By: Lorena Fernández, Sindi Granados and Marisol Cruz

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WEB 1.

Web 1.0 is an application used by teacher and student with the propose to search information; therefore web 1.0 has come to facilitate the searching process, this mean Web 1.0 is stationary character, used only to consume information. The first implementation of the web represents the web 1.0, which, according to Berners-Lee, could be considered the read-only web. In other words, the early web allowed us to search for information and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or content contribution. However, this is exactly what most website owners wanted: Their goal for a website was to establish an online presence and make their information available to anyone at any time. (Umesha & Shivalingaiah, 2008) Is an application that expands the reading as the objective of Web 1.0 is to provide information for users to read and discuss, but only that "reading", because in this application cannot interact or comment about the document. When referring to establish an online presence this mean that people only could publish documents to other people could read and also use the information.

WEB 2.0
Web 2.0 is a new technology that humans have created to improve the system of communication and interaction, because the Education is an indispensable process for humans, it is for this reason that human beings always seek and create new ways to improve the teaching and learning process especially in education, meaning that web2.0 is an application used as a tool that includes a series of applications Internet, such as social networks, wikis, folksonomies, virtual companies, blogs, online multiplayer and "mash-ups". All these applications have been created with the purpose of creating cyber interaction, giving rise to the communications, interaction, collaboration and content creation from users. Web 2.0 is a term that is used to denote several different concepts: Web sites based on a particular set of technologies such as AJAX; Web sites which incorporate a strong social component, involving user profiles, friend links; Web sites which encourage usergenerated content in the form of text, video, and photo postings along with comments, tags, and ratings; or just Web sites that have gained popularity in recent years and are subject to fevered speculations about valuations and IPO prospects. (L. Backstrom, 2006)

By: Lorena Fernndez, Sindi Granados and Marisol Cruz.

Web 2.0 is based on virtual communities because this is a program that allows virtual interaction not only between people of the same country, but with people around the world, so Web 2.0 is a valuable tool in education, and web 2.0 for students has been to improve and facilitate learning forms. Web 2.0 is both a platform on which innovative technologies have been built and a space where users are treated as rst class objects. Table 1. A Comparison of web 1.0 and web 2.0

(Aghaei, Mohammad, & Farsani, 2012)

In this table can see the differences between 1.0 and 2.0 applications, where it is seen that the improvement of application 1.0, gave rise to the 2.0 application, creed an internet where people will not only be able to read, if not also share, live and interact with others.

Blended learning is a mix of environments surrounding the student, the old and the new that is the way of learning of traditional methodology and the renewed form of learning of new methodology. This means that the blended learning is the blend of traditional teaching with new technologies.

By: Lorena Fernndez, Sindi Granados and Marisol Cruz.

Blended learning refers to a mixing of different learning environments. The phrase has many specific meanings based upon the context in which it is used. Blended learning gives learners and teachers a potential environment to learn and teach more effectively. Fuente especificada no vlida. Blended learning is the innovated way of education, because in it, are the new technological tools that have come to improve and facilitate the teaching-learning process, thus creating efficiency in education. Blended learning is the union of all the skills and abilities that humans possess, such as: creating, Evaluating, analyzing, Applying, understanding and remembering; skills coupled with technological tools make education a more comprehensive process.

E-learning is education that is supported by technological tools to facilitate teaching process and at the same time learning process. E-learning can be defined as the use of computer and Internet technologies to deliver a broad array of solutions to enable learning and improve performance. (Nations, 2011) E-learning leads students to practice, this means that e-learning is that which is done by computer and intelligent devices, the technique used in this kind of learning is for students to create their own technological environment, for which it must have social networks and internet account, because this right through the student can interact and communicate online in virtual communities such as Facebook, twitter, blogger, instagram, line, and so on. With the use of social networks and internet account the student is creating his Personal Learning Environment (PLE), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and his Personal Learning Networks (PLN)

The internet is not the only thing to which the fashionable tag 2.0 gets attached. We find business 2.0, medicine 2.0, journalism 2.0, and even sex 2.0 (Business 2.0 Amagazine, 2007)

By: Lorena Fernndez, Sindi Granados and Marisol Cruz.

These little paragraphs says that wed 2.0, not only can be used in education, because nowadays also the business are 2.0 I mean today there are many business that sells virtually or make shop virtually, and also todays business make their exposure through websites, or used some social network, in which helps businesses to expands. Also the medicine, nowadays has had a great evolution, because now, there are many new machines that make it easier for doctors, do nicely their diagnoses.

Before students and teachers used the resources of the Internet and computer software to locate, process and present information, learn and assess their skills, and found the information from millions of sources with a computer, online encyclopedias, databases and Internet. Nowadays due to technological changes not only can we find information, now we can manipulate, interacting and commenting on the information we read, and most importantly, now we can create our own virtual environment, joining online communities such as Facebook and Twitter, or creating accounts, especially to post our documents as a Blog.

Business 2.0 Amagazine. (2007). Retrieved from Business 2.0 Amagazine. Aghaei, S., Mohammad, A. N., & Farsani, H. K. (2012). EVOLUTION OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB: FROM WEB 1.0 TO WEB 4.0. International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology, 3. L. Backstrom, D. H. (2006). Key Differences between Web1.0 and Web2.0. Lan. Group formation in large social networks:. Nations, O. o. (2011). Food and Agriculture. United states. Noss, R. (2007). Designing the web for teaching and learning . London : London knowledge Lab, University London. Umesha, N., & Shivalingaiah. (2008). Comparative Study of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. In N. Umesha, & Shivalingaiah, Comparative Study of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 (p. 500). Mangalore.

By: Lorena Fernndez, Sindi Granados and Marisol Cruz.

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