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CPF LIFE information booklet

Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 What is CPF LIFE? Will I be placed on CPF LIFE? What are the CPF LIFE plans available?

Starting on CPF LIFE 2.1 Will you tell me whether you will place me on CPF LIFE? 2.2 What happens after you place me on CPF LIFE? 2.3 How long do I have to choose my CPF LIFE plan? 2.4 2.5 What if I do not choose a CPF LIFE plan? Can I choose how much of my savings to use for CPF LIFE? 2.6 2.7 2.8 What if I am not placed on CPF LIFE? Can I change my plan after I have joined? Can I not be placed on CPF LIFE if I already have a personal annuity or a pension?

Available CPF LIFE plans 3.1 CPF LIFE Standard Plan 3.1.1 What happens if I choose the CPF LIFE Standard Plan? 3.1.2 What if I choose the LIFE Standard Plan and the amount in my RA is below the MSCC? 3.2 CPF LIFE Basic Plan 3.2.1 What happens if I choose the CPF LIFE Basic Plan? 3.2.2 How much will you deduct as the annuity premiums if I choose the LIFE Basic Plan? 3.3 CPF LIFE features 3.3.1 When will you issue my policy? 3.3.2 Will my RA savings continue to earn interest? 3.3.3 Will I continue to earn extra interest after I join CPF LIFE? 3.3.4 Will you add the 1% extra interest to my RA? 3.3.5 What happens if I receive extra money in my RA after my DDA?


Benefiting from CPF LIFE 4.1 CPF LIFE Payouts 4.1.1 When will I start receiving my monthly payouts? 4.1.2 How will I receive the monthly payouts? 4.1.3 What if I have closed my bank account? 4.1.4 Is the monthly payout fixed? 4.1.5 How can I get higher payouts? 4.1.6 When will the monthly payout stop? 4.2 CPF LIFE Bonus 4.2.1 What is LIFE Bonus? 4.2.2 Who is eligible for LIFE Bonus? 4.2.3 How much LIFE Bonus can I receive?


Leaving CPF LIFE 5.1 5.2 5.3 Can I leave CPF LIFE after I have joined? What happens after my death? What is a bequest?


Other questions you may have 6.1 6.2 Can I pledge my property? How does the CPF LIFE Scheme make sure you can continue making the payouts to all members? 6.3 Is the monthly payout protected from creditors?


Case studies


Annex A:

The meaning of terms used in CPF LIFE

Annex B:

Minimum Sum that applies

1 Introduction
Minimum Sum Scheme (MS Scheme) The MS Scheme was introduced in 1987 to help Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) members set aside enough savings to provide a modest standard of living when they retire. From the savings set aside in their Retirement Account (RA), this scheme provides CPF members with a fixed monthly payout from their drawdown age (DDA) for about 20 years. Your DDA is the age at which monthly payouts for your retirement start. If you were born in 1954 or after, your DDA is 65 years old. If you were born before 1954, please see Annex A for your DDA. CPF LIFE As life expectancies (how long, on average, people are likely to live) continue to increase, for Singaporeans who are 65 years old today, about half of them are expected to live beyond 85 years old (another 20 years). A third of them will live beyond 90 years old. Having an income throughout your old age is more important than ever. That is why we have introduced CPF LIFE to provide you with a monthly payout for as long as you live.


What is CPF LIFE? The CPF Lifelong Income For the Elderly (CPF LIFE) Scheme provides you with a monthly payout starting from your DDA, for as long as you live. It improves on the MS Scheme, where payouts only last for about 20 years.


Will I be placed on CPF LIFE? You will be placed on CPF LIFE if you are a Singapore citizen or permanent resident born in 1958 or after, and have at least: $40,000 in your RA when you reach 55 years old; or $60,000 in your RA when you reach your DDA. However, if you are not placed on CPF LIFE, you can choose to join CPF LIFE any time between age 55 and one month before your 80th birthday.


What are the CPF LIFE plans available? When you join CPF LIFE, you can choose between: the LIFE Standard Plan; or the LIFE Basic Plan. Each LIFE plan provides a different combination of trade-offs between the amount of monthly payouts that you would receive and the bequest that you would leave for your beneficiaries. (A bequest is the money that you leave to your beneficiaries after your death. There may not be a bequest if the savings used to join CPF LIFE have been fully paid out in monthly payouts. Beneficiaries are the people you have nominated to receive your CPF savings after your death. If you have not nominated anyone to receive your savings, we will pay the bequest to your next-of-kin in line with intestacy laws.) Both CPF LIFE plans will provide you with monthly payouts starting from your DDA.

Plan types LIFE Standard Plan LIFE Basic Plan

Monthly payout Higher Lower

Bequest Lower Higher

You can choose the plan that best meets your retirement needs.

2 Starting on CPF LIFE

After you reach 55 years old, we will create your RA using the savings in your Ordinary Account (OA) and Special Account (SA). Based on the savings set aside in your RA, we will place you on CPF LIFE or you may choose to join the scheme. 2.1 Will you tell me whether you will place me on CPF LIFE? Yes. We will write to you one month after your 55th birthday. 2.2 What happens after you place me on CPF LIFE? You can choose between the two CPF LIFE plans: the CPF LIFE Standard Plan; or the CPF LIFE Basic Plan. 2.3 How long do I have to choose my CPF LIFE plan? You have six months from your 55th birthday to choose your CPF LIFE plan. 2.4 What if I do not choose a CPF LIFE plan? If you do not choose a plan within six months from your 55th birthday, we will automatically place you on the LIFE Standard Plan.


Can I choose how much of my savings to use for CPF LIFE? All your cash savings in your RA (except for money that is paid in after your DDA) will be used for your CPF LIFE plan.


What if I am not placed on CPF LIFE? You will stay on the MS Scheme and receive monthly payouts for about 20 years, starting from your DDA. (If there is not enough money in your fund to make payouts for 20 years, we will let you know.) Or, you may choose to join CPF LIFE any time between age 55 and one month before your 80th birthday.


Can I change my plan after I have joined? Yes, you have 30 days from the date of your policy letter to change your CPF LIFE plan. After the 30 days are over, you cannot change your CPF LIFE plan as it will affect other members who are already in the scheme.


Can I not be placed on CPF LIFE if I already have a personal annuity or a pension? In general, if you have a personal annuity or a pension that provides you with a higher payout than CPF LIFE, you may not need to be placed on the scheme. If this applies, please contact us for an assessment.

3 Available CPF LIFE plans

3.1 CPF LIFE Standard Plan 3.1.1 What happens if I choose the CPF LIFE Standard Plan? We will take the annuity premium from your RA in two instalments. When you are 55 years old, we will deduct your RA savings up to the Minimum Sum Cash Component (MSCC) that applies to you as the first instalment of your annuity premium. The rest of your RA savings will stay in your RA. Your MSCC is half of the MS that applies to you. Please see Annex B for details of the MS that applies to you. For example, if you are 55 years old between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014, the MS that applies to you is $148,000. One to two months before your DDA, we will deduct the rest of your RA savings as the second instalment of your annuity premium. This will include any new money that you have built up between your 55th birthday and your DDA. The new money can be from any top-ups, transferring of funds from other accounts into your RA, interest earned or refunds from selling property or investments.


When you reach your DDA, you will start to receive monthly payouts from the annuity fund. The annuity fund is also known as the Lifelong Income Fund. In this context, it consists of the annuity premium, the interest earned on the annuity premium and the 1% extra interest earned by members on the CPF LIFE Standard Plan. Please see Section 7 Case Studies for examples for the CPF LIFE Standard Plan. 3.1.2 What if I choose the LIFE Standard Plan and the amount in my RA is below the MSCC? We will deduct all your cash savings in your RA as the first instalment of your annuity premium when you are 55 years old. If there is new money paid into your RA before your DDA, we will take the second instalment one to two months before your DDA.



CPF LIFE Basic Plan 3.2.1 What happens if I choose the CPF LIFE Basic Plan? We will take the annuity premium from your RA in two instalments. When you are 55 years old, we will deduct a small portion of your RA savings as the first instalment of your annuity premium. The rest of your RA savings will stay in your RA. One to two months before your DDA, we will deduct a small portion of any new money that has built up in your RA between your 55th birthday and your DDA as the second instalment of your annuity premium. When you reach your DDA, you will receive monthly payouts (paid from your RA) starting up until one month before you reach 90 years old. Once you reach 90 years old, you will continue to receive monthly payouts (paid from the annuity fund) for as long as you live. Please see Section 7 Case Studies on numerical examples for CPF LIFE Basic Plan.


3.2.2 How








premiums if I choose the LIFE Basic Plan? The amount we deduct will be about 10% for a member reaching age 55 in 2013. The actual percentage will depend on your age and whether you are male or female. We will tell you the exact amount of annuity premium we will deduct from your RA when your LIFE Basic Plan is issued.



CPF LIFE features 3.3.1 When will you issue my policy? When we receive your application, the earliest we will issue a policy is one month after you reach 55 years old. See the table below.

If we receive your application by the 21st of the month If we receive your application after the 21st of the month

We will issue the policy in the same month We will issue the policy in the following month

If you want to top up your RA and we issue your CPF LIFE policy in the same month, please send us your application to top up your RA by the 14th of the month. 3.3.2 Will my RA savings continue to earn interest? Yes. The interest earned on your RA savings is based on the weighted average interest rate of the entire portfolio of the Special Singapore Government

Securities (SSGS). The interest earned will be added to your RA every January.


3.3.3 Will I continue to earn extra interest after I join CPF LIFE? Yes. There will also be 1% extra interest paid on the first $60,000 of your combined balances. Combined balances refer to the total balances of your Retirement (including the annuity premium we have deducted for CPF LIFE less any annuity payouts made), Ordinary, Special and Medisave accounts. 3.3.4 Will you add the 1% extra interest to my RA? If you have chosen the CPF LIFE Basic Plan, we will pay the extra interest earned into your RA and pay it to you in the year it is earned as part of your monthly CPF LIFE payout. When your combined balances fall below $60,000, the extra interest will reduce. This reduces your monthly CPF LIFE payout gradually. If you have chosen the LIFE Standard Plan, we will pay the extra interest into the annuity fund. By paying the extra interest into the annuity fund, you will be able to enjoy a more stable payout for the rest of your life. We will pay this to you as part of your monthly CPF LIFE payouts.


3.3.5 What happens if I receive extra money in my RA after my DDA? If the extra money stays in your RA, we will automatically pay it to you as additional monthly payout (AMP). The AMP is not part of CPF LIFE. If we need to make any adjustments to the AMP, we will do this each July during the yearly review of your monthly payout. We will tell you the exact revised monthly payout you will receive two to three months before we make the adjustments. This payment will stop when the money in your RA runs out. Or, you may also choose to buy another annuity to give you a higher annuity payout. If you want to buy an extra annuity, you can do so by: sending us the application form LID-APP (1A) Application for Additional Annuity under CPF LIFE; or applying online through the my CPF Online Service My Request using your Singpass.


4 Benefiting from CPF LIFE

4.1 CPF LIFE payouts 4.1.1 When will I start receiving my monthly payouts? Your monthly payouts will start from your DDA. 4.1.2 How will I receive the monthly payouts? We will pay the monthly payouts straight into your bank account by Inter-Bank GIRO (IBG) by the 4th working day of each month. 4.1.3 What if I have closed my bank account? If the IBG is unsuccessful because you have closed your bank account, we will pay the payouts into your CPF Ordinary Account. You may then withdraw the money under the existing CPF withdrawal rules.


4.1.4 Is the monthly payout fixed? No, we will review your monthly payout every year, and whenever you use or promise to use money from your RA to buy a property. We may adjust your monthly payout for the following reasons. Changes in life expectancy rates. If more people live longer than expected, the monthly payout might be lower, and vice versa. Changes in investment income. If investment returns are higher than expected, the monthly payout might be higher, and vice versa. Transactions which affect your RA balance, for example, refund of money made from selling property, top-ups, lump-sum withdrawals and so on. If you had chosen the LIFE Basic Plan, the reduction in any extra interest earned and paid out as the combined balances in your CPF accounts, including the amount committed to CPF LIFE, falls below $60,000. We will tell you two to three months before we make any adjustments to your monthly payout.

4.1.5 How can I get higher payouts? You can make cash or CPF top-ups (or both) into your RA if you have not reached your topping-up limit. The topping-up limit is the difference between the current MS ($148,000 from 1 July 2013) and the RA balance. The RA balance refers to the cash set aside in your RA, not including amounts such as interest earned, any government grants received and amounts withdrawn. You can top up your RA by: sending us the application form MSS_TP Application to make Special/ top-ups Retirement to my own/recipients Account

Under the Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme; or applying online through the my CPF Online Service My Request using your Singpass. At the same time, you can buy an extra annuity with the top-up fund (see Section 3.3.5). The maximum amount that you can commit to CPF LIFE is the current MS. Please visit for more information on the current MS.


4.1.6 When will the monthly payout stop? The monthly payout will stop after your death.



CPF LIFE Bonus 4.2.1 What is LIFE Bonus? LIFE Bonus is a bonus provided by the Government to encourage and help you join CPF LIFE. 4.2.2 Who is eligible for LIFE Bonus? To be eligible for LIFE Bonus, you need to: be a Singapore citizen; be born between 1957 and 1962; and join CPF LIFE before reaching 56 years old.


4.2.3 How much LIFE Bonus can I receive? The amount of LIFE Bonus that you can receive depends on your Annual Assessable Income (AI) and the Annual Value (AV) of your home. Your AI is based on the assessment year before the year that we issue your CPF LIFE plan. For example, if we issue your CPF LIFE plan in 2013, we will use your AI for assessment year 2012 (that is, your income for 2011). The AV we use to decide whether you are eligible for a LIFE Bonus is based on the AV of the property stated as your NRIC address as at 31 December before the year we issue your CPF LIFE plan. (For example, if we issue your CPF LIFE plan in 2013, we will use the 2012 AV of the property stated in your NRIC as of 31 December 2012.) If you join CPF LIFE with at least $20,000 in your RA, the amount of LIFE Bonus you can receive is shown in the table on the next page.


AV of property

$8,500 or less

Between $8,500 and $13,000

AI $27,000 or less Between $27,000 and $60,000 $4,000 $3,200 $3,200 $2,200

If you join CPF LIFE with less than $20,000 in your RA, your LIFE Bonus will be reduced in proportion to the amount you used to join CPF LIFE. Example: If you join CPF LIFE in 2013 with the following conditions: your RA balance is $10,000; your AI is $27,000 or less; and your AV is $8,500 or less; your LIFE Bonus will be $2,000. With your AI and AV, your eligible LIFE Bonus is $4,000. However, as you only have $10,000 (not the minimum $20,000 for the full LIFE Bonus) in your RA, your LIFE Bonus is only $2,000 (reduced in proportion to the amount you used to join CPF LIFE).

5 Leaving CPF LIFE

5.1 Can I leave CPF LIFE after I have joined? Once you have joined CPF LIFE, you can only leave for the following reasons. You have a medical condition which is likely to reduce your life expectancy. You permanently leave Singapore and West Malaysia and have no intention of returning to either country. You are receiving a pension or a monthly payout under a personal annuity and so the MS Scheme does not apply to you. Both the LIFE Standard Plan and the LIFE Basic Plan have a refund feature. This means you will receive a discounted refund of the savings used to join CPF LIFE less any monthly payouts you received before leaving. The discounted refund you will receive if you leave CPF LIFE is your unused annuity premium less a fee. You may not receive a refund if we have paid out all your savings that you used to join CPF LIFE in monthly payouts. The fee goes towards the annuity fund which we use to pay the lifelong payouts to LIFE members. For information on the discounted refund, please email us at



What happens after my death? The CPF LIFE payout will stop and your beneficiaries will receive a bequest (if any is due).


What is a bequest? A bequest is money that you leave to your beneficiaries after your death. Under the CPF LIFE plans, we will refund all your unused annuity premium and RA savings, if any, after your death. We will pay any refund into your CPF account and pay it, with your remaining CPF savings, to your beneficiaries. The CPF LIFE Payout Estimator at can help you estimate the bequest that will be left for your beneficiaries.


6 Other questions you may have?

6.1 Can I pledge my property? Yes, the existing CPF rules allow you to pledge your property by using the value of your property instead of cash to meet the MS that applies to you. At the same time you can withdraw any remaining RA savings above the MSCC. However, your monthly payout will be affected if you choose to pledge your property. 6.2 How does the CPF LIFE Scheme make sure you can continue making the payout to all members? For the scheme to continue over the long term, we have to adjust the payouts regularly to take account of factors such as how old people are when they die and investment returns. However, the payouts will be stable as the savings committed to CPF LIFE are invested in a portfolio of special Singapore Government Bonds that pay fixed coupon rates over a long period of time. In this way, CPF LIFE members can rely on a steady stream of income for life. Please visit for more information on the special Singapore Government Bonds. 6.3 Is the monthly payout protected from creditors? Yes. This means that if you owe money to anyone, they cannot claim it from your monthly payouts.

7 Case studies
Case 1: Mr Tans background Mr Tan is a Singaporean who will be 55 in January 2013. He has $100,000 in his RA and will be placed on CPF LIFE. He can choose between the two existing plans (the LIFE Standard Plan or the LIFE Basic Plan). Option 1: If he chooses the LIFE Standard Plan When Mr Tan reaches 55, we will deduct $69,500 (the MSCC that applies to him) from his RA as the first annuity premium for his LIFE Standard Plan. The rest of his RA savings ($30,500) will stay in his RA until his DDA. About one to two months before Mr Tan reaches 65 years old, we will deduct the rest of his RA savings ($30,500) together with any interest that has built up and any other new money in Mr Tans RA as the second annuity premium for his LIFE Standard Plan. This is based on the assumption that Mr Tan does not use or promise to use money from his RA to buy a property. If he does use money from his RA to buy a property, his monthly payouts at age 65 will be much lower. When he reaches 65 years old, Mr Tan will receive a monthly payout of between $816 and $901 for as long as he lives. The monthly payout includes the payment from the two annuities he bought. The amount of monthly payout that Mr Tan could receive is based on the assumption that there is


no new money paid into Mr Tans RA between age 55 and his DDA (65). Depending on how old Mr Tan is on the date of his death, his beneficiaries may receive bequests as shown below.

How old Mr Tan is on the date of his death 65 75 85

Bequest $111,036 to $112,807 $15,742 to $16,654 $0


Option 2: If he chooses the LIFE Basic Plan When Mr Tan reaches 55 years old, we will deduct approximately 10% of $100,000 from his RA as the first annuity premium for his LIFE Basic Plan. The rest of Mr Tans RA savings will stay in his RA until his DDA. Between 55 years old and his DDA, Mr Tan could have new money paid into his RA. We will deduct approximately 10% of this new money from the RA as the second annuity premium about one to two months before Mr Tans DDA. When he reaches 65 years old, Mr Tan will receive a monthly payout of between $735 and $813 from his RA until his 90th birthday. The amount of monthly payout that Mr Tan could receive is based on the assumption that there is no new money paid into his RA other than the 1% extra interest between Mr Tans 55th birthday and his DDA (65). When Mr Tan reaches 90 years old, he will start to receive a monthly payout of between $735 and $813 from his LIFE annuity. The monthly payout includes a payout of about $50 from the extra interest which is paid from the RA for as long as it is being earned.


Depending on how old Mr Tan is on the date of his death, his beneficiaries may receive bequests as shown below.

How old Mr Tan is on the date of his death 65 75 85

Bequest $145,547 to $152,475 $105,507 to $111,895 $47,925 to $50,663


Case 2: Mr Balas background Mr Bala is a Singaporean who will be 70 in January 2013. He has $100,000 in his RA and would like to join CPF LIFE. He can choose between the two existing plans (the LIFE Standard Plan or the LIFE Basic Plan). Option 1: If he chooses the LIFE Standard Plan If Mr Bala chooses to join the scheme at age 70, which is past his DDA (60), we will deduct the full amount of his RA as his first annuity premium for his LIFE Standard Plan. One month after we issue his policy, he will begin receiving a monthly payout of between $603 and $635 from the annuity pool. Depending on how old Mr Bala is on the date of his death, his beneficiaries may receive bequests as shown below.

How old Mr Bala is on the date of his death 75 85

Bequest $61,898 to $63,820 $0


Option 2: If he chooses the LIFE Basic Plan When Mr Bala joins the scheme at age 70, we will deduct approximately 10% of his original RA savings of $100,000 from his RA as the annuity premium for his LIFE Basic Plan. One month after we issue his policy letter, Mr Bala will begin receiving a monthly payout of between $547 and $576 from his RA up till one month before his 90th birthday. When Mr Bala reaches 90 years old, he will start to receive a monthly payout of between $547 and $576 from the annuity pool. The monthly payout includes a payout of about $50 from the extra interest which is paid from the RA for as long as it is being earned. Depending on how old Mr Bala is on the date of his death, his beneficiaries may receive bequests as shown below.

How old Mr Bala is when he pass away 75 85 95

Bequest $83,564 to $84,021 $41,750 to 41,770 $0


Annex A: The meaning of terms used in CPF LIFE

Annual Assessable Income (AI) Your Annual Assessable Income (AI) refers to your total annual income less approved deductions. To work out your AI, we will use the assessment year before the year that we issue your CPF LIFE plan, as provided by IRAS. For example, if we issue your CPF LIFE plan in 2013, we will use your AI for assessment year 2012 (that is, your income for 2011).

Annual Value (AV) of your home

The Annual Value (AV) of your property refers to how much rent we estimate you could receive each year if you rented it out. To work out the value of your property, we will use the AV of the property stated as your NRIC address as at 31 December before the year that we issue your CPF LIFE plan, as provided by IRAS. For example, if we issue your CPF LIFE plan in 2013, we will use the 2012 AV of the property stated in your NRIC as of 31 December 2012.


Annuity is an insurance product which provides you with a monthly income for the rest of your life.

Annuity fund

The annuity fund is also known as the Lifelong Income Fund. In this context, it consists of the annuity premium, the interest earned on the annuity premium and the 1% extra interest earned by members on the CPF LIFE Standard Plan.



Beneficiaries are people who you have nominated to receive your CPF savings after your death. If you do not nominate anyone to receive your CPF savings, we will pay them to your next-of-kin in line with the intestacy laws.


A bequest is the money that you leave to your beneficiaries after your death. There may not be a bequest if the savings used to join CPF LIFE have been fully paid out in monthly payouts.

Discounted refund

The discounted refund you will receive if you leave CPF LIFE is your unused annuity premium less a fee. You may not receive a refund if we have paid out all your savings that you used to join CPF LIFE in monthly payouts. The fee will be put in the annuity fund, which is used to pay the lifelong payouts to the rest of LIFE members.

Drawdown age (DDA)

Your drawdown age is the age at which you will start to receive monthly payouts for retirement.

Year you were born DDA

1943 or earlier 60

1944 to 1949 62

1950 to 1951 63

1952 to 1953 64

1954 or later 65


Extra interest

Extra interest refers to the extra 1% of interest that will be earned on the first $60,000 of your combined balances (see below), with up to $20,000 from your Ordinary Account (OA). The extra interest earned is paid into your RA (except extra interest earned on Medisave savings, which will be paid into the Medisave Account). Combined balances refer to the total balances in your Retirement (including the annuity premium deducted for CPF LIFE less monthly payouts made), Ordinary, Special and Medisave accounts.

Minimum Sum (MS)

The amount that you must set aside in your RA when you are aged 55 to meet your retirement needs. The MS can be cash, or part cash and part property pledge (where you promise to use the value of your property to meet your retirement needs), with property pledge forming up to 50% of the MS. Only the cash portion of the MS can be used to join CPF LIFE.

Minimum Sum Cash Component (MSCC)

Half of the MS that applies to you.

Retirement Account (RA)

An individual savings account which is set up at age 55 to meet your retirement needs in old age.


Annex B: Minimum Sum that applies

If your 55th birthday is on or after 1 July 03 1 July 04 1 July 05 1 July 06 1 July 07 1 July 08 1 July 09 1 July 10 1 July 11 1 July 12 1 July 13 1 July 14 Minimum Sum that applies $80,000 $84,500 $90,000 $94,600 $99,600 $106,000 $117,000 $123,000 $131,000 $139,000 $148,000 } To be announced Minimum Sum Cash Component $40,000 $42,250 $45,000 $47,300 $49,800 $53,000 $58,500 $61,500 $65,500 $69,500 $74,000 } To be announced


For more information, please visit Email: Call CPF Call Centre: 1800-227-1188 (local) 65-6227-1188 (overseas)

Note: This booklet is for your information. Please keep it in case you need to refer to it in the future. The information is correct as at 1 July 2013. The CPF LIFE Scheme is covered by the Central Provident Fund Act (Chapter 36) and the legislation made under that act (and any amendments made to these) as well as such terms and conditions which our board may set from time to time.

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