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Attendance Report July 19

Sunday School 80

First Focus
Worship 153

First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas

Our Tithes and Offerings.... Advancing the Gospel
Gifts to the Budget Vol. 32, No. 30 July 22 , 2009
July 12 4,428.74
July 19 6,902.00
Average Weekly Needs 5,350.48
Dental Ministry 35.00
FBC Revitalization 5,280.00
Summer Music 343.00
Youth 540.00

Total Gifts July 5 $13,100.00

Sunday Personnel July 26

Cody Catoe, Dewayne Clover, Dick Dixon,
Bridgette Haile, Holly May, Joyce Spencer
Moody Courtney, David Holley, Steve McKandless
E-mail Address

Sunday School - Allyson Elkins, Clydell Massingill,

Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth

Church Nursery - Julie Boatwright,

Rev. John Woods, Minister of Music



Church Office - 254/386-8141

2-3 Year Olds FOR

Nancy Diaz, Mellisa Pearce
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Children’s Church
First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Kenneth Foster, Josh Mehaffey

August 2nd is John’s last Sunday and we want to say farewell in style!
220 S. Bell Street

A catered BBQ lunch will be served in the Youth Family Life Center
P.O. Box 673

after church. We need you to bring desserts! We hope you will be a

Deacons on Call for July
Jerry Munson - Team Leader
part of this special event as we celebrate John’s ministry at First Baptist
Mason Bullard, Brenda Edins, Jon Lengefeld Church.
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ A N NO U N C E M E N T S Thank you…
D ear Church Family,
by Pastor Keith Felton
Thank you so very m uch for all your prayers, phone calls and
Life of the Church Tamera Joy, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. sympathy cards during this difficult time. W ords cannot
Sunday, July 26 James Weaver, and Andrew Dale, son express our appreciation for the outpouring of support and
These are exciting times at First Deacons’ Meeting 8:30 am
of Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ryan, kindness given to our family. W e w ill alw ays cherish the love
Baptist Church! The enhancements Sunday School 9:45 am
hope that you will join in their
show n by our church family
Worship 11:00 am
to our Sanctuary for Phase One of Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am marriage celebration on Saturday, the
M ay G od bless each of you,
Glen C. Chilton
our Revitalization Plan are almost Building & Grounds Committee Meeting 2:00 pm 8th of August, 2009, at 11 in the H arold & W anda Chilton & Family
Summer Music Camp Prep 3:30 pm
complete. We are excited about Monday, July 27
morning at Gator Gulch, Hico, Texas. Jerry & Trina Chilton & Family
getting back into our newly Summer Music Camp 9:00 am
renovated space to enjoy the new Tuesday July 28
Summer Music Camp 9:00 am
platform area, complete sound Wednesday, July 29
Register now for Summer Music Camp. Grab a
registration form from the church office and get signed
overhaul and brightened walls. Summer Music Camp 9:00 am
up. There are limited spots available, so get signed up UPDATE - HOPE FOR KIDS…Our hope for
Quarterly Business Meeting 6:00 pm
Thank you for your patience as we Ekklesia - Youth 6:00 pm
quickly! Tell your family and friends to mark their tomorrow.
have been worshipping in the calendars for July 27 to July 31 for Summer Music We have nearly reached our goal. We still
Thursday, July 30
Camp 2009, where we'll be learning and performing
Youth & Family Life Center. I’m so Summer Music Camp 9:00 am need 112 boxes at last count. We are
"Good Kings Come in Small Packages."
Ladies Crafts 9:00 am confident we can collect the remaining number
thankful we have another facility to AA Meeting 8:00 pm of boxes by the end of July. The deadline has
Scholarships are available.
temporarily hold services in. Friday, July 31 been extended.
Summer Music Camp 9:00 am We would like to say how GREAT First Baptist
Scholarships Needed for Summer Music Camp 2009.
If you’d like to make it possible for a child to attend Church is in meeting the needs of our school
I hope you will make plans to be a Summer Music Camp this year, please fill out the form children!
part of a farewell party for John & Our Sympathy and Prayers. Our love and
in the church office. Your gift is needed and Thank you, again, from the Hope for Kids’
support, sympathy and prayers go out to
Lindsay Woods on August 2nd. We the family of Aveta Dark who went to be with
appreciated. Committee.
are saddened John & Lindsay are Christ this past week. We join together as a
leaving, but excited that God is family of faith and pray for this family as we
doing a great work in their lives and celebrate Christ’s gift of eternal life.
A Time to Think
leading them to minister in Victoria, To be patient in little things, 2009 BIBLE 365
TX. Pray for the Woods as they Remember in Prayer…
To be tolerant in large affairs,
Day 197 - 1 Kings 5:1-6:38,Acts 7:1-29, Psalm
Ruby Webb Mack Cole Jim Payne 127:1-5, Proverbs 16:;28-30
make this transition and be in Bill Chappell Jace Williams Dr. Randy Lee To be happy in the midst of Day 198 - 1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalm
prayer also for the upcoming Kaley Neie Hilbig
Nelson Shave
Leslie Smith
Rosa Gillham
Connie MQueen Petty cares and monotonies, 128:1-6, Proverbs 16:31-33
Norma Marwitz Day 199- 1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13,
search process to fill our Minister of Gwen Wallace Pam Jones Nelda Donahoo That is wisdom.
Psalm129:1-8, Proverbs 17:1
Earl Cowley Micha Paris
Music position opening. Frankie Ellingberg Renee Smith
Beverly Price
Betty Ann Beard
Joseph Fort Newton Day 200 - 1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalm
Jack Pettit Patty Gillham Jeff & Sarah To Act 130:1-8, Proverbs 17:2-3
If you have not turned in your baby Dick Dixon Jackie Weaver Ensor To fill your heart with strength Day 201- 1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalm
Tony Rogers David Clark Julie Allison King 131:1-3, Proverbs 17:4-5
bottles for CareNet, DeWanna Alsouissi
And love for each other.
Jacki Crusenberry Dale Harris Day 202 - 1 Kings 12:20-13:34, Acts 9:26-43, Psalm
Ray Groves Ken Beazley Patty Courtney’s To Pray 132:1-18. Proverbs 17:6
please do so as soon as possible. Glen Chilton Shane Donahoo sister Lord, may You touch someone Day 203 - 1 Kings 14:1-15:24, Acts 10:1-23a, Psalm
Thanks, Saundra Lengefeld Bobby Varner Polly Wallace 133:1-3, Proverbs 17:7-8
Mildred Riddle Diane Franklin through me this day.

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