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What is OUTFrenchOnline?

OUTFrenchOnline is an online French programme offered by the Open University of Tanzania, designed in line with the Common European Framework for Languages (CECRL). The programme proposes French courses for specific objectives for students registered in: Bachelor of Tourism Studies Political Science (International Relations stream) Bachelor of Business Management Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies The programme also organizes classes for companies, international organizations and individuals (private classess.

How to study with OUTFrenchOnline?

OUTFrenchOnline is a hybrid programme. It allows you to work online and in class every week accompanied by qualified tutors in the region for which you have registered.* OutFrenchOnline enables you to develop your skills with: Adjusted design course one line with multimedia supports such as video, audio documents and interactive activities, and by discovering other French websites for working on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc. Weekly session class at the OUT centre with your tutor targeted on oral practice and realization of courses tasks and activities. Interactive activities through Forum, wiki and emails enshrined in the university teaching/ learning platform. French resources (books and DVD) available in the centres. With online self testing and self evaluation through them you will be able to measure your progress in language and autonomy learning You will acquire step by step the international levels as per the Common European Framework for Languages and be awarded a certificate by the Open University of Tanzania.

Why OUTFrenchOnline can be a gangway to the French world?

It will offer you links to discover the world of French language by working with various French websites for radio and TV programmes It will allow you to discover the cultures of francophone countries: France, Belgium, Quebec, Ct dIvoire, Cameroun, and many others ! * It will give you a certificate of the Open University of Tanzania, and the opportunity to pass an international certificate thanks to its course design in line with the Common European Framework for Languages (CECRL)

*For this academic year the programme is open to students pursuing Bachelor of Tourism Studies and for those who would like to have a certificate in French

* Now in Dar es Salaam and Arusha centres, but we will soon be in others regions.

* Did you know that around 200 millions people speak Frenchon the five continents? (As in :Algrie, Burkina Faso, le Bnin, le Cameroun, le Congo, la Cte dIvoire, Djibout, le Gabon, la Guine, Madagascar, le Mali, le Maroc, la Mauritanie, la Rpublique centrafricaine, la Rpublique dmocratique du Congo (ex-Zare), le Sngal, le Tchad et le Togo, Comores et les Seychelles, Hati) .

What opportunities OUTFrenchOnline Can Open to You?

The programme can be of importance in: Daily business communication following the coming of Rwanda and Burundi in the EAC Development of your career in the area of Tourism Widening of your potentials in diplomatic discourse Building your strength in the labour market by differentiating yourself from others Remember, with French you open the door for your success. And that the key of that door to success is at the Open University of Tanzania, held by the OUTFenchOnline.

How to Contact Us?

In case of any inquiry, we are reachable through these contacts: For the dotcom generation, you can reach us at: or you can call at: +255 654 79 36 95 +255 773 49 87 33 +255 755 62 64 89

The Open University of Tanzania

Bienvenue to the programme


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