ZN S, Photolumin 98

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Luminescence studies of localized gap states in colloidal ZnS nanocrystals

D. Denzler, M. Olschewski, and K. Sattlera)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2505 Correa Road,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
~Received 23 March 1998; accepted for publication 4 June 1998!
ZnS nanoparticles were prepared by chemical precipitation of Zn21 with sulfur ions in aqueous
solution. The ultraviolet-excited samples reveal detailed structure in the luminescence spectra. A
doublet pattern observed in the long wavelength region is attributed to the coexistence of the two
crystalline forms in ZnS particles. The visible luminescent radiation at 590.1 nm is due to Mn
impurities. The dominant emission band at short wavelengths exhibits a quadruple fine structure
with peaks located at 416.1, 423.9, 430.1, and 437.8 nm which are identified with optical transitions
arising from vacancy and interstitial sites for both Zn and S atoms. © 1998 American Institute of
Physics. @S0021-8979~98!07717-2#

I. INTRODUCTION The reported luminescence spectra show a broad ultraviolet

peak at around 420 nm. ZnS can be doped with Mn very
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystallites have been easily, where few Mn atoms substitute for Zn atoms.18 This
studied intensively,1 and as there is a potential of application doping causes a visible orange luminescence at about 590
in nonlinear optical devices,2 focus has been on their optical nm. Both the ultraviolet and the orange peak have been re-
properties. Such materials are promising for the production ported to shift by a few nm upon prolonged irradiation to UV
of optical sensitizers and photocatalysts.3–5 Further, they can light or aging of the colloid.19
be used for light converting electrodes,6 electroluminescent The crystallography of ZnS is complicated by its propen-
applications7–9 and quantum devices.10,11 The optical proper- sity to crystallize in a variety of polymorphic modifications.
ties can be tuned due to quantum-size effects which effec- The principal structure types are cubic zinc blende ~sphaler-
tively lead to a size-dependent variation of the band gap ite! and hexagonal wurtzite in which the atoms are tetrahe-
energy. Differently colored powders can be produced just by drally bound in network arrangements related to those of the
variation of the grain sizes. The preferred characterization group IV semiconductors. In addition, there are related poly-
methods for such size-dependent behavior are optical absorp- types, with sustantially deviative structures of zinc blende
tion and luminescence. and wurtzite. Crystals encountered in practice are usually
If discrete energy levels are present in the band gap of nonideal and contain defects and imperfections. Because of
the crystallites, these may dominate the optical spectrum. the extensive polytypism, particularly in the case of ZnS,
Luminescence measurements then yield information about defect structures associated with intergrowths of several
the energetic positions of the electronic states in the gap. crystal forms are commonly encountered. Therefore, the
Such localized states can be due to various types of imper- peaks in luminescence spectra are often broad and individual
fections like vacancies, interstitial atoms, and atoms at sur- lines characteristic for the different polytypes are not re-
faces and grain boundaries. It is often difficult to determine solved.
the exact energy positions of these states, because they may
be very close in energy and cannot be resolved in the lumi-
nescence bands. II. EXPERIMENT
Luminescence in bulk solids with wide band gaps has
been investigated for a long time.12,13 However, nanocrystals For sample preparation, zinc sulfate and sodium sulfide
of such materials became of interest just recently. Among the were used as supplied. An 831025 molar solution of ZnSO4
most studied particles in colloidal form are the II-VI semi- and a 431023 molar solution of Na2S were prepared in de-
conductor compounds CdS and ZnS.14 ZnS has a band gap of ionized water and stirred for about 1 h. Then 1 ml of the
3.6 eV at 300 K. This corresponds to ultraviolet ~UV! radia- Na2S solution was injected into 50 ml of the rapidly stirred
tion for optical interband transition, with a wavelength of ZnSO4 solution. The colloidal sample was then stirred for
340 nm. Wide-band gap semiconductors are ideal materials another 10 min.
for studies of discrete states in the gap. Visible luminescence Chemical precipitation is widely used for the preparation
can only originate from transitions involving these localized of colloidal nanoparticles.20,21 In the method described
states. above, we used the following exchange/replacement reac-
Previous studies of luminescence and absorption in col- tion:
loidal ZnS have been performed for pure ZnS samples.15–17
4 , ~1!
Electronic mail: Sattler@hawaii.edu N~Zn211Na2S!↔~ZnS!N12N~Na1!. ~2!

0021-8979/98/84(5)/2841/5/$15.00 2841 © 1998 American Institute of Physics

2842 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 5, 1 September 1998 Denzler, Olschewski, and Sattler

FIG. 1. Schematic sketch of the experimental setup used for luminescence

measurements of colloids. Photoexcitation radiation is emitted by a 254 nm
UV lamp.
FIG. 2. Survey of luminescence spectra for three different colloidal ZnS
samples. Three regions ~UV, visible, and IR! are specified for separate dis-
Due to the high solvatation energy in water, the equilibrium cussion.
of Eq. ~1! lies far on the right side. The driving force for
reaction ~2! is the formation of strong ZnS bonds. This tech-
nique is known to produce fairly monodispersed crystalline consists of four peaks which form two identical doublets,
particles with diameters of 1–5 nm.15 shifted by 18 nm. In each doublet there is a narrow and a
Auger and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy were used broad peak, separated by 7 nm. The other band, ranging from
to characterize the chemical composition of the reaction 725 to 800 nm, consists of 10 major peaks. Again we can
products. A drop of the colloid was placed on a gold sub- identify several doublets, split by 7 nm. The relatively small
strate and studied after evaporation of the solvent. The analy- intensity of the peaks in the IR indicates that the transitions
sis of the spectra shows the expected peaks at the character- have small oscillator strengths. This is the case for transi-
istic ZnS electron energies. This confirms that Zn and S were tions between distinct localized states in the gap which arise
forming a chemical compound. from impurities and imperfections.
The setup for the luminescence measurements is shown In order to understand the observed doublets we may
in Fig. 1. A 254 nm UV lamp was the exciting light source. look closer at the atomic structure of ZnS. There is a close
Wavelengths below 400 nm were cut off by a filter. The 254 relation between the wurtzite and zinc blende structures. The
nm wavelength corresponds to a photon energy of 4.9 eV. atomic arrangements are very similar out to the second-
ZnS has an energy gap of E g 53.7 eV. For excitation ener- nearest neighbors. The only difference in coordination is the
gies above E g , electrons of the valence band are excited into substitution of a trigonal prism in wurtzite for an antiprism in
the conduction band and electron-hole pairs are created. zinc blende. It is necessary to go to third-nearest neighbors to
Their recombination can occur at various lattice or interstitial find significant differences between the structures. Both zinc
sites, leading to light emission with distinct and site-specific blende and wurtzite modifications of ZnS are found in natu-
luminescence peaks. The luminescence spectra were re- ral deposits of ZnS.
corded using a EG&G Princeton Applied Research model The structural interrelations are conveniently treated by
1420R HQ 1024-channel photomultiplier array. The applied using a hexagonal description for cubic zinc blende. Then,
UV source did not give any structure to the luminescence wurtzite and zinc blende structures can be viewed as the
spectrum. We checked this very carefully. Using a cutoff stacking of interleaved close-packed double layers of zinc
filter the exciting radiation was restricted to the far UV. The
measured sample spectra were normalized with a reference
spectrum of pure water.


Luminescence spectra for three ZnS samples in the range
400–800 nm are shown in Fig. 2. The spectra can be divided
into three regions: ~A! a nonvisible UV emission band from
400 to 450 nm, ~B! a visible emission band from 450 to 650
nm, and ~C! a nonvisible infrared ~IR! region above 650 nm.
In the UV and IR regions, different samples exhibit the same
spectral features. However, they differ significantly in the
visible region, even though the three samples were prepared
in the same way.
A. IR region
The emission in the IR region ~Fig. 3! can be divided FIG. 3. IR luminescence for three different samples. The five doublets
further into two bands. The band between 675 and 715 nm present in this region are marked for easy identification.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 5, 1 September 1998 Denzler, Olschewski, and Sattler 2843

and sulfur. Regarded as such close-packed sequences, wurtz-

ite repeats after two double layers, zinc blende after three.
The observation of the five doublets, all showing the
same 7 nm splitting, is a puzzling result. The observed peaks
in the IR are closer than 25 meV ~the thermal broadening at
room temperature! which clearly shows that the peaks are
not from transitions at the same site but rather from different
sites in different crystalline environments. We propose that it
is due to zinc blende- and wurtzite-type domains present in
the same particle. While bulk crystals of ZnS encountered in
practice may contain complex mixtures of polytypes, the dif-
ferent phases rather seem to separate in small particles. The
electronic transitions at an ionic site are known to depend on
the local crystal field produced by its neighbors. Different
crystalline environments lead to small differences in the elec- FIG. 4. Luminescence in the UV region for several samples. A quadruple
tronic state distribution which may show up as a splitting of fine structure is observed for all spectra.
levels in optical spectra. It would be nice to verify the an-
ticipated coexistence of the two crystal structures. However,
this is a difficult task in the case of small particles. sitions from this wide energetic distribution then yields the
The essential difference between the potential that an observed broad and smooth peak.
electron experiences in an ideal wurtzite lattice and that in a
zinc blende lattice is the relatively small difference in ‘‘crys- C. UV region
tal field’’ due to sites beyond the next nearest neighbors. The emission band in the UV region shows a quadruple
Therefore, if two types of lattices coexist side by side in one fine structure ~Fig. 4!. All prepared samples of colloidal ZnS
particle, the energies of localized states in different domains revealed this structure. Each spectrum was fitted with four
assume slightly different values. This results in doublet Gaussians in order to determine the exact peak positions.
structures for the transitions between these states. The result of a fit for one sample is given in Fig. 5~a!. From
five analyzed samples, the following peak positions with
their standard deviations were obtained: 416.160.6, 423.9
B. Visible region
60.9, 430.161.0, and 437.860.3 nm. The full width at half
In the visible region the spectra in Fig. 1 show a broad maximum for these four peaks ranges from 6.0 to 8.7 nm.
and intense emission band around 590 nm. It is this orange In previous studies of ZnS colloids only one UV peak at
luminescence which is observed with the human eye. This is 428 nm was observed15 and was assigned to transitions due
in correspondence with earlier results for Mn-doped bulk22 to sulfur vacancies. After irradiation treatment, the peak had
and colloidal ZnS.19 Therefore the visible emission observed shifted to 418 nm and was attributed to transitions involving
in our experiments is attributed to states arising from Mn interstitial zinc or sulfur atoms. In both samples, the freshly
impurities. The emission is due to the 4 T 1 (G)→ 6 A 1 (S) tran- prepared and the photodegradated, only a single emission
sition within the 3d shell of Mn21. The manganese occupies peak in the UV was found. This peak had a width of about
substitutionally the Zn lattice sites. Recombination of 80 nm and no fine structure.
electron-hole pairs and energy transfer to the Mn21 centers It has been reported in previous work on colloidal ZnS
cause this emission. In fact, films of zinc sulfide doped with that vacancy states lie deeper in the gap than states arising
manganese are the active layers of both ac and dc addressed from interstitial atoms.15 Therefore we conclude that the two
thin film electroluminescent devices. In our studies, the Mn long ~430.1 and 437.8 nm! and the two short ~416.1 and
ions are trace amounts in the chemicals used for sample 423.9 nm! wavelength peaks @Fig. 5~a!# are due to transitions
preparation. Consistent with this explanation is our observa- involving vacancy states and interstitial states, respectively.
tion that different samples exhibit this peak at the same Figure 5~b! shows a schematic energy level diagram
wavelength but with different intensities. Also, we deliber- with the four types of point defects which can be present in
ately doped ZnS with Mn, and always found the expected pure ZnS particles. Vacancies of sulfur and zinc are equiva-
orange emission band. For absolutely pure ZnS nanoparticles lent to localized donor and acceptor states, respectively. In
no visible luminescence would be observed. the case of interstitials, zinc atoms lead to donor states and
In contrast to the distinct narrow peaks in the infrared sulfur atoms to acceptor states. Involving these four levels in
region, the intensity distribution in the orange band is the energy gap, four optical transitions in the observed UV
smooth. This smoothness is in correspondence with the pro- range can occur. These are transitions either from or into
posed origin of the visible luminescence for Mn-doped extended states of the conduction and valence bands. Com-
samples. Both, the broad band and its smoothness are attrib- pared to the transitions between only localized states ~as ob-
uted to the large number of optical transitions associated served in the IR!, the participation of band states yields the
with the 3d 5 states of Mn. As the Mn atoms substitute Zn in intense luminescence in the UV.
the crystal lattice, the energy states of the 3d electrons are It remains to be discussed which one of the transitions
split in the tetragonal crystal field. The superposition of tran- involves states of Zn or S. A clue is provided by considering
2844 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 5, 1 September 1998 Denzler, Olschewski, and Sattler

TABLE I. Wavelengths and photon energies for the observed luminescence

peaks with their full widths at half maximum ~FWHM!.

Wavelength FWHM Photon energy FWHM

~nm! ~nm! ~eV! ~meV!

UV region 416.1 8.75 2.980 62.7

423.9 6.36 2.925 43.9
430.1 5.97 2.883 40.0
437.8 6.35 2.832 41.1

Visible region 590.1 42.14 2.101 150.2

IR region 684 5.40 1.813 14.3

691 2.56 1.794 6.6

702 6.48 1.766 16.3

709 2.76 1.749 6.8

744 8.98 1.666 20.1

751 2.89 1.651 6.4

757 6.22 1.638 13.5

764 1.45 1.623 3.1

774 2.38 1.602 4.9

789 3.85 1.571 7.7

796 2.52 1.558 4.9

FIG. 5. ~a! One of the spectra of Fig. 4 fitted by four Gaussian curves to
determine the exact peak positions. ~b! Schematic energy level diagram for
the point defects in pristine ZnS: I S5interstitial sulfur, I Zn5interstitial zinc, the electron levels due to surface and interface states should
V S5sulfur vacancy, and V Zn5zinc vacancy. The levels are drawn corre-
sponding to the peaks in the luminescence spectrum of ~a!. theoretically be determined for ZnS nanocrystals.

Luminescence spectra of colloidal ZnS have been re-
the defective incorporation of Zn or S into the crystal. In the corded between 400 and 800 nm. In the IR region ~650–800
case of interstitials, extra ions are located at sites not occu- nm!, the low intensity doublet structure is attributed to inter-
pied in the perfect crystal. When an atom is placed into such impurity transitions. The small doublet splitting of 7 nm is
a site, a rearrangement of the nearest neighbors takes place. interpreted by a coexistence of wurtzite and zinc blende do-
The extent of deformation depends on the size of the incor- mains in one particle. The well known visible orange emis-
porated atom. As the sulfur ions are larger than the zinc ions, sion band is related to Mn traces. In the UV region ~400–450
interstitial sulfur induces more strain to the lattice. Electron nm!, a quadruple fine structure is observed. It is explained by
levels originating from this site will have smaller binding optical transitions involving the localized states which arise
energies due to such strain. Therefore, interstitial sulfur from the point defects of pure ZnS.
states should be located closer to the valence band edge than
interstitial zinc states to the conduction band edge. Conse- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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the 423.9 nm peak to interstitial zinc. Similar considerations The authors would like to thank John Akutagawa, Bjo-
can be applied for the vacancies. Therefore we attribute the ern Marsen, William Pong and Paul Scheier for their help
430.1 nm peak to sulfur vacancies and the 437.8 nm peak to and for useful discussions.
zinc vacancies.
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