC LC MC MC UX Q

600 S

660 Y

8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

c (4)

(3) Variant: UL508 type E approved version (SPCD) at 347/600V; to order, add suffix H5 to the reference. Example: LD1LD030MH5. (4) For use on d.c., the unit is supplied with 1 or 2 converters, including coil suppression devices (2 converters for reversing contactor breakers).

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63 for control and protection of motors
(for customer assembly)

Thermal-magnetic protection modules (compensated and differential for normal starting motors) (1)
Fixed magnetic protection, set at 15 Irth max, for mounting on integral 63
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-43 220V 400V 480V 240V 415V 440V 525V kW kW kW kW 3 5.5 5.5 7.5 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 9 11 15 22 25 33 9 11 15 22 25 33 11 15 18.5 25 33 40 Thermal Magnetic setting range protection (Irth min to Irth max) 600V 690V kW 10 15 18.5 22 33 45 55 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


A 1013 1318 1825 2332 2840 3550 4563

LB1LD03P16 LB1LD03P21 LB1LD03P22 LB1LD03P53 LB1LD03P55 LB1LD03P57 LB1LD03P61

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

Adjustable magnetic protection from 6 to 12 Irth max, for mounting on integral 63

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-43 220V 400V 480V 240V 415V 440V 525V kW kW kW kW 3 5.5 5.5 7.5 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 9 11 22 22 25 33 9 11 22 22 25 33 11 15 25 25 33 40 Thermal Magnetic setting range protection (Irth min to Irth max) 600V 690V kW 10 15 18.5 33 33 45 55 Reference Weight

A 1013 1318 1825 2332 2840 3550 4563

A 78156 108216 150300 190380 240480 300600 380760

LB1LD03M16 LB1LD03M21 LB1LD03M22 LB1LD03M53 LB1LD03M55 LB1LD03M57 LB1LD03M61

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

Magnetic only protection modules (for frequent starting motors)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-43 220V 400V 480V 240V 415V 440V 525V kW kW kW kW 3 5.5 5.5 7.5 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 9 11 22 22 25 33 9 11 22 22 25 33 11 15 25 25 33 40 Magnetic protection 600V 690V kW 10 15 18.5 33 33 45 55 Reference Weight


A 78156 108216 150300 190380 240480 300600 380760

LB6LD03M16 LB6LD03M21 LB6LD03M22 LB6LD03M53 LB6LD03M55 LB6LD03M57 LB6LD03M61

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

8 9 10

(1) Protection modules UL and CSA approved.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers integral 63
for control and protection of resistive circuits in category AC-1

Selecting the type of contactor breaker and protection module

1 2

Neutral point connection Neutral connection TNC (neutral and PE combined)

Type of circuit 3-pole + PEN

Equipment scheme

Combination contactor breaker + protection module LD1LD030p + LB1LD03Lpp LD4LD130p + LB1LD03Lpp LD4LD030p + LB1LD03Lpp


Note: the PEN conductor must not be isolated, Neutral point Type of connection circuit

Equipment scheme

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Neutral connection

TNS 3-pole (neutral and PE separated)

Combination contactor breaker + protection module LD1LC030p + LB1LC03Lpp LD4LC130p + LB1LC03Lpp LD4LC030p + LB1LC03Lpp

Note: all live conductors must be isolated. Neutral protection optional.

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers integral 63
for control and protection of resistive circuits in category AC-1

3-pole contactor breakers without protection module (1)

Without control test function, with padlocking facility
Rated thermal current I th qy40C A Black knob 63 Maximum operational current AC-1 qy40C A 63 Maximum Breaking Number operational capacity (Iq) of poles voltage for Ue y 415V V kA 690 50 3 Basic reference. To be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg LD1LC030p 3.700

With control test function and padlocking facility

Rated Maximum Maximum thermal operational operational current I th current AC-1 voltage qy40C qy40C A A V Black knob (CNOMO. VDE0113) 63 63 690 Breaking Number capacity (Iq) of poles for Ue y 415V kA 50 3 Basic reference. To be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Weight

kg LD4LD130p 3.800


Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO. VDE0113) Emergency Stop 63 63 690 50 3 LD4LD030p


Protection modules (for customer assembly)

Thermal-magnetic (compensated)
Thermal setting range (Irth min./Irth max.) A 1013 1318 1825 LB1LD03Lpp 2332 2840 3550 4563 Magnetic setting range (36 Irth max) A 3978 54108 75150 95190 120240 150300 190380 Number of poles Number of protected poles 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reference Weight kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

LB1LD03L16 LB1LD03L21 LB1LD03L22 LB1LD03L53 LB1LD03L55 LB1LD03L57 LB1LD03L61

(1) For the unit to function, it must be fitted with a protection module, to be ordered separately. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 36 42 48 110 120 220 230 240 380 415 440 400 50Hz B D E F M M U Q N N CC CE K FC LC MC MC UX 60Hz BC c (3) BD ED FD (3) For use on d.c., the unit is supplied with a converter, including coil suppression device.

480 Q

500 S

600 S

660 Y

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


1 2


3 4 5



6 7 8 9







TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Add-on blocks

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks (IP20) (1)

For use on Type and number of blocks per unit Composition Reference Weight kg

1 2

N/O N/C C/O LD1, LD4 1 block of 6 contacts comprising: or LD5 b 3 signalling contacts Mounted contactor state on RH side b 1 signalling contact control knob in any position other than Auto b 1 signalling contact tripped on short-circuit b 1 signalling contact tripped 1 block of 5 contacts comprising: b 3 signalling contacts contactor state b 1 signalling contact tripped on short-circuit b 1 signalling contact tripped 1 block of 4 contacts comprising: b 3 signalling contacts contactor state b 1 signalling contact tripped, selectable by the user 1 block of 3 signalling contacts contactor state LD4 Mounted on LH side LD5 Mounted on LH side 1 control circuit isolating block (1 or 2 blocks per unit) 1 block of 3 signalling contacts contactor state 1 control circuit isolating block comprising 2 contacts 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LA1LC025 0.170 LA1LC012 0.220 LA1LC010 0.280

3 4

2 1

1 1

2 1 2 2

1 1

LA1LC020 LA1LC030 LA1LB021 LA1LC031

0.100 0.035 0.100 0.100

5 6 7 8 9 10

Signalling contact block (IP10) (1)

For use on LD1, LD4 or LD5 Type and number of blocks per unit 1 block comprising 1 signalling contact contactor state Mounted on LH or RH side Composition Reference Weight kg 0.035 N/O N/C C/O 1 LA1LC001

(1) UL and CSA approved.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


1 2
+ TRIP .

Off O

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

Electrical tripping and reset devices

For use on LD1, LD4 or LD5 fitted with an LA1LC010 or LA1LC012 block LD1, LD4 or LD5 fitted with an LA1LC010 or LA1LC012 add-on block Type and number of devices per unit 1 undervoltage trip Time delay 0.2s Instantaneous or 1 shunt trip 1 remote electrical reset device Instantaneous 24V 50/60Hz 42V 50Hz 48V 50/60Hz 100/127V 50/60Hz 200/240V 50/60Hz Basic reference. To be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) LA1LC070p LA1LC072p LA1LC071p LA1LC052B LA1LC052E LA1LC052F LA1LC052M Weight kg 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office). Volts 24 48 110 120 220/230 240 380/400 B E F M U Q 50Hz B E F F M M Q 60Hz

415 N

440 N N

General : pages 1/174 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177


1 2


3 4 5 6 7


+ TRIP .

8 9 10


+ TRIP .

Off O




TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Accessories and spare parts

Interface modules (1)

Mounting Type Control voltage c V 524 24 48 Operational voltage 50/60Hz V 24240 24240 24240 Reference Weight kg 0.110 0.110 0.110

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

On top of the integral unit

Solid state Relay output


Replacement coils and voltage converters (1)

For c control circuit operation
Mounting For use on integral Operational voltage c (2) V 24 (4) Consumption Inrush Sealed W 300 W 8 Description Reference (3) Weight kg 0.300 0.150 0.300 0.150 0.300 0.150

On top of the integral unit


Coil Converter

LX1LD0249 LA1LD080BD LX1LD0489 LA1LD080ED LX1LD01109 LA1LD080FD


48 (4)


Coil Converter




Coil Converter

Suppressor module
Mounting Type Operational voltage 50/60Hz V y 250 Reference Weight kg 0.010


RC circuit (Resistor-Capacitor) (5)


(1) For reversing contactor breakers, order 2 interface modules or 2 voltage converters. (2) When used on rectified single-phase or 3-phase supply, the peak to peak ripple voltage must be equal to or less than 0.14 of the average voltage. Operating limits 0.8 to 1.1 Uc for an ambient temperature y 40 C. (3) It is essential that the voltage converter be associated with the specific coil indicated. (4) 24 V and 48 V converters can be operated by Low level input. In this case, the control circuit voltage must be the same as the supply voltage (24 or 48 V). (5) An RC circuit provides effective protection for circuits highly sensitive to high frequency interference. Voltage limited to 3 Uc max. and oscillating frequency limited to 400 Hz max. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.2 to 2 times the normal time).

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63

Protection accessories

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General : pages 1/140 to 1/145 Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149 LA9LD010

Description Power terminal protection shroud Sealing cover

For use on Upstream power terminals (L1, L2, L3) Protection module

Sold in lots of 5 1

Unit reference LA9LD701 LA1LC090

Weight kg 0.050 0.010

Mounting accessories
Description LA1LC090 Mounting plate For use on LD1, LD4, LD5 Mounting on 1 x 75 mm 7 rail or 2 x 32 mm 4 rails Reference LA9LD010 Weight kg 0.450

Door interlock mechanisms (IP54)

Type Adjustable from 0 to 185mm with extension (control knob mounted on plate or door) For use on LD1 Colour of knob Red Black LD4, LD5 Red Black Unit reference LA9LC330 LA9LC331 LA9LC530 LA9LC531 Weight kg 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Coils (replacement parts)

a.c. operation
Rated control circuit voltages Uc 50Hz Uc 60Hz V V 24 24 42 48 LX1LDppp 110 127 220/230 240 380/400 415/440 500 660 36 48 110 115/120 220 230/240 440 460/480 575/600 Average Inductance Voltage resistance at of closed code (1) 20 C 10% circuit W 0.213 0.323 0.503 0.845 0.987 1.26 4.88 5.89 6.48 9.80 19.82 23.24 30.51 37.66 80.46 93.63 116.46 152.18 290.80 H 0.045 0.071 0.106 0.19 0.22 0.29 1 1.18 1.48 2.13 4.2 4.5 6.7 7.9 16.7 20 23.7 31 60 BC B CC CE D E K FC F G LC MC M U UX Q N S Y Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LX1LD020 LX1LD024 LX1LD030 LX1LD040 LX1LD042 LX1LD048 LX1LD090 LX1LD100 LX1LD110 LX1LD127 LX1LD180 LX1LD190 LX1LD220 LX1LD240 LX1LD360 LX1LD380 LX1LD415 LX1LD500 LX1LD660

kg 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300

Consumption at 50Hz: inrush (cos j: 0.55) 350 to 400VA; sealed (cos j: 0.28) 20 to 30VA. Consumption at 60Hz: inrush (cos j: 0.55) 420 to 500VA; sealed (cos j: 0.30) 24 to 36VA.

d.c. operation
The integral63 can operate on a d.c. supply when fitted with a special coil and corresponding voltage converter: see page 1/169 (1) Coil voltage reference code, used to complete the basic reference when ordering an integral unit.

General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Selection : pages 1/146 to 1/149

Characteristics : pages 1/150 to 1/155

Dimensions and schemes : pages 1/174 to 1/177



TeSys motor starters - open version

Contactor breakers integral 63
Auxiliary contact states according to the positions of the control knob










1 2




Auxiliary contact actuators



Auxiliary contacts
LA1 LC010
2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 2/T1 4/T2 6/T3

LA1 LC012

LA1 LC025

LA1 LC001
98 41

LA1 LC020
13 23 31 14 24 32
13 23 31 14 24 32

LA1 LC030
(53) 63 (54) 64
53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54 53 54


13 23 31

16 18

06 08

96 98

13 23 31


13 23 31

Contact open Contact closed


05 14 24 32 15 05 95 14 24 32 95 14 24 32 95


13 23 31 14 24 32 16 18 15 06 08 05 96 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 08 05 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 96 98 95 95 41 42

3 4

Off + control test function

13 23 31 14 24 32 16 18 15 06 08 05 96 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 08 05 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 96 98 95 95 41 42 13 23 31 14 24 32

On, contactor open


On, contactor closed

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95



41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

6 7 8 9 10

Off after overload



13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

Tripped on overload


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

Tripped on short-circuit


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

Off after short-circuit



13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32

Manual reset


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 98 95 95

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32



General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Characteristics : pages 1/146 to 1/155

References : pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions : pages 1/174 and 1/175



TeSys motor starters - open version

Reversing contactor breakers integral 63
Auxiliary contact states according to the positions of the control knob





Auxiliary contact actuators




LA1 LC021
13 23 31





Auxiliary contacts
LA1 LC010 LA1 LC012 LA1 LC025 LA1 LC020
98 13 23 31

LA1 LC001

LA1 LC031
53 63

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13 23 31

96 98

13 23 31

06 08

13 23 31

16 18






96 95

14 24 32


14 24 32


14 24 32


14 24 32



14 24 32
13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32 13 23 31 14 24 32


Contact closed Off + control test function


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

13 23 31 14 24 32 16 18 15 06 08 05 96 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 08 05 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 96 95 98 95 13 23 31 14 24 32 41 42 53 63 54 64

On, reversing contactor open


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

On, closed

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

On, closed

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

Tripped on overload

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

Off after overload


13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

Tripped on short-circuit TRIP. +

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

Off after short-circuit TRIP. +

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42

Manual reset

13 23 31 14 24 32

16 18 15

06 08 05

96 98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

08 05

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

96 95

98 95

13 23 31 14 24 32

41 42


General : pages 1/140 to 1/145

Characteristics : pages 1/146 to 1/155

References : pages1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions : pages 1/174 and 1/175

54 64
53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64 53 63 54 64

Contact open



Dimensions, mounting

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Contactor breakers integral63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Control circuit: a.c. LDpLDp30 + LBpLD03

Control circuit: d.c. LDpLDp30 + LBpLD03 + LA1LD080 LA1 LD080



45 210







158,5 192

= 90

= 90

Reversing contactor breakers integral63

LD5LDp30 + LBpLD03M

Current limiter









6 53,5


160,5 194


63 181


Add-on blocks
For mounting on contactor breakers integral 63 LA1LC012 LA1LC001 LA1LC010 LA1LC07p LA1 LC010 LA1 LC001 LA1 LC012 13 11 LA1 LC070 LA1 LC071 LA1 LC072 26 51 12 9 9 12 LA1LC052 LA1LC020 LA1LC030 (1 ou 2) LA1LC025 LALC001




103 115



= 28 =

146 158,5 192

= 28 =


45 210



LA1 LC001 LA1 LC025 11

8 9 10

For mounting on reversing contactor breakers integral 63 LA1LC021, LC025 LA1LC001

LA1 LC001 LA1 LC021 LA1 LC025 LA1 LC031 LA1 LC021


LA1LC012 LA1LC001 LA1 LC001 LA1 LC012

LA1LC010 LA1LC07pp



LA1 LC010 LA1 LC070 LA1 LC071 LA1 LC072

13 11 12 26






General: pages 1/140 to 1/145

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Schemes: pages 1/176 and 1/177


Mounting (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

On 75 mm 6 rail, with mounting plate LA9LD010

On 32 mm 4 rails, at 220 mm centres

On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1P

1 2 3 4







G 75




a LD1 LD4 LD5 266 266 282

b 137,5 137,5 153,5

c 192 192 194

G 28 28 63 LD1 LD4 LD5

c 192 192 194

G 28 28 63 LD1 LD4 LD5

c 192 192 194

G 28 28 63

With mounting plate LA9LD010 SOn 32 mm 4 rails, at 120 mm centres

LA9 LD010 DZ5 ME5 G




G 78 78 94



192 192 194


LA9 LD010



Minimum electrical clearance

Flush mounting (contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers)

4 (1) a (3) LD1 LD030 LD4 LDp30 LD5 LDp30 LA1 LC010 LA1 LC012 a 90 90 181 a1 13 13 a2 51 51

6 7



a1 a2

1 (2)

LA1 LC012 + LA1 LC052p (1) Maximum door thickness for interlocking by LD4 and LD5. (2) Centre of operating handle. (3) Fixing centre.


LA1 LC010 + LA1 LC052p


Adjustable door interlock mechanisms LA9 LC33p and LA9 LC53p

For mounting on LD4 LDp30 and LD5 LDp30 Door drillings

8 9 10








= = 54


207357 (LD4) 209359 (LD5)

= 28 = = 90 = 59 63 181

45 59

General: pages 1/140 to 1/145

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Schemes: pages 1/176 and 1/177

= = 54




TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Contactor breakers integral 63 with protection module LBp

1 2 3

Reversing contactor breakers integral 63 with protection module LBp

LD5 LDp30 + LB1 LD03M ou LD03P
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 6/T3 6/T3 LA1 LC001 41 42 95 96 32 31 A2 2/T1 2/T1 LA1 LC025 13 23 14 95 98 24 4/T2 4/T2 A1

LD1 LD030 + LB1 LD03p

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

LD4 LDp30 + LB1 LD03p

1/L1 3/L2














5 6 7 8 9 10

Add-on blocks
For contactor breakers LD4 Mounted on LH side
LA1 LC030 (64) (63) 54 53 53 Isolator





For contactor breakers LD1 or LD4 and reversing contactor breakers LD5 Mounted on RH side
Breaker LA1 LC010 13 23 31 LA1 LC012 13 23 31 LA1 LC020 13 23 31 32













For reversing contactor breakers LD5 Mounted on LH side






Control knob position




LA1 LC031 53 63


General: pages 1/140 to 1/145




References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, mounting: pages 1/174 and 1/175




LA1 LC001

LA1 LC021






Short-circuit signalling




1 or 2 LA1LC030

Trip signallingt




Schemes (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Tripping devices (1) for LD1, LD4, LD5

LA1 LC071

Remote electrical reset devices (1) for LD1 to LD5

LA1 LC052p

LA1 LC070, LC072


U< C2 D2

B4 B2 B3


The use of instantaneous auxiliary contact block LA1LC020 prevents the use of tripping devices or electrical reset devices

1 2 3

(1) For contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers already fitted with an LA1 LC010 or LA1 LC012 instantaneous auxiliary contact block.

Interface modules
LA1 LD180

LA1 LD580

+ E1

+ E1

4 5

Voltage converter LA1 LD080 (supply with contactor breakers for c control circuit operation)
Switching by control contact 24 or 48 V Switching by Low level input 24 or 48 V
E1 E3 E2 A2







Low level input (0V)

E1 E3





6 7 8 9 10

General: pages 1/140 to 1/145

References: pages 1/160 to 1/171

Dimensions, mounting: pages 1/174 and 1/175


Presentation, characteristics

TeSys motor starters - open version


Adaptors for use with busbar systems


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General characteristics
Conforming to standards Degree of protection Temperature resistance Rated frequency of current Rated operational current Depending on type of busbar and at 35 C Coefficient K to be applied according to ambient temperature Rated insulation voltage Rated operational voltage Rated permissible With insulated busbar support peak current Busbar dimensions Rated current Maximum let-through energy Support fixing, by screws Cabling, by connectors Flexible cable with cable end Multi-strand cable Solid cable Tightening torque

Reducing the installation time of components is an important factor that also increases productivity. The comprehensive range of adaptors and mounting accessories allows this objective to be achieved. There are numerous advantages: b saving of space in enclosures, b reduced size of enclosures, b reduced wiring time, b increased protection of personnel against accidental direct contact (IP 20) through the use of insulated mounting rails, b flexibility and modularity of equipment, b reliable operation of the equipment with easier maintenance. Description Power distribution is achieved by a 3-pole or 5-pole busbar system. The adaptors clip directly onto the busbar system, providing instantaneous electrical connection. Busbar system pitch: 40 or 60 mm. These adaptors allow mounting of motor starter components such as: b GV2 ME, GV2 P or GV3 ME motor circuit-breakers, b TeSys D and TeSys K contactors up to 38 A, b integral 63 contactor breakers, They are available in different sizes to allow easy installation of varying component combinations. These adaptors can be used in conjunction with interface modules communicating with an AS-Interface cabling system. This enables motor starters to be set up on an AS-Interface cabling system, bringing all the advantages of the 2 technologies.

LA9 Z32199

C Hz mm A C K V V mm kA A 2s mm

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

IEC 60439 IP 20 with insulated mounting rail LA9 Z098pp 120 50/60 12 x 5 12 x 10 15 x 5 20 x 5 20 x 10 25 x 5 200 360 250 320 520 400 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 0.9 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.35 690 conforming to IEC 60947-1 and NF C 20-040 690 LA9 Z11098 and Z11099 LA9 Z11100 and Z11101 12 x 5 12 x 10 12 x 5 12 x 10 20 x 10 35 35 30 35 35 1 x 108 4 x 108 1 x 108 11 x 108 11 x 108 4x6 4x5 LA9 Z11103 LA9 Z11104 Min. Max. Min. Max. 4 35 16 70 4 35 16 70 4 35 1x6 1 x 10

30 x 5 450

30 x 10 630

30 x 5 30 x 10 45 55 6.2 x 108 24.8 x 108 LA9 Z11105 Min. Max. 120 120 35 120 3 x 12

Characteristics of adaptors for use with busbar systems (3-phase)

Adaptor type LA9Z 32196 32228 32229 32199 32200 32208 to 210 32232 32343, 32344 32345 40132, 60132 40232, 60232 32253 32248 32249

Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Conductor c.s.a. (colour: black) Type of conductor insulation Permissible current Rated insulation voltage Rated peak current Maximum let-through energy


A V kA A 2s

IP 20 4 6 6 10 AWG 12 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG 8 PVC 105 C 25 32 32 63 690 conforming to NF C 20-040 and IEC 60947-1 6 6 6 10 2 x 105 2 x 105 2 x 105 3 x 105

16 80 10 3 x 105

2.5 AWG 22/14 15 250

References : pages 1/180 to 1/187

Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189



TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems
Short-circuit resistance

Determining the spacing between busbar supports (1)

Busbar system with 40 mm pitch
Peak current Ipk (kA) Peak current Ipk (kA)

Busbar system with 60 mm pitch

1 2 3 4
30 x 5 450 12 x 10 360 20 x 10 520 30 x 10 630



12 x 5 and 12 x 10

60 30 x 10 50 30 x 5




12 x 10 and 20 x 10



12 x 5

200 300 400 500 Busbar support fixing centres (mm)



200 300 400 500 Busbar support fixing centres (mm)


(1) Depending on the prospective short-circuit current

Current capacity of busbars

mm2 A

For an ambient temperature of 35C and a busbar temperature of 65C

C.s.a. Permissible current 12 x 5 200 15 x 5 250 20 x 5 320 25 x 5 400

If the above climatic conditions are modified, consult the chart below to find the correction factor K2 to be applied.
Ambient temperature Factor K2 2,2
2,1 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 Busbar temperature (C) C 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

5 6 7 8 9 10

Example: in normal operating conditions, a set of 30 x 10 tinned busbars can withstand a continuous load of 630 A. 800 A For a load of 800 A, the correction coefficient K2 to be applied will be 1.3 ( 630 A ). It follows that the temperature rise of the busbars will be 82.5 C.
References : pages 1/180 to 1/187 Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189



1 2 3 4
LC1, LP1, LP4 K06K12

40 mm : LA9 Z32228 60 mm : LA9 Z32229


40 mm : LA9 Z32196


LC1, LP1, LP4 K06K12

5 6
40 mm : LA9 Z40132 60 mm : LA9 Z60132

40 mm : LA9 Z32199 60 mm : LA9 Z32200



8 9
LC1 D09D38

LC1 D09D38




TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems

Adaptors for busbar systems with 40 mm pitch - non-reversing

Motor starter type Operational current AC-3 440 V A 12 Width x height of adaptor mm 45 x 139 45 x 182 32 45 x 182 54 x 182 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.788 0.984 0.984 1.144

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 ME + LC1, LP1, LP4 K06K12 or GV2 P GV2 ME + LC1 D09D38 or GV2 P

4 4 4 4

LA9 Z32196 LA9 Z32228 LA9 Z40132 LA9 Z32199

Adaptors for busbar systems with 60 mm pitch - non-reversing

Motor starter type Operational current AC-3 440 V A 12 32 Width x height of adaptor mm 45 x 182 45 x 182 54 x 182 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.984 0.984 1.220

GV2 ME + LC1, LP1, LP4 K06K12 or GV2 P GV2 ME + LC1 D09D38 or GV2 P

4 4 4

LA9 Z32229 LA9 Z60132 LA9 Z32200

Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189


1 2 3 4
LC2, LP2, LP5 K06K12

60 mm : LA9 Z32210

GV2 ME, GV2 P 40 mm : LA9 Z32232


LC2, LP2, LP5 K06K12

5 6
40 mm : LA9 Z40232 60 mm : LA9 Z60232

40 mm : LA9 Z32208 60 mm : LA9 Z32209


GV2 ME, GV2 P LC2 D09D38

8 9
LC2 D09D38



References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems

Adaptors for busbar systems with 40 mm pitch - reversing

Motor starter type Operational current AC-3 440 V A 12 32 Width x height of adaptor mm 90 x 139 90 x 182 135 x 182 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.788 1.884 0.638

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 ME + LC2, LP2, LP5 K06K12 or GV2 P GV2 ME + LC2 D09D38 or GV2 P

2 4 1

LA9 Z32232 LA9 Z40232 LA9 Z32208

Adaptors for busbar systems with 60 mm pitch - reversing

Motor starter type Operational current AC-3 440 V A 12 32 Width x height of adaptor mm 90 x 182 90 x 182 135 x 182 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 1.868 1.948 0.651

GV2 ME + LC2, LP2, LP5 K06K12 or GV2 P GV2 ME + LC2 D09D38 or GV2 P

4 4 1

LA9 Z32210 LA9 Z60232 LA9 Z32209

Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189


1 2 3
GV3 ME 60 mm : LA9 Z32253

4 5
60 mm : LA9 Z32345

6 7 8 9 10



References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems

Adaptors for busbar systems with 60 mm pitch - non-reversing

Motor starter type Operational current AC-3 440 V A 63 Width x height of adaptor mm 108 x 244 Reference Weight kg 0.887

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

integral LD1, LD4 LD

LA9 Z32345



72 x 182

LA9 Z32253


Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

LA9 Z11099 LA9 Z11098

LA9 Z11103 LA9 Z32936

LA9 Z32

LA9 Z098

LA9 Z11098

LA9 Z11099

LA9 Z32248 LA9 Z32249 LA9 Z91413 LA9 Z11105 LA9 Z32

LA9 Z11100

LA9 Z11101

LA9 Z098

LA9 Z11102
60 mm

LA9 Z11100

LA9 Z11104


LA9 Z11118

LA9 Z11101 LA9 Z11105

LA9 Z32248 LA9 Z32249


40 mm

References (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems

Accessories for busbar sets with 40 mm pitch

Description Busbar system supports (1) 3-pole 3-pole + N + T Insulated rails (length 1 m) For busbars, thickness 5 mm For busbars, thickness 10 mm Connector Protective cover Side module, 13.5 x 182 mm Plug-in terminal blocks on LA9 Z32ppp (7-pole) Capacity 35 mm2 For connector LA9 Z11103 For increasing the width of the adaptor Width 54 mm Width 45 mm Sold in lots of 10 10 10 10 50 1 4 1 1 Unit reference LA9 Z11098 LA9 Z11099 LA9 Z09818 LA9 Z09820 LA9 Z11103 LA9 Z91413 LA9 Z32936 LA9 Z32248 LA9 Z32249 Weight kg 1.040 1.400 0.420 0.940 2.300 0.160 0.472 0.066 0.055

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Accessories for busbar sets with 60 mm pitch

Description Busbar system supports (1) 3-pole 3-pole + N Insulated terminal shroud 3-pole 4-pole Insulated rails (length 1 m) For busbars, thickness 5 mm For busbars, thickness 10 mm Connectors Capacity 70 mm2 3-pole capacity 120 mm2 Protective cover Plug-in terminal blocks on LA9 Z32ppp (7-pole) For connector LA9 Z11104 Width 54 mm Width 45 mm (1) For dimensions and rated operational current, see pages 1/178 and 1/179 (2) Supplied complete with protective cover Sold in lots of 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 1 1 1 1 Unit reference LA9 Z11100 LA9 Z11101 LA9 Z11102 LA9 Z11118 LA9 Z09819 LA9 Z09820 LA9 Z11104 LA9 Z11105 (2) LA9 Z91413 LA9 Z32248 LA9 Z32249 Weight kg 2.100 2.660 0.310 0.380 0.800 0.940 1.875 0.719 0.160 0.066 0.055

Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

Dimensions : pages 1/188 and 1/189



TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems
Motor starter combinations for customer assembly


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 ME or P + LCp, LPp K

GV2 ME or P + LCp D


40/60 40/60


40/60 40/60

40/60 40/60


Motor starter combinations, non-reversing

Motor starter type a b 40 mm system c a c or LC(1) 125 125 145 125 145 139 142 146 146 131 142 140 142 145 125 145 139 142 146 146 137 142 146 146 Adaptor reference LA9 Z32196 LA9 Z32196 LA9 Z32228 LA9 Z32228 LA9 Z40132 LA9 Z40132 LA9 Z40132 LA9 Z40132 LA9 Z32199 LA9 Z32199 LA9 Z32199 LA9 Z32199 60 mm system c a c or LC(1) 135 155 149 152 156 156 141 152 150 152 135 155 149 152 156 156 147 152 156 156 e1 Other 250 180 Adaptor reference LA9 Z32229 LA9 Z32229 LA9 Z60132 LA9 Z60132 LA9 Z60132 LA9 Z60132 LA9 Z32200 LA9 Z32200 LA9 Z32200 LA9 Z32200 LA9 Z32345 LA9 Z32253 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 33 33 50 50

GV2 ME + LC1, LP1 or LP4 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LC1, LP1 or LP4 K06 to K12 GV2 ME + LC1, LP1 or LP4 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LC1, LP1 or LP4 K06 to K12 GV2 ME + LC1 D09 to D18 GV2 P + LC1 D09 to D18 GV2 ME + LC1 D25 to D38 GV2 P + LC1 D25 to D38 GV2 ME + LC1 D09 to D18 GV2 P + LC1 D09 to D18 GV2 ME + LC1 D25 to D38 GV2 P + LC1 D25 to D38 integral 63 LD1, LD4 GV3 ME (1) LC = Low Consumption

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 54 54 54 54 108 72

152 152 184 184 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 244 182

X electrical clearance GV2 ME GV2 P integral 63 GV3 ME

Ue y 415 V 40 40 20 40

Ue = 440 V 40 80 20 40

Ue = 500 and 600 V 40 120 20 50

Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

References : pages 1/180 to 1/187


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys motor starters - open version

Adaptors for use with busbar systems
Motor starter combinations for customer assembly


GV2 ME or P + LC2, LP2 K


60 e1

40/60 40/60


c a


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Motor starter combinations, reversing

Motor starter type a b 40 mm system c a c or LC(1) 125 125 145 139 142 146 146 131 142 140 142 145 139 142 146 146 137 142 146 146 125 145 Adaptor reference LA9 Z32232 LA9 Z32232 LA9 Z40232 LA9 Z40232 LA9 Z40232 LA9 Z40232 LA9 Z32208 LA9 Z32208 LA9 Z32208 LA9 Z32208 LA9 Z32232 LA9 Z32232 60 mm system c a c or LC(1) 135 155 149 152 156 156 141 152 150 152 135 155 149 152 156 156 147 152 156 156 135 155 e1 LD5 Adaptor reference LA9 Z32210 LA9 Z32210 LA9 Z60232 LA9 Z60232 LA9 Z60232 LA9 Z60232 LA9 Z32209 LA9 Z32209 LA9 Z32209 LA9 Z32209 LA9 Z32210 LA9 Z32210 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 33 33 40 40 40 40

GV2 ME + LC2, LP2 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LC2, LP2 K06 to K12 GV2 ME + LC2, LP2 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LC2, LP2 K06 to K12 GV2 ME + LC2 D09 to D18 GV2 P + LC2 D09 to D18 GV2 ME +LC2 D25 to D38 GV2 P + LC2 D25 to D38 GV2 ME + LC2 D09 to D18 GV2 P + LC2 D09 to D18 GV2 ME + LC2 D25 to D38 GV2 P + LC2 D25 to D38 GV2 ME + LP5 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LP5 K06 to K12 GV2 ME + LP5 K06 to K12 GV2 P + LP5 K06 and K12 (1) LC = Low Consumption

90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 135 135 135 135 90 90 90 90

150 150 184 184 200 200 200 200 203 203 201 201 150 150 184 184

Characteristics : pages 1/178 and 1/179

References : pages 1/180 to 1/187


Selection guide

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals


1 2 3 4

Assembly and connection of motor starter components with spring terminals, without using tools Power circuit pre-wiring components Control-command pre-wiring components for TeSys motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME

Product type

For contactors

TeSys D (9 to 25 A) Direct and reversing Limited to 60 A (Ith) Limited to 8 starters (1) 1 Direct Yes No Reversing Yes No

5 6 7 8 9 10

Type of starter Coil control Use with motor starters Number of motor starters Type of connection or bus Number of channels References Pages



(1) With TeSys circuit-breakers GV2ME and upstream terminal block LAD3B1.


Communication with the processing part Control-command pre-wiring components for TeSys motor circuit-breakers GV3P Splitter box Parallel interface module, with Advantys STB network interface module

1 2 3 4

TeSys D (40 to 65 A) Direct Yes Reversing Yes

8 starters per splitter box HE 10 16 inputs/12 outputs

4 starters per module Modbus Plus, Fipio, CANopen, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Profibus DP, INTERBUS, DeviceNet

5 6 7 8 9 10





Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Description : pages 1/194 and 1/195 Characteristics : pages 1/200 and 1/201

TeSys Quickfit is a modular system which standardises and simplifies setting up of motor starters with its pre-wired control and power circuits. Installation of a motor starter is therefore quick, simple, safe and flexible. In addition, this system: b enables the motor starter to be customised at a later date, b reduces maintenance time and b optimises panel space by reducing the number of terminals and intermediate interfaces and the amount of ducting.

System for motor starters with spring terminals

Motor starters with TeSys GV2 ME circuit-breakers b From 0 to 18 A max., b TeSys GV2ME circuit-breakers combined with TeSysD contactors from 9 to 25 A (spring terminal version), b Quickfit pre-wired power and control connections. Motor starters with TeSys GV3 P circuit-breakers b From 9 to 65 A max., b TeSys GV3 P circuit-breakers combined with TeSysD contactors from 40 to 65 A (spring terminal version), b Quickfit pre-wired control connections only, b For pre-wired power connections, use busbar sets from the TeSys D, 40 to 65 A contactor range (see page 5/85).
Motor starter with GV2 ME circuit-breakers

This range comprises pre-wiring components for: b the power circuits, b the control circuits.
Power circuit pre-wiring components (motor starters with TeSys GV2 circuit-breakers only)

b a power circuit connection kit comprising, for each starter, a plate for mounting the contactor and the circuit-breaker and two power connection modules, b a power splitter box for 2 or 4 starters, b an upstream terminal block for a power supply up to 60 A (16mm2), b an outgoing terminal block for connection of the motor power supply cables and the earth cables (6 mm2). Note: with GV3 circuit-breakers, no accessories are required for pre-wiring of the power circuit. The GV3 Ppp outgoing terminal block can be removed. This circuit-breaker is also sold with only one terminal block (reference: GV3 Ppp1).
Control circuit pre-wiring components (motor starters with TeSys GV2 and GV3 circuit-breakers)

Motor starter with GV3P circuit-breakers

b a control circuit connection module which plugs directly into the contactor and the circuit-breaker on each starter. This module incorporates status and control data for this motor starter. b a parallel wiring module which concentrates the data of each motor starter: v HE10 connector, for centralised applications. Data is transmitted to the PLC via the Advantys Telefast pre-wired system. v STB, designed for decentralised automation architectures. This module is suitable for use in an Advantys STB configuration for connection to the PLC via a field bus.

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205


Presentation (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

HE10 connection

1 3

1 Automation platform 2 Connection cable TSXCDPpp or ABFH20pp 3 Splitter box LU9 G02

2 2
Connection on bus using Advantys STB (1) Configuration example (for motor starter applications only):
Power supply module Module STBPDT 3100 Connection base STBXBA 2200 Terminal block STBXTB 1130 Parallel interface module (2) Module STBEPI 2145 Connection base STB XBA 3000 Network interface module (3) CANopen STBNCO 1010 (4) Fipio STBNFP 2210 Ethernet TCP/IP STBNIP 2210 InterBus STBNIB 1010 (4) Profibus DP STBNDP 1010 (4) DeviceNet STBNDN1010 (4) Modbus Plus STBNMP 2210 Terminal block STBWTS 2120

2 3 4 5 6 7

4 Network interface module 5 Supply module 6 Parallel interface module

TeSys Quickfit LAD 9AP3 pp used with modules APP1Cpp

7 TeSys Quickfit module 8 Adapter plate APP2CX 9 Splitter box LU9G02 for 8 direct motor starters, with channel connections on the APP1C module side by two HE 10 connectors (20-way) and on theTeSys Quickfit side, by RJ45 connectors 10 Connection cable APP2AH40H060

9 10

8 9 10

The motor starter is connected to an APP1Cp module 7 using an adapter plate APP 2CX 8 and a connection cable APP2AH40H060 10. Information is available on the module for each motor starter: b 1 output: motor control, b 2 inputs: circuit-breaker status and contactor status.
(1) Please consult our catalogue "Advantys STB I/O. The open solution". (2) For 4 direct or 2 reversing motor starters. (3) Reference to be selected according to the network used. (4) Optimised version.

Description : pages 1/194 and 1/195

Characteristics : pages 1/200 and 1/201

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205



Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Power components
(only for motor starters with TeSys GV2 circuit-breakers) Power kits LAD 3p Each motor starter requires a power kit which consists of a plate 1 and two Quickfit technology power connection modules 2. The plate is used for mounting TeSys D contactors 3 (9 to 25 A, direct or reversing, with spring terminals and fitted with a.c. or d.c. coil) and the GV2ME circuit-breaker 4 only. This plate is mounted on two 35 mm 7 rails or is screwed onto a base plate. The two power connection modules 2a and 2b are identical, whatever the rating of the contactor up to 18 A. The upper power connection module 2a connects the power between the splitter box and the circuit-breaker. The lower power connection module 2b connects the power between the circuitbreaker and the contactor. Splitter boxes LAD 32p Splitter boxes 5 are available for 2 or 4 starters. They can be combined to create motor starters up to 60 A per power supply. A reversing starter occupies a width equivalent to that of 2 direct starters. Direct supply of power to the splitter boxes is possible up to 25 A (4 mm2). Upstream terminal block LAD 3B1 The upstream terminal block 6 performs two functions: b power supply up to 60 A (16 mm2), b power supply between two connected splitter boxes. The upstream terminal block connects to the splitter box using Quickfit technology. It is positioned on the splitter box or straddling two splitter boxes and takes up a width equivalent to two motor starters. Outgoing terminal block LAD 331 The outgoing terminal block 7 performs two functions: b connection of the motor power supply cables up to 6 mm2, b connection of the motor earth cables. In addition, the terminal block enables quick connection and disconnection for maintenance, avoiding the risk of phase reversal. The outgoing terminal block connects to the downstream spring terminals on the contactor, using Quickfit technology.

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation: pages 1/192 and 1/193 Characteristics: pages 1/200 and 1/201


2b 3

References: pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions: pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes: pages 1/204 and 1/205


Description (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Control circuit connection modules LAD 9 AP3 pp The control circuit connection module 1 plugs directly into the control terminals on the contactor and on the TeSys GV2 ME or TeSys GV3 P motor circuit-breaker, in the location provided for the front-mounting block. It is compatible with all contactor ratings up to 18 A for TeSys GV2ME and 65A for TeSys GV3P. Mechanical locking 2 of the system onto the top of the contactor ensures a perfect connection, whatever the operating conditions (vibrations, knocks, etc.). These modules are available in 4 versions: for direct or reversing starter, with or without contactor coil interface relay. The coil control can be a.c. or d.c., up to a 250 V and c 130 V. The version without relay is designed to control the contactor coils with no interface, at 24 V d.c. The version with relay has a connector for connecting the contactor power supply. Module LAD9AP3pp incorporates, in its lower part, several external connectors: 3 RJ45 connector, for connecting the automation system. 4 2-way connector, for connecting the contactor power supply (only on versions with relay). 5 2-way connector, for connecting an external contact in series with the contactor coil (supplied complete with shunt)
2 3 4 5

Control/command components

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Parallel wiring modules The parallel wiring system makes it possible to connect motor starters which incorporate TeSys Quickfit technology to the processing unit (PLC) quickly and without any need for tools. The parallel wiring module provides the status and command information for each motor starter. Control connection modules LAD9AP3pp are connected to the parallel wiring modules using RJ45 cables LU9Rpp 6, which are available in different lengths. The following information is available for each motor starter: b 2 inputs: circuit-breaker status and contactor status, b 1 output: contactor coil control. A direct motor starter uses one RJ45 channel. A reversing motor starter uses two RJ45 channels.
Note: for motor starters built using TeSys GV3 circuit-breakers and TeSysD contactors, the Quickfit pre-wired system allows the contactor to be mounted below the circuit-breaker or mounting of the two devices side by side. Parallel wiring module LU9 G02

This module 7 enables connection of up to 8 direct or 4 reversing motor starters directly to the I/O modules of PLCs. It is used with the Advantys Telefast pre-wiring system (1). This splitter box is optimised for use with card TSX DMZ28DTK.
Dedicated parallel interface module STBEPI2145 (2)

This module enables 4 direct or 2 reversing motor starters to be connected via the Advantys STB distributed I/O solution. With STB network interface modules, motor starters can be connected to the following communication networks: Modbus Plus, FIPIO, CANopen, Ethernet TCP/IP, ProfibusDP, INTERBUS and DeviceNet.
(1) Please consult our catalogue Power supplies, splitter boxes and interfaces. (2) Please consult our catalogue "Advantys STB I/O. The open solution".

Presentation: pages 1/192 and 1/193

Characteristics: pages 1/200 and 1/201

References: pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions: pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes: pages 1/204 and 1/205



LAD 352 GV2 MEpp3

3 4
Power circuit pre-wiring components Direct starter

LC1 Dpp3

LAD 331

5 6 7 8
LC2 Dpp3

9 10

Power circuit pre-wiring components Reversing starter



Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Power circuit pre-wiring components (only for motor starters with TeSys GV2 circuit-breakers)
Description Maximum connection c.s.a. 16 mm2 (1) Extension by LAD32p Application Sold in lots of 1 Reference LAD3B1 Reference LAD 322 LAD 324 Reference Upstream terminal block LAD3B1 Description Power splitter box, 60 A Power supply of 1 or 2 power splitter boxes Number of starters 2 4 Description LAD 324 Composition

Weight kg 0.212 Weight kg 0.120 0.240 Weight kg 0.078

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Direct starter
Power connection kit 1 plate LAD 311 for GV2 ME and 2 power connection modules LAD341 LAD 352

Reversing starter
To build a reversing starter, order 2 kits LAD352 Description Outgoing terminal block Description LAD 352 Plate for mounting a GV2 ME circuit-breaker and a contactor Power connection module Maximum connection c.s.a. 6 mm2 Application Connection of motor cables No. of starters 1 1 Sold in lots of 10 Sold in lots of 10 10 Reference LAD 331 Unit reference LAD 311 LAD 341 Weight kg 0.050 Weight kg 0.042 0.018

LAD 331

(1) Cables with one end pre-crimped are available to allow fast connection. References: 1 set of 3 x 6 mm 2 cables (length 1 m: LAD 3B061, length 2 m: LAD 3B062 and length 3 m: LAD 3B063), 1 set of 3 x 10 mm2 cables (length 1 m: LAD 3B101, length 2 m: LAD 3B102 and length 3 m: LAD 3B103), 1 set of 3 x 16 mm2 cables (length 1 m: LAD 3B161, length 2 m: LAD 3B162 and length 3 m: LAD 3B163).

Presentation: pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description: pages 1/194 and 1/195

Characteristics: pages 1/200 and 1/201

Dimensions: pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes: pages 1/204 and 1/205


STB EPI 2145

LAD 32p

GV2 MEpp3

LC1 Dpp3 LC2 Dpp3

3 4 5 6
GV3 Ppp


LC1 DppA3

LC2 DppA3

8 9 10
Note: Circuit-breakers TeSys GV3P and contactors LC1 D40A3 to D65A3 can be mounted side by side, using a set of S-shape busbars (GV3 S).


References (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Control-command pre-wiring components

Description TeSys D coil voltage Control connection modules a 12... 250 V or c 5...130 V c 24 V

Type of coil control relay Electromechanical

Type of starter Direct Reversing

Reference LAD9AP31 LAD9AP32 LAD9AP3D1 LAD9AP3D2

Weight kg 0.150 0.200 0.140 0.190

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Without relay

Direct Reversing

Parallel wiring modules (c 24 V)

Description LAD 9AP3p Splitter box Description Advantys STB parallel interface module Connectors PLC side 2 x HE 10 20-way Connectors PLC side Motor starter side 4 x RJ45 Motor starter side 8 x RJ45

Reference LU9G02 Reference STBEPI2145

Weight kg 0.260 Weight kg 0.165

Connection cables
Connectors 2 x RJ45 connectors

Between the control connection module and the splitter box LU9G02 or STBEPI2145
Length m 0.3 1 3 LU9 R03 LU9 R10 LU9 R30 Reference Weight kg 0.045 0.065 0.125

Between splitter box LU9G02 and the PLC

Type of connection PLC side HE 10 20-way Splitter box side AWG HE 10 20-way 22 mm2 0.324 m 0.5 1 2 3 5 28 0.080 1 2 3 Bare wires HE 10 20-way 22 0.324 3 5 TSX CDP 053 TSX CDP 103 TSX CDP 203 TSX CDP 303 TSX CDP 503 ABFH20H100 ABFH20H200 ABFH20H300 TSX CDP 301 TSX CDP 501 kg 0.085 0.150 0.280 0.410 0.670 0.080 0.140 0.210 0.400 0.660 Gauge C.s.a. Length Reference Weight

Separate components
Description Spring terminal connections for: b the external contact b the auxiliary power supply Self-stripping connector for: b the external contact b the auxiliary power supply Connecting cable between module APP1Cp and splitter box LU9 G02 ( length: 0.6 m)

Characteristics 2-way, 5 mm pitch Wire c.s.a.: 0.22.5 mm 2-way, 5 mm pitch Wire c.s.a.: 0.75 mm Connectors: 1 x HE 10, 30-way 2 x HE 10, 20-way

Sold in lots of 10

Unit reference APE 1PRE21

Weight kg 0.020




APP 2AH40H060


Presentation: pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description: pages 1/194 and 1/195

Characteristics: pages 1/200 and 1/201

Dimensions: pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes: pages 1/204 and 1/205



Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Type of control connection module

1 2 3 4 5 6

General environment
Standard Certifications Degree of protection Resistance to incandescent wire Shock resistance Vibration resistance Resistance to electrostatic discharge Resistance to radiated fields Immunity to fast transient currents Surge withstand Immunity to radioelectric fields Ambient air temperature

LAD9AP3pp IEC 60439-1 UL, CSA IP 40 (mounted assembly) 960 11 ms and 15 gn (half sine wave) 2100 Hz : 4 and 3100 Hz: 0,7 Level 3 10 (261000 MHz) Level 3 2 in common mode, 0.6 in differential mode Wave form: 1.2/50 s - 8/20 s 10 (0.15...80 MHz) - 5+ 60 - 5+ 40 - 40+ 70 > 30 3 On 2 x 35 mm rails or with 2 x 5.5 mm screws on plate for GV2 ME 3 16 25 25 2 1.5 2.5 2.5

Conforming to IEC 60529 Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1

Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 gn and BV/LR Conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-6 Operation in floor-standing enclosure Operation in wall-mounted enclosure V/m

kV V C C C mm

Storage Space required around For inserting cables mounted assembly and heat dissipation Degree of pollution Assembly fixing (with TeSys GV2 circuit-breakers only) Suitable wire c.s.a. Voltage supply Number of wires for power Flexible cable with cable end Flexible cable without cable end Solid cable Voltage supply Number of wires for contactor Flexible cable coil control with cable end (max) Flexible cable without cable end (max) Solid cable (max)

mm mm mm mm mm mm

3-phase power circuit characteristics

Maximum current

7 8 9 10

Per power supply Per sub-base GV2 operating limit Maximum current per starter Insulation voltage Operational voltage U imp Rated operational frequency Rated short-circuit current conditional Isc at 415 V Permissible short-time rating Icw

Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to IEC 60439-1

A A A V V kV Hz kA kA

60 (single power supply to one or more sub-bases or splitter boxes) 60 80 % of Imax at 60 C ambient temperature (see table on opposite page) 18 (with an empty slot between two starters) 750 690 6 50-60 50 9.1 (for 70 ms)

Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to IEC 60439-1

Control circuit characteristics

V V V a 12250 (with interface relay) c 524 (without interface relay) c 5130 (with interface relay)

Contactor coil control voltage

Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/194 and 1/195

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205


Characteristics (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Table of GV2 circuit-breaker current limitation at 60C ambient temperature with TeSys Quickfit
Circuit-breaker reference GV2 ME06 GV2 ME07 GV2 ME08 GV2 ME10 GV2 ME14 GV2 ME16 GV2 ME20 GV2 ME21 GV2 ratings (1) 1 - 1.6 A 1.6 - 2.5 A 2.5 - 4 A 4 - 6.3 A 6 - 10 A 9 - 14 A 13 - 18 A 17 - 23 A Maximum current of GV2 with TeSys Quickfit 1.28 A 2A 3.2 A 5A 8A 11.2 A 14.4 A 18 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Electromechanical relay characteristics

Type of control connection module Rated voltage at Us Energisation threshold at 40 C Drop-out voltage at 20 C Maximum operational voltage Maximum current at Us Drop-out current at 20 C Maximum power dissipated at Us Supply failure V V V V mA mA W ms LAD9AP31, LAD9AP32 c 24 c 19.2 c 2.4 c 30 15 1 0.36 5

Characteristics of the electromechanical relay control circuit (PLC side)

Characteristics of the electromechanical relay output circuit

Type of contact Maximum switching voltage Frequency of the operating current Maximum current of the contact V V Hz A 1F a 250 c 130 50/60 4

Other characteristics of the electromechanical relay

Maximum operating time at Us (including bounce) Between coil energisation and closing of the contact Between coil de-energisation and opening of the contact No load At Ie In millions of operating cycles ms ms Hz Hz 10 5 10 0.5 20

Maximum operating ratet Mechanical life

Dielectric strength Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Primary/secondary rated insulation voltage Maximum current 24 V - DC13 for 500 000 operations 230 V - AC15

V 1000 (50/60 Hz) - 1 mn kV 2.5 V 300 A 0.6 A 0.9 (1) Thermal trip setting range.

Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/194 and 1/195

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and 1/203

Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205



Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals


1 2 3

Mounted assembly, with TeSys GV2ME circuit-breakers and TeSys D contactors


5 2 4 3


4 5 6 7 8

110 135
1 Circuit-breaker and contactor support plate 2 Power connection module 3 Power splitter box 4 Control splitter box 5 Upstream terminal block 6 Outgoing terminal block (1) 2 starters: 90 mm, 4 starters: 180 mm, 8 starters: 360 mm.


Mounted assembly with TeSys GV3P circuit-breakers and TeSys D contactors (LC1D40A3 LC1D65A3)
Vertical mounting Side by side mounting



2 1

1 1




141 55 55


1 Control splitter box 2 Set of GV3 G264 busbars 3 Set of S-shape busbars GV3S

Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/192 and1/193

Characteristics : pages 1/200 and 1/201

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205



Dimensions (continued), schemes

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals


Parallel wiring modules

Splitter box LU9 G02 75 47 Parallel wiring module Advantys STB EPI 2145 5 70

1 2


42 155 120 35


28,1 (1) (1)Dimension to be multiplied by the number of STB EPI 2145 modules present in the configuration. 10

Splitter box LU9 G02
X1 Control contact NC Output common NC Contactor status RJ45 NC Circuit-breaker status Input common X2 RJ45 X3 LU9 G02

Colours of TSXCDPppp connection cable wires (4)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

RJ45 X4 RJ45 X5


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Control contact NC Output common NC Contactor status NC Circuit-breaker status Input common

Fault X1 Fault X2 Fault X3 Fault X4 Fault X5 Fault X6 Fault X7 Fault X8 Pole status X1 Pole status X2 Pole status X3 Pole status X4 Pole status X5 Pole status X6 Pole status X7 Pole status X8 + 24 V Aux - 24 V Aux + 24 V Aux - 24 V Aux

5 6 7 8 9 10
Schemes : pages 1/204 and 1/205

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 White 2 Brown 3 Green 4 Yellow 5 Grey 6 Pink 7 Blue 8 Red 9 Black 10 Violet 11 Grey-pink 12 Red-blue 13 White-green 14 Brown-green 15 White-yellow 16 Yellow-brown 17 White-grey 18 Grey-brown 19 White-pink 20 Pink-brown

Control X1 Control X2 Control X3 Control X4 Control X5 Control X6 Control X7 Control X8 Not used with TeSys Quickfit NC NC NC NC + c 24 V - c 24 V + c 24 V - c 24 V

X6 RJ45

X7 RJ45 X8 RJ45

24 V

24 V Aux Inputs


(2) 20-way HE10 input connector. (3) 20-way HE10 output connector. (4) Wire colours and corresponding HE10 connector pin numbers. Characteristics : pages 1/200 and 1/201 References : pages 1/196 to 1/199


Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/192 and 1/193



Schemes (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Wiring schemes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With relay























KA1 (2)


KA1 (2)






KA2 (2)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Shunt 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Shunt 1


Shunt 2

Q1 Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breaker. (1) Contactor coil. (2) Interface relay.

Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Characteristics : pages 1/200 and 1/201

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and 1/203


Schemes (continued)

Installation system

TeSys Quickfit for motor starter components

Components with spring terminals

Wiring schemes (continued)

Without relay










2 3 4
Shunt 2










8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Shunt 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Shunt 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Q1 Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breaker. (1) Contactor coil.










5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Description : pages 1/192 and 1/193

Characteristics : pages1/200 and 1/201

References : pages 1/196 to 1/199

Dimensions : pages 1/202 and1/203


1 2 3
5 1

4 5 6

8 10 11


6 9

7 8 9 10
10 AK5-ASS-3-Q 15 12 14

6 7 13



Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

The assembly of automated control and distribution panels requires the use of products that are not only safe but also simple and quick to mount and cable. The AK5 pre-assembled busbar system meets all these criteria by incorporating prefabricated components which cater for 3 principal functions:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Carrying of electric current

By the pre-assembled 4-pole busbar system 1, 160 A at 35 C. 4-pole busbar systems can be used for 3-phase + Neutral or 3-phase + Common. The busbar systems are available in 6 lengths: 344, 452, 560, 668, 992, 1100 mm. An incoming supply terminal block 2 is located at the extreme left of the busbar system. "Knock-out" partitions allow connection of the power supply from above or below to connectors 3 which are protected by a removable cover 4. Upstream protection of the busbar system is shown on page 1/208.

Current distribution
Tap-off units 5 (factory assembled) are available in 4 versions: b 2-pole, b 3-pole, b 4-pole (3-phase + Neutral), b 4-pole (3-phase + Common). The tap-offs clip onto the busbar system with instantaneous mechanical and electrical connection to the busbars. 2 ratings are available: 16 and 32 A. The tap-off units ensure not only rapid mounting, but also a neat appearance for the power distribution system and complete safety when accessing under live circuit conditions.

Component mounting
Component mounting plates with incorporated tap-off allow mounting of and supply of power to components. They are available in 25 A or 50 A ratings. These mounting plates clip onto the mounting rail 11, which also supports the busbar system, and at the same time make electrical connection via the incorporated tapoff. 2 types of mounting plate are available: b single plates 6 (height 105 mm), with bolt-on 35 mm wide 7 rail 7, which may be bolted on in one of two positions, allowing height adjustment of 10 mm. b double plates 8 and 14 (height 190 mm), with two bolt-on, 35 mm wide 7 rails 9 mounted on 100 mm fixing centres; each rail may be bolted on in one of 4 positions, allowing height adjustment in 10 mm steps. These plates are supplied with connectors 12 to allow wiring between control and protection devices. Single mounting plates enable the following types of distribution: b 2-pole (Ph + N) and (Ph + Ph) b 3-pole, b 4-pole (3 Ph + N or 3 Ph + common). Double mounting plates enable the following types of distribution: 2-pole (Ph + N, Ph + Ph), 3-pole or 4-pole (3Ph+N and 3Ph + common). Extension plates 10 can be bolted onto single and double mounting plates to enable mounting of wider components. Using a side stop 15 in conjunction with these extension plates also supports the AK5 JB busbar system when used vertically. A control terminal block 13 comprising a support plate bolted onto the single or double mounting plates and a 10-pole plug-in block, enables connection of the control circuit wires (c.s.a. 1.5 mm2 max).
Characteristics : pages 1/208 and 1/209 References : pages 1/212 and 1/213 Dimensions : pages 1/214 and 1/215 Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 and 1/211



Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Busbar system characteristics

1 2 3 4

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Against access to live parts

IEC 60439 UL, CSA, DNV, LROS IP XXB conforming to IEC 60529

Flame resistance

Conforming to IEC 60695 Conforming to standard UL 94

850 (incandescent wire) V0 4 a

Number of conductors Supply current Rated operational frequency Rated operational current


Hz Ambient temperature 35 C A

50 or 60 160

Coefficient K to be applied according to the ambient temperature












Rated insulation voltage

Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to UL and CSA


690 600 Off-load plugging-in and unplugging, with supply switched on 400 480 Plugging-in and unplugging, with supply switched off 690 600 25

5 6

Operational voltage Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to UL, CSA V V

Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to UL, CSA Maximum permissible peak current

V V kA

7 8 9 10

Maximum let-through energy Upstream short-circuit (1) and overload protection Type of protection

A 2s

1 x 10 7 Schneider Electric circuit-breaker NS 160 H NS 160 H 160 70 Fuses aM 160 100 gF 160 100

Rating Prospective short-circuit current Operational current Cabling Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable Tightening torque Mounting position Horizontal or vertical (2)

A kA

160 36

160 Maximum c.s.a.


160 Minimum c.s.a. 2.5 2.5


mm2 mm2 Nm

70 70 10

Fixing with screws provided (1) For conditions where conditional short-circuit current exceeds 25 kA. (2) Using side stop AK5BT01 on mounting plates AK5PA. Dimensions : pages 1/214 and 1/215 Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 and 1/211

Prsentation : pages 1/206 and 1/207

References : pages 1/212 and 1/213


Characteristics (continued)

Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Tap-off characteristics
Type AK5 PC12 Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Polarity IEC 60439 UL, LROS, CSA, DNV Against access to live parts: IP XXB conforming to IEC 529 Phase + Neutral Conductor c.s.a. (UL cables) mm2 2 x 2.5 Phase + Phase 2 x 2.5 3 x 2.5 3-phase 3-phase + Neutral 4 x 2.5 3-phase + Common 3 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 Phase + Neutral 2x4 Phase + Phase 2x4 3x4 3-phase 3-phase + Neutral 4x4 3-phase + Common 3x4 1 x 1.5 AK5 PC12PH AK5 PC13 AK5 PC14 AK5 PC131 AK5 PC32L AK5 AK5 PC33L AK5 PC34 PC34L AK5 PC331 PC32LPH PC33

1 2 3 4 5

Conductor colours

Black Blue (Neutral)



Black Blue (Neutral)

Black White

Black Blue (Neutral)



Black Blue (Neutral)

Black White (Common)

Permissible current





16 10 (Common)





32 10 (Common)

Rated insulation voltage Rated peak current Maximum let-through energy Type of conductor insulation

V kA A 2s

690 conforming to IEC 60439-1 6 100 000 PVC 105 C 200000

Tap-off characteristics
Type AK5 PA211N1 PA211N2 PA211N3 PA212N1 PA212N2 PA212N3 IEC 60439 UL, LROS, CSA, DNV Against access to live parts: IP XXB conforming to IEC 60529 Phase + Neutral mm2 2x4 Phase + Phase 2x4 3-phase 3-phase + Neutral 4x4 3-phase + Common 3x4 1 x 1.5 25 10 (Common) 3-phase 3-phase + Neutral 2 x (4 x 4) 3-phase + Common 2 x (3 x 4) 1 x 1.5 50 10 (Common) AK5 PA211PH12 PA211PH13 PA211PH23 PA212PH12 PA212PH13 PA212PH23 AK5 PA231 PA232 PA232S AK5 PA241 PA242 AK5 PA2311 PA2312 PA2312S AK5 PA532 AK5 PA542 AK5 PA5312

6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Polarity

Conductor c.s.a. (UL cables) Permissible current Rated insulation voltage Rated peak current Maximum let-through energy Type of conductor insulation


2 x (3 x 4)

A V kA A 2s







690 conforming to IEC 60439-1 6 200 000 PVC 105 C


Characteristics of mounting rails AM1DL201 and AM1DL2017 Omega 7 (width 75 mm, depth 15 mm)
2 mm sheet steel Galvanized

Material Surface treatment


Mounting (equipment possibilities)

Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Component mounting plates incorporating tap-off mounted on AK5 JB busbar system

1 2
Note: if the equipment is wider than the mounting plate, an extension plate can be used to increase the width of the support plate. AK5 PA211N1 PA211N2 PA211N3 54 105 3 25 A Ph + N Minimum centres with 60 mm ducting AK5 AK5 PA231 PA241 PA2311 (1) 54 105 3 25 A 3-pole 54 105 3 25 A AK5 PA212N1 PA212N2 PA212N3 54 190 3 25 A AK5 PA212PH12 PA213PH13 PA212PH23 54 190 3 25 A AK5 AK5 PA232 PA242 PA2312 (1) 54 190 3 25 A 3-pole 54 190 4 25 A 3-pole +N AK5 PA232S PA2312S (1) 108 190 6 25 A 3-pole AK5 AK5 PA532 PA542 PA5312 (1) 108 190 6 50 A 3-pole 108 190 6 50 A 3-pole +N

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) 3-pole + common Mounting Width in mm plate incorporating Height in mm tap-off No. of 18 mm pitches Thermal current Application Motor starter type

3-pole Ph + N Ph + Ph +N Number of points used on the busbar system

Fuses, contactors and thermal overload relay

LS1D25 170 LS1D25 + LA8D254 170 LS1 D25 + LC1 -D09 to D25 and overload relay up to LR2 D1322 320 LS1D25 + LC1D09 to D25 (with 1 add-on block LA8 D) + 320 overload relay up to LR2 D1322 LS1D25 + LC2D09 to D18 (with 1 add-on block LA8 D) + overload relay up to LR2D1322 LS1D25 + LC2D25 with 1 add-on block LA8 D) + overload relay up to LR2D1322 4 4 5 4 4

Fuses, reversing contactors + thermal overload relay

320 320 6 7

Optimal breaker switch

GK2CF03 to CF22 GK2CF03 to CF22 + 4 blocks GK2AX GK3EF40 GK3 EF40 + 4 blocks GK2 AX GK2CF03 to CF21 + LC1D09 to D18 + overload relay up to LR2 D1322 GK2CF03 to CF22 + LC1D09 to D25 + overload relay up to LR2 D1322 GK2CF03 to CF22 + 4 blocks GK2-AX + LC1 D09 to D18 with 1 block LA8 D + overload relay up to LR2 D1322 GK2CF03 to CF22 + 4 blocks GK2 AX + LC1 D09 to D18 with 1 block LA8 D + overload relay up to LR2 D1322 GK2CF03 to CF22 + 4 blocks GK2 AX + LC2D25 with 1 block LA8 D + overload relay up to LR2 D1322 170 170 270 270 3 5 6 6

Optimal breaker switch + contactor + thermal overload relay

320 320 320 3 4 5

Optimal breaker switch + reversing contactor + thermal overload relay

320 6



Mounting (equipment possibilities)


Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Component mounting plates incorporating tap-off mounted on AK5 JB busbar system

1 2
AK5 PA211N1 PA211N2 PA211N3 54 105 3 25 A Ph + N AK5 AK5 AK5 PA241 PA212N1 PA212PH12 PA212N2 PA213PH13 PA212N3 PA212PH23 54 54 54 105 190 190 3 3 3 25 A 25 A 25 A 3-pole Ph + N Ph + Ph +N Number of points used on the busbar system AK5 PA231 PA2311 (1) 54 105 3 25 A 3-pole AK5PA 232 PA2312 (1) 54 190 3 25 A 3-pole AK5 AK5 PA242 PA232S PA2312S (1) 54 108 190 190 4 6 25 A 25 A 3-pole 3-pole +N AK PA532 PA5312 (1) 108 190 6 50 A 3-pole AK5 PA542 108 190 6 50 A 3-pole +N

Note 1: if the equipment is wider than the mounting plate, an extension plate can be used to increase the width of the support plate. Note 2: for upstream protection, see page 1/208 (1) 3-pole + common Mounting Width in mm plate Height in mm incorporating No. of 18 mm pitches tap-off Thermal current Application Motor starter type Minimum centres with 60 mm ducting 170 270

3 4

Motor circuit-breaker (type 1 coordination)

GV2p06 to p22 GV3M01 to M40 3 6

Motor circuit-breaker + contactor

GV2p06 to p16 + LC1 D09 or D12 with 1 add-on block LA8 D 270 GV2p06 to p20 + LC1D09 270 to D18 GV2p06 to p22 + LC1 D09 or D12 with 1 add-on block LA8 D 270 GV3M01 to M40 with GV1App + LC1D09 to D32 270 270 4 3

5 6 7

7 8

GV3M01 to M40 + LC1D09 to D32 with 1 add-on block LA8D GV2p06 to p20 + LC2-D09 to D18 with or without add-on block LA8 D GV2p22 with 1 add-on block LA8D 2369p 2370p 2371p and 2372p

Motor circuit-breaker + reversing contactor

270 270 170 170 170 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 6 7 3 3

C 60 circuit-breaker for circuit protection

8 9 10



Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Busbar systems

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AK5PC14 AK5PC12 AK5JB1pp

The busbar system can be screw-mounted onto any type of support. However. if it is to be used in conjunction with component mounting plates incorporating a tap-off, it is essential that it is mounted on the AM1DL201 rail. When mounting tap-offs, the rated operational current of the busbar system should be taken into account: 160 A at 35 C. Number of Number of Length Suitable for Reference Weight conductors tap-offs at mounting in 18 mm intervals enclosure width mm mm kg 4 (1) 12 344 600 AK5JB143 0.700 18 24 30 48 54 452 560 668 992 1100 800 800 800 1200 1200 AK5JB144 AK5JB145 AK5JB146 AK5JB149 AK5JB1410 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.900 2.100

Omega rail, width 75 mm

This rail is designed to accommodate the busbar system when it is used with AK5 PA mounting plates incorporating tapoffs. It supportsthe busbar system. The plates simply clip onto the rail. Material and surface treatment 2 mm sheet steel Depth mm 15 Length mm 2000 (4) Sold in lots of 6 Unit reference AM1 DL201 Weight kg 3.000

Removable power sockets

Use Number of points used on the busbar system Thermal current A Single-phase + Neutral 2-phase 1 16 32 1 16 32 3-phase 2 16 32 Cable lengths mm 200 1000 200 1000 200 250 1000 3-phase + Neutral 2 16 32 200 250 1000 3-phase + common 2 16 10 (common) 32 10 (common) 200 6 (2) 6 (2) 6 (3) 6 (3) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 AK5PC12 AK5PC32L AK5PC12PH AK5PC32LPH AK5PC13 AK5PC33 AK5PC33L AK5PC14 AK5PC34 AK5PC34L AK5PC131 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.035 0.040 0.035 0.040 0.040 0.045 0.060 0.045 0.050 0.065 0.045

8 9 10
Presentation : pages 1/206 and 1/207






Maximum no. C.s.a. mm2 Sold in Unit of connections lots of reference Cable guide 4 2.5 or 4 20 AK5GF1 (1) 4-pole: 3-phase + Neutral or 3-phase + Common. (2) Total of 6 sockets supplied: 2 sockets (N + L1), 2 sockets (N + L2). 2 sockets (N + L3). (3) Total of 6 sockets supplied: 2 sockets (L1 + L2), 2 sockets (L1 + L3). 2 sockets (L2 + L3). (4) Cut and drill to suit use.

Weight kg 0.300

Characteristics : pages 1/208 and 1/209

Dimensions : pages 1/214 and1/215

Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 and 1/211


References (continued)

Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Single plate (height 105 mm)

Use Single-phase + neutral

Component mounting plates incorporating tap-off

No. of 18mm Phase points used on the busbar system 3 Ph1+N Ph2+N Ph3+N Ph1+Ph2 Ph1+Ph3 Ph2+Ph3 Thermal currentA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Number of 6 rails for component support 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reference AK5PA211N1 AK5PA211N2 AK5PA211N3 AK5PA211PH12 AK5PA211PH13 AK5PA211PH23 AK5PA231 AK5PA2311 AK5PA241 Weight kg 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.145

1 2 3



3-phase 3 3-phase + common 3 3-phase + neutral 3

Double plate (height 190 mm)

Prefabricated 25 A connectors are supplied for connecting the 2 protection and control devices. Single-phase + neutral 2-phase 3 Ph1+N Ph2+N Ph3+N Ph1+Ph2 Ph1+Ph3 Ph2+Ph3 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 (10 common) 25 (10 common) 50 (10 common) 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 AK5PA212N1 AK5PA212N2 AK5PA212N3 AK5PA212PH12 AK5PA212PH13 AK5PA212PH23 AK5PA232 AK5PA232S AK5PA532 AK5PA242 AK5PA2312 AK5PA2312S AK5PA5312 AK5PA542 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.230 0.600 0.700 0.230 0.235 0.610 0.710 0.715


3 6

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


3-phase + neutral 3 3-phase + common 3 6

3-phase + neutral

Extension plates
These plates bolt onto the equipment support plates, after having removed them from the rails, to be able to mount wider components. Use Number of tap-offs Reference Weight at 18 mm intervals kg For mounting Single 4 AK5PE17 0.100 plates incorDouble 4 AK5PE27 0.150 porating tap-off

Side stop (AK5JB mounted vertically)

Use For extension plate AK5BT01 Sold in lots of 50 Unit reference AK5BT01 Weight kg 0.005

Control terminal blocks

Description Thermal current A 10-pole terminal blocks, for screwing onto plate AK5 PAppp 10 Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference AK5SB1 Weight kg 0.065

10-pole front connecting plug-in terminal blocks which can be clipped onto 1 6 4 rails Fixed part 10 10 AB1 DV10235U Moving part 10 10 AB1 DVM10235U

0.047 0.021

AK5SB1 Description Strips of clip-in markers 10 identical numbers, signs or capital letters per strip Marking 09 + AZ Sold in lots of 25 25 25 25 Unit reference AB1Rp (1) AB1 R12 AB1 R13 AB1Gp (1) Weight kg 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050

(1) Replace the p in the selected reference with the number or letter required. Example: AB1R1 or AB1GA.

Presentation : pages 1/206 and 1/207

Characteristics : pages 1/208 and 1/209

Dimensions : pages 1/214 and 1/215

Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 and 1/211



Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Busbar systems

1 2




81 45

AK5 JB143 JB144 JB145 JB146 JB149 JB1410

a 344 452 560 668 992 1100

G 330 438 546 654 978 1086

No. of 18 mm points

Busbar feed units

G a

12 18 24 30 48 54

Installation of AK5JBppp busbar systems Connection Flexible cable with or without cable end 1 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 Flexible bar Flexible bar 9x4 + 1 x 2.5 9x4 + 1 x 35 2 x (9 x 4) 1 x 70 (1) 2 x 35 C.s.a. in mm2 min max

5 6 7
Removable power sockets 16 and 32 A
AK5PC12p. AK5PC32Lp

+ flexible cable with or without cable end

(1) Maximum c.s.a. or connection of conductor without cable end.

Mounting plates incorporating tap-offs, 25 A

AK5PA2p1. AK5PA2311. AK5PA211pppp

Single width extension plates



38 17,5

9 10

AK5PCp3. AK5PC33L AK5PCp4. AK5PC34L AK5PCp31

53 (1)

53 (1)









15 7


Note: It is recommended that the power sockets or the removable plates are connected as close as possible to the busbar feed unit. (1) Can be fixed at 43 mm Presentation : pages 1/206 and 1/207 Characteristics : pages 1/208 and 1/209 References : pages 1/212 and 1/213 Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 and 1/211






Power distribution in control panels

Pre-assembled panel busbar system AK5

Component mounting plates incorporating tap-off

AK5PA232. AK5PA2312. AK5PA242

Double extension plate


53 (1)

53 (1)


10 100 190








15 7


4 5 6 7 8 9

Component mounting plates incorporating tap-off

AK5PA232S. AK5PA2312S AK5PA532. AK5PA5312. AK5PA542

Side stop

Control terminal block


4,2 22



(1) Can be fixed at 43 mm Presentation : pages 1/206 and 1/207 Characteristics : pages 1/208 and 1/209 References : pages 1/212 and 1/213 Mounting possibilities : pages 1/210 et 1/211




2 - TeSys motor starters: enclosed version

Selection guide  page 2/2

1 2

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors

b Pre-assembled page 2/4 b Assembled by the user page 2/5

b Add-on modules page 2/6 b VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors for the North American market, conforming to UL and CSA standards  page 2/10

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers

b TeSys GV2 ME v Standard  page 2/12 v Assembly of a safety enclosure page 2/14 b TeSys GV3 PC page 2/13

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

D.O.L. starters for motor control

b 0.55 to 30 kW v With manual control and with magnetic circuit-breaker  page 2/18 b 2.2 to 45 kW v Without isolating device page 2/20 v With isolating device  page 2/24

b 0.25 to 7.5 kW v With 3-phase thermal overload relay page 2/28 b 0.37 to 5.5 kW v With thermal magnetic circuit-breaker and contactor page 2/30

Star-delta starters for motor control

b 5.5 to 132 kW v Without isolating device page 2/32 b 7.5 to 75 kW v With isolating device  page 2/36 b 90 to 375 kW v Without isolating device page 2/42

D.O.L. starters for control in category AC-1

b Without isolating device page 2/44 b With isolating device  page 2/48


integral 63 contactor breaker and reversing contactor breaker

b Enclosures and door interlock mechanisms for customer assembly  page 2/52 b For control and protection of motors page 2/56 b For control and protection of resistive circuits in category AC-1 page 2/58 b Auxiliary contact blocks and accessories page 2/59

1 2

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use in a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE
b Non-reversing starters page 2/62 b Reversing starters page 2/64

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Selection guide  page 2/72 b TeSys LF3 P and LF4 P page 2/84 b TeSys LF3 M and LF4 M page 2/85

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


General selection guide

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters

1 2 3 4


Standard starters

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors in AC-3 400/415 V

437 kW

0.0645 kW

0.5530 kW

0.375.5 kW

0.2545 kW

Starters Manual Auto

Isolation Switch


Circuit-breaker Fuse carrier


p p

p p

p p

Communication References


7 8 9 10









2/4 and 2/5

2/12and 2/13



2/20, 2/21 and 2/28


Soft starters

Starters for safety applications

Starters for use on AS-Interface line

Standard star-delta starters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.245 kW

0.0611 kW

0.069 kW

0.069 kW

0.065.5 kW

5.5132 kW

7.575 kW

p p

p p

p p

p p

p p

p p

p p


2/24 and 2/25







2/14 and 2/15


2/62, 2/63, 2/68 and 2/69

2/84 and 2/85

2/32, 2/33 and 2/42

2/36 and 2/37



TeSys enclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors, pre-assembled

1 2 3 4


Enclosed switch disconnectors for high performance applications

b b b b b 3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 10 to 140 A, conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC60204. Marking on operator O Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not included). IP 65 degree of protection enclosures, sealable and lockable. Cover lockable in position I (ON) up to 63 A rating.

3-pole main and Emergency Stop switch disconnectors (1)

VCF0GE Operator Handle lthe Front plate Dimensions mm Yellow 60 x 60 A 10 16 20 25 32 50 63 100 140 Power AC-23 at 400V kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 37 45 Incorporated switch body V02 V01 V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Possible attachments (2) Reference Weight

Red, standard, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8 shank)

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1


kg 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.930 0.930 2.190 2.190


Red, long, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8 shanks)

Yellow 90 x 90

3-pole main switch disconnectors (1)

Black, standard, padlockable with up to3padlocks (4to8 shank) Black 60 x 60 10 16 20 25 32 50 63 100 140 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 37 45 V02 V01 V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 VBF02GE VBF01GE VBF0GE VBF1GE VBF2GE VBF3GE VBF4GE VBF5GEN VBF6GEN 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.930 0.930 2.190 2.190


5 6 7 8 9 10

Black, long, padlockable with up to 3padlocks (4to8 shank)

Black 90 x 90

Enclosed switch disconnectors for standard applications

b 3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 10 to 32 A, conforming to IEC 60947-4-1. b Degree of protection IP 55.

3-pole main and Emergency Stop switch disconnectors (1)

Operator Handle

lthe Front plate Dimensions mm Yellow 60 x 60 A 10 16 20 25 32

Power AC-23 at 400V kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15

Incorporated switch body VN12 VN20 V0 V1 V2

Possible attachments (2)



Red padlockable, either by 1 (8 shank) or by3padlocks (6 shank)

2 2 0 0 0


(2) (2)

kg 0.422 0.422 0.512 0.512 0.512

(1) For characteristics of switch disconnectors, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) For VCF and VBF enclosures, see page 2/6. For VCFN enclosures, see page 2/7.


Dimensions: page 2/8

Schemes: page 2/9



TeSys e nclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors, assembled by the user


Empty enclosures
For switch body

IP 65 enclosure with red padlockable handle operator and yellow front plate (for mounting a main or Emergency Stop switch disconnector)
lthe A 1032 1032 50 Possible attachments (1) Reference Weight kg 0.340 0.660 0.660

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

VN12, VN20 V02V2 V02V2 VBFXGE2 V3

2 4 3


IP 65 enclosure with black padlockable handle and black front plate (for mounting a main switch disconnector)
VN12, VN20 V02V2 V02V2 V3 1032 1032 50 2 4 3 VBFXGE1 VBFXGE4 VBFXGE2 0.340 0.660 0.660

Switch bodies for standard applications (2)

Description 3-pole switch disconnectors Rating A 10 16 Reference VN12 VN20 Weight kg 0.110 0.110

Switch bodies for high performance applications (2)


3-pole switch disconnectors

Rating A 10 16 20 25 32

Reference V02 V01 V0 V1 V2 V3 V4

Weight kg 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200


50 63 ( 1) See pages 2/6 and 2/7. (2) For characteristics of switch disconnectors, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions: page 2/8

Schemes: page 2/9



TeSys e nclosed starters

Add-on modules

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors


Add-on modules for enclosures VCF and VBF

Description Main pole module (mountedinenclosure) Rating A 10 16 20 25 32 50 63 10 to 32 50 and 63 100 and 140 10 to 32 50 and 63 100 and 140 Type of contacts N/O + N/C (1) N/O + N/O Reference VZ02 VZ01 VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 VZ11 VZ12 VZ13 VZ14 VZ15 VZ16 Reference VZ7 VZ20 Weight kg 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.100 0.250 0.050 0.100 0.250 Weight kg 0.050 0.050

1 2



VZ11 Neutral pole modules with early make and late break contacts Earthing modules

VZ15 VZ20


Description Auxiliary contact block modules with 2 auxiliary contacts

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Schemes : page 2/9

Maximum number of add-on modules that can be fitted on a switch body

1 add-on module on each side of the switch body
VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ11 or VZ12 or VZ14 or VZ15 or VZ0p/VZ0 to VZ4 + V4 + to + + V0 + + V0p + VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ11 or VZ12 or VZ14 or VZ15 or + VZ0p/VZ0 to VZ4

2 add-on modules on each side of the switch body

VZ0p VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + + VZ0p + VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + V0p V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 + VZ0p + + + + + + VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 or or or or or or VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 or or or or or or VZ11 VZ11 VZ11 VZ11 VZ12 VZ12 or or or or or or VZ14 VZ14 VZ14 VZ14 VZ15 VZ15

Note: The add-on modules mounted next to the switch body are main pole modules. Maximum of 3 main pole modules per switch body. (1) Late make N/O, early break N/C contacts


References (continued)

TeSys e nclosed starters

Add-on modules

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors


Add-on modules for enclosures VCFN12GE and 20GE

Description Main pole modules Rating A 10 16 Neutral pole module withearly make and late break contacts Earthing module Description Auxiliary contact block modules 10 and 16 10 and 16 Type of contacts 1 N/O latemakecontact 1 N/C earlybreakcontact Reference VZN12 VZN20 VZN11 VZN14 Reference VZN05 VZN06 Weight kg 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.016 Weight kg 0.020 0.020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Maximum number of add-on modules that can be fitted on a switch body

VZN12 or VZN20 + + VZN12 or VZN20 or VN12 or VN20 VZN11 or VZN05 or VZN06 or VZN05 or VZN06 VZN14


or VZN05

Schemes : page 2/9



TeSys e nclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors


1 2






3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cable glands: 2 x 16 P top and bottom.

VCF or VBF02GE to 4GE VCFX or VBFXGE1 to GE4

c c1

= a

VpF02GE to VpF2GE, VpFXGE1 (1) VpF3GE and VpF4GE (2) VpFXGE2 and VpFXGE4 (2) (1) Cable glands: 2 x 16 P top and bottom. (2) Cable glands: 2 x 16/21/29 P top and bottom .

a 90 150 150

b 146 170 170

c 85 106 106

c1 131 152 152

H 130 164 164


= 268,5

128 190,5

218,5 241

References: pages 2/4 and 2/5 Schemes: page 2/9




TeSys e nclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors


Switch disconnectors
Enclosed or switch bodies
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Main pole module

Neutral pole module

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Auxiliary contact blocks

13 21


13 23


21 22



References: pages 2/4 and 2/5






TeSys e nclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors for the North American market, conforming to UL and CSA standards
Enclosed switch disconnectors for high performance applications


1 2 3

b 3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 25 to 140 A, conforming to IEC 60947-4-1, IEC60204, UL 508 and CSA22.2 n 14. b Marking on operator O b Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not included). b NEMA type 1 and type 12 enclosures, IP 65 degree of protection, sealable and lockable.

3-pole main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors (1)

Operator Handle Front plate Dimensions Rating IEC (Ith) UL 600 V mm Red, standard, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8) Red, long, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8) Yellow 60 x 60 A 32 40 63 80 125 175 A 20 25 45 63 100 115 Standard power ratings of UL motors 240 V 480 V 600 V HP 5 5 10 15 25 30 HP 10 10 20 30 50 50 HP 10 15 30 40 50 60 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 2 2 2 2 1 1 VC1GUN VC2GUN VC3GUN VC4GUN VC5GUN VC6GUN kg 0.500 0.500 0.930 0.930 2.190 2.190 Incorporated switch body Possible attachments Reference Weight

Yellow 90 x 90

4 5
569400 569401

Add-on modules for VC enclosure

Description Rating A Main pole module (mounted in enclosure) 25 32 50 63 10 to 32 50 and 63 100 and 140 10 to 32 50 and 63 100 and 140 Type of contacts N/O + N/C (2) N/O + N/O

Reference Weight kg VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 VZ11 VZ12 VZ13 VZ14 VZ15 VZ16 0.050 0.050 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.100 0.250 0.050 0.100 0.250

Neutral pole module with early make and late break contacts Earthing modules

6 7

Description Auxiliary contact block modules with 2 auxiliary contacts

Reference Weight kg VZ7 VZ20 0.050 0.050



Maximum number of add-on modules that can be fitted on a switch body

1 add-on module on each side of the switch body

8 9 10

VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ11 or VZ12 or VZ20 VZ14 or VZ15 or VZ1 to VZ4

+ V1 + to + V4 +

VZ7 or VZ20 or

VZ11 or VZ12 or

VZ14 or VZ15 or

VZ1 to VZ4

(1) For characteristics of switch disconnectors, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) Late make N/O, early break N/C contacts.


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys e nclosed starters

VARIO enclosed switch disconnectors for the North American market, conforming to UL and CSA standards



Fixing (rear view)



2 3 4 5 6

87 132,1





Fixing (rear view)


87 132,1




Fixing (rear view)


170 4x4,2

128 190,5 241 218,5 4x4,2


8 9

Switch disconnectors
Enclosed switch disconnectors or switch bodies
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Main pole module

Neutral pole module



Auxiliary contact block modules

13 21


13 23








TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and accessories, for customer assembly

1 2

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME For motor circuit-breakers and accessories: see pages 3/46, 3/55 and 3/57. Starters consisting of a GV2ME motor circuit-breaker in an enclosure conform to standard IEC 60947-4-1.
GV2 Ithe in enclosure (A) ME ME ME 01 02 03 0.16 0.25 0.4 ME ME 04 05 0.63 1 ME 06 1.6 ME 07 2.5 ME 08 4 ME 10 6.3 ME 14 9 ME 16 13 ME 20 17 ME 21 21 ME 22 23


Enclosures for thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers GV2ME

Type Degree of protection Possible no. of side mounting auxiliary contact blocks on GV2ME LH side RH side 1 1 1 1 Reference Weight kg 0.290 0.300 0.420 0.300 0.115 0.115 0.130 0.130



4 5

Surface mounting, double insulated with protective conductor. Sealable cover

IP 41 IP55


or GV2MCK04 (1) IP 55 for 1 temperature < + 5 C IP 41 (front face) IP 41 (reduced flush mounting) IP 55 (front face) IP 55 (reduced flush mounting) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GV2MC03 GV2MP01 GV2MP03 GV2MP02 GV2MP04

Flush mounting, with protective conductor



Front plate
Description Reference IP 55 GV2CP21

6 7


For direct control, through a panel, of a chassis mounted GV2ME

Weight kg 0.800

Accessories common to all enclosures (to be ordered separately)

GV2CP21 Description Padlocking device (2) for GV2ME operator (padlocking is only possible in the O position)

Sold in lots of 1 to 3 padlocks 4 1 to 8 mm

Unit reference GV2V01

Weight kg 0.075


8 9 10

Mushroom head Emergency stop pushbutton 40 mm, red

Spring return (2) Latching (2) IP55

1 Key release, key n 1 455 Turn to release 1 1

GV2K011 GV2K021 GV2K031 GV2K04 (3) GV2E01

0.052 0.160 0.115 0.120 0.012

Sealing kit

For enclosures and front plate

IP55 for 10 temperature between + 5 C and + 40 C IP55 for 10 temperature between -20C and +40C 100 50



Neutral terminal Partition


0.015 0.003

(1) Enclosure GV2MCK04 is fitted with a GV2K04 mushroom head Emergency stop pushbutton as standard. (2) Supplied with IP 55 sealing kit. To be fitted with enclosure GV2Mp01. (3) Padlockable in O position using 4 to 8 mm shank padlocks.


References dimensions

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3P (for customer assembly)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3P For motor circuit-breakers and accessories: see pages 3/48 and 3/59. GV3P40: operational current in enclosure limited to 30 A. Starters consisting of a GV3P motor circuit-breaker in an enclosure conform to standards IEC/EN 60947-4-1 and IEC/EN 60947-2. Metal enclosures fitted with a padlockable rotary handle (1), for thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers GV3P, up to 30 A
Composition (2) Type Degree of Reference protection of enclosure IP55 GV3PC01 IK09 Weight kg 2.000

References (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Metal enclosure, b Black handleLU9AP11 Padlocking in ON/OFF position b Circuit-breaker/handle adapter b Metal enclosure, b Red handleLU9AP12 Padlocking in OFF position b Circuit-breaker/handle adapter

Surface mounting

Surface mounting

IP55 IK09



(1) For special applications a GV3L magnetic motor circuit-breaker can be fitted in this type of enclosure. Please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) Components for customer assembly. Circuit-breaker to be ordered separately.



150 203,5


52,5 52,5





TeSys enclosed starters

Assembly of a safety enclosure

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and accessories

1 2 3

For motor circuit-breakers and accessories: see pages 3/46, 3/55 and 3/57. Starters consisting of a GV2ME motor circuit-breaker in an enclosure conform to standard IEC60947-4-1.
GV2 ME 01 ME 02 ME 03 ME 04 ME 05 ME 06 1.6 ME 07 2.5 ME 08 4 ME 10 6.3 ME 14 9 ME 16 13 ME 20 17 ME 21 21 ME 22 23

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME

Ithe in 0.16 0.25 0.4 enclosure (A)


0.63 1

Enclosures for thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers GV2ME

Type Degree of protection Possible number of Reference side-mounting auxiliary contact blocks on GV2ME RH side 1 GV2MC01 1 GV2MC02 or GV2MCK04 (1) 1 GV2MC03 Weight kg 0.290 0.300 0.420 0.300

4 5 6

LH side Surface IP 41 1 mounting, double IP 55 1 insulated with protective conductor. Sealable cover IP 55 for 1 temperature < + 5 C

Accessories common to all enclosures (to be ordered separately)

Description Padlocking devices (2) for GV2ME operator (padlocking is only possible in the O position)

Sold in Unit lots of reference 1 to 3 padlocks 4 1 to 8mm GV2V01

Weight kg 0.075

Mushroom Spring return (2) head Emergency Latching (2) stop IP 55 pushbutton 40mm, red

1 Key release, key n 1 455 Turn to release 1 1

GV2K011 GV2K021 GV2K031 GV2K04 (3) GV2E01

0.052 0.160 0.115 0.120 0.012

Sealing kit

For enclosures and front plate

IP 55 for 10 temperature between +5C and +40C IP 55 for 10 temperature between -20C and +40C

7 8 9 10



Neutral terminal Partition

100 50


0.015 0.003

(1) Enclosure GV2MCK04 is fitted with a GV2K04 mushroom head Emergency stop pushbutton as standard. (2) Supplied with IP 55 sealing kit. To be fitted with enclosure GV2Mp01. (3) Padlockable in Off position using 4 to 8 mm shank padlocks.


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Assembly of a safety enclosure

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and accessories

Assembly of a safety enclosure

(conforming to standards IEC 60974-4-1, IEC 60204 and IEC 60292)
Type of product Enclosure Circuit-breaker Undervoltage trip or INRS trip (1) Page Opposite 3/46 3/55 Reference GV2MCpp GV2MEpp GV2Apppp or GV2AXppp Latching mushroom head Stop pushbutton Opposite GV2K021 or GV2K031

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

or GV2K04 (1) Safety device for dangerous machines conforming to INRS and VDE 0113.


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME


1 2 3 4

Surface mounting enclosure GV2 MC0p

= 147



(1) 4 knock-outs for 16 mm plastic cable gland or 16 mm conduit. Surface mounting enclosure GV2 MCK04

= 147

84 145,5
(1) 4 knock-outs for 16 mm plastic cable gland or 16 mm conduit.


6 7 8


Flush mounting enclosures GV2MP0p (panel cut-out)

GV2 MP0p GV2 MP01, MP02 GV2 MP03, MP04 Front plate GV2CP21







= 117 133


1...6 12 a
a 86

93,5 106,5

71 93


1...4 12

76 93


9 10

GV2 MP01, MP02 MP03, MP04






TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

1 2



Instantaneous auxiliary contacts





3 4 5 6 7 8 9



13 14





Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and fault signalling contacts

GVAD0110 GVAD0101 GVAD1010 GVAD1001








97 98






Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

(61) 31 43 (73)


Short-circuit signalling contacts

08 06

(63) 33 43 (73)

(62) 32

44 (74)

(64) 34

44 (74)

Voltage trips
D1 D2






Wiring diagram for undervoltage trip used on potentially dangerous machines, conforming to INRS
10 AgG max

















Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters with manual control, with magnetic circuit-breaker, 0.55 to 30 kW

Characteristics (1)

1 2

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Operational voltage Ue Material

IEC 60947-4, IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102 and EN 60947 GV2 LC: IP 547 GV NGC: IP 407 GV2 LC: 690 V GV NGC: 500 V Polycarbonate (2)


Control by black rotary handle, padlockable in Off position (up to 3 padlocks with 8 shank, to be ordered separately)
Rating In Breaking capacity Icu conforming to IEC 60947-2 220/ 400/ 440 V 230 V 415 V kA kA kA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 500 V kA 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 13 In 13 In 13 In 13 In 13 In 13 In 13 In 12 In 12 In 12 In 12 In 12 In Reference Weight

GV2 LC02pp

A 1.6 2.5 4

GV2 LC0206 (3) GV2 LC0207 (3) GV2 LC0208 (3) GV2 LC0210 (3) GV2 LC0214 (3) GV2 LC0216 (3) GV2 LC0220 (3) GV NGC0225 GV NGC0232 GV NGC0240 GV NGC0250 GV NGC0263

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450

4 5 6 7 8


6.3 10 14 18 25 32 40 50 GV NGC02pp 63

GV2 LC02pp


Starters with control by red rotary handle on yellow background

Add the letter R to the references selected above. Example: GV2 LC0206 becomes GV2 LC0206R.


Enclosure without circuit-breaker, with rotary handle mounted on cover

Description Black rotary handle Rating A 1.618 2563 1.618 2563 Reference GV2 LC02 GV NGC02 GV2 LC02R GV NGC02R Weight kg 0.300 0.550 0.300 0.550

GV2 LC02

Red rotary handle on yellow background


(1) Circuit-breaker characteristics: GV2 L: see pages 3/14 and 3/15. NG 125L: product marketed under the Schneider Electric brand, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) The following can be fitted by the customer: a GVAD or GVAM auxiliary contact block on the LH side and a GVAp trip on the RH side.


Dimensions, scheme

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters with manual control, with magnetic circuit-breaker, 0.55 to 30 kW


GV2 LC0206LC0220

GV NGC0225NGC0263

1 2





120 173

= 88


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Enclosure type GV2 LC GV NGC At top ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 At bottom ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3






Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control (1)

2.2 to 45 kW, without isolating device


1 2 3 4 5 6

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102, EN 60947 IP 659: LE2 K IP 657: LEp D09D35 IP 557: LEp D405D955 Operation: - 5+ 40 C Same as that of the contactors Polycarbonate (2): LE2 K and LEp D09D35 Sheet steel: LEp D405D955


Non-reversing starters
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 230 V 400 V 690 V kW kW kW kW kW kW 2.2 4 4 4 5.5 5.5 3 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 4 7.5 9 9 10 10 5.5 11 11 11 15 15 7.5 15 15 15 18.5 18.5 11 18.5 22 22 22 30 15 22 25 30 30 33 18.5 30 37 37 37 37 22 37 45 45 55 45 25 45 45 45 55 45 Maximum Basic reference, current to be completed by adding I the the voltage code (3) up to A 9 12 18 25 35 40 50 65 80 95 LE1 D09pp LE1 D12pp LE1 D18pp LE1 D25pp LE1 D35pp LE1 D405pp LE1 D505pp LE1 D655pp LE1 D805pp LE1 D955pp Weight

LE1 D12pp

kg 0.920 0.920 1.015 1.015 4.320 4.820 4.850 4.850 5.140 5.440

Reversing starters
1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 25 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 2.2 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 37 45 45 3 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 30 37 45 45 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 22 30 37 55 55 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 30 33 37 45 45 6 9 9 12 18 25 35 40 50 65 80 95 LE2 K065pp LE2 K095pp LE2 D09pp (4) LE2 D09pp LE2 D12pp LE2 D18pp LE2 D25pp LE2 D35pp LE2 D405pp LE2 D505pp LE2 D655pp LE2 D805pp LE2 D955pp 1.080 1.080 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.410 2.570 4.100 5.270 5.470 5.470 6.700 7.000

LE2 D12pp

7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/22 Schemes : page 2/23

(1) Overload protection must be provided by a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately, see pages 6/20 to 6/23. (2) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 a 50/60 Hz LE2 K B7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 LE1, LE2 D B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 Other voltages: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (4) Selection according to the number of operating cycles, please consult your Regional Sales Office.


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control (1) 2.2 to 45 kW, without isolating device


Standard versions comprise: b For non-reversing starters: v 1 green Start button I, v 1 red Stop/Reset button O.
LE1 D12ppA04


1 2 3
Suffix to be added to the starter reference (2) A04 A11

b For reversing starters: v LE2 K: - 1 Start button A, - 1 Start button E, - 1 red Stop/Reset button. v LE2 D09D35: - 1 2-position spring return selector switch I-II, - 1 red Stop/Reset button O, v LE2 D405D955: - 1 blue Reset button R.


LE1 D12ppA05

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description No pushbuttons on cover Application LE1 D09D955 LE2 D09D955 LE2 D405D955


1 green Start button I 1 green Start button II 1 red Stop/Reset button O 1 blue Reset button R LE1 D12ppA09 1 3-position stay put selector switch (I-O-II) (I: Automatic Start; O: Stop; II: Manual Start) 1 blue Reset button R 1 2-position stay put selector switch O-I (O: Stop; I: Manual Start) 1 blue Reset button R LE1 D12ppA13 1 3-position selector switch O-I spring return to centre position (I: Manual start; O: Stop, stay put) 1 blue Reset button R 1 neutral terminal Fitted as standard on LE1 and LE2D09 to D35, LE1 and LE2D405 to D955 starters ordered with 222 V (M7), 230 V (P7) or 240 V (U7) control supply Mounting of an LC1D09 or D12 contactor in an enclosure identical to LE1D18 (3) Description Start pushbutton latching device for stay put operation (Start-Stop) (1) See previous page. (2) Example: LE1 D09F7A04. (3) See dimensions page 2/22.

4 5 6

LE1 D09D955 LE2 K06 and K09 LE2 D09D35 LE1 D09D35




LE1 D09D35


LE1 D09D35



LE1 D405D955 LE2 K06 and K09 LE2 D405D955


7 8
Weight kg 0.060

LE1 D12ppA35

Accessory (for customer assembly)

LE1D09 LE1D12

Application LE1 D405D955

Reference LA9 D09907

Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Other versions


Schemes : page 2/23



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control 2.2 to 45 kW, without isolating device


1 2 3 4 5

LE1 D09 and D12

LE1 D09 and D12ppT LE1 D18D35 and LE2 D09D35


LE1 D405D655





= = 88


= = 101




105 181

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05 Variant A09 Variant A13 Variant A35

c1 128.5 135 128.5 135 135 135

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05 Variant A09 Variant A13 Variant A35

c1 LE1 D 153.5 145 153.5 160 160 160

LE2 D 160 145 153.5

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

c1 161 150 161

LE2 K06 and K09

19 120



84 175

6 7

LE1 D805, LE1 D955 and LE2 D405D655



LE2 D805 and D955






225 367


165 257

8 9 10
Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05 Variant A11

c1 LE1 D 176 165 176

LE2 D 176 165 176

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

c1 194 190 194

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE1 D09 and D12 LE1 D18D35 and LE2 D09D35 LE2 D405 LE1 D405D655, LE2 D505 and D655 LE1 or LE2 D805 and D955 LE2 K References : pages 2/20 and 2/21 Schemes : page 2/23 At top PG 1 x 13 and 1 x 21 1 x 13 and 1 x 29 1 x 13 and 1 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16 ISO 2 x 20 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 1 x 25 1 x 20 and 1 x 32 1 x 20 and 1 x 40 4 x 20 At bottom PG 2 x 13 or 2 x 16 2 x 16 or 2 x 21 1 x 13 and 2 x 21 1 x 13 and 2 x 29 1 x 13 and 2 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16 ISO 2 x 20 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 2 x 32 1 x 20 and 2 x 40 4 x 20





TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control 2.2 to 45 kW, without isolating device

L1 L2

LE1 D09D955

LE1 D09D955

Variant A04 or A05


1 2 3 4 5 6 7




2221 13

O Remote control





LE2 K06, K09

L1 L2 L3

LE2 K06, K09


Variant A05




Remote control












LE2 D09D955
L1 L2 L3

LE2 D09D35

LE2 D405D955, LE2 D09D955 with variants A04 or A05


I S1


O Remote control



















A2 A2


A2 A2

Connections 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

LE2 K, LE1 and LE2 D09 and D12 LE1 and LE2 D18D955 All products LE1 and LE2 D09D35 LE2 K, LE1 and LE2 D405 and D955

A L3 L3 L3

B Neutral Neutral terminal L1

9 10

380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Direct connection

References : pages 2/20 and 2/21

Dimensions : page 2/22


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control (1) 2.2 to 45 kW, with isolating device


1 2 3 4

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102, EN 60947 IP 659: LEp K IP 657: LEp D09D35 IP 557: LEp D406D806 Operation: - 5+ 40 C Same as that of the contactors Polycarbonate (2): LEp K and LEp D09D35 Sheet steel: LEp D406D806


Non-reversing starters
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 230 V 400 V 690 V kW 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 kW 2.2 4 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 kW 2.2 4 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 37 45 kW 3 4 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 30 37 45 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 22 30 37 55 kW 18.5 30 33 37 45 Maximum Fuses to be fitted current by the customer I the Size Type aM up to A 6 9 9 12 18 25 35 40 50 65 80 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 A 10 12 or 12 16 20 25 32 40 63 80 80 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) Weight

LE4 D12pp


LE4 K065pp LE4 K095pp LE4 D09pp (4) LE4 D09pp LE4 D12pp LE4 D18pp LE4 D25pp LE4 D35pp LE4 D406pp LE4 D506pp LE4 D656pp LE4 D806pp (5)

kg 1.450 1.450 1.960 1.960 1.960 2.200 2.200 5.190 5.770 6.440 6.670 7.100

Reversing starters
1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 2.2 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 37 45 3 4 5.5 9 11 15 22 30 37 45 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 22 30 37 55 18.5 30 33 37 45 6 9 9 12 18 25 35 40 50 65 80 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 10 12 or 12 16 20 25 32 40 63 80 80 LE8 K065pp LE8 K095pp LE8 D09pp (4) LE8 D09pp LE8 D12pp LE8 D18pp LE8 D25pp LE8 D35pp LE2 D406pp LE2 D506pp LE2 D656pp LE2 D806pp 1.600 1.600 3.550 3.550 3.550 3.700 4.670 5.800 14.170 14.700 14.770 16.000

6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions: page 2/26 LE8 D12pp

(1) Overload protection must be provided by a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately, see pages 6/20 to 6/23. (2) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 a 50/60 Hz LEp K B7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 LEp D B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 Other voltages: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (4) Selection according to dimensions and the number of operating cycles, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (5) Supplied with 3 cable entries.

Schemes: page 2/27


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control (1) 2.2 to 45 kW, with isolating device


Standard versions comprise: b For non-reversing starters: v LE4 K and LE4 D09D656 - 1 green Start button I, - 1 red Stop/Reset button O. v LE4 D806 - no pushbuttons on cover
LE4 D12ppA04

1 2 3
Control circuit None + 1 additional pole + 1 circuit-breaker GB2 CB08

b For reversing starters: v LE8 K : - 1 Start button A, - 1 Start button E, - 1 red Stop/Reset button. v LE8 D09D35 : - 1 2-position spring return selector switch I-II, - 1 red Stop/Reset button O, v LE2 D406 to D806: - no pushbuttons on cover.
Protection LE4 and LE8 K LE4 and LE8 D09D25 LE4 and LE2 D35D806 Power circuit 1 3-pole isolating device 1 3-pole isolating device 1 3-pole isolating device

4 5 6


Variants (pre-assembled)
Description No pushbuttons on cover Application LE4 D09D656 LE8 D09D35 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (2) A04

LE4 D12ppA05

1 green Start button I 1 green Start button II 1 red Stop/Reset button O

LE2 D406D806


1 blue Reset button R

LE4 D09D806 LE8 K06 and K09 LE8 D09D35 LE2 D406D806 LE4 K06 and K09 LE4 D09D806 LE8 K06 and K09 LE8 D09D35 LE2 D406D806


1 neutral terminal Fitted as standard on LE4 D18D806, LE8 D18D35 and LE4 D406D806 starters ordered with 220 V (M7), 230 V (P7) or 240 V (U7) control supply


7 8 9

Accessory (for customer assembly)

Description Start pushbutton latching device for stay put operation (Start-Stop) (1) See previous page (2) Example: LE4 D09F7A04. Application LE4 D406D656 Reference LA9 D09907 Weight kg 0.060

Other versions

Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions: page 2/26 Schemes: page 2/27



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control 2.2 to 45 kW, with isolating device


2 3 4 5




19 20 120 c1

84 175



Standard version Variant A05 (1) For LE8 only

c1 LE4 K 146

LE8 K 146 139

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

c1 LE4 D 175.5 167 175.5

LE8 D 182 167 175.5

LE4 D406D656

LE2 D406D806, LE4 D806

= a-75 = 31



LE4 K06 and K09, LE8 K06 and K09


LE4 D09D35, LE8 D09D35




400 (1)



6 7



225 367

= 31
202 c1 a-50 a a+57,5

c1 LE2 D 218 218

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

c1 201 190 201

8 9 10

a LE2 D406, D506, D656 300 LE2 D806 400 LE4 D806 400 (1) + 14 mm with blanking plugs. At top PG 1 x 13 and 1 x 21 1 x 13 and 1 x 29 1 x 13 and 1 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16

Standard version Variant A05 Variant A11

LE4 D 218 218 218

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE4 and LE8 D09D35 LE2 D09D35 LE2 D406 and LE4 D406 LE1 D506D656, LE4 D506 and D656 LE2 D806 and LE4 D806 LE4 K and LE8 K ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 1 x 25 1 x 20 and 1 x 32 1 x 20 and 1 x 40 4 x 20 At bottom PG 1 x 13 and 2 x 21 1 x 13 and 2 x 29 1 x 13 and 2 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16 ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 2 x 25 1 x 20 and 2 x 32 1 x 20 and 2 x 40 4 x 20

References : pages 2/24 and 2/25

Schemes : page 2/27



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for motor control 2.2 to 45 kW, with isolating device


LE4 K06, K09 LE4 D09D806

L1 L2 L3

LE4 K06, K09


LE4 D09D35
A Q1 Q1

LE4 D406D656

LE4 D806, LE4 D09D656 with variant A04 or A05


1 2

A F1 Q1






Remote control




13 22 A2 14









LE8 K06, K09

L1 L2 L3

LE8 K06, K09

A Q1

Variant A05




3 4



Remote control












LE8 D09LE2 D806

L1 L2 L3






LE8 D09D35
A Q1 Q1

LE2 D406D806

6 7




2 KM1 KM2



S1 KM2

O Remote control ll

22 21









A2 A2



Connections 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

LE4 and LE8 K, LE4 and LE8 D09 and D12 LE4 D18D806, LE8 D18D35 and LE2 D406D806 All products LE4 and LE8 D09D35 LE4 and LE2 D406D806

A L3 L3 L3

B Neutral Neutral terminal L1

9 10

380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Direct connection

References : pages 2/24 and 2/25

Dimensions : page 2/26


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control 0.25 to 7.5 kW with 3-phase thermal overload relay with 3 protected phases

Characteristics (1)

1 2 3 4 5

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1, IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102 and EN 60947 IP 65 Operation: - 5 to + 40 C Same as for the TeSys K contactors Self-extinguishing ABS


Non-reversing starters Starter LE1M, combined with short-circuit protection components, provides type 1 or type 2 coordination, depending on the type of devices used.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 240 V 380 V 415 V 230 V 400 V kW kW kW kW 0.12 0.12 0.25 0.25 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 1.1 1.5 2.2 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 2.2 3 4 0.37 0.55 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 Setting range of thermal overload relay LR2K (2) A 0.540.8 0.81.2 1.21.8 1.82.6 2.63.7 3.75.5 5.58 811.5 1014 1216 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LE1 M35pp05 LE1 M35pp06 LE1 M35pp07 LE1 M35pp08 LE1 M35pp10 LE1 M35pp12 LE1 M35pp14 LE1 M35pp16 LE1 M35pp21 LE1 M35pp22 Weight

kg 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600

LE1 M35pppp

3 3.7

6 7 8 9 10


b v v v v v

The standard version comprises: 1 TeSys contactor LC1Kpp, 1 TeSys thermal overload relay LR2K, 1 green Start button I, 1 red Stop/Reset button O/R, 1 yellow operating indicator.


b Control may be pulsed or maintained. b An earth terminal and a neutral terminal are provided on the bottom of the enclosure. b For safey applications, see enclosed starters: GV2MC, LG1K, LG1D, LG7K, LG7D, LJ7K, LG8K and LJ8 K. Starter without thermal overload relay LR2 K Delete the last 2 digits of the starter references selected above. Example: LE1 M35pp
Description Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LC1 KppA80 Weight kg 0.180

Replacement part


(1) For characteristics of TeSys K contactor, see pages 5/10 to 5/13. For characteristics of TeSys thermal overload relay LR2K, see pages 6/10 and 6/11. (2) Thermal overload relay fitted as standard. (3) The contactor coil is pre-wired between 2 phases of the power circuit. The codes indicated below therefore correspond to the power circuit voltage. Volts 24 220 230 240 380 400 415 a 50/60 Hz Code B7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 Example: 380/400 V 3-phase supply, 4 kW motor: LE1 M35Q716. Dimensions : page 2/29 Schemes : page 2/29

440 R7


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control 0.25 to 7.5 kW with 3-phase thermal overload relay with 3 protected phases

LE1 M35 (1)

1 2
130 (5"1/8)


3 4
ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Enclosure type LE1 M At top PG 2 x 13 to 2 x 21 ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 At bottom PG 2 x 13 to 2 x 21

(1) Can be mounted on machine panel or frame. Knock-outs for 4 x 13 P cable glands.

LE1 M35
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3
L1 L2 L3

Choice of type of control built into the product

Control by latching pushbuttons

5 6 7 8 9 10

Control by spring return pushbuttons


1 3 5 I








A2 96

2 4

14 A2




2 T1 T2

4 T3

Connection 220 V, 230 V, 240 V 380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

A L3 L3 Terminal 1










B Neutral L1 Terminal 2

References : page 2/28


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control, 0.37 to 5.5 kW with thermal magnetic circuit-breaker and contactor


1 2 3 4

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1, IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102 and EN 60947 IP 55 Operation: - 5 to + 40 C Same as for the TeSys K contactors Polycarbonate (1) Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 230 V 400/ 440 V 500 V 690 V 415 V kW kW kW kW kW 0.18 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.75 0.25 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.1 0.75 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 0.75 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 Setting range of thermal trips A 11.6 Fixed magnetic tripping current 13 Irth A 22.5 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Weight




kg 1.210


1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914

33.5 51 78 138 170


1.210 1.210 1.210 1.210 1.210


2.2 3


Description Neutral terminal Suffix to be added Weight to the starter reference (3) kg A59 Reference LE1 GVMEK Weight kg 0.740


Description Enclosure without starter, with sealing kit fitted (references of combination motor starters for customer assembly, see pages 1/6 and 1/7)

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/31 Schemes : page 2/31

Description Padlocking device (4) for GV2 ME operator (padlocking is only possible in the O position) Mushroom Spring return (4) head Stop pushbutton Latching (4) 40 mm, IP 55 red Sealing kit 1 to 3 padlocks 4 to 8 mm

Sold in lots of 1 1

Unit reference GV2 V01 GV2 K011 GV2 K021 GV2 K031 GV2 K04 (5) GV2 E01

Weight kg 0.075 0.052 0.160 0.115 0.120 0.012

Key release, key n 455 Turn to release

1 1 1 10

IP 55 for temperature between +5C and +40C IP 55 for 10 GV2 E02 0.012 temperature between -20C and +40C (1) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (2) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 a 50/60 Hz Item B7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 Other voltages: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (3) Example: LE1 GVME06KF7A59. (4) Supplied with IP 55 sealing kit. (5) Padlockable in position O using 4 to 8 mm shank padlocks.


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys enclosed starters


D.O.L. starters for motor control, 0.37 to 5.5 kW with thermal magnetic circuit-breaker and contactor


183 201

= 101 =

86 94

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Enclosure type LE1GV At top ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 At bottom ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25

3 4


L1 L2 L3



External control





Connections 220 V, 230 V, 240 V 380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

A L3 L3 Terminal 1

B Neutral L1 Terminal 2

7 8 9 10

References : page 2/30


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


Star-delta starters 5.5 to 132 kW, without isolating device (1)


1 2 3

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102, EN 60947 IP 659: LE3 K IP 657: LE3 D09D35 IP 557: LE3 D405D150 Operation: - 5 to + 40 C Same as that of the contactors Polycarbonate (2): LE3 K and LE3 D09D35 Sheet steel: LE3 D405D150


Maximum operating rate: LE3 K: 12 starts/hour and LE3-D: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds. LE3 D: an LAD S2 timer imposes a delay of 40 ms 15 ms on the delta contactor at the moment of changeover to ensure that the star contactor has sufficient breaking time.
Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors Mains voltage - delta connection 220 V 380/400 V 415 V 440 V kW kW kW kW 3 5.5 5.5 5.5 4 7.5 7.5 7.5 or Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LE3 K065pp LE3 K095pp LE3 D09pp (4) LE3 D12pp LE3 D18pp LE3 D35pp LE3 D405pp LE3 D505pp LE3 D805pp LE3 D115pp LE3 D150pp Weight

4 5
LE3 D12pp

kg 1.460 1.460 3.650 3.650 3.750 5.160 8.160 8.150 14.000 24.500 24.500

5.5 11 15 18.5

11 18.5 30 37 55 75 110 132

11 22 30 37 59 75 110 132

11 22 30 37 59 75 110 147

6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/34 Schemes : page 2/35

30 37 63 75

(1) Overload protection must be provided by a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/20 to 6/23. (2) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 a 50/60 Hz LE3 K B7 D7 E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 LE3 D B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 Other voltages: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (4) Selection according to dimensions and the number of operating cycles, please consult your Regional Sales Office.


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 5.5 to 132 kW, without isolating device


The standard version comprises: b LE3 K and LE3 D09D35: v 1 green Start button I, v 1 red Stop/Reset button O. b LE3 D405D150: v no pushbuttons on cover.


1 2
Application LE3 D09D35 LE3 D405D150 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (1) A04 A06

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description LE3 D12ppA04 No pushbuttons on cover 1 green Start button I 1 red Stop/Reset button O 1 blue Reset button R


3 4 5

LE3 D09D805


1 neutral terminal Fitted as standard on starters LE3 D115 and D150 Mechanical interlock Fitted as standard on starters LE3 K and LE3 D09D35 LE3 D12ppA05 (1) Example: LE3D09F7A04

LE3 K065 and K095 A59 LE3 D09D805

LE3 D405 to D150


Other versions

Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

6 7 8 9 10

Schemes : page 2/35



TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 5.5 to 132 kW, without isolating device


2 3 4 5 6 7





84 175


Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

c1 175.5 167 175.5

LE3 D405 and D505

LE3 D805D150
= a - 75 =



LE3 K065, K095

19 120

LE3 D09D35



b + 57,5


225 367


c1 c1 + 15,5

b - 50

a - 50 a a + 57,5

b - 75
b 400 600 600 LE3 Standard version Variant A05 Variant A06 c1 D805 202 218 218

Standard version Variant A05 Variant A06

c1 190 194 194

LE3 a D805 400 D1155 500 D1505 500 (1) + 14 mm with blanking plugs. At top PG 1 x 29 1 x 36 1 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16

b (1)

D115, D150 252 268

8 9 10

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE3 D09D35 LE3 D405 LE3 D505 LE3 D805 LE3 K ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 1 x 32 1 x 40 1 x 40 4 x 20 At bottom PG 1 x 29, 2 x 13 and 2 x 21 1 x 36, 2 x 13 and 2 x 29 2 x 13 and 3 x 36 2 x 13 and 2 x 16 ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 1 x 32, 2 x 20 and 2 x 25 1 x 40, 2 x 20 and 2 x 32 2 x 20 and 3 x 40 4 x 20

References : pages 2/32 and 2/33

Schemes : page 2/35



TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 5.5 to 132 kW, without isolating device

L1 L2

LE3 K065 and K095

W1 U1 V1 L3









Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end).






A1 A1 A1





A2 A2



LE3 D405D805

LE3 D09D805
L1 L2 L3

LE3 D09D35















Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end).

A1 A1














Note: in accordance with current installation regulations, short-circuit protection must be provided by fuses or a circuit-breaker.

LE3 D115 and D150












Remote control l











Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end).

A1 A1










Connections 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

LD09 and D12 LE3D18 to D150 All products LE3D09D35 LE3K and LE3D405D150

A L3 L3 L3

B Neutral Neutral terminal L1

380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Direct connection

References : pages 2/32 and 2/33

Dimensions : page 2/34


Remote control I





5 6 7 8 9 10



Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters


Star-delta starters (1) 7.5 to 75 kW with isolating device


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material

IEC 60947-4-1 and IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-102, EN 60947 IP 657: LE6 D09D18 IP 557: LE3 D326D806 Operation: - 5 to + 40 C Same as that of the contactors Polycarbonate (2): LE6 D Sheet steel: LE3 D


Maximum operating rate: 30 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 30 seconds. An LA2 DS2 timer imposes a delay of 40 ms 15 ms on the delta contactor at the moment of changeover to ensure that the star contactor has sufficient breaking time.
Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors. Mains voltage - Delta connection 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 400 V kW kW kW kW 4 7.5 7.5 7.5 5.5 11 15 18.5 11 18.5 30 37 55 75 11 22 30 37 59 75 11 22 30 37 59 75 Fuses to be fitted by the customer Size Type aM A 20 25 40 63 80 125 160 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) Weight


10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 0

LE6 D09pp LE6 D12pp LE6 D18pp LE3 D326pp LE3 D406pp LE3 D506pp LE3 D806pp

kg 3.900 3.900 4.850 7.650 16.900 17.000 27.500

LE6 D12pp

30 37

(1) Overload protection must be provided by a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/20 to 6/23. (2) Avoid placing this material in contact with harsh substances (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 Other voltages: please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions: page 2/38

Schemes: page 2/39


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 7.5 to 75 kW, with isolating device


The standard version comprises: b LE6 D09D18: v 1 green Start button I, v 1 red Stop/Reset button O. b LE3 D326D806: v no pushbuttons on cover
Protection LE6 D09 and D12 LE6 D18LE3 D806 LE6 D12ppA04 Power circuit 1 3-pole isolating device 1 3-pole isolating device Control circuit + 1 additional pole + 1 circuit-breaker GB2 CB08


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description No pushbuttons on cover Application LE6 D09D18 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (1) A04


1 green Start button I 1 red Stop/Reset button O 1 blue Reset button R

LE3 D326D806


LE6 D09LE3 D806


1 neutral terminal

LE6 D09LE3 D806


LE6 D12ppA05

Mechanical interlock Fitted as standard on starters LE6 D09D18 (1) Example: LE6 D09F7A04.

LE3 D326D806


Dimensions: page 2/38

Schemes: page 2/39



TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 7.5 to 75 kW, with isolating device


1 2 3 4 5

LE6 D09D18

LE3 D326





= 186
c1 175.5 167 175.5



195 287

= 31

Standard version Variant A04 Variant A05

LE3 D406D806
= a-75 = 31



b (1)



a-50 a a+57,5
(1) + 14 mm with blanking plugs.


7 8 9 10

LE3 D406, D506 D806

a 400 500

b 500 700

c1 218 269

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE6 D09D18 LE3 D326 LE3 D406 LE3 D506 LE3 D806 At top PG 1 x 21 1 x 29 1 x 36 1 x 36 ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 1 x 32 1 x 32 1 x 40 1 x 40 At bottom PG 2 x 13, 2 x 16 and 1 x 21 2 x 13, 2 x 21 and 1 x 29 2 x 13, 2 x 29 and 1 x 36 2 x 13 and 3 x 36 ISO 2 x 20 or 2 x 25 or 2 x 32 or 2 x 40 2 x 20, 2 x 25 and 1 x 32 2 x 20, 2 x 25 and 1 x 32 1 x 40, 2 x 20 and 2 x 32 2 x 20 and 3 x 40

References : pages 2/36 and 2/37

Schemes : page 2/39




TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 7.5 to 75 kW, with isolating device

3/L2 1/L1

LE6 D09D18

A Q1 Q1


2 4 6

4 V1



2 4

6 6 2 4 2 4


W2 V2


2 3
A2 A1





Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end)












4 5 6

LE3 D326D806
3/L2 1/L1 5/L3

A F1 Q1











13 22

S1 Remote control








Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end)





7 8 9 10






Connections 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

LE6 D09 and D12 LE6 D18LE3 D806 All products LE6 D09D18 LE3 D326D806

A L3 L3 L3


B Neutral Neutral terminal L1

380 V, 400 V, 415 V, 440 V Other voltages

Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Direct connection

References : pages 2/36 and 2/37

Dimensions : page 2/38



TeSys enclosed starters

Replacement parts for starters without isolating device


Heads for Start and Stop/Reset pushbuttons

Description Flush, green I (1) For use on LE1 D09...D35 Unit reference ZB5 AA331 Weight kg 0.018

1 2 3

ZB5 AA331

Projecting, red O (1)

LE1 D09...D35

ZB5 AL432



Adaptation kit for head ZB5AL432

LE1 D09 and D12

LAD 9091


LE1 D18...D35

LAD 91810


ZB5 AL432

Heads for Reset pushbuttons

Flush, blue R(2) LE1 D09...D35 ZB5 AA0 0.022

Adaptation kit for head ZB5AA0 + ZBA639 LE1 D09 and D12

+ZBA 639 (3)


LAD 9092


5 6

LE1 or LE2 D18...D35 LAD 9091 LE3, LE6, LE4 or LE8 D09...D35

LAD 91810




Heads for selector switches

3-position stay put ZB5 ADp LE1 D09...D35 ZB5 AD3 0.024

2-position stay put

LE1 D09...D35



7 8 9 10


3-position spring return to centre

LE1 D09...D35



Contact blocks
1 N/O spring return ZEN L1111 1 N/C spring return LE1 D09...D35 ZEN L1121 0.010 LE1 D09...D35 ZEN L1111 0.010


Mounting for contact block

LE1 D09 and D12

LAD 90909


LEp D18...D35 (4)

LAD 91809


LAD 91809 (1) Remember to order adaptation kit LAD 9091 or LAD 91810, depending on size. (2) Remember to order adaptation kit LAD 9092. (3) Sold in lots of 10. (4) LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4, LE6 or LE8.


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Replacement parts for starters without isolating device


Empty enclosures for D.O.L. starters without isolating device

Designed for use with LE1 D09 and D12 Head(s) mounted on cover Without Reference DE1 DS1A04 Weight kg 0.300

1 2 3

1 flush blue head R

DE1 DS1A05


DE1 DS1A04


1 flush green head I 1 projecting red head O



1 flush blue head R 1 switch DE1 DS1A13 0.300

DE1 DS1A05

LE1 D18...D35 Without DE1 DS2A04 0.500


1 flush blue head R DE1 DS2A05 0.500

7 8 9 10

DE1 DS1 1 flush green head I 1 projecting red head O DE1 DS2 0.500


1 flush blue head R 1 switch

DE1 DS2A13


DE1 DS1A13



TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters (1) 90 to 375 kW, without isolating device


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maximum operating rate: 12 starts/hour. Maximum starting time: 20 seconds

Standard power ratings of squirrel cage motors Mains voltage - delta connection 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V kW kW kW kW 90 160 160 185 100 110 200 220 280 315 200 220 280 355 220 250 315 375 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3) LE3 F185pp LE3 F225pp LE3 F265pp LE3 F330pp LE3 F400pp Weight

Star-delta starters

kg 31.400 33.000 50.800 80.000 82.000


160 185

Enclosure No pushbuttons on cover Connections LE3 Fppppp LE3 F185F400 Metal, degree of protection IP 559 LE3 F185F400 LE3 F185F400 Pre-wired power and control circuit connections

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description 1 green Start button I 1 red Stop/Reset button O For use on LE3 F185F400 Suffix to be added to the starter reference(4) A06

(1) Overload protection must be provided by a thermal overload relay, to be ordered separately. Select appropriate overload relay for setting at 0.58 of the full load rated motor current, see pages 6/34 and 6/35. (2) Standard control circuit voltages. Volts 48 110 220/230 230 240 380/400 400 415 50/60 Hz E7 F7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 For other voltages, see pages 5/130 to 5/139. (3) LC1 F185 and F225: contactors fitted with LX9 F coils, LC1 F265F400: contactors fitted with LX1 F coils. (4) Example: LE3 F185M7A06.

Other versions

Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions : page 2/43

Schemes : page 2/43


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys enclosed starters

Star-delta starters 90 to 375 kW, without isolating device

LE3 Fppp
= a-75 =




b (1)



2 3 4 5

c c1

a-50 a a+57,5

LE3 a b (1) F185, F225 600 700 F265 700 900 F330, F400 800 1000 (1) + 14 mm with blanking plugs.

c 303 303 403

c1 319 319 419

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands Type of enclosure At top LE3 F185, F225 2 x 48 P LE3 F265400

At bottom 2 x 13 P and 4 x 48 P

LE3 Fppp
L1 L2 L3

F1 KM3:5 F1
21 96

4 V1



Remote control

53 54 53










U1 V1 W1
Recommended cabling for reversal of motor rotation (standard motor, viewed from shaft end)



54 (14)

14 13


61 56




A1 62 A1 A1 A1

A2 A2




F2 KM3:1



Note: in accordance with current installation regulations, each starter must be provided with short-circuit protection by fuses or a circuit-breaker.

9 10

References : page 2/42



TeSys enclosed starters

Equipment for control in utilisation category AC-1(1) (2), without isolating device


1 2
LE1 D123

Operational Minimum current c.s.a. of up to phase conductors A 16 17.5 24 32 mm2 2.5 1.5 2.5 6 10 10 16 16 25 35

Fuses to be fitted separately aM A 20 25 63 80 100 gG A 16 32 50 63 100

For use with relay LR2 D or kit LA9 D (to be ordered separately) LA9 D1275 (4) LR2 D1321 (2) LR2 D1322 (2) LA9 D0975 (4) LR2 D3359 (2) LR2 D3363 (2) LR2 D3365 (2)

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LE1 D123pp LE1 D123pp LE1 D255pp LE1 D255pp LE1 D405ppA04 (5) LE1 D405pp LE1 D655ppA04 (5) LE1 D655pp LE1 D805pp LE1 D805ppA04 (5)


kg 0.920 0.920 1.015 1.015 4.820 4.820 4.850 4.850 5.140 5.140


50 57 63 76 90

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/46

100 LE1 D405

Enclosure LE1 D12 LE1 D25 LE1 D40...D80 Control (2 pushbuttons mounted on enclosure cover) No pushbuttons on cover Connections LE1 D12D80 LE1 DpppppA04 LE1 D12D80 Pre-wired control circuit connections Double insulated, degree of protection IP 659 Double insulated, degree of protection IP 557 Metal, degree of protection IP 559 1 green Start button I 1 red Stop/Reset button O

(1) 3-phase 220/230 V, 240 V, 380/400 V or 415 V 50/60 Hz. 3-core or 3 Ph + N (unprotected neutral) insulated PVC cable, fixed to walls, ceilings, in cable racks or ducting, laid singly, ambient temperature y 35 C, conforming to NF C 15-100. (2) Order the required LR2 D thermal overload relay separately, for use on balanced circuits only. (3) Control circuit voltage 50/60 Hz 220/230 V (code M7) or 380/400 V (code Q7). (4) As protection is provided by type gG fuses only, the Stop function normally provided by the thermal overload relay (where aM type fuses are used) can be obtained by means of kit LA9 Dpp75. (5) Equipment supplied without pushbuttons; external Start-Stop station required.

Schemes : page 2/47


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Equipment for control in utilisation category AC-1(1) (2), without isolating device

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description No pushbuttons on cover Application LE1 D12 and D25 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (3) A04

1 2 3 4

1 blue Reset button R

LE1 D12D80


1 green Start button I and 1 red Stop button O with 1 N/C contact (for distribution circuits without thermal overload relay) 1 2-position selector switch O-I (O: Stop; I: Manual Start) 1 blue Reset button R Knock-outs for 4 x 16 mm plastic cable glands (instead of 4 x 13 mm plastic glands) 1 neutral terminal (for 3-phase + N circuits)

LE1 D12 and D25


LE1 D12


LE1 D12


LE1 D12D80


Accessories (for customer assembly)

Description Start pushbutton latching device for stay put operation (Start-Stop) Kits to provide Stop function without thermal overload relay fitted For use on LE1 D25D65 Reference LA9 D09907 Weight kg 0.060

LE1 D12 LE1 D25

LA9 D1275 LA9 D0975 LA9 D931 LA9 D941

0.040 0.020 0.040 0.025

5 6 7 8 9 10

Miniature control circuit fuse holder size 5 x 20, 4 A/250 V Fuse supplied

LE1 D12 LE1 D25

Pilot light with neon bulb, red lens and locking ring

110 V 220 V 380, 415 V

LE1 D12 and D25 LE1 D12 and D25 LE1 D12 and D25

LA9 D924 LA9 D925 LA9 D926

0.020 0.020 0.020

1 front-mounting block of 2 auxiliary contacts, please consult your Regional Sales Office

LE1 D12 D80

LA1 DNpp


(1) 3-phase 220/230 V or 380/400 V 50/60 Hz. 3-core or 3 Ph + N (unprotected neutral) insulated PVC cable, fixed to walls, ceilings, in cable racks or ducting, laid singly, ambient temperature y 35 C, conforming to NF C 15-100. (2) Order the required LR2 D thermal overload relay separately, for use on balanced circuits only. Example: LE1 D123M7A04.

. Other versions Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 2/47



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters and equipment, without isolating device


1 2 3 4

LE1 D123

LE1 D255







LE1 D405, D655


LE1 D805
= 307


= =







105 181

165 c1

165 257

5 6 7 8 9 10

161 (1)

(1) 150 for LE1 DpppppA04 (without pushbuttons).

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE1 D123 LE1 D255 LE1 D405 and LE1 D655 LE1 D805 At top 2 x 13 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 16 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 29 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 36 P At bottom 2 x 13 P 2 x 16 P 1 x 13 P and 2 x 29 P 1 x 13 P and 2 x 36 P

References : pages 2/44 and 2/45

Schemes : page 2/47




TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters and equipment, without isolating device


D.O.L. starters and equipment for control in category AC-1

LE1 D123D805, LE1 DpppppA04
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

LE1 D123












2 3 4

LE1 D255D805

LE1 DpppppA04, LE1 DpppppA05



Remote control



13 22




21 96







N KM1/1









5 6 7 8 9 10

References : pages 2/44 and 2/45

Dimensions : page 2/46



TeSys enclosed starters

Equipment for control in utilisation category AC-1 (1) (2), with isolating device


Operational current up to A 16 Minimum c.s.a. of phase conductors mm2 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 16 16 25 35 Fuses to be fitted by the customer Size Type aM gG A A 10 x 38 16 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 20 25 50 80 100 20 40 63 100 For use with relay LR2 D or kit LA9 D (to be ordered separately) LA9 D0975 (4) LR2 D1321 (2) LA9 D0975 (4) LR2 D1322 (2) LR2 D3357 (2) LR2 D3363 (2) LR2 D3365 (2) Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LE4 D126pp LE4 D126pp LE4 D256pp LE4 D256pp LE4 D406ppA04 (5) LE4 D406pp LE4 D656ppA04 (5) LE4 D656pp LE4 D806pp (5) LE4 D806pp (5) Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg 1.960 1.960 2.200 2.200 5.770 5.770 6.670 6.670 7.100 7.100

17.5 LE4 D126 20 22


40 45 63 LE4 D406 76 90 100

Enclosure LE4 D12 and D25 LE4 D40D80 Control (2 pushbuttons mounted on enclosure cover) LE4 D12D65 Double insulated, degree of protection IP 557 Metal, degree of protection IP 559 1 green Start button I 1 red Stop/Reset button O LE4 Dppppp A04 LE4 D80 LE4 D12 and D25 LE4 D40D80 Connections LE4 D12D80 1 3-pole isolator + 1 additional pole 1 3-pole isolator and 1 circuit breaker GB2 CB08 Pre-wired power and control circuit connections

No pushbuttons on cover Isolating device with external operator

(1) 3-phase 220/230 V or 380/400 V 50/60 Hz. 3-core or 3 Ph + N (unprotected neutral) insulated PVC cable, fixed to walls, ceilings, in cable racks or ducting, laid singly, ambient temperature y 35 C, conforming to NF C 15-100. (2) Order the required LR2 D thermal overload relay separately, for use on balanced circuits only. (3) Control circuit voltage 50/60 Hz 220/230 V (code M7) or 380/400 V (code Q7). (4) As protection is provided by type gG fuses only, the Stop function normally provided by the thermal overload relay (where aM type fuses are used) can be obtained by means of kit LA9 D0975. (5) Equipment supplied without pushbuttons; external Start-Stop station required.

Dimensions : page 2/50

Schemes : page 2/51


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Equipment for control in utilisation category AC-1 (1) (2), with isolating device

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description No pushbuttons on cover For use on LE4 D12 and D25 Suffix to be added to the starter reference(3) A04

1 2 3

1 blue Reset button R

LE4 D12D80


1 green Start button I and 1 red Stop button O with 1 N/C contact (for distribution circuits without thermal overload relay) 1 neutral terminal (for 3-phase + N circuits)

LE4 D12 and D25


LE4 D12D80


Accessories (for customer assembly)

Description Start button latching device for stay put operation (Start-Stop) Kit to provide Stop function without thermal overload relay fitted Miniature control circuit fuse holder size 5 x 20, 4 A/250 V Fuse supplied Pilot light with neon bulb, red lens and locking ring 110 V 220 V 380, 415 V For use on LE4 D12D65 Reference LA9 D09907 Weight kg 0.060

LE4 D12 and D25

LA9 D0975


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LE4 D12 and D25

LA9 D941


LE4 D12 and D25 LE4 D12 and D25 LE4 D12 and D25

LA9 D924 LA9 D925 LA9 D926

0.020 0.020 0.020

1 front-mounting block of 2 auxiliary contacts, please consult your Regional Sales Office

LE4 D12D80

LA1 DNpp


(1) 3-phase 220/230 V or 380/400 V 50/60 Hz. 3-core or 3 Ph + N (unprotected neutral) insulated PVC cable, fixed to walls, ceilings, in cable racks or ducting, laid singly, ambient temperature y 35 C, conforming to NF C 15-100. (2) Order the required LR2 D thermal overload relay separately, for use on balanced circuits only. (3) Example: LE4 D126M7A04.

Other versions

Possible combinations of 2 variants. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 2/51



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters and equipment, with isolating device


1 2

LE4 D126, D256


LE4 D406, D656



= 122

c c1 (1)

G a

= 31

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



LE4 D126 D256

c 132 144

c1 139 151

(1) c1 = c for LE4 DpppppA04 (without pushbuttons).

LE4 D806
= a-75 = 31



b (1)


c c1

a-50 a a+57,5

(1) + 14 mm with blanking plugs.

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LE4 D126 LE4 D256 LE4 D406 LE4 D656 LE4 D806 At top 2 x 13 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 16 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 21 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 29 P 1 x 13 P and 1 x 36 P At bottom 2 x 13 P 2 x 16 P 1 x 13 P and 2 x 21 P 1 x 13 P and 2 x 29 P 1 x 13 P and 2 x 36 P

References : pages 2/48 and 2/49

Schemes : page 2/51




TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters and equipment, with isolating device


D.O.L. starters and equipment for control in category AC-1

LE4 D126D806, LE4 DpppppA04
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

LE4 D126 and D256

Q1/2 0 Q1 9 Q1

1 2 3 4 5
13 14






LE4 D406 and D656



LE4 D806, LE4 DpppppA04 and DpppppA05

Q1/2 13 F1 Q1
Remote control
























N Q1/6


N Q1/1


6 7 8 9 10

References : pages 2/48 and 2/49

Dimensions : page 2/50



TeSys enclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers, for customer assembly
Empty metal enclosure
Type of enclosure Degree of protection IP 54 with drillings for door interlock mechanism (interlock not supplied), for customer assembly (1)


1 2 3

For use on integral LD1LD or LD4LD

Reference DE1LT315

Weight kg 3.510

Door interlock mechanisms (IP 54)

Type For use on enclosure DE1LT315 (LD1) Non-adjustable

Colour of knob Red Black

Reference LA9LC320 LA9LC321 LA9LC520 LA9LC521



0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200

DE1LT315 (LD4)

Red Black

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/53

(1) Enclosures supplied with drillings and fitted with removable blanking plugs, for addition of cable glands (to be ordered separately): for number and diameters, see page 2/53.


Dimensions, mounting of accessories

TeSys enclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers, for customer assembly

Empty metal enclosure, degree of protection IP 54

1 2




192 287


Number of blanked-off cable entries for addition of cable glands

At top 1 1 bottom 2 2 Cable min. 10 24 max. 12 30 For cable gland N 13 36 Type 13M 36M

3 4 5
105 275

Non-adjustable door interlock mechanisms LA9LC33p and LA9LC53p

For mounting on LD4 LDp30 and LD5 LDp30 (1) LD4LDp30 LD5LDp30



6 7 8 9 10




172 (LD4) 174 (LD5)

= 28 = = = 90


45 59 63 181 59

Door drillings

= = 54 (1) Thickness: 5 mm max.

References : page 2/52

= = 54




TeSys e nclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

1 2 3 4 5 6

Type Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Electrical durability, AC-43 at 415 V Mechanical durability at Uc a Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature c With converter y 55 C


integral 63 3 63 in AC-3 690 1.2 million operating cycles 5 million operating cycles 3600 operating cycles/hour 600 operating cycles/hour

Conforming to standards IEC: 60947-1, 60047-2, 60947-3, 60947-4-1, 60947-6-2 VDE: 0100, 0110, 0113, 0170, 0171, 471, 0660 BS: 5424, 4752, 4941 NEN, NBN ASE, ASEFA, ASTA, BV, CSA, DEMKO, DNV, GL, NEMKO, NKK, VE, RINA, SCC, SETI, UL, USSR, LROS, PTB, SEMKO a c (1) Vibration resistance Permissible acceleration Shock resistance Permissible acceleration Degree of protection Flame resistance Maximum operating altitude Operating positions (without derating) Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane m 5100 Hz Impulse duration: 11 ms Conforming to IEC 144 and 529 Conforming to VDE 0106 Operation Storage Operation Storage C C C C TH - 20+ 60 - 40+ 80 - 25+ 50 - 25+ 70 Energised state: 3 gn De-energised state: 3 gn Energised state: 8 gn De-energised state: 8 gn IP 20B Protection against direct finger contact Conforming to IEC 60295-2-1, NF C 20-455 and the requirement of 22-12-81 (JO 27 NC of 1st and 2/2/1982) and conforming to UL 94 - V0 and NF T 51-072 3000

Product certifications

Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device

From main axis (left-right tilt)

Control circuit characteristics

7 8 9 10

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Voltage limits at q y 55 C Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc

Heat dissipation Operating time (2) at 20 C and at Uc

a 50 Hz a 60 Hz c With converter Operating Drop-out a Inrush Sealed c (1) Inrush Sealed a 50 Hz a C 50/60 Hz O c (1) C O


VA VA W W W ms ms ms ms

24660 24600 24, 48, 110 0.851.1 Uc 0.250.7 Uc 375 (50 Hz), 450 (60 Hz) 25 (50 or 60 Hz) 300 for 50 ms 8 8 (50 Hz) 11 (60 Hz) 1235 720 2540 1525

(1) With converter. (2) The closing time C is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time O is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

References : pages 2/56 to 2/59

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys e nclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers

Pole characteristics
Type Rated thermal current (Ith) Frequency limits of the operational current Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Heat dissipation in the power circuits of the contactor breaker and its protection module Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 q y 40 C A Hz Conforming to IEC 60947-4 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Operational current Power per pole, hot state kV V A W integral 63 63 4060 8 690 25 4.4

1 2 3 4 5
LB1 LD03L Distribution circuits

32 5

40 5.8

50 7

63 9

I rms conforming to IEC 60947-4 A I peak conforming to IEC 60947-2 kA Operational voltage V Value of cos j Icu (O-t CO) Ics (O-t-CO-t-CO) Icu = Ics (O-t-CO-t-rCO)

12 or 15 x Ith (1) 105 220/ 240 380/ 415


480/ 525

600/ 690

Conforming to IEC 60947-6-2 ensuring continuity of service

0.25 kA rms 50 kA rms 50 kA rms 50 O t CO rCO ms A 2s

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 50 40 35 10 50 40 35 10 50 50 30 10 : breaking short-circuit current (open) : time : closing on short-circuit, breaking short-circuit current (closed-open) (manual) : closing on short-circuit, breaking short-circuit current (remote control)

Total breaking time Thermal stress limit Cabling

With Isc max. at 415 V, 50 Hz

Tightening torque

Flexible cable without cable end mm2 Flexible cable with cable end mm2 Solid cable mm2 N.m

4 300 x 103 Maximum c.s.a. 1 x 50 or 2 x 35 2 x 25 1 x 50 6

Minimum c.s.a. 1x6 1x6 1x6

Characteristics of thermal-magnetic or magnetic only protection modules

Module type Protection Standard motors, frequent starting, distribution circuits Conforming to standards Number of poles Number of protected poles Rated operational voltage Maximum continuous current Setting range (Irth min./Irth max.) Temperature compensation Protection against phase imbalance Tripping class Instantaneous trip current setting range Tripping tolerance LB1 LD03P Standard motors LB1 LD03M Standard motors LB6 LD03P Frequent starting

Thermal protection


IEC 60947-4 type 2 (Iq = 50 kA) and NF C 63-650 63-650 3 3 3 3 690 690 1363 1363 10/13... 45/63 10/13... 45/63 - 20+ 60 With 20 Fixed at 15 20 %

6 7 8 9 10

63-650 3 3 690 1363

63-120 3 3 690 1363 10/13... 45/63

With 20 612 (2)

Without 612

Without 36

Magnetic protection conforming to IEC 60947-1/2/4/6-2

Irth max.

Characteristics of versions with control test function and padlocking facility

Conforming to standards Rated operational voltage Mechanical durability Padlocking V Operating cycles IEC 60947, NF C 63-130, VDE 0660, VDE 0113 690 10 000 1, 2 or 3 padlocks (shank 8 mm max. and 5 mm min.). When flush mounting, interlocking of the enclosure or cabinet door is possible.

(1) Above this value, the breaker trips. (2) Usual setting range 910 Irth max.

References : pages 2/56 to 2/59

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61



TeSys e nclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers for control and protection of motors


3-pole contactor breakers without protection module (1)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-43 220 V 400 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 240 V 415 V kW kW kW kW kW Operational current Breaking capacity (Iq) for Ue y 415 V kA Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Weight

1 2


With control test function and padlocking facility

Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO) Emergency Stop 15 30 33 33 37 55 63 50 LD4 LD030p 3.800

LD4 LD030p

3 4

3-pole reversing contactor breakers without protection module (1)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-43 220 V 400 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 240 V 415 V kW kW kW kW kW Operational current Breaking capacity (Iq) for Ue y 415 V kA Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Weight


With control test function and padlocking facility

Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO) Emergency Stop 15 LD5 LD030p (1) For the unit to function, it must be fitted with a protection module, to be ordered separately, see page opposite. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 36 42 48 110 120 220 230 240 380/ 400 415 440 480 500 50 Hz 60 Hz B BC BD CC D E CE ED F K FD FC M LC M MC U MC Q N N UX Q S 30 33 33 37 55 63 50 LD5 LD030p 7.600

5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 2/54 and 2/55

600 S

660 Y

c (3)

(3) For use on d.c., the unit is supplied with 1 or 2 converters, including coil suppression devices (2 converters for reversing contactor breakers).

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61



TeSys e nclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers
Motor protection modules (for customer assembly)


Thermal-magnetic protection, compensated and differential for normal starting motors

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 400 V 440 V 480/ 600/ 240 V 415 V 525 V 690 V kW kW kW kW kW Thermal setting range (Irth min. to Irth max.) A 10...13 13...18 18...25 23...32 28...40 35...50 45...63 10...13 13...18 18...25 23...32 28...40 35...50 45...63 Magnetic Reference setting range (6...12 Irth max) A 78...156 108...216 150...300 190...380 240...480 300...600 380...760 LB1 LD03P16 LB1 LD03P21 LB1 LD03P22 LB1 LD03P53 LB1 LD03P55 LB1 LD03P57 LB1 LD03P61 LB1 LD03M16 LB1 LD03M21 LB1 LD03M22 LB1 LD03M53 LB1 LD03M55 LB1 LD03M57 LB1 LD03M61 Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LB1 LD03Mpp

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

Fixed magnetic protection, set at 15 Irth max

3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33

5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33

7.5 11 15 18.5 25 33 40 7.5 11 15 18.5 25 33 40

10 15 18.5 22 33 45 55 10 15 18.5 22 33 45 55

Adjustable magnetic protection from 6 to 12 Irth max

Magnetic only protection, for frequent starting motors

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 400 V 440 V 480/ 600/ 240 V 415 V 525 V 690 V kW kW kW kW kW 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33 5.5 9 11 15 22 25 33 7.5 11 15 18.5 25 33 40 10 15 18.5 22 33 45 55 Thermal setting range (Irth min. to Irth max.) A Magnetic Reference setting range (6...12 Irth max) A 78...156 108...216 150...300 190...380 240...480 300...600 380...760 LB6 LD03M16 LB6 LD03M21 LB6 LD03M22 LB6 LD03M53 LB6 LD03M55 LB6 LD03M57 LB6 LD03M61 Weight

LB6 LD03Mpp

kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

Adjustable magnetic protection from 6 to 12 Irth max

Characteristics : pages 2/54 and 2/55

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61



TeSys enclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers for control and protection of resistive circuits in category AC-1
3 and 4-pole contactor breakers without protection module (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 2/54 and 2/55

Rated thermal current Ith q y 40 C A

Maximum operational current AC-1 q y 40 C A

Maximum operational voltage V

Breaking capacity Iq for Ue y 415 V kA

Number of poles

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2)



With control test function and padlocking facility

Red knob on yellow background (CNOMO) Emergency Stop 63 63 690 50 3 LD4 LD030p 3.800

Protection modules (for customer assembly)

Thermal-magnetic (compensated)
Thermal setting range (Irth min. to Irth max.) A 10...13 13...18 LB1 LD03Lpp 18...25 23...32 28...40 35...50 45...63 Magnetic setting range (3...6 Irth max) A 39...78 54...108 75...150 95...190 120...240 150...300 190...380 Number of poles 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Number of protected poles 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Reference Weight kg 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780


LB1 LD03L16 LB1 LD03L21 LB1 LD03L22 LB1 LD03L53 LB1 LD03L55 LB1 LD03L57 LB1 LD03L61

(1) For the unit to function, it must be fitted with a protection module, to be ordered separately. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 50 Hz 60 Hz c (3) 24 B BC BD 36 CC 42 D 48 E CE ED 110 F K FD 120 FC 220 M LC 230 M MC 240 U MC 380/ 400 Q 415 N 440 N UX 480 Q 500 S 600 S 660 Y

(3) For use on d.c., the unit is supplied with a converter, including coil suppression device.

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61



TeSys e nclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers
Auxiliary contact blocks and accessories


Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks (IP 20)

For use on Type and number of blocks per unit Composition Reference Weight

1 2

LD4 or LD5 Mounted on RH side integral + LA1 LC030

1 block of 6 instantaneous contacts comprising: 3 signalling contacts contactor state 1 signalling contact tripped on short-circuit 1 signalling contact tripped 1 signalling contact control knob in any position other than Auto 1 block of 5 instantaneous contacts comprising: 3 signalling contacts contactor state 1 signalling contact tripped 1 signalling contact tripped on short-circuit

LA1 LC010 2 1 1 1 1 LA1 LC012 2 1 1 1

kg 0.280


Reference Weight


Isolating blocks
For use on Type and number of blocks per unit Composition

1 LA1 LC030 kg 0.035

LD4 Mounted on LH side integral + LA1 LC010 + LA1 LC070p LD5 Mounted on LH side

1 control circuit isolating block (1 or 2 blocks per unit) 1 control circuit isolating block

LA1 LC031


5 6 7

Electrical tripping devices

For use on Type and number of blocks per unit Function Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) Weight

LD4 or LD5 fitted with an LA1 LC010 or LA1 LC012 add-on block

1 undervoltage trip

Time delay LA1 LC070p 0.2 s Instantaneous LA1 LC072p Instantaneous LA1 LC071p

kg 0.150 0.150 0.150

or 1 shunt trip

Remote electrical reset devices

For use on LD4 or LD5 fitted with an LA1 LC010 or LA1 LC012 add-on block integral + LA1 LC012 + LA1 LC052p Type and number of blocks per unit 1 remote electrical reset block Control voltage 24 V 50/60 Hz 42 V 50 Hz 48 V 50/60 Hz 100/127 V 50/60 Hz 200/240V 50/60 Hz Reference LA1 LC052B LA1 LC052E LA1 LC052F LA1 LC052M Weight kg 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320

8 9 10

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 48 110 120 220/230 240 380/ 400 50 Hz B E F M U Q 60 Hz B E F F M M Q

415 N

440 N N

Characteristics : pages 2/54 and 2/55

Dimensions : page 2/60

Schemes : page 2/61


References, dimensions

TeSys enclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers Enclosures


1 2 3
Metal enclosure DE1LT315

Empty metal enclosure

Type of enclosure For use on Reference DE1LT315 Weight


Degree of protection IP54 (1) LD4LD130p with drillings for door interlock LD4LD030p mechanism (interlock not supplied). For customer assembly


Door interlock mechanism (IP54)

Type Non-adjustable For use on enclosure DE1LT315 Colour of knob Red Reference LA9LC520 Weight



(1) Enclosure supplied with drillings and fitted with removable blanking plugs, for addition of cable glands (te be ordered separately): for number and diameters, see below.

367 225 =

69 190 = 195 287 =

Number of blanked-off cable entries

= At Top 1 1 Bottom 2 2 Cable min. 10 24 max. 12 30 For cable gland N 13 36 Type 13M 36M

6 7

Non-adjustable door interlock mechanism LA9LC52p

integral 63, for mounting on LD4 LD030 and LD5 LD030 LD4LD030 (2) LD5LD030





8 9 10


172 (LD4) 174 (LD5)

= 28 = = = 90


45 59 63 181 59

Door drillings

= = 54

(2) thickness 5 mm max. Schemes : page 2/61


= = 54


105 275


TeSys enclosed starters

integral 63 contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers Enclosures

Contactor breakers with protection module LBp

LD4 LD030 + LB1 LD03p
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Reversing contactor breakers with protection module LBp

LD5 LD030 + LB1 LD03M or LD03P
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3








2 3






2/T1 4/T2 6/T3

2/T1 4/T2 6/T3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Add-on blocks
Mounted on LH side Mounted on LH side
LA1 LC030 (64) (63) 54 53 53 Isolator

For contactor breaker LD4 and reversing contactor breaker LD5 Mounted on RH side
Breaker LA1 LC010 13 23 31 LA1 LC012 13 23 31 LA1 LC020 13 23 31 LA1 LC025 13 23 31 LA1 LC001 41 42
















1 ou 2 LA1LC030

Trip signalling







For reversing contactor breaker LD5 Mounted on LH side






Tripping devices (1) for LD4, LD5 LA1LC071



Control knob position signalling

Remote electrical reset devices (1) for LD4, LD5 LA1LC052p

Auto Trip + RESET
B4 B2 B3

LA1LC070, LC072

U< C2 D2



LA1 LC031





(1) For contactor breakers and reversing contactor breakers already fitted with an LA1 LC010 or LA1 LC012 instantaneous auxiliary contact block.

References, dimensions : page 2/60



Short-circuit signalling






TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE (1)
Non-reversing starters (with pushbutton control of isolation)
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220/ 400/ 230 V 415 V kW kW 0.06 Circuit-breaker Setting range of thermal trips A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 Dust & damp protected starter Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3) LG7 K06pp02 LG7 K06pp03 LG7 K06pp04 LG7 K06pp05 LG7 K06pp06 LG7 K06pp07 LG7 K06pp08 LG7 K06pp10 LG7 K09pp14 LG7 D12pp16 LG7 D18pp20 LG7 D18pp21 Weight

1 2 3


440 V kW 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.37 0.55 1.1 1.5 3 4 5.5 9 9

kg 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.450 1.600 1.630 1.630

LG7 K06

0.06 0.12 0.25 0.37

0.09 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 9


0.75 1.1 1.5 3 4 LG7 D12 with padlocking facility fitted as standard 4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/66

Specifications Functions performed by the starter: b isolation, b locking of isolation fitted as standard as from LG7 K09, b lockable Emergency Stop (1/4 turn) (3), b short-circuit protection, b overload protection, b pushbutton control: 1 white Start button I and 1 black Stop button O, b degree of protection of enclosure: IP 657, double insulated. Switching back on of power supply after tripping must be by a deliberate action. A GV2 SNpp indicator light may be added (to be assembled by customer), please consult your Regional Sales Office. For supply voltages between 380 and 415 V (codes Q7, V7 or N7) the control circuit is pre-wired between phases. For other supply voltages, the control circuit must be wired by the customer.

Variants (pre-assembled) See page 2/65.

(1) Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Volts a 12 50/60 Hz Code J7 24 B7 36 C7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 127 FC7 220/ 230 M7 230 P7 230/ 240 U7 380/ 400 Q7 400 V7 400/ 415 N7 440 R7 500 S7 660/ 690 Y7

Volts a 24 50/60 Hz Code B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 220/ 230 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380/ 400 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7

(3) LG7 K06: the mushroom head type Emergency Stop acts mechanically on the circuit-breaker. LG7 K09, D12, D18: the Emergency Stop function is performed by an undervoltage trip, acting on the circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker is always supplied pre-wired for use on 380/415 V 50 Hz. For a 60 Hz supply, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Other versions

Starters for voltages other than those indicated above. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 2/67


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE (1)


Non-reversing starters (with rotary operator for control of isolation)

Enclosure cannot be opened when energised in position I.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220/ 400/ 230 V 415 V kW kW 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.37 0.75 1.1 1.5 3 4 4 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 9 Circuit-breaker Setting range of thermal trips A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 Dust & damp protected starter Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) LG1 K065pp02 LG1 K065pp03 LG1 K065pp04 LG1 K065pp05 LG1 K065pp06 LG1 K065pp07 LG1 K065pp08 LG1 K065pp10 LG1 K095pp14 LG1 D122pp16 LG1 D182pp20 LG1 D182pp21 Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

440 V kW 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.55 1.1 1.5 3 4 5.5 9 9


kg 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 1.120 1.270 1.290 1.290

Specifications Functions performed by the starter: b isolation, b locking of isolation, b lockable Emergency Stop (red/yellow switch disconnector), b short-circuit protection, b overload protection, b pushbutton control: 1 white Start button I and 1 black Stop button O, b degree of protection of enclosure: IP 657, double insulated. Switching back on of power supply after tripping must be by a deliberate action. A GV2 SNpp indicator light may be added (to be assembled by customer), please consult your Regional Sales Office. For supply voltages between 380 and 415 V (codes Q7, V7 or N7) the control circuit is pre-wired between phases. For other supply voltages, the control circuit must be wired by the customer.

See page 2/65.

Variants (pre-assembled)

(1) Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Volts a 12 50/60 Hz Code J7 24 B7 36 C7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 127 FC7 220/ 230 M7 230 P7 230/ 240 U7 380/ 400 Q7 400 V7 400/ 415 N7 440 R7 500 S7 660/ 690 Y7

Volts a 24 50/60 Hz Code B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 220/ 230 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380/ 400 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7

Other versions

Starters for voltages other than those indicated above. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions : page 2/66

Schemes : page 2/67


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE (1)


Reversing starters (with pushbutton control of isolation)

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220/ 400/ 230 V 415 V kW kW 0.06 LG8 K06 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.37 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.55 1.1 1.5 3 4 5.5 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 LG8 K06pp03 LG8 K06pp04 LG8 K06pp05 LG8 K06pp06 LG8 K06pp07 LG8 K06pp08 LG8 K06pp10 LG8 K09pp14 LG8 K12pp16 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 Circuit-breaker Setting range of thermal trips A 0.160.25 Dust & damp protected starter Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3) LG8 K06pp02 Weight

1 2 3 4

440 V kW 0.06

kg 1.640

0.75 1.1 1.5

LG8 K09 with padlocking facility fitted as standard


6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/66

Specifications of reversing starters Functions performed by the starter: b isolation, b locking of isolation fitted as standard as from LG8 K09, b Emergency stop (3), b short-circuit protection, b overload protection, b control by selector switch 1-2, position non maintained, b degree of protection of enclosure: IP 657, double insulated. Switching back on of power supply after tripping must be by a deliberate action. A GV2 SNpp indicator light may be added (to be assembled by customer), please consult your Regional Sales Office. For supply voltages between 380 and 415 V (codes Q7, V7 or N7) the control circuit is pre-wired between phases. For other supply voltages, the control circuit must be wired by the customer.

Variants (pre-assembled) See page 2/65.

(1) Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts a 12 24 36 42 48 110 127 220/ 230 230/ 380/ 400 400/ 440 500 660/ 50/60 Hz 230 240 400 415 690 Code J7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FC7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 S7 Y7 (3) LG8 K06: the mushroom head type Emergency Stop acts mechanically on the circuit-breaker. LG8 K09: the Emergency Stop function is performed by an undervoltage trip, acting on the circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker is always supplied pre-wired for use on 380/415 V 50 Hz. For a 60 Hz supply, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Other versions

Starters for higher power ratings. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 2/67


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE (1)

Description With Emergency Stop No control pushbuttons With Emergency Stop 2 pushbuttons with arrows A and E (latching) 1 Stop button O Without Emergency Stop 2 pushbuttons with arrows A and E (non latching) Without Emergency Stop With Emergency Stop, mushroom head Application LG1, LG7, LG8 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (2) A04

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

LG8 K06






Without Emergency Stop (when the Emergency Stop is on the machine) With padlocking facility (fitted as standard as from LG1 K09 or LG7 K09) 1 neutral terminal Fitted as standard on starters ordered for use on 240 V (U7) supply Short-circuit signalling block

LG7, LG8


LG1 K06, LG7 K06 LG1, LG7, LG8

A29 A59



Vacuum valve for compressor



Without circuit-breaker

LG1, LG7, LG8


Possible combinations of variants for the selected starter type (4)

Starter type LG1 K LG7 K06 LG7 K09 LG7 D12 LG8 K06 A04 A10 A12 A14 A29 A37 (5) A39 A40 A59

LG8 K09

Combination possible

Combination not possible

(1) Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. (2) Example: LG7 D12M716A04. (3) Delete the last 2 digits of the selected starter reference. Example: LG1 K065pp08 becomes LG1 K065pp. (4) Example: LG8 K095ppA04A39A59. (5) LG1 K06: the mushroom head type Emergency Stop acts mechanically on the circuit-breaker. LG1 K09, D12, D18: the Emergency Stop function is performed by an undervoltage trip, acting on the circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker is always supplied pre-wired for use on 380/415 V 50 Hz. For a 60 Hz supply, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

9 10



TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE

Starters without isolator

1 2

LG1 K06, K09 LG1 D12, D18

LG7 K06, K09, D12, D18 LG8 K06, K09, K12

120 (1)

150 165


84 175

146 (2) 177 (1)

84 175

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(1) Emergency Stop for starters < 3 kW (2) Emergency Stop for starters u 3 kW (3) Only for LG7

Knock-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands

Type of enclosure LG1 K and LG1 D LG7 K and LG7 D LG8 K At top 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P At bottom 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P

References : pages 2/62 to 2/65

Schemes : page 2/67





TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE

D.O.L. starters
L3 L2

LG1 K06, K09, D12, D18


LG1 K06, K09, D12, D18 380/400 V, code Q7 or 400/415 V, code N7 220/230 V, code M7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
21 12 11


2 T3

4 T2

6 T1





5 5

1 1

3 3


U1 2

V1 4

W1 6

KM1 KM1/5 N

LG7 K06
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

LG7 K09, D12, D18













380/400 V, code Q7 or 400/415 V, code N7 220/230 V, code M7

D1 D2

LG7 K06, K09, D12, D18


Ph KM1/1








2 4 6
2 4 W1 6






KM1 KM1/5 N

Reversing starters
LG8 K06
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

LG8 K09, K12

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3




380/400 V, code Q7 or 400/415 V, code N7 220/230 V, code M7

Ph KM2/5

LG8 K06, K09, K12
























A1 53





A1 53


1 0

0 2

9 10


KM2/1 N


References : pages 2/62 to 2/65

Schemes : page 2/66







TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE
Non-reversing starters with integral transformer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : page 2/70 LJ7 K

Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. Starters pre-wired for operation on a 3-phase 380 to 400 V 50 Hz supply
(with pushbutton control of isolator function) Standard power ratings of 3-phase Circuit-breaker motors 50 Hz in category AC-3 Setting range of thermal trips 380/400 V kW 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 Dust and damp protected starter Reference (1) LJ7 K06Q702 LJ7 K06Q703 LJ7 K06Q704 LJ7 K06Q705 LJ7 K06Q706 LJ7 K06Q707 LJ7 K06Q708 LJ7 K06Q710 LJ7 K09Q714 Weight

kg 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270 2.270

Specifications Functions performed by the starter: b isolation, b locking of isolation fitted as standard on LJ7 K09, b lockable Emergency Stop (1/4 turn) (2), b short-circuit protection, b overload protection, b pushbutton control: 1 white Start button I and 1 black Stop button O, b terminal allowing connection of a volt-free contact, if required, in the control circuit, b degree of protection of enclosure: IP 657, double insulated. Switching back on of power supply after tripping must be by a deliberate action. A GV2 SNpp indicator light may be added (to be assembled by customer), please consult your Regional Sales Office. Integral transformer: 400/24 V, 25 VA.

Variants (3)
Description With Emergency Stop No control pushbuttons Without Emergency Stop LJ7 (when the Emergency Stop is on the machine) With padlocking facility LJ7 K06 (fitted as standard on LJ7 K09) Without circuit-breaker LJ7 For use on LJ7 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (4) A04 A39 A29 (5)

(1) In the reference, the voltage code Q7 (380/400 V) indicates the power supply voltage to which the starter will be connected, it being assumed that the contactor has a a 24 V coil (see control circuit scheme). (2) LJ7 K06 (P y 3 kW at 400 V): the mushroom head type Emergency Stop acts mechanically on the circuit-breaker. LJ7 K09 (P > 3 kW at 400 V): the Emergency Stop function is performed by an undervoltage trip GV AX385, acting on the circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker is always supplied pre-wired for use on 380/400 V 50 Hz. (3) Possible combination of variants A04, A29 and A39 on starters LJ7 K06. Example: LJ7 K06Q702A04A29A39. Possible combination of variants A04 and A39 on starters LJ7 K09Q714A04A39. (4) Example: LJ7 K06Q702A04. (5) Delete the last 2 digits of the selected starter reference. Example: LJ7 K06Q702 becomes LJ7 K06Q7.

Other versions

Starters for voltages other than those indicated above. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes : page 2/71


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE


Compliance with a harmonised European standard assumes conformity with the corresponding directive, provided that installation, building in and/or assembly of the starter is carried out correctly by the machine manufacturer. Harmonised European standards: EN 60947 and EN 60439. Conformity to international standards: IEC 60947 and IEC 60439. Starters pre-wired for operation on a 3-phase 380 to 400 V 50 Hz supply
LJ8 K (with pushbutton control of isolator function) Standard power ratings of 3-phase Circuit-breaker motors 50 Hz in category AC-3 Setting range of thermal trips 380/400 V kW 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 A 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 Dust and damp protected starter Reference (1) LJ8 K06Q702 LJ8 K06Q703 LJ8 K06Q704 LJ8 K06Q705 LJ8 K06Q706 LJ8 K06Q707 LJ8 K06Q708 LJ8 K06Q710 LJ8 K09Q714 Weight

Reversing starters with integral transformer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650 2.650

Specifications Functions performed by the starter: b isolation, b locking of isolation fitted as standard on LJ8 K09, b lockable Emergency Stop (1/4 turn) (2), b short-circuit protection, b overload protection, b pushbutton control: 1 white Start button I and 1 black Stop button O, b terminal allowing connection of a volt-free contact, if required, in the control circuit, b degree of protection of enclosure: IP 657, double insulated. Switching back on of power supply after tripping must be by a deliberate action. A GV2 SNpp indicator light may be added (to be assembled by customer), please consult your Regional Sales Office. Integral transformer: 400/24 V, 25 VA.

Variants (3)
Description With Emergency Stop No control pushbuttons Without Emergency Stop LJ8 (when the Emergency Stop is on the machine) With padlocking facility LJ8 K06 (fitted as standard on LJ8 K09) Without circuit-breaker LJ8 For use on LJ8 Suffix to be added to the starter reference (4) A04 A39 A29 (5)

(1) In the reference, the voltage code Q7 (380/400 V) indicates the power supply voltage to which the starter will be connected, it being assumed that the contactor has a a 24 V coil (see control circuit scheme). (2) LJ8 K06 (P y 3 kW at 400 V): the mushroom head type Emergency Stop acts mechanically on the circuit-breaker. LJ8 K09 (P > 3 kW at 400 V): the Emergency Stop function is performed by an undervoltage trip GV AX385, acting on the circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker is always supplied pre-wired for use on 380/400 V 50 Hz. (3) Possible combination of variants A04, A29 and A39 on starters LJ8 K06. Example: LJ8 K06Q702A04A29A39. Possible combination of variants A04 and A39 on starters LJ8 K09. Example : LJ8 K09Q714A04A39. (4) Example: LJ8 K06Q702A04. (5) Delete the last 2 digits of the selected starter reference. Example: LJ8 K06Q702 becomes LJ8 K06Q7.

Other versions

Starters for voltages other than those indicated above. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Dimensions : page 2/70

Schemes : page 2/71



TeSys enclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE


1 2

LJ7 K06, LJ8 K06




84 175

3 4

LJ7 K09, LJ8 K09



5 6 7 8 9 10


84 175

Cut-outs or blanking plugs for cable glands at the top and at the bottom 2 x 13 P and 2 x 16 P.

References : pages 2/68 and 2/69





TeSys e nclosed starters

Enclosed D.O.L. starters for motor control for use on a machine subject to the application of Machinery Directive 98/37/CE

LJ7 K06

Non-reversing starters
LJ7 K09
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3









13 1


13 1





5 6

1 2

3 4

1 2

3 4


U1 2

V1 4

W1 6

U1 2

V1 4


W1 6







400/24 V 25 VA

5 6





400/24 V 25 VA










Reversing starters
LJ8 K06
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3


3 4

A1 12








A1 12



5 6





400/24 V 25 VA

















1 0

0 2






LJ8 K09

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3
















400/24 V 25 VA



1 0 S2

0 2 S2






8 9













References : pages 2/68 and 2/69


Selection guide

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system


1 2 3

Degree of protection

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker Low consumption contactor or contactor pair Electronic control device

IP 54

5 6 7 8 9 10


Insulated (plastic)


Rotary knob

Sensor connection


With and local/line control


Non-reversing Reversing

LF3Pppp LF4Pppp
2/84 and 2/85

LF3PpppA79 LF4PpppA79



1 2 3 4
Metal Insulated (plastic)


With and local/line control


With and local/line control


LF3MPpp p LF4MPpp p

LF3MPpp pA79 LF4MPpp pA79

LF3Mppp LF4Mppp

LF3 Mpp pA79 LF4 Mpp pA79

6 7 8 9 10



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system


1 2 3 4 5

Decentralised control of motors using enclosed starters which communicate on ASInterface, drastically reduces setting-up times, thereby increasing the availability of machines. In order to cater for different environments, these starters are sub-divided according to: b the different power connection methods: cable gland or Harting plug-in connectors, b the local/AS-Interface remote operating modes, b the type of enclosure: insulated (plastic) or metal.

Decentralisation of machine starters

These enclosed starters which communicate on AS-Interface are pre-assembled and ready-to-use with a minimum of cabling. They are designed for building decentralised electrical installations: i.e. the starters are installed as near as possible to the motors they are to control. The decentralisation of the starters provides obvious advantages regarding power distribution to machines not grouped together, for example: motors driving a conveyor system. Traditional installation
Equipment floor-standing enclosure

Distribution circuit circuit-breaker Programmable controller with its inputs/outputs

6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83 References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Contactor + thermal overload relay

Decentralised installation
Distribution enclosure


Distribution circuit circuit-breaker Programmable controller AS-Interface starters

Power is distributed either by prefabricated trunking or by cable. These starters incorporate all the functions necessary for the management of motors (control, protection, isolation, etc.), and comprise: - a thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker, - a low consumption contactor (non reversing) or contactor pair (reversing), - an I/O module ASI 20MTpp. Designed primarily for use with 3-phase a.c. motors, they can nevertheless be used with single-phase or d.c. motors. In these applications, the 3 phases of the internal circuit-breaker should be wired in series (each phase sensing the same current) in order to avoid tripping due to an assumed phase failure.

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Connection by cable gland

1 2 3


1 2 3

1 2 3 13 4

5 6 7


10 9



Product diagnostics via 3 LEDs. Input state. Output state. Knock-out for cable gland (not included for any power extension or output control relay cabling). 12 5 Disconnect rotary control knob. Indicates Trip when switch-disconnector tripped. 6 6 Local/AS-Interface key switch (variant A79). 7 7 For variant A79: 3-position, spring return to zero selector switch for reversing starter (LF4). Function: - position 1 = forward running, - position 0 = Stop, - position 2 = reverse running. Pushbutton for non-reversing starter (LF3). Function: Pulsed operation. 8 Cable gland for power supply cable. 9 M12 female connector for cable connection to a sensor (supplied with protective cap). 10 M12 male connector for connection to AS-Interface (1) and auxiliary supply. 11 Cable gland for motor cabling. 12 Reset pushbutton. 13 Stop pushbutton.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection by plug-in connectors(variant A74)

1 2 3 8 4


1 2 3 8 4 13 14

1 2 3 4 5 6

12 11

9 10

12 11

9 10

Product diagnostics via 3 LEDs. Input state. Output state. Knock-out for cable gland (not included for output control relay cabling). Male connector for incoming power supply to motor starter (2). Disconnect rotary control knob. Indicates Trip when switch-disconnector tripped. 7 Female connector for power supply to the next motor starter (2). 8 Local/AS-Interface key switch. 9 For variant A79: 3-position, spring return to zero selector switch for reversing starter (LF4). Function: - position 1 = forward running, - position 0 = Stop, - position 2 = reverse running. Pushbutton: for non-reversing starters (LF3). Function: Pulsed operation. 10 Female connector for power supply to motor (2). 11 M12 female connector for cable connection to a sensor (supplied with protective cap). 12 M12 male connector for connection to AS-Interface (1) and auxiliary supply. 13 Stop pushbutton. 14 Reset pushbutton.
(1) Extension cables: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) HARTING plug-in connector to be fitted to cable (not included, see page 2/95).

Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Auxiliary supply

1 2

AS-Interface Control-command and contactor supply Auxiliary supply Contactor supply Contactor supply

Power supply

3 4

A c 24 V supply is necessary for LF3 and LF4 starters. Prospective current consumptions are listed on page 2/83.

Motor command-control
The functions provided by this range of starters are: - motor control and status monitoring via AS-Interface, - D.O.L. starting (non-reversing or reversing), - overload protection of the motor, - short-circuit protection of the motor and its power supply cabling. Starters with rotary control knob These starters provide the following functions: - load break switch-disconnector with padlockable control knob, - IP 54 degree of protection, double insulation. Opening of the enclosure is mechanically inhibited whilst the starter is switched on or whilst in the off position and padlocked.

5 6

The rotary control knob has 3 positions: 0: switch-disconnector opened manually, I: switch-disconnector closed, Trip: switch-disconnector tripped. Starters with pushbutton control These starters provide the following functions: - pushbutton resetting of the protection device, - pushbutton stop control, - IP 54 degree of protection, double insulation.

7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83 References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Functions (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Local control
Stop and reset functions are possible from the front of the enclosure. The stop command is achieved by actuating the internal circuit-breaker, which provides the switch-disconnector function. Depending on the type of starter, stopping is controlled by either: - a rotary control knob, or - a stop pushbutton (black) . In the event of an overload, resetting of the internal thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker is possible after the motor has cooled down. Depending on the type of starter, resetting is controlled by either: - a rotary control knob, or - a reset pushbutton (blue).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Integral local/AS-Interface control (variant A79) This starter variant is fitted with a 2-position local/AS-Interface switch which, depending on the position of the switch, allows the following functions: b AS-Interface: the PLC controls the motor starter. b Local: local Start/Stop commands override instructions from the PLC. b 3-position, spring return to zero selector switch for reversing starter (LF4). Function: - position 1 = forward running, - position 0 = Stop, - position 2 = reverse running. b Pushbutton for non-reversing starter (LF3) . Function: - Pulsed operation. Control via a control station
AS-Interface Message 2 Message 1

Power supply

It is possible to achieve manual local start control from pushbutton control stations connected to AS-Interface. Please consult your Regional Sales Office. Actuation of a pushbutton is transmitted to the programmable controller (message 1) which passes it on to the starter (message2).

8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Functions (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Local signalling

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83 References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Indication of all the operating states (diagnostic, inputs and outputs) is visible without having to open the enclosure (transparent window in the enclosure cover).

The starter features continual self-checking to ensure correct operation. External safety functions are not processed by the starter. Emergency stop and machine safety wiring must follow standard safety practice and be hard-wired, using electromechanical devices in the approved way. These functions must not be handled by communication bus systems (EN 60204 Protection against unexpected restarting, after an accidental power supply failure, must be provided by a safety device separate from the starter. The starter control (rotary knob or pushbutton) does not provide the Emergency Stop function if the machine is fitted with other actuators. The control operators on the starter are therefore coloured black, in accordance with standard EN 60204 10.2.1. Starters with rotary control knob may be padlocked in the ON position, since this control does not provide an Emergency Stop function.

Assume fallback condition

When communication is interrupted, the starter is no longer controlled by the PLC. The fallback condition of the starter is motor stopped (outputs at 0).

Output control relay

This relay incorporates a C/O contact, which may be used to control an indicator lamp, solenoid valve, etc. (250 V, 5 A), via AS-Interface.


Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Functions (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Starters with sensors connected (1)

Two 3-wire PNP sensors (50 mA max) or 2-wire limit switches can be connected directly to the starter. The information supplied by the sensor/limit switch is fed back via the AS-Interface line. (1) For "Reflex Stop" function, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83

References: pages 2/84 to 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Starter type Conforming to standards

LF3,LF4 IEC 60204-1, EN 60204-1, IEC 60439-1, IEC 60947-4-1, EN 60947-4-1 UL 508, CSA C22-2 n 14 (1) Standard version TC IP 54 Storage Operation Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane C C m -40+80 -5+40 2000

Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature around the device conforming to IEC 60439-1 Maximum operating altitude Operating position without derating





Flame resistance of equipment Shock resistance (1/2 sine wave, 11ms) conforming to IEC60068-2-27 Vibration resistance 5150Hz conforming to IEC60068-2-6 Safe separation of circuits Immunity to non-dissipating shock wave (Uimp) Material and colour of enclosure base Material and colour of enclosure cover Resistance to chemical agents

Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 Contactor open Contactor closed Contactor open Contactor closed Conforming to VDE 0106 and IEC 60536 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Insulated enclosures Metal enclosures Insulated enclosures Metal enclosures Insulated enclosures

960 10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage), up to 400 V


6: power 2.5: AS-Interface, 24 V and sensor Polycarbonate impregnated with 20 % glass fibre, black throughout Sheet steel RAL 9001 Polycarbonate impregnated with 20% glass fibre, RAL 9001 throughout Sheet steel RAL 9001 Avoid allowing this material to come into contact with: strong bases (certain detergents), aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohol, chlorine solvents, ketones.

Electromagnetic compatibility
Immunity to electrostatic discharge Immunity to fast transient currents Immunity to dissipated shock wave Immunity to conducted radio-frequency interference Immunity to radiated radio-frequency interference Radio-conducted and radio-radiated rejection Conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 EN 61000-4-4 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 EN 61000-4-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-6 ENV 50 141 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 ENV 50 140 and ENV 50 204 (GSM) ENV 55 011/CISPR11 (G1) kV kV kV 8: in open air (level 3) 4: in indirect mode (level 2) 2: power, AS-Interface, 24 V and sensor (level 3) 4/2: power (level 4) 2/0.5: power, AS-Interface, 24 V and sensor (level 2) V/m V/m 10 10 Class B (1) Only for metal enclosures with letter U at the end of the reference. Certification pending.

Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Starter type Power supply cabling Screw clamp terminals Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque (1) Cable Gland (Pg16) Motor cabling Screw clamp terminals Clamping capacity mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m mm LF3 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1.7 10 Min. Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque (1) Cable Gland (Pg16) Output control relay cabling Clamping capacity mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m mm 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 0.8 10 Min. Terminal block Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque (2) Cable gland mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 8 10 Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4 1.7 15 Max. 2x4 2x4 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 0.8 15 Max. 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.7 13 15 LF4 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1.7 10 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 0.8 10 Min. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 8 10 Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4 1.7 15 Max. 1x4 1x4 1 x 2.5 0.8 15 Max. 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.7 13 15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Clamping capacity Pg 13 mm Pg 16 mm

Pole electrical characteristics

Utilisation category Conforming to IEC 60947-2 (circuit-breaker) Conforming to 947-4-1 (motor starter) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated operational frequency Breaking capacity (Ics and Icu) Sensitivity to phase failure Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to IEC 60947 V V Hz A AC-3 415 415 50/60 > 100 > 100 Yes

Conforming to 230/240 V kA IEC60947-2 400/415 V kA Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 7-2-1-5-2 C.O.: closing, opening For AC-3 duty Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour In millions of operating cycles In category AC-3 at 8.5 A C.O. C.O. C.O./h

Circuit-breaker characteristics (manual operation)

Mechanical durability Electrical durability Duty class Maximum operating rate Mechanical durability Electrical durability 100000 100000 25 3600 30 800000 5

Circuit-breaker characteristics (automatic operation)

Other characteristics
Starters with rotary control knob Starters with pushbutton control Non-reversing starters Reversing starters Circuit-breaker type GV2P Circuit-breaker type GV2ME LF3, LF4 only Contactor LP4K0901BW3 (3) Reversing contactor LP5K0901BW3 (4) See pages 3/8 to 3/11 See pages 3/8 to 3/11 See pages 5/10 to 5/13 See pages 5/10 to 5/13 (1) Philips n 2 or flat screwdriver 5.5. (2) Flat screwdriver 3.5. (3) LP4 K1201BW3 for circuit-breaker ratings 00 and 16. (4) LP5 K1201BW3 for circuit-breaker ratings 00 and 16. Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79 References: page 2/84 and 2/85 Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93 Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Sensor inputs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Starter type Cabling Nominal input values Voltage Maximum current available per sensor Sensor supply (including ripple) Input voltage range At state 1 At state 0 Maximum number of sensors Proximity sensor compatibility Isolation with respect to the AS-Interface line Input type Voltage Current Voltage Current V mA V V mA V mA

LF3,LF4 M12 c 24 50 1930 c > 11 >6 c<5 <2 2 2-wire/3-wire Yes Resistive for PNP type sensor

Output control relay

Operating voltage limit Thermal current at 40 C (Ith) Service life on an a 24 V load Resistive Millions of operating cycles load AC-12 Inductive Millions of operating cycles load AC-14 Service life on a c 24 V load Resistive Millions of operating cycles load DC-12 Resistive Millions of operating cycles load DC-3 Response time Contact type Built-in protection Against overload and short-circuits Against a.c. or d.c. inductive overloads Isolation rms voltage between output and earth or between output and internal logic V Latching Unlatching ms ms a.c. supply d.c. supply V V A 250 30 5 0.1 (1) in 5 A current, 1 (2) in 1 A current. 0.5 (2) in 1 A current, 1 (2) in 0.5 A current, 5 (3) in 0.25 A current. 0.1 (1) in 5 A current, 0.2 (1) in 2 A current. 0.5 (2) in 1 A current, > 1 (3) in 0.25 A current. < 10 < 15 C/O None, a quick-blow fuse must be fitted Protected against overvoltages generated by switching the coils of preactuators 1500, 50/60 Hz for 60 s > 1000

Insulation resistance between mW output terminals and AS-Interface

(1) 0.2 of an operation (C/O) per second. (2) 0.5 of an operation (C/O) per second. (3) 1 operation (C/O) per second.

Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79

References: page 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Starter type Product configured for supply from an auxiliary c 24 V supply LF3 Current consumption From the AS-Interface line (1) De-energised 20 mA Inrush Sealed Per sensor Relays From the auxiliary c 24 V supply 20 mA 20 mA 20 mA 0 110 mA 30 mA LF4 20 mA 20 mA 20 mA

1 2 3

Sensor consumption (50 mA max) + 10 mA (signal = 1)

De-energised 0 Inrush Energised 110 mA 30 mA

Data exchange characteristics

AS-Interface profile Data bits (commands) Bit value Command D0 (O) Command D1 (O) Command D2 (O) Command D3 (O) Data bits (status) Bit value Status D0 (I) Status D1 (I) Status D2 (I) Status D3 (I) 7.D.F.F (standard addressing 7.A.7.0 (extended addressing A/B) =0 Stop - forward running Stop - reverse running Deactivation of control relay Not Used =0 Not ready or fault Stopped Sensor 1 signal absent (3) Sensor 2 signal absent (4) =1 Start - forward running Start - reverse running (2) Activation of control relay Not Used =1 Ready Running Sensor 1 signal present (3) Sensor 2 signal present (4)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) 30 mA maximum + sensor consumption. (2) Only on LF4. (3) Sensor 1 or circuit-breaker fault signal, depending on configuration. (4) Sensor 1 or sensor 2 signal or control/local mode, depending on configuration.

Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79

References: page 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93

Connections: pages 2/94 and 2/95


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system LF3 P and LF4 P


1 2

Conforming to standards Degree of protection Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material Conforming to IEC 60529 Operation

IEC 60204-1, 60439-1, 60947-4-1, EN 60204-1, 60947-4-1 UL 508, CSA C22-2 n 14 (1) IP 54 - 5 to + 40 C Same as that of the contactors LFpP: polycarbonate (2). LFpMP: sheet steel Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220/230 V kW 400/415 V kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 Circuit-breaker adjustment range of thermal trips A Without 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 LF3P00D (4) LF3P02D LF3P03D LF3P04D LF3P05D LF3P06D LF3P07D LF3P08D LF3P10D LF3P14D LF3P16D LF3P00E (4) LF3P02E LF3P03E LF3P04E LF3P05E LF3P06E LF3P07E LF3P08E LF3P10E LF3P14E LF3P16E Starter Ref. with standard addressing Ref. with extended addressing Weight kg 1.020 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.350 1.350 1.350 1.350 1.350 1.350

Starters in insulated (plastic) enclosure

Non-reversing starters with rotary control knob, with black handle on blue background (3)
0.06 0.09 0.12

3 4 5 6


0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3


Reversing starters with rotary control knob, with black handle on blue background (3)
0.06 0.09 0.12 LF4PppDA79A74 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 Without 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 LF4P00D (4) LF4P02D LF4P03D LF4P04D LF4P05D LF4P06D LF4P07D LF4P08D LF4P10D LF4P14D LF4P16D LF4P00E (4) LF4P02E LF4P03E LF4P04E LF4P05E LF4P06E LF4P07E LF4P08E LF4P10E LF4P14E LF4P16E 1.020 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600

7 8 9 10
LF4MPppDA74A79 Dimensions: pages 2/88 to 2/90

Starters in metal enclosures

b To order a metal enclosure, add a letter M after LF3 or LF4, in the references selected above. Example: LF3P02D becomes LF3MP02D. b To order a metal enclosure that conforms to standards UL 508 and CSA C22-2 n 14, add a letter M after LF3 or LF4 and a letter U at the end of the references selected above. Example: LF3P02D becomes LF3MP02DU.

Variants (pre-assembled)

For mounting on Insulated or metal enclosure Insulated enclosure Metal enclosure

Suffix to be added to the starter reference (5) A74 A79 A79

With HARTING connectors (6) With local/AS-Interface control With local/AS-Interface control

(1) Only for metal enclosures with letter U at the end of the reference. Certification pending. (2) Avoid allowing the material to come into contact with strong bases (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (3) On metal enclosures only, to order an Emergency Stop rotary control knob with red handle on yellow background, add the letter R to the end of the reference. Example: LF3MP02DR. (4) Supplied without GV2 P motor circuit-breaker. (5) Example: LF3P02DA79A74. (6) Connectors to be fitted to cables (to be ordered separately, see page 2/95). Schemes: pages 2/91 to 2/93


Characteristics, references

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system LF3 M and LF4 M

Conforming to standards Degree of protection Conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature Operating positions Material Operation IEC 60204-1, 60439-1, 60947-4-1, EN 60204-1, 60947-4-1 UL 508, CSA C22-2 n 14 IP 54 - 5 to + 40 C Same as that of the contactors LFpM: polycarbonate (1). Circuit-.breaker adjustment range of thermal trips A Without 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 LF3M00D (2) LF3M00E (2) LF3M02D LF3M03D LF3M04D LF3M05D LF3M06D LF3M07D LF3M08D LF3M10D LF3M14D LF3M16D LF3M02E LF3M03E LF3M04E LF3M05E LF3M06E LF3M07E LF3M08E LF3M10E LF3M14E LF3M16E Starter Ref. with standard addressing Ref. with extended addressing Weight kg 1.000 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Starters in insulated (plastic) enclosure

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220/230 V kW

400/415 V kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5

Non-reversing starters with pushbutton control

0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3



Reversing starters with pushbutton control

0.06 0.09 0.12 Without 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 LF4M00D (2) LF4M00E (2) LF4M02D LF4M03D LF4M04D LF4M05D LF4M06D LF4M07D LF4M08D LF4M10D LF4M14D LF4M16D LF4M02E LF4M03E LF4M04E LF4M05E LF4M06E LF4M07E LF4M08E LF4M10E LF4M14E LF4M16D 1.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550


0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3

Variants (pre-assembled)
Description With HARTING connectors (4) With local/AS-Interface control For mounting on Insulated enclosure Insulated enclosure Suffix to be added to the starter reference (3) A74 A79

(1) Avoid allowing the material to come into contact with strong bases (detergents, chlorine solvents, ketones, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbons). (2) Supplied without GV2 ME motor circuit-breaker. (3) Example: LF3M02DA79A74. (4) Connectors to be fitted to cables (to be ordered separately, see page 2/95).

9 10

Dimensions: pages 2/88 to 2/90

Schemes: pages 2/91 to 2/93


References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Insulated enclosures LF3 and LF4

1 2 3

Power extension (daisy-chaining)







Metal enclosures LF3 and LF4


5 6 7 8 9 10




References (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Presentation In order to reduce setting-up times and to simplify maintenance, variant A74 LF starters are fitted with Harting plug-in connectors. These starters are designed to allow 2 types of connection topology.
Connection using tap links This configuration avoids having to switch off the power supply when replacing or adding one or more starters. Although machine availability is increased, a larger number of power connections is required: 4 per starter.

Accessories for insulated enclosures with variant A74

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Connection using power extension (daisychaining)



The number of power connections per starter is halved, but continuity of service is no longer assured if any of the upstream starters are disconnected or removed. With this type of installation, special precautions must be taken because removal of a starter at the head of the power supply line de-energises all the remaining starters on that line. For safety reasons therefore, starters must not be removed under load (prohibited by standard EN60204 above 3kW/400V).

The 2 connection kits and accessories shown below have been designed to facilitate setting up of power extension configurations by the user.

Connection kit (depending on enclosure application)

Enclosure Capacity application mm2 Power extension (daisychaining) Terminal 3-pole 1.5 or 2.5 3-pole 1.5 or 2.5 1 female connector Enclosures 2 male connectors and LF3 and LF4 corresponding power sockets (1) 1 female connector 1 male connector 1 blanking plug and corresponding power sockets (1) Enclosures LF3 and LF4 LA9LFC Kit contents For Reference mounting on Weight kg 0.150



Crimping contacts
Type Male Capacity mm2 1.5 2.5 Female 1.5 2.5 Sold in lots of 100 100 100 100 Unit reference LA9LFM15 LA9LFM25 LA9LFF15 LA9LFF25 Weight kg 0.120 0.120 0.160 0.150

Accessories for metal enclosures with variant A74

Connection kits
For connector Input Kit contents For Reference mounting on Metal enclosures LF3, LF4 Metal enclosures LF3, LF4 LA9LFFM40 Weight kg 1 metal cover 2 size 16 cable glands 1 blanking plug 1 female power socket (3P + earth) 4 female crimping contacts (2) 1 metal cover 1 size 16 cable gland 1 female power socket (3P+ earth) (1) Capacity mm2 Male 1.5 2.5 Thermal current A 10 10 0.260

Output to motor



Crimping contacts
Type Voltage Sold in lots of V 400 400 100 100 LA9LFM15 LA9LFM25 Unit reference Weight kg 0.120 0.120


(1) Crimping contacts to be ordered separately. (2) For flexible cable, 4 mm2 maximum, Ith: 16 A, Us: 400 V.



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system LF3P and LF4 P

Non-reversing and reversing starters with rotary control knob

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With cable glands LFpPpp p

With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) LFpPpp pA74

175 120 4x5,3

175 84





With cable glands Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpPpp pA79

With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpPpp pA79A74

175 120 4x5,3

175 84





Knock-outs for cable gland From above 2 x Pg16 and 2 x Pg13 From below 2 x Pg16 (cable glands supplied) (1) M12 male connector for connection to AS-Interface and auxiliary 24 V supply. (2) M12 female connector for connection to sensor.

References: page 2/84

Schemes: pages 2/91 to 2/93






Dimensions (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system LF3M and LF4 M

Non-reversing and reversing starters with pushbutton control

With cable glands LFpMpp p With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) LFpMpp pA74

140 120 4x5,3

175 84

140 120 4x5,3

175 84


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



150 165





With cable glands Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpMpp pA79

With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpMpp pA79A74

165 120 4x5,3

175 84


(1) (2)
Knock-outs for cable gland From above 2 x Pg16 and 2 x Pg13 From below 2 x Pg16 (cable glands supplied) (1) M12 male connector for connection to AS-Interface and a uxiliary 24 V supply. (2) M12 female connector for connection to sensor. References: page 2/85 Schemes : pages 2/91 to 2/93






Dimensions (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system LF3MP and LF4 MP

Non-reversing and reversing starters with rotary control knob

1 2

With cable glands LFpMPpp p

With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) LFpMPpp pA74

179 125 7

219 175

179 125 7

219 175






230 230

13 (1) (2)




4 5

With cable glands Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpMPpp pA79

With HARTING plug-in connectors (A74) Incorporating sensor and local/AS-Interface control variant (A79) LFpMPpp pA79A74

179 125 7

219 175

179 125








6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 2/84 and 2/85








Knock-outs for cable Standard enclosure Enclosure with variant gland A74 From above 3 x Pg16 1 x Pg16 From below 2 x Pg16 1 x Pg16 (1) M12 male connector for connection to AS-Interface and auxiliary 24 V supply. (2) M12 female connector for connection to sensor.

Schemes: pages 2/91 to 2/93





TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Non-reversing starters LF3

AS Interface I1 I2 Input I3 J21A 1 KM GV ready GV Flt. 2 3 I4 J21B 1 2 3 +S-S Output Q1 -KA1 A (bus) M (local) Q2 Q3 Aux+ AuxASi+ ASi-

1 2 3

-KM1 -KA1 GV ready -KO3

5 PR3

PR5 4 1 2 3 -KO3 J2 NO COM O3 250 VAC / 5 A NC +24 V 0V ASi+ ASi-

Black White Brown Blue

4 5 6 7

Sensor 2 Sensor 1

Insulated enclosure with variant A79 or metal enclosure with variant A79

Reversing starters LF4

AS Interface I1 -KM1 1 -KM2 GV ready GV Flt. I 0 II 2 I2 Input I3 J21A 3 I4 J21B 1 2 3 +S-S Q1 -KA1 A (bus) M (local) Q2 Q3 Aux+ AuxASi+ ASiBlack White Brown Blue -KM2 GV -KO3 ready PR5 4 1 2 3 -KO3 J2 NO Sensor 2 Sensor 1 COM O3 250 VAC / 5 A NC +24 V 0V ASi+ ASiOutput

-KM1 -KA1

8 9 10

5 PR3

Insulated enclosure with variant A79 or metal enclosure with variant A79

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions : pages 2/88 to 2/90


Recommended application TeSys enclosed starters D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system schemes

Non-reversing and reversing starters with 2 sensors, an auxiliary supply and a control relay

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AS-Interface line


Recommended application schemes


TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Connections on enclosure
M12 male connector for AS-Interface and c 24 V auxiliary supply
24 V 4 3 AS-i

1 2

AS-i +


Sensor M12 female connector Limit switch

3 4

2-wire PNP type sensor

3 4

3-wire PNP type sensor

Sensor 1

Sensor 1

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

+ +
Sensor 2

+ +
Sensor 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Starters in enclosures with cable glands


2 3


7 6

1 Junction box

6 7 8 9 10

2 Incoming power 3 Power extension 4 FTXCY1212: splitter block 5 XZCR1511040Ap: extension 6 XZCB1pp02: flat cable (black) for auxiliary supply 7 XZCG01403D: tap link for two cables 8 XZCB1pp01: flat cable (yellow) for AS-Interface

Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79

Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93


Connections (continued)

TeSys enclosed starters

D.O.L. starters for AS-Interface cabling system

Starters in insulated enclosures with HARTING type plug-in power connectors

3 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Incoming power Power extension Control relay (example: illuminated indicator bank FTXCY1212: splitter block XZCR1511040Ap: extension XZCB1pp02: flat cable (black) for auxiliary supply XZCG01403D: tap link for two cables XZCB1pp01: flat cable (yellow) for AS-Interface

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Configuration of HARTING connectors to be fitted on cables (to be ordered separately)

Number and HARTING reference for incoming power female connector Straight cover 1 x 09-20-003-0420 1 x 09-12-005-3001 3 x 09-33-000-6202 for power extension and motor connection male connectors 2 x 09-20-003-0420 2 x 09-12-005-3101 8 x 09-33-000-6102 1 x 09-20-003-5408

8 5

Male insert 6-way, 400 V Female insert 6-way, 400 V

Male contacts 2.5 mm2 Female contacts 2.5 mm2

Plug for the last socket

Starters in metal enclosures with HARTING type plug-in power connectors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Incoming power Control relay (example: illuminated indicator bank FTXCY1212: splitter block XZCR1511040Ap: extension XZCB1pp02p: flat cable (black) for auxiliary supply XZCG1403D: tap link for two cables XZCB1pp01p: flat cable (yellow) for AS-Interface

Configuration of HARTING connectors to be fitted on cables (to be ordered separately)

Number and HARTING reference for incoming power female connector Straight cover 1 x 09-30-006-442 (1) 1 x 09-30-006-443 (2) 1 x 09-33-006-2702 3 x 09-33-000-6207 for power extension and motor connection male connectors 2 x 09-20-003-1440 2 x 09-12-005-3101 5 x 09-33-000-6102

7 4

Male insert 6-way, 400 V Female insert 6-way, 400 V Male contacts 2.5 mm2

Female contacts 2.5 mm2 (1) PG21. (2) PG29.

Functions : pages 2/76 to 2/79

Characteristics: pages 2/80 to 2/83

References: pages 2/84 and 2/85

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/88 to 2/93



TeSys D.O.L. starters

LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system

1 2 3

AS-Interface modules LA9Z32810 and LA9Z32811 allow motor starters to be monitored and controlled by AS-Interface. These products are in addition to the ASInterface enclosed starter range, LF1 and LF2. The module sizes offered are: 2 inputs/1 output or 4 inputs/2 outputs. These products can be mounted in two ways: b on 5 rail, b on LA9Zppp adapters for use with busbar systems.
565188 565189


4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: page 2/98 References: page 2/99


Inputs/outputs are connected to a built-in, flexible terminal type connector, so reducing installation time. The AS-Interface line is connected to the module by the yellow connector. The external c 24 V supply to the module outputs is connected to the black connector. With this supply method, it is possible to make the output states subject to external safety conditions (Emergency stop, safety overtravel, etc.).

Dimensions, scheme : pages 2/100 and 2/101


Presentation (continued)

TeSys D.O.L. starters

LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system

The various module sizes allow control of: - non-reversing starters, - reversing starters, - 2-speed starters for motors with separate windings. The outputs, supplied by the separate auxiliary voltage, can simultaneously switch a current of 0.5 A at c 24 V and can therefore switch the following contactors: - LP1, LP4K06 to K12, - LC1D09 to D32.

Fields of application

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


AS-Interface module 1 AS-Interface green/red LED indicator: - red: no communication with the Master. The outputs are switched off, - green: communication OK, outputs OK, - red/yellow flashing: module has no address (assign an address between 1 and 31), - off: no power supply to AS-Interface. 2 Green PWR LED: - LED on: auxiliary power supply ON, - LED off: auxiliary power supply OFF.


Characteristics: page 2/98

References: page 2/99

Dimensions, schemes: pages 2/100 and 2/101



TeSys D.O.L. starters

LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system

General system environment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interface type Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Flame resistance Resistance to external mechanical impact Vibration resistance Immunity to non-dissipating shockwave (Uimp) Immunity to electrostatic discharge Immunity to fast transient currents Immunity to dissipated shock wave Immunity to conducted radio-frequency interference Immunity to radiated radio-frequency interference Radio-conducted and radio-radiated rejection AS-Interface supply Cabling c.s.a., AS-Interface Cabling c.s.a., 24 V Cabling c.s.a., input/output

Conforming to IEC 60539 Storage, conforming to IEC 60539 Operation Without derating Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 1/2 sine wave, 11ms conforming to IEC60068-2-6 5150 Hz conforming to 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 EN 61000-4-4 level 4 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 EN 61000-4-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-6 ENV 50 141 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 ENV 50 140 and ENV 50 204 (GSM) ENV 55 011/CISPR (G1)

C C m C

LA9Z32810 AS-Interface N 18701 TH IP 20 -40+85 -10+55 2000 960 15 gn 2 gn

LA9Z32811 AS-Interface N 18601

kV kV kV kV V/m V/m

2.5: AS-Interface, 24 V and on inputs/outputs 8: in open air (level 3) 4: in indirect mode (level 2) 2: AS-Interface, 24 V and on inputs/outputs 2: AS-Interface, 24 V and on inputs/outputs 10 10 Class A

Flexible cable Flexible cable Flexible cage terminal and flexible cable

V mm2 mm2 mm2 mA m A A

29.5-31.6 2 x 0.50.75 2 x 0.50.75 0.082.5; AWG2812 7 100 % 0.4 0.5 2 100 % Yes Yes 3F 2 inputs/1 output 812 0 Off Not used Not used Not used Absent Absent Not used Not used Not used 7F 4 inputs/2 outputs 812 0 Off Off

Input current Coincidence of inputs Maximum length of wires to switching components Maximum current of outputs c 13/14, (24 V) Thermal current Ith Coincidence of outputs Short-circuit protection By flywheel diode Outputs switched off Watchdog in event of interference on the AS-Interface line AS-Interface profile Number of I/O Current consumption On AS-Interface On/OFF Data bits Status Command D0 (O) D1 (O) D2 (O) D3 (O) Status D0 (I) D1 (I) D2 (I) D3 (I) Parameters P0P3

mA Out 1 Out 2 Out 3 Out 4 In 1 In 2 In 3 In 4

1 On

1 On On

Present Present

Absent Absent Absent Absent

Present Present Present Present

Presentation: pages 2/96 and 2/97

References: page 2/99

Dimensions, schemes : pages 2/100 and 2/101



TeSys D.O.L. starters

LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system

AS-Interface modules (1) (2)

No. of Number channels of inputs 3 6 2 4 Number Output of outputs voltage V 1 c 24 2 c 24 Current Reference per output A 0.5 LA9Z32810 0.5 LA9Z32811 Weight kg 0.070 0.070

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Description Busbar system mm 40 or 60 Width mm 45 54 40 45 54 60 45 54 Reference Weight kg 0.044 0.051 0.091 0.098 0.085 0.092

Modules without electrical connection, for use with all LA9Zpp adapters

LA9Z32744 LA9Z32745 LA9Z32740 LA9Z32741 LA9Z32742 LA9Z32743

Module with PE + N polarity and 5-way connector

Replacement connectors and adapter cable

Description Colour Insulation Displacement Yellow Connector (IDC) for AS-Interface Insulation Displacement Connector (IDC) for auxiliary supply Description Black Sold in lots of 5 5 Unit reference LA9Z32825 LA9Z32826 Weight kg 0.100 0.100

Cable length m 0.5


Weight kg 0.070

Adapter cable for connection to addressing terminal XZMC11


(1) Users Manual to be ordered separately, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) Supplied with connectors LA9Z32825 and LA9Z32826.

Presentation: pages 2/96 and 2/97

Characteristics: page 2/98

Dimensions, schemes : pages 2/100 and 2/101


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys D.O.L. starters


LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system


1 2

LA9 Z3281p



3 4

Mounting on modules
LA9 Z32742, LA9 Z32743
60 mm busbar system

LA9 Z32740, LA9 Z32741

40 mm busbar system Common front face view





5 6 7 8 9
LA9 Z32745 Z32744




30 a

LA9 Z32740, Z32742 Z32741, Z32743

a 45 54

LA9 Z32745
40 or 60 mm busbar system

LA9 Z32744
Common front face view


135,5 125,5


a 54 45


Presentation: pages 2/96 and 2/97

Characteristics: page 2/98

References: page 2/99



TeSys D.O.L. starters

LA9Z modules for AS-Interface cabling system

1 motor

D.O.L. starter, non-reversing

2 motors

LA9 Z32811
IN2 X3, 2 IN3 X3, 3 IN4 X3, 4 IN + X3, 5 M X3, 6 OUT1 X3, 7 OUT2 X3, 8

LA9 Z32810
IN1 X3, 1 IN2 X3, 2 IN + X3, 3 M X4, 4 OUT1 X4, 2
IN1 X3, 1









2 3 4










3/L2 4/T2 V





2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 2/T1 6/T3 W







5 6 7 8 9 10

D.O.L. starter, reversing

LA9 Z32811
IN1 X3, 1 IN2 X3, 2 IN3 X3, 3 IN4 X3, 4 IN + X3, 5 M X3, 6 OUT1 X3, 7 OUT2 X3, 8











4/T2 V

Presentation: pages 2/96 and 2/97


Characteristics: page 2/98

References: page 2/99


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



3 - TeSys protection components: motor circuit-breakers

TeSys GV thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/2 b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/6 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/8 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/46 b Dimensions, mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/66 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/76

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TeSys GV magnetic motor circuit-breakers

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/4 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/14 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/52 b Dimensions, mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/78 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/83

TeSys GB2 thermal-magnetic circuit breakers for the protection of control circuits, solenoid valves and transformers
Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/84 b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/86 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/87 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/90 b Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/91 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/91


Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers


Protection of motors against short-circuits and overloads

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tripping threshold on short-circuit

13 In

Standard motor power ratings in AC-3, 415 V

Up to 15 kW

Up to 30 kW

37 kW

Operational current at 415 V

0.132 A

965 A

5680 A

Breaking capacity at 415 V (Icu) to IEC 60947-2

10100 kA

35100 kA

50100 kA

15 kA

Door interlock mechanism





Circuit-breaker type

3/46 and 3/47



GV3 ME80



Protection of motors with high current peak on starting

1 2 3

20 In

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7.5110 kW

Up to 11 kW

12220 A

0.2523 A

35 and 36 kA

70 kA

15100 kA





3/50 and 3/51


Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protection of motors Magnetic circuit-breakers provide short-circuit protection. They must be combined with thermal overload relays to provide motor overload protection.

Tripping threshold on short-circuit

13 In

Standard motor power ratings in AC-3, 415 V

Up to 15 kW

Operational current at 415 V

0.432 A

Breaking capacity at 415 V (Icu) to IEC 60947-2

10100 kA

35100 kA

Door interlock mechanism


Circuit-breaker type







1 2 3 4 5
35.7150 kA 45.7150 kA

614 In

813 In

6.312.5 In

Up to 30 kW

37 kW

0.37250 kW

2565 A

80 A

1.5500 A

50100 kA

35 kA

25.7 and 150 kA





GK3 EF80

NS 80

NS 100 to NS 250

NS 400 and NS 630

6 7 8 9 10



Please consult the Schneider Electric catalogue - Low Voltage Distribution



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2, GV3 and GV7



1 2 3 4

1 2 4
GV2 ME with screw clamp terminals

1 2 4

GV2 ME with spring terminals connections

GV2 ME, GV2 P, GV3 ME, GV3P and GV7 R motor circuit-breakers are 3-pole thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers specifically designed for the control and protection of motors, conforming to standards IEC 60947-2 and IEC 60947-4-1. Connection GV2 GV2ME and GV2P circuit-breakers are designed for connection by screw clamp terminals. Circuit-breaker GV2ME can be supplied with lugs or spring terminal connections. Spring terminal connections ensure secure, permanent and durable clamping that is resistant to harsh environments, vibration and impact and are even more effective when conductors without cable ends are used. Each connection can take two independent conductors. GV3 GV3 circuit-breakers feature connection by BTR screws (hexagon socket head), tightened using a n 4 Allen key. This type of connection uses the EverLink system with creep compensation (1)  (Schneider Electric patent). This technique makes it possible to achieve accurate and durable tightening torque, in order to avoid cable creep. GV3 circuit-breakers are also available with connection by lugs. This type of connection meets the requirements of certain Asian markets and is suitable for applications subject to strong vibration, such as railway transport. GV7 GV7 circuit-breakers: with connection by screw clamp terminals (for bars and lugs) and by clip-on connectors. Operation Control is manual and local when the motor circuit-breaker is used on its own. Control is automatic and remote when it is associated with a contactor. Pushbutton control. Energisation is controlled manually by operating the Start button I 1. De-energisation is controlled manually by operating the Stop button O 2, or automatically by the thermal-magnetic protection elements or by a voltage trip attachment.
GV2 P, GV3P and GV7R GV2 ME and GV3 ME80



1 3 2 4


5 6

1 3 2 4


7 8

b Control by rotary knob: for GV2P and GV3P b Control by rocker lever: for GV7R. Energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position I 1. De-energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position O 2. De-energisation due to a fault automatically places the knob or rocker lever in the Trip position 3. Re-energisation is possible only after having returned the knob or rocker lever to position O.
(1) Creep: normal crushing phenomenon of copper conductors, that is accentuated over time.

1 3 2


9 10
Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/23 References: pages 3/46 to 3/51 Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/75 Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77


Presentation (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2, GV3 and GV7

Protection of motors and personnel Motor protection is provided by the thermal-magnetic protection elements incorporated in the motor circuit-breaker. The magnetic elements (short-circuit protection) have a non-adjustable tripping threshold, which is equal to 13 times the maximum setting current of the thermal trips. The thermal elements (overload protection) include automatic compensation for ambient temperature variations. The rated operational current of the motor is displayed by means of a graduated knob 4. Personnel protection is also provided. All live parts are protected against direct finger contact from the front panel. The addition of an undervoltage trip allows the circuit-breaker to be de-energised in the event of an undervoltage condition. The user is therefore protected against sudden starting of the machine when normal voltage is restored, since the Start button I has to be pressed to restart the motor. With the addition of a shunt trip, de-energisation of the unit can be remotely controlled. The operators on both open-mounted and enclosed motor circuit-breakers can be locked in the Stop position O by up to 4 padlocks. Because they are suitable for isolation, these circuit-breakers, in the open position, provide an adequate isolation distance and indicate the actual position of the moving contacts by the position of the operators. Special features These motor circuit-breakers are easily installed in any configuration thanks to their universal fixing arrangement: screw fixing or clip-on mounting on symmetrical, asymmetrical or combination rails.

Presentation (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/23

References: pages 3/46 to 3/51

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/75

Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers

1 2

Circuit-breaker type Conforming to standards


GV2 ME GV2 P IEC 60947-1, 60947-2,  60947-4-1,  EN 60204, UL 508, CSA C 22.2 n 14-05,  NF C 63-650, 63-120, 79-130, VDE 0113, 0660

GV3P IEC/EN  60947-1, 60947-2, 60947-4-1, UL 508 type E, CSA C 22.2  n 14-05 type E

GV3 ME80 IEC/EN, NF EN, BSEN, DIN EN 60947-2, 60947-4-1

Product certifications

Protective treatment Degree of protection Conforming to  IEC 60529 Open mounted In enclosure

UL, CSA, CCC, CEBEC, GOST, TSE, BV, GL, LROS , DNV, PTB, EZU, SETI, RINA, ATEX TH IP 20 GV2 Mp01:  IP41  GV2 Mp02:  IP55 30 gn -11 ms


UL, CSA, CCC (pending), GOST, ATEX (pending)


GV7 R IEC 60947-1,  60947-2, 60947-4-1,  EN 60947-1, 60947-2,  EN 60947-4-1,  NF C 63-650,  NF C 63-120, 79-130, VDE 0113, 0660 UL, DNV, CCC

TH IP 20

TC IP 20

Shock resistance Vibration resistance

GV3 PC01 and GV3 CE01: GV3 PC02: IP55 IP55 22 gn - 20 ms 2.5 gn (025 Hz) - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 40 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 40 960 3000 0.5

TC IP 405 with terminal shrouds

Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Storage Operation C C C C C C m J

5 6 7 8 9 10

Ambient air temperature

Open mounted In enclosure Temperature compensation Open mounted In enclosure Flame resistance Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 Maximum operating altitude Suitable for isolation Conforming to IEC 60947-1 7-1-6 Resistance to mechanical impact

Sensitivity to phase failure Circuit-breaker type Utilisation category

On: 15 gn -11ms Off: 30 gn -11ms 5 gn (5150 Hz) 4 gn (5300 Hz) - 40+ 80 - 40+ 80 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 60 (2) - 20+ 40 - 20+ 40 - 20+ 40 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 60 - 20+ 40 - 20+ 40 - 20+ 40 960 960 2000 3000 Yes Yes 0.5 0.5 10 IK 04 IK 09 (in enclosure) Yes, conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 7-2-1-5-2 GV2 ME GV2 P A AC-3 690 690 600 50/60 6 2.5 100 000 GV2 RT GV3 P A AC-3 690 690 600 50/60 6 8 50 000 GV3 ME80 A AC-3 690 690 600 (B600) 50/60 6 8 30 000

15 gn -11 ms 2.5 gn (25 Hz) - 55+ 95 - 25 + 70 - 25 + 55 (3) 960 2000 Yes 0.5

Technical characteristics

Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Rated operational voltage Conforming to IEC 60947-2 (Ue) Rated insulation voltage Conforming to IEC 60947-2 (Ui) Rated voltage Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14,  UL 508 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Rated operational frequency UL, CSA Rated impulse withstand Conforming to IEC 60947-2 voltage (U imp) Total power dissipated per pole Mechanical durability (C.O.: Close, Open) Electrical durability 440 V In/2 for AC-3 duty 440 V In Duty class (maximum operating rate) Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Maximum conventional rated thermal current (Ith) Rated duty Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1

V V V Hz kV W C.O. C.O. C.O. C.O./h A

GV7 Rp20... Rp100 A AC-3 690 750 600 50/60 8 5 50 000

GV7 Rp150

GV7 Rp220

8.7 40 000

14.5 20 000

100 000 30 000 50 000 40 000 20 000 50 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 25 25 25 25 0.16  0.16  0.40  13  80 12  150 220 32 32 23 65 100 Continuous duty (1) UL 508 type E for GV2 PppH7 (2) Leave a space of 9 mm between 2 circuit-breakers: either an empty space, or side mounting addon contact blocks. Side by side mounting is possible up to 40 C. (3) For operation up to 70 C, please consult your Regional Sales Office. Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77

References: pages 3/46 to 3/51

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/75


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers

Mounting characteristics
Operating position Without derating, in relation to normal vertical mounting plane (1)
90 90
90 90

1 2 3

Connection characteristics
Bare cables

Connection to screw clamp terminals or spring terminals

Circuit-breaker type Connection to screw clamp terminals (2) Solid cable (Max. number of  conductors x c.s.a.) Flexible cable  without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque Connection to spring terminals Number of conductors x c.s.a. Solid cable Flexible cable  without cable end

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m mm2 mm2

GV2 ME Min. 2x1 2 x 1.5 2x1 1.7 2 x 1 (3)

Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4 1.7 2x6

GV2 P Min. 2x1 2 x 1.5 2x1 1.7

Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4 1.7

GV3 P Min. 2x1 2x1 2x1 5

Max. 1 x 25 and 1 x 35 1 x 25 and 1 x 35 1 x 25 and 1 x 35 5: 25 mm2 8: 35 mm2

GV3 ME80 Min. Max. 1 x 2.5 1 x 35 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 5 2 x 16 2 x 16 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 x 1.5 (3) 2 x 4

Connection by bars or lugs

Bars or lugs


Circuit-breaker type Pitch Without spreaders With spreaders Bars or cables with lugs e L L d Screws Tightening torque Bare cables (copper or aluminium) with connectors Height (h) C.s.a. Tightening torque N.m mm mm2 N.m mm mm mm mm mm mm

GV3Ppp6 17.5 y6 y 13.5 y 16.5 y 10 M6 6

GV7 Rp20...Rp100 35 45 y6 y 25 y 10 M6 10 20 1.5...95 15

GV7 Rp150 35 45 y6 y 25 y 10 M8 15 20 1.5...95 15 GV7 Rp220 35 45 y6 y 25 y 10 M8 15 20 1.5...185 15

GV2MEpp6 13.5 y6 y 9.5 y 9.5 y 10 M4 1.7

(1) When mounting on a vertical rail, fit a stop to prevent any slippage. (2) For motor circuit-breakers GV3 P: BTR hexagon socket head screws, EverLink system. Require use of an insulated Allen key, in compliance with local electrical wiring regulations. (3) For cross-sections 1 to 1.5 mm2, the use of an LA9 D99 cable end reducer is recommended. References: pages 3/46 to 3/51 Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/75 Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME and GV2 P

TeSys protection components

Breaking capacity of GV2 ME and GV2 P

1 2 3 4

Circuit-breaker type

Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V Icu Ics % (1)

A kA

GV2 ME 01 07 08 to 06 0.1 2.5 4 to 1.6 g g g g g g



16 14 g g

20 18 g g

6.3 10 g g g g

21 & 22 23 & 25 50

32 32 50

GV2 P 01 07 08 to 06 0.1 2.5 4 to 1.6 g g g g g



16 14 g g

20 18 g g

6.3 10 g g g g

21 & 22 23 & 25 g g

32 32 g g

100 100 g 15 40 6 50 4 75 3 75 80 10 50 6 50 4 75 3 75 g g


g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

15 50 8

15 50 8 50 6 75 3 75

g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

50 50 20 75 10 75 4

50 50 20 75 10 75 4

50 50 20 75 10 75 4


g g

g g

g g



g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

50 75 42

100 100 50 50 10 6


g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

g g


100 100 75 3 75 3 75 3 75

100 75 6 6


g g

3 75 g

3 75

g g

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g

5 6

Associated fuses (if required) if Isc > breaking capacity Icu conforming to IEC 60947-2

230/240 V

aM gG


g g

g g g

g g g

80 g

g g g

g g

100 100 g 80 80 g

400/415 V

aM gG

g g g g g 63 g g g g g g g g 50 g g g 63 g g g 50 g g g 63 g 16 g 20 25 32 32 40 50 63 50 63 32 40 80 50 63 50 63 40 50


g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

100 100 100 125 125 125 63 80 80

80 100 100 g 50 63 50 63 40 50 63 80 50 63 40 50 63 80 50 63 40 50 g g

440 V

aM gG

g g

g g

g g

g g

50 63 50 63 50 63

80 100 100 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63

7 8 9 10
References: pages 3/46 to 3/48

500 V

aM gG

g g

g g

g g

g g

50 63 40 50

690 V

aM gG

g g

20 25

25 32

40 50

g > 100 kA. (1) As % of Icu.

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76


Characteristics (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME and GV2 P

TeSys protection components

Breaking capacity of GV2ME and GV2P (used in association with current limiter GV1 L3)
Circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) Circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V (3) Circuit-breaker type Rating Cable protection against thermal stress in the event of short-circuit (PVC insulated copper cables) Minimum  c.s.a.  protected at 40 C at Isc max. 1 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 46 mm2 A Icu = Ics kA kA kA kA A kA kA kA kA A kA GV2 ME 01 to 06 07 0.1 to 2.5 1.6 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 08 4 g g g g g g g g 10 6.3 g g g g g g g g 14 10 g g g g g g 50 100 16 14 g g 100 50 50 75 42 100 20 18 g g 100 50 20 75 10 75 21 23 g g 100 40 20 75 10 75 22 25 g g 100 40 20 75 10 75 32 32 g g 100 40 20 75 10 75

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 P 01 to 06 07 0.1 to 2.5 1.6 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 50

08 4 g g g g g g g g 50

10 6.3 g g g g g g g g 50

14 10 g g g g g g 100 50 50

16 14 g g g g 100 50 100 50 50

20 18 g g g g 100 50 100 50 50

21 23 g g g g 100 50 100 50 50

22 25 g g g g 100 50 100 50 50

32 32 g g g g 100 50 100 50 50

GV2 ME 01 to 06 07 0.1 2.5 to 1.6 p p p p p p p p

08 4 p p p p

10 6.3

14 10

16 14 (2)

20 18 (2) (2) p p

21 23 (2) (2) p p

22 25 (2) (2) p p

32 32 (2) (2) (2) p

y 10 kA y 6 kA

y 20 kA y 10 kA (2) p p p p p p

g > 100 kA p Cable c.s.a. protected (1) As % of Icu (2) Cable c.s.a. not protected (3) With limiter LA9 LB920

References: pages 3/46 to 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3P and GV3ME80

TeSys protection components

Breaking capacity of GV3P and GV3ME80

1 2 3 4

Motor circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V Icu Ics % (1) Associated fuses, if required if lsc > breaking capacity Icu 230/240 V aM gG A A A A A A A A A A kA kA kA kA A kA

GV3 P 13 13 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 63 80 63 80 50 63 18 18 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 80 100 63 80 50 63 25 25 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 125 160 63 80 50 63 32 32 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 125 160 63 80 50 63 40 40 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g 125 160 125 160 80 100 63 80 50 50 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g 125 160 125 160 80 100 63 80 65 65 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g 125 160 125 160 80 100 63 80

GV3 ME80 80 100 100 15 50 10 60 4 100 2 100 g g 315 400 315 400 200 250 200 250

5 6 7 8 9 10
References: page 3/48

415 V

aM gG

440 V

aM gG

500 V

aM gG

690 V

aM gG

g Fuse not required: breaking capacity Icn > Isc. (1) As % of Icu.

Dimensions: pages 3/71 and 3/72

Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Breaking capacity of GV7R

Circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V lcu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V Icu Ics % (1) Cable protection against thermal stress in the event of short-circuit (PVC insulated copper cables) Minimum  c.s.a. protected at 40 C at Isc max. 4 mm2 6 mm2 1050 mm2 kA kA kA kA A kA GV7 RE20RE100 RS20RS100 RE150 90150 85 100 35 100 35 100 30 100 8 100 (2) (2) p RS150 90150 100 100 70 100 65 100 50 100 10 100 (2) (2) p RE220 132220 85 100 35 100 35 100 30 100 8 100 (2) (2) p RS220 132220 100 100 70 100 65 100 50 100 10 100 (2) (2) p 1220 to 60100 85 100 36 100 36 100 18 100 8 100 y 6 kA p p 100 100 70 100 65 100 50 100 10 100 y 6 kA y 25 kA p

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) As % of Icu. p Cable c.s.a. protected. (2) Cable c.s.a. not protected.

References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77



TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 LE and GV2 L


1 2 3 4

Circuit-breaker type Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient air temperature Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Storage Operation Flame resistance Maximum operating altitude Operating position Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 C C C m

GV2 LE GV2 L IEC 60947-1, 60947-2, EN 60204, NF C 63-650, NF C63-120, 79-130,  VDE 0113, 0660. CSA, CCC CSA, CCC, BV, DNV, GL, LROS, RINA TH 30 gn 5 gn (5 to 150 Hz) - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 960 2000 TH 30 gn 5 gn (5 to 150 Hz) - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 960 2000

Connection (Max. number of  conductors x c.s.a)

Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Min. 2x1 2 x 1.5 2x1 1.7 Yes

Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4

Min. 2x1 2 x 1.5 2x1 1.7 Yes 0.5

Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4

Tightening torque Suitable for isolation

Conforming to IEC 60947-1 7-1-6 J

6 7 8 9 10

Resistance to mechanical impact


Technical characteristics
Utilisation category Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated operational frequency Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 V V Hz kV W C.O. C.O. C.O./h A AC-3 690 690 50/60 6 1.8 100 000 100 000 40 Continuous duty A AC-3 690 690 50/60 6 1.8 100 000 100 000 40 Continuous duty

Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Rated impulse withstand voltage (U imp) Total power dissipated per pole Mechanical durability For AC-3 duty (C.O.: Closing, Opening) Electrical durability for AC-3/415V duty (C.O.: Closing, Opening) Duty class (maximum operating rate) Rated duty Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1

References: pages 3/52 and 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 LE and GV2 L

Circuit-breaker type

Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V Icu Ics % (1) Associated fuses (if required) if Isc > breaking capacity Icu conforming to IEC 60947-2  amendment 1 230/240 V aM gG 400/415 V aM gG 440 V aM gG 500 V aM gG 690 V aM gG Cable protection against thermal stress in the event of short-circuit (PVC insulated copper cables) Minimum c.s.a. protected at 40 C  and at Isc max. 1 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 46 mm2

A kA

GV2 LE 03 07 08 10 14 to 06 0.4 2.5 4 6.3 10 to 1.6 g g g g g g g g g g g g g 3 g g g g g g g 3 g g g 50 g g g 15

16 20 22 14 18 25 g g g g 50

32 32 50

GV2 L 03 06 08 to & 05 07 0.4 1.6 4 to to 1 2.5 g g g g g g g g g g 4 g g g g g g g 4



16 14 g g 50 50 20 75 10

20 18 g g 50 50 20 75 10 75 4

22 25 50

32 32 50

6.3 10 g g g g g g g g 4 g g g g 20 75 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

100 100 g 10 50 6 50 4 75 3 75 80 g g g g g g g g g

100 100 50 50 20 75 10 75 4 50 50 20 75 10 75 4


g g

15 15 15 50 50 40 8 8 6


g g

100 100 50 50 50 50 10 6 6 4


g g

100 100 75 75 75 3 3 75 g g g g 50 63 50 63 32 40 3 3 3

100 75 4 4


g g

75 75 75 g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 50 63 50 63

75 75 75 g g g g 80

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 g g g g g g g g 20 25 p p p p g g g g g g g g 25 32 p p p p g g g g g g g g 40 50 g g g g 50 63 50 63 40 50 g g g g 100 100 125 125

A A A A A A A A A A kA kA

g g g g g g g g g g p p p p

100 100 g 80 g

63 63 80

80 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 63 80 80 80

80 80 100 100 g 50 50 63 63 63 80 50 50 50 63 63 63 40 40 40 50 50 50 63 80 50 63 40 50 g g g g g g

80 100 100 100 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63

16 25 32 20 32 40 p p p p p p p p

y10 y 6 (2) (2) (2) (2) p y20 y 10 (2) (2) (2) (2) p p p p p p p p p p p (2) p p p

y10 y 6 (2) (2) (2) (2) y20 y10 (2) (2) (2) (2) p p p p p p p p p p (2) p

g > 100 kA p Cable c.s.a. protected (1) As % of Icu (2) Cable c.s.a. not protected

References: pages 3/52 and 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83



TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3L and GK3EF80


1 2 3 4

Circuit-breaker type Conforming to standards Protective treatment Degree of protection Shock resistance Vibration resistance Flame resistance Ambient air temperature Conforming to IEC 60529 Conforming to  IEC 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 Storage Operation Maximum operating altitude Operating position Without derating, in relation to normal vertical mounting plane (2)

GV3 L IEC/EN 60947-1, 60947-2 TH IP 20 On : 15 gn -11 ms Off : 30 gn -11 ms 4 gn (5300 Hz) C C C m 960 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 (1) 3000

GK3 EF80 IEC 60947-2, EN 60204 TC IP 20 22 gn -20 ms 2.5 gn (025 Hz) 960 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 70 open mounted 3000 Any position

Connection (Max. number of  conductors x c.s.a)

Solid cable Flexible cable  without cable end Flexible cable  with cable end

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Min. 2x1 2x1 2x1 5 Yes

Tightening torque Suitable for isolation conforming to IEC 60947-1 7-1-6

Max. 1 x 25 1 x 35 1 x 25 1 x 35 1 x 25 1 x 35 5 : 25 mm2 8 : 35 mm2

Min. 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 or  2 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 or  2 x 2.5 5 Yes

Max. 1 x35 1 x 25 or  2 x 16 1 x 25 or  2 x 16

6 7 8 9 10

Technical characteristics
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (U imp) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated operational frequency Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 V kV V Hz C.O. C.O. C.O./h 690 6 690 50/60 50000 50000 25 14 I max A 750 10 690 5060 1500 20000 40 3363 A

Electrical durability for AC-3/415V duty (C.O.: Close - Open) Mechanical durability (C.O.: Closing, Opening) Maximum operating rate Operating threshold of magnetic trips Utilisation category Conforming to IEC 60947-2

(1) Leave a space of 9 mm between 2 circuit-breakers: either an empty space or side-mounting add-on contact blocks. Side by side mounting is possible up to 40 C. (2) When mounting on a vertical rail, fit a stop to prevent any slippage.

References: page 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/81 and 3/82

Schemes: page 3/83


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3L and GK3EF80

Breaking capacity of GV3L and GK3EF80

Type Breaking capacity of the circuitbreaker only or of the circuitbreaker combined with a thermal overload relay 230/240 V Icu Ics % (1) 400/415 V Icu Ics % (1) 440 V Icu Ics % (1) 500 V Icu Ics % (1) 690 V Icu Ics % (1) Associated fuses (if required) for use with circuit-breaker only or circuit-breaker combined with a thermal overload relay if lsc > breaking capacity 230/240 V aM gG 415 V aM gG 440 V aM gG 500 V aM gG 690 V aM gG Use of circuit-breakers without fuses Cable c.s.a. Isc (rms) 3-phase, incoming (Ue = 415 V) 50 kA 45 kA 40 kA 37 kA mm2 m m m m A A A A A A A A A A kA kA kA kA kA GV3L25 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 63 80 63 80 50 63 GV3L32 100 100 100 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 80 100 63 80 50 63 GV3L40 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 125 160 63 80 50 63 GV3L50 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g g g 125 160 63 80 50 63 GV3L65 100 100 50 100 50 100 12 50 6 50 g g 125 160 125 160 80 100 63 80 GK3 EF80 50 40 35 25 25 30 15 30 6 50 200 315 200 250 160 250 160 200 125 160

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Minimum cable length (in metres) limiting the maximum short-circuit current to 35 kA maximum, so enabling breakers GK3 EF80 to be used without fuses y 25 5 5 5 5 35 6 5 5 5 50 8 7 5 5 70 10 8 5 5 95 13 10 8 5 120 15 12 9 5

g Fuse not required: breaking capacity Icn > Isc. (1) As % of Icu

References: page 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/82 and 3/82

Schemes: page 3/83



TeSys protection components

Auxiliary contacts

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2, GV3P and GV3L

Type of contacts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Instantaneous auxiliary GV AN, GV AD Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14 and UL 508 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14 and UL 508 V V A A C.O. 690 600 6 5 100 000 AC-15/100 000 C.O. V VA kVA A 48

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) (associated insulation coordination) Conventional thermal current (Ith)

Fault signalling GV AD, GV AM11 (1) 690 300 2.5 1 1000 AC-14/1000 C.O. 48 48

Instantaneous auxiliary GV AE 250 (690 in relation to main circuit) 300 2.5 1 100 000 AC-15/100 000 C.O. 48 60 110 230 127 240 120 120 1.27 2.4 0.5

Mechanical durability (C.O.: Close - Open) Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1. a.c. operation Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power,  normal conditions Occasional breaking and making capacities, abnormal conditions Rated operational current (Ie) Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1. d.c. operation Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power,  normal conditions Occasional breaking and making capacities, abnormal conditions Rated operational current (Ie) Low power switching reliability of contact Minimum operational conditions d.c. operation Short-circuit protection Cabling, screw clamp terminals Number of conductors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque

110 230 380 440 500 690 24 127 240 415 300 500 720 850 650 500 400 36 3 6 7 4.5 13 3.3 15 2.2 13 1.5 12 1 9 0.6

110 230 24 127 240 72 72 48

0.22 0.3 1.5 1

0.45 0.45 0.48 0.6 0.5 0.3 2

1.25 1

DC-13/100 000 C.O. V W W A 24 110 240 (2) 140 240 180 140 120 240 360 240 210 180 6 5 3 1.3 0.5 48 60

DC-13/1000 C.O. 24 24 48 15 60 9 50

DC-13/100 000 C.O. 24 24 48 15 60 9 50

100 50 1 0.3

100 50 1 0.3



V mA

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

GV AE: Number of failures for n million operating cycles (17 V-5 mA): = 10-6 17 5 By GB2 CBpp circuit-breaker (rating according to operational current for Ue y 415 V) or by gG fuse 10 A max 1 2 12.5 12.5 0.752.5 0.752.5 0.751.5 0.751.5 1.4 max 1.4 max GV AN only 0.752.5
0 F F F O F O F F F O F O

GB2 CB06 or gG fuse 10 A max

Cabling, spring terminal connections

Flexible cable without cable end Operation of instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Power pole


0.751.5 Operation of fault signalling contacts

GV AM11 Change of state following tripping on shortcircuit.  GV AD10pp and GV AD01pp Change of state following tripping on shortcircuit, overload or undervoltage.

Contact open Contact closed

(1) For application example of fault signalling contact and short-circuit signalling contact, see page 3/76. (2) Add an RC circuit type LA4 D to the load terminals, see page 5/81.

References: page 3/55

Dimensions, schemes: pages 3/66 to 3/83



TeSys protection components

Auxiliary contacts

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV3ME80

Type of contacts Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947-1 V

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts GV3 A01A07 690 600 (B600) 6 5 (B600) 100 000 110 220 380 127 240 415 AC-11/100 000 C.O. 350 500 4 6 24 12 4.5 48 800 20 3.5 60 850 20 2.2 110 48 440 500 690

Fault signalling contacts GV3 A08 and A09 690 600 (B600) 6 5 (B600) 1000 110 220 380 127 240 415 AC-11/1000 C.O. 240 460 2.4 5 24 8 3.6 48 800 12 3.5 60 850 15 2.2 110 48 440 500 690

Conventional rated thermal current (Ith)

Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14, V UL 508 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 A Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14, A UL 508 C.O. Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power V

1 2

Mechanical durability (C.O.: Close - Open) Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 a.c. operation

VA Occasional breaking and  making capacities Operational current (Ie) Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 d.c. operation Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power kVA A V

700 15 1.5 220

700 15 1.5

400 10 0.6

450 12 1 220

450 12 1

200 8 0.3

3 4 5 6

DC-11/100 000 C.O. W 180 240 240 360 6 5 180 240 3 140 210 1.3 120 180 0.5

DC-11/1000 C.O. 120 120 180 180 5 2.5 90 135 1.5 70 105 0.7 60 90 0.3

Occasional breaking and  making capacities Operational current (Ie) Short-circuit protection Connection Number of conductors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Contact operation


By GB2 CB08 circuit-breaker or gG fuse, 6A max 1 mm2 mm2 mm2

Power pole GV3 A01, A07

2 12.5 0.752.5 0.751.5


12.5 0.752.5 0.752.5

0 O F F F O F F F F F F F

GV3 A08 and A09 change state following tripping on short-circuit or overload

GV3 A02

7 8
Contact open Contact closed

GV3 A03

GV3 A05

GV3 A06

9 10

References: page 3/61

Schemes: page 3/77



TeSys protection components

Auxiliary contacts

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV7

Auxiliary contact characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Type of contacts Rated insulation voltage(Ui) (associated insulation coordination) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Mechanical durability (C.O.: Close - Open) Operational current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 a.c. operation

Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1

V A C.O.

GV7 AE11 690 6 50 000 AC-12 or AC-15. 50 000 C.O. 24 48 110 230/ 380/ 440 240 415 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 3

GV7 AB11 690 6 50 000 AC-12 or AC-15. 50 000 C.O. 24 48 110 230/ 380/ 440 240 415 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2.5 2.5

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated operational current (Ie)

V AC-12 AC-15 A A

690 6 0.1

690 5 0.1

Operational current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 d.c. operation

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated operational current (Ie)

V DC-12 DC-14 A A V mA

DC-12 or DC-14. 50 000 C.O. 24 48 110 2.5 1 17 5 2.5 0.2 0.8 0.5

250 0.3

DC-12 or DC-14. 50 000 C.O. 24 48 110 2 2 0.1 0.5 0.25


0.03 0.5 12 5

Minimum operational conditions d.c. operation

Short-circuit protection Cabling Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end mm2 mm2 mm2

By GB2 CBpp circuit-breaker (rating according to operational current for Ue y 415 V) or gG fuse, 10 A max. 1 x 1.5 conductor 1 x 1.5 conductor 1 x 1.5 conductor 1 x 1.5 conductor 1 x 1.5 conductor 1 x 1.5 conductor

References: page 3/63

Schemes: page 3/77



Magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GK3EF80

Auxiliary contacts

TeSys protection components

Characteristics of Start-Stop and fault signalling contacts

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 a.c. operation (C.O.: Close - Open) Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 V V A 500 500 6 AC-15. 20 000 C.O. 48 110/127 360 4000 6 500 12 000 4.5

220/240 800 20 000 3.5 380/415 850 20 000 2.2 440 700 15 000 1.5 500 700 15 000 1.5

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Occasional breaking and making VA capacities Rated operational current (Ie) A Operational power and current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 d.c. operation (C.O.: Close - Open)

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Operational power Occasional breaking and  making capacities Rated operational current (Ie)


DC-13. 1000 C.O. 24 48 180 240 6 240 280 5

60 180 240 3

110 140 210 1.3

220 120 180 0.5

Short-circuit protection Cabling

Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

By GB2 CB08 circuit-breaker or gG fuse, 6A max 1 x 14 conductor 1 x 2.5 conductor 1 x 12.5 conductor or 2 x 12.5 conductors 0.8

Tightening torque

References: page 3/61

Dimensions: page 3/82



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers
Electric trips

Characteristics of electric trips

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circuit-breaker type Type of trip Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Conforming to IEC 60947-1

GV2 ME, GV2 P GV3P, GV3L GV AU GV AS 690 690 600 0.85 1.1Un 0.7 0.35 Un 12 8 3.5 1.1 600 0.7 1.1Un 0.75 0.2 Un 14 10.5 5 1.6

GV2ME only GV AX (1) 500 0.85 1.1 Un 0.7 0.35 Un 12 8 3.5 1.1

GV3 ME80 GV3 B 690 GV3 D 690

GV7 R GV7 AU 690 GV7 AS 690 600 0.7 1.1 Un 0.2 0.75 Ue

Operational voltage Drop-out voltage Inrush consumption

Conforming to CSA C22-2 n 14, V UL 508 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 V V a c VA W VA W

600 (B600) 600 (B600) 600 0.81.1 Un 0.70.35 Un 12 7 7 2.5 0.85 1.1 Un 0.35 0.7 Ue < 10 <5 <5 <5

Sealed consumption

a c

Operating time

Conforming to IEC 60947-1 ms

From the moment the voltage reaches its operational value until opening of the circuitbreaker. 1015 10 15 < 50 100 % 100 % 1 or 2 12.5 0.752.5 0.752.5 1.2 100 % 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.2

On-load factor Cabling Number of conductors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque Mechanical durability (C.O.: Close - Open) mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m C.O.

2 or 4 12.5 0.752.5 0.751.5 1.4 max

30 000 (GV2 ME and GV2 P) 50 % of the mechanical durability of the 10 000 (GV3 P and GV3 L) circuitbreaker (1) Wiring scheme of undervoltage trip for dangerous machines (conforming to INRS) on GV2 ME only, see page 3/76.

References: page 3/63

Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic and magnetic motor  circuit-breakers GV2 and GV3

Characteristics of 3-pole busbars GV2 Gppp and GV3Gp64

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Permissible peak current (I peak) Permissible thermal limit (I2t) Degree of protection Terminal block Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60439-1 V A kA kA2s Conforming to IEC 60529  GV2Gppp 690 63 11 104 IP 20 Yes GV3Gp64 690 115 20 300 IP 20

1 2 3 4 5

Characteristics of terminal blocks GV2 G05 and GV1 G09 (for GV2ME and GV2 P)
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Degree of protection Connection Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60439-1 Conforming to IEC 60529 Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Flexible or solid cable AWG Tightening torque Connector Screw clamp terminals N.m N.m mm


690 63 IP 20 1 x 1.5 to 25 conductor or 2 x 1.5 to 6 conductors 1 x 1.5 to 16 conductor or 2 x 2.5 to 4 conductors 1 x 1.5 to 10 conductor or 2 x 1.5 to 2 conductors 1 AWG 4 2.2 1.7

mm2 mm

Characteristics of current limiters (GV2 ME and GV2 P)

Type Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Operating threshold Connection Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 rms current V A A GV1 L3 690 63 1500 (non adjustable threshold) 1 conductor 1.525 1.525 1.516 2.2 2 conductors 1.510 2.510 1.5 4 LA9 LB920 690 63 1000 (non adjustable threshold) 1 conductor 1.525 1.525 1.516 2 conductors 1.510 1.510 1.5 4

6 7 8 9 10

References: page 3/57



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME and GV2 P

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic tripping curves for GV2 ME and GV2 P

1 2 3 4

Average operating times at 20 C related to multiples of the setting current

Time (s)

10 000




2 3


6 7 8 9 10





x the setting current (Ir)

1 3 poles from cold state 2 2 poles from cold state 3 3 poles from hot state

References: pages 3/47 and 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME and GV2 P

TeSys protection components

Current limitation on short-circuit for GV2 ME and GV2 P (3-phase 400/415 V)

Dynamic stress I peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Limited peak current (kA)






2 3 4 5


2 3 4



5 6


=0 .7

7 8



=0 co s .95



6 7

0,1 0,1


15 (12)

100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 Maximum peak current 2 24 -32 A 3 20 -25 A 4 17 -23 A 5 13 -18 A 6 9 -14 A 7 6 -10 A 8 4 -6.3 A 9 2.5 -4 A 10 1.6 -2.5 A 11 1 -1.6 A 12 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 ME (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings)

8 9 10

References: pages 3/47 and 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 ME

TeSys protection components

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV2 ME

1 2 3 4

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s)

100 1

2 3 4 5 6 7



5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 3/46 and 3/47 Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69





100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 24 -32 A 2 20 -25 A 3 17 -23 A 4 13 -18 A 5 9 -14 A 6 6 -10 A 7 4 -6.3 A 8 2.5 -4 A 9 1.6 -2.5 A 10 1 -1.6 A

Schemes: page 3/76


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 P

TeSys protection components

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV2 P

Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s)

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone

1 2 3 4 5 6


2 3



4 5 6 7





100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

24 -32 A 20 -25 A 17 -23 A 13 -18 A 9 -14 A 6 -10 A 4 -6.3 A 2.5 -4 A 1.6 -2.5 A 1 -1.6 A

8 9 10

References: page 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3 P and GV3ME80

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic tripping curves

1 2 3 4

Average operating times at 20 C related to multiples of the setting current

Time (s)

10 000





3b 1a 2a 2b 1b


6 7 8 9 10




x the setting current (Ir)

1a 3 poles from cold state (Ir mini.) : GV3P 1b 3 poles from cold state (Ir maxi.) : GV3P 2a 2 poles from cold state (Ir mini.) : GV3P 2b 2 poles from cold state (Ir maxi.) : GV3P 3a 3 poles from hot state (Ir mini.) : GV3P 3b 3 poles from hot state (Ir maxi.) : GV3P 4a 3 poles from hot state (Ir mini.) : GV3ME80 4b 3 poles from hot state (Ir maxi.) : GV3ME80

References: page 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/71 and 3/72

Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3 P and GV3ME80

TeSys protection components

Current limitation on short-circuit (3-phase 400/415 V)

Dynamic stress I peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Limited peak current (kA) 100

1 2 3
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0. 3

=0 .25

4 5 6 7







100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Maximum peak current 56 -80 A 48 -65 A 37 -50 A 30 -40 A 23 -32 A 17 -25 A 12 -18 A 9 -13 A

8 9 10

References: page 3/48

Dimensions: pages 3/71 and 3/72

Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3 P and GV3ME80

TeSys protection components

Maximum thermal limit on short-circuit

1 2 3

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s) 1000

2 3 4 5 6 7


4 5

6 7 8 9 10
References: page 3/48 Dimensions: pages 3/71 and 3/72 Schemes: pages 3/76 and 3/77



100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

56-80 A (GV3ME80) 48-65 A (GV3P65) 37-50 A (GV3P50) 30-40 A (GV3P40) 23-32 A (GV3P32) 17-25 A (GV3P25) 12-18 A (GV3P18) 9-13 A (GV3P13)



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic tripping curves for GV7 R

Time (s) 10000

Average operating times at 20 C related to multiples of the setting current

1 2 3 4

5000 2000 1000 500

200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0,5

1 2

0,2 0,1 0,05 0,02 0,01 0,005 0,002 0,001

5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1,12




40 50



x the setting current (Ir)

1 Cold state curve 2 Cold state curve 3 1214 Ir In the event of total phase failure, tripping occurs after 4 s 20 %

References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Current limitation on short-circuit (3-phase 400/415 V)

1 2 3 4

Dynamic stress

I peak = f (prospective Isc)

For GV7 RE only

Limited peak current (kA)

1 GV7 RE220 2 GV7 RE150 3 GV7 RE100

100 80 70 60 50 40 30


1 2
10 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 Prospective Isc (kA)

5 6 7 8 9 10

For GV7 RS only

Limited peak current (kA)

1 GV7 RS220 2 GV7 RS150 3 GV7 RS100

100 80 70 60 50 40 30


1 2
10 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 Prospective Isc (kA)

References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Thermal limit (3-phase 400/415 V)

Thermal limit Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc)
For GV7 RE only
Sum of I2dt (A2s)

1 GV7 RE220 2 GV7 RE150 3 GV7 RE100


5x10 3x10

2 3



5x10 3x10 2x10

2 3

4 5
2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 Prospective Isc (kA)



3x104 2x10

For GV7 RS only

Sum of I2dt (A2s)


1 GV7 RS220 2 GV7 RS150 3 GV7 RS100

6 7


3x106 2x10


5x10 3x10 2x10

2 3

8 9


5x10 3x10 2x10

4 4





50 60 70 100 Prospective Isc (kA)


References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Current limitation on short-circuit (3-phase 690 V)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dynamic stress

I peak = f (prospective Isc)

For GV7 RE only
50 40

Limited peak current (kA)

1 GV7 RE220 2 GV7 RE150 and GV7 RE100



10 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 6

1 2


20 Prospective Isc (kA)

For GV7 RS only

50 40

Limited peak current (kA)

1 GV7 RS220 2 GV7 RS150 and GV7 RS100



1 2
10 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 Prospective Isc (kA)

References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77


Curves (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7 R

TeSys protection components

Thermal limit on short-circuit (3-phase 690 V)

Thermal limit Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc)
For GV7 RE only
Sum of I2dt (A2s)

1 GV7 RE220 2 GV7 RE150 and GV7 RE100


2 3




1 2


4 5




20 Prospective Isc (kA)

For GV7 RS only

Sum of I2dt (A2s)


1 GV7 RS220 2 GV7 RS150 and GV7 RS100

6 7




1 2

8 9





20 Prospective Isc (kA)


References: page 3/49

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/77



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 RT

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic tripping curves for GV2 RT

1 2 3

Time (s)

10 000



2 1


5 6 7 8 9 10





100 k x Ir

1 3 poles from cold state 2 2 poles from cold state 3 3 poles from hot state

References: page 3/50

Dimensions: page 3/70

Schemes: page 3/76



TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE

Tripping curves for GV2 L or LE combined with thermal overload relay LRD or LR2 K
Average operating times at 20 C related to multiples of the setting current
Time (s)

1 2 3

10 000



1 2 3




6 7 8 9 10



100 x the setting current (Ir)

1 3 poles from cold state 2 2 poles from cold state 3 3 poles from hot state

References: pages 3/52 and 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE

Current limitation on short-circuit for GV2 L and GV2 LE only (3-phase 400/415 V)

1 2 3

Dynamic stress

I peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V

Limited peak current (kA)


=0 .25

=0 .3

2 3 4

=0 .5

5 6

= 0.7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 3/52 and 3/53
=0 .9

7 8 9 10









Prospective Isc (kA)

1 Maximum peak current 2 32 A 3 25 A 4 18 A 5 14 A 6 10 A 7 6.3 A 8 4 A 9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A 11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE

Current limitation on short-circuit for GV2 L and GV2 LE + thermal overload relay LRD or LR2 K (3-phase 400/415 V)
Dynamic stress I peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Limited peak current (kA)



2 3 4 5






=0 .7



3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


6 7


=0 co s .95







Prospective Isc (kA)

1 Maximum peak current 2 32 A 3 25 A 4 18 A 5 14 A 6 10 A 7 6.3 A 8 4 A 9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A 11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).

References: pages 3/52 and 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 LE

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV2 LE only

1 2 3 4

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s)


2 3 4 5 6




6 7 8 9 10
References: page 3/52 Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80 Schemes: page 3/83




100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

32 A 25 A 18 A 14 A 10 A 6.3 A 4A 2.5 A 1.6 A


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV2 L only

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s)

1 2 3 4 5 6


2 3 4


7 8


6 7




100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

25 A and 32 A 18 A 14 A 10 A 6.3 A 4A 2.5 A 1.6 A

9 10

References: page 3/53

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80

Schemes: page 3/83


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV2 L and GV2 LE + thermal overload relay LRD or LR2 K

1 2 3 4

Thermal limit in kA2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (kA2s)


2 1 3 4 5 6


5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 3/52 and 3/53 Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/80


0,01 0,1



100 Prospective Isc (kA)

1 32 A (GV2 LE32) 2 25 A and 32 A (GV2 L32) 3 18 A 4 14 A 5 10 A 6 6.3 A 7 4 A 8 2.5 A 9 1.6 A 10 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).

Schemes: page 3/83



TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3L and GK3EF80

Tripping curves for GV3L and GK3EF80 combined with thermal overload relay LRD 33
Average operating time at 20 C without prior current flow
Time (s)

1 2 3 4

10 000



A 1 2 3



6 7 8



100 x the setting current (Ir)

1 3 poles from cold state 2 2 poles from cold state 3 3 poles from hot state A Thermal overload relay protection zone B GK3EF80 and GV3L protection zone

9 10
References: page 3/53 Dimensions: pages 3/81 and 3/82 Schemes: page 3/83


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3L and GK3EF80

Current limitation on short-circuit for GV3L and GK3EF80 (3-phase 400/415 V)

1 2

Dynamic stress

I peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V

Limited peak current (kA)


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: page 3/53 Dimensions: pages 3/81 and 3/82 Schemes: page 3/83

3 4 5

6 7


Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Maximum peak current GK3EF80 GV3L65 GV3L50 GV3L40 GV3L32 GV3L25


Curves (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3L and GK3EF80

Thermal limit on short-circuit for GV3L and GK3EF80

Thermal limit in A2s Sum of I2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V
Sum of I2dt (A2s)

1 2
2 3 4 5 6



3 4 5


6 7
1 10 100
Prospective Isc (kA)

1 2 3 4 5 6

GK3EF80 GV3L65 GV3L50 GV3L40 GV3L32 GV3L25

9 10
References: page 3/53 Dimensions: pages 3/81 and 3/82 Schemes: page 3/83



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2 ME


Motor circuit-breakers from 0.06 to 15 kW/400 V, with screw clamp terminals

GV2 ME with pushbutton control
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V 500 V 690 V P Icu Ics P Icu Ics (1) P Icu (1) kW kA % kW kA % kW kA   0.06 0.09 g g  0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15  g g g g  g g g g     Setting range of thermal trips Ics (1) (2) % g g A 0.10.16 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 116 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 1.5 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/11

GV2ME01 GV2ME02 GV2ME03 GV2ME04 GV2ME05 GV2ME06 GV2ME07 GV2ME08 GV2ME10 GV2ME14 GV2ME16 GV2ME20 GV2ME21 GV2ME22 (3) GV2ME32

kg 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260

GV2 ME10

0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

g g g

g g g

 0.37 g   0.55 g   0.75 1.1  1.5   2.2  3  4   5.5  7.5  9  11  15   g g 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

g g g

g g g

 g g 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

g g g

g g g

g g 50 10 10 6 6 4 4

g g 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75

g g 15 15 15 15 10

g g 50 50 40 40 50

 18.5 3     22 3

18.5 4

To order thermal magnetic circuit-breakers with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above. Example: GV2ME08 becomes GV2ME086. Thermal magnetic circuit-breakers GV2ME with built-in auxiliary contact block With instantaneous auxiliary contact block (composition, see page 3/55): b GV AE1, add suffix AE1TQ to the motor circuit-breaker reference selected above.  Example: GV2 ME01AE1TQ. b GV AE11, add suffix AE11TQ to the motor circuit-breaker reference selected above.  Example: GV2 ME01AE11TQ. b GV AN11, add suffix AN11TQ to the motor circuit-breaker reference selected above.  Example: GV2 ME01AN11TQ. These circuit-breakers with built-in contact block are sold in lots of 20 units in a single pack.
(1) As % of Icu. (2) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob. (3) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP, please consult your Regional Sales Office. g > 100 kA.

Motor circuit-breakers from 0.06 to 15 kW/400 V, with lugs

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2 ME


Motor circuit-breakers from 0.06 to 11 kW, with spring terminal connections

GV2 ME (1) with pushbutton control
400/415 V P kW 0.06 GV2 MEpp3 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 11 Icu kA g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 15 15 15 15 15 Ics (2) % g g g g g g g g g g g g g g 50 50 40 40 40 500 V P kW 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 Icu kA g g g g g g g 50 10 10 6 6 4 4 Ics (2) % g g g g g g g 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 Setting range of thermal trips (3) A  0.10.16  0.160.25  0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6  1.62.5 2.54  46.3 610  914  1318 1723 2025 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 1.5 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 ME013 GV2 ME023 GV2 ME033 GV2 ME043 GV2 ME053 GV2 ME063 GV2 ME073 GV2 ME083 GV2 ME103 GV2 ME143 GV2 ME163 GV2 ME203 GV2 ME213 GV2 ME223

kg 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.260 0.260

Contact blocks
Description Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Mounting Front LH side Maximum number 1 2 Type of contacts N/O + N/C N/O + N/O N/O + N/C N/O + N/O Sold in lots of 10 10 1 1 Unit reference GV AE113 GV AE203 GV AN113 GV AN203 Weight kg 0.030 0.030 0.060 0.060

Description Cable end reducer LA9 D99 (1) For connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm2, the use of an LA9D99 cable end reducer is recommended. (2) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP, please consult your Regional Sales Office (3) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob. g > 100 kA. Application For connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm2 Sold in lots of 20 Unit reference LA9 D99 Weight kg

Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/11

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/69

Schemes: page 3/76



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2 P, GV3 P and GV3ME80


Motor circuit-breakers from 0.06 to 30 kW / 400V

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V 500 V 690 V P Icu Ics P Icu Ics P Icu (1) (1) kW kA % kW kA % kW kA Setting range of thermal trips (2) A Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A Reference Weight

1 2 3 4

Ics (1) %


GV2P: control by rotary knob

GV2P10 Screw clamp terminals g 0.06 g g 0.09 g g 0.12 g  g 0.18 g g 0.25 g g 0.37 g 0.37 g 0.55 g 0.55 g 0.75 g 1.1 g 1.1 g 1.5 g 2.2 g 3 g g 3 5 g 5.5 g 7.5 7.5 50 50 9 9 50 50 11 11 50 50 15 15 35 50 18.5  g g g g g 50 42 10 10 10 10  g g g g g 100 75 75 75 75 75 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 g g  g 8 8 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 g g  g 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0.10.16 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 2025 2432 1.5 2.4 5 8 13 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 170 223 327 327 416 GV2 P01 GV2 P02 GV2 P03 GV2 P04 GV2 P05 GV2 P06 GV2 P07 GV2 P08 GV2 P10 GV2 P14 GV2 P16 GV2 P20 GV2 P21 GV2 P22 GV2 P32 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350


GV3P: control by rotary knob

5 6 7 8
GV3 P651

Connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors (3) 5.5 100 100 7.5 12 50 11 6 50 7.5 100 100 9 12 50 15 6 50 11 100 100 15 12 50 18.5 6 50 15 100 100 18.5 12 50 22 6 50 18.5 50 100 22 12 50 37 6 50 22 50 100 30 12 50 45 6 50 30 50 100 45 12 50 55 6 50

913 1218 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865

182 252 350 448 560 700 910

GV3P13 GV3P18 GV3P25 GV3P32 GV3P40 GV3P50 GV3P65

0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960

Connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors, for assembly with a contactor GV3 P65

To assemble a GV3 P13 to P65 circuit-breaker with an LC1 D40A to D65A contactor, it is possible to use the circuit-breaker supplied without downstream EverLink power terminal block. To order this product, add the digit1 to the end of the references selected above. Example: GV3 P65 becomes GV3 P651.
Connection by lugs

To order thermal magnetic circuit-breakers with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above. Example: GV3P18 becomes GV3P186. GV3ME80: pushbutton control, screw clamp terminals
37 15 50 45 4 100 55 2 100 5680 GV3 ME80 (4) 0.700

9 10
Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/13

GV2 (5) To obtain a GV2P motor circuit-breaker, UL 508 type E, combine: b a circuit-breaker GV2PppH7 (except 32 A), b and a Large Spacing adapter GV2GH7. GV3 (6) To obtain a motor-circuit-breaker GV3P, UL 508 type E, use the following with the circuit-breaker: b a Large Spacing cover GV3G66, b a short-circuit signalling contact GVAM11. GV3 with connection by lugs (6) To obtain a motor-circuit-breaker GV3P, UL 508 type E, with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above and use the following with the circuit-breaker: b two IP20 covers LAD96570, b a short-circuit signalling contact GVAM11.
(1) As % of Icu. (2) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob. (3) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. Require use of an insulated Allen key, in compliance with local wiring regulations. (4) Recommended for use in association with a contactor. (5) Accessory: see page 3/63. (6) Accessories: see page 3/57. g > 100 kA. Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/72

Motor circuit-breakers up to 50 hp / 600 V, UL 508 type E



TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV7 R


Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers GV7 R with screw clamp terminals

Control by rocker lever
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V 500 V P Icu Ics (1) P Icu Ics (1) kW kA % kW kA % 7.5 36 100 9 18 100 9 36 100 11 18 100 GV7 RE40 7.5 9 9 11 70 70 36 36 70 70 36 70 36 70 36 70 36 70 35 35 70 70 35 35 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 11 11 15 11 15 18.5 22 18.5 30 30 45 55 45 55 75 90 75 90 110 132 160 110 132 160 50 50 18 18 50 50 18 18 50 18 50 18 18 50 50 18 50 30 30 50 50 30 30 30 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Setting range of thermal trips A 1220 1220 1525 1525 2540 2540 3050 3050 4880 4880 60100 60100 90150 90150 132220 132220 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

660/690 V P Icu kW kA 11 8 15 8 11 15 15 18.5 15 18.5 22 22 30 30 55 55 75 75 90 110 90 110 160 200  160  200  10 10 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10

Ics (1) % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

GV7 RE20 GV7 RS20 GV7 RE25 GV7 RS25 GV7 RE40 GV7 RS40 GV7 RE50 GV7 RS50 GV7 RE80 GV7 RS80 GV7 RE100 GV7 RS100 GV7 RE150 GV7 RS150 GV7 RE220 GV7 RS220

kg 2.010 2.010 2.010 2.010 2.010 2.010 2.015 2.015 2.040 2.040 2.040 2.040 2.020 2.020 2.350 2.350


9 11 18.5 18.5 22 22 37 37 45 45 55 75 55 75 90 110 90 110

GV7 RS220

(1) As % of lcu

Characteristics: page 3/13

Dimensions: page 3/73

Schemes: page 3/77



Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers  GV2 RT

TeSys protection components


For motors with high current peak on starting

Control by rocker lever
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 220/ 400/ 440 V 500 V 690 V 230 V 415 V kW kW kW kW kW 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.12 GV2 RT 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 9 11 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 Setting range of thermal trips (1) A 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 1723 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 8 13 22 33 51 78 138 200 280 400 400 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 RT03 GV2 RT04 GV2 RT05 GV2 RT06 GV2 RT07 GV2 RT08 GV2 RT10 GV2 RT14 GV2 RT16 GV2 RT20 GV2 RT21

kg 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350

0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 4 5.5

(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.

Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/23

Dimensions: page 3/70

Schemes: page 3/76


References (continued)

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers  GV2 RT

TeSys protection components


For primaries of 3-phase transformers

Control by rocker lever
Standard power ratings 230/240 V 400/415 V 440 V kW kW kW 0.4 0.63 1 1.6 2 2.5 4 5 6.3 0.63 1 1.6 2 2.5 4 5 6.3 10 0.63 1 1.6 2 2.5 4 5 6.3 10 500 V kW 0.63 1 1.6 2 2.5 4 5 6.3 10 12.5 690 V kW 1 1.6 2 2.5 4 5 6.3 10 12.5 10 Setting range of thermal trips (1) A 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46.3 610 914 1318 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 8 13 22 33 51 78 138 200 280 400 Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV2 RT03 GV2 RT04 GV2 RT05 GV2 RT06 GV2 RT07 GV2 RT08 GV2 RT10 GV2 RT14 GV2 RT16 GV2 RT20

kg 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350


Accessory (2)
Description Padlockable external operator (IP 54) black handle, blue legend plate   Reference GV2 AP03 Weight kg 0.280

(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob. (2) Other accessories such as mounting, cabling and marking accessories are identical to those used for GV2 ME motor circuitbreakers, see page 3/57.

Characteristics: pages 3/8 to 3/23

Dimensions: page 3/70

Schemes: page 3/76



Magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2 LE

TeSys protection components


Magnetic motor circuit-breakers from 0.06 to 15 kW

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P Icu 500 V Ics (1) P kW Icu kA 690 V Ics (1) P kW Icu kA Ics (1) A 0.4 0.4 0.63 0.63 1 1 1 1 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.5 4 4 6.3 10 10 10 14 14 18 25 25 32 A 5 5 8 8 13 13 13 13 Magnetic protection rating

1 2

GV2L: control by rocker lever, connection by screw clamp terminals

Tripping current Id 20 % Use in Reference association with thermal overload relay       LR2 K0302 GV2 LE03 LR2 K0304 GV2 LE03 LR2 K0304 GV2 LE04 LR2 K0305 GV2 LE04 LR2 K0305 GV2 LE05 LR2 K0306 GV2 LE05  LR2 K0306 GV2 LE05                  LR2 K0306 GV2 LE05 LR2 K0307 GV2 LE06 LR2 K0307 GV2 LE06 LR2 K0308 GV2 LE07 LR2 K0308 GV2 LE07 LR2 K0310 GV2 LE08 LR2 K0312 GV2 LE08 LR2 K0312 GV2 LE10 LR2 K0314 GV2 LE14 LR2 K0316 GV2 LE14 LRD 14 LRD 16 GV2 LE14 GV2 LE16 Weight

kW kA 0.06 g 0.09 g GV2 LE10 0.12 g 0.18 g

g g g g g g g g g g g g g 50 50 40 40 50

g g g g g g 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75

g g g g 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

kg 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330

0.37 g

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 3/14 and 3/17

0.55 g

0.25 g

0.75 g 1.1 1.5 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 g 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

0.37 g 0.55 g

0.37 g 0.55 g 0.75 g 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 g g g 50 10 10 6 6 4 4

22.5 22.5 33.5 33.5 51 51 78 138 138 138 170 170 223 327 327 416

0.75 g 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 g g g g g 15 15 15 15 10

LR2 K0321 GV2 LE16 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 22 LRD 32 GV2 LE20 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE22 GV2 LE32

18.5 3 22 3

18.5 4

(1) As % of Icu. g > 100 kA.

Dimensions: page 3/78

Schemes: page 3/83



Magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV2 L, GV3 L and GK3EF80

TeSys protection components

Motor circuit-breakers from 0.09 to 30 kW

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P Icu 500 V Ics (1) P Icu 690 V Ics (1) P Icu Ics (1)

GV2L: Control by rotary knob, connection by screw clamp terminals

Magnetic protection rating Tripping current Id 20 % Use in Reference association with thermal overload relay (class 10 A) LRD 03 LRD 04 LRD 04 LRD 05 LRD 05 LRD 06 LRD 05 LRD 06 LRD 06 LRD 07 LRD 08 LRD 08 LRD 08 LRD 10 LRD 12 LRD 14 LRD 14 LRD 16 LRD 16 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 22 LRD 32 GV2 L03 GV2 L04 GV2 L04 GV2 L05 GV2 L05 GV2 L05 GV2 L05 GV2 L06 GV2 L06 GV2 L07 GV2 L08 GV2 L08 GV2 L08 GV2 L10 GV2 L14 GV2 L14 GV2 L14 GV2 L16 GV2 L16 GV2 L20 GV2 L22 GV2 L22 GV2 L32 Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6

GV2 L10

kW 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15

kA g g g g g g g g g g 50 50 50 50 35

g g g g g g g g g g 50 50 50 50 50

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 3 4 7.5 9 11 15 18.5

kA g g g g g g 10 10 10 10 10 10

g g g g g g 100 75 75 75 75 75

kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22

kA g g g g 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

g g g g 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

A 0.4 0.63 0.63 1 1 1 1 1.6 1.6 2.5 4 6.3 10 10 14 14 18 25 25 32

A 5 8 8 13 13 13 13 22.5 22.5 33.5 51 78 138 138 170 170 223 327 327 416

kg 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330


GV3 L65

GV3L: control by rotary knob, connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P Icu 500 V Ics (1) P kW 15 Icu kA 12 690 V Ics (1) P Icu Ics (1) A 25 32 40 50 65 A 350 448 560 700 910 Magnetic protection rating Tripping current Id 20 % Use in Reference association with thermal overload relay (class 10 A) LRD325 LRD332 LRD340 LRD350 LRD365 GV3L25 GV3 L32 GV3 L40 GV3 L50 GV3 L65 Weight

kW kA 11 100 15 100

100 100 100 100 100

50 50 50 50 50

kW kA 18.5 6 22 37 45 55 6 6 6 6

50 50 50 50 50

kg 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960

18.5 12 22 30 37 12 12 12

18.5 50 22 30

7 8 9 10

50 50

Connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors, for assembly with a contactor

To assemble a GV3 L25 to L65 circuit-breaker with an LC1 D40A to D65A contactor, it is possible to use the circuit-breaker supplied without downstream EverLink power terminal block. To order this product, add the digit1 to the end of the references selected above. Example: GV3 L65 becomes GV3 L651.
Connection by lugs

To order these circuit-breakers with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above. Example: GV3L32 becomes GV3L326. GK3: control by rotary knob, connection by screw clamp terminals
37 35 25 55 15 30 80 1040 LRD 3363 GK3 EF80 0.795 (1) As % of Icu. Associated current limiter or fuses, where required. See characteristics page 3/17. g > 100 kA.


Characteristics: pages 3/14 to 3/17

Dimensions: pages 3/78 to 3/83

Schemes: page 3/83


Pg 2

1 2 3
GV2 ME GV2 AK00 GV1 L3




5 6


7 8 9 10


GV AE11, GV AE20




Thermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuitbreakers GV2 with screw clamp connections
Add-on blocks and accessories

TeSys protection components

Contact blocks
Description Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Mounting Front (1) Maximum number 1 Type of contacts N/O or N/C (2) N/O + N/C N/O + N/O N/O + N/C N/O + N/O N/O (fault) + N/O + N/C N/C (fault) + N/O + N/C C/O common point Sold in lots of 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit reference GV AE1 GV AE11 GV AE20 GV AN11 GV AN20 GV AD1010 GV AD1001 GV AD0110 GV AD0101 GV AM11 Weight kg 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.050 0.050 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.045

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Side (LH) Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contact Short-circuit signalling contact Side (3) (LH)

2 1

Side (LH)

Electric trips
Mounting Voltage Reference Weight kg 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105

Undervoltage or shunt trips (4)

Side (1 block on RH side  of circuit-breaker) 24 V 48 V 100 V 100110 V 110115 V 120127 V 127 V 200 V 200220 V 220240 V 380400 V 415440 V 415 V 440 V 480 V 500 V 600 V 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz GV Ap025 GV Ap026 GV Ap055 GV Ap056 GV Ap107 GV Ap107 GV Ap115 GV Ap116 GV Ap125 GV Ap115 GV Ap207 GV Ap207 GV Ap225 GV Ap226 GV Ap385 GV Ap386 GV Ap415 GV Ap416 GV Ap385 GV Ap415 GV Ap505 GV Ap505

Undervoltage trip, INRS (can only be mounted on GV2 ME) Safety device for dangerous machines conforming to INRS and VDE 0113
Side (1 block on RH side  of circuit-breaker GV2 ME) 110115 V 127 V 220240 V 380400 V 415440 V 440 V Mounting Front (1) At top (GV2 ME and GV2 P) Independent 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Maximum number 1 1 1 GV AX115 GV AX116 GV AX115 GV AX225 GV AX226 GV AX385 GV AX386 GV AX415 GV AX385 Reference GV2 AK00 GV1 L3 LA9 LB920 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 Weight kg 0.150 0.130 0.320

Add-on contact blocks

Description Visible isolation block (5) Limiters

LA9 LB920

(1) Mounting of a GV AE contact block or a GV2 AK00 visible isolation block on GV2 P and GV2 L. (2) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted. (3) The GV AD is always mounted next to the circuit-breaker. (4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p) in the reference with a U, example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p) in the reference with an S, example: GV AS025. (5) Visible isolation of the 3 poles upstream of circuit-breaker GV2 P and GV2 L. Visible isolation block GV2 AK00 cannot be used with motor circuit-breakers GV2P32 and GV2L32 (Ith max = 25 A).

Characteristics: pages 3/18 to 3/23

Dimensions, schemes: pages 3/66 to 3/83


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10



Thermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuitbreakers GV2 with screw clamp connections

TeSys protection components

Description Adapter plates Application For mounting a GV2 ME  or GV2 LE by screw fixing For mounting a GV2 ME or GV2 P  and contactor LC1D09D38  with front faces aligned Height compensation plate Combination blocks 7,5 mm Between GV2 and contactor LC1 K or LP1 K Between GV2 and contactor LC1 D09D38 Between GV2 mounted on LAD 311  and contactor LC1 D09D38 Motor starter adapter plate Description Sets of 3-pole 63 A busbars With 3-pole connection for mounting a GV2  and a contactor LC1 D09D25 Application 2 tap-offs Sold in lots of 10 1 10 10 10 10 1 Pitch mm 45 54 72 3 tap-offs 4 tap-offs 45 54 45 54 72 5 tap-offs Description Protective end cover Terminal block for supply to one or more  GV2 G busbar sets Cover for terminal block Flexible 3-pole connection for connecting a GV2 to a contactor LC1-D09D25 Set of connections upstream/downstream Large Spacing adapter UL 508 type E Clip-in marker holders (supplied with each  circuit-breaker) Application For unused busbar outlets Connection from the top Can be fitted with current limiter GV1 L3 (GV2 ME and GV2 P) For mounting in modular panels Centre distance between mounting rails:  100120 mm For connecting GV2 ME to a printed circuit board For GV2PppH7 (except 32 A) For GV2 P, GV2 L, GV2 LE and GV2 RT  (8 x 22 mm) 54 Sold in lots of 5 1 1 10 10 10 1 100 GV2 G245 GV2 G254 GV2 G272 GV2 G345 GV2 G354 GV2 G445 GV2 G454 GV2 G472 GV2 G554 Unit reference GV1 G10 GV1 G09 GV2 G05 LA9 E07 GV1 G02 GV2 GA01 GV2GH7 LA9 D92 Unit reference GV2 AF02 LAD 311 GV1 F03 GV2 AF01 GV2 AF3 GV2 AF4 GK2 AF01 Reference Weight kg 0.021 0.040 0.003 0.020 0.016 0.016 0.120 Weight kg 0.036 0.038 0.042 0.058 0.060 0.077 0.085 0.094 0.100 Weight kg 0.005 0.040 0.115 0.005 0.013 0.045 0.040 0.001

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

External operators
Description For GV2 P and GV2 L (150 to 290 mm) Padlocking in On and Off position Black handle, blue front plate, IP 54 Padlocking in Off position Red handle, yellow front plate, IP 54 Cannot be padlocked in On and Off positions Does not lock the door or drawer operator in the On positon. Colour: RAL 7016, IP 42 For GV2 LE Padlocking in On and Off position Black handle, blue front plate, IP 54 Reference GV2 AP01 GV2 AP02 GV2 AP04 Weight kg 0.200 0.200 0.104

GV2 AP03


Padlocking device
Description For all GV2 device For use with up to 4 padlocks, 6 mm shank max. (padlocks not included)

Reference GV2 V03

Weight kg 0.092

Dimensions: pages 3/66 to 3/83


GV3 G264 GV3 G364

2 3

4 5 6



GV AE113, GV AE203, GV AED 1013, GV AED 0113


7 8 9
GV3 AP02

GV AE11, GV AE20, GV AED 101, GV AED 011



GV2 V03



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3P and GV3L

Add-on blocks and accessories

TeSys protection components

Contact blocks
Description Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Mounting Front Maximum Type of number contacts 1 N/O or N/C (1) N/O + N/C N/O + N/O 2 N/O + N/C N/O + N/O 1 N/O (fault) + N/O N/O (fault) + N/C 1 N/O (fault) + N/O + N/C N/C (fault) + N/O + N/C 1 C/O common point Sold in lots of 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit reference GV AE1 GV AE11 (2) GV AE20 (2) GV AN11 (2) GV AN20 (2) GVAED101 (2) GVAED011 (2) GV AD1010 GV AD1001 GV AD0110 GV AD0101 GV AM11 Weight kg 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.050 0.050 0.020 0.020 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.045

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Side (LH) Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contact Front Side (3) (LH)

Short-circuit signalling contact

Side (LH)

Electric trips - undervotlage or shunt (4)

Mounting Side (1 block on RH side  of circuit-breaker) Voltage 24 V 48 V 100 100110 V 110115 V 120127 V 127 V 200 V 200220 V 220240 V 380400 V 415440 V 415 V 440 V 480 V 500 V 600 V 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Reference GV Ap025 GV Ap026 GV Ap055 GV Ap056 GV Ap107 GV Ap107 GV Ap115 GV Ap116 GV Ap125 GV Ap115 GV Ap207 GV Ap207 GV Ap225 GV Ap226 GV Ap385 GV Ap386 GV Ap415 GV Ap416 GV Ap385 GV Ap415 GV Ap505 GV Ap505 Reference Padlocking in On and Off position Black handle, blue front plate, IP 54 Padlocking in Off position Red handle, yellow front plate, IP 54 Black handle, blue front plate, IP 54 Red handle, yellow front plate, IP 54 For circuit-breakers 2 tap-off 3 tap-off GV3Ppp and GV3Lpp GV3Ppp and GV3Lpp GV3Ppp GV3 AP01 GV3 AP02 LU9AP11 LU9AP12 Reference GV3G264 GV3G364 GV3G66 Weight kg 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 Weight kg 0.294 0.294 0.105 0.105 Weight kg 0.150 0.250 0.020


Padlockable external operators for GV3 P and GV3 L

Description External operators comprising: an LU9AP1p handle, a shaft (max. length: 260 mm),  a bracket and an adaptor. Handles only LAD96570

Description Sets of 3-pole 115 A busbars Pitch: 64 mm



Cover Large Spacing UL 508 type E (Only one cover required on supply side) IP20 cover (Two covers required per breaker) GV3Ppp6 and GV3Lpp6 LAD96570 0.021 IP 20 cover for use when mounted with circuit-breakers GV3Ppp6 and GV3Lpp6 LAD 96575 0.010 Size 4 Allen key, insulated, 1000 V GV3Ppp and GV3Lpp LAD ALLEN4 (5) 0.026 GV2V03 Padlocking device GV3 Ppp and GV3Lpp 0.092 for use with up to 4 padlocks (not supplied) 6 mm shank max. GV3Ppp6 and GV3Lpp6 Replacement of GV3 ME  Retrofit plate LAD 7X3 0.150 for screw fixing with GV3 Ppp or GV2 Ppp (1) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted. (2) Contact blocks available in version with spring terminal connections. Add a figure 3 at the end of the references selected above. Example: GVAED101 becomes GVAED1013. (3) The GV ADpp is always mounted next to the circuit-breaker. (4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p) in the reference with a U, example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p) in the reference with an S, example: GV AS025. (5) Sold in lots of 5.


1 2 3
GV3 A01...A07

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GV3 A08 GV3 A09



TeSys protection components

Motor circuit-breakers GV3 ME80 and GK3EF80
Add-on blocks and accessories

For thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3ME80

Contact blocks
Description Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks (1 per circuit-breaker) Type of standard early break contacts N/C + N/O N/O + N/O N/C + N/O + N/O N/O + N/O + N/O N/O + N/O + 2 volt-free terminals N/C + N/O + 2 volt-free terminals N/C N/O Reference GV3 A01 GV3 A02 GV3 A03 GV3 A05 GV3 A06 GV3 A07 GV3 A08 GV3 A09 Weight kg 0,060 0.060 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.030 0.030

1 2 3 4 5

Fault signalling contacts (1)

Electric trips
Description Udervoltage trips (1) Voltages 50 Hz 110, 120, 127 V 220, 240 V 380, 415 V 110, 120, 127 V 220, 240 V 380, 415 V Reference 60 Hz 120, 127 V 277 V 440 V, 480 V 120, 127 V 277 V 440 V, 480 V GV3 B11 GV3 B22 GV3 B38 GV3 D11 GV3 D22 GV3 D38 Weight kg 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

Shunt trips (1)

Description Padlocking device, for locking the Start button (on open-mounted product) Sold in lots of 5 Unit reference GV1 V02 Weight kg 0.010

For magnetic circuit-breaker GK3 EF80

Contact blocks
Description Auxiliary contact blocks for On-Off signalling and control circuit test function (1 or 2 blocks per device) mounted on RH side of GK3 EF80 Instantaneous fault signalling contact blocks (1 or 2 blocks per device) mounted on LH side of GK3 EF80 Number of poles N/O N/O + N/O N/C + N/O N/O N/O + N/O N/C + N/O Reference GK2 AX10 GK2 AX20 GK2 AX50 GK2 AX12 GK2 AX22 GK2 AX52 Weight kg 0.025 0.031 0.031 0.025 0.031 0.031

6 7 8 9 10

Description Padlocking device for padlocking the operator, using up to 3 padlocks (padlocks to be ordered separately) External operator for mounting on enclosure door. Red 40 knob on yellow plate, padlockable in position O (with up to 3 padlocks). Door locked when knob in position I, and when knob padlocked in position O. (1) 1 voltage trip OR 1 fault signalling contact to be fitted inside the motor circuit-breaker. Reference GK3 AV01 Weight kg 0.020

GK3 AP03


Other versions

 24 to 690 V, 50 or 60 Hz voltage trips for circuit-breakers GV3 ME80. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Characteristics: pages 3/18 and 3/22

Dimensions: page 3/82


1 2
3 4

3 4

GV7 AE11, AB11


6 7 8 9 10



TeSys protection components

Add-on blocks and accessories

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV7 R with screw clamp connections

These allow remote indication of the circuit-breaker contact states. They can be used for signalling, electrical locking, relaying, etc. They are available in two versions: standard and low level. They include a terminal block and the auxiliary circuits leave the circuit-breaker through a hole provided for this purpose. They perform the following functions, depending on where they are located in the circuit-breaker:
Location 1 and/or 4 2 Function C/O contact Trip indication Application Indicates the position of the circuit-breaker poles Indicates that the circuit-breaker has tripped due to an overload, a short-circuit, a differential fault or the operation of a voltage trip (undervoltage or shunt trip), or of the push to trip test button. It resets when the circuit-breaker is reset. Indicates that the circuit-breaker has tripped due to an overload, a short-circuit or a differential fault. It resets when the circuit-breaker is reset. Reference GV7 AE11 GV7 AB11 Weight kg 0.015 0.015

Add-on auxiliary contacts

1 2 3 4

Electrical fault indication

Type Standard Low level

These make it possible to: b either differentiate a thermal fault from a magnetic fault, b or open the contactor only in the event of a thermal fault.
Voltage a 24...48 and c 2472 V z 110240 V Reference GV7 AD111 (1) GV7 AD112 (1) Weight kg 0.100 0.100

Fault discrimination devices

These allow the circuit-breaker to be tripped via an electrical control signal. b Undervoltage trip GV7 AU v Trips the circuit-breaker when the control voltage drops below the tripping threshold, which is between 0.35 and 0.7 times the rated voltage. v Circuit-breaker closing is only possible if the voltage exceeds 0.85 times the rated voltage. Circuit-breaker tripping by a GV7 AU trip meets the requirements of IEC 60947-2. b Shunt trip GV7 AS Trips the circuit-breaker when the control voltage rises above 0.7 times the rated voltage. b Operation (GV7 AU or GV7 AS) v When the circuit-breaker has been tripped by a GV7 AU or AS, it must be reset either locally or by remote control. (For remote control, please consult your Regional Sales Office). v Tripping has priority over manual closing: if a tripping instruction is present, manual action does not result in closing, even temporarily, of the contacts. v Durability: 50 % of the mechanical durability of the circuit-breaker.
Type Undervoltage trip Voltage 48 V, 50/60 Hz 110130 V, 50/60 Hz 200240 V, 50/60 Hz 380440 V, 50/60 Hz 525 V, 50 Hz 48 V, 50/60 Hz 110130 V, 50/60 Hz 200240 V, 50/60 Hz 380440 V, 50/60 Hz 525 V, 50 Hz Reference GV7 AU055 (1) GV7 AU107 (1) GV7 AU207 (1) GV7 AU387 (1) GV7 AU525 (1) GV7 AS055 (1) GV7 AS107 (1) GV7 AS207 (1) GV7 AS387 (1) GV7 AS525 (1) Weight kg 0.105 0.110 0.110 0.105 0.100 0.105 0.110 0.110 0.105 0.100

Electric trips

5 6 7 8 9 10

Shunt trip

(1) For mounting of a GV7 AD or a GV7 AU or AS.

Characteristics: pages 3/20 and 3/22

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75

Schemes: page 3/75





GV7 AP04

GV7 AP01, AP02

3 4 5









GV7 AP05

GV7 AC04 GV7 AC01

GV7 V01

7 8 9
GV7 AC03


GV7 AC04

GV7 AC01




TeSys protection components


Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV7 R with screw clamp connections

Cabling accessories
Description Clip-on connectors for GV7 R Application Up to 150 A, 1.595 mm2 Up to 220 A, 1.5185 mm2 For use on contactors LC1 F115F185 Sold in lots of 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 Unit reference GV7 AC021 GV7 AC022 GV7 AC03 GV7 AC01 GV7 AC04 GV7 AC05 GV7 AC06 GV7 AC07 GV7 AC08 Weight kg 0.300 0.350 0.180 0.125 0.075 0.075 0.550 0.550 0.550

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

+ +

Spreader 3-pole (1) Terminal shields IP 405 (1) Phase barriers Insulating screens Kits for combination with contactor(2)

To increase the pitch to 45 mm Supplied with  sealing accessory Safety accessories used when fitting of shields is impossible Ensure insulation between the connections and the backplate Allowing link between the  circuit-breaker and the contactor. The cover provides protection against direct finger contact


LC1 F225 and F265 1 LC1 D115 and D150 1


Replaces the circuit-breaker front cover; secured by screws. It includes a device for locking the circuit-breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). A conversion accessory allows the direct rotary handle to be mounted on the enclosure door. In this case, the door cannot be opened if the circuit-breaker is in the ON position. Circuit-breaker closing is inhibited if the enclosure door is open.
Description Direct rotary handle Type Black handle, black legend plate Red handle, yellow legend plate Adapter plate (3) Four mounting direct rotary  handle on enclosure door Degree of protection IP 40 IP 40 IP 43 Reference GV7 AP03 GV7 AP04 GV7 AP05 Weight kg 0.205 0.205 0.100

Direct rotary handle

Allows a circuit-breaker installed in the back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure.  It comprises: b a unit which screws onto the front cover of the circuit-breaker, b an assembly (handle and front plate) to be fitted on the enclosure door, b an extension shaft which must be adjusted (distance between the mounting surface and the door: 185 mm minimum, 600mm maximum). It includes a device for locking the circuit-breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). This prevents the enclosure door from being opened.
Description Extended rotary handle Type Black handle, black legend plate Red handle, yellow legend plate Degree of protection IP 55 IP 55 Reference GV7 AP01 GV7 AP02 Weight kg 0.775 0.775

Extended rotary handle

Allows circuit-breakers not fitted with a rotary handle to be locked in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included).
Description Locking device Application For circuit-breaker not fitted with a rotary handle Reference GV7 V01 Weight kg 0.100

Locking device

(1) Terminal shields cannot be used together with spreaders. (2) The kit comprises links, a protective shield and a depth adjustable metal bracket for the breaker. (3) This conversion accessory makes it impossible to open the door if the device is closed and prevents the device from being closed if the door is open.

Dimensions: pages 3/73 to 3/75



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and GV2P

TeSys protection components


1 2




Block GV AD, AM, AN Block GV AU, AS, AX













9,3 81(1)


3 4 5

b GV2 MEpp 89 GV2 MEpp3 101 (1) Maximum X1 Electrical clearance = 40 mm for Ue y 690 V



Block GV AD, AM, AN Block GV AU, AS

GV2 AK00








50 82




9,3 81(1)



6 7 8 9 10

(1) Maximum X1 Electrical clearance = 40 mm for Ue y 415 V, or 80 mm for Ue = 440 V, or 120 mm for Ue = 500 and 690 V X2 = 40 mm




Mounting, dimensions

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and GV2P

TeSys protection components

On 35 mm 5 rail On panel with adapter plate GV2 AF02 On pre-slotted plate AM1 PA AF1 EA4 On rails DZ5 MB201

1 2 3







c = 78.5 on AM1 DP200 (35 x 7.5) c = 86 on AM1 DE200, ED200 (35 x 15)



35 GV2 AF02

DZ5 ME8 DZ5 MB201

On rail AM1 DE200, ED200 (35 x 15) Panel mounted On pre-slotted plate AM1 PA Adapter plate GK2 AF01


45 AF1EA4
35 5

105 5





5 6











GV2 AF01

Combination GV2 ME + TeSys D contactor

Combination GV2 ME + TeSys K contactor

Combination GV2 P + TeSys D contactor





c1 c 45
c1 c d1 d
GV2 P + b c1 c d1 d LC1 D09 D18 176.4 100.1 105.6 95 100.5


GV2 ME + b c1 c

LC1 D09 D18 176.4 94.1 99.6

LC1 D25 and D32 186.8 100.4 105.9

LC1 D25 and D32 186.8 106.4 111.9 95 100.5

9 10


Dimensions, mounting (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and GV2P

TeSys protection components

Dimensions (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

GV2 AF4 + LAD 311

Combination GV2 ME + TeSys D contactor

Combination GV2 P + TeSys D contactor




c1 c d1 d
GV2 ME + b c1 c d1 d LC1 D09D18 176.4 103.1 135.6 107 112.5


c1 c


LC1 D25 and D32 186.8 136.4 141.9 107 112.5

GV2 P + b c1 c

LC1 D09D18 176.4 136.5 141.6

b 234
LC1 D25 and D32 186.8 142.4 147.9 Door cut-out

GV2 ME + GV1 L3 (current limiter)


7.5 mm height compensation plate GV1 F03







X1 = 10 mm for Ue = 230 V or 30 mm for 230 V < Ue y 690 V


Mounting of external operator GV2 AP01 or GV2 AP02 for motor circuit-breakers GV2 P





1,5...5 53 135284 5,2 = =

= 54




Dimensions, mounting (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME and GV2P

TeSys protection components


Sets of busbars GV2 G445, GV2 G454, GV2 G472, with terminal block GV2 G05
a 3

1 2


l 179 206 260 p 45 54 72 a 5 224 260 332

GV2G445 (4 x 45 mm) GV2G454 (4 x 54 mm) GV2 G472 (4 x 72 mm)

Number of tap-offs GV2 G445 GV2 G454 GV2 G472

6 269 314 404

7 314 368 476

8 359 422 548

3 4 5

Sets of busbars GV2 Gppp with terminal block GV1 G09


Sets of busbars GV2 G245, GV2 G254, GV2 G272

GV2 G245 (2 x 45 mm) GV2 G254 (2 x 54 mm) GV2 G272 (2 x 72 mm)

l 89 98 116

Sets of busbars GV2 G345 and GV2 G354

Sets of busbars GV2 G554

7 8

GV2 G345 (3 x 45 mm) GV2 G354 (3 x 54 mm)

l 134 152

9 10


Dimensions, mounting

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2RT

TeSys protection components



1 2





3 4 5

X1: Electrical clearance = 40 mm for Ue < 690 V

Mounting of external operator GV2 AP03













On 35 mm 7 rail

On panel with adapter plate GV2 AF02

On pre-slotted plate AM1 PA

On rails DZ5 MB


6 7 8 9 10




35 15








50 60

c = 80 on AM1 DP200 (35 x 7.5) c = 88 on AM1 DE200, ED200 (35 x 15)


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3P





9 18 (1) Blocks GVANpp , GVADpp and GVAM11 (2) Blocks GV3 AUpp and GV3ASpp

X1 = Electrical clearance (ISC max) 40 mm for Ue y 500 V, 50 mm for Ue y 690 V






Note: Leave a gap of 9 mm between 2 circuit-breakers: either an empty space or side-mounting add-on contact blocks. Horizontal mounting is possible up to 40 C

3 4 5 6

Mounting with TeSys contactor LC1D40AD65A Side by side mounting with TeSys contactor LC1 D40AD65A (S-shape busbar system GV3 S)


136 120




Mounting on rail AM1 DE200 or AM1 ED201

Panel mounting, using M4 screws









8 9

Mounting on pre-slotted plate AM1 PA



18,7 18,7




Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers  GV3P and GV3ME80

GV3P (continued)

1 2

Busbar systems

Set of busbars GV3G264

Set of busbars GV3G364



Note: Leave a space of 9 mm between 2 circuit-breakers: either an empty space or side-mounting add-on contact blocks. Horizontal mounting is possible up to 40 C.

3 4 5

Mounting of external operator GV3AP01 or GV3AP02

Depth 131 mm Depth 231 to 390 mm Bracket



1,5...5 53 Depth 177 to 230 mm 131

1,5...5 53 231390

Door cut-out



6 7 8 9 10

1,5...5 53 177230





20 =











21,2 61,2


X1 = Electrical clearance (ISC max) 40 mm for Ue y 500 V, 50 mm for Ue y 690 V

(1) Blocks GV3A01A07.


Mounting on rail AM1 DE200 or AM1 ED201

Panel mounting, using M4 screws 61,2 =



Mounting on pre-slotted plate AM1 PA




20 20 21,2






Dimensions, mounting

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7R

TeSys protection components


35 = =

1 2 3 4 5 6
Minimum electrical clearance


81 86 111(1)
(1) 126 for GV7 Rp220.

= 105

Motor circuit-breakers with terminal shields or phase barriers GV7 R + GV7 AC01 or AC04

(2) Phase barriers: GV7 AC04 (3) Terminal shields: GV7 AC01

Combination of GV7 R and TeSys contactor LC1 F with kit GV7 AC0p



a b c GV7 R + LC1 F115 or 119 334 181 F150 + GV7 AC06 GV7 R + LC1 F185 + 119 338 188 GV7 AC06 GV7 R + LC1 F225 + 131 358 188 GV7 AC07 GV7 R + LC1 F265 + 131 364 215 GV7 AC07 Minimum distance between 2 circuit-breakers mounted side by side = 0



x1 0 5 10 20 x2 30 35 35 35

Painted or insulated metal plate, insulation or insulated bar U y 440 V Bare metal 440 V < U < 600 V plate U u 600 V


9 10


Dimensions, mounting

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7R

TeSys protection components


1 2

Panel mounting

Mounting on 2 mounting rails DZ5 MB201









3 4 5

1 circuit-breaker GV7 R n circuit-breakers GV7 R side by side





G 85 85 85 85 85 H 120 120 120 120 120



== 29


= 108

Combination of GV7 R and TeSys contactor LC1 F with kit GV7 AC0p

6 7 8 9 10

GV7 R + LC1 F115 + GV7 AC06 GV7 R + LC1 F150 + GV7 AC06 GV7 R + LC1 F185 + GV7 AC06 GV7 R + LC1 F225 + GV7 AC07 GV7 R + LC1 F265 + GV7 AC07

E 44 46 48 57 60



Dimensions, mounting (continued)

Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV7R

TeSys protection components


Spreaders GV7 AC03

114 45 45


Smooth terminals







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


GV7 Rp40Rp150 GV7 Rp220

Direct rotary handle GV7 AP03, GV7 AP04





I 0

121 155

55 91




= 97

Direct rotary handle GV7 AP03 or GV7 AP04 with conversion accessory GV7 AP05
Front face cut-out


Enclosure viewed from top





125 2

69 120


= 100

e = 1 to 3 max

Extended rotary handle GV7 AP01, GV7 AP02

9,25 60 I

0 60 l = 75 =

l : 185 min, 600 max The shaft of the extended rotary handle GV7 AP01 or GV7 AP02 must be cut to length: l 126 mm.


Door cut-outs require a minimum distance between the centre of the circuit-breaker and the door hinge point D u 100 + (h x 5)



a 19.5 21.5



Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2ME, GV2P, GV3P and GV2RT

TeSys protection components

1/L1 3/L2






3/L2 4/T2

2/T1 4/T2 6/T3





3 4

Front mounting add-on contact blocks Instantaneous auxiliary contacts


Front mounting add-on contact blocks Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and fault signalling contacts
97 23

13 21

13 23

97 21








Side mounting add-on contact blocks Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and fault signalling contacts
GV AD0110 GV AD0101
95 51


GV AD1010
97 53


GV AD1001
97 51

5 6 7 8 9 10









Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

(61) 31 43 (73)

Short-circuit signalling contacts

08 06

(63) 33 43 (73)

(62) 32

44 (74)

(64) 34

44 (74)

Voltage trips
GV AUppp

Current limiter
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

GV ASppp

GV AXppp
D1 D2

GV1 L3




Use of fault signalling contact and short-circuit signalling contact

GV AM11 GV AD10pp


Connection of undervoltage trip for dangerous machines (conforming to INRS) on GV2 ME only

10Agl max







Short-circuit signalling


Trip signalling N/C or N/O Start-Stop contact











GV2 MEpp and GV2 RT

GV2 Ppp

GV3 Ppp


Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3ME80 and GV7R

TeSys protection components

GV3 ME80

Motor circuit-breakers
3/L2 5/L3

Auxiliary contact block modules

23 13 31














GV3 A01

GV3 A02

GV3 A03

GV3 A05

GV3 A06

GV3 A07

1 2


Fault signalling contacts

GV3 A08



Voltage trips
D1 C1











GV3 A09



3 4
Location 4 C/O contact
24 22


Motor circuit-breakers
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3



Add-on auxiliary contacts according to their location (1)

GV7 AE11, GV7 AB11 Location 1 Location 2 C/O contact Trip indication
14 12



94 92

Location 3 Electrical fault indication

84 82

5 6 7 8







A self-adhesive label, supplied with the contact, can be affixed to the front face of the circuitbreaker to allow personalised marking according to the function of the contact or contacts. (1) See pages 3/20 and 3/61. GV7 ASppp

Electric trips
GV7 AUppp

GV7 AD111, AD112




Recommended application schemes GV7 AD111, AD112

Fault indication

Contactor opening on overload














A1 22 A1 B1


9 10



Associated components KA1: CA2 KN or CAD N

Associated components KA1: CAD + LAD 6K10 or RHK KM1: LC1 D or LC1 F



Overload fault




Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE


1 2



Block GV AD, AM, AN Block GV AU, AS

GV2 AK00





26 15

50 82




9,3 81 (1)
(1) Maximum


3 4

X1 Electrical clearance = 40 mm for Ue y 415 V, or 80 mm for Ue = 440 V, or 120 mm for Ue = 500 and 690 V. X2 = 40 mm.

On rail AM1 DE200, AM1ED200 (35 x 15) Panel mounted On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1 PA

Adapter plate GK2 AF01

35 5 55

5,5 45
35 1055 135












7.5 mm height compensation plate GV1 F03

6 7 8 9 10







Block GV AD, AM, AN Block GV AU, AS













9,3 81 (1)


X1 Electrical clearance = 40 mm for Ue y 690 V.

(1) Maximum On pre-slotted plate AM1 PA AF1 EA4 On rails DZ5 MB201 15 35

On 35 mm 7 rail On panel with adapter plate GV2 AF02





c = 80 on AM1 DP200 (35 x 7.5) and 88 on AM1DE200, ED200 (35 x15)


4,2 35

GV2 AF02

DZ5 ME8 DZ5 MB201


50 60

Dimensions, mounting (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV2 LE

GV2 L and GV2 LE

Mounting of external operator GV2 AP01 or GV2 AP02 for GV2 L

1 2


1,5...5 53 135284 6 5,2 = =

Mounting of external operator GV2 AP03 for GV2 LE


3 4


1,5...5 53 133282 6 = =

Door cut-out




5 6

= 54 =

Sets of busbars GV2 G445, GV2 G454, GV2 G472, with terminal block GV2 G05



7 8



GV2 G445 (4 x 45 mm) GV2 G454 (4 x 54 mm) GV2 G472 (4 x 72 mm)

l 179 206 260 a 5 224 260 332

p 45 54 72

7 314 368 476 8 359 422 548

Number of tap-offs GV2 G445 GV2 G454 GV2 G472

6 269 314 404



Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L, GV2 LE

Sets of busbars for GV2L and GV2LE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sets of busbars GV2 Gppp with term. block GV1 G09

GV1G09 38

Sets of busbars GV2 G245, GV2 G254, GV2 GR272

GV2 G245 (2 x 45 mm) GV2 G254 (2 x 54 mm) GV2 G272 (2 x 72 mm)

I 89 98 116

Set of busbars GV2 G554

Sets of busbars GV2 G345 and GV2 G354


GV2 G345 (3 x 45 mm) GV2 G354 (3 x 54 mm)

I 134 152


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3 L





9 18 (1) Blocks GVANpp , GVADpp and GVAM11 (2) Blocks GV3 AUpp and GV3ASpp

X1 = Electrical clearance (ISC max) 40 mm for Ue y 500 V, 50 mm for Ue y 690 V






Note: Leave a space of 9 mm between 2 circuit-breakers: either an empty space or side-mounting add-on contact blocks. Side by side mounting is possible up to 40 C.

3 4 5 6

Mounting with Tesys contactor LC1D40AD65A and relay LR3D313365 Side by side mounting with Tesys contactor LC1D40AD65A (S-shape busbar system GV3 S)







55 Panel mounting, using M4 screws

Mounting on rail AM1DE200 or AM1ED201










8 9 10

Mounting on pre-slotted plate AM1PA

Set of busbars GV3G264

Set of busbars GV3G364




AF1 EA4 137,5


18,7 18,7



Dimensions, mounting (continued)

TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV3 L and GK3 EF80

GV3L (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mounting of external operator GV3AP01 or GV3AP02

Depth 231 to 390 mm Bracket

Depth 131 mm


1,5...5 53 131 53


1,5...5 231390

Depth 177 to 230 mm


1,5...5 53 177230

Door cut-out

= = 54

X1 105 38 28



GK3EF80 + 4 GK2AX




9 10






Number of GK2AX 0 1 2 66 74.8 83.5

3 92.5

4 101


TeSys protection components

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2 L, GV2 LE, GV3 L and GK3 EF80

Magnetic motor circuit-breakers

GV2 Lpp

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

GV2 LEpp
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

GV3 Lpp
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

GK3 EF80

1 2 3 4 5 6 7









Front mounting add-on contact blocks Instantaneous auxiliary contacts


13 21

13 23

GVAED101 and GVAED011



97 98










Side mounting add-on contact blocks Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and fault signalling contacts
GV AD0110
95 53

GV AD0101
95 51

GV AD1010
97 53

GV AD1001
97 51








Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

(61) 31 43 (73)

Short-circuit signalling contacts

08 06

(63) 33 43 (73)

(62) 32

44 (74)

(64) 34

44 (74)

Voltage trips
GV AUppp

GV ASppp


Start-Stop signalling contact blocks








Fault signalling contact blocks

97 07







GK2 AX12

GK2 AX22


GK2 AX52



GK2 AX10


GK2 AX20

GK2 AX50






8 9 10


Selection guide

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2  for the protection of control circuits,  solenoid valves and transformers
Protection of industrial equipment control circuits and of single-phase loads

TeSys protection components


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breaking capacity (Icu) conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA at 415 V 1.550 kA at 415 V 1.550 kA at 250 V

Tripping threshold on short-circuit

57 In

1216 In

Operational current

0.5 and 1 A

0.520 A

Maximum operational voltage

415 V

250 V

Number of poles

1 + neutral

8 9 10

Device type









Protection of transformers

Single-phase y 5000 VA/415 V Primary Secondary

3-phase y 10 kVA/415 V

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

About 20 In

0.2523 A

415 V

690 V

1 + neutral

1.550 kA at 415 V

1.550 kA at 250 V

15100 kA at 415 V





8 9 10






Presentation, selection

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits

TeSys protection components

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 3/87 to 3/89 References : pages 3/90 and 3/91

GB2 thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers protect and isolate the control circuits of industrial equipment with contactor coils, transformers. They protect and isolate single-phase auxiliary circuits such as solenoid valves, electro-brakes, battery chargers, supplied from the control circuit voltage. GB2 CB, GB2 CD, GB2 DB 12 ratings are available, from 0.5 to 20 A, in single-pole (GB2 CB), single-pole + neutral (GB2 CD) and 2-pole (GB2 DB) versions. They have a magnetic tripping threshold set at between 12 and 16 In to withstand the current peaks generated by many industrial components. GB2 CS 2 ratings are available, 0.5 and 1 A, in single-pole version. The magnetic tripping threshold is set between 5 and 7 In. Functions, installation Clip-on fixing onto all types of 35 mm 5 rails, on 4 rails and on Telequick mounting plates. Upstream and downstream marking by means of AB1 clip-in markers. Clear indication of I and O positions on the operator. Tamper-proof device which requires no special maintenance (fixed magnetic and thermal tripping thresholds). Single-phase transformers. Magnetising peak: 20 In. Operation of magnetic trips: 13 In.
Power VA 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

Selection for the protection of circuits supplied by transformers

Primary (1) 220/240 V 380/415 V GB2 DB05 GB2 DB05 GB2 DB05 GB2 DB06 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB08 GB2 DB10 GB2 DB14 GB2 DB20 GB2 DB21 GB2 DB22 GB2 DB22 GB2 DB05 GB2 DB05 GB2 DB06 GB2 DB06 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB08 GB2 DB09 GB2 DB14 GB2 DB14 GB2 DB20 GB2 DB20 GB2 DB21 GB2 DB22

Secondary 24 V 48 V GB2 CD07 GB2 CD06 GB2 CD08 GB2 CD10 GB2 CD14 GB2 CD16 GB2 CD22 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD09 GB2 CD12 GB2 CD14 GB2 CD21

110 V GB2 CD05 GB2 CD06 GB2 CD06 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD08 GB2 CD09 GB2 CD12 GB2 CD16 GB2 CD22

220 V GB2 CD05 GB2 CD05 GB2 CD05 GB2 CD06 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD08 GB2 CD10 GB2 CD14 GB2 CD16 GB2 CD20 GB2 CD21 GB2 CD22

(1) If the breaking capacity of the GB2 is insufficient, use a GV2 RT with 2 poles connected in series, see page 3/50.

Dimensions : page 3/91

Schemes : page 3/91



Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits

TeSys protection components

Circuit-breaker type


Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient air temperature around the device Flame resistance Maximum operating altitude Operating position

Conforming to IEC 60529 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Storage Operation Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1

C C C m

IEC 60947-1, 947-2, EN 60947-1, 60947-2 CSA, NEMKO, UL NEMKO, UL TC IP 20 22 gn for 20 ms 5 gn (5110 Hz) - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 960 3000

1 2 3

In relation to normal  vertical mounting plane

GB2 CB,CD, CS Cabling Solid cable Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque mm2 mm2 N.m Minimum c.s.a. 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.75 1.2

GB2 DB Maximum c.s.a. 1 x 6 or 2 x 4 1 x 4 or 2 x 2.5

A 415 (1) 50/60 4 1.9 8000 + 40 0.90 + 50 0.85 57 In + 60 0.80

Technical characteristics
Utilisation category Rated operational voltage (Ue) Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to CSA C22-2 Nr 14 and UL 1077 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 Conforming to IEC 60947-2 V V Hz kV W C.O. C A 415 (1) 277 50/60 4 2 8000 - 20 - 10 0 A 250 50/60 4 2 8000 + 10 + 20 1 A 415 277 50/60 4 2 8000 + 30 0.95 1216 In

5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated operational frequency Rated impulse withstand voltage (U imp) Total power dissipated per pole C.O.: Closing - Opening Mechanical and electrical durability According to the permissible Operational current ambient temperature correction coefficient (a or c) Correction coefficient Tripping threshold Of the magnetic trips

1.2 1.15 1216 In

1.1 1.05 1216 In

(1) One GB2 circuit-breaker on each live conductor.

Tripping curves
Average operating time at 20 C without prior current flow (cold state) GB2 CB, GB2 CD, GB2 DB GB2 CS
120 60 20 10 5 2 1 20 10 5 2 1 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1

1,05 2 3 4 5 6 8 1,5 10

100 x In

120 60 20 10 5 2 1 20 10 5 2 1 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1







1,05 2 3 4 5 6 8 1,5 10

100 x In

Presentation, selection : page 3/86 References : pages 3/90 and 3/91 Dimensions : page 3/91 Schemes : page 3/91


Characteristics (continued)

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits
GB2 CB05 CB06 CB07 CB08 CB09 CB10 CB12 CB14 CB16 CB20 CB21 CB22 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 50 100 50 25 50 25 g g g g g g 50 50 50 25 50 25 g g g g g g 15 50 15 25 15 25 20 25 16 25 16 25 10 50 3 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 20 32 6 50 3 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 20 32 3 75 2 75 2 75 40 50 32 40 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 40 50 32 40 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 50 63

TeSys protection components

Circuit-breaker type

1 2

Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2  a 50/60 Hz 110 V Icu Ics % (1) Icu Ics % (1) Icu Ics % (1) aM gG aM gG aM gG

A kA

230/240 V


400/415 V


Associated fuses, if required if Isc > breaking capacity Icu conforming to IEC 60947-2

110 V


Circuit-breaker type

230/240 V

400/415 V

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2  a 50/60 Hz 110 V Icu Ics % (1) Icu Ics % (1) aM gG aM gG

A kA

GB2 CD05 CD06 CD07 CD08 CD09 CD10 CD12 CD14 CD16 CD20 CD21 CD22 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 50 100 50 25 g g g g 50 50 50 25 g g g g 15 50 15 25 20 25 16 25 10 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 6 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 3 75 2 75 40 50 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 40 50 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63

230/ 240 V


Associated fuses, if required if lsc > breaking capacity Icu  conforming to IEC 60947-2

110 V


230/240 V

Circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2  a 50/60 Hz 110 V lcu Ics % (1) lcu Ics % (1) lcu Ics % (1) aM gG aM gG aM gG A kA

GB2 DB05 DB06 DB07 DB08 DB09 DB10 DB12 DB14 DB16 DB20 DB21 DB22 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 50 100 50 25 50 25 g g g g g g 50 50 50 25 50 25 g g g g g g 15 50 15 25 15 25 20 25 16 25 16 25 10 50 3 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 20 32 6 50 3 50 3 50 25 32 20 32 20 32 3 75 2 75 2 75 40 50 32 40 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 40 50 32 40 32 40 3 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 50 63 40 50 40 50 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 75 63 80 50 63 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 1.5 1.5 63 80 50 63 50 63 2 75 1.5 75 75 75 63 80 50 63 50 63

230/240 V


400/415 V


Associated fuses, if required if lsc > breaking capacity Icu  conforming to IEC 60947-2

110 V


230/240 V

400/415 V

(1) As % of Icu. g Fuse not required. Breaking capacity Icu > lsc.

Presentation, selection : page 3/86

References : page 3/90

Dimensions : page 3/91

Schemes : page 3/91


Characteristics (continued)

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits
GB2 pp05 pp06 pp07 pp08 pp09 pp10 pp12 pp14 pp16 pp20 pp21 pp22 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 GB2 CS05 0.5 50 100 50 25 50 25 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 48 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 48 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 48 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 110 31 39 52 78 130 200 110 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 110 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 230 365 460 610 910 1520 2400 230 230 290 390 580 970 1500 230 46 60 80 120 190 310 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 16 20 20 20

TeSys protection components

Circuit-breaker type Breaking capacity (lcu)  conforming to IEC 60947-2 c Operational current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1  c DC-12 24 V 48 V 24 V 48 V 24 V 48 V kA kA A A A A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Circuit-breaker type Rating Breaking capacity conforming to IEC 60947-2  a 50/60 Hz 110 V lcu lcs % (1) A kA

CS06 1 50 100 50 25 50 25 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 48 6 8 10 15 26 41 48 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 48 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 110 85 110 145 220 360 580 110 56 70 95 140 230 375 110 13 17 22 34 56 90 230 230 290 380 570 950 1500 230 230 290 380 570 950 1500 230 100 130 170 250 420 680

230/240 V lcu lcs % (1) 400/415 V lcu (2) lcs % (1) Breaking capacity (lcu) conforming to IEC 60947-2 c Operational current conforming to IEC 60947-5-1  c DC-12 24 V 48 V 24 V 48 V 24 V 48 V



kA kA A A A A V m m m m m m V m m m m m m V m m m m m m


Maximum permissible line length for star-delta starting (length of cable containing 2 or  more conductors)

With contactors LCp D09 D18

Operational voltage C.s.a. 060 mm2 0.75 mm2 1 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2

With contactors LCp D25D32

Operational voltage C.s.a. 0.60 mm2 0.75 mm2 1 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2

With contactors LCp D40D80

Operational voltage C.s.a. 0.60 mm2 0.75 mm2 1 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2

(1) As % of Icu. (2) One GB2 CS circuit-breaker on each live conductor. (3) Use relays.

Presentation, selection : page 3/86

References : pages 3/90 and 3/91

Dimensions : page 3/91

Schemes : page 3/91



Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits
Circuit-breakers with magnetic tripping threshold: 12 to 16 In
Conventional rated thermal current Ith (1) A 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 6.6 14 26 40 52 66 83 108 138 165 220 270 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060

TeSys protection components

1 2 3


GB2 CBpp

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

GB2 CB05 GB2 CB06 GB2 CB07 GB2 CB08 GB2 CB09 GB2 CB10 GB2 CB12 GB2 CB14 GB2 CB16 GB2 CB20 GB2 CB21 GB2 CB22


Single-pole + neutral
Conventional rated thermal current Ith (1) A 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 6.6 14 26 40 52 66 83 108 138 165 220 270 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

4 5
GB2 CDpp

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

GB2 CD05 GB2 CD06 GB2 CD07 GB2 CD08 GB2 CD09 GB2 CD10 GB2 CD12 GB2 CD14 GB2 CD16 GB2 CD20 GB2 CD21 GB2 CD22

6 7 8 9 10


Conventional rated thermal current Ith (1) A 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 (1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1. Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 6.6 14 26 40 50 66 83 108 138 165 220 270 Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115

GB2 DBpp

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

GB2 DB05 GB2 DB06 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB08 GB2 DB09 GB2 DB10 GB2 DB12 GB2 DB14 GB2 DB16 GB2 DB20 GB2 DB21 GB2 DB22

Presentation, selection : page 3/86

Characteristics : pages 3/87 to 3/89

Dimensions : page 3/91

Schemes : page 3/91


References (continued), dimensions, schemes

Thermal-magnetic circuit-breakers TeSys GB2 for the protection of industrial equipment control circuits

TeSys protection components

Circuit-breakers with magnetic tripping threshold: 5 to 7 In

Conventional rated thermal current Ith (1) A 0.5 Magnetic tripping current Id 20 % A 3.3 Sold in lots of Unit reference

Weight kg 0.055

1 2

GB2 CS05

GB2 CS06


GB2 CSpp

(1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1.

Sold in lots of 1 Unit reference GB2 G210 Weight kg 0.100

Accessories for circuit-breakers GB2-CB, DB and CS

Description Busbar set for supply to  10 GB2 DB or  20 GB2 CB or GB2 CS with 2 connectors Supply connector

4 5


GB2 G01


GB2 CBpp, GB2 CDpp, GB2 CSpp

GB2 DBpp


82 82 75 79 67


85 85 78 82 70



6 7 8

Marking: up to twelve AB1 R clip-in markers.

GB2 CBpp


GB2 CDpp
3/L2 ( 13 )

GB2 DBpp

1/L1 3/L2

GB2 CSpp



9 10

4/T2 ( 14 )




Presentation, selection : page 3/86

Characteristics : pages 3/87 to 3/89





4 - TeSys protection components: fuse protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors for standard applications

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/2 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/4 b Complete units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/8 b Switch bodies and add-on modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/9 b Operators and accessories  page 4/17 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/22

VARIO switch disconnectors for high performance applications

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/2 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/4 b Complete units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/12 b Switch bodies, add-on modules and auxiliary contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/14 b Operators and accessories  page 4/17 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/24

TeSys DF fuse carriers for the protection of control circuits or transformers

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/26 b Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/28 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/29 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/31 b Fuse carriers for the North American market, conforming . to UL and CSA standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/32

TeSys GK1 fuse carriers for motor protection

b Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/35 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/36 b Operators and accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/37 b Dimensions, mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/40


TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses for motor or variable speed drive protection

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/42 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/46 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/53 b Operators and accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/60 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/62 b Switch-disconnector-fuses for the North American market, conforming . to UL and CSA standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/68

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cartridge fuses for protection of equipment with current peaks

b Type aM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/72

b Type gG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/74



Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mini-Vario and Vario rotary switch disconnectors from 12 to 175 A are suitable for onload making and breaking of resistive or mixed resistive and inductive circuits where frequent operation is required. They can also be used for direct switching of motors in utilisation categories AC-3 and DC-3 specific to motors. Vario switch disconnectors are suitable for isolator applications with fully visible breaking (since the handle cannot indicate the open position unless all the contacts are actually open and separated by the appropriate isolating distance) and it is possible to padlock the handles in the open position.

Switch type

Mini-VARIO for standard applications VARIO for high performance applications

Thermal current Operational current AC-23 A at 400 Volts

12 A 8.1 A

20 A 11 A

12 A 8.1 A

20 A 11 A

25 A 14.5 A

Number of poles Number of auxiliary contacts

35 1 or 2

36 14

Switch fixing From the front From the back

Screw fixing, 1 or 4 holes Fixing: 1 x 22.5 hole or 4 x 5.5 screws Clip-on mounting on 7 rail Clip-on mounting on 7 rail or screw fixing

Reversible terminal blocks


Door mounting, direct operator Mounting at back of enclosure, indirect operator with door interlock

Yes Yes

Enclosure reference Product reference

2/4 and 4/8


VpD02 VpF02 VpF02GE

4/12 and 4/13

VpD01 VpF01 VpF01GE

VpD0 VpF0 VpF0GE



Mini-Vario and Vario rotary switch disconnectors from 12 to 175 A are suitable for on-load making and breaking of resistive or mixed resistive and inductive circuits where frequent operation is required. They can also be used for direct switching of motors in utilisation categories AC-3 and DC-3 specific to motors. Vario switch disconnectors are suitable for isolator applications with fully visible breaking (since the handle cannot indicate the open position unless all the contacts are actually open and separated by the appropriate isolating distance) and it is possible to padlock the handles in the open position.

1 2 3 4

VARIO for high performance applications

32 A 21.8 A

40 A 29 A

63 A 41.5 A

80 A 57 A

125 A 68.5 A

175 A 83 A

5 6

36 14

3 + N + PE

Screw fixing, 1 or 4 holes Fixing: 1 x 22.5 hole or 4 x 5.5 screws Clip-on mounting on 7 rail or screw fixing

Fixing 4 x 5.5 screws Screw fixing


7 8 9 10

Yes Yes

VpD1 VpF1 VpF1GE

2/4, 4/8 and 4/12

VpD2 VpF2 VpF2GE







TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Switch type (bare type) Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection with protection shroud Ambient air temperature Flame resistance Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 11ms conforming to IEC60068-2-27 Vibration resistance 10150 Hz conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 C C gn gn

VN12 V02 VZN12 VZ02 IEC 60947-3 UL, CSA, GL TC

VN20 VZN20

V01 VZ01

V0 VZ0


V1 VZ1


IP 20 conforming to IEC 60529 - 20+ 50 960 conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 15 5 30 1 15 30

Electrical characteristics, a.c. operation

Switch type (bare type) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conventional thermal currents in free air (lth) and rated uninterrupted (lu) Conventional thermal current in enclosure (lthe) Rated operational power and current AC-21A/22A AC-23A 230690 V 230 V 240 V 400 V 415 V 500 V 690 V Rated operational power AC -3 230/240 V 400/415 V 500 V 690 V Intermittent duty class Rated making capacity . Characteristics in normal operating AC-21A/22A/23A (I rms) conditions Rated breaking capacity . AC-21A/22A/23A (I rms) Short-circuit characteristics Permissible rms short time rating (Icw) Rated making capacity under . short-circuit conditions (Icm) I peak Rated conditional . short-circuit current (I rms) . with aM/gG fuses A/ 400V A/ 400V V kV A A A A/kW A/kW A/kW A/kW A/kW A/kW kW kW kW kW VN12 VZN12 690 6 12 10 12 10.6/3 10.6/3 8.1/4 8.1/4 8.9/5.5 8.6/7.5 1.5 3 4 4 30 120 120 300 1 10 200 200 140 0.5 6 20 300 1 10 25 35 250 320 250 384 5.5 V02 VZ02 VN20 VZN20 V01 VZ01 V0 VZ0 VVD0 VVE0 V1 VZ1 VVD1 VVE1

6 20 16 20 14/4 14/4 11/5.5 11/5.5 11.9/7.5 12.3/11 3 4 5.5

8 25 20 25 19.7/5.5 19.9/5.5 14.5/7.5 14/7.5 16.7/11 17.5/15 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 11 7.5 18.9/5.5 21.8/11 21/11 32 25 32

9 10

A/ 140 400V/1s kA/ 400V kA/ 400V A 0.5 6 12


V2 VZ2 IEC 60947-3 UL, CSA, GL TC


V3 VZ3


V4 VZ4




VZ7 VZ20 IEC 60947-5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IP 20 conforming to IEC 60529 - 20+ 50 960 conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 30 1

V2 VZ2 690 8 40 32 40 25.8/7.5 24.8/7.5 29/15 28/15 28.5/18.5 17.5/15 5.5 11 15 11 30 400 320 480 1 10 50


V3 VZ3


V4 VZ4




VZ7 VZ20


6 63 50 63 50.3/15 48.2/15 41.5/22 40/22 44/30 25/22 11 18.5 22 18.5 80 63 80 61.2/18.5 58.5/18.5 57/30 55/30 54/37 33/30 15 22 30 125 100 125 71.9/22 68/22 68.5/37 66/37 64.5/45 42/37 22 30 37 30 175 140 160 96.6/30 92.7/30 83/45 80/45 79/55 49/45 30 37 45 37 12 10 le/AC-15 6A 6A 4A 4A 2A 1A 630 500 756 2.1 800 640 960 1250 1000 1500 2.8 1750 1400 2100 1 63 80 125 200 16 1.6 6 4


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Electrical characteristics, d.c. operation

Switch type (bare type) 24 V Rated operational current DC-1 (L/R = 1ms) 48 V 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts 1 contact 2 contacts 3 contacts A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VN12 VZN12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1.5 8 12 1.5 7 10 0.6 3 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 1.5 3 12 0.4 1.4 1 0.3 0.4 1.2 V02 VZ02 VN20 VZN20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 10 20 2 8 14 0.7 4 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 14 20 20 2 4 20 0.5 1.5 2 0.4 0.6 2.4 V01 VZ01 V0 VZ0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 9 12 25 2.5 10 16 0.8 6 12 25 25 25 25 25 25 16 25 25 2.5 5 25 0.5 1.5 3 0.5 0.8 1.6 VVD0 VVE0 V1 VZ1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 10 16 32 3 12 20 1 8 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 20 32 32 3 6 32 0.8 2 4 0.8 1 2 VVD1 VVE1

60 V

110 V

220 V

250 V

24 V Rated operational current DC-2toDC-5 (L/R=1ms) 48 V

60 V

110 V

220 V

250 V

Other characteristics
Switch type (bare type) Mechanical durability (millions of operating cycles) Electrical durability in cat. AC-21 (millions of operating cycles) Electrical durability in cat. DC-1 to 5 (operating cycles) Suitable for isolation Cabling Flexible cable + cable end Solid cable Tightening torque mm2 mm2 N.m VN12 VZN12 0.05 0.05 30 000 Yes 4 4 0.7 6 10 2.1 4 4 0.7 6 10 2.1 V02 VZ02 0.1 0.1 VN20 VZN20 0.05 0.05 V01 VZ01 0.1 0.1 V0 VZ0 VVD0 VVE0 V1 VZ1 VVD1 VVE1


V2 VZ2 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 40 40 12 20 40 4 14 25 2 12 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 25 40 40 5 8 40 1 3 7 1 2 6


V3 VZ3 63 63 63 63 63 63 40 63 63 20 63 63 6 25 30 4 20 30 63 63 63 63 63 63 40 63 63 6 10 50 1.5 4 10 1.2 3 8


V4 VZ4 80 80 80 80 80 80 50 80 80 25 80 80 8 30 40 5 25 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 50 80 80 8 20 63 2 6 15 1.5 6 10


V5 125 125 125 125 125 125 60 125 125 30 125 125 12 40 80 3 30 50 125 125 125 125 125 125 60 125 125 10 22 70 2.2 7 16 1.6 7 12

V6 175 175 175 175 175 175 70 175 175 12 175 175 15 50 100 10 40 61 175 175 175 175 175 175 70 175 175 12 24 80 2.4 8 13 1.8 8 14

VZ7 VZ20 8 (le/DC-11) 8 (le/DC-11) 4 (le/DC-11) 2 (le/DC-11) 1 (le/DC-11) 0.8 (le/DC-11)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

V2 VZ2 0.1 0.1 30 000 Yes 6 10 2.1


V3 VZ3 0.03 0.03


V4 VZ4




VZ7 VZ20 0.1 0.1 (AC-15) 30 000 (DC-11)

VZN05 VZN06 0.05 0.05

16 25 4

70 95 22.6

2 x 0.751.5 2 x 12.5 0.7



TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors . for standard applications
Complete units
b b b b

1 2 3

3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 12 to 20 A Marking on operator . Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not supplied). Degree of protection IP65.

Main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors for door mounting

Operator Handle Red, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8)

lth Front plate Fixing mm mm Yellow 22.5 60 x 60 A . 12 . . 20 .


Weight kg 0.177 0.177


Main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors for mounting at back of an enclosure (1)
Operator Handle Red, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8) lth Front plate Fixing mm mm Yellow 22.5 60 x 60 A . 12 . . 20 . Reference Weight kg 0.334 0.334



Main switch disconnectors for door mounting

5 6 7

Operator Handle Black, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8)

lth Front plate Fixing mm mm Black 22.5 60 x 60 A . 12 . . 20 .


Weight kg 0.177 0.177


(1) Switches supplied with a shaft extension VZN17 and a door interlock plate KZ32. (see page 4/11)

8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7 Dimensions : pages 4/22 and 4/23 Schemes : page 4/23



References (continued) 

TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors . for standard applications
Switch bodies, add-on modules


Switch bodies
Description 3-pole switch disconnectors Rating A 12 20 Reference VN12 VN20 Weight kg 0.110. . 0.110. .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Add-on modules
Description Main pole modules Rating A 12 20 Neutral pole module with early make and late break contacts 12 and 20 Reference VZN12 VZN20 VZN11 Weight kg 0.020. . 0.020. . 0.020. . . 0.016. . 0.020. . 0.020. . 0.004. . . 0.007. .


Earthing module Auxiliary contact block modules

12 and 20 1 N/O late make contact 1 N/C early break contact



Input terminal protection shrouds

For add-on pole modules or VZN26 auxiliary contact block modules (single-pole shroud) For switch bodies . (3-pole shroud) VZN08



Maximum number of add-on modules that can be fitted on a switch body

VZN12 or VZN20 + VN12 or VZN05 VZN05 or VZN06 or VN20 + VZN12 or VZN20 or VZN11 or VZN05 or VZN06 + VZN14





Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7 Dimensions : pages 4/22 and 4/23 Schemes : page 4/23



VZNpp VN12, VN20


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
VZN17, VZN30


KZ32, KZ83




TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors . for standard applications
Operators and accessories

b Degree of protection IP65. b Marking on operator . b Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not supplied). b Operator fixing by 1 22.5 hole; for other operators see pages 4/17 and 4/19. b For other accessories and empty enclosures, see pages 4/20, 4/21 and 2/5..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Operators for main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors

Front plate mm Yellow 45 x 45

Handle Red, padlockable with 1 padlock (4to6) Red, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8)

Reference KCC1YZ

Weight kg 0.050. . . . 0.084. . . .

Yellow 60 x 60


Operators for main switch disconnectors

Handle Black, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks (4to8) Front plate mm Black 60 x 60 Reference KAD1PZ Weight kg 0.084. . . .

Accessories for door interlocking

Description Front plate mm

For rear fixing switch disconnectors mounted at the back of an enclosure, in addition to a direct operator
Distance enclosure back/door mm 300330 Sold in Unit lots of reference Weight kg 0.100. . . 0.130. . . 0.170. . . 0.205. . .

Shaft extensions




Door interlock plate

45 x 45 or 60x 60 45 x 45 or 60x 60


Plate for door mounting


Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/22 and 4/23

Schemes : page 4/23



VARIO switch disconnectors . for high performance applications

Complete units

TeSys protection components

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7 Dimensions : pages 4/24 and 4/25
511161 511160

b b b b

3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 12 to 175 A Marking on operator . Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not supplied). Degree of protection IP65.


Main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors for door mounting

Handle VCF0 Red, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8) Front plate mm Yellow 60 x 60 Fixing 22.5 Rating A 12 20 25 32 40 12 20 25 32 40 63 80 125 175 Reference VCD02 VCD01 VCD0 VCD1 VCD2 VCF02 VCF01 VCF0 VCF1 VCF2 VCF3 VCF4 VCF5 VCF6 Weight kg 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215. 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.560 0.560. 1.200 1.200. . . .

4 screws

Red, long, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8)

Yellow 90 x 90

4 screws


Main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors for mounting at back of an enclosure (1)
Handle Red, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8) Front plate mm Yellow 60 x 60 Fixing 22.5 Rating A 12 20 25 32 40 12 20 25 32 40 63 80 125 175 Reference VCCD02 VCCD01 VCCD0 VCCD1 VCCD2 VCCF02 VCCF01 VCCF0 VCCF1 VCCF2 VCCF3 VCCF4 VCCF5 VCCF6 Weight kg 0.392 0.392 0.392 0.392 0.392. 0.527 0.527 0.527 0.527 0.527 0.440 0.680. 1.320 1.320

4 screws

Red, long, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8) VCCF0

Yellow 90 x 90

4 screws

(1) Unit supplied with a shaft extension VZN17 and a door interlock plate KZ32 or KZ74 (see page 4/20).

Schemes : page 4/25


References (continued) 

VARIO switch disconnectors . for high performance applications

Complete units

TeSys protection components

b 3-pole rotary switch disconnectors, 12 to 175 A b Marking on operator . b Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not supplied). b Degree of protection IP65.

Reference VBD02 VBD01 VBD0 VBD1 VBD2 VBF02 VBF01 VBF0 VBF1 VBF2 VBF3 VBF4 VBF5 VBF6 Weight kg 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215. 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.560 0.560. 1.200 1.200. . . .

Main switch disconnectors for door mounting

Front plate mm Black 60 x 60 Fixing 22.5 Rating A 12 20 25 32 40 12 20 25 32 40 63 80 125 175

Black, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 screws


Red, long, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks ( 4 to 8)


Black 90 x 90

4 screws

Main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors

Handle VBF4 Red, padlockable with 1 padlock ( 4 to 6) Front plate mm Yellow 45 x 45 Rating A 25 32 40 63 80

For mounting in an enclosure or for modular distribution boards

Reference VVE0 VVE1 VVE2 VVE3 VVE4 Weight kg 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.530 0.530.


Main switch disconnectors

Handle Black, not padlockable Front plate mm Black 45 x 45

For mounting in an enclosure or for modular distribution boards

Rating A 25 32 40 63 80 Reference VVD0 VVD1 VVD2 VVD3 VVD4 Weight kg 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.560 0.560.


Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/24 and 4/25

Schemes : page 4/25


References (continued)

VARIO switch disconnectors . for high performance applications

TeSys protection components

Switch bodies, add-on modules, auxiliary contacts (forcustomerassembly)
Switch bodies


1 2 3 4 5 6

3-pole switch disconnectors (1)

Rating A 12 20 25 32

Reference V02 V01 V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Weight kg 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.500 0.500 0.900 0.900


40 63 80


125 175

Add-on modules
Description Main pole modules Rating A 12 20 25 V5 32 40 63
580537 580538

Reference VZ02 VZ01 VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 VZ11 VZ12 VZ13 VZ14 VZ15 VZ16

Weight kg 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.100 0.250 0.050 0.100 0.250

80 Neutral pole modules with early make and late break contacts (1) 12 to 40 63 to 80 125 and 175



Earthing modules

12 to 40 63 and 80 125 and 175

580539 580540

Auxiliary contact block modules

Description Type N/O + N/C (2) N/O + N/O Reference VZ7 VZ20 Auxiliary contact block modules with 2 auxiliary contacts Weight kg 0.050. 0.050.

VZ15 VZ20

(1) Protection shrouds are available if required: see page 4/20. (2) Late make N/O, early break N/C contacts

9 10
Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7 Dimensions : pages 4/24 and 4/25 Schemes : page 4/25


References (continued)

VARIO switch disconnectors . for high performance applications

TeSys protection components

Switch bodies, add-on modules, auxiliary contacts (forcustomerassembly)
Maximum number of add-on modules that can be fitted on a switch body
1 add-on module on each side of the switch body
VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ11 or VZ12 or VZ14 or VZ15 or VZ0p/VZ0 to VZ4 + + V4 + + V0 to + + + V0p + VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ11 or VZ12 or VZ14 or VZ15 or VZ0p/VZ0 to VZ4 VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ13 or VZ16 + + + + or + + V5 + + VZ7 or VZ20 or VZ13 or VZ16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 add-on modules on each side of the switch body

VZ0p VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + + VZ0p + VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + V0p V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 + VZ0p + + + + + + VZ0 VZ1 VZ2 VZ3 VZ4 + + + + + VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 VZ7 or or or or or or VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 VZ20 or or or or or or VZ11 VZ11 VZ11 VZ11 VZ12 VZ12 or or or or or or VZ14 VZ14 VZ14 VZ14 VZ15 VZ15

Nota : The add-on modules mounted next to the switch body are main pole modules. Maximum of 3 main pole modules per switch body.

Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/24 and 4/25

Schemes : page 4/25


1 2 3
V3, V4 KCp1PZ VN12, VN20 V02V2 KCp1YZ VZN17, VZN30 KAp1BZ KCp1LZ

KZ32, KZ83 KDp1PZ KAp1PZ



KZ81 V5, V6


6 7 8










TeSys protection components

Operators, handles and front plates .

Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors

b Marking on operator . b Padlockable operating handle (padlocks not supplied). b Degree of protection IP65..

Handles and front plates for main and Emergency stop switch disconnectors
Operator Handle Reference Front plate Dimensions mm Yellow 45 x 45 Fixing 22.5 4 screws Yellow 60 x 60 22.5 4 screws KCC1YZ KCE1YZ KCD1PZ KCF1PZ kg 0.050 0.040 0.082 0.075 Weight

1 2 3 4

For switch body VN12, VN20 V02V2

Red, padlockable with 1 padlock ( 4 to 6) Red, padlockable with up to . 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8)

V3 and V4

Red, padlockable with up to . 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8) Red, long, padlockable with up to . 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8)

Yellow 60 x 60

4 screws



V5 and V6

Yellow 90 x 90

4 screws

KCF3PZ (1)

Handles and front plates for main switch disconnectors

For switch body VN12, VN20 V02V2 Operator Handle Reference Front plate Dimensions mm Black 60 x 60 Fixing 22.5 4 screws KAD1PZ KAF1PZ kg 0.082 0.075 Weight

5 6 7 8 9 10

Black, padlockable with up to 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8) Black, padlockable with up to . 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8) Black, long, padlockable with up to . 3 padlocks . ( 4 to 8)

V3 and V4

Black 60 x 60

4 screws



V5 and V6

Black 90 x 90

4 screws

KAF3PZ (1)


(1) For door mounting of 63 and 80 A switch disconnectors, adapter plate KZ106 must be ordered separately (see page 4/20).

Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/22 to 4/25

Schemes : pages 4/23 and 4/25



2 3

VN12, VN20 V02V2 KCp1YZ VZN17, VZN30


KZ32, KZ83 KDp1PZ V3, V4 KAp1PZ KCp1PZ


VZ18, VZ31


KZ81 V5, V6


6 7 8









References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Operators, handles and front plates .

Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors

b Marking on operator . b Degree of protection IP65..

Handles and front plates for Emergency stop switch disconnectors

For switch body Operator Handle Reference Front plate Dimensions mm Yellow 45 x 45 Fixing 22.5 4 screws Yellow 60 x 60 22.5 4 screws KCC1LZ KCE1LZ KDD1PZ KDF1PZ KDF2PZ kg 0.050 0.040 0.082 0.075 0.070 Weight

1 2 3 4
Weight kg 0.050 0.040 0.055 0.045 0.070

VN12, VN20 V02V2

Red, . not . padlockable

V3 and V4

Red, . long, not . padlockable Red, . long, not . padlockable

Yellow 60 x 60 Yellow 90 x 90

4 screws

V5 and V6

4 screws

KDF3PZ (1)


Handles and front plates for switch disconnectors

For switch body VN12, VN20 V02V2 Operator Handle Reference Front plate Dimensions mm Black 45 x 45 Fixing 22.5 4 screws Black 60 x 60 22.5 4 screws V3 and V4 Black, . not . padlockable Black, not . padlockable Black 60 x 60 Black 90 x 90 4 screws KAC1BZ KAE1BZ KBD1PZ KBF1PZ KBF2PZ

Black, . not . padlockable

5 6 7 8 9 10

V5 and V6

4 screws

KBF3PZ (1)


(1) For door mounting of 63 and 80 A switch disconnectors, adapter plate KZ106 must be ordered separately (see next page).

Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/22 to 4/25

Schemes : pages 4/23 and 4/25


References (continued)

TeSys protection components


Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors

Input terminal protection shrouds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Description For switch bodies (3-pole shroud)

For use on V02V2 V3 and V4

Reference VZ8 VZ9 VZ10 VZ26 VZ27 VZ28 VZ29

Weight kg 0.015 0.020 0.060 0.005 0.007 0.020 0.005. .

VZ8 For add-on pole modules (single-pole shroud)


V5 and V6 VZ02VZ2, VZ11, VZ14 VZ3, VZ4, VZ12, VZ15 VZ13, VZ16


For contact blocks with 2 auxiliary contacts

Components for door interlocking

Description For use on

For rear fixing switch disconnectors mounted at the back of an enclosure, in addition to a direct operator
Distance enc. Sold in back/door lots of mm VN12, VN20 300330 1 V02V2 400430 1 V02V2 300330 400430 V3 and V4 300320 400420 V5 and V6 330350 430450

Unit reference VZN17 (1) VZN30 (1) VZ17 VZ30 VZ18 VZ31 VZ18 VZ31 KZ32 KZ74 Unit reference KZ83 KZ81 KZ106

Weight kg 0.100. 0.130. 0.075. 0.125. 0.170. 0.215. 0.170. 0.215. 0.177 0.020. Weight kg 0.205. . 0.010. 0.075. . . . .

Shaft extensions

1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 Sold in lots of 5 5 5

Door interlock plates

VN12, VN20 V02V2 V3V6 For use on Front plate dimensions mm VN12, VN20 45 x 45 or. V02V2 60 x 60 V3V6 V3 and V4 60 x 60 or. 90 x 90 90 x 90



Plates for door mounting of handles with 4 screw fixing Adapter plate for switch disconnectors

8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7 Dimensions : pages 4/22 to 4/25 KZ81


(1) Can be used with V02 to V2 switches.

Schemes : pages 4/23 and 4/25


References (continued)

TeSys protection components


Mini-VARIO and VARIO switch disconnectors

Accessories for operators

Description For use on Front plate dimensions mm 45 x 45 60 x 60 90 x 90 Legend holders without legend plate Front plate 45 x 45 60 x 60 90 x 90 Silver coloured blank legend plates for engraving by customer KZ14 KZ16 KZ101 KZ67 Seals VN12, VN20 V02V2 V3 and V4 V3V6 Tightening tool For operators with 22.5 fixing

Sold in lots of 5 5 5 20 10 5 20 10 5 5 5 5 5 5

Unit reference KZ13 KZ15 KZ103 KZ14 KZ16 KZ101 KZ76 KZ77 KZ100 KZ65 KZ66 KZ62 KZ67 Z01

Weight kg 0.060. . 0.065. . 0.070. . 0.060. . 0.065. . 0.070. . 0.020. . 0.010. . 0.005. . 0.037. . 0.033. . 0.033. . 0.064. . 0.050. . .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Legend Front plate holder with silver coloured blank legend plate



45 x 45 60 x 60 60 x 60 90 x 90



Characteristics : pages 4/4 to 4/7

Dimensions : pages 4/22 to 4/25

Schemes : pages 4/23 and 4/25


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors, 12and20A


1 2

Switch disconnectors
Switch bodies VN12, VN20 Add-on modules VZN12, VZN20 Add-on modules VZN11, VZN14 VZN05 and VZN06




48 56





3 4 5 6 7


Switch disconnector mounted on enclosure door

VN12, VN20 Single hole fixing


44 74,5

VN12, VN20 4 screw fixing 45 x 45 front plate 60 x 60 front plate









8 9 10
Characteristics : page 4/4 References : page 4/14 Schemes : page 4/23




Mounting (continued), schemes

TeSys protection components


Mini-VARIO switch disconnectors, 12and20A

Mounting (continued)
VN12, VN20 Single hole fixing

Switch disconnector mounted at back of enclosure with shaft extension VZN17 or VZN30 (clip-on mounting on 6 rail)
4 screw fixing

1 2



Shaft extension Distance (e) enclosure back/door mm 300330 400430

3 4

VN12, VN20


Switch body VN12, VN20
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Main pole module VZN12, VZN20

Neutral pole module VZN11

Auxiliary contact blocks VZN05



5 6 7 8 9 10




Characteristics : page 4/4


References : page 4/14



Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

VARIO switch disconnectors,12to 175A


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Switch disconnectors
Switch bodies V0p, V0 to V2 Switch bodies V3 to V6




G a

Add-on modules VZ02 to VZ4 and VZ11 to VZ16

a V3, V4 60 V5, V6 90 Add-on modules VZ7, VZ20

b 83 125

c 65 90

G 48 68

H 48 68

5.5 5.5



VZ02 and VZ01, VZ0 to VZ2, VZ11, VZ14 VZ3, VZ4, VZ12, VZ15 VZ13, VZ16

a 16 20 30

b 74 83 125

c 35 46 63


Switch disconnector mounted on enclosure door

Single hole fixing V0p, V0 to V4 4 screw fixing V0p, V0 to V4 4 screw fixing 4 screw fixing 45 x 45 front plate 60 x 60 front plate V0p, V0 to V2 V0p, V0 to V4





44 72





c 60 65


8 9

V0p, V0 to V2 V3, V4 V5 and V6. 4 screw fixing

90 x 90 front plate



65 90





Mounting (continued), schemes

TeSys protection components

VARIO switch disconnectors, 12to175A

Mounting (continued)

Switch disconnector mounted at back of enclosure

4 screw fixing V0p, V0 to V2 with shaft extension VZ17 or VZ30 (clip-on mounting on 6 rail possible for V0p to V2) Single hole fixing V3 to V4 with shaft extension VZ18orVZ31 V5 and V6 with shaft extension VZ18 or VZ31

1 2








3 4 5

Shaft extension

V02 and V01 V0toV2 V3 and V4

VZ17 VZ30 VZ18 VZ31

Distance (e) enc.back/door mm 300330 400430 300320 400420

Shaft extension V5 and V6 VZ18 VZ31

2 x 4.2 2 x 4.2 2x5 2x5

15 15 20 20

Distance (e) enc. back/door mm 300350 430450

Switch disconnectors for modular distribution boards

VVp0 to VVp2 VVp3 to VVp4

45 74

5,5 68 106

72 110



45 83

6 7 8 9 10

V02 and V01 V0 to V6
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

Switch body

Main pole module

VZ02 and VZ01 VZ0 to VZ4

Neutral pole module

VZ11 to VZ13

Auxiliary contact blocks

VZ7 VZ20



13 14









Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Fuse protection


Protection of control circuits or transformers

1 2 3
Breaking under load

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fuse type


Cartridge fuses

1125 A

Device type

Fuse carriers





Protection of motors Protection of motors or variable speed drives

1 2 3

Yes, only if combined with a contactor




4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1125 A

11250 A

Fuse carriers


LS1 and GK1





TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers

Fuse carrier type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Environment characteristics
Conforming to standards Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature Conforming to IEC 60529 Storage For operation, with derating (1) Operating positions Flame resistance Without derating Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 C C C





IEC 60947-3, UL 512, CSA 22-2 n 39 TH IP 20 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 23 in relation to normal mounting plane 960

Pole characteristics
Fuse size Rated insulation voltage (Ui) with tubular links, a.c. supply Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient air temperature y 40 C (1) With tubular links With aM cartridge fuses With gG cartridge fuses Rated conditional short-circuit current Conforming to IEC 60947-3 400 V 500 V 690 V Peak withstand current (dynamic stress) Conforming to IEC 60269-1 With tubular links Cabling (number of conductors x c.s.a.) Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque mm V kV 8.5 x 31.5 500 6 10 x 38 690 6 14 x 51 690 8 22 x 58 690 8


25 25 25

32 32 32

50 50 50

125 125 100

kA kA kA kA mm2 mm2 mm2 Nm

20 11 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 2.2 Max. 1 x 16 2x6 1 x 10 2x6 1 x 10 2x6

120 120 15 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 Max. 1 x 16 2x6 1 x 10 2x6 1 x 10 2x6

120 120 80 15 Min. 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 3.5 Max. 1 x 25 2 x 10 1 x 25 2 x 10 1 x 25 2 x 10

120 120 80 19 Min. 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 4 Max. 1 x 35 2 x 25 1 x 35 2 x 16 1 x 35 2 x 16

Characteristics of early break and signalling contacts DF14 AM and DF22 AM

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) a.c. supply Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient air temperature y 40 C (1) Rated operational current Category AC-15 Category DC-13 Definition of rated characteristics Low load operating characteristics Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Minimum voltage Minimum current Cabling V mA V A 250 5 24 V 4 3 B300 10 30 Faston connectors (1) For use in an installation with ambient temperature > 20 C, apply a derating coefficient: Maximum temperature 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 C Max. relative humidity 95 % 90 % 80 % 50 % 50 % 1 0.95 0.9 0.8 0.7 Current derating coefficient 48 V 4 1 127 V 3 0.2 240 V 2.5 0.1


References: pages 4/29 and 4/30

Substitution: page 4/30

Dimensions: page 4/31

Schemes: page 4/31



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers

Fuse carriers (1)
Conventional thermal current (Ith) A 25 Size of cartridge fuse or link mm 8.5 x 31.5 Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of 1P N 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P N 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P N 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P N 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 12 12 6 6 4 3 12 12 6 6 4 3 6 6 3 3 2 1 6 6 3 3 2 1 DF8 1 DF10 N DF8 1N DF8 2 DF8 3 DF8 3N DF10 1 DF10 N DF10 1N DF10 2 DF10 3 DF10 3N DF14 1 DF14 N DF14 1N DF14 2 DF14 3C (3) DF14 3NC (3) DF22 1 DF22 N DF22 1N DF22 2 DF22 3C (3) DF22 3NC (3) Weight

kg 0.061 0.071 0.132 0.122 0.183 0.254 0.061 0.071 0.132 0.122 0.183 0.254 0.140 0.150 0.290 0.280 0.420 0.570 0.218 0.238 0.456 0.436 0.654 0.892

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






10 x 38



14 x 51





22 x 58



Fuse carriers with blown fuse indicators (neon)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) A 25 Size of cartridge fuse or link mm 8.5 x 31.5

(1) (4)
Weight kg 0.064 0.135 0.125 0.186 0.257 0.064 0.135 0.125 0.186 0.257 0.143 0.293 0.283 0.423 0.573 0.221 0.459 0.439 0.657 0.895

Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of 1P 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 1P 1 P + N (2) 2P 3P 3 P + N (2) 12 6 6 4 3 12 6 6 4 3 6 3 3 2 1 6 3 3 2 1 DF8 1V DF8 1NV DF8 2V DF8 3V DF8 3NV DF10 1V DF10 1NV DF10 2V DF10 3V DF10 3NV DF14 1V DF14 1NV DF14 2V DF14 3VC (3) DF14 3NVC (3) DF22 1V DF22 1NV DF22 2V DF22 3VC (3) DF22 3NVC (3)






10 x 38




14 x 51

106834 106835

DF143VC 125 22 x 58



(1) Each pole can be marked. A clip-in marker holder is provided for this purpose. Clip-in markers type AB1 Rp or AB1 Gp can also be used. (2) N: neutral pole fitted with a locked tubular link as standard. (3) A letter C in the reference indicates that the fuse carrier can be fitted with auxiliary early break, blown fuse signalling and fuse present signalling contacts. (4) Operational voltage of the blown fuse indicator: 110 V...690 V.

Characteristics: page 4/28 Substitution: page 4/30 Dimensions: page 4/31 Schemes: page 4/31


References (continued), substitution 

TeSys protection components


Fuse carriers



1 2

Auxiliary early break and blown fuse signalling contacts (1)

Fuse carriers Size of cartridge to be equipped fuse or link DF14 14 x 51 (3 P or 3 P + N) DF22 (3 P or 3 P + N) Fuse carriers to be assembled DF8 DF10 DF14 DF22 22 X 58 Number of contacts 1 2 1 2 Sold in lots of 1 1 1 1 Unit reference DF14 AM1 DF14 AM2 DF22 AM1 DF22 AM2 Unit reference DF10 AP DF14 AP DF22 AP Weight kg 0.025 0.029 0.032 0.035 Weight kg 0.001 0.003 0.003

DF14 AMp

Fuse carrier assembly kits (2)

Size of cartridge fuse or link 8.5 x 31.5 10 x 38 14 x 51 22 x 58 Composition Sold in lots of 1 pin, . 2clips 1 pin, . 3clips 1 pin, . 3clips Marking 09 AZ 12 10 10

3 4
Detail of assembly clip and pin mounting


Marking accessories
Description Composition Clip-in markers Strip of 10 identical numbers or letters Sold in lots of 25 25 Unit reference AB1 Rp (3) AB1 Gp (3) Weight kg 0.002 0.002

Fuse carriers
Old range Reference DF6 AB08 DF6 AB10 DF6 N10 GK1 CC GK1 CD GK1 CF GK1 CH GK1 DC GK1 DD GK1 DF GK1 DH GK1 EB GK1 EN GK1 EC GK1 ED GK1 EF GK1 EH GK1 FB GK1 FN GK1 FC GK1 FD GK1 FF GK1 FH Old range Reference GK1 AP2 GK1 AP3 Size of cartridge fuse or link 8.5 x 31.5 10 x 38 8.5 x 31.5 or 10 x 38 8.5 x 31.5 8.5 x 31.5 8.5 x 31.5 8.5 x 31.5 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58

Composition 1P 1P 1N 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N 1P 1N 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N 1P 1N 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N

5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: page 4/28 Dimensions: page 4/31

New range Reference w/o indicator DF8 1 DF10 1 DF10 N DF8 1N DF8 2 DF8 3 DF8 3N DF10 1N DF10 2 DF10 3 DF10 3N DF14 1 DF14 N DF14 1N DF14 2 DF14 3C DF14 3NC DF22 1 DF22 N DF22 1N DF22 2 DF22 3C DF22 3NC

Reference with indicator DF8 1V DF10 1V DF8 1NV DF8 2V DF8 3V DF8 3NV DF10 1NV DF10 2V DF10 3V DF10 3NV DF14 1V DF14 1NV DF14 2V DF14 3VC DF14 3NVC DF22 1V DF22 1NV DF22 2V DF22 3CV DF22 3NVC

Fuse carrier assembly kits

New range Size of cartridge fuse or link Reference DF10 AP 8.5 x 31.5 or 10 x 38 DF10 AP 8.5 x 31.5 or 10 x 38 DF14 AP 14 x 51 DF10 AP GK1 AP4 8.5 x 31.5 or 10 x 38 DF22 AP 22 x 58 DF14 AP GK1 AP5 14 x 51 DF14 AP GK1 AP6 14 x 51 DF22 AP 22 x 58 DF22 AP GK1 AP9 22 x 58 (1) These auxiliary contacts provide the following functions: early break, blown fuse signalling (if the fuse carrier is fitted with striker fuses) and fuse present signalling. (2) 1 pin and 2 clips are required to assemble two DF8 or DF10 fuse carriers together. 1 pin and 3 clips are required to assemble two DF14 or DF22 fuse carriers together. (3) When ordering, replace the p in the reference with the number or letter required. Example: AB1 R1 or AB1 GA. Schemes: page 4/31


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys protection components


Fuse carriers


Modular fuse carriers 25 A and 32 A

Mounting on 35 mm 5 rail DF81 and DF81V DF101 and DF101V DF10N DF81N and DF81NV DF82 and DF82V DF101N and DF101NV DF102 and DF102V DF83 and DF83V DF103 and DF103V DF83N and DF83NV DF103N and DF103NV

1 2






Modular fuse carriers 50 A

Mounting on 35 mm 5 rail DF141 and DF141V DF14N DF141N and DF141NV DF142 and DF142V DF143C and DF143VC DF143NC and DF143NVC







3 4 5




Modular fuse carriers 125 A

Mounting on 35 mm 5 rail DF221 and DF221V DF22N DF221N and DF221NV DF222 and DF222V DF223C and DF223VC DF223NC and DF223NVC









6 7




50,5 76,5






DFp 1P

DFp N DFp 1P + N
1 N

Modular fuse carriers

DFp 2P
1 3

DFp 3P
1 3 5

DFp 3P + N
N 1 3 5

9 10

Characteristics: page 4/28

References: pages 4/29 and 4/30

Substitution: page 4/30



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers for the North American market,. conforming to standards UL and CSA,

Environment characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fuse carrier type

DFCC IEC 60947-3, UL 512, CSA 22-2 n 39 TH

Conforming to standards Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature Conforming to IEC 60529 Storage For operation, with derating (1) Operating positions Flame resistance Without derating Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 C C C

IP 20 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 60 23 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane 960

Pole characteristics
Fuse carrier type Fuse size Rated insulation voltage (Ui). with tubular links, a.c. supply Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conventional thermal current (Ith) . for ambient air temperature y 40 C (1) With tubular links With aM cartridge fuses With gG cartridge fuses Short-circuit current withstand With UL 248-4 Class CC fuses Conforming to UL 512 at 600 V Cabling (number of conductors x c.s.a.) Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque mm2 mm2 mm2 Nm kA A A A V kV

DFCC Class CC 600 6

30 30 30

200 Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5 2.2 Max. 1 x 16 2x6 1 x 10 2x6 1 x 10 2x6

(1) For use in an installation with ambient temperature > 20 C, apply a derating coefficient: Maximum temperature Max. relative humidity Current derating coefficient 20 C 95 % 1 30 C 90 % 0.95 40 C 80 % 0.9 50 C 50 % 0.8 60 C 50 % 0.7

References: page 4/33

Dimensions: page 4/33

Schemes: page 4/33


References, dimensions, schemes


TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers for the North American market,. conforming to standards UL and CSA,

Fuse carriers (1)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) A 30 Class CC 1P 2P 3P 12 12 6 DFCC 1 DFCC 2 DFCC 3 Size of cartridge fuse or link Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of Weight kg 0.061 0.122 0.183

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Fuse carriers with blown fuse indicators (neon) (1), (2)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) A 30 DFCC3V Class CC 1P 2P 3P 12 6 6 DFCC 1V DFCC 2V DFCC 3V Size of cartridge fuse or link Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of Weight kg 0.064 0.125 0.186


Fuse carrier assembly kits (3)

Fuse carriers to be assembled DFCC Size of cartridge fuse or link Class CC Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of 1 pin, . 2clips Marking 12 DF10 AP Weight kg 0.001

Marking accessories
Description Clip-in markers Composition Sold Unit in reference lots of 25 25 AB1 Rp (4) AB1 Gp (4) Weight kg 0.002 0.002

Strip of 10 identical 09 numbers or letter AZ

Detail of assembly clip and pin mounting

(1) Each pole can be marked. A clip-in marker holder is provided for this purpose. Clip-in markers type AB1 Rp or AB1 Gp can also be used. (2) Operational voltage of the blown fuse indicator: 110 V...690 V. (3) 1 pin and 2 clips are required to assemble two DFCC fuse carriers together. (4) When ordering, replace the p in the reference with the number or letter required. Example: AB1 R1 or AB1 GA.


Modular fuse carriers 30 A

Mounting on 35 mm 5 rail DFCC1 and DFCC 1V DFCC2 and DFCC2V DFCC3 and DFCC3V












Modular fuse carriers

1 3

1 3 5

9 10

Characteristics: page 4/32



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers

1 2 3 4 5

The fuse carrier performs two basic functions: b it isolates the downstream circuit by means of a visible break and wide opening contacts, b it holds the cartridge fuses designed to protect the installation against shortcircuits. The type of cartridge fuse needed to protect the circuit must be determined before selecting the fuse carrier.

Operation: safety

Cartridge fuse selection (type, rating, size)

Application Solution b Motor protection. b Transformer protection. b aM type fuses. These fuses are designed to withstand high current peaks of a very short duration. They must be combined with a thermal overload relay coupled with a contactor. b Lighting circuit protection. b Supply line protection. b Furnace protection. b gG type fuses, which are more widely used but whose limiting capacity is weaker than that of aM type fuses.

Application Solution

gG fuses aM fuses See standard NF C 15-100. Table 53 A paragraph 532-2-1 and table 52 C . paragraph 5231. Motors Motors Cartridge fuses 3 x 220 V 3 x 400 V type aM P in P in Size Rating kW A kW A A 9 32 15 28.5 10 x 38 32 11 39 22 44 14 x 51 50 22 75 37 73 22 x 58 80 30 103 55 105 22 x 58 125

Fuse carrier



6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : page 4/35 References : pages 4/36 and 4/37 Dimensions : page 4/40 Application Solution Application Solution

Use the fuse characteristics table opposite to select the correct fuse size according to: b the nominal current of the circuit to be protected, b the operational voltage.

Fuse carrier selection

Isolation of a circuit for safety reasons only. The fuse carrier may be fitted with links. The maximum permissible current is indicated in the pole characteristics table opposite. Isolation of a circuit and its protection against short-circuits. Select a fuse carrier according to: b the type of cartridge fuse required, b the maximum permissible current in the fuse carrier poles (see pole characteristics table opposite). If the operational current is greater than the maximum permissible current in the poles of the fuse carrier corresponding to the cartridge fuse size selected, select the fuse carrier the next size up. The safety provided by using a fuse carrier can be increased by adding a padlocking device with up to three padlocks.

The fuse carrier conforms to utilisation category AC-21A/22A of standard IEC609473. It is therefore recommended that the fuse carrier early break auxiliary contacts always be inserted in the coil circuit of the contactor with which it is in series. If the fuse carrier is not associated with a contactor, it is essential to ensure that it will be operated off-load.

Recommendations for use

Schemes : page 4/41



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers

Fuse carrier type

Conforming to standards NF EN 60947-3 IEC 60947-3 Product certifications Protective treatment Ambient air temperature for operation with links without derating Maximum tilt in relation to normal vertical mounting plane C

LS1 D32 p p BV, UR TH - 50+ 70 23

LS1 D323

GK1 Ep p p TC - 50+ 70 23

GK1 Fp p p TC - 50+ 70 23

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pole characteristics

Fuse size Rated operational voltage with links. a.c. supply Maximum continuous current at ambient temperature y 40 C (1) (Min. cable /Ie) With tubular links With aM fuses With gG fuses V

10 x 38 690

10 x 38 690

14 x 51 690

22 x 58 690

Early break contact characteristics

Rated operational voltage Conventional thermal current

mm2/A 6/32 or 4/25 or 2.5/16 mm2/A 6/32 or 4/22 or 2.5/20 mm2/A 4/25 or 2.5/20 or 1.5/16 V A a 250. c 60 2.5

4/25 or 2.5/16 4/25 or 2.5/20 2.5/20 or 1.5/16

10/50 or 6/40 10/50 or 6/35 10/40 or 6/32

35/125 or 25/100 35/125 or 25/100 25/100 or 16/80

a 250. c 60 2.5

a 500. c 440 6

a 500. c 220 6

Cartridge fuse characteristics

Fuse size Type aM a 400 V a 500 V a 660 V a 400 V a 500 V a 660 V A A A A A A W 10 x 38 32 (2) 20 25 (2) 25 3 10 x 38 25 20 25 25 3 14 x 51 50 40 25 40 40 25 8.5 22 x 58 125 80 50 100 80 50 18

Type gG

Maximum power dissipated by fuse


Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

Number and c.s.a. of conductors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Connection Tightening torque Nm mm2 mm2 mm2 Min. 2x1 2 x 1.5 2x1 Max. 2x6 2x6 2x4 Min. Max. Min. 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 1 x 2.5 Connector 2 Max. 1 x 25 1 x 25 1 x 16 Min. 1 x 16 1 x 16 1 x 16 Connector 2 Max. 1 x 70 1 x 50 1 x 25

Screw clamp terminals 1.7

8 9 10

Connection by spring terminals

Number and c.s.a. of conductors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 2 x 1 (3) 2 x 4 2x4 2 x 1.5. (3) (1) For use in an installation with ambient temperature > 55 C, apply a derating coefficient equivalent to mm2 mm2 (2) These values are for fuse carriers mounted side by side with a gap of 10mm between them or mounted with sets of busbars GV2 p54. If mounted side by side without a gap, use the following fuse sizes: aM fuse: 25 A and gG fuse: 20 A. (3) For cross-sections 1 to 1.5 mm2, the use of an LA9 D99 cable end reducer is recommended. Min. Max.

Selection : page 4/34

References : pages 4/36 and 4/37

Dimensions : page 4/40

Schemes : page 4/41



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers


3-pole basic blocks

Rating Cartridge fuse size 10 x 38 Number of early break contacts (1) (4) Single-phase protection device (2) Without Reference (3) Weight kg 0.270

1 2

Connection by spring terminals

25 A LS1D323

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

32 A 50 A 10 x 38 14 x 51 (4) 1 Without Without With 2 Without With 125 A 22 x 58 1 Without With 2 Without With LS1D32 GK1EK GK1EV GK1ES GK1EW GK1FK GK1FV GK1FS GK1FW 0.300 0.430 0.470 0.470 0.510 0.860 0.900 0.900 0.940

3 4


4-pole basic blocks

32 A 50 A

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

10 x 38 14 x 51 (4) 1 Without Without With 2 Without With LS1D32 + LA8D324 (5) GK1EM GK1EY GK1ET GK1EX GK1FM GK1FY GK1FT GK1FX 0.300 0.570 0.600 0.610 0.650 1.090 1.130 1.130 1.160

5 6


125 A

22 x 58

Without With



Without With

7 8 9 10
Selection : page 4/34 LS1D32 + LA8D324

Fuse carriers for the North American market

25 and 30 A basic blocks: please consult your Regional Sales Office. (1) With 1 or 2 early break contacts to be inserted in the contactor control circuit. (2) Fuse carriers with single-phase protection device must be fitted with striker fuses. (3) LS1D: clips directly onto a 35 mm 5 rail or screw fixing. GK1: clips directly onto a 35 mm 5 rail or Telequick mounting plate. (4) Addition of add-on contact block, see page 4/37. (5) Can be mounted on left-hand or right-hand side of the basic block.

Characteristics : page 4/35

Dimensions : page 4/40

Schemes : page 4/41



TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers
Operators and accessories

Add-on contact blocks

Description Instantaneous auxiliary contacts (early break contacts) For use on LS1D32 Mounting Front Maximum number 1 Type of contacts N/O + N/C N/O + N/O LS1D323 Front 1 N/O + N/C N/O + N/O Sold in lots of 10 10 10 10 Unit reference GVAE11 GVAE20 GVAE113 GVAE203 Weight kg 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For fuse carrier Rating Number of poles 3 or 4 For mounting on Right-hand side Left-hand side


Weight kg 0.300 0.300

Side handles
125 A GK1AP07 GK1AP08

Front handles (1)

32 - 50 - 125 A GK1FK + GK1AP07 Fitted as standard

External handles
32 A 3 or 4 Right-hand side Left-hand side 50 A 3 or 4 Right-hand side Left-hand side 125 A 3 or 4 Right-hand side Left-hand side LS1D32005 (2) LS1D32006 GK1AP05 GK1AP06 GK1AP07 GK1AP08 0.200 0.200 0.180 0.180 0.300 0.300

Padlocking devices (3)

For fuse carrier Rating 32 A 50 A Reference Number of poles 3 or 4 3 Single-phase protection device Without Without With 4 Without With Weight kg 0.100 0.110 0.110 0.070

integral GK1AV07 GK1AV08 GK1AV08 GK1AV09


Tubular links
For fuse carrier Rating 32 A 50 A 125 A Number of poles 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 Sold in lots of 10 10 10 Unit reference DK1CB92 (4) DK1EB92 (5) DK1FA92 (5) Weight kg 0.007 0.012 0.020

(1) Fitted as standard on 32, 50 and 125 A fuse carriers type GK1. (2) Reference LS1D32005 replaces reference DK1FB005. (3) For the 125 A rating, use side handles GK1AP07 or GK1AP08. (4) For use on a neutral circuit, the tubular link can be interlocked with special device LA8D25906 (sold in lots of 10). (5) 50 and 125 A fuse carriers type GK1 are fitted with an interlocked neutral tubular link as standard.

Selection : page 4/34

Characteristics : page 4/35

Dimensions : page 4/40

Schemes : page 4/41



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



TeSys protection components


Accessories for LS1D32 (screw clamp terminals)

Description Plate for mounting Combination blocks Application LS1D32 and contactor LC1D09...D38 . with front faces aligned Between LS1D32 and contactor LC1K or LP1K Between LS1D32 and contactor LC1D09...D38 Between LS1D32 mounted on LAD311 and contactor LC1D09...D38 Application 2 tap-offs Sold in lots of 1 10 10 10 Unit reference LAD311 GV2AF01 GV2AF3 GV2AF4 Weight kg 0.040 0.020 0.016 0.016

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Description Sets of 3-pole 63 A busbars

Pitch mm 45 54 72

Reference GV2G245 GV2G254 GV2G272 GV2G345 GV2G354 GV2G445 GV2G454 GV2G472 GV2G554 Unit reference GV1G10 GV1G09 LA9E07 GV2V03

Weight kg 0.036 0.038 0.042 0.058 0.060 0.077 0.085 0.094 0.100 Weight kg 0.005 0.040 0.005 0.092

3 tap-offs

45 54

4 tap-offs

45 54 72

5 tap-offs Description Protective end cover Terminal block Connection from the top Cover for terminal block Padlocking device Application

54 Sold in lots of 5 1

Accessories for LS1D323 (spring terminals)

Description Plate for mounting Description Power splitter box, 63 A Application

For unused busbar outlets For supply to one or more GV2G busbar sets For mounting in modular panels 10 For use with up to 4 padlocks 1 (not supplied). 6 mm shank max

Reference LAD311 Reference LAD322 LAD323 LAD324 Reference LAD352

LS1D323 and contactor LC1D09...D38 . with front faces aligned Extension by LAD32p Number of starters 2 3 4

Weight kg 0.040 Weight kg 0.120 0.180 0.240 Weight kg 0.078

Description Assembly and power connection kit for LS1D323 and LC1D093...D323 Description Maximum capacity 16 mm2

Kit contents 1 LAD311 plate for mounting LS1D323 2 LAD341 power connection modules - between LS1D323 and power splitter box - between LS1D323 and contactor Application Power supply to 1 or 2 . power splitter boxes Connection of motor cables For connection of conductors. from 1 to 1.5 mm2 Sold in lots of 1 1 20

Upstream terminal block Downstream 16 mm2 terminal block Cable end reducer

Unit reference LAD3B1 LAD331 LAD99

Weight kg 0.212 0.050


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components


Fuse carriers

LS1 D32

LS1 D32 + LA8 D324

Panel mounting Mounting on rail AM1DP200 Mounting of 4th pole On left-hand side On right-hand side

1 2

Mounting on rail AM1 DP200





22,5 51,5 38,5 68,3


2x5 22,5

40 57






3 4


Mounting on rail AM1 DP200 Mounting on pre-slotted plate AM1P

GK1 E + GK1 AV (padlocking device)






45 82 7,5

a1 7,5 a 7,5 82


53 98





6 7 8 9 10

a 3P 106 115

4P 141 132

a1 3P 88 97

4P 114 123

15 15


a: with single-phase protection device. a1: without single-phase protection device.

External operator GK1 AP05 right-hand, GK1 AP06 left-hand Panel cut-out 5


8 13 110 f
f 29114 29114


External operator, RH or LH side GK1 EK, EM, ES, ET GK1 EV, EW, EX, EY Mounting on pre-slotted plate AM1PA a AF1 EA4

GK1 Fp + GK1 AP07 (internal right-hand control)

Mounting on rail AM1 DE or ED

GK1 Fp

44 82

6 15


a1 a

55 35


44 82

(1) Padlocking device (up to 3 padlocks)

a a1

Internal or external control GK1 AP07 RH, AP08LH Panel cut-out (for external control)


a 3P 4P 70 105

a1 3P 4P 96 131



= = 12,5

FK FM FS FT FV FW FX FY Selection : page 4/34

4P 186 171 Characteristics : page 4/35

4P 156 171



a 3P 136 151

a1 3P 121 136

== 8,5



8 25 110
f 35114 35114

30 f

References : pages 4/36 and 4/37

External operator, RH or LH side GK1 FK, FM, FS, FT GK1 FV, FW, FX, FY Schemes : page 4/41




TeSys protection components

Fuse carriers

Fuse carriers without single-phase protection device

3-pole LS1 D32, D323
1 3 5











LS1 D32, D323 + GV AE11p

LS1 D32, D323 + GV AE20p

1 3 5

1 3 5

1 2 3 4 5
12 14 22 24 21 11



1 3 5

1 3 5

1 3 5

4-pole LS1 D32 + LA8 D324

1 3 5 6 7















3-pole + Neutral GK1 EM

N 1 3 5

N 1 3 5

N 1 3 5

N 1 3 5









11 22


Fuse carriers with single-phase protection device

3-pole GK1 EV
1 3 5




1 3 5

1 3 5

1 3 5























3-pole + Neutral GK1 EY

N 1 3 5

6 7 8 9 10

N 1 3 4 5 6







N 1 3 5

N 1 3 5
















Selection : page 4/34

Characteristics : page 4/35

References : pages 4/36 and 4/37


Dimensions : page 4/40




Selection guide

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses provide on-load breaking and making, safe isolation and They are used, in particular, on the incoming supply to control panels, for protecting and switching They provide simultaneous disconnection, together with all the other associated functions such as Their compact design means that they can also be fitted in small automation system equipment to

Fuse type


Rated thermal current (Ith)











Number of poles

3 or 3 + Nc 10 x 38

3 or 4

Fuse size

14 x 51


22 x 58

22 x 58 T00

T0 T00





External operator, padlockable and lockable Direct operator, padlockable

Front and RH side LH side Front RH side Front

Rated operational voltage (Ue)


Rated operational current (Ie) at 400 V, AC-23 A











Rated making capacity at 400 V, AC-23B Rated breaking capacity at 400 V, AC-23B Rated conditional short-circuit current at 400 V, with gG (gI) fuses Switch-disconnector-fuse type references

320A 256A 100kA

500A 400A 100kA

630A 500A 100kA

1000A 800A 100kA

1250A 1000A 100kA

1600A 1280A 100kA

2500A 2000A 100kA

4000A 3200A 50kA

6300A 10 000A 5040A 8000A 100kA 100kA





GSp GSp K L or KK or LL








overcurrent protection. off main circuits (including Emergency stop). padlocking and interlocking. provide the same disconnect and protection functions on the incoming supply of equipment, generators or starters, including motors.

1 2 3














3 or 3 + Nc A1

3 or 4

A2-A3 A4 . y 31 mm A4 B1-B2 B1-B2 B1B3 B1B3 B1B4 C1-C2 C1C3 D1


Front and RH side Front Front

5 6 7 8 9 10

690 V













320A 256A 80kA

320A 256A 80kA

630A 500A 80kA

1000A 800A 80kA

1600A 1280A 80kA

2000A 1600A 80kA

2500A 2000A 80kA

3150A 2520A 80kA

4000A 3200A 80kA

6300A 5040A 80kA

8000A 6400A 80kA

10 000A 8000A 80kA
















TeSys protection components

Switch-disconnector-fuses. 32 to 1250 A, TeSys GS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51 References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses provide on-load breaking or making, safe isolation and overcurrent protection of all low voltage electrical circuits. They are used, in particular, on the incoming supply to control panels, for protecting and switching off main circuits (including Emergency stop). Their compact design means that they can also be fitted in small automation system equipment to provide the same disconnect and protection functions on the incoming supply of equipment, generators or motor starters. Conforming to standard IEC 60947-3, TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses are available for use with: b NFC or DIN fuses, b BS fuses. A range for use with UL fuses, specifically for the North-American market and meeting the requirements of standards UL98 and CSA 22.2 Nr.4, is also available. The TeSys GS range includes sturdy and compact handles. These handles are easy to install and operate and are available in the following options: b Direct operator. b External front and RH side-mounted operator. b External LH side-mounted operator. b Padlockable with up to 3 padlocks. The door is locked when the handle is padlocked. b Locking by means of a key-operated lock (option). b With door interlock in the closed position. When in the Closed position, the door can be opened by means of a tool to be used only by authorised personnel. Locking is automatically re-established when the door is closed. b Black/Grey or Yellow/Red for the Emergency stop function. b IP 65 or IP 55. This range is completed by auxiliary contacts: b Two auxiliary early break and O and I position signalling contacts, configurable and common to all ratings. b Auxiliary contacts GS1 AN, which are suitable for isolation. Reversibility of these contacts to convert an N/C contact into an N/O contact and vice versa. b Control circuit test facility, off-load, with auxiliary contacts GS1AM110, GS1AM101 or GS1 ANT, used in conjunction with handles GS2 AHT. b Auxiliary blown fuse signalling contacts.
GS2 S3 + handle GS2AH550



GS2 N3 + handle GS2 AH540

Breaking b Quick break and quick tripping mechanism, independent of the fuses. Opening and closing independent of operator speed. On-load making and breaking of resistive, inductive or mixed resistive and inductive circuits. Quality and durability of mechanical and electrical lives. b Utilisation categories AC-23/690 V and DC-23/440 V. Durable performance in severe duty applications. Direct control of motors.


Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67


Presentation (continued)

TeSys protection components

Switch-disconnector-fuses. 32 to 1250 A, TeSys GS

Functions (continued)

Isolation b Upstream and downstream breaking of fuses for all ratings. Double break isolation of the power circuit and safe replacement of fuses. Total isolation of power and control circuits to ensure safety of persons and equipment. b GS1 AN auxiliary contacts. Control circuit isolation. b Contacts forced open in the event of welding. Fully visible break. Open position cannot be indicated unless all contacts are actually open. Safe opening and clear indication of Open state of switch-disconnector. b Visible isolation distance between the open contacts. Visible break (630 to 1250 A ratings). Protection b Addition of gG (gl) fuses. b Overload and short-circuit protection of distribution circuits and power switching circuits without significant current peak. . b Addition of aM fuses (associated with thermal overload relays). Type 2 coordination (Iq > 50 kA) for motor starters consisting of fuses, contactors, relays. Short-circuit protection of motors and equipment. b Addition of quick-blow fuses. Protection of electronic variable speed controllers and soft starters. b Blown fuse detection device. Protection against single-phasing. b Conditional short-circuit withstand voltage of 100 kA for all ratings. Equivalence between the breaking capacity of the fuses and the ability of the switch-disconnector-fuse to withstand this maximum capacity. Use in installations where very high short-circuit currents can develop. Handles with padlocking facility, with door interlock. Handle locking by means of a key-operated lock (option). Door interlock in Closed position. Operator shafts padlockable with door open. Fuse covers fitted as standard on all ratings. Protection against accidental contact. Protection of persons. b b b b b b IP 20 protection with terminal shrouds Information and testing b Up to 12 auxiliary contacts. Early break, Open and Closed position signalling, and blown fuse signalling. Use in automation systems. b Control circuit test facility, off-load, by using auxiliary contacts GS1AM110, GS1AM101 or GS1ANT in conjunction with handles GS2AHT. . In the Test position, the enclosure door can be opened.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A, for use with NF C or DIN fuses

TeSys protection components






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Switch-disconnector-fuse characteristics
Conforming to standards Switch-disconnector-fuses Circuit-breakers Product certifications Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature around the device With terminal covers Storage Operation Flame resistance conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 Body Fuse cover C C C C IEC 60947-3 IEC 60269-1 and 2 ASEFA/LOVAG, LROS (pending) IP 20 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 70 960 960 850

Pole characteristics
Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C Fuse size Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-23A/B (1) a 400 V a 500 V a 690 V Cat. DC-23A/B (1) Rated operational power Cat. AC-23A/B (1) c 440 V (2) a 400 V a 500 V a 690 V Rated conditional short-circuit current I rms at a 400 V with . protection by gG (gl) fuses Rating of associated fuses Peak value of permissible current (dynamic short-circuit withstand) Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity Mechanical durability Electrical durability Cabling Conforming to IEC 60269-1 a 400 V V kV A A A A kW kW kW kA A kA A A A 32 10 x 38 800 8 32 32 32 20 15 18.5 25 100 32 5.5 320 256 20 000 1500/300 mm2 mm N.m 2.5/16 3 50 14 x 51 750 8 50 50 50 40 25 33 45 100 50 7.6 500 400 10 000 1500/300 6/25 3.2 63 T00C 750 8 63 63 63 40 30 40 55 100 63 10.6 630 500 10 000 1500/300 10/25 3.2 100 22 x 58 750 8 100 100 100 (3) 100 51 63 90 100 100 20 1000 800 10 000 1500/300 25/95 20 12

I rms at 400 V Cat. AC-23B I rms at 400 V Cat. AC-23B Number of operating cycles Number of operating cycles . cat. AC/DC-23A/B (1) Cable (c.s.a. min/max) Bars (max width)

Tightening torque

(1) Category A: frequent operating cycles, category B: infrequent operating cycles (2) 2 poles in series per phase. (3) With terminal covers. (4) Poles not juxtaposed.

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67











IEC 60947-3 IEC 60269-1 and 2 ASEFA/LOVAG, LROS (pending) IP 20 - 40+ 80 - 20+ 70 960 850

1 2 3
125 T00 750 8 125 125 100 (3) 100 63 90 80 100 125 20 1250 1000 10 000 1000/200 35/95 20 12 160 T00 750 8 160 160 125 (3) 125 80 110 110 100 (50) 125 (160) 22.7 1600 1280 10 000 1000/200 50/95 20 12 160 T0 750 8 160 160 125 (3) 125 80 110 110 100 160 20 1600 1280 10 000 1000/200 50/95 20 12 250 T1 750 8 250 250 250 (3) 200 132 160 220 100 250 32.5 2500 2000 10 000 1000/200 95/240 32 25 400 T2 800 8 400 315 250/315 200/315 (4) 220 220 220/295 50 400 40 4000 3200 10 000 1000/200 185/240 45 25 630 T3 1000 12 630 500 315/400 400/630 (4) 355 355 295/400 100 630 70 6300 5040 8000 1000/200 2 x 150 / 2 x 300 63 44 1250 T4 1000 12 1000 800 630 1000 560 560 400/475 100 1250 90 10 000 8000 5000 500/100 / 4 x 185 80 44

125 22 x 58 750 8 125 125 100 (3) 100 63 90 80 100 125 20 1250 1000 10 000 1000/200 35/95 20 12

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A, for use with BS fuses

TeSys protection components






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Switch-disconnector-fuse characteristics
Conforming to standards Switch-disconnector-fuses Circuit-breakers Product certifications Degree of protection conforming to IEC 60529 Ambient air temperature around the device With terminal covers IEC 60947-3 IEC 60269-1 and 2 ASEFA/LOVAG, LROS (pending) IP 20

Storage Operation


- 40+ 80 - 20+ 70 960 850

Flame resistance conforming to IEC 60695-2-1

Body Fuse cover

Pole characteristics
Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C Fuse size Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-23A/B (1) a 400 V a 500 V a 690 V Cat. DC-23A/B (1) Rated operational power Cat. AC-23A/B (1) c 440 V (2) a 400 V a 500 V a 690 V Rated conditional short-circuit current I rms at a 400 V with . protection by gG (gl) fuses Rating of associated fuses Peak value of permissible current (dynamic short-circuit withstand) Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity Mechanical durability Electrical durability Cabling Conforming to IEC 60269-1 a 400 V V kV A A A A kW kW kW kA A kA A A A 32 A1 800 8 32 32 32 20 15 18.5 25 80 32 5.5 320 256 20 000 1500/300 mm2 mm N.m 2.5/16 3 32 A1 750 8 32 32 32 20 15 18.5 25 80 32 9 320 256 10 000 1500/300 6/25 3.2 63 A2-A3 750 8 63 63 63 40 30 40 55 80 63 10.6 630 500 10 000 1500/300 10/25 3.2 100 A4 y 31 mm 750 8 100 100 100 (4) 100 51 63 90 80 100 20 1000 800 10 000 1500/300 25/95 20 12

I rms at 400 V Cat. AC-23B I rms at 400 V Cat. AC-23B Number of operating cycles Number of operating cycles . cat. AC/DC-23A/B (1) Cable (c.s.a. min/max) Bars (max width)

Tightening torque

(1) Category A: frequent operating cycles, category B: infrequent operating cycles (2) 2 poles in series per phase. (3) Fit switch-disconnector-fuses GS2 LB with B1 or B2 fuses and GS2 LLB with A4 fuses. (4) With terminal covers. (5) Poles not juxtaposed.

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67










IEC 60947-3 IEC 60269-1 and 2 ASEFA/LOVAG, LROS (pending) IP 20

1 2 3
200 B1-B2 750 8 200 200 200/160 (4) 200 100 140 150/185 80 200 32.5 2000 1600 10 000 1000/200 95/240 32 25 250 B1B3 750 8 250 250 250 (4) 200 132 160 220 80 250 32.5 2500 2000 10 000 1000/200 95/240 32 25 315 B1B3 800 8 315 315 250/315 (4) 200 150 220 220/295 80 315 40 3150 2520 10 000 1000/200 185/240 45 25 400 B1B4 800 8 400 315 250/315 200/315 (5) 220 220 220/295 80 400 40 4000 3200 10 000 1000/200 185/240 45 25 630 C1-C2 1000 12 630 500 315/400 400/630 (5) 355 355 295/400 80 630 70 6300 5040 8000 1000/200 2 x 150 / 2 x 300 63 44 800 C1C3 1000 12 800 630 630 800 450 450 400 80 800 80 8000 6400 8000 500/100 2 x 185 / 2 x 300 63 44 1250 D1 1000 12 1000 800 630 1000 560 560 400/475 80 1250 90 10 000 8000 5000 500/100 / 4 x 185 80 44

- 40+ 80 - 20+ 70 960 850

160 A4. B1-B2 (3) 750 8 160 160 125 (4) 125 80 110 110 80 160 22.7 1600 1280 10 000 1000/200 50/95 20 12 pg5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67



Auxiliary contacts for . TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A, for use with NF C or DIN fuses

TeSys protection components

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AMp11, GS1 AM1 and GS1 AM2 early break and signalling contact characteristics
A A A 16 127 V: 5; 230 V: 4 ; 400 /415 V : 3 ; 440 V : 2 24 V: 12; 48 V: 2; 110 V: 0.6; 220 V: 0.4 Mechanical: 1 000 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 A mm 6 max Faston connectors: 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles

Fuse protection Cabling


Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AN and GS1 ANT signalling contact characteristics

A A A 20 127 V: 12; 230 V: 10; 400/415 V: 8; 440 V: 6 48 V: 4; 110 V: 1.2; 220 V: 1 Mechanical: 30 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 A mm2 16 max Min: 1.5; max: 10

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles

Fuse protection Cabling

gG Cable (c.s.a. min/max)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AM110 and GS1 AM101 early break and signalling contact characteristics
A A A 10 120 V: 6; 240 V: 3; 400 V: 1.8; 480 V: 1.5 24 V: 2.8; 48 V: 1.4; 125 V: 0.55; 250 V: 0.27; 400 V: 0.15 Mechanical: 5 000 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 1 000 000 mm2 Min: 1 x 0.22; max: 2 x 2.5

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles


Cable (c.s.a. min/max)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GSp AF "blown fuse" signalling contact characteristics

A A A 16 230 V: 4; 400 V: 3 24 V: 12; 48 V: 2; 110 V: 0.6; 220 V: 0.4 Mechanical: 30 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 mm Faston connectors: 1 x 6.35

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles


Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: page 4/55

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A, for use with BS fuses

TeSys protection components

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AMp11, GS1 AM1 and GS1 AM2 early break and signalling contact characteristics
A A A 16 127 V: 5; 230 V: 4; 400/415 V: 3; 440 V: 2 24 V: 12; 48 V: 2; 110 V: 0.6; 220 V: 0.4 Mechanical: 1 000 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 A mm 6 max Faston connectors: 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fuse protection Cabling


Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AN and GS1 ANT signalling contact characteristics

A A A 20 127 V: 12; 230 V: 10; 400/415 V: 8; 440 V: 6 48 V: 4; 110 V: 1.2; 220 V: 1 Mechanical: 30 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 A mm2 16 max Min: 1.5; max: 10

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles

Fuse protection Cabling

gG Cable (c.s.a. min/max)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GS1 AM110 and GS1 AM101 early break and signalling contact characteristics
A A A 10 120 V: 6; 240 V: 3; 400 V: 1.8; 480 V: 1.5 24 V: 2.8; 48 V: 1.4; 125 V: 0.55; 250 V: 0.27; 400 V: 0.15 Mechanical: 5 000 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 1 000 000 mm2 Min: 1 x 0.22; max: 2 x 2.5

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles


Cable (c.s.a. min/max)

Conventional thermal current (Ith) for ambient temperature y 40 C

GSp AF "blown fuse" signalling contact characteristics

A A A 16 230 V: 4; 400 V: 3 24 V: 12; 48 V: 2; 110 V: 0.6; 220 V: 0.4 Mechanical: 30 000 Electrical: cat. AC-15: 30 000 mm Faston connectors: 1 x 6.35

Rated operational current (Ie) Cat. AC-15 Cat. DC-13 Durability Number of operating cycles


Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

References: page 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes: page 4/67


GS1 AF1, AF2p, AF3p, AF4p

1 2 3 4 5 6
GS1 AN22



GS1 AN11

50400 A - External operator


GS2 AE2p

GS2 AE2p

9 10

GS2 AH220 GS2 AH240

GS2 AH51p GS2 AH53p




TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A, for use with NF C or DIN fuses

TeSys protection components


Switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with NF C or DIN fuses

Switch rating A Fuse size Number of poles Reference

Weight kg

For external front-mounted and RH side-mounted operators

32 GS1 DD3 50 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 x 38 14 x 51 Size 00C (2) 22 x 58 22 x 58 Size 00

3 3 + Nc (1) 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4


0.460 0.500 0.800 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.800 2.300 1.800 2.300 3.200 4.500 4.800 6.100 16.000 20.000 25.000 30.000

100 125

GS2 F3


Size 00 Size 0


250 400 630 1250 GS2 N3

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4

For external LH side-mounted operators

32 10 x 38 14 x 51 Size 00C (2) 22 x 58 22 x 58 Size 00 160 Size 00 Size 0 250 400 630 1250 Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 3 3 + Nc (1) 50 63 100 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1) Nc = Switched neutral. 2) Compact fuses for German market. GS1DD3 GS1DD4 GS2FG3 GS2FG4 GS2GG3 GS2GG4 GS2JG3 GS2JG4 GS2KG3 GS2KG4 GS2KKG3 GS2KKG4 GS2LLG3 GS2LLG4 GS2LG3 GS2LG4 GS2NG3 GS2NG4 GS2QQG3 GS2QQG4 GS2SG3 GS2SG4 GS2VG3 GS2VG4 0.460 0.500 0.800 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.800 2.300 1.800 2.300 3.200 4.500 4.800 6.100 16.000 20.000 25.000 30.000


GS2 L4


Presentation : pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics : pages 4/46 to 4/49

Dimensions : pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes : page 4/67


GS1 AF1, AF2p, AF3p, AF4p

1 2 3 4 5
GS1 AN11



50400 A - Direct operator

6 7 8
GS1 AN22

GS1 APp GS1 AH01 GS1 AH02



References (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A, for use with NF C or DIN fuses

TeSys protection components


Switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with NF C or DIN fuses

Switch rating A Fuse size Type of operator Number of poles Reference

Weight kg

For direct operator

32 10 x 38 Front 3 3 + Nc (1) GS1 JD3 50 14 x 51 RH side 3 4 63 Size 00C (2) RH side 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


0.460 0.500 0.800 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.500 2.000 1.800 2.300 1.800 2.300 3.200 4.500 4.800 6.100 16.000 20.000 25.000 30.000


22 x 58

RH side

3 4


22 x 58

RH side

3 4

Size 00

RH side

3 4

GS2 S3 with handle GS2AHp50 or GS2AHp60


Size 00

RH side

3 4

Size 0

RH side

3 4


Size 1

RH side

3 4


Size 2

RH side

3 4


Size 3


3 4


Size 4


3 4

1) Nc = Switched neutral. 2) Compact fuses for German market.

Presentation : pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics : pages 4/46 to 4/49

Dimensions : pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes : page 4/67


32 A - Direct or external operator

1 2 3 4
GS2 AH51p

GS2 AE8p

GS1 AH103

5 6 7
GS1 AMp GS1 AD10

GS1 AMp11 GS2 AE8p

9 10

GS2 AH220


References (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A, for use with BS fuses

TeSys protection components


Switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with BS fuses

Switch rating A Fuse size Number of poles


Weight kg

For external front-mounted and RH or LH side-mounted operator For direct front-mounted operator
32 GS1DDB3 32 A1 A1 3 3 + Nc (1) GS1DDB3 GS1DDB4 0.500 0.540

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For external front-mounted and RH side-mounted operators (2)

3 4


0.800 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.500 2.000 1.800 2.300 1.800 2.300 3.200 4.500 3.200 4.500 4.800 6.100 4.800 6.100 16.000 20.000 17.000 21.500 25.000 30.000



3 4


A4 y 31 mm

3 4



3 4



3 4



3 4



3 4



3 4



3 4


C 1-C2

3 4


C 1C3

3 4



3 4

(1) Nc: switched neutral. (2) 630, 800 and 1250 A switch-disconnector-fuses can also be fitted with a direct front-mounted operator.

Presentation : pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics : pages 4/46 to 4/49

Dimensions : pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes : page 4/67


GS2 AF6p, AF7p

1 2



6301250 A - External operator

4 5 6 7

GS1 AN22

GS1 AN11

GS2 AE5p GS1 AMp

GS2 AE5p

GS2 AH260

GS2 AH550 GS2 AH570





TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A .

Auxiliary contacts

TeSys protection components


Auxiliary early break and/or O, I and Test position signalling contacts (1) (2) (3)
Switch rating A 321250 1 N/O 1 N/C Switch rating GS1 AM1pp A Contact type External, front or side-mounted (4) External, front or side-mounted (4) Type of operator GS1AM110 GS1AM101 Reference Contact type Type of operator Reference

Weight kg 0.200 0.200 Weight kg

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Auxiliary O, I and Test position signalling contacts (3) (5)

Auxiliary O and I position signalling contacts
501250 1 N/C + 1 N/O External, front or RH side-mounted Direct External, LH side 2 N/C + 2 N/O External, front or RH side-mounted Direct External, LH side


GS1AN11 GS1AN11G GS1AN22 GS1AN22G GS1ANT11 GS1ANT22 Reference GS1AM111 GS1AM211 GS1AM1 GS1AM2

0.132 0.131 0.238 0.252 0.153 0.258 Weight kg 0.080 0.080 0.023 0.035 Weight kg 0.025 0.033 0.037 0.036 0.030 0.038 0.032 0.046 0.100 0.080 0.045 0.015

Auxiliary O, I and Test position signalling contacts (3)

50400 GS1 ANppp 1 N/C + 1 N/O 2 N/C + 2 N/O Switch rating

External, front side-mounted External, front side-mounted Type of operator Direct, RH side Direct, RH side Fuse size 14 x 51 22 x 58 Size 0 Size 1 and Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Number of poles 3 or 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 or 4

Auxiliary early break and O and I position signalling contacts

Contact type A 32 50400 1 C/O 2 C/O 1 C/O 2 C/O Contact type Switch rating

Auxiliary blown fuse signalling contacts for use with NF C and DIN fuses (6)
Reference A GS1 AMp11 1st C/O 50 100 and 125 160


250 and 400 630 1250 2nd C/O GS1 AMp 501250

(1) For 32 A switch-disconnector-fuses, these auxiliary contacts allow: - early break and O and I position signalling, - O and I position signalling, - O, I and Test position signalling, - Test position signalling. For 50 to 400 A switch-disconnector-fuses, they allow: - early break, - O and I position signalling, - O, I and Test position signalling, - Test position signalling. For 630 and 1250 A switch-disconnector-fuses, they allow: - early break and O and I position signalling, (2) Maximum number of auxiliary contacts: Switch rating A 32 50160 200400 6301250 Standard 4 4 8 8 With additional bracket 4+4 4+4 8+4 8 Reference of additional bracket GS1AD10 GS2AD20 GS2AD20

(3) The Test position allows testing of the control circuits off-load. Auxiliary contacts GS1AM110, GS1AM101 and GS1ANTpp only allow the text function with external handles GS2 AHTppp. (4) These auxiliary contacts can also be used with 630, 800 and 1250 A switch-disconnector-fuses fitted with a direct frontmounted operator. (5) Reversible add-on attachments for converting an N/C contact to an N/O contact and vice versa. (6) For striker fuses (BS fuses are not available with striker).

Presentation : pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics : pages 4/46 to 4/49

Dimensions : pages 4/62 to 4/66

Schemes : page 4/67



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A .

Handles for external operators

TeSys protection components


Handles for external operator

Switch rating A

1 2 3
GS2 AHp30 GS2 AHp40 GS2 AHp10 GS2 AHp20

Handle colour

Degree of protection


Weight kg

Handles for front-mounted external operators, padlockable and lockable in position O (1) Door interlock in I position (2)
3263 Black/Grey Red/Yellow 100400

IP 65 IP55 IP 65 IP 65 IP55 IP 65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65

GS2AH510 GS2AH515 GS2AH520 GS2AH530 GS2AH535 GS2AH540 GS2AH550 GS2AH560 GS2AH570 GS2AH580

0.200 0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.280 0.280 0.390 0.390

Black/Grey Red/Yellow

630 and 800 1250

Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow

Handles for front-mounted external operators with test facility (3), padlockable and lockable in "O" position (1). Door interlock in I position (2)
3263 100400

Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow

IP 65 IP65 IP65 IP65


0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240

4 5 6

Handles for external RH side-mounted operators, padockable and lockable in "O" position (1)
3263 Black/Grey Red/Yellow 100400 Black/Grey Red/Yellow 6301250 Black/Grey Red/Yellow IP 65 IP55 IP65 IP65 IP55 IP65 IP65 IP65 GS2AH210 GS2AH215 GS2AH220 GS2AH230 GS2AH235 GS2AH240 GS2AH250 GS2AH260 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.280 0.280

Handles for external LH side-mounted operators, padockable and lockable in "O" position (1)
3263 GS2 AHp50 GS2 AHp60 100400 6301250 Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow

IP 65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65

GS2AH310 GS2AH320 GS2AH330 GS2AH340 GS2AH350 GS2AH360

0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240 0.280 0.280

Black/Grey Red/Yellow

7 8 9 10

Shafts for external operators

Switch rating A 32 mm 200 320 400 50400 200 320 400 6301250 200 320 400

Shaft length

Shaft cross section mm 5x5 5x5 5x5 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12

Reference GS2AE82 GS2AE8 GS2AE81 GS2AE22 GS2AE2 GS2AE21 GS2AE52 GS2AE5 GS2AE51

Weight kg 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.160 0.280 0.320 0.240 0.380 0.420

(1) Lockable with device GS2AX1, to be ordered separately. (2) Door interlock override by means of a tool. (3) The Test facility allows testing of the control circuits off-load, by using auxiliary contacts GS1AM110, GS1AM101 or GS1ANTpp. In the Test position, the enclosure door can be opened. GS2 AHp70 GS2 AHp80



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses, . 32 to 1250 A

Handles for external operators Accessories

TeSys protection components

Handles for external operators

Switch rating A


Type of operator

Handle colour


Weight kg

Handles for direct operators, padlockable

32 50 and 63 100400 630 and 800 1250 GS1 AH01 Front RH side RH side Front Front Black Black Black Black Black GS1AH103 GS1AH01 GS1AH02 GS2AH104 GS2AH105 0.060 0.060 0.100 0.480 0.600

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Terminal protection shrouds for upstream or downstream connector plates

Switch rating A 50 and 63 100160 3 or 4 3 4 200400 630800 1250 3 4 3 4 3 4 (1) GS1AP33 GS1AP34 GS1AP43 GS1AP44 GS2AP63 GS2AP64 GS2AP83 GS2AP84 Reference (3) GS1AV1 GS1AV2 GS1AV33 GS1AV34 GS1AV53 GS1AV54 GS1AV73 GS1AV74 Reference (4) GS1AW33 GS1AW34 GS1AW43 GS1AW44 Reference GS2AX1 Number of poles Reference

Weight kg 0.073 0.180 0.240 0.280 0.520 0.780 0.680 0.840 Weight kg 0.012 0.040 0.026 0.010 0.026 0.010 0.027 0.033 Weight kg 0.179 0.357 0.236 0.480 Weight kg 0.200


Devices for locking fuse covers in "I" position (2)

Switch rating A 50 63 100160 GS1 AH02 160 250 400 14 x 51 Size 00C 22 x 58, Size 00 Size 0 Size 1 Size 2 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Fuse size

Number of poles

Cage terminals for connection of bare cables (without lug)

Switch rating A 50 and 63 100160 200250 3 or 4 3 4 3 4 Number of poles

External handle locking device

Switch rating A 321250 Device for RONIS EL11AP key lock . (lock to be ordered separately). Description

Height compensation plate for external handles

Switch rating A 321250 Description Allows a new GS2pp handle . to be fitted on existing cut-outs IP 65

Degree of protection

Reference GS2AH001

Weight kg 0.020

Flat mounting kit

Switch rating A 50400

Description The kit, for use with a front-mounted external handle, includes: b a 200 mm shaft, cross section 10 x 10 mm, b an adapter plate

Reference GS2 ADL2

Weight kg 0.300

(1) For these ratings, the switch-disconnector-fuses are fitted with terminal covers as standard. (2) For NF C and DIN switch-disconnector-fuses fitted with right-hand mounted direct operator. (3) For this rating, switch-disconnector-fuses are fitted with a cover locking device as standard. (4) For these ratings, switch-disconnector-fuses are fitted with cage terminals as standard.



TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

GS1DD (32 A)

1 2 3 4

Direct front-mounted operator

GS1DD 112 44 19 6,5 5,2 96 37,5 15 35 14 GS1DDB 112 44 19 6,5 96 37,5 15 14 79,5 5,2 45 98 65 98 83 8,5 2x5 Door cut-out 102 min. (1) 35 37,5 15 78 I 70 49 Test 90 37 65 O GS1DDB 44 102 min. (1) 35 37,5 15 78 I 49 Test 90 (1) With 1 or 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AM1pp: 130 mm. (2) With 3 or 4 auxiliary contacts GS1 AM1pp: 155 mm. O 37 65 Door cut-out 40 4x7 28 Door cut-out I 70 19 6,5 96 36 min. 44 90 78 28 4x7 70 37 Door cut-out I 70 19 6,5 96 36 min. 44 90 78 28 4x7 70 References: pages 4/52 to 4/57 Schemes: page 4/67 37 40 40 14 40 4x7 28 O 49 O 49



79,5 21,5 21,5



2x5 17

External front-mounted operator

GS1DD 44

5 6 7 8 9 10

External RH side-mounted operator





52,5 GS1DDB


52,5 Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45 Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

GS1pp (50400A)

Direct RH side-mounted operator

GS1FD (50A), GD (63A), JD (100A), KD, KKD (125A), LD, LLD (160A), ND (250A) and QQD (400A) c L (4) I K(2) (1) J G1 G Q (5)

1 2




R1 R 31 c1 c2


P a1 a P P1

3 4

GS1 FD GD JD, KD KKD, LLD LD ND QQD 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P

a 118 145 133 165 150 186 150 186 192 242 253 313 271 337

a1 108 144 108 144 136 172 180 240 192 258

b 118 118 118 118 162 162 162 162 162 162 195 195 205 205

b1 268 268 268 268 268 268 345 345 355 355

b2 159 159 141 141 174 174 185 185 200 200

c 87 87

c1 134 134

c2 145 145 193 193 229 229 251 251 260 260

G 27 27 32 32 36 36 36 36 50 50 60 60 66 66

G1 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4

H 106 106 106 106 127 127 127 127 140 140 162 162 172 172

J 31 31 36 36 40 40 40 40 54 54 64 64 70 70

K 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6

L 44 44 44 44 44 44 65 65 65 65

M 141 141 141 141 141 141 166 166 175 175

P 27 27 32 32 36 36 36 36 50 50 60 60 66 66

P1 33.5 33.5 36 36 38 38 38 38 45 45 81 81 86 86

Q 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 32 50 50

R 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 20 20

R1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3

8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 11 11 11 11

116.5 134 116.5 134 116 116 173 173

5 6 7 8 9 10

126.5 173 126.5 173 136.5 173 136.5 173 146 146 149 149 173 173 173 173

(1) Terminal cover. (2) Mounting on 5 rail only for GS1 FD and GS1 GD (50 and 63 A). (3) Protective screen, lockable in I position. (4) 1 or 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AFpp. (5) 1 or 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AMp.

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Schemes: page 4/67


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

GS2pp (50400A)

1 2

External front and RH side-mounted operator

GS2DB (32 A), F (50A), G, GB, JB (63A), J (100A), K, KK (125A), L, LL, LB, LLB (160A), MMB (200 A), N, NB (250A), PPB (315 A), QQ and QQB (400A) E min. c 31 b2 (4) (3) P2 (2) 20 min. 230 max. 45 (1) J G1 G a J1 Q J2


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45 Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51


M2 M1


P2 45 c1 GS2 F, DB 3P 4P G, GB 3P 4P J, JB, 3P K 4P KK, LL 3P 4P a 121 148 136 168 148 184 148 184 190 240 234 294 252 318 b 118 118 118 118 162 162 162 162 162 162 195 195 205 205 b1 268 268 268 268 268 268 345 345 355 355 b2 70 70 70 70 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 b3 85 85 159 159 141 141 141 141 174 174 185 185 200 200 c 87 (5) 87 (5) c1 153 153 E min. G 100 (5) 27 100 (5) 27 125 125 135 135 135 135 145 145 154 154 157 157 32 32 36 36 36 36 50 50 60 60 66 66 G1 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 H 106 106 106 106 127 127 127 127 140 140 162 162 172 172 J 31 31 36 36 40 40 40 40 54 54 64 64 70 70 J1 45 45 50 50 54 54 54 54 64 64 86 86 91 91 J2 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 P3 P P


M 141 141 141 141 141 141 166 166 175 175

M1 15 15 15 15 41 41 41 41 41 41 52 52 54 54

M2 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 17 17

P 27 27 32 32 36 36 36 36 50 50 60 60

P1 59 59 59 59 62 62 62 62 62 62 84 84 84 84

b2 P2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 P3

Q 12 12 12 12

8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 11 11 11 11

116.5 (6) 145 116.5 (6) 145 116 (6) 116 (6) 187 187

19.5 20 19.5 20 19.5 20 19.5 20 19.5 20 19.5 20 19.5 32 19.5 32 20 20 50 50

126.5 (6) 193 126.5 (6) 193 136.5 136.5 146 146 149 149 229 229 251 251 260 260

L, LB, 3P LLB 4P MMB, 3P NB, N 4P PPB, 3P QQB, 4P QQ

14.5 66 14.5 66

(1) Terminal cover. (2) Rear access connector plates (option). (3) 1 to 8 auxiliary contacts GS1 AM1pp. (4) 1 or 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AFpp. (5) 1 auxiliary contact GS1 AM1pp: + 23.5 mm, 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AM1pp: + 47 mm. (6) 132 mm with 2 auxiliary contacts GS1 AM1pp. Door cut-out For external front-mounted operator 40 4x7 28 I Test 37 90 O 65 40 37 For external RH side-mounted operator 78 28 4x7
90 O I


References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Schemes: page 4/67


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

GS2pp (6301250A)

Direct front-mounted operator

GS2S, SB (630A), TB (800 A), V and VB (1250A) E min. c 155 G Q R a 34

1 2 3
250 260 (3) 471 300

79,5 235,5


(1) 22 7 188 7 90

13 9


7 (2) 59 c1


Q 51 51 77 77 R 65 65 88 88

GS2 S, SB, TB V, VB 3P 4P 3P 4P

a 364 458 442 562

b 300 300 355 355

c 250 250 289 289

c1 380 380 295 295

E min. 265 265 304 304

G 284 378 362 482

P 94 94 120 120

6 7 8

(1) Handle GS2AH104 for GS2S, GS2SB and GS2TB. (2) Terminal cover. (3) Rear access connector plates (GS2V and GS2VB). Handle GS2AH105 for GS2V and GS2VB (direct front-mounted operator) Connector plates for GS2V and GS2VB
40 13 77 25 20 165 330




9 10

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Schemes: page 4/67


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

GS2pp (6301250A) (continued)

1 2 3

External front and RH side-mounted operator

GS2S, SB (630A), TB (800 A), V and VB (1250A) E min.

210 34

15 min.



4 5


GS2 S, SB, TB Handle GS2 AH570 or GS2 AH580 for GS2V and GS2VB (external front-mounted operator) V, VB 3P 4P 3P 4P

b 297 297 350 350

E min. 265 265 304 304

165 350


90 O

8 9 10



Door cut-out For external front-mounted operator 40 4x7 78 28 I 28 4x7 90 For external RH side-mounted operator I 78


90 O 37

Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51

References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

40 Schemes: page 4/67


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys GS switch-disconnector-fuses,. 32 to 1250 A

TeSys protection components

Dimensions with auxiliary contacts

GS1 AM111, GS1 AM211 18

GS1 AM110, GS1 AM101

1 2





3-pole GS
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

4-pole GS
32 A
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 7/L3

32 to 1250 A

50 to 1250 A
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 7/L3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10










6/T3 22 22

Auxiliary contacts
GS1 AM110 1 N/O

GS1 AM101 1 N/C


GS1 AM111 and GS1 AM1 1 C/O

12 14

GS1 AM211 and GS1 AM2 2 C/O

12 14 24 21 24 21




GS1 ANpp 1 N/C + 1 N/O

13 21

GS1 AFp 2 N/C + 2 N/O

13 21 33 41

1 C/O
2 4

2 C/O
12 14






Presentation: pages 4/44 and 4/45

Characteristics: pages 4/46 to 4/51


References: pages 4/52 to 4/57

Dimensions: pages 4/62 to 4/66






Switch-disconnector-fuses . for the North American market,. conforming to UL and CSA standards, . 30 to 800 A, TeSys GS
Compact switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with UL fuses
Switch rating A Fuse size Number of poles Reference

TeSys protection components

All TeSysGS switch-disconnector-fuses for the North American market are certified UL98 and CSA 22.2 N 4.

1 2 3


Weight kg

For front-mounted external operators For front-mounted direct operators

30 GS1 DU3 CC. J. 3 3 GS1DDU3 GS1DU3 0.600 0.672

Switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with UL fuses

Switch rating A Fuse size Number of poles


Weight kg

For front-mounted external operators (1)


CC. J.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


1.400 2.100 2.217 2.761 4.166 5.400 29.000 20.860


60 100 200 400 600 800

J. J. J. J. J. L.


Switch-disconnector-fuse switch bodies for use with UL fuses, with handle for direct operator
Switch rating A Fuse size Number of poles Type of operator

6 7 8 9 10


Weight kg

For direct operator

30 CC CC. GS1EERU30 2 3 RH side-mounted GS1AH01 RH side-mounted GS1AH01 GS1EERU20 GS1EERU30 0.991 1.218

(1) 630 and 800 A switch-disconnector-fuses can also be fitted with a front-mounted direct operator.


References (continued)

Switch-disconnector-fuses . for the North American market,. conforming to UL and CSA standards, . 30 to 800 A, TeSys GS. Auxiliary contacts
Contact type Type of operator Reference Weight kg 1 N/O. 1N/C. External, front or side-mounted External, front or side-mounted External, front or side-mounted (4) External, front or side-mounted (4) GS1AM110 GS1AM101 GS1AM110 GS1AM101 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200

TeSys protection components


Auxiliary early break and/or O, I and Test position signalling contacts (1), (2), (3)
Switch rating A 30 Compact

1 2 3 4 5

GS1 AM1pp


1 N/O. 1 N/C

Auxiliary O, I and Test position signalling contacts (3), (5)

Switch rating A

Contact type

Type of operator


Weight kg

Auxiliary O and I position signalling contacts

30800 1 N/C + 1 N/O 2 N/C + 2 N/O External, front or RH side-mounted Direct External, front or RH side-mounted Direct External, front-mounted External, front-mounted GS1AN11 GS1AN22 0.132 0.238

Auxiliary O, I and Test position signalling contacts (3)

30400 1 N/C + 1 N/O. 2 N/C + 2 N/O. GS1 ANppp GS1ANT11 GS1ANT22 0.153 0.258

(1) For 30 A switch-disconnector-fuses, these auxiliary contacts allow: - early break and O and I position signalling, - O and I position signalling, - O, I and Test position signalling, - Test position signalling. For 30 to 400 A switch-disconnector-fuses, they allow: - early break, - O and I position signalling, - O, I and Test position signalling, - Test position signalling. For 600 and 800 A switch-disconnector-fuses, they allow: - early break and O and I position signalling, (2) Maximum number of auxiliary contacts: Switch rating A 30 Compact CC J 30100 200 and 400 600 and 800 Standard 4. 2. 4. 8. 8. With additional bracket 4+4 2+4 4+4 8+4 8 Reference of additional bracket GS1AD10 GS1AD10 GS2AD20 GS2AD20

6 7 8 9 10

(3) The Test position allows testing of the control circuits off-load. Auxiliary contacts GS1AM110, GS1AM101 and GS1ANTpp only allow the test function with external handles GS2 AHTppp. (4) These auxiliary contacts can also be used with 600 and 800 A switch-disconnector-fuses fitted with a front-mounted direct operator.



Switch-disconnector-fuses . for the North American market,. conforming to UL and CSA standards, . 30 to 800 A, TeSys GS. Handles, accessories
Handles for external operators
Switch rating A Protection index Nema Handle colour Reference Weight kg

TeSys protection components

1 2 3
GS2 AHp30 GS2 AHp40 GS2 AHp10 GS2 AHp20


Handles for front-mounted external operators, padlockable Door interlock in I position (1)
30 Compact 1, 3R, 12 1, 3R, 12

Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow.

GS2AH110 GS2AH120 GS2AH410 GS2AH420 GS2AH130 GS2AH140 GS2AH430 GS2AH440 GS2AH150 GS2AH160

0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.280 0.280


1, 3R, 12 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12

600 and 800

1, 3R, 12

Handles for front-mounted external operators with Test facility (2), padlockable Door interlock in I position (1)
30 Compact 1, 3R, 12 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12 30400 1, 3R, 12 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12 Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow Noir/Gris Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow. GS2AHT110 GS2AHT120 GS2AHT410 GS2AHT420 GS2AHT130 GS2AHT140 GS2AHT430 GS2AHT440 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240

5 6 7 8 9 10


Shafts for external operators

Switch rating A 30 Compact mm 200 320 400 GS2 AHp50 GS2 AHp60 30400 200 320 400 600 and 800 200 320 400

Shaft length

Shaft cross section mm 5x5 5x5 5x5 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12


Weight kg


0.100 0.125 0.150 0.160 0.280 0.320 0.240 0.380 0.420

(1) Door interlock override by means of a tool. (2) The Test position allows testing of the control circuits off-load, by using auxiliary contacts GS1AM110. GS1AM101 or GS1ANTpp. In the Test position, the enclosure door can be opened.


References (continued)

Switch-disconnector-fuses . for the North American market,. conforming to UL and CSA standards, . 30 to 800 A, TeSys GS. Handles, accessories
Type of operator Handle colour Reference Weight kg Front-mounted Front-mounted Black Black GS2AH106 GS2AH107 0.040 0.480

TeSys protection components

Handles for direct operators

Switch rating A


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Handles for direct operators, padlockable

30 Compact 600 and 800

Terminal protection shrouds for upstream or downstream connector plates

GS1 AH01 Switch rating A 30 Compact 3060

Number of poles 3 3 3 3 3 3


Weight kg

(1) (1) GS1AP33 GS1AP43 GS1APU53 GS2AP63

0.073 0.240 0.060 0.520

100 200 400 600 and 800

Height compensation plate for external handles

Switch rating A 30 Compact 30400. Allows a new GS2pp handle to be fitted in existing cut-outs Description


Weight kg



GS1 AH02

(1) For these ratings, the switch-disconnector-fuses are fitted with terminal covers as standard.



TeSys protection components

Cartridge fuses type aM
For protection of equipment with current peaks

Fuse type


Maximum rated voltage V a 400


Sold in lots of

Cylindrical 8.5 x 31.5 DF2 CAppp

2 3 4

A 1 2 4 6 8 10 0.16 0.25 0.50 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 0.25 0.50 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 4 6 8 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Fuses without striker Unit Weight reference kg DF2 BA0100 0.010 DF2 BA0200 0.010 DF2 BA0400 0.010 DF2 BA0600 0.010 DF2 BA0800 0.010 DF2 BA1000 0.010 DF2 CA001 DF2 CA002 DF2 CA005 DF2 CA01 DF2 CA02 DF2 CA04 DF2 CA06 DF2 CA08 DF2 CA10 DF2 CA12 DF2 CA16 DF2 CA20 DF2 CA25 DF2 CA32 DF2 EA002 DF2 EA005 DF2 EA01 DF2 EA02 DF2 EA04 DF2 EA06 DF2 EA08 DF2 EA10 DF2 EA12 DF2 EA16 DF2 EA20 DF2 EA25 DF2 EA32 DF2 EA40 DF2 EA50 DF2 FA04 DF2 FA06 DF2 FA08 DF2 FA10 DF2 FA16 DF2 FA20 DF2 FA25 DF2 FA32 DF2 FA40 DF2 FA50 DF2 FA63 DF2 FA80 DF2 FA100 DF2 FA125 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

Fuses with striker Unit Weight reference kg DF3 EA02 DF3 EA04 DF3 EA06 DF3 EA08 DF3 EA10 DF3 EA12 DF3 EA16 DF3 EA20 DF3 EA25 DF3 EA32 DF3 EA40 DF3 EA50 DF3 FA04 DF3 FA06 DF3 FA08 DF3 FA10 DF3 FA16 DF3 FA20 DF3 FA25 DF3 FA32 DF3 FA40 DF3 FA50 DF3 FA63 DF3 FA80 DF3 FA100 DF3 FA125 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

Cylindrical 10 x 38

a 500


DF2 EAppp

a 400

Cylindrical 14 x 51

a 690

5 6


a 500 DF3 EApp


DF2 FApp

a 400 Cylindrical 22 x 58 a 690


a 500

DF3 FApp

a 400



References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Cartridge fuses type aM
For protection of equipment with current peaks

Fuse type

Maximum rated voltage V a 500


Sold in lots of


Blade size 00

DF2 GApppp

A 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 160 200 250 315 250 315 400 500 400 500 630 630 800 1000 1250

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

Fuses without striker Unit Weight reference kg DF2 FGA16 0.160 DF2 FGA20 0.160 DF2 FGA25 0.160 DF2 FGA32 0.160 DF2 FGA40 0.160 DF2 FGA50 0.160 DF2 FGA63 0.160 DF2 FGA80 0.160 DF2 FGA100 0.160 DF2 FGA125 DF2 GA1051 DF2 GA1061 DF2 GA1081 DF2 GA1101 DF2 GA1121 DF2 GA1161 DF2 GA1201 DF2 HA1161 DF2 HA1201 DF2 HA1251 DF2 HA1311 DF2 JA1251 DF2 JA1311 DF2 JA1401 DF2 JA1501 DF2 KA1401 DF2 KA1501 DF2 KA1631 DF2 LA1631 DF2 LA1801 DF2 LA1101 DF2 LA1251 0.160 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.850 0.850 0.850 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900

Fuses with striker Unit Weight reference kg DF4 GA1121 DF4 GA1161 DF4 GA1201 DF4 HA1201 DF4 HA1251 DF4 HA1311 DF4 JA1311 DF4 JA1401 DF4 JA1501 DF4 KA1501 DF4 KA1631 DF4 LA1631 DF4 LA1801 DF4 LA1101 DF4 LA1251 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.850 0.850 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a 400 Blade size 0 a 500


DF4 GApppp

Blade size 1

a 500

Blade size 2

a 500


Blade size 3

a 500

Blade size 4

a 500

DF2 JApppp

a 400



TeSys protection components

Cartridge fuses type gG
For protection of circuits without significant current peaks

Fuse type


Maximum rated voltage V a 400


Sold in lots of

Cylindrical 8.5 x 31.5 DF2 CNpp


A 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 4 6 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 10 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Fuses without striker Unit Weight reference kg DF2 BN0100 0.010 DF2 BN0200 0.010 DF2 BN0400 0.010 DF2 BN0600 0.010 DF2 BN0800 0.010 DF2 BN1000 0.010 DF2 BN1200 0.010 DF2 BN1600 0.010 DF2 BN2000 0.010 DF2 CN02 DF2 CN04 DF2 CN06 DF2 CN08 DF2 CN10 DF2 CN12 DF2 CN16 DF2 CN20 DF2 CN25 DF2 CN32 DF2 EN04 DF2 EN06 DF2 EN10 DF2 EN16 DF2 EN20 DF2 EN25 DF2 EN32 DF2 EN40 DF2 EN50 DF2 FN10 DF2 FN20 DF2 FN25 DF2 FN32 DF2 FN40 DF2 FN50 DF2 FN63 DF2 FN80 DF2 FN100 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

Fuses with striker Unit Weight reference kg DF3 EN04 DF3 EN06 DF3 EN10 DF3 EN16 DF3 EN20 DF3 EN25 DF3 EN32 DF3 EN40 DF3 FN10 DF3 FN20 DF3 FN25 DF3 FN32 DF3 FN40 DF3 FN50 DF3 FN63 DF3 FN80 DF3 FN100 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

3 4 5 6
812899 812895 812898

DF2 ENpp

Cylindrical 10 x 38

a 500

a 400 DF3 ENpp Cylindrical 14 x 51 a 500

DF2 FNpp Cylindrical 22 x 58

a 400 a 690

7 8 9 10

a 500 DF3 FNpp


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Cartridge fuses type gG
For protection of circuits without significant current peaks

Fuse type

Maximum rated voltage V a 500


Sold in lots of

Blade size 00

DF2 GNpppp

A 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 50 63 80 100 125 160 160 200 250 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1

Fuses without striker Unit Weight reference kg DF2 FGN10 0.160 DF2 FGN16 0.160 DF2 FGN20 0.160 DF2 FGN25 0.160 DF2 FGN32 0.160 DF2 FGN40 0.160 DF2 FGN50 0.160 DF2 FGN63 0.160 DF2 FGN80 0.160 DF2 FGN100 0.160 DF2 FGN125 0.160 DF2 FGN160 0.160 DF2 GN1051 DF2 GN1061 DF2 GN1081 DF2 GN1101 DF2 GN1121 DF2 GN1161 DF2 HN1161 DF2 HN1201 DF2 HN1251 DF2 JN1251 DF2 JN1311 DF2 JN1401 DF2 KN1501 DF2 KN1631 DF2 LN1801 DF2 LN1101 DF2 LN1251 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.850 0.850 1.900 1.900 1.900

Fuses with striker Unit Weight reference kg DF4 GN1121 DF4 GN1161 DF4 HN1201 DF4 HN1251 DF4 JN1311 DF4 JN1401 DF4 KN1501 DF4 KN1631 DF4 LN1801 DF4 LN1101 DF4 LN1251 0.230 0.230 0.400 0.400 0.560 0.560 0.850 0.850 1.900 1.900 1.900

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Blade size 0

a 500

DF4 GNpppp Blade size 1 a 500

Blade size 2


Blade size 3 Blade size 4 DF2 JNpppp

a 500

a 500



5 - TeSys contactors and reversing contactors

b Contactors: definitions and comments page 5/2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Tests according to standard utilisation categories conforming  to IEC 60947-4-1 and 5-1 page 5/4 b Current of asynchronous squirrel cage motors at nominal load . . . . . . . . . page 5/5 TeSys contactors selection guide  page 5/6

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/8 b Contactors v 6 to 16 A in category AC-3 and 6 to 12 A in category AC-4 . . . . . . . . . . page 5/14 v 6 to 12 A in categories AC-3 and AC-4  page 5/15 v 20 A in category AC-1 page 5/17 b Reversing contactors v 6 to 16 A in category AC-3 and 6 to 12 A in category AC-4 . . . . . . . . . . page 5/18 v 6 to 12 A in categories AC-3 and AC-4  page 5/19 v 20 A in category AC-1 page 5/20 b Auxiliary contact blocks, suppressor modules and accessories page 5/23

TeSys LC1 SK and LP1 SK mini-contactors

b For motor control in categories AC-3 and AC-1  page 5/34 b Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks  and suppressor modules  page 5/35

TeSys LC1 SKGC mini-contactors

b For use in modular panels  page 5/42 b Suppressor modules  page 5/43

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Selection guide  page 5/46 b Contactors for motor control v v v v Up to 75 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3  Up to 30 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3  From 25 to 200 A, in category AC-1  From 20 to 200 A, for the North American market,  conforming to UL and CSA standards page 5/62 page 5/63 page 5/64 page 5/71

b Reversing contactors for motor control v Up to 75 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3  page 5/72 v Up to 15 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3  page 5/73 v From 20 to 200 A, in category AC-1  page 5/74 b Components parts for assembling reversing contactors  page 5/76 b Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks and suppressor modules page 5/79 b Coils for TeSys D contactors  page 5/86

TeSys contactors for switching 3-phase capacitor banks

b Contactors used for power factor correction page 5/102


TeSys F contactors and reversing contactors

Selection guide  page 5/104 b Contactors for motor control v 115 to 800 A, in category AC-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/114 v 200 to 2100 A, in category AC-1 page 5/115 b Reversing contactors v v v v 115 to 265 A, in category AC-3 page 5/116 200 to 350 A, in category AC-1 page 5/117 Components for assembling reversing contactors page 5/118 Instantaneous contact blocks and accessories  page 5/123

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

v Coils for TeSys F contactors page 5/130

High power changeover contactor pairs for distribution

b For customer assembly  page 5/153

Capacitive delayed opening devices

b For TeSys D contactors  page 5/156 b For TeSys F contactors  page 5/157

TeSys LC1 FG shockproof contactors

b Presentation, selection page 5/158 b Characteristics page 5/166 b References  page 5/174 b Dimensions and schemes  page 5/180

TeSys LC1 B contactors

b 750 to 1800 A , in category AC-3 page 5/184 b 800 to 2750 A, in category AC-1 page 5/185 b Accessories and spare parts  page 5/186 b Replacement coils page 5/188

Variable composition contactors

Selection guide  page 5/226 b CV1 B from 80 to 1000 A and CV3 B from 80 to 500 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/228

3-pole vacuum contactors and reversing contactors

b LC1 V and CV2 V page 5/232

Magnetic latching contactors

b CR1 F and CR1 B  page 5/242

Modular equipment
Selection guide  page 5/268 b TeSys GC standard contactor  page 5/278 b TeSys GF impulse relays  page 5/286 b TeSys GY dual tariff contactors  page 5/292



TeSys contactors

Definitions and comments

1 2



The rarefied atmosphere at high altitude reduces the dielectric strength of the air and hence the rated operational voltage of the contactor. It also reduces the cooling effect of the air and hence the rated operational current of the contactor (unless the temperature drops at the same time). No derating is necessary up to 3000 m. Derating factors to be applied above this altitude for main pole operational voltage and current (a.c. supply) are as follows. Altitude 3500 m 4000 m 4500 m 5000 m Rated operetional voltage 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 Rated operational current 0,92 0,90 0,88 0,86  The temperature of the air surrounding the device, measured near to the device. The operating characteristics are given: - with no restriction for temperatures between - 5 and + 55 C, - with restrictions, if necessary, for temperatures between - 50 and + 70 C. This is defined taking into account the rated operational voltage, operating rate and duty, utilisation category and ambient temperature around the device. The current which a closed contactor can sustain for a minimum of 8 hours without its temperature rise exceeding the limits given in the standards. The current which a closed contactor can sustain for a short time after a period of no load, without dangerous overheating. This is the voltage value which, in conjunction with the rated operational current, determines the use of the contactor or starter, and on which the corresponding tests and the utilisation category are based. For 3-phase circuits it is expressed as the voltage between phases. Apart from exceptional cases such as rotor short-circuiting, the rated operational voltage Ue is less than or equal to the rated insulation voltage Ui. The rated value of the control circuit voltage, on which the operating characteristics are based. For a.c. applications, the values are given for a near sinusoidal wave form (less than 5% total harmonic distortion). This is the voltage value used to define the insulation characteristics of a device and referred to in dielectric tests determining leakage paths and creepage distances. As the specifications are not identical for all standards, the rated value given for each of them is not necessarily the same. The peak value of a voltage surge which the device is able to withstand without breaking down. The rated power of the standard motor which can be switched by the contactor, at the stated operational voltage. This is the current value which the contactor can break in accordance with the breaking conditions specified in the IEC standard. This is the current value which the contactor can make in accordance with the making conditions specified in the IEC standard. This is the ratio between the time the current flows (t) and the duration of the cycle (T) Cycle duration: duration of current flow + time at zero current

Ambient air temperature

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated operational current (Ie) Rated conventional thermal current (Ith) (1) Permissible short time rating Rated operational voltage (Ue)

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc)

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated operational power (expressed in kW) Rated breaking capacity (2) Rated making capacity (2) On-load factor (m)

Pole impedance

The impedance of one pole is the sum of the impedance of all the circuit components between the input terminal and the output terminal. The impedance comprises a resistive component (R) and an inductive component (X = Lw). The total impedance therefore depends on the frequency and is normally given for 50 Hz. This average value is given for the pole at its rated operational current. This is the average number of on-load operating cycles which the main pole contacts can perform without maintenance. The electrical durability depends on the utilisation category, the rated operational current and the rated operational voltage. This is the average number of no-load operating cycles (i.e. with zero current flow through the main poles) which the contactor can perform without mechanical failure.

Electrical durability

Mechanical durability

(1) Conventional thermal current, in free air, conforming to IEC standards. (2) For a.c. applications, the breaking and making capacities are expressed by the rms value of the symmetrical component of the short-circuit current. Taking into account the maximum asymmetry which may exist in the circuit, the contacts therefore have to withstand a peak asymmetrical current which may be twice the rms symmetrical component. Note : these definitions are extracted from standard IEC 60947-1.



TeSys contactors

Definitions and comments

The standard utilisation categories define the current values which the contactor must be able to make or break. These values depend on: - the type of load being switched: squirrel cage or slip ring motor, resistors, - the conditions under which making or breaking takes place: motor stalled, starting or running, reversing, plugging. a.c. applications
Category AC-1 This category applies to all types of a.c. load with a power factor equal to or greater than 0.95 (cos j u 0.95). Application examples: heating, distribution. Category AC-2 This category applies to starting, plugging and inching of slip ring motors. v On closing, the contactor makes the starting current, which is about 2.5 times the rated current of the motor. v On opening, it must break the starting current, at a voltage less than or equal to the mains supply voltage. This category applies to squirrel cage motors with breaking during normal running of the motor. v On closing, the contactor makes the starting current, which is about 5 to 7 times the rated current of the motor. v On opening, it breaks the rated current drawn by the motor; at this point, the voltage at the contactor terminals is about 20% of the mains supply voltage. Breaking is light. Application examples: all standard squirrel cage motors: lifts, escalators, conveyor belts, bucket elevators, compressors, pumps, mixers, air conditioning units, etc... . This category covers applications with plugging and inching of squirrel cage and slip ring motors. The contactor closes at a current peak which may be as high as 5 or 7 times the rated motor current. On opening it breaks this same current at a voltage which is higher, the lower the motor speed. This voltage can be the same as the mains voltage. Breaking is severe Application examples: printing machines, wire drawing machines, cranes and hoists, metallurgy industry.

Contactor utilisation categories conforming to IEC 60947-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Category AC-3

Category AC-4

d.c. applications
Category DC-1 Category DC-3 This category applies to all types of d.c. load with a time constant (L/R) of less than or equal to1ms. This category applies to starting, counter-current braking and inching of shunt motors. Time constant y 2 ms. v On closing, the contactor makes the starting current, which is about 2.5 times the rated motor current. v On opening, the contactor must be able to break 2.5 times the starting current at a voltage which is less than or equal to the mains voltage. The slower the motor speed, and therefore the lower its back e.m.f., the higher this voltage. Breaking is difficult. This category applies to starting, counter-current braking and inching of series wound motors. Time constant y 7.5 ms. On closing, the contactor makes a starting current peak which may be as high as 2.5 times the rated motor current. On opening, the contactor breaks this same current at a voltage which is higher, the lower the motor speed. This voltage can be the same as the mains voltage. Breaking is severe.

Category DC-5

Utilisation categories for auxiliary contacts & control relays conforming to IEC 60947-5
a.c. applications
Category AC-14 (1) This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads whose power drawn with the electromagnet closed is less than 72 VA. Application example: switching the operating coil of contactors and relays. Category AC-15 (1) This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads whose power drawn with the electromagnet closed is more than 72 VA. Application example: switching the operating coil of contactors.

d.c. applications
Category DC-13 (2) This category applies to the switching of electromagnetic loads for which the time taken to reach 95% of the steady state current (T = 0.95) is equal to 6 times the power P drawn by the load (with P y 50 W). Application example: switching the operating coil of contactors without economy resistor. (1) Replaces category AC-11. (2) Replaces category DC-13.



Technical information

Tests according to standard utilisation categories conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 and 5-1
based on rated operational current Ie  and rated operational voltage Ue


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Electrical durability: making and breaking conditions

Occasional duty: making and breaking conditions Making I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue Breaking I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue

a.c. supply
Typical applications Resistors, non inductive  or slightly inductive loads Motors Slip ring motors:  starting, breaking. Squirrel cage motors: starting, breaking whilst motor running. Squirrel cage motors: starting,  reversing,  inching Utilisation category AC-1 Making I U Ie Ue cos j 0.95 Breaking I U Ie Ue cos j 0.95 cos j 0.8 cos j 0.8

AC-2 AC-3 Ie y (1) Ie > (2) AC-4 Ie y (1) Ie > (2)

2.5 Ie



2.5 Ie



4 Ie

1.05 Ue


4 Ie

1.05 Ue


6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

1 Ie 1 Ie

0.17 Ue 0.17 Ue

0.65 0.35

10 Ie 10 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

8 Ie 8 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

12 Ie 12 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

10 Ie 10 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

d.c. supply
Typical applications Resistors, non inductive  or slightly inductive loads Shunt wound motors:  starting, reversing, inching Series wound motors:  starting, reversing, inching Utilisation category DC-1 DC-3 Making I U Ie Ue 2.5 Ie Ue L/R (ms) 1 2 Breaking I U Ie Ue 2.5 Ie Ue L/R (ms) 1 2 Making I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue 4 Ie 1.05 Ue L/R (ms) 1 2.5 Breaking I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue 4 Ie 1.05 Ue L/R (ms) 1 2.5


2.5 Ie



2.5 Ie



4 Ie

1.05 Ue


4 Ie

1.05 Ue


Control relays and auxiliary contacts

Electrical durability: making and breaking conditions Occasional duty: making and breaking conditions Making I U 6 Ie 10 Ie 1.1 Ue 1.1 Ue Breaking I U 6 Ie 10 Ie 1.1 Ue 1.1 Ue

a.c. supply
Typical applications Electromagnets y 72 VA > 72 VA Utilisation category AC-14 AC-15 Making I U 10 Ie Ue cos j 0.7 Breaking I U Ie Ue cos j 0.4 cos j 0.7 0.3 cos j 0.7 0.3

d.c. supply
Typical applications Electromagnets Utilisation category DC-13 Making I U Ie Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Breaking I U Ie Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Making I U 1.1 Ie 1.1 Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Breaking I U 1.1 Ie 1.1 Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3)

(1) Ie y 17 A for electrical durability, Ie y 100 A for occasional duty. (2) Ie > 17 A for electrical durability, Ie > 100 A for occasional duty. (3) The value 6 P (in watts) is based on practical observations and is considered to represent the majority of d.c. magnetic loads up to the maximum limit of P = 50 W i.e. 6 P = 300 ms = L/R. Above this, the loads are made up of smaller loads in parallel. The value 300 ms is therefore a maximum limit whatever the value of current drawn.



Technical information

Current of asynchronous squirrel cage motors  at nominal load

3-phase 4-pole motors

Rated operational power (1)

Current values for power in kW

Indicative rated operational current values at: 230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V

Current values for power in hp

Rated operational power (2) hp 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 3 5 7 1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicative rated operational current values at: 110 120 V A 4.4 6.4 8.4 12 13.6 19.2 30.4 44 56 84 108 136 160 208 260 200 V A 2.5 3.7 4.8 6.9 7.8 11 17.5 25.3 32.2 48.3 62.1 78.2 92 120 150 177 221 285 359 414 552 208 V A 2.4 3.5 4.6 6.6 7.5 10.6 16.7 24.2 30.8 46.2 59.4 74.8 88 114 143 169 211 273 343 396 528 220 240 V A 2.2 3.2 4.2 6 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 42 54 68 80 104 130 154 192 248 312 360 480 604 722 828 954 1030 1180 380 415 V A 1.3 1.8 2.3 3.3 4.3 6.1 9.7 14 18 27 34 44 51 66 83 103 128 165 208 240 320 403 482 560 636 786 440 480 V A 1.1 1.6 2.1 3 3.4 4.8 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 40 52 65 77 96 124 156 180 240 302 361 414 477 515 590 550 600 V A 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 6.1 9 11 17 22 27 32 41 52 62 77 99 125 144 192 242 289 336 382 412 472

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kW A A A A 0.06 0.35 0.2 0.16 0.12 0.09 0.52 0.3 0.24 0.17 0.12 0.7 0.44 0.32 0.23 0.18 1 0.6 0.48 0.35 0.25 1.5 0.85 0.68 0.49 0.37 1.9 1.1 0.88 0.64 0.55 2.6 1.5 1.2 0.87 0.75 3.3 1.9 1.5 1.1 1.1 4.7 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.5 6.3 3.6 2.9 2.1 2.2 8.5 4.9 3.9 2.8 3 11.3 6.5 5.2 3.8 4 15 8.5 6.8 4.9 5.5 20 11.5 9.2 6.7 7.5 27 15.5 12.4 8.9 11 38 22 17.6 12.8 15 51 29 23 17 18.5 61 35 28 21 22 72 41 33 24 30 96 55 44 32 37 115 66 53 39 45 140 80 64 47 55 169 97 78 57 75 230 132 106 77 90 278 160 128 93 110 340 195 156 113 132 400 230 184 134 160 487 280 224 162 200 609 350 280 203 250 748 430 344 250 315 940 540 432 313 355 1061 610 488 354 400 1200 690 552 400 500 1478 850 680 493 560 1652 950 760 551 630 1844 1060 848 615 710 2070 1190 952 690 800 2340 1346 1076 780 900 2640 1518 1214 880 1000 2910 1673 1339 970 (1) Values conforming to standard IEC 60072-1 (at 50 Hz). (2) Values conforming to standard UL 508 (at 60 Hz).

Nota : These values are given as a guide. They may vary depending on the type of motor, its polarity and the manufacturer.


Selection guide

TeSys contactors


Equipment based on standard contactors

1 2 3 4 5 6

Equipment requiring low consumption contactors which can be switched directly from solid state outputs

Rated operational current

AC-3 AC-1

6A 12 A

6..0.16 A 20 A

9150 A 25200 A

115800 A 2002100 A

7501800 A 8002750 A

6...12 A 20 A

925 A 2040 A

Rated operational voltage

690 V

690 V

690 V

1000 V

1000 V

690 V

690 V

Number of poles

2 or 3

3 or 4

3 or 4

2, 3 or 4


3 or 4

Contactor type references








5/8 and 5/9

5/46 and 5/47

5/104 and 5/105


5/48 and 5/49

7 8 9 10


Equipment requiring magnetic latching contactors

Motors, resistive circuits, rotor short-circuiting devices, electro lifting magnets, hoisting, mines, c motors, high operating rates. Variable composition bar mounted contactors.

Induction heating, heating of metal or of a metal part in a channel or crucible furnace by induction of a. c. currents.Contactors for induction heating applications.

Applications conforming to NATO specifications and references. Shockproof contactors

1 2 3 4 5 6

1501800 A 2502750 A

80...1800 A 802750 A

8016 300 A

12630 A 25850 A

1000 V

a 1000 V c 440 or 1500 V 16

3000 V

690 V or 1000 V



3 or 4




LC1 DpG LP1 DpG LC1 FGppp

5/250 to 5/259

5/226 and 5/227

Please consult your Regional Sales Office

8 9 10


Selection guide

TeSys contactors
From 6 to 16 A


Simple automation systems

1 2 3 4 5
Add-on auxiliary contact blocks

Rated operational current

Ie max AC-3 (Ue y 440 V) Ie AC-1 (q y 40 C)

6A 12 A


Rated operational voltage

690 V

Number of poles

2 or 3

Rated operational power in category AC-3

220/240 V 380/400 V 415/440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V

1.1 kW 2.2 kW 2.2 kW

1.5 kW 2.2 kW 2.2/3 kW 3 kW 3 kW

Front Side

Up to 2 N/C or N/O

Up to 4 N/C or N/O 1 N/C

Associated manual-auto thermal overload relays

Front time delay Front dust and damp protected

Class 10 A Class 20 A

0.1116 A

7 8

Suppressor modules a c

Varistor or diode

Varistor, diode + Zener diode or RC circuit

Contactor type references

5/34 and 5/35

LC1 or LC7 K06 LP1 K06 LC2 or LC8 K06 LP2 K06
5/14 to 5/17 5/18 to 5/21

Reversing contactor with mechanical interlock type references

a c

9 10


Contactors Reversing contactors


1 2 3

9A 20 A

12 A

16 A

3 or 4

2.2 kW 4 kW 4 kW 4 kW 4 kW

3 kW 5.5 kW 5.5 kW 4 kW 4 kW

3 kW 7.5 kW 7.5 kW 5.5 kW 4 kW

4 5 6 7

LC1 or LC7 K09 LP1 K09

LC1 or LC7 K12 LP1 K12 LC2 or LC8 K12 LP2 K12

LC1 K16 LC2 K16

8 9 10

LC2 or LC8 K09 LP2 K09



TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Environment characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Product certifications Operating positions LCp and LPpK06 to K12

IEC 60947, NF C 63-110, VDE 0660, BS 5424 UL, CSA Vertical axis Horizontal axis



Without derating Connection Screw clamp terminals Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.34 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.75 2 x 2.8 or 1 x 6.35 4 mm x 35 microns N.m 0.8

Without derating Max. 2x4 2x4

Spring terminals

Faston connectors Solder pins for printed circuit board Tightening torque Terminal referencing

Solid conductor Flexible conductor  without cable end Flexible conductor  with cable end Solid conductor Flexible conductor  without cable end Clip With locating device between power and control circuits Philips head n 2 and 6

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm

1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5



Possible positions for LCpK only. Contactor pull-in voltage: 0.85 Uc Max. to IEC 60947 1 x 4 + 1 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5


Conforming to standards  EN 50005 and EN50012 Rated insulation voltage Conforming to IEC 60947 (Ui) Conforming to VDE 0110 gr C Conforming to BS 5424,  NF C 20-040 Conforming to CSA 22-2 n 14, UL 508 Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Vibration resistance 5 ... 300 Hz Flame resistance Conforming to IEC 60068  (DIN 50016) Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation Without derating Contactor open Contactor closed Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to NF F 16-101  and 16-102 Contactor open Contactor closed Safe separation of circuits Conforming to VDE 0106  and IEC 60536

Up to 5 contacts, depending on model V V V V kV 690 750 690 600 8 TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact C C m - 50+ 80 - 25+ 50 2000 2 gn 4 gn Self-extinguishing materials V1 Conforming to requirement 2 On X axis: 6 gn On Y and Z axes: 10 gn On X axis: 10 gn On Y and Z axes: 15 gn SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage), up to 400 V

Shock resistance (1/2 sine wave, 11 ms)

References : pages 5/14 to 5/21

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Pole characteristics
Type LCp or LPp Conventional thermal For ambient temperature current (Ith) y 50 C Rated operational frequency Frequency limits of the operational current Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated making capacity I rms conforming to  NF C 63110 and IEC60947 Rated breaking capacity I rms conforming 220/230 V to NF C 63110 380/400 V and IEC60947 415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V Permissible short time rating In free air for a 1s time t from cold 5 s state (q y 50 C) 10 s 30 s 1 min 3 min u 15 min gG fuse U y 440 V  (aM fuse, see page 6/12) At Ith and 50 Hz Maximum rated operational current for a temperature y50 C Maximum rated operational current for a temperature y70 C Rated operational current limits in relation to the on-load factor and operating frequency A Hz Hz V A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A mW A A K06 20 50/60 Up to 400 690 110 110 110 110 110 80 70 90 85 80 60 45 40 20 25 3 20 16 for Ue only On-load factor 300 operating cycles/hour 120 operating cycles/hour 30 operating cycles/hour 90% 13 15 19 60% 15 18 20 30% 18 19 20 K09 K12 K16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1200 50 %

110 110 110 110 110 80 70 90 85 80 60 45 40 20

144 110 80 70 115 105 100 75 55 50 25

160 110 80 70 115 105 100 75 55 50 25

Short-circuit protection Average impedance per pole Use in category AC-1  resistive circuits, heating, lighting (Ue y 440 V)


Increase in rated operational current by paralleling of poles

Apply the following coefficients to the above currents; these coefficients take into account an often unbalanced distribution of current between the poles 2 poles in parallel: K = 1.60 3 poles in parallel: K = 2.25 4 poles in parallel: K = 2.80 kW kW kW kW kW kW kW 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 3 3 Op. cycles/h Power 0.55 1.1 2.2 4 4 4 4 3 5.5 5.5/4 (480) 4 4 600 100 % 4 7.5 5.5/4 (480) 4 4 900 75 %

Use in category AC-3 squirrel cage motors

Operational power according to the voltage. Voltage 50 or 60Hz

115 V single-ph. 220 V single-ph. 220/230 V 3-ph. 380/415 V 3-ph. 440/480 V 3-ph. 500/600 V 3-ph. 660/690 V 3-ph.

Maximum operating rate  (in operating cycles/hour in relation to % of rated power)

8 9 10

References : pages 5/14 to 5/21

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Control circuit characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (y 50 C) single voltage coil Operation Drop-out Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc Inrush Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time at 20 C and at Uc Between coil energisation and: - opening of the N/C contacts - closing of the N/O contacts Between coil de-energisation and: - opening of the N/O contacts - closing of the N/C contacts Maximum immunity to microbreaks Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour Mechanical durability at Uc 50/60 Hz coil In millions of operating cycles c coil Wide range coil, Low consumption

LC1 LC2 a 12690 (1) 0.81.15 Uc (2) u 0.20 Uc 30 VA 4.5 VA

LC7 LC8 a 24240 (1) 0.851.1 Uc u 0.10 Uc 3 VA 3 VA 3

LP1 LP2 c 12250 (1) 0.81.15 Uc u 0.10 Uc 3W 3W 3

LP4 LP5 c 12120 0.71.30 Uc u 0.10 Uc 1.8 W  1.8 W 1.8


ms ms ms ms ms

515 1020 1020 1525 2 3600 10

2535 3040 30 40 2 3600 10

2535 3040 10 15 2 3600 10

2535 3040 1020 1525 2 3600 30


(1) For mains supplies with a high level of interference (voltage surge > 800 V), use a suppressor module LA4KE1FC (50129V) or LA4KE1UG (130250 V), see page 5/24. (2) LC1K16: 0.851.15 Uc.

References : pages 5/14 to 5/21

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Auxiliary contact characteristics of contactors and instantaneous contact blocks

Number of auxiliary contacts On LCpK or LPpK 3-pole On LA1K V V V V V A Hz U min (DIN 19 240) I min Conforming to IEC 60947  and VDE 0660, gG fuse Conforming to  I rms IEC 60947 Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms V mA A A A A A MW 1 2 or 4 690 690 690 750 600 10 Up to 400 17 5 10 110 80 90 110 > 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 24 48 110 220 440 600 V

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Up to Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to BS 5424 Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to VDE 0110 group C Conforming to CSA C 22-2 n 14 For ambient temperature y50C

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating

Insulation resistance Non-overlap distance

LA1K: linked contacts mm 0.5 (see schemes pages 5/27 and 5/29) conforming to INRS, BIA  and CNA specifications Operational power of contacts a.c. supply, category AC-15 d.c. supply, category DC-13 conforming to IEC 60947 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating  Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating  cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant power broken (cos j 0.4). increasing with the load. V VA VA VA VA 24 48 17 7 1000 48 96 34 14 2050 110/ 127 240 86 36 5000 220/ 380/ 600/ 230 400 440 690 440 800 880 1200 158 288 317 500 66 120 132 200 10 000 14 000 13 000 9000 V W W W W 24 120 55 15 720 48 80 38 11 600 110 60 30 9 400 220 52 28 8 300 440 51 26 7 230 600 50 25 6 200

1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity

 Power broken in VA

 Power broken in W

1 Breaking limit of contacts valid 16 000 for: 10 000 - maximum of 50 operating 8000 cycles at 10 s intervals  6000 5000 (power broken = making  4000 current x cos j 0.7). 3000 2 Electrical durability of contacts 2000 for: - 1 million operating cycles (2a) 1000 - 3 million operating cycles (2b) 800 - 10 million operating cycles (2c). 600 500 3 Breaking limit of contacts valid 400 300 for: 200 - maximum of 20 operating cycles at 10 s intervals with current 100 passing for 0.5 s per operating 80 cycle. 60 4 Thermal limit. 40

1000 700 500 300 250 200 100 80 60 50 40 30 20

4 3

200 140

2a 2b

2a 2b


110 120 220 380 500 440 690 V

50 20

10 8 6



References : page 5/23 Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28 Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

Contactors for motor control, 6 to 16 A in category AC-3 and 6 to 12 A  in category AC-4

Contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/194 to 5/197 and 5/200 to 5/203. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

1 2 3 4


3-pole contactors for standard applications

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 230 V 380 V 415 V kW 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 440/500 V 660/690 V kW 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) Rated operational current in category AC-3 440V up to A 6 9 12 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) (2)


LC1 K0910pp

kW 1.5

kg LC1 K0610pp LC1 K0601pp LC1 K0910pp LC1 K0901pp LC1 K1210pp LC1 K1201pp LC1 K1610pp LC1 K1601pp 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180

Screw clamp connections


2.2 3 4

Spring terminal connections

For 6 to 12 A ratings only, in the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0610pp becomes LC1K06103pp. LC1 K09103pp

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

For 6 to 16 A ratings, in the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0610pp becomes LC1K06107pp.


Solder pins for printed circuit boards

For 6 to 16 A ratings, in the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0610pp becomes LC1K06105pp.

5 6

3-pole silent contactors

Recommended for use in areas sensitive to noise, high interference mains supplies, etc. Coil with rectifier incorporated, suppressor fitted as standard.

Screw clamp connections

LC1 K09107pp 1.5 2.2 3 2.2 4 5.5 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 6 9 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC7 K0610pp LC7 K0601pp LC7 K0910pp LC7 K0901pp LC7 K1210pp LC7 K1201pp 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225

7 8 9 10
LC7 K0910pp

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC7K0610pp becomes LC7K06107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC7K0610pp becomes LC7K06105pp. (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): a.c. supply Contactors LC1K (0.81.15 Uc) (0.851.1 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (2) 36 42 48 110 115 120 127 200/208 220/230 230 230/240 50/60 Hz J7 Z7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 G7 FC7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Volts 256 277 380/400 400 400/415 440 480 500 575 600 660/690 50/60 Hz W7 UE7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 T7 S7 SC7 X7 Y7 Up to and including 240 V, coil with integral suppression device available: add 2 to the code required. Example: J72. Contactors LC7K (0.851.1 Uc) Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230/240 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 U7 (2) For mains supplies with a high level of interference (voltage surge > 800 V), use a suppressor module LA4KE1FC (50129V) or LA4KE1UG (130250 V), see page 5/24

LC1 K09105pp

Selection : pages 5/194 and 5/196

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/26

Schemes : page 5/27



TeSys contactors

Contactors for motor control, 6 to 12 A in categories AC-3 and AC-4

Control circuit: d.c. or low consumption

Contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/194 to 5/197 and 5/200 to 5/203. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25


3-pole contactors, d.c. supply

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 230 V kW 380 V 415 V kW 2.2 4 5.5 440/500 V 660/690 V kW 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440)


Rated operational current in category AC-3 440V up to A 6 9 12

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) (2)

LP1 K0910pp

kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 LP1 K0610pp LP1 K0601pp LP1 K0910pp LP1 K0901pp LP1 K1210pp LP1 K1201pp 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225

2 3 4 5

Screw clamp connections


2.2 3

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code.  Example: LP1K0610pp becomes LP1K06103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

LP1 K09103pp In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code.  Example: LP1K0610pp becomes LP1 K06107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards


In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP1K0610pp becomes LP1K06105pp.

3-pole low consumption contactors

Compatible with programmable controller outputs. LED indicator incorporated (except models LP4KppppFW3 and LP4KppppGW3). Wide range coil (0.71.30 Uc), suppressor fitted as standard, consumption 1.8 W.

Screw clamp connections

1.5 LP1 K09107pp 2.2 3 2.2 4 5.5 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 6 9 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 LP4 K0610pp LP4 K0601pp LP4 K0910pp LP4 K0901pp LP4 K1210pp LP4 K1201pp 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235

6 7 8


Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0610pp becomes LP4K06103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0610pp becomes LP4K06107pp. LP1 K09105pp

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0610pp becomes LP4K06105pp. (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): d.c. supply (contactors LP1K: 0.81.15 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (2) 36 48 60 72 100 110 125 155 174 200 220 Code JD ZD BD CD ED ND SD KD FD GD PD QD LD MD Coil with integral suppression device available: add 3 to the code required. Example: JD3

230 240 250 MPD MUD UD


Low consumption (contactors LP4K: 0.7130 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 48 72 110 120 Code JW3 ZW3 BW3 EW3 SW3 FW3 GW3 (2) For LP1K only, when connecting an electronic sensor or timer in series with the contactor coil, select a 20 V coil (a control circuit voltage code Z7, c control circuit voltage code ZD) so as to compensate for the incurred voltage drop. LP4 K0910pp

9 10

Selection : pages 5/194 and 5/196

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/26

Schemes : page 5/27



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

Contactors for control in category AC-1, 20 A


1 2

Contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/198 and 5/199. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

3 or 4-pole contactors for standard applications (1)

Non-inductive loads Category AC-1 Maximum current at q y 50 C A Number of poles

Instantaneous Basic reference, auxiliary contacts to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3)


kg 3 3 2 1 1 LC1 K0910pp or LC1 K1210pp LC1 K0901pp or LC1 K1201pp LC1 K09004pp or LC1 K12004pp LC1 K09008pp 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.180

Screw clamp connections

LC1 K09004pp 20


3 4

4 2

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0910pp becomes LC1K09103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0910pp becomes LC1K09107pp. LC1 K09103pp

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC1K0910pp becomes LC1K09105pp.


5 6

3 or 4-pole silent contactors (1)

Recommended for use in areas sensitive to noise, high interference mains supplies, etc. Coil with rectifier incorporated, suppressor fitted as standard.

Screw clamp connections

20 3 3 4 LC1 K09107pp 2 2 1 1 LC7 K0910pp or LC7 K1210pp LC7 K0901pp or LC7 K1201pp LC7 K09004pp or LC7 K12004pp LC7 K09008pp 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225


Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC7K0910pp becomes LC7K09107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC7K0910pp becomes LC7K09105pp.

LC1 K09004pp

9 10
Selection : pages 5/198 and 5/199

(1) Selection between 9 and 12 A ratings according to number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve on page 5/198. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): a.c. supply Contactors LC1K (0.81.15 Uc) (0.851.1 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (3) 36 42 48 110 115 120 127 200/208 220/230 230 230/240 50/60 Hz J7 Z7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 G7 FC7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Volts 256 277 380/400 400 400/415 440 480 500 575 600 660/690 50/60 Hz W7 UE7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 T7 S7 SC7 X7 Y7 Up to and including 240 V, coil with integral suppression device available: add 2 to the code required. Example: J72. Contactors LC7K (0.81.1 Uc) Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230/240 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 U7 (3) For mains supplies with a high level of interference (voltage surge > 800 V), use a suppressor module LA4KE1FC (50129V) or LA4KE1UG (130250 V), see page 5/24.

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/26

Schemes : page 5/27



TeSys contactors

Contactors for control in category AC-1, 20 A

Control circuit: d.c. or low consumption

Contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/198 and 5/199. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

3 and 4-pole contactors, d.c. supply (1)

Non-inductive loads Category AC-1 Maximum current at q y 50 C A Number of poles


Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3)

kg 3 3 4 2 1 1 LP1 K0910pp or LP1 K1210pp LP1 K0901pp or LP1 K1201pp LP1 K09004pp or LP1 K12004pp LP1 K09008pp 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225

Screw clamp connections

20 LC1 K09004pp

2 3 4 5


Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP1K0910pp becomes LP1K09103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP1K0910pp becomes LP1K09107pp. LC1 K09103pp

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP1K0910pp becomes LP1K09105pp.


3 or 4-pole low consumption contactors (1)

Compatible with programmable controller outputs. LED indicator incorporated (except models LP4KppppFW3 and LP4KppppGW3). Wide range coil (0.71.30 Uc), suppressor fitted as standard, consumption 1.8 W.

Screw clamp connections

20 3 3 LC1 K09105pp 4 2 2 1 1 LP4 K0910ppp or LP4 K1210ppp LP4 K0901ppp or LP4 K1201ppp LP4 K09004ppp or LP4 K12004ppp LP4 K09008ppp 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235

6 7 8 9 10

Spring terminal connections


In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0910pp becomes LP4K09103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0910pp becomes LP4K09107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP4K0910pp becomes LP4K09105pp. (1) Selection between 9 and 12 A ratings according to number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve on page 5/198. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): d.c. supply (contactors LP1K: 0.81.15 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24 (3) 36 48 60 72 100 110 125 155 174 200 220 230 240 250 Code JD ZD BD CD ED ND SD KD FD GD PD QD LD MD MPD MUD UD Coil with integral suppression device available: add 3 to the code required. Example: JD3. Low consumption (contactors LP4K: 0.7130 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24 48 72 110 120 Code JW3 ZW3 BW3 EW3 SW3 FW3 GW3 (3) For LP1K only, when connecting an electronic sensor or timer in series with the contactor coil, select a 20 V coil (a control circuit voltage code Z7, c control circuit voltage code ZD) so as to compensate for the incurred voltage drop.

LC1 K09004pp

Selection : pages 5/198 and 5/199

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/26

Schemes : page 5/27



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

Reversing contactors for motor control, 6 to 16 A in category AC-3 and 6 to 12 A in category AC-4

1 2 3
511148 511147

Reversing contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/194 to 5/197 and 5/200 to 5/203.Integral mechanical interlock. It is essential to link the contacts of the electrical interlock. Pre-wired power circuit connections as standard on screw clamp versions. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

3-pole reversing contactors for standard applications

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 Rated operational current in category AC-3 440V up to

InstanBasic reference, taneous to be completed by adding auxiliary the voltage code (1) (2) contacts per contactor


220 V 230 V kW LC2 K0910pp 1.5 2.2 3 4

380 V 415 V kW 2.2 4 5.5 7.5

440/500 V 660/690 V kW 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440)

A 6 9 12 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC2 K0610pp LC2 K0601pp LC2 K0910pp LC2 K0901pp LC2 K1210pp LC2 K1201pp LC2 K1610pp LC2 K1601pp

kg 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390

Screw clamp connections

LC2 K09105pp

Spring terminal connections

For 6 to 12 A ratings only, in the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code.  Example: LC2K0610pp becomes LC2K06103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/203

For 6 to 16 A ratings, in the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0610pp becomes LC2K06107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

For 6 to 16 A ratings, in the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0610pp becomes LC2K06105pp.

3-pole silent reversing contactors

Recommended for use in areas sensitive to noise, high interference mains supplies, etc. Coil with rectifier incorporated, suppressor fitted as standard.

Screw clamp connections

1.5 2.2 3 2.2 4 5.5 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 6 9 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC8 K0610pp LC8 K0601pp LC8 K0910pp LC8 K0901pp LC8 K1210pp LC8 K1201pp 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC8K0610pp becomes LC8K06107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC8K0610pp becomes LC8K06105pp. (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): a.c. supply Reversing contactors LC2K (0.81.15 Uc) (0.851.1 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (2) 36 42 48 110 115 120 127 200/208 220/230 230 230/240 50/60 Hz J7 Z7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 G7 FC7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Volts 256 277 380/400 400 400/415 440 480 500 575 600 660/690 50/60 Hz W7 UE7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 T7 S7 SC7 X7 Y7 Up to and including 240 V, coil with integral suppression device available: add 2 to the code required. Example: J72 Reversing contactors LC8K (0.81.1 Uc) Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230/240 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 U7 (2) For mains supplies with a high level of interference (voltage surge > 800 V), use a suppressor module LA4KE1FC (50129V) or LA4KE1UG (130250 V), see page 5/24.

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/28

Schemes : page 5/29



TeSys contactors

Reversing contactors for motor control, 6 to 12 A in categories AC-3 and AC-4

Control circuit: d.c. or low consumption

Reversing contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/194 to 5/197 and 5/200 to 5/203. Integral mechanical interlock. It is essential to link the contacts of the electrical interlock. Pre-wired power circuit connections as standard on screw clamp versions. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25


3-pole reversing contactors, d.c. supply

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 Rated operational current in category AC-3 440V up to A 6 9 12 1 1 1

InstanBasic reference, taneous to be completed by adding auxiliary the voltage code (1) (2) contacts per contactor


220 V 230 V kW 1.5 2.2 3

380 V 415 V kW 2.2 4 5.5

440/500 V 660/690 V kW 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440)

Screw clamp connections

1 1 1 LP2 K0610pp LP2 K0601pp LP2 K0910pp LP2 K0901pp LP2 K1210pp LP2 K1201pp 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480

3 4 5 6

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP2K0610pp becomes LP2K06103pp. 

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0610pp becomes LC2K06107pp. 

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

For 6 to 16 A ratings, in the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0610pp becomes LC2K06105pp.

3-pole low consumption reversing contactors

Compatible with programmable controller outputs. LED indicator incorporated (except models LP5-KppppFW3 and LP5-KppppGW3). Wide range coil (0.71.30 Uc), suppressor fitted as standard, consumption 1.8 W.

Screw clamp connections

1.5 2.2 3 2.2 4 5.5 3 4 4 (> 440) 5.5 (440) 6 9 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 LP5 K0610pp LP5 K0601pp LP5 K0910pp LP5 K0901pp LP5 K1210pp LP5 K1201pp 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP5K0610pp becomes LP5K06103pp.

7 8 9 10

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP5 K0610pp becomes LP5K06107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP5 K0610pp becomes LP5K06105pp. (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): d.c. supply Reversing contactors LP2K (0.81.15 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (3) 36 48 60 72 100 110 125 155 174 200 220 Code JD ZD BD CD ED ND SD KD FD GD PD QD LD MD Coil with integral suppression device available: add 3 to the code required. Example: JD3.

230 240 250 MPD MUD UD

Low consumption Reversing contactors LP5K (0.71.30 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 48 72 110 120 Code JW3 ZW3 BW3 EW3 SW3 FW3 GW3 (2) For LP2K only, when connecting an electronic sensor or timer in series with the contactor coil, select a 20 V coil (a control circuit voltage code Z7, c control circuit voltage code ZD) so as to compensate for the incurred voltage drop.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/203

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/28

Schemes : page 5/29



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

Reversing contactors for control in category AC-1, 20 A


Warning: reversing contactors LC2K0910pp and LC2K0901pp are pre-wired for reverse motor operation as standard. Reversing contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/198 and 5/199. Integral mechanical interlock. It is essential to link the contacts of the electrical interlock. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

3 or 4-pole reversing contactors for standard applications (1)

Non-inductive loads Category AC-1 Maximum current at q y 50 C Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor

LC2 K0910pp

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3)


kg 3 3 4 1 or 1 or or LC2 K0910pp LC2 K1210pp LC2 K0901pp LC2 K1201pp LC2 K09004pp LC2 K12004pp 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.390 0.380 0.380

Screw clamp connections



LC2 K09105pp

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0910pp becomes LC2K09103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0910pp becomes LC2K09107pp.

5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/198 and 5/199

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC2K0910pp becomes LC2K09105pp.

3 or 4-pole silent reversing contactors (1)

Recommended for use in areas sensitive to noise, high interference mains supplies, etc. Coil with rectifier incorporated, suppressor fitted as standard.

Screw clamp connections

20 3 3 4 1 or 1 or or LC8 K0910pp LC8 K1210pp LC8 K0901pp LC8 K1201pp LC8 K09004pp LC8 K12004pp 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.470 0.470

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

LC2 K09004pp In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LC8K0910pp becomes LC8K09107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LC8K0910pp becomes LC8K09105pp. (1) Selection between 9 and 12 A ratings according to number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve on page 5/198. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): a.c. supply Reversing contactors LC2K (0.81.15 Uc) (0.851.1 Uc) Volts 12 20 24 (3) 36 42 48 110 115 120 127 200/208 220/230 230 230/240 50/60 Hz J7 Z7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 G7 FC7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Volts 256 277 380/400 400 400/415 440 480 500 575 600 660/690 50/60 Hz W7 UE7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 T7 S7 SC7 X7 Y7 Up to and including 240 V, coil with integral suppression device available: add 2 to the code required. Example: J72. Reversing contactors LC8K (0.81.1 Uc) Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230/240 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 U7 (3) For mains supplies with a high level of interference (voltage surge > 800 V), use a suppressor module LA4KE1FC (50129V) or LA4KE1UG (130250 V), see page 5/24.

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/28

Schemes : page 5/29



TeSys contactors

Reversing contactors for control in category AC-1, 20 A

Control circuit: d.c. or low consumption

Warning: reversing contactors LP2K0910pp and LP2K0901pp are pre-wired for reverse motor operation as standard. Reversing contactor selection according to utilisation category, see pages 5/198 and 5/199. Integral mechanical interlock. It is essential to link the contacts of the electrical interlock. Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position. Add-on auxiliary contact blocks and accessories, see pages 5/22 to 5/25.

1 2

3 or 4-pole reversing contactors, d.c. supply (1)

Non-inductive loads Category AC-1 Maximum current at q y 50 C Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) (3)


Screw clamp connections

20 3 3 4 1 or 1 or or LP2 K0910pp LP2 K1210pp LP2 K0901pp LP2 K1201pp LP2 K09004pp LP2 K12004pp 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480 0.480

3 4 5 6

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP2K0910pp becomes LP2K09103pp.

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP2K0910pp becomes LP2K09107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP2K0910pp becomes LP2K09105pp.

3 or 4-pole low consumption reversing contactors (1)

Compatible with programmable controller outputs. LED indicator incorporated (except models LP5KppppFW3 and LP5KppppGW3). Wide range coil (0.71.30 Uc), suppressor fitted as standard, consumption 1.8 W.

Screw clamp connections

20 3 3 4 1 or 1 or or LP5 K0910ppp LP5 K1210ppp LP5 K0901ppp LP5 K1201ppp LP5 K09004ppp LP5 K12004ppp 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490

Spring terminal connections

In the references selected above, insert a figure 3 before the voltage code. Example: LP5K0910pp becomes LP5K09103pp.

7 8 9 10

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

In the references selected above, insert a figure 7 before the voltage code. Example: LP5K0910pp becomes LP5K09107pp.

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

In the references selected above, insert a figure 5 before the voltage code. Example: LP5K0910pp becomes LP5K09105pp. (1) Selection between 9 and 12 A ratings according to number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve on page 5/198. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): d.c. supply (reversing contactors LP2K: 0.81.15 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24 (3) 36 48 60 72 100 110 125 155 174 200 220 230 240 250 Code JD ZD BD CD ED ND SD KD FD GD PD QD LD MD MPD MUD UD Coil with integral suppression device available: add 3 to the code required. Example: JD3. Low consumption (reversing contactors LP5K: 0.7130 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24 48 72 110 120 Code JW3 ZW3 BW3 EW3 SW3 FW3 GW3 (3) For LP2K only, when connecting an electronic sensor or timer in series with the contactor coil, select a 20 V coil (a control circuit voltage code Z7, c control circuit voltage code ZD) so as to compensate for the incurred voltage drop.

Selection : pages 5/198 and 5/199

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

Dimensions : page 5/28

Schemes : page 5/29



1 2
LC1, LC7, LP1 K LP4

3 4 5 6 7
LC1, LP1 K LP4

LC1, LC7, LP1 K


8 9 10

LC1, LC7, LP1 K



TeSys contactors
Auxiliary contact blocks

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

Connection For use on contactors

Recommended for standard applications. Clip-on front mounting, 1 block per contactor
Composition Reference Weight kg Screw clamp terminals All products with screw clamp terminals 2 1 All products with screw clamp terminals 4 except low consumption 3 2 1 All products with spring terminals 2 1 All products with spring terminals  4 except low consumption 3 2 1 All products with Faston connectors 2 1 All products with Faston connectors 4 except low consumption 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 LA1KN20 LA1KN02 LA1KN11 LA1KN40 LA1KN31 LA1KN22 LA1KN13 LA1KN04 LA1KN203 LA1KN023 LA1KN113 LA1KN403 LA1KN313 LA1KN223 LA1KN133 LA1KN043 LA1KN207 LA1KN027 LA1KN117 LA1KN407 LA1KN317 LA1KN227 LA1KN137 LA1KN047 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Spring terminals

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

With terminal referencing to standard EN 50012. Clip-on front mounting, 1 block per contactor
Screw clamp terminals with referencing conforming to standard EN50012 All 3-pole + N/O products with screw clamp terminals  except LP4 and LP5K12 All 3-pole + N/O products with screw clamp terminals except  LP4 or LP5K06, K09 and K12 All 4-pole products with screw clamp terminals except LP4 or LP5K12 All 4-pole products with screw clamp terminals except LP4  or LP5K09 and K12 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 LA1KN02M LA1KN11M LA1KN31M LA1KN22M LA1KN13M LA1KN11P LA1KN22P 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045  0.045  

Electronic time delay auxiliary contact blocks

Relay output with common point changeover contact, a or c 240 V, 2 A maximum. Control voltage 0.851.1 Uc. Maximum switching capacity 250 VA or 150 W. Operating temperature -10+ 60 C. Reset time: 1.5 s during the time delay period, 0.5 s after the time delay period.

Clip-on front mounting, 1 block per contactor

Voltage Type Timing range Composition Reference Weight

V a or c 2448 a 110240

s On-delay 130 On-delay 130

1 1 


kg 0.040 0.040

9 10

Characteristics : page 5/13

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29



TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors

Suppressor modules incorporating LED indicator


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mounting and connection


For voltages a and c 1224 V a and c 3248 V a and c 50129 V a and c 130250 V

Sold in lots of 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


Weight kg 0.010  0.010  0.010  0.010  0.010  0.010  0.010 

Clip-on fixing on the front Varistor (1) of contactors LC1 and LP1, with locating device. No tools required.

LA4 Kppp

Diode + Zener diode (2) c 1224 V c 3248 V RC (3) a 110250 V

(1) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (2) No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Polarised component. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (3) Protection by limiting the transient voltage to 3 Uc max. and limitation of the oscillating frequency. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.2 to 2 times the normal time).

Characteristics : page 5/13

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29



TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors and reversing contactors


Mounting and marking accessories

Description Mounting plates (1) Application For fixing on 1 4 rail For fixing on 2 4 rails Marker holder Clip-in markers Clip-on 4 maximum  per contactor Clip-on 110/120 mm  fixing centres Onto front of contactor Strips of 10 identical numbers 09 Strips of 10 identical letters AZ Sold in lots of 1 10 100 25 25 Unit reference LA9D973 DX1AP25 LA9D90 AB1Pp (2) AB1Gp (2) Weight kg 0.025  0.065  0.001  0.002  0.002   

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Connection accessories
Description Paralleling links Application For 2 poles For 4 poles Set of 6 power connections Set of 4 power connections For 3-pole  reversing contactors for motor control For 4-pole changeover contactor pairs With screw clamps With screw clamps For contactors with screw clamp terminals For contactors with screw clamp terminals Sold in lots of 4 2 100 Unit preference LA9E01 LA9E02 LA9K0969 Weight kg 0.010  0.015  0.010   0.010  



LA9E01 (1) Order 1 mounting plate for fixing a contactor and 2 mounting plates for fixing a reversing contactor. (2) Complete the reference by replacing the dot with the required character.

Characteristics : page 5/13

Dimensions : pages 5/26 and 5/28

Schemes : pages 5/27 and 5/29


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys contactors

TeSys K contactors


1 2

LC1 K, LC7 K, LP1 K, LP4 K On panel

On mounting rail AM1DP200 or AM1DE200 (7 35 mm)








35 45



3 4

LA9 D973 On one asymmetrical rail DZ5MB with clip-on mounting plates

DX1 AP25





35 45

5 6 7 8

On printed circuit board




= = =







Electronic time delay contact blocks

LA2 KT On contactor




38 57

9 10

Suppressor modules
LA4 Kp On contactor LC1 K or LP1 K




6 22 57

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

References : pages 5/14 to 5/17

Schemes : page 5/27







TeSys contactors

TeSys K reversing contactors

3-pole contactors
3 P + N/O
3/L2 5/L3 1/L1 7/L4

With integral suppression device

LC7 K 3 P + N/C
3/L2 1/L1 5/L3 21/NC


1 2 3














4-pole contactors
3/L2 5/L3 1/L1 7/L4 A1

With integral suppression device

LC7 K 2 P N/O + 2 P N/C
R1 R3 1 A1 3











Instantaneous auxiliary contacts LA1 K

LA1 KN20, KN207, KN203 2 N/O
53/NO 63/NO







LA1 KN02, KN027, KN023 2 N/C

51/NC 61/NC

LA1 KN11, KN117, KN113 1 N/O + 1 N/C

53/NO 61/NC

4 5 6 7 8





LA1 KN40, KN407, KN403 4 N/O

53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

LA1 KN31, KN317, KN313 3 N/O + 1 N/C

53/NO 73/NO 83/NO 61/NC


LA1 KN22, KN227, KN223 2 N/O + 2 N/C

53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 71/NC


LA1 KN13, KN137, KN133 1 N/O + 3 N/C

53/NO 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

LA1 KN04, KN047, KN043 4 N/C

51/NC 61/NC 71/NC 72
42 41/NC

















Terminal referencing conforming to standard EN 50012

LA1 KN02M 2 N/C
21/NC 31/NC

LA1 KN11M 1 N/O + 1 N/C

33/NO 21/NC

LA1 KN31M 3 N/O + 1 N/C

33/NO 43/NO 53/NO 21/NC


LA1 KN22M 2 N/O + 2 N/C

43/NO 53/NO 21/NC 31/NC


LA1 KN13M 1 N/O + 3 N/C

53/NO 54 21/NC 31/NC











LA1 KN11P 1 N/O + 1 N/C

13/NO 21/NC

LA1 KN22P 2 N/O + 2 N/C

13/NO 43/NO 21/NC 31/NC






Electronic time delay contact blocks

LA2 KT 1 C/O
16 18

Suppressor modules











Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13 References : pages 5/14 to 5/17 Dimensions : page 5/26


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys contactors

TeSys K reversing contactors

Reversing contactors

1 2

LC2 K, LC8 K, LP2 K, LP5 K On panel

On mounting rail AM1DP200 or AM1DE200 (7 35 mm)






80 90





3 4

2 x LA9 D973 2 x DX1 AP25 On one asymmetrical mounting rail DZ5MB with 2 clip-on mounting plates LA9D973 or on 2 mounting plates DX1AP25.




35 90

5 6 7 8

On printed circuit board for reversing contactors or 2 contactors mounted side by side















Electronic time delay contact blocks

LA2 KT On reversing contactors





38 57

9 10

Suppressor modules
LA4 Kp On reversing contactors LC2 K or LP2 K



22 57

Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13

References : pages 5/18 to 5/21

Schemes : page 5/29







TeSys contactors

TeSys K reversing contactors

3-pole reversing contactors

With screw clamp connections 3 P + N/O 3 P + N/C

With integral suppression device


1 2











































With Faston connectors or solder pins (printed circuit board) 3 P + N/O 3 P + N/C
3/L2 5/L3 3/L2
















A2 A1






















4-pole reversing contactors

With screw clamp connections 4P
1/L1 1/L2 1/L3 2/L1 2/L2 2/L3 1N 2N

Integral suppression device

With Faston connectors or solder pins (printed circuit board) 4P LC8 K LP5 K

4 5 6













Instantaneous auxiliary contacts LA1K

Terminal referencing conforming to standard EN 50012 LA1 KN20, KN207, KN203 2 N/O
53/NO 63/NO

LA1 KN02, KN027, KN023 2 N/C

51/NC 61/NC

LA1 KN11, KN117, KN113 1 N/O + 1 N/C

53/NO 61/NC

LA KN02M 2 N/C
21/NC 31/NC

LA1 KN11M 1 N/O + 1 N/C

33/NO 21/NC

LA1 KN11P 1 N/O + 1 N/C

13/NO 21/NC




7 8 9 10









LA1 KN40, KN407, KN403 4 N/O

53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

LA1 KN31, KN317, KN313 3 N/O + 1 N/C

53/NO 73/NO 83/NO 61/NC


LA1 KN22, KN227, KN223 2 N/O + 2 N/C

53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 71/NC

LA KN13, KN137, KN133 LA1 KN04, KN047, KN043 1 N/O + 3 N/C 4 N/C
51/NC 61/NC 71/NC























Electronic time delay contact blocks

LA2 KT 1 C/O
16 18

Suppressor modules



Characteristics : pages 5/10 to 5/13 References : pages 5/18 to 5/21 Dimensions : page 5/28








TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK


1 2 3 4

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to standards Approvals Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device

Conforming to 60947,  VDE 0110 grC,BS 5424,  CSA 22-2 n 14, UL508   Conforming to IEC 60068 (DIN 50015) Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation


IEC 60947, NF C 63-110, VDE 0660, BS 5424 UL, CSA TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact C C m - 50+ 70 - 20+ 50 2000 Vertical axis Horizontal axis

Maximum operating altitude Operating position

Without derating

Without derating

Without derating Max 1 x 6 or 2 x 4 1 x 6 or 2 x 2.5 1 x 6 or 2 x 1.5

5 6 7 8 9 10

Cabling, screw clamp terminals Solid conductor Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque Terminal referencing Pozidriv n 1 head mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Min 1 x 1.5 or 2 x 1.5 1 x 0.5 or 2 x 0.35 1 x 0.35 or 2 x 0.35 0.8 Conforming to standards En 50005

References: pages 5/34 and 5/35

Dimensions: page 5/36

Schemes: page 5/37


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK

Pole characteristics
Conventional thermal current For ambient temperature  (Ith) y 55 C Rated operational frequency Frequency limits of the operational current Rated operational voltage (Ue)  Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity (for Ue y 400 V) Short time rating Short-circuit protection Average impedance per pole I rms conforming to  NF C 63-110 and IEC 60947 Conforming to NF C 63-110 and IEC60947 (I rms) In free air for a time t from cold state (q y 55 C) gl fuse U y 440 V At Ith and 50 Hz A Hz Hz V A A A A mW 12 50/60 Up to 400 690 66 52 50 16 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid up to 1200 operating cycles per hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W W W 24 120 55 15 720 48 80 38 11 600 110 60 30 9 400 220 52 28 8 300 440 51 26 7 230

Maximum rated operational current For a temperature  AC-3 (1)  y 55 C (Ue y 400 V) AC-1 Utilisation in category AC-1 resistive circuits, heating, lighting (Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Increase in operational current by paralleling of poles


6 12 20

Auxiliary contact characteristics of add-on blocks

Up to Conforming to IEC 60947, BS5424,  VDE 0110 group C,  CSA C 22-2 n 14 V V 690 690

Conventional thermal current For ambiant temperature (Ith) y 55 C Frequency of operational current Short-circuit protection Conforming to IEC 60947 and VDE 0660, gl fuse

A Hz A

10 Up to 400 10

Operational power of contacts conforming to IEC 60947

a.c. supply, category AC-15 Electrical durability (valid up to 3600 operating cycles per hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current  (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the breaking current (cos j 0.4). 110/ 220/ 380/ V 24 48 127 230 400 440 VA 48 96 240 440 800 880 VA 17 34 86 158 288 317 VA 7 14 36 66 120 132 VA 1000 2050 5000 10000 14000 13000 (1) For LC1 contactors.

8 9 10

1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity

References: pages 5/34 and 5/35

Dimensions: page 5/36

Schemes: page 5/37


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK

Control circuit characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (q y 50 C) For operation For drop-out Average coil consumption at 20 C and at Uc Inrush Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time at 20 C and at Uc Between coil opening of the N/C contacts energisation and closing of the N/O contacts Between coil deenergisation and opening of the N/O contacts closing of the N/C contacts Maximum operating rate Mechanical durability at Uc In millions of operating cycles In operating cycles per hour 50/60 Hz coil c coil

LC1SK06 a 24400 0.851.1 Uc u 0.20 Uc 16 VA 4.2 VA

LP1SK06 c 1272 0.851.1 Uc u 0.10 Uc 2.2 W 2.2 W 2.2


ms ms ms ms

816 714 68 810 1200 10

1018 812 46 68 1200 10

References: pages 5/34 and 5/35

Dimensions: page 5/36

Schemes: page 5/37


Contactor selection guide according to required electrical durability

Use in category AC-3 (Ue y 440 V)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK

Millions of operating cycles

Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) of the motor.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,5 1,2 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 2,5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 30 40 Current broken in A

220/380/415 V 500 V 220/230 V 380/400 V 415 V

2,5 2 0,55 1,1 1,1

3 2,5 0,75 1,5 1,5 3

4 1,1

5 4 2,2 2,2

6 5 1,5 3 3

7 6

9 7


2,2 kW 4 kW 4 kW

only up to 415 V

Current broken in A

Millions of operating cycles

Control of resistive circuits (cos j u 0.95). The current broken (Ic) in category AC-1 is equal to the current (Ie) normally drawn by the load.

Use in category AC-1 (Ue y 440 V)

10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,15 0,1

9 10
References: pages 5/34 and 5/35 Dimensions: page 5/36 Schemes : page 5/37



TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK


b Width of contactor 27 mm. b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail. b Screw clamp terminals.

Mini-contactors for motor in category AC-3

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 (1) 220 V 380 V 660 V 230 V 415 V 690 V kW 1.1 LC1SK06 kW 2.2 kW 2.2 Rated operational voltage in AC-3 up to 400 V Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Basic reference. Complete with code indicating control circuit voltage (2) Weight

2 3 4

A 6


kg 0.132

Mini-contactors for motor in category AC-1

Non inductive loads maximum current (q y 55 C) utilisation category AC-1 Control circuit supply Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Basic reference. Complete with code indicating control circuit voltage (2) Weight

A 12

a.c. d.c.

2 2

LC1SK0600pp LP1SK0600pp

kg 0.132 0.132

Add-on block with 1 power pole (for 3-phase circuits)

For use on contactor Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Reference Weight kg

LA1SK10 LC1SK06 clip-on front mounting 1 1 1 1 LA1SK10 LA1SK01 0.022 0.022

6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 5/30 to 5/33

Nota : Auxiliary contact blocks and coil suppressor module, see next page. (1) For use in AC-3 category and 3-phase circuits, an LA1SKpp auxiliary contact block should be ordered separately for mounting on the contactor. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (variable delivery times, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Mini-contactors LC1SK
Volts a 50/60 Hz Code 24 B7 12 JD 48 E7 24 BD 110 F7 36 CD 120 G7 48 ED 220 M7 72 SD 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7

Mini-contactors LP1SK
Volts c Code

Dimensions: page 5/36

Schemes: page 5/37



TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and coil suppressor modules


Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

Clip-on front mounting
For use on contactor Maximum number of blocks per contactor 1 Composition Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 1

2 1


kg 0.022 0.022 0.022

Coil suppressor modules


Clip-on fixing and electrical connection on right-hand side, without use oftools
For use on contactors Type For voltages Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight kg 0.003


LC1SK06 and Varistor (1) LP1SK06

a and c  10 LA4SKE1E 24 V48 V a and c  10 LA4SKE1U 0.003 110 V250 V Diode (2) c 10 LA4SKC1U 0.003 24 V250 V (1) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (2) No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time).

Characteristics: pages 5/30 to 5/33

Dimensions: page 5/36

Schemes: page 5/37


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK


1 2

LC1 and LP1SK06

84,5 55,5 27

LA1 SK (1)



3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) Only on LC1SK06.


LC1 and LP1SK06 On mounting rail AM1DP200 or AM1DE200 (7 35 mm)



Characteristics: pages 5/30 to 5/33


References: pages 5/34 and 5/35


Schemes: page 5/37



TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1SK and LP1SK


2-pole mini-contactors
LC1 and LP1SK06
1/L1 3/L2

1 2
1 pole + 1 N/C aux. LA1SK01
21/NC 5/L3


A1 T1/2

Add-on power pole block

1 pole + 1 N/O aux. LA1SK10
13/NO 5/L3


3 4
1 N/O + 1 N/C LA1SK11
33/NO 41/NC



Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

2 N/O LA1SK20
33/NO 43/NO

2 N/C LA1SK02
31/NC 41/NC



5 6 7 8 9 10





Characteristics: pages 5/30 to 5/33

References : pages 5/34 and 5/35



Dimensions: page 5/36



TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels


1 2 3 4

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection

Conforming to IEC 60947, VDE 0110 gr C, BS5424,  CSA 22-2 n 14, UL508

690 IEC 60947, NF C 63-110, VDE 0660, BS 5424 UL, CSA

Conforming to IEC 60068  (DIN 50015) Conforming to VDE 0106

TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact

Ambient air temperature around the device Storage Operation Maximum operating altitude Operating position Without derating

C C m

- 50+ 70 - 20+ 50 2000 Vertical axis Horizontal axis

Without derating Cabling, connectors Min. 1 x 1.5 or 2 x 1.5 1 x 0.5 or 2 x 0.35 1 x 0.35 or 2 x 0.35 0.8

Without derating Max. 1 x 6 or 2 x 4 1 x 6 or 2 x 2.5 1 x 6 or 2 x 1.5

Tightening torque Terminal referencing

Solid conductor Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Pozidriv n 1 head

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Conforming to standards En 50005

6 7 8 9 10
References : pages 5/42 and 5/43 Dimensions : page 5/44

Schemes : page 5/45


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels

Pole characteristics
Mini-contactor type Conventional For ambient temperature y 55 C thermal current (Ith) Rated operational frequency Frequency limit of the operational current Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity (for Ue y 400V) Permissible short time rating Short-circuit protection Average impedance per pole Maximum rated operational current A Hz Hz V I rms conforming to  NF C 63-110 and IEC60947 Conforming to  NF C 63-110 and IEC 60947 (I rms) In free air for a time t  from cold state (q y 55 C) gl fuse U y 440 V At Ith and 50 Hz For temperature  y 55 C AC-3 (Ue y 400 V) AC-1 A A A A mW A A A LC1 SKGC2 20 50/60 up to 400 690 50 40 40 20 4 5 20 32 85 68 60 20 4 9 20 32 LC1 SKGC3 and LC1 SKGC4 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Use in category AC-1 resistive circuits, heating, lighting (Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Increase in rated operational current by paralleling of 2poles

Auxiliary contact characteristics of mini-contactors

Up to Conforming to IEC 60947,  BS 5424, VDE0110 group C, CSA C 22-2 n 14 For ambient temperature y 55 C V V A Hz 690 690 10 Up to 400

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Frequency of the operational current Short-circuit protection

Conforming to IEC 60947 and A 10 VDE 0660, gl fuse Operational power of contacts a.c. supply, category AC-15 conforming to IEC 60947 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10times the power broken (cos j 0.4). V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity VA VA VA VA 24 48 17 7 1000 48 96 34 14 2050 110/ 127 240 86 36 5000 220/ 230 440 158 66 10000 380/ 400 800 288 120 14000 440 880 317 132 13000

d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W W W 24 120 55 15 720 48 80 38 11 600 110 60 30 9 400 220 52 28 8 300 440 51 26 7 230

References : pages 5/42 and 5/43

Dimensions : page 5/44

Schemes : page 5/45


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels

Control circuit characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mini-contactor type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (q y 55 C) Operation For drop-out

LC1 SKGC2 a 24400


0.851.1 Uc 0.20 Uc VA VA W 16 4.2 1.4 23 4.9 1.5

Average coil consumption at 20 C and at Uc Inrush Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time at 20 C and at Uc Between coil opening of the N/C contacts energisation and closing of the N/O contacts Between coil  de-energisation and Maximum operating rate Mechanical durability at Uc in millions of operating cycles opening of the N/O contacts closing of the N/C contacts In operating cycles per hour 50/60 Hz coil

ms ms ms ms

816 714 68 810 1200 10

References : pages 5/42 and 5/43

Dimensions : page 5/44

Schemes : page 5/45


Contactor selection according to required electrical durability

Use in category AC-3 (Ue y 440 V)

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels

Millions of operating cycles

Control of 3-phase asynchronous  squirrel cage motors with  breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal  to the rated operational current of the motor.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 2,5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 30 40 Current broken in A

2 1,5 1,2 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 220/380/415 V 500 V 220/230 V 380/400 V 415 V 2 2,5 2 0,55 1,1 1,1 3 2,5 0,75

4 3 1,1 1,5 1,5

5 4 2,2 2,2

6 5 1,5 3 3

7 6

9 7


2,2 kW 4 kW 4 kW

Current broken in A

1 LC1 SKGC2 2 LC1 SKGC3 and SKGC4 - - - - - only up to 415 V

Use in category AC-1 (Ue y 440 V)

Millions of operating cycles

Control of resistive circuits (cos j u 0.95). The current broken (Ic) in category AC-1 is equal  to the current (Ie) normally drawn by the load.

10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,15 0,1

9 10

References : pages 5/42 and 5/43

Dimensions : page 5/44

Schemes : page 5/45



TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels


b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or fixing by four 4 screws, except for LC1SKGC200. b Connection by connectors. b Mini-contactor fitted with transparent, sealable protective cover to prevent front face access.

Mini-contactors, width 27 mm
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 380 V 660 V 230 V 415 V 690 V kW kW kW Rated operational current in AC-3 up to 400V A 5 Non inductive No. of poles loads category AC-1 maximum current qy50C A 20 2 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

2 3 4

LC1 SKGC200pp

kg 0.132

Mini-contactors, width 45 mm
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 380 V 660 V 230 V 415 V 690 V kW 1.1 kW 4 kW 4 Rated operational current in AC-3 up to 400V A 9 Non inductive No. of poles loads category AC-1 maximum current qy50C A 20 3 1 Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

LC1 SKGC310pp

kg 0.175

LC1 SKGC301pp


5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/38 to 5/41 Dimensions : page 5/44 Schemes : page 5/45

LC1 SKGC400pp


(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office) Volts a 50/60 Hz Code 24 B7 48 E7 110 F7 120 G7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7



TeSys contactors
Suppressor modules

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels


Suppressor modules
For use on contactors LA4 SKp1p LC1 SKGC

Connection without need for tools by clipping onto right-hand side of contactor
Type Varistor (1) For voltages a and c 2448 V Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference LA4 SKE1E Weight kg 0.003

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a and c 110250 V




Diode (2)

c 24250 V




(1) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (2) No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time).

Characteristics : pages 5/38 to 5/41

Dimensions : page 5/44

Schemes : page 5/45


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels


On mounting rail AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200 (7 35 mm) 55,5 27

1 2

Mini-contactors LC1 SKGC2 55,5



3 4

Mini-contactors LC1 SKGC3 and SKGC4 56 45


On panel On mounting rail AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200 (7 35 mm) 56 45





5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/38 to 5/41 References : pages 5/42 and 5/43


Schemes : page 5/45




TeSys contactors

Mini-contactors TeSys LC1 SKGC,  for use in modular panels

2-pole mini-contactors
1/L1 A1 3/L2

1 2



3-pole mini-contactors
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 13/NO A1


1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 21/NC

3 4 5









4-pole mini-contactors
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 A1 7/L4









6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/38 to 5/41 References : pages 5/42 and 5/43 Dimensions : page 5/44


Selection guide

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors


All types of control system

1 2
Rated operational current le max AC-3 (Ue y 440 V) le AC-1 (q y 60 C) 9A 20/25 A 12 A 18 A 25/32 A 25 A 25/40 A 32 A 50 A 38 A

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated operational voltage

690 V on a and c

Number of poles

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

Rated operational power in AC-3

220/240 V 380/400 V 415/440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V

2.2 kW 4 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 5.5 kW

3 kW 5.5 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 7.5 kW

4 kW 7.5 kW 9 kW 10 kW 10 kW

5.5 kW 11 kW 11 kW 15 kW 15 kW

7.5 kW 15 kW 15 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW

9 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW

Auxiliary contacts

1 N/C and 1 N/O instantaneous incorporated in the contactors, with add-on blocks common to the whole range comprising up to 4 N/C or N/O instantaneous, up to 1 N/O + 1 N/C time delay and up to 2 N/O or 2 N/C protected contacts and 2 screen continuity terminals. Class 10 A Class 20 0.1010 A 2.510 A 0.1013 A 2.513 A 0.1018 A 2.518 A 0.1032 A 2.532 A 0.1038 A 0.1038 A

Thermal overload relays manual-auto compatible

Suppressor modules (c and low consumption contactors are fitted with a built-in bidirectional peak limiting diode suppressior as standard) Interfaces

Varistor Diode RC circuit Bidirectional peak limiting diode Relay output Relay interface with manual override switch Solid state

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

Contactor type references

a or c 3 pole a 4 pole c 4 pole

LC1 D09 LC1 DT20/ LC1 D098

LC1 D12 LC1 DT25/ LC1 D128

LC1 D18 LC1 DT32/ LC1 D188

LC1 D25 LC1 DT40/ LC1 D258

LC1 D32

LC1 D38

Reversing contactor type references

a 3 pole c 3 pole a 4 pole c 4 pole

LC2 D09 LC2 D09 LC2 DT20 LC2 DT20

LC2 D12 LC2 D12 LC2 DT25 LC2 DT25

LC2 D18 LC2 D18 LC2 DT32 LC2 DT32

LC2 D25 LC2 D25 LC2 DT40 LC2 DT40

LC2 D32 LC2 D32

LC2 D38 LC2 D38


Contactors Reversing contactors

5/62 to 5/67 5/72 to 5/75


1 2
40 A 60 A 50 A 80 A 65 A 80 A 125 A 95 A 115 A 200 A 150 A

690 V a or c

1000 V on a supply, 690 V on c supply

3 4 3

11 kW 18.5 kW 22 kW 22 kW 30 kW

15 kW 22 kW 25/30 kW 30 kW 33 kW

18.5 kW 30 kW 37 kW 37 kW 37 kW

22 kW 37 kW 45 kW 55 kW 45 kW 45 kW

25 kW 45 kW 45 kW 55 kW 45 kW 45 kW

30 kW 55 kW 59 kW 75 kW 80 kW 75 kW

40 kW 75 kW 80 kW 90 kW 100 kW 90 kW

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 N/C and 1 N/O instantaneous incorporated in the contactors, with add-on blocks common to the whole range comprising up to 4 N/C or N/O instantaneous, up to 1 N/O + 1 N/C time delay and up to 2 N/O or 2 N/C protected contacts and 2 screen continuity terminals.

1340 A 1340 A

1350 A 1350 A

1365 A 1365 A

17104 A 1780 A

17104 A

60150 A 60150 A

60150 A 60150 A

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p p p

p p

p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p p

p p

LC1 D40A LC1 DT60A LC1 DT60A

LC1 D50A

LC1 D65A LC1 DT80A LC1 DT80A

LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D80

LC1 D95

LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D115

LC1 D150

LC2 D40A LC2 D40A

LC2 D50A LC2 D50A

LC2 D65A LC2 D65A

LC2 D80 LC2 D80

LC2 D95

LC2 D115 LC2 D115

LC2 D150

5/62 to 5/67 5/72 to 5/75


Selection guide

TeSys contactors

TeSys D low consumption contactors


Automation systems

1 2
Rated operational current le max AC-3 (Ue y 440 V) le AC-1 (q y 60 C) 9A 20/25 A 12 A 20/25 A 18 A 25/32 A

3 4 5

Rated operational voltage

690 V

Number of poles

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

Rated operational power in AC-3

220/240 V 380/400 V 415/440 V 500 V 660/690 V

2.2 kW 4 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 5.5 kW

3 kW 5.5 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 7.5 kW

4 kW 7.5 kW 9 kW 10 kW 10 kW

Coil consumption

2.4 W (100 mA - 24 V) 0.71.25 Uc

6 7 8 9 10

Operating ranges

Operating time at 20 C and at Uc

Closing Opening

70 ms 25 ms

Auxiliary contact block modules

1 N/C and 1 N/O instantaneous contacts incorporated in the contactors, with add-on blocks common to the whole range, comprising up to 2 N/C or 2 N/O instantaneous standard contacts Built-in suppression as standard, by bi-directional peak limiting diode

Interference suppression

Contactor type

3-pole 4-pole

LC1 D09 LC1 DT20/D098 LC2 D09 LC2 DT20

5/62 to 5/67 5/72 to 5/75

LC1 D12 LC1 DT25/D128 LC2 D12 LC2 DT25

LC1 D18 LC1 DT32/D188 LC2 D18 LC2 DT32

Reversing contactor type

3-pole 4-pole


Contactors Reversing contactors

(1) With low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83). (2) With 2 low consumption kits LA4 DBL (see page 5/83).



50 A 65 A 80 A

25 A 25/40 A

32 A 50 A

38 A 50 A

40 A 60 A

690 V

690 V

3 3

3 or 4

5.5 kW 11 kW 11 kW 15 kW 15 kW

7.5 kW 15 kW 15 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW

9 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW 18.5 kW

11 kW 18.5 kW 22 kW 22 kW 30 kW

15 kW 22 kW 25/30 kW 30 kW 33 kW

18.5 kW 30 kW 37 kW 37 kW 37 kW

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.4 W (100 mA - 24 V) 0.71.25 Uc

0.6 W (25 mA - 24 V) for relay LA4 DFB + the power consumed by the contactor coil

70 ms 25 ms

1 N/C and 1 N/O instantaneous contacts incorporated in the contactors, with add-on blocks common to the whole range, comprising up to 2 N/C or 2 N/O instantaneous standard contacts Built-in suppression as standard, by bi-directional peak limiting diode

LC1 D25 LC1 DT40/D258 LC2 D25 LC2 DT40

5/62 to 5/67 5/72 to 5/75

LC1 D32

LC1 D38

LC1 D40A (1)

LC1 D50A (1) LC2 D50A (2)

LC1 D65A (1) LC2 D65A (2)

LC2 D32

LC2 D38

LC2 D40A (2)



TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Contactor type


1 2 3 4 5 6

D09D18 DT20 and DT25 V V kV 690 600 6

D25D38 DT32 and DT40

D40AD65A DT60A and DT80A


D115 and D150

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)


Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1, overvoltage category III,  degree of pollution: 3 Conforming to UL, CSA


Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection (2) (front face only)

Conforming to IEC 60947

IEC/EN 60947-4-1, IEC/EN 60947-5-1, UL 508, CSA C22.2 n14. UL, CSA (1), CCC, GOST GL, DNV, RINA, BV, LROS (pending for contactors LC1 D40A to D65A) Conforming to VDE 0106  and IEC 60529 Power circuit connections Coil connection Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X TH C C C m - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70, for operation at Uc 3000 a/c a c

Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device

Conforming to IEC 60068-2-30 Storage Operation Permissible

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions (3)

Without derating Without derating  in the following positions


Positions that are  not permissible

For c contactors LC1 D09 to LC1 D65A.

Flame resistance Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 C V1 850 10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn 4 gn 4 gn 3 gn 4 gn 8 gn 15 gn 10 gn 15 gn 8 gn 10 gn 6 gn 15 gn

8 9 10

Shock resistance (4) 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms

Contactor open Contactor closed

Vibration resistance (4) 5300 Hz

Contactor open Contactor closed

(1) Contactor LC1 D95 with d.c. coil is not UL/CSA certified. (2) Protection provided for the cabling c.s.a.'s indicated on the next page and for connection by cable. (3) When mounting on a vertical rail, use a stop. (4) Without modifying the contact states, in the most unfavourable direction (coil energised at Ue).





Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Contactor type


D09 D18 and D12 (3P) DT20 and DT25

D25 (3P)



D18 and D25 (4P) DT32 and DT40

D40A to D80 D65A and D95 DT60A and DT80A (1)

D115 and D150

1 2 3 4 5

Power circuit connections

Tightening Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without cable end Screwdriver Hexagonal key Tightening torque

Screw clamp terminal connections

Screw clamp terminals 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors Philips Flat screwdriver N.m mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 1.56 2.510 1.56 2.510 16 14 110 1.56 Connector 2 inputs 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.516 2.516 N 2 6 1.8 Screw clamp terminals 135 Connector 1 input 450 Connector 2 inputs 10120 10120 + 1050 10120 10120 + 1050 10120 10120 + 1050 4 12

125 425 and 135 135 450 125 416 and 135 135 450 125 425 and 135 4 6 8 4

1.56 1.510 1.56 2.510 N 2 6 1.7 N 2 6 2.5

5: 9 y 25 mm2 8: 35 mm2

Spring terminal connections (2)

Flexible cable without cable end 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 2.5 4 (4: DT25) 2.5 (except DT25) mm mm Philips Flat screwdriver Key for hexagonal headed screw Tightening torque N.m 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 4 4 4 4 4 10

Connection by bars or lugs

Bar c.s.a. Lug external of screw Screwdriver 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 10 M4 N 2 6 2.5 10 M4 N 2 6 2.5 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.8 16.5 M6 10 6 3 x 16 17 M6 8 10 9 5 x 25 25 M8 13 12

6 7 8 9 10

Control circuit connections

Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without cable end Screwdriver Tightening torque

Connection by cable (tightening via screw clamps)

1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors Philips Flat screwdriver N.m mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 14 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 14 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.7 14 14 12.5 12.5 14 14 N 2 6 1.2 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 N 2 6 1.2

12.5 12.5

Spring terminal connections (2)

Flexible cable without cable end 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.752.5 0.752.5

Connection by bars or lugs

Lug external of screw Screwdriver Tightening torque Philips Flat screwdriver N.m mm mm 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.7 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.2 8 M3.5 N 2 6 1.2

(1) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (2) If cable ends are used, choose the next size down (example: for 2.5 mm2, use 1.5 mm2) and square crimp the cable ends using a special tool.


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Contactor type


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D09 (3P) A A V Hz A A A A A A A 9 25 (1) 690 25400 25 (1) 250 250 210 105 61 30 25 20

DT20 D098

D12 (3P) 12

DT25 D128

D18 (3P) 18

DT32 D188

D25 (3P) 25

DT40 D258

Rated operational current (Ie) (Ue y 440 V) Frequency limits Conventional thermal current (Ith)

Pole characteristics

In AC-3, q y 60 C In AC-1, q y 60 C Up to Of the operational current q y 60 C Conforming to IEC 60947 For 1 s For 10 s For 1 min For 10 min Without thermal overload relay,  gG fuse


25 (1) 690 25400


32 (1) 690 25400


40 (1) 690 25400


Rated operational voltage (Ue)


25 (1) 250 250 210 105 61 30 40 25


32 (1) 300 300 240 145 84 40 50 35


40 (1) 450 450 380 240 120 50 63 40


Rated making capacity (440 V) Permissible short time rating No current flowing for preceding 15 minutes with q y 40 C

Rated breaking capacity (440 V) Conforming to IEC 60947

Fuse protection against short-circuits  (U y 690 V)

type 1 A type 2 A A mW W W

With thermal overload relay Average impedance per pole Power dissipation per pole for the above operational currents At Ith and 50 Hz AC-3 AC-1

See pages 6/20 to 6/22, for aM or gG fuse ratings corresponding to the associated thermal overload relay 2.5 0.20 1.56 2.5 0.36 1.56 2.5 0.8 2.5 2 1.25 3.2

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits 50 or 60 Hz coils 50/60 Hz coils

Control circuit characteristics, a.c. supply

50/60 Hz Operation Drop-out Operation Drop-out

12690 0.81.1 Uc on 50 Hz and 0.851.1 Uc on 60 Hz at 60 C 0.30.6 Uc at 60 C

Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc

a 50 Hz Inrush

50 Hz coil Cos j 50/60 Hz coil


0.75 70 0.3 7 0.75 70 0.3 7.5 23 1222 419 15 3600


50 Hz coil Cos j 50/60 Hz coil

a 60 Hz Inrush

60 Hz coil Cos j 50/60 Hz coil


60 Hz coil Cos j 50/60 Hz coil

Heat dissipation

50/60 Hz Closing "C" Opening "O" 50 or 60 Hz coil 50/60 Hz coil on 50 Hz In operating cycles per hour

8 9 10

Operating time (2) Mechanical durability in millions of operating cycles Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 60 C

(1) Versions with spring terminal connections: 16 A for LC1 D093 and LC1 D123 (20 A possible with 2 x 2.5 mm2 in parallel), 25 A for LC1 D183 to LC1 D323 (32 A possible for LC1 D183 connected with 2 x 4 mm2 cables in parallel; 40 A possible for LC1 D253 and LC1D323 connected with 2 x 4 mm2 in parallel). (2) The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to closure of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

References: pages 5/62 to 5/67

Dimensions: pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97













32 50 (1) 690 25400 50 550 550 430 260 138 60 63 63

38 50 690 25400 50 550 550 430 310 150 60 63 63

40 60 690 25400 60 800 800 720 320 165 72 80 80

60 690 25400 60 800 800 720 320 165 72 80 80

50 80 690 25400 80 900 900 810 400 208 84 100 100

65 80 690 25400 80 1000 1000 900 520 260 110 125 125

80 690 25400 80 1000 1000 900 520 260 110 125 125

80 125 1000 25400 125 1100 1100 990 640 320 135 200 160

95 125 1000 25400 125 1100 1100 1100 800 400 135 200 160

115 200 1000 25400 200 1260 1100 1100 950 550 250 250 200

150 200 1000 25400 200 1660 1400 1400 1200 580 250 315 250

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

See pages 6/20 to 6/22 for aM or gG fuse ratings corresponding to the associated thermal overload relay 2 2 5 2 3 5 1.5 2.4 5.4 1.6 5.8 1.5 3.7 9.6 1.5 6.3 9.6 1.6 10.2 0.8 5.1 12.5 0.8 7.2 12.5 0.6 7.9 24 0.6 13.5 24

12690 0.81.1 Uc on 50 Hz and 0.851.1 Uc on 60 Hz  at 60 C 0.30.6 Uc at 60 C 0.75 70 0.3 7 0.75 70 0.3 7.5 23 1222 419 15 3600

12690 0.81.1 Uc on 50 Hz and 0.851.1 Uc on 60 Hz at 60 C 0.30.6 Uc at 60 C 0.75 160 0.3 15 0.75 140 0.3 13 45 1226 419 6 3600 1226 419 6 3600 1226 419 6 3600 1226 419 6 3600 1226 419 6 3600 0.851.1 Uc at 55 C 0.30.6 Uc at 55 C 0.81.1 Uc on 50 Hz and 0.851.1 Uc on 60 Hz  at 55 C 0.30.6 Uc at 55 C 200 0.75 245 20 0.3 26 220 0.75 245 22 0.3 26 610 2035 620 10 4 3600 2035 620 10 4 3600


0.30.5 Uc at 55 C 0.81.15 Uc on 50/60 Hz at 55 C 0.30.5 Uc at 55 C 300 0.8 280350 22 0.3 218 300 0.8 280350 22 0.3 218 38 2050 620 8 8 2400 0.9 280350 0.9 218 0.9 280350 0.9 218 34.5 2035 4075 8 1200


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Contactor type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 D09D38 LC1 DT20DT40

LC1 D40AD65A LC1 DT60A and DT80A 12440

LC1 or LP1 D80 LC1 D95

LC1 D115 and LC1 D150

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Rated insulation voltage

d.c. control circuit characteristics

c Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to UL, CSA


12440 690 600 0.71.25 Uc at 60 C 0.10.25 Uc at 60 C


Control voltage limits


Standard coil Wide range coil

0.751.25 Uc at 60 C 0.10.3 Uc at 60 C 19 7.4 50 15% 20 20%

0.851.1 Uc at 55 C 0.751.2 Uc at 55 C 0.10.3 Uc  at 55 C 22 22 95130 2035

0.751.2 Uc at 55 C 0.150.4 Uc at 55 C 270365 2.45.1 2035 4075

Drop-out Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc Operating time (1) average at Uc c Inrush Sealed Closing Opening "C" O W W ms ms

5.4 5.4 63 15 % 20 20 %

Note: The arcing time depends on the circuit switched by the poles. For all normal 3-phase applications, the arcing time is less than 10 ms. The load is isolated from the supply after a time equal to the sum of the opening time and the arcing time. Time constant (L/R) Mechanical durability at Uc Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 60 C In millions of operating cycles In operating cycles per hour ms 28 30 3600 34 10 3600 75 10 3600 25 8 1200

Rated insulation voltage

Low consumption control circuit characteristics

Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to UL, CSA V V V W W ms ms

690 600 250 2.4 2.4 77 15 % 25 20 % 0.8 to 1.25 Uc 0.10.3 Uc

Maximum voltage Average consumption d.c. at 20 C and at Uc Operating time (1) at Uc and at 20 C Voltage limits (q y 60 C) of the control circuit Time constant (L/R) Mechanical durability Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 60 C

Of the control circuit on c Wide range coil (0.71.25 Uc) Closing Opening Operation Drop-out Inrush Sealed "C" O

ms In millions of operating cycles In operating cycles per hour

40 30 3600

(1) The operating times depend on the type of contactor electromagnet and its control mode. The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

References: pages 5/62 to 5/67

Dimensions: pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Mechanically linked contacts Mirror contact

Characteristics of auxiliary contacts incorporated in the contactor

Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Up to Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to UL, CSA For ambient temperature y 60 C V V V A Hz V mA

Each contactor has 2 N/O and N/C contacts mechanically linked on the same movable contact holder The N/C contact on each contactor represents the state of the power contacts and can be connected to a PREVENTA safety module 690 690 600 10 25400 17 5 gG fuse: 10 A

1 2 3 4

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith)

Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity l = 108 Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating U min I min Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1, Irms Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms Insulation resistance Non-overlap time Guaranteed between  N/C and N/O contacts

A A A A MW ms

a: 140, c: 250 100 120 140 > 10 1.5 (on energisation and on de-energisation) d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W W
Millions of oprating cycles 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,1 440 V

Operational power of contacts conforming to IEC 60947-5-1

a.c. supply, categories AC-14 and AC-15 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4). V 24 60 16 4
10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,8 0,4 0,6 1 5 8 4 6 10 Current broken in A 2 3

5 6 7

48 32 8

115 230 400 440 80 20 160 280 300 40 70 80

600 420 100

24 96 48 14

48 76 38 12

125 76 38 12

250 76 32

440 44

1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles

Millions of oprating cycles

120 280 560 960 1050 1440


48 V 24 V

125 V 250 V

0,2 0,3 0,5 0,8 0,4 0,6 1


Current broken in A

8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

References: pages 5/62 to 5/67

Dimensions: pages5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks without dust and damp protected contacts for TeSys D contactors

Contact block type





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Connection by cable Spring terminal connections Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation Permissible for operation at Uc Without derating Phillips N 2 and 6 mm Flexible or solid cable  with or without cable end Flexible or solid cable  without cable end C C C m mm2 mm2


IEC 60947-5-1, NF C 63-140, VDE 0660, BS 4794, EN 60947-5-1 UL, CSA TH Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70 3000 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5 Max: 2 x 2.5

Number of contacts

Instantaneous and time delay contact characteristics

Up to Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to UL, CSA For ambient temperature  y 60 C V V V A Hz U min I min V mA A A A A A MW Guaranteed between  N/C and N/O contacts Guaranteed between N/C and N/O contacts on LAD C22 Ambient air temperature for operation Repeat accuracy Drift up to 0.5 million  operating cycles Drift depending on  ambient air temperature ms ms C 690 690 600 10

1, 2 or 4

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage  (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith)

Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity

25400 17 5 10 a: 140; c: 250 100 120 140 > 10 1.5 (on energisation and on de-energisation) 1.5 30 See page 5/58 - 40+ 70 2% + 15 % 0.25 % per C 5 - 40+ 70 2% + 15 % 0.25 % per C 5 30

Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating

Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 and VDE 0660. gG fuse Conforming to  IEC 60947-5-1 Permissible for I rms 1s 500 ms 100 ms

Insulation resistance Non-overlap time Overlap time Time delay (LADT, R and S contact blocks) Accuracy only valid for  setting range indicated  on the front face

Mechanical durability Operational power of contacts

In millions of operating cycles

References : pages 5/79 and 5/80

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks with dust and damp protected contacts for TeSys D contactors

Contact block type


LA1 DZ Protected Non protected


Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature Cabling Number of contacts Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage and operation Phillips N 2 and 6 mm Flexible or solid conductor  with or without cable end C mm2


IEC60947-5-1, VDE0660 UL, CSA TH Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X - 25+ 70 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5 2 2 2 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage  (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith)

Contact characteristics

Up to Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to UL, CSA For ambient temperature y 40 C

V V V A mA Hz U min I min V mA A A A A A MW

50 250 500 3 0.3 > 10 5

50 250 500 3 0.3 > 10 5

690 690 600 10 25400 3 0.3 10 a:140; c: 250 100 120 140 > 10 30

24 250 50 3 0.3 > 10 5 Gold - Single break with crossed bars

Maximum operational current (Ie) Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity

Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating

Conforming to IEC 609475-1 gG fuse Conforming to  IEC 609475-1 Permissible for I rms 1s 500 ms 100 ms

Insulation resistance Mechanical durability In millions of operating cycles

Materials and technology used for dust and damp protected contacts

Silver - Single break Silver - Single break

References : page 5/79

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks with dust and damp protected contacts for TeSys D contactors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a.c. supply, categories AC-14 and AC-15 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet:  making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4).
V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles
Millions of oprating cycles 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Rated operational power of contacts (conforming to IEC 60947-5-1)

24 60 16 4

48 120 32 8

115 280 80 20

230 560 160 40

400 960 280 70

440 1050 300 80

600 1440 420 100


1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2








0,8 1 0,7 0,9


Current broken in A

d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load.
V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles
Millions of operating cycles 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 250 V

24 120 70 25

48 90 50 18

125 75 38 14

250 68 33 12

440 61 28 10


24 V 48 V 125 V

1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

440 V








0,8 1 0,7 0,9


Current broken in A

References : pages 5/79 to 5/83

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

Control modules, coil suppressor modules and mechanical latch blocks for TeSys D contactors

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation Permissible for operation at Uc C C C


IEC 60947-5-1 UL, CSA TH Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X 40+ 80 25+ 55 25+ 70

1 2
LA4 DC, LAD 4D3 Diode c 12250 Uc LA4 DE, LAD 4V, LAD 4V3 Varistor a or c 24250 2 Uc

Suppressor modules
Module type Type of protection Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Maximum peak voltage Natural RC frequency 24/48 V 50/127 V 110/240 V 380/415 V Hz Hz Hz Hz V

LA4 DA, LAD 4RC, LA4 DB, LAD 4T, LAD 4RC3 LAD 4T3 RC circuit a 24415 3 Uc 400 200 100 150 Bidirectional  peak limiting diode a or c 24440 2 Uc

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mechanical latch block type For use on contactor Product certifications Rated insulation voltage Power required

Mechanical latch blocks

LAD 6K10 LC1 D09D65A DT20DT80A UL, CSA LA6 DK20 LC1 D80D150 LP1 D80 and LC1 D115 UL, CSA 690 24415 25 30 1200 10 % 0.5

Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 For unlatching a c


690 24415 25 30 1200 10 %

Rated control circuit voltage a 50/60 Hz and c

Maximum operating rate On-load factor Mechanical durability at Uc

In operating cycles/hour

In millions of operating cycles


(1) Unlatching can be manually operated or electrically controlled (pulsed). The LA6 DK or LAD 6K latch coil and the LC1 D operating coil must not be energised simultaneously. The duration of the LA6 DK or LAD 6K and LC1 D control signals must be u 100 ms.

References : pages 5/80 to 5/83

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

Electronic serial timer module  for TeSys D contactors

Module type

LA4 DT (On-delay) IEC 60255-5 UL, CSA Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation For operation at Uc C C C V mm2 TH Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X 40+ 80 25+ 55 25+ 70 250 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device


Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Cabling Phillips n 2 and 6 mm Flexible or solid conductor  with or without cable end Of the input

Built-in protection

Control circuit characteristics

Contactor coil suppression

By varistor By varistor V a or c : 24250 0.81.1 Uc By mechanical contact only

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Permissible variation Type of control

Timing ranges

Timing characteristics
040 C During time delay period After time delay period

0.12; 1.530; 25500 3 % (10 ms minimum)

Repeat accuracy Reset time

ms ms ms ms ms

150 50 10 2 Illuminates during time delay period

Immunity to microbreaks

During time delay period After time delay period

Minimum control pulse duration Time delay signalling Maximum power dissipated Leakage current Residual voltage Overvoltage protection Electrical durability In millions of operating cycles By LED

Switching characteristics (solid state type)

W mA V

2 <5 3.3 3 kV; 0.5 joule 30

Function diagram
U supply (A1-A2) 1 0 Time delay output 1 Contactor coil 0 Red LED

Electronic on-delay timer LA4 DT

References : page 5/83

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

Interface modules for TeSys D contactors

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation Permissible for operation at Uc C C C


IEC 60255-5 UL, CSA TH Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X 40+ 80 25+ 55 25+ 70 LA4 DFB With relay A V V 8 250 250 By integral LED which illuminates when the contactor coil is energised Control voltage (E1-E2) Permissible variation Current consumption at 20 C State 0 guaranteed for U I State 1 guaranteed for U V V mA V mA V c 24 1730 25 < 2.4 <2 17 By diode By diode 10 ms W a 24250 V a 100250 V a 380415 V 4 0.6 LC1 D80D150 LC1 D09D38, LC1 DT20DT40 LC1 D40AD65A LC1 D40AD65A c 24 530 8.5 for 5 V 15 for 24 V < 2.4 <2 5 By diode By diode 20 1 0.4 LC1 D80D115 LC1 D09D38, LC1 DT20DT40 LC1 D40AD65A LC1 D40AD65A LA4 DWB Solid state

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Other characteristics
Module type Conventional thermal current (Ith) Rated insulation voltage Rated operational voltage Indication of input state Input signals For ambient temperature y 50 C Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1

Built-in protection

Against reversed polarity Of the input

Electrical durability at 220 A/240 V

In millions of operating cycles

Maximum immunity to microbreaks Power dissipated Direct mounting on contactor At 20 C With coil

Mounting with cabling adapter LAD 4BB Mounting with cabling adapter LAD 4BB3 Total operating time at Uc  (of the contactor)

With coil

a 24250 V a 380415 V

With coil

a 24250 V a 380415 V

The operating times depend on the type of contactor electromagnet and its control mode. The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate. LC1 D09D38, LC1 DT20DT40 With LA4 DFB "C" O ms ms mm2 2030 1624 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5 LC1 D40AD65A 2834 2024 LC1 D80 and D95 2843 1832


Phillips N 2 and 6 mm Flexible or solid cable  with or without cable end

References : page 5/83

Dimensions : pages 5/92 and 5/93

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

TeSysD contactors for motor control  up to 75 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3

For connection by screw clamp terminals and lugs


3-pole contactors

1 2 3
LC1 D25pp LC1 D09pp

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 (q y 60 C)

Rated operational current in AC-3 440 V 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 1000 V up to 230 V 400 V 690 V kW 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 25 30 40 kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 25 37 45 45 59 80 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 45 59 80 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 18.5 22 30 37 55 55 75 90 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 18.5 30 33 37 45 45 80 100 kW 45 45 65 75 A 9 12 18 25 32 38 40 50 65 80 95 115 150

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Fixing (1)

Weight (3)

kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC1 D09pp LC1 D12pp LC1 D18pp LC1 D25pp LC1 D32pp LC1 D38pp LC1 D40App (5) LC1 D50App (5) LC1 D65App (5) LC1 D80pp LC1 D95pp LC1 D115pp LC1 D150pp 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.370 0.375 0.380 0.850 0.855 0.860 1.590 1.610 2.500 2.500

Connection by screw clamp terminals

Power connections by EverLink BTR screw connectors (4) and control by spring terminals

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors


Connection by lugs or bars In the references selected above, insert a figure 6 before the voltage code. Example: LC1 D09pp becomes LC1 D096pp.

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85
LC1 D65App

Separate components

(1) LC1 D09 to D65A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC1 D80 to D95 a: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 D80 to D95 c : clip-on mounting on 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 D115 and D150: clip-on mounting on 2 x 35 mm 5 rails AM1 DP or screw fixing. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz LC1 D80D115 50 Hz 60 Hz B5 B6 12 JD JD JW 5 AL D5 24 BD BD BW BD 12 JL E5 E6 36 CD CD CW 20 ZL F5 F6 48 ED ED EW ED 24 BL FE5 60 ND ND ND 48 EL M5 M6 72 SD SD SW SD 110 FL P5 110 FD FD FW FD 220 ML U5 U6 125 GD GD GD 250 UL Q5 Q6 220 MD MD MW MD V5 250 UD UD UD N5 440 RD RD RD R5 R6 S5 24 B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 115 FE7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7 500 S7 LC1 D09D150 (D115 and D150 coils with built-in suppression as standard, by bi-directional peak limiting diode).

d.c. supply
LC1 D95pp

Volts U 0.751.25 Uc LC1 D80D95 U 0.851.1 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc

LC1 D09D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

LC1 D115 and D150 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D38, 0.075 kg from LC1 D40A to D65A and 1 kg for LC1 D80 and D95. (4) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (5) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83). Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95 Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97

LC1 D115pp

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225



TeSys contactors

TeSysD contactors for motor control  up to 30 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3

For connection by spring terminals


Rated operational current in AC-3 440 V 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 1000 V up to 230 V 400 V 690 V kW LC1 D123pp 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 kW A 9 12 18 25 32 (4)

3-pole contactors

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 (q y 60 C)

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Fixing (1)

Weight (3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC1 D093pp LC1 D123pp LC1 D183pp LC1 D253pp LC1 D323pp 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.370 0.375

Power and control connections by spring terminals

Power connections by EverLink BTR screw connectors (5) and control by spring terminals

18.5 22 30

22 25 37

22 30 37

22 30 37

30 33 37

40 50 65

1 1 1

1 1 1

LC1 D40A3pp (6) LC1 D50A3pp (6) LC1 D65A3pp (6)

0.850 0.855 0.860

15 18.5

Connection by Faston connectors These contactors are fitted with Faston connectors: 2 x 6.35 mm on the power poles and 1 x 6.35 mm on the coil and auxiliary terminals. For contactors LC1 D09 and LC1 D12 only, replace the figure 3 with a 9 in the references selected above. Example: LC1 D093pp becomes LC1 D099pp.

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
LC1 D65A3pp (1) LC1 D09 to D32: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Separate components

a.c. supply
Volts LC1 D09D65A 50/60 Hz B7 12 JD 5 AL D7 24 BD 12 JL E7 36 CD 20 ZL F7 48 ED 24 BL FE7 60 ND 48 EL M7 72 SD 110 FL P7 110 FD 220 ML U7 125 GD 250 UL Q7 220 MD V7 250 UD N7 440 RD R7 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.751.25 Uc LC1 D09D65A (coils with built-in suppression as standard, by bi-directional peak limiting diode)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D32 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D32 and 0.075 kg from LC1 D40A to D65A. (4) Must be wired with 2 x 4 mm2 cables in parallel on the upstream side. On the downstream side, outgoing terminal block LAD331 may be used (Quickfit technology, see page 1/197). When wired with a single cable, the product is limited to 25 A (11 kW/400 V motors). (5) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (6) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83).

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors

TeSysD, 3-pole contactors

for control in category AC-1, from 25 to 200 A


3-pole contactors
Non inductive loads maximum current (q y 60 C) utilisation category AC-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of poles

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) Fixing (2)

Weight (3)

LC1 D09pp

kg 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC1 D09pp or LC1 D12pp LC1 D18pp LC1 D25pp LC1 D32pp or LC1 D38pp 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.370 0.375 0.380

Connection by screw clamp terminals

25 32 40 50

Connection by EverLink, BTR screw connectors (4)

60 80

3 3

1 1

1 1

LC1 D40App (7) LC1 D50App (7) or LC1 D65App (5) (7)

0.850 0.855 0.860

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

125 200 3 3 1 1 1 1 LC1 D80pp or LC1 D95pp (5) LC1 D115pp or LC1 D150pp (6) 1.590 1.610 2.500 2.500

3-pole contactors for connection by lugs

In the references selected above, insert a figure 6 before the voltage code. Example: LC1 D09pp becomes LC1 D096pp.
(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): LC1 D65App

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz LC1 D80...D150 50 Hz 60 Hz B5 B6 12 JD JD JW 5 AL D5 24 BD BD BW BD 12 JL E5 E6 36 CD CD CW 20 ZL F5 F6 48 ED ED EW ED 24 BL FE5 60 ND ND ND 48 EL M5 M6 72 SD SD SW SD 110 FL P5 110 FD FD FW FD 220 ML U5 U6 125 GD GD GD 250 UL Q5 Q6 220 MD MD MW MD V5 250 UD UD UD N5 440 RD RD RD R5 R6 S5 24 B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 115 FE7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7 500 LC1 D09...D150 (coils D115 and D150 fitted with integral suppression device as standard)

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.71.25 Uc LC1 or LP1 D80 and D95 U 0.851.1 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc LC1 D09...D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

LC1 D115 and D150 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (2) LC1 D09 to D65A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC1 D80 and D95 a: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 or LP1 D80 to D95 c: clip-on mounting on 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 D115 and D150: clip-on mounting on 2 x 35 mm 5 rails AM1 DP or screw fixing. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D38, 0.075 kg from LC1 D40A to D65A and 1 kg for LC1D80 and D95. (4) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (5) Selection according to the number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve, page 5/198. (6) 32 A with 2 x 4 mm2 cables connected in parallel. (7) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83). Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225 Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95 Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSysD, 3-pole contactors

For control in category AC-1, 25 to 200 A


These contactors are fitted with Faston connectors: 2 x 6.35 mm on the power poles and 1 x 6.35 mm on the coil terminals. For contactors LC1 D09 and LC1 D12 only, in the references selected from the previous page, insert a figure 9 before the voltage code. Example: LC1 D09pp becomes LC1 D099pp.

3-pole contactors for connection by Faston connectors

1 2 3 4 5

3-pole contactors
Non inductive loads maximum current (q y 60 C) utilisation category AC-1

Number of poles

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) Fixing (2)

Weight (3)

LC1 D123pp

kg 3 3 1 1 1 1 LC1 D093pp (4) or LC1 D123pp (4) LC1 D183pp (5) or LC1 D253pp (6) or LC1 D323pp (6) 0.320 0.325 0.335 0.325 0.325

Connection by spring terminals

1 6 25

Power connections by EverLink BTR screw connectors (7) and control by spring terminals

60 8 0

3 3

1 1

1 1

LC1 D40A3pp (9) LC1 D50A3pp (8) (9) or LC1 D65A3pp (8) (9)

0.850 0.855 0.860

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Separate components

a.c. supply
Volts LC1 D09...D65A 50/60 Hz B7 12 JD 5 AL D7 24 BD 12 JL E7 36 CD 20 ZL F7 48 ED 24 BL FE7 60 ND 48 EL M7 72 SD 110 FL P7 110 FD 220 ML U7 125 GD 250 UL Q7 220 MD V7 250 UD N7 440 RD R7 S7 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 500

d.c. supply
LC1 D65A3pp Volts U 0.751.25 Uc LC1 D09...D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

6 7 8 9 10

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (2) LC1 D09 to D65A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D38 and 0.075 kg from LC1 D40A to D65A. (4) 20 A with 2 x 2.5 mm2 cables connected in parallel. (5) 32 A with 2 x 4 mm2 cables connected in parallel. (6) 40 A with 2 x 4 mm2 cables connected in parallel. (7) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (8) Selection according to the number of operating cycles, see AC-1 curve, page 5/198. (9) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83).

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSysD, 4-pole contactors

For control in category AC-1, 25 to 200 A


4-pole contactors for connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

Non inductive loads maximum current (q y 60 C) utilisation category AC-1 Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) Fixing (2)

1 2
LC1 DT20pp

Weight (3)

kg 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC1 DT20pp LC1 D098pp LC1 DT25pp LC1 D128pp LC1 DT32pp LC1 D188pp LC1 DT40pp LC1 D258pp LC1 DT60App LC1 DT80App LC1 D40008pp or LP1 D40008pp LC1 D65008pp or LP1 D65008pp LC1 D80004pp or LP1 D80004pp 2 LC1 D80008pp or LP1 D80008pp LC1 D115004pp 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.425 1.090 1.150 1.440 2.210 1.450 2.220 1.760 2.685 1.840 2.910 2.860

Connection by screw clamp terminals

20 25


32 40

Connection by EverLink, BTR screw connectors

60 80 60 8 0 125 4 4 2 2 4

4 5
LC1 DT80App

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors



6 7

In the references selected above, insert a figure 6 before the voltage code. Example: LC1 DT20pp becomes LC1 DT206pp.
(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

4-pole contactors for connection by lugs or bars

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz LC1 D80...D115 50 Hz 60 Hz B5 B6 12 JD JD JW 5 AL D5 24 BD BD BW BD 12 JL E5 E6 36 CD CD CW 20 ZL F5 F6 48 ED ED EW ED 24 BL FE5 60 ND ND ND 48 EL M5 M6 72 SD SD SW SD 110 FL P5 110 FD FD FW FD 220 ML U5 U6 125 GD GD GD 250 UL Q5 Q6 220 MD MD MW MD V5 250 UD UD UD N5 440 RD RD RD R5 R6 S5 24 B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 115 FE7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7 500 LC1 D09...D150 and LC1 DT20...DT80A (coils D115 and D150 fitted with integral suppression device as standard)

d.c. supply
LC1 D65008pp Volts U 0.71.25 Uc LC1 or LP1 D80 U 0.851.1 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc

8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

LC1 D09...D65A and LC1 DT20...DT80A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

LC1 D115 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D38 and LC1 DT20...DT40 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (2) LC1 D09 to D38 and LC1 DT20 to DT80A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC1 D80 a: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 or LP1 D80 c: clip-on mounting on 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 D115 and D150: clip-on mounting on 2 x 35 mm 5 rails AM1 DP or screw fixing. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D38, 0.075 kg from LC1 DT60A and D80A and 1 kg for LC1D80. Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95 Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSysD, 4-pole contactors

For control in category AC-1, 25 to 200 A

4-pole contactors
Non inductive loads maximum current (q y 60 C) utilisation category AC-1

Number of poles

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Fixing (2)

Weight (3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC1 DT203pp LC1 D0983pp LC1 DT253pp LC1 D1283pp LC1 DT323pp LC1 D1883pp LC1 DT403pp LC1 D2583pp 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.425

Connection by spring terminals

20 25 32 40

Connection by by EverLink, BTR screw connectors and control circuit by spring terminals
60 80 4 4 1 1 1 1 LC1 DT60A3pp LC1 DT80A3pp 1.090 1.150

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Separate components

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz 24 B7 12 JD 5 AL 42 D7 24 BD 12 JL 48 E7 36 CD 20 ZL 110 F7 48 ED 24 BL 115 FE7 60 ND 48 EL 220 M7 72 SD 110 FL 230 P7 110 FD 220 ML 240 U7 125 GD 250 UL 380 Q7 220 MD 400 V7 250 UD 415 N7 440 RD 440 R7 500 LC1 D09...D25 and LC1 DT20...DT80A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.71.25 Uc LC1 D09...D25 and LC1 DT20...DT80A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC1 D09...D25 and LC1 DT20...DT40 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (2) LC1 D09 to D38 and LC1 DT20 to DT80A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1DP or screw fixing. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.160 kg from LC1 D09 to D38, 0.075 kg for LC1 DT60A and DT80A.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes : pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors
conforming to UL and CSA

for the North American market,


In recent years, the North American market has started to harmonise UL, CSA and ANCE standards, as well as the industrial installation codes provided by national regulations (NEC for the United States, CEC for Canada and MEC for Mexico). (1) Major improvements, carried out by the Canena (2) are aimed at harmonising product requirements based on IEC (3) standards. However, the North American codes use specific terminology for defining the functions of a starter. These functions can be fulfilled by standard IEC products, accompanied by appropriate certifications.

Starters for the North American market

2 3

2 3 4

Combination Starters are the most common type of packaged motor starter. They are called "Combination" because of their structure and their combined functions. The figure opposite shows the four combined functions that constitute a complete motor starter circuit, defined as a Motor branch circuit by the NEC (US National Electric Code) in article 430. Standard UL508 currently gives different types of combination starter that meet the requirements of a "Motor branch circuit". TypeE, called self-protected combination starter, covers all these functions and can be controlled manually (thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker) or remotely (starter-controller). Type E starters withstand faults within their declared nominal rating without sustaining damage, after which they can be put back into service. In addition, they can withstand more severe short-circuit and durability performance tests without welding or excessive wear of the contact tips. TypeF, called Combination motor starter, consists of a type E manual starter (thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker) combined with a contactor. These starters are evaluated by means of basic short-circuit tests, but are not considered as self-protected. For this combination, the type E starter must be marked Combination Motor Controller when used with ..., followed by the reference of the load side contactor.
(1) UL: Underwriters Laboratories, CSA: Canadian Standards Association, ACNE: Association of Standardization and Certification, NEC: National Electric Code, CEC: Canadian Electrical Code, MEC: Mexican Electrical Code. (2) Canena: Council for Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standardization of North America. (3) IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.

Combination Starters

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1Motor Disconnect (Disconnect switch) 2Motor Branch Circuit Protection  (Short-circuit protection) 3Motor Controller (Contactor) 4Motor Overload Protection (Thermal overload relay)


Presentation (continued)

TeSys contactors
conforming to UL and CSA

for the North American market,

Control panels
To help users properly coordinate their motor control equipment with their distribution system in the event of a fault, article409 of the 2005 NECrequires panel builders to list the short-circuit withstand rating of their motor control panels. According to standard UL508A, manufacturers must use the short-circuit withstand value of the lowest rated device as the nominal withstand rating of the panel, unless the devices have been tested together for a higher coordinated rating. The minimum short-circuit current rating (SCCR), on motor control components for horsepower ratings of 50 hp or below is 5 000A. Using a typeE or typeF combination starter eliminates the coordination problems of using individual components for the motor branch circuit protection, motor controller and motor overload protection functions. The panel builder uses the declared short-circuit current rating for the combination starter. This value is generally higher than 5 000A. This makes it easier to list the short-circuit current ratings and to check the compatibility of a UL508A motor control panel within a given distribution system.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Presentation (continued)

TeSys contactors
conforming to UL and CSA

for the North American market,

Group protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Article 430.53 of the NEC allows a single short-circuit protection device to be used for more than one motor circuit if the components used are marked and listed for such use. Components suitable for use in group protection, known as motor group installations, can be marked in one of the following two ways: Case n 1 The contactor and the motor overload relay are both listed as suitable for group installation. An inverse time circuit-breaker can be used as the short-circuit protection device if it is also listed as suitable for group installation. The panel builder must therefore make sure that the short-circuit protection device selected (fuses or inverse time circuit-breaker) does not exceed the value allowed by article 430.40 for the smallest overload relay used in the circuit. Once these conditions have been met, the panel builder can reduce the size of the conductor connecting the short-circuit protection device to the individual motor contactor/overload relay, to one third of the size of the upstream circuit conductor supplying the protection device. The panel builder must limit the length of the motor starter conductor (connecting the short-circuit protection device to the motor contactor/overload relay) to a maximum of 7.6m (25 feet). Case n 2 The motor contactor and overload relay are listed as suitable for tap conductor protection in group installations. This category allows the panel designer to reduce the size of the conductor connecting the short-circuit protection device to the individual motor contactor/overload relay, to one tenth of the size of the upstream circuit conductor supplying the protection device. The designer must limit the length of this conductor to a maximum of 3.05m (10feet). In both cases, the supply circuits must not be less than 125 % of the connected motor FLA (Full Load Amps) rating. For panel builders, using typeF combination starters in group installations simplifies group motor considerations. Each starter is a fully coordinated motor branch circuit. The panel builder follows the same NEC requirements for sizing the supply conductors as those required for single motor branch circuits. The size of the supply conductors can be reduced in accordance with the specifications of article 430.28. This allows the same flexibility in conductor sizing as that offered in article 430.53 (D), without a requirement to check the short-circuit protection rating marked on the components and the overload relay limit. A UL508A panel does not need a short-circuit protection device when each motor starter installed is a type F. The upstream short-circuit protection device supplying the starter protects the panel. The panel builder only has to consider the panel/enclosure disconnect requirements specified by the NEC or local codes.



TeSys contactors

for the North American market,

conforming to UL and CSA standards, 20 to 200 A

Single-phase 1 115 V HP LC1 D09pp 0.5 1 1 2 2 230 V 240 V HP 1 2 3 3 5


Standard power ratings of motors 50/60 Hz 3-phase 3 200 V 208 V HP 2 3 5 5 7.5 230 V 240 V HP 2 3 5 7.5 10 460 V 480 V HP 5 7.5 10 15 20 575 V 600 V HP 7.5 10 15 20 30


Associated Continuous Type of contactor required cable current Basic reference, type to be completed (1) 75 C-Cu Fixing, connection (2) A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection by screw clamp terminals

00 0 0 1 1 AWG10 AWG10 AWG8 AWG6 AWG6 20 25 32 40 50 LC1 D09pp LC1 D12pp LC1 D18pp LC1 D25pp LC1 D32pp


Power connections by EverLink BTR screw connectors (4) and control by spring terminals
3 3 5 LC1 D25pp 5 7.5 10 10 15 20 10 15 20 30 40 40 30 40 50 2 2 2 AWG3 AWG3 AWG3 60 70 80 LC1 D40App LC1 D50App LC1 D65App

Connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

7.5 7.5 15 15 20 20 30 40 25 25 40 50 60 60 75 100 60 60 100 125 2 2 3 4 AWG2 AWG2 AWG2/0 AWG3/0 110 110 175 200 LC1 D80pp LC1 D95pp LC1 D115pp LC1 D150pp

For contactors LC1 D40A to LC1 D65A, the High-Fault Short-Circuit ratings are 50 kA at 480 V and 25 kA at 600 V. If these contactors are used, stick the LAD UL1 warning sticker on the enclosure door.. Description Warning sticker Language English, Spanish, French Sold in lots of 10 Reference LAD UL1

Applications with High-Fault Short-Circuit ratings


Application example For a 15 HP-230 V motor

Select a contactor type LC1 D50A. Information: the contactor rating selected corresponds to size 2, the associated cable is type AWG3 75 C-Cu.

LC1 D65App

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

a.c. supply

24 B7 B5 B6 12 JD JD JW 5 AL

42 D7 D5 24 BD BD BW BD 12 JL

48 E7 E5 E6 36 CD CD CW 20 ZL

110 F7 F5 F6 48 ED ED EW ED 24 BL

115 FE7 FE5 60 ND ND ND 48 EL

220 M7 M5 M6 72 SD SD SW SD 110 FL

230 P7 P5 110 FD FD FW FD 220 ML

240 U7 U5 U6 125 GD GD GD 250 UL

380 Q7 Q5 Q6 220 MD MD MW MD

400 V7 V5 250 UD UD UD

415 N7 N5 440 RD RD RD

440 R7 R5 R6

500 S7 S5

LC1 D09D150 (D115 and D150 coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) 50/60 Hz LC1 D80D115 50 Hz 60 Hz

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.71.25 Uc LC1 D80 and D95 U 0.851.1 Uc LC1 D95pp U 0.751.2 Uc U 0.751.2 Uc LC1 D09D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

LC1 D115 and D150 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.71.25 Uc LC1 D09D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) (2) LC1 D09 to D65A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 6 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC1 D80 and LC1 D95: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 6 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 6 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC1 D115 and D150: clip-on mounting on 2 x 35 mm 6 rails AM1 DP or screw fixing.



TeSys contactors

TeSys D, 3-pole reversing contactors for motor control  up to 75 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3 Horizontally mounted, pre-assembled


LC2 D12pp

Pre-wired power connections.

3-pole reversing contactors for connection by screw clamp terminals

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 (q y 60 C) Rated operational current in AC-3 440 V up to Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor Contactors supplied with coil Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) Weight (3)


Fixing (1)

220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 1000 V 230 V 400 V 690 V kW 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 25 kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 18.5 22 30 37 45 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 25 37 45 45 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 45 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 18.5 22 30 37 55 55 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 18.5 30 33 37 45 45 kW A 9 12 18 25 32 38 40 50 65 80 95 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC2 D09pp (4) LC2 D12pp (4) LC2 D18pp (4) LC2 D25pp (4) LC2 D32pp (4) LC2 D38pp (4) LC2 D40App (5) LC2 D50App (5) LC2 D65App (5) LC2 D80pp LC2 D95pp kg 0.687 0.697 0.707 0.787 0.797 0.807 1.870 1.880 1.890 3.200 3.200

With mechanical interlock, without electrical interlocking, for connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

3 4

LC2 D65App

With mechanical interlock and electrical interlocking, for connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors
30 40 55 75 59 80 59 80 75 90 80 100 65 75 115 150 1 1 1 1 LC2 D115pp LC2 D150pp 6.350 6.400

5 6 7 8 9 10

LC2 D115pp

Connection by lugs or bars For reversing contactors LC2 D09 to LC2 D38, LC2 D115 and LC2 D150, in the references selected above, insert a figure 6 before the voltage code. Example: LC2 D09pp becomes LC2 D096pp. To build a 40 to 65 A reversing contactor, for connection by lugs, order 2 contactors LC1 DppA6 and mechanical interlock LAD 4CM (see page 5/76).

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) LC2 D09 to D65A: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC2 D80 and D95: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC2 D115 and D150: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages between 16 and 690 V, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Component parts

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz LC2 D80D115 50 Hz 60 Hz B5 B6 12 JD 5 AL D5 24 BD 12 JL E5 E6 36 CD 20 ZL F5 F6 48 ED 24 BL FE5 60 ND 48 EL M5 M6 72 SD 110 FL P5 110 FD 220 ML U5 U6 125 GD 250 UL Q5 Q6 220 MD V5 250 UD N5 440 RD R5 R6 S5 24 B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 115 FE7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7 500 S7 LC2 D09D150 (D115 and D150 coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard))
Volts U 0.751.25 Uc LC2 D09D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC2 D09...D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (3) The weights indicated are for contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.330 kg for LC2 D09 to D38, 0.150 kg for LC1 D40A to D65A. (4) For reversing contactors with electrical interlocking pre-wired at the factory, add suffix V to the references selected above. Example: LC2 D09P7 becomes LC2 D09P7V. (5) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83). Note: when assembling a reversing contactor, it is good practice to incorporate a 50 ms time delay. Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225 Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/98 and 5/99



TeSys contactors

TeSys D, 3-pole reversing contactors for motor control  up to 15 kW at 400 V, in category AC-3 Horizontally mounted, pre-assembled


Pre-wired power connections. Mechanical interlock without electrical interlocking.

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 (q y 60 C) LC2 D123pp 220 V 380 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 230 V 400 V 690 V kW 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 kW 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 kW 4 5.5 9 11 15 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 kW 5.5 7.5 10 15 18.5 A 9 12 18 25 32 (4) 1 1 1 1 1 Rated operational current in AC-3 440 V up to

3-pole reversing contactors, for connection by spring terminals

Contactors supplied with coil Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Fixing (1) Weight (3)

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor

kg 0.687 0.697 0.707 0.787 0.797

For connection by spring terminals

1 1 1 1 1 LC2 D093pp LC2 D123pp LC2 D183pp LC2 D253pp LC2 D323pp

3 4 5 6

Power connection by EverLink, BTR screw connectors (5) and control by spring terminals 11 18.5 22 22 22 30 40 1 1 LC2 D40A3pp (6) 15 22 25 30 30 33 50 1 1 LC2 D50A3pp (6) 18.5 30 37 37 37 37 65 1 1 LC2 D65A3pp (6)

1.870 1.880 1.890

For connection by Faston connectors All power connections are to be made by the customer. These contactors are fitted with Faston connectors: 2 x 6.35 mm on the power poles and 1 x 6.35 mm on the coil terminals. For reversing contactors LC2 D09 and LC2 D12 only, in the references selected above, replace the figure 3 before the voltage code with a figure 9. Example: LC2 D093pp becomes LC2 D099pp.

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) LC2 D09 to D32: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Component parts

a.c. supply
Volts LC2 D09D65A 50/60 Hz B7 12 JD 5 AL D7 24 BD 12 JL E7 36 CD 20 ZL F7 48 ED 24 BL FE7 60 ND 48 EL M7 72 SD 110 FL P7 110 FD 220 ML U7 125 GD 250 UL Q7 220 MD V7 250 UD N7 440 RD R7 S7 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 500

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.751.25 Uc LC2 D09D65A (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

7 8 9 10

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC2 D09...D38 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91. (3) The weights indicated are for reversing contactors with a.c. control circuit. For d.c. or low consumption control circuit, add 0.330 kg for LC2 D09 to D38, 0.150 kg for LC1 D40A to D65A. (4) Must be wired with 2 x 4 mm2 cables in parallel on the upstream side. On the downstream side, outgoing terminal block LAD331 may be used (Quickfit technology, see page 1/197).When wired with a single cable, the product is limited to 25 A (11 kW/400 V motors). (5) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (6) For low consumption kit LA4 DBL (see page 5/83).

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/98 and 5/99



TeSys contactors

TeSys D, 4-pole changeover contactor pairs  for control in category AC-1, 20 to 200 A
Pre-assembled. Pre-wired power connections.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225 LC2 DT20pp

For connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors LC2 DT20 to LC2 DT40: mechanical interlock without electrical interlocking. LC2 D80004: order separately 2 auxiliary contact blocks LAD Np1 to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2 contactors (see page 5/79). For electrical interlocking incorporated in the mechanical interlock, please consult your Regional Sales Office. LC2 D115004: mechanical interlock with integral, pre-wired electrical interlocking.
Utilisation category AC-1 Non-inductive loads Maximum rated operational current (q y 60 C) A 20 25 32 40 125 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC2 DT20pp LC2 DT25pp LC2 DT32pp LC2 DT40pp LC2 D80004pp LC2 D115004pp Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor Contactors supplied with coil Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Fixing (2) kg 0.730 0.730 0.850 0.850 3.200 7.400 Weight

For connection by lugs or bars

20 25 32 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC2 DT206pp LC2 DT256pp LC2 DT326pp LC2 DT406pp 0.730 0.730 0.850 0.850

For customer assembly.

60 80 1 1

For connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

1 1 LC1 DT60App (3) LC1 DT80App (3)

For connection by lugs or bars

60 80 1 1 1 1 LC1 DT60A6pp (3) LC1 DT80A6pp (3)

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) See note (1) on next page. (2) LC2 DT20 to LC2 DT80: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. LC2 D80: clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or 75 mm 5 rail AM1 DL or screw fixing. LC2 D115: clip-on mounting on 2 x 35 mm 5 rails AM1 DP or screw fixing. (3) For these operational currents, order 2 identical contactors and a mechanical interlock LAD 4CM (see page 5/76). Note: when assembling changeover contactor pairs, it is good practice to incorporate a 50 ms time delay.


Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/98 and 5/99



TeSys contactors

TeSys D, 4-pole changeover contactor pairs  for control in category AC-1, 20A

Pre-assembled. Pre-wired power connections.

For connection by spring terminals.
Utilisation category AC-1 Non-inductive loads Maximum rated operational current (q y 60 C) A 20 1 1 LC2 DT203pp Instantaneous auxiliary contacts per contactor Contactors supplied with coil Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1) Fixing (2) kg 0.760 Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For customer assembly.

60 80 1 1

Power connection by EverLink, BTR screw connectors (3) and control by spring terminals
1 1 LC1 DT60A3pp (4) LC1 DT80A3pp (4)

Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules: see pages 5/78 to 5/85.
(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office):

Separate components

a.c. supply
Volts 50/60 Hz LC2 D80004D115004 50 Hz 60 Hz B5 B6 12 JD 5 AL D5 24 BD 12 JL E5 E6 36 CD 20 ZL F5 F6 48 ED 24 BL FE5 60 ND 48 EL M5 M6 72 SD 110 FL P5 110 FD 220 ML U5 U6 125 GD 250 UL Q5 Q6 220 MD V5 250 UD N5 440 RD R5 R6 S5 24 B7 42 D7 48 E7 110 F7 115 FE7 220 M7 230 P7 240 U7 380 Q7 400 V7 415 N7 440 R7 500 LC2 DT20DT40, LC1 DT60DT80

d.c. supply
Volts U 0.71.25 Uc LC2 DT20DT40, LC1 DT60DT80 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard)

Low consumption
Volts c U 0.81.25 Uc LC2 DT20...DT40 (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) For other voltages between 5 and 690 V, see pages 5/86 to 5/91 (2) Clip-on mounting on 35 mm 5 rail AM1 DP or screw fixing. (3) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). (4) For these operational currents, order 2 identical contactors and a mechanical interlock LAD 4CM (see page 5/76).



TeSys contactors

Component parts for assembling  reversing contactors for motor control,  low-speed/high-speed starters and star-delta starters
For 3-pole reversing contactors for motor control


1 2

Contactors with screw clamp terminals or connectors. Horizontally mounted, assembled by customer
For contactors (1) (2 identical contactors) LC1 D09 to D38 Reference Weight kg 0.045

Kits for assembly of reversing contactors

LAD 9R1 Kit comprising: b a mechanical interlock LAD 9V2  with electrical interlocking LAD 9V1. b a set of power connections LAD 9V5 (parallel) and LAD 9V6 (reversing) Kit comprising: b a mechanical interlock LAD 9V2  without electrical interlocking b a set of power connections LAD 9V5 (parallel)  and LAD 9V6 (reversing) Kit comprising: b a mechanical interlock LAD 4CM, b a set of power connections LA9 D65A69. LAD 9R1V

LC1 D09 to D38



3 4

LC1 D40A to D65A



Mechanical interlocks
LAD 9R3 Mechanical interlock with integral electrical interlocking LC1 D80 and D95 (a) LC1 D80 and D95 (c) LC1 D115 and D150 Mechanical interlock without integral electrical interlocking LC1 D09 to D38 LC1 D40A to D65A LC1 D80 and D95 (a) LC1 D80 and D95 (c) LA9 D4002 LA9 D8002 LA9 D11502 LAD 9V2 LAD 4CM LA9 D50978 LA9 D80978 LAD 9V5 + LAD 9V6 LAD 9V12 + LAD 9V13 (2) LA9 D65A69 LA9 D8069 LA9 D8069 LA9 D11569 Reference LAD 9PVGV LAD 3PVGV LAD 3PVGV10 0.170 0.170 0.290 0.040 0.040 0.170 0.170 0.130 0.490 0.490 1.450 Weight kg 0.016 0.034 0.034

5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/197 LA9 D8069

Sets of power connections

Comprising: b a set of parallel bars, b a set of reverser bars. LC1 D09 to D38 with screw clamp terminals or connectors LC1 D09D32 with  spring terminal connections LC1 D40A to D65A LC1 D80 and D95 (a) LC1 D80 and D95 (c) LC1 D115 and D150

For low-speed/high-speed starter

Description Connection kit enabling reversing of low and high speed directions using a reversing contactor and a  2N/O + 2N/C main pole contactor

For contactors with connection type Screw clamps or connectors Power connection module with spring terminal connections Outgoing terminal block with spring terminal connections For contactors LC1 D09 and D12 LC1 D18 to D32 LC1 D40A and D50A LC1 D80 LC1 D09, D12 and D18 LC1 D32 LC1 D40A and D50A LC1 D80

For star-delta starter

Description Mounting kit comprising: b 1 time delay contact block LAD S2 (LC1 D09D80), b power circuit connections (LC1 D09D80), b hardware required for fixing the contactors  onto the mounting plate (LC1 D80). Equipment mounting plates

Reference LAD 91217 LAD 93217 LAD 9SD3 LA9 D8017 LA9 D12974 LA9 D32974 LA9 D80973

Weight kg 0.180 0.310 0.380 0.680 0.150 0.180 0.300

(1) To order the 2 contactors: see pages 5/65 and 5/72. (2) To assemble a reversing contactor with spring terminal connections, the following components must be ordered: - 1 mechanical interlock LAD 9V2, - 1 upstream power connection kit and 1 downstream power connection kit.. Upstream power connection kit LAD 9V10: installed in the Quickfit system with power connection module LAD 34. (If module LAD 34 is not used, replace LAD 9V10 with LAD 9V12). Downstream power connection kit LAD 9V11: installed in the Quickfit system with outgoing terminal block LAD 331. (If LAD 331 is not used, replace LAD 9V11 with LAD 9V13).

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

Dimensions, Schemes : pages 5/98 and 5/99



TeSys contactors

Component parts for assembling changeover contactor pairs

For 4-pole changeover contactor pairs (3-phase distribution + neutral) Contactors with screw clamp terminals or connectors. Horizontally mounted, assembled by customer .
Description For contactors (1) (2 identical contactors) LC1 DT20 to DT40 with screw clamps or connectors Reference Weight kg 0.045

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Kits for assembly of changeover contactor pairs

Kit comprising: b a mechanical interlock LAD 9V2 with electrical interlocking LAD 9V1, b a set of power connections (changeover) LAD 9V7. Kit comprising: b a mechanical interlock LAD 9V2 without electrical interlocking, b a set of power connections (changeover) LAD 9V7. LAD T9R1V

LC1 DT20 to DT40 with screw clamps or connectors




Mechanical interlocks
With integral electrical interlocking LC1 D80004 LP1 D80004 LC1 D115004 Without integral electrical interlocking LA9 D50978 LC1 DT20 to DT40 with screw clamps or connectors LC1 DT203 to DT403 with spring terminals LC1 DT60A and DT80A LC1 D80004 LP1 D80004 LA9 D4002 LA9 D8002 LA9 D11502 LAD 9V2 (2) LAD 9V2 (2) LAD 4CM LA9 D50978 LA9 D80978 0.170 0.170 0.280 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.155 0.180


Sets of power connections

Comprising a set of parallel bars

LC1 DT60A and DT80A LC1 D80004 LP1 D80004 LC1 D115004 LC1 DT203 to DT403 with spring terminals LC1 D80004 LP1 D80004

LA9 D65A70 r LA9 D8070 LA9 D8070 LA9 D11570 LAD 9V9 LA9 D8070 (2) LA9 D8070 (2)

0.150 0.280 0.280 1.100 0.100

LA9 D6570


Contactors with screw clamp terminals or connectors. Horizontally mounted, assembled by customer.
Description LA9 D8070 For contactors (1) (2 identical contactors) LC1 D40AD65A LC1 D115 and D150 Reference Weight kg 0.105 0.280

For 3-pole changeover contactor pairs

Mechanical interlocks
Without integral electrical interlocking With integral electrical interlocking LAD 9R3S LA9 D11502

Sets of power connections

Comprising a set of parallel bars, LC1 D115 and D150 LA9 D11571 0.960 (1) To order the 2 contactors: see pages 5/65 and 5/72. (2) Order 2 contact blocks LAD Np1 to build the electrical interlock, see page 5/79.

r Available 1st quarter 2010.




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
See page opposite for mounting possibilities according to the contactor type



TeSys contactors

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

For use in normal operating environments In order to mount an LAD 8N on an LC1 D80 to D95, a set of shims must be ordered separately, see page 5/85
Clip-on mounting (1) Number of contacts per block Composition Reference

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by screw clamp terminals


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



2 4 4 incl. 1 N/O & 1 N/C make before break 2 2 4 2 4 2 1 2

2 1 2 2 2

1 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

1 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

Front on 3P contactors and  4P contactors 20 to 80 A Front on 4P contactors 125 to 200 A Front

For terminal referencing conforming to EN 50012


kg 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.030 0.050 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.060

With dust and damp protected contacts, for use in particularly harsh industrial environments
LA1 DX20 LA1 DX11 LA1 DX02 LA1 DY20 (2) LA1 DZ40 LA1 DZ31

This type of connection is not possible for blocks with 1 contact or blocks with dust and damp protected contacts. For all other instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks, add the figure 6 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD N11 becomes LAD N116. This type of connection is not possible for LAD 8, LAD N with 1 contact or blocks with dust and damp protected contacts. For all other contact blocks, add the figure 3 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD N11 becomes LAD N113. This type of connection is not possible for LAD 8, LAD N with 1 contact or blocks with dust and damp protected contacts. For all other contact blocks, add the figure 9 to the end of the references selected above.  Example: LAD N11 becomes LAD N119.
(1 ) Maximum number of auxiliary contacts that can be fitted: Contactors Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Type Number of poles and size Side mounted Front mounted 1 contact 2 contacts a 3P LC1 D09D38 1 on LH side and 1 LC1 D40AD65A 1 on LH or 1 on RH side and 1 LC1 D80 and D95 (50/60 Hz) 1 on each side or 2 and 1 LC1 D80 and D95 (50 or 60 Hz) 1 on each side and 2 and 1 LC1 D115 and D150 1 on LH side and 1 4P LC1 DT20DT40 1 on LH side and 1 LC1 DT60A and DT80A 1 on LH or 1 on RH side and 1 LC1 D40008, D65008 and D80 1 on each side or 1 or 1 LC1 D115 1 on each side and 1 or 1 c 3P LC1 D09D38 1 LC1 D40AD65A 1 LC1 D80 and D95 1 or 1 LC1 D115 and D150 1 on LH side and 1 4P LC1 DT20DT40 1 LC1 DT60A and DT80A 1 LC1 D40008, D65008 and D80 2 and 1 LC1 D115 1 on each side and 1 BC (3) 3P LC1 D09D38 1 4P LC1 DT20DT40 1 ( 2) Device fitted with 4 earth screen continuity terminals. ( 3) LC: low consumption. Time delay Front mounted or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by lugs

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by spring terminals

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by Faston connectors

4 contacts or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1 or 1



TeSys contactors

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks Mechanical latch blocks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 5/56 to 5/58 LAD Tp

Maximum number of auxiliary contact blocks that can be fitted per contactor, see page 5/79. Sealing cover to be ordered separately, see page 5/85. LAD T0 and LAD R0: with extended scale from 0.1 to 0.6 s. LAD S2: with switching time of 40 ms 15 ms between opening of the N/C contact and closing of the N/O contact.
Clip-on mounting Front Number of contacts 1 N/O + 1 N/C Time delay Type On-delay Setting range 0.13 s 0.130 s 10180 s 130 s Off-delay 0.13 s 0.130 s 10180 s LAD T0 LAD T2 LAD T4 LAD S2 LAD R0 LAD R2 LAD R4 Reference Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by screw clamp terminals

Add the figure 6 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD T0 becomes LAD T06.

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by lugs

Add the figure 3 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD T0 becomes LAD T03

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by spring terminals


Add the figure 9 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD T0 becomes LAD T09.

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by Faston connectors Mechanical latch blocks
Clip-on mounting

For use on contactor LC1 D09D38 (a or c) LC1 DT20DT40 (a or c) LC1 D40AD65A (3 P a or c) LC1 DT60A and DT80A (4 P a or c) Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (2) LAD 6K10p LAD 6K10p Weight kg 0.070 0.070

Unlatching control Manual or electric


LAD 6K10p

LC1 D80D150 (3 P a) LA6 DK20p LC1 D80 and D115 (3 P c) LC1 D80 (4 P a) LC1 D80 and D115 (4 P a) LP1 D80 and LC1 D115 (4 Pc) (1) The mechanical latch block must not be powered up at the same time as the contactor. The duration of the control signal for the mechanical latch block and the contactor should be: u 100 ms for a contactor operating on an a.c. supply, u 250 ms for a contactor operating on a d.c. supply. Maximum impulse duration for the LAD6K10p mechanical latch block: 10 seconds. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office). Volts 50/60 Hz, c Code 24 B 32/36 C 42/48 E 60/72 EN 100 K 110/127 F 220/240 M 256/277 U


380/415 Q

Dimensions: pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97



TeSys contactors
Suppressor modules

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

RC circuits (Resistor-Capacitor) Effective protection for circuits highly sensitive to "high frequency" interference. For use only in cases where the voltage is virtually sinusoidal. i.e. less than 5% total harmonic distortion. Voltage limited to 3 Uc max. and oscillating frequency limited to 400 Hz max. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.2 to 2 times the normal time).
Mounting For use with contactor (1) Rating D09D38 (3P) DT20DT40 D40AD65A (3P) DT60ADT80A (4P) Reference Type Va 2448 50127 110250 2448 50127 110240 380415 2448 50127 110240 380415 Vc Weight kg 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.040 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LAD 4pp

Clip-on side mounting (3)

Clip-on front mounting (3)

Screw fixing (4)

D80D150 (3P) D40D115 (4P)

Varistors (peak limiting) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time).
Clip-on side mounting (3) D09D38 (3P) DT20DT40 D40AD65A (3P) DT60ADT80A (4P) D80D115 (3P) D80D115 (4P) D80D95 (3P) D80 (4P) 2448 50127 110250 2448 50127 110250 2448 50127 110250 2448 50127 110250 2448 50127 110250 LAD 4VE LAD 4VG LAD 4VU LAD 4V3E LAD 4V3G LAD 4V3U LA4 DE2E LA4 DE2G LA4 DE2U LA4 DE3E LA4 DE3G LA4 DE3U 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018


Clip-on front mounting (3) LAD 4RC3p, LAD 4V3p, LAD 4D3U, LAD 4T3p

Screw fixing (4)

No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Increase in drop-out time (6 to 10 times the normal time). Polarised component.
Clip-on side mounting (5) Clip-on front mounting (5) Screw fixing (4) D09D38 (3P), DT20DT40 D40AD65A (3P), DT60ADT80A (4P) D80 and D95 (3P), D40D80 (4P) 24250 24250 24250 LAD 4DDL LAD 4D3U LA4 DC3U 0.012 0.020 0.018

Flywheel diodes

Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks.
LA4 Dpp Clip-on side mounting (3) (5) 24 LAD 4TB 0.012 24 LAD 4TBDL 0.012 72 LAD 4TS 0.012 72 LAD 4TSDL 0.012 125 LAD 4TGDL 0.012 250 LAD 4TUDL 0.012 600 LAD 4TXDL 0.012 Clip-on front mounting D40AD65A (3P) 1224 1224 LAD 4T3B 0.020 (3) DT60ADT80A (4P) (2) 2572 2572 LAD 4T3S 0.020 73125 73125 LAD 4T3G 0.020 126250 126250 LAD 4T3U 0.020 251440 251440 LAD 4T3R 0.020 Screw fixing (4) D80D95 (3P) 1224 1224 LA4 DB2B 0.018 D40D80 (4P) 2572 2572 LA4 DB2S 0.018 24 LA4 DB3B 0.018 72 LA4 DB3S 0.018 (1) For satisfactory protection, a suppressor module must be fitted across the coil of each contactor. (2) From D09 to D65A and from LC1 DT20 to DT80A, d.c. and low consumption 3-pole contactors are fitted with a built-in bidirectional peak limiting diode suppressor as standard. This bidirectional peak limiting diode is removable and can therefore be replaced by the user. (See reference above). If a d.c. or low consumption contactor is used without suppression, the standard suppressor should be replaced with a blanking plug (reference LAD 9DL for LC1 D09 to D38 and LC1 DT20 to DT40; reference LAD 9DL3 for LC1 D40A to D65A and LC1 DT60A to DT80A). (3) Clipping-on makes the electrical connection. The overall size of the contactor remains unchanged. (4) Mounting at the top of the contactor on coil terminals A1 and A2. (5) In order to install these accessories, the existing suppression device must first be removed. D09D38 (3P) DT20DT40 (4P) (2)

Bidirectional peak limiting diodes



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
See page opposite for mounting possibilities according to the contactor type



TeSys contactors

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Electronic serial timer modules (1) b 3-pole contactors LC1 D09 to D38:  mounted using adapter LAD 4BB, to be ordered separately, see below. b 3-pole contactors LC1 D40A to D65A:  mounted using adapter LAD 4BB3, to be ordered separately, see below. b 3-pole contactors LC1 D80 to D150 and 4-pole contactors LC1 D40 to D115:  mounted directly across terminals A1 and A2 of the contactor.
On-delay type
Operational voltage a 24250 V LC1 D09D65A (3P) 100250 V LC1 D80D150 (3P) 0.12 s 1.530 s 25500 s LA4 DT0U LA4 DT2U LA4 DT4U Time delay Reference Weight kg 0.040 0.040 0.040

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b 3-pole contactors LC1 D09 to D38: mounted using adapter LAD 4BB, to be ordered separately, see below. b 3-pole contactors LC1 D40A to D65A: mounted using adapter LAD4 BB3, to be ordered separately, see below. Relay interface
Operational voltage a 24250 V LC1 D09D150 (3P) Supply voltage E1-E2 (c) 24 V Reference LA4 DFB Weight kg 0.050

Interface modules

Relay interface with "AUTO-I" manual override switch (output forced ON), solid state type
Operational voltage a 24250 V LC1 D09D65A (3P) 100250 V LC1 D80D115 (3P) Supply voltage E1-E2 (c) 24 V Reference LA4 DWB Weight kg 0.045

Low consumption kit

For use on contactors LC1 D40AD65A (3P) (2)

Composition Kit comprising: b a retrofit coil LAD 4BB3. b a relay interface module LA4 DFB.

Reference LA4 DBL

Weight kg 0.077

Retrofit: coil for 3-pole contactor

For use on contactors LC1 D09D38

For adapting existing wiring to a new product

Reference Without coil suppression With coil suppression a 2448 V a 50127 V a 110250 V LC1 D40A65A Without coil suppression LAD 4BB LAD 4BBVE LAD 4BBVG LAD 4BBVU LAD 4BB3 Weight kg 0.019 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.027

(1) For 24 V operation, the contactor must be fitted with a 21 V coil (code Z). See pages 5/86 to 5/91. (2) The kit is compatible with a coil voltage of a 24 V to a 250 V (B7 to U7) and c 24 V to c 250 V (BD to UD).

Characteristics: pages 5/59 to 5/61

Dimensions: pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Accessories for main pole and control connections

LA9 D3260


For use with contactors LC1 a c DT20, DT25 D09D38 D40AD65A D115, D150 D115 D1156, D1506 D1156 DT20, DT25 D09D38 D40AD65A D115, D150 D115 D1156, D1506 D1156

Sold in Unit lots of reference 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LAD 92560 LA9 D3260 LAD 96560 LA9 D115603 LA9 D115604 LA9 D115503 LA9 D115504 LAD 96570 LA9 D115703 (1) LAD 96580 LA9 D115704 LAD 96575

Weight kg 0.030 0.040 0.087 0.560 0.740 0.300 0.360

Connectors for cable, size (1 connector)

4-pole 10 mm2 3-pole 25 mm2

2 3 4 5 6 7
LA9 D11570p LA9 D11560p LA9 D11550p

EverLink terminal block Connectors for cables (2 connectors)

3-pole 3-pole 120 mm2 4-pole 120 mm2

Connectors for lug type terminals (2 connectors)

3-pole 4-pole

Protective covers for connectors for lug type terminals LAD 96570


D40A6D65A6 D1156, D1506

D40A6D65A6 1 D1156, D1506 1

0.021 0.250 0.027 0.300 0.010


D60A6D80A6 D1156, D1506

D60A6D80A6 1 D1156, D1506 1

IP 20 covers for lug type terminals (for mounting with circuit-breakers GV3 Ppp6 and GV3 Lpp6) Links for parallel connection of

3 poles


D40A6D65A6 1

2 poles

D09D38 DT20, DT25 (4P) DT32, DT40 (4P) D40AD65A D80, D95



LA9 D2561 LA9 D1261 LAD 96061 LAD 9P32 LA9 D80961 LAD 9P3 (2) LAD 9P33 LA9 D80962 LA9 D1263 LA9 D80963 LA9 D09966 LA9 D8067 LA9 D11567 GV7 AC03

0.060 0.012 0.060 0.021 0.060 0.005 0.021 0.080 0.024 0.100 0.006 0.010 0.014 0.180

DT20, DT25 (4P) 10 DT32, DT40 (4P) 10 D40AD65A D80 D09D38 D40AD65A D80, D95 DT20, DT25 D80 D80 D80, D95 D115, D150 D115, D150 1 2 10 1 1 2 2 10 10 10 3

3 poles

D09D38 D40AD65A D80, D95

Staggered coil connection

4 poles

DT20, DT25 D80, D95 D80, D95 D115, D150

9 10

LA9 D80962 Control circuit take-off from main pole

LA9 D11567

Spreaders for increasing the pole pitch to 45 mm

D115, D150

(1) For 3-pole contactors: 1 set of 6 covers, for 4-pole contactors: 1 set of 8 covers. (2) Separate connecting bar for connecting 2 poles in parallel.

Dimensions: pages 5/92 to 5/95

Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys D contactors and reversing contactors

Sets of contacts and arc chambers

Description For contactor 3-pole 4-pole Arc chambers 3-pole 4-pole Sets of contacts GV2 G245 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 D115004 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 D115004

Reference LA5 D1158031 LA5 D150803 LA5 D115804 LA5 D11550 LA5 D15050 LA5 D115450

Weight kg 0.260 0.260 0.330 0.395 0.395 0.470

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Terminal block

Power connection accessories

For supply to one or more GV2 G busbar sets 2 contactors LC1 D09D18 or D25D38 4 contactors LC1 D09D18 or D25D38 2 contactors LC1 D40AD65A 3 contactors LC1 D40AD65A

GV1 G09 GV2 G245 GV2 G445 GV3 G264 GV3 G364 (1) GV3 S

0.040 0.036 0.077 0.150 0.250 0.111

Set of 63 A busbars for parallelling of contactors Set of 115 A busbars for parallelling of contactors GV1 G09 Set of S-shape busbars

For circuit-breakers GV3 Ppp and GV3 Lpp and contactors LC1 D40AD65A

Protection accessories
Description Miniature control circuit fuse holder Sealing cover Safety cover preventing access to  the moving contact carrier GV3 S

Use 5 x 20 with 4 A-250 V fuse For LAD T, LAD R LC1 D80 and D95 LC1 D115 and D150

Sold in lots of 1 1 1 1

Reference LA9 D941 LA9 D901 LAD 9ET1 LAD 9ET3 LAD 9ET4

Weight kg 0.025 0.005 0.026 0.004 0.004

LC1 D09D65A and DT20DT80A 1

Marking accessories
Description Sheet of 64 blank legends, self-adhesive, 8 x 33 mm (2) Sheet of 112 blank legends, self-adhesive, 8 x 12 mm (2) Sheet of 64 blank legends for marking using plotter  or 8 x 33 mm engraver Sheet of 440 blank legends for marking using plotter  or 8 x 12 mm engraver Marker holder snap-in, 8 x 22 mm Marker holder snap-in, 8 x 18 mm

Use Contactors (except 4P) LC1 D80D115 ,  LAD N (4 contacts), LA6 DK LAD N (2 contacts),  LAD T, LAD R, LRD Contactors (except 4P) LC1 D80D115,  LAD (4 contacts), LA6 DK All products 4-pole contactors,  LC1 D80...D115, LA6 DK

Sold in lots of 10 10 10 35 100

Unit reference LAD 21 LAD 22 LAD 23 LAD 24 LA9 D92 LAD 90 LA9 D93 XBY 2U

Weight kg 0.020 0.020 0.050 0.200 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.100

LA9 D941

LC1 D09...D65A, LC1 DT20...DT80A, 100 LAD N (4 contacts), LAD T, LAD R On holder LA9 D92 Multi-language version: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish 1 1


Bag of 300 blank legends self-adhesive, 7 x 21 mm SIS Label labelling software supplied on CD-Rom

Retrofit plate for screw fixing

Mounting accessories

For replacement of LC1 D40 to D65 with LC1 D40A to D65A

LAD 7X3 LA9 D730 LA9 D511 LAD ALLEN4

0.150 0.360 0.020 0.026

Mounting plate Set of shims Size 4 Allen key, insulated, 1000 V

For replacement of LC1 F115 or F150 1 with LC1 D115 or D150 For fitting side mounting blocks  LAD 8N on LC1 D80 and D95 For use on contactors  LC1 D40A to LC1 D150 1 5


(1) With this set of busbars, any one contactor can be supplied directly by its EverLink double cage power terminal block. The other two contactors are supplied by the busbar set. The 115 A limitation is therefore applied to these two contactors. Example: 1 LC1 D65A supplied directly + 1 contactor LC1 D65A and 1 contactor LC1 D50 A supplied via the busbar set = 115 A. This combination is compatible with busbar set GV3 G364. (2) These legends are for sticking onto the safety cover of the contactors or add-on block, if fitted.



TeSys contactors

a.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For a contactors LC1D09...D38 and LC1DT20DT40

1 2 3


Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush (cos j = 0.75) 70 VA, - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50 Hz: 7 VA, 60 Hz: 7.5 VA Operating range (q y 60 C): 50 Hz: 0.81.1 Uc, 60 Hz: 0.851.1 Uc. Control circuit voltage Uc V

Average resistance at 20 C 10% W 1.33 4.17 5.37 10.1 12.8 17 21.7 34.6 100.4 124.1 129.8 150.6 158.5 410.7 430.4 515.4 538.6 562.3 800.7 1551 1633 1694 1993 2398 2499 3294 3810 4656 5020

Inductance of closed circuit H 0.05 0.17 0.22 0.39 0.49 0.67 0.87 1.4 3.8 4.6 5 5.4 6.1 15 16 18 20 22 29 55 60 65 73 87 95 125 136 165 180

Reference (1)

Weight kg

12 21 (2) 24 32 36 42 48 60 100 110


0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

115 120 127 200 208 220 230 240 277 380 400 415 440 480 500 575 600 660 690

(1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code. (2) Voltage for special coils fitted in contactors with serial timer modules, with 24 V supply. (3) Suitable for use on 230 V / 50 Hz. In this case, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor (see pages 5/52 and 5/53). (4) Suitable for use on 400 V / 50 Hz. In this case, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor (see pages 5/52 and 5/53).



TeSys contactors

a.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For a contactors LC1 D40AD65A, LC1 DT60A and LC1 DT80A

Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush (cos j = 0.75) 160 VA. - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50 Hz: 15 VA, 60 Hz: 15 VA Operating range (q y 60 C): 50 Hz: 0.81.1 Uc, 60 Hz: 0.851.1 Uc. Control circuit voltage Uc V

Reference (1) Weight kg 50/60 Hz LXD3J5 (2) LXD3B7 LXD3C7 LXD3D7 LXD3E7 LXD3K7 LXD3F7 LXD3FE7 LXD3G7 LXD3FC7 LXD3L7 LXD3LE7 LXD3M7 (3) LXD3P7 LXD3U7 LXD3W7 LXD3Q7 (4) LXD3V7 LXD3N7 LXD3R7 LXD3T7 LXD3S7 LXD3SC7 LXD3X7 LXD3YC7 LXD3Y7 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

Average resistance at 20 C 10% W 0.49 1.98 3.76 6.18 7.97 37.63 42.28 48.76 37.63 60.29 149 105 182 192 202 193 512 607 635 682 607 878 1238 1304 1593 1683

Inductance of closed circuit H 0.03 0.12 0.22 0.37 0.48 2.07 2.50 2.74 2.07 3.34 8.27 6.22 10 10.9 11.9 11 29.9 33.1 35.6 40.1 33.1 51.7 68.4 74.5 90.1 98.5

12 24 32 42 48 LXD3pp 100 110 115 120 127 200 208 220 230 240 277 380 400 415 440 480 500 575 600 660 690

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code. (2) This coil can only be used on 50 Hz. (3) Suitable for use on 230 V / 50 Hz. In this case, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor (see pages 5/52 and 5/53). (4) Suitable for use on 400 V / 50 Hz. In this case, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor (see pages 5/52 and 5/53).


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

a.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For 3 or 4-pole contactors LC1D40, D50, D65, D80, D95

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush (cos j = 0.75) 50 Hz: 200 VA, 60 Hz: 220 VA, - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50 Hz: 20 VA, 60 Hz: 22 VA Operating range (q y 55 C): 0.851.1 Uc. Control circuit voltage Uc V 24 32 42 48 110 115 120 127 208 220 220/230 230 240 256 277 380 380/400 400 415 440 480 500 575 600 660 Average resistance at 20C 10% W 1.4 2.6 4.4 5.5 31 31 41 127 133 152 166 381 411 463 513 668 1220 Inductance of closed circuit H 0.09 0.16 0.27 0.35 1.9 1.9 2.4 7.5 8.1 8.7 10 22 25 26 30 38 67 50 Hz LX1D6B5 LX1D6C5 LX1D6D5 LX1D6E5 LX1D6F5 LX1D6FE5 LX1D6G5 LX1D6M5 LX1D6P5 LX1D6U5 LX1D6W5 LX1D6Q5 LX1D6V5 LX1D6N5 LX1D6R5 LX1D6S5 LX1D6Y5 Reference (1) Average resistance at 20C 10% W 1.05 4.2 22 28 86 98 120 157 300 392 480 675 775 Inductance of closed circuit H 0.06 0.23 1.2 1.5 4.3 4.8 5.7 8 14 19 23 33 36 60 Hz LX1D6B6 LX1D6E6 LX1D6F6 LX1D6G6 LX1D6L6 LX1D6M6 LX1D6U6 LX1D6W6 LX1D6Q6 LX1D6R6 LX1D6T6 LX1D6S6 LX1D6X6 Reference (1) Weight

kg 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280


Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush (cos j = 0.75) 50/60 Hz: 245 VA at 50 Hz, - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50/60 Hz: 26 VA at 50 Hz. Operating range (q y 55 C): 0.851.1 Uc. 50/60 Hz LX1D6B7 LX1D6D7 LX1D6E7 LX1D6F7 LX1D6FE7 LX1D6G7 LX1D6M7 LX1D6P7 LX1D6U7 LX1D6Q7 LX1D6V7 LX1D6N7 LX1D6R7

24 42 48 110 115 120 220/230 (2) 230 230/240 (3) 380/400 (4) 400 415 440

1.22 3.5 5 26 32 102 115 131 310 349 390 410

0.08 0.25 0.32 1.7 2 6.7 7.7 8.3 20 23 24 27

0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280

(1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code. (2) For use on 230 V / 50 Hz, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor, see pages 5/52 and 5/53. This coil can be used on 240 V at 60 Hz. (3) This coil can be used on 220/240 V at 50 Hz and on 240 V only at 60 Hz. (4) For use on 400 V / 50 Hz, apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the mechanical durability of the contactor, see pages 5/52 and 5/53.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

a.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For 3 or 4-pole contactors LC1D115

Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush (cos j = 0.8) 50 or 60 Hz: 300 VA, - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50 or 60 Hz: 22 VA Operating range (q y 55 C): 0.851.1 Uc. Control circuit voltage Uc V

Reference (1) Average resistance at 20C 10% W 0.87 3.91 19.97 24.02 67.92 79.61 97.04 125.75 243.07 338.51 368.43 Inductance of closed circuit H 0.07 0.28 1.45 1.70 5.06 5.69 6.75 8.89 17.04 22.26 25.55 60 Hz LX1D8B6 LX1D8E6 LX1D8F6 LX1D8G6 LX1D8L6 LX1D8M6 LX1D8U6 LX1D8W6 LX1D8Q6 LX1D8R6 LX1D8T6 Reference (1) Weight

Average resistance at 20C 10% W 1.24 2.14 3.91 4.51 26.53 26.53 32.75 104.77 104.77 125.25 338.51 368.43 368.43 441.56 566.62

Inductance of closed circuit H 0.09 0.17 0.28 0.36 2.00 2.00 2.44 7.65 8.29 8.89 22.26 25.55 27.65 30.34 38.12

kg 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260 0.260

2 3 4 5 6


24 32 42 48 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 277 380 400 415 440 480 500

50 Hz LX1D8B5 LX1D8C5 LX1D8D5 LX1D8E5 LX1D8F5 LX1D8FE5 LX1D8FC5 LX1D8M5 LX1D8P5 LX1D8U5 LX1D8Q5 LX1D8V5 LX1D8N5 LX1D8R5 LX1D8S5

For 3 or 4-pole contactors LC1D115, LC1D150

Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush: cos j = 0.9 - 280 to 350 VA, - sealed: cos j = 0.9 - 2 to 18 VA. Operating range (q y 55 C): 0.81.15 Uc. Coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard, class B. Control circuit voltage Uc V Average resistance at 20C 10% W Inductance of closed circuit H Reference (1) Average resistance at 20C 10% W 147 301 498 1061 4377 4377 4377 6586 10 895 9895 9895 9895 21 988 21 011 21 011 21 011 21 501 32 249 32 249 Inductance of closed circuit H 3.03 8.28 13.32 24.19 109.69 109.69 109.69 152.65 260.15 210.72 210.72 210.72 533.17 482.42 482.42 482.42 507.47 938.41 938.41 50/60 Hz LX1D8B7 LX1D8C7 LX1D8D7 LX1D8E7 LX1D8F7 LX1D8FE7 LX1D8G7 LX1D8FC7 LX1D8LE7 LX1D8M7 LX1D8P7 LX1D8U7 LX1D8UE7 LX1D8Q7 LX1D8V7 LX1D8N7 LX1D8R7 LX1D8T7 LX1D8S7 Reference (1) Weight

kg 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290

24 32 42 48 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 277 380 400 415 440 480 500 (1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code.

7 8 9 10



TeSys contactors

d.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For 3-pole contactors LC1 D80 or 4-pole contactors LP1 D80

1 2 3


Average consumption: 22W. Operating range: 0.851.1 Uc. Control circuit voltage Uc V 12 24 36 48 60 72 Average resistance at 20 C 10% W 6.6 27 57 107 170 230 564 718 2215 2850 9195 Inductance of closed circuit H 0.46 1.89 4 7.5 11.9 16.1 39.5 50.3 155 200 640 Reference (1) Weight kg 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

110 125 220 250 440

(1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code.



TeSys contactors

d.c. coils  for TeSys D, 3 or 4-pole contactors

For contactors LC1 D115, D150

Consumption: inrush 270 to 365 W, sealed 2.4 to 5.1 W. Operating range: 0.751.2 Uc. Coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard, class B. Control circuit voltage Uc V 24 48 60 72 110 125 220 LX4D8pD 250 440 18 022 21 501 345.40 684.66 LX4D8UD LX4D8RD 0.300 0.300 Average resistance at 20 C 10% W 147 1061 1673 2500 4377 6586 9895 Inductance of closed circuit H 3.03 24.19 38.44 56.27 109.69 152.65 210.72 Reference (1) Weight kg 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300

1 2 3 4 5 6



For 3-pole contactors LC1 D80 or 4-pole contactors LP1 D80

Wide range coils for specific applications Average consumption: 23W. Operating range: 0.75 to 1.2 Uc. Coils with "TH" treatment as standard. Control circuit voltage Uc V 12 24 36 48 72 110 220 Average resistance at 20 C 10% W 6.2 23.5 51.9 94.2 204 483 1922 Inductance of closed circuit H 0.49 1.75 4.18 7 15.7 36 144 Reference (1) Weight kg 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.680


7 8 9 10

(1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code.



TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

LC1 D09D18 (3-pole)

LC1 D25D38 (3 -pole ), LC1 DT20DT40 (4 -pole )


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Minimum electrical clearance

Minimum electrical clearance LA4 b1 b

b1 b

c c1 c2 c3

12,5 (LAD 8)


12,5 (LAD 8)(1)

10 c1 c2 c3
D099 D129 80 95,5 111,5 (1) 120,5 (1) 127,5 (1) 84 86 117 129 137 141 D25 D38 85 98 114 (1) 123 (1) 130 (1) 90 92 123 135 143 147

12,5 (LAD 8)


12,5 (LAD 8) (1)

LC1 b without add-on blocks b1 with LAD 4BB with LA4 Dp2 with LA4 DF, DT with LA4 DW, DL c without cover or add-on blocks with cover , without add-on blocks c1 with LAD N or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LA6 DK10, LAD 6K10 c3 with LAD T, R, S with LAD T, R, S and sealing cover (1) Including LAD 4BB.

D09D18 D093 D123 77 99 94 107 110 (1) 123 (1) 119 (1) 132 (1) 126 (1) 139 (1) 84 84 86 86 117 117 129 129 137 137 141 141

D183 D323 99 107 123 (1) 132 (1) 139 (1) 90 92 123 135 143 147

D098, D128, DT203 and DT20 and DT25 DT253 85 99 98 114 129 190 90 90 92 92 123 123 135 135 143 143 147 147

DT32 and DT40 91 97 99 131 143 151 155

D188, D258, DT323 and DT403 105 97 99 131 143 151 155

LC1 D40AD65A (3 -pole ), LC1 DT60ADT80A (4-pole)


LC1 D80 and D95 (3 -pole ), LC1 D80004 and D80008 (4 -pole ), D40008 and D65008 (4-pole)
32 44
Minimum electrical clearance

Min. electrical clearance







c c1 c2 c3
LA4 DpB 12,5 (LAD 8N)


12,5 (LAD 8N)

c c1 c2 c3
D95, D65008 85 135 142 150 125 130 150 158 170 178 182 Min. electrical clearance


12,5 (LAD 8)

12,5 (LAD 8)

LC1 a b1 with LA4 Dp2 with LA4 DB3 or LAD 4BB3 with LA4 DF, DT with LA4 DM, DW, DL c without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks c1 with LAD N (1 contact) with LAD N or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LAD 6K10 or LA6 DK c3 with LAD T, R, S with LAD T, R, S and sealing cover LC1 a b1 with LA4 DA2 with LA4 DF, DT with LA4 DM, DL with LA4 DW c without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks c1 with LAD N or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LA6 DK20 c3 with LAD T, R, S with LAD T, R, S and sealing cover

D40AD65A DT60ADT80A D40008 55 136 157 166 118 120 150 163 171 175 D115, D150 120 174 185 188 188 132 136 150 155 168 172 70 118 120 150 163 171 175 D115004 150 174 185 188 188 132 150 155 168 172 85 135 142 150 125 139 147 159 167 171 D1150046 155 174 185 188 188 115 150 155 168 172

D80 85 135 135 142 150 125 130 150 158 170 178 182

D80004 96 135 142 150 125 150 158 170 178 182

D80008 96 135 142 150 140 150 158 170 178 182

LC1 D115 and D150 (3 -pole ), LC1 D115004 (4 -pole )




c c1 c2 c3




TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors
Control circuit: d.c. or low consumption


LC1 D09D18 (3 -pole )

Minimum electrical clearance

LC1 D25D38 (3 -pole )

Minimum electrical clearance


10 c1 c2 c3


10 c1 c2 c3
D09D18 77 93 95 126 138 146 150 D093D123 99 93 95 126 138 146 150

D183D323 99 99 101 132 144 152 156

LC1 b c without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks c1 with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LA6DK10 c3 with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover

D099D129 80 93 95 126 138 146 150

D25D38 85 99 101 132 144 152 156

3 4

LC1 DT20DT40 (4 -pole )

Minimum electrical clearance

10 c1 c2 c3
LC1 b c c1 c2 c3


DT20 and DT25 D098 and D128 85 99 123 135 143 147 DT203 and DT253 D0983 and D1283 99 99 123 135 143 147 DT32 and DT40 D188D258 91 107 131 143 151 155 DT323 and DT403 D1883 and D2583 105 107 131 143 151 155

with cover with LAD N or C (2 or 4 contacts) with LA6 DK10 with LAD T, R, S with LAD T, R, S and sealing cover

6 7 8

LC1 D40AD65A (3-pole), LC1 DT60ADT80A (4-pole)


LC1 D80 and D95 (3 -pole ), LP1 D80004, LP1 D80008 (4 -pole ),  LP1 D40008 and D65008 (4-pole)
Min. electrical clearance

Min. electrical clearance






c c1 c2 c3
LA4 DpB 12,5 (LAD 8N)


12,5 (LAD 8N)

c c1 c2 c3


LC1 D40A LC1 D65A DT60ADT80A a 55 70 b1 with LAD 4BB3 136 136 with LA4 DF, DT 157 157 c without cover or add-on blocks 118 118 with cover, without add-on blocks 120 120 c1 with LAD N (1 contact) with LAD N or C (2 or 4 contacts) 150 150 c2 with LA6 DK10 163 163 c3 with LAD T, R, S 171 171 with LAD T, R, S and sealing cover 175 175 LC1 D115ppp and LC1 D150ppp with c coil : see page 5/92

LP1 D40008 and D65008 85 182 196 202 213 221 225

LC1 D80 and D95 85 181 186 204 210 221 229 233

LP1 D80004 96 181 204 210 221 229 233

LP1 D80008 96 196 204 210 221 229 233

9 10



TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

LC1 D09D38, DT20DT40

1 2

On mounting rail AM1 DP200, DR200 or AM1 DE200 (width 35 mm)

On mounting rail AM1 DL200 or DL201 (width 75 mm) On mounting rail AM1EDppp or AM1 DE200 (width 35 mm)

LC1 D40AD65A, LC1 DT60A and DT80A, LC1 D80 and D95, LC1 D40008 and D65008


3 4 5 6

Control circuit: a.c. LC1 b c c

D09 D18 77 (AM1 DP200 or DR200) (1) 88 (AM1 DE200) (1) 96

D25 D38 85 94 102

DT20 and DT25 85 94 102

DT32 and DT40 100 109 117

Control circuit: a.c. LC1 b c c c

(AM1 DL200) (1) (AM1 DL201) (1) (AM1 EDppp or DE200) (1)

D40AD65A DT60ADT80A 122 128

D80 and D95 127 147 137 137

D40008 and D65008 127 143 133 133

D09 D18 b 77 c (AM1 DP200 or DR200) (1) 97 c (AM1 DE200) (1) 105 (1) with safety cover.

Control circuit: d.c. LC1

D25 D38 85 103 110

DT20 and DT25 94 103 111

DT32 and DT40 109 118 1236

Control circuit: d.c. LC1 c (AM1 DL200) (1) c (AM1 DL201) (1) c (AM1 EDppp or DE200) (1) (1) with safety cover.

D40AD65A DT60ADT80A 128

D80 and D95 205 195 128

D40008 and D65008 200 190 190

LC1 D80 and D95, LP1 D80

On 2 mounting rails DZ5 MB on 120 mm centres

Control circuit: a.c. LC1 c with cover Control circuit: d.c. LC1 c with cover LP1 c D80 and D95 130



D80 and D95 186 D80 181

7 8 9



LC1 D115, D150

On 2 mounting rails DZ5 MB on 120 mm centres


= 158

Control circuit: a.c. or d.c. LC1 c (AM1 DP200 or DR200) c (AM1 DE200 or EDppp)

D115 and D150 134,5 142,5

D1156 and D1506 117,5 125,5

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225 Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55 References: pages 5/62 to 5/67 Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97


Mounting (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

LC1 D09D38 and LC1 DT20DT40

On 2 mounting rails DZ5 MB



Control circuit: LC1 c with cover G H H1 4-pole contactors LC1 c G H H1

a.c. D09D18 86 35 60 70 DT20 and DT25 92 35 60 70

D25D38 92 35 60 70 DT32 and DT40 100 35 60 70

d.c. D09D18 95 35 70 70 DT20 and DT25 101 35 70 70

D25D38 101 35 70 70 DT32 and DT40 109 35 70 70

1 2 3 4


LC1 D09D38 and LC1 DT20DT40

On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1 PA, PB, PC

LC1 D40AD65A, LC1 DT60ADT80A

On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1 PA, PB, PC and panel mounted


c 37,5 a.c D40A65A , DT60ADT80A 120 AF1EA6 37,5 3x6,5

Control circuit: LC1 c with cover G H LC1 c with cover G H Panel mounted

a.c D09D18 86 35 60/70 DT20 and DT25 80 35 60

D25D38 92 35 60/70 DT32 and DT40 93 35 60

d.c D09D18 95 35 70 DT20 and DT25 118 35 70

D25D38 101 35 70 DT32 and DT40 132 35 70

Control circuit: LC1 c with cover


d.c. D40A65A , DT60ADT80A 120


5 6 7

LC1 D09D38, LC1 DT20DT40

2xM4 2xM4 2x4,5
= =

LC1 D80 and D95, LC1 D40008 and D65008, LP1 D80
On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1 PA, PB, PC and panel mounted


Control circuit: LC1 c with cover 4-pole contactors LC1 c with cover



c Control circuit: LC1 c with cover LP1 c without cover




a.c D09D18 86 DT20 and DT25 90

D25D38 92 DT32 and DT40 98

d.c D09D18 95 DT20 and DT25 90

D25D38 101 DT32 and DT40 98

a.c D80 and D95, D40008 and D65008 130

d.c. D80 and D95 D40008 and D65008 186 D80 181




8 9 10

LC1 D115, D150

Panel mounted

130 158

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225

LC1 c G (3-pole) G (4-pole) References: pages 5/62 to 5/67

D115 132 96/110 130/144 Schemes: pages 5/96 and 5/97

D1156 115 96/110 130/144

D150 132 96/110

D1506 115 96/110

Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55



TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3-pole contactors (References: pages 5/62 to 5/65)

LC1D09 to D150
3/L2 1/L1 5/L3 13/NO 14 21/NC 22





4-pole contactors (References: pages 5/66 and 5/67)

LC1DT20 to DT80A LC1D115004
3/L2 5/L3 1/L1 7/L4


LC1D098 to D258
13/NO 21/NC R1 R3

LC1 and LP1 D40008 to D80008

R1 R3 R4














Front mounting add-on contact blocks

1 N/O LAD N10 (1)
43/NO (94)

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts (References: page 5/79)

1 N/C LAD N01 (1)
41/NC (92)

1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N11

53/NO 61/NC


2 N/O LAD N20

53/NO 63/NO

44 (93)


42 (91)

2 N/C LAD N02

51/NC 61/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C LAD N22

53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 71/NC


1 N/O + 3 N/C LAD N13

53/NO 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC



4 N/O LAD N40

63/NO 73/NO 74 73/NO 74
32 31/NC














4 N/C LAD N04

51/NC 71/NC 81/NC 61/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C including 1 N/O + 1 N/C make before break LAD C22
53/NO 87/NO 61/NC 75/NC


3 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N31

53/NO 83/NO
42 41/NC
44 43/NO












Instantaneous auxiliary contacts conforming to standard EN 50012 (References: page 5/79)

1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N11G
43/NO 31/NC

1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N11P

13/NO 21/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C LAD N22G

53/NO 63/NO 31/NC 41/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C LAD N22P

13/NO 21/NC









3 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N31G

31/NC 43/NO 53/NO 63/NO

3 N/O + 1 N/C LADN31P

21/NC 13/NO 33/NO 43/NO

1 N/O + 3 N/C LAD N13G

31/NC 51/NC 63/NO 41/NC


1 N/O + 3 N/C LAD N13P

13/NO 21/NC 31/NC 32












(1) Items in brackets refer to blocks mounted on right-hand side of contactor.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225

Caractristiques : pages 5/50 to 5/55

References : pages 5/62 to 5/83


Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95








Schemes (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys D contactors

Front mounting add-on contact blocks

2 N/O (24-50 V) LA1 DX20 2 N/C (24-50 V) LA1 DX02

Dust and damp protected instantaneous auxiliary contacts (References: page 5/79)
2 N/O (5-24 V) LA1 DY20 2 N/O protected (24-50 V) 2 N/O standard LA1 DZ40
53/NO 83/NO 63/NO 73/NO

2 N/O protected (24-50 V) + 1 N/O + 1 N/C standard LA1 DZ31

53/NO 73/NO 74 61/NC 83/NO 84





Time delay auxiliary contacts (References: page 5/80)

On-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD T
67/NO 55/NC

Off-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD R

57/NO 65/NC

On-delay 1 N/C + 1 N/O break before make LAD S

67/NO 55/NC






Mechanical latch blocks (References: page 5/80)

LAD 6K10 and LA6 DK20
A1 E1


Side mounting add-on contact blocks

1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD 8N11 (1)
153/NO 161/NC (172) (184)

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts (References: page 5/79)

2 N/O LAD 8N20 (1)
153/NO (184) 163/NO (174)


2 N/O LAD 8N02 (1)

251/NC (282) 261/NC (272)




154 (183)

162 (171)

154 (183)

164 (173)

(1) Items in brackets refer to blocks mounted on right-hand side of contactor.

Electronic serial timer modules

On-delay LA4 DTpU

Interface modules
Relay output

252 (281)

References: page 5/83. Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/225 Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 References : pages 5/62 to 5/83 Dimensions : pages 5/92 to 5/95

262 (271)

Solid state



TeSys contactors

TeSys D reversing contactors

LC2 D09 to D38

LC2 DT20 to DT40

2 x LC1 DT20 to DT40

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 x LC1 D09 to D38





G a




LC2 or 2 x LC1 D09 to D18 a D093 to D123 a D09 to D18 c D093 to D123 c D25 to D38 a D183 to D383 a D25 to D32 c D183 to D383 c

a 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

b 77 99 77 99 85 99 85 99

c (1) 86 86 95 95 92 92 101 101

e1 4 4 9 9

e2 1.5 1.5 5 5

G 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

LC2 or 2 x LC1 DT20 and DT25 DT32 and DT40 c, e: including cabling.

a 90 90

b 85 91

c 90 98

G 80 80

e1 and e2: including cabling. (1) With safety cover, without add-on block.

LC2 D40A to D65A

2 x LC1 D40A to D65A 37,5 26,5 37,5





64 119


7 8 9 10
Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55


References: pages 5/72 to 5/77

Schemes: pages 5/100 and 5/101


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys D reversing contactors

LC2 D80 and D95

2 x LC1 D80 and D95 a 2 x LC1 D80 and D95 c

6x6,5 = G1 =


6x6,5 G1





2 3 4





G a

40 =


G a


LC2 or 2 x LC1 D80 and D95 a D80004 a

a 182 207

b 127 127

c 158 158

e1 13

e2 20

G 57 71

G1 96 111

2 x LC1 D80 and D95

a 207

b 127

c 215

e1 13

e2 20

G 96

c, e1 and e2: including cabling.

c, e1 and e2: including cabling.

LC2 D115 and D150

2 x LC1 D115 and D150


G1 111

5 6



G a


LC2 or 2 x LC1 D115 and D150 D115004

a 266 334

c 148 148

e1 56

e2 18 60

G 242/256 310/324

7 8 9 10

c, e1 and e2: including cabling.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55

References: pages 5/72 to 5/77

Schemes: pages 5/100 and 5/101



TeSys contactors

TeSys D reversing contactors

Reversing contactors for motor control

1 2 3

LC2D09D150 Horizontally mounted

L1 L2 L3

LAD 9R1V With integral electrical interlocking

L1 L2 L3 13/NO




















Changeover contactor pairs

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC2DT20DT40 Horizontally mounted

1/L1 1/L2 1/L3 2/L1 2/L2 2/L3 1N 2N

LAD T9R1V With integral electrical interlocking

1/L1 1/L2 1/L3 2/L1 2/L2 2/L3 1N 2N











21/NC 22




















Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55

References: pages 5/72 to 5/77

Dimensions: pages 5/98 and 5/99





Schemes (continued)

TeSys contactors

TeSys D reversing contactors

Electrical interlocking of reversing contactors fitted with:

Mechanical interlock with integral electrical contacts LA9 D4002, LA9 D8002 and LA9 D11502 Mechanical interlock without integral electrical contacts LAD 9V2, LAD 4CM, LA9 D50978 and LA9 D80978

1 2









01 02

A1 A1






Low speed-High speed cabling kit, screw clamp terminals
L1 L2 L3

Low speed-High speed cabling kit, spring terminals

L1 L2 L3



4 5









21/NC 22










13 14

























6 7 8 9 10






Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/225

Characteristics: pages 5/50 to 5/55

References: pages 5/72 to 5/77

Dimensions: pages 5/98 and 5/99






TeSys contactors
Direct connection without choke inductors

For switching 3-phase capacitor banks,  used for power factor correction,

1 2 3

Special contactors LC1DpK are designed for switching 3-phase, single or multiple-step capacitor banks; they conform to standards IEC60070 and 60831, NFC 54-100, VDE0560, UL and CSA.

Special contactors

Specification Contactors fitted with a block of early make poles and damping resistors, limiting the value of the current on closing to 60 In max. This current limitation increases the life of all the components of the installation, in particular that of the fuses and capacitors. The patented design of the add-on block (n 90 119-20) ensures safety and long life of the installation. Operating conditions There is no need to use choke inductors for either single or multiple-step capacitor banks. Short-circuit protection must be provided by gI type fuses rated at 1.72 In. Maximum operational power
The power values given in the selection table below are for the following operating conditions: Prospective peak current at switch-on Maximum operating rate LC1DpK LC1DFK, DGK, DLK, DMK, DPK LC1DTK, DWK All contactor ratings 400 V 690 V Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Tightening torque on cable end 200 In 240 operating cycles/hour 100 operating cycles/hour 300 000 operating cycles 200 000 operating cycles Weight

Contactor applications

4 5
LC1 DFK11pp

Electrical durability at nominal load

Operational power at 50/60 Hz (1) q y 55 C (2)

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3)

220 V 240 V kVAR 6.7 8.5 10


400 V 440 V kVAR 12.5 16.7 20 25 33.3 40 60

660 V 690 V kVAR 18 24 30 36 48 58 92

N/O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

N/C 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2

N.m 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.5 5 5 9

LC1DFK11pp LC1DFK02pp LC1DGK11pp LC1DGK02pp LC1DLK11pp LC1DLK02pp LC1DMK11pp LC1DMK02pp LC1DPK12pp LC1DTK12pp LC1DWK12pp

kg 0.430 0.430 0.450 0.450 0.600 0.600 0.630 0.630 1.300 1.300 1.650

6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions, schemes : page 5/103

15 20 25 40

Switching of multiple-step capacitor banks (with equal or different power ratings)

The correct contactor for each step is selected from the above table, according to the power rating of the step to be switched. Example: 50 kVAR 3-step capacitor bank. Temperature: 50 C and U = 400 V or 440 V. One 25 kVAR step: contactor LC1DMK, one 15 kVAR step: contactor LC1DGK, and one 10 kVAR step: contactor LC1DFK. (1) Operational power of the contactor according to the scheme on the page opposite. (2) The average temperature over a 24-hour period, in accordance with standards IEC 60070 and 60831 is 45 C. (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 For other voltages between 24 and 440 V, please consult your Regional Sales Office

LC1 DPK12pp


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys contactors

For switching 3-phase capacitor banks,  used for power factor correction



1 2 3 4 5






LC1 DFK DGK c 117 122 Type of fixing LC1D12 See page 5/94 LC1D18 See page 5/94 LC1 DPK DTK Type of fixing LC1D40 LC1D50 See page 5/94 See page 5/94









157 85
LC1 DWK Type of fixing LC1D80


c 117 122

Type of fixing LC1D25 See page 5/94 LC1D32 See page 5/94

See page 5/94

7 8 9





3/L2 4/T2




R = Pre-wired resistor connections. Cabling (maximum permissible c.s.a.) Contactor type LC1 DFK Number of conductors 1 Flexible cable with cable end (mm2) 2.5 Solid cable with cable end (mm2) 4 References : page 5/102 DGK 1 4 6 DLK 1 4 10 DMK 1 6 16 DPK, DTK 1 2 16 6 25 16 DWK 1 50 50

2 1.5 4

2 2.5 6

2 4 6

2 4 10

2 25 35



Selection guide

TeSys contactors
From 115 to 2750 A


1 2
Rated operational current le max. AC-3 (Ue y 440 V) Ie max. AC-1 (q y 40 C) Rated operational voltage

Control of all types of motor for standard or severe duty applications Control of resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits: heating, lighting, cos j rectification, transformers, normal-standby

115 A 200 A

150 A 250 A

185 A 275 A

225 A 315 A

265 A 350 A

330 A 400 A

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of poles

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

3 or 4

Rated operational power in category AC-3

220/240 V 380/400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V

30 kW 55 kW 59 kW 59 kW 75 kW 80 kW 65 kW

40 kW 75 kW 80 kW 80 kW 90 kW 100 kW 65 kW

55 kW 90 kW 100 kW 100 kW 110 kW 110 kW 100 kW

63 kW 110 kW 110 kW 110 kW 129 kW 129 kW 100 kW

75 kW 132 kW 140 kW 140 kW 160 kW 160 kW 147 kW

100 kW 160 kW 180 kW 200 kW 200 kW 220 kW 160 kW

Add-on auxiliary contact blocks

Front mounting, identical to those used on LC1 D contactors (contacts: instantaneous  LA1 DNpp, time delay LA2 DT or LA3 DR, dust and damp protected LA1 DX or DY or DZ)

Associated thermal overload relays and controllers

Manual-auto Electronic

LR9 F TeSys T


Specific Universal

LA4 FWB With or without, depending on the control circuit

Contactor type

LC1 F115 LC2 F115

Contactors Reversing contactors 5/114 and 5/115 5/116 and 5/117

LC1 F150 LC2 F150

LC1 F185 LC2 F185

LC1 F225 LC2 F225

LC1 F265 LC2 F265

LC1 F330
For customer assembly 5/114 and 5/115 5/118 to 5/121

Reversing contactor type



version: 7.0


1 2

400 A 500 A

500 A 700 A

630 A 1000 A

780 A 1600 A

800 A 1000 A

1700 A

2100 A

750 A 800 A

1000 A 1250 A

1500 A 2000 A

1800 A 2750 A

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

1000 V

2, 3 or 4

2, 3 or 4

2, 3 or 4

3 or 4

1 to 4

1 to 4

1 to 4

1 to 4

110 kW 200 kW 220 kW 250 kW 257 kW 280 kW 185 kW

147 kW 250 kW 280 kW 295 kW 355 kW 335 kW 335 kW

200 KW 335 kW 375 kW 400 kW 400 kW 450 kW 450 kW

220 kW 400 kW 425 kW 425 kW 450 kW 475 kW 450 kW

250 kW 450 kW 450 kW 450 kW 450 kW 475 kW 450 kW

220 kW 400 kW 425 kW 450 kW 500 kW 560 kW 530 kW

280 kW 500 kW 530 kW 560 kW 600 kW 670 kW 530 kW

425 kW 750 kW 800 kW 800 kW 700 kW 750 kW 670 kW

500 kW 900 kW 900 kW 900 kW 900 kW 900 kW 750 kW

Front mounting, identical to those used on LC1 D contactors (contacts: instantaneous LA1 DNpp,  time delay LA2 DT or LA3 DR, dust and damp protected LA1 DX or DY or DZ)

4 instantaneous contact compositions:  2 N/C + 2 N/O, 3 N/O + 1 N/C, 1 N/O + 3 N/C or 4 N/O

LR9 F TeSys T

LR9 F TeSys T

LA4 FWB With or without, depending on the control circuit

LC1 F400

LC1 F500

LC1 F630

LC1 F780

LC1 F800

LC1 F1700 LC1 F2100





For customer assembly

5/114 and 5/115 5/118 to 5/117

5/184 and 5/185 5/186


version: 7.0



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F contactors (115 to 2100 A)


1 2 3 4 5

Contactor type Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to VDE 0110 gr C

V V kV

LC1 F115 1000 1500 8

LC1 F150 1000 1500 8

LC1 F185 1000 1500 8

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection

Coil not connected to the  power circuit

EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-4-1, JEM 1038 CSA, UL, BV, GL, DNV, RINA, RMROS, LROS, CCC Conforming to IEC 60529 Conforming to VDE 0106 Standard version Storage Operation Permissible at Uc (1) Without derating Without derating C C C m IP 2X front face with shrouds LA9 F Front face protected against direct finger contact with shrouds LA9 F TH - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 40+ 70 3000

Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions

(not to be used for LC1F780, F1700 and F2100) With derating

6 7 8 9 10
Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217 References: pages 5/114 and 5/115 Dimensions, mounting: pages 5/140 to 5/145 Shock resistance (2) 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms Vibration resistance (2) 5300 Hz

Apply the following derating coefficients: 0.75 on the  pull-i n voltage, 0.9 on the drop-out voltage and 0.8 on the operation a l curre nt in AC-1 Apply the following derating coefficients: 1.15 on the pull-in voltage, 1.1 on the drop-out voltage and 0.8 on the operational current in AC-1 In either case: neither the making and breaking capacities nor the electrical and mechanical durabilities can be assured. Not to be used

Contactor open Contactor closed Contactor open Contactor closed

9 gn 15 gn 2 gn 6 gn

9 gn 15 gn 2 gn 6 gn

7 gn 15 gn 2 gn 5 gn

(1) In these conditions, it is recommended that LX9 F coils be used for contactor sizes F115 to F225. (2) In the least favourable direction, without change of contact state (coil at Uc). Where higher resistance to mechanical shock is required, select shock-proof contactors. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Schemes: page 5/146


LC1 F225 1000 1500 8

LC1 F265 1000 1500 8

LC1 F330 1000 1500 8

LC1 F400 1000 1500 8

LC1 F500 1000 1500 8

LC1 F630 1000 1500 8

LC1 F780 1000 1500 8

LC1 F800 1000 1500 8

LC1 F1700 1000 1500 8

LC1 F2100 1000 1500 8

1 2 3 4 5

EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-4-1, JEM 1038 CSA, UL, BV, GL, DNV, RINA, RMROS, LROS, CCC IP 20 front face with shrouds LA9 F Front face protected against direct finger contact with shrouds LA9 F TH - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 40+ 70 3000 - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 5+ 55 - 60+ 80 - 5+ 40 - 40+ 60 UL, CSA, GL, LROS UL, CSA, CCC (pending)

(not to be used for LC1F780, F1700 and F2100) Not to be used Apply the following derating coefficients: 0.75 on the pull-in voltage, 0.9 on the drop-out voltage and 0.8 on the operational current in AC-1. Apply the following derating coefficients: 1.15 on the pull-in voltage, 1.1 on the drop-out voltage and 0.8 on the operational current in AC-1. In either case: neither the making and breaking capacities nor the electrical and mechanical durabilities can be assured

6 7

7 gn 15 gn 2 gn 5 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 5 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 5 gn

6 gn 15 gn 1.5 gn 5 gn

9 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn

5 gn 15 gn 2.5 gn 5.5 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn

6 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn

8 9 10


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F contactors (115 to 2100 A)

Pole characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor type Number of poles Rated operational current (le)(Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage  (Ue) Frequency limits Conventional thermal current Rated making capacity In AC-3, q y 55 C In AC-1, q y 40 C Up to Of the operational current (1) q y 40 C A A V Hz A A A A A A A A A A A mW W W

LC1 F115 3 or 4 115 200 1000 162/3200 200

LC1 F150 3 or 4 150 250 1000 162/3200 250

LC1 F185 3 or 4 185 275 1000 162/3200 275

I rms conforming to  IEC 60947-4-1 Rated breaking capacity I rms conforming to  IEC 60947-4-1 Maximum permissible current For 10 s No current flowing for previous  For 30 s 60 minutes, at q y 40 C For 1 min For 3 min For 10 min Short-circuit protection by fuses U y 440 V Motor circuit (type aM) With thermal overload relay (type gG) gG fuses At lth and 50 Hz AC-3 AC-1

Making current: 10 x I in AC-3 or 12 x I in AC-4 Making and breaking current: 8 x I in AC-3 or 10 x I in AC-4 1100 640 520 400 320 125 200 200 0.37 5 15 Maximum c.s.a. 2 20 x 3 95 95 6 10 1200 700 600 450 350 160 200 250 0.35 8 22 1500 920 740 500 400 200 315 315 0.33 12 25

Average impedance per pole Power dissipation per pole for the above  operational currents Connection Bar

Number of bars Bar Cable with lug Cable with connector Bolt diameter Tightening torque Power circuit connections

mm mm2 mm2 mm N.m

2 25 x 3 120 120 8 18

2 25 x 3 150 150 8 18

(1) Sine wave without interference. Above these values, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) With set of right-angled connectors LA9 F2100 (see page 5/125. (3) Paralleling of poles must be carried out only in accordance with the fuse manufacturer's recommendations.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

References: pages 5/114 and 5/115

Dimensions, mounting: pages 5/140 to 5/145

Schemes: page 5/145


LC1 F225 3 or 4 225 315 1000 162/3200 315

LC1 F265 3 or 4 265 350 1000 162/3200 350

LC1 F330 3 or 4 330 400 1000 162/3200 400

LC1 F400 2, 3 or 4 400 500 1000 162/3200 500

LC1 F500 2, 3 or 4 500 700 1000 162/3200 700

LC1 F630 2, 3 or 4 630 1000 1000 162/3200 1000 1250

LC1 F780 3 or 4 780 1600 1000 162/3200 1600

LC1 F800 3 800 1000 1000 162/3200 1000

LC1 F1700 3 1700 1000 162/3200 1700

LC1 F2100 3 2100 (2) 1000 162/3200 2100 (2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Making current: 10 x I in AC-3 or 12 x I in AC-4 Making and breaking current: 8 x I in AC-3 or 10 x I in AC-4 1800 1000 850 560 440 250 315 315 0.32 16 32 2200 1230 950 620 480 315 500 400 0.3 21 37 2650 1800 1300 900 750 400 500 500 0.28 31 44 3600 2400 1700 1200 1000 400 630 500 0.26 42 65 4200 3200 2400 1500 1200 500 800 800 0.18 45 88 5050 4400 3400 2200 1600 630 800 1000 0.12 48 120 6250 5600 4600 3000 2200 800 1000 2 x 800 (3) 0.10 60 250 5500 4600 3600 2600 1700 800 1000 1000 0.12 77 120

Making current: 1.5 x I in AC-1 Making and breaking current: 1.5 x I in AC-1 2 x 800 (3) 0.10 200 2 x 1000 (3) 0.10 200

2 32 x 4 185 185 10 35

2 32 x 4 240 240 10 35

2 30 x 5 240 10 35

2 30 x 5 2 x 150 10 35

2 40 x 5 2 x 240 10 35

2 3 60 x 5 60 x 5 12 58

2 100 x 5 2 x 12 58

2 60 x 5 12 58

3 100 x 5

4 100 x 5

12 ( 10 with set of rightangled connectors LA9 F2100) 58 (35 with set of right-angled connectors LA9 F2100)



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

TeSys F contactors (115 to 2100 A)

Control circuit characteristics with LX1 or LX9 coil

1 2 3 4

Contactor type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (q y 55 C) 50 or 60 Hz coils

50 or 60 Hz

LC1 F115 241000

LC1 F150

LC1 F185

Operation Drop-out Operation Drop-out

0.851.1 Uc 0.350.55 Uc

40400 Hz coils

Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc a 50 Hz Inrush

50 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j 50 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j 60 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j 60 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j


550 0.3 45 0.3 660 0.3 55 0.3 1216 2335 515 10 2400 Min/max c.s.a. 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

550 0.3 45 0.3 660 0.3 55 0.3 1216 2335 515 10 2400

805 0.3 55 0.3 970 0.3 66 0.3 1824 2035 715 10 2400



a 60 Hz Inrush




Heat dissipation

W Closing "C" Opening "O" In millions of operating cycles In operating cycles per hour ms ms

5 6 7 8 9 10

Operating time (1)

Mechanical durability at Uc Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature  y 55 C Connection Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable  with cable end Solid cable  without cable end Tightening torque Mechanical latching

1 or 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 or 2 conductors

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

Mechanical latch blocks LA6 DK must not be fitted on LC1 F contactors.  For similar type of operation, use magnetic latching contactors CR1 F.  See pages 5/240 to 5/267 (1) The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate. (2) Control circuit characteristics with LX1 coil.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

References: pages 5/114 and 5/115

Dimensions: pages 5/140 to 5/145

Schemes: page 5/146


LC1 F225 241000

LC1 F265

LC1 F330

LC1 F400 481000

LC1 F500

LC1 F630 481000

LC1 F780 110500

LC1 F800 110400

LC1 F1700 110500 (2)

LC1 F2100 110500 (2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.851.1 Uc 0.350.55 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.350.55 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.250.5 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.4 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc

805 0.3 55 0.3 970 0.3 66 0.3 1824 2035 715 10 2400

650 0.9 10 0.9 650 0.9 10 0.9 8 4065 100170 10 2400

650 0.9 10 0.9 650 0.9 10 0.9 8 4065 100170 10 2400

1075 0.9 15 0.9 1075 0.9 15 0.9 14 4075 100170 10 2400

1100 0.9 18 0.9 1100 0.9 18 0.9 18 4075 100170 10 2400

1650 0.9 22 0.9 1650 0.9 22 0.9 20 4080 100200 5 1200

2100 0.9 50 0.9 2100 0.9 50 0.9 2 x 22 4080 130230 5 600

1700 0.9 12 1700 0.9 12 25 6080 150180 5 600

2200 0.9 36 0.9 2200 0.9 36 0.9 2 x 18 4075 100170 5 600

2200 0.9 36 0.9 2200 0.9 36 0.9 2 x 18 4075 100170 5 600

Min/max c.s.a. 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

Mechanical latch blocks LA6 DK must not be fitted on LC1 F contactors. For similar type of operation, use magnetic latching contactors CR1 F. See pages 5/240 to 5/267.



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: d.c.

TeSys F contactors (115 to 2100 A)

Control circuit characteristics with LX4 coil

1 2 3 4 5

Contactor type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits  (q y 55 C)

c Operation Drop-out

LC1 F115 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc

LC1 F150 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc 560 4.5 3040 3050

LC1 F185 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc 800 5 3040 3050

Average consumption  at 20 C and at Uc

Inrush Sealed

W W ms ms

560 4.5 3040 3050

Average operating time at Uc (1)

Closing "C" Opening "O"

Mechanical durability at Uc

In millions of operating cycles

Note: The arcing time depends on the circuit switched by the poles. For all normal 3-phase applications, the arcing time is less than 10 ms. The load is isolated from the supply after a time equal to the sum of the opening time and the arcing time. 10 10 10 2400 Min/max c.s.a. 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2 2400 2400

Maximum operating rate at In operating cycles per hour ambient temperature y 55 C Cabling Flexible cable 1 conductor without cable end 2 conductors Flexible cable 1 conductor with cable end 2 conductors Solid cable 1 conductor without cable end 2 conductors Tightening torque

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

6 7 8 9 10

Mechanical latching

Mechanical latch blocks LA6 DK must not be fitted on LC1 F contactors. For similar type of operation, use magnetic latching contactors CR1 F. See pages 5/240 to 5/267. (1) The operating times depend on the type of contactor electromagnet and its control mode. The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

References: pages 5/114 and 5/115

Dimensions: pages 5/140 to 5/145

Schemes: page 5/146


LC1 F225 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc 800 5 3040 3050

LC1 F265 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc 750 5 4050 4065

LC1 F330 24460 0.851.1 Uc 0.150.2 Uc 750 5 4050 4065

LC1 F400 48440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.35 Uc 1000 6 5060 4560

LC1 F500 48440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.35 Uc 1100 6 5060 4560

LC1 F630 48440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.35 Uc 1600 9 6070 4050

LC1 F780 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.4 Uc 2 x 1000 2 x 21 7080 100130

LC1 F800 110400 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 1900 12 6080 4050

LC1 F1700 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.35 Uc 2100 10 5060 4560

LC1 F2100 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.35 Uc 2100 10 5060 4560

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: The arcing time depends on the circuit switched by the poles. For all normal 3-phase applications. the arcing time is less than 10 ms. The load is isolated from the supply after a time equal to the sum of the opening time and the arcing time. 10 2400 10 2400 10 2400 10 2400 10 2400 5 1200 5 600 5 600 5 600 5 600

Min/max c.s.a. 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1/4 1.2

Mechanical latch blocks LA6 DK must not be fitted on LC1 F contactors. For similar type of operation, use magnetic latching contactors CR1 F. See pages 5/240 to 5/267.



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F contactors for motor control in utilisation category AC-3 (115 to 800 A)

3-pole contactors

1 2 3 4

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3

Rated operational current in AC-3 440 V up to A 115 150 185 225 265 330 400 500 630 780 800

220 V 230 V kW 30 LC1 F225 40 55


380V 660V 400V 415V 440V 500V 690V 1000V kW kW kW kW kW kW 55 59 59 75 80 65 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 335 400 450 80 100 110 140 180 220 280 375 425 450 80 100 110 140 200 250 295 400 425 450 90 110 129 160 200 257 355 400 450 450 100 110 129 160 220 280 335 450 475 475 65 100 100 147 160 185 335 450 450 450

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Screw fixing, cabling (1) LC1 F115pp LC1 F150pp LC1 F185pp LC1 F225pp LC1 F265pp LC1 F330pp LC1 F400pp LC1 F500pp LC1 F630pp LC1 F780pp LC1 F800pp



kg 3.430 3.430 4.650 4.750 7.440 8.600 9.100 11.350 18.600 39.500 18.750

63 75 100 110 147 200 LC1 F630 220 250

5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217 Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

Note: auxiliary contact blocks, modules and accessories: see pages 5/122 to 5/127. (1) Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds, to be ordered separately, except on contactors LC1 F780 (see page 5/126). (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office) . Volts a 24 48 110 115 120 208 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 LC1 F115F225 50 Hz (coil LX1) B5 E5 F5 FE5 M5 P5 U5 Q5 V5 N5 60 Hz (coil LX1) E6 F6 G6 L6 M6 U6 Q6 R6 E7 F7 FE7 G7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 40400 Hz (coil LX9) LC1 F265F330 B7 E7 F7 FE7 G7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 40400 Hz (coil LX1) LC1 F400F630 E7 F7 FE7 G7 (3) L7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 40400 Hz (coil LX1) LC1 F780 F7 FE7 F7 L7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 40400 Hz (coil LX1) LC1 F800 FW FW FW MW MW MW QW QW QW 40400 Hz (coil LX4) (4) Volts c 24 48 110 LC1 F115F330 (coil LX4F) BD ED FD LC1 F400F630 (coil LX4F) ED FD LC1 F780 (coil LX4F) FD LC1 F800 (coil LX4F) FW (3) F7 for LC1 F630. (4) Coil LX4F8pp + rectifier DR5TEpp. 125 220 GD MD GD MD GD MD FW MW 230 250 400 440 MD UD UD UD RD RD RD



Dimensions : pages 5/140 to 5/142

Schemes : page 5/146


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F contactors for control in category AC-1, (200 to 2100A )

2, 3 or 4-pole contactors
Maximum current in AC-1 (q y 40 C) A 200

Number of poles

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (2) Screw fixing, cabling (1) LC1 F115pp LC1 F1154pp LC1 F150pp LC1 F1504pp LC1 F185pp LC1 F1854pp LC1 F225pp LC1 F2254pp LC1 F265pp LC1 F2654pp LC1 F330pp LC1 F3304pp LC1 F4002pp LC1 F400pp LC1 F4004pp LC1 F5002pp LC1 F500pp LC1 F5004pp LC1 F6302pp LC1 F630pp LC1 F6304pp LC1 F6302ppS011 LC1 F630ppS011 LC1 F6304ppS011 LC1 F780pp LC1 F7804pp LC1 F1700 LC1 F2100


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 4

kg 3.430 3.830 3.430 3.830 4.650 5.450 4.750 5.550 7.440 8.540 8.600 9.500 8.000 9.100 10.200 9.750 11.350 12.950 15.500 18.600 21.500 15.500 18.600 21.500 39.500 48.000 30.000 31.000

LC1 F1854


3 4



3 4


3 4

350 LC1 F4004 400

3 4 3 4



2 3 4

700 LC1 F6304

2 3 4



2 3 4


2 3 4

LC1 F1700


3 4


1700 2100 (3)

3 3

Note: auxiliary contact blocks, modules and accessories: see pages 5/122 to 5/127 (1) Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds, to be ordered separately (except LC1 F780, LC1 F1700 and LC1 F2100), see page 5/126 . (2) Standard control circuit voltages, see previous page. (3) With set of right-angled connectors LA9 F2100 (see page 5/125). LC1 F2100

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

Dimensions : pages 5/140 to 5/142

Schemes : page 5/146



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F reversing contactors for motor control  in utilisation category AC-3 (115 to 265 A),  pre-assembled
3-pole reversing contactors (horizontally mounted) (1)
Operational current in AC-3 440 V  up to A 115 150 185 225 265 Maximum Contactors operasupplied tional without coil (2) voltage Complete reference Fixing, cabling (3) V 1000 LC2F115 1000 1000 1000 1000 LC2F150 LC2F185 LC2F225 LC2F265 Weight

1 2 3 4 5


Pre-wired power connections

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3


220 V 380 V 660 V 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 690 V 1000 V kW kW kW kW kW kW kW 30 55 59 59 75 80 65 40 55 63 75 75 90 110 132 80 100 110 140 80 100 110 140 90 110 129 160 100 110 129 160 65 100 100 147

kg 7.560  7.560  10.100  14.200 16.480 

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description Power terminal protection shrouds For reversing contactors LC2F115 LC2F150, F185 LC2F225, F265 Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules    Quantity required 2 2 2 Reference LA9F701 LA9F702 LA9F703 See pages 5/122  to 5/127 Weight kg 0.250  0.250  0.250

6 7 8 9 10
Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217 Dimensions: pages 5/148 to 5/150

(1) Fitted with a mechanical interlock without electrical interlocking. Order separately 2 auxiliary contact blocks LADNp1 to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2contactors, see page 5/123 For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127 (2) Coils to be ordered separately: - a.c. supply, see pages 5/130 and 5/131, - d.c. supply, see page 5/133 (3) Screw fixing. Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds, to be ordered separately, see above.

Schemes: page 5/151


References (continued)

TeSys c ontactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

TeSys F changeover contactor pairs for control  in utilisation category AC-1 (200 to 350A),  pre-assembled
4-pole changeover contactor pairs (horizontally mounted) (1)
Pre-wired power connections
Utilisation category AC-1 Non inductive loads Maximum operational current q < 40 C Maximum operational voltage Contactors supplied without coil (2) Complete reference Fixing, cabling (3) LC2F1154 LC2F1504 LC2F1854 LC2F2254 LC2F2654



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A 200 250 275 315 350

V 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

kg 8.860  8.860 12.100  15.200  19.480 

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description Power terminal protection shrouds For changeover pairs LC2F1154 Quantity required 2 Reference LA9F706 LA9F707 LA9F708 Weight kg 0.250 0.250  0.250 

LC2F1504, F1854 2 LC2F2254, F2654 2 Auxiliary contact blocks and add-on modules   

See pages 5/122 to 5/127

(1) Fitted with a mechanical interlock without electrical interlocking. Order separately 2 auxiliary contact blocks LADNp1 to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2contactors, see page 5/123 For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127 (2) Coils to be ordered separately: - a.c. supply, see page 5/130, - d.c. supply, see page 5/136. (3) Screw fixing. Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds, to be ordered separately, see above.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

Dimensions: pages 5/148 to 5/150

Schemes: page 5/151



TeSys c ontactors

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover contactor pairs

Components for assembling 3-pole reversing contactors and changeover contactor pairs, for customer assembly
Horizontally mounted Mechanical interlocks
LA9Fp970 (2)

Sets of power connections

Reversing contactors LA9Fppp76 (2)
L1 L2 L3

1 2 3

Reversers assembled using  2 contactors of identical rating, type: LC1F115 LC1F150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F800

3-pole changeover contactor pairs (1) LA9Fppp82 (2)

1/L3 1/L2 1/L1 2/L1 1 2/L2 3 4 L2 2/L3 5 L3 A2 6 A1 2 4 6 L1 2




Vertically mounted

Mechanical interlocks

4 5 6 7 8

Reversers assembled using  2 contactors of identical rating, type: LC1F115 LC1F150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F800 Reversers assembled using  2 contactors of different ratings, see page 5/120



(1) For 4-pole changeover contactor pairs, see pages 5/120 and 5/121 (2) Complete references: see page 5/119.

9 10






TeSys c ontactors

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover pairs

Components for assembling 3-pole reversing contactors and changeover contactor pairs, for customer assembly Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.
Reversers assembled using 2 contactors of identical rating
Contactor type (1) Set of power connections Reference Weight kg Mechanical interlock Kit reference Weight kg

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For assembly of 3-pole reversing contactors for motor control

Horizontally mounted LC1F115 LC1F150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 or F800 Vertically mounted LC1F115 or F150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 or F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 or F800 LC1F780 LA9FF976 LA9F15076 LA9FG976 LA9F22576 LA9FH976 LA9FJ976 LA9FJ976 LA9FK976 LA9FL976 0.600 0.600 0.780 1.500 1.500 2.100 2.100 2.350 3.800 LA9FF970 LA9FF970 LA9FG970 LA9FG970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FL970 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.150

(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)


0.345 0.350 0.350 1.060 1.200 1.200 1.220 6.100

For assembly of 3-pole changeover contactor pairs (4)

Horizontally mounted LC1F115 LC1F150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 or F800 LA9FF982 LA9F15082 LA9FG982 LA9F22582 LA9FH982 LA9FJ982 LA9FJ982 LA9FK982 LA9FL982 0.460 0.460 0.610 1.200 1.200 1.800 1.800 2.300 3.400 LA9FF970 LA9FF970 LA9FG970 LA9FG970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FL970 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.150

Vertically mounted LC1F115 or F150 (2) LA9FF4F 0.345 LC1F185 (2) LA9FG4G 0.350 LC1F225 (2) LA9FG4G 0.350 LC1F265 or F330 (2) LA9FH4H 1.060 LC1F400 (2) LA9FJ4J 1.200 LC1F500 (2) LA9FK4K 1.200 LC1F630 or F800 (2) LA9FL4L 1.220 LC1F780 (3) LA9FX970 (3) 7.800 (1) To order the 2 contactors: see pages 5/114 and 5/115.For the 2 auxiliary contact blocks LADNp1 required to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2 contactors, see page 5/123 For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127 (2) With the exception of contactors LC1F780, all power connections are to be made by the customer. (3) Double mechanical interlock mechanism with 2 interlock connecting rods and 3 power connecting links. (4) For assembly of 4-pole changeover contactor pairs, see pages 5/120 and 5/121

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

Dimensions: pages 5/148 to 5/150

Schemes: page 5/151



TeSys c ontactors

TeSysF changeover contactor pairs

Components for assembling 3 and 4-pole changeover contactor pairs, for customer assembly

Horizontally mounted

Mechanical interlocks

Sets of power connections

4-pole changeover contactor pairs (1) LA9Fppp77
1/L3 1/L2








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor pairs assembled using 2 contactors of identical rating, type: LC1F1154 LC1F1504 LC1F1854 LC1F2254 LC1F2654 LC1F3304 LC1F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304





Vertically mounted
Contactor pairs assembled using 2 contactors of identical rating, type: LC1F1154 LC1F1504 LC1F1854 LC1F2254 LC1F2654 LC1F3304 LC1F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304

Mechanical interlocks
Assembly A LA9FF4F LA9FG4G Assembly B LA9FH4H LA9FJ4J LA9FK4K LA9FL4L Assembly C LA9FX971

Contactor pairs assembled using 2 contactors of different ratings, type: LC1F115 or F1154 LC1F150 or F1504 LC1F185 or F1854 LC1F225 or F2254 LC1F265 or F2654 LC1F330 or F3304 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630 or F6304 LC1F800

Assembly A LA9FG4F


Assembly C LA9FJ4H LA9FK4H, LA9FK4J LA9FL4H, LA9FL4J and LA9FL4K

Contactor pairs assembled using 3 contactors of identical or different ratings, type: LC1F115 or F1154 LC1F150 or F1504 LC1F185 or F1854 LC1F225 or F2254 LC1F265 or F2654 LC1F330 or F3304 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630 or F6304 LC1F800

LA9Fp4p4p: see pages 5/128 and 5/129

Important: the contactor ratings must be in decreasing size from top to bottom. (1) For 3-pole changeover contactor pairs, see pages 5/118 and 5/119.





TeSys c ontactors

TeSysF changeover contactor pairs

Components for assembling 3 and 4-pole changeover contactor pairs, for customer assembly Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.
Contactor pairs assembled using 2 contactors of identical rating
For assembly of 4-pole changeover contactor pairs (1)
Contactor type (2) Horizontally mounted LC1F1154 LC1F1504 LC1F1854 LC1F2254 LC1F2654 LC1F3304 LC1F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304 Vertically mounted LC1F1154 or F1504 LC1F1854 LC1F2254 LC1F2654 or F3304 LC1F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304 LC1F7804 Set of power connections Reference Weight kg LA9FF977 LA9F15077 LA9FG977 LA9F22577 LA9FH977 LA9FJ977 LA9FJ977 LA9FK977 LA9FL977 0.460 0.460 0.610 1.200 1.200 1.800 1.800 2.300 3.400 Mechanical interlock Kit reference Weight kg LA9FF970 LA9FF970 LA9FG970 LA9FG970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FL970 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.150

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (4)


0.345 0.350 0.350 1.060 1.200 1.200 1.220 7.800

Contactor pairs assembled using 2 contactors of different ratings

For assembly of 3 or 4-pole changeover contactor pairs
Contactor type(1) At bottom Vertically mounted LC1F115 or F1154 or LC1F150 or F1504 At top Mechanical interlock Kit reference Weight kg LA9FG4F LA9FG4F LA9FH4F LA9FH4F LA9FJ4F LA9FK4F LA9FL4F LA9FH4G LA9FH4G LA9FJ4G LA9FK4G LA9FL4G LA9FJ4H LA9FK4H LA9FL4H LA9FK4J LA9FL4J LA9FL4K 0.350 0.350 0.870 0.870 0.930 0.940 0.940 0.860 0.860 0.940 0.940 0.950 1.130 1.130 1.140 1.200 1.210 1.210

LC1F185 or F1854 or LC1F225 or F2254

LC1F265 or F2654 or LC1F330 or F3304 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004

LC1F185 or F1854 LC1F225 or F2254 LC1F265 or F2654 LC1F330 or F3304 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630, F6304 or F800 LC1F265 or F2654 LC1F330 or F3304 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630, F6304 or F800 LC1F400 or F4004 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630, F6304 or F800 LC1F500 or F5004 LC1F630 or F6304 or F800 LC1F630 or F6304 or F800

For assembly of reversers using 3 contactors, vertically mounted

See pages 5/128 and 5/129. (1) For assembly of 3-pole changeover contactor pairs, see pages 5/118 and 5/120 (2) To order the 2 contactors: see pages 5/114 and 5/115. For the 2 auxiliary contact blocks LADNp1 required to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2 contactors, see page 5/123. For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127 (3) All power connections are to be made by the customer. (4) Double mechanical interlock mechanism with 2 interlock connecting rods and 4 power connecting links.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

Dimensions: pages 5/148 to 5/150

Schemes: page 5/151



1 2

3 4

5 6 7 8 9





TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Auxiliary contact blocks

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

For use in normal operating environments
Number of contacts Maximum number of blocks per contactor Clip-on mounting 1 Composition Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 2

1 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 (1) 1 1 2 2


kg 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.050

With terminal referencing conforming to EN 50012

2 2

This type of connection is not possible for blocks with 1 contact or blocks with dust and damp protected contacts. For all other instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks, add the figure 6 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD N11 becomes LAD N116.

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by lugs

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks with dust and damp protected contacts
Recommended for use in particularly harsh industrial environments
Number of contacts Maximum number of blocks per contactor Clip-on mounting 2 Composition Reference Weight

2 2 2 2

2 (2) 2 1

LA1 DX20 LA1 DY20 LA1 DZ40 LA1 DZ31 Reference

kg 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.050

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks

Number of contacts 1 N/O + 1 N/C Maximum number of blocks per contactor Clip-on mounting 2 Time delay Type Range s LAD T0 LAD T2 LAD T4 LAD S2 LAD R0 LAD R2 LAD R4 Reference LA4 FSRE r Weight

On-delay 0.13 (3) 0.130 10180 130 (4) Off-delay 0.13 (3) 0.130 10180

kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060

Interface for PLC control

Type of I/O Inputs: c 24 V - 100 mA Outputs: a 480 V - 25 A Weight kg

(1) Including 1 N/O + 1 N/C make before break (2) Device fitted with 4 earth screen continuity terminals. (3) With extended scale from 0.1 to 0.6 s. (4) With switching time of 40 ms 15 ms between opening of the N/C contact and closing of the N/O contact. rAvailable 2nd half 2009. Presentation : page 5/122 Schemes : page 5/147



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Suppressor blocks
Suppressor blocks


1 2 3

b Effective protection for circuits highly sensitive to "high frequency" interference. For use only in cases where the voltage is virtually sinusoidal, i.e. less than 5% total harmonic distortion. b Voltage limited to 3 Uc max. and oscillating frequency limited to 400 Hz max. b Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.3 times the normal time). Mounting Clip-on mounting on all ratings  and all a.c. coils. LA9 D09981 LA4 Fppp Suppressor block bracket Uc a 2448 V 50110 V 127240 V 265415 V Reference LA4FRCE LA4FRCF LA4FRCP LA4FRCV LA9D09981 Weight kg 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.010

RC circuits (resistor-capacitor)

Varistors (peak limiting)

b Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. b Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Clip-on mounting on all ratings  a or c LA4FVE 2448 V and all coils. LA4FVF 50110 V 127240 V LA4FVP 265415 V LA4FVV 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040


4 5
LA9 Fp602

b No overvoltage or oscillating frequencies. b Increase in drop-out time (3 to 4 times the normal time). b Polarised component. c Clip-on mounting on all ratings 2448 V and all d.c. coils. 55110 V 125250 V 280440 V


0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040

Bidirectional peak limiting diodes (transil)

b Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to between 2 and 2.5 times Uc max. b Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Clip-on mounting on all ratings  a or c LA4FTE 0.040 2448 V and all coils. LA4FTF 0.040 50110 V 0.040 127240 V LA4FTP 0.040 265415 V LA4FTV

6 7 8


Connection accessories
For use on 4-pole contactors LA9 Fp601 Set of 4 links Set reference LA9FF602 LA9FG602 LA9FH602 LA9FK602 LA9FL602 Weight kg 0.200 0.350 1.000 1.750 3.000

Links for parallel connection of poles (in pairs)

LC1F1154 LC1F1504, F1854 LC1F2254, F2654, F3304, F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304

Links for star connection of 3 poles

LC1F115 LC1F150, F185 LC1F225, F265, F330, F400 LC1F500 LC1F630, F800 DZ3 FA3 LA9FF601 LA9FG601 LA9FH601 LA9FK601 LA9FL601 0.035 0.050 0.120 0.180 0.550


9 10

Control circuit voltage take-off from power terminals

For use with contactors LC1F115 LC1F150, F185 LC1F225F500 LC1F630, F800 Mounted on bolt size M6 M8 M10 M12 Sold in lots of 10 10 10 10 Unit reference DZ3FA3 DZ3GA3 DZ3HA3 DZ3JA3 Weight kg 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.009

Dimensions : pages 5/143 and 5/144


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys Fcontactors

Right-angled connectors
For use with Contactors Thermal overload relays (1) LC1F115 LA9Fp981 LC1F150, F185 LR9F5p69, F5p71, LR9F69, F71 LR9F5p67, LR9F67

For contactors or thermal overload relays

With connector plates Width 15 mm Type Rear Side Large surface area Rear Side Large surface area Rear Side Large surface area Rear Side Large surface area Rear Side Large surface area With connector plates Width 60 mm Type Rear Set of 3 connectors Set reference Weight kg LA9FF981 0.060 LA9FF979 LA9FF980 LA9FG981 LA9FG979 LA9FG980 LA9FJ981 LA9FJ979 LA9FJ980 LA9FK981 LA9FK979 LA9FK980 LA9FL981 LA9FL979 LA9FL980 0.240 0.150 0.080 0.350 0.200 0.430 0.750 0.490 0.480 0.920 0.800 1.210 2.570 3.190

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

20 mm


LC1F225, F265, F330, F400 LA9Fp979 LC1F500



25 mm

LR9F7p79, F7p81, LR9F79, F81

30 mm

LC1F630, F800


40 mm


For use with Contactors Thermal overload relays (1) LC1F1700, F2100

Set of 6 connectors Set reference Weight kg LA9F2100 9.550


Connection accessories
For use with Contactors Thermal overload relays (1) LC1F115 LR9F5p57, F5p63 LR9F5p67, F5p69 LR9F69, F71 LC1F150  LR9F5p57, F5p63 and F185 LC1F185 LC1F225  and F265 LR9F5p71, LR9F71 LR9F5p71, LR9F71 LR9F7p75, F7p79 LR9F75, F79 LC1F330  and F400 LC1F400 LC1F500 LR9F7p75, F7p79 LR9F75, F79 LR9F7p81,LR9F81 LR9F7p75, F7p79 LR9F7p81 LR9F75, F79, F81 LR9F7p81, LR9F81

For reversing contactors or "star-delta" contactors combined with a thermal overload relay
Width of connector plates 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 30 mm Set of 3 busbars Set reference LA7F401 LA7F402 LA7F407 LA7F403 LA7F404 LA7F404 LA7F404 LA7F405 Weight kg 0.110 0.110 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.270


LC1F630, F800

40 mm



(1) For protection relays class 10, replace the p with a 3 and for class 20, replace the p with a 5.

Dimensions : pages 5/143 and 5/144


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

Insulated terminal blocks

1 2


For use on 3-pole contactors LC1F115, F150, F185

Connection 1 x 16150 mm2  or  2 x 1695 mm2

Tightening tool 4 mm hexagonal socket key

Set of 2 blocks Set reference LA9F103

Weight kg 0.560

Power terminal protection shrouds

LA9 F103 For use on 2, 3 and 4-pole contactors LC1F115 LC1F150, F185 LC1F225, F265, F330, F400 and F4002 F500 and F5002 LC1F630, F6302 and F800 LC1F1154 Number of Set reference shrouds per set 6 LA9F701 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 LA9F702 LA9F703 LA9F704 LA9F706 LA9F707 LA9F708 LA9F709 Weight kg 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LA9 F701


LC1F1504 and F1854 LC1F2254, F2654, F3304, F4004, F5004 LC1F6304



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Spare parts


Per pole: 2 fixed contacts, 1 moving contact , 2 deflectors, 1 back-plate, clamping screws and washers. For contactor 2-pole Type LC1 F4002 LC1 F5002 LC1 F6302 LC1 F6302S011 LC1 F115. F150 LC1 F185. F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330. F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F630 LC1 F780 LC1 F800 LC1 F630S011 4-pole LC1 F1504. F1154 LC1 F1854. F2254 LC1 F2654 LC1 F3304. F4004 LC1 F5004 LC1 F6304 LC1 F7804 LC1 F6304S011 Replacement for 2 poles 2 poles 2 poles 2 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 1 pole 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 1 pole 4 poles 4 poles Reference LA5F400802 LA5F500802 LA5F630802 LA5F630802S011 LA5FF431 LA5FG431 LA5FH431 LA5F400803 LA5F500803 LA5F630803 LA5F780801 (1) LA5F780803 LA5F800803 LA5F630803S011 LA5FF441 LA5FG441 LA5FH441 LA5F400804 LA5F500804 LA5F630804 LA5F780801 (1) LA5F780804 LA5F630804S011 Weight kg 1.350 1.950 4.700 4.800 0.270 0.350 0.660 2.000 2.950 6.100 4.700 13.200 6.100 6.200 0.360 0.465 0.880 2.700 3.900 8.150 4.700 17.300 8.400

Sets of contacts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3-pole LA5 FG431


Arc chambers
LA5F40050 For contactor 2-pole Type LC1 F4002 LC1 F5002 LC1 F6302 LC1 F6302S011 LC1 F115 LC1 F150 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F630 LC1 F780 LC1 F800 LC1 F630S011 LC1 F1700 LC1 F2100 LC1 F1154 LC1 F1504 LC1 F1854 LC1 F2254 LC1 F2654 LC1 F3304 LC1 F4004 LC1 F5004 LC1 F6304 LC1 F7804 LC1 F6304S011 Replacement for 2 poles 2 poles 2 poles 2 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 1 pole 3 poles 3 poles 6 poles 6 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 4 poles 1 pole 4 poles Reference LA5F400250 LA5F500250 LA5F630250 LA5F630250 LA5F11550 LA5F15050 LA5F18550 LA5F22550 LA5F26550 LA5F33050 LA5F40050 LA5F50050 LA5F63050 LA5F780150 (1) LA5F80050 LA5F63050 LA5F170050 (2) LA5F210050 (2) LA5F115450 LA5F150450 LA5F185450 LA5F225450 LA5F265450 LA5F330450 LA5F400450 (3) LA5F500450 (3) LA5F630450 (4) LA5F780150 (1) LA5F630450 Weight kg 0.870 1.250 2.100 2.100 0.490 0.490 0.670 0.670 0.920 1.300 1.300 1.850 3.150 2.100 3.150 3.150 3.750 3.750 0.660 0.660 0.910 1.000 1.220 1.740 1.740 2.500 4.200 2.100 4.200





(1) Comprising 2 identical items per pole. (2) Comprising three 2-pole arc chambers. (3) Comprising two 2-pole arc chambers. (4) Comprising single-pole arc chambers.



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Accessories for assembly of reversing contactors  and changeover contactor pairs using 3 contactors, vertically mounted - for customer assembly
Closing of one of the 3 contactors prevents closing of the other 2.


1 2 3

Mechanical interlock kits

Contactor type (1) Top Middle

Bottom LC1F115, F150, F1154 or F1504 LC1F115, F150, F1154 or F1504

LC1F115, F150, F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, F1854 or F2254

LC1F115, F150, F1154 or F1504 LC1F115, F150, F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, F1854 or F2254

Mechanical interlock (2) Kit reference (3) Weight kg LA9FF4F4F 0.554 LA9FG4F4F 0.559


4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

LC1F115, F150, LA9FG4G4F 0.559 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FG4G4G 0.562 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LC1F115, F150, LC1F115, F150, LA9FH4F4F 1.350 F2654 or F3304 F1154 or F1504 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LC1F115, F150, LA9FH4G4F 1.375 F1854 or F2254 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FH4G4G 1.375 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LC1F115, F150, LA9FH4H4F 1.524 F2654 or F3304 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FH4H4G 1.527 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FH4H4H 1.684 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002  LC1F115, F150, LC1F115, F150, LA9FJ4F4F 1.421 or F4004 F1154 or F1504 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LC1F115, F150, LA9FJ4G4F 1.424 F1854 or F2254 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FJ4G4G 1.428 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LC1F115, F150, LA9FJ4H4F 1.595 F2654 or F3304 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FJ4H4G 1.598 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FJ4H4H 1.755 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LC1F115, F150, LA9FJ4J4F 1.666 or F4004 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FJ4J4G 1.669 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FJ4J4H 1.829 F2654 or F3304 LC1-F400, F4002 LA9FJ4J4J 1.890 or F4004 LC1F500, F5002  LC1F115, F150, LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4F4F 1.421 or F5004  F1154 or F1504 F1154 or F1504 (continued on page LC1F185, F225, LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4G4F 1.424 5/129) F1854 or F2254 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FK4G4G 1.428 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4H4F 1.595 F2654 or F3304 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FK4H4G 1.598 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FK4H4H 1.755 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4J4F 1.666 or F4004 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FK4J4G 1.669 F2654 or F3304 LC1F265, F330, LA9FK4J4H 1.829 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LA9FK4J4J 1.896 or F4004 LC1F500, F5002 LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4K4F 1.666 or F5004 F1154 or F1504 (1) To order the 3 contactors, see pages 5/114 and 5/115. For auxiliary contact blocks LADN02 used for electrical locking, see page 5/123. For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127 (2) Minimum distances between contactors, see page 5/129. (3) The kit contains the lever arms, the 2 x 8 mm rods and all parts required for assembly.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Accessories for assembly of reversing contactors  and changeover contactor pairs using 3 contactors, vertically mounted - for customer assembly
Mechanical interlock kits (continued)
Contactor type (1) Top Middle LC1F500, F5002 or F5004  (continued) Bottom



LC1F500, F5002 LC1F185, F225, or F5004 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FK4K4H 1.825 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LA9FK4K4J 1.896 or F4004 LC1-F500, F5002 LA9FK4K4K 1.896 or F5004 LC1F630, F800, LC1F115, F150, LC1F115, F150, LA9FL4F4F 1.428 F6302 or F6304 F1154 or F1504 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LC1F115, F150, LA9FL4G4F 1.431 F1854 or F2254 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FL4G4G 1.436 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LC1F115, F150, LA9FL4H4F 1.602 F2654 or F3304 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FL4H4G 1.606 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FL4H4H 1.751 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LC1F115, F150, LA9FL4J4F 1.673 or F4004 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FL4J4G 1.676 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FL4J4H 1.832 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LA9FL4J4J 1.903 or F4004 LC1-F500, F5002  LC1F115, F150, LA9FK4K4F 1.666 or F5004 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FK4K4G 1.669 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FK4K4H 1.825 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LA9FK4K4J 1.896 or F4004 LC1-F500, F5002 LA9FK4K4K 1.896 or F5004 LC1F630, F800, LC1F115, F150, LA9FL4L4F 1.680 F6302 or F6304 F1154 or F1504 LC1F185, F225, LA9FL4L4G 1.683 F1854 or F2254 LC1F265, F330, LA9FL4L4H 1.910 F2654 or F3304 LC1F400, F4002 LA9FL4L4J 1.896 or F4004 LC1F500, F5002 LA9FL4L4K 1.896 or F5004 LC1F630, F800, LA9FL4L4L 1.920 F6302, or F6304 (1) To order the 3 contactors, see pages 5/114 and 5/115. For auxiliary contact blocks LADN02 used for electrical locking, see page 5/123. For accessories, see pages 5/124 to 5/127. (2) Minimum distances between contactors. This is the distance, in mm, between the centres of two adjacent contactors (between the top and middle contactors or between the middle and bottom contactors). Contactor Bottom or top

Mechanical interlock (2) Kit reference (3) Weight kg LA9FK4K4G 1.669

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Middle LC1F115 LC1F185 LC1F265 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 or F150 or F225 or F330 or F800 LC1F115 or F150 200 210 240 250 270 320 LC1F185 or F225 210 220 250 250 270 330 LC1F265 or F330 240 250 250 260 280 350 LC1F400 250 250 260 260 280 320 LC1F500 270 270 280 280 300 340 LC1F630 or F800 320 330 350 320 340 380 (3) The kit contains the lever arms, the 2 x 8 mm rods and all parts required for assembly.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
a.c. 50/60 Hz supply coils



Maximum ambient air temperature: 55 C. Above this, use an LX9F coil, see page 5/135. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): y 2400. Control circuit Average Inductance Voltage Reference Weight voltage resistance at of closed code Uc - 50 Hz Uc - 60 Hz 20 C 10 % circuit W V V H kg

For contactors LC1F115 and LC1F150

24 0.27 0.04 B5 42 0.94 0.13 D5 48 0.78 0.11 E6 48 1.17 0.16 E5 110 4.55 0.59 F6 120 4.77 0.64 G6 110 6.38 0.86 F5 115 6.38 0.86 FE5 127/132 9.14 1.15 G5 200/208 14.5 1.87 L6 220 18.4 2.38 M6 240 18.9 2.5 U6 220 265/277 28.1 3.44 M5 230 28.1 3.44 P5 240 31.1 4.1 U5 380 57.2 7.05 Q6 440 72.6 9.21 R6 380 460/480 86.9 10.3 Q5 400 86.9 10.3 V5 415 95.1 12 N5 500 141 17 S5 660 172 20.3 Y6 660/690 254 28.9 Y5 1000 414 48.9 1000 610 68.5 Specifications Average consumption at 20C: - inrush 50Hz: 550VA; 60Hz: 660 VA, - sealed 50Hz: 45VA; 60 Hz: 55 VA, cos j= 0.3. Heat dissipation: 1216 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 2335 ms, opening = 515 ms. LX1FF024 LX1FF042 LX1FF040 LX1FF048 LX1FF092 LX1FF095 LX1FF110 LX1FF110 LX1FF127 LX1FF162 LX1FF184 LX1FF187 LX1FF220 LX1FF220 LX1FF240 LX1FF316 LX1FF360 LX1FF380 LX1FF380 LX1FF415 LX1FF500 LX1FF550 LX1FF660 LX1FF850 LX1FF1000 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430

2 3 4 5 6 7


For contactors LC1F185 and LC1F225

24 0.18 0.03 B5 42 0.57 0.09 48 0.47 0.08 E6 48 0.71 0.12 E5 110 2.74 0.44 F6 115/120 2.87 0.49 G6 110 4.18 0.65 F5 115 4.18 0.65 FE5 127/132 5.35 0.86 G5 200/208 8.8 1.41 L6 220 11.1 1.8 M6 240 11.4 1.87 U6 220 265/277 16.5 2.59 M5 230 16.5 2.59 P5 240 20.1 3.09 U5 380 34 5.32 Q6 440 43.5 6.94 R6 380 460/480 51.3 7.75 Q5 400 51.3 7.75 V5 415 62.3 9.06 N5 500 82.7 12.8 S5 660 103 15.3 Y6 660/690 154 21.8 Y5 1000 249 36.6 1000 370 51.6 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 Hz: 805VA; 60Hz: 970 VA, - sealed 50 Hz: 55VA; 60Hz: 66 VA, cos j= 0.3. Heat dissipation: 1824 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 2035 ms, opening = 715 ms. LX1FG024 LX1FG042 LX1FG040 LX1FG048 LX1FG092 LX1FG095 LX1FG110 LX1FG110 LX1FG127 LX1FG162 LX1FG184 LX1FG187 LX1FG220 LX1FG220 LX1FG240 LX1FG316 LX1FG360 LX1FG380 LX1FG380 LX1FG415 LX1FG500 LX1FG550 LX1FG660 LX1FG850 LX1FG1000 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550

8 9 10



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

Low sealed consumption. Operate on networks with harmonic numbers y 7. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): y 2400. Control Average resistance Inductance Voltage circuit at 20 C 10 % of closed code voltage circuit Inrush Sealed Uc W W V H

a.c. 40 to 400 Hz supply coils



1 2 3 4 5

kg 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750

For contactors LC1F265 and LC1F330

24 0.8 20 (1) B7 LX1FH0242 48 2.96 67 (1) E7 LX1FH0482 110 18.7 440 (1) F7 LX1FH1102 115 18.7 440 (1) FE7 LX1FH1102 120/127 22.9 536 (1) G7 LX1FH1272 200/208 58.4 1366 (1) L7 LX1FH2002 220 70.6 1578 (1) M7 LX1FH2202 230 70.6 1578 (1) P7 LX1FH2202 240 87.94 1968 (1) U7 LX1FH2402 277 113 2444 (1) W7 LX1FH2772 380 217 4631 (1) Q7 LX1FH3802 400 217 4631 (1) V7 LX1FH3802 415 217 4631 (1) N7 LX1-FH3802 440 265 6731 (1) R7 LX1FH4402 480/500 329 8543 (1) S7 LX1FH5002 600/660 296 10245 (1) X7 LX1FH6002 1000 696 25880 (1) LX1FH10002 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz and cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 600700 VA, - sealed: 810 VA. Heat dissipation: 8W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4065 ms, opening = 100170 ms.


For contactor LC1F400

48 1.6 29.5 0.18 E7 110/120 9.8 230 1.35 F7 115 9.8 230 1.35 FE7 120/127 12.8 280 1.75 G7 200/208 30 815 4.1 L7 220 37 1030 5.1 M7 230 37 1030 5.1 P7 240 47.5 1320 6.4 U7 265/277 61 1700 8.1 W7 380 120 3310 15.8 Q7 400 120 3310 15.8 V7 415 145 4070 19.4 N7 440 145 4070 19.4 R7 500 190 4980 25.5 S7 550/600 243 6310 27.4 X7 1000 720 19 420 84.6 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz and cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 10001150 VA, - sealed: 1218 VA. Heat dissipation: 14W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4075 ms, opening = 100170. (1) Please consult your Regional Sales Office. LX1FJ048 LX1FJ110 LX1FJ110 LX1FJ127 LX1FJ200 LX1FJ220 LX1FJ220 LX1FJ240 LX1FJ280 LX1FJ380 LX1FJ380 LX1FJ415 LX1FJ415 LX1FJ500 LX1FJ600 LX1FJ1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

6 7 8 9 10



References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
a.c. 40 to 400 Hz supply coils

References (continued)

1 2 3

Low sealed consumption. Operate on networks with harmonic numbers y 7. Control Average resistance Inductance Voltage circuit at 20 C 10 % of closed code voltage circuit Inrush Sealed Uc W W V H



kg 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150

For contactor LC1F500

48 1.9 33.5 0.19 E7 LX1FK048 110/120 9.55 260 1.25 F7 LX1FK110 115 9.55 260 1.25 FE7 LX1FK110 120/127 11.5 315 1.5 G7 LX1FK127 200/208 29 735 3.75 L7 LX1FK200 220 35.5 915 4.55 M7 LX1FK220 230 35.5 915 4.55 P7 LX1FK220 240 44.5 1160 5.75 U7 LX1FK240 265/277 56.5 1490 7.3 W7 LX1FK280 380 112 2980 14.7 Q7 LX1FK380 400 112 2980 14.7 V7 LX1FK380 415 143 3730 18.4 N7 LX1FK415 440 143 3730 18.4 R7 LX1FK415 500 172 4590 22.8 S7 LX1FK500 550/600 232 5660 23.9 X7 LX1FK600 1000 679 16 960 72 LX1FK1000 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz, cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 10501150 VA, - sealed: 1620 VA. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): y 2400. Heat dissipation: 18W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4075 ms, opening = 100170 ms.

4 5 6

For contactor LC1F630

48 1.1 110/120 6.45 115 6.45 127 8.1 200/208 20.5 220 25.5 230 25.5 240 25.5 265/277 31 380 78 400 78 415 96 440 96 500 120 550/600 155 1000 474 Specifications 17.1 165 165 205 605 730 730 730 900 2360 2360 2960 2960 3660 4560 12 880 0.09 1.85 1.85 1.05 2.65 3.35 3.35 3.35 4.1 10.5 10.5 13 13 16.5 19.5 56.2 E7 F7 FE7 G7 L7 M7 P7 U7 W7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 S7 X7 LX1FL048 LX1FL110 LX1FL110 LX1FL127 LX1FL200 LX1FL220 LX1FL220 LX1FL220 LX1FL260 LX1FL380 LX1FL380 LX1FL415 LX1FL415 LX1FL500 LX1FL600 LX1FL1000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500

7 8 9 10

Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz, cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 15001730 VA, - sealed: 2025VA. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 1200. Heat dissipation: 20W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4080 ms, opening = 100200 ms.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
a.c. 40 to 400 Hz supply coils

References (continued)
Low sealed consumption. Operate on networks with harmonic numbers y 7. Control Average resistance Inductance Voltage Reference circuit at 20 C 10 % of closed code voltage circuit Inrush Sealed Uc W W V H Weight

1 2 3 4

kg 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000

For contactor LC1F780

110/120 4.95 (2) 115 4.95 (2) 127 6.1 (2) 200/208 15.5 (2) 220 19.5 (2) 230 19.5 (2) 240 19.5 (2) 265/277 29.8 (2) 380 60.9 (2) 400 60.9 (2) 415/480 74.3 (2) 440 74.3 (2) 500 92 (2) Specifications 230 (2) 230 (2) 280 (2) 750 (2) 920 (2) 920 (2) 920 (2) 1330 (2) 2780 (2) 2780 (2) 3340 (2) 3340 (2) 4180 (2) 0.21 0.21 0.26 0.66 0.82 0.82 0.82 1.25 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.8 3.5 F7 FE7 G7 L7 M7 P7 U7 W7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 S7 LX1FX110 (1) LX1FX110 (1) LX1FX127 (1) LX1FX200 (1) LX1FX220 (1) LX1FX220 (1) LX1FX220 (1) LX1FX280 (1) LX1FX380 (1) LX1FX380 (1) LX1FX415 (1) LX1FX415 (1) LX1FX500 (1)

Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz, cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 19002300 VA, sealed: 4455 VA. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 600. Heat dissipation: 2 x 22 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4080 ms, opening = 130230 ms.

For contactor LC1F800

Control circuit Voltage Rectifier Coil voltage code Reference Reference Uc (3) V 110/127 FE7 DR5TE4U LX4F8FW 220/240 P7 DR5TE4U LX4F8MW 380/440 V7 DR5TE4S LX4F8QW Specifications Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 600. Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz, cos j = 0.8: - inrush: 1700VA, sealed: 12 VA Operating time at Uc: closing = 6080 ms, opening = 160180 ms. Control circuit voltage Uc V Average resistance at 20 C 10 % Inrush W Sealed W 106 106 260 260 315 420 735 735 915 915 1160 Inductance Voltage Reference of closed code circuit H 0.72 0.72 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.25 3.75 3.75 4.55 4.55 5.75 F7 G7 M7 P7 U7 W7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 S7 LX1FK065 (4) LX1FK070 (4) LX1FK110 (4) LX1FK110 (4) LX1FK127 (4) LX1FK140 (4) LX1FK200 (4) LX1FK200 (4) LX1FK220 (4) LX1FK220 (4) LX1FK240 (4) Weight kg 1.650 1.650 1.650

5 6


kg 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150

110 5.92 120 5.92 220 9.55 230 9.55 240 11.5 277 16.5 380 29 400 29 415 35.5 440 35.5 500 44.5 Specifications

For contactors LC1F1700 and LC1F2100

7 8 9 10

Average consumption at 20 C for 50 or 60 Hz, cos j = 0.9: - inrush: 16002400 VA, sealed: 2937 VA. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 600. Heat dissipation: 2 x 18 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4075 ms, opening = 100170 ms. (1) Reference of set of 2 identical coils, to be connected in series. (2) Value for the 2 coils in series. (3) Rectifier to be ordered separately: 0.100 kg. (4) Order 2 coils and connect them in series.



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
a.c. 40 to 400 Hz supply coils for specific applications (1)


1 2 3

Low sealed consumption. High tolerance to inrush voltage drops. Immune to micro-breaks (mains supply or contact chain). Operate on networks with harmonic numbers y 7. Control Average resistance Inductance Voltage circuit at 20 C 10 % of closed code voltage circuit Inrush Sealed Uc W W V H



kg 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430

For contactors LC1F115 and LC1F150

48 3.03 80.2 0.3 E7 LX9FF048 110 14.8 579 2.08 F7 LX9FF110 115 14.8 579 2.08 FE7 LX9FF110 120/127 19 746 2.65 G7 LX9FF127 208 45 1788 5.95 L7 LX9FF200 220 59.4 2190 7.7 M7 LX9FF220 230 59.4 2190 7.7 P7 LX9FF220 240 73.5 2750 9.68 U7 LX9FF240 380 173 6540 23 Q7 LX9FF380 400 173 6540 23 V7 LX9FF380 415 218 8460 30 N7 LX9FF415 440 218 8460 30 R7 LX9FF415 500 262 10 300 36 S7 LX9FF500 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: inrush: 690855 VA, sealed: 6.68.1 VA. Heat dissipation: 5.97.2 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): < 2400. Operating time at Uc: closing = 35 ms, opening = 130 ms.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For contactors LC1F185 and LC1F225

48 2.2 60 0.23 E7 LX9FG048 110 10.4 411 1.46 F7 LX9FG110 115 10.4 411 1.46 FE7 LX9FG110 120/127 13 520 1.85 G7 LX9FG127 208 33 1339 4.9 L7 LX9FG200 220 42.1 1680 5.84 M7 LX9FG220 230 42.1 1680 5.84 P7 LX9FG220 240 50.6 2060 7.22 U7 LX9FG240 380 128 4730 16.4 Q7 LX9FG380 400 128 4730 16.4 V7 LX9FG380 415 157 5930 20.6 N7 LX9FG415 440 157 5930 20.6 R7 LX9FG415 500 194 7550 26.3 S7 LX9FG500 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: inrush: 9501180 VA, sealed: 8.910.9 VA. Heat dissipation: 89.8 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): < 2400. Operating time at Uc: closing = 35 ms, opening = 130 ms. 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550


For contactors LC1F265 and LC1F330

48 2.96 72 (2) LX9FH0482 0.750 110/115 18.7 415 (2) LX9FH1102 0.750 120/127 22.9 156 (2) LX9FH1272 0.750 220/230 71.6 1621 (2) LX9FH2202 0.750 240 88 1968 (2) LX9FH2402 0.750 380/415 222 5075 (2) LX9FH3802 0.750 500 345 7990 (2) LX9FH5002 0.750 Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: inrush: 560660 VA, sealed: 810 VA. Heat dissipation: 8.410.4 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): < 3600. Operating time at Uc: closing = 45 ms, opening = 25 ms. (1) Application examples: hoisting (inching, high operating rates), Main-Standby (unstable mains supplies). These coils are particularly suited for use at higher operating temperatures (mounting in non-ventilated compartments, enclosures, etc.). (2) Please consult your Regional Sales Office.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

a.c. 40 to 400 Hz supply coils for specific applications

References (continued)
Coils with short operating times (at Uc): - N/O: 60 ms, - N/C: 50 ms (a side); 20 ms (c side). Coils with high operating rates (qy70C): - 3600 operating cycles/hour, - 1800 for LC1F630. Coils with low inrush consumption. Control Average resistance circuit at 20 C 10 % voltage Inrush Sealed Uc W W V

1 2 3 4
0.18 1.1 1.4 4 12 16 19 DR5TF4V DR5TE4U DR5TE4U DR5TE4U DR5TE4S DR5TE4S DR5TE4S LX9FK917 LX9FK925 LX9FK926 LX9FK931 LX9FK936 LX9FK937 LX9FK938 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080

Inductance Rectifier of closed Reference circuit (1) H 0.22 1.3 1.7 5 15 19 23 DR5TF4V DR5TE4U DR5TE4U DR5TE4U DR5TE4S DR5TE4S DR5TE4S

Coil Reference


kg LX9FJ917 LX9FJ925 LX9FJ926 LX9FJ931 LX9FJ936 LX9FJ937 LX9FJ938 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970

For contactor LC1F400

48 4.03 43 110 25.7 246 127 32.3 302 220/230 99.5 919 380/415 311 3011 440 386 3690 500 478 4380 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 500 VA, - sealed: 23 VA Heat dissipation: 11.413.9 W.


For contactor LC1F500

48 3.73 30.7 110 24 204 127 29.8 250 220/230 89.9 770 380/415 274 2075 440 361 3060 500 448 3750 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 550 VA, - sealed: 31 VA Heat dissipation: 1518.3 W.

5 6



For contactor LC1F630


48 2.81 20.8 0.17 110 13.5 114 0.77 127 20.8 167 1.2 220 52 425 2.9 220/240 64.5 518 3.6 380/400 163 1360 8.8 415/440 204 1670 11 500 312 2510 17 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 830 VA, - sealed: 47 VA Heat dissipation: 22.827.8 W. (1) Rectifier to be ordered separately: 0.100 kg.


LX9FL917 LX9FL924 LX9FL926 LX9FL930 LX9FL931 LX9FL935 LX9FL936 LX9FL938

1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450

7 8 9 10



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
d.c. supply coils


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Low sealed consumption. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): y 2400. Control Average resistance Inductance Voltage circuit at 20 C 10 % of closed code voltage circuit Inrush Sealed Uc W W V H



kg LX4FF024 LX4FF048 LX4FF110 LX4FF125 LX4FF220 LX4FF250 LX4FF440 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430

For contactors LC1F115 and LC1F150

24 1.12 177 11 BD 48 4.52 715 42.7 ED 110 21.7 2940 179 FD 125 26.8 3560 223 GD 220/230 84 11100 704 MD 250 105 13000 868 UD 440/460 301 48200 4000 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 543665 W, - sealed: 3.944.83 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 3040 ms, opening = 3050 ms.


For contactors LC1F185 and LC1F225

24 0.79 169 14.9 BD 48 3.2 662 55.3 ED 110 14.9 2810 241 FD 125 19 3320 289 GD 220/230 57.7 10200 890 MD 250 76 12400 1140 UD 440/460 223 39700 4210 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 737902 W, - sealed: 4.135.07 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 3040 ms, opening = 3050 ms. LX4FG024 LX4FG048 LX4FG110 LX4FG125 LX4FG220 LX4FG250 LX4FG440 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550

For contactors LC1F265 and LC1F330

24 0.9 192 26.3 BD 48 3.49 707 92.9 ED 110 16.8 3180 424 FD 125 20.8 3840 530 GD 220/230 65.7 11500 1590 MD 250 84 13900 1910 UD 440/460 255 44000 7570 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 655803 W, - sealed: 3.684.53 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 4050 ms, opening = 4065 ms. LX4FH024 LX4FH048 LX4FH110 LX4FH125 LX4FH220 LX4FH250 LX4FH440 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740


For contactor LC1F400

48 2.5 558 56 ED 110 12.7 2660 270 FD 125 15.8 3130 330 GD 220 47 8820 910 MD 250 61 10 500 1200 UD 440 236 33 750 4435 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 9201140 W, - sealed: 47.5 W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 5060 ms, opening = 4560 ms. LX4FJ048 LX4FJ110 LX4FJ125 LX4FJ220 LX4FJ250 LX4FJ440 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
d.c. supply coils

References (continued)
Low sealed consumption. Control Average resistance circuit at 20 C 10 % voltage Inrush Sealed Uc W W V

Inductance Voltage of closed code circuit H



1 2 3

kg LX4FK048 LX4FK110 LX4FK125 LX4FK220 LX4FK250 LX4FK440 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080

For contactor LC1F500

48 2.35 515 67 ED 110 11.5 2450 280 FD 125 15 2930 400 GD 220 44 8150 1080 MD 250 56 9650 1350 UD 440 225 31300 5270 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 9901220 W, - sealed: 4.548 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 2400. Operating time at Uc: closing = 5060 ms, opening = 4560 ms.


For contactor LC1F630

48 1.7 353 40.5 ED 110 8.1 1680 180 FD 125 10 2110 230 GD 220 31 5160 650 MD 250 38 6080 815 UD 440 152 23120 2910 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 14201920 W, - sealed: 6.512.5 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 1200. Operating time at Uc: closing = 6070 ms, opening = 4050. LX4FL048 LX4FL110 LX4FL125 LX4FL220 LX4FL250 LX4FL440 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450

4 5

For contactor LC1F780

110 6.1 (2) 280 (2) 0.26 FD LX4FX110 (1) 125 7.7 (2) 410 (2) 0.33 GD LX4FX125 (1) 220 24.6 (2) 1100 (2) 1 MD LX4FX220 (1) 250 29.8 (2) 1330 (2) 1.25 UD LX4FX250 (1) 440 92 (2) 4180 (2) 3.5 RD LX4FX440 (1) Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 19602420 W, - sealed: 4252 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 600. Operating time at Uc: closing = 7080 ms, opening = 100130 ms. 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000

6 7 8 9 10

For contactor LC1F800

110/120 FW LX4F8FW 220/240 MW LX4F8MW 380/400 QW LX4F8QW Specifications Heat dissipation: 25W. Operating time at Uc: closing = 6080 ms, opening = 4050 ms. 1.650 1.650 1.650

For contactors LC1F1700 and LC1F2100

110 2.94 734 98 FD 125 3.73 916 122 GD 220 11.5 2450 280 MD 250 15 2930 400 UD 440 44 8150 1080 RD Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 20002200 W, - sealed: 810 W. Operating cycles/hour (q y 55 C): 600. Operating time at Uc: closing = 5060 ms, opening = 4560 ms. (1) Reference of set of 2 identical coils, to be connected in series. (2) Value for the 2 coils in series. (3) Order 2 coils and connect them in series. LX4FK055 (3) LX4FK065 (3) LX4FK110 (3) LX4FK125 (3) LX4FK220 (3) 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

d.c. supply coils for specific applications


1 2 3 4
813196 813194

Coils with short operating times (at Uc) : - N/O: 60 ms, - N/C: 20 ms. Coils with high operating rates (q y 70 C): - 3600 operating cycles/hour, - 1800 for LC1F630. Coils with low inrush consumption. Control Average circuit resistance voltage at 20 C 10 % Uc Inrush Sealed W W V Induc- Resistor (1) tance of Qty Reference closed required circuit H 0.27 1.7 2 6.1 23 1 1 1 1 1 DR2SC0047 DR2SC0330 DR2SC0390 DR2SC1200 DR2SC4700 LX9FJ918 LX9FJ926 LX9FJ927 LX9FJ932 LX9FJ938 Coil Reference

Weight kg 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970

For contactor LC1F400

48 5.11 110 32.3 125 39.4 220 123 440/460 478 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 430 W, - sealed: 22 W. LX9FJppp 99 632 760 2320 9080

For contactor LC1F500

48 4.67 110 29.8 125 37.4 220 115 440/460 448 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 470 W. - sealed: 29 W. 76.7 470 637 1935 7050 0.22 1.4 1.7 5.1 19 1 1 1 1 1 DR2SC0039 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0330 DR2SC1000 DR2SC3300 LX9FK918 LX9FK926 LX9FK927 LX9FK932 LX9FK938 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080


For contactor LC1F630

6 7 8 9 10

48 3.43 110 17.2 125 20.8 220 64.5 440/460 260 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 733 W. - sealed: 48 W. LX9FLppp

52.9 272 333 1018 4010

0.20 0.98 1.2 3.6 14

2 2 2 2 2

DR2SC0047 DR2SC0270 DR2SC0330 DR2SC1000 DR2SC3900

LX9FL918 LX9FL925 LX9FL926 LX9FL931 LX9FL937

1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450


(1) Resistor to be ordered separately, weight of resistor: 0.030 kg.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors
Wide range d.c. supply coils for specific applications

References (continued)
Wide range coils: 0.71.25 Uc. Operating cycles/hour: y 60 (1). Ambient temperature (operation): - 55 to + 70 C. Control Average resistance circuit voltage at 20 C 10 % Uc Inrush Sealed W W V

Inductance of closed circuit H 7.4 27 66 121 149



1 2 3

kg LX4FF020 LX4FF040 LX4FF060 LX4FF090 LX4FF100 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430

For contactors LC1F115 and LC1F150

24 0.71 48 2.86 72 7.05 110 13.2 125 16.9 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 4151300 W, - sealed: 39 W. 24 0.52 48 2 72 5.07 110 9.66 125 12 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 5801820 W, - sealed: 3.19.5 W. 120 392 1055 1970 2340


For contactors LC1F185 and LC1F225

112 359 984 1840 2230 9.3 34.4 85 157 196 LX4FG020 LX4FG040 LX4FG060 LX4FG090 LX4FG100 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


For contactors LC1F265 and LC1F330

24 0.58 48 2.19 72 5.58 110 11 125 13.8 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 5151600 W, - sealed: 2.78.5 W. Oper- Average ational resistance voltage at 20 C 10 % V W 129 400 1110 2120 2520 17.3 59.5 149 287 353 LX4FH020 LX4FH040 LX4FH060 LX4FH090 LX4FH100 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740


Induc- Coil Economy resistor tance Resistors in // of closed circuit Reference No. W Reference H LX2FJW11 3 LX2FJW18 3 LX2FJW21 3

Reference of the assembly (2)


kg 0.970 0.970 0.970

For contactor LC1F400

24 1.05 0.049 48 4.8 0.22 72 9.6 0.44 Specifications Average consumption: - inrush: 290860 W, - sealed: 1647 W. 56 DR2SC0056 LX5FJW11 220 DR2SC0220 LX5FJW18 470 DR2SC0470 LX5FJW21

(1) The mechanical durability of the contactor is limited to 1 million operating cycles. (2) The set comprises: 1 coil LX2FJ and 3 resistors DR2SC.



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

LC1F115 to F330

1 2

S (1)






L c

= Z Q P a P Q1 f

G1 G

= Y

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. 200500 V 6001000 V LC1 F115, F150 10 15 F185 10 15 F225, F265 10 15 F330 10 15 (1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/126). L 107 107 107 107 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 141 141 145 145 M 147 147 150 150 154 154 172 172 178 178 181 181 P 37 37 40 40 40 40 48 48 48 48 48 48 Q 29.5 29.5 26 26 29 29 21 17 39 34 43 43 Q1 60 60 57.5 55.5 59.5 59.5 51.5 47.5 66.5 66.5 74 74 S 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 S1 26 26 34 34 34 34 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 Y 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 38 38 38 38 Z 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 21.5 21.5 20.5 20.5


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 F115

a b b1 b2 3P 163.5 162 137 265 4P 200.5 162 137 265 F150 3P 163.5 170 137 301 4P 200.5 170 137 301 F185 3P 168.5 174 137 305 4P 208.5 174 137 305 F225 3P 168.5 197 137 364 4P 208.5 197 137 364 F265 3P 201.5 203 145 375 4P 244.5 203 145 375 F330 3P 213 206 145 375 4P 261 206 145 375 f = minimum distance required for coil removal.

c 171 171 171 171 181 181 181 181 213 213 219 219

f 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 147 147 147 147

G 106 143 106 143 111 151 111 151 142 190 154.5 202.5

G1 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 96 96 96 96

J 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106

J1 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

LC1 F400 and F500

56 (1)

44,5 6xM10x35



120 =

= b2 M b


G 23,5 G1 J Q P P a Q1 f

L c

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. 200500 V 6001000 V LC1 F400 15 20 F500 15 20 (1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/126). J 19.5 19.5 67.5 39.5 39.5 34.5 L 145 145 145 146 146 146 M 181 181 181 208 208 208 P 48 48 48 55 55 55 Q 69 43 43 76 46 46 Q1 96 74 74 102 77 77 S 25 25 25 30 30 30

LC1 F400



f 146 146 146 150 150 150

2P 213 206 375 219 3P 213 206 375 219 4P 261 206 375 219 F500 2P 233 238 400 232 3P 233 238 400 232 4P 288 238 400 232 f = minimum distance required for coil removal.

G supplied 80 80 80 80 80 140

G min. 66 66 66 66 66 66

G max. 102 102 150 120 120 175

G1 supplied 170 170 170 170 170 230

G1  min 156 156 156 156 156 156

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

References : pages 5/114 to 5/117

G1  max. 192 192 240 210 210 265

Schemes : page 5/146


Dimensions (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

LC1 F630 and F800

72 (1) 40 64 6xM12x45









2 3 4 5 6

155 197 255

Q 80 a 80 Q1 181(2)


LC1 F630 F630, F800 F630 2P 3P 4P

a 309 309 389

G supplied 180 180 240

G min. 100 100 150

G max. 195 195 275

J1 68.5 68.5 68.5

Q 102 60 60

Q1 127 89 89

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage 200500 V 6901000 V 200690 V 1000 V LC1F630 20 30 LC1F800 10 (1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/126). (2) Minimum distance required for coil removal. 20












191 183 (1) 160 160 191 183 (1)
X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage 200500 V 6901000 V X1 (mm) 30 35

165 255

(1) Minimum distance required for coil removal.

3P=702, 4P=862

Fixing centres of LC1F7804


Fixing centres of LC1F780


8 9







Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113


References : pages 5/114 to 5/117


Schemes : page 5/146



Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217




TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

LC1F1700 and LC1 F2100


129,7 = = 34 =

129,7 24x5 34




3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


137,3 238,6 200 (1)

LC1 F1700 : 84,9 LC1 F2100 : 91 438 200 (1)

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage 200500 V 6901000 V X1 (mm) 90 100

(1) Minimum distance required for coil removal.

Fixing centres of LC1F1700 and 2100


240 50 190 50 49,5

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113


References : pages 5/114 to 5/117

Schemes : page 5/146




TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

Right-angled connectors LA9Fp981 (set of 3) for rear connection

LA9 a b b1 c G H FF981 15 18 3 42 24 10.5 6.5 FG981 20 23 3 45 26 13 9 FJ981 25 29 4 55 32.5 16.5 11 FK981 30 35 5 52 26 20 11 FL981 40 48 8 86 45 28 13


2 3


Right-angled connectors LA9Fp979 (set of 3) for side connection

LA9 a b b1 c G G1 H

FF979 15 54 5 80 24 20 36 6.5

FG979 20 58 5 92 28 22 39 9

FJ979 25 63.5 6 120 37 29 41 11

FK979 30 68 6 120 37 29 42 11

FL979 40 117 10 130 37.5 35 76 13

4 5 6 7 8

Right-angled connectors LA9Fp980 with large surface area (set of 3)

c c1 = a G =
LA9 a b b1 c c1 G H H1 H2 (1) FF980 35 70.5 40 29 3 18 18 10 60.5 6.5 7 x 10 FG980 40 82.5 45 29 3 20 20 12 72.5 9 9 x 12 FJ980 50 98.5 55 33 5 25 22 14 84.5 11 11 x 14 FK980 60 114 65 33 5 29 26 17 97 11 12.5 x 15 FL980 100 154 85 43 10 53 40 20 132 13 12.5 x 15


b1 H2


Right-angled connectors LA9F2100 (set of 6) for rear connection




25 25


13 47

34 60

16 34

9 10

References : page 5/125



Dimensions (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

Paralleling links (set of 4)

1 2

LA9FF602, FG602, FH602

a c = =

H1 b


LA9FK602, FL602

a c = G =

H2 H1


3 4

LA9 a b b1 c G H H1 H2 1 2

FF602 25 45 30 4 37.5 12.5 6.5 11

FG602 30 55 35 5 45 15 9 11

FH602 40 60 40 8 52.5 15 11 13

FK602 50 85 55 10 22 70 14 22 11 11

FL602 60 100 65 10 26 85 17 26 13 14

Links for "star" connection of 3 poles


= =

5 6 7 8 9 10
References : page 5/124


LA9 a b c

FF601 69 15 3 6.5 x 8.5

FG601 100 20 3 8.5 x 10.5

FH601 121 20 5 10.5 x 13

FK601 140 30 5 11

FL601 200 40 8 13



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

LC1F115 to F330
On panel On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1 PA, PB, PC On rails DZ5 MB on 120 mm centres


1 2 3






= J c
LC1 c (2) 3P 4P G 3P 4P J 3P 4P J1 3P 4P F115 F150 171 171 80 80 26.5 45 57 75.5 F185 F225 181 181 80 80 29 49 59.5 79.5 F265 213 213 96 96 44.5 68.5 61.5 85.5

= G J1 c
F330 219 219 96 96 44.5 68.5 61.5 85.5 LC1 c (2) 3P 4P G 3P 4P F115 F150 171 171 80 80 F185 F225 181 181 80 80 F265 213 213 96 96 F330 219 219 96 96 LC1 c (2) 3P 4P G 3P 4P

F115 F150 171 171 80 80

F185 F225 181 181 80 80 F265 213 213 96 96 F330 219 219 96 96


4 5

On 2 notched rails AM1ECppp

LC1F115 to F330
AM1 EC200

LC1F400 to F800
AF1 CD081 + AF1 VC820

AF1 CD101+ AF1 VC10


AF1 CD061+ AF1 VA618 AF1 VA618 M6

AF1 CD061

AF1 VA618 M6 LA9 F100

AF1 CD081+ AF1 VC820

6 7



G AM1 EC200

G AM1 EC200 G3


G1 G2




LC1 c

F115, F150 F185, F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 3P 165 (5) 176 207 213 219 232 255 4P 165 (5) 176 207 213 219 232 255 G (M6) 3P 80 80 96 96 4P 80 80 96 96 80 80 G1 ( 8.5) 3P 4P 80 140 180 G2 ( 10.5) 3P 4P 240 (1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/126). (2) See X1 (minimum electrical clearance) pages 5/140 and 5/141. (3) AF1CDppp and AF1VAppp. (4) This AM1EC200 upright is required when G2 or G3 is greater than 700 mm (please consult your Regional Sales Office). (5) + 6 mm with time-delay block on LC1 F.

F780 255 255 See page 5/141

F800 255 180

8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

References : pages 5/114 to 5/117

Schemes : page 5/146



TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2, 3 and 4-pole contactors LC1F115 to F630 (coil LX1F a)

3/L2 5/L3 7/L4 1/L1

LC1F115 to F630 (coil LX4F c) LC1F115 to F265 (coil LX9F a) LC1F800 (coil LX8F a/ c)
3/L2 7/L4 5/L3 1/L1 A2

LC1F780 a or c

LC1F1700 a or c LC1F2100 a or c
3/L2 T2/4 1/L1 5/L3 T3/6























Standard a coils LX1FF, FG, FJFL LX1FH0422FH3802
03 A1 A2

LX1FH0202FH0362 LX1FH4402FH10002 LX1F8p


LX1FX Rectifier supplied and fixed on the contactor

A1 A2 A1 A2

A2 A1 A2


Standard c coils LX4FF, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FL, FX (1), LX4F8p



(1) 2 coils in series. Special a coils LX9FF, FG


A1 B1





(1) Breaking on a side. Drop-out time 50 ms . (2) Breaking on c side. Drop-out time 20 ms .

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

References : pages 5/114 to 5/117






A1 A2

Dimensions : pages 5/140 to 5/142





Schemes (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys F contactors

Add-on blocks
Instantaneous auxiliary contacts 1 N/O LAD N10 (1) 1 N/C LADN01 (1)

1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N11

53/NO 61/NC

2 N/O LAD N20

53/NO 63/NO

2 N/C LAD N02

51/NC 61/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C LAD N22

53/NO 83/NO 51/NC

44 (93)

42 (91)




41/NC (92)

1 2 3 4


1 N/O + 3 N/C LAD N13

53/NO 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

4 N/O LAD N40

53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO


4 N/C LAD N04

51/NC 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C (2) LAD C22

53/NO 87/NO 61/NC 75/NC

3 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N31

53/NO 73/NO 74 83/NO 84 61/NC
















(1) Items in brackets: See TeSys D contactors. (2) 1 N/O + 1 N/C make before break. Instantaneous auxiliary contacts with terminal referencing conforming to standard EN 50012 (References: pages 5/122 and 5/123) 1 N/O + 1 N/C 1 N/O + 1 N/C 2 N/O + 2 N/C 2 N/O + 2 N/C LADN11P LADN11G LADN22P LADN22G
13/NO 43/NO














Dust and damp protected instantaneous auxiliary contacts 2 N/O (24-50 V) 2 N/O (5-24 V) 2 N/O protected (24-50 V) + 2 N/O standard LA1DX20 LA1DY20 LA1DZ40
53/NO 63/NO
53/NO 63/NO









2 N/O protected (24-50 V) + 1 N/O + 1 N/C standard LA1DZ31

53/NO 73/NO 83/NO 61/NC
















5 6 7 8 9 10










Time delay auxiliary contacts On-delay 1 N/O +1 N/C LAD Tp

67/NO 55/N

Off-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD Rp

57/NO 65/NC

On-delay 1 N/C + 1 N/O break before make LADSp

55/NC 67/NO





Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/106 to 5/113

References : page 5/123





TeSys contactors
Horizontally mounted

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover  contactor pairs


1 2

LC2F115 to F265 (reverser supplied on 2 bars which can be used for fixing the device)

X1 =


Q1 f

P1 a

Q1 f

= G1

= J a2

= G1

= J1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f - Minimum distance required for coil removal. X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. LC1 200500 V 6601000 V F115, F150 10 15 F185 10 15 F225, F265 10 15

Bar fixing centres Vertical: 120mm Horizontal: a2 see table

LC2 F115 F150 F185 F225 F265

3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P

a 345 419 345 422 357 437 357 437 425 521

a2 317 378 317 381 326 390 326 390 386 464

b 162 162 170 170 174 174 197 197 203 203

b1 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 145 145

c 171 171 171 171 181 181 181 181 213 213

G1 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 96 96

J 71 108 71 111 78 118 78 118 109 157

J1 57 75.5 57 75.5 59.5 79.5 59.5 79.5 61.5 85.5

L 107 107 107 107 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 141 141

M 147 147 150 150 154 154 172 172 178 178

P 37 37 40 40 40 40 48 48 48 48

P1 77 77 71 71 78 78 62 54 100 100

Q1 60 60 57 55.5 59.5 59.5 51.5 47.5 66.5 66.5

S 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25

f 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 147 147

M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M10

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/116 to 5/121

Schemes : page 5/151





Dimensions (continued)

TeSys contactors
Horizontally mounted

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover  contactor pairs

For customer assembly, fixing recommended on AM1EC uprights, please consult your Regional Sales Office.
2 x LC1F115 to F330 2 x LC1F400, F500, F630, F800

X1 =



= =



120 (2)


2 3 4 5 6 7


L c J1

= G1

= J a

= G1

= J1

J1 J3

G G1

J J2 a

G G1

J1 J3

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. LC1 200500 V 6601000 V 200690 V 1000 V F115, F150 10 15 F185 10 15 F225, F265 10 15 F330 10 15 F400 15 20 F500 15 20 F630 20 30 F800 10 20

2 x LC1 F115 F150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F800

3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P

a 345 419 345 422 357 437 357 437 425 521 447 543 446 542 485 595 636 796 636

b 162 162 170 170 174 174 197 197 203 203 206 206 206 206 238 238 304 304 304

b1 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 145 145 145 145 209 209 209 209 280 280 280

c 171 171 171 171 181 181 181 181 213 213 219 219 219 219 232 232 255 255 255

G 80 80 80 140 180 240 180

G1 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 96 96 96 96 170 170 170 230

J 71 108 71 111 78 118 78 118 109 157 124 172 157 157 156 156 139 139 139

J1 57 75.5 57 75.5 59.5 79.5 59.5 79.5 61.5 85.5 65.5 89.5 64.5 112.5 84.5 79.5 68.5 88.5 68.5

J2 67 67 66 66

J3 19.5 67.5 39.5 34.5

L 107 107 107 107 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 141 141 145 145 145 145 146 146 155 155 155

P1 77 77 71 71 78 78 62 54 100 100 107 107 107 107 112 112 137 137 137


(1) Except LC1F630 and F800 : 4 x 10.5. (2) Except LC1F630 and F800. For other dimensions: see pages 5/140 and 5/141.

8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/116 to 5/121

Schemes : page 5/151



TeSys contactors
Vertically mounted

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover  contactor pairs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

For customer assembly, with mechanical interlock (MI) LA9F, fixing recommended on AM1EC uprights (please consult your Regional Sales Office). 2 x LC1 identical or different ratings (LC1F115 to F630 and F800). See pages 5/118 to 5/121 Assembly A Assembly B Assembly C



(1) (3) = =

12,5 (5) (1)



12,5 (5) (1)

F330 } 120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630 F800



= =






(3) =

(1) (5)
9 12,5

= =

J4 80 J2
(1) Mechanical interlock shaft. (2) For assembly of contactors of different ratings only. (3) 4 x 6.5 for LC1F115 to F225. Assembly A (7) - Mechanical interlock reference G3 3P G3 4P H min. H max. H1 min. H1 max. J1 3P J1 4P LA9FF4F 0 0 200 310 80 190 137 155.5 LA9FG4F 3 4 210 300 90 180 139.5 159.5 LA9FG4G 0 0 220 310 100 190 139.5 159.5 J2 3P J2 4P J3 3P J3 4P J4 3P J4 4P LA9FF4F 137 155.5 48.5 67 48.5 67 LA9FG4F 137 155.5 53 73 54 69 LA9FG4G 139.5 159.5 53 73 53 73 For customer assembly, fixing recommended on AM1EC uprights, please consult your Regional Sales Office 2 x LC1F780


80 J2


G2 J2

(4) 4 x 6.5 for LC1F265. (5) Mechanical interlock guide bracket.

(6) 4 x 8.5 for LC1F400, F500 or 4 x 10.5 for LC1F630 and F800.

9 10






702(LC1 F780), 862(LC1 F7804)

X1 and fixings, see page 5/141. (7) Only 3P for F800. (8) In this case, G4 is greater than G5. Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217 References : pages 5/116 to 5/121

Assembly B (7) - Mechanical interlock reference G1 3P G1 4P G3 3P G3 4P G5 3P LA9FH4F 96 96 21 27 60 LA9FJ4F 80 80 45 26 83 LA9FK4F 80 140 45 26 83 LA9FL4F 180 240 35 17 74 LA9FH4G 96 96 19 23 60 LA9FJ4G 80 80 42 22 83 LA9FK4G 80 140 42 22 83 LA9FL4G 180 240 33 13 74 H1 min. H1 max. J1 3P J1 4P J2 3P LA9FH4F 110 250 157.5 181.5 137 LA9FJ4F 80 210 144.5 192.5 137 LA9FK4F 100 210 164.5 219.5 137 LA9FL4F 140 210 248.5 328.5 137 LA9FH4G 120 250 157.5 181.5 139.5 LA9FJ4G 90 220 144.5 192.5 139.5 LA9FK4G 110 220 164.5 219.5 139.5 LA9FL4G 150 220 248.5 328.5 139.5 Assembly C (7) G1 3P G1 4P G2 3P G2 4P G3 3P LA9FH4H 96 96 96 96 0 LA9FJ4H 80 80 96 96 23 LA9FK4H 80 140 96 96 23 LA9FL4H 180 240 96 96 14 LA9FJ4J 80 80 80 80 0 LA9FK4J 80 140 80 80 0 LA9FL4J 180 240 80 80 9 (8) LA9FK4K 80 140 80 140 0 LA9FL4K 180 240 80 140 9 (8) LA9FL4L 180 240 180 240 0 H min. H max. H1 min. H1 max.J1 3P LA9 FH4H 250 380 130 260 157.5 LA9 FJ4H 260 380 110 230 144.5 LA9 FK4H 280 380 130 230 164.5 LA9 FL4H 330 380 170 220 248.5 LA9 FJ4J 260 380 60 200 144.5 LA9 FK4J 280 380 100 200 164.5 LA9 FL4J 325 380 140 195 248.5 LA9 FK4K 300 380 120 200 164.5 LA9 FL4K 345 380 160 195 248.5 LA9 FL4L 380 380 200 200 248.5

G5 4P 83 83 83 74 83 83 83 74 J2 4P 155.5 155.5 155.5 155.5 159.5 159.5 159.5 159.5 G3 4P 0 0 0 9 (8) 0 0 9 (8) 0 9 (8) 0 J1 4P 181.5 192.5 219.5 328.5 192.5 219.5 329.5 329.5 328.5 328.5

H min. H max. 240 380 250 380 270 380 310 380 250 380 250 380 270 380 310 380 J4 3P J4 4P 48.5 67 48.5 67 48.5 67 48.5 67 53 73 53 73 53 73 53 73 G4 3P 60 60 60 60 83 83 83 83 83 74 J2 3P 157.5 157.5 157.5 157.5 144.5 144.5 144.5 164.5 164.5 248.5 G4 4P 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 74 J2 4P 181.5 181.5 181.5 181.5 192.5 192.5 192.5 219.5 219.5 328.5 G5 3P G5 4P 60 83 83 83 83 83 74 74 83 83 83 83 74 74 83 83 74 74 74 74





420 1034


F330 } 120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630 F800


G3 (2)



9 G3(2) J1




F330 } 120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630 F800




TeSys contactors

TeSysF reversing contactors and changeover  contactor pairs

Reversing contactors for motor control LC2F

2 x LC1F 2 x LC1F

Horizontally mounted
L1 L2 L3

Vertically mounted
1/L1 1/L2 1/L3

1 2 3 4
N L3 L2 L1

3 4





L3 L2 L1



3 2/L2




Changeover contactor pairs for distributionLC2F

2 x LC1F 2 x LC1 F

Horizontally mounted
1/L3 1/L2 1/L1 2/L1 2/L2 2/L3 1N 2N

Vertically mounted
1/L1 1/L3 5 6 1N 8 7






5 6 7



5 6 2/L3








Electrical interlocking of reversers fitted with mechanical interlock without integral electrical contacts










8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217 References : pages 5/116 to 5/121


Contacteurs-inverseurs de sources grande puissance


TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

Circuit de commande en courant alternatif ou continu

High power changeover contactor pairs  for distribution

1 2 3

A changeover contactor pair ensures continuity of operation of an installation and energy management. It switches between: b a power supply source M (main) which normally supplies the installation, b and a power supply source S (standby) which may be an incoming line from an additional network or a generating set. The supply sources may be 3-phase or 3-phase + neutral. Supply - 3-phase
Main Standby









4 V/L2

5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions : pages 5/154 and 5/155 Schemes : page 5/155

Supply 3-phase + neutral

Main Standby












6 W/L3




The 2 contactors must be mechanically and electrically interlocked to prevent any paralleling, even transitory, of the two supplies.




TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c. or d.c.

High power changeover contactor pairs  for distribution

Vertically mounted. Maximum operational voltage: 1000 V Utilisation category: AC-1 Maximum temperature in the vicinity of the devices: 40 C

Changeover contactor pairs for customer assembly: 3-phase

Mechanical interlock (2) Reference LA9FX970

Maximum operational current Main Standby 3-phase 3-phase 1600 A 1000 A

Contactors (1) Main Reference LC1F780

Standby Reference LC1F6309

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1600 A

1600 A





Vertically mounted. Maximum operational voltage: 1000 V Utilisation category: AC-1 Maximum temperature in the vicinity of the devices: 40 C
Maximum operational current Main Standby 3-phase + N 3-phase + N 1600 A + 1000 A 1000 A + 1000 A Contactors (1) Main Reference LC1F78041

Changeover contactor pairs for customer assembly: 3-phase + neutral

Standby Reference LC1F63049

Mechanical interlock (2) Reference LA9FX970 (3)


1600 A + 1000 A

1600 A + 1000 A



LA9FX970 (3)

1600 A + 1600 A

1000 A + 1000 A




1600 A + 1600 A

1600 A + 1600 A





(1) Coils to be ordered separately, see pages 5/132 to 5/137. (2) Double mechanical interlock mechanism with 2 interlock connecting rods and 4 power connecting links. To order the the 2 auxiliary contact blocks LADNp1 required to obtain electrical interlocking between the 2 contactors: see page 5/123. (3) Neutral connecting link not supplied (to be ordered separately).

Dimensions : pages 5/154 and 5/155

Schemes : page 5/155



TeSys contactors

High power changeover contactor pairs  for distribution


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Contactors used to assemble high power changeover contactor pairs LC1 F780: see page 5/141
LC1F6309 Common side view LC1F63049



180/190 280 348


165 250

204 183 (1)


160 702


178 183 (1) 183 (1)




160 862


178 183 (1)


Common side view

60 40 40


180/190 280 434



165 250

191 183 (1)


160 862


178 183 (1) 183 (1)




160 862


191 183 (1)

(1) Minimum distance required for removal of each coil.

3-phase changeover contactor pairs

LC1F780 + LC1F780 + LA9FX970: see page 5/150 LC1F780 + LC1F6309 + LA9FX970







9 10
References : page 5/153



Dimensions (continued), schemes

TeSys contactors

High power changeover contactor pairs  for distribution

Dimensions (continued)

3-phase + neutral changeover contactor pairs

LC1F78041 + LC1 F63049 + LA9 FX970 LC1F78041 + LC1 F78040 + LA9 FX970

1 2


180 420 1034









4 5

LC1F7804 + LC1 F63049 + LA9 FX971

LC1F7804 + LC1 F7804 + LA9 FX971







6 7 8
N L3 L2 L1








3-phase changeover contactor pairs

1 1/L1 3 1/L2 5 1/L3

3-phase + neutral changeover contactor pairs

1 1/L1 3 1/L2 5 1/L3 1N 7 A2 8 A1 2 4 6





L3 L2 L1
3 A1 1 5 A1







2/L3 6

2/L1 2

2/L2 4







9 10

References : page 5/153


References, dimensions

TeSys contactors

Capacitive delayed opening devices

For TeSys D contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
108 114

These devices prevent inadvertent opening of a contactor in the event of a brief volt drop or momentary supply failure. Control circuit : d.c. supply
For use with contactor Type (1) Contactor reference to be completed (2) LC1D09, LC1D12,  LC1D18, LC1D25,  LC1D32 or LC1D38 LC1DppPD LC1DppQD LC1DppTD LC1DppVD LC1DppWD LC1DppXD  LC1DppPD LC1DppQD LC1DppTD LC1DppWD LC1DppXD  LC1DppPD LC1DppQD LC1DppTD LC1DppVD LC1DppWD LC1DppXD Corresponding delayed opening device Supply voltage NonReference 50/60 Hz adjustable delay time (Tr) V 110115 120127 220 240 380 415440 110115 120127 220240 380 415440 110120 120127 220 240 380 415440 s 1.55 2.55 48 510 48 5.513 0.51 0.51.5 12.5 12.5 13 0.41 0.51 0.52 12.5 12 12.5 Weight


kg 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215

LC1D40, LC1D50  or LC1D65


Add-on blocks for delayed opening devices

Application LAZR91F For use with delayed opening device LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90Q Operational voltage V 110127 220240 380440 Nonadjustable delay time s Tr x 2 Tr x 2 Tr x 2 Reference Weight

To double the delay time


kg 0.165 0.165 0.165

(1) These contactors can be supplied as standard for this application or can be adapted by replacing the coil (except for contactors LC1D09pppp to LC1D38pppp on which the coil is not replaceable). (2) Reference to be completed : see page 5/62.


LAZR9pp + LC1D
D+ (LAZ R)

LAZR9pp + LC1F
L+ (LAZ R) F1









Other versions

Delayed opening devices for use with other types of contactor. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.




TeSys contactors
For TeSys F contactors

Capacitive delayed opening devices

These devices prevent inadvertent opening of a contactor in the event of a brief volt drop or momentary supply failure. Control circuit : d.c. supply (1)
For use with contactor Type With coil Corresponding delayed opening device Supply NonReference voltage adjustable 50/60Hz delay time (Tr) V s 110 25 LAZR90F 127 25 LAZR90F 220 25 LAZR90M 240 25 LAZR90M 380415 25 LAZR90Q 440 25 LAZR90Q 110 127 220 240 380415 440 110 127 220 240 380415 440 110 127 220 240 380 415 440 110 127 220 240 380 415 440 110 127 220 240 380 415 440 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 LAZR90F LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90M LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90F LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90M LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90F LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90M LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90F LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90M LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90F LAZR90F LAZR90M LAZR90M LAZR90Q LAZR90Q LAZR90Q Weight kg 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1F115 or LC1F150

LX4FF110 LX4FF125 LX4FF220 LX4FF250 LX4FF375 LX4FF440 LX4FG110 LX4FG125 LX4FG220 LX4FG250 LX4FG375 LX4FG440 LX4FH110 LX4FH125 LX4FH220 LX4FH250 LX4FH375 LX4FH440 LX4FJ110 LX4FJ125 LX4FJ220 LX4FJ250 LX4FJ375 LX4FJ400 LX4FJ440 LX4FK110 LX4FK125 LX4FK220 LX4FK250 LX4FK375 LX4FK400 LX4FK440 LX4FL110 LX4FL125 LX4FL220 LX4FL250 LX4FL375 LX4FL400 LX4FL440

LC1F185 or LC1F225

LC1F265 or LC1F330




Add-on blocks for delayed opening devices (1)

Application For use with Operational delayed voltage opening device V LAZR90F 110127 LAZR90M LAZR90Q 220240 380440 Nonadjustable delay time s Tr x 2 Tr x 2 Tr x 2 Reference Weight kg 0.165 0.165 0.165

To double the delay time


(1) Dimensions and schemes: see page 5/156. Other versions Delayed opening devices for use with other types of contactor. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.



TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG


In an environment subject to severe mechanical shocks, unwanted closing of a contactor's poles and the serious consequences of this, is not permissible. Shockproof contactors LC1 FG150 to FG630 are equipped with an auxiliary electromechanical device which ensures that the contactor is mechanically locked in the open position when its main electromagnet is not energised.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 FG150

If the contactor is subjected to mechanical impact, from back to front or from front to back, accidental closing of the poles is then impossible. In addition, accidental opening of the poles (when the contactor is in the on position), is virtually impossible due to the significant pull-in force characteristic of these contactors.


b Marine: on-board equipment, windlasses, capstans, winches, etc b Military equipment: land, sea, launching silos. b Heavy mechanical handling systems: travelling cranes, cranes, gantries. b Conveying and handling: lifts, hoists, conveyors.
LC1 FG265

b Equipment for power stations. b Distribution boards.


Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Presentation (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Description of shockproof device

Shockproof contactors LC1 FGppp are equipped with: b A lever 1 that is rotated by the core of the contactors electromagnet. b An auxiliary electromagnet (EV) for the locking function. b An RC circuit (Resistor-Capacitor) to limit overvoltage. BACK

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Direction of impact 2 ON KM1 OFF KM1



b In the off position (contactor open and not energised) the core 2 of the electromagnet (EV) locks the lever 1 and therefore the contactor.  b The coils (KM1) and (EV) are energised simultaneously, the core 2 releases the lever 1 and allows the contactor to close.  b De-energisation of the locking electromagnet (EV) is achieved by an auxiliary contact within the contactor.  The core 2 rests freely in lever 1. b On de-energisation of coil KM1, the moving contact drops out. Core 2, under spring pressure, once again locks lever 1.  
a 21 KM1 22 C1

EV C2 a

KM1 A2


8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181



TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG a.c. supply

According to the utilisation category and required electrical durability

Use in category AC-3 (Ue y 440 V)

1 2 3 4

Operational current and power (q y 55 C)

Contactors Operational current Operational power Standard power ratings  of motors) 220/230 V A kW hp 380/400 V kW hp 415 V kW hp 440 V kW hp 500 V kW hp 660/690 V kW hp 1000 V kW hp LC1 FG150 150 40 54 75 100 80 110 80 110 90 125 100 136 65 85 LC1 FG185 185 55 75 90 185 100 136 100 136 110 150 110 150 100 136 LC1 FG265 265 75 100 132 180 140 180 140 190 160 220 160 220 147 200 LC1 FG400 400 110 150 200 270 220 300 250 340 257 350 280 380 185 250 LC1 FG500 500 147 200 250 340 280 380 295 400 355 480 335 450 335 450 LC1 FG630 630 200 270 335 450 375 500 400 545 400 545 450 600 450 610

Maximum operating rate (operating cycles/hour) (1)

On-load factor Operational power P 0.5 P P LC1 FG150 750 2000 1200 LC1 FG185 750 2000 1200 LC1 FG265 750 2000 1200 LC1 FG400 500 1200 1200 LC1 FG500 500 1200 1200 LC1 FG630 500 1200 1200

5 6 7 8 9 10

y 85 % y 85 % y 25 %

(1) Depending on the operational power and the on-load factor (q y 55 C)

Electrical durability in utilisation category AC-3 (Ue y 440 V)

LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG630

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6

1 0,8 0,6 0,4 20





70 80





500 600



Current broken in Amperes

Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ie) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current of the motor. Example: Asynchronous motor with P = 55 kW - Ue = 380 V - Ie = 105 A 4 million operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1 FG265.
Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159 Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171 References : page 5/174 Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG  a.c. supply

According to the utilisation category and required electrical durability

Use in category AC-1 (Ue y 440 V)
Contactors Connection Cable Bar C.s.a. Number C.s.a. Maximum operating rate in operating cycles/hour Operational current AC-1 y 40 C y 55 C y 70 C (1) (1) Only for operation with coil supplied at Uc. A A A mm mm2

LC1 FG150 120 600 250 220 170

LC1 FG185 150 600 270 240 180

LC1 FG265 240 600 350 300 250

LC1 FG400 2 30 x 5 600 500 430 340

LC1 FG500 2 40 x 5 600 700 580 500

LC1 FG630 2 60 x 5 600 1000 850 700

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Increase in operational current by parallel connection of poles Apply the following multiplying factors to the current values given above. The factors take into account the often unbalanced current distribution between the 2 poles: b 2 poles in parallel: K = 1.6 b 3 poles in parallel: K = 2.25 b 4 poles in parallel: K = 2.8 Recommended connection scheme to equalise the currents in each pole (see opposite).

Electrical durability in utilisation category AC-1 (Ue y 440 V)

LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG630
400 500 600 300 350 270

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4

1 0,8 0,6 0,4


0,1 20




60 70 80



800 1000


Current broken in Amperes

Example: Control of resistive circuits (cos j u 0.95). The current broken (Ic) in category AC-1 is equal to the current (Ie) normally drawn by the load. Ue = 220 V - Ic = Ie = 300 A - q = 40 C. 1 million operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1 FG400.

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG  a.c. supply

According to the utilisation category and required electrical durability

Thermal limits in utilisation categories AC-2/AC-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


LC1 FG150

LC1 FG185

LC1 FG265

LC1 FG400

LC1 FG500

LC1 FG630

Thermal limit zone A B C D E

Operating cycles/hour (1) and on-load factor From 150 and 15 % to 300 and 10 % From 150 and 20 % to 600 and 10 % From 150 and 30 % to 1200 and 10 % From 150 and 55 % to 2400 and 10 % From 150 and 85 % to 3600 and 10 %

Maximum current broken according to the duty requirements  (thermal limit, ambient temperature y 55 C) 310 280 240 190 145 380 350 300 240 170 560 500 400 320 230 780 700 600 450 350 1100 950 750 600 500 1400 1250 950 720 660

(1) Do not exceed the maximum limit for the mechanical operating cycles.

Counter current braking (plugging) The current varies from the maximum plug-braking current to the rated motor current. The current made must be compatible with the making and breaking capacities of the contactor. In most cases, breaking occurs at a current value close to the locked rotor current and contactor selection can therefore be made using the criteria for utilisation categories AC-2 and AC-4.

Electrical durability in utilisation categories AC-2/AC-4 (Ue y 440 V)

LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG630

Millions of operating cycles

1 0,8 0,6 0,4


0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04


0,01 100




500 600





5000 7000 9000 Current broken in Amperes

Example: Contactor selection

Operating cycles/hour

For an on-load factor of 10 % at 400 operating cycles per hour, the curve on the left indicates zone B. If the current broken is 600 A, the above table leads to selection of an LC1 FG400 contactor. Referring to the electrical durability curves, it can be seen that the contactor will be able to perform 350 000 operating cycles. Where a higher value of electrical durability is required, 1 million operating cycles for example, an LC1FG630 contactor would be recommended.

On-load factor as %

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159 Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171 References : page 5/174 Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For switching 3-phase capacitor banks, used for power factor correction

Switching the primaries of 3-phase transformers (LV/LV)

Switching 3-phase capacitors

Capacitors, together with the circuits to which they are connected, form oscillatory circuits which can, at the moment of switch-on, give rise to high transient currents (> 180 In) at high frequencies (1 to 15 kHz). The contactors are used for direct switching. The values of peak current at switch-on must not exceed the values indicated below. An inductor or an early break resistor may be inserted in each of the three phases supplying the capacitors to reduce the peak current, if necessary. This must be done when switching multiple step capacitor banks. Inductance values are determined according to the selected operating temperature: please refer to our Motor starter solutions - Control and protection components catalogue. In addition, in accordance with standards IEC 60070, NF C 54 100, VDE 0560, the switching contactor must be able to withstand a continuous current of 1.43 times the rated current of the capacitor bank step being switched.  The rated operational powers given in table the below take this overload into account. Short-circuit protection is normally provided by g1 fuses rated at 1.3 to 1.6 In. .

1 2 3

Maximum operational power of contactors

Maximum operating rate: 120 operating cycles/hour. Electrical durability at maximum load: 100 000 operations. With choke inductors connected, where necessary.
Operational power at 50/60 Hz q y 40 C 220 V 240 V kvar 60 70 90 125 180 250 400 V 440 V kvar 100 125 160 220 300 400 600 V 660 V kvar 135 160 225 300 400 600 q y 55 C 220 V 240 V kvar 40 50 75 100 125 190 400 V 440 V kvar 85 100 125 160 220 350 600 V 660 V kvar 90 100 125 200 300 500 A 3200 3500 5000 8000 10 000 12 000 LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG630 Maximum peak current Contactor to be used

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Switching the primaries of 3-phase transformers (LV/LV)

When a transformer is switched on, there is generally an initial current surge which can reach 20 to 40 times the rated current for the power ratings shown below. This current reaches its peak value almost instantaneously and then decreases in a largely exponential manner, quickly dropping back down to its steady state value.

Contactor selection
Operating rate less than 120 operating cycles/hour. Maximum operational voltages: 1000 V 50/60 Hz. The value of the peak magnetising current must be lower than the values indicated below. Maximum ambient temperature: 55 C.
Contactor Maximum permissible current peak at switch-on Maximum operational power (1) 220 V 380 V 415/440 V 500 V 660 V 1000 V A kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA LC1 FG150 1700 25 50 55 65 80 100 LC1 FG185 2800 40 75 80 95 120 150 LC1 FG265 3500 50 90 100 110 140 200 LC1 FG400 5500 75 130 140 170 200 250 LC1 FG500 6800 100 170 190 225 270 375 LC1 FG630 9000 140 225 250 280 315 470

(1) Maximum operational power corresponding to a current peak at switch-on of 30 In.

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG  d.c. supply

Selection guide for utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

Use in category DC-1 (resistive loads; time constant L/R y 1 ms)

1 2

Rated operational current Ie

Operational voltage (Ue) V 24

Number of poles to be wired in series 1 2 3 4

Contactors LC1 FG150 A 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 130 130 130 100 130 130 100 130 100 LC1 FG185 A 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 170 170 170 150 170 170 150 170 150 LC1 FG265 A 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 250 300 300 250 300 250 LC1 FG400 A 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 350 400 400 350 400 350 LC1 FG500 A 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 550 600 600 450 600 600 450 600 450 LC1 FG630 A 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 700 850 850 700 850 700


1 2 3 4

3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4


1 2 3 4


3 4


Use in category DC-2 to DC-5 (inductive loads; time constant L/R y 15 ms)
Rated operational current Ie
Operational voltage (Ue) V 24 1 2 3 4 48/75 1 2 3 4 125 1 2 3 4 225 1 2 3 4 300 3 4 460 4 Number of poles to be wired in series Contactors LC1 FG150 A 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 100 120 120 80 100 120 80 120 80 LC1 FG185 A 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 140 160 160 100 140 160 100 160 100 LC1 FG265 A 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 250 280 280 200 250 280 200 280 200 LC1 FG400 A 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 280 350 350 280 350 280 LC1 FG500 A 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 450 550 550 450 550 450 LC1 FG630 A 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 700 850 850 700 850 700

9 10

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG  d.c. supply

Selection guide for utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

Utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG630

Electrical durability

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01




40 50 60

80 100



300 400


Current broken in Amperes

The electrical durability can be read directly from the curve above, having previously calculated the power broken Pc. The following table gives, for each utilisation category, the value of Pc according to the operational current Ie and the operational voltage Ue.
Utilisation categories DC-1 DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 DC-5 Non-inductive loads Shunt motors, breaking whilst running Shunt motors, reversing Series wound motors, breaking whilst running Series wound motors, reversing Pc (Power broken) Pc = Ue x Ie Pc = 0.1 Ue x Ie Pc = Ue x 2.5 Ie Pc = 0.3 Ue x Ie Pc = Ue x 2.5 Ie Pc = 1.5 Ue x 1.5 Ie

Determining the electrical durability

Counter current braking (plugging)

Example: Series wound motor, breaking whilst motor running, category DC-4. P = 50 kW, Ue = 200 V, Ie = 250 A. Select contactor LC1 FG265 with 3 poles in series. The power broken is: Pc = 0.3 Ue x Ie = 0.3 x 200 x 250 = 15 kW. The electrical durability read from the curve is 8 million operating cycles.

The following operating rate used at Ie must not be exceeded: 120 operating cycles/hour.

Maximum operating rate Use of poles in parallel

The electrical durability is equal to the number of operating cycles performed by a pole, multiplied by the number of poles in parallel, multiplied by a coefficient of 0.70.

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181



TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor type

LC1 FG150 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 V Conforming to VDE 0110 gr C V 1000 1500 8

LC1 FG185

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection

Coil not connected  to the power circuit


EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-4-1 N.A.T.O. Conforming to IEC 60529 Conforming to VDE 0106 IP 20 front face with shrouds LA9 F Front face protected against direct finger contact with shrouds LA9 F TH C C C m - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 40+ 70 3000

Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device

Standard version Storage Operation Permissible at Uc (1)

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions

Without derating Without derating

With derating (3)

Fixing A

Fixing B
Not to be used

Shock resistance (2)

12 g, 50 ms on the three axes: X, Y, Z 15 g, 11 ms on the three axes: X, Y, Z

(1) In these conditions, it is recommended that coils LX9F be used for contactor sizes FG150 to FG265. (2) In the least favourable direction, without change of contact state (coil at Uc). (3) Horizontal fixing: - The operational current AC-1 is equivalent to 80% of the value indicated in the catalogue - Breaking and making capacities not guaranteed - Mechanical and electrical durabilities not guaranteed

Derating of pull-in and drop-out voltage

Contactors LC1 Fixing A Fixing B Pull-in Drop-out Pull-in Drop-out FG150 75% 105% 115% 90% FG185 75% 105% 115% 90% FG265 75% 105% 115% 90% FG400 80% 110% 120% 95% FG500 80% 110% 120% 95% FG630 80% 110% 120% 95%

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

References : page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181


LC1 FG265 1000 1500 8

LC1 FG400

LC1 FG500

LC1 FG630

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-4-1 N.A.T.O. IP 20 front face with shrouds LA9 F Front face protected against direct finger contact with shrouds LA9 F TH - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 40+ 70 3000

12 g, 50 ms on the three axes: X, Y, Z 15 g, 11 ms on the three axes: X, Y, Z


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Pole characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Contactor type

LC1 FG150 3 In AC-3,  y 55 C In AC-1,  y 55 C y 70 C y 70 C A A V Hz C A A A A A A A A 150/150 220/170 1000 25 to 200 250 Making current: 10 x I in AC-3

LC1 FG185 3 185/180 240/180 1000 25 to 200 275

Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) (Ue y 440 V)

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Frequency limits Conventional thermal current Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity Permissible short time rating No current flowing for preceding  60 minutes with y 40 C

Up to Of the operational current (1) y 40 I rms conforming to  IEC 60947-4-1 I rms conforming to  IEC 60947-4-1 For 1.5 or 10 s For 30 s For 1 mn For 3 mn For 10 mn

Making and breaking current: 8 x I in cat. AC-3 1200 700 600 450 350 160 200 250 0.35 8 22 2 1500 920 740 500 400 200 315 315 0.33 12 25 2 25 x 3 150 150 8 18

Fuse protection against short-circuits (U y 440 V)

Motor circuit (type aM)

With thermal overload relay A (type gG) gG fuses A mW W W No. of bars Bar Cable with lug Cable with connector Bolt diameter mm mm2 mm2 mm N.m

Average impedance per pole Power dissipation per pole for the above operational currents

At Ith and 50 Hz AC-3 AC-1

Cabling Minimum c.s.a.


25 x 3 120 120 8 18

Tightening torque

Power circuit connections

8 9 10

(1) Sine wave without interference. Above these values, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Presentation: pages 5/158 and 5/159

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

References: page 5/174

Dimensions, schemes: pages 5/180 and 5/181


LC1 FG265 3 265/250 300/250 1000 25 to 200 350 Making current: 10 x I in AC-3

LC1 FG400 3 400/340 430/340 1000 25 to 200 500

LC1 FG500 3 500/500 580/500 1000 25 to 200 700

LC1 FG630 3 630/630 850/700 1000 25 to 200 1000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Making and breaking current: 8 x I in AC-3 2200 1230 950 620 480 315 500 400 0.3 21 37 2 32 x 4 240 240 10 35 3600 2400 1700 1200 1000 400 630 500 0.26 42 65 2 30 x 5 2 x 150 10 35 4200 3200 2400 1500 1200 500 800 800 0.18 45 88 2 40 x 5 2 x 240 10 35 5050 4400 3400 2200 1600 630 800 1000 0.12 48 120 2 60 x 5 12 58


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
Control circuit: a.c.

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Control circuit characteristics with LX1 coil

1 2

Contactor type

LC1 FG150 V 48440 0.851.1 Uc 0.350.55 Uc

LC1 FG185

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits  ( y 55 C) 50 or 60 Hz coils

50 or 60 Hz Operation Drop-out 40400 Hz coils Operation Drop-out

Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc

a 50 Hz


50 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j


550 0.3

805 0.3 55 0.3 970 0.3 66 0.3 1824 2035 715 10 2400 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

3 4 5
Heat dissipation


50 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j


45 0.3

a 60 Hz


60 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j


660 0.3


60 Hz coil 40400 Hz coil Cos j


55 0.3

W Closing "C" Opening "O" ms ms

1216 2335 515 10 2400

6 7 8 9 10

Operating time (1)

Mechanical durability at Uc Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 55 C Cabling Min/max c.s.a.

In millions of  operating cycles In operating cycles  per hour 1 or 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Flexible cable  without cable end Flexible cable  with cable end

1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

Solid cable  without cable end Tightening torque

1 or 2 conductors

Characteristics of the locking electromagnet (shockproof device)

Contactor type LC1 FG150 48440 100 20 2400 1 x 106 Control circuit voltage 50/60 Hz Inrush consumption Maximum energisation time at Uc Maximum operating rate Mechanical durability at Uc In operating cycles  per hour In millions of  operating cycles V VA ms

LC1 FG185 48440 100 20 2400 1 x 106

(1) The closing time "C" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time "O" is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

Presentation: pages 5/158 and 5/159

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

References: pages 5/178 and 5/179

Dimensions, schemes: pages 5/180 and 5/181


LC1 FG265 48440 0.851.1 Uc 0.350.55 Uc 650 0.9 10 0.9 650 0.9 10 0.9 8 4065 100170 10 2400 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

LC1 FG400 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 1075 0.9 15 0.9 1075 0.9 15 0.9 14 4075 100170 10 2400 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

LC1 FG500 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 1100 0.9 18 0.9 1100 0.9 18 0.9 18 4075 100170 10 2400 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

LC1 FG630 110440 0.851.1 Uc 0.250.5 Uc 1650 0.9 22 0.9 1650 0.9 22 0.9 20 4080 100200 10 1200 1/4 1/4 1/2.5 1/4 1.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 FG265 48440 100 20 2400 1 x 10 6

LC1 FG400 110440 100 20 2400 1 x 10 6

LC1 FG500 110440 100 20 2400 1 x 10 6

LC1 FG630 110440 100 20 1200 1 x 10 6



TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks  for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contact block type Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 C C C m mm2




IEC 60947-5-1, NF C 63-140, VDE 0660, BS 4794, EN 60947-5-1 UL, CSA TH Protection against direct finger contact IP2X - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70 3000 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5

Ambient air temperature Storage around the device Operation Permissible for operation at Uc Maximum operating altitude Cabling Without derating Phillips N 2 and 6 mm. Flexible or solid cable with or without cable end

Instantaneous and time delay contact characteristics

Contact block type Number of contacts Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional thermal current (Ith) Up to Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to UL, CSA For ambient temperature y 60 C V V V A Hz V mA A A A A A MW Guaranteed between  N/C and N/O contacts Ambient air temperature for operation Repeat accuracy Drift up to 0.5 million operating cycles Drift depending on ambient air temperature Mechanical durability Rated operational power of contacts Conforming to  IEC 60947-5-1 In millions of operating cycles V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity VA VA VA VA ms C

LAD N 1 or 4 660 690 600 10 25400 17 5 10 a 140; c: 250 100 120 140 > 10

LAD T and LAD S 2


Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating U min I min Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 and  VDE 0660. gG fuse Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1, I rms Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms Insulation resistance Non-overlap time Time delay (LADT, R and S  contact blocks) Accuracy only valid for setting range indicated  on the front face

1.5 (on energisation and on de-energisation) 30 24 150 80 30 1200 48 300 170 65 2600 - 40+ 70 2% + 15 % 0.25 % per C 5 110/127 400 250 90 7000 220/230 480 290 120 13 000 - 40+ 70 2% + 15 % 0.25 % per C 5 380/400 500 320 130 15 000 440 500 320 130 13 000 600 500 320 130 9000

References : page 5/175

Schemes : page 5/181


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks  for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Module type Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Cabling Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation For operation at Uc Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Phillips N 2 and 6 mm. Flexible or solid cable with or without cable end C C C V mm2

LAD T (On-delay) IEC 60255-5 UL, CSA TH

LAD R (Off-delay)

1 2 3

Protection against direct finger contact IP2X - 40+ 80 - 25+ 55 - 25+ 70 250 Min: 1 x 1; max: 2 x 2.5

Control circuit characteristics

Module type Built-in protection Of the input Contactor coil suppression Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Permissible variation Control type V

LAD T (On-delay) By varistor By varistor a or c 24250 0.81.1 Uc By mechanical contact only

LAD R (Off-delay) By varistor By bidirectional peak limiting diode a 24250 0.81.1 Uc By mechanical contact only connecting cable < 10 m LAD R (Off-delay) 0.12 ; 1.530 ; 25500 3 % (10 ms minimum) 225 20 40 Illuminates during time delay period

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time delay characteristics

Module type Timing ranges Repeat accuracy Reset time 040 C During time delay period After time delay period Immunity to microbreaks During time delay period After time delay period ms ms ms ms ms s

LAD T (On-delay) 0.12 ; 1.530 ; 25500 3 % (10 ms minimum) 150 50 10 2 Illuminates during time delay period

Minimum impulse duration Time delay signalling By LED

Switching characteristics (solid state type)

Module type Maximum power dissipated Leakage current Residual voltage Overvoltage protection Electrical durability In millions of operating cycles W mA V

LAD T (On-delay) 2 <5 3.3 3 kV; 0.5 joule 30

LAD R (Off-delay) 3.5 <5 3.3 3 kV; 0.5 joule 30

Operating diagrams
U supply (A1 - A2) Time delay output Contactor coil Red LED 1 0 1 0

Electronic On-delay timer LAD T

Electronic Off-delay timer LAD R

U supply (A1 - A2) t Control (A2 - B2) Time delay output Contactor coil Red LED 1 0 1 0 1 0 40 ms

References: page 5/175

Schemes: page 5/181



TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

For control of motors and distribution circuits.  Control circuit: a.c.


3-pole shockproof contactors

1 2

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 220 V 380 V 660 V 230 V 400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 690 V 1000 V kW 40 LC1 FG150 55 75 kW 75 90 132 200 250 335 kW 80 100 140 220 280 375 kW 80 100 140 250 295 400 kW 90 110 160 257 355 400 kW 100 110 160 280 335 450 kW 65 100 147 185 335 450

Rated operational current in cat. AC-3, 440 V/AC-1 up to A 150/250 185/275 265/350 400/500 500/700 630/1000

Basic reference, (1) to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) DCN ref. CR182 CR242 CR302 CR432 CR582 CR852 Screw fixing, cabling (2)


kg LC1 FG150pp LC1 FG185pp LC1 FG265pp LC1 FG400pp LC1 FG500pp LC1 FG630pp 3.430 4.650 7.440 9.100 11.350 18.600


110 147 200

LC1 FG185

Note: These contactors have instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks with 2 N/O contacts, 1 N/C contact and one coil maintaining contact.


(1) Devices approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for on-board use. (2) Power terminals can, if required, be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds, to be ordered separately (see page 5/176). (3) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): (1)

Volt a LC1 FG 150FG185 50 Hz (coil LX1) 60 Hz (coil LX1) 50/60 Hz (coil LX9) LC1 FG265 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG400FG500 LC1 FG630 40400 Hz (coil LX1) 40400 Hz (coil LX1) 40400 Hz (coil LX1)

48 E5 E6 E7 E7

110 F5 F6 F7 F7 F7 F7

115 F5 F7 F7 F7 F7

120 G6 G7 G7 F7

208 220 230 240 L6 L7 L7 L7 L7 M5 M6 M7 M7 M7 M7 P5 P7 P7 P7 P7 U5 U6 U7 U7 U7 U7

380 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q7 Q7 Q7

400 V5 V7 V7 V7 V7

415 N5 N7 N7 N7 N7

440 R6 R7 R7 R7 R7

5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/158 Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/180 and 5/181



TeSys contactors

Auxiliary contact blocks for  3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

For use in normal operating environments
Number of contacts Clip-on mounting kg LAD Npp 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 LAD N10 LAD N01 LAD N22 LAD N40 LAD N04 LAD N31 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 0.020 0.020 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 Max. number of blocks per contactor Composition Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks

Number of contacts 1 N/O + 1 N/C Clip-on mounting 1

Max. number of blocks per contactor

Time delay Type Range s On-delay 0.13 (2) 0.130 10180 130 (3) Off-delay 0.13 (2) 0.130 10180


Weight kg

LAD T0 LAD T2 LAD T4 LAD S2 LAD R0 LAD R2 LAD R4 (1) (1)

0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060



(1) Device approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for on-board use. (2) With extended scale from 0.1 to 0.6 s. (3) With switching time of 40 ms 15 ms between opening of the N/C contact and closing of the N/O contact.

Characteristics: pages 5/172 and 5/173

Schemes: page 5/181



TeSys contactors

Accessories for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Insulated terminal blocks

LA9 F103

For use with contactors



Set of 2 blocks Set reference Weight kg 0.560

LC1FG150 and FG185

1 x 16150 mm2  or  2 x 1695 mm2 Number of shrouds per set 6

4 mm hexagonal  socket key


Power terminal protection shrouds

For use with contactors LC1FG150 and FG185

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LA9 FGppp

Set reference LA9F702 LA9F703 LA9F704 (1) (1) (1)

Weight kg 0.250 0.250 0.250

LC1FG265, FG400 and FG500 6 LC1 FG630 6

Shockproof devices (locking electromagnet) (2)

Maximum energisation time at Uc ms 20 Inrush consumption VA 250

For contactors

Kit reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (3) LA9 FG150603pp (1) LA9 FG265603pp (1) LA9 FG400603pp (1) LA9 FG630603pp (1)


kg LC1FG150 and FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG400 and FG500 LC1 FG630 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200

(1) Device approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for on-board use. (2) Replacement shockproof device, supplied in kit form, comprising: - 1 locking electromagnet. - fixings suitable for the contactor rating. (3) Control circuit voltage: Volt a LA9 FG150 to FG265 LA9 FG400 to FG630 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 48 E 110 F F 115/120 208 F F M M 220 M M 230/240 380 M M Q Q 415 N N 440 N N


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

Accessories for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

Sets of contacts
For use on contactors LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LA5 FG431 LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LC1 FG630

Per pole: 2 fixed contacts, 1 moving contact , 2 deflectors, 1 back-plate, clamping screws and washers.
Replacement for 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles Reference LA5FF431 LA5FG431 LA5FG431 LA5F400803 LA5F500803 LA5F630803 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Weight kg 0.270 0.350 0.660 2.000 2.950 6.100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Arc chambers
For use on contactors LC1 FG150 LC1 FG185 LC1 FG265 LC1 FG400 LC1 FG500 LA5 F40050 LC1 FG630

Replacement for 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles 3 poles

Reference LA5F15050 LA5F18550 LA5F26550 LA5F40050 LA5F50050 LA5F63050 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

Weight kg 0.490 0.670 0.920 1.300 1.850 3.150

(1) Device approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for on-board use.



TeSys contactors
Spare or replacement parts a.c. supply 50/60 Hz

Coils for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG


1 2
LX1 FFppp

Control circuit voltage Uc 50 Hz V 48 110/115 120 208 220/230 240 60 Hz V 48 110 115/120 208 320 230/240 380 415 440

Voltage code

Coil reference

Weight kg

Coils for contactors LC1 FG150

E6 E5 F6 G6 F5 FE5 L6 M6 U6 LE5 M5 U5 Q6 N6 R6 Q5 N5 LX1 FF040 LX1 FF048 LX1 FF092 LX1 FF095 LX1 FF110 LX1 FF120 LX1 FF170 LX1 FF184 LX1 FF187 LX1 FF200 LX1 FF220 LX1 FF240 LX1 FF316 LX1 FF340 LX1 FF360 LX1 FF380 LX1 FF415 (1) 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scheme : page 5/181

380 415/440

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 Hz: 550 VA; 60 Hz: 660 VA, - sealed 50 Hz: 45 VA; 60 Hz: 55 VA, cos j = 0.32. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 2400.

Coils for contactors LC1 FG185

48 110/115 120 LX1 FGppp 208 220/230 240 380 415/440 48 110 115/120 208 320 230/240 380 415 440 E6 E5 F6 G6 F5 FE5 L6 M6 U6 LE5 M5 U5 Q6 N6 R6 Q5 N5 LX1 FG040 LX1 FG048 LX1 FG092 LX1 FG095 LX1 FG110 LX1 FG120 LX1 FG170 LX1 FG184 LX1 FG187 LX1 FG200 LX1 FG220 LX1 FG240 LX1 FG316 LX1 FG340 LX1 FG360 LX1 FG380 LX1 FG415 (1) 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 Hz: 805 VA; 60 Hz: 970 VA, - sealed 50 Hz: 55 VA; 60 Hz: 66 VA, cos j = 0.34. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 2400. (1) Device approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for onboard use.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
Spare or replacement parts a.c. supply 50/60 Hz

Coils for 3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

References (continued)
Control circuit voltage Uc 50 and 60 Hz V

Voltage code

Coil reference

Weight kg

1 2 3

Coils for contactors LC1 FG265

110/120 208 220/230 240 380/415 F7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 LX1 FH1102 LX1 FH2002 LX1 FH2202 LX1 FH2402 LX1 FH3802 (1) 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740 0.740

LX1 FHppp

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 or 60 Hz: 600 to 700 VA, - sealed 50 or 60 Hz: 8 to 10 VA, cos j = 0.9. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 2400.

Coils for contactors LC1 FG400

110/120 208 220/230 230/240 380/400 415/440 LX1 FJppp F7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 LX1 FJ110 LX1 FJ200 LX1 FJ220 LX1 FJ240 LX1 FJ380 LX1 FJ415 (1) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

4 5

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 or 60 Hz: 1000 to 1150 VA, - sealed 50 or 60 Hz: 12 to 18 VA, cos j = 0.9. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 2400.

Coils for contactors LC1 FG500

110/120 208 220/230 230/240 380/400 415/440 LX1 FKppp F7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 LX1 FK110 LX1 FK200 LX1 FK220 LX1 FK240 LX1 FK380 LX1 FK415 (1) 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150

6 7 8 9 10

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 or 60 Hz: 1050 to 1150 VA, - sealed 50 or 60 Hz: 16 to 20 VA, cos j = 0.9. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 2400.

Coils for contactors LC1 FG630

110/120 208 220/230 380/400 415/440 LX1 FLppp F7 L7 M7 Q7 N7 LX1 FL110 LX1 FL200 LX1 FL220 LX1 FL380 LX1 FL415 (1) 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500

Specifications Average consumption at 20 C: - inrush 50 or 60 Hz: 1500 to 1730 VA, - sealed 50 or 60 Hz: 20 to 25 VA, cos j = 0.9. Operating cycles/hour (q = 55 C): 1200. (1) Device approved by the DCN (French naval shipyard department) and authorised for onboard use.

Scheme : page 5/181



TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 FG150, FG185 and FG265

S (1) = S1 FG150 M8x25 F1G85 M8x25 FG265 M10x35 = b2 b1



= Z Q P a P Q1 f =

G1 G

= Y

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. LC1 FG150 FG185 FG265 200500 V 10 10 10 6001000 V 15 15 15


L c

(1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/176).

LC1 FG150 FG185 FG265

a 181

b 170

b1 137 137 145

b2 301 305 375

c 180 190 222

f 131 130 147

G 106 111 142

G1 80 80 96

J 106 106 106

J1 120 120 120

L 116 150

M 150 178

P 40 40 48

Q 26 29 39

Q1 57.5 59.5 66.5

S 20 20 25

S1 34 34 44.5

Y 44 44 38

Z 13.5 13.5 21.5

183.5 174 217.5 203

122.5 154

f = minimum distance required for coil removal.

LC1 FG400 and FG500

56 (1) = S 44,5 6xM10x35




= 180 b2 M b

G 23,5 G1 J Q P a P Q1 f

X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. LC1 FG400 FG500 200500 V 15 15 6001000 V 20 20

= X1 L c =

(1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/176).

LC1 FG400 FG500

a 237 257

b 206 238

b2 375 400

c 234 247

f 146 150

G G supplied min. 80 80 66 66

G G1 G1 max. supplied min. 102 120 223 223 156 156

G1 J max. 192 210 19.5 39.5

L 160 181

M 181 208

P 48 55

Q 75 78

Q1 74 77

S 25 30

f = minimum distance required for coil removal.

Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165

Characteristics : pages 5/166 to 5/171

References : page 5/174


Dimensions (continued), schemes

TeSys contactors

3-pole shockproof contactors LC1 FG

LC1 FG630
72 (1) X1

40 64 6xM12x45 =


2 3 4 5






155 197 255

60,5 79 80 321 80 89 180 (2)



X1 (mm) = Minimum electrical clearance according to operating voltage and breaking capacity. LC1 FG630 200500 V 20 6901000 V 30

(1) Power terminal protection shroud (see page 5/176). (2) Minimum distance required for coil removal.


Contactors LC1-FG150 to FG630 d 50-60 Hz max

3/L2 1/L1 5/L3 13/NO 43/NO 21/NC 31/NC 03









Un y 240 V a

Add-on blocks
Instantaneous auxiliary contacts 1 N/O LAD N10
43/NO (94)


6 7 8 9 10




1 N/C LAD N01

41/NC (92)


2 N/O + 2 N/C LAD N22

53/NO 83/NO 51/NC 71/NC

4 N/O LAD N40

53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

4 N/C LAD N04

51/NC 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

3 N/O + 1 N/C LAD N31

53/NO 73/NO 74 83/NO 84 61/NC 62

44 (93)

42 (91)











Time delay auxiliary contacts On-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD Tp

67/NO 55/N

Off-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LAD Rp

57/NO 65/NC




Coils a
LX1 FF, FG, FH, FJ, FK and FL
03 A1 A2



Presentation : pages 5/158 and 5/159

Selection : pages 5/160 to 5/165



Characteristics: pages 5/166 to 5/171

References: pages 5/174, 5/178 and 5/179





TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor type Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Conforming to  IEC 60158-1/IEC 60947-4 Conforming to VDE 0110 gr C


LC1BL 1000 1500

LC1BM 1000 1500

LC1BP 1000 1500

LC1BR 1000 1500

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Standard version Special version Storage Operation Permissible Without derating Without derating C C C m

IEC 60158-1, IEC 60947-4, NF C 63-110,VDE 0660, BS 5424 CSA, BV, RINA TC TH - 60+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 50+ 60 3000 30 occasional, in relation to normal vertical mounting plane

Ambient air temperature around the device (for operation at Uc) Maximum operating altitude Operating positions

Pole characteristics
Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) In AC-3, q y 55 C (Ue y 440 V) In AC-1, q y 40 C Rated operational voltage (Ue) Up to Frequency limits Without derating (sine wave) Derating coefficient Maximum thermal current (Ith) Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity q y 40 C I rms conforming to  IEC 60158-1 and 60947-4 I rms up to 440 V conforming to 500 V IEC 60158-1  660-690 V and 60947-4 1000 V A A V Hz 1, 2, 3 or 4 750 800 1, 2, 3 or 4 1000 1250 1, 2, 3 or 4 1500 2000 1, 2, 3 or 4 1800 2750

1000 50/60 100 Hz: 0.9 - 150 Hz: 0.8 - 250 Hz: 0.7 - 400 Hz: 0.5 800 10 000 10 000 9000 8000 4000 9600 9600 7000 4800 3500 2100 1200 800 1000 800 0.18 88 115 2 50 x 5 4x8 1250 10 000 10 000 9000 8000 4000 9600 9600 8000 5200 3800 2400 1800 1200 1500 1200 0.18 180 280 2 80 x 5 4 x 10 2000 15 000 15 000 12 000 9000 5000 12 000 12 000 9600 6400 5200 3600 2800 2 x 800 (1) 2 x 1000 (1) 2 x 1000 (1) 0.13 290 520 3 100 x5 4 x 10 2750 18 000 18 000 15 000 11 000 6000 15 000 15 000 12 000 8000 6300 4400 3600 2 x 1000 (1) 2 x 1200 (1) 2 x 1200 (1) 0.09 360 680 4 100 x 5 4 x 10

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A mW W W

Permissible short time rating For 1 s From cold state, with no current For 5 s flowing for previous 60 minutes  For 10 s at q y 40 C For 30 s For 1 min. For 3 min. For 10 min. Short-circuit protection by fuses U y 440 V Motor circuit (type aM) With thermal overload relay  (type gl) gl fuses At Ith and 50 Hz AC-3 AC-1 Number of bars Bar

Average impedance per pole Power dissipated per pole


mm mm

Bolt diameter Tightening torque Power circuit connections

N.m 21 35 35 35 (1) Fuses must not be connected in parallel unless specified by the manufacturer.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/184 to 5/186

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/192 and 5/193


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors

Control circuit characteristics

Contactor type Rated control voltage 50/60 Hz c 1,2 or 3-pole contactors c 4-pole contactors Operation Drop-out a Number of poles: 1 Number of poles: 2 Number of poles: 3 Number of poles: 4 Number of poles: 1 Number of poles: 2 Number of poles: 3 Number of poles: 4 V V V V V VA VA VA VA W W W W ms ms ms LC1BL 110500 48500 48500 0.851.1 Uc 0.300.50 Uc LC1BM 110500 48500 48500 0.851.1 Uc 0.300.50 Uc LC1BP 110500 48500 48500 0.851.1 Uc 0.350.50 Uc LC1BR 110500 48500 60500 0.851.1 Ucw 0.400.50 Uc

1 2 3 4

Voltage limits

Maximum consumption (coil + economy resistor)

Inrush: 620 - sealed: 10 Inrush: 1000 - sealed: 20 Inrush: 1300 - sealed: 31 Inrush: 1600 - sealed: 47 Inrush: 520 - sealed: 10 Inrush: 800 - sealed: 20 Inrush: 1100 - sealed: 31 Inrush: 1400 - sealed: 47 100150 50100 2040 1.2 100150 50100 2040 1.2 120 100150 50100 2040 1.2 120 100150 50100 2040 1.2 120

c (1)

Operating time (2)  average at Uc  (in milliseconds) Mechanical durability (at Uc) Maximum operating rate in mechanical operating cycles

C O breaking on a side O breaking on c side In millions of operating cycles Ambient temperature y 55 C

Op. 120 cycs/h

5 6

Characteristics of instantaneous auxiliary contacts ZC4GMp

Rated thermal current Rated insulation voltage Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to VDE, group C Conforming to  IEC 60947-1 and VDE 0660 A V V A 20 660 750 20

Short-circuit protection gl type cartridge fuses Operational power

1 million operating cycles Making and breaking capacity Cabling With cable end Without cable end

V VA/W VA/W mm2 mm2

a supply 110/127 220 2000 4000 14 000 23 000

380 4000 35 000

415/440 500 4000 3500 45 000 35 000

c supply 110 220 250 250 1600 800

440 230 400

500 200 360

7 8 9 10

1 or 2 x 4 mm2 conductors 1 or 2 x 6 mm2 conductors

(1) The inrush and sealed power values of d.c. electromagnets often require the use of an intermediate relay for control. (2) The closing time C is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time O is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/184 to 5/186

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/192 and 5/193



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B c ontactors

Contactors for motor control in category AC-3, from 750 to 1800 A (a or c )

1 2 3 4

3-pole contactors

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3

Rated operational current in AC-3 440V up to 500 V kW 500 660 V 690 V kW 560 1000 V kW A 530 750

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1)


220 V 230 V kW 220

380 V 400 V kW 400

415 V kW 425

440 V kW 450


2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4

2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3

LC1BL33p22 LC1BL33p31 LC1BL33p13 LC1BL33p40 LC1BM33p22 LC1BM33p31 LC1BM33p13 LC1BM33p40 LC1BP33p22 LC1BP33p31 LC1BP33p13 LC1BP33p40 LC1BR33p22 LC1BR33p31 LC1BR33p13 LC1BR33p40

kg 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 57.000 57.000 57.000 57.000 election: 94.000 pages 5/194 to 5/217 94.000 94.000 94.000 129.000 129.000 129.000 129.000


























5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

Contactors for control in category AC-1, from 800 to 2750 A (a or c )

Single, 2, 3 or 4-pole contactors
Maximum operational current in AC-1  (q y 40 C) A 800 Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

2 2 LC1BL31p22 3 1 LC1BL31p31 1 3 LC1BL31p13 4 LC1BL31p40 2 2 2 LC1BL32p22 3 1 LC1BL32p31 1 3 LC1BL32p13 4 LC1BL32p40 3 2 2 LC1BL33p22 3 1 LC1BL33p31 1 3 LC1BL33p13 4 LC1BL33p40 4 2 2 LC1BL34p22 3 1 LC1BL34p31 1 3 LC1BL34p13 4 LC1BL34p40 (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 48 110 120 125 127 220 230 240 380 400 a 50400 Hz F K G M P U Q V 1 c ED FD GD MD UD

kg 32.000 32.000 32.000 32.000 45.000 45.000 45.000 45.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 72.000 72.000 72.000 72.000 415 N 440 R RD 500 S SD

For voltages other than those indicated above, replace the p in the reference with the the operational voltage (3 figures) and the type of current (2 letters: AC for a.c. supply and DC for d.c. supply). Example: 82 V d.c., the reference becomes LC1BP33082DC22. For coil characteristics, see pages 5/188 to 5/191.

Characteristics: pages 5/182 and 5/183

Dimensions and schemes: pages 5/192 and 5/193


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors

Single, 2, 3 or 4-pole contactors

Maximum operational current in AC-1  (q y 40 C)

Contactors for control in category AC-1, from 800 to 2750 A (a or c ) (continued)

Number of poles Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A 1250

2 LC1BP33 3

2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4

2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3

LC1BM31p22 LC1BM31p31 LC1BM31p13 LC1BM31p40 LC1BM32p22 LC1BM32p31 LC1BM32p13 LC1BM32p40 LC1BM33p22 LC1BM33p31 LC1BM33p13 LC1BM33p40 LC1BM34p22 LC1BM34p31 LC1BM34p13 LC1BM34p40 LC1BP31p22 LC1BP31p31 LC1BP31p13 LC1BP31p40 LC1BP32p22 LC1BP32p31 LC1 BP32p13 LC1BP32p40 LC1BP33p22 LC1BP33p31 LC1BP33p13 LC1BP33p40 LC1BP34p22 LC1BP34p31 LC1BP34p13 LC1BP34p40 LC1BR31p22 LC1BR31p31 LC1BR31p13 LC1BR31p40 LC1BR32p22 LC1BR32p31 LC1BR32p13 LC1BR32p40 LC1BR33p22 LC1BR33p31 LC1BR33p13 LC1BR33p40 LC1BR34p22 LC1BR34p31 LC1BR34p13 LC1BR34p40

kg 31.000 31.000 31.000 31.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 57.000 57.000 57.000 57.000 71.000 71.000 71.000 71.000 41.000 41.000 41.000 41.000 65.000 65.000 65.000 65.000 94.000 94.000 94.000 94.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 52.000 52.000 52.000 52.000 85.000 85.000 85.000 85.000 129.000 129.000 129.000 129.000 160.000 160.000 160.000 160.000



(1) See previous page.

Selection: pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics: pages 5/182 and 5/183

Dimensions and schemes: pages 5/192 and 5/193



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors
Accessories and spare parts


Spare parts
Description Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks ZC4GM1 Description For contactor LC1B Composition 1 N/O 1 N/C For contactor Number of sets required per contactor pole 1 1 2 3 Reference ZC4GM1 ZC4GM2 Set reference PA1LB80 PA1LB80 PA1LB80 PA1LB80 Reference PA1LB75 PA1LB76 PA1LB89 PA1LB50 PA1LB50 PA1PB50 PA1RB50 Weight kg 0.030 0.030 Weight kg 0.420 0.420 0.420 0.420 Weight kg 0.220 0.200 0.120 3.700 3.700 6.200 8.500

1 2 3 4 5


Set of contacts LC1BL (1 moving contact,  1 fixed contact) LC1BM LC1BP LC1BR

PA1LB80 (PA1LB76 + PA1LB75)




For contactor

Moving contact LC1B only (for 1 finger) Fixed contact only LC1B (for 1 finger) Blow-out horn only LC1B (for 1 finger) Arc chamber LC1BL (for 1 contactor pole) LC1BM LC1BP LC1BR

Mounting accessories
Description For contactor Sold in lots of 2 Unit reference LA9B103 Weight kg 1.620


Bar support LC1BL to BR bracket for mounting on 120 or 150 mm centres

Assembly of two vertically mounted contactors by the customer

Description Mechanical interlock and locking device components For contactor LC1B Reference EZ2LB0601 Weight kg 1.280

7 8 9 10

- Positive mechanical interlock between two vertically mounted contactors of the same or different ratings. - Connecting rod with cranks mounted on the right-hand, pole side. - Vertical fixing centres of the two contactors: 600 mm. Description Notched mounting rails used as uprights  and as equipment support 1/4 turn sliding clip nut and corresponding screw for assembly of rails AM1EC Specification 2 mm steel,  with zinc chromate treatment Height mm 1650 1850 2000 M8 M8 x 18 Sold in lots of 4 4 4 10 10 Unit reference AM1EC165 AM1EC185 AM1EC200 AF1CD081 AF1VC820 Weight kg 2.460 2.760 2.980 0.020 0.024

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

Characteristics : pages 5/182 and 5/183

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/192 and 5/193


Adjustment characteristics

TeSys contactors

TeSys LC1B contactors


Electromagnet EB5KB50

Adjustment of pick-up travel and pull-in travel

Moving circuit

E e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Coil Moving circuit

Return spring


Complete pole

N/O pole
Fixed contact Moving contact

Opening gap adjustment

Pole spring

Adjustment of application force

c or a supply adjustment characteristics with economy resistor (and rectifier on a)

Contactor type Electromagnet Pick-up travel (E) Pull-in travel (e) Coil Pull-in voltage Drop-out voltage N/O pole Adjustment of  application force (F)  on the contact per pole according to contactor composition 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole V V daN daN daN daN mm mm LC1BL EB5KB50 30 10 WB1KBppp 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 30 30 30 LC1BM EB5KB50 30 10 WB1KBppp 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 30 30 30 LC1BP EB5KB50 30 10 WB1KBppp 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 (1) 30 (1) 30 (1) 30 (1) LC1BR EB5KB50 30 10 WB1KBppp 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 (2) 30 (2) 30 (2) 30 (2)

(1) Each pole has 2 contacts; the force must be applied evenly to each of these contacts. (2) Each pole has 3 contacts; the force must be applied evenly to each of these contacts.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/184 to 5/186

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/192 and 5/193



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors
Replacement coils and accessories  for single-pole contactors

1 2 3 4

The same coils are used for c or a contactor control supply. b For d.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + 1 or 2 auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor). b For 50 to 400 Hz a.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 individual rectifier (to be wired), - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor) wired into the rectified current side.
Operating range min-max (1) d.c. a.c. Coil Resistance at 20 C 10 % W 5.1 5.9 7.3 9.5 11.6 16.2 19.9 25.5 33.1 50.9 61.36 78.4 94.8 123.9 159.9 199.6 247.4 382 506.7 I inrush 10 % at Un max A 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.1 6.9 5.3 4.7 4.3 4.2 3 2.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.1 (2) 1 (3) Economy resistor Resistor Unit reference Contact Qty Reference Rectifier Coil (for a only) Reference Reference Weight


Total resistance W 270 330 390 560 680 820 1000 1200 1800 2700 3300 3900 4700 6800 4700 + 3300 5600 + 4700 6800 + 5600 20 000 24 000

5 6 7 8 9 10

V 47-51 52-56 57-64 65-68 69-79 80-87 88-94 95-108 109-136 137-151 152-166 167-189 190-221 222-243 244-267 268-318 319-405 406-446 447-500

V 110-125 126-155 156-173 174-191 192-216 217-256 257-280 281-307 308-365 366-463 464-500

DR2SC0270 DR2SC0330 DR2SC0390 DR2SC0560 DR2SC0680 DR2SC0820 DR2SC1000 DR2SC1200 DR2SC1800 DR2SC2700 DR2SC3300 DR2SC3900 DR2SC4700 DR2SC6800 DR2SC8200 DR2SC1001 DR2SC1201 DR2SC1001 DR2SC1201

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1



WB1KB155 WB1KB132 WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB130 WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB135 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 WB1KB137 WB1KB126 WB1KB138 WB1KB127 WB1KB128

kg 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120


b Average coil consumption (low sealed consumption): - d.c.: inrush 380520 W, sealed 0.150.20 W - a.c. (with rectifier): inrush 450620 VA, sealed 0.150.20 VA b Time constant when sealed 25 ms b Economy resistor consumption: 710 W b Operating cycles/hour at q y 55 C: y 120 b Mechanical durability at Uc: 1.2 million operating cycles b With a.c. operation: good resistance to voltage drop on inrush, non susceptibility to micro-breaks, mains harmonics: level y 7. (1) For supply voltages of less than 110 V, beware of voltage drops caused by the inrush current. (2) 2 resistors in series: 2 x 10 000 W. (3) 2 resistors in series: 2 x 12,000 W.



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors
Replacement coils and accessories  for 2-pole contactors

The same coils are used for c or a contactor control supply. b For d.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + 1 or 2 auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor). b For 50 to 400 Hz a.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 individual rectifier (to be wired), - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor) wired into the rectified current side.
Operating range min-max (1) d.c. a.c. Coil Resistance at 20 C 10 % W 3.22 4.04 4.96 5.86 7.2 9.6 11.4 16.3 19.7 25.2 32.5 49.7 61 77.2 94 128 160 197 257 I inrush 10 % at Un max A 15.8 13.8 12.5 11.6 11 8.8 8.6 6.6 6 5.4 5.3 3.8 3.4 3 3 2.4 2.1 2 1.9 Economy resistor Resistors (2 in series) Unit Total reference resistance DR2SC0068 DR2SC0082 DR2SC0100 DR2SC0100 DR2SC0120 DR2SC0120 DR2SC0150 DR2SC0180 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0270 DR2SC0330 DR2SC0390 DR2SC0470 DR2SC0680 DR2SC1000 DR2SC1200 DR2SC1500 DR2SC1800 DR2SC1800 DR2SC2200 DR2SC2700 DR2SC3300 DR2SC3900 DR2SC4700 DR2SC5600 Contact Qty Reference Rectifier Coil (for a only) Reference Reference Weight


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

V 48-51 52-56 57-62 63-68 69-79 80-85 WB1KBppp 86-98 99-108 109-119 120-136 137-173 174-191 192-210 211-238 239-279 280-310 311-341 342-399 400-500

V 99-113 114-125 126-136 137-156 157-196 197-216 217-238 239-272 273-318 319-359 360-387 388-452 453-500

W 2x68 1 82 1 + 100 100  1 + 120 2x120 1 2 x 150 1 180 1 + 220 220 1 + 270 2x330 1 2x390 1 2x470 2 2x680 2 2x1000 2 2x1200 2 1500  2 + 1800 1800 1 + 2200 2x2700 1 2x3300 1 2x3900 1 4700   1 + 5600 



WB1KB141 WB1KB142 WB1KB155 WB1KB132 WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB130 WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB135 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 WB1KB137 WB1KB126 WB1KB138

kg 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120



b Average coil consumption (low sealed consumption): - d.c.: inrush 600800 W, sealed 0.350.5 W - a.c. (with rectifier): inrush 7201000 VA, sealed 0.350.5 VA b Time constant when sealed 25 ms b Economy resistor consumption: 1520 W b Operating cycles/hour at q y 55 C: y 120 b Mechanical durability at Uc: 1.2 million operating cycles b With a.c. operation: good resistance to voltage drop on inrush, non susceptibility to micro-breaks, mains harmonics: level y 7. (1) For supply voltages of less than 110 V, beware of voltage drops caused by the inrush current.



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors
Replacement coils and accessories  for 3-pole contactors

1 2 3 4

The same coils are used for c or a contactor control supply. b For d.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + 1 or 2 auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor). b For 50 to 400 Hz a.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 individual rectifier (to be wired), - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor) wired into the rectified current side.
Operating range min-max (1) d.c. a.c. Coil Resistance at 20 C 10 % W 1.85 2.35 3.22 4.04 4.96 5.86 7.2 9.6 11.4 16.3 11.7 25.2 32.2 49.7 61 77.2 94 128 160 197 257 I inrush 10 % at Un max A 27 23.5 18.5 16 14.5 13.5 12.8 10.2 10 7.7 7 6.3 6.2 4.5 4 3.6 3.5 2.8 2.5 2.4 1.9 Economy resistor Resistors (2 in  parallel or in series) Unit Total reference resistance W DR2SC0150 2x150// DR2SC0180 2x180// DR2SC0220 2x220// DR2SC0270 2X270// DR2SC0330 2x330// DR2SC0100 2x100 DR2SC0120 2x120 DR2SC0150 150  DR2SC0180 + 180 DR2SC0180 180  DR2SC0220 + 220 DR2SC0270 2x270 DR2SC0330 2x330 DR2SC0390 390  DR2SC0470 + 470 DR2SC0560 2x560 DR2SC0820 2x820 DR2SC1000 2x1000 DR2SC1200 2x1200 DR2SC1500 2x1500 DR2SC1500 3x1500 DR2SC1800 3x1800 DR2SC2200 3x2200 DR2SC2700 3x2700 Contact Qty Reference kg 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 Rectifier Coil (for a only) Reference Reference Weight


V 47-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 67-72 73-79 80-92 93-98 99-114

V 108-113 114-132 133-145 146-160 161-181 182-228 229-255 256-282 283-316 317-372 373-408 409-452 453-500

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



WB1KB154 WB1KB153 WB1KB141 WB1KB142 WB1KB155 WB1KB132 WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB130 WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB135 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 WB1KB137 WB1KB126 WB1KB138

5 6 7 8 9 10

115-126 127-139 140-159 160-201 202-222 223-246 247-277 278-327 328-360 361-399 400-469 470-500

b Average coil consumption (low sealed consumption): - d.c.: inrush 9001100 W, sealed 0.71 W - a.c. (with rectifier): inrush 11001300 VA, sealed 0.71 VA b Time constant when sealed 25 ms b Economy resistor consumption: 2430 W b Operating cycles/hour at q y 55 C: y 120 b Mechanical durability at Uc: 1.2 million operating cycles b With a.c. operation: good resistance to voltage drop on inrush, non susceptibility to micro-breaks, mains harmonics: level y 7. (1) For supply voltages of less than 110 V, beware of voltage drops caused by the inrush current.



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors
Replacement coils and accessories  for 4-pole contactors

The same coils are used for c or a contactor control supply. b For d.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + 1 or 2 auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor). b For 50 to 400 Hz a.c. operation, the following must be associated with the coil: - 1 individual rectifier (to be wired), - 1 economy resistor arrangement (resistors + auxiliary contact(s) or 1 contactor) wired into the rectified current side.
Operating range min-max (1) d.c. a.c. Coil Resistance at 20 C 10 % W 2.35 3.22 4.04 4.96 5.86 7.2 9.6 11.4 16.3 19.7 25.2 32.5 49.7 61 77.2 94 128 160 197 I inrush 10 % at Un max A 26 21 18 16.3 15 14 11.5 11.3 8.7 8 7.1 6.9 5 4.5 4 3.9 3.2 2.8 2.5 Economy resistor Resistors (3 in series) Reference Total unit resistance DR2SC0027 DR2SC0033 DR2SC0039 DR2SC0047 DR2SC0056 DR2SC0068 DR2SC0100 DR2SC0100 DR2SC0150 DR2SC0180 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0330 DR2SC0470 DR2SC0560 DR2SC0680 DR2SC0820 DR2SC1200 DR2SC1500 DR2SC1800 W 3x27 3x33 3x39 3x47 3x56 3x68 3x100 3x100 3x150 3x180 3x220 3x330 3x470 3x560 3x680 3x820 3x1200 3x1500 3x1800 Contact Qty Reference Rectifier Coil (for a only) Reference Reference Weight


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


V 57-61 62-67 68-73 74-81 82-89 90-102 103-111 112-129 130-143 144-157 158-180 181-226 227-251 252-278 279-313 314-368 369-408 409-448 449-500

V 105-119 120-128 129-148 149-163 164-179 180-204 205-259 260-288 289-317 318-356 357-418 419-462 463-500

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



WB1KB153 WB1KB141 WB1KB142 WB1KB155 WB1KB132 WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB130 WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB135 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 WB1KB137 WB1KB126

kg 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120


b Average coil consumption (low sealed consumption): - d.c.: inrush 11001400 W, sealed 1.21.6 W - a.c. (with rectifier): inrush 13001600 VA, sealed 1.21.6 VA b Time constant when sealed 25 ms b Economy resistor consumption: 3545 W b Operating cycles/hour at q y 55 C: y 120 b Mechanical durability at Uc: 1.2 million operating cycles b With a.c. operation: good resistance to voltage drop on inrush, non susceptibility to micro-breaks, mains harmonics: level y 7. (1) For supply voltages of less than 110 V, beware of voltage drops caused by the inrush current.



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B c ontactors



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Single, 2, 3 or 4-pole contactors LC1 B Common side view

185 R 290

Single, 2 or 3-pole contactors LC1Bp31, Bp32 or Bp33

4-pole contactors LC1Bp34






44 30 15


Q1 30

P M1 L

51 M2

Q1 30

c 85 b c

LC1BL 1 2 50 50 59 59 16 16 345 445 285 385 121 121 100 100 100 100 122 122 10 10 30 30 9 9 3 50 59 16 540 480 121 100 100 122 10 30 9 4 50 59 16 760 308 392 121 100 100 122 10 30 9 LC1BM 1 2 63 63 55 55 20 20 345 445 285 385 125 125 100 100 100 100 157 157 17 17 30 30 11 11 3 63 55 20 540 480 125 100 100 157 17 30 11 4 63 55 20 760 308 392 125 100 100 157 17 30 11 LC1BP 1 2 100 100 55 55 20 20 385 540 325 480 125 125 150 150 110 110 173 173 20 20 60 60 11 11 3 100 55 20 760 700 125 150 110 173 20 60 11 4 100 55 20 1065 455 550 125 150 110 173 20 60 11 LC1BR 1 2 125 125 50 50 25 25 445 635 385 575 130 130 195 195 130 130 173 173 20 20 60 60 11 11 3 125 50 25 885 825 130 195 130 173 20 60 11 4 125 50 25 1065 455 550 130 195 130 173 20 60 11

Number of poles a b c L M M1 M2 N P Q1 R S T

Electrical safety clearance

Values X1 and X2 are given for a breaking capacity of 10 In (a 3-phase supply).

a 3-phase voltage 380/440 V

X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2

LC1BL 100 150 100 150 150 200 200 250

LC1BM 100 150 100 150 150 200 200 250

LC1BP 150 200 150 220 200 250 200 250

LC1BR 200 250 200 250 200 250 250 300


500 V

660/690 V

1000 V


8 9 10

Mechanical interlock for assembling vertically mounted reversing contactors


Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

A = (E112) 488

E = 600

References : pages 5/184 to 5/186

Schemes : page 5/193



TeSys contactors
TeSys LC1B contactors

TeSys LC1B c ontactors





1 2 3 4





















a.c. control circuit














2-wire control

3-wire control

5 6



Dotted lines show optional wiring and external items required.

d.c. control circuit

S3 S1 KM
2-wire control

2-wire control


3-wire  control

3-wire control



8 9 10




Nota : It is essential to check that the control circuit contacts have ratings compatible with the voltage and power consumption of the operating coil of the contactor. If not, an intermediate KA relay must be fitted and wired as shown. Dotted lines show optional wiring and external items required.

Selection : pages 5/194 to 5/217

References : pages 5/184 to 5/186

Dimensions : page 5/192



TeSys contactors

For utilisation category AC-3

Operational current and power conforming to IEC (q y 60 C)

1 2 3

Contactor size

Maximum operational current in AC-3 Rated operational power P  (standard motor power ratings)

y 440 V 220/240 V 380/400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V

A kW kW kW kW kW kW kW

LC1/ LP1 K06 6 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 3 3

LC1/ LP1 K09 9 2.2 4 4 4 4 4

LC1 K12 12 3 5.5 5.5 5.5 4 4

LC1 K16 16 3 7.5 7.5 7.5 5.5 4

LC1 D09 9 2.2 4 4 4 5.5 5.5

LC1 D12 12 3 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5

LC1 D18 18 4 7.5 9 9 10 10

LC1 D25 25 5.5 11 11 11 15 15

LC1 D32 32 7.5 15 15 15 18.5 18.5

LC1 D38 38 9 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5

LC1 D40A 40 11 18.5 22 22 22 30

Maximum operating rate in operating cycles/hour (1)

On-load factor

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

y 85%

Operational power P 0.5 P

LC1 D09 1200 3000 1800

LC1 D12 1200 3000 1800

LC1 D18 1200 2500 1800

LC1 D25 1200 2500 1800

LC1 D32 1000 2500 1200

LC1 D38 1000 2500 1200

LC1 D40A 1000 2500 1200

y 25%

Operational current and power conforming to UL, CSA

Contactor size Maximum operational current in AC-3 Rated operational power P  (standard motor power ratings  60 Hz) y 440 V 200/208 V 230/240 V 460/480 V 575/600 V A HP HP HP HP LC1/ LP1 K06 6 1.5 1.5 3 3 LC1/ LP1 K09 9 2 3 5 5

(q y 60 C)
LC1/ LP1 K12 12 3 3 7.5 10 LC1 D09 9 2 2 5 7.5 LC1 D12 12 3 3 7.5 10 LC1 D18 18 5 5 10 15 LC1 D25 25 7.5 7.5 15 20 LC1 D32 32 10 10 20 25 LC1 D38 LC1 D40A 40 10 10 30 30

(1) Depending on the operational power and the on-load factor (q y 60 C).


LC1 LC1 D50A D65A 50 15 22 25 30 30 33   65 18,5 30 37 37 37 37

LC1 D80 80 22 37 45 45 55 45 45

LC1 D95 95 25 45 45 45 55 45 45

LC1 D115 115 30 55 59 59 75 80 65

LC1 D150 150 40 75 80 80 90 100 75

LC1 F185 185 55 90 100 100 110 110 100

LC1 F225 225 63 110 110 110 129 129 100

LC1 F265 265 75 132 140 140 160 160 147

LC1 F330 330 100 160 180 200 200 220 160

LC1 F400 400 110 200 220 250 257 280 185

LC1 F500 500 147 250 280 295 355 335 335

LC1 F630 630 200 335 375 400 400 450 450

LC1 F780 780 220 400 425 425 450 475 450

LC1 F800 800 250 450 450 450 450 475 450

LC1 BL 750 220 400 425 450 500 560 530

LC1 BM 1000 280 500 530 560 600 670 530

LC1 BP 1500 425 750 800 800 750 750 670

LC1 BR 1800 500 900 900 900 900 900 750

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LC1 LC1 D50A D65A 1000 1000 2500   1200 2500 1200

LC1 D80 750 2000 1200

LC1 D95 750 2000 1200

LC1 D115 750 2000 1200

LC1 D150 750 1200 1200

LC1 F185 750 2000 1200

LC1 F225 750 2000 1200

LC1 F265 750 2000 1200

LC1 F330 750 2000 1200

LC1 F400 500 1200 1200

LC1 F500 500 1200 1200

LC1 F630 500 1200 1200

LC1 F780 500 1200 600

LC1 F800 500 600 600

LC1 BL 120 120 120

LC1 BM 120 120 120

LC1 BP 120 120 120

LC1 BR 120 120 120

LC1 LC1 D50A D65A 50 15 15 40   40 65 20 20 40 50

LC1 D80 80 30 30 60 60

LC1 D95 95 30 30 60 60

LC1 D115 115 30 40 75 100

LC1 D150 150 40 50 100 125

LC1 F185 185 50 60 125 150

LC1 F225 225 60 75 150 150

LC1 F265 265 60 75 150 200

LC1 F330 330 75 100 200 250

LC1 F400 400 100 125 250 300

LC1 F500 500 150 200 400 500

LC1 F630 630 250 300 600 800

LC1 F780 780 450 900

LC1 F800 800 350 400 900 900


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For utilisation category AC-3

1 2

Selection according to required electrical durability, in category AC-3 (Ue y440 V) Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) of the motor.
LC1, LP1, LP4 K06 LC1, LP1, LP4 K09 LC1, LP1, LP4 K12 LC1 D12

LC1 D40A

LC1 D50A

LC1 D65A

10 8
Millions of operating cycles

6 4

3 4

2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,5

7 8 9 10 12

16 20 18

50 25 30 37 32 40

LC1 D150
65 80

LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115


LC1 D18

LC1 D25

LC1 D32 LC1 D38

LC1 K16

95 115 150 200 Current broken in A









22 25



230 V
















400 V


5 6 7







37 45






440 V


Operational power in kW-50 Hz. Example: Asynchronous motor with P=5.5kW-Ue=400 V-Ie=11 A-Ic=Ie=11 A or asynchronous motor with P=5.5kW-Ue=415V-Ie=11 A-Ic=Ie=11 A 3 million operating cycles required.  The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1D18.

Selection according to required electrical durability, in category AC-3 (Ue = 660/690 V) (1) Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) of the motor.
LC1 D40A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D150 LC1 D95 LC1 D115 LC1 D32, LC1 D38 LC1 D09 LC1 D12 LC1 D18 LC1 D25

10 8
Millions of operating cycles

6 4 3 2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 6,6 9 11 15 17 20 22 50 60 33 40 35 42 48 200 80 90 100 Current broken in A

8 9 10

(1) For Ue = 1000 V, use the 660/690 V curves, but do not exceed the operational current at the operational power indicated for 1000 V.


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For utilisation category AC-3

Selection according to required electrical durability, in category AC-3 (Ue y440 V) Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) of the motor.
LC1 BL, BM LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F800 LC1 F780 LC1 F630 LC1 BR LC1 BP

1 2

10 8
Millions of operating cycles

6 4

2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 20 30 40 50 60 80 90

18,5 147 5,5 110 200 220 7,5


100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 Current broken in A

220 V 230 V 380 V 400 V

500 750 900


110 132













4 5 6 7 8



40 45






















440 V


Operational power in kW-50 Hz. Example:

Asynchronous motor with P=132kW-Ue=380V-Ie=245A-Ic=Ie=245A or asynchronous motor with P=132kW-Ue=415V-Ie=240A-Ic=Ie=240A 1.5 million operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1F330. (1) The dotted lines are only applicable to LC1 BL contactors.

Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst running. The current broken (Ic) in category AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) of the motor.
LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 BL, BM LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F780 LC1 F800
LC1 F630

Selection according to required electrical durability, in category AC-3 (Ue = 660/690 V)

10 8
Millions of operating cycles

6 4

2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 20 30 40 50 60 80 90 100 118 129

129 110


170 200 220

220 160

400 305 355

335 355

600 485
475 560 670



800 1000

Current broken in A

9 10



660 V 690 V


Example: Asynchronous motor with P = 132 kW - Ue = 660 V - Ie = 140 A - Ic = Ie = 140 A 1.5 million operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1F330.
(1) The dotted lines are only applicable to LC1 BL contactors.



TeSys contactors

For utilisation category AC-1

Maximum operational current (open-mounted device)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Contactor size Maximum operating rate  in operating cycles/hour Connection conforming to IEC 60947-1 Cable c.s.a. Bar c.s.a. Operational current in AC-1 in A, according to the  ambient temperature  conforming to IEC 60947-1 Maximum operational  power y 60 C y 40 C y 60 C y 70 C 220/230 V 240 V 380/400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V (1) Please consult your Regional Sales Office. mm2 mm A A A (at UC) kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW

LC1/ LP1 K09 600 4 20 20 (1) 8 8 14 14 15 17 22

LC1/ LP1 K12 600 4 20 20 (1) 8 8 14 14 15 17 22

LC1 D09 600 4 25 25 17 9 9 15 17 18 20 27

LC1 DT20 600 4 20 20 (1) 8 8 14 14 15 17 22

LC1 D12 DT25 600 4 25 25 17 9 9 15 17 18 20 27

LC1 D18 DT32 600 6 32 32 22 11 12 20 21 23 23 34

LC1 D25 DT40 600 6 40 40 28 14 15 25 27 29 33 43

LC1 D32 600 10 50 50 35 18 19 31 34 36 41 54

LC1 D38 600 10 50 50 35 18 19 31 34 36 41 54

LC1 D40A DT60A 600 35 60 60 42 21 23 37 41 43 49 65

Increase in operational current by parallel connection of poles Apply the following coefficients to the currents or power values given above; these coefficients take into account an often unbalanced current distribution between the poles: b 2 poles in parallel: K = 1.6 b 3 poles in parallel: K = 2.25 b 4 poles in parallel: K = 2.8

Selection according to required electrical durability, in category AC-1 (Ue y440 V)

LC1, LP1, LP4 K09 LC1, LP1, LP4 K12 LC1 D32, LC1 D38 LC1, LP1 D80

LC1 D40A

LC1 D50A LC1 D65A

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4

7 8 9 10

2 1,5 1 0,8 0,6 0,4



LC1 D115 LC1 D150

LC1 D09

LC1 D12

LC1 D18

LC1 D25

LC1 D95




32 40

50 60

80 100


200 250


Current broken in A

Control of resistive circuits (cos u 0.95). The current broken (Ic) in category AC-1 is equal to the current (Ie) normally drawn by the load. Example: b Ue=220 V - Ie=50 Aq y40 C - Ic = Ie = 50 A. b 2 million operating cycles required. b The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: either LC1 or LP1D50.



LC1 D50A 600 35 80 80 56 29 31 50 54 58 65 80

LC1 LC1/ D65A LP1 DT80A D80 600 35 80 80 56 29 31 50 54 58 65 80 600 50 125 125 80 45 49 78 85 90 102 135 120

LC1 D95 600 50 125 125 80 45 49 78 85 90 102 135 120

LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 D115 D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 600 120 250 200 160 80 83 135 140 150 170 235 345 600 120 250 200 160 80 83 135 140 150 170 235 345 600 150 275 275 180 90 100 165 170 180 200 280 410 600 185 315 280 200 100 110 175 185 200 220 300 450 600 185 350 300 250 120 125 210 220 230 270 370 540 600 240 400 360 290 145 160 250 260 290 320 400 640 600 600 600

LC1 F780 600

LC1 F800 600

LC1 LC1 LC1 F1700 F2100 BL 200 200 120

LC1 BM 120

LC1 BP 120

LC1 BR 120

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 2 2 30 x 5 40 x 5 60 x 5 500 430 340 170 180 300 310 330 380 530 760 700 580 500 240 255 430 445 470 660 740 950 1000 850 700 350 370 600 630 670 750 1000 1500

2 2 100 x 5 60 x 5 1600 1350 1100 550 570 950 1000 1050 1200 1650 2400 1000 850 700 350 370 600 630 670 750 1000 1500

3 4 100 x 5 100 5 1700 1450 570 600 1000 1050 1100 1250 1700 2500 2100 (2) 1750 700 780 1200 1300 1350 1550 2100 3100

2 2 2 2 50 x 5 80 x 5 100 x 5 100 x 10 800 700 600 300 330 500 525 550 600 800 1250 2000 1100 1750 900 425 450 800 825 850 900 1500 700 800 1200 1250 1400 1500 2750 2400 2000 1000 1100 1600 1700 2000 2100 2700 4200

1100 1900

1100 1700 3000

(2) With set of right-angled connectors LA9 F2100.


LC1 F330 LC1 F400

LC1 F500

LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265

LC1 F630 LC1 F800

LC1 F780

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4



7 8 9 10

1 0,8 0,6 0,4











600 800 1000 300 350 275 315 400 500 700

1600 2000


Current broken in A

Example: b Ue=220 V - Ie=500 A-qy40 C-Ic=Ie=500 A. b 2 million operating cycles required. b The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1F780.
(3) The dotted lines are only applicable to LC1F225.



TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories AC-2 or AC-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Category AC-2: slip ring motors - breaking the starting current. Category AC-4: squirrel cage motors - breaking the starting current.
Contactor size In category AC-4 (le max) Ue y 440 V le max broken =  6 x l motor 440 V < Ue y 690V le max broken =  6 x l motor A A LC1/ LP1 K06 36 26 LC1/ LP1 K09 54 40 LC1/ LP1 K12 54 40 LC1 D09 54 40 LC1 D12 72 50 LC1 D18 108 70 LC1 D25 150 90 LC1 D32 192 105 LC1 D38 192 105 LC1 D40A 240 150

Maximum breaking current

Depending on the maximum operating rate (1) and the on-load factor, q y 60 C (2)
From 150 and 15 % to 300 and 10 % From 150 and 20 % to 600 and 10 % From 150 and 30 % to 1200 and 10 % From 150 and 55 % to 2400 and 10 % From 150 and 85 % to 3600 and 10 % A A A A A 20 18 16 13 10 30 27 24 19 16 30 27 24 19 16 30 27 24 19 16 40 36 30 24 21 45 40 35 30 25 75 67 56 45 40 80 70 60 50 45 80 70 60 50 45 110 96 80 62 53

(1) Do not exceed the maximum number of operating cycles.. (2) For temperatures higher than 60 C, use a maximum operating rate value equal to 80% of the actual value when selecting from the tables.

Counter current braking (plugging) The current varies from the maximum plug-braking current to the rated motor current. The making current must be compatible with the rated making and breaking capacities of the contactor. As breaking normally takes place at a current value at or near the locked rotor current, the contactor can be selected using the criteria for categories AC-2 and AC-4.

Permissible AC-4 power rating for 200 000 operating cycles

Operational voltage 220/230 V 380/400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660/690 V kW kW kW kW kW kW LCp/ LPp K06 0.75 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 3

LCp/ LPp K09 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 3 4

LCp LPp K12 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 3 4

LCp D09 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 3 4

LCp D12 1.5 3.7 3 3 4 5.5

LCp D18 2.2 4 3.7 3.7 5.5 7.5

LCp D25 3 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 10

LCp D32 4 7.5 7.5 7.5 9 11

LCp D38 4 7.5 7.5 7.5 9 11

LCp D40A 4 9 9 11 11 15


LC1 LC1 D50A D65A     300 170 390 210 LC1 D80 480 250 LC1 D95 570 250 LC1 D115 630 540 LC1 D150 830 640 LC1 F185 1020 708 LC1 F225 1230 810 LC1 F26 1470 1020 LC1 F330 1800 1410 LC1 F40 2220 1830 LC1 F500 2760 2130 LC1 F630 3360 2760 LC1 F780 4260 2910 LC1 F800 3690 2910 LC1 BL 4320 4000 LC1 BM 5000 4800 LC1 BP 7500 5400 LC1 BR 9000 6600

1 2 3 4

140 120 100 80 70   

160 148 132 110 90

200 170 145 120 100

200 170 145 120 100

280 250 215 150 125

310 280 240 170 145

380 350 300 240 170

420 400 330 270 190

560 500 400 320 230

670 600 500 390 290

780 700 600 450 350

1100 950 750 600 500

1400 1250 950 720 660

1600 1400 1100 820 710

1600 1400 1100 820 710

2250 2000 1500 1000 750

3000 2400 2000 1500 1000

4500 3750 3000 2000 1500

5400 5000 3600 2500 1800

LCp LCp D50A D65A LCp D80 7.5 15 15 15 22 25 LCp D95 9 15 15 15 22 25 LC1 D115 9 18.5 18.5 18.5 30 30 LC1 D150 11 22 22 22 37 45 LC1 F185 18.5 33 37 37 45 63 LC1 F225 22 40 45 45 55 75 LC1 F265 28 51 55 59 63 90 LC1 F330 33 59 63 63 75 110 LC1 F400 40 75 80 80 90 129 LC1 F500 45 80 90 100 110 140 LC1 F630 55 100 100 110 132 160 LC1 F780 63 110 110 132 150 185 LC1 F800 63 110 110 132 150 185 LC1 BL 90 160 160 160 180 200 LC1 BM 110 160 160 200 200 250 LC1 BP 150 220 250 250 250 315 LC1 BR 200 250 280 315 355 450

5.5 11 11 11 15 15

7.5 11 11 15 15 18.5

6 7 8 9 10


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories AC-2 or AC-4

1 2

Selection according to required electrical durability, in categories AC-2 or AC-4 (Ue y440 V) Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors (AC-4) or slip ring motors (AC-2) with breaking whilst motor stalled. The current broken (Ic) in AC-2 is equal to 2.5 x Ie. The current broken (Ic) in AC-4 is equal to 6 x Ie. (Ie = rated operational current of the motor).
LC1, LP1, LP4 K06 LC1 D32 et D38 LC1 D40A LC1 D50A LC1, LP1, LP4 K09,K12

LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115

1 0,8
Millions of operating cycles

0,6 0,4

3 4 5 6 7


0,1 0,08 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02



8 9 10


30 36 40

50 54

72 80


LC1 D150

LC1 D09

LC1 D12

LC1 D18

LC1 D25

150 192 240 300

390 480 570 630

828 1000

Current broken in A

Example: b Asynchronous motor with P = 5.5 kW - Ue = 400 V - Ie = 11 A. Ic = 6 x Ie = 66 A b or asynchronous motor with P = 5.5 kW - Ue = 415 V - Ie = 11 A. Ic = 6 x Ie = 66 A. b 200 000 operating cycles required. b The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1 D25.
(1) The dotted lines are only applicable to LC1, LP1 K12 contactors.

Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst motor stalled The current broken (Ic) in AC-2 is equal to 2.5 x Ie. The current broken (Ic) in AC-4 is equal to 6 x Ie. (Ie = rated operational current of the motor).
LC1 D32, D38 LC1 D40A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D150 LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115

Selection according to required electrical durability, use in category AC-4 (440 V < Ue y 690 V)

LC1 D09

LC1 D12

LC1 D18

1 0,8
Millions of operating cycles

0,6 0,4

8 9 10


0,1 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02


8 9 10


LC1 D25



90 105 121 150

210 250 300

400 500 540 640 800 1000

Current broken in A


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories AC-2 or AC-4

Selection according to required electrical durability, in categories AC-2 or AC-4 (Ue y440 V) Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors (AC-4) or slip ring motors (AC-2) with breaking whilst motor stalled. The current broken (Ic) in AC-4 is equal to 6 x Ie. (Ie = rated operational current of the motor).
LC1 BL, BM LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F630 LC1 F800 LC1 F780 LC1 BR LC1 BP

1 2 3 4

1 0,8
Millions of operating cycles

0,6 0,4


0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04


0,01 100 200 400 600 800 1020 1470 2220 3360 4260 5000 8000 20 000 6000 10 000 1230 1800 2760 3690 Current broken in A

Example: b Asynchronous motor with P = 90 kW - Ue = 380 V - Ie = 170 A. Ic = 6 x Ie = 1020 A or asynchronous motor with P = 90 kW - Ue = 415 V - Ie = 165 A. Ic = 6 x Ie = 990 A. b 60 000 operating cycles required. b The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed: LC1F265.

5 6 7 8 9

Control of 3-phase asynchronous squirrel cage motors with breaking whilst motor stalled. The current broken (Ic) in AC-4 is equal to 6 x Ie. (Ie = rated operational current of the motor).
LC1 F780, F800 LC1 BL, BM

Selection according to required electrical durability, use in category AC-4 (440 V < Ue y 690 V)

LC1 F185

LC1 F225

LC1 F265

LC1 F330

LC1 F400 LC1 F500

LC1 F630

1 0,8
Millions of operating cycles

0,6 0,4


0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04


0,01 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 8000 10 000 20 000



Current broken in A




TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

Rated operational current (Ie) in Amperes, in utilisation category DC-1,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

resistive loads: time constant

Rated operational voltage Ue V

No. of Contactor rating (1) poles LC1 LC1 LC1 connec- D09 DT20 D12 ted in DT25 series

L __ R

y 1 ms, ambient temperature y 60 C

LC1 D18 DT32 LC1 D25 DT40 LC1 D32 LC1 D38 LC1 D40A LC1 DT60A


1 pole




2 poles

460 900 1200 1500

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 4 2 3 4

20 20 20 20 20 20 4 20 20 1 4 20 4

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 20 20 20 1 4 20 20 4 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 20 20 20 1 4 20 20 4 20

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 4 25 25 25 1 4 25 25 4 25

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 7 32 32 32 1 7 32 32 7 32

40 40 40 40 40 40 7 40 40 1 7 40 7

40 40 40 40 40 40 7 40 40 1 7 40 7

50 50 50 50 50 50 7 50 50 1 7 50 7

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 7 50 50 50 1 7 50 50 50

Rated operational current (Ie) in Amperes, in utilisation category DC-2

to DC-5, inductive loads: time constant

3 poles

Rated operational voltage Ue V 24

No. of C ontactor rating (1) poles LC1 LC1 LC1 connec- D09 DT20 D12 ted in DT25 series 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 4 2 3 4 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 0,5 2 8 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 20 0,5 2 8 20 2 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 20 0,5 2 8 20 2 8

L __ R

y 15 ms, ambient temperature y 60 C

LC1 D25 DT40 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 32 32 32 0,5 3 32 32 3 32 LC1 D32 LC1 D38 LC1 D40A LC1 DT60A

LC1 D18 DT32 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2 25 25 25 0,5 2 8 25 2 8



4 poles

300 460 900 1200 1500

40 40 40 40 40 40 3 40 40 0,5 3 40 3

40 40 40 40 40 40 3 40 40 0,5 3 40 3

50 50 50 50 50 50 4 50 50 1 4 50 3

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 4 50 50 50 1 4 50 50 3 50

(1) For rated operational currents of contactors LC1 and LP1 K: please consult your Regional Sales Office.


LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 D50A D65A DT80A D80

LC1 D95

LC1 D115

LC1 D150

LC1 F185

LC1 F225

LC1 F265

LC1 F330

LC1 F400

LC1 F500

LC1 F630

LC1 F780

LC1 F800





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

65 65 65 65 65 65 7 65 65 1 7 65 7

65 65 65 65 65 65 7 65 65 1,5 7 65 7

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 7 65 65 65 1,5 7 65 65 7 65

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 12 100 100 100 2 12 100 100 12 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 12 100 100 2 12 100 12

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 12 200 200 200 10 200 200 200 200 200 200

200 200 200 200 200 200 12 200 200 10 200 200 200

240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 210 210 240 240 190 240 240 190 240 190

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 230 230 260 260 200 260 260 200 260 200

300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 270 270 300 300 250 300 300 250 300 250

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 320 320 360 360 280 360 360 280 360 280

430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 380 380 430 430 350 430 430 350 430 350

580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 520 520 580 580 450 580 580 450 580 450

850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 760 760 850 850 700 850 850 700 850 700

1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1180 1180 1300 1300 1000 1300 1300 1000 1000 1000

850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 760 760 850 850 700 850 850 700 850 700

700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100

1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750

2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400

LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 D50A D65A DT80A D80

LC1 D95

LC1 D115

LC1 D150

LC1 F185

LC1 F225

LC1 F265

LC1 F330

LC1 F400

LC1 F500

LC1 F630

LC1 F780

LC1 F800





65 65 65 65 65 65 4 65 65 1 4 65 3

65 65 65 65 65 65 4 65 65 1.5 4 65 3

65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 4 65 65 65 1.5 4 65 65 3 65

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 100 100 100 1 5 100 100 5 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 5 100 100 1 5 100 5

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 10 200 200 200 3 200 200 200 200 200 200

200 200 200 200 200 200 10 200 200 3 200 200 200

240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 160 240 240 140 160 240 140 240 140

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 180 240 240 160 180 260 160 260 160

300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 250 280 280 220 250 300 220 300 220

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 300 310 310 280 300 360 280 360 280

430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 350 350 350 310 350 430 310 430 310

580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 500 550 550 480 500 580 480 580 480

850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 700 850 850 680 700 850 680 850 680

1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1000 1000 1000 900 1000 1300 900 1300 800

850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 700 850 850 680 700 850 680 850 680

700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100

1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750

2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400



TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

1 2 3

The criteria for contactor selection are: b the rated operational current Ie, b the rated operational voltage Ue, b the utilisation category and the time constant L/R, b the required electrical durability.

Selection according to required electrical durability, use in categories DC-1 to DC-5

Maximum operating rate (operating cycles) The following limits must not be exceeded: 120 operating cycles/hour at rated operational current Ie. Electrical durability
LC1 D40A, DT60A LC1 D65A, DT80A LC1 D115, D150 7 8 9 10

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 1 0,7 0,9 2 3 4 5 6 14 16 20 24 40 50 60 70 90 100 30 80 32 36 Power broken per pole in kW

Example Series wound motor - P = 1.5 kW - Ue = 200 V - Ie = 7.5 A. Utilisation: reversing, inching. b Utilisation category = DC-5. b Select contactor LC1 D09 with 3 poles in series. b The power broken is: Pc total = 2.5 x 200 x 7.5 = 3.75 kW. b The power broken per pole is: 1.25 kW. b The electrical durability read from the curve is u 3 millions of operating cycles. Use of poles in parallel

Electrical durability can be increased by using poles connected in parallel. With N poles connected in parallel, the electrical durability becomes: electrical durability read from the curves x N x 0.7.
Note: 1

When the poles are connected in parallel, the maximum operational currents indicated on pages 5/204 and 5/205 must not be exceeded.
Note: 2

Ensure that the connections are made in such a way as to equalise the currents in each pole.


LC1, LP1 D80 LC1 D95

LC1 D50A

LC1 D32, LC1 D38

LC1 D09

LC1 D12

LC1 D18

LC1 D25

Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors

For utilisation categories DC-1 to DC-5

Determining the electrical durability The electrical durability can be read directly from the curves below, having previously calculated the power broken as follows:  P broken = U broken x l broken. The tables below give the values of Uc and Ic for the various utilisation categories. Power broken
Utilisation categories DC-1 Non inductive or slightly inductive loads DC-2 Shunt wound motors, breaking whilst motor running DC-3 Shunt wound motors, reversing, inching DC-4 Series wound motors, breaking whilst motor running DC-5 Series wound motors, reversing, inching
LC1 F185, F225 LC1 F630, F800

Selection according to required electrical durability, use in categories DC-1 to DC-5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

U broken Ue 0.1 Ue Ue 0.3 Ue Ue

I broken Ie Ie 2.5 Ie Ie 2.5 Ie

P broken Ue x Ie 0.1 Ue x Ie Ue x 2.5 Ie 0.3 Ue x Ie Ue x 2.5 Ie

LC1 F400 LC1 F500

LC1 F265


LC1 F330

LC1 F780

Millions of operating cycles

10 8 6 4 2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 100 200 4000 300 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000 500 700 900 5000 Power broken per pole in kW

Example Series wound motor: P = 40 kW - Ue = 200 V - Ie = 200 A. Utilisation: reversing, inching. Utilisation category = DC-5. b Select contactor LC1 F265 with 2 poles in series. b The power broken is: Pc total = 2.5 x 200 x 200 = 100 kW. b The power broken per pole is 50 kW. b The electrical durability read from the curve is 500 000 operating cycles.





TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The operating conditions of lighting circuits have the following characteristics: b continuous duty: the switching device can remain closed for several days or even months, b a dispersion factor of 1: all luminaires in the same group are switched on or off simultaneously, b a relatively high temperature around the device due to the enclosure, the presence of fuses, or an unventilated control panel location. This is why the operational current for lighting is lower than the value given for AC-1 duty.

The continuous duty current drawn by a lighting circuit is constant. In fact: b it is unlikely that the number of luminaires of an existing circuit will be modified, b this type of circuit cannot create an overload of long duration. It is therefore only necessary to provide short-circuit protection. This can be provided by: b gG type fuses, or b modular circuit-breakers. Nevertheless, it is always possible and sometimes more economical (smaller cable size) to protect the circuit by a thermal overload relay and associated aM type fuses.

Distribution system
Single-phase circuit, 220/240 V The tables on pages 5/209 to 5/213 are based on a single-phase 220/240V circuit and can therefore be applied directly in this case. 3-phase circuit, 380/415 V (with neutral) The total number of lamps (N) to be switched simultaneously is divided into three equal groups, each connected between one phase and neutral. The contactor can then be selected from the 220/240 V single-phase tables for a number of lamps equal to N ---- lamps. 3 3-phase circuit, 220/240 V The total number of lamps (N) to be switched simultaneously is divided into three equal groups, each connected between 2 phases (L1-L2), (L2-L3), (L3-L1). The contactor can then be selected N lamps. from the 220/240 V single-phase table for a number of lamps equal to -------

Contactor selection tables

For the different types of lamps, the tables on pages 5/209 to 5/213 give the maximum number of lamps of unit power P (in Watts), which can be switched simultaneously for each size of contactor. They are based on: b a 220/240 V single-phase circuit, b an ambient temperature of 55 C (1), taking into account the operating conditions (see General paragraph). b an electrical life of more than 10 years (200 days operation per year). They take into account: b the total current drawn (including ballast), b transient phenomena which occur at switch-on, b the starting currents and their duration, b the circulation of any harmonics which may be present. Lamps with compensating capacitor C (F) connected in parallel Parallel connected compensating capacitors C cause a current peak at the moment of switch-on. To ensure that the value of this current peak remains compatible with the making characteristics of the contactors, the unit value of the capacitance must not exceed the following: Switching contactor LC1 LP1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 rating K09 K09 D09 D12 D18 D25 D32 D38 D40A D50A D65A D80 Maximum unit value C             (F) of parallel 7 3 18 18 25 60 96 96 120 120 240 240 connected compensating capacitor Switching contactor LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 rating D95 D115 D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F800 Maximum unit value C            (F) of parallel 240 300 360 800 1200 1700 2500 4000 6000 9000 10800 connected compensating capacitor This value is independent of the number of lamps switched by the contactor. (1) For an ambient temperature of 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2.


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits

Usual values
The tables show the following values: b IB: value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage, b C: unit capacitance for each lamp, corresponding to the values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers. These values are given for an ambient temperature of 55 C (for 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Incandescent and halogen lamps

P (W) 60 IB (A) 0.27 Max. no. 35 of lamps 59 according 77 to P (W) 92 129 163 207 296 430 466 710 770 888 1006 1274 1718 2328 2776 75 0.34 28 47 61 73 103 129 164 235 340 370 564 610 704 800 1010 1364 1850 2204 100 0.45 21 35 46 55 77 97 124 177 256 280 426 462 532 604 764 1030 1396 1666 150 0.68 14 23 30 36 51 64 82 117 170 184 282 304 352 400 504 682 924 1102 200 0.91 10 17 23 27 38 48 62 88 126 138 210 228 262 298 378 508 690 824 300 1.40 6 11 15 18 25 31 40 57 82 90 136 148 170 194 244 330 448 534 500 2.30 4 7 9 11 15 19 24 34 50 54 82 90 104 118 148 200 272 326 750 3.40 2 4 6 7 10 13 16 23 34 36 56 60 70 80 100 136 184 220 1000 4.60 2 3 4 5 7 9 12 17 24 26 40 44 52 58 74 100 136 162 LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115 D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F800

Mixed lighting lamps

P (W) IB (A) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) 100 0.45 21 35 46 55 77 97 124 177 256 280 426 462 532 604 764 1030 1398 1666 160 0.72 13 22 29 36 48 61 77 111 160 174 266 288 332 378 478 644 874 1040 250 1.10 8 14 18 23 30 38 49 70 104 114 174 188 218 246 312 422 572 680 500 2.30 4 7 9 11 15 19 24 34 50 54 82 90 104 118 150 202 272 326 1000 4.50 2 3 4 5 7 9 12 17 26 28 42 46 52 60 76 102 140 166 LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115 D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F800


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits

Usual values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The tables show the following values: b IB: value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage, b C: unit capacitance for each lamp, corresponding to the values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers. These values are given for an ambient temperature of 55 C (for 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2).

Fluorescent lamps with starter. Single fitting

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 20 40 0.39 0.45 24 21 41 35 53 46 66 57 89 77 112 97 143 124 205 177 410 354 492 426 532 462 614 532 696 604 882 764 1190 1030 1612 1398 65 0.70 13 22 30 37 50 62 80 114 228 274 296 342 388 490 662 698 80 0.80 12 20 26 32 43 55 70 100 200 240 260 300 340 430 580 786 With parallel correction 110 20 40 65 1.2 0.17 0.26 0.42 5 5 7 8 56 36 22 13 94 61 38 17 123 80 50 21 152 100 61 29 205 134 83 36 258 169 104 46 329 215 133 66 470 367 190 132 940 614 380 160 1128 738 456 172 1224 800 490 200 1412 922 570 226 1600 1046 648 286 2024 1322 818 386 2728 1724 1104 524 3700 2418 1498 80 0.52 7 18 30 40 50 67 84 107 153 306 368 400 462 522 662 892 1210 110 0.72 16 22 29 36 48 61 77 111 222 266 288 332 378 478 644 874

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

Fluorescent lamps with starter. Twin fitting

P (W) IB (A) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 2x20 2x40 2x0.22 2x0.41 2x21 2x11 2x36 2x18 2x46 2x24 2x58 2x30 2x78 2x42 2x100 2x52 2x126 2x68 2x180 2x96 2x360 2x194 2x436 2x234 2x472 2x254 2x544 2x292 2x618 2x332 2x782 2x420 2x1054 2x566 2x1430 2x766 2x65 2x0.67 2x7 2x10 2x14 2x18 2x26 2x32 2x40 2x58 2x118 2x142 2x154 2x178 2x202 2x256 2x346 2x468 2x80 2x0.82 2x5 2x8 2x12 2x14 2x20 2x26 2x34 2x48 2x96 2x116 2x126 2x146 2x166 2x210 2x282 2x384 2x110 2x1.1 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x14 2x18 2x24 2x36 2x72 2x86 2x94 2x108 2x124 2x156 2x210 2x286 With series correction 2x20 2x40 2x65 2x0.13 2x0.24 2x0.39 2x36 2x20 2x12 2x60 2x32 2x20 2x80 2x42 2x26 2x100 2x54 2x32 2x134 2x72 2x44 2x168 2x90 2x56 2x214 2x116 2x70 2x306 2x166 2x102 2x614 2x332 2x204 2x738 2x400 2x246 2x800 2x432 2x266 2x922 2x500 2x308 2x1046 2x566 2x348 2x1322 2x716 2x440 2x1784 2x966 2x594 2x2418 2x1310 2x806 2x80 2x0.48 2x10 2x16 2x20 2x26 2x36 2x44 2x58 2x82 2x166 2x200 2x216 2x250 2x282 2x358 2x482 2x654 2x110 2x0.65 2x7 2x12 2x16 2x20 2x26 2x32 2x42 2x60 2x122 2x148 2x160 2x184 2x208 2x264 2x356 2x484

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits

Usual values
The tables show the following values: b IB: value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage, b C: unit capacitance for each lamp, corresponding to the values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers. These values are given for an ambient temperature of 55 C (for 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2).

1 2
LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

Fluorescent lamps without starter. Single fitting

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 20 40 0.43 0.55 22 17 37 29 48 38 60 47 97 63 102 80 130 101 186 145 372 290 446 348 484 378 558 436 632 494 800 624 1078 844 1462 1144 65 0.80 12 20 26 32 43 55 70 100 200 240 260 300 340 430 580 786 80 0.95 10 16 22 27 36 46 58 84 168 202 218 252 286 362 488 662 110 1.4 6 11 15 18 25 31 40 57 114 136 148 170 194 246 330 448 With parallel correction 20 40 65 0.19 0.29 0.46 5 5 7 50 33 20 84 55 34 110 72 45 136 89 56 184 101 76 231 151 95 294 193 121 421 275 173 842 550 346 1010 662 416 1094 716 452 1262 828 522 1432 938 590 1810 1186 748 2442 1600 1008 3310 2168 1366 80 0.57 7 16 28 36 45 61 77 98 140 280 336 364 420 476 604 814 1104 110 0.79 16 20 26 32 44 55 70 101 202 242 262 304 344 434 586 796

3 4 5

Fluorescent lamps without starter. Twin fitting

Non corrected P (W) 2x20 2x40 IB (A) 2x0.25 2x0.47 Max. no. 2x19 2x10 of lamps 2x32 2x16 according 2x42 2x22 to P (W) 2x52 2x26 2x70 2x36 2x88 2x46 2x112 2x58 2x160 2x84 2x320 2x170 2x384 2x204 2x416 2x220 2x480 2x254 2x544 2x288 2x688 2x366 2x928 2x494 2x1258 2x668 2x65 2x0.76 2x6 2x10 2x12 2x16 2x22 2x28 2x36 2x52 2x104 2x126 2x136 2x158 2x178 2x226 2x304 2x414 2x80 2x0.93 2x5 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x18 2x22 2x30 2x42 2x86 2x102 2x112 2x128 2x146 2x184 2x248 2x338 2x110 2x1.3 2x3 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x16 2x20 2x30 2x60 2x74 2x80 2x92 2x104 2x132 2x178 2x242 With series correction 2x20 2x40 2x65 2x0.14 2x0.26 2x0.43 2x34 2x18 2x11 2x56 2x30 2x18 2x74 2x40 2x24 2x92 2x50 2x30 2x124 2x66 2x40 2x156 2x84 2x50 2x200 2x106 2x64 2x234 2x152 2x92 2x570 2x306 2x186 2x686 2x368 2x222 2x742 2x400 2x242 2x856 2x462 2x278 2x970 2x522 2x316 2x1228 2x662 2x400 2x1656 2x892 2x540 2x2246 2x1210 2x730 2x80 2x0.53 2x9 2x14 2x18 2x24 2x32 2x40 2x52 2x74 2x150 2x180 2x196 2x226 2x256 2x324 2x438 2x592 2x110 2x0.72 2x6 2x10 2x14 2x18 2x24 2x30 2x38 2x54 2x110 2x132 2x144 2x166 2x188 2x238 2x322 2x436

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

6 7 8 9 10


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits

Usual values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The tables show the following values: b IB: value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage, b C: unit capacitance for each lamp, corresponding to the values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers. These values are given for an ambient temperature of 55 C (for 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2).

Low pressure sodium vapour lamps

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 35 55 90 1.2 1.6 2.4 6 5 3 10 7 5 12 9 6 15 11 7 21 16 10 27 20 13 35 26 17 50 37 25 100 75 50 140 104 70 152 114 76 174 130 88 198 148 98 250 188 124 338 254 168 496 372 248 135 3.1 2 3 4 6 8 10 13 19 38 54 58 68 76 96 130 192 150 3.2 2 3 4 5 8 10 13 18 36 52 56 66 74 94 126 186 180 3.3 2 3 4 5 7 10 12 18 36 50 54 64 72 90 122 180 200 3.4 2 3 4 5 7 9 12 17 34 48 54 62 70 88 118 174 With parallel correction 35 55 90 135 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 17 17 25 36 40 30 50 37 25 63 47 31 21 86 65 43 28 110 82 55 36 140 105 70 46 200 150 100 66 400 300 200 132 560 420 280 186 606 454 302 202 700 524 350 232 792 594 396 264 1002 752 502 334 1352 1014 676 450 1982 1488 992 660 150 1 36 19 26 33 42 60 120 168 182 210 238 300 406 594 180 1.2 36 15 21 27 35 50 100 140 152 174 198 250 338 496 200 1.3 36 14 20 25 32 46 92 128 140 162 182 252 312 458

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

High pressure sodium vapour lamps

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 150 250 1.9 3.2 4 2 6 3 7 4 10 5 13 8 17 10 22 13 31 18 62 36 88 52 96 56 110 66 124 74 158 94 214 126 312 186 400 5 1 2 3 3 5 6 8 12 24 34 36 42 48 60 80 118 700 8.8 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 12 18 20 24 26 34 46 68 1000 12.4 1 1 2 2 3 4 8 14 16 18 20 24 32 48 With parallel correction 150 250 400 0.84 1.4 2.2 20 32 48 17 22 13 8 30 18 11 39 23 15 50 30 19 71 42 27 142 84 54 200 120 76 216 130 82 250 150 94 282 170 108 358 214 136 482 290 184 708 424 270 700 3.9 96 6 8 10 15 30 42 46 54 60 76 104 152 1000 5.5 120 6 7 10 20 30 32 38 42 54 74 108

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For lighting circuits

Usual values
The tables show the following values: b IB: value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage, b C: unit capacitance for each lamp, corresponding to the values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers. These values are given for an ambient temperature of 55 C (for 40 C, multiply the number by 1.2).

1 2
LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

High pressure mercury vapour lamps

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 50 80 125 0.54 0.81 1.20 14 9 6 22 14 9 27 18 12 35 23 15 48 32 21 61 40 27 77 51 34 111 74 49 222 148 100 310 206 140 336 224 152 388 258 174 440 294 198 556 372 250 752 500 338 1102 734 496 250 2.30 3 5 6 8 11 14 17 26 52 72 78 90 102 130 176 258 400 4.10 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 14 28 40 44 50 58 72 98 144 700 6.80 1 2 2 3 4 6 8 16 24 26 30 34 44 60 88 1000 9.90 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 12 17 18 20 24 30 40 60 With parallel correction 50 80 125 250 0.3 0.45 0.67 1.3 10 10 10 18 40 26 17 9 50 33 22 11 63 42 28 14 86 57 38 20 110 73 49 25 140 93 62 32 200 133 89 46 400 266 178 92 560 372 250 128 606 404 272 140 700 466 312 162 792 528 354 182 1002 668 448 232 1352 902 606 312 1982 1322 888 458 400 2.3 25 6 8 11 14 18 26 52 72 78 90 102 130 176 258 700 3.8 40 5 6 8 11 15 30 44 48 54 62 78 106 156 1000 5.5 60 3 4 6 7 10 20 30 32 38 42 54 74 108

3 4 5

Metal iodine vapour lamps

P (W) IB (A) C (F) Max. no. of lamps according to P (W) Non corrected 250 400 2.5 3.6 3 2 4 3 6 4 7 5 10 7 13 9 16 11 24 16 48 32 66 46 72 50 84 58 94 66 120 84 162 112 238 164 1000 9.5 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 12 18 20 22 24 32 42 62 2000 20 1 1 2 3 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 30 With parallel correction 250 400 1000 1.4 2 5.3 32 32 64 13 9 18 13 4 23 16 6 30 21 7 42 30 11 84 60 22 120 84 32 130 90 34 150 104 40 170 118 44 214 150 56 290 202 76 424 298 112 2000 11.2 140 5 10 14 16 18 20 26 36 52

LC1 K09 D09, D12 D18 D25 D32, D38 D40A D50A, D65A D80, D95 D115, D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630, F800

6 7 8 9 10



TeSys contactors
For heating circuits


1 2 3 4 5 6


A heating circuit is a power switching circuit supplying one or more resistive heating elements switched by a contactor. The same general rules apply as for motor circuits, except that heating circuits are not normally subjected to overload currents. It is therefore only necessary to provide short-circuit protection.

Characteristics of heating elements

The examples below are based on resistive heating elements used for industrial furnaces or for the heating of buildings (infra-red or resistive radiant type, convector heaters, closed loop heating circuits, etc.). The variation in resistance values between hot and cold states causes a current peak at switchon which never exceeds 2 to 3 times the rated operational current (In). This initial peak does not recur during normal operation where subsequent switching is thermostatically controlled. The rated power and current of a heater are given for the normal operating temperature.

The steady state current drawn by a heating circuit is constant when the voltage is stable. In fact: b It is unlikely that the number of loads in an existing circuit will be modified; b This type of circuit cannot create overloads. It is therefore only necessary to provide shortcircuit protection. This can be provided by: b gG type fuses, or b modular circuit-breakers. Nevertheless, it is always possible and sometimes more economical (smaller cable size) to protect the circuit by a thermal overload relay and associated aM type fuses.

Switching, control, protection

A heating element or group of heating elements of a given power may be either single-phase or 3-phase and may be supplied from a 220/127 V or a 400/230 V distribution system. Excluding a single-phase 127 V system (which is no longer commonly used), the following 3 types of circuit arrangement are possible: b Single-phase, 2-pole switching b Single-phase, 4-pole switching b 3-phase switching

Component selection according to the power switched

The combinations suggested below are based on an ambient temperature of 55C and for powers at the nominal voltage, but they also ensure switching in the event of prolonged overloads up to 1.05 Ue.

Single-phase, 2-pole switching

Maximum power (kW) 220/240 V 380/415 V 3.5 6.5 4.5 8 6 10.5 7 13 10 18 13 22.5 16.5 28.5 24 42 44 76 48 83 52 90 60 104 75 130 86 145 116 200 170 290 270 460 140 242 220 380 350 605 480 830 Contactor rating 660/690 V 11 14 18.5 22.5 30.5 39.5 43.5 73 118 130 145 160 200 230 310 450 715 370 580 925 1270 1000 V 48 68 82.5 157 170 185 210 250 300 400 695 945 490 770 1225 1680 LC1, LP1K09 LC1D12 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D32, LC1D38 LC1D40A LC1 D65A LC1, LP1D80 LC1D115, LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F4002 LC1F5002 LC1F6302, LC1F800 LC1F780 LC1BL32 LC1BM32 LC1BP32 LC1BR32


8 9 10

Circuit controlled by 2 poles of the contactor.


Selection (continued)

TeSys contactors
For heating circuits

Component selection according to the power switched
(continued) Single-phase, 4-pole switching
Maximum power (kW) 220/240 V 380/415 V 4.5 8 7 13 12 21 26 45.5 38 66 70 121 76 132 80 142 96 166 120 205 137 236 185 320 272 470 425 735 224 387 352 608 560 968 768 1328 Contactor rating 660/690 V 13.5 22.5 36.5 79.5 117.5 190 202 230 253 320 363 490 718 1140 590 930 1478 2025 1000 V 109 132 251 270 295 335 400 480 650 950 1520 785 1230 1960 2685 LC1, LP1K09004 LC1DT25 LC1DT40 LC1DT80A LC1, LP1D80004 LC1D115004 LC1F1854 LC1F2254 LC1F2654 LC1F3304 LC1F4004 LC1F5004 LC1F6304 LC1F7804 LC1BL34 LC1BM34 LC1BP34 LC1BR34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Circuit controlled by a 4-pole contactor with the poles parallel connected in pairs using appropriate connecting links. This solution enables the control of power values approximately equivalent to those controlled by the same contactor on 3-phase.

3-phase switching


Circuit controlled by 3 poles of the contactor.

Maximum power (kW) 220/240 V 380/415 V 4.5 8 7 13 10 18 13 22.5 18 31 22.5 38 28.5 49 40.5 70.5 76 131 82 143 90 155 103 179 130 225 149 256 200 346 294 509 463 800 242 419 380 658 606 1047 830 1437 Application example

Contactor rating 660/690 V 13.5 22.5 30.5 39.5 52.5 68 86 126 206 220 250 275 345 395 530 780 1235 640 1005 1600 2200 1000 V 78 112.5 135.5 275 295 320 370 432 525 710 1030 1650 850 1350 2150 2950 LC1, LP1K09 LC1D12 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D32, LC1D38 LC1D40A LC1 D65A LC1, LP1D80 LC1D115, LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630, LC1F800 LC1F780 LC1BL33 LC1BM33 LC1BP33 LC1BR33

For a 220 V, 50 Hz, single-phase circuit supplying a total heating load of 12.5 kW. Select a 3-pole contactor LC1D65A.



TeSys contactors

For switching the primaries  of 3-phase LV/LV transformers

Operating conditions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55 References : pages 5/62 to 5/67

Maximum ambient temperature: 55 C. When a transformer is switched on, there is generally an initial current surge which reaches its peak value almost instantaneously and then decreases in a largely exponential manner to quickly reach its steady state value. The value of this current depends on: b the characteristics of the magnetic circuit and of the windings (cross sectional area of the core, rated inductance, number of turns, layout and size of the windings, ...) b the performance of the magnetic laminations used, b the magnetic state of the circuit and the instantaneous value of the a.c. mains voltage at the moment of switch-on. The inrush current at the moment of switch-on can reach 20 to 40 times the rated current for the various kVA power ratings in the tables below. This value is independent of the no-load or onload state of the transformer.

Contactor selection
The peak magnetising current of the transformer must be lower than the values given in the tables below. Maximum operating rate: 120 operating cycles/hour. LC1/ LC1/ LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LP1 LP1 D09 D12 D18 D25 D32 D38 D40A D50A D65A D80 D95 D115 D150 K06 K09 160 225 350 350 420 630 770 770 1100 1250 1400 1550 1650 1800 2000 2 3.5 4 5 6 2.5 5 5.5 7 8.5 4 7 8 9 12 4 7 8 9 12 5 8 9 11 14 7 8.5 8.5 15 17 20 14 24 28 32 42 60 16 27 32 36 48 70 18 31 36 40 53 80 19.5 34 39 45 59 85 19.5 25 34 39 45 59 95 50 55 65 80 25 50 55 65 80

Contactor rating Maximum permissible  current peak at switch-on Maximum operational power (1) 220 V 240 V 380 V 400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 690 V 1000 V Contactor rating Maximum permissible  current peak at switch-on Maximum operational power (1) 220 V 240 V 380 V 400 V 415 V 440 V 500 V 660 V 690 V 1000 V A kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA A kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA

12.5 15 14 17

16.5 20

21.5 26.5 26.5

100 100

LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LP1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F780 F800 BL BM BP BR 2900 3300 3800 5000 6300 7700 9000 12 000 11 000 18 000 18 000 24 000 30 000 40 75 80 95 120 150 45 80 90 100 130 170 50 90 100 110 140 200 65 120 130 140 170 225 75 130 140 170 200 250 100 120 175 170 200 280 190 220 310 225 260 350 270 350 400 375 470 650 145 245 270 315 425 550 230 400 450 480 600 700 230 400 450 480 600 700 300 530 560 600 800 380 660 700 750 950

1000 1200

(1) Maximum operational power corresponding to a current peak at switch-on of 30 In.

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/92 to 5/97



TeSys contactors

For switching 3-phase  capacitor banks used for  power factor correction
Standard contactors
Capacitors, together with the circuits to which they are connected, form oscillatory circuits which can, at the moment of switch-on, give rise to high transient currents (> 180 In) at high frequencies (1 to 15 kHz). As a general rule, the peak current on energisation is lower when: b the mains inductances are high, b the line transformer ratings are low, b the transformer short-circuit voltage is high, b the ratio between the sum of the ratings of the capacitors already switched into the circuit and that of the capacitor to be switched in is small (for multiple step capacitor banks). In accordance with standards IEC 60070, NF C 54-100, VDE 0560, the switching contactor must be able to withstand a continuous current of 1.43 times the rated current of the capacitor bank step being switched. The rated operational powers given in the tables below take this overload into account. Short-circuit protection is normally provided by gI type HPC fuses rated at 1.7 to 2 In.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor applications
Operating conditions
Capacitors are directly switched. The values of peak current at switch-on must not exceed the values indicated opposite. An inductor may be inserted in each of the three phases supplying the capacitors to reduce the peak current, if necessary. Inductance values are determined according to the selected operating temperature.

Power factor correction by a single-step capacitor bank

The use of a choke inductor is unnecessary: the inductance of the mains supply is adequate to limit the peak to a value compatible with the contactor characteristics.

Power factor correction by a multiple-step capacitor bank

Select a special contactor as defined on page 5/102. If a standard contactor is used, it is essential to insert a choke inductor in each of the three phases of each step.

Maximum operational power of contactors

Standard contactors
Maximum operating rate: 120 operating cycles/hour. Electrical durability at maxiumum load: 100 000 operating cycles. With choke inductors connected, where necessary. Operational power at 50/60 Hz q y 40 C (1) q y 55 C (1) 220/240 V 400/440 V 600/690 V 220/240 V 400/440 V 600/690 V kvAR kvAR kvAR kvAR kvAR kvAR 6 11 15 6 11 15 9 15 20 9 15 20 11 20 25 11 20 25 14 25 30 14 25 30 17 30 37 17 30 37 22 40 50 22 40 50 22 40 50 22 40 50 35 60 75 35 60 75 50 90 125 38 75 80 60 110 135 40 85 90 70 125 160 50 100 100 80 140 190 60 110 110 90 160 225 75 125 125 100 190 275 85 140 165 125 220 300 100 160 200 180 300 400 125 220 300 250 400 600 190 350 500 250 400 600 190 350 500 200 350 500 180 350 500 300 550 650 250 500 600 500 850 950 400 750 750 600 1100 1300 500 1000 1000 (1) Upper limit of temperature category conforming to IEC 60070. Max. peak current A 560 850 1600 1900 2160 2160 3040 3040 3100 3300 3500 4000 5000 6500 8000 10 000 12 000 14 200 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 Contactor rating

LC1D09, D12 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D32, D38 LC1D40 LC1D50 LC1D65 LC1D80, D95 LC1D115 LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F800 LC1BL LC1BM LC1BP LC1BR

Characteristics : pages 5/50 to 5/55

References : pages 5/62 to 5/67

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/92 to 5/97


Recommended wiring scheme, operation, curves


TeSys contactors

For auto-transformer starting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Auto-transformer starting is suitable for starting all types of squirrel cage motors: with 3, 6 or even 9 terminals according to North American technology. Starting is performed at reduced voltage and produces maximum torque at minimum line current. It allows the starting torque (C = f(U)2) to be adapted to the resistive torque of the driven machine by means of the 2 or 3 intermediate voltage take-off connections on the auto-transformer (0.65 and 0.8 Un or 0.5, 0.65 and 0.8 Un). In general, only one take-off connection is used. This type of starting is used for high power and/or high inertia machines. The motor is never disconnected from its power supply during starting (closed transition) and transient phenomena are eliminated.

Recommended wiring scheme

F2 F3 96 95 96 95 14




13 2 F1

1 2

3 4

5 6






U1 2

V1 4

W1 6







55 14

13 22










A1 52

A1 62

A1 62

A1 14

2 U2





Starting is performed in 3 stages: b star connection of the auto-transformer is made by KM1, then contactor KM2 closes and the motor starts under reduced voltage; b the neutral point is opened by KM1; part of the auto-transformer winding is switched into each phase for a short moment, constituting a stator starting inductance; b KM3 switches the motor to full mains voltage and causes the auto-transformer to be shunted out of circuit by KM2. The auto-transformer used generally has an air gap (adjusted or not) in order to obtain, during the second phase of starting, a series inductance whose value is compatible with correct starting.


Operating curves










ID 6 5

4 I2 3 2


1 2
CN 1


IN 1 0 0 0,25 0,50 0,75 1 Speed 0 0 0,25

0,50 0,75 1 Speed

1 Direct switching current 2 Current with auto-transformer

1 Direct motor torque 2 Torque with auto-transformer 3 Resistive torque of the machine




6 W2

4 V2

U3 V3 W3




KA1 KM3 T3




Combination starters for customer assembly

TeSys contactors

For auto-transformer starting

Auto-transformer starters from 59 to 900 kW up to 440 V (type 1 coordination) The components recommended in the table below have been determined according to the following characteristics: b auto-transformer: on 0.65 Un connection with non adjusted air gap, b 3 starts per hour, of which 2 consecutive, b Motor starting current: Id/In = 6, b Iq = 70 kA, b Transient current on closing of KM3 y 7 2 In, b Maximum starting time: 30 seconds, b Ambient temperature q y 40 C.
Switch-disconnector-fuses: operators and accessories, please consult your Regional Sales Office. Contactors: 3-pole. LC1D: see pages 5/62 and 5/65, LC1F: please consult your Regional Sales Office, LC1B: please consult your Regional Sales Office. Auxiliary contact blocks: b for contactors LC1D: one LADN11 (1 N/O + 1 N/C) on KM1, b for contactors LC1F: one LADN22 (2 N/O + 2 N/C) on KM1, KM2 and KM3. Thermal overload relays: b LRD: see pages 6/20 to 6/25, b LR9D: see page 6/23, b LR9F: please consult your Regional Sales Office.
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 220/ 230 V kW 30 40 51 63 75 90 110 140 180 200 380/ 415 V 440 V 400 V kW kW kW 55 59 59 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 80 90 110 132 160 200 257 355 375 80 100 110 150 185 220 280 375 400 SwitchaM fuses disconnector- Size Rating fuse Reference Contactors KM3 KM2 LC1 LC1 Overload relays Reference Setting (1) range

1 2 3 4


In max A 105 GSpK 138 170 205 245 300 370 460 584 635 GSpL GSpN GSpN GSpN GSpQQ GSpQQ GS2S GS2S GS2V

22 x 58 T0 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4

A 125 160 200 250 250 315 400 500 630 800

D115 D150 F185 F225 F265 F330 F400 F500 F630 F800

D115 D115 D115 D150 F185 F265 F330 F400 F400 F500

D3210 D5011 D5011 D8011 D115 D115 D115 D115 D185 F185

LR9D5369 LRD 4367 LR9 D5369 LRD 4369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5371 LR9 F5375 LR9 F5375 LR9 F5379 LR9 F5379 LR9 F5381

A 90150 95120 90150 110140 132220 132220 200330 200330 300500 300500 380630 505800 505800 6301000 6301000 7901250 7901250 9451500 1001750 2602000

5 6 7 8 9 10

TC800/1 + LRD 05 220 400 425 450 710 GS2V T4 800 F800 F500 F265 TC800/1 + LRD 05 250 450 475 500 800 GS2V T4 800 F800 F500 F265 TC1000/1 + LRD 05 280 500 530 560 900 GS2V T4 1000 BM33p22 F630 F330 TC1000/1 LRD 05 315 560 600 630 1000 GS2V T4 1000 BM33p22 F630 F400 TC1250/1 LRD 05 335 630 670 710 1100 GS2V T4 1250 BP33p22 F630 F400 TC1250/1 LRD 05 400 710 750 800 1260 On base T4 2 x 800 BP33p22 F780 F400 TC1500/1 (2) LRD 05 450 800 800 800 1450 On base T4 2 x 800 BP33p22 F780 F400 TC1750/1 (2) LRD 05 500 900 900 900 1600 On base T4 2 x 800 BR33p22 F780 F500 TC2000/1 (2) LRD 05 (1) For power ratings greater than or equal to 400 kW at 415 V, use one LRD-05 on the current transformer. (2) Check with the motor manufacturer whether the fuses should be fitted in parallel.



TeSys contactors


For rotor circuits of slip-ring motors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

These contactors are used to eliminate starting resistance in the rotor circuit of slipring motors. The most common application is for starters without inching and without rotor speed adjustment: pumps, fans, conveyors, compressors, ... In the case of control by means of a manually operated master controller, the use of contactors with magnetic blow-out is recommended. Please consult your Regional Sales Office. For hoisting applications, contactor selection must take into account the type of motor duty, the operating rate, the rotor voltage and current, the type of connection, the ambient temperature, etc. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

The rotor circuit contactors are interlocked with the stator contactor and therefore do not open until after the stator contactor has opened, when the rotor voltage has disappeared, or virtually disappeared. They make the current corresponding to the normal starting peak (1.5 to 2.5 times the rated rotor current) and open the circuit under no-load. Making and breaking are easy.
Different types of rotor connection Star connection Delta connection


V connection

W connection



TeSys contactors

For rotor circuits of slip-ring motors

Rotor current and voltage coefficients Coefficients to be applied to the operational current values shown in the table below.

Contactor selection according to the type of connection

With counter-current LC1 F LC1B 1000 V 1000 V 850 V 850 V 850 V 850 V 850 V 850 V

Type of connection

Rotor I coefficient Operational I 1 1.4 1 1.6

Star Delta In V In W

3-phase rotor Ue (1) Maximum LC1 F 2000 V 1700 V 1700 V 1700 V

LC1B 2000 V 1700 V 1700 V 1700 V

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The selection examples below take into account: b a ratio of 2 between the maximum operational rotor voltage (Uer) and the rated stator operational voltage (Ues). This ratio is given in standard IEC 60947-4, b a guarantee of occasional duty (making and breaking capacities) specified in the above standards.
Time current flowing Contactor rating LC1 LC1 D150 F185 450 A 280 A 220 A 550 A 400 A 300 A

Selection according to the operational current

LC1 F265 800 A 550 A 400 A

LC1 F400 1100 A 730 A 550 A

LC1 F500 1500 A 1000 A 750 A

LC1 F630 2000 A 1500 A 1200 A

LC1 F780 2500 A 2000 A 1500 A

LC1 BL 2000 A 1200 A 1000 A

LC1 BM 2400 A 1800 A 1500 A

LC1 BP 3750 A 2600 A 2200 A

LC1 BR 5000 A 3600 A 3000 A

Intermediate contactor: with number of operating cycles y 30/h

10 s 30 s 60 s

Intermediate contactor: with number of operating cycles y 60/h

5s 10 s 30 s 450 A 330 A 220 A 550 A 450 A 300 A 800 A 620 A 400 A 1100 A 860 A 550 A 1500 A 1250 A 750 A 2000 A 1800 A 1200 A 2500 A 2300 A 1500 A 2000 A 1600 A 1000 A 2400 A 2200 A 1500 A 3750 A 3400 A 2200 A 5000 A 4500 A 3000 A

Intermediate contactor: with number of operating cycles y 150/h for LC1F and 120/h for LC1B
5s 10 s 300 A 250 A 420 A 350 A 580 A 430 A 820 A 600 A 1150 A 850 A 1650 A 1300 A 2200 A 1600 A 1500 A 1100 A 2100 A 1600 A 3200 A 2300 A 4200 A 3200 A

Rotor short-circuit contactor and intermediate contactor: with number of operating cycles > 150/h for LC1F and 120/h for LC1B
200 A 270 A 350 A 500 A 700 A 1000 A 1600 A 800 A 1250 A 2000 A 2750 A

Electrical durability
For automatic starting, the electrical durability is in the region of 1 million operating cycles. (1) For use up to 3000 V, please consult your Regional Sales Office.



TeSys contactors

Long distance remote control

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

When the operating coil of a contactor is energised, the inrush current produces a voltage drop in the control circuit cable caused by the resistance of the conductors, which can adversely affect closing of the contactor. An excessive voltage drop in the control supply cables (both a.c. and d.c.) can lead to non closure of the contactor poles or even destruction of the coil due to overheating. This phenomenon is aggravated by: b a long line, b a low control circuit voltage, b a cable with a small c.s.a., b a high inrush power drawn by the coil. The maximum length of cable, depending on the control voltage, the inrush power and the conductor c.s.a., is indicated in the graphs below. Remedial action To reduce the voltage drop at switch-on: b increase the conductor c.s.a., b use a higher control circuit voltage, b use an intermediate control relay . Selection of conductor c.s.a. These graphs are for a maximum line voltage drop of 5%. They give a direct indication of the copper conductor c.s.a. to be used for the control cable, depending on its length, the inrush power drawn by the contactor coil and the control circuit voltage (see example page 5/223).
Total resistance of the 2 conductors in the control cable in W (1) Total resistance of the 2 conductors  in the control cable in W (1)

Voltage drop caused by the inrush current




5 4 3X 2 1




100 500 5000 150 1000 10 000 Length of control cable in m (2)



100 500 2000 50 200 1000 Inrush power drawn in VA

0,1 10


1 a 24 V 2 a 48 V

3 a 115 V 4 a 230 V

5 a 400 V 6 a 690 V

A 0.75 mm2 B 1 mm2

C.s.a. of copper cables C 1.5 mm2

D 2.5 mm2

E 4 mm2 F 6 mm2

Total resistance of the 2 conductors in the control cable in W (1)

Total resistance of the 2 conductors  in the control cable in W (1)





9 8 7


100 1000 10 000 500 5000 Length of control cable in m (2)



100 500 2000 50 200 1000 Inrush power drawn in W

0,1 10


(1) For 3-wire control, the current only flows in 2 of the conductors. (2) This is the length of the cable comprising 2 or 3 conductors. (Distance between the contactor and the control device).

7 c 24 V 8 c 48 V

9 c 125 V 10 c 250 V

A 0.75 mm2 B 1 mm2

C.s.a. of copper cables C 1.5 mm2

D 2.5 mm2

E 4 mm2 F 6 mm2


General (continued)

TeSys contactors

Long distance remote control

Voltage drop caused by the inrush current (continued) What cable c.s.a. is required for the control circuit of an LC1 D40A, 115V contactor, operated from a distance of 150 metres?
b Contactor LC1 D40A, voltage 115 V, 50 Hz: inrush power: 200 VA On the left-hand graph on the page opposite, point X is at the intersection of the vertical line corresponding to 200 VA and the a 115 V voltage curve. On the right-hand graph on the page opposite, point Y is at the intersection of the vertical line corresponding to 150 m and the horizontal line passing through point X. Use the conductor c.s.a. indicated by the curve which passes through point Y,  i.e.: 1.5 mm2. If point Y lies between two c.s.a. curves, choose the larger of the c.s.a. values . Calculating the maximum cable length The maximum permissible length for acceptable line voltage drop is calculated by the formula : U2 L = ___ .s.K SA where: L : distance between the contactor and the control device in m (length of the cable), U : supply voltage in V, SA : apparent inrush power drawn by the coil in VA, s : conductor c.s.a. in mm2, K : factor given in the table below.
a.c. supply SA in VA K 20 1.38 40 1.5 100 1.8 150 2 200 2.15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d.c. supply

Irrespective of the apparent inrush power SA, expressed in W K = 1.38


General (continued)

TeSys contactors

Long distance remote control

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Residual current in the coil due to cable capacitance

When the control contact of a contactor is opened, the control cable capacitance is effectively in series with the coil of the electromagnet. This capacitance can cause a residual current to be maintained in the coil, with the risk that the contactor will remain closed. This only applies to contactors operating on an a.c. supply. This phenomenon is aggravated by: b a long line length between the coil control contact and the contactor, or between the coil control contact and the power supply, b a high control circuit voltage, b a low coil consumption, sealed, b a low value of contactor drop-out voltage. The maximum control cable length, according to the contactor coil supply voltage, is indicated in the graph on the page opposite . Remedial action Various solutions can be adopted to avoid the risk of the contactor remaining closed due to cable capacitance: b use a d.c. control voltage, or, b add a rectifier, connected as shown in the scheme below, but retaining an a.c. operating coil: in this way, rectified a.c. current flows in the control cable. When calculating the maximum cable length, take the resistance of the conductors into account. .


b Connect a resistor in parallel with the contactor coil (1). Value of the resistance : R (C capacit du cble de commande) W = 1 ___ R W = 103 C (F) (C capacitance of the control cable)

Power to be dissipated : U2 PW = ___ R

(1) To avoid increasing the voltage drop due to inrush current, this resistor must be brought into operation after the contactor has closed by using an N/O contact.


Supply 50/60 Hz


General (continued)

TeSys contactors

Long distance remote control

Residual current in the coil due to cable capacitance (continued)

These graphs are for a capacitance, between 2 conductors, of 0.2 F/km. They make it possible to determine whether there is a risk of the contactor remaining closed due to the power drawn by the coil when sealed, as well as the control circuit voltage, according to the length of the control cable.
Cable capacitance in F Cable capacitance in F

1 2




1 2


3 A

7 8


4 5 6


0,01 100 300 500 1000 5000 10 000 Length of control cable in m


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 7 10 50 100 Power drawn, sealed in VA

1 a 24 V 2 a 48 V

3 a 115 V 4 a 230 V

5 a 400 V 6 a 690 V

7 3-wire control 8 2-wire control

In the zones below the straight lines for 3-wire and 2-wire control respectively, there is a risk of the contactor remaining closed . Examples What is the maximum length for the control cable of an LC1 D12 contactor, operating on 230 V, with 2-wire control? b Contactor LC1D12, voltage 230 V, 50 Hz: power sealed 7 VA. On the left-hand graph, point A is at the intersection of the vertical line for 7 VA with the a 230 V voltage curve. On the right-hand graph, point B is at the intersection of the horizontal line with the 2wire control curve. The maximum cable length is therefore 300 m. In the same example, with a 600 m cable, the point lies in the risk zone. A resistor must therefore be connected in parallel with the contactor coil. Value of this resistance :  1 1 R = __ = ___ = 8.3 W 103 . C 103 . 0.12 Power to be dissipated : U2 (220)2 P = ___ = ___ = 6 W R 8300 Alternative solution: use a d.c. control supply . Calculating the cable length The maximum permitted length of control cable to avoid the effects of capacitance is calculated using the formula: S L = 455 . ___ U2.Co L : distance between the contactor and the control device in km (length of the cable), S : apparent power, sealed, in VA, U : control voltage in V, Co : line capacitance of the cable in F/km.


Selection guide

TeSys contactors

Variable composition standard and high performance contactors


1 2 3 4

b b b b b

Motor switching in categories AC-3 Resistive load switching : heating, etc. Distribution circuit switching : line contactor Supply changeover switching : circuit coupling etc Transformer, capacitor, lighting switching

Standard contactors

5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated operational current

AC-3 AC-4/DC-5 AC-1

80 A 72 A/ 80 A

170 A 145 A/ 200 A

250 A 205 A/ 300 A

350 A 290/470 A (1) 470 A

460 A 380/630 A (1) 630 A

700 A 584/1000 A (1) 1000 A

Rated operational voltage

690 V a

690 V a

690 V a

690 V a

690 V a

690 V a

Control circuit

Standard applications a.c. supply a

d.c. supply c




Type Rating



Please consult our catalogue TeSys variable composition contactors. (1) With PN3 poles.





b b b b 

Motor switching in categories AC-4, DC-5 Inductive circuit switching High voltage d.c. switching : crane electromagnets, railway locomotives Load switching at high operating rates

1 2 3 4

High performance contactors

80 A 80/80 A 80A

200 A 170/200 A 200 A

250 A 208/300 A 300 A

320 A 250/320 A 320 A

460 A 380/500 A 500 A

800 A 720/800 A 800 A

1000 A 830/1000 A 1250 A

1500 A 1200/1800 A 2000 A

1800 A 1500/2500 A 2750 A

5 6 7

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

1000 V a

Low consumption applications a.c. supply via economy resistor

d.c. supply via economy resistor








CV3 and LC1B G H J K L M P R

8 9 10



TeSys contactors

Variable composition contactors  CV1B (80 to 1000 A) and CV3B (80 to 500 A)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

To define a contactor The criteria required to define the composition of a contactor are: b the number of N/O and N/C power poles, b the current and power supply voltage,  L (note: on a d.c. supply, the time constant - of the load must be known in order to R define the number of poles to be wired in series to break the arc), b the control circuit voltage, b the number of auxiliary contacts. To order a contactor Contactor selectable by code combinations b Use the symbol combination table on page 5/229. b Check the maximum number of poles in the selection table on page 5/230. b Check the operational currents possible below (selection restrictions). Contactor not selectable by code combinations b For a composition that cannot be selected using these tables, use order form CF452, page 5/231.


Selection restrictions
Contactor type Rated operational current 11 A 13 A 20 A 40 A 50 A 80 A 125 A 200 A 250 A 300 A 320 A 400 A 470 A 500 A 630 A 1000 A 0 Without arc chamber CV1BF CV3BF E M N P Q F Z CV1BG CV3BG Q R G Z CV1BH CV3BH R G H Z CV1BJ CV3BJ S T J Z CV1BK CV3BK U V K Z CV1BL K L Z


Symbol combination table

TeSys contactors

Variable composition contactors  CV1B (80 to 1000 A) and CV3B (80 to 500 A)

(see examples on page 5/230) Type of contactor related to application a 690 V, c 220 V/pole a 1000 V, c 440 V/pole Contactor size AC-1/AC-3 CV1 : 80/80 A CV3 : 80/80 A CV1 : 200/170 A CV3 : 200/200 A CV1 : 300/250 A CV3 : 300/285 A CV1 : 470/350 A CV3 : 320/320 A CV1 : 630/460 A CV3 : 500/460 A CV1 : 1000/700 A Number of poles N/O poles 1 N/O 2 N/O 3 N/O 4 N/O 5 N/O N/C poles 1 N/C 2 N/C 3 N/C No main poles Operational current (determines the blow-out coil size) 11 A 13 A 20 A 40 A 50 A 80 A 125 A 200 A 250 A 300 A 320 A 400 A 470 A 500 A 630 A 1000 A Without breaking Control circuit voltage 24 V 48 V 110 V 120 V 127 V 208 V 220 V 230 V 240 V 380 V 400 V 415 V 440 V 480 V 500 V 600 V Operating frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz (rectifier + economy resistor) c c + economy resistor Auxiliary contacts (type ZC4GM) N/O instantaneous

Reference to be constituted

CV1B CV3B F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3
Z E M N P Q F R G S H T U J V K L Z B E F K G L M P U Q V N R T S X 5 6 7 D R 1 2 3 4


1 2 3 0

4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 0

1 N/O 2 N/O 3 N/O 4 N/O N/C instantaneous 1 N/C 2 N/C 3 N/C 4 N/C No instantaneous auxiliary contacts On-delay 1 C/O Off-delay 1 C/O To check whether the symbol combinations are possible, refer to the selection information and guide on pages 5/228 and 5/230. If in doubt, fill out order form CF 452.




TeSys contactors

Variable composition contactors  CV1B (80 to 1000 A) and CV3B (80 to 500 A)

Guide to selection of code combinations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CV1 contactors: maximum number of power poles

Contactor type Pole type Number of poles CV1BF N/O N/C 5 0 0 2 2 1 CV1BG N/O N/C 4 0 0 2 2 1 CV1BH N/O N/C 4 0 0 2 2 1

CV1BJ N/O N/C 4 0 0 2 2 1

CV1BK N/O N/C 4 0 0 2 2 1

CV1BL N/O N/C 2 0 (1) 0 1 (2)

CV3 contactors: maximum number of power poles

Contactor type Pole type Number of poles CV3BF N/O N/C 5 0 0 1 3 2 2 1 CV3BG N/O N/C 4 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 CV3BH N/O N/C 4 0 0 2 2 1 CV3BJ N/O N/C 2 0 CV3BK N/O N/C 2 0  

 Selection restrictions, according to coil type:

(1) 4-pole with economy resistor. (2) 2-pole with economy resistor.

CV1 or CV3 contactors: Maximum number of auxiliary contacts: 4 + 1 time delay if necessary

b Switching of single-phase capacitor: 400 V - 80 A - 1 N/O main pole. 220 V / 50Hz control circuit voltage, 1 N/O and 1 N/C auxiliary contacts.  Reference: CV1BF1F0ZM511. b Switching of d.c. heating circuits: 800 V - 150 A - 2 N/O main poles - 48 V c control circuit, instantaneous auxiliary contact 1 N/O + 1 on-delay.  Reference: CV3BG2W0ZED10J.


To obtain a composition with more main poles or with more than 4 auxiliary contacts, please use order form CF452 (see page 5/231).

Other versions


Reference constitution or order form CF 452

TeSys contactors

Variable composition contactors  CV1 and CV3

Date of order


Geog. area

Order n

Required delivery (1)

Job n

Company: ................................ Activity sector: ................................ Number of contactors: ....... Type - size or symbol combination: ..........

Customer Order N: ............................... Application: .............................. For use by Schneider Electric Poles

1 2 3 4
(N/O) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C+N/O) (N/O+N/O) (ON-Del) (OFF-Del)

For devices with symbol combination: Do not fill out the form below


Voltage: .......... V


...... Hz

Number of N/O main poles: Rated current: ................... Amp Number of N/C main poles: Rated current: ................... Amp Any special details: ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................

Ref: Ref:

Voltage: .......... V Economy resistor:
Customer marking: ..........


...... Hz


Electromag: Coil: Coil maint. cont: Rectifier: Econ. resist. contact: Econ. Resist.:
No. ZC4GM1 : No. ZC4GM2 : No. ZC1GP4 : No. ZC1GP5 :

(unless specified, an economy resistor will only be included if necessary)


Instantaneous contacts: Number of N/O Number of N/C

5 6 7 8 9 10

If a specific type or block of contacts is required, please indicate below. Number



On delay


Off delay


No. ZC1GP6 : No. ZC2GG1 : No. ZC2GG5 : No. LA1BNp31 : No. LA1DNpp : No. LApDTp :
If CV1, specif. n:

Note : For mechanical interlocking, a N/C contact must be specified for the interlocking function.

Time delay contacts N/C + N/O :

Note: If LA1 is used, a build specification is required.

Fixing centres L: Standard Specified Mechanical interlock MI: Yes No With L = ............

Dimensions in catalogue

Shaft: C or E = Code.: Bar: L = : Code.: Build see drwg. N : MI bearing W1 MI ref

Vertically mounted reversers fixing centres E =.......... mm Upper position contactor: ........................... Lower position contactor: If mechanical interlock specified : Ref: .....................................
Supply linking components for the 2 contactors (Rod, clevis, cranks, lock, etc...) : Yes No
Note : MI components that are part of the contactor such as the bearing, clevis or lock support are factory fitted.


(Comments / Specific requirements / Special MI / Accessories / Etc...)

Launch date Delivery date

Contactor reference* .....................................

* 3 possibilities
1 ) Device with symbol combination (see drwg 1492177) 2) Device n defined on the basis of this form Type/size/order n/year. E.g.: CV1GB000599 3) Reference defined to specification

(1) Standard delivery time: 3 weeks, from receipt of order. For faster delivery, please consult your Regional Sales Office.


Selection, characteristics

TeSys contactors

3-pole vacuum contactors andreversing contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Degree of protection Operating position

Contactor size

LC1V160 A 230 V 400 V 525 V 690 V 1000 V 1500 V 200 V 240 V 380 V 480 V 600 V 800 V 1000 V 1500 V 240 V 480 V 600 V 1500 V 208 V 240 V 480 V 600 V kW kW kW kW kW kW hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp kVAR kVAR kVAR kVAR kVA kVA kVA kVA 160 45 75 110 150 200 280 50 60 100 125 150 200 250 400 47 95 100 250 20 23 47 59

LC1V320 320 90 160 220 280 400 600 100 125 200 250 300 400 500 800 94 190 200 500 41 47 94 117

LC1V610 610 160 300 400 560 800 930 150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1300 176 356 400 1000 81 94 188 234

For utilisation category AC-3

Maximum operational current in AC-3 Rated operational power P (standard power ratings of motors)

For 3-phase motors conforming to CSA standards

Rated operational power P (standard power ratings of 3-phase CSA motors)

For switching 3-phase capacitors

Rated operational power P

For switching the primaries of 3-phase transformers (LV/LV)

Rated operational power P

Environment characteristics
Contactor type Shock resistance (1/2 sine wave = 11 ms) Vibration resistance Operating altitude  Above sea level Below sea level Contacts closed Contacts open  10500 Hz  Maximum Minimum  Storage Operation 0.8 1.1 Uc Permissible for operation at Uc  Conforming to IEC 60529

m m C C C

Ambient air temperature around the device

LC1V160 10 gn 10 gn  2 gn  3600 2500  - 40+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 10+ 75  IP 00  Any  70 Allen 4 14

LC1V320 10 gn 10 gn  2 gn  3600 4500  - 40+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 10+ 75  IP 00  Any  185 20 39

LC1V610 10 gn 10 gn  2 gn  3600 4500  - 40+ 80 - 5+ 55 - 10+ 75  IP 00  Any  2 x 185 20 39

8 9 10


Control circuit characteristics

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Consumption

 Cable c.s.a. Key for hex. screws Tightening torque To earth  Inrush Sealed

mm2 mm N.m V

Permissible control circuit voltage Closing time (1) Opening time (1)

2000 2000 2000    VA 300 600 1700 VA 30 20 28    0.81.1 Uc 0.81.1 Uc 0.81.1 Uc    ms 18...22 24...32 24...32    ms 95...115 95...115 95...115 (1) The closing time C is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched on to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time O is measured from the moment the coil supply is switched off to the moment the main poles separate.

References : page 5/234

Dimensions :  page 5/236

Schemes :  page 5/236


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys contactors

3-pole vacuum contactors andreversing contactors

Contactor type

Main pole characteristics

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Approvals Conventional rated thermal current (Ith) Rated operational current (Ie) q y 40 C AC-1 q y 55 C AC-3 q y 55 C AC-4  Electrical durability AC-1 in millions of operating cycles AC-3 (400 V at I max) AC-4  Mechanical durability In millions of operating cycles  Maximum operating rate Mechanical in operating cycles AC-1 per hour AC-3 AC-4  Maximum making capacity Ue = 1500 V To IEC 60947 (lrms)  Maximum breaking capacity Ue = 1500 V To IEC 60947 (lrms)  Maximum For 1 s permissible current For 2 s For 10 s For 30 s  Short-circuit protection aM fuse at Ie in cat. AC-3 max. A A A A V kV



LC1V610  1500  8


  1500 1500   8 8  EN 60947-4-1 - IEC 60947-4-1  CSA   160 320   160 320 160 320 130 270   1.2 1 1.6 1.5 0.18 0.15   5 2.5   1200 1200 900 900 900 900 450 450   1900 3800  1600  2400 2000 1600 960  160  3200  4500 3750 3200 1920  400

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 630  630 610 540  1 1.5 0.12  2  1200 900 900 450  7300  6100  9000 7580 6100 3600  630

Auxiliary contact characteristics

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conventional rated thermal current (Ith)  Rated operational current (Ie) AC-15, 230 V AC-15, 400 V AC-15, 500 V DC-13, 24 V DC-13, 110 V DC-13, 220 V  Cabling Cable c.s.a.  Short-circuit protection gG fuse  Operating time (1) C (at 100 % of Uc) O

V A A A A A A A mm2 A ms ms

 690  10  0.78 0.45 0.35 1.1 0.24 0.12  2.5  10  5 5

(1) Operating time in relation to the main contacts.

Selection :  page 5/232

References : pages 5/234 and 5/235

Dimensions : page 5/236

Schemes : page 5/236



TeSys contactors
Power and control circuits a.c. supply
Vacuum contactors

3-pole vacuum contactors andreversing contactors

1 2 3

Standard power ratings 50/60 Hz in category AC-3

Rated operational current Ie

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Control Basic Weight circuit reference (1) voltage (50/60 Hz)


230 V 400 V 525 V 690 V 1000 V AC-3 AC-1 kW kW kW kW kW A A 45 LC1V320 90 160 75 160 300 110 220 400 150 280 560 200 400 800 160 320 610 160 320 630 2 1 1 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) LC1V160pp LC1V320pp LC1V610pp

kg 3.800 10.500 13.000




5 L3 3 L2 1 L1 5 L3 3 L2 1 L1

0 LC1V61

ON / I 0 OFF / 6 T3 4 T2

 The reversing contactor range comprises: b for 160 A rating, a kit with set of power connections allowing assembly of the starter, b for 320 and 610 A ratings, a complete starter, ready for use.
Standard power ratings 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 Rated operational current Ie Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Control Basic Weight circuit reference (1) voltage (50/60 Hz)

Reversing vacuum contactors

0 LC1V61

ON / I 2 T1 0 OFF / 6 T3


4 T2 2 T1

5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : page 5/232 Characteristics : pages 5/232 and 5/233




230 V 400 V 525 V 690 V 1000 V AC-3 AC-1 kW kW kW kW kW A A 45 90 75 160 110 220 150 280 200 400 160 320 160 320 2 1 1 LA9V974 (2)

kg 1.200 30 30 30 36 36

1 110-120 V LC2V320FE7 220-240 V LC2V320P7 380-415 V LC2V320V7








1 110-120 V LC2V610FE7 220-240 V LC2V610P7

(1) Basic reference; add code indicating control circuit voltage. Standard control circuit voltages : Volts 50/60 Hz 110120 220240 380415 440480 550600 Item FE7 P7 V7 R7 X7 (2) Kit containing a mechanical interlock, a set of power connections and a fixing plate. To build a complete reversing contactor, order contactors LC1V160pp separately.

Dimensions : page 5/236

Schemes : page 5/236

References (continued)

TeSys contactors
Power and control circuits a.c. supply

3-pole vacuum contactors andreversing contactors

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks (1)


Number of contacts

Maximum number of blocks per contactor

Auxiliary contacts


Weight   kg

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 LA1 VN11

1 2 1

1 2 1

LA1VN11 LA1VN02 LA1VN20 LA1VN11X (2)

0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030

50/60 Hz coils
Rated voltage V Voltage code Reference Weight kg 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400

For contactors LC1 V160

110120 220240 380415 440480 550600 FE7 P7 V7 R7 X7 LX1V160FE7 LX1V160P7 LX1V160V7 LX1V160R7 LX1V160X7


For contactors LC1 V320

LX1 V320pp 110120 220240 380415 440480 550600 FE7 P7 V7 R7 X7 LX1V320FE7 LX1V320P7 LX1V320V7 LX1V320R7 LX1V320X7 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800

For contactors LC1 V610

110120 220240 380415 440480 550600 FE7 P7 V7 R7 X7 LX1V610FE7 LX1V610P7 LX1V610V7 LX1V610R7 LX1V610X7 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800

(1) LC1V160 : auxiliary contact blocks mounted at the top of the contactor, with no change to the overall dimensions. LC1V320 or LC1V610 : 2 auxiliary contact blocks mounted on the RH and LH side of the contactor, with no change to the overall dimensions. (2) For LC1V160 : 1 N/C contact for the coil + 1 N/O contact.

Selection : page 5/232

Characteristics : pages 5/232 and 5/233


Dimensions, mounting, schemes

Dimensions, mounting

TeSys contactors

3-pole vacuum contactors



48 24


151 36,5 123



24 48


156 133

50 35

70 2x10,5







2x8 2x8,5


37 63,5

63,5 201

38 48 76 170 15

5 6 7


178 127 68 68


222 328 356 203




68 201


8 9 10

1/L1 3/L2 A1 03/NO 13/NO 5/L3 21/NC

LC1V320, V610
13/NO 1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 21/NC A1












Auxiliary contact blocks

LA1VN11 1 N/O & 1 N/C
13/NO 21/NC

LA1VN02 2 N/C
51/NC 500316 61/NC


LA1VN20 2 N/O
33/NO 43/NO


LA1VN11X 1 N/O
03/NO NC













Dimensions, mounting

TeSys reversing contactors

3-pole reversing vacuum contactors

Dimensions, mounting
LA9V974 + 2 x LC1V160

1 2


559 168

107 16




22 54




104 54 = 63

241 418 616




6 7



8 9 10



TeSys reversing contactors

3-pole reversing vacuum contactors


1/L1 1

3/L2 3







5/L3 1

LA9V974 + 2 x LC1V160


5 A1



1 3 5 A1




A2 2 4 6 2 4

6 A2

5 6 7 8 9 10


- KM1

- KM1


- KM2

- KM2

- KM2

- KM1

- KM1
A2 A1

- KM2

(1) Dotted line indicates wiring to be installed by the customer.


Schemes (continued)

TeSys reversing contactors

3-pole reversing vacuum contactors

Schemes (continued)
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3



(1) KM2

A2 2 4 6 2 4 6 A2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


5 A1

- KM1 - KM1

- KM2 - KM2

- KM2 - KM1

- KM1 - KM2


- KM1

- KM2


(1) Dotted line indicates wiring to be installed by the customer.




TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245 Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

Magnetic latching contactors of both block and bar mounted types are fitted with a special electromagnet which enables them to remain in the On position when the coil is no longer energised. Applications The special properties of magnetic latching contactors make them suitable for a large number of applications.
Properties Applications

Magnetic latching contactors

b Retention of the sequence memory in automatic control equipment in the event of loss of control voltage. b Energy saving, since the source of supply to the coil does not need to supply current when the contactor is latched in the closed state. b Change of state from Closed to Open by current signal through the coil. b Unaffected by mains interference. b Utilisation of contactors beyond their breaking capacity, as operations are performed off-load. b Contactors are silent in the latched position. Operation of the electromagnet

b Refineries, power stations, excitation circuits. b Contactors remaining in the closed state for long periods.  Examples: refineries, power supplies, low voltage distribution b Selective opening control. b No unwanted opening and closing of the main power poles. b Current carrying at voltages up to 1000 Volts.

CR1F block contactors CR1F magnetic latching contactors are fitted with a double coil with 3 terminals comprising a latching winding and an unlatching winding. The 2 windings have a common point which can necessitate special wiring precautions when the latching supply is separate from the unlatching supply. The power supplies may be a.c. or d.c. For d.c. operation, the polarities indicated must be complied with. Operating precautions: v the 2 windings must not be supplied simultaneously, v a winding must not be supplied continuously, v supply to the coils must be via pulsed contacts. Manual opening: if the control voltage is not present, the contactor can be unlatched manually. CR1B bar mounted contactors CR1B magnetic latching contactors are fitted with a single coil, supplied with d.c. or with a.c. through a rectifier. Latching is obtained by direct supply of the coil in one direction of current flow. Unlatching is obtained by a reverse current, adjusted by resistors.

Mechanical latching contactors

LC1D block contactors For applications using smaller contactor sizes than those described on page 5/241 , it is possible to obtain the same function by the addition of a mechanical latch block type LA6DK, which can be mounted on LC1 D contactors (see page 5/80).

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/260 to 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Selection guide for direct on-line starting  of squirrel cage motors

Continuous or intermittent duty up to 30 operating cycles/hour

Motor (1) 220 V 230 V P kW 25 30 33 37 40 45 51 55 59 63 75 80 90 100 110 129 132 140 147 In A 85 103 113  126 134 150 170 182 195 203 240 260 295 325 356 420 425 450 472 380 V 400 V P kW 51 55 59 63 75 80 90 100 110 129 132 140 147 150 160 180 185 200 In A 98 105 112 117 138 147 170 188 205 242 245 260 273 280 300 333 342 370 415 V 440 V 3-pole contactor (2) P kW 55 59 63 75 80 90 100 110 129 132 140 147 150 160 180 185 200 220 250 257 280 295 300 315 335 355 375 400 425 445 450 475 500 530 560 600 In A 100 105 115 135 138 165 182 200 230 240 250 260 270 280 320 325 340 385 425 450 475 500 510 535 550 580 610 650 690 730 740 780 820 870 920 978 P kW 59 63 75 80 90 100 110 129 132 140 147 150 160 180 185 200 220 250 257 280 295 300 315 335 355 375 400 425 445 450 475 500 530 560 600 630 In A 97 109 125 131 146 162 178 209 215 227 236 246 256 289 295 321 353 401 412 450 473 481 505 518 549 575 611 650 680 690 730 780 825 870 920 965 Reference CR1F150 CR1F150 CR1F150 CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F265 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F400 CR1F400 CR1F400 LR9F5367 LR9F5369 LR9F5369 LR9F5369 LR9F5369 LR9F5371 LR9F5371 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7375 LR9F7379 LR9F7379 A 60100 90150 90150 90150 90150 132220 132220 200330 200330 200330 200330 300500 300500 3-pole differential thermal overload relay Reference Setting range 3 fuses Type aM BS-88

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

HP 35 40 45 50 54 60 70 75 80 85 100 110 125 136 150 175 180 190 200

HP 70 75 80 85 100 110 125 138 150 175 180 190 200 205 220 245 250 270

HP 75 80 85 100 110 125 136 150 175 180 190 200 205 220 245 250 270 300 340 350 380 400 410 430 450 480 500 g g g g g g g g g

HP 80 85 100 110 125 136 150 175 180 190 200 205 220 245 250 270 300 340 350 380 400 410 430 450 480 500 454 g g g g g g g g g

Rating A A 100 125 100 160 125 160 160 200 250 250 315 315 315 400 400 160 200 200 250 315 315 400 400 400 500 500

220 300 408 CR1F500 LR9F7379 300500 500 630 250 340 460 CR1F500 LR9F7381 380630 500 630 CR1F500 LR9F7381 380630 500 630 257 350 475 CR1F630 LR9F7381 380630 500 630 150 205 483 280 380 510 CR1F630 LR9F7381 380630 630 800 160 220 520 295 400 546 180 245 578 300 410 565 CR1F630 LR9F7381 380630 630 800 185 250 595 315 430 584 200 270 626 335 450 620 CR1F630 LR9F7381 380630 800 1000 220 g 700 355 g 635 CR1BL33 LR2F8383 500800 800 1000 375 g 670 400 g 710 250 g 800 425 g 760 CR1BM33 LR2F8383 500800 800 1000 257 g 826 445 g 790 CR1BM33 LR2F8383 6301000 1000 1250 280 g 900 450 g 800 295 g 948 475 g 850 300 g 980 500 g 900 315 g 990 530 g 950 (1) The ratings are for standard 220/230 V, 380/400 V, 415 or 440 V motors. The overload relays should preferably be set to the motor full-load current shown on the motor rating plate. For other power ratings, select the overload relay with the appropriate range; the associated contactor and fuses must have ratings equal to or immediately greater than In. (2) Reference to be completed, see page 5/250. g There are no standard power ratings for these motors.

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Selection guide for utilisation category AC-3

Contactor size

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CR1 F150 A A A A 150 135 130 47

CR1 F185 185 175 140 73

CR1 F265 265 245 230 95

CR1 F400 400 385 365 135

CR1 F500 500 500 435 270

CR1 F630 630 540 470 330

CR1 BL 750 750 700 400

CR1 BM 1000 900 800 400

CR1 BP 1500 1200 900 500

CR1 BR 1800 1500 1100 600

440 V 500 V

Rated operational current in AC-3 (q y 55 C)

660/690 V 1000 V

Rated operational power (standard motor power ratings)

220240 V kW HP 380400 V kW HP 415 V kW HP 440 V kW HP 500 V kW HP 660/690 V kW HP 1000 V kW HP 40 54 75 100 80 110 80 110 90 125 100 65 55 75 90 185 100 136 100 136 110 150 110 100 136 75 100 132 180 140 180 140 190 160 220 160 147 200 110 150 200 270 220 300 250 340 257 350 280 185 250 147 200 250 340 280 380 295 400 355 480 335 335 200 270 335 450 375 500 400 545 400 545 450 610 450 610 220 300 400 545 425 580 450 610 500 680 560 760 530 720 280 380 500 680 530 720 560 760 600 810 670 910 530 720 425 580 750 1000 800 1100 800 1100 750 1000 750 1000 670 910 500 680 900 1220 900 1220 900 1220 900 1220 900 1220 750 1000

Maximum operating rate in operating cycles/hour, at rated operational power with an on-load factor = 85%: 750 for CR1F150 to F265, 500 for CR1F400 to F630 and  120 for CR1B.

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Selection according to required electrical durability

Use in category AC-3 (Ue y 440 V) (1) (q y 55 C) The current (Ic) in AC-3 is equal to the rated operational current (Ie) drawn by the motor.
CR1 BL, BM CR1 F150 CR1 F185 CR1 F265 CR1 F400 CR1 F500 CR1 F630
Millions of operating  cycles 1 0,8

1 2 3 4
AC-3 AC-2 AC4

0,6 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,01 0,008 0,006 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,008
Current  breaking  limits In categories






Example: Asynchronous motor with P = 50 kW, Ue = 380 V, Ie = 100 A, Ic = Ie = 100 A, or asynchronous motor with P = 55 kW, Ue = 415 V, Ie = 100 A, Ic = Ie = 100 A 600000 operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed, CR1F185.
(1) For 660 V, multiply the number of operating cycles by 0.8.

50 60 70 8090 100





600 800 1000 500

1500 2000

3000 4000

6000 8000 10 000 Current broken in A

5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Selection guide for utilisation category AC-1  and according to required electrical durability

Maximum operational current (on-load factor u 0.95)

1 2 3 4

Maximum operating rate: 120 operating cycles/hour

Contactor size Cable c.s.a. Number of bars Bar c.s.a. Operational current in category AC-1 at ambient temperature y 40 C y 55 C y 70 C mm A A A mm2

CR1 F150 120 250 250 170

CR1 F185 150 275 275 180

CR1 F265 185 350 300 250

CR1 F400 2 30 x 5 500 430 340

CR1 F500 2 40 x 5 700 580 500

CR1 F630 2 60 x 5 1000 850 700

CR1 BL 2 50 x 5 800 700 600

CR1 BM 2 80 x 5 1250 1100 900

CR1 BP 3 100 x 5 2000 1750 1500

CR1 BR 4 100 x 5 2750 2400 2000

Increase in operational current by parallel connection of poles Apply the following coefficients to the above currents; these coefficients take into account an often unbalanced distribution of current between the poles: v 2 poles in parallel: K = 1.6 v 3 poles in parallel: K = 2.25 v 4 poles in parallel: K = 2.8

Electrical durability (Ue y 440 V) (1)

CR1 F150 CR1 F185 CR1 F265 CR1 F400 CR1 F500 CR1 F630


Millions of operating  cycles

1 0,8

5 6 7 8 9 10

0,6 0,4


0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04


0,01 60 80 100 250 275 350 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1250 2000 2750
Current broken in A


Example: Ue = 220 V - Ie = 200 A - q = 40 C - Ic = Ie = 200 A 600 000 operating cycles required. The above selection curves show the contactor rating needed, CR1F400.
(1) For 660 V, multiply the number of operating cycles by 0.8.

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Selection guide for switching the primaries  of 3-phase transformers

Operating conditions

Maximum ambient temperature: 55 C Maximum operational voltage: 1000 V, 5060 Hz When a transformer is switched on, there is generally an initial current surge which reaches its peak value almost instantaneously and then decreases in a largely exponential manner to quickly reach its steady state value. The value of this current depends on: v the characteristics of the magnetic circuit and of the windings (cross sectional area of the core, rated inductance, number of turns, size of the windings, ...) v the performance of the magnetic laminations used (residual induction and saturation inductance), v the magnetic state of the circuit and the instantaneous value of the a.c. mains voltage at the moment of switch-on. The peak current at the moment of switch-on can reach 20 to 40 times the rated current for the various kVA power ratings in the tables below. This value is independent of the no-load or on-load state of the transformer. The peak magnetising current of the transformer must be lower than the values given in the tables below.

1 2 3 4

Contactor selection
Contactor size Maximum permissible current peak at switch-on Maximum operational power (1)

Maximum operating rate: 120 operating cycles/hour

A 220230 V 380400 V 415440 V 500 V 660 V 1000 V kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA CR1 F150 1700 25 50 55 65 80 100 CR1 F185 2800 40 75 80 95 120 150 CR1 F265 3500 50 90 100 110 140 200 CR1 F400 5500 75 130 140 170 200 250 CR1 F500 6800 100 170 190 225 270 375 CR1 F630 9000 140 225 250 280 315 470 CR1 BL 18 000 230 400 450 480 600 700 CR1 BM 18 000 230 400 450 480 600 700 CR1 BP 24 000 300 530 560 600 800 1000 CR1 BR 30 000 380 660 700 750 950 1200

5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) Maximum operational power corresponding to a current peak at switch-on of 30 In.

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Contactor type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60158-1, BS 775, 60947-4 Conforming to VDE 0110 grC Standard version Special version Storage For operation at Uc Without derating Without derating C C m V V

CR1F150 1000 1500 TH - 60+ 80 - 15+ 70 3000 5

CR1F185 1000 1500

CR1F265 1000 1500

Protective treatment

Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Operating positions

Pole characteristics
Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) (Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Frequency limits (sine wave) Rated making capacity Rated breaking capacity  In AC-3, y 40 C In AC-1, y 40 C In AC-4, y 40 C Up to Of the opeational current I rms I rms 220440 V 500 V 660/690 V 1000 V A A A V Hz A 3 or 4 150 250 138 1000 25200 1700 1500 1200 1100 450 1200 1200 1200 700 600 450 350 160 250 0.45 6 18 1 120 120 2 25 x 3 8 18 3 or 4 185 275 170 1000 25200 2100 1800 1600 1200 600 1500 1500 1500 920 740 500 400 200 315 0.36 12 26 1 150 150 2 25 x 3 8 18 3 or 4 265 350 245 1000 25200 2940 2450 2200 1700 800 2200 2200 2200 1230 950 620 480 315 400 0.32 22 39 1 240 240 2 32 x 4 10 35

A A A A Permissible short time rating For 1 s A from cold state, with no current For 5 s A flowing for previous 60 minutes  For 10 s A at y 40 C For 30 s A For 1 min A For 3 min A For 10 min A Short-circuit protection by fuses Motor circuit AC-3 (type aM) A q y 440 V AC-1 circuit (type gG, BS 88) A Average impedance per pole Power dissipated per pole for the above operational currents Connection At lth and 50 Hz AC-3 AC-1 Number of conductors Cable with lugs Cable with connector Number of bars Bar c.s.a. Bolt diameter Tightening torque mW W W

mm2 mm2 mm N.m

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267


CR1F400 1000 1500 TH  - 60+ 80 - 15+ 70 3000

CR1F500 1000 1500

CR1F630 1000 1500

CR1BL 1000 1500 TC TH - 60+ 80 - 15+ 60 3000

CR1BM 1000 1500

CR1BP 1000 1500

CR1BR 1000 1500

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane

5 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane

3 or 4 400 500 370 1000 25200 4500 4000 3500 3000 1200 3600 3600 3600 2400 1700 1200 1000 400 500 0.28 45 70

3 or 4 500 700 460 1000 25200 5000 5000 4500 3560 2500 4200 4200 4200 3200 2400 1500 1200 500 800 0.18 45 88

3 or 4 630 1000 560 1000 25200 6740 6300 5400 4600 3200 5050 5050 5050 4400 3400 2200 1600 630 1000 0.12 48 120

1, 2, 3 or 4 750 800 700 1000 5060 10 000 10 000 9000 8000 4000 9600 9600 7000 4800 3500 2100 1200 800 800 0.18 88 115

1, 2, 3 or 4 1000 1250 800 1000 5060 10 000 10 000 9000 8000 4000 9600 9600 8000 5200 3800 2400 1800 1200 1200 0.18 180 280

1, 2, 3 or 4 1500 2000 1250 1000 5060 15 000 15 000 12 000 9000 5000 12 000 12 000 9600 6400 5200 3600 2800 800 x 2 (1) 1000 x 2 (1) 0.13 290 520 3 100 x 5 4 x 10 35

1, 2, 3 or 4 1800 2750 1500 1000 5060 18 000 18 000 15 000 11 000 6000 15 000 15 000 12 000 8000 6300 4400 3600 1000 x 2 (1) 1200 x 2 (1) 0.09 360 680 4 100 x 10 4 x 10 35

2 2 150 240 2 2 2 2 2 30 x 5 40 x 5 60 x 5 50 x 5 80 x 5 10 10 12 4x8 4 x 10 35 35 58 21 35 (1) Paralleling of poles must be carried out only in accordance with the fuse manufacturers recommendations.

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Contactor type

CR1F150 a 50 or 60 Hz a 400 Hz c c low consumption Latching Unlatching In operating cycles per hour In millions of operating cycles Latching 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole Unlatching 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole 400 Hz and c Latching 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole Unlatching 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA W W ms ms V V V V 48415 48220 48220 48220 0.851.1 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 120 1 1100 100 7.3 7.3 1260 1260 10 10 500 15 3540 50100



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Control circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc)

Control voltage limits a and c Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 40 C Mechanical durability Average consumption 50/60 Hz

1600 1600 8 8 1750 1750 11 11 500 20 3540 50100

1650 1650 9 9 1800 1800 12 12 500 40 4550 50100

4-pole c low consumption Average operating time at Uc (1) Latching Unlatching Latching Unlatching 3/4-pole 3/4-pole

(1) The closing time is measured from the moment the closing coil is energised to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time is measured from the moment the opening coil is energised to the moment the main poles separate. Nota : the arcing time depends on the circuit switched by the main poles. For 3-phase applications the arcing time is usually less than 10 ms. The load is isolated from the supply after a time equal to the sum of the opening time and the arcing time.

Auxiliary contact characteristics

Type of contacts Conventional thermal current Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Connection Operational power of contacts LADN for contactors CR1F  A Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 V Flexible or solid conductor with or without cable end mm2 LADN for contactors CR1F 10 690 1 x 1 min; 2 x 2.5 max d.c. supply Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W 48 90 700 125 75 400 250 68 260 440 61 220

a.c. supply Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4). V 48 120 2600 115 280 7000 230 560 400 960 600 1440

1 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity


13 000 15 000 9000

9 10
Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245 References : pages 5/250 to 5/259 Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264 Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267


CR1F400 48415 48220 48220 48220 0.851.1 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 120 1 1450 1450 12 12 1600 1600 16 16 500 70 4075 50100



CR1BL 110500 110500 110500 0.851.1 Uc 0.851.1 Uc 120 1




1 2
650 1100 1650 1850 110 125 165 175 600 1000 1500 1700 100 115 150 160 100150 2040 650 1100 1650 1850 110 125 165 175 600 1000 1500 1700 100 115 150 160 100150 2040 650 1100 1650 1850 110 125 165 175 600 1000 1500 1700 100 115 150 160 100150 2040

1650 1650 9.5 9.5 1800 1800 13 13 550 60 4080 50100

2100 2100 8 8 2300 2300 11 11 620 45 4080 50100

650 1100 1650 1850 110 125 165 175 600 1000 1500 1700 100 115 150 160 100150 2040

3 4 5 6 7

(1) The closing time is measured from the moment the closing coil is energised to initial contact of the main poles. The opening time is measured from the moment the opening coil is energised to the moment the main poles separate. Nota : the arcing time depends on the circuit switched by the main poles. For 3-phase applications the arcing time is usually less than 10 ms. The load is isolated from the supply after a time equal to the sum of the opening time and the arcing time. LAD N for contactors CR1 F 10 690 1 x 1 min; 2 x 2.5 max Operational power of contacts ZC4GM for contactors CR1B ZC4GM for contactors CR1 B 20 660 2 min; 4 max a.c. supply Electrical durability (valid for up to 2400 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4). V 1 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity VA VA 110 127 2000 220 4000 380 4000 415 440 4000 500 3500 d.c. supply Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W 110 250 1600 120 250 800 440 230 400 500 200 360

8 9 10

14 000 23 000 35 000 45 000 35 000

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Control circuit: a.c. or d.c. supply

1 2

Maximum thermal current in category AC-1 40 C A 250

Rated operational current in category AC-3 (440 V max) A 150

Number of poles

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1)


3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10
Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

275 185 350 265 500 400 700 500 1000 630 800 750 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1250 1000 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2000 1500 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2750 1800 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 (1) Standard control circuit voltages: see page opposite. Characteristics : pages 5/254 to 5/249 Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264

3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

CR1F150pp CR1F1504pp CR1F185pp CR1F1854pp CR1F265pp CR1F2654pp CR1F400pp CR1F4004pp CR1F500pp CR1F5004pp CR1F630pp CR1F6304pp CR1BL31p12 CR1BL31p21 CR1BL31p30 CR1BL32p12 CR1BL32p21 CR1BL32p30 CR1BL33p12 CR1BL33p21 CR1BL33p30 CR1BL34p12 CR1BL34p21 CR1BL34p30 CR1BM31p12 CR1BM31p21 CR1BM31p30 CR1BM32p12 CR1BM32p21 CR1BM32p30 CR1BM33p12 CR1BM33p21 CR1BM33p30 CR1BM34p12 CR1BM34p21 CR1BM34p30 CR1BP31p12 CR1BP31p21 CR1BP31p30 CR1BP32p12 CR1BP32p21 CR1BP32p30 CR1BP33p12 CR1BP33p21 CR1BP33p30 CR1BP34p12 CR1BP34p21 CR1BP34p30 CR1BR31p12 CR1BR31p21 CR1BR31p30 CR1BR32p12 CR1BR32p21 CR1BR32p30 CR1BR33p12 CR1BR33p21 CR1BR33p30 CR1BR34p12 CR1BR34p21 CR1BR34p30

kg 3.500 3.800 4.600 5.400 7.400 8.500 9.100 10.200 11.300 12.900 18.600 21.500 32.000 32.000 32.000 45.000 45.000 45.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 72.000 72.000 72.000 31.000 31.000 31.000 44.000 44.000 44.000 57.000 57.000 57.000 71.000 71.000 71.000 41.000 41.000 41.000 65.000 65.000 65.000 94.000 94.000 94.000 120.000 120.000 120.000 52.000 52.000 52.000 85.000 85.000 85.000 129.000 129.000 129.000 160.000 160.000 160.000


Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Accessories for contactors CR1F


Instantaneous auxiliary contacts Time delay auxiliary contacts Contact blocks with protected terminals for 3-pole contactors (for mounting on contactors with closed arc chamber) Power terminal protection shrouds LADN

Number of contacts or shrouds (1) (1) Set of 2 blocks

For use on CR1F CR1F CR1F150 and CR1F185

Reference LADN (1) LADp (1) LA9F103

Weight kg 0.050 0.060 0.300

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Set of 6 shrouds  for 3-pole contactors

CR1F150 and CR1F185 CR1F265 to CR1F500 CR1F630 CR1F1504 and CR1F1854 CR1F2654 to CR1F5004 CR1F6304

LA9F702 LA9F703 LA9F704 LA9F707 LA9F708 LA9F709 Reference

0.250 0.250 0.250 0.300 0.300 0.300


Set of 8 shrouds  for 4-pole contactors

LA9F103 Description

Application For assembly of  reversing contactors and  changeover contactor pairs

Mechanical interlock and power connections

See pages 5/252 and 5/253

Accessories for contactors CR1B

Description Application Reference Mechanical interlock For vertical assembly of  EZ2LB0601 with mounting  reversing contactors and  accessories (3) changeover contactor pairs Kit containing 2 For mounting on  LA9B103 1.620 bar mounting brackets 120 or 150 mm centres (1) For maximum number per contactor and complete reference, see page 5/123. (2) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 48 110 125 127 220 230 240 250 380 400 415 440 500 Weight kg 1.560


For contactors CR1F

a 50/60 Hz a 400 Hz c c low consumption a 50400 Hz c E7 E7 E7 EZ7 F7 F7 F7 FZ7 G7 G7 G7 GZ7 M7 M7 M7 MZ7 M7 M7 M7 U7 Q7 Q7 N7

For contactors CR1B

F G M M U Q V N R S FD GD MD UD UCD RD SD (3) Positive mechanical interlocking between 2 vertically mounted contactors of identical or different ratings. Connecting rods and cranks assembled on right-hand sides, crank pins on the pole side. Vertical fixing centre distance between the two contactors: 600 mm.


Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245 Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249 Dimensions : pages 5/260 to 5/264 Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Components for assembling reversing contactors  and changeover contactor pairs CR1F Horizontally or vertically mounted
Horizontally mounted

1 2 3

Mechanical interlocks

Sets of power connections

Reversing contactors LA9Fp976
L1 L2 L3

Reversers assembled  using 2 contactors of identical rating, type: CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630


3 1/L3

5 1/L2

7 1/L1

1 2/L1

3 2/L2

5 2/L3

7 N 8



3 or 4-pole changeover contactor pairs LA9Fp977 or LA9Fp982



A2 E1

A2 E1

A2 E1

Vertically mounted

Mechanical interlocks
LA9FF4F LA9FG4G Assembly A LA9FH4H LA9FJ4J LA9FK4K LA9FL4L Assembly C 

4 5 6 7 8 9

Reversers assembled  using 2 contactors of identical rating, type: CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1 F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1 F630

Reversers assembled  using 2 contactors of different ratings, type: CR1F150 CR1 F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630


Assembly A


Assembly B


Assembly C

Reversers assembled  using 3 contactors of identical or different ratings


CR1 F500

F150 F185 F265 F400 F500 F630 F150 F185 F265 F400 F500 F630 F150 F185 F265 F400 F500 F630

    Warning: the contactor ratings must be in decreasing size from top to bottom.

CR1 F265


CR1 F185





A2 E1




TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Components for assembling reversing contactors  and changeover contactor pairs CR1F

Reversers assembled using 2 contactors of identical rating

Contactor type Set of power connections 3-pole Reference For assembly of 3-pole reversing contactors for motor control (1) 4-pole Reference LA9FF977 LA9FG977 LA9FH977 LA9FJ977 LA9FK977 LA9FL977 Weight kg 0.600 0.780 1.500 2.100 2.350 3.800 0.460 0.610 1.200 1.800 2.300 3.400 Mechanical interlock Kit reference Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.150 0.345 0.350 1.060 1.200 1.200 1.220 0.060 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.150 0.345 0.350 1.060 1.200 1.200 1.220

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Horizontally mounted
CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630 CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630 LA9FF976 LA9FG976 LA9FH976 LA9FJ976 LA9FK976 LA9FL976 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) LA9FF982 LA9FG982 LA9FH982 LA9FJ982 LA9FK982 LA9FL982 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) LA9FF970 LA9FG970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FL970 LA9FF4F LA9FG4G LA9FH4H LA9FJ4J LA9FK4K LA9FL4L LA9FF970 LA9FG970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FJ970 LA9FL970 LA9FF4F LA9FG4G LA9FH4H LA9FJ4J LA9FK4K LA9FL4L

Vertically mounted

For assembly of 4-pole changeover contactor pairs

Horizontally mounted
CR1F1504 CR1F1854 CR1F2654 CR1F4004 CR1F5004 CR1F6304 CR1F1504 CR1F1854 CR1F2654 CR1F4004 CR1F5004 CR1F6304

Vertically mounted

Reversers assembled using 2 contactors of different ratings

Contactor type At bottom At top

Mechanical interlock Kit reference Weight kg LA9FG4F LA9FH4F LA9FJ4F LA9FK4F LA9FL4F LA9FH4G LA9FJ4G LA9 FK4G LA9FL4G LA9FJ4H LA9FK4H LA9FL4H LA9FK4J LA9FL4J LA9FL4K Mechanical interlock Kit reference (4) LA9Fp4p4p 0.350 0.870 0.930 0.940 0.940 0.860 0.940 0.940 0.950 1.130 1.130 1.140 1.200 1.210 1.210

For assembly of 3 or 4-pole changeover contactor pairs

Vertically mounted (3)

CR1F150 or F1504 CR1F185 or F1854 CR1F265 or F2654 CR1F400 or F4004 CR1F500 or F5004 CR1F630 or F6304 CR1F185 or F1854 CR1F265 or F2654 CR1F400 or F4004 CR1F500 or F5004 CR1F630 or F6304 CR1F265 or F2654 CR1F400 or F4004 CR1F500 or F5004 CR1F630 or F6304 CR1F400 or F4004 CR1F500 or F5004 CR1F630 or F6304 CR1F500 or F5004 CR1 F630 or F6304 Using 3 contactors (vertically mounted) of identical or different ratings

For assembly of 3 or 4-pole reversing contactors

The contactor ratings must be in decreasing size  from top to bottom. (1) A 3-pole reversing contactor for motor control can be converted into a 3-pole changeover contactor pair by removing the upper connecting links. (2) All power connections are to be made by the customer. (3) With identical or different number of poles. Power connections to be made by the customer. (4) Complete the reference by replacing the first dot with the code for the upper contactor, the second dot with the code for the middle contactor and the third dot with the code for the bottom contactor. Contactors CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630 Code F G H J K L Example: mechanical interlock for reversing contactor made up of 3 different contactors: CR1F500 top, CR1F26 middle and CR1F185 bottom: LA9FK4H4G. Illustrations : page 5/252 Dimensions : page 5/260 Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors
Coils for contactors CR1F

Magnetic latching contactors

Standard coils

1 2 3 4 5 6
501471_1 501470_1

Usual voltages 50400 Hz 50 Hz, 60 Hz or c V V 48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415

Resistance of winding  at q = 20 C Latching Unlatching W 1.98 9.35 11.61 23.50 37.55 45.16 114.10 139.50 W 230.8 1453 1788 4098 5139 6544 12 447 16 717


Voltage code


kg LX0FF005 LX0FF006 LX0FF007 LX0FF020 LX0FF008 LX0FF009 LX0FF010 LX0FF011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440

For contactors CR1F150


For contactors CR1F185

48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415 1,42 6.92 8.45 21.30 26.27 32.95 82.29 102.30 220 1339 1676 3169 4729 4729 11 885 14 305 LX0FG005 LX0FG006 LX0FG007 LX0FG020 LX0FG008 LX0FG009 LX0FG010 LX0FG011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 0,560 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.560 0.560

For contactors CR1F265

48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415 1.34 6.90 8.56 20.20 25.77 33.03 78.39 102.9 183.4 1031 1325 2654 4090 5002 11 803 15 006 LX0FH005 LX0FH006 LX0FH007 LX0FH020 LX0FH008 LX0FH009 LX0FH010 LX0FH011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780

For contactors CR1F400

48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415 1.32 8.09 9.79 24.40 30.14 37.02 94.80 121.10 90.5 813 1027 2643 3309 4074 9380 11 763 LX0FJ005 LX0FJ006 LX0-FJ007 LX0FJ020 LX0FJ008 LX0FJ009 LX0FJ010 LX0FJ011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120

7 8 9 10

For contactors CR1F500

48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415 1.57 7.53 9.56 23.60 28.81 35.67 89.56 112.06 166 916 1159 2981 3733 4595 10 570 13 256 LX0FK005 LX0FK006 LX0FK007 LX0FK020 LX0FK008 LX0FK009 LX0FK010 LX0FK011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220

For contactors CR1F630

48 110 127 208 220/230 240 380/400 415 0.87 5.20 6.45 20.20 25.36 25.36 60.95 77.97 204 1423 1830 2961 4603 5658 10 676 13 003 LX0FL005 LX0FL006 LX0FL007 LX0FL020 LX0FL008 LX0FL009 LX0FL010 LX0FL011 E7 F7 G7 L7 M7 U7 Q7 N7 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
Coils for contactors CR1F

Magnetic latching contactors

Coils with two windings with common point, allowing the use of two separate power sources for latching and unlatching.
Coil voltages at 50Hz, 60Hz, 400 Hz or c Latching Unlatching V V 220 24 Resistance of winding  at q = 20 C Latching Unlatching W W 29.5 39.5

Special coils


Voltage code


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg LX0FF224 MB7 0.440

For contactors CR1F150 For contactors CR1F185

220 24 26.5 19 LX0FG224 MB7 0.560

For contactors CR1F265

LX0FF030 220 24 26 29.5 LX0FH224 MB7 0.780

For contactors CR1F400

220 24 30 23 LX0FJ224 MB7 1.120

For contactors CR1F500

220 24 29 26 LX0FK224 MB7 1.220

For contactors CR1F630

220 24 26 41 LX0FL224 MB7 1.460

Coils with low inrush consumption

Usual voltages c V 48 110 127 220 Resistance of winding  at q = 20 C Latching Unlatching W W 4.56 22.37 35.54 89.85 140.56 706.44 1086.36 3342.51 Reference Voltage code Weight

kg LX0FF055 LX0FF056 LX0FF057 LX0FF058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440

For contactors CR1F150

For contactors CR1F185

48 110 127 220 5.19 25.50 32.75 102.44 106.54 536.26 732.64 2378.62 LX0FG055 LX0FG056 LX0FG057 LX0FG058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 0.570 0.570 0.570 0.570

For contactors CR1F265

48 110 127 220 5.19 25 30.98 97.89 74.26 364.61 458.45 1344.46 LX0FH055 LX0FH056 LX0FH057 LX0FH058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800

For contactors CR1F400

48 110 127 220 5.05 25.39 31.86 98.19 36.36 171.49 221.20 648.79 LX0FJ055 LX0FJ056 LX0FJ057 LX0FJ058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150

For contactors CR1F500

48 110 127 220 4.42 22.74 28.25 85.12 41 193.36 313.60 918.68 LX0FK055 LX0FK056 LX0FK057 LX0FK058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 1.270 1.270 1.270 1.270

For contactors CR1F630

48 110 127 220 3.94 19.36 25.39 74.44 59.17 365.33 452.27 1071.43 LX0FL055 LX0FL056 LX0FL057 LX0FL058 EZ7 FZ7 GZ7 MZ7 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500



TeSys contactors
Coils for contactors CR1B

Magnetic latching contactors

Coils with TC treatment (associated accessories, see page opposite)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Usual voltages c a 50400 Hz V 110125 220 250 V 110120 220240 380400 415440

Resistance at q = 20 C W 19.7 25.2 77.2 94 128 197 257



kg WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 WB1KB126 WB1KB138 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120

For contactors CR1Bp31

For contactors CR1Bp32

WB1KBppp 110 125 220 250 110 120127 220/230 240 380400 415440 9.6 11.4 19.7 32.5 49.7 77.2 128 160 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB140 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB136 WB1KB125 WB1KB137 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120

For contactors CR1Bp33

110 125 220 250 110 120127 240 380415 440 7.2 9.6 11.4 32.5 61 94 128 WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB124 WB1KB135 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120

For contactors CR1Bp34

110 125 250 110 120127 220/230 240 380 400440 5.8 7.2 11.4 25.2 32.5 49.7 77.2 94 WB1KB132 WB1KB123 WB1KB121 WB1KB134 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120 1.120

Coils with TH treatment (associated accessories, see page opposite) Add suffix TH to the references selected above. Example: WB1KB140TH.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors
Coils for contactors CR1B

Magnetic latching contactors

Accessories for use with coils (1)

Coils (TC or TH) Additional resistors (2) R1 W


R2 W


Automatic coil cut-out contact (3) Nb Reference

Rectifier (4) Reference

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For contactors CR1Bp31

WB1KB140 WB1KB134 WB1KB136 WB1KB139 DR2SC0220 WB1KB125 WB1KB126

68 68 220 270 330 470 1000

DR2SC0068 47 DR2SC0068 68 DR2SC0220 180 DR2SC0270 220 DR2SC0330 270 DR2SC0470 470 DR2SC1000 470

DR2SC0047 DR2SC0068 DR2SC0180 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0270 DR2SC0470 DR2SC0470

2 2 2 2 3 3 3


ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4 GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 ZC4GM2 or ZC4GM8 PR4FB0011 PR4FB0010 PR4FB0009 PR4 FB0007 PR4FB0007 PR4FB0006 PR4FB0005 PR4FB0004


For contactors CR1Bp32

WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB140 ZC4GM2 WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB136 10 47 100 120 220 330 470 680 DR2SC0010 33 DR2SC0047 39 DR2SC0100 47 DR2SC0120 120 DR2SC0220 150 DR2SC0330 220 DR2SC0470 470 DR2SC0680 560 DR2SC0033 DR2SC0039 DR2SC0047 DR2SC0120 DR2SC0150 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0470 DR2SC0560 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1S DR5TE1S


WB1KB125 WB1KB137

For contactors CR1Bp33

WB1KB123 WB1KB133 WB1KB121 WB1KB124 WB1KB135 WB1KB139 WB1KB125 39 47 56 180 270 470 680 DR2SC0039 27 DR2SC0047 39 DR2SC0056 47 DR2-SC0180 120 DR2SC0270 270 DR2SC0470 390 DR2-SC0680 470 DR2SC0027 DR2SC0039 DR2SC0047 DR2SC0120 DR2SC0270 DR2SC0390 DR2SC0470 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PR4FB0012 PR4FB0011 PR4FB0010 PR4FB0008 PR4FB0006 PR4FB0005 PR4FB0004 DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1S DR5TE1S

For contactors CR1Bp34

WB1KB132 PR4FB0014 WB1KB123 WB1KB121 WB1KB134

33 47 56 150 180 270 390 560

DR2SC0033 27 DR2SC0047 33 DR2SC0056 56 DR2SC0150 120 DR2-SC0180 150 DR2SC0270 220 DR2SC0390 390 DR2SC0560 470

DR2SC0027 DR2SC0033 DR2SC0056 DR2SC0120 DR2SC0150 DR2SC0220 DR2SC0390 DR2SC0470

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PR4FB0014 DR5TE1U PR4FB0012 PR4FB0010 PR4FB0008 PR4FB0007 PR4FB0007 PR4FB0006 PR4FB0005 DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1U DR5TE1S DR5TE1S

WB1KB124 WB1KB122 WB1KB136 DR5TE1U WB1KB139

(1) For connections, see page 5/267. (2) Weight of resistors DR2SCpppp : 0.030 kg. (3) Weight of automatic coil cut-out contacts: ZC4GMp : 0.030 kg and PR4FB00pp : 0.600 kg. (4) Weight of rectifier DR5TE1p : 0.100 kg. The rectifier is for use on a.c. only.



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Accessories and replacement parts for contactors CR1F


1 2


Description Complete sets of contacts for 3 or 4 poles (1)

For contactor 3-pole CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400

Reference LA5FF431 LA5FG431 LA5FH431 LA5F400803 LA5 F500803 LA5F630803 LA5FF441 LA5FG441 LA5FH441 LA5F400804 LA5F500804 LA5F630804 LA5F15050 LA5F18550 LA5F26550 LA5F40050 LA5F50050 LA5F63050 LA5F150450 LA5F185450 LA5F265450 LA5F400450 LA5F500450 LA5F630450

Weight kg 0.270 0.350 0.660 0.660 0.660 0.660 0.360 0.465 0.880 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.490 0.670 0.920 1.300 1.850 3.150 0.660 0.910 1.220 1.740 2.500 4.200


CR1F500 CR1F630 4-pole CR1F1504 CR1F1854 CR1F2654 CR1F4004

3 4

CR1F5004 CR1F6304 Arc chambers 3-pole CR1F150 CR1F185 CR1F265 CR1F400 CR1F500 CR1F630

5 6
LA5F40050 4-pole

CR1F1504 CR1F1854 CR1F2654 CR1F4004 CR1F5004 CR1F6304

7 8 9 10

(1) Set containing the following (per pole): 2 fixed contacts, 1 moving contact , 2 deflectors, 1back-plate, clamping screws and washers.


References (continued)

TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Accessories and replacement parts for contactors CR1B

References (continued)

For contactors CR1BL CR1BM CR1BP

Sets of contacts (1 moving contact,  1 fixed contact)

Number of sets required per pole 1 1 2 3 Composition 1 N/O contact  - normal 1 N/C contact  - normal 1 N/O contact - gold flashed 1 N/C contact - gold flashed No. of parts required 1 2 1 per pole 1 per pole

Unit reference of set PA1LB80 PA1LB80 PA1LB80 PA1LB80 Reference PA1LB75 PA1LB76 PA1LB89 PA1LB50 PA1LB50 PA1PB50 PA1RB50 ZC4GM1 ZC4GM2 ZC4GM9 ZC4GM8 PR4FB00pp (1) PV1FA80 PN1FB50 ET1KB50 Reference DV1RT292 DV1RT292 DV1RC201 DV1RC155

Weight kg 0.420 0.420 0.420 0.420 Weight kg 0.220 0.200 0.120 3.700 3.700 6.200 8.500 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.600 0.035 0.220 10.600 Weight kg 0.050 0.050 0.020 0.020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PA1LB80 (PA1LB76 + PA1LB75)

CR1BR Description Moving contact only (for one finger) Fixed contact only (for one finger) Blow-out horn only (for 1 finger) Arc chambers (for a single pole) PA1LB89 For contactors All ratings All ratings All ratings CR1BL CR1BM




CR1BP CR1BR Auxiliary contact blocks All ratings All ratings All ratings All ratings N/C pole for automatic cut-out coil Set of moving and fixed contacts for N/C pole Arc chamber for N/C pole Electromagnet All ratings All ratings All ratings All ratings For contactors CR1B (1 pole) CR1B (2, 3 or 4 poles) CR1BL, BM  or BP CR1BR



Description Return springs  for moving part  of electromagnet N/O pole springs


(1) Reference to be completed, see page 5/257.




TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1F

CR1F150 to F500

1 2

Common side view

CR1F150, F185, F265


CR1F400, F500


F150 M8x25 F185 M8x25 F265 M10x35




= =


b b2


J J1



G1 G

= Y

23,5 Q P a P Q1 f

G G1


L c

P a

Q1 f

4 5 6 7 8 9

F150 F185 F265 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P a 163.5 201.5 168.5 208.5 201.5 244.5 b 170 170 174 174 203 203 b1 137 137 137 137 145 145 b2 301 301 305 305 370 370 c 171 171 181 181 213 213 f 131 131 130 130 147 147 G 106 143 111 151 142 190 G1 80 80 80 80 96 96 J 106 106 106 106 106 106 J1 120 120 120 120 120 120 L 107 107 113.5 113.5 141 141 M 150 150 154 154 178 178 P 40 40 40 40 48 48 Q 26 26 29 29 39 34 Q1 57.5 55.5 59.5 59.5 66.5 66.5 S 20 20 20 20 25 25 S1 27 27 34 34 38 38 Y 44 44 38.5 30.5 30.5 21.5 Z 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 15.5 15.5 f = minimum distance required for coil removal. X1: Minimum electrical clearance according to operational voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage in V 200500 CR1F150 10 CR1F185 10 CR1F265 10 (1) Power terminal protection shroud. 6601000 15 15 15

F400 3P a 213 G min. 66 b 206 b2 375 c 219 f 146 G supplied 80 G max. 102 G1 supplied 170 G1 min. 156 G1 max. 192 J 12 L 145 M 181 P 48 Q 43 Q1 74 S 25

4P 261 66 206 375 219 146 80 150 170 156 240 60 145 181 48 43 74 25

F500 3P 233 66 238 400 232 150 80 120 170 156 210 32 146 208 55 47 77 30

4P 288 66 238 400 232 150 140 175 230 156 265 27 146 208 55 47 77 30

f = minimum distance required for coil removal. X1: Minimum electrical clearance according to operational voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage in V 200500 6601000 CR1F400 15 20 CR1F500 15 20

72 40 64 6xM12x45






155 197 255

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

80 a



181 (2)

CR1F630 3P 4P a 309 389 G supplied 180 240 G min. 100 150 G max. 195 275 J1 61 81 Q 60 60 Q1 89 89 X1: Min. electrical clearance according to operational voltage and breaking capacity. Voltage in V X1 200500 20 6901000 30 (1) Power terminal protection shroud. (2) Minimum distance required for coil removal.


280 304 464



Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



120 180


TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1F

Panel mounted On pre-slotted mounting plate AM1PA, PB, PC On rails DZ5MB on 120 mm centres



1 2 3





= J c
CR1 c

= G J1
F265 213 213 96 96 44.5 68.5 61.5 85.5 CR1 c G F150 171 171 80 80 F185 181 181 80 80 F265 213 213 96 96 CR1 c G

F150 171 171 80 80 F185 181 181 80 80 F265 213 213 96 96

F150 F185 3P 171 181 4P 171 181 G 3P 80 80 4P 80 80 J 3P 26.5 29 4P 45 49 J1 3P 57 59.5 4P 75.5 79.5 (1) Power terminal protection shroud.

3P 4P 3P 4P

3P 4P 3P 4P


4 5

On 2 notched uprights AM1ECppp

AM1 EC200

AF1 CD081 + AF1 VC820 (2) AF1 CD101+ AF1 VC10


AF1 CD061+ AF1 VA618 AF1 VA618 M6

AF1 CD061

AF1 VA618 M6 LA9 F100

AF1 CD081+ AF1 VC820

6 7





G AM1 EC200

G AM1 EC200 G3


G1 G2




CR1 c

F150 F185 F265 F400 F500 F630 3P 171 181 213 213 226 250 4P 171 181 213 213 226 250 G (M6) 3P 80 80 96 4P 80 80 96 G1 ( 8.5) 3P 80 80 4P 80 140 G2 ( 10.5) 3P 180 4P 240 (1) AF1CDppp or AF1VAppp. (2) This AM1EC200 upright is required when G2 or G3 is greater than 700 mm (please consult your Regional Sales Office).

8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267


Mounting (continued)

TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1F

Reversing contactors 2 x CR1F150F265

Reversing contactors 2 x CR1F400F630

1 2

Horizontally mounted




8x8,5 (1)


8x8,5 (1)
= 120 (2) = = 180 =
F500 485 595 238 238 80 140 170 230 156 156 84.5 79.5 66 66 39.5 34.5 112 112


= J1 G1

= J a

= G1

= J1

J1 J3

G G1

J J2 a

G G1

J1 J3

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245 2 x CR1 a 3P 4P b 3P 4P G1 3P 4P J 3P 4P J1 3P 4P P1 3P 4P

F150 345 422 170 170 80 80 71 111 57 75.5 71 71

F185 357 437 174 174 80 80 78 118 59.5 79.5 78 78

F265 425 521 203 203 96 96 109 157 61.5 85.5 100 100

2 x CR1 a

3P 4P b 3P 4P G 3P 4P G1 3P 4P J 3P 4P J1 3P 4P J2 3P 4P J3 3P 4P P1 3P 4P (1) Except F630: 4 x 10.5. (2) Except F630: 180.

F400 446 542 206 206 80 80 170 170 157 157 64.5 112.5 67 67 19.5 67.5 107 107

F630 636 796 304 304 180 240 139 139 68.5 68.5 137 137

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267


Mounting (continued)

TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1F

Reversing contactors
Vertically mounted with mechanical interlock LA9Fppp. 2 contactors CR1F of identical or different ratings (CR1F150F630), see pages 5/252 and 5/253. Assembly A Assembly B Assembly C

J3 (1)


12,5 (5) (1)



12,5 (5) (1)

F330 }120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630



F330 }120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630


(3) = =

(6) = =


2 3 4 5




(3) = =

(5) 9 12,5

= = (4)


80 J2


80 J2


G2 J2

(1) Mechanical interlock shaft. (2) For assembly of contactors of different ratings only. (3) 3 x 6.5 mm for CR1F150F265. (4) 3 x 6.5 mm for CR1F265. (5) Mechanical interlock guide bracket. (6) 4 x 8.5 mm for CR1F400, F500 or 4 x 10.5 mm. Assembly type A B LA9F F4F G4F G4G H4F J4F G1 3P 96 80 4P 96 80 G2 3P 4P G3 3P 0 3 0 21 45 4P 0 4 0 27 26 G4 3P 4P G5 3P 60 83 4P 83 83 H min. 200 210 220 240 250 max. 310 300 310 380 380 H1 min. 80 90 100 110 80 max. 190 180 190 250 210 J1 3P 133 134 134 149.5 137 4P 145 146 146 164.5 185 J2 3P 133 133 134 183 133 4P 145 145 146 145 145 J3 3P 48.5 53 53 4P 67 73 73 J4 3P 48.5 54 53 48.5 48.5 4P 67 69 73 67 67 (7) In this case, G4 is greater than G5.

K4F 80 140 45 26 83 83 270 380 100 210 157 212 183 145 48.5 67

L4F 180 240 35 17 74 74 310 380 140 210 241 321 133 145 48.5 67

H4G 96 96 19 23 60 83 250 380 120 250 149.5 164.5 134 146 53 73

J4G 80 80 42 22 83 83 250 380 90 220 137 185 134 146 53 73

K4G 80 140 42 22 83 83 270 380 110 220 157 212 134 146 53 73

L4G 180 240 33 13 74 74 310 380 150 220 241 321 134 146 53 73

C H4H 96 96 96 96 0 0 60 83 60 83 250 380 130 260 149.5 164.5 142.5 164.5

J4H 80 80 96 96 23 0 60 83 83 83 260 380 110 230 137 185 149.5 164.5

K4H 80 140 96 96 23 0 60 83 83 83 280 380 130 230 157 212 149.5 164.5

L4H 180 240 96 96 14 9 (7) 60 83 74 74 330 380 170 220 24 321 149.5 164.5

J4J 80 80 80 80 0 0 83 83 83 83 260 380 60 200 137 185 137 185

K4J 80 140 80 80 0 0 83 83 83 83 280 380 100 200 157 212 137 185

L4J 180 240 80 80 9 (7) 9 (7) 83 83 74 74 325 380 140 195 241 321 137 185

K4K 80 140 80 140 0 0 83 83 83 83 300 380 120 200 157 212 157 212

L4K 180 240 80 140 9 (7) 9 (7) 83 83 74 74 345 380 160 195 244 321 157 212

L4L 180 240 180 240 0 0 74 74 74 74 380 380 200 200 241 321 241 312


F330 }120 F265 F400 F500 180 F630






G3 (2)



9 G3(2) J1




6 7 8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1B

Contactors CR1B

Single-pole, 2-pole or 3-pole


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Common side view

185 R







c 85 b c



44 30 15


Q1 30

P M1

51 M2 L

Q1 30

CR1BL 1P 2P 50 50 59 59 16 16 345 445 285 385 121 121 100 100 100 100 122 122 10 10 30 30 9 9 3P 50 59 16 540 480 121 100 100 122 10 30 9 4P 50 59 16 760 308 392 121 100 100 122 10 30 9 CR1BM 1P 2P 63 63 55 55 20 20 345 445 285 385 125 125 100 100 100 100 157 157 17 17 30 30 11 11 3P 63 55 20 540 480 125 100 100 157 17 30 11 4P 63 55 20 760 308 392 125 100 100 157 17 30 11 CR1BP 1P 2P 100 100 55 55 20 20 385 540 325 480 125 125 150 150 110 110 173 173 20 20 60 60 11 11 3P 100 55 20 760 700 125 150 110 173 20 60 11 4P 100 55 20 1065 455 550 125 150 110 173 20 60 11 CR1BR 1P 2P 125 125 50 50 25 25 445 635 385 575 130 130 195 195 123 123 173 173 20 20 60 60 11 11 3P 125 50 25 885 825 130 195 123 173 20 60 11 4P 125 50 25 1065 455 550 130 195 123 173 20 60 11

a b c L M M1 M2 N P Q1 R S T

Minimum electrical clearance

Values X1 and X2 are given for a breaking capacity of 10 In (3-phase a current). 3-phase a voltage 380-415-440 V X1 X2 500 V X1 X2 600 V X1 X2 1000 V X1 X2 CR1BL 100 150 100 150 150 200 200 250 CR1BM 100 150 100 150 150 200 200 250 CR1BP 150 200 150 220 200 250 200 250 CR1BR 200 250 200 250 200 250 250 300



Mechanical interlock for assembly of vertically mounted reversing contactors EZ2LB0601

A = (E112) 488

E = 600

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267


Adjustment characteristics

TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1B


Complete pole

Adjustment of pick-up travel and pull-in travel

E e

1 2 3

2 3

1 2 3 4

Moving circuit Coil Moving circuit Return spring

N/O pole adjustment



1 2 3 4 5

Fixed contact Moving contact Pull-in gap adjustment Adjustment of application force Pole spring

4 5 6

4 5

N/C automatic coil cut-out pole adjustment

1 b


3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Fixed contact Moving contact Opening gap adjustment Adjustment of application force Pole spring

7 8

a.c. or d.c. supply with economy resistor (and rectifier on a)

Contactor type Electromagnet (EB5KB50) Coil (WB1KB) N/O power pole (PA1) N/C automatic coil cut-out pole (PR4) Pick-up travel (E) Pull-in travel (e) Pull-in voltage Drop-out voltage Application force (F) to contact per pole Application force (F) Opening gap (b) with electromagnet closed mm mm V V daN daN mm CR1BL 30 10 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 0.9 3.5 0.5 CR1BM 30 10 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 0.9 3.5 0.5 CR1BP 30 10 0.75 Uc 0.30.5 Uc 30 (1) 0.9 3.5 0.5 CR1BR 30 10 0.30.5 Uc 30 (2) 0.9 3.5 0.5

9 10

(1) Each pole has 2 contacts: the force must be applied evenly to each of these contacts. (2) Each pole has 3 contacts: the force must be applied evenly to each of these contacts. Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245 Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249 References : pages 5/250 to 5/259 Schemes : pages 5/266 and 5/267



TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors CR1F

Contactors CR1F

3/L2 5/L3 1/L1 A1

3/L2 5/L3 T3/6 A1 1/L1 7/L4 T4/8

1 N/O LADN10 (1) 1 N/C LADN01 (1)
41/NC (92)

A2 E1




A2 E1


Instantaneous auxiliary contacts (References : page 5/123)

1 N/O + 1 N/C LADN11
53/NO 61/NC

2 N/O LADN20
63/NO 53/NO

2 N/C LADN02
51/NC 61/NC


2 N/O + 2 N/C LADN22

53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 62 71/NC 72

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

43 NO

44 (93)



42 (91)







1 N/O + 3 N/C LADN13

53/NO 81/NC 61/NC 71/NC

4 N/O LADN40
53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

4 N/C LADN04
51/NC 71/NC 61/NC 81/NC



73/NO 74

















(1) Items in brackets refer to blocks mounted on right-hand side of contactor.

1 N/O +1 N/C LADN11P

13/NO 21/NC


Instantaneous auxiliary contacts conforming to standard EN 50012 (References: page 5/123)

1 N/O +1 N/C LADN11G
43/NO 31/NC


2 N/O + 2 N/C LADN22P

13/NO 43/NO 21/NC 31/NC

2 N/O + 2 N/C LADN22G

53/NO 63/NO 31/NC 41/NC












Front mounting add-on contact blocks - Dust and damp protected instantaneous auxiliary contacts (References : page 5/123)
2 N/O (24-50 V) LA1DX20
53/NO 63/NO

2 N/O (5-24 V) LA1DY20

53/NO 63/NO

2 N/O protected (24-50 V) 2 N/O standard LA1DZ40

53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO


2 N/O protected (24-50 V) + 1 N/O + 1 N/C standard LA1DZ31

53/NO 73/NO 61/NC 83/NO












Time delay auxiliary contacts (References : page 5/123)

On-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LADTp
67/NO 55/NC

Off-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LADRp

57/NO 65/NC






3-pole reversing contactors 2 x CR1F150F630

L1 L2 L3

4-pole reversing contactors 2 x CR1F1504F6304

1/L3 1/L2 1/L1 2/L1 2/L2 2/L3 1N 2N




On-delay 1 N/C + 1 N/O break before make LADSp



Horizontally mounted



A2 E1

A2 E1

A2 E1




Vertically mounted contactors using 2 contactors of identical or different ratings

1/L1 1/L2 1/L3
1/L1 1/L2 1/L3 1N


A2 E1

A2 E1


L3 L2 L1

N L3 L2 L1


A2 E1

A2 E1








Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : pages 5/260 and 5/263



A2 E1








2 N/O + 2 N/C of which 1 N/O + 1 N/C make before break LADC22

3 N/O + 1 N/C LADN31


Schemes (continued)

TeSys contactors

Magnetic latching contactors

Contactors CR1B



1 2 3 4


















Wiring schemes
Contactors CR1F and CR1B Contactors CR1F with thermal overload relay
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3

Connectors CR1B

















KM 1

A1 96





95 2








5 6 7 8 9 10






(1) automatic coil cut-out contact ZC4GM or PR4FB00pp S1: latching pushbutton S2: unlatching pushbutton

Coils for contactors CR1F

Pushbutton control
Start Latching  winding Stop

Scheme of internal circuit


M 3a


KM 1


13 A2

A1 E1



Switch control
Start/Stop Unlatching winding


Warning: terminal A2 is common to both windings in all cases.

Selection : pages 5/241 to 5/245

Characteristics : pages 5/246 to 5/249

References : pages 5/250 to 5/259

Dimensions : page 5/264


Selection guide

TeSys modular equipment


Control of lighting, heating, hot water systems, ventilation systems and small motors

1 2
Functions GC contactors for standard applications GY Dual tariff contactors

Rating 1663 A 1663 A

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of 17.5 mm modules (variable, depending on size and number of poles)



Device type







Control of lighting heating, hot water systems, ventilation systems and small motors

Direct control of motors

Fuse protection

Motor control and protection

1 2

Impulse relays

Rotary switch disconnectors

Single, 2, 3 or 4-pole fuse carriers, with or without neutral

Thermal-magnetic motor  circuit-breakers

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16 A

2580 A

Up to 125 A

0.132 A




GF 16


DF8, DF10, DF14, DF22



Please consult your Regional Sales Office




Presentation, standards

TeSys modular equipment

Standard contactors TeSys GC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275 Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

TeSys GC contactors are designed for use in modular panels and enclosures. These contactors feature: b Easy installation v quick clip-on fixing and locking onto 35 mm omega rail, v easy connection by means of ready-to-tighten, captive, pozidrive screw terminals. b Compact size All units have a common depth of 60 mm and width in modules of 17.5 mm (width of one module: 17.5 mm). b User safety v use of materials conforming to strictest fire safety standards, v live parts protected against direct finger contact, v completely safe operation, v state indication on front panel.





This range of modular contactors has been designed taking into account the requirements of international standard IEC 61095. This standard is specific to Electromagnetic contactors for domestic and similar use. It has very strict requirements, meeting the expectations of users, with regard to the safety of equipment and persons in premises and areas accessible to the public. Conformity with this standard makes it possible to obtain the following quality labels without the need for additional tests: NF-USE, VDE, CEBEC, etc. Applications TeSys GC modular contactors are designed for switching all single-phase, 3-phase or 4phase loads up to 100 A. Power switching These contactors have multiple applications in industrial, agricultural and commercial premises, hospitals and the home, i.e. wherever switching of a specific supply is required: b lighting, b heating, b ventilation, b motorised shutters or gates.

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Setting-up precautions

TeSys m odular equipment

Standard contactors TeSys GC

Setting-up precautions
The contactor controls must be bounce free. If not, connect a coil suppression block 1 (GAP 21, 22 or 23) across the coil terminals y 250 V. When several contactors which operate at the same time are mounted side by side, a GAC 5 ventilation 1/2 module 2 must be fitted every 2 contactors.

1 2 3 4 5

It is advisable to mount electronic units at the bottom of the modular panel and to separate them from electromechanical units by a space 3 equal to one module, or by 2 ventilation 1/2 modules (GAC 5).

Derating of contactors mounted in a modular enclosure if the temperature within the enclosure is > 40 C
Contactor rating 40 C 16 A 16 A 25 A 25 A 40 A 40 A 63 A 63 A 100 A 100 A (1) Ventilation 1/2 module must be fitted 50 C 14 A 22 A 36 A 57 A 87 A 60 C (1) 13 A 20 A 32 A 50 A 80 A

6 7 8 9 10

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Contactor selection for lighting circuits

TeSys m odular equipment

Modular contactors

Lighting (Maximum number of lamps depending on the power of each unit)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277 References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Presentation of installations according to type of supply

Single-phase circuit, 230 V


3-phase circuit, 230 V

L2 L3
230V 230V


The maximum number of lamps which can be operated per phase is equal to the number of lamps in the single phase 230V table divided by 3.

3-phase circuit, 400 V (with neutral)

L1 L2 L3 N


Contactor rating for a single-phase 230 V circuit (single-pole)

Fluorescent lamps with starter Single fitting P (W) IB (A) C (F) Non corrected 20 40 50 80 110 0.39 0.43 0.70 0.80 1.2 20 28 60 90 13 17 35 56 10 15 30 48 7 10 20 32 With parallel correction 20 40 58 80 110 0.19 0.29 0.46 0.57 0.79 5 5 7 7 16 15 20 40 60 15 20 40 60 10 15 30 43 10 15 30 43 5 7 14 20 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

Maximum 22 number 30 of lamps 70 100 Twin fitting P (W) IB (A) C (F)

Non corrected 2 x 18 2 x 36 2 x 58 2 x 80 2 x 140 0.44 0.82 1.34 1.64 2.2 11 16 26 42 7 10 16 25 5 8 13 21 4 6 10 16


The maximum number of lamps which can be operated per phase is equal to the total number of lamps in the singlephase 230 V table.



With series correction 2 x 18 2 x 36 2 x 58 2 x 80 2 x 140 0.26 0.48 0.78 0.96 1.3 3.5 4.5 7 9 18 30 46 80 123 17 25 43 67 10 16 27 42 9 13 22 34 6 10 16 25

Maximum 20 number 30 of lamps 50 75

High pressure mercury vapour lamps Non corrected P (W) IB (A) C (F) 50 80 125 250 400 700 0.6 0.8 1.15 2.15 3.25 5.4 With parallel correction 50 80 125 250 400 700 1000 0.35 0.50 0.7 1.5 2.4 4 5.7 7 8 10 18 25 40 60 2 2 5 7 1 3 5 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

Maximum 15 10 8 4 2 1 10 9 9 4 3 number 20 15 10 6 4 2 15 13 10 6 4 of lamps 34 27 20 10 6 4 28 25 20 11 8 53 40 28 15 10 6 43 38 30 17 12 IB : value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage. C : unit capacitance for each lamp. IB and C correspond to values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Contactor selection for lighting circuits (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

Modular contactors

Contactor rating for a single-phase 230 V circuit (single-pole) (continued)

Low pressure sodium vapour lamps Non corrected P (W) IB (A) C (F) 18 35 55 90 135 180 0.35 1.4 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.1 4 9 14 24 5 9 14 24 3 6 9 19 2 4 6 10 2 4 6 10 With parallel correction 18 35 55 90 135 180 0.35 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 5 20 20 26 45 40 14 21 40 60 3 5 10 15 3 5 10 15 2 4 8 11 1 2 4 6 1 2 5 7 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maximum 18 number 34 of lamps 57 91

High pressure sodium vapour lamps Non corrected P (W) IB (A) C (F) 70 1 150 250 400 1000 1.8 3 4.4 10.3 4 7 13 18 2 4 8 11 1 3 5 8 1 2 3 With parallel correction 70 150 250 400 1000 0.6 0.7 1.5 2.5 6 12 20 32 45 100 6 9 18 25 6 9 18 25 2 3 6 9 2 4 8 12 1 2 4 6 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

Maximum 8 number 12 of lamps 20 32

Metal iodine or halogen vapour lamps Non corrected P (W) IB (A) C (F) 35 70 150 250 400 1000 0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 6 16 24 42 64 8 12 20 32 5 8 14 21 3 5 8 13 1 2 4 5 With parallel correction 39 70 150 250 400 1000 2000 0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 6 5.5 6 12 20 32 45 85 60 12 18 31 50 6 9 16 25 4 6 10 15 3 4 7 10 2 3 5 7 1 3 4 1 2 3 5 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

Maximum 27 number 40 of lamps 68 106

Incandescent and halogen lamps Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

P (W) IB (A)

60 75 100 150 200 300 0.26 0.32 0.44 0.65 0.87 1.3 25 38 70 100 19 28 50 73 12 18 35 50 10 14 26 37 7 10 18 25

500 1000 2.17 4.4 4 6 10 15 2 3 6 8

Maximum 30 number 45 of lamps 85 125

Halogen lamps used with transformer Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

P (W) IB (A)

60 80 105 150 0.26 0.35 0.45 0.65

Maximum 9 8 6 4 of lamps 14 12 9 6 27 23 18 13 40 35 27 19 IB : value of current drawn by each lamp at its rated voltage. C : unit capacitance for each lamp. IB and C correspond to values normally quoted by lamp manufacturers Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277 References : pages 5/278 and 5/279 Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Contactor selection for heating circuits (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

Modular contactors

Heating (AC-7a)

1 2

Single-phase, 2-pole switching

3 4 5 6 7

3-phase switching


Heating by resistive elements or by infra-red radiators, convectors or radiators, heating ducts, industrial furnaces. The current peak between the hot and cold states must not exceed 2 to 3 In at the moment of switch-on. Contactor selection according to power and required electrical life
Electrical durability (in operating cycles) Single-phase switching 230 V (2-pole) Maximum power (kW) 100 x 103 150 x 103 200 x 103 500 x 103 106 3.5 3 2.2 1 0.8 5.4 8.6 13.6 21.6 3-phase switching 400 V (3-pole) 10 16 26 41 64.8 4.6 7.4 11.6 18.4 9 14 22 35 55.2 3.5 5.6 8.8 14 6.5 10 17 26.5 42 1.6 2.6 4 6.4 3.2 5 7.5 12 19.2 1.2 1.9 3 4.8 2.2 3.5 6 9 14.4 Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A 100 A 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A 100 A

8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277 References : pages 5/278 and 5/279 Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Contactor selection for motor control

TeSys m odular equipment

Modular contactors

Motor control (AC-7b)


Single-phase circuit, 230 V


1 2

3-phase circuit, 400 V

L1 L2 L3


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contactor selection according to maximum power in kW

230 V single-phase capacitor motor (2-pole) 0.55 1.1 2.2 4 400 V 3-phase motor 2.2 4 7.5 11 Contactor rating (Ith) 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A

Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GC standard contactors

Contactor type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Operating positions Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 10 ms Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Flame resistance Conforming to VDE 0106 Standard version Storage Operation Without derating Without derating Contactor open Contactor closed Contactor open Contactor closed C C m Conforming to IEC 61095 Conforming to VDE 0110 V V kV

GC16 500 500 4 in enclosure





IEC 61095, VDE 0637-3 and IEC 60947-5 for auxiliary contacts NF- USE, VDE, CEBEC, VE Protection against direct finger contact (IP 20 open, IP 40 in enclosure) TC - 40+ 70 - 5+ 50 (0.851.1 Uc) 3000 30 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane 10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 3 gn Conforming to IEC 61095

Pole characteristics
Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) (Ue y 440 V) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Frequency limits Conventional thermal current  (lth) Rated breaking and making capacity Permissible short time rating no current flowing for preceding  15 minutes with q y 40 C Short-circuit protection by fuse or circuit breaker  U y 440 V Average impedance per pole Power dissipated per pole Maximum cabling c.s.a. In AC-7a (heating) In AC-7b (motor control) Up to Of the operating current q y 50 C Conforming to IEC 61095 (AC-7b)  I rms 400 V 3-phase For 10 s For 30 s gl fuse Circuit-breaker I2t  230 V (at 3 kA rms 400 V prospective) At lth and 50 Hz A A V Hz A A A A A A 2s A 2s mW W mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m 2, 3 or 4 16 5 25 8.5 40 15 63 25 100

250 two-pole contactors, 415 three and four-pole contactors 400 16 40 128 40 16 5000 9000 2.5 0.65 6 4 6 1.5 6 4 0.8 25 68 200 62 25 10 000 14 000 2.5 1.6 6 4 6 1.5 6 4 0.8 40 120 320 100 40 16 000 17 500 2 3.2 25 16 16 4 25 6 3.5 63 200 504 157 63 18 000 20 000 2 8 25 16 16 4 25 6 3.5 100 800 250 100 1 10 35 35 35 10 3.5

For the above  operational currents Flexible cable 1 conductor without cable end 2 conductors Flexible cable with cable end 1 conductor 2 conductors

Solid cable  1 conductor without cable end 2 conductors Tightening torque Power circuit connections

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GC s tandard contactors

Contactor type

GC16, GC25 single or 2-pole

Control circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits 50 Hz coils (q y 50 C) Average coil consumption at 20 C and at Uc a 50 Hz 50 or 60 Hz Operational Drop-out Inrush Sealed 50/60 Hz Closing C Opening O In operating cycles In operating cycles per hour 1 or 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 or 2 conductors V

GC16, GC25 3 or 4-pole GC40, GC63 2-pole

GC40, GC63 3 or 4-pole GC100 2-pole

GC100 4-pole

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12240 V, for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office 0.851.1 Uc 0.20.75 Uc 15 3.8 1.3 1030 1025 106 300 34 4.6 1.6 53 6.5 2.1 106 13 4.2

VA VA W ms ms

Maximum heat dissipation Operating time

Mechanical durability Maximum operating rate at ambient temperature y 50 C Maximum Flexible cable cabling c.s.a. without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without  cable end Tightening torque

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 0.8

Instantaneous auxiliary contact characteristics

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Up to Conforming to  IEC 60947-5 Conforming to VDE 0110 For ambient q y 50 C Operating cycles Flexible or  solid conductor mm2 N.m V V V A 250 500 500 5 106 2.5 0.8

Conventional thermal current (Ith) Mechanical durability Maximum cabling c.s.a. Tightening torque

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281



TeSys m odular equipment

Standard contactors TeSys GC

Standard contactors, TeSys GC

Maximum current rating category AC-7a A 16 No. of poles Number of 17.5 mm modules Sold in lots of Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight

1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 4

1 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 4

1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 6

12 12 6 6 12 6 12 12 6 6 12 6 12 6 6 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 6 4 6 4 4 2

GC 1610pp GC 1620pp GC 1630pp GC 1640pp GC 1611pp GC 1622pp GC 2510pp GC 2520pp GC 2530pp GC 2540pp GC 2511pp GC 2522pp GC 2502pp GC 2504pp GC 4020pp GC 4030pp GC 4040pp GC 4011pp GC 4022pp GC 4002pp GC 4004pp GC 6320pp GC 6330pp GC 6340pp GC 6311pp GC 6322pp GC 6302pp GC 6304pp GC 10020pp GC 10040pp

kg 0.110 0.110 0.230 0.230 0.110 0.230 0.110 0.110 0.230 0.230 0.110 0.230 0.110 0.230 0.230 0.350 0.390 0.230 0.390 0.230 0.390 0.340 0.390 0.390 0.340 0.390 0.340 0.390 0.680 0.780







8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275 Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 12 24 48 110 220/240 50 Hz J5 B5 E5 F5 M5 60 Hz J6 B6 E6 F6 M6

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281


References (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

Standard contactors TeSys GC

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

Number of contacts

No. of poles



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kg 2 1 1 GAC 0521 0.016


GAC 0531



GAC 0511


Description For use on Number Operational Sold in contactor of voltage lots of modules V 1 1248 1 Unit reference Weight kg 0.090


Coil suppression blocks comprising  2 RC circuits

GAP 21


GAP 23


Ventilation 1/2 module Clips onto 5 rail Cover plates







GA1 C7





GA1 C6


Set of sealable 16 or 25 A 2 terminal covers 3 or 4 (10 top parts +  contacts 10 bottom parts) 40 or 63 A  2 2 contacts GW254 GW63p 40 or 63 A  3 3 or 4 contacts

GW 254


GW 632


GW 634


Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

Dimensions, schemes : pages 5/280 and 5/281



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GC standard contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6


Common side view

GC 1610, 1611, 1620 GC 2502, 2510, 2511, 2520 1 module

GC 1622, 1640 GC 2504, 2522, 2530, 2540 2 modules



43,7 60 65



Common side view

GC 4002, 4011, 4020 GC 6302, 6311, 6320 2 modules

GC 4004, 4022, 4030, 4040 GC 6304, 6322, 6330, 6340 3 modules



43,7 60 65



Common side view

GC 10020 3 modules

GC 10040 6 modules


8 9 10

43,7 60 65




Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277

References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Schemes : page 5/281


Dimensions (continued) schemes

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GC s tandard contactors


Auxiliary contacts
GAC 0511, 0531 and 0521

Coil suppression blocks

GAP 21, 22 and 23




2 3

43,7 60 65

8,75 12,75


43,7 60 65


Clip-on ventilation 1/2 module


Cover plates
GA1 C6 GA1 C7










4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GC pp10
A1 1

GC pp20
A1 1 3

GC pp30
A1 1 3 5

GC pp40
A1 1 3 5 6 7



GC pp11
A1 R1 1

GC pp22
A1 R1 R3 1 3

GC pp02
A1 R1 R3




GC pp04
R1 R3 R5 R6 R7 R8











Auxiliary contacts
GAC 0521
13/NO 21/NC

GAC 0531
13/NO 23/NO

GAC 0511






Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/276 and 5/277


References : pages 5/278 and 5/279

Dimensions : page 5/280




TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TeSys GF impulse relays are designed for use in modular enclosures. They feature: b Easy installation v quick clip-on fixing and locking onto 35 mm omega rail, v easy connection by means of ready-to-tighten captive, pozidrive screw terminals. b Compact size Units have a common depth of 60 mm and width of 18 mm. b v v v User safety live parts protected against direct finger contact, completely safe operation, state indication on front panel.


GF 1611M7

This range of modular impulse relays has been designed taking into account the requirements of international standard IEC 60669-2. This standard is specific to Impulse relays. Conformity with this standard makes it possible to obtain the following quality labels without the need for additional tests: NF-USE, VDE, CEBEC, etc. Functions Modular impulse relays are designed for opening and closing of circuits which are remotely controlled by impulses. The position is mechanically maintained. These impulse relays are used in lighting circuits when there are more than two switching points. Power switching TeSys GF impulse relays have multiple applications in industrial, agricultural and commercial premises, hospitals and the home, i.e. wherever switching of a specific lighting supply is required:


Characteristics : pages 5/284 and 5/285

References : page 5/286

Dimensions, schemes : page 5/287


Selection for lighting and heating circuits

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays

Lighting circuits
Single fitting Power in W Number of lamps Twin fitting Power in W Number of lamps

Fluorescent lamps with starter

Non corrected 18 70 36 35 58 21 With parallel correction 18 50 36 25 58 16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With series correction 2 x 18 56 2 x 36 28 2 x 58 17

Incandescent lamps: filament lamps

Power in W Number of lamps 40 40 60 25 75 20 100 16 200 8

Incandescent lamps: halogen lamps

Power in W Number of lamps 300 5 500 3 1000 1 1500 1

Incandescent lamps: very low voltage halogen lamps

Power in W Number of lamps 20 70 50 28 75 19 100 4

Low pressure sodium vapour lamps

Non corrected Power in W Number of lamps 55 24 90 15 135 10 180 7

High pressure sodium vapour lamps

Non corrected Power in W Number of lamps 250 5 400 3 1000 1

Heating circuits
Power in kW

Single-phase 230 V, 2-pole


Characteristics : pages 5/284 and 5/285

References : page 5/286

Dimensions, schemes : page 5/287



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Conforming to  IEC 60947-1-5 Conforming to  VDE 0110

V V kV

400 400 4 in enclosure IEC 60669-1 and 60669-2, NF C 61-112 NF-USE, CEBEC, ASE, KEMA, N, S, D, FI, VDE

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device Conforming to  VDE 0106 Standard version Storage Operation Maximum operating altitude Operating positions Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 10 ms Without derating Without derating Impulse relay open Impulse relay closed Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Impulse relay open Impulse relay closed

Protection against direct finger contact IP 20 open, IP 40 in enclosure TC C C m - 40+ 80 - 20+ 50 2000 90 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane Please consult your Regional Sales Office Please consult your Regional Sales Office 4 gn 4 gn

Pole characteristics
Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) (Ue y 250 V) Rated operational voltage Conventional thermal current (lth) Permissible short time rating no current flowing for preceding  15 minutes with q y 40 C In AC-7a (heating) A V q y 50 C For 1 s For 10 s For 30 s Short-circuit protection by fuse or circuit-breaker gl fuse Circuit-breaker I2t (at 3kA rms prospective) At lth and 50 Hz A A A A A A 2s mW W 1 or 2 16 250 16 320 96 48 16 5000 4 1 Min. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 Max. 6 4 6 4 6 4

Average impedance per pole Power dissipated per pole Maximum cabling c.s.a.

Flexible cable  without cable end

1 conductor 2 conductors

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm


Flexible cable  with cable end

1 conductor 2 conductors

Solid cable without cable end

1 conductor 2 conductors

mm2 mm

Tightening torque

Power circuit connections


Presentation : page 5/282

Selection : page 5/283

References : page 5/286

Dimensions, schemes : page 5/287


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays

Control circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (q < 50 C) Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc Operating time Operating threshold,  dual frequency 50/60 Hz Inrush at 50 Hz Closing C Opening O Minimum impulse time Mechanical durability Electrical durability AC-21 AC-22 Maximum operating rate Maximum cabling c.s.a. Flexible cable  without cable end Flexible cable  with cable end 1 or 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors Solid cable  without cable end Tightening torque 1 or 2 conductors mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 0.8 Operating cycles  per hour 200 000 operating cycles 100 000 operating cycles 900 V V VA ms ms ms 12240 V, for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office 0.851.1 Uc 19 70 70 70 106 operating cycles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation : page 5/282

Selection : page 5/283

References : page 5/286

Dimensions, schemes : page 5/287



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays


TeSys GF impulse relays

Maximum current rating category AC-1 Composition Coil voltages a 50/60 Hz c Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A 16

V 12 24 48 110

V 6 12 24 48 110 6 12 24 48 110 6 12 24 48 110

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

GF 1610J7 GF 1610B7 GF 1610E7 GF 1610F7 GF 1610M7 GF 1610U7 GF 1620J7 GF 1620B7 GF 1620E7 GF 1620F7 GF 1620M7 GF 1620U7 GF 1611J7 GF 1611B7 GF 1611E7 GF 1611F7 GF 1611M7 GF 1611U7

kg 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110

GF 1611M7

220 230/240 2 12 24 48 110 220 230/240 1 1 12 24 48 110 220 230/240

Presentation : page 5/282

Selection : page 5/283

Characteristics : pages 5/284 and 5/285

Dimensions, schemes : page 5/287


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GF impulse relays


GF 1610, GF 1611, GF 1620

1 2 3
GF 1620


44 60 64 5,5


GF 1610

GF 1611

A1 R1 1






4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation : page 5/282

Selection : page 5/283

Characteristics : pages 5/284 and 5/285

References : page 5/286


Presentation standards

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275 Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors are designed for use in modular panels and enclosures. These contactors feature: b Easy installation v quick clip-on fixing and locking onto 35 mm omega rail, v easy connection by means of ready-to-tighten captive, pozidrive screw terminals.



b Compact size All units have a common depth of 60 mm and width in modules of 17.5 mm (width of one module: 17.5 mm). b v v v v User safety use of materials conforming to strictest fire safety standards, live parts protected against direct finger contact, completely safe operation, state indication on front panel.

Dual tariff contactors are designed for use with Electricity Supply Authority dual tariffs. They have a 4-position selector switch on the front panel: Stop (O) For switching off the load, e.g. for prolonged periods of absence. Off peak Automatic start (A) The contactor switches automatically during off peak hours as set by the Supply Authority remote control and thus supplies the load, (washing machine, dishwasher, convector heater, water heater) during this period, at an economy rate to the user. In this position, the contactor supplies the load to cater for additional requirements for hot water, heating, etc., but at the standard rate. The contactor returns automatically to the off-peak position at the start of the off-peak period. Facility for setting the contactor to continuous manual operation, ignoring the automation system and the Supply Authority control; setting and locking is achieved by means of a tool, with manual return to the AUTO position.

Peak time Manual start (I)

Peak time Manual override with lock

This range of modular contactors has been designed taking into account the requirements of international standard IEC 61095. This standard is specific to Electromagnetic contactors for domestic and similar use. It has very strict requirements, meeting the expectations of users, with regard to the safety of equipment and persons in premises and areas accessible to the public. Conformity with this standard makes it possible to obtain the following quality labels without the need for additional tests: NF-USE, VDE, CEBEC, etc. Applications Dual tariff modular contactors are designed for switching all single-phase, 3-phase or 4-phase loads up to 63 A. Power switching TeSys GY contactors have multiple applications in industrial, agricultural and commercial premises, hospitals and the home, i.e. wherever switching of a specific supply is required: v lighting, v heating, ventilation, v motorised shutters or gates.


References : pages 5/292 and 5/293

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295


Setting-up precautions

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

The contactor controls must be bounce free. If not, connect a coil suppression block 1 (GAP21, 22 or 23) across the coil terminals y 250 V. When several contactors which operate at the same time are mounted side by side, a GAC5 ventilation 1/2 module 2 must be fitted every 2 contactors.

Setting-up precautions

1 2 3 4 5

It is advisable to mount electronic units at the bottom of the modular panel and to separate them from electromechanical units by a space equal to one module 3 or by 2 ventilation 1/2 modules GAC5

Derating of contactors mounted in a modular enclosure if the temperature within the enclosure is > 40 C
Contactor rating 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A 40C 16 A 25 A 40 A 63 A 50C 14 A 22 A 36 A 57 A 60 C (1) 13 A 20 A 32 A 50 A

6 7 8 9 10

(1) Ventilation 1/2 module must be fitted

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291

References : pages 5/292 and 5/293

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Conforming to IEC 61095 Conforming to VDE 0110 V V kV 500 500 4 in enclosure




Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Operating positions Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Flame resistance Conforming to VDE 0106 Standard version Storage Operation Without derating Without derating Contactor open Contactor closed Contactor open Contactor closed

IEC 61095, VDE 0637-3 and IEC 60947-5 for auxiliary contacts NF-USE, VDE, CEBEC, VE Protection against direct finger contact IP 20 open, IP 40 in enclosure TC C C m - 40+ 70 - 5+ 50 (0.851.1 Uc) 3000 30 in relation to normal vertical mounting plane 10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 3 gn Conforming to IEC 61095

Pole characteristics
Number of poles Rated operational current (Ie) In AC-7a (heating) (Ue y 440 V) In AC-7b (motor control) Rated operational voltage (Ue) Up to Frequency limits Of the operating current Conventional thermal current (lth) Rated breaking and making capacity q y 50 C Conforming to IEC 61095  (AC-7b)  I rms 400 V 3-phase For 10 s For 30 s A A V Hz A A A A 2, 3 or 4 16 5 25 8.5 40 15 63 25

250 - 2-pole contactors, 415 - 3 and 4-pole contactors 400 16 40 128 40 25 68 200 62 40 120 320 100 63 200 504 157

Short time rating with no current flow for the previous previous 15 minutes with q y 40 C Short-circuit protection by fuse or circuit breaker U y 440 V gl fuse Circuit breaker I2t  230V (at 3 kA rms prospective) 400V Average impedance per pole Power dissipated per pole Maximum cabling c.s.a. Flexible cable  without cable end Flexible cable  with cable end Solid cable  without cable end Tightening torque At lth and 50 Hz

A A 2s A 2s mW W

16 5000 9000 2.5 0.65

25 10 000 14 000 2.5 1.6

40 16 000 17 500 2 3.2

63 18 000 20 000 2 8

For the above operational currents 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors 1 conductor 2 conductors Power circuit connections

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

6 4 6 1.5 6 4 0.8

6 4 6 1.5 6 4 0.8

25 16 16 4 25 6 3.5

25 16 16 4 25 6 3.5

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

References : pages 5/292 and 5/293

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

Control circuit characteristics

Type GY16, GY25 single or 2-pole GY16, GY25 GY40, GY63 3 or 4-pole 3 or 4-pole GY40, GY63 2-pole 12240 V, for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office

1 2

Rated control 50 or 60 Hz circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits (q y 50 C) 50 Hz coils Operational Drop-out Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc a 50 Hz Inrush Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time 50/60 Hz Closing C Opening O In operating cycles

0.851.1 Uc 0.20.75 Uc

VA VA W ms ms

15 3.8 1.3 10 ... 30 10 ... 25 106 300

34 4.6 1.6

53 6,5 2.1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mechanical durability

Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour at ambient temperature y 50 C Maximum cabling c.s.a. Flexible cable  1 or 2 conductors without cable end Flexible cable  1 conductor with cable end 2 conductors Solid cable  without cable end Tightening torque 1 or 2 conductors

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 0.8

Instantaneous auxiliary contact characteristics

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Up to Conforming to IEC 60947-5 Conforming to VDE 0110 Conventional thermal current (Ith) Mechanical durability Maximum cabling c.s.a. Tightening torque For ambient q y 50 C In operating cycles Flexible or solid conductor mm2 N.m V V V A 250 500 500 5 106 2.5 0.8

Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

References : pages 5/292 and 5/293

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

1 2 3
526296 526295

Maximum current rating category AC-7a A 16

No. of poles

Number of 17.5 mm modules

Sold in lots of

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1)


2 4 1

1 1

1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 3

12 6 12 12 6 6 12 6 4 4 6 4 4

GY1620pp GY1640pp GY1611pp GY2520pp GY2530pp GY2540pp GY2511pp GY4020pp GY4030pp GY4040pp GY6320pp GY6330pp GY6340pp

kg 0.110 0.230 0.110 0.110 0.230 0.230 0.110 0.230 0.350 0.390 0.340 0.390 0.390


2 3


4 1 40 2 3 4 63 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275 Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291

4 GY6340M5

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 12 24 48 110 220/240 50 Hz J5 B5 E5 F5 M5 60 Hz J6 B6 E6 F6 M6

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors


Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

Number of contacts Number of poles Reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2

GAC0521 GAC0531 GAC0511

kg 0.016 0.016 0.016

GAP 23



Description Coil suppression blocks comprising 2 RC circuits For use on contactor Number of modules 1 Operational voltage in V 1248 110240 Sold in lots of 1 1 Unit reference GAP21 GAP23 Weight kg 0.090 0.090



Ventilation 1/2 module clips onto 5 rail Cover plates

1/2 1/2 1

10 10 10


0.015 0.001 0.001

GW254 Set of sealable terminal covers (10 top parts  + 10 bottom parts) 16 or 25 A 2 3 or 4 contacts 40 or 63 A 2 contacts 2 1 1 1 GW254 GW632 GW634 0.040 0.040 0.050


40 or 63 A 3 3 or 4 contacts


Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291

Dimensions and schemes : pages 5/294 and 5/295



TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

Dual tariff contactors

1 2 3 4 5

Common side view

GY1611, 1620 GY2511, 2520 1 module

GY1640 GY2530, 2540 2 modules


43,7 64 69




Common side view

GY4020 GY6320 2 modules

GY4030, 4040 GY6330, 6340 3 modules


43,7 64




6 7 8 9 10


Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275

Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291

References : pages 5/292 and 5/293

Dimensions and schemes : page 5/295


Dimensions (continued), schemes

TeSys m odular equipment

TeSys GY dual tariff contactors

Auxiliary contacts GAC0511, 0531 and 0521 Coil suppression block GAP21, 22 and 23

44,4 81



2 3

43,7 60 65
Clip-on ventilation 1/2 module GAC5

8,75 12,75

43,7 60 65
Cover plates GA1C6










4 5 6 7

Contactors GYpp20
A1 1 3

A1 1 3 5


A1 1 3 5 7

A1 R1 R2 1 2




Auxiliary contacts GAC0521

13/NO 21/NC

13/NO 23/NO









8 9 10
Selection : pages 5/272 to 5/275 Characteristics : pages 5/290 and 5/291 References : pages 5/292 and 5/293 Dimensions : page 5/294



6 - TeSys protection components: relays and controllers

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/2

1 2

b Motor and machine protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/4

TeSys K, thermal overload relays

b Adjustable from 0.11 to 16 A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/10

TeSys D, 3-pole thermal overload relays

b Description, characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/14 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/20 b Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/25 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/26

TeSys LR9 D, 3-pole electronic thermal overload relays

b Description, characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/18

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/23 b Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/25 b Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/27 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/29

TeSys LR9 F, 3-pole electronic thermal overload relays

b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/30 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/31 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/34 b Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/36 b Dimensions, schemes and setting-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/38

TeSys RM1 XA, single pole magnetic current relays

b Presentation, characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/40 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/41 b Dimensions and schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/43

LT3, thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes
Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/44 b General, characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/46 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/50 b Dimensions, schemes and setting-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/52 b Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/53


TeSys LR97 D and LT47, electronic over current relays

b Presentation,description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/54 b Curves, characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/55 b References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/58 b Dimensions, mounting and schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/59

1 2

TeSys U controllers
b Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/60 b Application example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/60 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/62 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/64 b Combinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/65 b Dimensions and mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/66 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/67

TeSys T Motor Management System

Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/68 b Presentation, description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/70 b Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/75 b Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/79 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/81 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/86 b Dimensions, mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/90 b Schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/92

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Protection relays and controllers


Motor protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thermal motor protection


- Motor overload - Stalling - Phase failure

Tripping class

Class 10 A

Classes 10 A and 20

Classes 10 and 20


Used with contactor type

LC1 K, LP1 K



Motor current (In)

0.1116 A

0.1150 A

30630 A

Relay or controller type


LRD, LR2 D and LR9 D

6/20 to 6/23

6/34 and 6/35



Machine protection

Motor and machine protection

Protection of slip ring motors and of circuits without current peaks

Protection of resistors, bearings, capacitors

Specific motor protection

Protection and control

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

- Strong overcurrent - Stalling

- Frequent starting - Harsh environments

- Overtorque - Mechanical shocks - Locked rotor - Phase failure

- Overtorque - Mechanical shocks

- Thermal overload - Phase imbalance and phase failure - Motor stalling - Long starting times - Earth fault

- Thermal overload - Phase imbalance and phase failure - Locked rotor - Long starting times - Phase reversal - Earth fault

Classes 5 to 30

Classes 5 to 30

AS-Interface, Modbus, CANopen, Advantys STB

Modbus, CANopen, DeviceNet, ProfibusDP, EthernetTCP/IP

All contactors

0.7630 A


0.338 A

0.360 A

0.35800 A

0.4810 A

6/41 and 6/42








TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Exceeding the operating limits of an electric motor will lead, eventually, not only to destruction of the motor itself but also of the mechanisms it drives. This type of load can be the cause of electrical or mechanical faults. b Electrical faults: v overvoltage, voltage drop, imbalance and phase failure which cause variations in the current drawn, v short-circuits which can cause the current to reach levels capable of destroying the load. b Mechanical faults: v locked rotor, v brief or prolonged overload which leads to an increase in the current drawn by the motor, and therefore overheating. The cost of these faults must take into account loss of production, loss of raw materials, repair of the production tool, poor quality of production and delays in delivery. These faults can also have dramatic consequences on the safety of persons in direct or indirect contact with the motor. To prevent these faults, protection measures are necessary. They make it possible to isolate the equipment to be protected from the mains supply by measuring variations in electrical values (voltage, current, etc). Each motor starter must therefore have: b short-circuit protection, to detect and break, as quickly as possible, abnormal currents generally greater than 10 times the rated current (In). b overload protection, to detect increases in current up to about 10 In and switch off the starter before overheating of the motor and conductors damages the insulation. This protection is provided by specific devices such as fuses, circuit-breakers and thermal overload relays, or by more integrated devices offering several types of protection.



General (continued)

TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection

Causes, effects and consequences of various faults

There are two types of fault: b Internal faults within the motor. b External faults: these are located outside the electric motor but their consequences can lead to damage inside the motor.
Effects Consequences on the motor and on the machine

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Contact between several phases, or between one phase and neutral or between several turns of the same phase.

b Current peak b Electrodynamic forces on the conductors Dielectric breakdown in the windings

Destruction of windings


b Lightning b Electrostatic discharge b Operation Phase imbalance b Opening of a phase and phase failure b Single-phase load upstream of the motor b Short-circuit between the turns of the same winding High starting b Failure of the automation system frequency b Too many manual control operations b Numerous fault trips Voltage variations Harmonics Long starting time Jamming No-load running b Instability of the mains voltage b Connection of heavy loads

Destruction of the windings due to loss of insulation

b Reduction of usable torque, efficiency Overheating (1) and speed b Increase in losses b Starting impossible if phase failure High stator and rotor temperature rise due to the frequent start current Overheating (1) Consequences on the process

b Reduction of usable torque b Increase in losses

Overheating (1) Overheating (1) Overheating 1) Overheating (1) Consequences on the process Consequences on the process

b Pollution of the mains supply by b Reduction of usable torque variable speed drives, inverters, etc... b Increase in losses b Resistive torque too high (load too heavy) b Voltage drop b Mechanical problem (crusher) b Seizures b Pump running empty b Mechanical break in drive to the load b Overload of a supply powered by limited independent sources b Faulty alternator speed regulator b Increase in resistive torque b Voltage drop b Drop in power factor b Significant drop in excitation current b Break in rotor winding Increase in starting time Overcurrent Drop in current drawn

Frequency fluctuations Overload

b Increase in losses b Interferes with synchronous devices (clock, recorder, ...) Increase in current consumption

Overheating (1)

Loss of machine excitation

b Increase in active power b Drop in power factor b Overvoltage developed in the mains supply b Rise in earth potential (safety of persons)

Significant overheating of rotor and cage

Phase-Earth fault b Accidental Phase-Earth contacts b Accidental Phase-machine casing contacts (casing connected to earth)

Consequences on safety of persons

(1) Then, in the longer or shorter term, depending on the seriousness of the fault and/or its frequency, short-circuit and destruction of the windings.


General (continued)

TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
526179 526180 526177 526178

Short-circuit protection General A short-circuit results in a very rapid rise in current which can reach several hundred times the value of the operational current. The consequences of a short-circuit are dangerous to both equipment and persons. It is therefore imperative to use protection devices to detect the fault and very quickly break the circuit. Two types of protection are commonly used: b fuses (cutout) which break the circuit by melting, which then requires their replacement, b magnetic trip circuit-breakers, often more simply called "magnetic circuitbreakers", which only require re-setting to put them back into service. Short-circuit protection can also be built-into multifunction devices such as motor circuit-breakers and contactor-breakers. The main characteristics of short-circuit protection devices are: b their breaking capacity: this is the highest prospective short-circuit current value that a protection device can break at a given voltage. b their making capacity: this is the highest current value that the protection device can make at its rated voltage in specified conditions. The making capacity is equal to k times the breaking capacity.

Protection functions

LS1D32 fuse carrier

GS2N3 switch disconnectors

Fuses (cutouts) Fuses provide individual phase protection (single-pole), with a high breaking capacity in a compact size: b mounted either in fuse carriers, b or in isolators, replacing the original links or shunt bars. For motor protection, aM type fuses are used. Their design characteristics allow them to conduct the high magnetising currents that occur when motors are switched on. They are therefore unsuitable for overload protection (unlike gG type fuses). This is why an overload relay must be included in the motor power supply circuit.

Magnetic circuit-breakers These circuit-breakers protect installations against short-circuits, within the limit of their breaking capacity. Magnetic circuit-breakers provide omnipole breaking as standard. For relatively low short-circuit currents, the operation of a circuit-breaker is faster than that of fuses. This protection conforms to standard IEC 60947-2. The thermal and electrodymanic effects are also limited, therefore ensuring better protection of cables and equipment.

GV2L magnetic circuit-breraker

TeSys U LUB 12 starter with LUCApp control unit


General (continued)

TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection

Overload protection General An overload condition is the most frequently encountered fault. The symptoms are a rise in the current drawn by the motor and thermal effects. A rapid return to normal operating conditions is important. The actual operating conditions (ambient temperature, operating altitude and type of standard duty) are essential to determine the operating values of the motor (power, current) and to be able to select effective overload protection. These operational values are given by the motor manufacturer.
LRD02 thermal overload relay

Protection functions (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


According to the level required, protection can be provided by: b overload relays and thermal overload relays (bi-metallic or electronic type) which protect motors in the event of: v overload, by monitoring the current drawn by each phase, v phase imbalance or failure, by their differential mechanism. b relays with PTC thermistor probes (Positive Temperature Coefficient). b overtorque relays, b multifunction relays. Overload relays These relays protect motors against overload. They must allow the temporary overload that occurs on starting and must only trip if the starting time is abnormally long. The overload relay will be selected according to the length of the starting time (tripping class) and the motor rating. These relays have a thermal memory (except for certain electronic overload relays, indicated by their manufacturers) and can be connected: b either in series with the load, b or to current transformers placed in series with the load. Bi-metallic thermal overload relays Combined with a contactor, these relays protect the line and the equipment against small and prolonged overloads. They must be protected against strong overcurrent by a circuit-breaker or fuses. These relays may be used on an a.c. or d.c. system and are generally: b 3-pole, b compensated, i.e. insensitive to ambient temperature variations, b with manual or automatic reset, b graduated with a "motor FLC" scale: allowing direct setting to the full load current as shown on the motor rating plate. They can also be sensitive to phase failure: this is known as 'differential'. This function conforms to standards IEC 60947-4-1 and 60947-6-2 This type of relay is extremely reliable and is a relatively low cost device. Electronic thermal overload relays Electronic thermal overload relays have the advantage of electronics which allow a more complex thermal image of the motor to be created. They can be combined with products having complementary functions, such as: b temperature sensing via PTC probes, b protection against jamming and overtorque, b protection against phase reversal, b earth fault protection, b protection against no-load running, b alarm function.


LRD365 thermal overload relay


RM4JA current measurement relay


TeSys U starter with thermal overload alarm function module


General (continued)

TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection


1 2
LT3S relays for use with thermistor probes

Overload protection (continued) Relays for use with PTC thermistor probes With direct sensing of the stator windings, these relays can be used to protect motors against: b overload, b a rise in ambient temperature, b a ventilation circuit fault, b a high starting frequency, b mechanical shocks, etc... Overload (or overtorque) relays These relays protect the drive line in the event of a locked rotor, seizure or mechanical shocks. This is an additional protection. Unlike thermal overload relays, these relays do not have a thermal memory. They have definite time characteristics (adjustable current threshold and time delay). The overtorque relay can be used as overload protection for motors with long starting times or very frequent starting (for example, lifting hoists).

Protection functions (continued)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


LR97D07 instantaneous electronic overcurrent relays

Multifunction relays b Overcurrent relays are limited when it is necessary to take into account problems associated with voltage, temperature or special applications. New production or maintenance management needs have prompted manufacturers to offer products which provide not only adaptable protection, but also complete management of the motor and its load. They incorporate: b current and voltage sensors (TeSys T controllers), b hybrid analog and digital electronic technology, b the use of communication buses for data exchange and control, b powerful motor modelling algorithms, b integrated application programs whose parameters can be set. These products make it possible to reduce installation and operating costs by reducing maintenance and downtime. TeSys U starters: The multifunction relay is incorporated in the motor starter. This solution is very compact with reduced wiring. It is limited to 32 A.



TeSys U LUB 32 starter with multifunction control unit LUC M

TeSys U controller LUTM20BL

TeSys U controllers: The multifunction relay is separate from the power line and reuses the function blocks from the TeSys U solution. It can be used in conjunction with a contactor up to 810 A. TeSys T controllers: The multifunction relay is separate from the power line and incorporates inputs and outputs. It can be used in conjunction with a contactor up to 810 A.


TeSys T controller LTMR08MBD


General (continued)

TeSys protection components

Motor and machine protection

Protection relay selection table

Motor protection Relay type Thermal overload relay LR2K, LRD, LRD 3, LR9F, LR9D (1) Causes of overheating Slight overload Locked rotor No-load running Supply phase failure Ventilation fault Abnormal temperature rise Shaft bearing seizure Insulation fault Protracted starting time Severe duty Voltage variation Frequency fluctuations Loss of machine excitation Ideally suited Possible solution Not suitable (no protection) (1) for motor circuit-breaker type GV2ME. (2) Protection based on current. (3) Protection based on current and voltage. With probes LR9 7D With probes With probes With probes (2) Relays for use with PTC probes LT3 S Machine Motor and machine protection protection Overtorque TeSys U relays controller LR97D, LT47 LUT M TeSys T controller LTMR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






TeSys protection components

TeSys K thermal overload relays, adjustable from 0.11 to 16 A


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device Conforming to IEC 60068 (DIN 50016) Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage For normal operation (IEC 60947) Operating limit Without derating C C C m

IEC 60947, NF C 63-650, VDE 0660, BS 4941 UL, CSA TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact - 40...+ 70 - 20...+ 55 (without derating) - 30...+ 60 (with derating) (1) 2000 Vertical axis Horizontal axis

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions

Without derating Flame resistance Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to NF F 16-101 and 16-102 Shock resistance, hot state Conforming to IEC 60068, (1/2 sine wave, 11 ms) N/C contact Conforming to IEC 60068, N/O contact Vibration resistance, Conforming to IEC 60068, hot state N/C contact 5 to 300 Hz Conforming to IEC 60068, N/O contact Safe separation of Conforming to VDE 0106 circuits and IEC60536 Cabling Screw clamp terminals Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Tightening torque Mounting Connections Philips head n 2 - 6 Self-extinguishing material V1 Conforming to requirement 2 10 gn 10 gn 2 gn 2 gn VLSV (2), up to 400 V Minimum 1 x 1.5 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.34 0.8 Directly under the contactor or reversing contactor Maximum 2x4 2x4 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5

With derating (1)

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Maximum to IEC 60947 1 x 4 + 1 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5

Made automatically when mounted under the contactor, as follows : b contactor terminal A2 connected to overload relay terminal 96 on all products, b contactor terminal 14 connected to overload relay terminal 95 on products with 3P+ N/O. When using 3 P + N/C, or 4 P contactors, or the N/O auxiliary contact marked 13-14, at a voltage other than the coil voltage, break off the link marked 14.

Auxiliary contact characteristics

Number of contacts Conventional thermal current Short-circuit protection Maximum power of the controlled contactor coils (sealed) (Occasional operating cycles of contact 95-96) Maximum operational voltage Conforming to IEC 60947, VDE 0660. gG fuse or circuit-breaker GB2 CBpp a.c. d.c. A A V VA V W V V 1 N/C + 1 N/O 6 6 max. 24 100 24 100 690 250 48 200 48 100 110 400 110 50 220/230 600 220 45 400 600 250 35 415/440 600 600/690 600

a.c., category AC-15 d.c., category DC-13

(1) Please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) Very low safety voltage.

References : page 6/12

Dimensions : page 6/13

Schemes : page 6/13


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys K thermal overload relays, adjustable from 0.11 to 16 A

Electrical characteristics of the power circuit

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Up to Conforming to BS 4941 Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to VDE 0110 group C Conforming to CSA C 22-2 n 14 V V V V V kV Hz W 690 690 690 750 600 6 Up to 400 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Frequency limits of the operational current Power dissipated per pole

Operating characteristics
Sensitivity to phase failure Reset Signalling Reset-Stop function Test function By pushbutton Conforming to IEC 60947 Manual or automatic On front of relay Yes Selected by means of a lockable and sealable switch on the front of the relay Trip indicator Pressing the Reset-Stop button : - actuates the N/C contact - has no effect on the N/O contact Pressing the Test button enables : - checking of the control circuit wiring - simulation of overload tripping (actuation of both N/C and N/O contacts, and of the trip indicator) See pages 1/18 and 1/28

Short-circuit protection and coordination

Tripping curves
Average operating time related to multiples of the current setting (Class 10 A) Balanced 3-phase operation, from cold state Balanced operation with 2 phases only, from cold state
Time 2h 1h 20 min
1h 40 min 20 min 10 min 6 min 4 min 2 min 1 min 40 s 20 s 10 s 6s 4s 2s 1s

Time 2h 1h 20 min 1h

40 min 20 min 10 min 6 min 4 min 2 min 1 min 40 s 20 s 10 s 6s 4s

1 2
1 1,2 1,5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 X setting current (Ir)

2s 1s

1 Setting : at lower end of scale

1 1,2 1,5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 X setting current (Ir)

2 Setting : at upper end of scale

References : page 6/12

Dimensions : page 6/13

Schemes : page 6/13



TeSys protection components

TeSys K thermal overload relays, adjustable from 0.11 to 16 A

1 2 3

These overload relays are designed for the protection of motors. They are compensated and phase failure sensitive. Resetting can either be manual or automatic. Direct mounting: under the contactor for versions with screw clamp terminals only; pre-wired terminals, see pages 6/10 and 6/13. Separate mounting: using terminal block LA7 K0064 (see below). On the front face of the overload relay: b selection of reset mode: Manual (marked H) or Automatic (marked A), b red pushbutton: Trip Test function, b blue pushbutton: Stop and manual Reset, b yellow trip flag indicator: overload relay tripped. Protection by magnetic circuit-breaker GV2LE, see pages 1/18 and 1/28. Class 10 A (the standard specifies a tripping time of between 2 and 10 seconds at 7.2 In)
Relay setting range Fuses to be used with selected relay Maximum rating Type aM gG BS88 A A A 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 8 10 16 20 0.5 1 1.6 2 4 6 8 10 16 20 25 32 40 6 6 10 16 16 20 20 25 32 Reference Weight

3-pole relays with screw clamp terminals

A 0.110.16 0.160.23 0.230.36 0.360.54 LR2 K0307 0.540.8 0.81.2 1.21.8 1.82.6 2.63.7

LR2 K0301 LR2 K0302 LR2 K0303 LR2 K0304 LR2 K0305 LR2 K0306 LR2 K0307 LR2 K0308 LR2 K0310 LR2 K0312 LR2 K0314 LR2 K0316 LR2 K0321 LR2 K0322

kg 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145

4 5 6 7 8
LA7 K0064

3.75.5 5.58 811.5 1014 1216

Class 10 A: To order, replace the prefix LR2 by LR7 in the references selected from above (only applicable to overload relays LR2 K0305 to LR2 K0322). Example: LR7 K0308.

Overload relays for unbalanced loads

Description Terminal block for separate clip-on mounting of the overload relay on 35 mm 7 rail Type of connection Screw clamp Reference LA7 K0064 Weight kg 0.100

9 10
Characteristics: pages 6/10 and 6/11 Dimensions: page 6/13 Schemes: page 6/13


Dimensions, mounting, schemes

Dimensions, mounting
Direct mounting beneath the contactor

TeSys protection components

TeSys K thermal overload relays, adjustable from 0.11 to 16 A

Separate mounting with terminal block LA7 K0064 on 35 mm 7 rail (AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200)

1 2










AM1 DP200 DE200 c 78.5 86

3 4


LR2 K + LCp K
Pre-wiring scheme









5 6 7 8 9 10











Test Reset/stop



Note: If pre-wiring is not required, break off the 2 links located on the thermal overload relay.



Test Reset/stop

Characteristics: pages 6/10 and 6/11



References: page 6/12




Presentation, description

TeSys protection components

3-pole thermal overload relays
TeSys D


1 2 3 4

TeSys D thermal overload relays are designed to protect a.c. circuits and motors against: b overloads, b phase failure, b excessively long starting times, b prolonged stalled rotor condition. Power connection
LRD01 to LRD35



LRD 01 to 35 relays are designed for connection by screw clamp terminals. They can be supplied for connection by spring terminals or by lugs (1).
LRD313 to LRD365

LRD 313 to 365 relays are for connection by BTR screw connectors (hexagon socket head). The screws are tightened by means of a size 4, insulated Allen key. This type of connection uses the EverLink system with creep compensation (2) (Schneider Electric patent). This technique makes it possible to achieve accurate and durable tightening torque.

These relays are also available for connection by lugs (1).


LRD3361 to 4369, LR2D3561 to D3563

5 6 7 8

LRD 3361 to 4369 and LR2D3561 to D3563 relays are designed for connection by screw clamp terminals. They can be supplied for connection by lugs (1).


1 6 2, 5 4 3 7

TeSys D 3-pole thermal overload relays are designed to protect a.c. circuits and motors against overloads, phase failure, long starting times and prolonged stalling of the motor. 1 Adjustment dial Ir. 2 Test button. Operation of the Test button allows: - checking of control circuit wiring, - simulation of relay tripping (actuates both the N/O and N/C contacts). 3 Stop button. Actuates the N/C contact; does not affect the N/O contact. 4 Reset button. 5 Trip indicator. 6 Setting locked by sealing the cover. 7 Selector for manual or automatic reset. LRD 01 to 35 and LRD313 to LRD365 relays are supplied with the selector in the manual position, protected by a cover. Deliberate action is required to move it to the automatic position.

RESET 3 5 4 3,5 0 1 STOP

LRD0135 and LRD313LRD365

1 5 3 4 2 6

9 10





LRD33614369, LR2D35613563

References: pages 6/20 to 6/22








(1) Connection by lugs meets the requirements of certain Asian markets and is suitable for applications subject to strong vibration, such as railway transport. (2) Creep: normal crushing phenomenon of copper conductors, that is accentuated over time.

Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28

Schemes: page 6/29


TeSys protection components

3-pole thermal overload relays
TeSys D

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device Conforming to VDE 0106 Conforming to IEC 60068 Storage Normal operation, without derating (IEC 60947-4-1) Minimum /maximum operating temperatures (with derating) Operating positions without derating Flame resistance Shock resistance Vibration resistance (3) Dielectric strength at 50 Hz Surge withstand In relation to normal vertical mounting plane Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-7 Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60255-5 Conforming to IEC 60801-5 kV kV C C C C


IEC/EN 60947-4-1, IEC/EN 60947-5-1, UL 508, CSA C22.2 n 14. ATEX directive 94/9/EC (1) UL, CSA. CCC, GOST ATEX INERIS (1). GL, DNV, RINA, BV, LROS (2). Protection against direct finger contact IP 2X TH - 60+ 70 - 20+ 60 - 40+ 70 Any position. When mounting on a vertical rail, use a stop. V1 850 15 gn - 11 ms 6 gn 6 6

1 2 3 4

Electrical characteristics of power circuit

Relay type

LRD 01 LRD 1508 16, 1532 LR3 D01 16 10 A V V 690 600 20

LRD 21 35, LR3 D21 35 10 A

LRD 313 LRD 313L 365 365L LR3 D313 365 10 A 20

LRD 3322 33696 LR3 D3322 33696 10 A 1000

LR2 D3522 3563 20

LRD 4365 4369 10 A

5 6 7 8 9 10

Tripping class Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Conforming to UL 508, IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to UL, CSA

600 except LRD 4369

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Frequency limits Setting range Of the operating current Depending on model

kV Hz A

6 0400 0.113 2.532 1238 965 965 17140 1780 80140

Conventional thermal current Max. sealed consumption of the operating coils of controlled contactors (Occasional operating cycles of contact 95-96) Protection against short-circuits

Auxiliary contact characteristics

a.c. supply, AC-15 d.c. supply, DC-13 By gG, BS fuses. Maximum rating or by GB2


5 120 3 125 0.22 5 240 1.5 250 0.1 380 0.95 440 0.06 480 0.75 500 0.72 600 0.12

(1) For relays LRD01 to LRD365. (2) Pending for relays LRD313 to LRD365. (3) For relays LRD 313 to LRD 365: 6 gn only with independent plate mounting and 4 gn when mounted beneath the contactor.

References: pages 6/20 to 6/22

Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28

Schemes: page 6/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole thermal overload relays
TeSys D

Power circuit connection characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6

Relay type

LRD 01 LRD 1508 16, 1532 LR3 D01 16

LRD 21 35, LR3 D21 35

LRD 313 LRD 313L 365 365L LR3 D313 365 135 135 135

LRD 3322 LR2 33696 D3522 LR3 3563 D3322 33696 435 435

LRD 4365 4369

Connection to screw clamp terminals Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Solid cable without cable end Tightening torque Connection to spring terminals (Min/max c.s.a.) Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Connection by bars or lugs 1 conductor 1 conductor mm2 mm2 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1 conductor 1 conductor mm2 mm2 1.510 14 1.510 450 435

16 135 except LRD 21: 14 1.5/10 135 except LRD 21: 1/6 1.85 2.5

1 conductor








125 : 5 125 : 5 35 : 8 35 : 8

e Relay type Pitch Bars or cables with lugs Without spreaders e mm N.m mm mm LRD 016 166 14.5 y6 y8 y 9.5 y7 M4 Tightening torque N.m 2.3

L LRD 216 356 17.5 y6 y8 y 10 y7 M4 2.3

L LRD 3136 3656 17.5 y6 y 13.5 y 16.5 y 10 M6 6

L' LRD 313L6 365L6 17.5 y6 y 13.5 y 16.5 y 10 M6 6 LRD 3322A66 3365A66 21.5 y6 y 16 y 16 y 12 M10 11.3

L d Screws

7 8 9 10

Control circuit connection characteristics

Bare cables

Connection to screw clamp terminals or spring terminals

Relay type

LRD 01 LRD 1508 16, 1532 LR3 D01 16

LRD 21 35, LR3 D21 35

LRD 313 LRD 313L 365 365L LR3 D313 365

LRD 3322 33696 LR3 D3322 33696

LR2 D3522 3563

LRD 4365 4369

Connection to screw clamp terminals (1)

Solid cable without cable end Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end

mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m mm2 mm2

2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 1.7 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5

Tightening torque Connection to spring terminals (Min/max c.s.a.) Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end

(1) For relays LRD 313 to 365: BTR hexagon socket head screws, EverLink system. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). References: pages 6/20 to 6/22 Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28 Schemes: page 6/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole thermal overload relays
TeSys D

Operating characteristics
Relay type

LRD 01 LRD 1508 16, 1532 LR3 D01 16 C Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 A - 20+ 60 1.14 0.06 Ir

LRD 21 35, LR3 D21 35

LRD 313 LRD 313L 365 365L LR3 D313 365

LRD 3322 33696 LR3 D3322 33696

LR2 D3522 3563

LRD 4365 4369

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Temperature compensation Tripping threshold Sensitivity to phase failure

Tripping current I 30 % of Ir on one phase, the others at Ir.

Tripping curves

Average operating time related to multiples of the setting current LRD01 to LRD35, LR2D and LRD3322 to LRD 4369
Time Class 10 A

LRD1508 to LRD32 and LR2 D3522 to LR2 D3563

Time Class 20


hours minutes seconds

2 1 40 20

2 1 40 20 10 4 2 1 40 20 10 4 2 1 0,8 0,8 1 2 4 6 10 17 20 x the setting current (Ir)

minutes seconds

10 4 2 1 40 20 10 4 2 1 0,8 0,8 1 2

1 2 3
4 6 10 17 20 x the setting current (Ir)

1 2 3

LRD313 to LRD365
Time Class 10 A

LRD313L to LRD365L
Time Class 20


1 50 15 10

hours minutes seconds

2 1 40
20 10 5 2 1 40 20

minutes seconds

1 40 20 10 4 2 1

1 2 3

10 4 2 1 1 2 4

1 2 3
6 8 10 15 20 x the setting current (Ir)

9 10


6 8 10 14 20 x the setting current (Ir)

1 Balanced operation, 3-phase, without prior current flow (cold state). 2 2-phase operation, without prior current flow (cold state). 3 Balanced operation, 3-phase, after a long period at the set current (hot state).
References: pages 6/20 to 6/22 Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28 Schemes: page 6/29


Description, characteristics

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 D


107 Ir(A) 127

1 2 5 4 3
98 NO 97 95 NC 96

LR9 D electronic thermal overload relays are designed for use with contactors LC1 D115 and D150. In addition to the protection provided by TeSys D thermal overload relays (see page 6/14), they offer the following special features: b protection against phase imbalance, b choice of starting class, b protection of unbalanced circuits, b protection of single-phase circuits, b alarm function to avoid tripping by load shedding.

2 3




7 8 2
Class 107 127 Ir(A) 20 10 + 90 150
24 V - / 103 104


5 4 3
Alarm 98 NO 97 95 NC 96

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LR9D67 and D69

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Adjustment dial Ir. Test button. Stop button. Reset button. Trip indicator. Setting locked by sealing the cover. Class 10/class 20 selector switch. Selector for balanced load /unbalanced load

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device (Conforming to IEC 60255-8) Maximum operating altitude Operating positions without derating Shock resistance Vibration resistance Dielectric strength at 50 Hz Surge withstand Resistance to electrostatic discharge Conforming to IEC 60529 and VDE 0106 Standard version Storage Normal operation Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-7 Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60255-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 kV kV kV V/m kV C C m


IEC 60947-4-1, 255-8, 255-17, VDE 0660 and EN 60947-4-1 UL 508 , CSA 22-2 IP 20 on front panel with protective covers LA9 D11570p or D11560p TH - 40+ 85 - 20+ 55 (1) 2000 Any position 13 gn - 11 ms 2 gn - 5300 Hz 6 6 8 10 2 Meets requirements

Immunity to radiated Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 radio-frequency disturbances and NF C 46-022 Immunity to fast transient currents Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4

Electromagnetic compatibility Draft EN 50081-1 and 2, EN 50082-2

Electrical characteristics of auxiliary contacts

Conventional thermal current Max. sealed consumption of the operating coils of controlled contactors (Occasional operating cycles of contact 95-96) Protection against short-circuits Cabling Flexible cable without cable end a.c. supply d.c. supply By gG or BS fuses or by circuit-breaker GB2 1 or 2 conductors Tightening torque A V VA V W A mm2 Nm 5 24 100 24 100 5 Minimum c.s.a.: 1 Maximum c.s.a.: 2.5 1.2 48 200 48 100 110 400 110 50 220 600 220 45 380 600 440 25 600 600

(1) For operating temperatures up to 70 C, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

References: pages 6/20 to 6/21

Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28

Schemes: page 6/29


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 D

Relay type Tripping class

LR9 D Conforming to UL 508, IEC 60947-4-1 A V V Hz Hz A mm N.m 10 or 20 1000 600 8 5060 (1) 60150 20 M8 18

Electrical characteristics of power circuit

Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to UL, CSA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rated insulation voltage (Ui)

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Frequency limits Setting range Power circuit connections Of the operating current Depending on model Width of terminal lug Clamping screw Tightening torque

Temperature compensation Tripping thresholds

Operating characteristics
Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Alarm Trip


- 20+ 70 1.05 0.06 In 1.12 0.06 In Tripping in 4 s 20 % in the event of phase failure

Sensitivity to phase failure Rated supply voltage Supply voltage limits Current consumption Switching capacity Protection Voltage drop Cabling Tightening torque

Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 d.c. supply No-load Short-circuit and overload Closed state Flexible cable without cable end V mm2 N.m V V mA mA

Alarm circuit characteristics

24 1732 y5 0150 Self protected y 2.5 0.51.5 0.45

(1) For other frequencies and for applications involving the use of these overload relays with soft starters or variable speed drives, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

LR9 D tripping curves

Tripping time in seconds 1000

Average operating time related to multiples of the setting current



1 2

0 1

7 8 9 10 11 12 x the setting current (Ir)

1 Cold state curve 2 Hot state curve

9 10

References: pages 6/20 to 6/22

Dimensions, mounting : pages 6/26 to 6/28

Schemes: page 6/29



TeSys protection components

TeSys D, 3-pole thermal overload relays


Differential thermal overload relays

for use with fuses or magnetic circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV3 L b Compensated relays with manual or automatic reset, b with relay trip indicator, b for a.c. or d.c.
LRD pp Relay setting range (A) 0.100.16 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1624 2332 3038 913 1218 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865 5570 6380 80104 80104 95120 110140 80104 95120 110140 Fuses to be used with selected relay aM (A) 0.25 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 6 8 12 12 16 20 25 40 40 16 20 25 40 40 63 63 25 40 40 63 63 80 80 100 125 125 160 100 125 160 gG (A) 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 10 16 20 20 25 35 50 63 80 25 32 50 63 80 100 100 50 63 100 100 100 125 125 160 200 200 250 160 200 250 BS88 (A) 6 10 16 16 20 20 25 32 50 63 80 25 35 50 63 80 100 100 50 63 80 100 100 125 125 160 160 200 200 160 200 200 For use with contactor LC1 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D12D38 D18D38 D25D38 D25D38 D32 and D38 D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D50A and D65A D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D115 and D150 D115 and D150 D150 (2) (2) (2) Reference Weight kg 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.900 0.900 0.900 1.000 1.000 1.000

1 2 3 4
LRD 3pp

Class 10 A (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

LRD 01 LRD 02 LRD 03 LRD 04 LRD 05 LRD 06 LRD 07 LRD 08 LRD 10 LRD 12 LRD 14 LRD 16 LRD 21 LRD 22 LRD 32 LRD 35 LRD 313 LRD 318 LRD 325 LRD 332 LRD 340 LRD 350 LRD 365 LRD 3322 LRD 3353 LRD 3355 LRD 3357 LRD 3359 LRD 3361 LRD 3363 LRD 3365 LRD 4365 LRD 4367 LRD 4369 LRD 33656 LRD 33676 LRD 33696

Class 10 A (1) for connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors (3)


5 6

Class 10 A (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals or connectors

LRD 33pp

7 8 9 10
Characteristics: pages 6/14 to 6/17

LRD 3pp6

Class 10 A (1) for connection by lugs Select the appropriate overload relay with screw clamp terminals or connectors from the table above and add one of the following suffixes: b figure 6 for relays LRD 01 to LRD 35 and relays LRD 313 to LRD 365. b A66 for relays LRD 3322 to LRD 3365. Relays LRD 43pp are suitable, as standard, for use with lug-clamps. Class 10 A (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals or lugs In the references selected above, change the prefix LRD (except LRD 4ppp) to LR3 D. Example: LRD 01 becomes LR3 D01. Example with EverLinkconnectors: LRD 340 becomes LR3 D340. Example with lugs: LRD 3406 becomes LR3 D3406.
(1) Standard IEC 60947-4-1 specifies a tripping time for 7.2 times the setting current IR : class 10 A: between 2 and 10 seconds (2) Independent mounting of the contactor. (3) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85). Dimensions: Schemes: pages 6/26 to 6/28 page 6/29

Thermal overload relays for use with unbalanced loads


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys D, 3-pole thermal overload relays


Differential thermal overload relays

for use with fuses or magnetic circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV3 L b Compensated relays with manual or automatic reset, b with relay trip indicator, b for a.c. or d.c.
Relay setting range (A) LRD pp3 0.100.16 0.160.25 0.250.40 0.400.63 0.631 11.6 1.62.5 2.54 46 5.58 710 913 1218 1624 Fuses to be used with selected relay aM (A) 0.25 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 6 8 12 12 16 20 25 gG (A) 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 10 16 20 20 25 35 50 BS88 (A) 6 10 16 16 20 20 25 32 50 For use with contactor LC1 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D09D38 D12D38 D18D38 D25D38 Reference Weight kg 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Classes 10 A (1) for connection by spring terminals (only for direct mounting beneath the contactor)
LRD 013 LRD 023 LRD 033 LRD 043 LRD 053 LRD 063 LRD 073 LRD 083 LRD 103 LRD 123 LRD 143 LRD 163 LRD 213 LRD 223

Class 10 A with connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors(2) and control by spring terminals
913 1218 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865 16 20 25 40 40 63 63 25 32 50 63 80 100 100 25 35 50 63 80 100 100 D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D50A and D65A LRD 3133 LRD 3183 LRD 3253 LRD 3323 LRD 3403 LRD 3503 LRD 3653 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375

Classes 10 A (1) for connection by BTR screw connectors (2) and control by spring terminals In the references selected above, replace LRD 3 with LR3 D3. Example: LRD 3653 becomes LR3 D3653.

Thermal overload relays for use with unbalanced loads

Classes 10 A (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals For relays LRD 06 to LRD 35 only, for an operating voltage of 1000 V, and only for independent mounting, the reference becomes LRD 33ppA66. Example: LRD 12 becomes LRD 3312A66. Order an LA7 D3064 terminal block separately, see page 6/25.
(1) Standard IEC 60947-4-1 specifies a tripping time for 7.2 times the setting current IR: class 10 A: between 2 and 10 seconds (2) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85).

Thermal overload relays for use on 1000 V supplies


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSysD, thermal overload relays


Differential thermal overload relays

for use with fuses or magnetic circuit-breakers GV2 L and GV3 L b Compensated relays with manual or automatic reset, b with relay trip indicator, b for a.c. or d.c.
Relay setting range (A) 2.54 46 5.58 Fuses to be used with selected relay aM (A) 6 8 12 16 16 25 32 40 40 gG (A) 10 16 20 20 25 35 50 63 63 BS88 (A) 16 16 20 25 25 40 50 63 63 For use with contactor LC1 D09D32 D09D32 D09D32 D09D32 D12D32 D18D32 D25 and D32 D25 and D32 D25 and D32 Reference Weight kg 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190

1 2 3 4
LRD 3ppL

LRD 15pp

Classes 20 (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals

LRD 1508 LRD 1510 LRD 1512 LRD 1514 LRD 1516 LRD 1521 LRD 1522 LRD 1530 LRD 1532

710 913 1218 1725 2328 2532

Class 20 (1) for connection by EverLink BTR screw connectors (2)

913 1218 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 35 40 50 63 80 100 125 D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D40AD65A D50A and D65A LRD 313L LRD 318L LRD 325L LRD 332L LRD 340L LRD 350L LRD 365L 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375

5 6 7 8 9 10

Classes 20 (1) for connection by screw clamp terminals

LR2 D35pp 1725 2332 3040 3750 4865 5570 6380 32 40 40 63 80 100 100 50 63 100 100 125 125 160 50 63 80 100 100 125 125 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 D80 and D95 LR2 D3522 LR2 D3553 LR2 D3555 LR2 D3557 LR2 D3559 LR2 D3561 LR2 D3563 0.535 0.535 0.535 0.535 0.535 0.535 0.535

(1) Standard IEC 60947-4-1 specifies a tripping time for 7.2 times the setting current IR: class 20: between 6 and 20 seconds (2) BTR screws: hexagon socket head. In accordance with local electrical wiring regulations, a size 4 insulated Allen key must be used (reference LAD ALLEN4, see page 5/85).


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSysD, thermal overload relays

Differential thermal overload relays

for use with fuses or magnetic circuit-breakers NSX b Compensated relays, with relay trip indicator, b for a.c., b for direct mounting on contactor or independent mounting(1).
Relay setting range (A) Fuses to be used with selected relay aM (A) 100 160 gG (A) 160 250 For mounting beneath contactor LC1 D115 and D150 D115 and D150 Reference Weight kg

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Classes 10 or 10A (2) for connection using bars or connectors

60100 90150 LR9 D5367 LR9 D5369 0.885 0.885

Classes 20 (2) for connection using bars or connectors

60100 90150 125 200 160 250 D115 and D150 D115 and D150 LR9 D5567 LR9 D5569 0.885 0.885

b Compensated relays, b with separate outputs for alarm and tripping.

Relay setting range (A)

Electronic thermal overload relays for use with balanced or unbalanced loads

Fuses to be used with selected relay aM (A) gG (A)

For mounting beneath contactor LC1 D115 and D150 D115 and D150


Weight kg

Classes 10 or 20 (2) selectable, for connection using bars or connectors

60100 90150 100 160 160 250 LR9 D67 LR9 D69 0.900 0.900

(1) Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds and/or insulated terminal blocks, to be ordered separately (see page 5/84). (2) Standard IEC 60947-4-1 specifies a tripping time for 7.2 times the setting current IR: class 10: between 4 and 10 seconds, class 10 A: between 2 and 10 seconds, class 20 A: between 6 and 20 seconds

Other versions

Thermal overload relays for resistive circuits in category AC-1. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



TeSys protection components

TeSys D, 3-pole thermal overload relays

Separate components for relays

Description Pre-wiring kit allowing direct connection of the N/C contact of relay LRD 0135 or LR3 D01D35 to the contactor Terminal block (2) for clip-on mounting on 35 mm rail (AM1 DP200) or screw fixing; for fixing centres, see pages 6/26 to 6/28 EverLink terminal block for independent mounting Size 4 Allen key, insulated , 1000 V Terminal block adapter for mounting a relay beneath an LC1 D115 or D150 contactor LAD 7Cp Mounting plates (4) for screw fixing on 110 mm centres Marker holders, snap-in 8 x 18 mm

For use with LC1 D09D18 LC1 D25D38 LRD 0135 and LR3 D01D35 LRD 150832 LRD 33ppp, LR3 D33ppp, LR2 D35pp LRD 3pp, LRD 3ppL and LR3 D3pp LRD 3pp, LRD 3ppL and LR3 D3pp LRD 3pp, LR3 D3ppp, LRD 35pp LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35, LRD 150832 LRD 3ppp, LR3 D3ppp, LR2 D35pp LRD 3pp All relays except LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35, LRD 3pp, LRD 3ppL and LR3 D3pp All relays All relays except LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35, LR9 D and LRD 313LRD 365 LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35 and LRD 313LRD 365 All relays except LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35, LRD 3pp, LRD 3ppL and LR3 D3pp LR9 D LRD 31363656

Sold in Unit lots of reference 10 10 1 1 1 1 5 1 10 1 100 100 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 LAD 7C1 (1) LAD 7C2 (1) LAD 7B106 LAD 7B105 LA7 D3064 (3) LAD 96560 LAD ALLEN4 LA7 D3058 (3) DX1 AP25 LA7 D902 LAD 90 LA7 D903 LA9 D91 LA7 D901 LAD 703p (6) (7) LA7 D03p (6) LA9F103 LAD 96570 LAD 96575 LAD 96566

Weight kg 0.002 0.003 0.100 0.100 0.370 0.087 0.026 0.080 0.065 0.130 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.090 0.090 0.560 0.021 0.010 0.010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bag of 400 blank legends (self-adhesive, 7 x 16 mm) Stop button locking device Remote Stop or electrical reset device (5) Remote tripping or electrical reset device (5) Block of insulated terminals LAD 7B106 IP 20 cover for lug type terminals for independent mounting

IP 20 cover for lug type terminals LRD 31363656 for mounting with contactor LC1 D40A6D65A6 Terminal block for lug type terminals for independent mounting LAD 96570 LRD 31363656

Remote control
Reset function
Description By flexible cable (length = 0.5 m) For use with LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35 and LRD 313LRD 365 All relays except LRD 0135, LR3 D01D35, LRD 3pp, LRD 3ppL and LR3 D3pp Sold in Unit lots of reference 1 1 LAD 7305 (7) LA7 D305 Weight kg 0.075 0.075

"Stop" and/or "Reset" functions The terminal protection shroud must be removed and the following 3 products must be ordered separately:
Adapter for door mounting Operating heads for spring return pushbutton LRD 33pp, LR2 D and LRD 15pp. Stop Reset All relays All relays 1 1 1 LA7 D1020 XB5 AL84101 XB5 AA86102 0.005 0.027 0.027

(1) These pre-wiring kits cannot be used with reversing contactors. (2) Terminal blocks are supplied with terminals protected against direct finger contact and screws in the open, "ready-to-tighten" position. (3) To order a terminal block for connection by lugs, the reference becomes LA7 D30646. (4) Remember to order the terminal block corresponding to the type of relay. (5) The time for which the coil of remote tripping or electrical resetting device LA7 D03 or LAD703 can remain energised depends on its rest time: 1 s pulse duration with 9 s rest time; 5 s pulse duration with 30 s rest time; 10 s pulse duration with 90s rest time; maximum pulse duration 20 s with a rest time of 300 s. Minimum pulse time: 200 ms. (6) Reference to be completed by adding the code indicating the control circuit voltage. Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office) : LAD 96570 LAD 96575 Volts 50/60 Hz c 12 J 24 B B 48 E E 96 DD 110 F F 220/230 M M 380/400 Q 415/440 N

Consumption, inrush and sealed: < 100 VA Consumption, inrush and sealed: < 100 W. (7) Not compatible with 3-pole relays fitted with spring terminals.


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

TeSys D thermal overload relays

LRD 0135

LRD 150832
Direct mounting beneath contactors with screw clamp connections

LRD 013223
Direct mounting beneath contactors with spring terminal connections c

1 2

Direct mounting beneath contactors with screw clamp connections c

92 70 c 45


LC1 b D09D18 123 D25D38 137 LC1 b c e a D09 a D25 c D09 c D25 D18 D38 D18 D38 90 97 53 97 96 60 90 107 53 97 106 60 LC1 b c

66 D093D253 168 See pages 5/92 and 5/93


4 5

See pages 5/92 and 5/93

LRD 313 365

Direct mounting beneath contactors LC1 D40AD65A with screw clamp connections or EverLink connectors

LRD 3136 3656

Direct mounting beneath contactors LC1 D40A6D65A6 with lugs LAD 96570

115 185



7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 6/14 to 6/17 References : pages 6/20 to 6/22 Schemes : page 6/29





LAD 96575





Dimensions, mounting (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys D thermal overload relays

LRD 4ppp
Direct mounting beneath contactors LC 1D115 and D150

Direct mounting beneath contactors LC 1D115 and D150

1 2


255 150 174



132 132 AM1 d d DL200 and DR200 2.5 120 DE200 and EDppp 10.5 AM1 d DP200 and DR200 2.5 DE200 and EDppp 10.5 d 120

LRD 0135
Independent mounting on 50 mm centres or on rail AM1 DP200 or DE200 Independent mounting on 110 mm centres 46 LAD 7B106 LAD 7B106 35 10 = =

4 5 6 7 8 9 10





DX1 AP25


LRD 313 365

Mounting on rail AM1 Dp200 or ED200 With terminal block LAD 96560 LAD 96560 Panel mounting Outgoing terminal block not shown Mounted on plate AM1 P


LAD 96560




116 AM1 d DP200 2

d DE200 9.5

ED200 9.5

(1) 2 elongated holes 4.2 x 6.


LRD 0135 and LRD 313365

Remote tripping or electrical reset

LAD 703 (1) 32 (1) Can only be mounted on RH side of relay LRD0135 and LRD313365 Characteristics : pages 6/14 to 6/17 References : pages 6/20 to 6/22 Schemes : page 6/29








Dimensions, mounting (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys D thermal overload relays

LRD 15pp

1 2

Independent mounting on 50 mm centres or on rail AM1 DP200 or DE200 45 LAD 7B105 = 35 =

Remote tripping or electrical reset

LA7 D03 (1)





2x4,5 17



3 4 5

AM1 d

DP200 2

DE200 9.5 (1) Can be mounted on RH or LH side of relay LR2 D15.

LRD 3ppp and LR2 D35pp

Independent mounting on 50 mm centres or on rail AM1 DP200 or DE200 75 LA7 D3064 = 50 =

LRD 3ppp, LR2 D35pp and LR9 D

Remote tripping or electrical reset

LA7 D03 (1) 2 75/87




2x4,5 32




AM1 d

DP200 2

DE200 9.5 (1) Can be mounted on RH or LH side of relay LRD 3ppp, LR2 D35pp or LR9 D.

6 7

LRD 15 and LRD 3ppp

Adapter for door mounted operator LA7 D1020 c 10 Stop Reset

LA7 D1020 c : adjustable from 17 to 120 mm

8 9

LRD, LRD 313365, LRD 15 and LR9 D

Reset by flexible cable LA7 D305 and LAD 7305 Mounting with cable straight Mounting with cable bent

c e M10x1


e : up to 20 mm c : up to 550 mm

e : up to 20 mm

Characteristics : pages 6/14 to 6/17

References : pages6/20 to 6/22

Schemes : page 6/29



TeSys protection components

TeSys D thermal overload relays

LRD pp, LRD 3pp and LR2 Dpp

Pre-wiring kit LAD 7C1, LAD 7C2

95 97


Test Stop






1 2 3

95 96 _ LRD

LR9 D5ppp
L1 L2 L3

_ KM1 2 4 6





Test Stop Man. reset.




95 97

4 5 6 7





_A M 3 _M _ KM N A1 _ KM 13 14


(1) Tripped. (2) Overload.

(3) Setting current. (4) Specialised circuit.

LR9 D67 and LR9 D69

L1 L2 L3 0V

_ KM1 2 4 6










u105% Test Stop Man. reset.




95 97 96 98

8 9 10
Dimensions : pages 6/26 to 6/28




_ M 3

A _ KM A1 13 14


_ KM N A2


(1) Tripped. (2) Overload. (3) Setting current. Characteristics : pages 6/14 to 6/17

(4) Specialised circuit. (5) Alarm.

References : pages 6/20 to 6/22



TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

1 2 3 4

TeSys LR9 F electronic protection relays are especially suited to the operating conditions of motors. They provide protection against: b thermal overload of 3-phase or single-phase balanced or unbalanced circuits; b phase failure and large phase unbalance, b protracted starting times, b prolonged stalled rotor condition. LR9 F electronic protection relays are mounted directly below an LC1 F type contactor. They cover a range from 30 to 630 A, in eight ratings. The settings can be locked by sealing the transparent protective cover. A reset button is mounted on the front of the relay. Two versions are available: b simplified version: class 10: LR9 Fp3pp, class 20: LR9 Fp5pp, b complete version: class 10, 10 A or class 20, selectable, conforming to EN609474-1: LR9 Fpp. This latter version includes an alarm function which makes it possible to forestall tripping by load shedding. Simplified version: class 10 or 20


Ir(A) 127



150 98

5 4 3
NO 97 95 NC 96

5 6
Class 107 127 Ir(A) 20 10 + 90 150
24 V - / 103 104

Complete version: class 10, 10 A or class 20, selectable, and alarm circuit
7 8 2

7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33 References : pages 6/34 to 6/37

5 4 3
Alarm 98 NO 97 95 NC 96

9 1 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ir adjustment dial Test button Stop button Reset button Trip indicator Setting locked by sealing the cover Class 10/class 20 selector switch Selector switch for balanced load /unbalanced load Alarm circuit

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39



TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Conforming to VDE 0106 Conforming to IEC 60529 Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device (conforming to IEC 60255-8) Maximum operating altitude Operating positions without derating Shock resistance Vibration resistance Dielectric strength at 50 Hz Surge withstand Resistance to electrostatic discharge Resistance to radiated radio-frequency disturbance Resistance to fast transient currents Electromagnetic compatibility Standard version Storage Normal operation Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-7 Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 255-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 EN 50081-1 and 2, EN 50082-2 kV kV kV V/m kV C C m IEC 60947-4-1, IEC 60255-8, IEC 60255-17, EN 60947-4-1 and VDE 0660 UL 508, CSA 22-2 IP 20 IP 20 on front of relay with accessories LA9 F103 or LA7 F70p, see page 6/37 TH - 40+ 85 - 20+ 55 (1) 2000 Any position 13 gn - 11 ms 2 gn - 5 to 300 Hz 6 4 8 (in air) 6 (in indirect mode) 10 2 Conforming (1) For operating temperatures up to 70 C, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Presentation : page 6/30

References : pages 6/34 to 6/37

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

Electrical characteristics of power circuit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Relay type Rated insulation voltage Conforming to IEC 60947-4 (Ui) Rated operational voltage Conforming to VDE 0110 gr C (Ue) Rated impulse Conforming to IEC 60947-1 withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated operational current (Ie) Short-circuit protection and coordination Frequency limits Power circuit connections Of the operating current Width of terminal lug

LR9 V V kV A

F5p57, F57 1000 1000 8 30 to 630

F5p63, F63 F5p67, F67 F5p69, F69

F5p71, F71

F7p75, F75 F7p79, F79

F7p81, F81

See pages: 1/18, 1/19, 1/30 and 1/31 Hz mm 5060. For other frequencies, please consult your Regional Sales Office (1) 20 25 25 30 LR9 F7p75 and LR9 F75 40 LR9 F7p79 and LR9 F79 M10 35 40

Clamping screw Tightening torque N.m

M6 10

M8 18

M10 35

M12 58

Auxiliary contact electrical characteristics

Conventional thermal current Short-circuit protection Control circuit connections By gG or BS fuses or by circuitbreaker GB2 CD10 Flexible cable with cable end 1 conductor 2 conductors Flexible cable 1 conductor without cable end 2 conductors Solid cable 1 conductor 2 conductors A A 5 5 Min. 1 x 0.75 2x1 1 x 0.75 2x1 1 x 0.75 2x1 1.2 24 100 24 100 48 200 48 100 110 400 110 50 220 600 220 45 380 600 440 25 600 600 Max. 1 x 2.5 2 x 1.5 1x4 2 x 2.5 1 x 2.5

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m V VA V W

Tightening torque Maximum sealed current consumption of the coils of associated contactors (occasional operating cycles of contact 95-96) a.c. supply

d.c. supply

(1) For applications involving the use of these overload relays with soft starters or variable speed drives, please consult your Regional Sales Office.

Presentation : page 6/30

References : pages 6/34 to 6/37

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

Operating characteristics
Tripping class Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 C 10, 10 A and 20 - 20+ 70 Manual on front of relay On front of relay On front of relay Actuation of N/C contact, without affecting N/O contact Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Alarm Tripping A A 1.05 0.06 In 1.12 0.06 In Tripping in 4 s 20 % in the event of phase failure Setting dial on front of relay Yes Temperature compensation Reset Fault indication Test function Stop function Tripping thresholds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sensitivity to phase failure Adjustment (nominal motor current) Security sealing

Alarm circuit characteristics

Rated supply voltage Supply voltage limits Current consumption Switching current Protection Voltage drop Connection Tightening torque Short-circuit and overload Closed state Flexible cable without cable end V mm2 N.m No-load d.c. supply V V mA mA 24 1732 y5 0150 Auto-protected y 2.5 0.51.5 0.45

LR9 F tripping curve

Average operating times depending on multiples of the setting current Class 10
Tripping time in seconds 1000

Class 20
Tripping time in seconds 1000




1 2

1 2

1 2 1,12

7 8 9 10 11 12 x times the setting current (Ir)

1 1,12

5 6 7 8 9 x times the setting current (Ir)

1 Cold state curve 2 Hot state curve

References : pages 6/34 to 6/37 Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39

Presentation : page 6/30



TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F for motor protection

1 2

Thermal overload relays: b compensated and differential, b with relay trip indicator, b for a.c., b for direct mounting on contactor or independent mounting (1).
Relay setting range A Fuses to be used with selected relay aM gG A A 50 80 100 160 250 400 500 630 80 125 200 250 315 500 800 800 For direct mounting Reference beneath contactor LC1 Weight

Compensated and differential overload relays

kg F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F185F400 F225F500 F225F500 F400F630 and F800 F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F185F400 F225F500 F225F500 LR9 F5357 LR9 F5363 LR9 F5367 LR9 F5369 LR9 F5371 LR9 F7375 LR9 F7379 LR9 F7381 0.885 0.900 0.900 0.885 0.950 2.320 2.320 4.160

Class 10 (2)
3050 4880

LR9 F53pp

60100 90150 132220

4 5


300500 380630

Class 20 (2)
3050 4880 60100 LR9 F73pp 90150 132220 200330 300500 380630 50 80 100 160 250 400 500 630 80 125 200 250 315 500 800 800 LR9 F5557 LR9 F5563 LR9 F5567 LR9 F5569 LR9 F5571 LR9 F7575 LR9 F7579 0.885 0.900 0.900 0.885 0.950 2.320 2.320

6 7 8 9 10
Presentation : page 6/30 Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

F400F630 and LR9 F7581 4.160 F800 (1) When mounting overload relays up to size LR9 F5371 directly beneath the contactor, they may be additionally supported by a mounting plate (see page 6/37). Above this size it is always necessary to use the mounting plate. Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds and/ or insulated terminal blocks, to be ordered separately (see page 6/37). (2) Standard IEC 60947-4 specifies a tripping time for 7.2 times the setting current In: - class 10: between 4 and 10 seconds, - class 20: between 6 and 20 seconds.

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F for motor protection

Thermal overload relays: b compensated, b with relay trip indicator, b for a.c., b for direct mounting on contactor or independent mounting (1), b class 10 or 20 by selector switch, b protection of 3-phase or single-phase circuits by selector switch, b with alarm function that enables tripping to be forestalled.
Relay setting range A 3050 4880 60100 90150 LR9 F57 132220 200330 300500 380630 Fuses to be used with selected relay aM gG A A 50 80 80 100 160 250 400 500 630 125 200 250 315 500 800 800

Compensated overload relays, class 10 or 20 with alarm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For direct mounting Reference beneath contactor LC1 F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F115F185 F185F400 F225F500 F225F500 LR9 F57 LR9 F63 LR9 F67 LR9 F69 LR9 F71 LR9 F75 LR9 F79



kg 0.885 0.900 0.900 0.885 0.950 2.320 2.320

F400F630 and LR9 F81 4.160 F800 (1) When mounting overload relays up to size LR9 F71 directly beneath the contactor, they may be additionally supported by a mounting plate (see page 6/37). Above this size it is always necessary to use the mounting plate. Power terminals can be protected against direct finger contact by the addition of shrouds and/ or insulated terminal blocks, to be ordered separately (see page 6/37).

Presentation : page 6/30

Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39



TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F
Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Control accessories

LA7 D03p

Description Remote electrical reset device (1) Remote Reset function control by flexible cable (length = 0.5 m) Remote Stop and/or Reset function control Adapter for door mounted operator Rod (snap-off end to obtain required length, between 17 and 120 mm) Operating head for spring return pushbutton

Sold in lots of 1 1

Unit reference LA7 D03p (2) LA7 D305

Weight kg 0.090 0.075

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation : page 6/30 Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

1 10

LA7 D1020 ZA2 BZ13

0.005 0.100

ZA2 Bpppp (3)


For mounting an LR9 F5p71 thermal overload relay together with an LC1F185 contactor
Description Reference LA7 F407 Set of 3 busbars Weight kg 0.160

Connection accessories

LA7 D305

For mounting a thermal overload relay beneath a reversing contactor or stardelta contactors
Application For relay For contactor Width of terminal lug mm 15 20 25 25 25 25 30 40 Set of 3 busbars Reference LA7 F401 LA7 F402 LA7 F407 LA7 F403 LA7 F404 LA7 F404 LA7 F405 LA7 F406 Weight kg 0.110 0.110 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.270 0.600

LR9 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, LC1 F115 F5p69, F69, F71 LR9 F5p57, F5p63 LR9 F5p71, LR9 F71 LR9 F5p71, LR9 F71 LR9 F7p75, F7p79, LR9 F75, F79 LR9 F7p81, LR9 F81 LC1 F150, F185 LC1 F185 LC1 F225, F265 LC1 F225...F400 LC1 F400

LR9 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, LC1 F500 LR9 F75, F79, F81 LR9 F7p81, LR9 F81 LC1 F630, F800

(1) The time for which the coil of remote electrical reset device LA7D03 can remain energised depends on its rest time: 1 s pulse duration with 9 s rest time; 5 s pulse duration with 30 s rest time; 10 s pulse duration with 90 s rest time. Maximum pulse duration of 20 s with rest time of 300 s. Minimum pulse time: 200 ms. (2) Reference to be completed by adding the coil voltage code. Standard control circuit voltages, (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts 12 24 48 96 110 F F 220/ 230 M M 380/ 400 Q 415/ 440 N

a 50/60 Hz B E Consumption, inrush and sealed: < 100 VA c J B E DD Consumption, inrush and sealed: < 100 W. (3) Stop: ZA2 BL432 and Reset: ZA2 BL639.

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F
Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Mounting plates for overload relay

For use with relays LR9 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, F5p71, LR9 F57, F63, F67, F69, F71 LR9 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, LR9 F75, F79, F81 Reference LA7 F901 LA7 F902 Weight kg 0.100 0.100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LA7 F90p

Sets of power terminal protection shrouds, single-pole

For use with relays LR9 F5p57, LR9 F57 LR9 F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, LR9 F63, F67, F69 LR9 F5p71, LR9 F71 LR9 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, LR9 F75, F79, F81 Number of shrouds per set 6 6 6 6 Set reference LA9 F701 LA9 F702 LA9 F705 LA9 F703 Weight kg 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015

LA9 F70p

Power terminal protection shrouds, 3-pole

For use with relays LR9 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, LR9 F57, F63, F67, F69 LR9 F5p71, LR9 F71 LR9 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, LR9 F75, F79, F81 Reference LA7 F701 LA7 F702 LA7 F703 Weight kg 0.030 0.030 0.030

LA7 F70p

Insulated terminal blocks

For use with relays LR9 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, LR9 F57, F63, F67, F69 Set of 2 blocks Reference LA9 F103 Weight kg 0.560

Marking accessories
Description Clip-in marker holder LA9 F103 Bag of 400 blank self-adhesive legends 7 x 16 mm Sold in lots of 100 1 Unit reference LA7 D903 LA9 D91 Weight kg 0.001 0.001

Presentation : page 6/30

Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

Dimensions, schemes : pages 6/38 and 6/39



TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

Common side view

LR9 F5p71, F71

48 25

1 2

LR9 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, LR9 F5p69, F57, F63, F67, F69
120 50 50

123,5 56,8 (1) 3


50 (2) 40

50 40










(2) 6.5 x 13.5 for LR9 F5p57 and F57. 8.5 x 13.5 for LR9 F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, F63, F67, F69

20 115

(1) Terminal shroud LA9 F70p

3 4

Common side view

14 22,1

LR9 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, LR9 F75, F79, F81

P1 P2 30

LR9 F7p81 (for mounting beneath LC1 F630 and F800), LR9 F81
200 80




108,8 70

82 136,8




51,5 66 150
P1 48 55

51,5 66

5 6

(1) Terminal shroud LA9 F70p LR9 F7p75, F75 LR9 F7p79, F7p81, F79, F81

P2 48 55




76,5 193


Direct mounting beneath contactor LC1 F

Mounting beneath contactors: reversing LC2 F or star-delta LC3 F

Mounting plate for LR9 F



(1) (2) (3)



LA7 F4


(2) (3)

8 9 10

Contactors LC1 With LR9 relays b F115 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, 240 F57, F63, F67, F69 F150 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69 246 F57, F63, F67, F69 F185 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69 250 F57, F63, F67, F69 F225 F5p71, F71 273 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 308 F265 F5p71, F71 279 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 314 F330 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 317 F400 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, F75, F79, F81 317 F500 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, F75, F79, F81 346 F630, F800 F7p81, F81 510 (1) Relay mounting plate LA7 F90p, see page 6/37 (2) AM1 EC or AM1 DF for LC1 F115 to F630 and LC1 F800 Presentation : page 6/30 Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

H1 30 30 30 40 50 40 60 60 60 70 110

H2 50 50 50 50 58 50 58 58 58 58 58

H3 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180

Contactors LC1 With LR9 relays F115 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69, F57, F63, F67, F69 F150 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69 F57, F63, F67, F69 F185 F5p57, F5p63, F5p67, F5p69 F57, F63, F67, F69 F225 F5p71, F71 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 F265 F5p71, F71 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 F330 F7p75, F7p79, F75, F79 F400 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, F75, F79, F81 F500 F7p75, F7p79, F7p81, F75, F79, F81 F630, F800 F7p81, F81 (3) DZ5 MB for LC1 F115 to F400


LA7 F901 F902

G 145 190


b H1 279 60 283 60 285 60

H2 50 50 50

360 332 363 364 364 390 509

100 90 100 100 100 110 120

58 50 58 58 58 58 58

References : pages 6/34 to 6/37

Schemes : page 6/39


H3 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180


Schemes, setting-up

TeSys protection components

3-pole electronic thermal overload relays, TeSys LR9 F

L1 L2 L3

LR9 F5p57F7p81

LR9 F57F81 (with alarm)

L1 L2 L3 0V


3 4

2 4 6









Test Stop Man. reset

112 %









Test Stop Man. reset

95 97









3 4 5 6


A M 3 M


M 3









(1) Tripped on thermal overload (2) Overheating alarm (3) Setting current (4) Specialised circuit

Setting the relay b Lift the transparent cover 7 to gain access to the various settings. b Adjustment is achieved by turning dial 1 which is graduated directly in Amperes. b The setting can be locked by sealing the cover 7.

Setting-up the special functions of TeSys LR9 F thermal overload relays

LR9 F5369
Ir(A) 105 125 TEST


1 7


150 98






6 5 4 3 2



Test function 2
Test Trip indicator

Stop function 3










9 10

b The Stop function is obtained by pressing the red STOP button 3. b Pressing the Test button: v actuates the N/C contact, v has no effect on the N/O contact. b The STOP button can be locked by fitting a U clip (reference: LA7 D901).

b The Test function is obtained by pressing the red TEST button 2 with a screwdriver. b Operation of the TEST button simulates tripping of the relay and: v actuates both the N/O and N/C contacts, v actuates the trip indicator 5.

Presentation : page 6/30

Characteristics : pages 6/31 to 6/33

References : pages 6/34 to 6/37

Dimensions : page 6/38


Presentation, characteristics

TeSys protection components

Single-pole magnetic over current relays


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
References: pages 6/41 and 6/42 Dimensions: page 6/43

The RM1XA electromagnetic relay detects over current peaks in excess of the maximum permissible current value. It is designed for the protection of circuits which are not subject to current peaks (starters, resistors) or for controlling starting peaks on slip ring motors. It trips instantaneously and is not suitable for frequent operation (12 operating cycles per hour). It can withstand a continuous current equivalent to 1.25 times the minimum setting current.

Environment characteristics
Conforming to standards Approvals Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Operating position C m Standard version NF C 63-650, VDE 0660 CSA Standard version TC, special version TH Storage: - 60+ 70 Operation: - 40+ 60 3000 15 in relation to normal vertical mounting position

Electrical characteristics of power circuit

Maximum rated operational voltage Frequency limits of the rated operational current Conventional thermal current Occasional making and breaking capacities V Hz a or c 600 060

Electrical characteristics of auxiliary contacts

A 10

a.c. supply

Voltage Power (1)


48 4000 48 240

110 12 000 110 200

220 17 000 220 190

380 22 000 440 180

600 600 180

d.c. supply

Voltage Power (2)

(1) Circuit such as the electromagnet of a contactor - cos j j inrush: 0.7 and cos j sealed: 0.4. (2) Circuit such as an electromagnet without economy resistor ; time constant varying from 20 ms for 5 W to 200 ms for 100 W or more.

Operating times
Time in ms

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Setting points 4th 25 In 3 rd 1,6 In

Operating times: because of the numerous applications for RM1XA over current relays, it is not possible to give precise operating times. The curves shown are therefore purely indicative.

2nd In 1st 0,9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 current passing/set current

10 8

0,8 In

Schemes: page 6/43



TeSys protection components

Single-pole magnetic over current relays


With 1 C/O contact block, non-latching

Recommanded operating range (motor In) A a or c RM1 XA001 Setting range (trip current) A 1.254 26.3 3.210 516 825 12.540 2063 32100 50160 80250 125400 160500 250800 400 1250 6302200 6302000 Maximum continuous current a or c A 1.6 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 25 40 63 100 160 200 315 500 1000 1000 Reference Weight


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.71.15 1.161.8 1.92.9 34.6 4.77.2 7.311.5 11.618 18.129 29.146 46.172 73115 116145 146230 231360

RM1 XA001 RM1 XA002 RM1 XA004 RM1 XA006 RM1 XA010 RM1 XA016 RM1 XA025 RM1 XA040 RM1 XA063 RM1 XA100 RM1 XA160 RM1 XA200 RM1 XA315 RM1 XA500 RM1 XA101 RM1 XA101

kg 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990

a c

361630 361570

Accessory (to be ordered separately)

Description 1 C/O contact block, non-latching Reference RM1 ZG21 Weight kg 0.060

Characteristics: page 6/40

Dimensions: page 6/43

Schemes: page 6/43


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Single-pole magnetic over current relays


Latching with manual reset

Recommanded operating range (motor In) A a or c Setting range (trip current) A 1.254 26.3 3.210 516 825 12.540 2063 32100 50160 80250 125400 160500 250800 4001250 6302200 6302000

1 2 3 4

With 1 C/O contact block, latching with manual reset

Maximum continuous current a or c A 1.6 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 25 40 63 100 160 200 315 500 1000 1000 Reference Weight

0.71.15 1.161.8 1.92.9 34.6 4.77.2

RM1 XA0011 RM1 XA0021 RM1 XA0041 RM1 XA0061 RM1 XA0101 RM1 XA0161 RM1 XA0251 RM1 XA0401 RM1 XA0631 RM1 XA1001 RM1 XA1601 RM1 XA2001 RM1 XA3151 RM1 XA5001 RM1 XA1011 RM1 XA1011

kg 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990

RM1 XA0011


7.311.5 11.618 18.129 29.146 46.172 RM1 XA1001 + ER1 XA2p 73115 116145 146230 231360 a 361630 361570


6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics: page 6/40 Dimensions: page 6/43 RM1 XA0011 + RM1 ZH21

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description 1 C/O contact block, latching Reference RM1 ZH21 Weight kg 0.070 0.240

Electrical reset (1) ER1 XA2p (consumption: inrush, sealed: 500 VA) (fitted to the relay together with a latching contact block) Basic reference. Complete with code indicating control circuit voltage (2) (1) The impulse duration must not exceed 2 seconds within 10 minute intervals. (2) Standard coil voltages for electrical reset: Volts 24 48 110 220 50 Hz B E F M

380 Q

Schemes: page 6/43


Dimensions, schemes

TeSys protection components

Single-pole magnetic over current relays

RM1 XAppp, RM1 XAppp1

RM1 XA001XA040 RM1 XA0011XA0401

RM1 XA063, XA100 and XA315 RM1 XA0631, XA1001 and XA3151

RM1 XA160, XA200, and XA500 RM1 XA1601, XA2001, and XA5001

RM1 XA101, RM1 XA1011

1 2

Common side view





M12 25





L 13 123

27,5 27,5 55

S d

S d

50 63,5

M6 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10

RM1 XAppp1 with electrical reset ER1 XA2p


RM1 XA 063 XA 100 XA 160 XA 200 XA 315 XA 500 XA 101

d 20.5 20.5 27.5 27.5 35.5 40.5

d1 5.5 5.5 7

M 83 87 94 94 74 84

L 25 25 25 25 44 44 37

L1 40 40 40 40 55 55 64

S 15 20 25 25 30 40


4 5 6


27,5 27,5 55

1 91

RM1 XAppp1

RM1 XAppp

3-wire control (without mechanical latching)
1 91 93

2-wire control (with mechanical latching)

1 91 93

3-wire control (with trip signal)

91 93 1







7 8










94 X1 X2














A1 14
















9 10
Characteristics: page 6/40 References : pages 6/41 and 6/42


Selection guide

TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)


General protection and protection of motors fitted with PTC thermistor probes (1)

1 2 3
Standards and approvals IEC 60034-11, UL, CSA

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reset method


Fault signalling

Fault memory in the event of a supply failure

Fault test

Rated control circuit voltages a 50/60 Hz

Single voltage 115 V or 230 V

Rated control circuit voltages c

Single voltage 24 V

Contact type

1 N/C

Protection unit type

6/50 (1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient



1 2 3
IEC 60034-11, PTB, UL, CSA LROS


Manual or automatic

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

On front panel of unit and remote


By pushbutton on front panel of unit

Dual voltage 115/230 V Multivoltage 24230 V

Single voltage 400 V Dual voltage 24/48 V, 115/230 V Multivoltage 24230 V Dual voltage 24/48 V Multivoltage 24230 V

Dual voltage 24/48 V

Dual voltage 1 N/C + 1 N/O Multivoltage 2 C/O

Single voltage or dual voltage 1 N/C + 1 N/O Multivoltage 2 C/O





TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 6/47 to 6/49 References : pages 6/50 and 6/51

LT3Sp thermistor protection units continuously monitor the temperature of the machines to be protected (motors, generators, etc.) by means of PTC thermistor probes embedded in the machine windings. If the nominal operating temperature of the probes is reached, they convert the rapid increase in resistance into a switching function which can be used to switch off the machine or signal a fault (see paragraph relating to thermistor probes below). Accidental breaks in the supply circuits of the thermistors are also detected.


Conforming to Electromagnetic compatibility directive. Conforming to standard EN 61000-6-2. Resistance to electrostatic discharge (conforming to IEC 61000-4-2) Resistance to fast transients (conforming to IEC 61000-4-4) Susceptibility to electromagnetic fields (conforming to IEC 61000-4-3) Surge resistance 1.2/50 - 8/20 (conforming to IEC 61000-4.5) Immunity to microbreaks and voltage drops (IEC 61000-4-11) Suitable for use with variable speed controllers
Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 4

Electromagnetic compatibility

Range of most commonly used PTC thermistor probes: from 90 to 160C, in steps of 10 C. Curve R = f (q), characteristic of a PTC thermistor probe, is defined by standard IEC60947-8. The choice of PTC thermistor probe to be incorporated in the motor winding depends on the insulation class, the type of motor and the most suitable location for the probe. This choice is usually made by the motor manufacturer or the motor rewinder, who have all the necessary information. Application example
Insulation class of rotating machines conforming to IEC 60034-11 (S1 duty) NOT Nominal operating temperature C Temperature at which rapid increase in resistance occurs Probes used for Alarm Fault C C

Thermistor probes


100 110 120 140 160

100 110 120 140 160

100 120 130 150 170

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient

Dimensions : page 6/52

Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53



TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

Protection unit type Reset method Fault indication Fault test Probe interchangeability

LT3SE Automatic Label Mark A to IEC60034-11 IEC 60034-11 VDE 0660

LT3SA Automatic On front panel of unit and remote Label Mark A to IEC60034-11 IEC 60034-11 VDE 0660 LROS

LT3SM Manual/Automatic On front panel of unit and remote By pushbutton on front panel of unit Label Mark A to IEC60034-11 IEC 60034-11 VDE 0660

1 2 3 4 5

Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection e marking Ambient air temperature around the device Storage Conforming to IEC 60068-2-1 and 2-2 Operation Without derating With derating Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 In relation to normal vertical mounting plane C C

IP 20 conforming to IEC 60529, VDE 0106 LT3Sp protection units have been designed to comply with the basic recommendations of European directives relating to low voltage and EMC. Therefore LT3Sp products bear the European Community e mark. - 40+ 85 - 25+ 60 1500 m Up to 3000 m, the maximum permissible ambient air temperature for operation (60 C) must be reduced by 5 C per additional 500 m above 1500 m 2.5 gn (225 Hz) 1 gn (25150 Hz) 5 gn (11 ms) Any position

Maximum operating altitude

Vibration resistance Shock resistance Operating positions without derating

Power supply circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) a 50/60 Hz 0.851.1 Uc a 50/60 Hz 0.851.1 Uc c 0.81.25 Uc 0.851.1 Uc Sealed Single voltage Dual voltage Multivoltage Single voltage Dual voltage Multivoltage a c V V V V V V VA W 115 or 230 24 < 2.5 <1 115/230 24230 24/48 24230 < 2.5 <1 400 115/230. 24/48 24230 24/48 24230 < 2.5 except (400 V : 2.7) <1

6 7 8 9 10

Average consumption

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient

References : pages 6/50 and 6/51

Dimensions : page 6/52

Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

Control circuit characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protection unit type Resistance Maximum number of probes fitted in series (2) Voltage at terminals in the thermistor circuit

Tripping Reset Probes y 250 W at 25 Normal operation (R = 1500 W) Conforming to IEC 60034-11 (R = 4000 W) Operating threshold Distance Minimum c.s.a. of conductors


LT3SE 27003100 15001650 6 < 2.5 < 7.5 300 0.75 400 1

LT3SA 27003100 15001650 6 < 2.5 < 7.5 < 20 500 1.5

LT3SM 27003100 15001650 6 < 2.5 < 7.5 < 20 1000 (3) 2.5

V V W m mm2

Thermistor probe short-circuit detection Connection of probes to the LT3

Electrical characteristics of the output relay contacts

Contact type Rated insulation voltage Maximum operational voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage Conventional thermal current Operational power Breaking capacity Uimp Single voltage or dual voltage Multivoltage V V kV A VA 120 V 250 V 24 V A A A mm2 mm2 N.m 1 N/C a 500 1 N/C + 1 N/O 2 C/O 1 N/C + 1 N/O 2 C/O

a 250 (a 400 V for LT3SM00V) 2.5 5 100 for 0.5 million operating cycles 6 3 2 2 x 11 x 2.5 1 x 0.752 x 2.5 0.8

At 220 V In cat. AC-16

In DC-13 Cabling (cage type connector) for flexible or solid cable Tightening torque

Without cable end With cable end

Thermistor probe characteristics

Probe type Conforming to standards Resistance Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Insulation Length of connecting cables At 25 C Per probe W V kV DA1TTppp IEC 60034-11. Mark A 3 x 250 in series c 2.5 V max 2.5 Reinforced Between probes Between probe and motor terminal plate mm m 250 1 DA1TSppp

250 c 2.5 V max 1 Reinforced 1

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient (2) Provided that the total resistance of the probe circuit is less than 1500 W at 20 C. (3) For distances greater than 500 m take cabling precautions (twisted shielded pairs).

References : pages 6/50 and 6/51

Dimensions : page 6/52

Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

Guaranteed operating zones: examples with 3 probes type DA1TTppp (250 W at 25C) in series, conforming to standard IEC 60034-11, Mark A. LT3SE, LT3SA, LT3SM protection units
Resistance (ohms)

LT3S protection unit/thermistor probe combination

1 2

10 000

3100 2700 1650 1500 1000 750

Trip zone Reset zone

3 4
Trip zone on probe short-circuit Temperature (C)


20 10

1 3 probes type DA1TTppp (250 W at 25 C) in series. NOT: Nominal Operating Temperature Protection unit tripped. Protection unit reset. (1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient

NOT + 15 C

NOT -20 C



5 6 7 8 9 10

References : pages 6/50 and 6/51

Dimensions : page 6/52

Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53



TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)


Protection units (without fault memory)

Connection Cage connectors Voltage a 50/60 Hz 115 V 230 V

1 2 3 4 5

Units with automatic reset with thermistor short-circuit detection

Output contact N/C N/C N/C Reference LT3SE00F LT3SE00M LT3SE00BD Weight kg 0.220 0.220 0.220

24 V

Units with automatic reset with thermistor short-circuit detection On front panel: fault and voltage signalling indicator.

Connection Cage connectors

Voltage a 50/60 Hz c a 50/60 Hz or c 115/230 V 24/48 V

Output contact N/C + N/O N/C + N/O

Reference LT3SA00M LT3SA00ED LT3SA00MW

Weight kg 0.220 0.220 0.220

24230 V 2 C/O

Units with manual reset with thermistor short-circuit detection On front panel: - fault and voltage signalling indicator, - Test and Reset button.
Connection LT3SA00M

Protection units (with fault memory)

Voltage a 50/60 Hz 400 V 24/48 V 115/230 V c a 50/60 Hz or c 24/48 V

Cage connectors

Output contact N/C + N/O N/C + N/O N/C + N/O N/C + N/O

Reference LT3SM00V LT3SM00E LT3SM00M LT3SM00ED LT3SM00MW

Weight kg 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220

6 7

24230 V 2 C/O

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient

8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 6/47 to 6/49 Dimensions : page 6/52 Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)


PTC thermistor probes (1)

Nominal Operating Temperature (NOT) C Integrated triple 90 probes 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 DA1TTppp Surface probes 60 70 80 Description Colour Sold in lots of Unit reference Weight

1 2 3 4 5

Green/green Brown/brown Grey/grey Blue/blue White/blue Black/black Blue/red White/green White/grey White/brown White/white Green/green Red/red

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

DA1TT090 DA1TT110 DA1TT120 DA1TT130 DA1TT140 DA1TT150 DA1TT160 DA1TT170 DA1TS060 DA1TS070 DA1TS080 DA1TS090 DA1TS100

kg 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005


90 100

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Mounting accessories
Description Adapter Application For fixing on 4 rail DZ5MB Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference RHZ66 Weight kg 0.005

Marking accessories
Clip-in markers Strips of 10 identical numbers 25 (maximum of 5 (0 to 9) per unit) Strips of 10 identical capital letters 25 (A to Z) DA1TSppp AB1Rp (2) AB1Gp (2) 0.002 0.002

6 7 8 9 10

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient (2) When ordering, replace the p in the reference with the number or letter required.

Characteristics : pages 6/47 to 6/49

Dimensions : page 6/52

Schemes : pages 6/52 and 6/53


Dimensions, schemes, setting-up


TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6

LT3SE, SA, SM Mounting on 5 rail AM1DP200

Mounting on 1 4 rail (with adapter RHZ66)







RHZ 66


Schemes for no fault operation

LT3SE Without fault memory

LT3SA dual voltage

LT3SA multivoltage



96 95

T1 T2

96 (2) 98 97 95



95 (2) 05 08 06 98 96 A

A1 or B1






LT3SM dual voltage and 400 V (without B1) LT3SM multivoltage





LT3Sp dual voltage Terminal Voltage A1 48 V 230 V B1 24 V 115 V


T1 T2 Rd

96 (2) 98 97 95 Rd A M K K H

Fault Reset

T1 T2

95 (2) 05 08 06 98 96 A M K K H

A1 or B1

Y1 Test Y2

Y1 Test Y2




8 9 10

Cabling It is inadvisable to use the same multi-core cable for the thermistor probe circuit and the power circuit. This is especially important for long cable runs. If it is impossible to comply with the above recommendation, a pair of twisted conductors must be used for the thermistor probe circuit. Testing the insulation of the line connecting the thermistors to the LT3S unit Before carrying out this test, short-circuit all the terminals of the LT3S protection unit. Measure the insulation value between these terminals and earth using a megger or a flash tester, progressively increasing the voltage to the value defined by the standards. Checking the PTC thermistor probes for correct operation With the machine stopped, in the cold state and after having taken all the necessary safety precautions: b disconnect the line linking the thermistors to the LT3S protection unit, at the terminals of the machine being protected: motor, etc., b using an ohmmeter with a voltage rating less than or equal to 2.5 V, measure the resistance of the probe circuit at the machine terminals, b depending on the number and type of thermistors connected in series, check that their resistance value at 25 C is correct. Example: motor fitted with 3 PTC thermistor probes with a resistance y 250 W at 25 C. Any value higher than 250 x 3 = 750 W indicates a problem. (1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient (2) Relay energised: the contacts are shown in the operating position.

Characteristics : pages 6/47 to 6/49


References : pages 6/50 and 6/51





TeSys protection components

Thermistor protection units for use with PTC thermistor probes (1)

A1 or B1

L2 L3 N T1 T2

96 98 97


Starting The LT3SA is normally energised and its internal relay is in the pre-energised position. The motor is started by operating pushbutton M automatically held in by K (3-wire control circuit).

LT3SA protection units

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Thermal fault The strong increase in resistance of the PTC probes at the moment their temperature reaches the nominal operating temperature (NOT) is detected by the LT3SA unit and causes the relay to drop out; indicator H comes on, as does the built-in indicator on unit LT3SA. Contactor K drops out and pressing button M has no effect.

Operating temperature NOT, Tripping threshold Reset threshold Relay Ko Fault indicator Contactor K Pushbutton M

Reset As the motor cools, it reaches the reset threshold, 2 to 3C below the nominal operating temperature. The relay resets and the motor can be started by pressing button M.

A1 or B1

L2 L3 N T1 T2

Operation is very similar to that described above, except for the following:
96 98 97

LT3SM protection units



Reset After tripping on thermal fault and cooling to the reset threshold, the Test/RESET button on the unit (R1) or a remote reset button (Rd) must be pressed to energise the relay. The fault is therefore memorised, even though the temperature of the probes has dropped to well below the reset threshold.

R1 K


A Rd M K

Signalling circuit As the relay is fitted with 2 separate contacts, the signalling voltage may be different from the contactor control voltage.

Operating temperature NOT, Tripping threshold Reset threshold Test/Reset button Reset Rd Relay Ko Fault indicator Contactor K

Test Pressing the Test/RESET button simulates a fault and causes the relay to drop out: the FAULT indicator comes on, as does the remote signalling indicator. The unit is reset by pressing the Test/RESET button again.

Pushbutton M

(1) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient

Characteristics : pages 6/47 to 6/49

References : pages 6/50 and 6/51


Presentation, description

TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays


1 2 3 4 5

LR97D and LT47 electronic over current relays have been developed to satisfy machine protection requirements. These relays have definite time characteristics: current threshold and time based function. They are particularly recommended for providing mechanical protection on machines with high resistive torque, high inertia and with strong probability of jamming under steady state conditions. They can be used for motor protection in the case of long starting times or frequent starting. The LR97D relay also incorporates two fixed time protection functions, one of 0.5 seconds against locked rotor and one of 3 seconds against phase failure. LR97D and LT47 can be used to provide mechanical shock protection. In this case, setting the O-Time knob to minimum will ensure tripping in 0.3 seconds.

LR97D and LT47 relays are particularly suitable for the following machines: b Monitoring function for excessively long starting time on machines with a risk of difficult starting: v Machines with high resistive torque, high inertia machines. b Monitoring of machines during steady state operation: overtorque detection function v Machines with strong risk of jamming, machines with torque build-up over time, v Mechanical failure monitoring, v Faster detection of malfunctioning on machines where the motor is oversized in relation to its thermal protection It. b Motor protection for specific applications: v Machines with long starting times, v Machines with high on-load factor: more than 30 to 50 starts/hour, v Machine with fluctuating load from a steady state, where the thermal image of a thermal overload relay (thermal memory) is unsuitable in relation to actual overheating of the motor. Examples of machines: v Conveyors, crushers and mixers, v Fans, pumps and compressors, v Centrifuges and spin-dryers, v Presses, shearing machines, saws, broaching machines, sanders and lifting hoists.



Because of their two separate time settings, LR97D and LT47 relays can be combined with the motor-starter function: D-Time: starting time, O-Time: trip time during steady state. The D-Time function is only available during the motor starting phase. During this phase the overload detection function is inhibited in order to allow starting. Under steady state conditions, when the motor current is greater than the setting current due to an overload or single-phasing, the red LED lights up and the internal relay switches its contact after a time preset by the O-Time knob. The red LED stays on, indicating that the relay has tripped. The relays are simple to set, in 5 easy steps: - Adjust the 3 knobs to maximum (Load, D-Time and O-Time), - Adjust the D-Time knob to the value corresponding to the motor starting time. - When the motor reaches steady state, adjust the Load knob (turn the knob counter-clockwise until the red LED starts to flicker). - Slowly turn the Load knob clockwise until the LED goes out. - Set the required tripping time, using the O-Time knob.


6 7 8
A1 A2 98

LR97Dppppp LT47ppppp

Status signalling
LR97Dppppp LT47ppppp To assist fast diagnostics, two LEDs (one green and one red) allow signalling of the operating status:
Status Voltage Starting Steady state On On Off Off L1 Off L2 Off On Off On LED signal Green LED Off Red LED Condition Voltage Starting Steady state Overload Trip On On Off On Off On LED signal Green LED Off Red LED



3 4 9 1 8 2

3 4 2






9 10

5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 RESET knob TEST/STOP knob Ready/Run Indicator Relay tripped indicator Current setting Adjustment of starting time


Overload OverTrip current Rotor locked Pha se failure

7 Adjustment of tripping time 8 Manual/Auto adjustment 9 Single-phase/3-phase adjustment 10 Retractable fixing lugs

L3 Off

Curves : pages 6/55 and 6/56

Characteristics : pages 6/56 and 6/57

References : page 6/58

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/59

Schemes : page 6/59



TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays

Overload protection Protection against locked rotor and mechanical jamming under steady state conditions
U power supply A1-A2 Starting Locked rotor on starting Mechanical jamming during steady state operation Overload Brief overload

1 2
O-Time Reset: Manual (1) or electric (3)

3 x I setting
Setting current Normal steady state operation Current D-Time

0,5 s


Tripping due to locked rotor or mechanical jamming during steady state operation Tripping on overload


96 98 96 98
Reset: Manual (1) automatic (2) or electric (3)

3 4 5


Overload protection Protection against phase failure during starting and during steady state operation
U power supply A1-A2 Starting Phase failure Missing phase Overload Brief overload

Setting current Normal steady state operation Current D-Time

t <3s
O-Time O-Time

Tripping due to 95 phase failure Tripping on overload 95

96 98 96 98

Reset: Manual (1) or electric (3)

6 7 8

Reset: Manual (1) automatic (2) or electric (3)

Mechanical shock protection

U power supply A1-A2 Starting Overload

Setting current Normal steady state operation Current D-Time O-Time set to minimum (02-03 s) Reset: Manual (1) automatic (2) or electric (3)

Tripping to due mechanical shock 95

96 98

9 10

(1) By Reset button. (2) Fixed time of 120 s. Selectable by dip switch. Function not available in the event of tripping due to locked rotor/mechanical jamming (I> 3 x I setting) or phase failure. (3) By brief interruption of power supply, minimum 0.1 s.

Presentation, description : page 6/54

Characteristics : pages 6/56 and 6/57

References : page 6/58

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/59

Schemes : page 6/59


Curves (continued), characteristics

TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays

Curves (continued)

1 2 3 4

LT47 Overload protection

U power supply A1-A2

Starting Brief overload


Setting current Normal steady state operation Current D-Time O-Time O-Time Reset: Manual (1) automatic (2) or electric (3)

Trip 95 on overload 97

96 98

Mechanical shock protection

U power supply A1-A2 Starting Overload

Setting current Normal steady state operation Current

D-Time O-Time set to minimum (02-03 s) Reset: Manual (1) automatic (2) or electric (3)

5 6 7 8 9 10

Tripping due to 95 mechanical shock 97

96 98

(1) By Reset button. (2) Only available on version with automatic reset (LT47ppppA). Time adjustable from 1 to 120 s with the R-Time knob. (3) By brief interruption of power supply, minimum 0.1 s.

Relay type Conforming to standards Product certifications Degree of protection Protective treatment Ambient air temperature around the device LR97Dppppp IEC60255-6, IEC 60947 UL, CSA IP 20 (front face) TH - 30+ 80 - 25+ 60 2000 Any position 15 gn - 11 ms 4 gn kV kV kV kV V/m kV V 2 6 8 (level 3) 6 (level 3) 10 (level 3) 2 Class A 10 LT47ppppp IEC60255-6, IEC 60947 UL, CSA IP 20 (front face) TH - 30+ 80 - 25+ 60 2000 Any position 15 gn - 11 ms 4 gn 2 6 8 (level 3) 6 (level 3) 10 (level 3) 2 Class A 10

Conforming to IEC 60529 and VDE 0106 Conforming to IEC 60068 Storage Normal operation without derating (IEC 60947-4-1)

C C m

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions In relation to normal without derating vertical mounting plane Shock resistance Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-7 Vibration resistance Permissible acceleration conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Dielectric strength at 50 Hz Conforming to IEC 60255-5 Surge withstand Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 Resistance to In open air electrostatic discharge In direct mode Immunity to radiated radio-frequency disturbance Immunity to fast transient currents Conducted emissions Conforming to EN 55011 Conducted HF disturbance Conforming to EN 61000-4-6

Presentation, description : page 6/54

References : page 6/58

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/59

Schemes : page 6/59


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays


Auxiliary contact characteristics

Relay type Contact type Conventional thermal current Maximum hold consumption of controlled contactor coils (occasional operating cycles of contact 95-96) Short-circuit protection LR97Dppppp 1 NO/NC 3 a 24 a 48 70 140 c 24 c 48 55 55 3 LT47ppppp 1 N/O + 1N/C 3 a 24 a 48 70 140 c 24 c 48 55 55 3

a 110 360 c 110 28 a 220 360 c 220 28

Conforming to IEC 60947

By gG, BS fuses. Maximum rating or GB2 circuit-breaker Connection by cable or lug-clamps Flexible cable 1 or 2 conductors Min. without cable end Max. Flexible cable 1 or 2 conductors Min. with cable end Max. External of lugs of screw Tightening torque


a 110 360 c 110 28

a 220 360 c 220 28

2 3 4 5 6

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm N.m

1 x 0.75 2 x 2.5 1 x 0.34 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 7 M3 0.61.2

1x1 2 x 2.5 1x1 2 x 2.5 7 M3.5 0.8...1.7

Electrical characteristics of power circuit

Relay type Setting range Tripping class Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Depending on model Conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 Conforming to UL, CSA A V V kV Hz mm2 mm2 mm mm N.m LR97D015pp to LR97D25pp 0.338 Adjustable 690 600 6 5060 1.5 10 1 4 10 M4 2 2.5 10 1 6 12 M4 2 LR97D38pp LT47ppppp 0.560 Adjustable 690 600 6 5060

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Frequency limits Of the operating current Connection by cable or lug-clamps Flexible cable 1 conductor Min. without cable end Max. Flexible cable 1 conductor Min. with cable end Max. External of lugs of screw Tightening torque

Operating characteristics
Relay type Adjustment Current Time A s s s LR97Dppppp Load knob 0.530 0.2/0.310 Reset button 120 s fixed By interruption of power supply (minimum 0.1 s) On starting Steady state Inhibited After O-time during D-time After D-time <0.5 s <3 s 2 LEDs Test Stop No load Under load Yes <3 s LT47ppppS Load knob 0.530 0.2/0.310 Reset button By interruption of power supply (minimum 0.1 s) On starting Steady state Inhibited After O-time during D-time Inhibited After O-time during D-time Inhibited After O-time during D-time 2 LEDs No load Under load Yes LT47ppppA Load knob 0.2/0.330 1120 Reset button R-time knob: 1-120 s By interruption of power supply (minimum 0.1 s) After O-time After O-time After O-time 2 LEDs No load Under load Yes

D-time knob O-time knob R-time knob

7 8 9 10


Manual Automatic Electrical

Protection functions Overload Imax > Isetting Locked rotor, mechanical jamming I > 3 x Isetting Tripping Tripping

Sensitivity to phase failure Tripping Status and fault signalling (see table page 6/54) TEST/STOP function Sealing

Presentation, description : page 6/54

Curves : pages 6/55 and 6/56

References : page 6/58

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/59

Schemes : page 6/59



TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays


LR97D electronic over current relays

Relay setting range A 0.31.5 Usable range (1) A 0.31.3 For use with contactor (2) LC1D09D38 Relay supply voltage a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V Reference (3) Weight kg 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172

1 2







3 4 5




LR97D015M7 LR97D015F7 LR97D015B LR97D015E LR97D07M7 LR97D07F7 LR97D07B LR97D07E LR97D25M7 LR97D25F7 LR97D25B LR97D25E LR97D38M7 LR97D38F7 LR97D38B LR97D38E


LT47 electronic over current relays

Relay setting range A 0.56 Usable range (1) A 0.55 Relay supply voltage Reference Weight kg a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V a 200240 V a 100120 V c/a 24 V c/a 48 V For use with Sold in lots of LT4706M7S LT4706F7S LT4706BS LT4706ES LT4730M7S LT4730F7S LT4730BS LT4730ES LT4760M7S LT4760F7S LT4760BS LT4760ES LT4706M7A LT4706F7A LT4706BA LT4706EA LT4730M7A LT4730F7A LT4730BA LT4730EA LT4760M7A LT4760F7A LT4760BA LT4760EA Unit reference 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0,192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.192 Weight

LT47 relay with manual/electric reset



6 7 8 9 10




LT47 relay with automatic reset

0.56 0.55





Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description kg LC1D09D18 Pre-wiring kits allowing 10 LAD7C1 0.002 connection of the LR97D 10 LAD7C2 0.003 LC1D25D38 relay N/C contact directly to the contactor LR97D Terminal block for clip-on 1 LAD7B106 0.100 mounting on 35 mm rail (AM1DP200) (1) To allow adjustment of the tripping sensitivity, see adjustment method (page 6/54). (2) Please see pages 5/46 and 5/47. (3) If a pre-wiring kit is used, it is no longer possible to electrically wire signalling of tripped status.

Presentation, description : page 6/54

Curves : pages 6/55 and 6/56

Characteristics : pages 6/56 and 6/57

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/59

Schemes : page 6/59


Dimensions, mounting, schemes


TeSys protection components

Electronic over current relays


62,2 10

63 51


1 2 3 4





77,2 56 71

LR97Dpppp Direct mounting beneath the contactor c LT47pppp



LC1 b c D09D18 D25D38 123 137 See pages 5/92 and 5/93

Note: Can be mounted on 5 rail.

6 7

L1 L2 L3

L1 L2 L3





8 9 10




Test/Stop Reset





Test/Stop Reset


A1 A2 98 95 96







Presentation, description : page 6/54

Curves : pages 6/55 and 6/56

Characteristics : pages 6/56 and 6/57

A1 A2 97 98 95 96

A1 A2 98 95 96



References : page 6/58



LR 97D




Presentation, application example

TeSys protection components

TeSys U controllers

Above 32 A, the TeSys U controller provides a motor starter management solution identical to that provided by TeSys U starter-controllers. Used in conjunction with a short-circuit protection device and a contactor, it provides a motor starter whose functions are the same as those of a TeSys U startercontroller and, in particular, provides the following functions: overload protection, motor starter control and application monitoring.

1 2 3


It consists of a control unit whose adjustment range is compatible with the secondary of current transformers, plus a control base which also allows fitment of a function module or a communication module. It requires a c 24 V external power supply. The secondaries of current transformers, the c 24 V power supply, the 10 inputs and the 5 outputs are connected by screw terminal block.

Application example
Detecting blockage of a rock crusher by monitoring the motor current. Operating conditions b b b b b Power: 90 kW at 400 V. In: 185 A. Duty class S1. Control circuit voltage: a 230 V Control-command by PLC and serial link using the Modbus protocol.
Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quantity Reference 1 1 1 3 1 1 LUTM20BL LUCMT1BL LUL C033 LUTC4001 LC1F185P7 NS250HMA Page 6/64 6/64 1/93 6/64

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63 References : page 6/64

Products used
Description Controller Multifunction control unit Modbus communication module Current transformer Contactor Circuit-breaker

Functions performed b Short-circuit protection with level of protection of 70 kA at 400V. b Electronic protection against thermal overloads with an adjustment range of 4. b Detection of crusher blockage by monitoring the induced overcurrent. To use the "overtorque or jam" function, the following parameters must be entered: v trip: the answer yes/no enables or disables the function, v time before tripping: the time period during which the value of the current must be above the tripping threshold in order to cause tripping (adjustable from 1 to 30 s). v tripping threshold: value as a % of the load current ratio in relation to the setting current. If the ratio remains above this threshold for the time specified in the previous parameter, the product trips (adjustable from 100 to 800 %). It is possible to set the parameter for an alarm at a preset threshold under the same conditions as above.

1 2

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67


Application example

TeSys U controllers

TeSys protection components

Application example (continued)

1/L1 3/L2 5/L3

KA1 Q6 LUCM T1BL Multifunction Control Unit

D (B) D (A) Gnd


Controller 24 V Aux

KA1 LUL C033

Modbus Module

230 V


L1 L2 L3 I.6 I.3 I.7



D (B) D (A) Gnd

24 V 24 V c Aux COM




4 5 8
From S1/T1, S1/T2, S1/ T3, S2/T1, S2/T2, S2/ T3

4 5 8




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10











24 V

V1 4T2

W1 6T3

U1 2T1


VW3 A8 306 TF03

M 3

Other functions The multifunction control unit incorporates other control and protection functions, such as: monitoring and control of phase current, alarm, Communication module LULC033 also provides a programmable output and two programmable inputs.

Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63

References : page 6/64

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67




To KA1






TeSys protection components

TeSys U controllers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Control base and control unit type Product certifications Conforming to standards Rated insulation voltage Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1, of the outputs overvoltage category III, (Ui) degree of pollution: 3 V



IEC/EN 60947-4-1, UL 508, CSA C22-2 N14 250 250 4 IP 40 IP 20 IP 20 TH Cycles 12 h C C m 48 - 40+ 85 - 25+ 70 2000 - 25+ 60

Conforming to UL508, CSA C22-2 n14 V Rated impulse withstand Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 voltage of the outputs (Uimp) Degree of protection Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 (protection against direct finger contact) Protective treatment Front panel (outside connection zone) Front panel and wired terminals Other faces Conforming to IEC/EN 60068 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-11 Ambient air temperature Storage around the device Operation Maximum operating altitude Operating positions Without derating In relation to normal vertical mounting plane kV




Flame resistance Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC/EN 60695-2-12 C C Shock resistance 1/2 sine wave = 11 ms Vibration resistance 5300 Hz Resistance to electrostatic discharge Resistance to radiated fields Immunity to fast transient currents Immunity to radioelectric fields Immunity to dissipated shock waves Conforming to IEC/EN60068-2-27 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 (1) Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 kV kV Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 V/m kV kV Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-6 V V2 960 (parts supporting live components) 650 15 gn 4 gn In open air: 8 - Level 3 On contact: 6 - Level 3 10 - Level 3 CT outputs and inputs: 4 - Level 4 Inputs and supply: 2 - Level 3 10

Control base and control unit relays

Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 Output relays / power line Inputs Serial communication kV kV kV Common mode 4 2 2 Serial mode 2 1

(1) Without modifying the contact states, in the most unfavourable direction.

Presentation : page 6/60

References : page 6/64

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys U controllers

TeSys protection components

Control circuit supply characteristics

Operational voltage Power consumption Associated protection Cabling Connectors Flexible cable without cable end Pitch 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Flexible cable with cable end Without insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors With insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors (1) Solid cable without cable end 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Conductor size Tightening torque Flat screwdriver 1 conductor N.m mm mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 0.252.5 0.251 0.252.5 0.51.5 0.22.5 0.21 AWG 24 to AWG 12 0.50.6 3 mm mm2 mm2 5 0.22.5 0.21.5 V W A c 20.428.8 2 max gG fuse. 0.5

1 2 3 4 5
LUTM20BL B 300 24 V/5 A 500 30 gG fuse, 4 Control voltage a 100240 V: LC1K, LC1D, LC1F185F500

Input characteristics
Operational voltage Logic inputs V c 24 Logic state 1: I u 6 mA - 16 V Logic state 0: I y 1.5 mA - 5 V LUT M10BL Single break volt-free contacts a.c. supply d.c. supply Permissible power in cat. AC-15 Permissible power in cat. DC-13 Associated protection Used with contactor type (2) For 500 000 operating cycles For 500 000 operating cycles VA W A C 300 24 V/5 A 180 30 gG fuse, 4 Control voltage c 24 V: LP1K, LC1D09D95. Control voltage a 24240 V: LC1K, LC1D.

Discrete output characteristics

Base controller type Type Load

6 7 8

Characteristics of external current transformers LUTCppp1

Precision Precision limit factor Maximum operating temperature Transformer ratio Diameter of conductor passage hole Maximum wire c.s.a. mm mm2 C Class 5P 10 70 30/1 28 30 x 10 50/1 22 30 x 10 100/1 35 40 x 10 200/1 32 65 x 32 400/1 38 x 127 800/1 53 x 127

(1) Use a double cable end. (2) For other combinations, use an intermediate relay between the output of controller LUTM and the contactor coil.

9 10

Presentation : page 6/60

References : page 6/64

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67



TeSys protection components

TeSys U controllers

Connection Current transformers Screws


1 2 3

Control bases (auxiliary supply voltage c 24 V)

Control Screws For use with contactor LC1Dpp LC1Fppp Reference Weight kg LUT M10BL LUT M20BL 0.800 0.800

Control units
Description Class Advanced 10 20 Multifunction 5 to 30 For motor type 3-phase 3-phase 3-phase Setting range 0.351.05 0.351.05 0.351.05 Reference LUCB T1BL LUCD T1BL LUCM T1BL Weight kg 0.140 0.140 0.175

Current transformers
Operating current Reference LUT C0301 LUT C0501 LUT C1001 LUT C2001 LUT C4001 LUT C8001 Primary 30 50 100 Secondary 1 1 1 1 1 1 Weight kg 0.550 0.330 0.450 0.590 0.870 1.210

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Presentation : page 6/60 Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63

200 400 800

Function modules and communication modules The TeSys U controller is compatible with the modules listed below: b Thermal overload alarm module LUF W10, b Motor load indication module LUFV2, b Communication modules: v Modbus (LUL C033), v CANopen (LULC08), v DeviceNet (LULC09), v Advantys STB (LUL C15).
Note : Communication modules LULC07 (ProfibusDP), ASILUFC5 and ASILUFC51 (AS-Interface) are not compatible with the TeSys U controller. Module LUFW10 is only compatible with control units LUCBT1BL and LUCDT1BL.

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67



TeSys U controllers

TeSys protection components

Combinations providing type 2 coordination

With circuit-breaker
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V PkW 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 IeA 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 385 430 Circuit-breaker Reference GV3L40 GV3L50 GV3L65 NS80HMA NS100HMA NS160HMA NS160HMA NS250HMA NS250HMA NS400HMA NS400HMA NS630HMA NS630HMA NS630HMA Rating A 40 50 65 80 100 150 150 220 220 320 320 500 500 500 Irm (1) A 560 700 910 1040 1300 1350 1800 2200 2640 3200 4160 5000 5500 6000 Contactor Reference (2) LC1 D50A LC1 D50A LC1 D65A LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 TeSys U controller Reference LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp Current transformers Reference 3 x LUT C0501 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C8001

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With fuses
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50-60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V PkW 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 315 IeA 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 385 430 540 Circuit-breaker Reference GSpF GSp J GSp J GSp J GSp J GSp L GSp L GSp N GSp N GSp QQ GSp QQ GS2 S GS2 S GS2 S GS2 S aM fuses Size 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 Rating A 40 50 80 100 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 500 500 630 Contactor Reference (2) LC1 D40A LC1 D50A LC1 D80 LC1 D80 LC1 D95 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F630 TeSys U controller Reference LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp LUTM + LUCp Current transformers Reference 3 x LUT C0501 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C1001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C2001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C4001 3 x LUT C8001 3 x LUT C8001

(1) Irm: setting current of the magnetic trip. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.

Presentation : page 6/60

Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63

References : page 6/64

Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

Schemes : page 6/67


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

TeSys U controllers

Dimensions, mounting

1 2


Rail mounting

Rail mounting




a (1)


3 4 5



With Modbus module With Advantys STB, CANopen or DeviceNet modules (1) Depth with communication module

135 147

Current transformers
LUTC03011001 LUTC20018001

4,2 G
c 5,2/6,2 G
a 94 99 125 a1 32 38 54 b 99 170 170 b1 55 127 127 c 40 40 40 G 68 75 95 J 52 64 67

6 7 8 9 10




LUTC 0301 0501 1001 a 78 57 78 b 108 86 108 b1 42 31 42 c 46 42 46 28 23 35 G 45 45 45 J 54 50 54 LUTC 2001 4001 8001

Presentation : page 6/60

Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63

References : page 6/64

Schemes : page 6/67




TeSys U controllers

TeSys protection components


Reversing controller LUT M

L1 L2 L3 I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4
24 V Aux.


I.10 I.6 I.7 I.8 I.9



23/NO 96/NO 97/NC


98 05


3 4

3-wire control, pulsed start with maintaining contact

24 V 24250 V KM1 KM2
Any fault










Channel 1

Channel 2

Control unit fault


I.7 SR

I.6 SF

24 V
I.10 I.8 I.9

24 V








Reset KM2

Q1 Trip
External fault


6 7
Any fault Local/remote

Control for Modbus communication module LUL C033



24 V 24250 V

Manu 1

Manu 2



Modbus network port Communication module












Channel 1

Channel 2

Any fault




Controll unit fault


I.7 SR

I.6 SF

24 V
I.10 I.8 I.9

9 10







Reset KM1


Q1 Trip

Q1 On


Local/ remote

(1) The contacts are represented with controller powered up and not in a fault condition. Presentation : page 6/60 Characteristics : pages 6/62 and 6/63 References : page 6/64 Dimensions, mounting : page 6/66

24 V


Selection guide

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


Multifunction motor and machine protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Device type Device type Controllers

For network/bus




Profibus DP

Ethernet TCP/IP

Current range

0.4100 A (with internal current transformer) 100810 A (with external current transformer)

Control voltage

c 24 V a 100240 V

Number of I/O

6 inputs 4 outputs


- Current between phases - Earth fault. - Motor temperature. Protection and monitoring functions: - thermal overload, - motor temperature monitoring, - phase imbalance and phase failure, - locked rotor, - long starting times, - phase reversal, - earth fault.







8 9 10




1 2
Input extension modules, for all LTM R controllers Operator control unit

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c 24 V (1)

a 100240 V (1)

Powered via the LTM R controller or via the LTM E extension module.

4 independent inputs

Voltage between phases

Monitoring functions: - voltage, - power, - Cos jj (power factor)

Display functions: - measurements, - faults and alarms, - statistics, etc..j.




6/87 (1) Input control voltage. The electronics are powered via the controller.




TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TeSys T is a motor management system that provides protection, metering and monitoring functions for single-phase and 3-phase, constant speed, a.c. motors up to 810 A. Suitable for the harshest applications, this product range offers: b high-performance multifunction protection, independent of the automation system, b a local HMI control unit for reading, displaying and modifying the parameters monitored, diagnostics, etc..... b configuration of the application using PowerSuite software, b connection to the automation system via a communication network (selection according to various protocols). 1 LTM EV40BD extension module 2 LTM R08MBD controller Application The TeSys T motor management system is used for motor control and protection in harsh industrial applications, in which downtime must be avoided because it is very costly: Oil & Gas, chemical industry, water treatment, metal, minerals and mining, pharmaceutical industry, microelectronics, tunnels, airports etc. With TeSys T, untimely stoppages of a process or manufacturing, associated with a motor, are anticipated via predictive analysis of fault situations. Fault tripping is therefore reduced to a minimum. Its use in motor control panels makes it possible to: b increase the operational availability of installations, b improve flexibility from project design through to implementation, b increase productivity by making available all information needed to run the system. The TeSys motor management system integrates perfectly with Schneider Electric low voltage equipment, such as Okken, Blokset and Prisma.



3 4

9 10

M 3

1 2 3 4 6/70

Magnetic circuit-breaker Contactor Controller with extension module Operator control unit

Presentation (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System



Composition of the motor management system The system comprises: b an LTM R motor management controller v with integral current transformer up to 100 A, v above 100 A, by external current transformer up to 810 A, b an LTM E extension module, b an LTM CU operator control unit, b configuration software incorporated in the PowerSuite software application, b accessories for system set-up. Communication The LTM R controller is equipped with a communication interface to allow remote monitoring and control of the motor. All motor information is then available at automation system level. The following networks are available: b Modbus, CANopen, DeviceNet, ProfiBus DP and Ethernet TCP/IP . TeSys T system functions Protection functions: b against thermal overload, b against phase imbalance and phase failure, b thermal motor protection via PTC probes, b against phase reversal, b against earth faults, b against long starting times and motor stalling, b against automatic load shedding and restarting, b against load fluctuations (I, U, P), b against variations of Cos (power factor). Metering functions b Measurements (rms values): v current on the 3 phases, v voltage on the 3 phases (shedding), v motor temperature, v earth fault, b Values calculated: v average current, v frequency, v Cos (power factor), power, power consumption... Motor control functions A motor managed by TeSys T can be controlled: b locally, using the logic inputs present on the product, or via the HMI terminal b remotely, via the network (connection by terminal block or connector except for DeviceNet: terminal block only)., Motor control modes 5 predefined motor control modes are incorporated in the controller: b overload mode: monitoring of motors whose control is not managed by the controller, b independent mode: starting of non-reversing motors, b reverser mode: starting of reversing motors, b 2-step mode: 2-step starting of motors (star-delta, by autotransformer and by resistor), b 2-speed mode: 2-speed starting of motors (Dahlander, pole changer). A 6th Custom mode is available to allow the user to create a specific motor control mode that is not predefined in the controller. Statistical and diagnostic functions b fault statistics: counters per type of protection and history of the last 5 faults, b motor statistics: saving of motor statistics values, b diagnosis of faults affecting correct operation of the product.

Presentation (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10







TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The LTM R controller The controller is the central component in the motor management system. It manages the basic functions such as: b measurement of 3-phase current via integral current transformers from 0.4 to 100A (up to 810 A by external current transformers), b measurement of earth current by external earth fault toroid. b measurement of motor temperature by PTC probe, b inputs and outputs for the various motor control modes, fault management and associated functions. Characteristics As standard, the controller manages the following predefined control mode functions: b overload mode, b independent mode, b reverser mode, b 2-speed mode, b 2-step mode, b "Custom" mode. Supply 2 types of controller power supply are available: b c 24 V, b a 100240 V. Current ranges 3 current ranges allow measurement of motor current from 0.4 to 100 A: b 0.48 A, b 1.3527 A, b 5100 A. For use with external current transformers, choose the 0.48 A range (1 or 5 A current transformer secondary). Inputs b 6 discrete logic inputs. Outputs b 3 relay logic outputs (1N/O) b 1 relay output for fault signalling (1N/O + 1N/C)) Measurements b connections for a temperature probe, b connections for an earth fault toroid. LTM E extension module The extension module adds the following functionalities to the TeSys T controller: b voltage measurement on the 3 phases. This enables it to calculate numerous engine monitoring parameters (power, frequency, Cos j ), b 4 additional inputs. Characteristics Inputs b 4 discrete logic inputs (independent). Power supplies b 2 types of power supply for the inputs: c 24 V and a 100240 V. A c 24 V controller can be assembled with an a100240 V extension module and vice versa. Voltage measurement between phases up to 690 V nominal.



Description (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


Human/Machine Interfaces (HMI) Depending on the application, 2 types of HMI can be used with the LTMR controller. b The LTMCU operator control unit: v Entirely dedicated to the TeSys T range, v Only for control/monitoring of an LTMR controller. b A Magelis XBTN410 terminal v For control/monitoring of 1 to 8 LTMR controllers. LTMCU operator control unit Dedicated exclusively to TeSys T controllers, control unit LTMCU makes it possible to: b Configure the parameters of the LTMR controller b Display information on controller configuration and operation. b Monitor the alarms and faults generated by the controller. b Local control of the motor via the local control interface (keys can be customised). Three different languages can be loaded into the LTMCU controller at the same time. By default, these 3 languages are: English, French and Spanish. Note: English is the only compulsory language. A language download utility (LangTool), together with all the other languages, are available on the website This tool allows the languages present in the LTMCU control unit to be adapted. The LTMCU HMI control unit has an RJ45 port, protected by a flexible cover to provide a good level of protection (IP54). This port on the front panel allows connection to a PC, via a connecting cable, in order to use PowerSuite software. In this case, the control unit acts as a transmitter and all information can then be viewed in PowerSuite. The Magelis XBT N410 HMI terminal Two applications have been predefined for TeSys T. Depending on the application loaded, the HMI terminal makes it possible to: b configure and monitor a motor starter (LTM_1T1_V1.dop). b monitor and modify certain parameters on up to 8 motor starters (LTM_1T8_X_V1.dop) (1). XBT L1000 programming software is needed for loading applications into the HMI terminal. These applications are available on the website
(1) Replace the X with an E for the English version, or an F for the French version.

Description (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Description (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

LTM R controllers

1 2 3 4 5

Modbus 1

DeviceNet 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 7

Controllers feature the following on their front panel: 1 2 3 4 Controller power supply. Input connections. Fault outputs (N/O+N/C). Port for connection to the HMI terminal, a PC or an extension module (RJ45). 5 Controller status LEDs. 6 Network port for connection to the network by connector (except DeviceNet) (1). 7 Test/Reset button. 8 Connection to the network by terminal block (except Ethernet TCP/IP). 9 Connection for an earth fault toroid and temperature probes. 10 Outputs for motor control mode function.

8 9 10 Profibus DP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CANopen 1 2

8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 Ethernet TCP/IP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6

8 9 10

6 7 8 9 10

9 10

(1) Connection using power extension (daisychaining) is possible for Ethernet TCP/IP.

LTM EV40pp extension modules

1 2 3 4

LTMCU operator control unit


3 5 Extension modules have the following on their front face: 1 Inputs for voltage measurement. 2 Port for connection to the HMI terminal or to the PC. 3 Port for connection to the controller. 4 Extension module status LEDs. 5 Connection of additional inputs. 6/74 4 The control unit has the following on its front face: 1 Screen. LCD display 2 Local control interface including control keys and LEDs. 3 RJ45 port on front panel for connection to a PC (protected by a cover). 4 Contextual navigation keys.


TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Thermal and current protection functions

Functions Description Setting range Controller LTMR Controller and extension module (LTMR + LTME) Alarm threshold Fault threshold

1 2 3 4 5 6

Thermal overload: thermal protection of motor by monitoring current consumption Motor temperature: thermal monitoring of the motor using temperature probes (winding, paper...). Up to 3 sensors in series. Phase imbalance: monitors the symmetry of currents. To be used for imbalance <80% of the average current (1). Phase failure: monitors the symmetry of currents. To be used for imbalance <80% of the average current (1). Phase reversal: signals when the phase sequence is different from the defined sequence (motor running). Long starting time: monitors the motor starting time Locked rotor: locking detected by a sudden increase in current after the start phase Min/max current load limit variations: monitors motor load through variations of current around preset thresholds.

Class: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Inverse ther/definite time PTC binary PTC/NTC analogue: 20 6500 Ohm 1070% I average 0.220 s 0.130 s A-B-C A-C-B 100800 % of FLC (2) 1200 s 100800 % of FLC (2) 130 s min.: 30100 % of FLC (2) 1200 s max.: 20800 % of FLC (2) 1250 s internal: 20500 % min FLC (2) 0.0525 s external: 0.0210 A 0.0525 s 0999.9 s

Earth fault: signals internal insulation faults, by vectorial summing of external currents, via earth fault toroid.

Frequent starting: Protects the motor against overheating due to frequent starting.

Voltage and power protection functions

Phase imbalance: monitors the symmetry of voltage between phases. To be used for imbalance < 40 % of the average voltage (3). Phase failure: monitors the symmetry of voltage between phases. To be used for imbalance > 40 % of the average voltage (3). Phase reversal: signals when the phase sequence is different from the defined sequence (motor stopped). Voltage variations. Min/max voltage limits: monitors voltage variations around preset thresholds. 315 % 0.220 s 0.130 s A-B-C A-C-B min.: 7099 % 0.225 s max.: 101115 % 0.225 s 68115 % 19999 s 20800 % 0100 s 01025 s

7 8 9 10

Load shedding: opens outputs O.1 and O.2 if voltage drops below a preset threshold. Power variations. Min/max power limits: monitors power variations around preset thresholds. Variations of Cos j. Min/max limits of Cos j : monitors variations of Cos j around preset thresholds. Function performed.

(1) Average current value measured on the 3 phases. (2) FLC: Full Load Current (setting current). (3) Average voltage value measured on the 3 phases.


Functions (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Motor control functions

1 2

Functions Control modes

Description Local, via terminal block Local, via HMI terminal (1) Remote, via network Overload Independent Reverser 2-step 2-speed "Custom" mode Manual reset Automatic reset Remote reset

With controller LTM R X X X X X X X X X X X X

With controller LTMR and extension module LTME X X X X X X X X X X X X

Operating modes

Fault management

3 4 5 6 7 8

Metering functions and statistics

Functions Measurements (2) Description Current/Phase Earth current Average current Current imbalance between phases Thermal capacity level Motor temperature rise Frequency Voltage between phases Voltage imbalance between phases Active power Reactive power Cos j (power factor) Active power consumption Reactive power consumption Fault statistics Protection fault counters Protection alarm counters Diagnostic fault counters Motor control function counters Fault history Internal watchdog fault Controller internal temperature Temperature sensor connection Current connection Voltage connection Motor control commands (start, stop, run check back and stop check back) Control configuration checksum Loss of communication Number of motor control commands (O.1/O.2 starts) Operating time Number of starts/hour Last start I max. Duration of last start Time to trip Time to restart Run, ON, Start, alarm, fault. Measurement range 0.081000 A 0.1633 x CT ratio 0.081000 A 0200 % 0200 % 06500 Ohm 0 100 Hz a 0830 V 0200 % 06553.5 kW 06553.5 kWr 0100 0400 kWh 0400 kWrh X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (1) HMI: Human Machine Interface. See measurement details page 6/82. With controller LTM R X X X X X X With controller LTMR and extension module LTME X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Fault diagnostics

Motor statistics

9 10

Thermal overload statistics

System operating statistics


Functions (continued), Topology

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Service classes offered by the Ethernet TCI/IP version

Class Basic Web server Basic communications services Ethernet TCP/IP Ethernet TCP/IP communication advanced management services I/O Scanning Global Data Client FDR (1) A 20 ETH10/100 + FTP server None Modbus messaging (read/write of data words) Yes No Automatic monitoring and updating of product parameter configuration. Automatic assignment of IP address and network parameters. Yes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SNMP network administrator (2)

TeSys T

TeSys T

Ethernet: different network topologies

Star topology In a star topology, all the peripherals are linked via an intermediate peripheral (hub or switch).. In industrial Ethernet applications, the use of full duplex switches (instead of hubs) as central peripherals is strongly recommended.

TeSys T
Star topology

TeSys T

Power extension (Daisy chain) topology Power extension (or Daisy chaining), at bus level, is another connection topology commonly used in traditional, industrial automation system networks. The cable segments link several peripherals to each other, constituting the peripheral "section" of the network cable. Ethernet Power extension (Daisy chain) Power extension is not yet a very commonly used Ethernet connection topology, but will quickly become so when a large number of peripherals are made available in the market. In an Ethernet power extension topology, the peripherals have: b 2 Ethernet ports b and an integrated switch. Schneider Electric is progressively introducing, into the industrial market, Ethernet peripherals that can be used in daisy chain type architectures. Implementation of a power extension topology No hub or switch is required for using a power extension topology. Each peripheral must have an integrated switch (two ports). A port on the peripheral is connected to a port on the neighbouring upstream and downstream peripherals. These consecutive connections constitute the power extension (daisy chain). Ethernet switches may be included in a power extension (daisy chain) topology when several scan chains are used by the monitoring peripheral. The Ethernet switch must be installed close to the monitoring peripheral, with the various scan chains coming from the switch. (1) FDR : Faulty Device Replacement. (2) SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol.

TeSys T

TeSys T

TeSys T

Daisy chain topology


Topology (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Ethernet: different network topologies (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ring topology

TeSys T

TeSys T

In a ring topology, all the peripherals or components of the network infrastructure are connected within a loop. This type of topology makes it possible to achieve different levels of redundancy of the network. Ethernet ring Ethernet rings are generally the main networks in applications where a high level of reliability is required. If a ring topology is required, the switches handling this function must be used. Redundancy Redundancy of the network infrastructure is the key to development of applications with high operational reliability. Implementing a single or double ring architecture makes it possible to provide protection against breaks in network segments. Single ring The first level of redundancy can be achieved by installing a single ring. ConneXium switches can be used to establish main network ring configurations. The ring is created using HIPER-Ring ports. If a section of the line fails, the ring structure (including a maximum of 50 switches) converts into a line type configuration in less than 0.5 seconds.

TeSys T
Ring topology

TeSys T



TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Possible configurations and applications

PLC (automation platform)

1 2

or Network or bus


3 4


TeSys T


TeSys T

6 7 8 9 10


Programming (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


1 2
Example of TeSys T configurator setup screen

The TeSys T configurator is incorporated in the PowerSuite software application, as from version 2.5. (1) It allows configuration, commissioning and maintenance of motor starters protected by TeSys T. A library containing predefined motor control mode functions is available in order to: b allow standardisation, b avoid errors, b reduce motor starter setup times. 5 predefined motor control modes are incorporated in the controller: b overload mode: monitoring of motors whose control is not managed by the controller, b independent mode: starting of non-reversing motors, b reverser mode: starting of reversing motors, b 2-step mode: 2-step starting of motors (star-delta, by autotransformer and by resistor), b 2-speed mode: 2-speed starting of motors (Dahlander, pole changer). By using logic functions, a "Custom" mode makes it possible to: b easily adapt these predefined motor control mode functions to the specific needs of your applications, b create a link with the motor starter environment or b create new functions. The functions thus defined can be saved and used to build your function library for future applications. To create special functions, a logic editor is incorporated in the configurator and allows a choice of 2 programming languages: b function block, b structured text.
Example of logic editor screen. (1) An update file is available, free of charge, on the website It will enable you to take advantage of the latest functions in the TeSysT motor management system.

Configuration with PowerSuite

4 5 6 7 8 9 10




TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Product type Conforming to standards Product certifications Rated insulation voltage of the outputs (Ui) Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1, V overvoltage category III, degree of pollution 3 Conforming to UL 508, V CSA C222 n 14 Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 a 100240 V supply, inputs and outputs c 24 V supply, inputs and outputs Communication circuits Current or voltage measurement circuit Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 kV kV kV kV kA LTM R controllers LTM EV40pp extension modules IEC/EN 60947-4-1, UL 508, CSA 22-2 n14, IACSE10 UL, CSA,BV, LROS, DNV, GL, RINA, ABS, RMRos, NOM, CCC, C-TICK, ATEX, GOST, KERI (1) 690 690

1 2

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)

4 0.8 0.8 6 100 TH 12 x 24 hour cycles 48 - 40+80 - 20+60 30 in relation to mounting plate, 90

4 0.8 6

3 4 5

Short-circuit withstand Protective treatment

Ambient air temperature around the device Operating position without dating

Conforming to IEC/EN 60068 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 Conforming to IEC/EN 60070-2-11 h Storage C Operation C In relation to normal vertical mounting plane

Flame resistance Shock resistance (1/2 sine wave, 11 ms) Vibration resistance Resistance to electrostatic discharge Immunity to radiated electromagnetic interference Immunity to fast transient bursts Immunity to radioelectric fields Immunity to dissipated shock waves

Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to IEC/EN 60695-2-12 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 (2) Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 (2) 5300 Hz Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Relay outputs and supply c 24 V inputs a 100240 V inputs Voltage inputs Communication Temperature sensor (IT1/IT2) Rated operational voltage (Ui) Max. operating temperature


960 (for parts supporting live components) 650 (for other parts) 15 gn 4 gn (plate mounted) 1 gn (mounted on 5 rail)

6 7
Common mode 1 2 4 2 4000 m 0.8 0.9 Serial mode 1 1 2 4500 m 0.7 0.88

kV V/m kV V

In open air: 8 - Level 3 On contact: 6 - Level 3 10 - Level 3 On supply and relay outputs: 4 - Level 4 Other circuits: 2 - Level 3 10 - Level 3 Common mode 4 1 2 2 1 2000 m 1 1 Serial mode 2 1 1 0.5 3000 m 0.93 0.93 3500 m 0.87 0.92

kV kV kV kV kV kV

8 9 10

Altitude derating


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Controller and extension module characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6

Product type

Controllers LTMRpppBD Conforming to IEC/EN 60947-1 V Conforming to V IEC/EN 61000-4-11 A V 50/60 Hz mA


Extension modules LTM EV40BD LTMEV40FM

Control supply
Operational voltage (U) Resistance to voltage dips Associated protection Operational voltage Current consumption Cabling Connectors Flexible cable without cable end c 24 a 100240 0 for 3 ms 70% of U for 500 ms gG fuse, 0.5 c 20.426.24 c 56127 a 93.5264 a 862.8

Pitch 1 conductor 2 identical conductors

mm mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m mm

5.08 0.22.5 0.21.5 0.252.5 0.51.5 0.252.5 0.21 0.22.5 0.21 AWG 24 to AWG 14 0.50.6 3

5.08 0.22.5 0.21.5 0.252.5 0.51.5 0.252.5 0.21 0.22.5 0.21 AWG 24 to AWG 14 0.50.6 3

Flexible cable with cable end Without insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors With insulated ferrule 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Solid cable without cable end 1 conductor 2 identical conductors Conductor size Tightening torque Flat screwdriver

Input characteristics
Nominal values Conforming to IEC/EN 61131-1 Voltage V Current mA Logic state 1 Voltage Current V mA V mA ms ms Type 1 positive logic (c: resistive, a: capacitive) c 24 a 100240 c 24 c7 a 3.1 for 100 V c7 a 7.5 for 240 V 15 max 79 < U < 264 15 max 2 min15 max 2 min at 110 V 2 min15 max 3 min at 220 V 5 max 0 < U < 40 5 max 15 max 15 max 15 max 15 25 15 5 25 5 a 100240 a 3.1 for 100 V a 7.5 for 240 V 79 < U < 264 2 min at 110 V 3 min at 220 V 0 < U < 40 15 max 25 25

Logic inputs

Logic state 0 Response time

Voltage Current Change to state 1 Change to state 0

Output characteristics

7 8 9 10

Type Load Permissible power in cat. AC-15 Permissible power in cat. DC-13 Associated protection Max. frequency Max. operating level Response time

a c

For 500 000 operating cycles VA For 500 000 operating cycles W A Hz op. cycles/h Change to state 1 ms 10 max Change to state 0 ms 10 max

Volt free, single break 250 V / 5 A B300 30 V / 5 A 480 / Ie max: 2 A 30 / Ie max: 1.25 A gG fuse, 4 2 1800

Measurement details
Current Voltage Earth fault current 1 % for the 0.48 A and 1.3527 A ranges 2 % for the 5100 A range 1% from 100 to 830 V 515 % for current > 0.1 A in the 0.48 A range current > 0.2 A in the 1.3527 A range current > 0.3 A in the 5100 A range < 5 % or 0.01 A 2% 3 % for a Cos j > 0.6 5 % (typical value) 30 min / year

Internal measurement without earth fault toroid External measurement with earth fault toroid

Temperature measurement Power factor Active and reactive power Internal clock


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Bus and network characteristics

Type of bus/network Physical interface Addressing Transmission speeds Modbus 2-wire RS 485 1 to 247 1.2 to 19.2 K bits/s RJ45/terminal block 2 shielded twisted pairs CANopen ISO 11898 1 to 127 10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 800 and 1000Kbits/s + Auto baud 9-way SUB-D/ terminal block 4 twisted, shielded wires DeviceNet ISO 11898 1 to 64 125 to 500 K bits/s Terminal block 4 twisted, shielded wires Profibus DP polarised 2-wire RS 485 1 to 125 9.6 K to 12 M bits/s 9-way SUB-D/ terminal block 2 shielded twisted pairs, type A Ethernet IEEE 802.3 0 to 159 10/100 Mbit/s, with automatic recognition RJ45 2 shielded twisted pairs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connections Cables

LTMCU operator control unit

Conforming to standards Product certifications Ambient air temperature around the device Relative humidity Protective treatment Degree of protection Shock resistance Vibration resistance Flame resistance Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 Conforming to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 530 Hz Conforming to IEC 60947-1 Conforming to UL 94 Storage Operation C C IEC/EN 61131-2, UL 508, CSA 22-2 n14 UL, CSA, CE, C-TICK, NOM, GOST -40+80 -20+60 1595 % without condensation 12 x 24 hour cycles IP 54 15 gn / 11ms 4 gn C 650 V2

Electrical characteristics
Supply to the product Maximum current Maximum power dissipated Resistance to electromagnetic discharge Immunity to radiated electromagnetic interference Immunity to fast transient bursts Immunity to radioelectric fields Immunity to shock waves Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 mA W kV V/m kV V kV Powered via the controller 140 1 In open air: 8. Level 3 On contact: 4. Level 3 10 - Level 3 2, shielded access. Level 3 10. Level 3 2, shielded access. Level 3

Physical characteristics
Mounting Display Signalling Cabling Flush mounted Backlit LCD By 4 LEDs RJ45



TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

LT6 CTpppp external current transformer characteristics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conforming to standards Precision Precision limit factor Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Maximum operating temperature Transformer ratio Diameter of conductor passage hole Maximum cabling c.s.a. C A mm mm2

IEC 60185, BS 7626 Class 5P 15 690 50 100/1 35 30 x 10

200/1 35 30 x 10

400/1 35 30 x 10

800/1 35 incorporated (1)

Earth fault toroid characteristics

Toroid type Rated insulation voltage Ui Operating temperature Protection index Transformer ratio Rated operational current le Max. conductor c.s.a. per phase V C 50437 50438 50439 50440 50441 50442 50485 1000 - 35+ 70 IP30 (connections IP20) 1/1000 65 85 160 250 25 50 95 240 50486

A mm2

400 2x 185

630 2x 240

85 50

250 240

DA1TTpp probe characteristics

Conforming to standards Economy resistor Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Insulation Length of connecting cables At 25 C Per probe W V kV IEC 60034-11 mark A 3 x 250 in series c 2.5 max 2.5 Reinforced 250 1

Between probes Between probe and motor terminal plate

mm m

Guaranteed operating zones: example with 3 probes type DA1TTppp (250 W at 25 C) in series, conforming to standard EC 60034-11, mark A.
Economy resistor (ohms)

10 000 4000
Trip zone

1650 1500 1000 750

Reset zone


20 10

Trip zone on probe short-circuit

1 3 probes type DA1ppp (250 W at 25 C) in series.

NOT - 20 C NOT + 15 C


NOT - 5 C NOT NOT + 5 C

Temperature (C)

NOT: Nominal Operating Temperature. Protection unit tripped. Protection unit reset.

(1) Electrical connection to be made using M10 bolt.


Tripping curves

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Cold state curves

10 000 t (s)

1 2 3
Class 30 Class 25 Class 20 Class 15 Class 10 Class 5




4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1,12



Hot state curves

10 000 t (s)




Class 30 Class 25 Class 20 Class 15 Class 10 Class 5 I/Ir

1 1,12




TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


Setting range A Control voltage V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V Current range A 0.48 0.48 1.3527 1.3527 5100 5100 Reference Weight kg LTMR08MBD LTMR08MFM LTMR27MBD LTMR27MFM LTMR100MBD LTMR100MFM 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530

1 2

For Modbus



For CANopen
8 c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V 0.48 0.48 1.3527 1.3527 5100 5100 LTMR08CBD LTMR08CFM LTMR27CBD LTMR27CFM LTMR100CBD LTMR100CFM 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530

3 4


100 LTM R08CBD

For DeviceNet
8 c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V 0.48 0.48 1.3527 1.3527 5100 5100 LTMR08DBD LTMR08DFM LTMR27DBD LTMR27DFM LTMR100DBD LTMR100DFM 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530


5 6


For Profibus DP
8 LTM R08DBD c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V 0.48 0.48 1.3527 1.3527 5100 5100 LTMR08PBD LTMR08PFM LTMR27PBD LTMR27PFM LTMR100PBD LTMR100PFM 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530



7 8 9 10

For Ethernet TCP/IP

8 c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V c 24 a 100240 V 0.48 0.48 1.3527 1.3527 5100 5100 LTMR08EBD LTMR08EFM LTMR27EBD LTMR27EFM LTMR100EBD LTMR100EFM 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530





References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


Extension modules. with voltage measurement on the 3 phases

Input control voltage V c 24 a 100240 Number of inputs Supply to the electronics Reference Weight kg 0.210 0.210

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 4

Via the controller Via the controller



HMI terminals
Description Operator control unit Supply Voltage Supply via the controller c 24 V external Number and type of connectors 2 x RJ45 Length m 1 3 5 Reference LTM CU XBTN410 Reference VW3 A1 104R10 VW3 A1 104R30 VW3 A1 104R50 XBTZ938 Weight kg 0.400 0.380 Weight kg 0.065 0.140 0.210 0.200


Magelis compact display. Description Connecting cables for the LTM CU control unit


Connecting cables for the XBTN410

SUB-D 25-way female 2.5 RJ45

Description Connecting cables For connecting the controller to the extension module Number and type of connectors 2 x RJ45 Length m 0.04 0.3 1 Reference LTMCC004 (1) LU9R03 LU9R10 Weight kg 0.120 0.045 0.065

Replacement connectors
Description Complete set of connectors for controllers and extension modules (1) Sold in lots of 6. Number and type of connectors 10 screw terminals (all network versions included) Reference LTM9TCS Weight kg 0.200


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Configuration tools

1 2

Description Connection kit for PC serial port for Modbus multidrop connection Interface for USB port (for use with cable VW3A8106) Length: 1.8 m



VW3A8106 b 1 x 3 m length cable with two RJ45 connectors, b 1 RS 232/RS 485 converter with one 9-way female SUB-D connector and one RJ45 connector. SR2CBL06 b 1 USB cable, SUB-D 9-way b Drivers supplied on CD-Rom

Weight kg


Current transformers (1)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Operational current Primary A 100 200 400 800 LT6CT4001

Reference Secondary A 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2)

Weight kg 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.680

LT6CT1001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT8001

Earth fault toroids (marketed under the Schneider Electric brand)

Rated operational current Ie A Internal of toroid mm 30 50 80 120 200 300 Reference Weight kg 50437 50438 50439 50440 50441 50442 0.120 0.200 0.420 0.530 1.320 2.230

Closed toroids, type A

65 85 160 250 400 630

Split toroids, type OA

85 250

46 110

50485 50486

1.300 3.200

PTC thermistor probes (3)

Description Nominal Operating Temperature (NOT) C 90 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Colour Unit reference (4) Weight

Triple probes


Green/green Brown/brown Grey/grey Blue/blue White/blue Black/black Blue/red White/green

DA1TT090 DA1TT110 DA1TT120 DA1TT130 DA1TT140 DA1TT150 DA1TT160 DA1TT170

kg 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010

(1) The transformers offered for use with TeSys U controllers are suitable (see page 6/64). (2) For use with LTMR08pp controllers. (3) PTC: Positive Temperature Coefficient. (4) Sold in lots of 10.


References (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Marking accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description Clip-in markers (maximum of 5 per unit) Composition Strips of 10 identical numbers (0 to 9) Strips of 10 identical capital letters (A to Z) Sold in lots of 25 25 Unit reference AB1Rp (1) AB1Gp (1) Weight kg 0.002 0.002

1 2

Connection accessories
Description Length m Reference Weight kg VW3 A8 306 R03 VW3 A8 306 R10 VW3 A8 306 R30 VW3 A8 306 TF03 VW3 A8 306 TF10 VW3A8306 R 0.045 0.065 0.125 0.032 0.032 0.012

For Modbus connection

Cables fitted with 2 x RJ45 connectors T-junctions RS 485 line terminator 0.3 1 3 0.3 1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For CANopen connection (2)

Cables 50 100 300 IP20 connectors SUB-D 9-way female Line end adapter switch Elbowed (90) Straight Elbowed (90) with SUB-D 9-way connector for connection to PC or diagnostic tool TSX CAN CA50 TSX CAN CA100 TSX CAN CA300 TSX CAN KCDF 90T TSX CAN KCDF 180T TSX CAN KCDF 90TP 4.930 8.800 24.560 0.046 0.049 0.051

For DeviceNet connection

Cables 50 100 300 TSX CAN CA50 TSX CAN CA100 TSX CAN CA300 4.930 8.800 24.560

For Profibus DP connection

Cables Connectors With line terminator 100 400 TSXPBSCA100 TSXPBSCA400 490NAD91103 490NAD91104 490NAD91105

Without line terminator With line terminator and terminal port

For Ethernet TCP/IP connection

Shielded twisted pair cables to standard EIA/TIA568 Cables fitted with 2 x RJ45 connectors for connection to terminal equipment Straight 2 5 12 40 80 Shielded twisted pair cables, UL and CSA 22.1 approved Cables fitted with 2 x RJ45 connectors for connection to terminal equipment Straight 2 5 12 40 80 490 NTW 000 02U 490 NTW 000 05U 490 NTW 000 12U 490 NTW 000 40U 490 NTW 000 80U 490 NTW 000 02 490 NTW 000 05 490 NTW 000 12 490 NTW 000 40 490 NTW 000 80

(1) When ordering, replace the p in the reference with the number or letter required. (2) To order other connectors and cables (UL cables for harsh environments, etc.) please consult our catalogue Machines and installations with CANopen. Performance and flexibility".


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

LTM Rpp controllers


1 2

122,5 (1) 91




LTM EV40pp extension modules
120,7 (1)



4 5 6 7



LTMCU operator control unit

Panel mounting, cut-out 23 117 92




8 9 10

(1) 140 mm with RJ45 connector for connection to extension module and to network, 166 mm with Profibus DP/CANopen connector. (2) Leave a gap around the device of: 9 mm at 45 C, 9 to 40 mm from 45 to 50 C, 40 mm at 60 C.



Dimensions (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Current transformers

HMI terminal



74 (1)


35 95

25 5


35 107

5 42,5 42,5 5


3 4 5

Earth fault toroids

50437 and 50438 50439, 50440 and 50441

c2 8


(1) 104 mm with fixing clips (supplied with the product). (2) 58 mm with SUB-D 25-way elbowed cable XBTZ9680 for Twido, TSX Micro and Premium or XBTZ998 for Advantys STB. 104 mm with SUB-D 25-way cable XBTZ68/Z9681 for Twido, TSX Micro and Premium

10 10 20

21 4





29 c1

a J c1 G a1
b 122 164 256 b1 80 80 120 b2 55 55 90 c 80 120 196 c1 150 190 274 G 35 35 37 H 65 65 104 J 126 166 254 K 40 40 60

6 7 8 9 10

Type 50437 50438

b 83 109

b1 53 66

c 30 50

c1 60 87

c2 31 45

H 50 60

Type 50439 50440 50441

a 26.5 26.5 29

a1 44 44 46


50485 and 50486


Type 50485 50486



a 72 78

b 148 224

c 46 110

G 57 76



TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System


1 2 3 4 5

Overload mode
3-wire local-control




I.1 C

A1 A2

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6










(1) Connection of a single-phase motor is possible. In this case, do not use the central current transformer.

Independent mode
3-wire local-control\


Start Stop

6 7

I.1 C

A1 A2

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6



O.3 O.4








8 9 10

2-wire local-control

3-wire with switchable local/network control


97 98 95 96

97 98 95 96



2-wire with switchable local/network control



Start Stop

I.1 C

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6

97 98 95 96

I.1 C

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6

I.1 C

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6


97 98 95 96


L : Local control O : Stop N : Network control


97 98 95 96


Schemes (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Schemes (continued)
Reverser mode
3-wire local-control

1 2
97 98 95 96



Start Forw.

Start Rev.


I.1 C

A1 A2



I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6

O.3 O.4








3 4 5


KM1 (1) KM2

2-step mode, star-delta application

3-wire local-control






97 98 95 96

I.1 C

A1 A2

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6



O.3 O.4

7 8 9 10











KM1 (1) KM3

(1) Contacts for interlocking KM1 and KM2 are not obligatory because the controller electronically interlocks outputs O.1 and O.2.


Schemes (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Schemes (continued)

1 2 3

2-step mode, primary resistor application

3-wire local-control


Start Stop

I.1 C

A1 A2

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6



O.3 O.4







3-wire local-control



2-speed mode, Dahlander application

Low speed High speed

6 7 8

I.1 C

A1 A2

I.2 I.3 C I.4 I.5 C I.6

97 98 95 96






O.3 O.4








KM2 (2) KM3

9 10

(1) For a Dahlander application, all the power cables must pass through current transformers. The controller can also be placed upstream of the contactor. In this case, and if the Dahlander motor is used in "variable torque" mode, all the cables downstream of the contactors must be of identical size. (2) Contacts for interlocking KM1 and KM2 are not obligatory because the controller electronically interlocks outputs O.1 and O.2.


97 98 95 96


Schemes (continued)

TeSys protection components

TeSys T Motor Management System

Schemes (continued)

Earth fault toroid and motor temperature probe connection





Z1 Z2 T1 T2

2 3






Connection of outputs for motor control mode function

Without intermediate relay With intermediate relay


4 5














6 7 8 9 10


Combinations for customer TeSys protection components TeSys T Motor Management System assembly

0.37 to 355 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With switch-disconnector, contactor and class 10 controller

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 Ie A 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 19 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 97 132 160 195 230 280 350 430 540 610 GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GS1DD GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpK GSpL GSpN GSpN GSpQQ GSpQQ GS2S GS2S GS2S GS2V 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T00 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T4 Switchdisconnector Reference (1) aM fuses Size Rating A 2 2 4 4 4 6 8 10 16 16 25 25 32 40 50 80 100 100 125 160 200 250 315 355 500 500 630 800 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D12 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D40A LC1D50A LC1D65A LC1D80 LC1D95 LC1D115 LC1D150 LC1F185 LC1F225 LC1F265 LC1F400 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F630 LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT8001 LT6CT8001 LT6CT8001 LT6CT8001 Contactor Reference (2) TeSys T controller Reference External current transformer Reference

(1) GSp: GS1 for direct operator, GS2 for external operator. (2) For reversing operation, replace the prefix LC1 with LC2.


Combinations for customer TeSys protection components TeSys T Motor Management System assembly (continued)

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination

With circuit-breaker, contactor and class 10 controller
Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 45 Ie A 0.2 0.3 0.44 0.6 0.85 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.9 6.5 8.5 11.5 15.5 18.1 22 29 35 41 55 66 80 80 Icc kA 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 25 70 GV2L03 GV2L03 GV2L04 GV2L04 GV2L05 GV2L05 GV2L06 GV2L07 GV2L07 GV2L08 GV2L10 GV2L14 GV2L14 GV2L16 GV2L20 GV2L22 GV2L22 GV3L32 GV3L40 GV3L50 GV3L65 NS80HMA NS100HMA NS100HMA LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D18 LC1D18 LC1D18 LC1D18 LC1D18 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D40A LC1D50A LC1D50A LC1D65A LC1D80 LC1D115 LC1D115 LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp Circuit-breaker Contactor TeSys T controller Reference External current transformer Reference

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Combinations for customer TeSys protection components TeSys T Motor Management System assembly (continued)

0.06 to 250 kW at 400/415 V: type 2 coordination (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With circuit-breaker, contactor and class 10 controller

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 400/415 V P kW 55 55 75 75 90 90 110 110 132 132 160 160 200 200 220 220 250 250 Ie A 97 97 132 132 160 160 195 195 230 230 280 280 350 350 388 388 430 430 Icc kA 36 70 36 70 36 70 36 70 70 130 70 130 70 130 70 130 70 130



TeSys T controller Reference LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp

External current transformer Reference LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT6001 LT6CT6001


Reference LC1 D115 LC1 D115 LC1 D150 LC1 D150 LC1 F185 LC1 F185 LC1 F225 LC1 F225 LC1 F265 LC1 F265 LC1 F330 LC1 F330 LC1 F400 LC1 F400 LC1 F500 LC1 F500 LC1 F500 LC1 F500

Substitution table
Motor current

Old range LT6P multifunction protection relay

Reference Reference External current transformer Reference LT6CT1001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT8001

New range TeSys T controllers

Reference Reference External current transformer Reference LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT8001

a 100240 V
I < 5A 5 A < I < 25 A 25 A < I < 100 A 100 A < I < 200 A 200 A < I < 400 A 400 A < I < 800 A LT6P0M005FM LT6P0M025FM LT6P0M005FM LT6P0M005FM LT6P0M005FM LT6P0M005FM

c 24 V
LT6P0M005S144 LT6P0M025S144 LT6P0M005S144 LT6P0M005S144 LT6P0M005S144 LT6P0M005S144

a 100240 V

c 24 V


Combinations for customer TeSys protection components TeSys T Motor Management System assembly (continued)

0.37 to 400 kW at 690 V: type 2 coordination

Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 P kW 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 220 250 290 315 355 400 Ie A 0.64 0.87 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.8 4.9 6.7 8.9 12.8 17 21 24 32 39 47 57 77 93 113 134 162 203 224 250 292 313 354 400 GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpF GSpG GSpG GSpG GSpG GSpJ GSpJ GSpJ GSpKK GSpKK GSpKK GSpL GSpN GSpN GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GSpQQ GS2S GS2S Switchdisconnector (1) Reference

With switch-disconnector, contactor and class 10 controller

aM fuses Size 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 T000 T000 T000 T000 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T00 T00 T00 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 Rating A 1 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 125 160 200 250 250 315 355 355 400 500 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D09 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D25 LC1D32 LC1D32 LC1D40A LC1D50A LC1D65A LC1D80 LC1D115 LC1D115 LC1F150 LC1F185 LC1F265 LC1F265 LC1F330 LC1F400 LC1F400 LC1F500 LC1F500 LC1F630 LC1F630 LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR27pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR100pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LTMR08pp LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT2001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT4001 LT6CT8001 Contactor Reference TeSys T controller Reference External current tranformer Reference

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) GSp: GS1 for direct operator, GS2 for external operator.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



7 - TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays

b For a.c. or d.c. control circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/4 b For d.c. control circuit (low consumption). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/5 b Instantaneous and time delay auxiliary contact blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/6 b Mounting and marking accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TeSys SK mini-control relays

b Mini-control relays CA2 SK and CA3 SK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/12 b Mini-control relay with alternating contacts CA2 SKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/12 b Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and coil suppressor modules . . . . . . . . page 7/13

TeSys D control relays and add-on blocks

b Control circuit: a.c., d.c. or low consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/21

b Add-on blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/22


b Accessories and spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7/23



TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays


1 2

Conforming to standards Product certifications Operating positions

IEC 60947, NF C 63-140, VDE 0660, BS 5424 UL, CSA

Vertical axis

Horizontal axis

Without derating

Without derating

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection Screw clamp connections Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Spring terminals Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Faston connectors Clip Solder pins for  With locating device between printed circuit board power and control circuits Tightening torque Philips head n 2 and 6 Terminal referencing Conforming to standards  EN 50005 and EN50011 Protective treatment Conf. to IEC 60068 (DIN 50016) Degree of protection Conforming to VDE 0106 Ambient air temperature around the device Maximum operating altitude Vibration resistance 5...300 Hz Flame resistance Storage Operation Without derating Control relay open Control relay closed Conforming to UL 94 Conforming to NF F 16-101  and 16-102 Control relay open Control relay closed Conforming to VDE 0106  and IEC 60536

mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm

Min. 1 x 1.5 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.34 1 x 0.75 1 x 0.75 2 x 2.8 or 1 x 6.35 4 mm x 35 microns 0.81.3 Up to 8 contacts

Max. 2x4 2x4 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 1 x 1.5

Possible positions for CA2K only, with derating, please consult your Regional Sales Office. Max. to IEC 60947 1 x 4 + 1 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 1 x 1.5 + 1 x 2.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5


C C m

TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact  (devices with screw clamp terminals or pins for printed circuit board) - 50...+ 80 - 25...+ 50 2000 2 gn 4 gn Self-extinguishing material V1 Conforming to requirement 2 10 gn 15 gn SELV(Safety Extra Low Voltage), up to 400 V

Shock resistance (1/2 sine wave, 11 ms) Safety separation of circuits

Control circuit characteristics

Control relay type Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits For operation (y 50 C) single voltage coil For drop-out Mechanical durability at Uc 50/60 Hz coil In millions of operating cycles Standard c coil Wide range,  low consumption c coil Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour Average consumption Inrush at 20 C and at Uc Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time Between coil energisation and at 20 C and at Uc opening of the N/C contacts closing of the N/O contacts Between coil de-energisation and opening of the N/O contacts closing of the N/C contacts Maximum immunity to microbreaks

CA2 K a 12...690 0.8...1.15 Uc y 0.2 Uc 10 10 000 30 VA 4.5 VA 1.3 5...15 10...20 10...20 15...25 2

CA3 K c 12...250 0.8...1.15 Uc y 0.1 Uc 20 10 000 3W 3W 3 25...35 30...40 10 15 2

CA4 K c 12...120 0.7...1.3 Uc y 0.1 Uc 30 6000 1.8 W 1.8 W 1.8 25...35 30...40 10...20 15...25 2

W ms ms ms ms ms

References : pages 7/4 and 7/5

Dimensions : page 7/8

Schemes : page 7/9


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays

Contact characteristics of control relays and instantaneous contact blocks

Number of auxiliary contacts On CAp K On LA1 K Rated operational voltage (Ue) Up to Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to BS 5424 Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to VDE 0110 group C Conforming to CSA C 22-2 n 14 Conventional thermal current For ambient temperature y 50 C (Ith) Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity U min (DIN 19 240) I min Short-circuit protection Conforming to IEC 60947  and VDE 0660, gG fuse Rated making capacity Conforming to IEC 60947 I rms Short-time rating Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms Insulation resistance Non-overlap distance CApK and LA1K: linked contacts conforming to INRS, BIA and CNA specifications V V V V V A Hz V mA A 4 2 or 4 for CA2 K and CA3 K, 2 for CA4 K 690 690 690 750 600 10 Up to 400 17 5 10

1 2 3 4
d.c. supply, category DC-13

A A A A MW mm

110 80 90 110 > 10 0.5 (see schemes page 7/9)

Operational power of contacts conforming to IEC 60947

a.c. supply, category AC-15

Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet:  making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4)
V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity VA VA VA VA 24 110/ 127 48 96 240 17 34 86 7 14 36 1000 2050 5000 48 220/ 380/ 440 600/ 230 400 690 440 800 880 1200 158 288 317 500 66 120 132 200 10 000 14 000 13 000 9000

Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load.
V W W W W 24 120 55 15 720 48 80 38 11 600 110 60 30 9 400 220 440 600 52 28 8 300 51 26 7 230 50 25 6 200

5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Electrical durability of contacts for: b 1 million operating cycles (2a) b 3 million operating cycles (2b) b 10 million operating cycles (2c). 3 Breaking limit of contacts valid for: b maximum of 20 operating cycles at 10 s intervals with current passing for 0.5 s per operating cycle. 4 Thermal limit

10 000 8000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 800 600 500 400 300 200 100 80 60 40 24 48

Time constant in ms

1 Breaking limit of contacts valid for: b maximum of 50 operating cycles at 10 s intervals (power broken = making current x cos j 0.7).

Power broken in VA

Power broken in W

16 000
1000 700 500 300 200 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 8 6 12 24 48

4 3


200 140

2a 2b 2c

2a 2b 2c
110 120 220 380 500 440 690 V


50 20


220 440 600 V

References : page 7/6

Dimensions : page 7/8

Schemes : page 7/9



TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays
For a.c. or d.c. control circuit

1 2 3 4 5


b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. b Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position.

Control circuit Consumption

Control relays for a.c. control circuit

Auxiliary contacts

Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1)



Screw clamp connections

CA2 KN40pp 4.5 VA 4 3 2 1 2 CA2 KN40pp CA2 KN31pp CA2 KN22pp 0.180 0.180 0.180


Spring terminal connections

4.5 VA 4 3 2 1 2 CA2 KN403pp CA2 KN313pp CA2 KN223pp 0.180 0.180 0.180

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

4.5 VA CA2 KN403pp 4 3 2 1 2 CA2 KN407pp CA2 KN317pp CA2 KN227pp 0.180 0.180 0.180

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

4.5 VA 4 3 2 1 2 CA2 KN405pp CA2 KN315pp CA2 KN225pp 0.210 0.210 0.210

b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. b Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position.


Control relays for d.c. control circuit

Screw clamp connections

3W 4 3 2 1 2 CA3 KN40pp CA3 KN31pp CA3 KN22pp 0.225 0.225 0.225

Spring terminal connections
3W CA3 KN407pp

4 3 2

1 2

CA3 KN403pp CA3 KN313pp CA3 KN223pp

0.225 0.225 0.225

7 8 9 10

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

3W 4 3 2 1 2 CA3 KN407pp CA3 KN317pp CA3 KN227pp 0.225 0.225 0.225

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

3W 4 3 2 1 2 CA3 KN405pp CA3 KN315pp CA3 KN225pp 0.255 0.255 0.255

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Control relays CA2 K (0.8...1.15 Uc) (0.85...1.1 Uc) Volts a 12 20 24(2) 36 42 48 110 115 127 220/ 230 230/ 380/ 400 400/ 440 500 50/60 Hz 230 240 400 415 Code J7 Z7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 FC7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 S7 Up to and including 240 V, coil with integral suppression device available: add 2 to the code required. Example: J72 Control relays CA3 K (0.8...1.15 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24(2) 36 48 60 72 100 110 125 200 220 230 240 250 Code JD ZD BD CD ED ND SD KD FD GD LD MD MPD MUD UD Coil with integral suppression device available: add 3 to the code required. Example: JD3. (2) When connecting an electronic sensor or timer in series with the coil of the control relay, select a 20 V coil (a code Z7, c code ZD) so as to compensate for the incurred voltage drop.

660/ 690 Y7

Characteristics : pages 7/2 and 7/3

Dimensions : page 7/8

Schemes : page 7/9



TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays
For d.c. control circuit

b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail or 4 screw fixing. b Screws in the open ready-to-tighten position.

Control circuit Consumption

Low consumption control relays (d.c. control circuit)

Auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) Weight kg

Screw clamp connections

1.8 W CA4 KN40ppp 4 3 2 1 2 CA4 KN40pp CA4 KN31pp CA4 KN22pp 0.235 0.235 0.235

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Spring terminal connections

1.8 W 4 3 2 1 2 CA4 KN403pp CA4 KN313pp CA4 KN223pp 0.235 0.235 0.235

Faston connectors, 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

1.8 W 4 3 2 1 2 CA4 KN407pp CA4 KN317pp CA4 KN227pp 0.235 0.235 0.235

Solder pins for printed circuit boards

1.8 W 4 3 2 1 2 CA4 KN405pp CA4 KN315pp CA4 KN225pp 0.265 0.265 0.265

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Control relays CA4 K (Wide range coil: 0.7...1.3 Uc) Volts c 12 20 24 48 72 110 120 Code JW3 ZW3 BW3 EW3 SW3 FW3 GW3

Characteristics : pages 7/2 and 7/3

Dimensions : page 7/8

Schemes : page 7/9



TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays
Instantaneous and time delay auxiliary contact blocks

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

1 2 3 4 5


Clip-on front mounting, 1 per control relay





LA1 KN20

Screw clamp terminals

2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 4 3 2 1

2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4

LA1 KN20 LA1 KN02 LA1 KN11 LA1 KN40 (1) LA1 KN31 (1) LA1 KN22 (1) LA1 KN13 (1) LA1 KN04 (1) LA1 KN203 LA1 KN023 LA1 KN113 LA1 KN403 (1) LA1 KN313 (1) LA1 KN223 (1) LA1 KN133 (1) LA1 KN043 (1) LA1 KN207 LA1 KN027 LA1 KN117 LA1 KN407 (1) LA1 KN317 (1) LA1 KN227 (1) LA1 KN137 (1) LA1 KN047 (1)

kg 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045

Spring terminals

Faston connectors 1 x 6.35 or 2 x 2.8

Electronic time delay contact blocks


b b b b b

Relay output with common point changeover contact, a or c 240 V, 2 A maximum Control voltage 0.85...1.1 Uc Maximum switching capacity 250 VA or 150 W Operating temperature - 10...+ 60 C Reset time: 1.5 s during the time delay period 0.5 s after the time delay period

Clip-on front mounting, 1 per control relay

Voltage Type Timing range Composition Reference Weight

LA2 KT2p V a or c 24...48 a 110...240 On-delay On-delay

s 1...30 1...30

1 1


kg 0.040  0.040 

8 9 10
Characteristics : page 7/3

Other versions

Electronic timers type RE4. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.
(1) Block of 4 contacts for use on CA2 K and CA3 K.

Dimensions : page 7/8

Schemes : page 7/9



TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays
Mounting and marking accessories

Suppressor modules incorporating LED indicator

Mounting and connection Clips onto front of relay  with locating device. No tools required. Type Varistor (1) For voltages a and c 12...24 V a and c 32...48 V a and c 50...129 V LA4 Kppp a and c 130...250 V Diode + Zener diode (2) c 12...24 V c 32...48 V RC (3) a 220...250 V Sold in lots of 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Unit reference LA4 KE1B LA4 KE1E LA4 KE1FC LA4 KE1UG LA4 KC1B LA4 KC1E LA4 KA1U Weight kg 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mounting accessories
Description Mounting plates Application On 1 4 rail On 2 4 rails Clip-on 110/120 mm fixing centres Sold in lots of 1 10 Unit reference LA9 D973 DX1 AP25 Weight kg 0.025 0.065

LA9 D973

Marking accessories
Description Marker holder Clip-in markers Application Clip-on fixing on front face 4 maximum per relay Strips of 10 identical  numbers 0 to 9 Strips of 10 identical capital letters A to Z Sold in lots of 100 25 Unit reference LA9 D90 AB1 Rp (4) Weight kg 0.001 0.002


AB1 Gp (4)


(1) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (2) No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Polarised component. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (3) Protection by limiting the transient voltage to 3 Uc max. and limitation of the oscillating frequency. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.2 to 2 times the normal time). (4) Complete the reference by replacing the dot with the required character.

Dimensions : page 7/8


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays

Control relays

1 2

CA2 K, CA3 K, CA4 K

On panel On printed circuit board



= = =








35 45



3 4 5

On mounting rail AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200 (7 35 mm)




LA9 D973
On asymmetrical rail with clip-on mounting plates

DX1 AP25
On asymmetrical rail with clip-on mounting plates







35 45

6 7 8 9 10






Electronic time delay contact blocks

On control relay






Suppressor modules
On control relay


Characteristics: pages 7/2 and 7/3 References: pages 7/4 to 7/7 Schemes: page 7/9








TeSys control relays

TeSys K control relays

Control relays
4 N/O
13/NO 23/NO 33/NO 43/NO

CA2 K, CA3 K, CA4 K

3 N/O + 1 N/C
13/NO 33/NO 43/NO 21/NC

With integral suppression device

2 N/O + 2 N/C
13/NO 43/NO 21/NC 31/NC





















1 2
2 N/O + 2 N/C LA1 KN22, LA1KN227
53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 71/NC


+ A1

_ A2

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks LA1 K

For CA2 K, CA3 K, CA4 K
2 N/O LA1 KN20, LA1KN207
53/NO 63/NO

For CA2 K, CA3 K

4 N/O LA1 KN40, LA1KN407
53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

2 N/C LA1 KN02, LA1KN027

51/NC 61/NC

1 N/O + 1 N/C LA1 KN11, LA1KN117

53/NO 61/NC

3 N/O + 1 N/C LA1 KN31, LA1KN317

53/NO 73/NO 83/NO 61/NC

3 4 5 6


















1 N/O + 3 N/C LA1KN13, LA1KN137

53/NO 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

4 N/C LA1KN04, LA1KN047

51/NC 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC







Electronic time delay contact blocks LA2KT

For CA2 K, CA3 K, CA4 K
1 C/O LA2 KT2
16 18

Suppressor modules







7 8 9 10

Characteristics: pages 7/2 and 7/3

References: pages 7/4 to 7/7

Dimensions, mounting: page 7/8



TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CAp SK and CA2 SKE


1 2 3

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947,  VDE 0110 gr C, BS 5424,  CSA 22-2 n 14, UL508 Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Conforming to IEC 60068  (DIN 50015) Degree of protection Conforming to VDE 0106 Ambient air temperature Storage around the device Operation Maximum operating altitude Without derating Operating position

690 IEC 60947, NF C 63-110, VDE 0660, BS 5424 UL, CSA TC (Klimafest, Climateproof) Protection against direct finger contact - 50+ 70 - 20+ 50 2000 Horizontal axis

C C m

Vertical axis

Without derating

Without derating Max. 1 x 6 or 2 x 4 1 x 6 or 2 x 2.5 1 x 6 or 2 x 1.5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection by connectors Solid cable Flexible cable without cable end Flexible cable with cable end Pozidriv n 1 head Conforming to standards  EN 50005 and EN50011 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

Tightening torque Terminal referencing

Min. 1 x 1.5 or 2 x 1.5 1 x 0.5 or 2 x 0.35 1 x 0.35 or 2 x 0.35 0.8 Up to 4 contacts

Control circuit characteristics

Control relay Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits For operation (y 50 C) For drop-out Average consumption Inrush at 20 C and at Uc Sealed Heat dissipation Operating time Between coil energisation and at 20 C and at Uc opening of the N/C contacts closing of the N/O contacts Between coil de-energisation and opening of the N/O contacts closing of the N/C contacts Maximum operating rate In operating cycles per hour Mechanical durability at Uc 50/60 Hz coil in millions of operating cycles Standard c coil

W ms ms ms ms

CA2 SK a 24400 0.851.1 Uc u 0.20 Uc 16 VA 4.2 VA 1.4 816 714 68 810 1200 10


23 VA 4.9 VA 1.5

CA3 SK c 1272 0.851.1 Uc u 0.10 Uc 2.2 W 2.2 W 2.2 1018 812 46 68 1200 10

References : pages 7/12 and 7/13

Dimensions : page 7/14

Schemes : page 7/15


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CAp SK and CA2 SKE

Auxiliary contact characteristics of mini-control relays and instantaneous contact blocks

Rated operational voltage (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) V V A Hz A Up to 690 690 10 Up to 400 10 Conforming to IEC 96047,  BS 5424, VDE0110 groupC,  CSA C 22-2 n 14 Conventional rated For ambient temperature thermal current (Ith) y 55 C Frequency of the operational current Short-circuit protection Conforming to IEC 60947  and VDE 0660, gl fuse

1 2
d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the load. V W W W W 24 120 55 15 720 48 80 38 11 600 110 60 30 9 400 220 52 28 8 300 440 51 26 7 230

Operational power of contacts conforming to IEC 60947

a.c. supply, category AC-15 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4). V 1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles Occasional making capacity VA VA VA VA 24 110/ 127 48 96 240 17 34 86 7 14 36 1000 2050 5000 48 220/ 230 440 158 66 10000 380/ 400 800 288 120 14000 440 880 317 132 13 000

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

References : pages 7/12 and 7/13

Dimensions : page 7/14

Schemes : page 7/15



TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CA2 SK and CA3 SK

Mini-control relay TeSys CA2 SKE with alternating contacts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Width of mini-control relays 27 mm. b Mounting on 35 mm 7 rail. b Connection by connectors.

Control circuit supply Auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) CA2 SK20pp CA2 SK11pp CA3 SK20pp CA3 SK11pp Weight

Mini-control relays


CA2 SK20pp

a.c. supply

2 1

1 1

kg 0.132 0.132 0.132 0.132

d.c. supply

2 1

This mini-control relay with alternating contacts (see function diagram page 7/15) makes it possible to automatically split the operating time between 2 circuits of a redundant system. By regularly energising the safety circuits, this device makes it possible to ensure that they are operating correctly. b b b b b
CA2 SKE20pp

Mini-control relay with alternating contacts


Width of mini-control relay 45 mm. Fixing by 4 screws. Connection by connectors. Cannot be fitted with front-mounted auxiliary contact block. Cannot be fitted with coil suppressor module.
Auxiliary contacts Basic reference, to be completed by adding the voltage code (1) CA2 SKE20pp Weight

Control circuit supply

a.c. supply

kg 0.175

(1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Mini-control relays CA2 SK and CA2 SKE Volts a 24 48 110 120 220 230 240 50/60 Hz Code B7 E7 F7 G7 M7 P7 U7 Mini-control relays CA3 SK Volts c 12 24 36 48 72 Code JD BD CD ED SD

380 Q7

400 V7

Characteristics: pages 7/10 and 7/11

Dimensions: page 7/14

Schemes: page 7/15



TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CA2 SK and CA3 SK

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts and  coil suppressor modules

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks


Clip-on front mounting

For use on control relays

Maximum number of blocks per contactor 1




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CA2 SK20 LA1 SK11

2 1

2 1

LA1 SK20 LA1 SK02 LA1 SK11

kg 0.022 0.022 0.022

Suppressor modules

Connection without need for tools by clipping onto right-hand side of contactor
For use on control relays CA2 SK and CA3 SK LA4 SKp1p Type Varistor (1) For voltages a and c 24 V48 V Sold in lots of 10 Unit reference LA4 SKE1E LA4 SKE1U LA4 SKC1U Weight kg 0.003 0.003 0.003

a and c 110 V250 V 10 Diode (2) c 24 V250 V 10

(1) Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage to 2 Uc max. Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). (2) No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. Slight increase in drop-out time (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time).

Characteristics: pages 7/10 and 7/11

Dimensions: page 7/14

Schemes: page 7/15


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CAp SK and CA2 SKE


1 2

Mini-control relays
CA2 SK and CA3 SK



84,5 55,5 27



LA1 SK (1) 3,5

3 4 5 6 7

(1) Only on CA2SK20.


Mini-control relays
CA2 SK and CA3 SK On mounting rail AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200 (7 35 mm)




68 45


8 9

On panel

On mounting rail AM1 DP200 or AM1 DE200 (7 35 mm)







Characteristics : pages 7/10 and 7/11

References : pages 7/12 and 7/13

Schemes : page 7/15





TeSys control relays

Mini-control relays TeSys CAp SK and CA2 SKE

2 N/O

CA2 SK20, CA3 SK20

13/NO 23/NO A1

CA2 SK11, CA3 SK11

1 N/O + 1 N/C

13/NO A1 21/NO

1 2






2 N/O

Function diagram

13/NO 23/NO A1

Energised De-energised







Close Open

3 4



Close Open

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

2 N/O LA1 SK20 2 N/C LA1 SK02 1 N/O + 1 N/C LA1 SK11

33/NO 43/NO

31/NC 41/NC

33/NO 41/NC







5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics : pages 7/10 and 7/11

References : pages 7/12 and 7/13

Dimensions, mounting : page 7/14



TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays

Control relay type



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Overvoltage category III and degree of pollution 3 Conforming to UL, CSA Conforming to IEC 60947 Conforming to IEC 60536  and VDE 0106 V V kV 690 600 6 690 600 6

CAD low consumption 690 600 6

Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Separation of electrical circuits Conforming to standards Product certifications Protective treatment Degree of protection Ambient air temperature around the device

Reinforced insulation up to 400 V IEC 60947-5-1, N-F C 63-140, VDE 0660, BS 4794, EN 60947-5 UL, CSA

Conforming to IEC 60068 Conforming to VDE 0106 Storage Operation, conforming to  IEC 60255 (0.81.1 UC) For operation at Uc Without derating Without derating in the following positions  30   C C C m

TH Front face protected against direct finger contact IP 2X - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70 3000 - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70 3000 Protection against direct finger contact - 60+ 80 - 5+ 60 - 40+ 70 3000

Maximum operating altitude Operating positions







Shock resistance (1)  half sine wave for 11ms Vibration resistance (1) 5300 Hz Screw clamp connections

Control relay open Control relay closed Control relay open Control relay closed Flexible 1 conductor conductor 2 conductors without cable end Flexible 1 conductor conductor with 2 conductors cable end Solid conductor 1 conductor without cable 2 conductors end Tightening torque mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 N.m

10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 1.7 12.5

10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 1.7 12.5

10 gn 15 gn 2 gn 4 gn 14 14 14 12.5 14 14 1.7 12.5

Spring terminal connections

1 or 2 flexible or rigid conductors mm2 without cable end

(1) In the least favourable direction, without change of contact state, with coil supplied at Uc.

References: pages 7/21 to 7/23

Dimensions: page 7/24

Schemes: page 7/25


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays

Control relay type



Control circuit characteristics

Rated control circuit voltage (Uc) Control voltage limits Operation With coil 50/60 Hz With standard coil, wide range Drop-out Average consumption at 20 C and at Uc a 50/60 Hz (at 50 Hz) VA V 12690 0.81.1 Uc at 50 Hz 0.851.1 Uc at 60 Hz 0.30.6 Uc Inrush: 70 sealed: 8 419 1222 412 617 2 3 30 12440 0.71.25 Uc 0.10.25 Uc Inrush or sealed: 5.4 55 15 % 63 15 % 20 20 % 25 20 % 2 3 30 28

CAD low consumption c 572 0.71.25 Uc 0.10.25 Uc  Inrush or sealed: 2.4 67 15 % 77 15 % 27 20 % 35 20 % 2 3 30 40

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

With standard coil Operating time (at rated control circuit voltage  and at 20 C)

Between coil energisation ms and - opening of the N/C contacts - closing of the N/O contacts ms Between coil de-energisation ms and - opening of the N/O contacts - closing of the N/C contacts ms

Short supply failure Maximum operating rate Mechanical durability In millions of operating cycles

Time constant L/R

Maximum duration without ms affecting hold-in of the device In operating cycles  per second With coil 50/60 Hz  (at 50Hz) With standard coil c wide range ms

References: pages 7/21 to 7/23

Dimensions: page 7/24

Schemes: page 7/25


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays

Characteristics of instantaneous contacts incorporated in the control relay

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of contacts Rated operational voltage Up to (Ue) Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to UL, CSA Conventional For ambient temperature 60C thermal current (Ith) Frequency of the operational current Minimum switching capacity U min I min Short-circuit protection Rated making capacity Short-time rating Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Conforming to  I rms IEC 60947-5-1 Permissible for 1s 500 ms 100 ms V V V A Hz V mA

5 690 690 600 10 25...400 17 5 gG fuse: 10 A a : 140, c : 250 A A A MW Guaranteed between  N/C and N/O contacts Philips head n 2 and 6 ms N.m 100 120 140 > 10 1.5 (on energisation and on de-energisation) 1.2 Linked contacts in association with auxiliary contacts LADN Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 The 3 N/O contacts and the 2 N/C contacts of CADN32 are linked mechanically by one mobile contact carrier.

Insulation resistance Non-overlap time Tightening torque Non-overlap distance Mechanically linked contacts

References: pages 7/21 to 7/23

Dimensions: page 7/24

Schemes: page 7/25


Characteristics (continued)

TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays

a.c. supply, categories AC-14 and AC-15 Electrical durability (valid for up to 3600 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet: making current (cos j 0.7) = 10 times the power broken (cos j 0.4).
1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles
Millions of operating cycles

Rated operational power of contacts (conforming to IEC 60947-5-1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


24 60 16 4

48 120 32 8

115 280 80 20

230 560 160 40

400 960 280 70

440 1050 300 80

600 1440 420 100

10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2







0,6 0,8 1 0,7 0,9

6 8 10 5 7 9 Current broken in A

d.c. supply, category DC-13 Electrical durability (valid for up to 1200 operating cycles/hour) on an inductive load such as the coil of an electromagnet, without economy resistor, the time constant increasing with the power.
1 million operating cycles 3 million operating cycles 10 million operating cycles
Millions of operating cycles


24 120 70 25

48 90 50 18

125 75 38 14

250 68 33 12

440 61 28 10

10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 250 V

24 V 48 V 125 V

1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2

440 V







0,6 0,8 1 0,7 0,9

6 8 10 5 7 9 Current broken in A


References: pages 7/21 to 7/23

Dimensions: page 7/24

Schemes: page 7/25



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
See page opposite for mounting possibilities according to control relay type and rating




TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays and add-on blocks

Control circuit: a.c., d.c. or low consumption

Control relays for connection by screw clamp terminals

Type Number of contacts Composition Basic reference, to be completed by adding the control voltage code (1)


Standard voltages a c P7 P7 BD BD B7 B7 LC (2) BL BL kg 0.580 0.580

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Instantaneous 5

5 3

CAD 50pp (3) CAD 32pp (3)

CAD 50pp

Instantaneous 5

Control relays for connection by spring terminals

5 3 2 CAD 503pp CAD 323pp

B7 B7

P7 P7



0.580 0.580

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by screw clamp terminals

For use in normal operating environments
Number of contacts Maximum number per relay Clip-on mounting front side 1 1 1 1 1 on LH side 1 on LH side 1 on LH side Composition Reference Weight

CAD 32pp

4 (4)

4 (4) 1 Including 1 N/O and 1 N/C make before break. CAD 503pp Number of contacts Maximum number per relay Front mounting 1 Composition

1 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 2

1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2

LAD N11 LAD 8N11 (6) LAD N20 LAD 8N20 (6) LAD N02 LAD 8N02 (6) LAD N22 LAD N13 LAD N40 LAD N04 LAD N31 LAD C22

kg 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050

With dust and damp protected contacts, for use in particularly harsh industrial environments


4 (4)

protected (5) 2 2 2 2 2 2

kg 2 1 1 LA1 DX20 LA1 DX02 LA1 DY20 LA1 DZ40 LA1 DZ31 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.050

CAD 323pp

This type of connection is not possible for contact blocks LAD 8 and blocks with dust and damp protected contacts. For all other instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks, add the digit 3 to the end of the references selected above. Example: LAD N11 becomes LAD N113. (1) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office). a.c. supply Volts a 24 42 48 110 115 220 230 240 380 400 415 440 50/60 Hz B7 D7 E7 F7 FE7 M7 P7 U7 Q7 V7 N7 R7 d.c. supply (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) Volts c 12 24 36 48 60 72 110 125 220 250 440 U from 0.7 to 1.25 Uc JD BD CD ED ND SD FD GD MD UD RD Low consumption (coils with integral suppression device fitted as standard) Volts c 5 12 20 24 48 110 220 250 Code AL JL ZL BL EL FL ML UL (2) LC: low consumption. (3) To order control relays with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of the selected reference. Example: CAD50pp becomes CAD506pp. (4) Blocks with 4 auxiliary contacts cannot be used on low consumption control relays. (5) Product fitted with 4 earth screen continuity terminals. (6) These contact blocks cannot be used on low consumption control relays. Characteristics : pages 7/16 and 7/17 Dimensions : page 7/24 Schemes : page 7/25

Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks for connection by spring terminals



TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays
Add-on blocks

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by screw clamp terminals (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number and type of contacts

1 N/C and 1 N/O

Maximum number per relay Front mounting 1

Time delay Type On-delay

Reference LAD T0 LAD T2 LAD T4 LAD S2 LAD R0 LAD R2 LAD R4

Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060

Off-delay (Sealing cover: see page 5/85) LAD T

Range 0.13 s(2) 0.130 s 10180 s 130 s(3) 0.13 s(2) 0.130 s 10180 s

Add the digit 3 to the references selected above. Example: LAD T0 becomes LAD T03.

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks for connection by spring terminals

Mechanical latch blocks (4)

Unlatching control Manual or electric Maximum number per relay Front mounting 1

Basic reference to be completed (5) LAD 6K10p

Weight kg 0.070

Suppressor modules

These modules clip onto the top of the control relay and the electrical connection is instantly made. Fitting of an input module is still possible. LAD 6K10 b Effective protection for circuits highly sensitive to high frequency interference. b Voltage limited to 3 Uc maximum and oscillating frequency limited to 400Hz maximum. b Slight time delay on drop-out (1.2 to 2 times the normal time). For Operational Reference mounting on voltage CAD a a 2448 V LAD 4RCE a 110240 V LAD 4RCU

RC circuits (Resistor-Capacitor)

Weight kg 0.012 0.012

b Protection provided by limiting the transient voltage value to 2Uc maximum. b Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. b Slight time delay on drop-out (1.1 to 1.5 times the normal time). CAD a a 2448 V LAD 4VE a 50127 V LAD 4VG a 110250 V LAD 4VU

Varistors (peak limiting)

0.012 0.012 0.012

7 8 9 10
Characteristics : pages 7/16 and 7/17

b No overvoltage or oscillating frequency. b Increase in drop-out time (6 to 10 times the normal time). b Polarised component. CAD c c 24250 V

Freewheel diode



b Protection provided by limiting the transient overvoltage value to 2Uc maximum. b Maximum reduction of transient voltage peaks. CAD a a 24 V LAD 4TB a 72 V LAD 4TS CAD c c 24 V LAD4TBDL c 72 V LAD4TSDL c 125 V LAD4TGDL c 250 V LAD4TUDL c 600 V LAD4TXDL

Bidirectional peak limiting diode

0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012


(1) These contact blocks cannot be used on low consumption control relays. (2) With extended scale from 0.1 to 0.6 s. (3) With switching time of 40 ms 15 ms between opening of the N/C contact and closing of the N/O contact. (4) Power should not be simultaneously applied or maintained to the mechanical latching block of the CAD N. The duration of the control signal to the mechanical latching block and the CAD N should be u 100 ms. (5) Standard control circuit voltages (for other voltages, please consult your Regional Sales Office): Volts a and c 24 32/36 42/48 60/72 100 110/127 220/240 256/277 380/415 Code B C E EN K F M U Q (6) CADpp d.c. and low consumption control relays are fitted with a built-in bi-directional peak limiting diode suppressor as standard. On control relays produced after 15th July 2004, this diode is removable. It can therefore be replaced by the user (see references LAD4Tppp above). It can also be replaced by a freewheel diode LAD4DDL . If a d.c. or low consumption control replay is used without suppression, the standard suppressor should be replaced with a blanking plug LAD9DL. Illustrations: page 7/20 Dimensions : page 7/24 Schemes : page 7/25



TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays
Accessories and spare parts

Accessories (to be ordered separately)

Description For marking Sheet of 64 blank legends, self-adhesive, 8 x 33 mm For mounting on

Sold in lots of 10

Unit reference LAD 21 LAD 22

Weight kg 0.020 0.020 0.200 0.100

CAD, LAD (4 contacts)

1 2 3

Sheet of 112 blank legends, LAD (2 contacts), self-adhesive, 8 x 12 mm LAD T Strips of blank, self-adhesive All products legends for printing by plotter (4 sets of 5 strips) SIS Label labelling Multi-language version: software for legends LAD 21 English, French, German, and LAD 22, supplied on Italian, Spanish CD-Rom Legend holder, snap-in,  LC1 D09...38 8 x 18 mm LC1DT20...40 LADN (4 contacts) LAD T, LAD R For protection Sealing cover LAD T, LAD R Safety cover preventing CAD access to the moving contact carrier 35 1



LAD 90


1 1

LA9 D901 LAD 9ET1

0.005 0.004

LA9 D901



Specifications b Average consumption at 20 C:  - inrush (cos j = 0.75) 50/60 Hz: 70 VA at 50 Hz,  - sealed (cos j = 0.3) 50/60 Hz: 8 VA at 60 Hz, b Operating range (q < 60 C): 0.85 to 1.1 Uc Control circuit Average resistance Inductance of Reference (1) voltage Uc at 20 C 10 % closed circuit 50/60 Hz V V H 12 6.3 0.26 LXD 1J7 21 (2) 5.6 0.24 LXD 1Z7 24 6.19 0.26 LXD 1B7 32 12.3 0.48 LXD 1C7 36 LXD 1CC7 42 19.15 0.77 LXD 1D7 48 25 1 LXD 1E7 60 LXD 1EE7 100 LXD 1K7 110 130 5.5 LXD 1F7 115 LXD 1FE7 120 159 6.7 LXD 1G7 127 192.5 7.5 LXD 1FC7 200 LXD 1L7 208 417 16 LXD 1LE7 220/230 539 22 LXD 1M7 (3) 230 595 21 LXD 1P7 230/240 645 25 LXD 1U7 (4) 277 781 30 LXD 1W7 380/400 1580 60 LXD 1Q7 400 1810 64 LXD 1V7 415 1938 74 LXD 1N7 440 2242 79 LXD 1R7 480 2300 85 LXD 1T7 500 2499 LXD 1S7 575 3294 LXD 1SC7 600 3600 135 LXD 1X7 690 5600 190 LXD 1Y7 (1) The last 2 digits in the reference represent the voltage code. (2) Voltage for special coils fitted in control relays with serial timer module with 24 V supply. (3) This coil can be used on 240 V at 60 Hz. (4) This coil can be used on 230/240 V at 50 Hz and on 240 V only at 60 Hz.

Spare parts: coils

Weight kg 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070

5 6 7 8 9 10

Characteristics : pages 7/16 and 7/17

Dimensions : page 7/24

Schemes : page 7/25


Dimensions, mounting

TeSys control relays

TeSysD control relays and add-on blocks


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


CAD c or LC (low consumption)

c c1 c2 c3

12,5 (LAD8)


c c1 c2 c3


b c without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks c1 with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LAD6K10 c3 with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover

32 50
77 84 86 117 129 137 141

323 503
99 84 86 117 129 137 141

b c without cover or add-on blocks with cover, without add-on blocks c1 with LADN or C (2 or 4 contacts) c2 with LAD6K10 c3 with LADT, R, S with LADT, R, S and sealing cover

32 50
77 93 95 126 138 146 150

323 503
99 93 95 126 138 146 150

Panel mounted Mounted on rail AM1DP200 or DE200


= = 78



c with cover 86

CAD c or LC
95 c c (AM1DP200) (2) (AM1DP200) (2)


88 96

CAD c or LC
97 105

(1) 2 elongated holes 4.5 x 9 Mounted on plate AM1P

(2) With cover




CAD c or LC


with cover


Characteristics : pages 7/16 to 7/19

Illustrations: page 7/20


References : pages 7/21 to 7/23

Schemes : page 7/25



TeSys control relays

TeSys D control relays and add-on blocks

Instantaneous auxiliary contacts

5 N/O CAD50
13/NO 23/NO 33/NO 43/NO 03/NO

3 N/O + 2 N/C CAD32

13/NO 43/NO 03/NO 21/NC 31/NC















Instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks

1 N/O + 1 N/C LADN11
53/NO 61/NC

LAD8N11 (1)
153/NO (184) 161/NC (172)

2 N/O LADN20
53/NO 63/NO

LAD8N20 (1)
153/NO (184) 163/NC (174)

2 N/C LAD8N02
151/NC (182) 161/NC (172)

51/NC 61/NC

152 (181)

162 (171)

154 (183)

(1) The figures in brackets are for the device mounted on the RH side of the control relay. 2 N/O + 2F N/C LADN22
53/NO 83/NO 61/NC 71/NC

1 N/O + 3 N/C LADN13

53/NO 61/NC 71/NC 81/NC

4 N/O LADN40
53/NO 63/NO 73/NO 83/NO

154 (183)

4 N/C LADN04
71/NC 51/NC 61/NC 81/NC

164 (173)

3 N/O + 1 N/C LADN31

53/NO 73/NO 83/NO 61/NC

162 (171)

3 4 5























2 N/O + 2 N/C including 1 N/O + 1 N/C make before break LADC22

With dust and damp protected contacts 2 N/O protected 2 N/C protected

2 N/O protected (2)



2 N/O protected + 2 N/O non protected LA1DZ40





2 N/O protected + 1 N/O + 1 N/C non protected LA1DZ31






































6 7 8 9 10

(2) Product fitted with 4 earth screen continuity terminals.

Time delay auxiliary contact blocks

On-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LADT
67/NO 55/NC

Mechanical latch blocks

Off-delay 1 N/O + 1 N/C LADR
57/NO 65/NC

67/NO 55/NC









Characteristics : pages 7/16 to 7/19

Illustrations: page 7/20

References : pages 7/21 to 7/23



Schemes : page 7/24


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



8 - Technical information

b Tests according to standard utilisation categories conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 and 5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8/2 b Current of asynchronous squirrel cage motors at nominal load . . . . . . . . page 8/3

b Protective treatment of equipment according to climatic environment . . . page 8/4


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b Product standards and certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8/6


b Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8/8



Technical information

Tests according to standard utilisation categories conforming to IEC 60947-4-1 and 5-1
based on rated operational current Ie  and rated operational voltage Ue


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Electrical durability: making and breaking conditions

Occasional duty: making and breaking conditions Making I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue Breaking I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue

a.c. supply
Typical applications Resistors, non inductive  or slightly inductive loads Motors Slip ring motors:  starting, breaking. Squirrel cage motors: starting, breaking whilst motor running. Squirrel cage motors: starting,  reversing,  inching Utilisation category AC-1 Making I U Ie Ue cos j 0.95 Breaking I U Ie Ue cos j 0.95 cos j 0.8 cos j 0.8

AC-2 AC-3 Ie y (1) Ie > (2) AC-4 Ie y (1) Ie > (2)

2.5 Ie



2.5 Ie



4 Ie

1.05 Ue


4 Ie

1.05 Ue


6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

1 Ie 1 Ie

0.17 Ue 0.17 Ue

0.65 0.35

10 Ie 10 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

8 Ie 8 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

6 Ie 6 Ie

Ue Ue

0.65 0.35

12 Ie 12 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

10 Ie 10 Ie

1.05 Ue 1.05 Ue

0.45 0.35

d.c. supply
Typical applications Resistors, non inductive  or slightly inductive loads Shunt wound motors:  starting, reversing, inching Series wound motors:  starting, reversing, inching Utilisation category DC-1 DC-3 Making I U Ie Ue 2.5 Ie Ue L/R (ms) 1 2 Breaking I U Ie Ue 2.5 Ie Ue L/R (ms) 1 2 Making I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue 4 Ie 1.05 Ue L/R (ms) 1 2.5 Breaking I U 1.5 Ie 1.05 Ue 4 Ie 1.05 Ue L/R (ms) 1 2.5


2.5 Ie



2.5 Ie



4 Ie

1.05 Ue


4 Ie

1.05 Ue


Control relays and auxiliary contacts

Electrical durability: making and breaking conditions Occasional duty: making and breaking conditions Making I U 6 Ie 10 Ie 1.1 Ue 1.1 Ue Breaking I U 6 Ie 10 Ie 1.1 Ue 1.1 Ue

a.c. supply
Typical applications Electromagnets y 72 VA > 72 VA Utilisation category AC-14 AC-15 Making I U 10 Ie Ue cos j 0.7 Breaking I U Ie Ue cos j 0.4 cos j 0.7 0.3 cos j 0.7 0.3

d.c. supply
Typical applications Electromagnets Utilisation category DC-13 Making I U Ie Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Breaking I U Ie Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Making I U 1.1 Ie 1.1 Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3) Breaking I U 1.1 Ie 1.1 Ue L/R (ms) 6 P (3)

(1) Ie y 17 A for electrical durability, Ie y 100 A for occasional duty. (2) Ie > 17 A for electrical durability, Ie > 100 A for occasional duty. (3) The value 6 P (in watts) is based on practical observations and is considered to represent the majority of d.c. magnetic loads up to the maximum limit of P = 50 W i.e. 6 P = 300 ms = L/R. Above this, the loads are made up of smaller loads in parallel. The value 300 ms is therefore a maximum limit whatever the value of current drawn.



Technical information

Current of asynchronous squirrel cage motors  at nominal load

3-phase 4-pole motors

Rated operational power (1)

Current values for power in kW

Indicative rated operational current values at: 230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V

Current values for power in hp

Rated operational power (2) hp 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 3 5 7 1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Indicative rated operational current values at: 110 120 V A 4.4 6.4 8.4 12 13.6 19.2 30.4 44 56 84 108 136 160 208 260 200 V A 2.5 3.7 4.8 6.9 7.8 11 17.5 25.3 32.2 48.3 62.1 78.2 92 120 150 177 221 285 359 414 552 208 V A 2.4 3.5 4.6 6.6 7.5 10.6 16.7 24.2 30.8 46.2 59.4 74.8 88 114 143 169 211 273 343 396 528 220 240 V A 2.2 3.2 4.2 6 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 42 54 68 80 104 130 154 192 248 312 360 480 604 722 828 954 1030 1180 380 415 V A 1.3 1.8 2.3 3.3 4.3 6.1 9.7 14 18 27 34 44 51 66 83 103 128 165 208 240 320 403 482 560 636 786 440 480 V A 1.1 1.6 2.1 3 3.4 4.8 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 40 52 65 77 96 124 156 180 240 302 361 414 477 515 590 550 600 V A 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 6.1 9 11 17 22 27 32 41 52 62 77 99 125 144 192 242 289 336 382 412 472

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kW A A A A 0.06 0.35 0.2 0.16 0.12 0.09 0.52 0.3 0.24 0.17 0.12 0.7 0.44 0.32 0.23 0.18 1 0.6 0.48 0.35 0.25 1.5 0.85 0.68 0.49 0.37 1.9 1.1 0.88 0.64 0.55 2.6 1.5 1.2 0.87 0.75 3.3 1.9 1.5 1.1 1.1 4.7 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.5 6.3 3.6 2.9 2.1 2.2 8.5 4.9 3.9 2.8 3 11.3 6.5 5.2 3.8 4 15 8.5 6.8 4.9 5.5 20 11.5 9.2 6.7 7.5 27 15.5 12.4 8.9 11 38 22 17.6 12.8 15 51 29 23 17 18.5 61 35 28 21 22 72 41 33 24 30 96 55 44 32 37 115 66 53 39 45 140 80 64 47 55 169 97 78 57 75 230 132 106 77 90 278 160 128 93 110 340 195 156 113 132 400 230 184 134 160 487 280 224 162 200 609 350 280 203 250 748 430 344 250 315 940 540 432 313 355 1061 610 488 354 400 1200 690 552 400 500 1478 850 680 493 560 1652 950 760 551 630 1844 1060 848 615 710 2070 1190 952 690 800 2340 1346 1076 780 900 2640 1518 1214 880 1000 2910 1673 1339 970 (1) Values conforming to standard IEC 60072-1 (at 50 Hz). (2) Values conforming to standard UL 508 (at 60 Hz).

Nota : These values are given as a guide. They may vary depending on the type of motor, its polarity and the manufacturer.



Technical information

Protective treatment of equipment according to climatic environment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Depending on the climatic and environmental conditions in which the equipment is placed, Schneider Electric can offer specially adapted products to meet your requirements. In order to make the correct choice of protective finish, two points should be remembered: b the prevailing climate of the country is never the only criterion, b only the atmosphere in the immediate vicinity of the equipment need be considered.

This is the standard treatment for Schneider-electric brand equipment and is suitable for the vast majority of applications. It is the equivalent of treatments described as Klimafest, Climateproof. In particular, it meets the requirements specified in the following publications: b Publication UTE C 63-100 (method l), successive cycles of humid heat at:  + 40 C and 95 % relative humidity. b DIN 50016 - Variations of ambient conditions within a climatic chamber: + 23 C and 83 % relative humidity, + 40 C and 92 % relative humidity. It also meets the requirements of the following marine classification societies: BV-LR-GL-DNV-RINA. Characteristics b Steel components are usually treated with zinc. When they have a mechanical function, they may also be painted. b Insulating materials are selected for their high electrical, dielectric and mechanical characteristics. b Metal enclosures have a stoved paint finish, applied over a primary phosphate protective coat, or are galvanised (e.g. some prefabricated busbar trunking components). Limits for use of TC (All climates) treatment b TC treatment is suitable for the following temperatures and humidity: Temperature (C) Relative humidity (%)
20 40 50 95 80 50

All climates treatment TC

 TC treatment is therefore suitable for all latitudes and in particular tropical and equatorial regions where the equipment is mounted in normally ventilated industrial premises. Being sheltered from external climatic conditions, temperature variations are small, the risk of condensation is minimised and the risk of dripping water is virtually non-existent. Extension of use of TC (All climates) treatment In cases where the humidity around the equipment exceeds the conditions described above, or in equatorial regions if the equipment is mounted outdoors, or if it is placed in a very humid location (laundries, sugar refineries, steam rooms, etc.), TC treatment can still be used if the following precautions are taken: b The enclosure in which the equipment is mounted must be protected with a TH finish (see next page) and must be well ventilated to avoid condensation and dripping water (e.g. enclosure base plate mounted on spacers). b Components mounted inside the enclosure must have a TC finish. b If the equipment is to be switched off for long periods, a heater must be provided (0.2 to 0.5 kW per square decimetre of enclosure), that switches on automatically when the equipment is turned off. This heater keeps the inside of the enclosure at a temperature slightly higher than the outside surrounding temperature, thereby avoiding any risk of condensation and dripping water (the heat produced by the equipment itself during normal running is sufficient to provide this temperature difference). b Special considerations for Operator dialog and Detection products: for certain pilot devices, the use of TC treatment can be extended to outdoor use provided their enclosure is made of light alloys, zinc alloys or plastic material. In this case, it is also essential to ensure that the degree of protection against penetration of liquids and solid objects is suitable for the applications involved.



Technical information

Protective treatment of equipment according to climatic environment

This treatment is suitable for hot and humid atmospheres where installations are regularly subject to condensation, dripping water and the risk of fungi. In addition, plastic insulating components are resistant to attacks from insects such as termites and cockroaches. These properties have often led to this treatment being described as Tropical Finish, but this does not mean that all equipment installed in tropical and equatorial regions must systematically have undergone TH treatment. On the other hand, certain operating conditions in temperate climates may well require the use of TH treated equipment (see limitations for use of TC treatment). Special characteristics of TH treatment b All insulating components are made of materials which are either resistant to fungi or treated with a fungicide, and which have increased resistance to creepage (Standards IEC60112, NF C 26-220, DIN5348). b Metal enclosures receive a top-coat of stoved, fungicidal paint, applied over a rust inhibiting undercoat. Components with TH treatment may be subject to a surcharge (1). Please consult your Regional Sales Office.

TH treatment for hot and humid environments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protective treatment selection guide

Surrounding environment Duty cycle Internal heating of enclosure when not in use Not necessary No Yes Not necessary Type of climate Protective treatment of of equipencloment sure TC TH TH TH TH

No dripping water  or condensation Presence of dripping water or condensation Unimportant Frequent switching off for periods of more than 1day Continuous Unimportant TC Temperate TC Equatorial TH Unimportant TC Unimportant TC

Outdoors (sheltered)
No dripping water  or dew Frequent and regular presence of dripping water or dew Unimportant Not necessary Temperate TC Equatorial TH Temperate TC Equatorial TH Unimportant TC Unimportant TC TC TH TH TH TH TH

Exposed outdoors or near the sea

Frequent switching off for periods of more than 1day Continuous No Yes Not necessary

These treatments cover, in particular, the applications defined by methods I and II of guide UTE C 63-100.

Electronic products always meet the requirements of TC treatment. A number of them are TH treated as standard. Some electronic products (for example: programmable controllers, flush mountable controllers CCX and flush mountable operator terminals XBT) require the use of an enclosure providing a degree of protection to at least IP 54, as defined by standards IEC 60664 and NF C 20 040, for use in industrial applications or in environmental conditions requiring TH treatment. These electronic products, including flush mountable products, must have a degree of protection to at least IP 20 (provided either by their own enclosure or by their installation method) for restricted access locations where the degree of pollution does not exceed 2 (a test booth not containing machinery or other dust producing activities, for example).

Special precautions for electronic equipment

For particularly harsh industrial environments, Schneider Electric is able to offer special protective treatments. Please consult your Regional Sales Office.
(1) A large number of the Schneider-electric brand products are TH treated as standard and are, therefore, not subject to a surcharge.

Special treatments



Technical information

Product standards and certifications


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Schneider Electric products satisfy, in the majority of cases, national (for example: BS in Great Britain, NF in France, DIN in Germany), European (for example: CENELEC) or international (IEC) standards. These product standards precisely define the performance of the designated products (such as IEC 60947 for low voltage equipment). When used correctly, as designated by the manufacturer and in accordance with regulations and correct practices, these products will allow users to build equipment, machine systems or installations that conform to their appropriate standards (for example: IEC60204-1, relating to electrical equipment used on industrial machines). Schneider Electric is able to provide proof of conformity of its production to the standards it has chosen to comply with, through its quality assurance system. On request, and depending on the situation, Schneider Electric can provide the following: b a declaration of conformity, b a certificate of conformity (ASEFA/LOVAG), b a homologation certificate or approval, in the countries where this procedure is required or for particular specifications, such as those existing in the merchant navy. Code ANSI BS CEI DIN/VDE EN GOST IEC JIS NBN NEN NF SAA UNE Certification authority Name American National Standards Institute British Standards Institution Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Gosudarstvenne Komitet Standartov International Electrotechnical Commission Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Institut Belge de Normalisation Nederlands Normalisatie Institut Union Technique de lElectricit Standards Association of Australia Asociacion Espaola de Normalizacion y Certificacion Country Abbreviation ANSI USA BSI Great Britain CEI Italy VDE Germany CENELEC Europe GOST Russia IEC Worldwide JISC Japan IBN Belgium NNI Netherlands UTE France SAA Australia AENOR Spain

Conformity to standards

These are technical specifications established in conjunction with, and with approval of, the relative bodies within the various CENELEC member countries (European Union, European Free Trade Association and many central and eastern European countries having member or affiliated status). Prepared in accordance with the principle of consensus, the European standards are the result of a weighted majority vote. Such adopted standards are then integrated into the national collection of standards, and contradictory national standards are withdrawn. European standards incorporated within the French collection of standards carry the prefix NFEN. At the Union Technique de lElectricit (Technical Union of Electricity) (UTE), the French version of a corresponding European standard carries a dual number: European reference (NFEN ) and classification index (C ). Therefore, the standard NF EN 60947-4-1 relating to motor contactors and starters, effectively constitutes the French version of the European standard EN 60947-4-1 and carries the UTE classification C 63-110. This standard is identical to the British standard BS EN 60947-4-1 or the German standard DIN EN 60947-4-1. Whenever reasonably practical, European standards reflect the international standards (IEC). With regard to automation system components and distribution equipment, in addition to complying with the requirements of French NF standards, Schneider Electric brand components conform to the standards of all other major industrial countries.

European EN standards


Opening up of European markets assumes harmonisation of the regulations pertaining to each of the member countries of the European Union. The purpose of the European Directive is to eliminate obstacles hindering the free circulation of goods within the European Union, and it must be applied in all member countries. Member countries are obliged to transcribe each Directive into their national legislation and to simultaneously withdraw any contradictory regulations. The Directives, in particular those of a technical nature which concern us, only establish the objectives to be achieved, referred to as essential requirements. The manufacturer must take all the necessary measures to ensure that his products conform to the requirements of each Directive applicable to his production. As a general rule, the manufacturer certifies conformity to the essential requirements of the Directive(s) for his product by affixing the e mark. The e mark is affixed to Schneider Electric brand products concerned, in order to comply with French and European regulations. Significance of the e mark b The e mark affixed to a product signifies that the manufacturer certifies that the product conforms to the relevant European Directive(s) which concern it; this condition must be met to allow free distribution and circulation within the countries of the European Union of any product subject to one or more of the E.U. Directives. b The e mark is intended solely for national market control authorities. b The e mark must not be confused with a conformity marking.

European Directives



Technical information

Product standards and certifications

For electrical equipment, only conformity to standards signifies that the product is suitable for its designated function, and only the guarantee of an established manufacturer can provide a high level of quality assurance. For Schneider Electric brand products, one or several Directives are likely to be applicable, depending on the product, and in particular: b the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC: the e mark relating to this Directive has been compulsory since 16th January 2007. b the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC, amended by Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC: the e mark on products covered by this Directive has been compulsory since 1st January 1996.

European Directives (continued)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The function of ASEFA (Association des Stations dEssais Franaise dAppareils lectriques Association of French Testing Stations for Low Voltage Industrial Electrical Equipment) is to carry out tests of conformity to standards and to issue certificates of conformity and test reports. ASEFA laboratories are authorised by the French authorisation committee (COFRAC). ASEFA is now a member of the European agreement group LOVAG (Low Voltage Agreement Group). This means that any certificates issued by LOVAG/ASEFA are recognised by all the authorities which are members of the group and carry the same validity as those issued by any of the member authorities.

ASEFA-LOVAG certification

When components can be used in domestic and similar applications, it is sometimes recommended that a Quality label be obtained, which is a form of certification of conformity. Code Quality label Country CEBEC Comit Electrotechnique Belge Belgium KEMA-KEUR Keuring van Electrotechnische Materialen Netherlands NF Union Technique de lElectricit France VE sterreichischer Verband fr Electrotechnik Austria SEMKO Svenska Electriska Materiel Kontrollanatalten Sweden

Quality labels

In some countries, the certification of certain electrical components is a legal requirement. In this case, a certificate of conformity to the standard is issued by the official test authority. Each certified device must bear the relevant certification symbols when these are mandatory: Code Certification authority Country CSA Canadian Standards Association Canada UL Underwriters Laboratories USA CCC China Compulsory Certification China Note on certifications issued by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL). There are two levels of approval: Recognized ( ) The component is fully approved for inclusion in equipment built in a workshop, where the operating limits are known by the equipment manufacturer and where its use within such limits is acceptable by the Underwriters Laboratories. The component is not approved as a Product for general use because its manufacturing characteristics are incomplete or its application possibilities are limited. A Recognized component does not necessarily carry the certification symbol. Listed (UL) The component conforms to all the requirements of the classification applicable to it and may therefore be used both as a Product for general use and as a component in assembled equipment. A Listed component must carry the certification symbol.

Product certifications

Prior approval (= certification) by certain marine classification societies is generally required for electrical equipment which is intended for use on board merchant vessels. Code Classification authority Country BV Bureau Veritas France DNV Det Norske Veritas Norway GL Germanischer Lloyd Germany LR Lloyds Register Great Britain NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyoka Japan RINA Registro Italiano Navale Italy RRS Register of Shipping Russia

Marine classification societies


For further details on a specific product, please refer to the Characteristics pages in this catalogue or consult your Regional Sales Office.



Technical information
IP code

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

1 2 3

Degrees of protection against the penetration of solid bodies, water and personnel access to live parts

The European standard EN 60529 dated October 1991, IEC publication 529 (2ndedition - November 1989), defines a coding system (IP code) for indicating the degree of protection provided by electrical equipment enclosures against accidental direct contact with live parts and against the ingress of solid foreign objects or water. This standard does not apply to protection against the risk of explosion or conditions such as humidity, corrosive gasses, fungi or vermin. Certain equipment is designed to be mounted on an enclosure which will contribute towards achieving the required degree of protection (example : control devices mounted on an enclosure). Different parts of an equipment can have different degrees of protection (example : enclosure with an opening in the base). Standard NFC15-100 (May 1991 edition), section512, table51 A, provides a cross-reference between the various degrees of protection and the environmental conditions classification, relating to the selection of equipment according to external factors. Practical guide UTEC15-103 shows, in the form of tables, the characteristics required for electrical equipment (including minimum degrees of protection), according to the locations in which they are installed.

4 5 6 7

The IP code comprises 2 characteristic numerals (e.g. IP 55) and may include an additional letter when the actual protection of personnel against direct contact with live parts is better than that indicated by the first numeral (e.g. IP 20C). Any characteristic numeral which is unspecified is replaced by an X (e.g. IP XXB). 1st characteristic numeral: 2nd characteristic numeral: Additional letter: corresponds to protection of the equipment against corresponds to protection of the equipment corresponds to protection of penetration of solid objects and protection of personnel against penetration of water with harmful effects. personnel against direct contact against direct contact with live parts. with live parts.
Protection of the equipment

IP ppp code

0 1

Non-protected Protected against the penetration of solid objects having a diameter greater than or equal to 50 mm Protected against the penetration of solid objects having a diameter greater than or equal to 12.5 mm. Protected against the penetration of solid objects having a diameter greater than or equal to 2.5 mm. Protected against the penetration of solid objects having a diameter greater than or equal to 1 mm. Dust protected (no harmful deposits).

Protection of personnel Non-protected Protected against direct contact with the back of the hand (accidental contacts). Protected against direct finger contact.

0 1

Non-protected Protected against vertical dripping water, (condensation).


With the back of the hand.

With the finger.


Protected against dripping water at an angle of up to 15.

With a 2.5 mm tool.

Protected against direct contact with a 2.5 mm tool.


Protected against rain at an angle of up to 60.

With a 1 mm wire.

Protected against direct contact with a 1 mm wire.

Protected against splashing water in all directions.

8 9 10

Protected against direct contact with a1 mm wire.

Protected against water jets in all directions.

Dust tight.

Protected against direct contact with a1 mm wire.

Protected against powerful jets of water and waves.


15 cm min

Protected against the effects of temporary immersion. Protected against the effects of prolonged immersion under specified conditions.




Technical information
IK code

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

Degrees of protection against mechanical impact

The European standard EN50102 dated March 1995 defines a coding system (IKcode) for indicating the degree of protection provided by electrical equipment enclosures against external mechanical impact. Standard NF C 15-100 (May 1991 edition), section 512, table 51A, provides a cross-reference between the various degrees of protection and the environmental conditions classification, relating to the selection of equipment according to external factors. Practical guide UTEC15-103 shows, in the form of tables, the characteristics required for electrical equipment (including minimum degrees of protection), according to the locations in which they are installed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The IK code comprises 2 characteristic numerals (e.g. IK 05).  2 characteristic numerals: corresponding to a value of impact energy.
h (cm) Energy (J)

IK pp code

00 01 02 03 04 05


0,2 kg h

7.5 10 17.5 25 35

0.15 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.7

06 07

0,5 kg h

20 40

1 2


1,7 kg h


09 10

5 kg h

20 40

10 20


Schneider Electric Industries SAS

Head Of ce 35, rue Joseph Monier F-92500 Rueil-Malmaison France
The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specic user applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the relevant specic application or use thereof. Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its af liates or subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein. Design: Schneider Electric Photos: Schneider Electric Printed by:

ART. 960396

January 2010


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