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B 903


B.Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2011 (For the candidates admitted in the academic year 20082009) Core Subject Paper III EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75 PART I (10 2 = 20 marks) Answer any TEN questions. Each answer should not exceed half-a-page. Each answer carries 2 marks. 1. List the characteristics of a charismatic leader.

U Px Pmkmi US u s mikP.
2. Give the phases involved in systems approach.

kzumh A EUSv Ch i{Pz uP.

3. What is basic education?

BuU P G G?
4. What is PSI? PSI G G? 5. Give four examples for hardware.

US |S GkzxUPmkP uP.


What is educational technology?

P ~m G G?
7. Mention two educational uses of internet.

Cnuzv P P Hu Csi SkP.

8. What is Dalton plan?

hh vmh G G?
9. What is negative education?

GvU P G G?
10. List any two advantages of virtual class.

""zu S'' AT[P mikP.

11. What is the meaning of Innovation?



x Gu x?
12. What do you mean by Viswabharathi?

v Gx } Ax x?
PART II (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. Each answer should not exceed 1 page. Each answer carries 5 marks. 13. Discuss the role of teacher in Educational technology.

P ~m vUP.



_UPP B 903


Briefly explain the application of systems approach to educational improvement.

P zvP A mi _UPP USP.



What are sainik schools? Give its salient features.

\U P G ]\[Pz uP.



Write notes on Gurukula system of Education.

17. What are floating universities? Give its specific functions.

uUS PU PP[P G ? A ua ] \kPz uP.

18. What are the important innovations implemented in distance education system?

uyU P xP ?
19. Write short notes on : (a) (b) (c) LAN WAN Host.



] S P. (A) (B) (C) m.

20. Explain briefly the Design phase in system approach.

A AqS i Pmhzu _UPP USP.


B 903

PART III (2 15 = 30 marks) Answer BOTH the questions. Each answer should not exceed 3 pages. Each answer carries 15 marks. 21. (a) (i) (ii) What is individualised instruction? Explain the principles of individualised instruction. (iii) Explain the basic principles of programmed learning. (i) u| Pzu G G? (ii) u| Pzu PmkP USP. (iii) vmhmkU P AihU PmkP

Or (b) Explain the similarities and differences between Montessori and Kindergarten methods.

si\ , Qsh Ph CPUS Ch JP, P USP.

22. (a) Discuss the salient features of Navodaya Vidyalaya and Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools.

|u Pv z P UQ A\[P vUP.
Or (b) What is autonomy? Bring out the need for giving autonomy to institutions. What are the advantages of giving autonomy to educational institutions.

um] G G? P {[PUS um] [Su u U PnP. P {[PUS um] [Su AT[P ?


B 903

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