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NPL runs to save Rumphi lives


Relevance of Mothers Day celebrations P11



the nation

15 october, 2013 by Caryssa Therese C. Verzosa

My mother the phenomenal woman

These are the hot institutions that are raising the bar of Mothers
1. Illovo Sugar




Kamuzu Academy




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Nico General

ommy, Mama, Mayi whatever an endearing term we call her, it definitely points to one and only figure, our mother. A person that no one in this world can live without. With her nurturing nature and undying love she exudes in many wonderful ways that make us feel that we truly belong. Without her, life would be an empty space that no one could fill up. It is like being lost and wandering aimlessly without any right direction or purpose. Her beautiful soul is indeed a good example for us to serve, accomplish and persevere. Finely described as a wonderful woman, so gentle yet so strong. She is known for her absolute patience, though foolishness arises within her children. The great teacher that gives you guidance whenever one needs or asks for it. And a true friend and confidant, who is the fountain head of comfort, a cushion when we fall and the best source of hope and inspiration in times of strife. In my13 years of lifes journey with my mother, we had our times togetherencountered joy and sorrow. With the power of two, we conquered all the confusing obstacles in life through cooperation and rooted emotional support. With my dad working abroad, my mom did her best to stand by me and made our home a good place to live in for the whole family. I was greatly amazed at how she could do multiple things at the same time and came out perfectly in shape. When I was younger, I even thought she had a sort of magical power that enabled her to do numerous things with ease and excellence. Whenever I had school activities, she never missed any of them and she always cheered me on. She is my critic and my greatest teacher, as she points out lovingly my shortfalls and lavishly praises my good points. Every time I see her happy face, I do every bit that I can to make her very proud of me. For every wrong that I do, she

Mothers are to be cherished for their contribution to society

patiently disciplines me and reminds to always try to do right. I cannot forget her lines: We are unique from each other, an individuality that we have to respect. I have my own way of bringing you up, a way that only the mother in me can understand by heart. She is my inspiration. I hope to soon succeed in life so that I can lavish her with all the love and spoiling she deserves. She is indeed a phenomenal mother that every daughter would be proud of and look up to. As I develop into a woman, I sometimes disagree with my mother, but we always come up to a middle ground as I listen intently some words of wisdom from my mom and realise things as she too, listens to my woes and angst of growing up. With her tender love and soothing stroke of my hair, my pains and fears totally vanish. I proudly describe my mother as a patient, loving, responsible, and hardworking, a woman of wit and integrity. She is a woman worth appreciating and well-loved. No wonder a day is specially commemorated for her greatness. Mothers Day is celebrated today in honour of our mothers who serve as positive contributors to our families and society at large. To all mothers who share their childrens laughter, clear away tears with hugs and kisses and endlessly infuse our lives and the world with love, Happy Mothers Day. n

Mother Day Fast Facts

The earliest history of Mothers Day dates back to the ancient annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses. The idea of official celebration of Mothers Day in the US was first suggested by Julia Ward Howe in 1872. An activist, writer and poet, Julia suggested that June 2 be annually celebrated as Mothers Day and should be dedicated to peace. Anna Jarvis is recognised as the founder of Mothers Day in US. Though Anna never married and never had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honour on all mothers. Today Mothers Day is celebrated in many countries across the world. Florists, card and gift sellers make good money through a rigorous advertising


Special pullout the nation 15 october, 2013


NPL runs to save Rumphi lives

regnancy and childbirth are usually joyful moments in families, but for Masozi Kumwenda from Traditional Authority Mtwalo in Mzimba, childbirth has been a major cause for grief. This is because Kumwenda has always had stillbirths, thereby shattering her dream of being a mother. Her first of the painful experiences was in 2009 when she delivered a stillborn in her eighth month. I first experienced labour pains while at home and in no time I was due to give birth. The women around helped me deliver, but unfortunately, it was a stillbirth, she said on Friday at Rumphi District Hospital, three days after delivering her third baby. Kumwenda disclosed that her second child tried to hold on to the string of life for two weeks only. This was despite the fact that she duly satisfied the requirements of safe motherhood by camping at Enukweni Health Centre maternity waiting shelter for weeks before delivery. As hope of ever bearing a live child was slipping through Kumwendas heart, Engucwini Health Centre referred her to Rumphi District Hospital, which is within their catchment area for fear of a repeat of her past experience. She has been attending and accessing, antenatal services at Engucwini in Mzimba North. Rumphi District Hospital maternity ward in-charge Joyce Ngwira said premature and still births are common at the facility. Ngwira said this notwithstanding; the hospital tried its best to save the life of Kumwendas third child by employing Caesarean section to avoid complications that might come with a normal delivery. And on October 8 2013, Kumwenda delivered a bouncing baby boy. So far, we have not noticed any problems with the baby. We have also screened the mother to find the cause for her premature deliveries, but we cannot trace any, said Ngwira. She attributed most of the stillbirths in the district to lack of equipment and inadequate personnel at the hospital. She said equipment such as vacuum extractors, incubators, resuscitaires (equipment used to resuscitate a still baby) and others would easily save lives of babies. However, all health facilities surrounding the district hospi-


Patrons during this year's Mother's Day Fun Run

tal do not have any of them. The district hospital has only one resuscitaire which serves the whole district. In this case, it means if there are about two or three babies in need of resuscitation, some will go unattended. Ideally, a district hospital like this would need at least three resuscitaires, said Ngwira. Concerned with such challenges in the health sector, Nation Publications Limited (NPL) introduced a corporate social responsibility initiative Mothers Day Fun Run, to contribute towards the promotion of quality healthcare services in the country. The Fun Run promotes safe motherhood in Malawi and benefits government hospitals and health centres in districts with the highest maternal and infant mortality rates. Every year, NPL employees, their project partners, communities and other well-wishers brave the sweltering heat of October to run for the lives of mothers and children. This year, Rumphi District Hospital, David Gordon Memorial Hospital, Chitimba and Katowo health centres have benefited from the project. Through its partners and sponsors, NPL mobilised healthcare items worth over K18 million. One of the items donated include the resuscitaire that Rumphi District Hospital is short of. Each resuscitaire costs about K2.2 million. Since its launch in 2005, NPL has mobilised over K60 million worth of maternal healthcare items from various strategic partners, sponsors and individuals for health institutions in the country. Going forward, NPL plans to run for lives of children and mothers in all districts. n

PHOTOGRAPH: Nation Library



the nation

15 october, 2013




Mrs ethel chiwoWa Mommy youre the sweetest gift that God has ever given us. We thank Him for sending an angel who is always beside us. You are our shining star!! A million thanks Mumie. Catherine (Nyachinkhutha) and all children.

Happy Mothers Day SABELLA MANGULAMA You are such a sweetie Mama. Love you!!

DEAR MAMA D. KAPHIKA You are a blessing in our lives. Much proud of you. Lots of love. Nellie, Joe, Sam, Mimi, Eccie and King, grandsons and daughters (Vio, Vanessa, Don, Arthur, Daniel).

MRS K. NGWIRA This special day came, I to say youre special Mom in everyway. I love you Mom. From Danko and family.

SISTER MAI MPHWIYO We really appreciate all youve done for us. You took the responsibility of our late Father and made us successful in life. You are really a hero. Love from Peter, Linda, Sophie, Margret and Humphrey.

MRS JUDITH KACHERE Happy Mothers Day Mum. I am proud of you. May God continue guiding and protecting you. Your daughter Doreen.

MRS PEGGIE KALUA Mum, you are a blessing to us. We love you. Happy Mothers Day. Malare, Wanangwa and Getrude.

MATRIDA KIKUNGA MWAKASUNGULA Ndagha Mama Matrida pa mbombo iyi ubombile Kyala akutule kangi akongelele a masiku ghako gha pakisu. Yoswe Banako.

STELLA CHIKUSE Darling Stella, as we are celebrating Mothers day, may God Almighty be exalted for seeing you through and taking you this far. I thank you for being there for me in difficult times and you fill my life with Joy, hope and strength. You are more than a mother to me. Happy yappie Mothers Day. Your loving husband Albert and daughter Tasokwa.

MRS GETRUDE MZAZA Mum, we cherish your love and learn that we dont take it for granted. You have been there for us through thick and thin and never gave up on us. We raise our glasses to you! Your boys and girls The Mzazas

MRS FAITH MANDA We love you Mum because you always look after us everyday. Happy Mothers Day. Your loving kids: James and Natasha Manda Chirimba.

YEWO DEAR, As this day passes, we thank God that you are in our midst. We wish you good health and wisdom. Our biggest gift is our love and as a mother we expect more treasures from you. We cherish you. Happy Mothers Day. Lumbani, Aliko and your husband Mtheto. MRS LUWIZA PULENI Mum you mean everything to me. May God bless you. Happy Mothers day. Chisomo. MARY MZAZA NKOWANI Mum, know that we love you. Samuel and we appreciate your love and tender care to the maximum. You are the mother not only to your girls but to many. Love you always. The gals and all of us. MRS SERAH LONGWE New Naperi We thank God that you looked after our Dad so nicely and that is why we are here today. Happy Mothers Day. James and Natasha Manda Chirimba.

MRS JOYCE KALIYA Anankhoma, you are the most unforgetable and adorable gift which we shall forever be grateful for in our lives. Ndinu chimdalitso chosefukira miyoyo yathu!! Happy Mothers Day!! Syndie and Martha.

ANNUALITA MATOPE Happy Mothers Day Mami. Timakukondani. Mwai, Allan, Chifuniro, Treazer and Hannah.

MRS MAJORIE SICHALI Mom you are the most person I cherish in my life. So caring and loving, happy Mothers Day. Celebrate in style. Cathy Sichali.

MRS CECILY YIWOMBE Chitawira We thank you for your everyday prayers. We thank you for taking care of our Mum. Happy Mothers Day. James and Natasha Manda Chirimba.



MRS CHIKAONDA We thank God for giving us such a loving and caring Mother. Nothing is good without you Mama for you are our joy, your smile always heals our pains and sorrows. We adore you sweet mother, Happy Mothers Day. Maxwell & Flora Njunga.

MADA I love you so much. Happy Mothers Day. Bennet.

MRS BAILLA Mum and Dad to say thank you doesnt seem enough. You always seem to be there when things are getting tough. Youre always kind and helpful in everything you do. Ethel Bailla.

MARY MUZOMBWE I love you Mom because you have been cooking for me, bathing me and all the things you have done in my life. I am saying thank you. Loving son Pokani Kaphika.

MRS PHIRI Swt Mama, you are like energy to us we cant breath without you. Happy Mothers Day dear Mama. Jessie, Agnes, Mayeso, Charity, Calvin and Selina Phiri. MRS BERTHA PULENI Mum you mean everything to us. May the good Lord continue showering you with His blessings. Happy Mothers Day. Andrew, Paul, Maureen, Francis, Bruno and Elennah. MRS KANJE Mum you are our mother and our angel forever. Happy Mothers Day. Papa Harris, Mirriam, Jr, Baba, Yaz, Memwa and Machisomo. MISS ABIGAIL CHAWEZA Thanks for bringing me to the world. You are such a wonderful Mum. Your daughter Memory.

MRS A. TAMAYENDA You are a hero Mama. You always give me strength and courage. You are the only person who understands me. The world is safe to live because of you Mama. May the good Lord give you more years and continue taking care of me. I love you. Aggie Tamayenda.

MRS JOSOPHINE CHIZIMBA Happy Mothers Day. We love you so much. Thanks for everything you do. May God bless. Tadala and Tamandani. MRS GLORY CHAGOMA MTETE Happy Mothers day Your hardworking spirit has made us all excell and progress beyong peoples expectations from here and beyond. Continue being caring, cheerful and hardworking. May God continue blessing and protecting you. Happy Mothers Day!!! Emily, Kondwani, Collins, Esau, Ronald, Lincy, grandchildren: Tiyamike, Sithandani, Desire, Joshua, Thandizire, Witness, Panashe, Wongani (Jane and Michael).

AISHA MOIN Dearest Mother, we are indebted to love you most. Aziz Iraquib.

MRS ROSE PIAROZA CHAMANGA Happy Mothers Day to the best mother, grandmother, nurse, role model, teacher, bestfriend, comforter, adviser, name it all, she is our Mom. A day is not enough to honou you as our Mom. We love you very much and May God continue to grant you all the desires of your heart. Sarah, Innocecencia, Rachel, Agatha, George, Chiku, Letisha, Giovanni Happy Mothers Day too to new Mom, Sarah and Innocencia.

MRS EUNICE CHIFOMBOTI What a wonderful wife, showering care, guidance and beautiful smiles. You are my bread, pillow and shield to all sorts of affairs. I appreciate your motherly care. Lovely husband, Flemings.

Mother dearest, (MRS O. TEMANI) There is no one else like you. Thank you for your love. We appreciate you. Love from your daughters. Grace, Mercy, Angela, Linda, Nellie and Thoko.

MWAI WA MADA PHIRI Blessed are men whose wives are pure in heart for they will enjoy the fruit of living and marriage. I am a proud husband for having a very loving and caring wife. I appreciate the support you always give me and I promise to be truly yours. Your are truly the touch of my heart and Mother to my only child Dejon. We love you so much happy Mothers Day. Mada and Dejon.

MRS M. KAIPA Happy Mothers Day mother dearest. You deserve all the love and respect. Love you always. Chicco

MRS DUMBO You are such a blessing to me. Happy Mothers Day. Mrs Phiri (Biwi).

AGNES KACHIWALA We love you Mum, happy Mothers day. Children and grand children.



RUTH KACHECHE Happy Mothers Day Mum. May the Lord bless you for what you have done to me. I love you. Taonga Kacheche. MRS K. KAMELA Happy Mothers Day. Love you and keep being an amazing Mom Hugs and Kisses. Olivia. BERTHA CHIOMBA AND AUNT LINLY Thank you for your love and support. Happy Mothers Day. Florence, Busisiwe, Sithembi and Zahra. MRS B.M KANYIMBO Thank you for always being there for me. May God bless you. Abigail. MRS R. MGWADIRA Thank you for everything. Happy Mothers Day. Maya GLORIA TENGULA Happy Mothers Day Mumie. Thank you for everything. I love you so much. Enjoy your day. May God bless you with long life. Martha Tengula. MRS MATSIMBE AND AUNT ZINDANA Happy Mothers Day. You were made special for I and my sisters and you will always be my stars. Gloria. MRS R. NWACHUKWU Am proud of you... Keep working hard and being a loving mother. Love you always. Happy Mothers Day. Uche. Dear Mum, MRS MKANDAWIRE I am so grateful to God for giving me a special Mum like you. Thank you for the love and care you give me. I love and miss you. Have a very wonderful Mothers Day. From Roselyn. MRS O. MWAMBAKULU Happy Mothers Day. I love you alot. Monica. MRS L. NYONDO Happy Mothers Day Mum. Missing you and I love you. Lughano Nyondo. Happy Mothers Day Mom. You deserve it. You mean alot to us. You are special. You are the best ever and you are the champion, you are the sunshine. May God bless you forever for the love Mom. Priscilla Magwaya.

CLARA K. CHITAWO MRS We wish you all the best on this day and may the good Lord continue blessing you abundantly. Your children, son in-laws, daughter in-law plus grand children ROSE KALUA CHIRAMBO Mum, you were a portion of Gods love in action. You looked with your heart and felt with your eyes. You were the bank where your children could deposit all our worries and hurt. You were a cement that kept our family together and your love was everlasting. I could have everything in life but got no mother. R I P Mum till we meet again. Jayne Flora Chetama.

Wezzie Okafor
A Mom like you is the sweetest gift that God has ever given us. We thank Him for sending an angel who is always beside us. You are the best among the rest. We love you Mom. Happy Mothers Day. Hubby, Chidima and Ebuka.
PILIRANI FAVOUR TEWESA My dear wife, a lovely Mother to my wonderful son Yankho. Happy Mothers Day. Chimwemwe Tewesa. THANDIE NKOVOLE Sweet Mother, we thank you for your motherly love, care and support. What a strong woman you are, a father and a mother in one. Happy Mothers Day. From Baxter, Sherie, Janet and Eugien. Happy Mothers Day Gogo ( a darling) I love you!! Matamando Kampaliro.

MUMMIE Happy Mothers Day. May God bless and guide you as you are taking care of us. Love from children Alice, Arnold, Ennie, Beauty and Emmanuel Kellena Zenizeni.

MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL MAI WANGWILO MRS AGNESS GOLIYO-CHOLOPI Mum, you dont have a mother. That much we dont know what it means but we symphathise with you! We are lucky that in you we have a complete mother who is and will ever be loving and caring. May this years Mothers Day bring you the joy you have never experienced before and ever shall you. We wish you good luck as you take good care of us. Victor and Vonken Cholopi aka Mwanje Boys


Between the earth and the sky above, nothing can match my grandmothers love. She tells me stories and gives me the sweetest hugs. Hugs taught me how to dance but most of all she gave life to my most precious treasure, my Mom. Happy Mothers Day. I will always love you Granma. Kelicia Kaitlin Kaphuka.
MAMA CETRIDA KACHILALA Happy Mothers day may the good Lord continue to protect and guide you. Daughters Petroneirra Kachilala (Mrs Kantwanje), Eulalia Kachilala (Mrs Chafera) grand daughters Mercy, Cetrida, Pricillar, Anjella, Magadalena, Chimwemwe and grandsons Patrick and Mayamiko.



the nation

15 october, 2013



Special pullout the nation 15 october, 2013





the nation

15 october, 2013


very year on October 15, Malawi celebrates and honours mothers and motherhood for the contribution they make to our lives. Days and weeks preceding this day are always eventful as people, regardless of age, race and culture, go from one gift shop to the other in search of the best present to give to their beloved mothers. Others give their presents to any woman they honour in place of the departed mothers, such as aunts, sisters and, indeed, their own wives. This is because Mothers Day is a celebration honouring not just the biological mother, but motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. Research shows that the day is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. Search engine Wikipedia says Mothers Day began in the United States in the early 20th century. The modern holiday of Mothers Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in West Virginia, US. She then began a campaign to make Mothers Day a recognised holiday in the United States and by 1914, she had succeeded [in her campaign]. The holiday was thus adopted by other countries and it is now celebrated the world over. However, someone

Relevance of Mothers Day celebrations

would want to know why it is necessary to observe and celebrate this day. A mother is very important in everyones life. It is a mother who birthed each one of us and unflinchingly took care of us. This does not mean our fathers did not undertake any responsibility over our childhood. But usually mothers assume more roles and responsibilities than a father; hence, the need to honour our mothers in a different way. Mothers Day is, therefore, a chance to pay homage to your mother. It is an opportunity to thank mothers for everything she has done for you, from breastfeeding to escorting you to school and preparing your meals. On Mothers Day, our sole responsibility is to make our mothers feel like a queen for a day, a strategy that can also be applied to your wife or grandmother. If the rest of your family is available, make them part of it also. Furthermore, if there have been some rough patches between you and your mom, Mothers Day can provide the perfect opening for the two of you to reconnect and mend some fences. If you can, take her to a restaurant she has never been to before. This is a perfect time to celebrate your mother and all her wonderful qualities. Why not make this

Special pullout the nation 15 october, 2013



one the best Mothers Day she has ever had since she bore you?

Most women receive gifts from their loved ones on Mother's Day





the nation

15 october, 2013

A cry of incarcerated mother


he might have had a good intention of righting her son, but the punishment Mercy Namaja of Traditional Authority Kachenga in Balaka executed on the child earned her three years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL). Namaja burned the hands of her 10-yearold child after catching him stealing money. The money was meant for relish for the fivemember family that day. Her child had a tendency of stealing anything he could lay his hands on while his parents were away. Being a God-fearing mother, Namaja thought sparing the rod would eventually spoil this child. After all, even the Bible emphasises that in an effort to raise them in the fear and will of God, parents should punish their naughty children. Says Proverbs 13:24: He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes (diligently). Further, Proverbs 19 verse 18 says: Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. While Bible scholars say this is just a Christian saying and should not be used to justify spanking or other physical forms of discipline to keep ill-mannered children in line, many parents think differently. The scholars argue that the downside of this method is that many children do or behave the way they do out of fear and not understanding the importance of good manners. Thus, many children grow believing that focusing on studies and cooking/cleaning around the house were all things one needs in order to mould them into the best persons

Children are not always happy to be disciplined

between the parent and child later in life. But having earned herself a jail-term for trying to right her son into a responsible citizen, has Namaja changed her attitude towards the son? Does she still regard him as her son? Yes, I still love my child and I would like him to grow into a responsible adult. I did what I did out of a motherly love; not that I hate him, she explained to MIJ FM in a programme called Tikadalipo. She added: Even as I am going through pain and suffering in prison, I still love and care for my son. I miss him so much. Wherever my son is, he should know I burned his hands because I love him

Should parents spank their children or just talk to them?

they could be. Having children do things simply out of fear and nothing else can cause them to harbour extremely negative feelings toward their parents and can lead to the detriment of a close bond

more than what he may interpret my action to be. If I never cared about him, I couldnt bother myself punishing him. Namaja said she looks forward to the day when she will be able to prepare a meal for her child again. She even feared that the more she is away from her children, the more wayward they will become. Her fear confirms what psychologists have said before. Most psycho-social experts say children raised away from their mothers are likely to become incarcerated later in life themselves thus perpetuating an endless cycle of displaced violence. n


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