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Prayer Requests
Pray for our new students as they study Gods Word this year. The Bible Club starting once again in our home for the neighborhood children. Pray for generous hearts who will support the WOLH Bible Institute Solid Foundation Scholarship Fund. Pray for Paul as he leads the Bible Institute team. Pray for the people who made salvation decisions during Street Evangelism. Pray for Paul as he continues PhD studies. Pray for our personal support which is still lacking considerably. Pray that the Lord will use us daily for His glory.

Weaver Update
Fall 2013 Ministry Update

Celebrating 20 Years!
September 13th marked the starting point for the 20th year of the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute! 55 students from 10 different countries flooded the castle grounds with books, suitcases, and great expectations for the school year ahead. It is so amazing to look back over the past 20 years and see what God has done through the WOLHBI Alumni, as well as what He is going to do through our current students this year. Already we can see great potential in this class, and we are humbled to think that we have even a small part in their spiritual growth and future ministry. What a joy it is to serve the Lord and these students on a daily basis! The first week of classes always includes Personal Evangelism and Street Evangelism. The focus is for the students to be able to share the gospel, first and foremost. After learning how to clearly explain the gospel, the students and staff all travel to the streets of Budapest to put it into practice! During those two afternoons, everyone who is a part of WOL Hungary leaves the classroom and office behind to evangelize in the city. Praise the Lord for the courage He gave to our staff and students and the seeds which were planted in the hearts of many who heard the gospel.

The start of an exciting school year! 55 students from 10 different countries! A wonderful time of refreshment at the European Directors Conference. Generous donations to the Scholarship Fund. Gods continuous blessing upon our lives and ministry. Wonderful supporters like you!

Fast Facts About the WOLHBI Students:

55 students total, including: 2 Ukrainians 17 Brazilians 1 Serbian 10 Hungarians 11 Americans 2 Polish 4 Czechs 2 Slovakians 1 Romanian 5 Canadians

Support a Student

We have been blessed with 23 Central and Eastern European students this year. However, every one of 39 first-year students & 16 second-year students these European students is in need of financial help 34 males & 21 females to pay his or her school bill. Would you prayerfully consider a donation towards the WOL Hungary 11 students already involved in full time ministry Bible Institute Solid Foundation Scholarship Fund? 23 students needing help from the Scholarship Fund For more information, please email Jill Weaver at or visit: Over 600 alumni around the world

Weaver Update: Fall 2013

WOL European Directors Conference

Thank you for your prayers concerning the recent Word of Life European Directors Conference in Berlin. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with Directors from all over Europe, including Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, Portugal, and many more! Did you know that Word of Life is actively ministering in 67 countries around the world?! It was a joy to connect with other WOL missionaries, share about the challenges and blessings of ministry, pray together, and spur one another on to good works. Word of Life is making a concerted effort to pool our various gifts, knowledge, experience, and abilities together in order to more effectively reach each region of the world for Christ. Alex Konyas (former Director of WOL Hungary) recent appointment as WOL European Paul & Jill pictured with Alex & Pam Konya Director is one such strategic decision. (center) and Gbor & Tndi Csiks (left) in Berlin Name: Sarolta Szab Age: 24 Country: Hungary

Why did you come to the BI? During my time in college, I realized that walking with God means I need to be all in meaning it is impossible to walk on two roads at the same time. I finally understood how important it is to have a working knowledge of God's Word. I'm here to learn as much as I can, so I can put it into practice and live it out daily. I want to make disciples, just as God commanded us. How would you like to serve the Lord in the future? Im not sure yet if I will enter full-time ministry in the future, but I do know that I want to serve the Lord with my life wherever He places me. My desire is to run the race, and to remain in close fellowship with the Lord so I will always hear His voice and obey. Name: Mark Abrman Age: 20 Country: Slovakia

Why did you come to the BI? My main reason for coming to the Bible Institute was to grow in my relationship with God and to grow in my knowledge of the Bible. It also gave me the opportunity to center all of my focus on Him and His word and not be distracted by other things. How would you like to serve the Lord in the future? After finishing the BI, I would like to continue my theological education and finish my bachelor's degree. However, my ultimate goal is to start serving the Lord in full time ministry as a missionary or pastor, probably in Slovakia.

Please pray for our personal support level as we seek to raise an additional $1,500 per month.
More information about our current support situation can be found on the back of our quarterly Prayer Calendar. Please take time to read it and consider how you might be able to join our team! God bless you!

Phone: (317) 495-1491 Email: (Paul) (Jill)

Address: WOL let Szava 2252 Talms Kkai u.2. Hungary

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