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11th/12th/13th October 2013


The dispute is likely to bring calls for greater scrutiny on prison conditions in the Gulf nation.

Bahrain prison care questioned after inmate death

The lawyer of a Bahraini prisoner who died after being transferred to a hospital is claiming authorities waited too long to provide medical treatment and ignored his deteriorating health, claims ofcials have denied.

Lawyer Zainab Abdulaziz said ofcials did not properly care for Yousef Ali al-Nashmi, arrested in August as part of crackdowns following a wave of protests. She said al-Nashmi was in a coma when he was nally hospitalized Sept. 23. He died Friday. Read More The witnesses said several protesters were injured when the security forces intervened, although they were not able to give any specic number. The Pearl Roundabout was the center of Bahrains uprising against the ruling al-Khalifa family. Bahraini Shia continue to demonstrate in villages outside the capital and frequently clash with police. The roundabout has since been removed and destroyed. Read More

Bahrain police break up Shiite rally

Anti-riot police in Bahrain used buckshot, sound grenades and tear gas on Saturday to disperse hundreds of Shiite protesters trying to march on an iconic square in Manama, witnesses said. The demonstrators were trying to reach Pearl Square, the focus of Shiiteled protests in 2011, after

the funeral of a Shiite detainee who died in hospital in the capital on Friday. The witnesses said several protesters were injured when the security forces intervened, although they were unable to give a specic number. Demonstrators chanted slogans against the authorities in the Sunniruled kingdom, which has a Shiite majority. Read More funeral of a detainee who died in hospital a day earlier. Anti-riot police used buckshot, sound grenades and tear gas to disperse the crowd, witnesses said. Demonstrators chanted slogans against the authorities in the Sunniruled kingdom, which has a Shiite majority. Read More the arrest of their deputy leader - reects growing tensions between the two sides. A coalition of opposition groups state that the ongoing arrests of political leaders and activists are proof that the government is not serious about reform. Government representatives, on the other hand, accuse the opposition of supporting street violence by the February 14th coalition, a radical opposition group that it labels a terrorist movement. Read More

Bahrain riot police break up protest

Anti-riot police in Bahrain used buckshot, sound grenades and tear gas to disperse hundreds of Shia protesters trying to march on an iconic square in capital Manama, witnesses said. Demonstrators were trying to reach the Pearl Roundabout on Saturday after the funeral of a detainee who died in hospital in Manama a day earlier.

Bahrain police fire tear gas at anti-govt rally

Hundreds of Shia protesters tried to gather on a central square in Bahrain's capital, Manama, on Saturday after the

Bahrains National Dialogue faces a Stalemate

Two years from the launch of Bahrains national dialogue, representatives from government and opposition factions have failed to arrive at a settlement over the future direction of the country. The withdrawal of Bahrains largest opposition group Al Wefaq from the talks - rst in July 2011 and again on September 2013 following

Bahrain Settlement Scuttled by Saudi Arabia

The good news is that a political settlement of the Bahraini crisis sponsored by the United States and acceptable to Iran is beginning to take shape. The problem is that Saudi Arabia is not yet ready to play along.

Recent developments on the Bahraini crisis suggest that agreement on a political resolution, initiated by Washington and agreed to by Tehran, is gaining momentum. However, it appears that Saudi Arabia is not yet ready to sign on to the deal, encouraging elements in Manama over which it has sway to take a hard line against the nearly three-year uprising. Read More

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