EDCT Lesson Plan

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EDCT Lesson Plan Lesson Title: A Brief intro to Logic Instructor's Name: Michael Lopez Learning Objectives: Provided

ded a hypothetical logical situation and solution, students will be able to identify what type of reasoning was used and be able to give 2 supporting reason for their clams. Students will be able to identify Inductive and Deductive reasoning as well as provide an example for both. Students will be able to list at least two faults with both Inductive and Deductive reasoning.

Lesson duration: 55 minute class session o 10 minutes will be spent on an example of each inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. I will do something mathematically on the board and then do something pattern related. o 15 minutes will be used to explain Inductive and Deductive reasoning. o 15 minutes will be allowed for class discussion over the two, coming up with pros and cons of each method. Reflecting on why this is relevant in everyday life. o 10 minutes will be used to allow students to work on a work sheet of identifying situations as inductive or deductive reasoning as well as providing two supporting reason to support their clams o The last 5 minutes will be used to write an exit slip having students create their own Inductive or deductive reasoning. o Back up if extra time: introduce truth tables.

Overview: The first activity I'm going to do is with induction. It involves two volunteers from the class. The volunteers get bags of chips which encourages class participation. After the example of Induction I will do an example of deduction which is really more of me just doing something on the board. After students see the two different examples I'm going to ask them about the reasoning that was used to come up with the solution. This will be more of a student run discussion where I pick out key points of the things they are saying. After we come up with the reasoning in the two examples I will introduce the concept of inductive and deductive reasoning. I will then be asking the class to help run a discussion about the pros and cons of the two methods and coming up with examples of when each would be used. I would then give a bit of an assessment, for the students benefited to see if they have grasped the concepts of reasoning. After we review the assessment as a class the exit slip will be for students to create their own inductive or deductive reasoning problem.

This lesson is for high school students or anyone who is particularly interested in learning logic.

Materials used: The materials used for this lesson are very limited; I tend to use two bags of chips, a box full of mints and chalk board or smart board for writing on. A projector is also useful for displaying questions to the class because I have horrible handwriting although it is unnecessary. Instructional Procedure: I first will ask for a volunteer from the class. That student will be given a bag of chips and then be asked to leave their chips at their desk and leave the room for a short period of time. I will then ask for another volunteer, I will give that student another bag of chips of the same variety as the first student and then hid the first student's bag of chips. I will then ask the first student to return to the class room. I will then ask the student to explain to the class what he/she thought happened to their bag of chips. Normally the first student will say that the second student stole their chips. At this time I will reveal the first students bag of chips and return them to the student. The second example is rather dry. It is a word problem on the board, "Paul likes everything that is yellow. This flower is yellow." I will then ask the class what we can conclude from this situation. The obvious answer is that Paul likes the flower. The next thing to talk about is the difference between the two examples. Student one comes to the conclusion that student two stole the chips, because student 1 did not see us give student 2 the chips and student 1's chips are now missing. This is using observation to come to a conclusion, whereas in the second example we are very clearly told that Paul likes everything yellow and then introduced a yellow object. There was no observation here; we were told what Paul liked. This is where we introduce the concept of inductive and deductive reasoning. Here is where I normally where I ask the class if a situation is inductive or deductive. Sometimes it can be hard to tell so we will open the discussion to the class to explain their reasoning. Students will either be able to work in small groups (no more than 3 students to a group) and be asked to identify a series of questions. These questions are not graded, but rather used to see if the students understand the concepts or not. These concepts are very important for everything that comes next so they really need to be understood. We will then review the work sheet as a class going over the answer and talking about ones that students missed so that everyone is clear on inductive and deductive reasoning. To end class students will be asked to create their own inductive or deductive question and list two supporting facts on why it is inductive or deductive.

Evaluation/assessment: Students are giving an in class worksheet asking them to identify a situation as inductive or deductive. This is not for a grade but rather checking for understanding.

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