MetaCreative Magazine May/June 2007 Premiere Issue!

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MetaCreative Magazine

Premiere Issue - May/June 2007

1:: Cover

2 :: Table of Contents

3-4 :: The MetaCreative Vision/Network - Mystikka

5 :: Submit Art

6 :: Intentions - Lara Elizabeth

7:: Layout and Design – Lara Elizabeth

8-9 :: The Fun Police – Scott Kalechstein

10-12 :: Abril Andrade - Art Layout

13-14 :: MetaCreative Radio

14 :: Myspace Information

16-17 :: Luckylulu - Art Layout

18-21 :: Positive Energy – Judith Orloff, M.D.

22-24 :: Caleb Morgan - Art Layout

25-26 :: Feng Shui for Writers - Lisa Logan

27-28 :: Anastasia Pellerin - Art Layout

29 :: Becoming the Miracle That You Would Like to See - Danielle Egnew

30-32 :: Carrie Hawks AKA Tigerpixie – Art Layout

33 :: The Artist’s Plight in a Civilized World - Jack Bowman

34-35 :: Soulosphere – Art Layout

36-38 :: Harp Magic - Peter Sterling

39-40 :: Christopher J. Puccini – Art Layout

42-43 :: Vegetarian Kitchen - Goldfish 1925

44-46 :: Lisa Clark – Art Layout

The MetaCreative VisioN
Welcome to MetaCreative Magazine, the collective mindscape of myself and the artists, writ-
ers and volunteers who have brought this project together. Thank you so much to everyone
who has been a part of this ‘blooming vision.’

I see a collective purpose among diverse, progressive and creative communities. We all want
to expand our inner vision, and pass our inspiration along to others in an artistic way. I find
familiarity in the abstract and esoteric aspects of life. Real spiritual seekers go to the far
reaches of mind, heart and soul to find pieces of the puzzle that connects us all, and they
end up discovering that our unity is the source from which art is inspired.

It is a combination of characters in the melting pot of creative culture that brews the rainbow-
seasoned nourishment for conscious evolution. We are now able to easily network outside of
our normal local social circles, and tap into a sea of possibilities that the internet and Web
2.0 have opened up for us. We can connect in ways that reach beyond the experience of
any other generations before us, to find each other regardless of our environments, and blos-
som into a rich community of like minds.

MetaCreative Magazine is a platform for diverse progressive artistic communities to express

themselves creatively, share their gifts and network with filmmakers, producers, artists, pub-
lishers, actors, poets, authors, podcasters, editors, hypnotists, psychologists, and anyone else
who is a part of the MetaCreative Network.
The MetaCreative Network

Please add us to your myspace

accounts and/or bookmark our
pages to keep in touch with us!

In Positive

Mystikka -

– Empathic Psychic

– Author of The Love Crisis Survival Guide

– Host of MetaCreaive Radio

– Founder/Publisher of MetaCreative Magazine


MetaCreative Radio:

MetaCreative Magazine
Conscious Intentions
by Lara K.


I wish you a million wonderful moments,

each one better than the previous. This will
make your present moment the best mo-
ment ever. The here and now is the happiest
moment of your life. Be here now.

::Conscious Beings::

Awareness is the first step to conscious-

ness. Being aware of your own intent
will change the way you perceive the
world. When you understand the power
of intention, it feels as if you are aware
of something special and sacred.

I intend to help beings to become aware,

kind, loving, empathetic, and grateful.
Encouraging them to move towards
consciousness, on the path of
enlightenemnt. I believe that raising your consciousness is evolution of the mind and spirit.

One way to raise your awareness is through meditation. When people first begin meditation they
feel as if their mind, body, and spirit are full of chaotic energy. From chaos comes peace. Does your
mind control you, or do you control your mind? If you make a conscious decision not to pay atten-
tion to the constant ramblings of your mind and if you can truly be quiet; complete awareness/con-
sciousness and eventually true enlightenment will occur.

When open and present in the moment; you will become your own guru. Listen. Breathe. Be.

Everything happens in the here and now. It is all we have. Focus on the breathe and it will bring you
into the present moment. We all have the power to be aware; fully conscious beings.

Be here now. Be the change. Become aware, chose to be present. Embrace collective consciousness.


Lara K.
MetaCreative Magazine Layout and Design
by Lara K.


Thank you Mystikka for the opportunity to be a

part of the MetaCreative movement. Thank you

all for believing and participating.


Lara K.
The Fun Police
By Scott Kalechstein

I have come to believe that how Phil: Thank you very much for tak- What’s making my job hard lately
much joy and creativity I experi- ing the time to talk to me. is that he’s entertaining some
ence in any given moment pretty Fun Police Chief: No problem, but dangerous notions that if he really
much boils down to how much I’ve got five minutes and then went all out with, we wouldn’t be
permission I give myself to have it’s back to my job. able to control him anymore. He’d
it. Sounds simple enough, but for be off just having a good time,
many of us, after a lifetime of with- Phil: And what exactly is that, your while we’d be dealing with lay-offs
holding permission from ourselves, job? here at the station.
we might notice some subtle
resistance to increasing our joy Chief: I’m on the lookout for Scott Phil: Oh, I see. And what, in a nut-
allowance. having too much fun, spontaneity, shell, are these new ideas?
gaiety, laughter, know,
This year I’ve been pushing the fun that sort of thing. Chief: If I tell you, you have to
envelope in many ways. In the promise not to print them or air
last few months I’ve taken up jazz Phil: There’s a danger? Someone them on your show. No one who
guitar, tennis lessons, and a com- could have too much? reads Scott’s newsletter or his
edy improv class. The one thing column
these activities have in common is Chief: Well, if Scott has too much should see them. Part of my job
I’m enjoying the hell (heaven?) out fun, he stops thinking about all the is to prevent chaos from breaking
of them. I’m not doing them for a things that are wrong with him and out, and these are pretty revolu-
future reward, profit motive, or es- his life. He could get real lazy tionary ideas, especially if they fall
teem-boosting accolades: I’m in it about trying to fix himself, which in into the hands of the wrong people.
for the fun. Sometimes I worry that my opinion, he already is- You wouldn’t want the masses quit-
I’m having too much fun. A few already lazy, that is, not already ting
times lately, when people have fixed! Fun, if it isn’t balanced their jobs and letting their inner
asked me how I’m doing, I’ve with a generous helping of un- children run wild in the streets, now
heard myself answer, “I’m having pleasantness, is downright irre- would you? It would wreak pande-
so much fun, the Fun Police are sponsible! monium!
after me!”
And, if he’s not suffering and strug- Phil: Oh, yes, I can see what you
Now I don’t know where I picked gling, even just a little bit every mean. All right, I promise not to
up the idea of a Fun Police, but I day, how deserving could he be of disclose what you say, scout’s
seem to have some affection for any joy that comes his way? We at honor. (Phil crosses his fingers
it. It came out of my mouth, so I the Fun Police have to make sure behind his back, nullifying his
figure they must exist, even if just there’s a limit to Scott’s good promise.)
in my psyche. One morning I went feelings and good times. It’s a pub-
into meditation and asked to speak lic service we are proud to perform.
to the Chief of the Fun Police, and,
sure enough, was connected to his Phil: How do you get him to stop
secretary, who set up an interview. having fun? He seems to really like
Worried that I might not be able to it. ....continued next page.
maintain the objectivity needed for
the dialogue, I called Phil Dona- Chief: Well, it used to be easy
hue, who recently came out of enough. A little guilt, properly
retirement to host a nighttime talk applied, has always gone a long
show. Phil graciously agreed to way. Whispering the ‘s’ word in his
conduct a private interview, and ear (as in “Scott, you’re being Self-
here it is: ish!”) used to shut him down real
The Fun Police continued...

Chief: OK, then I’ll tell you. Scott that’s even more bad news for us. sing? Why does the earth dance in
is starting to consider that uncon- When he meditates, he goes into a trees and reach forests to the sun?
ditional, across-the-board self-ac- witness state, and just watches his Why do children play? The pur-
ceptance might be more valuable thoughts and feeling pass by pose of these realms is enjoyment.
to his soul than waging war against without judging them or trying to This is a recreational universe.
his faults and inadequacies. He’s make them go away. Sometimes When you remember the play that
getting more and more gentle and he even witnesses the Fun Police lifted your heart as a child, you will
patient with himself, even imagin- at work. When he’s doing that, know the heart of God.”
ing there is some kind of ‘Divine we can’t get to him at all, cause
Purpose’ to his weaknesses and he’s under the Witness Protection -Ken Carey, The Third Millennium
stumblings, that he’s evolving and Program.
growing at a perfect pace. How
can we do our job against ideas Phil: I can see why you’re worried
like that? about your job.

Also, whenever he was having too Chief: And I’ve got to get right back
much fun, we would remind him to to it. Scott’s starting to
remember all of the suffering in the smile and laugh while he’s typing
world. Against that tactic he was this article.
defenseless, and it usually would
spoil his party fast. Nowadays he Phil: Well, Chief, thank you for your
just shoots back, “All the more rea- time, and for your commitment to
son to have fun. Somebody’s got serve and protect Scott from too
to maintain the joy vibration so much fun.
people in pain are inspired to see
there’s another way.” Chief: No problem.
Oh, and another thing: Scott’s re- “Why do dolphins leap joyful from
ally into meditation lately, and the sea? Why do the morning birds

With his musical, speaking and healing gifts, Scott Kalechstein makes
his living eluding the Fun Police. He is wanted in fifty states and as-
sorted foreign countries for breaking and entering people’s hearts, as
well as for creating the peace. If you have (or want) information about
his whereabouts:
please email:
or call the twenty four hour emergency Scott Line: 415-721-2954

I was born in the year 1982 the only girl between 3 older brothers each one as different as

night and day. My interest in the darker but innocent side of art began in the earliest stages

of my teenage years.

Working with different artist and styles inspired me to create a fantasy of surreal creatures

with enormous eyes. I find myself obsessed by the need to paint every waking hour.


I create out of joy and this reflects in my work: a fantasy of creatures are born each time I

pick up a brush and paint. I give life to characters with enormous eyes. The medium em-

ployed is acrylic paint with concentrated oil based paint crème.
MetaCreative Radio honors the spirit of creativ-
ity, inspiration, diversity and unity.

Each of our interviewees provides insight into a

different facet of the human artistic experience.

All episodes are archived, so you can listen to

them anytime online, or on your ipod.

For more information, to listen to episodes, or to

learn more about our interviewees visit:
MetaCreative Radio Episodes:

1 – An interview with myspace celebrity, Chris Crocker

2 – Conversation between psychic friends
3 – Katherine Brooks, film writer and director
4 – Music Edition, Part One (Indie Playlist)
5 – Interview with Steven Blank of Pink Mafia Radio
6 – Actress Donnamarie Recco on addiction and recovery
7 – Jack Herer, hemp activist and author of ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes.’

MetaCreative Radio Music:

MetaCreative Radio has featured music from the following artists:

Michael Harrison Blues
Ruby James
Saqi Dosaj
Nate Stevens
Nijole Sparkis
Tributary Music

More diverse, inspired music from independent and/or unsigned artists is to


For information on submitting your mp3s to MetaCreative Radio, please read

the blog at:

Find links to MetaCreative Radio’s featured musicians online at:
Find LUCKYLULU and more of her art online
By Judith Orloff, M.D.

Excerpted from Positive Do You Get Drained By Other Unsuspectingly, I was a gigantic
Energy, Three Rivers Press, People’s Energy? sponge, absorbing the energy of
people around me.
Our bodies are made of flesh and
blood, but they’re also composed Thank goodness, as my intuition
I learned to honor my energy
of energy fields, though sadly matured, I realized I had intuitive
needs the hard way. As a psychia-
I wasn’t taught this in medical empathy. Once I learned to protect
trist who specializes in intuition
school. Each day we encounter a my energy, empathy has become
I knew how important it was to
wide range of energies, both posi- a gift enhancing my compassion.
listen to my body. Yet still I’d
tive and negative. Positive energy Here’s how empathy works: the
vacillate between intense weeks
includes compassion, courage, more people per square foot, the
of speaking tours to bouts of utter
forgiveness, and faith. Negative more our energy fields intersect-
exhaustion at home. I couldn’t turn
energy includes fear, anger, hope- -thus the tendency to become
down ‘irresistible’ opportunities.
lessness, and shame. We need to be overloaded in high-density areas.
Here was my dilemma--I trusted
experts at dealing with energy so This aspect of intuition is the most
my intuition, and was committed
we don’t get demolished by drain- neglected.
to living by it. But I had a blind
ing situations or people who’re
spot: Although I was quite success-
energy vampires. Empaths, unintentionally, can
ful at helping others at trusting
make even a good doctor’s life
intuition and leading high energy
Like me you may be an intuitive hell. They manifest so many “unex-
lives, I was ignoring my own en-
empath, someone who’s so sensi- plained” symptoms, that frustrated
ergy crises. Finally my fatigue was
tive to energy you pick it up but physicians write them off as hypo-
so profound I had to change.
you’re also drained by it. This goes chondriacs. Empaths are notori-
way beyond feeling sympathy for a ously misdiagnosed. Patients have
I know first hand how important it
distraught friend; we actually take come to me with obesity who’ve
is for us to cherish our precious en-
on their pain either emotionally or failed diets because they needed
ergy so we don’t compromise our
physically. To cope we take refuge strategies other than eating to
capacity for passion. I now believe
in solitude. We empaths are so protect themselves from negative
that the most profound transfor-
attuned to others that we can feel energy. Others were labeled “ago-
mations can only take place only
what’s going on inside of them. raphobic” or with “panic disorder,”
on an energetic level. I’ve met
This can put us on energy overload having received only minor relief
many patients who’ve spent much
and aggravate everything from from traditional treatments. Some
time and money on talk therapy
chronic fatigue to overeating. were nearly house-bound. They’d
hoping that intellectual insights
all say, “I dislike crowded places
will bring emotional freedom, but
Growing up, my girlfriends couldn’t where there’s no quick escape.
they’re disappointed. As much as I
wait to hit the malls, but I dreaded Forget department stores, busy
love the linear mind, my approach,
them. I always felt overwhelmed, streets, elevators, tunnels. I just
which I call ‘Energy Psychiatry,’
exhausted around crowds, though I avoid them.” Sounded very famil-
goes further to also facilitate a
was clueless why. “What’s the mat- iar. So I decided to take a history of
conscious rebuilding of a subtle
ter?” friends would say, shooting how these people processed subtle
energies, the most basic life force
me the weirdest looks. All I knew energy in the world, something
in each of us.
was that crowded places and I all health professionals must be
just didn’t mix. I’d go there feeling trained to assess. Voila! I found
fine but leave nervous, depressed, many were undiagnosed empaths.
or with some new ache or pain. For me, this changed everything.
How do you know if you’re an empath? What are the signs?

Quiz: Are You an Intuitive Empath?

Ask yourself:

*Have you ever sat next to someone at a dinner who seems pleasant, but suddenly you’re nauseous, have a
headache, or feel drained?
*Are you uncomfortable in crowds, even go out of your way to avoid them?
*Do you get easily over-stimulated by people or prefer being alone?
*When someone is in pain, do you start feeling it too ?
*Do I overeat around people I’m uncomfortable with?

If you’ve answered “yes” to one or more questions, it’s likely you have experienced intuitive empathy. Re-
sponding “yes” to every question indicates empathy is draining your energy.

A Survival Guide to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires:

You don’t have to be an empath to experience the fang marks of an energy vampire, though empaths are
often hit the hardest. Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask
ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It’s important to be surrounded by supportive, heart-cen-
tered people who make us feel safe and secure. It’s equally important to pinpoint the energy vampires, who,
whether they intend to or not, leech our energy.

Positive energy in others can be rejuvenative. For instance, you’re nervous about a job interview, but the
minute you meet your prospective boss you relax. He’s so calm and welcoming, you calm down too. Or
perhaps you have a good friend around whom you always feel loved. These are energy-givers, those we must
gravitate towards.

In contrast, energy vampires exude negative energy that drains. Vampires range from the intentionally
malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are
friendly and charming. For example, you’re at a party talking to a perfectly nice person, but suddenly you’re
nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend
for the tenth time? Eventually, she feels better, but you’re spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy
level these people suck you dry.

There are many types of vampires to watch out for. The main ones I stress in my book are the Drama Queen
who wears your out with her dramas; The Sob Sister, who whines all the time; The Blamer, who cuts you
down with criticism and The Go-For-The-Carotid type who purposely cuts your down without any respect
for your feelings. Keep an eye out for these types so you’re aware of their methods, and stop them from
draining you.
Strategies for Dealing With Energy Vampires: the earth’s core. Picture having a long tail that roots
in that center. Allow the earth’s energy to infuse your
1.Take an inventory of people in your life who give body and stabilize you. If you meditate for five min-
energy, and people who drain. Specifically identify utes or an hour this is sacred time.
the energy vampires, and begin to evaluate ones
you’d like to limit contact with or eliminate. Plan at 4. Walk away. If you feel your energy being zapped
least one complete afternoon with people who give don’t hesitate to politely excuse yourself from a kill-
off positive energy and avoid drainers. Notice how ing conversation. Move at least twenty feet from the
this beneficially affects your physical and emotional person, outside the range of his or her energy field. “I
well-being. have to go to the bathroom” is a foolproof line. Most
people are oblivious to how their energy impacts
2. Set Clear Boundaries. It’s crucial to limit the time others. For years, reluctant to hurt anyone’s feelings,
you spend discussing a vampire’s gripes. When ap- I needlessly endured these types of situations and suf-
proaching her, remember: the difference between be- fered. How many of us are so loathe to appear rude
ing a bitch and setting boundaries is attitude. Instead that a raving maniac can be right in our face, and
of saying, “You’re selfish and self-obsessed, I can’t still we don’t budge for fear of offending? In a spot,
take you anymore,” which a part of you likely feels, physically removing yourself is a sure quick solution.
take a breath and shift to your heart.
5. Build an energy shield around you. When you’re
3. Meditate. Sitting in meditation is a life-line to your with vampires you can’t get away from visualize a
center, to the earth. it will ground you when you’ve protective shield of while light surrounding every
been struck by a vampire. By calming the mind, you inch of you. This lets positive energy in, but keeps
can re-align with your essence. Close your eyes. Focus negative energy out; particularly efficient for vam-
on your breath. Then gently extend your awareness pires at family dinners or social events where you’re
downward to strata, bedrock, minerals, and soil. From trapped.
the base of your spine begin to feel a continuity with

I hope I’ve inspired you to be Judith Orloff, MD is a psychiatrist

more fierce about asserting your and energy expert in Los Angeles.
energy needs. Never put yourself This article is excerpted from her
down as being ‘overly sensitive.’ bestseller, Positive Energy: Ten
Sensitivity is an asset as long as Extraordinary Prescriptions for
you learn how to protect your- Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and
self from negative vibes. Under- Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and
standing how you react energeti- Love (Three Rivers Press, 2005).
cally in the world is particularly She’s also written the bestsellers
important if you’re chronically Guide to Intuitive Healing and Sec-
tired and want to build vitality. ond Sight. Dr. Orloff is an assistant
Knowledge is power. Meeting clinical professor of psychiatry at
UCLA and an international work-
your energy needs can balance
shop leader.
mind, body, and spirit to create a
vibrant life.
Caleb Morgan
Artist Bio:

Caleb Morgan’s work is surrealist in content, yet has many expressionistic and abstract qualities to it.
The artist’s influences range from H.R. Giger and Chet Zar to Salvadore Dali and Goya. Morgan uses
the graphite medium to a superb ablity bringing out disturbing yet beautiful images, of dreams, figures
and nightmare scapes. He uses influences from his views on politics, and organized religions to induce
images that are as thought provoking in meaning as they are visually stunning. Mr. Morgan can be eas-
ily classified the current group of progressive artist known as The Modern Surrealists. Caleb Morgan
was college eduacated at the Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland Ohio.

Website links:
Feng Shui For Writers
by Lisa Logan

Early in my writing career I faced the unenviable task that all writers must tackle at
one time or another: setting up an effective workspace. I knew my environment, destined
for naught but a small corner of my bedroom, could significantly influence productiv-
ity. An inviting and organized sanctum would provide a better medium for encourag-
ing creativity than the distracting, clutter-filled hodgepodge I was used to operating
within. Staring at an overloaded desk and piles of paper, I felt daunted. What elements
would make my writing area “inviting?” How did one go about setting up the ideal work

It was during this quest that, quite by accident, I stumbled upon the ancient Chinese Art
of Feng Shui. While at first its mysticism struck me as quite impractical for my needs, a
bit of research showed that the principles have a sound, logical basis. Using some simple
techniques, I was able to regain lost ground and transform chaotic environs into an ef-
ficient, serene retreat from whence creative ideas begged to flow.

Feng Shui is defined as the study of the effects of one’s environment. Practitioners believe that
strategic positioning of furniture and accessories within their surroundings would release
energies profoundly affecting well-being and success. Clutter is said to block energy and in-
duce frustration, which certainly made sense in my case. I had often found myself unable to
focus enough to pound out a single paragraph when the apartment was a mess, so much so
that I’d initiated a tradition of beginning new writing projects by cleaning house first. Feng
Shui also encourages the use of adequate lighting, advice I found to be downright un-mysti-
cal in improving any writing area.

Starting off with these two simple instructions, I began de-cluttering and relighting my
room. Paperwork went into a file cabinet; the desk was cleared and items like pencil holders,
printer, and papers were shuffled into positions within easy reach. Bright illumination placed
right where needed negated my previous need to squint through soft bedroom lamplight in
order to find anything.

The positive change from these simple tricks alone were so encouraging that I decided to try
some bolder ideas. Feng Shui lore tells that each area of a house, room, or even a desktop
represents a different aspect of life. These areas are Career, Knowledge, Children, Family,
Wealth, Fame, Marriage, Health, and Helpful People. (These areas in your home can be pin-
pointed with a simple octagon called a Ba-Gua.

continued on next page...

feng shui continued... the home, so I repaired leaky chimes and crystals provide
faucets, plugged drains not an invigorating, yet peaceful has a good octa- in use, and closed toilet lids place in which to let imagi-
gon to print out, or any Feng and bathroom doors. A chime nation stream onto paper.
Shui website or guidebook will in the front entryway helps Needed work essentials are
tell you. welcome money and energy clutter-free and easy to ac-
into my home. Plants bring cess. My productivity grew bet-
http://architecture.about. ter than ever, and the elusive
com/library/nbagua.htm door I sought to becoming a
professionally published au-
Achieving balance by specific thor finally opened. When
placement of color and ac- clutter inevitably snakes its
cessories in these areas are way back into my sanctum,
believed to affect ones’ life ac- I notice the old days of dis-
cordingly. For instance, reds traction and blank computer
and purples can be used in screens returns. A bit of on-
the writing space to activate going diligence on my part
wealth, success, and energy. ensures that the “Creeping
I wasn’t quite up for paint- Stuff” phenomenon is not able
ing walls for this scheme, so to impede my flow of creative
I settled for colored wall art energy.
Whether my results are due to
Crystals or wind chimes hung mystical forces of energy, or
over the wealth and fame simply a dedicated intention
area is said to improve the to improve my writing area,
flow of energy, creativity, and I cannot say for certain. But
wealth. I hung a chime with the overwhelming change in
crystals. organization and success has
me convinced that the an-
Running water is said to cients had a leg up on man-
represent flowing money, so a aging daily living.
desktop fountain was strate- new life and energy. Furni-
gically placed in the career ture shifted into recommend- To other writers and artists
zone. This also aided the ed arrangements produces a interested in seeing how Feng
environment by increasing streamlined and satisfying Shui can help boost organiza-
humidity, releasing ions, and feel. tion and creativity, I recom-
providing pleasant, serene mend you start small. There
background noise. Did these changes really are so many aspects of using
work? I believe the answer is color, shapes, elements, and
Once I’d tackled my work a resounding “yes!” When accessories that it can eas-
space I found the practice of entering the improved work- ily become a lifetime pursuit.
Feng Shui a hard one to stop. space, the bold inspiration of However, utilizing tiny cures
Faucets, sink drains, and toi- color on the walls, soft bub- in an area as small as a desk-
lets are believed to take away bling chatter of the fountain, top can produce a positive
energy (and money!) from and prismatic glitter from the benefit. Do a few things, then

Web Sites:
Lisa Logan is the author of the para-
American Feng Shui Institute normal romance VISIONS and the
editor of She has had numerous articles and stories in
publications like Futures and Explore! Magazines and Chicken Soup for
the Recovering Soul: Daily Inspira-
tions. She has practiced Feng Shui in
Books: her Southern California home for six
years. Visit Lisa at
Feng Shui for Dummies by David Daniel Kennedy or on MySpace at
A Master Course in Feng Shui by Eva Wong

101 Feng Shui Tips for the Home by Richard Webster

Anastasia Pellerin
I am self-taught and have worked on canvas
and wood with acrylic for 15 years, and digi-
tally for 8. My work is described as ‘Abstract
expressionism’, ‘Psychedelic’, and ‘Organic
Flow’. I have sold a number of paintings and
prints internationally.

Thanks for your interest,

Anastasia Pellerin
Becoming the Miracle that You Would Like to See
By Danielle Egnew

As are all things here in a three very hands, intentions and ac- to me, and I gladly welcome any
dimensional universe, manifes- tions author our own miracles, positive change in my hourly pay
tation, or the bringing through then we are placing limitations rate!” You then give permission
of miracles, is a matter of choice. on how The Universe is then able to all of your guides, hosts, and
Free Will is the greatest deter- to deliver our miracles to us. angels to deliver to you the high-
mining factor in whether a mir- er paying job, which by the very
acle will be brought through the In the realm of Spiritual Phys- nature of the fact that you per-
veil to be experienced in real ics, Like Attracts Like, as polar haps have never held a job that
time, here in our everyday life. vibrations cannot exist in the pays as much, may appear to be
Though many of us have been same place at the same time. If “a miracle”. Consciousness is the
taught a limitation conscious- an individual is placing limita- key, and you are the beautiful
ness that convinces us to bind tion energies around their life, vessel. Begin manifesting your
our own hands and minds with then by the nature of the Spiri- own miracles, through your own
thoughts of how we are not able tual Physics, that individual will hands, and honor your primary
to achieve what we wish, the Uni- bring “limitation” into their life, design as a child of an Infinitely
versal Spiritual Truth of Abun- as Like Attracts Like. To bring Creative Universe.
dance states that whatever we your miracles through the veil
wish to own through experience, and into this incarnation, simply Bio:
we shall. And this is the key to become miracle consciousness. You’ll recognize multi-award
becoming the miracle that you Do not choose to ingest limitation winning artist Danielle Egnew’s
would like to see. consciousness rhetoric, such as name from music, film, and TV.
“I have only made $6.00 an hour Endorsed by Minarik Guitars and
Miracles are the actions married my whole life, and no one ever three time nominee at the All Ac-
to our intentions. They are the offers me anything better.” To cess Awards 2006 in Hollywood,
fruit of our acknowledgment that make this limitation proclama- Danielle was named as Best Fe-
nothing, indeed nothing, is im- tion is to assert your Free Will male Pop/Alternative Guitarist,
possible. Miracles flow through into The Universe by telling The and stars in the Clear Pictures
our very hands, and become the Universe that no one will offer drama Changing Spots, which
solid objects of our focused work. you anything better. In essence, she also scores. Danielle has
If an individual is struggling with you are telling the Universe that been the subject of several maga-
finances, believing in the limita- you will not accept anything zine cover stories highlighting
tion of what they see in their own other than a job that pays you her diverse career, and you may
bank account everyday, then that $6.00 an hour. And, because The even recognize her from appear-
individual will struggle with the Universe is in agreement with ances on Haunted Voices, Spirit
idea of the “miracle” of greater Humankind based on a system of Search, and NBC’s The Weakest
prosperity. Why? Because those Free Will, then all of your hosts, Link: Psychic’s Edition as her-
same hands, and same actions guides, and angels must honor self, one of the most internation-
that only put a marginal amount your request for only a $6.00 ally respected Clairvoyant Chan-
of the prosperity energy that we an hour job, even if they have a nels in the spiritual community
call “money” into that bank ac- $100.00 an hour job waiting for today.
count, will continue to buy into you in the rafters. Danielle Egnew’s
the limitation that places a glass comprehensive website:
ceiling on how much prosperity Remember – The Universe never
can come through that bank ac- violates us with miracles. Mir-
count. The Universe wishes us acles are a choice in conscious-
to experience being showered ness. Become the miracles con-
in miracles, every moment we sciousness that you would like to
are alive. However, if we do not see. Make the proclamation, “I am
choose to acknowledge that our worth every penny that comes
Tigerpixie Art Studio

Carrie Hawks has always been very artistic and fell in love with cats at an early age. She regards herself as primar-

ily a cat artist and incorporates a fantasy theme with most of the felines that she paints. She has always felt a special

connection to cats because of their unique personalities which made them a natural subject choice for her. Her

own 4 cats are her inspiration and models for much of her work. She tries to capture the cat’s mystical spirit in

each of her paintings. Her love of fantasy is clearly seen in her magical fairy cats and gothic cats series. Winged cats

have become a favorite theme for her to paint. Her fantasy cat collection continues to grow as she has many more

ideas in the works. The Fantasy Cats shown here and many more are available as prints, notecards and other gift

items on Carrie’s website, Tigerpixie Art Studio,


- Tigerpixie Art Studio - Fantasy cat art, gallery featuring cats, by cat artist Carrie Hawks. Originals, fine art

prints, gift show, and more!

- Ebay ID: Tigerpixie

- Ebay Store:

- Wholesale Info. Link:

- Licensing Info. Link:

- Mailing List Info. Link:

- Contact E-mail:

By Jack Bowman

Plato advises us, as a civilization, obvious when you think about it. relative to real time or near real
to appoint censors. He says that Governments and Religions want time environmental influences. A
“great evil springs out of a fullness to perpetuate themselves. They use piece of Fine Art creates itself. It is
of nature rather than from a defi- the school systems to do it. This not a previously thought cartoon.
ciency of nature, weak natures are becomes obvious when we real- It is you and your interaction with
scarcely capable of any very great ize there are DIFFERENT types your environment.
good or very great evil.” He says of Government and DIFFERENT
that a civilization/city should ban a Religions. All you have to do is Performance Art becomes the
poet or artist. To “let him come to ask yourself the question, “Are the high art of our time. This is be-
us and show us his art and praise teachers going to teach me to be a cause it contains so many elements
and honor him as a rare and holy good Marxist in a Capitalist Coun- from the environment. These are
being. But then send him away to try?” “Is my church going to teach things such as taste, smell, sound,
another city.” me to be a member of a competing real space, time, humans, history,
church?” And yes, churches are religions, and governments. It is
I have been an artist for more competing against each other for essentially a human or group mov-
than half a century. I know what a money and members. ing in real space and time. Because
creative person is up against. ALL of this you would think that most
civilized groups are against creativ- So why are Artists dangerous as Performance Artists come from a
ity. Their very essence is in stabil- Plato tells us? It is because they are dance background. This is not true.
ity and creativity is just the op- using their environment to gather Most of them come from a visual
posite. No matter what a civilized their information. In the case of art background. The visual art-
group says about the word “cre- visual Artists they are the only ones ists have the ability to incorporate
ativity” they are against it. This looking at their environment. Since the discrepancies of Government,
means all political movements, all the environments are all different, Religion, and time into their art.
school systems, and all religions. to a great extent, then the Artist is The fusing of these three elements
Their leaders either do not know created as an Individual. He is the becomes the flow of the spirit of
the definition of “creativity” or flat one looking. He is trained to look. man. Unlike dance alone the spirit
lie to you. This is why life drawing is so im- is a push pull of ALL environmen-
portant. The simple fact is that “if tal influences. The Act is TRUTH.
A creative person will always (I you don’t have it in your mind, you Nothing that was ever recorded is
do mean ALWAYS) find a flaw cannot get it out”. truth. Nothing that was ever said is
in his environment and try to fix truth. Only the ACT.
it. Governments, Religions, and This is the true separation between
school systems will fight creative Fine Artists and Commercial Art-
people tooth and nail. It is so ists. The Fine Artists are creating

I am a retired art instructor. I always looked at life as an adventure. I would find goals and
pursue them. I have been a newspaper reporter, professional soldier, factory worker, free lance
magazine writer, published poet, and professional artist to name a few. Life is the journey.

INTERNET SITES Current (as of 2007) performance art project Current list of my performances More about creativity Master Index Art Gallery

Soulosphere is an inspired mixed media artist who

combines her own unique approach to photography, illustration,
sculpture and poetry with a spiritual sensibility.

Originally from Portugal, Soulosphere was raised in a small

industry town set in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. During her
early years she began to discover and develop her creative talents,
receiving many awards and honors for her work. Upon graduating from
University with a B.A. in psychology and English, she decided to
combine her interest in psychology and personal development with her
passion for art; she enrolled in a two-year graduate program in Art
Therapy at the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute.

Soulosphere works in a variety of media, including photography,

ink, pencil crayons, pastels, acrylic paint and digital tools. She
has developed her own trademark stylized approach to illustration,
particularly in portraits, that uses bold, “Pop Art” style color and
dimension. These works have become known as “Beebah’s Ink Pot”.
Soulosphere has also extended her unique approach to a series of
sculpted pendants and other objects known as “The Sweet Shoppe”.

Her work has been presented in such galleries and venues as

Pendragon Cafe, NewWestminster B.C. in 1998, Womynsware, Vanvouver
B.C. in 1998, Lk Dining Lounge, Vancouver B.C. in 2006.

The imagery of Soulosphere is a reflection of the world within

the Soul and an exploration of the relationship between the
emotional, spiritual and physical human experience. Her work has
been called uniquely uplifting, inspirational and, often whimsical,
in nature. It is the sincere desire of the artist that her artwork
touches the hearts of her clients.

Soulosphere is available for custom/fantasy portraits and other

commissioned works including photo restoration/enhancement, logos and
personal symbol development. Custom web graphics and animation are
also available.

Please feel free to contact the artist with your requests, questions
and/or commentary. Your email is most welcome!
Harp Magic
Peter Sterling

It started when I moved to Se- things to me - a skillful applica- nection. The universe cheered and
dona, Arizona, in 1990, after I tion of chiropractic practices, said, ‘Yes, he’s found his instru-
had been living in Colorado for herbs, tinctures, and sounds. ment.’ It felt really right, and so I
ten years. I was a ski instructor, At this time, I was living in my van ended up purchasing the harp for
spending almost every day up in the canyons outside Sedona. a few hundred dollars.
on the slopes above Aspen, ski- It is an extraordinary wilderness This led me into a period where
ing in the rarefied atmosphere area - very powerful energeti- I was very much impassioned
of the Rockies. As I flew down cally. As I explored these canyons and obsessed with the harp. The
the mountain side I had a vision I noticed a marvelous silence instrument had a small little car-
of living a different kind of life. there and an incredible presence. rying case and each day I would go
I had always had a sense of be- I began to spend time meditat- into the wilderness and play for
ing a creative artist and I always ing, sitting on brick-red rocks by four or five hours. I’d hike back
wanted to pursue that dream. I gurgling creeks. into the canyons and find a magi-
knew I had to leave Colorado and cal place and play for the wind
find a creatively uplifting place As I progressively allowed my mind and the rocks and the little ani-
that would nourish me spiritually. to quiet, I began to hear what mals that lived there.
I felt strongly guided to move to seemed to me the sounds of some
Sedona. kind of celestial music, an angelic I took a couple of lessons from the
choir. My hearing began to alter so woman - how to hold it and how it
I was used to listening to my in- I could perceive more - instead of worked, but then I just taught my-
ner voice. As a young boy, I had the third eye opening it was as if a self. I felt that I knew how to do
a grandmother who repeatedly third ear was opening. this, that something was trying to
urged me to pay attention to it. happen with me. Within the first
The voice was faint, but audible, The music was orchestral, with few weeks of playing, this melody
and over time I began to trust it, strings and choir, on a stupen- started to come through, sort of a
although it’s led me into places dously grand scale. Grander that recognized feeling. I was hearing
that to this day I still doubt - it’s anything I’ve heard on earth. the inner music and at the same
taken me along strange, less-trav- Many mystics have talked about time the was music was harmoniz-
eled road, for as yet unexplained this - the music of the spheres. ing with the harp. I realized that
reasons. Around this time, I began to feel there was some form of energy
that this music was wanting to around me, working through me,
come out of me. It needed to flow and thought it must be angels.
Once I moved to Sedona, people through me and be expressed. I It was around the time of my
soon came into my life who had had never mastered an instrument birthday, and I climbed to the top
very different lifestyles from before, although I’d always been of a ridge above a canyon and I
mine. They lived clean, healthy, musically inclined and had a good held my harp up in prayer. I said:
spiritual lives, and they became ear for music. I had this musi- ‘I know you’re with me. I’m ready
my teachers. I loved hanging out cal talent bottled up in me, but I to receive the gift of this music
with them - learning about my- hadn’t found an instrument with and I offer myself up as a vessel
self, how to take care of myself, which to express it. Finally, after for it.
how to cleanse my body and have thirty-two years, as I listened to
an experience of clarity. this inner music in the Arizona
Under the influence of these new wilderness, I discovered what my
friends, I changed my diet - I be- instrument would be - the harp.
came vegetarian and started eat- Immediately, synchronistic events
ing sprouts and live foods. I also started to take place. A woman
met a chiropractor who was a very had a small Celtic harp she want-
talented healer and a shaman. I ed to sell, so she let me try it and
had sessions with him five times a at once there was a recognition.
week, and he would do incredible It was almost like a cosmic con-
Continued on next page.
Harp Magic continued...

It was as if they had been waiting and played in the power spots cent-shaped golden beach that
for my permission. I sat down and and vortexes around Sedona, I stretched for about ten miles.
surrendered myself to this pow- would ask them to appear for me. Dolphins and whales were playing
erful force, and began to play. I I would perceive shimmering light just off the shoreline. As I walked
was totally relaxed and my hands around me and they would begin there, listening to the recording
began moving as if I was a concert to take on a form. At night I would on my walkman, my inner vision
harpist, as though I had been play- see them much more clearly. I opened up, as if projected onto
ing all my life - it came through would see them flying around in a screen, and I saw myself going
that strong. front of my face, leaving little back to America and recording an
trails like fireflies. There was a album as a professional harpist.
My fingers were playing by them- whole swarm of them and they They showed me the whole thing.
selves with a virtuosity that I had would begin to dance in front They showed me the actual CD
been totally incapable of until of my eyes. Slowly they became and that it was in a catalog and
that moment. It was such a pow- distinct, and I saw that they were that the right people were going
erful force. So much love and light little cherubs, such as you would to show up to market it. It was all
was coming through that tears see on the Sistine chapel. going to be taken care of.
were flowing from my eyes.
I still perceive them to this day. I moved back to Sedona from Aus-
I began to connect more and more They’re with us now. They like it tralia and bought a bigger harp. I
with what I perceived as angels when we talk about them. You can played it for about a month, and
playing through me. I increasingly catch them in the corner of your then I got the message that it was
listened to my inner voice, and eye. You can’t see them with your now time for me to make
it seemed that they were com- three-dimensional eyes, though; another re- cording. So
municating with me, telling me they’re in a different dimension. I booked a studio.
that I was to work with them to One of the things I liked to do Before my session
bring through this celestial mu- was to hold out my finger and I said a prayer and
sic. At first it seemed so far out have them alight on the tip of it. asked for the
that I didn’t really understand or They would hover on my finger- music to come
believe it. Sometimes I would sit tips, looking at me, and I could through
in front of a mirror and play, just make out their faces and wings, clearly. I got
to convince myself that I really and I could tell they were holding into the
was playing - it was such a unique harps. They were celestial musi- studio and this
experience I couldn’t believe it cians. power- ful energy
was happening. came into me from the
After a few months of playing angels and I played
After a while, I asked the angels this celestial music, I was guided from my heart for
to show themselves to me. One of to Byron Bay in Australia. I met a about an hour and a
the first times I saw them, I was talented musician there who had half. Almost the whole
playing at sunrise in the forest. I a recording studio, and my guid- time my hands were moving by
was walking back to my van and ance from the angels was to work themselves. My eyes were teary,
I saw a light hovering above it, with this guy and record some so most of the time I couldn’t see
about the size of a fist. I blinked of the melodies that were com- what I was doing. Some musicians
my eyes, doing a double-take, and ing through. So I did that, and I turned up who donated their tal-
as I began to look at it, it got very played the songs, and he added ent and played some guitar and
excited and began to move rapidly strings and flute, and we made a keyboard. And by the end of it (I
back and forth. It did that for a tape. worked on it for about a month)
few seconds and then shot up over I had a little cassette containing
my head and flew away. It was like I remember walking along the eight songs. I colored the cassette
a Tinkerbell kind of thing. beach at Byron Bay. It was a labels myself and gave them to a
beautiful place with sub-tropical few friends and also put them in
Each time now, when I went out rainforest coming down to a cres- the bookstores in Sedona.
Continued on next page.
Harp Magic continued...
In this way, I began to promote world. Three weeks after it was The music has that frequency in
and market my cassette, but it released it was nominated for a it. It can heal people, open their
was difficult for me to make the national award - NAIRD, the Na- hearts, create great visions in
phone calls and put the neces- tional Association of Independent their imagination. It can inspire
sary business energy into it. So Record Distributors. It’s like a them to reach for something
I prayed to the angels and told baby Grammy award. What Sun- higher.
them that if they wanted this mu- dance is to the academy awards.
sic to go out, I needed help. I did
a little ceremony and a ritual and Many incredible things began to
then I let go of it. happen. I would get letters from
people who would write me and
About a week later, I got a phone tell me that the angels had healed
call from a record company. One them with the music, how it had
of their executives had been on helped them through difficult
vacation in Sedona and had heard times. I really believe the angels’
my tape playing in a book store. energy is present on that record,
He found my number on the label, and that you can have a direct
called me up, and offered me a experience of it.
recording contract. I could hardly
believe that it was happening and So it’s been quite a journey and
that the angels had worked so I’m still on it. A lot of people are
swiftly and effectively. having angel experiences all over
the world now. I think it’s hap-
I signed a contract with the pened at other times, at critical
company for five albums over five junctures of human history. The
years. They digitally re-mastered angels come as our brothers to
my cassette and pressed a CD out help us through difficult transi-
of it. We called the album “Harp tions. They influence us with their
Magic”, put a nice cover on it and love and inspire us to go for the
started distributing it all over the light and to go for love.

Peter Sterling:

Christopher J. Puccini
To see more of Christopher J. Puccini’s original

acrylic paintings, please visit his myspace page

Vegetarian Kitchen


A former cost reduction and r&d engineer for Hewlett Packard, goldfish1925 puts materials to work
in thoughtful innovative ways while remaining true to the heart of design and craftsmanship. Her
expertise allows her to handcraft economical products of surprising quality.

Rice Noodles are incredibly versatile, delicious, and inexpensive. They are found in cold and warm

dishes and as an ingredient in soups, stir fries, appetizers, and salads. Served up savory, sweet, crisp

or al dente, rice noodles can be prepared almost instantly.

I’d like to share a simple vegetarian rice noodle dish with you. This dish uses Kimlan soy paste

which should be available in south east asian markets for less than $2. If it isn’t available, a table-

spoon of miso makes a good substitute.


1 bundle rice noodles
1 block firm tofu
2 stalks spring onions
1 red onion
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsps soy paste
2 handfuls spinach

soy sauce peanut oil
(but any other oil will do too)
1. Mince the garlic and cut the
onions into rings. (The root ends of
store bought spring onions can be
planted by saving the white portion
and sticking it root side down into
a pot of soil. New leaves will grow
out from the center. Cut off their
tips to use in a recipe)

2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. It is hot

enough when a drop of water sizzles off. Pour in a
tablespoon of oil, add half the minced garlic and tofu.

At first, the tofu will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Don’t try to force it off. It will budge easily when it’s
ready (5 mins). When one side is golden brown, flip
the tofu and cook the other side.

3. When both sides of the tofu are

done, transfer it to a bowl. Turn
the heat to low and add soy sauce
to the remaining garlic. Stir to re-
move the crisp bits at the bottom.

4. Pour the sauce from the pan

onto the tofu and let it sit while
you prepare the rest of the
5. Clean the pan and reheat it as in step 2.
Remember to wait until the pan is hot before
adding the cold oil as this method prevents the
food from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Add the remaining garlic, most of the spring
onions, most of the red onion, and soy paste.
Stir and cook until fagrant.

6. Turn the heat to high and add _ cup

water. When the water is boiling, add the
rice noodles. Stir the rice noodles care-
fully as they are rather unwieldy when
they are still dry.

When the rice noodles soften and turn

pliable, add the spinach and turn gently
to mix. When the spinach wilts, remove
from heat.

7. Place the noodle mixture on

a plate. Cut the tofu into strips
and place on top of noodles.
Pour the tofu marinade over
the dish and garnish with the
remaining onions.
Lisa Clark is a multi media artist residing in Illinois
with her two children and three cats. Fractal Art is her
latest foray into the digital art world. Also a traditional
fine artist, Lisa enjoys oil painting, photography,jewelry
and altered books. She is currently the Vice President
of the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation:
where some of her work is displayed. Lisa has no for-
mal art training and comes from a long line of artists
that go back to the 1800’s. More of her fractal art can
be found at:

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