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0 is about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of these tools in minutes. Technology has never been easier or more accessible to all. Presentation Tools: Break out of the box, beyond basic slides and bullet points. Upload, create, edit and share creative presentationsanytime, anywhere. Video Tools: Lights, camera, (inter)action! Web 2.0 makes it easier than ever to integrate video into shared projects and presentations. Mobile Tools: Perfect for podcasting, blogging, media sharing, quizzes and more, these clever apps turn cell phones into smart teaching tools. Community Tools: From wikis to social networks, this range of tools enables teachers and students to communicate, collaborate and share work. Related Links: New Web 2.0 tools are published every week and cover many of the categories above. (discovery education) E- LEARNING E-learning is a term that has gained increasing popularity with respect to the digital and online, "e-learning", is the term in English. E-learning means more than just digital transmission online knowledge, or computer-based training through WWW Network. It refers to two important components: The experience of learning, Electronic technology. The experience of e-learning is achieved highlights the important methodologies and training techniques: Make the student wishes to investigate further, provide simulated practice skills and procedures, Help, support and direct students.

The main advantages are listed below: You can extend learning throughout the organization. With the technologies e-learning, you can reach the management and administrative staff at all levels with the same training content and educational support. For example, to decentralize its services, organizations must develop the capacity of staff at district level and local levels. With adequate physical infrastructure, administrators these levels can receive training and management tools necessary. You can reach a large number of students. Management development and administrative often requires a large number of administrators institute practices and techniques. Learning technologies mail may potentially and help train in the short term, critical mass necessary for administrators effective development. You can adapt the e -learning

activities tailored to individuals. The instruction uses a strategy based on e-learning can be organized to allow students progress at their own pace, focusing on topics that fit their individual needs. They can skip the parts with those already are familiar or repeat difficult parts. (Universidad de Barcelona) It is betting heavily on the advantages of e-learning, the most relevant: Make better use of the time available, Optimize the learning process, Maximize results using resources appropriately technology and to break geographical barriers. Web 2.0 marks a distinct break from the internet applications of the 1990s and early 2000s, facilitating interactive rather than broadcast forms of exchange, in which information is shared many-to-many rather than being transmitted from one to many. Web 2.0 applications are built around the appropriation and sharing of content amongst communities of users, resulting in various forms of user-driven communication, collaboration and content creation and recreation. Commentators now talk of a

read/write web, where users can easily generate their own content as well as consuming content produced by others. For example, Wikipedia is distinct from the Encyclopaedia Britannica Online because it is an open document that is created, updated, edited and refereed by its readers, thus deriving accuracy and authority from ongoing group discussion and consensus rather than the word of one expert. Similarly, Flickr could be considered as distinct from earlier online applications such as Ofoto in that users photographs are made accessible to all and can be commented upon, labelled, categorised and edited by whole communities of users, making it a photograph-sharing rather than photograph-storage application. EDUCATION 2.0 Educational responses to web 2.0, The evolving nature of web 2.0 makes it a ready vehicle for a number of educational agendas. We should remain cautious of some of the more exaggerated claims currently surrounding web 2.0. Both booster and doomster discourses have grown up around web 2.0, portraying its poss ible educational effects and impacts in decidedly overstated terms. At one extreme are enthusiastic hopes for a complete transformation of education systems, with some commentators extending the technology terminology of 2.0 through talk of a rebooting of teaching and learning. At the other, some commentators have used web 2.0 to generate moral panics about young people and the supposed death of education. (Noss)

WEB 1.0 Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web better known as WWW. He proposed a new system of "hypertext" to share documents. HyperText Mark up Language "Hypertext-based system that allows classifying information of various types, known as the world wide web" Powered by hypertext and graphics and include multimedia effects. It is considered the most simple and understandable access to the universe of information available on the Internet Link pages or documents located on the network regardless of their physical location or geography. CHARACTERISTICS OF WEB 1.0 Few producers of content, many readers of this content, static pages, the update of the sites is not performed on a regular basis. Directional and collaborative sites, Users are consumers readers. Interaction reduced minimum contact forms, registration bulletins, etc. (Y.) BLENDED LEARNING Blended learning which combines face-to-face and virtual teaching More recently Tomei (2003) analyzes how theories are behind some of the most common techniques and technologies in the classroom. This is an example: Behaviorism : drill and practice multimedia , visual presentations continuous feed- bacj, Cognitivism :

presentations of information, software that helps students to explore, web , Humanism : attention to individual differences and job skills collaborative . Before this approach may be seen in relation to the choice of different Multimedia designs based on the educational objectives to be achieved and of educational theory that supports that

action in Bartholomew (1994) .There relates associationist theories multimedia designs " Fitness and practice " , "Tutorial" and " Multimedia Books " , while constructivist theories associated designs as eminently informative and Hypermedia Encyclopedias and oriented models as the resolution of cases and problems. Simulations and videogames collect input from both lines of theoretical and draws new models such as contextual learning and opportunities for collaborative work network ( with the new space-time dimensions associated ) . (Universidad de Barcelona)

discovery education, I. (n.d.). web 20.13. Retrieved from Nordeste, U. N. (n.d.). E-LEARNING AS AN EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENT. Retrieved from gisemono.pdf: Noss, R. (n.d.). education 2.0? Retrieved from Designing the web for teaching and learning: Universidad de Barcelona, b. a. (n.d.). blended learning. Retrieved from /1_bartolome.pdf Y., P. E. (n.d.). EVOLUTION OF THE WEB.pdf. Retrieved from EVOLUTION OF THE WEB.pdf:

AUTHORS: Ana Mara Manzano Garca, Roberto Carlos Chevez Medina and Coralia Yessenia Hernandez Campos. Fourth semester students of Bachelor Degrre in English. October 14th, 2013.

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