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IA 2 Snow White Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White with them. Snow White didnt want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood. In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; What is your name?. Snow White said; My name is Snow White. One of the dwarfs said; If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

NAMA : ANI MARSELA KELAS : XI.IA 2 King of The Jungle One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox cried out, "How dare you attack the king of the jungle?" Tiger looked at him in amazement. "Nonsense! You are not King!" "Certainly I am," replied the Fox. "All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me." Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, "Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?" "I am surprised, but I've seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King." Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go

NAMA : T. FENNY SEPTYA LUCYANI KELAS : XI.IA 2 Golden Eggs Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said I dont have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship. A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, its already too late.**


The Man and the Serpent A Countrymans son by accident trod upon a Serpents tail, which turned and bit him so that he died. The father in a rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail. So the Serpent in revenge began stinging several of the Farmers cattle and caused him severe loss. Well, the Farmer thought it best to make it up with the Serpent, and brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said to it: Lets forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied why should not we be friends again? No, no, said the Serpent; take away your gifts; you can never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.


THREE FISH Once three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. This pond is full of fish, they told each other excitedly. we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish! So saying, the fishermen left. When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, Did you hear what the fishermen said? W must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all! The second of the three fish agreed. You are right, he said. We must leave the pond. But the youngest fish laughed. You are worrying without reason, he said. We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere my luck will keep me safe. The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fishs luck did not help him he was caught and killed.

Snow White Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White with them. Snow White didnt want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood. In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; What is your name?. Snow White said; My name is Snow White. One of the dwarfs said; If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Salju Putih Sekali waktu ada tinggal sedikit , bernama Putri Salju . Dia tinggal bersama bibi dan pamannya karena orang tuanya meninggal. Suatu hari ia mendengar paman dan bibinya berbicara tentang meninggalkan Putri Salju di istana karena mereka ingin pergi ke Amerika dan mereka tidak punya cukup uang untuk mengambil Putri Salju dengan mereka . Salju Putih tidak ingin paman dan bibinya untuk melakukan hal ini . Jadi dia memutuskan untuk melarikan diri . Keesokan harinya dia lari dari rumah ketika bibi dan pamannya sedang sarapan , ia melarikan diri ke dalam kayu . Dalam kayu ia merasa sangat lelah dan lapar . Lalu ia melihat pondok ini . Dia mengetuk tapi tidak ada yang menjawab jadi dia masuk ke dalam dan merasa tertidur Sementara tujuh kurcaci datang pulang dari kerja . Mereka masuk ke dalam. Di sana, mereka menemukan Putri Salju terbangun . Dia melihat dwarf . Para kurcaci berkata; " Siapa namamu ? " . Salju Putih mengatakan , " Nama saya Putri Salju " . Salah satu kurcaci berkata , " Jika Anda ingin, Anda dapat tinggal di sini bersama kami." Salju Putih menceritakan seluruh kisah tentang dia . Maka iklan Salju putih tujuh kurcaci hidup bahagia selamanya .

King of The Jungle One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox cried out, "How dare you attack the king of the jungle?" Tiger looked at him in amazement. "Nonsense! You are not King!" "Certainly I am," replied the Fox. "All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me." Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, "Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?" "I am surprised, but I've seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King." Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go

Raja Jungle Suatu hari seekor harimau melihat seekor rubah berjalan sendirian. Kemudian, ia bermaksud untuk menyerang rubah. Ketika Tiger melompat di Fox, Fox berteriak, "Beraninya kau menyerang raja hutan?" Tiger menatapnya dengan takjub. "Omong kosong! Anda tidak Raja!" "Tentu saja aku," jawab rubah. "Semua binatang lari dari saya dalam teror! Jika Anda ingin bukti, ikut aku." Fox pergi ke hutan dengan harimau di tumit. Ketika mereka datang ke kawanan rusa, rusa melihat Tiger belakang Fox dan lari ke segala arah. Mereka datang kepada sekelompok monyet, monyet melihat harimau di belakang rubah dan mereka melarikan diri. Fox memandang harimau dan berkata, "Apakah Anda perlu lebih banyak bukti dari itu? Lihat bagaimana hewan melarikan diri pada pandangan pertama saya?" "Saya terkejut, tapi aku sudah melihat dengan mata saya sendiri. Maafkan aku menyerang Anda, Great King." Tiger membungkuk rendah dengan upacara besar, ia membiarkan rubah pergi

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