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Difference between summary and paraphrase Summary: a contraction to a % of the original text.

Long summaries are approximately 30% of the original text. Distinguish between a full-text summary and a specific list/point requirement. Autosummary in Word can help but it doesnt give a sentence which makes sense. Paraphrase: does not need to necessarily contract the original text, it is written in your own words. Dos and Donts for summaries: Summaries: Do not include lists Do not include more than one major example for each point mentioned (and ONLY if necessary) Avoid overly colloquial/idiomatic language use formal language Focus on formality Do not include/infiltrate personal opinion/s Use conjunctions appropriately Maintain tense agreement (between verb-subject, etc and across sentences) Avoid paragraphs especially if the text is short to begin with Do not include direct speech Do not lift words from the text unless they are technical terms which cannot be changed i.e. paraphrase where possible

How to make a summary: -make a numbered list of points -highlight key terms/words which have been used prominently -lift them and write/type them separately as is/word for word -re-read text -ignore the text/set text aside -Transform/re-write those words and phrases into your own words i.e. paraphrase, keeping them in point form -choose a chronology -construct the points/put them together into grammatically correct sentences and link them efficiently using conjunctions
Although the islands are steamily beautiful, it is hard to imagine what made Portugal think that they would be a useful colony. Theyre smallonly 1,001km between the two of themvolcanic and thickly vegetated. Exploring So Tom and Prncipe, on foot, by jeep and on a bike, I am struck again and again by the power of that nature, both to feedcrops grow here almost visiblyand to destroy. The pavements of the capital (also called So Tom) are ruptured by roots that force their way up through the thick stone. In the virgin rainforest, giant figs strangle the life out of tall oka trees and without constant care each cacao tree or coffee bush is soon smothered under a blanket of vines, so it is almost impossible to make out where the abandoned plantations were.

The early settlers, and the slaves they brought from mainland Africa, had to cope with disease and isolation. They hacked away at the forest and planted sugar cane and pepper. It must have been a constant battle to plant, nurture and harvest, and keep the crops clear of weeds in the wet heat of the tropics. In time So Tom was trumped by Brazil, where the terrain was better suited to large-scale agriculture.

The islands of Sao Tome and Principe, once colonies of Portugal, are very fertile lands owing to the nearby volcanic activity. It is not surprising that vegetation and plants grow easily, so much so that at times the plants attack surrounding infrastructure. Survival of the fittest is a process which is most evident in the virgin rainforest where organisms fight against one another to obtain what they require to outgrow their competitors. Life was not easy for inhabitants; struggles against isolation as well as illnesses were a daily activity. In time, more fertile land was found in Brazil, such that both Sao Tome and Principe were given up in favour of it.

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