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Descriptive Phrases for Narrative & Personal Recount His face screwed up with concentration Expressionless face His

face His face was rapt with attention Her eyes had a fixed, faraway look in them Stared at her with bulging eyes Dark crescents under her eyes The man, his eyes cold and intense, stood over him Said in a clear, penetrating voice A huge stomach that rippled as he walked Staggered drunkenly Fred sat absolutely still, his face impassive, his eyes locked on Terry Raymond compressed his lips His face was twisted in distress There was a look of desperation about him There was an aura of menace about her Her eyes glittered with spite / malice His eyes gleamed with curiosity There was a note of defiance in her voice He gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. Nodded encouragingly Listened appreciatively She saw him flinch slightly He staggered into the garden, gasping for breath He sat there in uncharacteristic silence She smiled tiredly/ sheepishly He gave me a mocking look He shifted uneasily from one foot to another The door slammed, and he sat bolt upright They blinked, and exchanged puzzled glances He stared unblinkingly at her Glancing around into the darkness that loomed in on all sides, Jason Jonathon craned his neck and peered into the blackness of the manhole She gazed bleakly at the rain drumming on the windows He looked vaguely embarrassed A rustle of confusion and bewilderment swept through the hall He stared at it with his mouth agape, questions whipped through his mind His words hung in the darkness As seconds ticked by like the powdery sands of an ancient hourglass Worry wrapped itself around her like a heavy blanket She was welded firmly by terror to the cold, hard cement floor Her face turned blue as she gasped desperately for air His eyes betrayed no trace of emotion Surveyed the sloppy class of rebellious students His thin, sneering lips curled up into a sinister smile I felt it slip from my grasp

By Marife Cruz Yap Langlit Edu Services

Descriptive Phrases for Narrative & Personal Recount Jolting me to my senses Ran into the swimming darkness of the silent woods ahead of me All I could think of the single imperative that filled my soul and drove me onward was my need to flee. Intermittent flashes of lightning were followed closely by deafening thunderclaps The wind suddenly rose and the rain increased in intensity The rain mercilessly pelted down on him Without a flinch of guilt, He walked menacingly towards her at a deliberately slow pace I pleaded tearfully as a feeling of dread built up inside me As the knife hovered dangerously above my neck The room swam and blurred as tears welled up in his eyes His footsteps came to a sudden halt His eyes flitted desperately from side to side, searching frantically for an escape route, but to no avail His voice devoid (empty) of emotion Smirking contemptuously (hatefully and proudly) Dropping his voice to a mere whisper, he muttered, ANGER FEAR Mary shrieked in fear Shock paralysed Elvis Panic-stricken, he could not breathe. Her eyes were glazed with fear My eyes darted frantically around His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in horror (dilated in terror) Gasped Sarah in utter disbelief, her eyes widening in shock/ colour draining from her face. He could hear his heart pounding in the darkness Fear screamed in his head and gripped his heart A fine sweat beaded his forehead Streams of perspiration outlined his trembling jaw. A monstrous terror seized him and his heart pulsated, pumping cold dread into every capillary of his body. Rage tightened his throat His face was congested with rage Drawing out every word in outrage His veins throbbing wildly in his temples His lips twisted in anger, his eyes filled with rage He clenched his fists, his veins throbbing with fury He could feel the pressure of his rage growing against his ribs His rage built up from within and threatened to overwhelm him. Boiling blood shot through his veins and anger cloaked him like a medieval armour

By Marife Cruz Yap Langlit Edu Services

Descriptive Phrases for Narrative & Personal Recount SADNESS His heart was weighed down as he drowned in loneliness A sense of despair overwhelmed him as years of isolation and neglect loomed before him.

HAPPINESS He shrieked in triumph She laughed delightedly Her face flushed with pleasure at the thought Was always disarmingly cheerful Johns eyes were wide open with amazement and exultation His mouth gaped in disbelief and gradually, a smile began to form on his lips. There was a grin of triumph on his face He jumped around ecstatically, thrusting his fist in the air and his voice boomed, I made it!

THOUGHTS Thought reflectively Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud Terrified by the thoughts that now swirled in my mind Thoughts skittered in and out of his mind, unable to take shape These thoughts spun in his mind like an accelerating carousel My mind was in a whirlpool of chaos, unable to register what I had just done.

By Marife Cruz Yap Langlit Edu Services

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