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"Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding." KidsHealth. Nemours Childrens Hospital. Web. 2 Oct 2013.

This article is giving the advantages and disadvantages of both breast milk and formula. The advantages of breastfeeding is that its healthy for both mother and child. When a mother is nursing they have to have at least 500 calories more in their diet a day, so they will be eating a lot of health food, which is good for the baby because they will be able to taste all the different flavors of food through the breast milk. Another advantage of breastfeeding is the convenience of it. Parents will never have to run to the store to get more cans like they would have to with formula, because breast milk is always available when needed. Disadvantages of breastfeeding is discomfort, diet, time and frequency, and medical issues with the mother. At first moms feel uncomfortable with breastfeeding. They are also in pain when nursing the first couple weeks from the baby latching onto their nipples, causing irritation, rawness and soreness on the nipples. Time is very important for mother who are breastfeeding, because they are constantly having to feed their baby. Because breast milk digests faster than formula, breastfed babies need to be fed every 2-3 hours. This makes it difficult for the mother to run errands, go to work or school, and do regular activities, because they are constantly having to feed the baby, even with the help of a breast pump. Diet is another concern when breast feeding because whatever the mother eats or drinks, it is passed on to the baby through breast milk. Mothers have to watch what goes into their mouth at all times. Another disadvantage of breastfeeding is any medical condition the mother may have can affect their feeding. If a mother has HIV, AIDS, breast cancer, or has had breast surgery, it is going to be difficult for them to nurse because they may not be able to or because they cannot produce enough milk. The advantages of formula is that anyone can feed the infant instead of just the mother. Everyone gets the chance to bond with the child. The mother does not have to worry about timing and doing activities because all they have to do is bring water and a can of formula to mix when the baby is hungry. Mothers who use formula to feed their child can eat and drink whatever they want. The do not need to diet or watch what goes into their mouths because it is not going to transfer into the baby. The disadvantages of formula is that the mother or whoever is feeding the baby has to be careful on how to store the bottles and prepared mixes. Prepared formula needs to be stores in the refrigerator within one hour. Formula needs to be thrown out if half empty after feedings and if it has been sitting at room temperature for more than an hour. This can cost a lot because formula is used to quickly and it used up fast. According to the article, formula can cost up to $1,500 the first year of an infant. Another disadvantage of formula is that it does not contain all the antibodies breast milk has in order to protect infants against illnesses and infections. Because formula is not easily digested in infants, it can cause constipation, gassiness, and stomach problems. This article is useful and reliable. Although there is not an author, this source is stating facts rather than opinions and it is coming from a website of a hospital that a lot of people use. This source is based on research and studies and it is not biased at all.

I will use this source to help me write my research paper because it gives me a lot of information how to argument my theory. Choosing between breastfeeding and using formula is an option for all parents but clearly it is understood that breastfeeding is the best option for both mother and child.

Breastfed babies have a lower risk of major depression in adulthood. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine, 24.4 Dec. 2012: 152+. Academic OneFile. Web. 24. Sept. 2013.

This article is about how people who were breastfed for as little as two weeks were less likely to become depressed. People who were not breastfed has a higher risk of being diagnosed with major depression. A study of both males and females, where 52 patients were treated for major depression and 106 patients that never had it, found that 72% of the group that never had depression were breastfed and 42% of the group that has major depression were never breastfed and were formula fed instead. Researchers believe that although these patients were only breastfed for as little as two weeks, the boost of oxytocin, a hormone which can be a stress reducer, helped them fight against depression. This source is helpful and reliable. I do not think the author is biased because they are stating facts rather than opinions. This source is strictly on research and studies instead of how the author personally feels about the situation. This source will be helpful for my research paper because it gives me other benefits besides decreasing illnesses, that breastfeeding can do. When I argue in my paper on how breastfeeding is more beneficial than formula, this source will help me explain how it reduces major depression and formula would not be able to help infants with that when they become older.

Clark, Mary. Clinical update: Understanding jaundice in the breastfed infant. Community Practitioner 86.6 (2013): 42+. Academic OneFile. Web. 1 Oct. 2013.

This article is about how parents get information on the benefits of breastfeeding but are not aware of the fact that breastfeeding enhances jaundice in infants earlier than what is expected. Jaundice is a condition in which the body has too much bilirubin and the skin has a yellowish color and the eyes are very white. Although jaundice is common in most infants, breast milk tends to give it to infants before formula will. The reason why breast milk gives infants jaundice sooner is because of the lack of lactation the infant is consuming. Mother who are breastfeeding may think their baby is getting enough milk while feeding but in most cases they are not which will decrease the infants stool output with the outcome of increased bilirubin levels. The best way to lower jaundice in breastfed infants is to inform mothers on it and top teach them the

proper way to breastfeed so they know their infant is receiving enough milk and they can prevent jaundice at an earlier stage of the babys life. This article is useful and reliable and I would use it in my research paper. I do not think the author is biased because she is stating facts rather than opinions. She has statements based on research and studies and she does not use her personal opinion input on the situation. I would use this article in my research paper because my introductory is going to be about why people do not like breastfeeding and why they think formula is the way to go instead of breast milk. This is an example I can use on why people think formula is better. This article states that breast milk enhances jaundice while formula does not and that information will be good to use in my argument.

Falco, Miriam. "Study: Lack of Breastfeeding costs lives, billions of dollars." CNN Health. CNN Medical News, 06 04 2010. Web. 30 Sep 2013.

This article is stating that if more women breastfed that feed their child formula, it will dace 1,000 lives and 13 billion dollars in cost a year. If women breastfed longer, they would not have to pay for any medical issues that someone who was fed formula who have to. Studied show that most costs are due to sudden infant syndrome (SIDS), necrotizing enterocolitis, and pneumonia. Breast milk helps prevent and protect against all these health problems in infants. Dr. Melissa Bartick, the studys co-author argues that more actions need to be done to help mothers understand the importance of breastfeeding and why they need to do it. This source is helpful and reliable. It gives me the amount of lives and costs that breastfeeding will save rather than formula. It will also help prevent against serious illnesses that can be fatal to infants. I would use this source for my research paper because the article will help me better write it. I do not think the author is biased, because she is stating facts rather than opinions. Her studies are based off of research and other case studies.

Fontenot, Beth. "Too Much Iron in Infant Formula Could Be Harming Your Babies." The Atlantic Monthly Group. 09 12 2011. Web. 30 Sep 2013.

This article is about formulas with too much iron is a risk factor for children. Iron is a nutrient that helps a child grow and develop. With too little iron, a child can become anemic, where the body does not produce enough red blood cells, which can also led to problems with walking and talking. A study in 1991 confirmed that too much iron harms a child, when they tested 835 infants at six months old, feeding half formula with low-iron, 2.3 mg/L and the other half highiron, 12.7 mg/L until the age of one year old. After ten years, 500 of the children were tested

critical, logical, and motor tests, where they noticed that high-iron formula children were far behind the low-iron formula children. Betsy Lozoff, the studys principle investigator and research professor at the University of Michigan in Arbor states These children scored 11 points lower in IQ and 12 points lower in visual-motor integration. The study does show that too much iron in formula will cause serious side effects in an infant. This source is useful and reliable. I do not think the author is biased because her facts are based on research and studies, rather than her own opinions. I would use this source in my research paper because it has helpful information I can use against my argument.

"Healthy Milk, Healthy Baby." Natural Resources Defense Council: The Earth's Best Defense. 25 Mar 2005. Web. 2 Oct. 2013.

The benefits that breastfeeding has over formula is so much more powerful. Breastfeeding not only helps infants fight against disease and infections. It also helps mothers reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer by 24%. It also is reliable with economic issues because its cheaper than formula and it saves trips and money for medical care for illnesses that breast milk helps fight against. When a mother nurses their infant, they pass on antibodies in the breast milk to them so they are protected. Studies show that 20-30% of children who were formula-fed instead of breast fed were most likely to become obese. Children who are breastfed are less likely to have cavities, and are 8 times more likely to get cancer before the age of fifteen years old. Breast milk also reduces mental issues and children who have been breastfed are more mature and stable than children who were formula fed. Another study shows that if a woman nurses her infant, she is less likely to become pregnant again sooner than usual. This had prevented women in Africa four pregnancies per female and in Bangladesh 6.5 pregnancies per female. Breastfeeding also has greatly impacted the bond between mother and child. Women who breastfeed are less likely to have anxiety. The bond between mother and child during nursing is far more powerful than any other human contact, studies have proven. This source is useful and reliable. It comes from a very well-known website that is used by others. I do not think the author is biased because they state facts rather than opinions. All of this information comes from studies and research projects. This article will be helpful when writing my research paper and I plan to use it. It gives me the benefits of breastfeeding for an infant, when they become older, and for the mother who is nursing. It gives me many reasons why breast milk is better than formula and this will be part of a great argument within my paper.

Iannelli, Vincent. "Choosing a Baby Formula." Health Pediatrics. Child Nutrition Basics, 22 May 2009.

Web. 2 Oct 2013.

This article is about the different types of formula that mothers can chose from to feed their infants. If a mother choses to not breastfeed, feeding their baby formula is their next option. When choosing baby formula the mother needs to make sure that the kind of formula they are giving to their baby is right for them. There are many different types of formulas that are specifically for different babies. Cows milk based formula is the normal type that parents usually use when they do not breastfeed. Gentle formula is for babies who are fussy and have stomach issues. Soy formulas and lactose free formulas are for babies who cannot tolerate lactose. Added rice starch formula is for babies who have acid reflux. There is formula for babies who were born premature to help them gain weight. There is also formula for babies who are allergic to milk proteins. Baby formula also included DHA and ARA for mental and visual development, prebiotics and probiotics to help fight against illnesses, antioxidants and organic ingredients to help with development. Whatever brand of formulas mothers use to nourish their infants, they need to make sure it is appropriate for their baby. This source is helpful and reliable. I do not think the author is biased because he is sating facts rather than opinions. He did research and did not put his person views on this topic. I will use this source in my research paper because it gives me information on all the different types of formulas that can be used for babies. I could write about why people chose formula over breast milk and how it affects infants in a good way.

Leung, Chee Chee. Gene finds offers clue to why breast is best for brains. 6 Nov 2007. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Oct 2013.

This article is stating that researchers found a gene known as FADS2 is found in people who were breastfed when they were infants. This gene converts fatty acids into polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found already in breast milk. It may be the reason why people who were breastfed have higher IQs than people who were formula fed, but it may also be the genetic makeup of the infant. Studies show that the nutrients in breast milk has a great advantage on humans brains and their IQ levels. A study that consist of more than 3,000 breast fed infants show that if they had the gene, FADS2, their IQ would be higher by seven points than infants who did not have the gene. Not only does genes have an impact on humans IQ levels, but how they were raised and grew up is also a key factor. Professor Moffitt, one of the studies scientist states, Were finding that nature and nurture work together. This article is useful and reliable. I do not think the author is biased because he states facts rather than opinions. His facts are based on studies and research over a period of time. I would use this article in my paper to help me write it.

This article will help me when writing my research paper because it gives me an example on how beneficial breast milk is. It talks about how breast milk has a gene that helps infants with brain development. When the infant gets older, their IQ level is going to be a lot higher than a person who was formula fed as an infant. When I argue in my paper on why breast milk is more beneficial than formula, I could use this source and information to prove my statements.

Melhado, L. Antiretroviral Therapy Given to Mother or Child Reduces Risks of HIV Transmission from Breast-feeding. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 38.3 (2012): 167+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.

If an infected mother of HIV wants to breastfeed her infant, there is an antiretroviral prophylactic therapy that helps reduce the risk of the child getting the disease for up to 48 weeks. This therapy is 28 weeks long and is for mothers who are aged fourteen or older, 30 weeks or less pregnant, and have CD4 counts of at least 150 cells per/l. During a period of time, mother and child will receive oral doses of nevirapine, zidovudine, and limousine, and will follow a check up ten times during the first 28 weeks. According to the article, the median age of the mothers was 26 years, most were married, and 1/3 had attended eight years or more in school. 93% of infants became infected with HIV between weeks 2 and 48 and 30% became infected with HIV after 28 weeks. Serious problems like diarrhea, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, and even death occurred more in infants after 28 weeks of the treatment than before taking it. Although infant death increased after 28 weeks of therapy, researchers claim that if infants are given antiretroviral prophylaxis for a longer period of time, it can decrease infant death rates and still have lower rates of HIV mother-to-child transmission. Is source is useful and reliable. The author is not biased because she states facts rather than opinions. All of her information is based on research and studies, as well as information from the World Health Organization (WHO). The author never states her personal opinion on the therapy or the idea of it. She keeps it professional and educational for the viewers. I would use this source in my research paper on breastfeeding and formula because when I write about how formula does not affect the childs health and prevents the child from getting HIV from their mother, I can use this as an example on how mothers who want to breast feed and have this disease still can nurse their infant with the outcome of reducing HIV transmission to the child. This can give readers of my paper an idea that will work for mothers who are in this situation. It is a good way for mothers and their infant to still benefit from breastfeeding and breast milk without worrying about the child getting HIV.

Miles, Kathleen. "Baby Formula May Increase Risk of Adult Obesity, Diseases, Study Says." Huffington Post Los Angeles. 08 12 2013: n. page. Web. 30 Sep. 2013.

This article is about how formula fed babies will have complications in life. Studies show that babies who are fed formula than breast milk weigh more and have higher insulin levels. Carolyn Slupsky, a researcher at University of California, states This is the first time somebody has a glimpsed into the mechanism of whats going on with formula, a call to arms to the formula companies to come up with better formulas that are going to ensure the health of our future population. (7-8) Formula fed babies have higher risks of complications such as obesity, diabetes, liver and cardiovascular problems. Breast milk has way more proteins in it than formula, which is why something needs to be done to make formula healthier for babies. If nothing is going to happen, more mothers will be breastfeeding their baby because they will not want their child growing up with all of these health issues.

This article is useful and reliable and I will be using this source to help me write my research paper. I do not think the author is biased because she is stating facts rather than opinions. She has based all of the information on studies and researches. This article will be helpful in my paper because I can talk about the negative impacts formula has on an infant. When I argue in my paper on how breast milk is beneficial to both mother and child and formula is not, this would be a perfect example to back up my facts.

Mohammad, Mahmoud A. Haymond, Morey A. The Magic of Mothers Milk. Diabetes. Dec 2012: 3076+. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Sept. 2013

This article is about how breastfeeding helps decrease all kinds of illnesses in infants, such as diarrhea, botulism, ear infections, breathing problems like pneumonia and asthma, urinary tract infections, bacterial infections, diabetes, digestive diseases, lymphoma, and sudden infant death syndrome. Breastfeeding also benefits the mother because it lowers their chance of obesity. When a mother breastfeeds, they lose the weight from transferring 400-600 kcal of milk per day to their infant. It also helps mothers be protected against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure. According to the U.S Nurses Health Study, women who do not breastfeed their child has increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Studies show that even if a mother breastfeeds for three months, they are still giving their baby the nutrition they need and the mother is reducing the health issues that could come across I they hadnt of breastfed. This source is useful and reliable. I do not think the author is biased because they based this source due to research and studies. If the author had used their own opinions rather than the studies then I would think the author is biased but this source is filled with facts rather than opinions. I would use this source in my research paper because I could use it against why formula is not beneficial to mother and child and why breast milk is. It will help me explain all the risks that would decrease in both mother and child if breastfeeding was involved. It would also help me

write on all the health issues that could occur if breastfeeding was not an option. All of this information was greatly help me when writing my research paper.

Nader, Carol. Breastfeeding report advocates milk banks for needy infants. 10 Aug 2007:5. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Oct. 2013

This article is about people and hospitals wanted the Federal Government to fund for milk banks in Melbourne, Australia. This would be a great way to increase the rate of breastfeeding because it allows babies whose mothers cannot produce enough milk, get the right amount of nutrition for the first six months after birth. In 2001 the National Health Survey concluded that 83% of babies were being breastfed during and after being discharged from the hospital but after three months, only 57% were still breastfeeding. This is another example why milk banks should be funded for so the percentage of breastfeeding should stay at 100% from the time the baby is born to at least until the baby is six months of age or older. Mothers who wish to donate their milk to other babied would go through a process to make sure they are eligible to help. Tests would be done to show the mother has no transmission infections and once it comes back negative the mother would store their milk in sterile containers to be then sent to a lab to test the milk for any bacteria that may be left over. Once that test comes back negatives, it is then pasteurized and is ready to be given to an infant in need. Hospitals encourage milk banks especially for neonatal care units because when the baby is in critical care and the mother cannot produce enough milk yet, this is a perfect way to help these babies. Milk banks should be encourages all over because it will help all infants get the nutrient they need. This article is useful and reliable. The author does not seem to be biased because she states facts rather than opinions. All of this information is based on studies, research, and surveys. She provides years of important events and percentages of useful information that will be beneficial to my paper. I would use this source in my research paper because I can explain why milk banks can help infants when the mother cannot produce enough milk or simply because they do not feel comfortable or have enough time to breastfeed their child. This is a perfect way to explain different alternatives that can be used so every infant receives breast milk instead of formula and they receive the right amount of nutrient.

Shapiro, Eliza. "Breastfeeding Shows Steady Growth vs. Formula, According to CDC." The Daily Beast. 09 02 2013. Web. 30 Sep 2013.

This article is stating that breastfeeding is steadily growing all over the world, especially in racial and ethnic groups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that although African American mothers who breastfed has increased 13% with eight years, they breastfeed for a very

short period of time. Studies show that if an infant is digesting formula instead of breast milk, which has over 700 bacterias to nourish and help protect against foreign organisms, can get a serious stomach disease called necrotizing enterocolitis, which can be fatal in the early stage of the infants life. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all mother should nourish their baby with breast milk for six months after delivery. Breastfeeding is the best alternative and companies all over are encouraging it, just like the Obamacare Association, which is giving away free breast pumps to mothers who are under the insurance to promote breastfeeding in all infants. This article help me see how breastfeeding has impacted so many mothers. It also shows me negative side effects that formula can give to an infant. It shows me the percentage increase of mothers who breastfeed and it gives me nutritional facts about it to show me all what it protects infants against. I can use this source in the research paper because it is very beneficial and will help me write my paper. The author is not biased because she is stating facts rather than opinions. She gets her information from various studies.

Solomon, Stephen. "The Controversy over Infant Formula." New York Times. 06 Dec 1981. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.

This article is about the issues people in different countries have with formula. A Jamaican mother brought her two sick children, a four month old son and an eighteen month old daughter to a clinic to get them checked out. The doctor, Dr. Alan Jackson, was completely shocked by the childrens appearances. The four month old only weighed five pounds and the eighteen month old only weighed eight pounds. They were very much underweight and Dr. Jackson found out that the mother never breastfed her children and was diluting their formula with mostly water to make it last longer because she couldnt afford formula all the time. One can of formula that should only last about three days for one child, was lasting over two weeks for both of her children. Dr. Jackson noticed that most of his sick patients that were infants were formula fed instead of being breastfed. Studies show that women from third world countries could not breastfeed because they lacked nourishment and were unable to produce milk so they had to use formula. Most of these women were from a poor or low income family so they had to dilute most of the formula with water to last longer, which made the children malnourished and ill as well. According to Dr. Stephen Joseph, an official for the United States Agency for International Development, 11 million infants that were malnourished died before the age of one and he blamed formula for most of these fatal occurrences. This controversial issue wanted the promotions of infant formula to be banned but it didnt pill through because formula saved lives of many children in Chad in 1972 when an epidemic of cholera occurred and killed a lot of childrens mothers. Formula is a good choice only if parents can afford it and they properly mix it in order for their infant to achieve the required nutrition. Even though formula helped save childrens lives, breast milk is always the best way to go.

This article is reliable and useful. I do not think the author is biased because she never states her own opinions. Although some of these researchers give their opinions, they say them only based on what they have studied and investigated. All of these statements are based strictly on facts and not opinions within personal beliefs. I would use this source to help me write my research paper because it gives a viewpoint on how infant formula and breast milk is not for everybody. It also gives me information on how women in other countries feed their children and I could differ them from women in the United States. This will help me against my argument on the advantages and disadvantages on both formula and breast milk.

"What's in Breast Milk?" American Pregnancy Association: Promoting Reproductive and Pregnancy Wellness. 01 01 2013: n. page. Web. 30 Sep. 2013.

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that breastfeeding is strongly recommended because it helps infants fight against disease and infection. It also helps women shrink their uterus faster to reduce bleeding and to reduce cancers like breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Breast milk is so beneficial to both mother and child, because it has so many vitamins and minerals. Breast milk contains two types of proteins, whey and casein. It also contains lactoferrin, which inhibits iron growth; Secretory IgA, which protects against organisms such as Escherichia coli (E.coli), bacterial and viral infections and Lysozyme, which protects against bacteria in food poisonings such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella. It also enhances the growth of anti-flammatory functions. Fats found in breast milk help support nervous system development and brain development. Vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, K, and C gives the baby adequate nutrition to grow healthy. Carbohydrates, such as lactose, is also in breast milk to aid in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. There is nothing healthier than breast milk for mother and child. It has everything to promote growth and a healthy, nutritional baby. This source is helpful and reliable. It gives me all the nutritional facts I need about breast milk. It also gives me all what is in breast milk that is beneficial to baby and mother. I do not think this website is biased because they are using facts instead of opinions. This source will definitely help me when writing my research paper.

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