GENG4405 Assignment2 2013

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GENG4405: Assignment 2 GENG4405: Assignment 2 Deadline: 1pm Monday 28th October 2013 The Adrenaline Junkie An adrenaline junkie

is looking for his next big thrill. He plans to bungee jump over the Grand Canyon and then skydive to a fixed target location floating on the river at the bottom of the canyon. Of course, as this would be too easy for him in the summer time; he has planned the event for the middle of winter. He has some concerned friends, who are engineers, that do not want this to be his last ever act, and therefore want to calculate every detail of the stunt. He weighs 75 kg and is going to bungee jump from a platform using a 25m elastic bungee cord with an elasticity constant k = 200 N/m. The friction between the fibres of the cord leads to a viscous resistance force proportional to the strain rate (proportionality constant c = 150 Ns). Note: The strain rate is the derivative of strain with respect to time; we will assume that the strain in the cord is constant and equal to the average strain, defined as the ratio between the length variation and the initial length: Note: The cord will exercise forces only when extended. The platform to be used for the jump is a rectangular plate of steel 12 m long, 4 m wide and 10 cm thick. The base of the platform is embedded in the canyon rock and the bungee cord is attached to the rock underneath the platform. During winter snow deposits on the platform. Due to wind, the height of the snow h, varies from 1cm at the tip of the platform to 3m at the base following an exponential law ( ) = ( + ) (origin for x axis at the base of the platform). The density of snow is considered uniform at 300 kg/m3. a) Use both Simpsons Rule and standard Gaussian quadrature to find the weight of the snow on the platform. Find the order of Gaussian quadrature and the number of points for Simpsons Rule necessary to achieve an error < 1%. (10%) b) Prepare a diagram of the jumper-cord-platform system (after he has jumped) and derive the equations of motion for the jumper. Consider only the vertical motion of 1

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GENG4405: Assignment 2 the jumper (gravitational acceleration g=9.81 m/s2). Assume the air resistance is negligible at this point. (5%) c) Create a Matlab function that implements the right hand side of the equations of motion (expressed as a system of first order ODEs, y = f_bungee(t, y)). It should have the following headings: function [der] = f_bungee(t, y) where t is time and y = [x v] is a vector containing the displacement and the velocity of the jumper. (5%) d) Create a Matlabfunction that solves the equations of motionfor a time interval [t1,t2] using Eulers method (you can use the function Eulervector provided in the lecture notes) and Runge-Kutta method ode45. It should have the following headings: functionintegrate_bungee(f_handle, t1, t2, y0) wheref_handle is the handle of the function to be integrated, [t1 t2] is the integration interval and y0 is a vector containing the initial conditions (displacement and velocity). The function should plot two graphs containing the displacements (one graph) and velocities (second graph) computed using the two methods. Use an integration step of 10ms for Eulers method and an absolute and relative tolerance of 1E-4 for ode45. (10%) e) Plot the displacement and velocity of the jumper for the first 100s of the jump and comment on the results (consider zero initial velocity). Calculate (by hand) the length of the cord when the jumper stops moving and check whether it agrees with your results. (5%) f) Repeat the the velocity and displacement computation when ignoring the friction in the cord. What can you tell about the accuracy of Eulers method? (5%) g) At one point during the jump, the length of the cord is 26 m and the velocity of the jumper is 0 m/s. Can you find an analytical solution for the jumpers movement for the next 100 s, starting from that point? Compare with the results given by ode45. (2.5%) h) Create a Matlab function that implements the error monitoring and step adjustment for Eulers method (as described in the lecture). It should have the following heading: function [t, Y] = integrate_Euler_adaptive(f_handle, t1, t2, y0, eps) wheref_handle is the handle of the function to be integrated, [t1 t2] is the integration interval, y0 is the vector containing the initial conditions (displacement and velocity), eps is the absolute tolerance. The function should return the evaluation points in t and the variable values in Y (Each row in Y corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row of t, similar to ode45). (10%) 2

GENG4405: Assignment 2 i) Compute the displacement and velocity of the jumper for the first 100s of the jump using the adaptive Eulers method and compare with the results given by ode45 (use an absolute tolerance of 1E-4 for both methods). (2.5%) j) Once the bungee jumper has stopped oscilating, he will release himself from the cord and startfalling freely. During the initial fall the air resistance is, c1 = 0.27 kg/m. After a certain time he will open the parachute and the air resistance increases to c2 = 0.54 kg/m. The platform is located at an altitude of 2 km while the river below is at a 500 m altitude. The elevation of the river changes by 10 m for every km. The wind profile power law relationship is: 0.143 =

whereu is the wind speed (in metres per second) at height z (in metres), and ur= 10m/s is the known wind speed at the reference height zr corresponding to the platform (all heights are measured from the river water level). The wind blows only in a horizontal direction along the canyon. Use the shooting method to find the duration of the free fall from the moment he releases from the cordto the moment he opens the parachute if he is to land 300 m downstream from the platform location on his desired target landing zone in the middle of the river. (35%)

GENG4405: Assignment 2

Form groups of four (groups of 3 are allowed, groups of 2 or 5 are not). One submission per group is required. You must attempt all parts of the assignment. Each section will be marked on a scale of 0 3. The perfectanswer gets full marks of 3, a correct but less then perfect answer gets 2, a reasonable attempt gets 1, and zero for everything else. Therefore, in a section worth 10%; you will either get 10%, 6%, 3% or 0%. In a section worth 5%; you will either get 5%, 3%, 2% or 0%. In the final section, you will either get 35%, 20%, 10% or 0%. Your report should be no longer than 2000 words. Include all your code in a clearly organised appendix. Each of you will need to keep a professional diary and submit a copy separately with the group report. Each of you will also need to submit a half-a-page summary of your individual contributions to the project. Part of the assignment will be awarded for your report writing skills. You clearly and logically describe your solution. Describe the assumptions you make when creating the model and deriving the equations. Define all variables you use. Properly format your figures (caption, legend, axis, title, ...) and refer to them in your text.

Deadline: 1pm Monday 28th October 2013.

Guide for Project Work The project work is an important component of this course. Working in teams on projects prepares you for professional work in any engineering discipline. The most important unpredictable factor that affects nearly all engineering work is human behaviour, particularly behaviour within an engineering team. Learning how to manage this factor is the key to a successful engineering career. This project is intended to help you with necessary practical experience in team skills. You are free to form groups as you wish. Fourmember groups are preferable. Three-member groups are acceptable (if absolutely necessary). Two- or six-member groups are NOT. You need to remember that the main constraint is your individual timetable: you must be able to spend time working with your fellow team members. Your project work will be assessed based on your groups report, your individual technical working diary and your individual short summary of your contributions to the project.

GENG4405: Assignment 2 1. Project Assessment The marks for the project will be made up as follows (100 available marks equal to 25% of the total unit): Project final report consisting of: Main (group) report. Documentation of the code in the appendix. A reasonably computer-literate person should be able to copy your code and run it without your help.


______________________________________________________________________ Individual report on your contributions to the project and time spent (approx. page), separately submitted, (copy of your technical diary must also be submitted, no additional marks) 10%

2. Technical Project Diary You must write a technical project diary while you are working on your project. This can be requested at any time. You must record the times you work on your project in your diary. Why keep a diary? First, your diary will record all your ideas, code specification notes, implementation notes and test results. This is normal professional practice. All professional engineers must work on the assumption that a replacement engineer may need to take over their work at short notice. No one is indispensable in any properly managed engineering project.Your diary is the key to this. It will enable another person to take over your work at any time. Second, your diary will record the time you spent working at every aspect of this project. Third, your diary will help you remember your mistakes and successes. Many ideas developed for a project end up being discarded.Sometimes they are not feasible, sometimes they are too expensive. However, they can come in useful in later projects so you need to keep a record. Ideas Write your ideas down as they occur to you. Write the date and time at the top of every page or the start of a new section. Your ideas will develop with time: keeping records helps this development. Implementation notes Record names of source code modules and record changes made as you write the code. Changes that do not reflect the specification are unfortunate, but inevitable while learning.Note these changes and variations on the original specification. Test results For software, write test modules that generate the test data inputs and display the results.Record the source files for these test modules in your diary and keep backup copies.Note test results in your diary. If the tests fail and the reason is not immediately apparent, note the results and print out your source code. Leave the problem diagnosis for a later session.Instead of trying to fix the problem immediately, get on with another part. 5

GENG4405: Assignment 2 Some hours, or days later, return to the problem. Review the test results, and follow through the design (or code) to understand why the tests returned unexpected results. If the problem is not apparent, dont keep trying. Design extra displays of the intermediate results and run the tests again.Compare these results with your predictions. By following this routine, you will spend minimal time diagnosing problems. Is it worth all the time to write this down?Surely it is quicker just to get on with the work! As an engineer, your skills may be needed elsewhere for something more important at a moments notice. Therefore it is essential that you document your work so someone else can take over when needed. Also, you need to prepare for future maintenance and enhancements. Documenting what you do is essential if you want to come back and improve it later. All this is 100% authentic engineering practice. Importance of a diary in commercial engineering practice In a commercial setting, your diary records would form the basis for auditing project accounts and expenditure records. If you have no evidence that you have spent time working on a specific project, your client may not pay you for the work completed. The records of design decisions, and testing results provide a traceable record of design and testing that forms an essential part of any quality assurance program.

3. Final Report Part A Group Report A single report is required from each group of students. This must be submitted as a printed report on paper, with the Mechanical Engineering cover sheet signed by the authors. The format of the report is up to you, however, it must be clear, concise and adhere to the word limit. Part B Individual Report This must be submitted separately by each individual group member. This is a report on your contributions to the project and the time you spent (1/2 page maximum). A copy of the individual technical diary should also be included. From the individual reports and technical diaries, we note where the contributions of individual group members have been significantly different. If you think that some group members made far greater contributions than others, this is your opportunity to tell us. We adjust marks where individual efforts vary. The marks of the more active contributors are raised to compensate for marks that might have been gained if all members had worked to their full potential. However, all group members receive some penalty on the basis that their teamwork has not been well managed.

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