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Name NIM Group

: Reno Oktaviyanto : F14100095 : 4-a

Group member : 1. 2. 3. 4. Irpan Maulana Yusuf Wahyudi Rahari Lois Marihot Reno Oktaviyanto F141100 F141100 F141100 F14100095


2013 INTRODUCTION Thermometers Thermometer is a familiar device for temperature measurement is the liquid-inglass thermometer. As temperature increases,the liquid expands in volume and rises in the capillary. Altough this type of thermometer is commonly used for ordinary temperature measurements, it is not well suited for for applicatoin where extremely accuracy isrequired. The constant volume gas thermomometer is so exceptional in terms of pressision and accuracy that it has been adopted internationally as a

standard instrument for calibrating another thermometer. The gas of thermometer is used as standard worldwide by beareus of standard and research laboratory . However because gas thermometer require elaborate apparatus, have a large size, give a slow respond that demand painstalking experimental procedur smaller more rapidly responding thermometer are used for most temperature measurements and they are calibrated again the gas thermometers. In view of limitation ofempirical means for measuring temperature,it is desirable to have a procedure for assignment temperature values that depends in no way on the properties of any particular subtances. Such scale is an absolute termodynamic temperature scale that provide continous definion of temperature, valid over all range of temperatur. The kelvin scale has a zero of 0 K, and lower temperature than this are not defined. The rankine scale is also absolute thermodynamic scale with an absolute zero that coincides with the absolute zero of the kelvin scale. A degree of the same size as that on the rankine scale is use in the fahrenheit scale (Moran and Shapiro, 2000), but the zero point is shifted according to the relation.

METHODS 1. Observe the four thermometers and their respective scales. Develop four mathemathic equation to convert kelvin, fahrenheit, and unknown scales into the celicius scale. Record the values indicated by the four thermometers.

2. Fill the bucket with water and wait until the liquid in the bulbs does not move anymore. 3. Repeat step (2) by filling the bucket with hot water and ice flakes. 4. Calculate the value of kelvin, fahrenheit, and unknown thermometer inserting the recorded value in celcius into developed equation step 1. RESULT AND DISCUSSION

0.80 27 57.00 94.00

Result by Experiment o K F B 273.80 33.00 52.00 300.00 81.00 185.00 330.00 134.00 320.00 367.00 201.50 520.00

Result by Formula o K F B 273.95 33.44 50.63 300.15 80.60 181.10 330.15 134.60 330.50 367.15 201.20 514.76

Result by General Equation o K F B 273.80 33.18 50.63 300.00 80.44 181.10 330.00 134.57 330.50 367.00 201.32 514.76

If the data from the table above plotted to cartesius field :

1. Celcius Unknown 2. Celcius Kelvin 3. Celcius Fahrenheit

From data above we can see that the theory and the actual data is different. it can be caused by some factor, for example, the heat flow cant be calculated by the formula. Its explained that when we converting cold water temperature, in the same time there is a heat flow from environment to the system. So, the temperature that we read from experiment actually, did not same with temperature from formula. the error maybe caused by an system factor for example because a limitation skill of the student when they read the measurement value from the experimental device. CONCLUSION From experiment we can conclude that the value where we get from the formula doesnt have a pecision value if we compare with the actual value from the experiment value. But both of them are not have large deviation.

REFERENCE Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. 1967. The 13th Confrence Gnrale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM). [online]. Moran, M.J. and H. N. Shapiro. 2011. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Seventh Edition. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y., USA.

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