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Peter Della Penna continues his unethical journalistic bias by writing yet another scathing article on USA Cricket's

internal affairs.

USACA promises new CEO and more tournaments The USA Cricket Association has announced plans to hire a new chief executive by October 19 - Cricket news from from cricket in USA 2Like Share 18 people like this.

David Mutton 1) I would suggest spellcheck 2) Are you threatening to sue me? And if so can you point to anything in my writing which has broken any laws of libel. 13 October at 15:06 Edited Like 3

Andrew Nixon I feel left out. Can't I be called unethical for the article I wrote? 13 October at 15:10 Unlike 8

Samir Chopra USACA: You'd do better to concentrate on cricket. This is terribly silly. 13 October at 15:14 Like 9

Laura Krause No, this is terribly typical. 13 October at 15:17 Like 6

United States of America Cricket Association Peter and Mark: Clearly you are confused. If you were "journalist" you would realize that your blogs are overly obsessive and therefore not covered by any protection under the law as none of you are professional journalist. And yes Peter, you will be sued. 13 October at 15:57 Like

United States of America Cricket Association There is a problem if 5 people from the thousands that visit this page keep constantly lodging complaints and negativity. We can block you but your audience is appreciated. 13 October at 16:52 Like 1

Samir Chopra USACA: And yet, you have hosted a link to Peter's article, thus helping to publicize it to the "thousands that visit this page"? 13 October at 17:00 Like 1

Samuel Gilleran Somebody is unaware of how Amendment 1 works in this country. And it is not Peter. 13 October at 18:02 Like 4

Samir Chopra USACA: If Goldman Sachs cannot sue Matt Taibbi for calling them 'a giant vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity' then I'm afraid your case has a snowball's chance in hell. 13 October at 18:06 Unlike 13

Erik Petersen I may write something on how I suspect Major League Baseball secretly pays you guys to make sure cricket never gets popular in the US. Please try not to sue me. 13 October at 18:41 via mobile Like 8

United States of America Cricket Association What other sport in the USA has 3 people constantly baddgering its administrators? There is a clear agenda to defame the organization. 13 October at 18:44 Like

Andrew Nixon USACA is right. No other sport has three people badgering its administrators. They have more. 13 October at 18:53 Like 13

Sean Chapman They're not badgering they're reporting you flog. USACA has been and continues to be a joke on an international scale. Name one other sport that would have its administrator take to social media to have a cry about some negative press. I'm not sure what you were hoping to achieve with this post, but all you have done is reinforce everybody's perception that USACA senior administrators are incompetent flogs. Well done again. 13 October at 19:05 via mobile Like 10

Jason Thugbone Fox Maybe if yall would get your shit together you would have a passionate jounalist on your side. But that would make much more sense than a 4th class orginization has. Yall must need money for Masiahs trial. 13 October at 19:21 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay An Important quality of any journalist is that, one should strive to ensure that any information that is disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair. One must also be able to differentiate between FACT and OPINION and try their utmost best to correct harmful Inaccuracies. Avoid, producing materials likely to lead to hatred or discrimination. Resist being manipulated and used by colleagues that has personal agenda. Last but not least: When confronted with stories or situations, in which the proper action is not clear, seek counsel . Reading Peter's Articles and his interactions with his "up to no good" "Twitter Buddies", (they know themselves) He totally lacks these qualities and the essence that makes a good Journalist. "Such a great depression". How could you aspire to be a credible journalist?? Writing conflicting "wishy-washy stories, based on "hear say and dem say" no facts what so ever, invading the privacy of others, personally attacking the characters of some, in a very degrading manner, thats not rights of journalist. I suggest PETER, that you study your craft and revise the ethical code of conduct that guides it. 13 October at 19:40 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay And that's why Peter's Credibility STINKS as a Journalist face it, he continues to write crap. Nothing to do with the growth and developement of cricket...stuck on the past, along with you Penna lovers, pure idiots. Do any of you play cricket??? go try squeezing the ball. 13 October at 19:55 Like 1

Laura Krause I guess all of those direct quotes from USACA board members are what you consider "hear say and dem say" ? It's not Peter's fault that the USACA board is divided (Kenwyn's words). Don't blame the USACA mess on the guy reporting it. 13 October at 20:09 Like 3

Sean Chapman Speaking for my self I have played for more than 30 years including 11 in the USA and it is my passion for cricket that makes USACA's incompetence so frustrating. The dysfunctional nature of

the administration is shocking and the waste of time and money over the years is embarrassing. Peter is entitled to write opinion pieces and I am sure that if there was something positive to write about that he would report that too. But there is nothing positive about the administration of USACA, we all look forward to the day when there is good things to write about. I'm not holding my breath however 13 October at 20:27 Edited Like 4

Rozay Chardonnay there is positive,if Peter looks! he is hell bent on reporting fabricated news to please his audience,which keeps the rift going,it's always some negative drama he writes about over the said organization in which he tours to cover games,it makes no sense, 13 October at 20:36 via mobile Edited Like

Jason Thugbone Fox Im not sure any cricket is actually played under Usaca. 13 October at 20:33 Like 3

Laura Krause Yes, Rozay, Peter is "hell bent on reporting." That, apparently, is the cause of USACA's grief. 13 October at 20:35 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Remind me again why the icc continue to Fund this organization called USACA????? anyone has the answers?? well wise people it's because its the only organization in the US that is recognized in the eyes of the icc...the change begins with you guy's....continuos slander of USACA is not going to work 13 October at 20:44 Like

Laura Krause People ask that question every day, Rozay, and no one has a good answer. This much, however, is undeniable: The ICC has chained itself to a corpse. 13 October at 20:47 Like 6

Rozay Chardonnay No Laura! it's the spiral down flow of peter's inability to function as a cant be bias! Reporting crap does nada to's like beating stone! they still get the money to control cricket in the USA..... 13 October at 20:48 Like

Laura Krause True, Rozay, trying to change USACA is like beating a stone, but silence in the face of a tyranny of incompetence can't be the answer, either. Peter is just telling it like it is. 13 October at 20:51 Like 4

Rozay Chardonnay What do any of you do for cricket??? thats where the work begins.....what's your contribution towards the sport,insteading of blogging crap every chance! go out and teach the sport, Miss Laura! by the looks of it you need a couple 50 over matches, will get you in top shape! fussing on here will do no good! oh i have an idea! how about all you "fretters" organize a tournament? have Peter advertise! 13 October at 20:56 Edited Like

Laura Krause Not all can be coaches or players. Some must necessarily serve the role of the fourth estate, which helps to protect the interests of the rest. 13 October at 20:55 Unlike 5

Rozay Chardonnay It is "Alleged" that it's the Executive Secretary of USACA that is controling this page,if that's the case, please do show some respect, voice your ideas, and the change you would like to see, instead of bitterness, baby steps..... 13 October at 21:08 Like

Jason Thugbone Fox Did Rozay really just call 50 over cricket real cricket. Try a 2 day game champ. 13 October at 21:19 Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay enlighten me Laura! explain.....what do you do? 13 October at 21:20 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Peter is not "telling it like it is" he is adding fuel to the fire, croping and twisting stories to ring the alarm of his audience negatively....the things he choose to write about does nothing for the growth of cricket, supposedly posting Board members emails? where is his class? very classy! there are boundaries,that you just dont cross as a journalist...if that's what Peter is, I am not sure. 13 October at 21:43 Like

Rozay Chardonnay I am Done with this..... 13 October at 22:39 Edited Like

Sean Chapman That's a shame your posts have been highly entertaining. Sunday at 00:20 via mobile Like 4

Craig Chapman You're done with being a twit? Good idea. Sunday at 00:22 via mobile Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay hey Chapman,I didn't comprehend your logic,shit! it's because you're clinically depressed,go talk to your shrink might be time to up your dose. Sunday at 01:43 via mobile Edited Like 1

Sean Chapman Rozay likes her own comment - cute Sunday at 01:47 Like 5

Rick Eyre Bizarre, shameful and simply unprofessional comments from the USACA representative posting to this thread. Very sad to see. Sunday at 03:48 Like 5 "You are a blogger and no portection is afforded to you under the law. As you will soon find out." Am I the only person who read this in Mr Burns' voice? Sunday at 04:06 Like 4

Sean Chapman I was thinking more of this Sunday at 04:35 Like 5

United States of America Cricket Association At the end of it all; my tolerance has been meet! Sunday at 04:54 Like

Sean Chapman The thing that is amazing about this is that Mr. Williams fails to understand that the USACA account here isn't about him, it represents USACA, and he is doing a far better job at tarnishing USACA than Peter ever could. USACA is an organization, it shouldn't be capable of hurt feelings. Sunday at 05:05 Like 2

Avi Singh Of the 'thousands who visit this page', only 204 as of current count have bothered to actually 'like' the page. That's a massive expression of positivity and confidence regarding cricket administration in the USA by USACA... Sunday at 05:28 Like 4

Michael Wagener As an interested outsider I find this remarkable. I am a New Zealander. I coach a cricket team, and write a cricket blog. I'm simply an amateur enthusiast, rather than a serious cricket journalist. However, here is what I've heard: (and please let me know if I've got this wrong) Peter Della Penna has been on mainstream media in the United States trying to encourage people to take cricket seriously. He has also been on podcasts telling the rest of the cricket world to give minor cricket nations (like the United States) a fair deal. He has also written articles that have been featured by ESPN (which I understand to be a reasonably large sports network, not a blog) promoting cricket in USA, and encouraging people to watch it. He has also commented on some of the issues with the board, just as New Zealand journalists comment about NZC, Sri Lankan journalists comment about SLC, English journalists comment about the ECB and Indian journalists comment about the BCCI. Unlike journalists from those countries, he gets threatened by the USACA, told that he must only write positive things about them, and accused of working against the game. I can think of one other board that has acted like this, but I'm not sure that the ZCU is really the best model for a cricket association to be following. If he has made factual errors, then pull him up on them. Cricinfo has a fairly solid reputation, and I'm sure that if the USACA can show that there are factual errors they will happily apologise and write a retraction. If there are no factual errors, then I would suggest that it might be a better strategy to make sure that the issues that he raises are sorted out, so that he can't write about them anymore. Sunday at 05:42 Like 31

Percy Carey I'm new to cricket but fell in love with it. I would like to support any way I can. USACA with all due respect to you this is not the correct way to handle this there's children that look up to you, if you cant show discipline in a public forum like facebook, then how can we have the discipline to compete on a world level?. Display some discipline and live up to what you say you're going to do in order to elevate us to world cup status. This is just the words of a new supporter of cricket nothing more... Sunday at 05:43 Like 6

Martin Williamson Whoever posted this - and given other exchanges it is obvious who it is - needs to tread very carefully. If unethical means, as you seem to think, the person concerned refuses to pass on all sources then you are misguided. But labelling a good journalist as unethical may land you in legal trouble. I suggest you consider withdrawing this thread fairly quickly. Sunday at 07:03 Like 5

Prof. Thugmeet This page is almost as big a joke as my page

Sunday at 07:08 Edited Like

United States of America Cricket Association Martin: Just to summarize in one paragraph..Peter is an unqualified journalist..unethical by its professional standards and is using his limited education to defame an organization and its board on an intrernational level. You taught him well with your antagonistic style of wriiting that serves no purpose.BTW this not Zimbabwe Cricket. Sunday at 15:45 Like

Rick Eyre Wondering if the individual posting to this wall in the name of "United States of America Cricket Association" could identify his/herself, and confirm whether his/her views are those of the USACA? And if so, whether they have the endorsement of ICC Americas? Sunday at 16:02 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association In the USA journalists need to be QUALIFIED and belong to an organization that endorses their profession. There are ethical standards that needs to be meet. Bloggers - like yourself and Peter get around this professional endorsement by only using the internet to spew venom. Ask yourself if your garbage could ever be considered for publication in the Magazine. Reason: you and Peter and other bloggers are unqualified as professional journalists. America has standards Martin - you don't just wake up one day and decide that you are a journalists..Especially if your career before your obsession with USACA was selling knives for a living. Sorry - send Peter to Journalism school to learn the basics. Then send him to the New York Press Club to become a member and then to the NYPD to get a press pass. I need to see credentials and so will a Judge. Sunday at 16:44 Like 1

David Mutton That might be the craziest thing I have read all year. Sunday at 16:55 via mobile Like 14

Andrew Nixon Did Kenwyn just refer to an ESPN managing editor as a BLOGGER? I'm now convinced this account is intended as parody. Sunday at 16:55 Unlike 10

Erik Petersen The NYPD is issuing press credentials now? Man, things have changed since I left the US. Sunday at 16:57 via mobile Like 2

Jarrod Potter USACA continues to spin downhill at a rapid rate. Get your own affairs in order before you pot-shot a journalist who is doing his job. Any chance that ProCricket can come back to administer this sorry affair? Sunday at 17:09 Like 4

Erik Petersen I'm worried about my next NYC trip. To whom do I apply for my travel and free movement permit? The MTA? Sunday at 17:09 via mobile Like 3

Andrew Nixon I'm in New York next week - do I need to get my pass from the NYPD if I need to ask for directions? Sunday at 17:11 Like 2

Laura Krause That the ICC would allow itself to be associated with USACA is a travesty. It's continued backing of such a group brings it only shame and disgrace. Sunday at 17:20 Like

Laura Krause I also agree with Martin on one very important point - the ICC should immediately appoint an interim "caretaker" administration for US cricket. It's the only way now. Sunday at 17:23 Like 2

Jarrod Kimber I'm proud to be a blogger, but I'm ashamed to say that I'm not Zimbabwe cricket. Sunday at 17:59 Unlike 12 I'm officially convinced that Kenwyn is 1. a PCB sleeper agent 2. he wants to poison blogger's maggi noodles. Sunday at 18:03 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Martin - the fact that you are defending your cedibility on this blog sends a deeper message to my constituents. The bottom line is that I am committed to change USA Cricket and that change involves removing all the negative components from its infrastructure. You and Peter are part of that negative component. USA Cricket is moving into a professional environment and we need all hands on deck to get the sport the respect it deserves. Posting confidential internal email board communications and writing about them is both unethical and self serving. Rozay hit it clearly and impressively on the head - read that again. Your style and service to USA Cricket has become obsloete and more damaging than anything. I look forward to your next boring and annoying blog berrating USA Cricket. I sent some emails to my board members this morning. Have

Peter get them from AJ so he can send to you. It was great stuff. Has the name of the new CEO and details of a deal I just worked out with another corporation. Sunday at 18:11 Like 1

Rick Eyre If "USA Cricket is moving into a professional environment" then I'm afraid you, sir, need to reflect on your own conduct on this Facebook thread and perhaps turn over the USACA's public relations to a genuine professional. Sunday at 18:14 Like 2

Andrew Nixon Professional environment? OK, come clean, this really is a parody isn't it? Sunday at 18:15 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association "David Mutton That might be the craziest thing I have read all year" Facts are usually crazy when proven Sunday at 18:16 Like

Andrew Nixon If you're removing negative components from the infrastructure of US cricket, you might want to start a little closer to home. Sunday at 18:20 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Martin Williamson What were you doing from 19801996 Martin - you resume has a huge gap - please qualify. Again - fly by night so called journalists holding USA Cricket hostage! Sunday at 18:26 Like

Rick Eyre wow. Posting links to adversaries' LinkedIn profiles is professional conduct? Something tells me the USACA's PR problems are going to escalate very quickly. Sunday at 18:28 Like 1

Andrew Nixon Do USACA actually want a relationship with ESPN? Because they're going about it in a funny way. Sunday at 18:29 Like 2

David Mutton Kenwyn, how does calling the Managing Editor of ESPN EMEA a "negative component" of American cricket fit in with USACA's goal to "build an effective comarketing relationship with ESPN" as stated in your 100 day plan? Sunday at 18:31 Like 7

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha Incisive investigation by "United States of America Cricket Association" to compliment an intelligent and insightful post on facebook. I have taken the precaution of protecting my linkedIn account despite the fact that it is on the internet and therefore cannot meet the high standards of "United States of America Cricket Association". Sunday at 18:35 Like 5

Clear Cricket What I find funny is that the soap opera played out here today is just vindication for what Peter writes (and indeed will write - boy does he have some material now). Sunday at 18:45 Like 4

Roger Bohlsen USACA management holding USA cricket hostage! Sunday at 18:46 Like 1

Sean Chapman Mr. Williams........ this is getting sad, still pretty funny, but sad.. This Facebook account represents USA cricket, not you.... Other than your spokesman Shelly Ann (Rozay), every other person is either laughing at you or shaking their head. We all love the game and want it to succeed in the US, but you're doing yourself and USA cricket no favours at all on this thread. If you want positive things to be reported, make positive things happen. But no tournaments, no progress and board dysfunction is all that is happening and has been happening in recent memory. Get your shit together. Sunday at 18:51 Like 8

United States of America Cricket Association Sean go read my constitution or watch some baseball. The Yankees are 3 down in the 8th. In order to be part of the process you should become educated on the process. You are in no position to discuss any of the workings of USA Cricket. And as you know. The last laugh always belongs to the victor. Sunday at 19:03 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Peter: Martin has no relationship with ESPN3. Sunday at 19:04 Like

Andrew Nixon I like how USACA keep talking to Peter as if he's actually commented here. Sunday at 19:08 Like 3

Sean Chapman That's the problem here Mr. Williams - who are you in a contest with to have a "victor"? I'm not in a race against you. I was a stake holder in US cricket for 10 years and witnessed first hand the shenanigans of the board. I want you to succeed, I really do, but unfortunately past experience does not make me hopeful. Change the experiences of the stakeholders and you'll change the expectations. The point here is that your hurting the brand with all this foolishness on here. I am pleased that I could use shenanigans in a sentence today. Sunday at 19:10 Like 9

United States of America Cricket Association David Mutton is one of Peter's alter egos..another valuable trait of an ethical journalist. Sunday at 19:19 Like

Andrew Nixon Jeez, this just gets funnier and funnier. Sunday at 19:24 Like 2

Tony Munro As others have stated, for a representative of an official organisation to post the above type of comments is simply bizarre. Sunday at 19:39 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association For an organization to not adress the inaccuracies and demafatory statements by a bizzarre ex-knife salesman is bizzare. Welcome to the age of social media. EVERY organization does it. Sunday at 19:47 Like

Sean Chapman Really?!? - can you point to one other example of a sports organization engaging in this kind of crap on facebook? Sunday at 19:52 Like 3

Anna Grafton For the record, I am married to David Mutton and have never met Peter. Pretty sure David isn't anyone's alter ego but his own. Sunday at 20:00 Like 11

Andrew Nixon Actually, I'm one of Peter Della Penna's alter egos. Sunday at 20:29 Like 3

Tony Munro As Sean said, can you point to another example of a sports organisation behaving in this fashion? Sunday at 20:39 Like 1

Andrew Nixon You know, USACA just said something right. It would be bizarre for an organisation to not address what Peter Della Penna wrote. So why not do that instead of engaging in ad hominem attacks that do nothing other than sully your own, already in the gutter, reputation? Sunday at 20:48 Like 2

Michael Wagener As I said above, what are the inaccuracies? How has he misrepresented the truth? If there are specific things that he has misrepresented, point them out. Given that there are now a number of well known cricket writers following this post, you probably have your biggest and most influential audience to make your case. Empty allegations are doing you no favours. Be specific. What has he got wrong in that article you linked to? Sunday at 21:00 via mobile Unlike 6

David Dubbert Holy cow. This is one of the most amazing things I've read in at least the past month. You all just made my day so much better. Thank you all for your input. Now, can somebody please post the link to the real organization behind cricket (that's how you spell it, right?) in America? I've never followed it at all, since, you know, I'm an American, but I'm assuming that this must be some sort of parody page. I only say that, because you've got representatives of the page accusing followers of being fat, an organization that seems so small that it can be ruined by a blogger, and the head of the organization who has no idea how freedom of speech works. Sunday at 21:22 Unlike 8

Ben Heap I am Spartacus Peter Della Penna! Sunday at 21:24 Like 9

Tony Munro There are people who lament the ultra squeaky clean, ultra-sanitised nature of official bodies' Press Releases - maybe Mr Williams was just trying to set a trend? lol Sunday at 21:47 Like 3

Michael Wagener "United States of America Cricket Association: For an organization to not adress the inaccuracies and demafatory statements by a bizzarre ex-knife salesman is bizzare. Welcome to the age of social media. EVERY organization does it." Which particular inaccuracies? Which defamatory statement? What have you actually addressed? Sunday at 23:00 Like 1

Jashanpreet Singh Gill USACA:- If there are inaccuracies then point them out. The point is there have been no tournament for almost a year. You removed a CEO and then you don't appoint one for 2 years. You had a 100 day plan whose update you publish after 150 days, with half things in the plan as WIP. You don't have Majority of League's in the country as your member. When you conducted the External Audit then leagues 2 leagues with similar status, one was taken as a member and other was thrown out. There has been no explanation to that. As I say on my page Associate And Affiliate Cricket, you are a joke of an organization. You are just specifically answering to few people here and many genuine comments have been left answered. From the way you answer I can understand the level of professionalism USACA has. If I had anything positive for you guys, it is lost after reading to this thread Sunday at 23:08 Like 3

Adam Tunney This shit is more entertaining (and unbelievably, more ludicrous) than the US presidential race. Sunday at 23:09 Like

Rozay Chardonnay I actually applaud, and have to give credit to USA cricket for being so "generous" and spot on with their response to some of these antagonizing, comments! This is exactly the type of mental impoverishment that is destroying the love that some might have left for the sport blaming

and pointing fingers @ board members isnt going to help the healing process, its fair to say that the new board of USA cricket needs some time to clean up the years of Catastrophe they came into. Bullying the Facebook administration of USA cricket is not the way to go. To the Peter Della Penna #Honchos Peter is not on the board of USA cricket, which means he has zero, zilch, input to the structure and business relations of the organization, he will stop at nothing to Promote his fading career, hustling attention for his inaccurate, misleading tantrum driven articleswhich serves as music to you all ears. is this what you want for the sport?? My point! Nothing positive comes out from his articles, it puts you in a Bitter state of mind against the organization that governs cricket in the US and thats a problem. Move on, drop the negativity and support change. Sunday at 23:17 Like 1

Roger Bohlsen "Move on, drop the negativity and support change." WHAT CHANGE??? Sunday at 23:46 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Need my Beauty Sleep. Ignorance a bliss Cheers to the growth and development of cricket in the USA. Sunday at 23:48 Like 1

Nitin Sundar Sigh... And we thought the BCCI had problems.. Monday at 01:08 Like 7

Aashrey Kapoor The highlights of this post are when Rozay gives her "insights". Hilarity has found its home. Monday at 03:04 Like 2

Erik Petersen If anyone's interested, I worked for Great Smoky Jellystone Park campground in Tennessee from 1997-99. I'll fax over a full CV if we're all keeping track now. Monday at 03:05 Like 2

Martin Williamson Erik - good point. Full clarity needed. I also had a holiday job in a wine warehouse in 1978 and 1979. Driving the forklift was a career high Monday at 03:17 Like 2

Tony Munro I spent the primary school holidays in fourth class playing Rumpelstiltskin, tbh though I wasn't paid. What's your background Mr. Williams? Monday at 03:36 Like 2

Robert Dinsey As an Englishman, I never thought I'd be this glad to have Giles Clarke. Monday at 03:51 Like 10

Andrew Nixon I did a paper round from 1993-1996. Does that qualify me as a member of the press? Monday at 04:05 Like 3

Martin Williamson Andrew - I hope you had the necessary professional qualifications to do the paper round. You may need to produce them for a judge at some point. Monday at 04:07 Like 6

Jashanpreet Singh Gill United States of America Cricket Association, Rozay Chardonnay you still have not answered my queries. Monday at 04:12 Like

Sean Chapman I worked as a shop assistant at a butchers from 1990-91 while in high school - I am ashamed to admit I have left this off my resume - sorry United States of America Cricket Association Monday at 04:15 Like 3

Peter Miller The best part of this thread is that Rozay Chardonnay" liked" her own post in defense of USACA. She was clearly very pleased with it. Monday at 04:31 Like 10

Jashanpreet Singh Gill People were talking thousands of people come on this page. LOL at that, 212 Likes, People talking about this page is 55 and max people that have talked about this page is 96. THOUSANDS HA HA HA. Joke of an Organization. Where did i get the details, check the link Monday at 04:40 Like 1

Erik Petersen Martin Williamson - if that IS your real name - I'm afraid we're going to need more clarification. This wine warehouse - were you forklifting reds or whites? Merlot? Chardonnay? Savvy B? WE REQUIRE DETAILS. Monday at 04:46 Unlike 8

Martin Williamson Erik - I refuse to supply those details to someone clearly not trained as a sommelier and I suspect you have breached federal and vintners legal requirements by even asking. I would defer to Rozay 'Kenwyn' Chardonnay for all wine-related questions. Monday at 04:58 Like 8

Carrie Dunn I love that after throwing accusations around about posting under false names, the only people actually not posting under their real names are, well, "United States of America Cricket Association" and "Rozay Chardonnay". (PS I'm British and have a visa to work as media in the US, so I'm allowed to say this.) Monday at 05:06 Like 10

Michael Wagener Iain O'Brien you'd better watch out. According to Rozay you should only comment if you are currently playing the game. Better not comment again, being that you are now retired. Monday at 05:15 via mobile Like

Rowan Gibson I am currently applying for press passes under the name Amelia Cabsauv. Watch this space. Monday at 05:29 Like 4

Erik Petersen I am Johnny Shiraz, and I have a note from my mum that says I'm a qualified journalist. Monday at 05:53 Like 2

Sean Chapman On the upside - this is the most attention anyone has paid to Mr. Williams in a while.... Can we go with any publicity is good publicity - glass half full? Monday at 05:54 Like 1

Michael Wagener There are almost as many comments on this post as there are likes on this page. Monday at 05:57 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener This leaves the number of comments on the "women in the west indies shirt" post in the dust. Although the comedic value is similar. Monday at 05:58 via mobile Like 1

Sammy Edwards This somehow reminds me of sheep in George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'. I can imagine them bleating (in this context) -"USACA good, della Penna bad" Monday at 06:07 Like 1

Akil Kapasi It looks like the USACA is being run by the Keystone Cops. I bet even Ijaz Butt could improve your administration. Muppets. Monday at 06:21 Like 1

Nitin Sundar No surprise the Yanks think cricket is a form of baseball. Seeing the state of the organisation running the game in the country.... Monday at 06:31 Like 1

Michael Wagener 600 strike rate in one match from memory. Monday at 06:34 via mobile Like

Peter Miller Despite reports to the contrary, I would like to clarify that I never have been, and never will be, one of Peter Della Penna's many alter egos. Monday at 06:36 Edited Like 1

Michael Wagener I think that's the first time I've ever heard anyone say anything nice about Ijaz Butt. Glad this post is bringing out some positivity. Monday at 06:35 via mobile Like 2

Andrew Miller This is simply wonderful! Anyone care to provide a 250-word synopsis for this month's Cricketer magazine? I'd do it myself, but it'd be more fun to light the fuse and retreat! Monday at 06:35 Like 9

Michael Wagener You should get the one person who hasn't commented here, Peter Della Penna to write it. Monday at 06:38 via mobile Like 2

Dan McGrath I shall take that challenge on, Mr. Miller. I must admit though, the NYPD has yet to denote me a journalist. Monday at 06:48 Like 5

The Wicket Post What I've learnt from this thread so far, 1.) USACA needs some professional help to handle their PR activities. 2.) The pen is truly mightier than the sword if a internationally reputed organisation like USCA has to go through all this trouble to fight with a 'unqualified journalist'. 3.) USACA has something to do with cricket in United States of America. Monday at 06:48 Like 4

Laura Krause Regarding point 3: USACA's involvement with cricket in the United States is mainly in suppressing it. Monday at 06:52 Like 2

Erik Petersen I still reckon they can't sue all of us. So if anyone else wants to head over to yonder Twitter and contribute some #USACAfacts, that'd be swell. Monday at 06:55 Like 2 *waiting for Rozay Chardonnay to accept friend request* Monday at 06:56 Unlike 12

Yogesh Khandelwal Ijaz butt will make a good president at USACA I guess aftr all these..haha.. Monday at 06:57 Like 1

Andrew Miller "Williams manages USACA's social media pages where stakeholders and visitors who voice their disagreement or disapproval over certain content are often met with hostile and insulting responses" If I was a qualified journalist, I'm sure I'd be able to come up with a phrase to describe this sentence in the original article ... but unfortunately I'm not so I can't Monday at 06:59 Unlike 4

Erik Petersen Sorry, that was a shameless plug. As a non-qualified journalist, I don't know any better. Monday at 06:59 Like

Martin Williamson Miller: clearly you need a qualified journalist or a knife salesman to help you out Monday at 07:02 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Interesting..and no its not us. Monday at 07:20 Like 1

Andrew Nixon Yes of course it isn't you, it just parrots the same crap you do. Monday at 07:23 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Nixon And does anyone else see the irony in USACA using a BLOG? Monday at 07:24 via mobile Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association MW on your resume..I actually doubt that you wroked for Barclays after HS there is no record of it. My basic point...any bloke can tout himself to be a journalist. As you well know you are hiding behind the internet. Send me a list of your publications. I have some time today - waiting on a jury verdict. Monday at 07:25 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Andrew you would have to be a complete idiot to believe that one person is running this page. You see the thing about a machine is that it takes many parts to keep it going. Monday at 07:29 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association sorry Andrew Nixon I meant atheists not *idiot* Monday at 07:32 Like Listen to the man, Andrew: running a Facebook page with as many as 218 likes is a full-time job. And don't get me started on the manpower needed to look after their 800 followers on Twitter... Monday at 07:32 Like 5

Andrew Nixon By the way, did you check the credentials of whomever wrote that blog? I can't take it seriously until I know. Is he a member of the New York Press Club? Has he got his authorisation from the NYPD? Monday at 07:32 via mobile Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Today for the first time in USA Cricket history. The fake press has been tasked and is no longer relevant. This page is the official page of USA Cricket. All news updates and concerns should be addressed here. Martin, Peter etc. have been made obsolete. USA Fishing is still looking for non qualified journalists with cutlery experience that can double as a fish monger. Monday at 07:37 Like 1

Adam Tunney Iain: Mr Williams probably has no idea who you are; he'd have to know something about cricket. Monday at 07:39 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association For good measure please get qualified before you even think about approaching any USA Cricket administrator, player with requests for interviews. Monday at 07:40 Like

Sammy Edwards USACA-In case you didn't notice, I would repeat Jashan's post hereIf there are inaccuracies then point them out. The point is there have been no tournament for almost a year. You removed a CEO and then you don't appoint one for 2 years. You had a 100 day plan whose update you publish after 150 days, with half things in the plan as WIP. You don't have Majority of League's in the country as your member. When you conducted the External Audit then leagues 2 leagues with similar status, one was taken as a member and other was thrown out. There has been no explanation to that. Do you have any rebuttal to these claims? Monday at 07:41 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Further - its called establishing professionalism Monday at 07:45 Like

Adam Tunney Why are you sitting here talking to all of us without our press passes hanging around our necks? Monday at 07:45 Like

Gigi Buffon @Kenwyn Williams: Are you so dumb that you STILL don't realize how you're embarrassing yourself with every comment? If you want to have ANY dignity left, STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY... Monday at 07:46 Like 3

Dan McGrath That's THE Iain O'Brien? Add another brush with fame to tonight's list. Monday at 07:50 Like 2

Laura Krause Just some perspective: THIS is the organization that the ICC continues to prop up in its desperate attempt to get into the American market. THIS is what they consider the "best available" option. Shame on you, ICC! Monday at 07:50 Like 2

David Mutton I feel like I am entering an alternate universe here, but just to nail one of Kenwyn's beliefs, the NYPD press credentials are only for their own events. From their website: "Covers, in person, the following types of events (Covered Events): (1) emergency, spot or breaking news events and/or public events of a non-emergency nature, where police, fire lines or other restrictions, limitations, or barriers established by the City of New York have been set up for security or crowd control purposes, within the City of New York; or (2) events sponsored by the City of New York which are open to members of the press." Monday at 07:51 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Sammy your concerns are noted and there is a process to have them investigated and validated. Certain members of the board of directors issued a recent update on that process. Because of the preparation for the ICC tour of Malaysia the National Tournament was postponed. I don't agree with every process of USACA but if you all would take a different aproach change will become more apparent. No one on USA Cricket will talk or discuss any internal plans with the fake press that exist. Every process has been outlined on this page. Review its history. Monday at 07:51 Like 1

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha You can never be too sure Dan, it might be yet another one of Peter Della Penna's alter egos... Monday at 07:52 Like

Erik Petersen So if I understand you correctly David, for these press credentials to be relevant we would first have to get to a point where a USACA board meeting could be classified as something "of a nonemergency nature". Monday at 07:53 Unlike 4

United States of America Cricket Association Good one Peter. Monday at 07:53 Like

Gigi Buffon Is there a way to send this discussion thread to the ICC? I think they'll find it just as interesting as all of us! Monday at 07:55 Like 1

Dan McGrath I wouldn't put it past him. Infiltrating the New Zealand dressing room and taking Test wickets, all for a defamatory scoop on US Cricket. Monday at 07:56 Like 5

Sammy Edwards you can mail them this discussion thread, though I doubt they would do anything. Monday at 07:56 Like

Ben McCombie any reason in particular your website features a plagiarised image of the sydney cricket ground? m/category/panorama/ ................ Monday at 09:13 Edited Like

Andrew Nixon Wait is Erik Petersen Peter Della Penna now? I thought that was David Mutton? Monday at 07:57 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Nixon Wait is Erik Petersen Peter Della Penna now? I thought that was David Mutton? Monday at 07:57 via mobile Like

Sammy Edwards Apparently we all are Peter Della Pennas, Andrew. Monday at 07:58 Like 2

Dan McGrath I thought you were Peter Della Penna Andrew! Or maybe he's me and I don't even realise it. Monday at 07:59 Like

Andrew Nixon They seek him here, they seek him there, that damned elusive Della Penna gets everywhere. Monday at 07:59 via mobile Like 3

Laura Krause The ICC sees America as a cricket colony, to be exploited for the gain of full member nations. It does not care one iota if the domestic NGB is completely incompetent. That's for the villagers to worry about. Monday at 08:00 Like

Erik Petersen We really need to sort this out once and for all. Okay, I assume everybody's at work? Turn to your nearest co-worker and ask them if you are Peter Della Penna. Monday at 08:05 Like 2

Tony Munro I'm worried. Where's Rozay Chardonnay? Perhaos she's crafting her next post? Monday at 08:05 Like

Erik Petersen Well, that was awkward.

Monday at 08:05 Unlike 4

Martin Williamson Can anyone explain the constant references to knife salesmen. I am utterly bemused how that started and what it refers to! Monday at 08:06 Like 2

Sean Chapman I just can't believe you have found a way to make cricket more irrelevant in the USA Mr. Williams but congratulations - insulting and attacking the main USA reporters on the biggest cricket news source in the world - you're a freakin genius.... I bet the rest of the board is thrilled about this thread..... Monday at 08:09 Like

Dan McGrath Martin, I don't think anyone could. It defies any form of logic. Monday at 08:10 Like

Gigi Buffon Martin Williamson: Good job! Not that I'm a huge fan of the ICC, but surely even they can't ignore the sheer idiocy on display here. Monday at 08:11 Like 1

Michael Wagener I just went to the NYPC website. It turns out that the only criteria that I miss out on is that I haven't lived/worked in New York for the last 6 months. Being that New York is still yet to get a cricket stadium, there are not many cricket writers who are likely to meet that particular criteria.

Monday at 08:12 via mobile Like

Sean Chapman It was Peter's summer job in high school or college.... it's referred to in his Linkedin profile that this clown keeps referring to Monday at 08:12 Like

Erik Petersen Martin: As far as I can tell, something on P***r D***a P***a's Linkedin profile or something possibly indicates he once sold knives. Or something. So if this whole Obsessive Blogging thing doesn't work out for you guys, you can always set up a knife shop/wine merchants. Monday at 08:14 Like

Tony Munro Martin: Its abt me - my name's Peter Della Penna and apparently I used to be a knife salesman. Monday at 08:15 Like 1 "I'm Peter Della Penna?" is the new "I'm Ron Burgundy?" Monday at 08:17 Like 3

Andrew Nixon This is now beyond the point where the admin of this page could have claimed this was a parody. Nobody could make this stuff up. Monday at 08:17 via mobile Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Martin I am shaking in my wing tips. ICC has no jurisdiction over anything American. Ok boys time to go do my day job. Keep the discontent flowing. Its planned that way. Thanks for your participation. Oh Laura - I think Jamie needs his latte about now. Monday at 08:18 Like 1

Sean Chapman You are a misogynist flog Monday at 08:19 Like 7

Andrew Nixon ICC has no jurisdiction over American cricket? Really? Monday at 08:19 via mobile Like

Andrew Nixon And you planned this? Monday at 08:21 via mobile Like

Gigi Buffon Just when you think he can't possibly dig a deeper hole for himself..... Monday at 08:22 Like

Sean Chapman clearly it was planned - its gone so well for him Monday at 08:22 Like

Andrew Nixon Maybe he sees himself as James Bond - planned to get himself caught by the evil Martin Williamson and his henchman Peter "the Knifeman" Della Penna. Just when we think he's going down, he uses his gadget - a search of LinkedIn - to escape and defeat the bad guys! Monday at 08:25 via mobile Like 2

Adam Tunney Monday at 08:26 Like 14

Erik Petersen I mean, of all the fanciful things. The notion that this "ICC" outfit might have some sort of magical power to govern cricket. What, are we to believe in dragons as well? Monday at 08:26 Like 3

Sean Chapman well played Adam Monday at 08:27 Like

Tony Munro Do you know where Rozay Chardonnay is? Monday at 08:28 Like

Craig Burley The Wicket Post, re your item 3: you are mistaken. Actualluy USACA has nothing whatsoever to do with cricket in the United States. What's more, they intend to keep it that way. Monday at 08:33 Like 5

Martin Williamson It seems to me the NY Press Club is not a sanctioning body, it's a members' club. Like the Cricket Writers' Club. Only with a top-notch clubhouse and fewer people throwing things at each other at the post-annual-dinner pub session. Monday at 08:39 Like 1

Craig Burley "Andrew you would have to be a complete idiot to believe that one person is running this page." Well now we know how many USACA board members it takes to change a light bulb Monday at 08:41 Like 1

David Russell KP would sort this out in a heartbeat, get the chequebook out and he'll sign up for the right price Monday at 08:57 Like 2

Michael Wagener Just a quick summary: 1. Peter Della Penna writes an article on cricinfo talking about some irregularities with the way the USACA conducts it's business, including how the person who looks after the social media often abuses people who comment. 2. USACA link to the article, accusing Della Penna of being unethical and biased.

3. David Mutton backs up Della Penna with a comment. 4. USACA accuses Mutton of having no credentials and vaguely threatens legal action. They then go as far as to say "Peter you will be sued" 5. Various contributors back up Della Penna and Mutton. 6. Rozay Chardonnay enters and suggests that Peter has no credibility as a journalist. Also accuses him of bring hell bent on reporting fabricated news. 7. Various others, including Martin Williamson enter the debate, all calling on the USACA to back down. 8. USACA repeat the claim that Della Penna is unethical, and add to it that he is unqualified. Also describes Williamson as a blogger. 10. USACA publish LinkedIn pages for Della Penna and Willamson. Accuses Williamson if having a big gap in his CV. 11 a commenter points out that only Ms Chardonnay is backing up USACA. USACA tells them to go and watch baseball. 12 USACA accuse David Mutton of being an alter ego for Peter Della Penna. 14. Mutton's wife suggests that they are mistaken. 15. A number of commenters ask USACA to name what Della Penna has gotten wrong in his article. 16. Iain O'Brien offers his services as a cricketer to USACA. 17. USACA say that only qualified journalists, who are authorised by NYPD will be able to interview players. 18. USACA claims that "the discontent" has been planned by them. Monday at 08:57 via mobile Unlike 31

Erik Petersen Hang on a minute. What if Rozay Chardonnay is Peter Della Penna and this is some of the ol' reverse psychology? Monday at 09:06 Like 5

Craig Burley Michael Wagener: of course New York has a cricket stadium. It looks just like the SCG! Monday at 09:09 Like 3

Sean Chapman Hey, where are all the comments going. They're magically disappearing. Monday at 09:11 via mobile Like 1

Martin Williamson Amazing coincidence - no, seriously, it is clearly no more than that - but this appears today. It's actually quite funny. And to think those responsible are the ones who whine about people hiding their identities! Monday at 09:12 Like 1

Andrew Nixon And Martin, that's definitely not anyone from USACA. Monday at 09:14 via mobile Like 1

Mark Demos I am Peter Della Penna........ Monday at 09:33 Like

Craig Chapman Wow.......just wow. Monday at 09:34 via mobile Like

Craig Burley The attacks on ESPN here and in the anonymous blog that USACA are linking to are surely somewhat awkward given that only two days ago USACA were triumphally proclaiming ESPN's involvement in cricket: Monday at 09:40 Like

Siva KG Lalit Modi for CEO of USACA...Dear Universe, Make it happen! (On a serious note: All you clowns behind this USACA page, whoever you are, thanks for making my day. Haven't laughed this much on anything about cricket since the KP saga). Monday at 09:41 Like

Mark Demos I am Rozay Chardonnay Monday at 09:44 Like 3

Michael Selig You couldn't make some of this up. Bottom-line: criticism isn't a bad thing. Take it on board, where it's unfounded or based on untruths, challenge it with facts and precise responses (rather than childish insults). But above all, take it on board, and use it to better yourself. Journalists must (or at least should) question the way things are run and argue on how (if possible) they could be run better, surely that is the purpose of journalism? Monday at 09:55 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Don't you "Penna Pirates" have real jobs? it irks me to see where you all have taken this,for some grown adults,it's disgusting Monday at 10:01 via mobile Like 1

Samuel Gilleran Penna Pirates. I love it. I would buy a T-shirt. Monday at 10:19 Like 3

Peter Miller I'm Peter Della Penna, and so's my wife Monday at 10:19 Like 7

Peter Miller Monday at 10:19 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Did you all got chance to have breakfast yet ? is USA cricket holding you here against your will? the truth is out! you fake Penna"s have been purged out! and put on blast,stop them in their tracks USA cricket. Monday at 10:26 via mobile Edited Like

Robert Dinsey Breakfast? I had, I mean penne. Blown my cover. Shit. Monday at 10:22 Like 1

Devanshu Mehta oh no, not the feared Pirates of Central Jersey. Monday at 10:24 Like 1

Sean Tracey They play cricket in America ? Really ? Monday at 10:25 Like

Peter Miller No Sean, they don't play cricket in America, as USACA don't organise any tournaments. Monday at 10:29 Like 2

Mark Demos Rozay as you are a legal assistant or para-legal or legal secretary ( you identify) you should know the old saying. "When the facts are on your side, shout the facts. When the facts are not on your side, just SHOUT" We all hear you shouting Rozay, aka Kenwyn....aka Clarance Darrow. If Gladstone Dainty is true to form you will be joining your female friend sitting on a sidewalk with your head hanging down soon, looking for a new position. Monday at 10:33 Like 1

Mark Demos We love you Rozay!!!!! Monday at 10:35 Like

Mark Demos Based on what Gladstone Mugabe Dainty has said or is quoted to have said, maybe you can use your legal knowledge to file a law suit aginst him. He will continue to defame you and

denegrate your status as USACA Secretary. That position is sacred and you have the right as the person voted into that position to protect and defend the consitution of USACA. Monday at 10:38 Like 1

Jashanpreet Singh Gill How stupid can USACA and Rozay get. They are actually going illogical in defending with all vague replies. Hats off to Peter for standing out to this joke of an organization Monday at 10:53 Like

Michael Wagener USACA, you just had one of the technically best fast bowlers in recent memory offer to come offer and coach your bowlers. Are you going to do anything about that? Monday at 10:53 via mobile Like 1

Rowan Gibson @Michael Wagener - that's not the real Iain O'Brien. His actual name is Benny Shiraz, he's 13 and the closest he's come to being a journalist is nicking biros out of the stationery cupboard in mid-morning break. Monday at 10:55 via mobile Like 1

Sean Tracey Peter, I thought it was just a few ex-pats and some UK actors in L.A..... Monday at 11:13 Like

Devanshu Mehta yeah, it's usually just David Niven, Boris Karloff and me at the cricket.

Monday at 11:29 Like 1

Paul Frame This comments thread is 14 pages long! Monday at 11:33 Like

Sammy Edwards The number of comments is more than the number of likes for USACA.. Monday at 11:47 Like 1

Rory Gribbell I would just like to add (re who really exists) - do any of us really exist? Monday at 11:51 Like 2

Devanshu Mehta Iain O'Brien EVERYBODY knows that Pirates play baseball. In Pittsburgh. Monday at 12:15 Edited Like 1

^^^wats baseball ??? Monday at 12:26 Like

Thejas C Balaraman I was disappointed that the KP saga had come to a close. No more. Thank you USACA for bringing back the entertainment Monday at 12:37 Like 1 Still waiting for you to accept that friend request, Rozay Chardonnay. Monday at 12:40 Like 1

David Mutton Nice to know that while USACA slag off ESPN personnel they also republish its content, presumably without permission: Monday at 12:48 Like 1

Daniel Norcross Hang on one God darn minute. I will not stand by and let some fly by night Internet arriviste get all the kudos of being sued by this shower of wet flannel waving mountebanks before we Monday at 12:48 Like 3

Thejas C Balaraman The funny part of this entire thread is that other than slander Peter Della Penna and company, the USACA have done nothing to actually dispute what anyone has said about them. Perfect example of the Ad Hominem fallacy. When you have no argument, attack the arguer. Beyond hilarious. From a body demanding *professionals*. Monday at 12:50 Like 1

Daniel Norcross ....proper shamateurs at Test Match Sofa. In fact, if Peter DellaPenna (aka Kevin Shostakovich, Marmaduke Khan and Mohandas K. Littlejohn to name but three of his cowardly aliases) IS sued first, the USACA can expect to receive a writ from us forthwith for breach of copyright. Monday at 12:54 Like 6

Martin Williamson Thejas C Balaraman: that's the amusing thing. The threat to sue is not for what was said, which does not seem to be in dispute, but because Peter refused to say who his source was! Monday at 12:59 Like

Thejas C Balaraman ^ Which any *professional* journalist in his right mind would never do (reveal anonymous sources) Monday at 13:00 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Why would you folks want USA cricket to discuss, and make public the internal affairs of the USA cricket? That in it's self is pure utter absurdity, what organization does that?? And yes it will be unethical...then again most of you seems to be having a hard time understanding really understanding what "having ethics means" seriously! And not grasping why those articles that Peter Penna writes is out of place and totally so deserving of a Lawsuit. Mr. Demos: word of advice, if you have a Personal vendetta with the President of USA cricket, (not that he is a saint) do handle it privately.... your "lunatic" provocative rant for Publicity, its belittling. To my understanding you have been skipping your anger management and ADHD session. Please get back on track. Are you still a coach Demos??? With this temperament and attitude? I doubt that . shm. Monday at 13:18 Like 1

Thejas C Balaraman It is unethical of the journalist to report the contents leaked someone within the USACA to him? Really? Hahahahahahahahaha. And what are you going to sue him for? Revealing the truth? Monday at 13:22 Like 1

Thejas C Balaraman I think its about time every journalist with an anonymous tipster/source somewhere get put in jail then. Oh wait, thats just about all of them. Monday at 13:24 Like

Martin Williamson Rozay/Kenwyn: seriously, are you the only person who doesn't adhere to the belief a journalist should protect his/her sources. Given that 'someone' has reacted to my comments by publishing a deliberately libelous and false blog, it makes the protection of any sources even more important. Monday at 13:26 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman ^ Hopefully Peter Della Penna is suing by the way. Severe slander. Monday at 13:29 Like 1

Allan Engel Funny how the thickest people have the thinnest skins. Monday at 13:55 Like 1

Michael Wagener I'm glad Dan Norcross has arrived. It didn't feel right without him joining in the fun. Monday at 13:56 via mobile Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Moving onwards!! Are you all going to be voting???? by the looks of it I can say most of you are "undecided" guess who I will be voting for??? I will be voting for the First President in history to have ever pose with a cricket bat..yep that's the man OBAMA! (I stand corrected) woosh: @ Demos,that must hurts...(my apologies) Monday at 14:01 Like 1

Andrew Nixon You're voting for the first US president to pose with a cricket bat? Is George Washington allowed to run for another term? He was a cricket player after all. Monday at 14:04 Like 5

Pavilionopinions I'm USAFishing. Monday at 14:12 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Williamson...I think you should proceed with caution, you dont want to end up on that "TO BE SUED LIST" FYI..again, this is why Peter Della Penna Failed as a "so called Journalist.. I hope this answers your question,so you can move on.

An Important quality of any journalist is that, one should strive to ensure that any information that is disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair. One must also be able to differentiate between FACT and OPINION and try their utmost best to correct harmful Inaccuracies. Avoid, producing materials likely to lead to hatred or discrimination. Resist being manipulated and used by colleagues that has personal agenda. Last but not least: When confronted with stories or situations, in which the proper action is not clear, seek counsel . Reading Peter's Articles and his interactions with his "up to no good" "Twitter Buddies", (they know themselves) He totally lacks these qualities and the essence that makes a good Journalist. "Such a great depression". How could you aspire to be a credible journalist?? Writing conflicting "wishy-washy stories, based on "hear say and dem say" no facts what so ever, invading the privacy of others, personally attacking the characters of some, in a very degrading manner, thats not rights of journalist. I suggest PETER, that you study your craft and revise the ethical code of conduct that guides it. Monday at 14:27 Like

Rory Gribbell I want to ask whether journalistic bias is unethical - surely bias exists everywhere. Presenting misleading information is unethical, to present what you see as the facts seems to be the job of a journalist. If a well respected journalist should criticise a disorganised organisation full of morally and financially corrupt people then he is simply fulfilling his role as a journalist. It speaks of the insecurity of an organisation to attack the journalist. It certainly doesnt help the cause of the organisation. Some might even describe it as self-defeating. Monday at 14:28 via mobile Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Rozay Chardonnay is OUT! Monday at 14:33 Like 1

Martin Williamson Rory - Attacking journalists is one thing. It comes with the job when you say things those with something to hide don't like. But then publishing blatant lies - which you know are lies - to try to undermine those same journalists is where things become unethical. Monday at 14:36 Like 1

Aatif Nawaz This is INCREDIBLE! It's like the PR disaster that keeps on giving... Monday at 14:42 Like 11 Have we confirmed that Rozay Chardonnay is an alter ego of Kenwyn aka USACA? To be fair, they're still a few dozen alter egos behind that notorious non-NYPD approved journalist Peter Della Penna! Monday at 14:44 Like

Andrew Nixon Peter Della Penna, Martin Williamson, your name shall also go on ze list. Monday at 15:04 Like 4

Devanshu Mehta don't you know, every comment here so far has been Peter talking with himself. Monday at 15:13 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal lol epic video Andrew...... Monday at 15:13 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal I'm also Peter Della Penna btw this post is awesome some hilarious comment by such a responsible cricket board ooh sorry such a immature cricket board... Monday at 15:19 via mobile Edited Like

Aatif Nawaz I just got it. Rozay Chardonnay - Rose Chardonnay. Nice. Monday at 15:19 Like 7

Aatif Nawaz I know that was slow. Sorry. I don't drink you see. But clearly, someone does... Monday at 15:21 Like 8

Carrie Dunn Rozay, seeing as you're quoting my union's code of conduct, I note you've missed out one of the key points: "Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the course of her/his work." Monday at 15:23 Unlike 5

Edward John Dorrell Webb Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge still hold the record for the highest opening partnership for Nothamptonshire 2nd XI. Monday at 15:31 Like 3

Dizzy Comics You know, the American government usually bombs administrations with more of a clue than this one. Monday at 15:41 Like 2

Peter De Boeck Children, children, behave and grow up. This is not helping cricket by any means. Monday at 15:44 Like

Laura Krause Coincidentally, USACA isn't helping cricket by any means, either. Monday at 15:46 Like 2

Peter De Boeck Btw, I don't understand why the USACA seems to rate idiots higher than atheists? Atheism is a sign of intelligence, isn't it? Oops. Monday at 15:49 Like

@rozay: (forget abt 1700s george washington) even bill clinton on england visit & george bush on india visit played cricket... u guys r still in deep sleep all the while... Monday at 15:52 Like

Peter De Boeck Seem to remember Bush posing with a cricket bat. Not that Europeans rate him high. Monday at 15:54 Like

bush hit by a bouncer in pakistan Monday at 16:03 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association This is called the reveal. There will come a time in every situation when true nature will be revealed. In every situation in life this happens. This post has accomplished that. It has exposed the so called journalists as unqualified shams. Williamsons' resume showed a gap from High School to working as a volunteer for Dr. King. Peter - same deal - never had a job in his life other than selling knives to unsuspecting housewives in New Jersey. Today - they have been revealed. We want professionals with the training to decifer between right and wrong to report on our stories. We are by no means trying to control the press. As we are Americans and believe strongly in the Constitution and its Amendments. Bloggers - by luck put into a position - and taking advantage of a situation is un-American. They have fallen into a web and have now become the butt of their own sorrid existence. For years we have been held hostage by bloggers who insist that they are journalist. I was at Yankee Stadium last evening. In the press box surrounded by folks with press credentials as impressive as a backstage pass at a Jay-Z concert. Peter wasn't there - cause of course he is a Mets fan. I can assure you that Peter has never been in the press box of Citifield either. My point - I am working to make Cricket professional. Next year guaranteed in the month of September in Newark NJ - there will be cricket championships played in the Newark Bears Stadium. Guess what - unless the bloggers develop their careers then they will not be allowed there for the entire month of September. USA Cricket has become a professional organization - yes we have internal problems but we don't need the one blogger in America divulging every disagreement that the board has. I offered Peter a position to advocate USA Cricket - instead he chooses to be like Martin adverserial and ignorant to the laws of ethical reporting. What else would you expect with someone with a school boy education trying to imitate a journalist. Monday at 16:07 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal really a shit board shame ! better u take care of cricket in US. ooh sorry u r more interested in suing journalist

Monday at 16:10 via mobile Like

Carrie Dunn This is a serious question - why is "advocating USA Cricket" ethical? Advocating USA Cricket is your job, or that of the PR agency you employ. It's a journalist's job to report on what's happening. Monday at 16:10 Like 6

someone said, "Intelligence is not in the number of degrees u earn" how true, on display here... Monday at 16:11 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Laura I think Jamie needs his lunch! Monday at 16:14 Like

Ant Sims Is this a parody? Monday at 16:16 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Again - these people are not "journalist" by any variation on the definition of the profession. I beg Peter and Martin to prove to me that they are qualified as journalists. They are internet bloggers and have NO journalistic privilege. NONE!!!! ESPN will have to make a decision on these two if they want to do business with USA Cricket. Monday at 16:17 Like

Ant Sims But what qualifies you as a cricket administrator, though? Monday at 16:18 Like 7

David Mutton Well bang goes the comarketing relationship with ESPN. Better adjust that 100 day plan. Monday at 16:18 Like 6

Carrie Dunn You keep saying that, but there's no professional qualification for journalists in the US or the UK, nor a licensing process. (There are journalism courses, but they are not compulsory to practise as a journalist.) There's also no law specifically for journalists - law is law regardless, so amateur bloggers are subject to the same laws regarding defamation as big newspapers. Edit - you're the one who talked about Peter's "journalistic bias" in the first place, so clearly you do recognise him as a journalist. Monday at 16:20 Edited Like 2

Jon Taylor Wow, am I glad to have found this. I like that nowhere in the c300 comments are we at any point told what the article is supposed to have got wrong. Monday at 16:20 Edited Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal US board has some ego problem plz drop down ur ego man nd work in betterment of cricket.... Board now u r acting like a loser..... Monday at 16:21 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener I'm sorry - do you really think that ESPN will drop two of their senior journalists in order to maintain a relationship with USACA? What benefit is there to ESPN in that? If it was the BCCI, or the ECB, I'd imagine that ESPN still wouldn't, although they would probably consider it more closely. I think you are becoming slightly solipsistic here. Monday at 16:21 Like 7

Michael Wagener And also, the NYPC, that the USACA seems to put so much weight in, considers people who write for online news sources as journalists. Perhaps journalist and blogger are not mutually exclusive terms. Monday at 16:24 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal the world surely had gone mad on that day when u admin qualifies as a cricket administrative..... Monday at 16:25 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal I'm repeating Ant Sims's. question But what qualifies you as a cricket administrator, though? Ans plz Monday at 16:27 via mobile Like

Andrew Miller The reveal? What, like at the end of Scooby Doo?

Monday at 16:29 Unlike 16

y does the ICC have to forever wait for USACA or another body to get their act straight... y cant they appoint a special committee which runs the cricket in US with a 5 year agenda and then when ready, pass over the administration to local qualified members... Monday at 16:30 Like 2

Ant Sims No, like Extreme Home Makeover. Ty Pennington! Monday at 16:30 Like

Martin Williamson Andrew Miller: I suspect Old Man Smithers would have made a better administrator Monday at 16:30 Like 1

Rory Gribbell I am considering a career in journalism - could you give me a link to the NYPD application page. I have written a couple of articles, but dont have the computer skills to be considered a blogger. I find myself in limbo between bullshit blogger and journalist... Please help Monday at 16:31 via mobile Like 2

Laura Krause Is there such a thing as a receivership for a nation's cricket interests? Monday at 16:32 Like

Ieuan Fenton From what I've seen, everyone needs to chill out a bit. I've read all of the comments (made my day), and I can conclude that USACA are undertaking a mature, rational and well disciplined approach to what is clearly a sensitive issue. I can only foresee this governing body going from strength to strength, and fully expect cricket to usurp baseball as the USA's favourite 'hitting balls with sticks' sport within the next 5 years.. Monday at 16:34 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Martin so you agree that you are an internet blogger. Send me your publication list and your credentials. I am saying that you are not a journalist. You are a blogger - always have been an internet blogger. Everyone is on this tread - show us your creds. A college degree at minimum!! And tell me oh the UK has no requirements for journalists right? Hopefully HR in CT will look into your background and send you packing. Monday at 16:35 Like

Paul Frame I love how you're trying to advocate cricket in the USA by alienating yourself from the world's biggest cricket website and that is linked to by nearly 6000 websites. Monday at 16:35 Like 9

Ankur Singh Sumaal US board is exposed nd now start crying like a baby.. Monday at 16:38 via mobile Like 1

Sana Kazmi there are more comments on this thread than likes for the page. Monday at 16:40 Like 3

Michael Wagener I have 2 degrees. Does that make me more qualified as a journalist than Martin Williamson? I guess it also makes me more qualified as a cricketer than Brian Lara. I think you are onto a winner with your reasoning there. Monday at 16:40 Unlike 4

Andrew Miller ... says a bloke blogging on the Internet. Pass the popcorn! Monday at 16:40 Like 6

Michael Wagener Martin, those organisations have online components, so therefore they are blogs. Just like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Monday at 16:43 Like 1

Martin Williamson Oi, Andrew Miller. I hope you have a degree before you start making such unethical comments Monday at 16:44 Like 1

Rory Gribbell Just because you edit a magazine dedicated to cricket, doesnt mean you arent a blogger miller - just you check yourself... Monday at 16:44 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Nixon USACA actually think they have enough pull to get the USA's biggest sports broadcaster to dismiss two employees. It's actually quite sweet how naive they are. Monday at 16:45 Like 4

Erik Petersen Wis ... den? I dunno, sounds kinda bloggy to me. Monday at 16:45 Like 5

@Martin, by replying in detail ur work exp u r only giving more value & respect to USACA lies & stupidity... which doesnt deserve... Monday at 16:45 Like

Michael Perera Well, if it's any consolation to USACA, we didn't really need Penna's article to tell us that the board is completely dysfunctional. Monday at 16:46 Like 6

United States of America Cricket Association By your own admission you are unqualified as a journalist. And I think we have solved the problem. Without training you have been for years attacking the Zimbabwe Cricket Board and USA Cricket un scathed and un challenged. Fortune has come to USA Cricket in its new Executive Secretary. Calling me names serves no purpose as to further reveal your incompetence. We are in a fox hunt and you are cornered. Monday at 16:47 Like

Michael Wagener No, but this post (and the "Woman in West Indies shirt" one before) are much more convincing than Peter Della Penna's article ever could be. Monday at 16:48 Like 2

David Mutton As posting LinkedIn profiles on here has become all the rage, and education has been deemed critical for success in the cricketing world, there seems a rather suspicious gap in Mr. Williams resume between his seemingly one year college course and his current employment: goback=%2Enpp_%2Fkenwyn*5s*5williams%2F5%2F743%2F6b1 Monday at 16:48 Like 2

Ieuan Fenton Sorry, you're the hunters? Monday at 16:48 Like 2

Michael Wagener If anyone missed that other gold nugget 035257481558&type=1&theater Monday at 16:49 Like

Ben Stinga Is there a training course one can take in public relations? Monday at 16:49 Like 2

Erik Petersen I reckon there's a drinking game here. Every time USACA posts something that sounds like it was spoken while stroking a Persian cat and looking at a giant map of the world, drink. Monday at 16:50 Like 7

Martin Williamson Yup, No qualification. Just like (I think this is correct) every lead cricket writer for the national UK newspapers. All of us, unfit for purpose. Kenwyn, referring to yourself in the third person ("its new Executive Secretary") is a bit odd as well. Monday at 16:50 Like 1

Aashrey Kapoor Ant, this isn't a parody, it's the most magnificent thread on Facebook. Monday at 16:50 Like 5

Andrew Nixon Everyone is attacking USACA and they're the ones doing the cornering. Right... Monday at 16:51 Like 5

Ankur Singh Sumaal this is very sad to know that US cricket is in wrong hand..... Monday at 16:52 via mobile Like 1

Rory Gribbell One believes young kenwyn is suffering from delusions of grandeur... Monday at 16:52 via mobile Like 1

Peter Miller Did Kenwyn just compare his organisation to Zimbabwe cricket? But I thought this was "not Zimbabwe cricket". Looks more and more like it by the second! Monday at 16:53 Like 5

Rozay Chardonnay No wonder Williamson is @ Peter's beckon call; they both are cut from the same fabric. Monday at 16:53 Like

Simon Dyke so what's the article about? Monday at 16:54 Like 1

Laura Krause Martin is at Peter's "beckon" call. Is a "beckon" a bird? Where can I buy myself a "beckon" call? Monday at 16:55 Like 7

Ieuan Fenton Rozay! I was just starting to miss your insightful musings. Monday at 16:55 Like 3

Carrie Dunn Laura, you'll get told to make lunch in a minute, I'm sure. Monday at 16:56 Like 2

Michael Wagener To be fair to USACA, while I was over there covering cricket, I was impressed with they way they responded to some of the challenges that they were faced with after the first day at Central Broward Regional Stadium. I'm not, however, impressed with they way that they have responded to this situation. The thread started with people asking serious questions, but the responses by USACA have been abysmal. There are obviously some good people in the organisation of USACA, but handling criticism and dealing with public relations are not things that they are good at. The appalling thing is how, rather than admit that they might have made some mistakes, they have instead come out swinging. Monday at 16:56 Like 3

Michael Perera Peter Miller, the state USACA is in, it can only wish it was run like Zimbabwe cricket! Monday at 16:57 Like 2

Erik Petersen Look, if I'm to properly to be in character here, I need to understand if I'm the fox and you're the hunter or if you're the fox and I'm the thing that gets hunted by foxes. The badger or something. Monday at 16:58 Like 4

Michael Wagener Reading some of these responses from USACA makes me wonder what happened to the Iraqi information minister.

Monday at 16:59 Like 6

Andrew Miller So, USACA leaves the room just as Rozay enters. Don't worry, your secret's safe. All these unqualified journalists are as gullible as those at the Daily Planet Monday at 17:00 Like 2

Edward John Dorrell Webb I have a Masters in Theoretical Physics, another Masters in Economics, Grade 8 Flute and my 50m Breaststroke badge. And that means I'm fully quallified to say that I'm actually Peter Della Penna. Monday at 17:00 Unlike 10

Michael Perera Also, this: "Next year guaranteed in the month of September in Newark NJ - there will be cricket championships played in the Newark Bears Stadium" - is one of the most hilarious things I have read in recent memory. USACA cannot even put its own socks on without controversy and incompetence, so how precisely they intend on staging "cricket championships" in New Jersey will be a conjuring trick that would make the writers of Lost and Doctor Who blush. Monday at 17:00 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal congratulation USACA now ur page have 220+ likes Monday at 17:00 via mobile Like

Peter Miller I have just phoned my mum and dad to dig out the press badge I got sent from John Craven's Newsround in 1987 from their attic. Turns out I am a qualified journalist. When is Kenwyn available for interview?

Monday at 17:04 Like 2

Ieuan Fenton New conspiracy theory: this entire situation is a beautifully orchestrated move by the ZCU in a bid to raise their international reputation. Monday at 17:04 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Martin Williamson here is your author index 973 web articles...nothing ever printed. Trend and qualities of a blogger.;genre=118;addata=col _mod Monday at 17:04 Like

Sammy Edwards sigh..and the miudslinging continues.. Monday at 17:05 Like 1

Martin Williamson Andrew Miller - so cynical for one so young. Just because Rozay always backs Kenwyn - here and elsewhere - does not mean they are one and the same. Monday at 17:05 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Miller move along this is a grown folks party. Parasites and small fish not welcomed. Monday at 17:05 Like 1

Peter Miller Kenwyn, Cricinfo is the most respected cricket WEBSITE in the world. Why would Martin's articles from Cricinfo be printed? The majority of news that is consumed is via the internet nowadays. Been that way for quite a while. Monday at 17:06 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Martin - praytell - which UK newspaper do you penn for? Do you know who is driving this page right now? Don't BS me ok. Monday at 17:07 Like

Michael Perera USACA, I have good news for you: this temper tantrum you're throwing is getting you more publicity and attention than anything you've ever done since your inception. I'm not quite sure how all this promotes cricket in the United States, or even makes the game attractive to those unfamiliar with the sport, but rest assured, what you're doing now will get your more "Likes" on Facebook than if the United States won the rights to host the next World Cup. Which, I'm sure you're going to tell me, you're going to do by this time next year. Monday at 17:07 Like

Rory Gribbell Great PR Kenwyn - You must have a degree in that... Monday at 17:07 Like

Martin Williamson Kenwyn ... bad news here. Andrew Miller is a former UK editor of Cricinfo (you might have heard of the site) and is now editor of The Cricketer (founded 1921) so he might just about make it in your eyes

Monday at 17:07 Like 5

Martin Williamson Kenwyn - clearly I cannot "penn" for anyone as I don't have a degree. You've rumbled me. Monday at 17:10 Like

Andrew Nixon Martin - Cricinfo? The Cricketer Magazine? Kenwyn laughs in the face of such things. If he doesn't see a New York Press Club membership card, an NYPD authorisation, a full list of printed articles and a letter signed by all 16 of your great great grandparents, he isn't interested. Monday at 17:11 Like 8

Michael Selig Did I just read that right? USACA is going to make a demand out of entering a partnership with ESPN that they sack 2 of their writers? If that's the mood you start negotiating possible deals out of then perhaps a lot is explained... Monday at 17:11 Like 2

Edward John Dorrell Webb I've heard of giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with, but this thread alone is causing a worldwide hemp shortage. Monday at 17:11 Like 10

Rozay Chardonnay I wonder what Perter will write about now?? I can assure you he will be thinking "twice" before he tries to defame USA cricket with his untruth stories @ laura,take a quick look in the mirror. Your problem is looking at you, its not USA cricket.

Monday at 17:11 Like 1

Erik Petersen Ah, as if Cornered Possum Martin Williamson could stoop no lower, he now wants us to believe that something called "The Cricketer" is a magazine to do with cricket. Give up your pathetic charade Mr Williamson! The eagle of justice shall swoop and, ah, you know. Something with its mighty talons. Monday at 17:12 Like 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal @Rozay why u stopped liking ur own comment lol Monday at 17:14 via mobile Like 5

Andrew Nixon I'm not sure about Peter or Martin, but I had a book review published in my local paper when I was 7. Am I in? Monday at 17:15 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Is Peter your son Williamson? Monday at 17:15 Like 1

Steve Bates I'm actually concerned at this point what makes Kenwyn competent at running a Facebook page, let alone being allowed to be involved with running a national cricket association. Monday at 17:15 Like 8

Michael Selig Erik Peterson - you are quite right, the last time I read the magazine there were no pictures of women dressed in West Indies shirts and not much else, in an attempt to promote women's cricket. Disgraceful. Monday at 17:15 Like 5

Martin Williamson Rozay/Kenwyn. Ok, hilarious though this is, let's cut to the chase. You still have not said which part of Peter's article is untrue. All you have done is threaten to sue unless he reveals his sources and his collection of kitchen knives. So, what exactly is untrue? Monday at 17:16 Like 3

Andrew Miller Yeah, and we're covering the World Series of Poker next month... Monday at 17:17 Like 1

Rory Gribbell This isnt star wars rozay Monday at 17:17 Like 4

Erik Petersen NEW DRINKING GAME RULE. Every time the USACA posts something that suggests it is possessed of omnipotent powers, drink. I'd add more rules, but I'm getting hammered pretty quickly at this point. Monday at 17:17 Like 8

Sammy Edwards Martin, do you really expect a proper answer to your question? Monday at 17:18 Like 1

Martin Williamson Andrew Nixon - for God's sake. Unless you have a degree then it matters not a jot Monday at 17:19 Like

Edward John Dorrell Webb Steve: How dare you! Kenwyn has a double first PhD in Facebookology from the University of Harvard-Oxford, is a fully paid up member of the National Union of Facebook and has VIP accreditation from the Zuckerberg Police Department! Monday at 17:21 Like 3

Chris Mann Is this account run by Alan Partridge? Monday at 17:21 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Look a quick lesson in ethics will land on deaf ears here. The entire point is that an ethical journalist will make a decision as to what to print and what not to print. What was the real value to USA Cricket in printing a story about the internal affairs of its bod? Who benefited from that? Did it bring more harm to the organization or good to the blogger. Point is - not every piece of information that comes out of our board room is news. That tough decison is made only with the right training on ethics. A course never taken by you Martin. Peter is a tool being used by AJ so he has little or no choice. He is not independent. Monday at 17:22 Like 1

Simon Dyke Just going off track here and commenting on the original article, but unless I've missed something, the introduction to this thread makes a comment about Peter Della Penna's "article". Not a blog, an article. So what's the issue with questioning individual's journalistic abilities? Or am I going off at too big a tangent? Monday at 17:22 Like 2

Sammy Edwards USACA- The point is is the article true? If it is, then a journalist has every right to get it published. Monday at 17:23 Like 2

Carrie Dunn But USACA - again, it's not the journalist's job to print things that will be of value to you, nor decide not to print something in case it harms you. In fact, nor is it the journalist's job to print things that will bring them "good", as you put it. It's the journalist's job to report what is happening. You might not think it is "news", but, ironically, that is not your judgement to make - it's the journalist's. Monday at 17:24 Unlike 19

Martin Williamson Is an ethical journalist someone who writes on ethics? Or is ethical journalism another degree I haven't got? And if I print out all the articles I have written for Cricinfo then can I please be considered a real journalist? Monday at 17:24 Like 1

Peter Miller The idea that journalism is an moral pursuit ruled by a strict code of ethics is an interesting one!

Monday at 17:24 Like 2

Michael Perera Is anybody still actually reading USACA's posts anymore? Monday at 17:25 Like

Dan McGrath Someone really doesn't understand the concept of ethics. And it isn't Peter, nor Martin or Andrew. Monday at 17:25 via mobile Like

Ieuan Fenton There's no need for any lessons in ethics. The situation is simple: the USACA is doing a rubbish job, and lots of us are having great fun in telling you so. Oh, and we're all ensuring Erik Petersen has a wicked hangover in the morning. Monday at 17:25 Like 9

Edward John Dorrell Webb Martin: Ethics is where Chris Eubank lives. Monday at 17:27 Like 11

Michael Selig Why should Peter only print a story which will benefit USACA? Who benefits from knowing the truth? I guess we all do to some extent. Monday at 17:27 Like 1

Erik Petersen NO YOU'RE UNETHICAL. *falls out of chair* Monday at 17:28 Like 4

Laura Krause Michael Selig: USACA is all about control. Control of cricket, control of the press, control of funding to development, etc. What has USACA infuriated is that it has been terribly unsuccessful in controlling Peter Della Penna. Monday at 17:30 Like 3

Sammy Edwards USACA teaching ethics. This is like Enron teaching financial accounting transparency.. Monday at 17:30 Like 3

Steve Bates Are we now being told that the only way is ethics? Monday at 17:30 Like 4

Paul Vickers so does it mean as we all turn to using kindles and items of such ilk,and everything is down loaded as opposed to printed that journo's will cease to exist and we will just have bloggers......... Monday at 17:31 Like 1

Rory Gribbell As someone who has done a degree course in ethics I can concur that USACA is exhibiting traits of a cultural relativist in that he defines his own parameters for ethical conduct and is sticking to them rigorously. It just turns out that these parameters are completely hypocritical and cannot be generalised and so fail the kantian universal law test. Monday at 17:31 Unlike 3

Rozay Chardonnay USA cricket,shoud not have to justify anything to you Williamson, go ask your mate Peter,ask him where he got the information to write such lies...or better yet, find out his "source" and inbox me! Trying to ambush the organization with bullshit it's not going to work....come with facts! Monday at 17:31 Like

Simon Dyke Sweepstake on the number of emails in David Richardson's inbox tomorrow morning that contain the letters USACA? Monday at 17:31 Like 2

Jon Taylor I wonder how many times the ACTUAL TEST CRICKETER will have to post in this thread before USACA notices. Monday at 17:31 Like 14

Michael Wagener It's like Kim Dotcom teaching on intellectual property laws. Monday at 17:33 Like 1

Andrew Bloxham I'd back Kamran Akmal to run an organisation better than this. Even he wouldn't drop quite so many 'googlies'. Monday at 17:33 Like 7

Laura Krause "ACTUAL TEST CRICKETER?" We don't need no stinking "actual test cricketer!" Monday at 17:33 Like 2

Andrew Nixon How about actually pointing out where the lies are in Peter's article? Not once has anyone done that. Monday at 17:33 Like

Andrew Miller USACA: The only reason why stories emanating from your boardroom wouldn't count as news would be if your administration was utterly irrelevant. You should be grateful that there's still a handful of people who like to believe it's not, despite all evidence to the contrary Monday at 17:33 Like 6

Sammy Edwards Rozay, as far as I can see, the article linked above is stating facts. It is up to USACA to either acknowledge it & work hard to improve itself, or to launch vitriolic tirades against the journalists who actually cared about US cricket to bring the these facts out. Monday at 17:33 Like 3

Dan McGrath Rory, enculturated ethnocentrism with a dash of ad hominem?

Monday at 17:34 via mobile Unlike 3

Edward John Dorrell Webb USACA is digging a hole so deep for himself that he's about to reach the earth's core. Monday at 17:35 Edited Like 2

Dan McGrath Andrew, I may now need more than 250 words... Monday at 17:35 via mobile Like 3

Martin Williamson Rozay ... nice obfustication but you haven't answered the question. What is the inaccuracy/lie you keep mentioning but won't reveal? I believe what Peter has written. Over to you. Monday at 17:36 Like 2

Rory Gribbell A dash is generous - I would describe it more as a nigellaistic dollop of ad hominem... Monday at 17:36 Like 1

u maybe a ACTUAL TEST CRICKETER, but u still need a license from NYPD that u r indeed one !!! Monday at 17:36 Like 3

Michael Selig Internet connexion - 30 per month Laptop - 500 Electricity bill to allow said use of laptop and internet (my laptop's battery is dead) - not saying. Reading the USACA lecture on ethics and say "come with facts" at this point in the conversation priceless. Monday at 17:37 Like 6

also a master degree Monday at 17:37 Like

Edward John Dorrell Webb I love you Iain O'Brien, but you keep posting here thinking that USACA actually gives a shit about cricket. Monday at 17:38 Like

Matthew Bogie It had never even occurred to me that the US might have a proper cricket association until a football journalist (sorry... blogger) retweeted a link to this absolute glory of self-destruction. Perhaps they still don't. I wonder, United States of America Cricket Association, if you really understand who and what Sky Sports and Wisden are? They're kind of a big deal... Monday at 17:38 Like 3

Steve Bates Iain, you're not a lie detector so you're not qualified to sue for 'untruths'. Sorry about that.

Monday at 17:39 Like 2

Edward John Dorrell Webb No Matthew, I just rang the NYPD and the guy who answered the phone had never heard of Wisden. So they just don't count. Monday at 17:40 Like 8

Ankur Singh Sumaal Rozay n usaca r lie detector here...only they can detect the untruth in Peter 'article' ( sorry Blogger)....but they actually don't know which fact in article is untruth lol Monday at 17:43 via mobile Like

Dan McGrath Ankur - clearly the untruth they're most concerned about is the line about stakeholders on social media being abused (paraphrased). Monday at 17:46 via mobile Like 1

Dan McGrath Oh the irony. Monday at 17:46 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener Unfortunately Iain, while you are actually probably being sincere, the majority of the early posts were being sincere, and USACA completely ignored them. If you actually want to help out US cricket, try contacting Jamie, who the USACA posts disdainfully refers to a couple of times. Monday at 17:48 Like 5

Ieuan Fenton USACA- walking out to bat on a sticky wicket without gloves or a box since 1965. Monday at 17:49 Like 4

Sammy Edwards Iain, the mental heath articles should be published in newspapers approved by New York Press Club for USACA to actually consider them competent. Apparently, mere cricket website articles won't do. Monday at 17:49 Like 1

Edward John Dorrell Webb Technically Iain, having your head up your arse isn't actually a mental illness, so I doubt how useful your advice would be. Monday at 17:51 Edited Like 4

Rory Gribbell It might cause one... Monday at 17:51 Like 1

Elizabeth Ammon I am hoping someone has taken a screen grab of this whole thread - it has the makings of a great TV comedy show. We should send it to the Beeb Monday at 17:52 Like 4

Sammy Edwards Elizabeth, the USACA itself is a real live sitcom.. Monday at 17:54 Like 1

Allan Engel I think the USACA would be better off in the hands of Allen Stanford... Monday at 17:55 Like 1

Michael Selig On a serious note, and with the wish to see cricket expand everywhere I do hope someone sensible involved with cricket in the US gets back to Iain O'B: that is a seriously generous offer (and I'm seriously jealous - Iain any time you're near France you're welcome anytime). Monday at 17:56 Like 5

Andrew Miller I just googled "USACA fail"... and this was only sixth on the list ... Monday at 17:56 Like 16

Ieuan Fenton Dear ICC. Can USACA-ll of the members of this hopeless organisation? Monday at 17:57 Like

Sammy Edwards Gotta agree with the posts above re Iain's involvement. Better contact USYCA's Jamie Harrison, Mr. O'Brien. I'm sure he will be delighted. Monday at 17:58 Like 3

Sabah Ibrahim "Without training you have been for years attacking the Zimbabwe Cricket Board and USA Cricket un scathed and un challenged. Fortune has come to USA Cricket in its new Executive Secretary. Calling me names serves no purpose as to further reveal your incompetence. We are in a fox hunt and you are cornered." This seriously reads like a cross between one of those Nigerian prince emails, the defense testimony of a robot accused of medical malpractice in a Ray Bradbury story, and a haiku composed after drinking too much sake. Monday at 17:59 Unlike 27 Rozay Chardonnay my new favourite person. Monday at 18:00 Like 4

Allan Engel Iain O'Brien is not allowed to work in the USA. He wouldn't want to get in trouble with yet another immigration department, would he? Monday at 18:00 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 226 likes now its increasing slowly but very effectively Monday at 18:01 via mobile Edited Like

Michael Wagener USACA PR department. The gift that keeps on giving. Monday at 18:02 Like 4

Sabah Ibrahim To whoever is writing these posts for USACA: I can offer English tuition at very reasonable rates. AND I have a university degree in the subject, so you know I am for shiznit legit. Monday at 18:03 Like 6

Bandon Decker I think the USACA deserve some credit here. Despite living in the US I had up to now not paid them any attention. And I am sure they don't mind the fact that I now consider them an utter laughingstock as neither of the websites for which I write have hard publications. Monday at 18:04 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay It's not about USA cricket wanting to control's about Peter "staying in the ethical lane " concerning personal board information that was secretly given to him, solely for the purpose to cause content, corruption, aggravation, and exactly what is taking place on here... stories he chooses to air out, which may or may not be truth, is not the point, and which is definitely not relevant to the public, but if Peter had any ethics in him, he would know what he should or should not make public, and by him posting articles as such...he has no class, and proved himself to be an end product of #WilliamsonhallofBloggers. FYI #PLAINTALK. Monday at 18:05 Like 1

Martin Williamson Rozay. Once again, you have not said what he wrote that is untrue. It's really a very simple question. What. Did. He. Write. That. Was. Untrue. I enjoy being called a blogger. I might try it out one day when I retire. Monday at 18:06 Like 5 *checks to see whether Rozay is still liking her own statuses* Oh Rozay, you so crazay! Monday at 18:06 Like 8

Sammy Edwards and Rozay has started liking her own posts again... Monday at 18:06 Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim Oh, sweetie. Hashtags don't work on Facebook, remember? That's TWITTER. Monday at 18:06 Like 6

Thomas Wightman In all seriousness, what can the ICC actually do about USACA? Because I get the feeling an entire new organisation is needed. This thread is all very funny, but what could be one of cricket's biggest markets is being run by a bunch of delusional, incompetent, thin-skinned amateurs. This is, sadly, quite the problem. Monday at 18:06 Like 3

Will Luke "The CEO will be the operational head responsible for administrative and financial management, serve as a visible representative of the organization, maintain strong relationships with stakeholders and partners and negotiate business and/or sponsorship deals on behalf of USACA". Chalices, poison - everywhere. Monday at 18:07 Like 3

Peter Miller I am sure that I saw a drag act called Rozay Chardonnay once, she was rubbish. Monday at 18:07 Like 2

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha Ethics and ad hominem are, of course, a match made in heaven... /lulz_silly_atheists Monday at 18:07 Like

Carrie Dunn Hang on. Rozay deleted her original post and re-posted. Rozay, are you now saying that Peter's story IS true, but USACA just didn't like it? Because if so I think we're all back where we began. Monday at 18:08 Like 2

Cricket Couch Even after all this drama, the FB page has only 226 likes. I - an untrained blogger/podcaster - have the USACA beat. Can I run cricket in this country? On second thought... Monday at 18:08 Like 2

Andy Afford I feel I'm a bit late to this party, but what are we drinking? Monday at 18:08 Like 1

George King I think the one thing this thread proves is that the people at the USACA obviously have no qualifications in PR and, in particular, the effective use of social media. But then, I'm not even a blogger, let alone a journalist, so what do I know? Monday at 18:08 Like 1

Sammy Edwards The best thing that ICC can do is turn over all its funds to USYCA..At least more kids will learn cricket,and hopefully, 10-15 years down the line, choose to represent their country in it. Monday at 18:09 Like 4

Andrew Miller This omnishambles of a thread is the best thing that's ever happened to US cricket. It's that bad Monday at 18:09 Like 20

Martin Williamson Carrie Dunn: I think Rozay has got utterly confused if she is meant to be Rozay or Kenwyn and gone for a lie down! Monday at 18:10 Like 1

Andy Afford Am I barred? Monday at 18:12 Like

Cricket Couch Andrew Miller Did you just make up that word omnishambles? is it printed in a book somewhere? Don't point me to some dictionary website because things published on websites are unofficial. Rozay Zindabad! Monday at 18:12 Like 6

Martin Williamson Andy Afford: join in the fun. Provided you meet USACA's strict rules that only those with degrees and ethics are welcome Monday at 18:14 Like 2

Rory Gribbell It does make you sad thinking of all the attention given to this bog of an organisation when there are scores of nations worldwide with a tiny fraction of the funding the USACA receives fighting for some recognition. Monday at 18:14 Like 4

Will Luke Martin Williamson Don't bring Essex into all this Monday at 18:15 Like 1

Bandon Decker Can the USACA clarify something: I'd like to write about this; but do I have to go all the way to the NYPD to get permission? It's kind of late and New York is a long way away, will my local PD work? Monday at 18:15 Like 1

Martin Williamson I wish to report Will Luke who is really a blogger without a degree. No, seriously, he is. Monday at 18:15 Like 3

Andrew Miller Cricket Couch, it origined with "the thick of it". Variations include the close relation, Romneyshambles Monday at 18:16 Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim Martin, be nice to Rozay/Kenwyn/Azazoth the Great Destroyer. Juggling all those roles will take it out of the best of us. Monday at 18:17 Like 3

Peter Miller The word is that Wisden 2013 will just be a verbatim reproduction of this thread inside a yellow hard back cover. Monday at 18:18 Unlike 14

Sammy Edwards Don't you guys get it? This is a deeply planned affair to increase the number of likes & the web traffic to USACA's page, thereby increasing the game's popularity among the Yankees. Monday at 18:18 Like 1

Michael Selig Wisden? what's that?

Monday at 18:19 Like 1

Martin Williamson Peter Miller: You genius. I have written for Wisden Cricketers' Almanack for a number of years. Real articles. In a book. On Paper. So (cue quiet sobs of relief) I am a journalist . Monday at 18:19 Like 3

Cricket Couch I am shocked no one has linked "rickrolled" yet in the comments. I think this post has passed the critical mass of comments a long time ago for it. Someone... DO IT. Monday at 18:20 Like 1 I think we haven't given enough time to USACA's official retort, which came in the form of...*gasp*...A BLOG! (NYPD-approved, no doubt) I agree with USACA on this one - this is a clear case of a know-nothing blogger spouting 'untruths'... Monday at 18:22 Like 2

Peter Miller As a blogger on cricket I am uniquely unqualified to post here, so I fear for Kenwyn's reprisals. Monday at 18:22 Like

Rory Gribbell It is only a very little book martin... We'll have to ask USACA if it counts...

Monday at 18:22 Like 2

Paul Frame I have a degree and I'm an amateur cricketer from Brentwood. I will be running a "The Only Way is Ethics" course for all cricket bloggers out there. Monday at 18:22 Like 7

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha Cricket Couch That is exactly how Nazi Germany started /to-preserveGodwin's-law Monday at 18:22 Like 3

Thomas Wightman Will this do? Monday at 18:23 Like

Andrew Miller Martin I withheld from mentioning that hours ago. It was the spoiler to end all spoilers Monday at 18:24 Like

Erik Petersen US Cricket: The wickets are artificial, but the incoherent rage is quite real. Monday at 18:24 Like 8

Martin Williamson Andrew Miller Sorry. I was just overcome with relief that I could go into work tomorrow with my head held high. Monday at 18:25 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Not quite Martin Williamson my quaint point is that blokes like you and PDD are a part of the problem with USA Cricket. You have ruined the brand. Not the sole problem but a contributor. Peter going after Massiah is undoubtdly one of the most gross representations I have ever read. Then when the man is cleared he does'nt apologize but continues to pummel him in the blogs and during his coverage of the team in Malaysia - stopping shot of calling him selfish and other derrogs. Monday at 18:25 Like

Rory Gribbell No you are the problem... Think about how USACA has been portrayed in this thread. You have made yourself look more naive than a three year old wearing a banana as a hat in the eyes of two major cricket publishing companies. The saddest thing of all is that should cricket in the US take off it would be amazing for the game world wide - the extra funding available for all, the coverage of the sport on the internet and it could even accelerate its inception into the olympics... But instead we have our monkey with a typewriter... Monday at 18:29 Edited Like 1

Thomas Wightman My friend, talking of ruining the brand of USA cricket is a little late. Monday at 18:26 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association and here is the have a zero market san the one provided by USA Cricket. So yes the time has come to put you two out of business. Take a course in ethic and reporting at your local online college and become responsible journalists. Its called professional development. Monday at 18:27 Edited Like

George King I love the line "You have ruined the brand". Looking at this thread, you've managed to do that without any outside help... or do you live by the philosophy that there's no such thing as bad publicity? Monday at 18:26 Like 1

Andrew Miller Ruined the brand! If a shopper dropped his cornflakes in a puddle, I doubt Kellogg's would issue a writ Monday at 18:27 Like 5

Sabah Ibrahim Is a derrog anything like a Balrog? God, did they just wake up every damn thing in the darkness of Khazad-dum? Monday at 18:27 Like

Martin Williamson Oh, so Peter and I have ruined the brand? So it was our fault the ICC twice suspended USACA for its dysfunctionality. Thanks for clearing that one up. Monday at 18:27 Like 12

Alan Hughes I once had a tweet posted on and have nearly 200 followers on Twitter. Both those facts are kind of irrelevant. I only just got here, can someone catch me up? Monday at 18:27 Like

Paul Frame Anyway I think this thread has set a new world record. Nearly 500 posts have been made on a cricket story without an argument breaking out over who was the better batsman: Lara or Tendulkar? A watershed moment for the internet here. Balls didn't see Anjo's post about Godwin's law until I'd published. Apologies. Monday at 18:29 Edited Like 11

Erik Petersen Also, if someone could get over to Miami Airport, Henry Olonga and his armband need picking up. Monday at 18:28 Like 3

Carrie Dunn Interesting. What are the other problems with USACA then, would you say? Monday at 18:28 via mobile Like

Ieuan Fenton At times like this I wish I was Canadian.. Monday at 18:28 Like 1

Sammy Edwards Its funny how reporting problems seems to have become a problem..It seems as though the USACA will be satisfied with an article only when the organization is hailed as a paragon for efficiency by the writer.. Monday at 18:29 Like 1

Serena Jaegerhain OMG! Is USACA for real???? Monday at 18:29 Like

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association You don't think you're doing more harm to the brand by going off on this insane tirade? I paid no attention to the articles about your inner workings; it wasn't until this lunacy that I really took any notice of you. Monday at 18:29 Like 1

Peter Miller So which part of what Peter Della Penna wrote is untrue or inaccurate? If the answer is none then it would appear that Peter is helping to fix the "brand" of USA cricket by exposing ineptitude. Monday at 18:29 Like

Martin Williamson Paul: Come on, be serious. Neither Lara or Tendulkar has a degree so they both need to go to a local college, take a course in better batting and only return to the fray when they have a diploma Monday at 18:29 Like 10

Richard O'Hagan So the brand is ruined by a couple of people pointing out the truth (as truth it must be, because neither USACA or their hired stooges have actually rebutted anything)? Emperor's New Clothes, anyone? Monday at 18:29 Like 1 Paul Frame: Sachin ain't got shit on Rozay Chardonnay. Monday at 18:30 Like 3

Peter Miller Paul Frame - Lara, every time. But as AltCricket points out, it is all about Rozay! Monday at 18:31 Edited Like 1

Sammy Edwards Martin, Sachin didn't even pass out of school. so he will probably be treated like an ignorant teenager by the USACA. Monday at 18:31 Like 3

Thomas Wightman I think the fact that people cannot believe that this account is the real USACA tells you everything you need to know about the situation. Monday at 18:33 Like 1

Andrew Nixon As a 43 year old ex West Indies player, USACA will be quite interested in this Lara chap. Monday at 18:33 Like 5

Peter Miller While Kenwyn and Rozay are busy posting on here, who is running USA cricket? Monday at 18:33 Like 1

Richard O'Hagan I'm starting to feel bad now. USACA against so many people who actually have a clue about cricket. It is, to quote that other American icon Garfield, like swatting a fly with a Buick Monday at 18:33 Like 3

Paul Frame Martin: Does this mean that the greatest cricketer of all time is actually Richie Benaud? A trained reporter who has done the police beat and been a freelancer for 40 years? I suppose Imran Khan and Vic Marks must be up there too, what with their Oxford Degrees. Monday at 18:34 Like 2

Rory Gribbell Easy Andrew Nixon! I want your sources for that fact! Monday at 18:34 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 500+ comment congratulation Monday at 18:35 via mobile Like

I'm waiting for the next big photo update... Monday at 18:35 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Brandon: Everything I do is a calculated risk. I needed to silence Peter's informant and that has been accomplished. I also need to let the world know that ESPN is sponsoring two of the worst bloggers on the planet. We need bettr writers if USA Cricket is going to progress. Their obsession with USA Cricket is uncanning - especially for Martin who does not even live here or understand our culture. Monday at 18:37 Like 1

Andrew Miller *better Monday at 18:37 Like 1

Dan McGrath The American Cricket Federation held a tournament last week, featuring teams representing 8 leagues from across the country. They appear to be far more organised and deserving of funding than the USACA. Although a profile called 'Usaca Cricket' commented over on their Facebook page, rubbishing their attempts. I wonder who was behind that... Monday at 18:38 Like 8

Andrew Nixon Silence the informant? What are you, an assassin? Monday at 18:38 Like

Erik Petersen My three favourite blogs are Perez Hilton, TMZ and the Wisden Cricket Almanack. Monday at 18:38 Like 5

Steve Bates Peter - if they are posting on here...that potentially means someone competent is running USA cricket! That might actually be a *good* thing. Monday at 18:38 Like 3

Sabah Ibrahim You needed to "silence" Peter's "informant"? Oh my God, he's in the East River with cement shoes on each foot, isn't he? You monsters. Monday at 18:38 Like 9

Peter Miller "Silence Peter's informant" - This is so funny, so, so funny. Monday at 18:38 Like 1

Richard O'Hagan "I needed to silence Peter's informant and that has been accomplished" - I missed the bit where The Sopranos recruited Joe Scuderi Monday at 18:39 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association So effictively - Peter and Martin are now obsolute. Enjoy reading their blog. If you want the truth - come to this page and we will abide or you can reach us at

Monday at 18:39 Like

Craig Nicholson I'm using uncanning in my next blog post. Monday at 18:39 Like

Bandon Decker Apparently Henry Blofeld never got his degree. Someone should tell Test Match Special to get that unqualified man off the air immediately. Monday at 18:39 Like

Peter Miller *obsolete Monday at 18:39 Like 1

Richard O'Hagan Peter and Martin are now WHAT??? At least keep up the pretence of a common language, please Monday at 18:40 Like 2

Erik Petersen DRINKING GAME UPDATE: USACA posted something that should have been said over music bleeding in from the next room at the Bada Bing? Drink two. Monday at 18:41 Like 5

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha By "uncanning" you mean they're letting the worms out, right? Monday at 18:41 Like 2

Dan McGrath "We need bettr [sic] writers if USA cricket is going to progress" Rightio then, let's get rid of all the experienced journos for Uni grads who want to write tabloid-style headlines everywhere. Give me Martin 'Blogger' Williamson and Andrew 'Unqualified' Miller over a Uni graduate any day. Monday at 18:42 Like 1

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association You might want to re-calibrate your risk calculator; I think more people have read the article and will be writing about this affair then they ever would have done otherwise. Monday at 18:42 Like 4

Thomas Wightman Dan McGrath: fancy starting a petition? This is all a good laugh, but at some point the fun needs to end and cricket in America needs to happen under a credible and at least partly competent umbrella organisation. Monday at 18:42 Like 1 "Their obsession with USA Cricket is uncanning" - recycling habits are the least of your worries Monday at 18:42 Like 8

Martin Williamson "Enjoy reading their blog" Wow, so Cricinfo must be the world's leading blog then? Doubles all round. Now off to look up what obsolute means Monday at 18:42 Like 4

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association You should also invest in a spell checker as a first step to improved writing. Monday at 18:43 Like 2

Sabah Ibrahim It's very simple, everyone, what USACA is trying to say is that Peter and Martin are the end products of a chemical dissolution involving an as-yet unconfirmed chemical element, the abbreviation for which is temporarily noted as Ob. With time, this will no doubt be interred in its rightful place in the Periodic Table. Another leap forward for USACA! Monday at 18:43 Like 3

Richard O'Hagan I give this another two hours, after which the USACA will be off to watch MNF Monday at 18:44 Like

Richard O'Hagan ...and then a reality checker, as a first step to improved governance Monday at 18:44 Like 1

Cricket Couch Dude Abides. Monday at 18:45 Like 2

Paul Frame I'd love to know how United States of America Cricket Association look up their stats to find out that their leading ODI wicket-taker is Richard Staple and their leading ODI run-scorer is Clayton Lambert. It wouldn't be Martin Williamson's statsguru ( ) or Andrew Miller's Cricket Archive ( ) ? Monday at 18:48 Like 8

United States of America Cricket Association Sorry for the typos doing this from a blackberry in the middle of a courtroom in Madison Wisconsin. Martin wha is your excuse? Oh the 1,000 commenter gets an iPad. I still have 42 left over from the last election. Monday at 18:49 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Congrats to yet another one of your enthuasists on being elected to the hall of fame cfm Monday at 18:50 Like 1

Richard O'Hagan Why are you in court? What have you done? And why can the USACA not afford an iPhone?

Monday at 18:50 Like 1

Martin Williamson Utterly no idea what that last post from USACA meant. Can anyone help? Monday at 18:50 Like 1

Peter Miller If some poor souls prospects of freedom rest in the hands of Kenwyn..... Monday at 18:50 Like 2

Rory Gribbell Well when you silence enough informants the law will chase you hard... Monday at 18:51 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Martin the mere fact that you keep using the same words over and over again is dysfunctional. Monday at 18:51 Like

Tom Kingham I know how to sort this. Let's have a game of cricket between England and the USA and see who is better..... Monday at 18:53 Like 5

Richard O'Hagan I love the way that USACA isn't responding to anyone except Martin. It's like they have a vendetta or...oh Monday at 18:53 Like 4

Steve Bates Paul - Don't be daft, those two sites are merely glorified blogs. Can't trust anything from them! The USACA has everything written down on proper paper, by properly qualified journalists. Ish. Monday at 18:53 Like

Richard O'Hagan Is it possible for an entire sporting body to display signs of psycopathy? Monday at 18:53 Like 5

United States of America Cricket Association Again my point. We are being held hostage by ONE blogger and a demented mentor. Monday at 18:53 Like

Laura Krause And this is the organization that the ICC and CHA are bankrolling to lead cricket's rise in America. Just sayin'... Monday at 18:54 Like 1

Miriam Kimber Kenwyn, as you're currently in court I trust you're not billing your client for the time spent on this thread. Monday at 18:54 via mobile Like 2

Peter Miller No mate, you are being held hostage by your own deluded idea of self worth. What an absolute joke. Monday at 18:54 Like 4

George King "Using the same words over and over..." Says the person(s) who's repeatedly used the same argument about why it disapproves of an article, I mean 'blog', without actually referring to anything in the 'blog' that it does not agree with. Monday at 18:55 Like 1

Paul Frame Martin: Monday at 18:55 Like 7

Michael Webster Monday at 18:55 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal Tom, no...better Afghanistan teach USACA how to play cricket Monday at 18:55 via mobile Like 1

George King Neale, they must have enough qualified coaches, they don't seem to want to take a test cricketer up on his offer Monday at 18:56 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Martin correct me if I am wrong here. Aren't you the one that was responsible for the Disney debacle? Monday at 18:56 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Laura I think Jamie's gin glass is empty. Monday at 18:57 Like ummm I think we all agree that we'll shut up if you give us an iPad (Bloggers are fickle like that) Monday at 18:57 Like 10

Sabah Ibrahim All these references to silencing informants and hostages has me nervous that Kenwyn/USACA person believes themselves to be in an old-timey 50s gangster movie. Put down the six-shooter and step away from the card table. There is no-one tied to the train tracks, and Dick Dastardly isn't repossessing some penniless old widow's home as he cackles maniacally and twirls his mustache. Monday at 18:57 Like 1

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association Are you sure you know what the word 'hostage' means? Dictionaries are fully published so if you can find an NYPD approved one I would suggest giving it a look. Monday at 18:57 Like 2

Martin Williamson The Disney debacle? I am fascinated where this leads but I am going to ask. What is the Disney debacle? Monday at 18:58 Like 2

Erik Petersen I find it appropriate at this point to note that Madison, Wisconsin is the home of The Onion. Monday at 18:58 Like 6 Cricket This comment thread is blowing my mind! Monday at 18:59 Like 1

Andrew Miller I've run out of popcorn. Hold fire on the Disney reveal until I get back Monday at 18:59 Like 12

Erik Petersen Martin: So help me if you were responsible for that time when I was seven and wee'd myself on Space Mountain, we have a problem. Monday at 19:00 Like 5

Cricket Insight Blogger here, reporting in for the iPad. Monday at 19:00 Like 4

wont be surprised if this page has more views than cricinfo today... Monday at 19:00 Like 2

David Mutton Wow, so now one of the few good things about American cricket, Jamie Harrison and his work engaging youngster with the sport, gets criticized by the governing body. For all this is deeply, deeply amusing it is also sad to see the depths that the game's administrators have sunk. Monday at 19:01 Like 6

Navneet Mohindru USACA I hope you do realize that your job is not to entertain us on Facebook but to promote cricket in USA. Monday at 19:01 Like 2

MJ Knoester This is insane. I feel a bit sorry for Usaca and Rozay, because clearly they 1) don't have any answers to the serious questions and 2) don't realise everyone else is pissibg themselves laughing at their incompetence. Monday at 19:02 Like 4

Andrew Nixon The Disney debacle? Martin, did you turn off Walt's freezer? Monday at 19:03 Like

Miriam Kimber The Disney debacle? That's an awful accusation to throw around. Martin Williamson had absolutely nothing to do with "Aladdin 3". Monday at 19:03 via mobile Like 18

Tom Kingham I'm really confused. I'm watching Homeland at the same time and this character 'Martin' just kidnapped someone in the Disney Store.... Monday at 19:03 Like 1

Bandon Decker I think we /all/ want to know what the Disney debacle is/was... Monday at 19:04 Like

Dan McGrath Can we go through and report each of the USACA posts and get them banned from Facebook? Plenty of personal attacks in here. Monday at 19:05 Edited Like 1

David Mutton For those coming late to the party it appears that Kenwyn offered people IPads to elect him. Although that is according to a report from the notorious Della Penna:

Dainty wins USACA election in a landslide USA Cricket Association president Gladstone Dainty and four other incumbent memb...See more Monday at 19:05 Like 4 Remove Preview

Erik Petersen Another time we were at the Magic Kingdom when the It's A Small World cars broke down and we had to listen to the damn song for 40 minutes. My dad has more painful memories of that than he does the Viet Cong. Seriously Martin, if I learn you had a hand in that ... Monday at 19:05 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Here is the link to the USA Cricket constitution go have a read! Knock yall self out!

Monday at 19:05 Like

Sabah Ibrahim Miriam: he says he didn't, but I bet he blogged about it, the dirty bastard. On his blog. For which he blogs, as a blogger. Monday at 19:05 Like 2

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha Monday at 19:06 Like 2

Steve Bates Disney... It's something to do with Jiminy Cricket isn't it? Ha! Monday at 19:06 Like

George King The USACA have forgotten one of the first and most important rules of social media Monday at 19:06 Like 1

Martin Williamson Erik - I can state here and now I have never been to any Disney theme park. Bloggers' honour. Monday at 19:07 Like 1

Peter Miller Rozay, I just typed "i-pad" and "Disney" into the find tool on the constitution document and it came back with nothing. Monday at 19:07 Like 2

Ian Ashworth Lalit Modi, is that you? Monday at 19:08 Like 1

Michael Webster I'm looking for the Zimbabwe Cricket page, am I in the right place? Monday at 19:09 Like 4

Erik Petersen Thank you Rozay! Here is information on the various counties of Sweden. Boom diggity! Monday at 19:09 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Martin: Were you not the one that exposed the deal and started supporting MLC instead of USACA. Ethical position for a journalist to take right? Monday at 19:09 Like

Andrew Nixon Hang on, that's the Disney debacle? I feel cheated. Monday at 19:10 Like 9

George King "Ethical" Monday at 19:12 Like

Dan McGrath What does it have to do with Disney?? Monday at 19:12 Like

Erik Petersen Would everybody just PIPE DOWN while I'm reading the constitution please. Monday at 19:12 Unlike 8

Rozay Chardonnay hey Williamson! now might be a good time to grab a cup of hot tea! you are not qualified. Monday at 19:12 Like

Tom Kingham If the US T20 tournament is half as much fun as this, I can't wait to watch some cricket. Monday at 19:13 Like 7

David Mutton I wonder what Gladstone Dainty, the USACA President thinks about this. For all his (deserved) reputation as a tinpot dictator he usually shies away from any media if at all possible. Monday at 19:13 Like 2

Andrew Nixon Is he qualified to make a cup of tea Rozay? Monday at 19:13 Like 1

Bandon Decker Rozay, is he not qualified to make a cup of tea? Admittedly there are a few steps to making a proper cuppa, but I am confident that Martin knows them. Monday at 19:13 Like

United States of America Cricket Association MJ I just pissed myself looking at your profile. Seriously..stop with the foolish remarks if you have nothing to contribute..the comments are too many to reply to all. David aka Peter..thanks for posting that story again. Monday at 19:14 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 600+ comment wow Monday at 19:14 via mobile Like 1

Tom Huelin Completely lost with what this debate is about. Did someone mention cricket? Monday at 19:14 Like 1

Sammy Edwards Is Martin qualified to grab a cup of tea? I thought you required certification from American Society of Tea-cup Holders for that.. Monday at 19:14 Like

Peter Miller As far as I can work out, Kenwyn believes that "ethical" is a synonym of "agrees with me". Monday at 19:15 Like 4

Martin Williamson Without trawling through everything I have written - as clearly you have time to do despite being in court - I cannot say for sure. You are possibly right but why in any world is that unethical? What I can say is I have been consistent in saying the board of USACA is not credible and this thread just underlines that. And you cannot just invent the phrase Disney Debacle and hope it sticks! Monday at 19:15 Like 1

Paul Frame 395 posts to go. I hope you've got a good line of credit with FedEx. Transatlantic package shipping doesn't come cheap United States of America Cricket Association Monday at 19:16 Like 2

Adrian Green Can the drama please stop, it's late in the Uk and I need my sleep! Monday at 19:16 via mobile Like

David Dubbert I'm just so happy to have been a part of this. Also, instead of getting USACA banned, somebody needs to preserve this string for history's sake. Monday at 19:16 Like 2 "I also need to let the world know that ESPN is sponsoring two of the worst bloggers on the planet." - keep Harsha Bhogle and Ian Chappell out of this, please. Monday at 19:16 Like 19

Daniel Batt Given how you've conducted yourself here, Mr. USACA, I hardly think you're in a position to lecture anyone about behaviour and ethics. Monday at 19:16 via mobile Like 1

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association If you want people to stop making foolish comments you should consider leading by example... Monday at 19:16 Like 1

Martin Williamson Adrian Green: I have to be back in the office for another day of blogging in six hours' time Monday at 19:17 Like 2

Tom Kingham I only have one thing to say to you MJ.......shamone Monday at 19:17 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Jamie Harrison does nothing for youth cricket he is a self promoter that takes advantage of every photo op available. That has nothing to do with youth cricket. Monday at 19:17 Like

Riz Rafik USACA, so glad you're taking a stand. Please do not ever stop. Post more. Seriously. Please!! Monday at 19:18 Like

Andrew Miller Wow, now that's a comment Monday at 19:18 Like 3

Neale Marley Disney? Jiminy cricket would make a good mascot for a youth tournament. Laura, you should look into that for USYCA. That is, if Jamie isn't to busy self promoting. Monday at 19:19 via mobile Like

Paul Crabb I'm not even American, but I play (badly) in the UK, and felt the need to comment, so I can follow this amusing thread. Monday at 19:19 Like 1

Dan McGrath Andrew; libel? Monday at 19:20 Edited Like

Martin Williamson It's stopped being funny now. Jamie Harrison works tirelessly for US youth cricket and has achieved a massive amount despite the ineptitude of USACA. To throw mud like this is a disgrace. And no, Jamie is not a friend of mine or an associate. Monday at 19:20 Unlike 30

Devanshu Mehta What's the over-under on hitting the iPad-winning 1000th comment by midnight EST? Monday at 19:21 Like 1 Cricket Those wanting to look back on this thread days or even hours from now, you might want to copy/paste it somewhere - I have a feeling it could be deleted before the day's out.

Monday at 19:22 Like

Rozay Chardonnay A Facebook page Freedom is exactly what USA cricket needed,put you False journalist in your places! .......and Mutton you sorta look like Peter! are you all related?????woosh! Monday at 19:22 Like

Ben Stinga Of all the things I've seen written on this thread, USACA's comments about Jamie Harrison are the lowest of them all. Disgraceful and unwarranted. Monday at 19:23 Like 14

Andrew Nixon To suggest that Jamie Harrison does nothing for youth cricket is simply a disgrace. He's introduced hundreds and hundreds of kids in the USA to the sport and has done so despite the gross negligence towards youth cricket shown by USACA. That comment wasn't funny, it was grossly offensive. Monday at 19:23 Like 14

Devanshu Mehta I'm sorry, Rozay. That's out of line. David Mutton is not Peter Della Penna. I am. Monday at 19:24 Like 2

Cricket Couch I can understand taking potshots at Peter. He is after all trained in Journalism only from Creighton University (Who knows whether that is actually an university or not) but to bad mouth Jamie who is actually doing the right thing by spending considerable amount of his time on grassroots cricket in the USA is just pitiful and wrong.

Monday at 19:25 Like 7

Rozay Chardonnay Suck it up Nixon....take your guilty plea some where else..go cry it out! Monday at 19:25 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal yes I'm also Peter Della Penna Monday at 19:25 via mobile Like

Erik Petersen You know, I'll take my irony hat off for a moment and just say that it's one thing to go after professional journalists, particularly as most journos who write for outlets such as Cricinfo come in for much worse at times. Monday at 19:25 Like

Cricket Insight The man who set up an association, who have supplied 800+ cricket sets to USA schools would appear to have done something for USA youth cricket. What have the USACA done? Monday at 19:25 Like 7

Tom Kingham Awaiting for this thread to appear here: Monday at 19:25 Like

Erik Petersen Ah, posted early. Am miffed. More to come. Monday at 19:26 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal now it is clear US cricket administrative have some serious ego problem Monday at 19:26 via mobile Like

Ben Heap Martin Williamson that is a disgustingly positive comment coming from a lowlife blogger of your reputation! This unethical positivity is disgraceful. Shame on you and your silly little ESPNCricinfo blog! What kind of a name is that for a blog anyway?! Preposterous, like Andrew Miller's made up blog, 'The Cricketer', PAH. Ludicrous Monday at 19:26 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Andrew get the facts. Introducing a sport like cricket with no structure or follow up is like you walking into a McDonld's and paying for your Supersized burgers and fries and leaving before the chef has time to serve you your dinner. Monday at 19:30 Edited Like

Erik Petersen If I was a "self promoter" - or, you know, a money-grubbing scumbag - I probably wouldn't focus my attention on putting in lots of hours with the youth set-up. I'd probably angle to be in a position of power so that the cricket people gagging to get a slice of the US market have to deal with me even if they badly need a shower afterwards. So sure chief, you go after the guy who's clearly found the path to unethical riches that is youth sport development. He's obviously the problem here. Monday at 19:28 Like 8

Ankur Singh Sumaal tell me what u did for US cricket nd now plz don't show me ur constitutions pdf file..... Monday at 19:29 via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association WHAT has Jamie done?? Someone show me some stats...stop with the soft talk and show me the stats..give me the name of a coach that can verify a program that has sustained itself?? Congrats on being tossed into the hall of fame however. Monday at 19:30 Edited Like

Daniel Batt Erik is right. You wouldn't become a youth coach if you were interested in self-promotion. You'd probably become an Executive Secretary or something. Monday at 19:30 via mobile Like 3

Ben Heap "Usaca and Rozay" sounds like a delicious meal, or a 70s cop show Monday at 19:31 Like 2

Sammy Edwards Well what have you done, USACA? Take a good hard look at yourself before you again spew vitriol on someone. Monday at 19:31 Like 4

Bandon Decker Wait introducing cricket in the US is like buying fast food and then leaving without it? I'm not quite sure I get that analogy, but then I am but a humble blogger... Monday at 19:31 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal u call urself promoter nd well wisher of cricket in US plz tell me what u have done Monday at 19:31 via mobile Like 1

Paul Crabb Here in the UK, 'It's NOT cricket' is equivalent to being a bit rude. Perhaps it's a little ironic then, that over there, the opposite seems to be the case? Monday at 19:31 Like 2

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy Wait, Jamie Harrison is a money-grabber because he introduced kids to a sport that doesn't have the structure that YOU were supposed to develop? Monday at 19:32 via mobile Like 16

United States of America Cricket Association Martin you were responsibe for the Disney debacle...all on your shoulders...ALL!! You set USA Cricket back ages. Own up to your moment man! Monday at 19:32 Like

George King Must. Go. To. Sleep. Monday at 19:32 via mobile Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association WOW JH fans..I love the support group here..but not one of you can show me some stats huh? Grand. Monday at 19:33 Like

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy By the way, USACA, the name's Peter Della Penna. But don't tell anyone else that. Monday at 19:33 via mobile Like

Sabah Ibrahim Saving all these comments into a Word file is time-consuming, but I have the feeling it might pay off. Monday at 19:34 Like 5

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy Can't show you stats until you show us your NYPD permission to read. Monday at 19:34 via mobile Like 3

Sammy Edwards This mudslinging is going on like a tennis game where only one guy is serving..USACA to Peter, then to Martin, then to Jamie & now back to Martin.. Monday at 19:34 Like 2

Tom Kingham Going to Google 'Disney debacle' to see if I can shed more light on it seen as USACA can't communicate an answer Monday at 19:34 via mobile Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal Egoism at his best poor USACA plz drop down ur ego nd look after betterment of US cricket Monday at 19:35 via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association While I have your attention - here is where Youth Cricket will flourish..ask JH why he is not part of this organization? Monday at 19:35 Like

Peter Miller This is the longest period of sustained idiocy in human history. Monday at 19:35 Like 9

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha I can see this being referred to as the "facebook debacle" in a few years and of course it will all be Peter Della Penna's fault

Monday at 19:36 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Martin good journalism here..did you have anyting to do with this..NOPE!!!! Monday at 19:36 Like

Sammy Edwards Well at least we ordinary humans got to witness this historic idiocy, thanks to USACA.. Monday at 19:36 Like 3

Ben Heap At what point does this thread take the record, if it hasn't already, for the most attention focussed on US cricket in history? Monday at 19:37 Like 2

Martin Williamson I am out of this. It's pointless trying to have a discussion with someone who prints the kind of comment he has recently come out with. US cricket can go places but it needs to lose this kind of individual as a matter of urgency. Oh for a few more Jamie Harrisons in USACA. Monday at 19:37 Like 15

Cricket Insight I hereby dub this - the 'Facebook Fiasco' Monday at 19:37 Like 2

Tom Kingham Own up, is that you running this Facebook, KP? Monday at 19:37 via mobile Like 4

Erik Petersen (Who's going to break it to them that Wright Thompson's been on Twitter slagging them off too?) Monday at 19:37 Like 7

United States of America Cricket Association Read this and be as passionate about it as you are about defending you credentials and front people. Monday at 19:37 Like

Andrew Miller Well, this has been staggering, comical, jaw-dropping and as inherently depressing as a circus clown. Goodnight USACA, you outstanding basket-case. Monday at 19:38 Like 13

Andrew Nixon I'm out of this too. It's like arguing with a brick wall, except with less coherent replies. Monday at 19:39 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Work is being done in USA Cricket but your bloggers prefer to run with stories that bring them likes and views on facebook. Well again - I have taken your model and flushed it. A simple post about an unethical blogger has gone viral with over 2,478 views and going to near 700 comments. Now what? Monday at 19:39 Like

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy You know what else is viral in the same way that this post went viral? A Lindsay Lohan meltdown. Monday at 19:40 via mobile Like 2

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association 'Going viral' is not a good thing when everyone is looking to see how insane you are. You don't seem to understand that this post is a hundred times worse for the reputation of USA cricket than anything Peter Della Penna could have written. Monday at 19:41 Like 8

Paul Frame Penny for the Philadelphia Cricket Club's thoughts on this? Aren't they one of the oldest cricket clubs in the world? Monday at 19:41 Like 2

Daniel Batt Now we sit back and continue to watch your public humiliation. Monday at 19:42 via mobile Like 1

Ben Stinga It's worth noting that according to it's own figures in 2002, the USACA had 630 junior cricketers. By 2011 that number had risen only to 750 - amongst the lowest of any associate nation including tiny nations like Bermuda. Yet it has the hide to criticize someone like Jamie Harrison. Monday at 19:42 Like 7

David Mutton Does Kenwyn understand that the article he just linked to comes from ESPN, the organization he has been criticizing so vociferously? Monday at 19:43 Like 1

Stuart John I think what everyone's forgetting is that arguing with the USACA is like wrestling a pig. You both end up covered in s#$% and the pig loves it. Monday at 19:43 Like 5

Rozay Chardonnay You dont belong on here's clear. You have been defeated. Monday at 19:43 Like

Erik Petersen I do like the notion that there's some plan at Cricinfo HQ to get more page views through disparaging stories on US cricket. Yes, nobody wants to read about this "Sachin" character anymore, let's dispatch a hatchet man to Central Broward Regional Park. Monday at 19:43 Like 2

Bandon Decker And why, United States of America Cricket Association, should anyone be passionate about defending the constitution of an organisation that has dug itself is so large a hole here that it is in danger of hitting the solid iron of the earth's core? I'll stick to what I have been doing and showing friends and acquaintances the joys of Test cricket wherever I can and I will do far more for cricket in this country than your constitution ever will. Monday at 19:44 Like 3

United States of America Cricket Association Good night Britt Twitts keep out of American Cricket. Not your cup of tea! Cheers! Monday at 19:45 Like

Daniel Batt "You have been defeated" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Monday at 19:45 via mobile Like 8

Sammy Edwards Rozay, that line has made me laugh more than anything else you have written...It is as if we are living in a Tolkienian world where USACA is the fellowship & we are the Dark Forces.. Monday at 19:46 Like 4

Sabah Ibrahim All comments to this point saved. I'm sure USACA would never DREAM of removing them, though, why, that's not at all why I'm saving them. I saving things. Like endangered wildlife, and Tupperware, and old wrapping paper.

Monday at 19:48 Edited Like 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal go to hell poor board u don't have any answer to our question Monday at 19:46 via mobile Like

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association And now you think that cricket in the United States has nothing to learn from the country of its origin? On what world do you live? Monday at 19:46 Like

Erik Petersen David Mutton: And it was written by a journalist who has made it clear he thinks highly of the USYCA and little of the USACA. Monday at 19:47 Unlike 2

Rory Gribbell You are an utter disgrace to associate and affiliate cricket Monday at 19:47 Like 4

wait, is this american cricket something like american football(no way related to football)... then i hold no interest !!! wasted !!! Monday at 19:47 Like 2

Sammy Edwards Bandon, USACA learns only from those countries which have been certified by NYPD.. Monday at 19:48 Edited Like 5

Bandon Decker Oh of course, Sammy! I should have known! Monday at 19:48 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal I think, USACA has nothing to do with American Cricket its like Wrong man at right place its pity for any cricket lover on this earth Monday at 19:51 via mobile Edited Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay Think twice Peter before you write crap. Monday at 19:53 Like

Marco Cosentino If I only think about all the resources certain organizations are wasting on certain parasites of the game (and there are a lot worldwide)... suddently I don't find all this amusing anymore. Monday at 19:54 Like 2

Sammy Edwards The entertainment has not yet abated...Rozay, please continue with your wise words... Monday at 19:55 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Finally! the traffic has slowed down here...goodness gracious...the nerve of some much hate for USA cricket...cant comprehend it at all.... Monday at 19:57 Like

Sammy Edwards Rozay, I think I misread you. The hate is for USACA, not US cricket.. Monday at 19:58 Like 7

Harmeet Singh Oh I'm just walking on by this conversation just wondering why a USACA page moderator is arguing with people through the official page. There is something called professionalism. If you ( the idiot who is ruining any credibility this FB page had) want to argue or discuss take it to your personal Facebook account. Please leave the actual page to updates and Q/A. You don't see BCCI, PCB,ECB, heck even the Canadian Cricket Board arguing with people on their Facebook page do ya?!! Oh and Peter can say whatever he wants. It's called freedom of speech. As long as he isn't giving out bounties to harm USACA board members he's ok to say what he wants. Monday at 19:58 via mobile Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay look Edwards, keep it moving please,some other time. Monday at 19:58 Like 1

Erik Petersen Love, Rozay. Love for USA cricket. Hate for the actions of those who bring it into disrepute. Monday at 19:59 Like 7

Harmeet Singh Atleast I don't think he's given out any bounties... Yet ;D Monday at 19:59 via mobile Like

Sammy Edwards At least Rozay has acknowledged me as myself, not as another alter-ego of Peter... Monday at 20:00 Like

Bandon Decker I don't hate USA cricket, Rozay, and in fact try to get more Americans interested in cricket whenever I can. But this was a disaster for USA cricket and it had to be pointed out. Those in charge of the United States of America Cricket Association and this account in particular need to go. Monday at 20:02 Like 5

Ali Brookman and I thought the ECB was bad. The Americans have us beat again. Monday at 20:02 Like 2

Harmeet Singh Can we get the ICC to takeover or something like the federal government can take over a state when the state is not operating accordingly or is non existent like USACA sadly has been?? Monday at 20:07 via mobile Like 3

Aonghus Mullins Someone should bring this thread to the attention of the ICC's media people. I am pretty sure that directly engaging and insulting many members of the public via an official USACA Facebook page is in breach of many ICC regulations. Monday at 20:08 Edited Like 5

Luke Mukwedeya this just made my day' Monday at 20:07 Like 1

Bandon Decker It doesn't look like we're going to get enough comments for the iPad... Monday at 20:09 Like 1

Harmeet Singh And how is this guy talking about someone not being a professional writer when their own website looks like its from 1999. I mean even my high school football team had better content and creativity on their website. Smh Monday at 20:25 via mobile Like 1

Devanshu Mehta Hope the Brits are back in the morning so we can have our iPad. I'll give mine to my alter-ego if I win. Monday at 20:33 via mobile Unlike 2

Michael Wagener The Indian media (bloggers) will be here in good time. Don't worry. SOmeone will win the ipad. Monday at 20:47 Like 1

Christian Young There's a USA Cricket Association? Monday at 21:18 Like 1

Paul Crabb Well, I'm sorry if it offends you Mr Williams and your two alter-egos, but I AM going to comment on your post. I have NEVER read such a grammatically and functionally poor display of an argument. Your posts, Blackberry or not, have served no other purpose than to make you appear an uneducated fool, promoted to a position far in excess of your meagre talents. It DOES concern every cricket nation that your country has a well managed cricket structure, as it would offer more opportunities for other smaller sides worldwide to expand their tour destinations, and our national teams would have another side to play in world championships. I read that your USACA has not organised a functional tournament in over a year? In other countries we managed to move an entire test series to another country in a few months, and you can't organise ONE GAME? I have emailed this rant to Andrew Strauss, our representative on the ICC, although I cannot forecast his response. Monday at 21:36 Like 12

Michael Wagener I would love to see what Cameron Slater from Whale Oil could do to USACA. Here's an example of what really attacking an organisation looks like: Monday at 22:16 Edited Like 1

Kala Samandar Why are you all wasting your time on two good for nothing knuckleheads....husbandwife....who do not represent USACA or cricket in USA? People like these two are the reason why USACA is a disgrace to cricket. Monday at 22:19 Like

Percy Carey Enough of this..the world is laughing at usUnited States...what is the next step people? How do we fix this?anyone?? Monday at 22:45 Like

Percy Carey We have to figure it out and make a change. Get around the ones who's holding us back. Someone please think of something. Worst comes to worst let me run it. I care. Monday at 22:50 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Martin Williamson and Peter Della Penna have been exposed. Its up to the American Cricket public to take ownership of their sport and not to be held hostage by these bloogers. Their material is defamatory and is preventing progress. In order for USA Cricket to move forward we need openminded individuals on every level. These 2 bloogers for too long have held us hostage. Today this post ganered more than 2900 views. By advertising standards we have blow the top off most internet cricket sites. We no longer need to read biased garbage written by unprofessional sensationalistic bloggers with their alter egos. Change has arrived. Monday at 23:03 Like

Bandon Decker United States of America Cricket Association The only thing that has been exposed is your paranoia and lunacy. You still don't understand that the views of this thread do not paint you in a good light at all. You are the one who needs to be more open minded. No one is holding you hostage, /you/ must improve. This much is obvious from reading this thread. Monday at 23:07 Like 4

Percy Carey Jamie Harrison is a good man.. he took my phone call and didn't hesitate to help me with getting more involved with Cricket in the USA. The USACA has not returned any of my emails or calls but have time to defend a fruitless perspective. If no one wants to really step up and get us where we should be then please step back and get out of the way. Enough of the jokes let's get serious because time is being wasted. Monday at 23:10 Like 4

Kala Samandar United States of America Cricket Association & Rozay Chardonnay, if either of you love the game of cricket....even a bit....and want to see it grow in the USA, both of you can contribute in a big way by simply staying away from it. It's evident that Martin Williamson is well respected in the cricket world. No one...not a single a hoot about your nonsense comments. Monday at 23:28 Like 3

Thejas C Balaraman Hey USACA. I think you need help. Monday at 23:30 Like

Thejas C Balaraman "Martin Williamson and Peter Della Penna have been exposed. Its up to the American Cricket public to take ownership of their sport and not to be held hostage by these bloogers. Their material is defamatory and is preventing progress. In order for USA Cricket to move forward we need openminded individuals on every level. These 2 bloogers for too long have held us hostage. Today this post ganered more than 2900 views. By advertising standards we have blow the top off most internet cricket sites. We no longer need to read biased garbage written by unprofessional sensationalistic bloggers with their alter egos. Change has arrived." Monday at 23:33 Like

Thejas C Balaraman ^ Who does this person think he is? Obama? "Change has arrived" it seems. Monday at 23:34 Like

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy Also, Peter and Martin must stop "blooging", whatever that is. Monday at 23:37 Like

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Ha ha ha. It is the best comedy ever. The Fools at USACA, after this thread have even exceeded my expectations. This thread surely needs to be shared so that many more people can see how big fools like Dainty and the Admin of this page run USACA. I thought BCCI are arrogant but they are much better in PR, backing down if they are perceived to be wrong. USACA which is totally wrong and have not been able to point out any mistake in the article by Peter still is trying to defame people and getting thrashed all around. Poor USACA Monday at 23:40 Like 2

David Mutton 1) Nowhere, in 700+ comments, has there been any actual evidence of defamatory content. Either sue ESPN or shut up. 2) This page = 2,900 views, ESPNCricinfo = millions of views, 3) Except yourself and one other person, everyone has criticized you and USACA. People have written blogs (although I know your feelings on those) about this epic PR fail 4) Your comments about ESPNCricinfo are directly opposed to USACA's 100 day plan and its follow-up - do the rest of your board support this policy shift? 5) I, and several other people commenting on this thread, have informed the relevant authorities at the ICC about your behaviour (and despite your assertion that " ICC has no jurisdiction over anything American" it provided 85% of USACA's revenue in the last year for which we have tax records).6) By the way, I really am not Peter Della Penna. He seems a nice guy, and should be proud of his reporting but I aint no alter ego. Monday at 23:41 Like 6

Raghuvansh Ramaswamy "Today this post ganered more than 2900 views. By advertising standards we have blow the top off most internet cricket sites." And exposed yourself as probably the most buffoonish and dangerous person to handle this country's

cricket. Precisely two of the people who have seen this thread seem think you are fit to continue in your position; one of those two is you and the other is your sockpuppet. Views alone aren't a sign of anything; even a pre-schooler can tell that much. No advertiser in his sane mind would want to touch your unhinged demonstration with a barge pole. Besides, Cricinfo probably gets 2900 views a minute, maybe 2900 or more a second when a game is on. You had to be a deplorable trainwreck to get that many people jeering at you in one day. Don't flatter yourself. Monday at 23:46 Like 2

Michael Wagener Just on the excitement of 2000+ views: when I had an article mentioned on cricinfo during a rain break in an England India test match I had 9000 views in an hour.... Monday at 23:46 via mobile Like 2 Cricket I would be surprised if ICC had the legal jurisdiction to take over this Facebook page, but I expect they would take United States of America Cricket Association's comments here into consideration in any future discussions regarding funding, management etc. Monday at 23:47 Like 4

Hassan Cheema Today this post ganered more than 2900 views. By advertising standards we have blow the top off most internet cricket sites first, wtf does this even mean. Secondly (assuming what I think it means), the reason this post is getting 100s of views is the same reasons Rebecca Black has tens of millions of views on youtube. There is nothing more popular on the internet (apart from the obvious) than a person making a twunt of himself. And you, my dear USACA, are its latest star. Congrats. I have conspiracy theory that USACA/ Rozay (does it really matter) is actually Peter trying to defame the actual USACA. But that theory falls through when you see the grammar being applied in their posts. Or maybe its a double-bluff. Monday at 23:47 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman Ok everyone calm down. A phone with access to the USACA's Facebook account was left lying around. In walked Suresh Raina's nephew. Monday at 23:47 Like 15

Mohammed Iftikhar Shame on USACA and bigger Shame on ICC for letting Usaca Cricket being run by goons. GLad our leauge left there sorry ass organization:) Yesterday at 00:08 Like 1

Masaood Yunus Well, just a Classic ! Unbelievable that we live in USA and the supposedly national organization is run by folks with zero expertise in sports administration. Just proven on this post in the past couple days. What a disgrace. ... and all the fault can possibly go back to ICC. USACA keeps touting its ICC associate status and blackmail cricket and cricketers in US. Is USACA really worthy of this status. ICC should answer. Yesterday at 00:21 Like 1

Samuel Gilleran Here's the deal, USACA, not that I expect anything to come from it. I watched my first over of cricket a couple of years ago in my frat house basement on ESPN3 because I wanted some live sports as background noise while I studied for an exam. The match was a Test between India and Bangladesh, quite possibly the worst introduction to cricket an American could get. As it turned out, I loved it. I could do my reading and look up the screen every five minutes when something happened. I had no idea what a cover drive was, no idea the difference between seam and spin, no idea how the scoring worked; I was completely baffled by leg before wicket and Duckworth-Lewis was incomprehensible. One of those things has not changed. The others, however, have changed, and I know slightly more about cricket than I did in 2009-2010, despite the fact that I've never picked up a bat or ball. My increase in knowledge is mostly due to the hard work of Peter Della Penna, and none of it is due to the USACA. Like any American, I have a strong nationalistic streak, so as I became intrigued by cricket, I naturally gravitated to the American national team. What I found was bizarre, to say the least. Mired in the lower ranks of the World Cricket League with hardly any home-grown players - this is unacceptable to the average American. This is America; we expect to be the best at everything, even if we've just found out about its existence. Nonetheless, I cheered our promotions in Nepal and Italy, but then watched in befuddlement at the Havoc in Hong Kong in which we apparently thought it was a good idea to run out a 46-year-old who was supposed to be a coach, instead of developing young talent. The suspensions from the ICC (notwithstanding the fact that the ICC apparently has no jurisdiction over cricket in America, something they would be surprised to hear, I am sure) began to make sense, as did the articles

portraying the dysfunction that is USACA. In which universe should Howard Johnson (a fine upstanding gentleman, no doubt) have been playing in Hong Kong? In which universe does Sushil Nadkarni get mysteriously dropped and suddenly recalled? I digress. I am your target audience, USACA, and yet I stand agape at your organizational incompetence. Where are the tournaments? Where are the youth development clinics? The answers, of course, are in the hastily-formed ACF and USYCA. Those two organizations are the groups actually developing the game in this country, but the fingers behind the USACA Facebook account is content simply to troll them. We have cricket writers in this country. I've learned more from Peter Della Penna about this game than I have from the national association - and the USACA trolls him about a summer job selling knives and threatens to sue him for ... blogging without a press pass from the New York Police Department. This is only a tort in the same universe in which it's a good idea to play a 46-year-old instead of developing youth. We have numerous famous cricket players and writers on this thread, and they are trolled. In which universe are we right now? And somehow, the fingers behind this account seem to think that the views generated on this - from all over the world - are a good thing. Instead of promoting American cricket, the online presences display an Australian ground and a woman in a West Indies shirt in a pose that has garnered various descriptions that need not be repeated here. Friend, the comparisons to Zimbabwean cricket, Pakistani cricket and Giles Clarke are not good ones. American cricket became the laughingstock of the cricket world over the last twenty-four hours, and it was certainly not Peter Della Penna's fault, nor the fault of any of his pirates. I have zero doubt that the board really thinks they are doing right by American cricket. But, to borrow a cliche, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. USACA, you are not leading American cricket; you are failing it. Take a step back. Hire a consultant if you need to do so. But please, for the good of the game, understand that the USACA as currently constituted is an absolute shambles and embarrassment. Yesterday at 00:25 Like 51

Michael Wagener Well said. Your points will be ignored in the short term, but hopefully will be part of the overwhelming groundswell that will bring about regime change. USA cricket deserves better than this current administration. Yesterday at 00:44 via mobile Like 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal as I said earlier its like Wrong person at right place....we need change..US cricket need someone who really cares about Cricket in America at Administration.....current Administrative of USACA r just for eating ICC funding nd Ruining Cricket In America...... WE NEED CHANGE..... Yesterday at 00:46 via mobile Edited Like 4

Thejas C Balaraman Well said Samuel. Sad part is, the USACA will now ask if you're one of Peter's alter egos. Or his nephew. Or something like that. Yesterday at 00:46 Like 1

Michael Wagener Martin, as a managing editor of ESPNCricinfo what legal steps are you taking to defend one of your best writers from this prolonged harassment by Williams. While it is good sport for us, Peter really shouldn't be subjected to this sort of harassment. Are you in touch with your legal team? Yesterday at 01:08 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener Btw, where is Steffi Wessington? She's missing out on all the fun. Yesterday at 01:15 via mobile Like

Ben McCombie here's the famous disney debacle story fwiw (link c/o Yesterday at 01:47 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 250 likes on this page new achievement congratulation USACA Yesterday at 01:54 via mobile Like

Tom Moultrie And Rozay Chardonnnay is not a made up name? Bunch of clowns, these! Yesterday at 02:03 Like

Rob Cribb America: the land of opportunity, where everyone loves a comeback.. as long as you get accredited that is. Tell me Mr. Williams, would the facts of what's being reported actually change in any way if Messrs Williamson and Della Penna were officially recognised by the NYPD, or would you merely have less shit to fling? Whether you consider them journalists or not is completely irrelevant to the facts of the story, and your repeated attempts to deflect criticism rather than actually point out the supposed inaccuracies are beyond parody. I'll let you in on a little secret - the vast, vast majority of people who read this page or indeed Mr. Williamson's "blog" care little for bureaucracy, officialdom, resumes or personal vendettas; what they care about is the facts relating to cricket and cricket administration. If you continue to launch personal attacks on the reporters instead of actually addressing the reports then you'll lose any little support and credibility you're entitled to. We all care far more about what you do than what your resume says. Yesterday at 02:04 Like 5

Hemant Buch Dear God, let this thread never end. Amen. Yesterday at 02:04 Like 4

Luka Popovi well said rob cribb Yesterday at 02:08 Like

Dan McGrath Cribb on the ball, as always. Yesterday at 02:20 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Slandering USA cricket is not going to do any good,support the winds of change for the betterment of the sport. Yesterday at 02:32 via mobile Like

Thejas C Balaraman ^ "Slander" would imply that points being raised are false. Example, what the USACA says about various reputed writers. If you're going to accuse people of slander, you best back it up with facts to be taken even a little bit seriously Yesterday at 02:35 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal we need change....such empty headed organization is not good for US Cricket... Yesterday at 02:35 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal what about ur so called t20 cricket league like ipl....which is supported by New Zealand Cricket board.....ur attitude is so negative now I'm feeling sorry for NZ cricket board Yesterday at 02:40 via mobile Like

Bandon Decker I do support the winds of change, Rozay. Specifically I support a change in the governance of the USACA. Yesterday at 02:41 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay I do hope that, Mr.Williamsom okay,can't be a good feeling when your career is being questioned,and to be exposed as unethical great home work USA cricket.

Yesterday at 02:44 via mobile Like

Thejas C Balaraman ^ Tell us the truth, did you pass 3rd grade? Your sentence makes no grammatical sense Yesterday at 02:47 Like 5

Bandon Decker Could you try to express that thought again, but in English this time, Rozay? I can't make sense of it as is. Yesterday at 02:50 Like 2

Andrew Miller Morning all. Still going? Yesterday at 02:50 Like 7

Hemant Buch Can anyone tell me who Rozay Chardonnay is? Lovely name and all that, but who is he/she/it and what is the person's connection to the USACA apart from the fact that they both can't spell or form coherent sentences? Yesterday at 02:51 Like 2

Martin Williamson I am good, thanks. Still waiting for you to state what points in Peter Della Penna's article are libellous (not slanderous as you of all people ought to know) Yesterday at 02:51 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Good Morning Andrew Miller Yesterday at 02:51 via mobile Like

Thejas C Balaraman ^ At the risk of repeating myself, I think he/she is Raina's nephew. Or something. Yesterday at 02:52 Like 2

Dan McGrath Apparently. Died down quite significantly when there were no journalists left to abuse. Yesterday at 02:53 Like

Dan McGrath Did I say journalists? I mean 'bloggers'. Yesterday at 02:53 Like

Andrew Nixon Bloggers or bloogers Dan? Yesterday at 02:54 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay You "air heads" ain't worth my time, I choose sleep.

Yesterday at 02:57 via mobile Like 2

Dan McGrath Andrew, I think Mr. Williamson and Mr. Miller haven't done enough wrong to be demoted even further. Yesterday at 02:57 Like

Hemant Buch Nooooo Rozay, don't go...please! Its morning where I am and I need your wit, charm and incisive comments to help me start the day off well... Yesterday at 03:00 Like 2

Andy Afford Have you all missed me? Clearly not. Yesterday at 03:01 Like

Hemant Buch And where is the oft-mentioned Peter Della Penna? All this is in your honour...if Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships, you've managed to launch damn-near 1000 FB! Yesterday at 03:06 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Rozay Chardonnay is #OUT. Yesterday at 03:09 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Miller Hanging out with Keyser soze, I'd imagine Yesterday at 03:09 Like 3

at least u could spell ur own name... Yesterday at 03:10 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Rozay is out second time in this post lol Yesterday at 03:10 via mobile Like

Hemant Buch Andy, we need to understand in what capacity you're entering the party - blogger...sorry blooger, writer in that rag called All Out Cricket or as a former cricketer...oh, and you're not welcome in either case. Yesterday at 03:11 Like

Andrew Miller How many outs in an innings in this game anyway? Yesterday at 03:12 Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Goodnight BLOGGers. Yesterday at 03:12 via mobile Like 1

thats more like it, like ur own posts... Yesterday at 03:12 Like 1

Martin Williamson Rozay, you need to decide if you are in or out because you seem to be struggling. But delighted to see you are back liking your own posts. Yesterday at 03:13 Like 8

Hemant Buch Umpires have refused to give Rozay out. She/He needs to keep on batting Yesterday at 03:13 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman Rozay seems to be in a bit of a moral dilemma that confronts every cricketer now and again. To walk or not to walk. Yesterday at 03:16 Like 3

and Rozay profile username - "Shellyann.Gomez.9"... (just saying) Yesterday at 03:17 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Rozay for u Yesterday at 03:18 via mobile Like

Carrie Dunn This is utterly farcical. As I said upthread, as someone with higher education qualifications PLUS a visa to work as media in the US PLUS cricket cuttings from newspapers including the Times and the Guardian, I must surely be one of the journalists of whom USACA approves. I must repeat, yet again: it's not "unethical" for a reporter to report something you don't like. It's not the reporter's job to advance USACA. You seem to have mistaken them for your PR team. What the reporter does is to report what's going on. As this thread has developed, it seems clear that you don't actually take issue with any of the facts in Peter's original piece; you just don't like that it was reported, and nor do you like the anonymous source. Well, tough. Protecting anonymous sources is one of the cardinal rules of journalism. This is extremely ethical practice. As for boasting about the number of hits on your Facebook wall, well, if you'd got 2,600 people along to a game, or 2,600 likes on your Facebook page, then yes, this might be considered an achievement. To have hundreds of cricket fans and journalists around the world clicking 'refresh' avidly to see what on earth is happening now...well, that's not a good thing. Yesterday at 03:19 Like 21

Sammy Edwards This discussion thread has been covered in dreamcricket now.. Of course, USACA will ignore it as it is by a blogger... Yesterday at 03:28 Like 2

i repeat my earlier post... y does the ICC have to forever wait for USACA or another body to get their act straight... y cant they appoint a special committee which runs the cricket in US with a 5 year agenda and then when ready, pass over the administration to local qualified members...

is it too much to ask ICC this ? Yesterday at 03:40 Like 3

Ant Sims Morning folks. Coffee, tea bourbon? Yesterday at 03:43 Like 4

Sammy Edwards The ICC is filled with ostriches..They simply bury their heads in sand & hope that the problem will go away, rather than tacking them..USACA's incompetence is neither new nor unknown to the ICC. Yet still they refuse to act... Yesterday at 03:43 Like 3

Peter Miller Having watched this until 1am, I have turned my computer on and it is STILL going. The fact that Rozay and Kenwyn think that they have embarrassed or exposed anyone other than themselves is comical. The views that this feed has got is because people are laughing at you two. Everyone that has commented on here is a cricket fan that wants to see the game expand. The way that will happen is for USACA to have a positive relationship with the JOURNALISTS that cover the sport. Having someone as committed to a minority sport as Peter Della Penna who is willing to travel the world to watch the team and report on it is a massive plus for USA cricket. The fact that you think that a story that is based on truth and exposes your ineptitude is wrong says everything we need to know about you clowns. Seriously, do everyone who is trying to make cricket work in America a favour and walk away. Yesterday at 03:48 Like 6

Ankur Singh Sumaal 252 likes on Page Yesterday at 04:08 via mobile Like

Erik Petersen whos got the paracetamol Yesterday at 04:11 Like

Erik Petersen I'll tell you something though, this thread gives me hope. Turns out, we Americans can appreciate something that goes on for five days and doesn't produce a result. Yesterday at 04:13 Like 28

Martin Williamson Trust me, the remarkable statements being made on behalf of USACA have been noted Yesterday at 04:21 Like 5

hoping its not just noted but acted upon too... Yesterday at 04:25 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Gentlemen, good morning. Its clear that the brows of the cricketing world has been raised. Your continous defense of a system that has plagued USA Cricket for decades is confusingly amazing. My still and convincing point is that the bloggers Williamson and Della Penna has been a detractor to the progress of USA Cricket. Yesterday at 04:25 Like

Thejas C Balaraman "Your continous defense of a system that has plagued USA Cricket for decades is confusingly amazing". Huh? Yesterday at 04:27 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Peter Miller - what is keenly embarassing is the fact that all of you are supporting failure and not professionalism. These men (2 to be exact) have reaked havvoc on USA Cricket. The have been revealed and made obsolute. The entire system will change - now. Yesterday at 04:27 Like

Martin Williamson If I was Kenwyn I wouldn't be ordering a new batch of "USACA Executive Secretary" headed notepaper Yesterday at 04:28 Like 14

Andrew Nixon If it wasn't for Peter Della Penna, few would have any idea as to what is going on in US cricket. Your own website hasn't mentioned the match against Canada in November. Della Penna has. Your own website rarely provides us with any news. Della Penna does. Your point is far from convincing. The only think you've convinced anyone of is your own gross incompetence and unsuitablility to be involved in a national sports governing body. Yesterday at 04:28 Like 9

Thejas C Balaraman I'm confused. I thought Peter, Martin etc. were attacking the system that in you words have *plagued* USA cricket? Yesterday at 04:29 Like 1

Thejas C Balaraman Also, please learn to spell. Thanks. Yesterday at 04:29 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association I am flabbergasted by the support for a system of dysfunction in the name of press coverage. Yesterday at 04:30 Like

"obsolute" Yesterday at 04:31 Like

Tom Kingham 198 to go to my iPad Yesterday at 04:31 Like 4

Thejas C Balaraman This USACA reminds me of India's hockey federation(s). And not in a good way. At all. Yesterday at 04:32 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Martin I think by now you should know something about me. I am intimidated by no one. The action you are getting here on this blog is more than any in your entire career. Make use of it and stop being a prod. Admit that your style of coverage is so structured for personal attention. And again - do let me know what your credentials are that make you a world renowned journalists? My google search seems to only bring up blog entries. Yesterday at 04:35 Like

Sammy Edwards and the hole dug by USACA grows deeper and deeper..please continue..I would like to know the lowest depths you guys can plumb to.. Yesterday at 04:35 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Nixon you are a complete bloke. The Auty Cup was announced months ago. You just refuse to look. Your addiction to PDD is what makes you support the system of caned news. Cheers on that. Yesterday at 04:36 Like

Erik Petersen Heh. Yeah Martin, you silly Protestant. Yesterday at 04:36 Like

Ambar B Capoor ROTFLMFAO! Yesterday at 04:37 Like 1

Erik Petersen So Martin's a "prod" and Nixon's a "complete bloke". Can we have an entire Guide to the Slightly Misused Slang of the British Isles, or is it just these two? Yesterday at 04:38 Unlike 2

Michael Wagener USACA so let me get this right. You don't like a system where the press is able to act independently? You would prefer that everybody got their information from official sources? Are you more in favour of the North Korean version of this, the Iranian version or the Fijian version? Yesterday at 04:39 via mobile Like 5

Andrew Nixon I am a complete bloke? Finally, USACA says something accurate! So where on your 1997 like website is the news about the Auty cup? Yesterday at 04:39 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association You keep efering to the ICC and my board as if to assert that I will be removed or spanked. Welcome to my world. I am an American and no one gets the best of me. USA Cricket has taken a stance against the non sense blog writers and that is a firm stance. The ICC and ESPN and whomever else you think has big brother control over the lucrative market that is USA Cricket better solve my current problem. That is sacking the bloggers that detract from our agenda to develop cricket in the USA. Yesterday at 04:42 Like

Ant Sims Come on now. Let's hug it out. Yesterday at 04:43 Unlike 4

Michael Wagener I'm literally crying with laughter after that last post. Is this actually the best parody account ever? Yesterday at 04:44 via mobile Like 13

Paul Vickers now now mr williamson i am sure kenwyn knows how to work google--if not i have a manual he can have--we all know he likes things that are published rather than drifting round on the net...... Yesterday at 04:44 Like 1

Pradyumna Mukundan United States of America Cricket Association,the past 24/48 hours -> Yesterday at 04:44 Like 10

Thejas C Balaraman "lucrative market that is USA Cricket" . Total TIL moment. I thought India was the lucrative market for cricket. Yesterday at 04:44 Like 1

Andrew Nixon No one gets the best of you? Mate, EVERYONE on this thread has got the best of you. Yesterday at 04:45 Like 8

Daniel Batt Hell, there are people who don't even know this thread exists who have got the best of you.

Yesterday at 04:49 Like 4

Tom Kingham Kenwyn, do you have a new broadway musical out soon called 'Sack the Bloggers/Bloogers'? You keep pushing that slogan out.... Yesterday at 04:51 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal on serious note, 254 likes on Page Yesterday at 04:53 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener Kenwyn - can you tell me how it will help the growth of cricket in America to not have anyone independently reporting on the sport? Yesterday at 04:53 via mobile Like 3

Daniel Batt I can only assume the likes are people who are sick of searching for the USACA to reaccess the page. Yesterday at 04:55 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Here Drew - mark your calendar. 2013 in the WI. Yesterday at 04:55 Like

Tom Kingham Nice big font on that invite Yesterday at 04:56 Like

Jon Taylor Cool, a pdf. I love web pages that I have to download before I can read them. Yesterday at 04:57 Like 2

Andrew Nixon Except Kenwyn, that clearly isn't from your site, it's from here: Yesterday at 04:58 Like 3

Andrew Nixon And it's in November 2012, not 2013 in the West Indies. You're beyond parody. Yesterday at 04:58 Like 6

Andrew Nixon USACA rips news off from another website - news that even has a dig at the USACA website - and can't even report that accurately. Brilliant. Yesterday at 04:59 Like 7

United States of America Cricket Association you have never called me. I return all calls. I get thousands. Yesterday at 05:02 Like

copy + paste + convert pdf + Upload : 1 minute 11 seconds Source: (dated oct 12th) Yesterday at 05:03 Like

Michael Wagener You return thousands of calls? Per day, week or year? Yesterday at 05:04 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal USACA, I love the way you lie Yesterday at 05:04 via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association Andrew stop being a twitt - Move on - you asked for information you got it now you complain. The Auty Cup will be in the West Indies in 2013. Wait for PDD to tell you that next year or claendar it. It happens the same time every year! Yesterday at 05:04 Like

Ant Sims Okay guys, have fun. I'm off to watch some ACTUAL REAL CRICKET in the clt20. Just like an actual test cricketer.

Yesterday at 05:05 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association And this is USA Cricket's website with the money you blokes just helped me raise I will use it to further develop the site. Yesterday at 05:06 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Yesterday at 05:06 Like

y in west indies? i heard only pakistan & afghanistan have problems to host tours ? Yesterday at 05:07 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Ok sports fans - heading on a plane back to the New York City...see you all on the Sunny side. Hopefully my co-admins will keep your fires burning. Yesterday at 05:08 Like

Michael Wagener How much did we help to raise? I have 7000 likes on my facebook page and it doesn't make me much money. How are you expecting to make money out of 250 likes. Yesterday at 05:08 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Further development of what....? of ur financial status or what..? I don't thing you will goin to do development in US cricket Yesterday at 05:08 via mobile Edited Like

Andrew Nixon I asked for news on your own site, not something you ripped off from another site. By the way, you might want to tell Cricket Canada that it's in the West Indies in 2013. They're reporting that it's in Florida in November 2012. Yesterday at 05:09 Unlike 3

Andrew Nixon I forgot about that site. The one that shows the future of cricket in the USA is the Sydney Cricket Ground. Yesterday at 05:10 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Laura we are a board of many people. Calling me you have never done. If you need to contact someone at USA Cricket then send an email to I get thousands of calls and cannot possibly speak to all of you so email is best or this page. Stop being bitter. Yesterday at 05:12 Like

Milan Lamsal So unusual to see official person fighting on official page. Let people talk if they talk right way or block them if they abuse. Please behave officially, don't make it comedy show. Yesterday at 05:12 via mobile Like

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha He's right you know, he has no reason to fear action from the ICC. Some of us remember the deplorable donations of millions to Bvute and Chingoka, that made their way back to Muagbe's coffers, while their national cricketers had to arrange for their own transport to matches, those that could afford it anyway. Thats part of his bluster, that and the fact that the US mainstream media considers him fry that is too small to be of any notice. What is heartening though is seeing the outrage from Americans on this thread. This deluded halfwit wants "proper journalists" with clearance from the NYPC to expose him and the cricket organization he (mis)represents, I'm sure that can be arranged, there are plenty who have posted here who have the network to leverage such a connection. A mention of this bumptious exchange on facebook followed by scrutiny of what the organization has achieved by the mainstream media, should suffice change. Organizations that accept international funding under the pretext of developing a sport on behalf of national interests are accountable, if not to the bungling body that donates the funding, to the American public. He's happy with what these 3000 odd views have garnered him, lets make him infamous and get him on reddit, let the world see how he swindles and trolls all the while taking the cover of being a red-blooded American and all the ideals that stands for. Enough is enough, its time to take out the trash. Yesterday at 05:13 Like 3

Michael Wagener Again thousands of calls. Yesterday at 05:14 via mobile Like

@Nixon: when USACA directors can allocate funds to develop (squatting) womens cricket of West Indies... I dont see y the future development of cricket cant be at SCG... Yesterday at 05:14 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Michael Wagener you are apparently blind to the financial revenues assoiated with social media. Likes mean nothing. Then again that is most of you so called cricket bloggers...self interest rather than self development and growth. Yesterday at 05:14 Like

Michael Selig Why does the USA cricket website have a picture of the SCG? Has Sydney moved? Yesterday at 05:16 Like 1

Sammy Edwards well, well, well..yet another mention of a blogger..If only I earned a penny for every time that that word or its variation is mentioned.. Yesterday at 05:17 Like

Akil Kapasi Is this thread still going? Some people need to get a hobby...or a new job in the case of one. Ahem... Yesterday at 05:17 Edited Like

Michael Wagener Thousands implies more than 2000. Let's assume 1.5 minutes per call. That's 3000 minutes. Or 50 hours. I find it difficult to believe that you spend 50 hours per month on the phone. Yesterday at 05:18 via mobile Like 4

Martin Williamson Laura Marie Marley - if you send me your details I will make sure they get to someone who will be able to help Yesterday at 05:21 Like 3

Hemant Buch 142 more for that IPad. Hope its the 'new'Ipad. And 64GB 3G Yesterday at 05:22 Like 1

Sammy Edwards Welcome back, Iain...You were missed.. Yesterday at 05:23 Like

@Iain O'Brein: they need ur contacts (psychiatrist) more than coaching offers... Yesterday at 05:24 Like 2

Michael Wagener Ok so apparently I know nothing about social media. Could you inform me. I'm keen on learning. Where does this revenue come from? Yesterday at 05:26 via mobile Like

Daniel Batt The magical land of social media fairies? Yesterday at 05:28 Like 2

Nitin Sundar This thread is seriously compromising my office productivity. I plan to sue the Association for Knife Salesmen. My employed plans to, in any case. Yesterday at 05:29 Like 2

Michael Wagener Btw Iain. If the USACA never gets back to you, and you end up in Auckland at some time during the school term, I know of a couple of teams that would love you to run a workshop on pace bowling. Yesterday at 05:30 via mobile Like

Hemant Buch Iain, have the NYPD vetted you yet though? That's the big question... Yesterday at 05:30 Like 1

Hassan Cheema "we are a board of many people. Calling me you have never done." I particularly like the fact that the supposed representative of an association that deals exclusively in English talks like a retarded Yoda. Yesterday at 05:32 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Michael you keep missing the point. Its not independent reporting that concerns me here. Its the type and style. Peter and Martin have nothing good to say about USA Cricket. He travels with the team and sends back bad reports - even when they win its bad. I don't need that. The man is completely obsessed with USA Cricket. Who does that? I don't care who supports their non sense. It stops now. Let then go and get press credentials if they are journalists then. I will happily sit down with either and give a full interview. I am working on many projects and don't have the time to write or publicize them because there is no press. Yesterday at 05:33 Like

United States of America Cricket Association You can get a company to set up click ads on your page. Yesterday at 05:35 Like

Thejas C Balaraman 2000 views = 2 mille. Even assuming an (extremely) absurd CPM of $10, your revenue is bound to be about 20$. What exactly are you trying to pull? Yesterday at 05:37 Like 1

Sammy Edwards " Peter and Martin have nothing good to say about USA Cricket. He travels with the team and sends back bad reports - even when they win its bad. I don't need that. The man is completely obsessed with USA Cricket." And that's a bad thing? Precisely how? Yesterday at 05:38 Edited Like 3

Nitin Sundar Since we are all his alter-egos, can someone please enlighten me - what's the plural of Peter de la Penna? Peter de la Pennas? Or Peters de la Penna? Yesterday at 05:38 Unlike 2

Hemant Buch What's wrong with 20 dollars? Yesterday at 05:38 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Martin you seem to know what the official webpage of USA Cricket is? What is it called? Again - no facts just blogger chat. Yesterday at 05:39 Like

Sammy Edwards Nitin, it might be Peter de la Pennae.. Yesterday at 05:40 Like 3

Rory Gribbell Thank goodness the US cricket public has the USYCA - at least someone in that country is interested in spreading the game and the spirit of cricket... Yesterday at 05:41 via mobile Like 6

United States of America Cricket Association is not owned by the association. The executive secretary as you well educated gurus of cricket know is responsible for the website as well as all information that comes from the organization. Yesterday at 05:41 Edited Like

Hemant Buch @ Nitin - I would have thought that was obvious to a man of your vast blooging experience - its Re-Peter de la Penna Yesterday at 05:41 Like 3

Michael Selig Assuming Della Penna comes from latin, surely Della Pennae is the correct plural? Yesterday at 05:41 Like 2

Andrew Nixon Don't people actually have to click on those ads for you to make money? All people are doing is click "refresh" to see the latest lunacy. Yesterday at 05:41 Like 4

Marco Cosentino Nitin Sundar, since Della Penna is correct italian for 'The pen's', the plural would be 'Delle Penne'. Yesterday at 05:43 Like 3

Thejas C Balaraman The funny/tragic part of all this (depending on whether or not you really care about American cricket), is that when the ICC eventually reduces funding to the USACA based on this crap, this fellow will slyly blame Peter Della Penna again. Yesterday at 05:43 Like 1

Rory Gribbell USACA is "minitrue" Yesterday at 05:44 via mobile Like

Thejas C Balaraman To add on to the ads thing, I don't see any ads on the page. Sorry USACA. Yesterday at 05:46 Edited Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Sammy Edwards its an unhealthy obsession. An unethical obsession. He sets up polls takes positions against the organization. Not a good fit for a journalist. I think independence is key here. He's biased. He's paid by an organization that is against USA Cricket. So call me British - but that is wrong on many levels. Yesterday at 05:47 Like

Anjo Antony Chettupuzha "The executive secretary as you well educated gurus of cricket know is responsible for the website as well as all information that comes from the organization." which is why the "executive secretary" threw a tantrum because he was not part of the "drafting or distribution" of the recent press release.. like the tantrum he's been throwing here. Churlish, childish and ignored, even within his dysfunctional association. Yesterday at 05:49 Like 1

Andrew Nixon So you now admit he's a journalist? What happened to him being just a blogger? And do journalists have to always agree with every organisation, or just USACA? Yesterday at 05:49 Like 3

instead of creating this fiasco & attracting a crowd & earn $20... if u develop the basic structure for the game, ESPN can sponsor in millions... Yesterday at 05:49 Like

Thejas C Balaraman ESPN is against USA Cricket? . Or the American Association of Knives Salesmen? Yesterday at 05:49 Edited Like 2

Rory Gribbell your obsession with bias shows your intellectual deficiencies... Can you not understand that everyone has apriori bias. A journalists job is to try and decifer the facts and to piece them together as to highlight the truth the best he can. You are simply upset that this fine piece of journalism paints you as the egotistical cry-baby that you really are. I look forward to the day when you no longer hold your post. Yesterday at 05:51 via mobile Like 4

Sammy Edwards So as long as he doesn't sing paeans of USACA's praises, he is unethical? Yesterday at 05:57 Like 1

Andrew Miller Right people, dilemma. the magazine goes to press today ... on real paper, with ink (and colour, though that is a bit vulgar, I grant you...) Can we reach 1000 posts before I have to sign off the page? I refuse to sex up the document, because ethics is important to me Yesterday at 06:02 Like 8

Thejas C Balaraman If people with a bias against the BCCI were erm... "taken care of" to use a phrase you used earlier... people like Tony Greig and Malcolm Conn would be at the bottom of the ocean tied to cinder-blocks. Yesterday at 06:04 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman Hey Andrew, 1000 posts and all is fine. I'm just interested in that iPad. Yesterday at 06:04 Like 1

Philip Brown Here's one further post - does this help Andrew? Yesterday at 06:05 Like 1

@Miller: "because ethics is important to me" -- by that u mean in Kenwyn's ideology, not to write anything negative of USACA Yesterday at 06:05 Like

Sammy Edwards only a 100 more to go.. Yesterday at 06:05 Like

Andrew Nixon Andrew - I wonder if the version of the magazine I subscribe to on my iPad is as valid as the print edition? Looking forward to reading the article by the way... Yesterday at 06:05 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal 900+ comment Yesterday at 06:06 via mobile Like

Into the Nervous 90(0)s !!! Yesterday at 06:06 Like 2

Andrew Nixon USACA have brought together people from Cricinfo, CricketEurope, The Cricketer magazine and several blogs. They could win the next Nobel Peace Prize. Yesterday at 06:07 Like 10

Sammy Edwards That would beat this year's Nobel Prize... Yesterday at 06:08 Like

Hemant Buch Andrew, what sort of IPad are you offering to the person that makes the 1000th post? That's paramount. Most people are bloogers here and don't read real paper and ink stuff anyway. They aren't allowed to by the NYPD. Yesterday at 06:09 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal but they failed in combining US Cricket Clubs Yesterday at 06:09 via mobile Like

Rory Gribbell Andrew Nixon you are being facetious - of course it is not the same, just because it is the same text, doenst mean the argument is equally valid! Yesterday at 06:10 Like

Erik Petersen Right then, as Andrew Miller hits "publish" on his printed-on-paper blog today, I say we bump up the run rate on the postings here. Meanwhile, I'm running out of rules for my super-fun drinking game. Ideas welcome. Yesterday at 06:11 Like

Erik Petersen Although here's another drinking game rule. Every time USACA refers to something could be a mucky film on 3am television - ie, Unhealthy Obsession - drink. Yesterday at 06:12 Like 1

@Iain O'Brien: I notice u moved from mobile to computer... USACA feels empowered !!! Yesterday at 06:13 Like

Philip Brown Just a quick couple of questions for the United States of America Cricket Association. I'm a cricket photographer but did not obtain a degree or even a diploma before starting to do this. The questions - 1. Am I really a photographer or merely just a snapper? 2. Would I be eligible to obtain accreditation to be able to capture cricket images in the US? (I can supply a list of publications that I have had my images published in if that assists) Yesterday at 06:13 Like 8

Ian Ashworth I'm off to bed. Would someone be good enough to do a summary of comments in about six hours? Accredited journalists only though, naturally. Yesterday at 06:14 via mobile Like 1

Sammy Edwards Philip, if you are not accredited by the New York Photographers Association , you photo is just a piece of coloured paper for the USACA.. Yesterday at 06:16 Like

John Duffield Stick to baseball! Yesterday at 06:18 Like

Erik Petersen Every time the USACA reveals that everything happening here is actually part of a cunning master plan - drink double. Yesterday at 06:19 Like

Hemant Buch @Philip - what about the NYPD? Reuters and publications aren't good enough if you aren't qualified. And you will be sued if you capture cricket images in the US. Along with Peter Della Penna and Martin Williamson among others. Yesterday at 06:19 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal John, Cricket is world best game.....its pity USACA is ruining cricket in US.... Yesterday at 06:25 via mobile Edited Like

y do i have this imagination that just like at USACA elections... everyone gets disqualified just before the 1000th post & Rozay(Kenwyn) walks away with his own prize... Yesterday at 06:23 Like 2

Eliya Abbas Syed Wow, is this still going on? lol Yesterday at 06:24 Like

Sammy Edwards Thats true, Yesterday at 06:27 Like 2 . This thread might get deleted at the 999th comment..

Ankur Singh Sumaal Eliya, yes n Target is to get 1000 comments Yesterday at 06:27 via mobile Like

Ben McCombie welcome to hotel usaca - you can check out, but you can never leave Yesterday at 06:28 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Philip Brown unfortunately after a review of your self portrait - you are just a snapper. The bad lighting, wrong apature etc qualifies you as such and of course your choice in hardware is even more of an indicator. Yesterday at 06:29 Like 3

Michael Wagener I'm actually slightly let down. I thought that this page was operated by USACA, which made the while organisation inept. Instead it looks like it's a fabrication of one person who is slightly deluded and acting on behalf of the organisation. Yesterday at 06:29 via mobile Like

Tony Munro Has anyone seen Rozay and USACA in the same room? Yesterday at 06:29 Like 3

Peter Miller "Peter Miller - what is keenly embarassing is the fact that all of you are supporting failure and not professionalism. These men (2 to be exact) have reaked havvoc on USA Cricket. The have been revealed and made obsolute. The entire system will change - now." Kenwyn, I am not supporting failure and the only peope who has been unprofessional in all of this is you and Rozay in the fact that rather than refute the allegations made against you and your organisation you have repeatedly made personal attacks against Peter(s) and Martin. You are the dictionary definition of unprofessional and a complete embarrassment. I began following this and laughing, now I am just sad for those who care about our great sport in America. Yesterday at 06:34 Edited Like 4

Andrew Miller Philip Brown: BOOOM! Yesterday at 06:31 Like 6

Ieuan Fenton We're trying to get to 1000 posts? Just doing my bit. Yesterday at 06:31 Like

Indra Last Man Standing 'America has standards'. Yes. 'American cricket association?' Bollocks! Yesterday at 06:31 via mobile Like

Erik Petersen Dang, we're getting into aperture now? Shit just got personal. Yesterday at 06:33 Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim I feel a bit bad now, after reading all these posts from whoever is operating this USACA Facebook account, since I don't actually feel it's right to mock the mentally afflicted. And, going by the posts, this person would seem to have long ago crossed the line into some form of dementia or delusion disorder. Yesterday at 06:34 Like 1

Erik Petersen I'm just saying, if anybody mentions how many words per minute of shorthand I have, we're taking this outside. Yesterday at 06:34 Like 2

Bijesh Sam are you giving away 42 ipads? Yesterday at 06:35 via mobile Like

Sabah Ibrahim What's an apature? Granted, I'm only an amateur photographer, but I've never heard of that before. Yesterday at 06:37 Like

Erik Petersen It's something photographers receive along with their NYPD license. Yesterday at 06:38 Like 4

Hassan Cheema Yesterday at 06:38 Like 3

Michael Wagener "On that day, satire died" Yesterday at 06:40 via mobile Like

Sammy Edwards "USACA's drive to bring itself social media attention was successful in October 2012, when their Facebook page became a hotbed of activity. The supposed owner of that page attacked several journalists (note: not bloggers) and fans over the course of 48-hours in pidgin English. Many have felt that on that page, on that day, satire died."" Maybe someone can post a snapshot of this page too?? Yesterday at 06:40 Like 3

Ieuan Fenton I am staggered that I've gone to bed, woken up and discovered that USACA still feel that it is in their best interests not to have deleted this entire comments section where they managed to start off at downright crazy, and somehow go downhill from there. Yesterday at 06:40 Like 1

Hemant Buch Erik, dude you obviously don't know the first thing about photography and are in the same boat as that sleazy snapper Philip Brown. Aperture? What's that? Yesterday at 06:42 Edited Like 1

Hemant Buch The correct term is apature as USACA so succinctly points out Yesterday at 06:41 Like

Sabah Ibrahim Erik: I want to believe you, but unless you show me proof of your degree...I just can't. My heart says yes, but my mind cannot bring itself to accept it. Yesterday at 06:42 Like 1

Erik Petersen Apa-ture could be a photography-themed rapper. Yesterday at 06:43 Like 1

Philip Brown Addressed to the United States of America Cricket Association again. That picture of me next to my two questions (and reproduced just to the left of this) is actually just an avatar and is not indicative of the photographs (or snaps) that I produce. By the way I did not state that it was a self portrait? Oh, and by the way what is an apature? Is it like a spatula? Yesterday at 06:43 Like 2

Michael Wagener I was staggered that it made it to 100 comments, but after that it wasn't much of a surprise that it's still here. Yesterday at 06:44 via mobile Like

Sabah Ibrahim Whereas Oppa-ture is a Korean photography-themed rapper. Yesterday at 06:45 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Thank you Peter - for the wikki page update. More ethical behvior on your part.

Yesterday at 06:45 Like

Erik Petersen Sabah Ibrahim, if that is your real name, I shall have my mother fax over a note stating that I am a real journalist and allowed to play with the big boys in all due haste. Yesterday at 06:46 Like

Ieuan Fenton Also, what's all this about an ipad? Yesterday at 06:46 Like

Hemant Buch 950...boom! Yesterday at 06:46 Like 1

Hassan Cheema so, we have more posts now than the highest score in Test history. at least Rajesh Chauhan realized he was being taken to the cleaners and yes, satire is dead. Yesterday at 06:46 Like 7

Sabah Ibrahim To the United States of America Cricket Association, re: "ethical" Yesterday at 06:47 Like

Erik Petersen STILL MORE DRINKING GAME. Every time the USACA posts something that implies Peter Della Penna is behind roughly four fifths of everything happening here, drink. Yesterday at 06:48 Like 1

Michael Wagener You really think that Peter did this? Are you serious? Yesterday at 06:48 via mobile Like 1

Ieuan Fenton Still more drinking game? Has your liver not rejected you yet? Yesterday at 06:48 Like

Erik Petersen More posts than the highest ever Test score. Man, it's like this thread is being administered by a Sri Lankan groundsman. Yesterday at 06:49 Like 10

Andrew Nixon For the USACA, life must be like that Simpsons episode where Homer wakes up and sees Moe everywhere. Except they see Peter everywhere. Yesterday at 06:49 Like 1

Hemant Buch Does Peter Della Penna really exist or is he just a figment of someone's imagination? Yesterday at 06:49 Like

Andrew Nixon I thought you were Peter Della Penna Hemant? Yesterday at 06:50 Like 1

Sam Marcolin 'the executive secretary as you well educated cricket gurus of cricket know is responsible for the website as well as all information that comes from the organisation' Kenwyn for god's sake, I know about that because of Mr Della Penna, who I also happen to be apparently. Realise that Della Penna only has negative things to say because there is nothing positive to say Yesterday at 06:50 Like 1

Sammy Edwards apparently except for USACA, the whole world is populated by Peters. It seems as though he is the Agent Smith of this world, with the ability to copy himself onto others. Yesterday at 06:50 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade without the NYPD's approval. (To be filed under #USACAFacts) Yesterday at 06:50 Like 5

Ieuan Fenton No, silly, I'm Peter Della Penna. Everyone else is just an unethical imposter.

Yesterday at 06:51 Like 1

Erik Petersen Ieuan: My liver? Me and that little bastard aren't on speaking terms anyway. Yesterday at 06:51 Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim Erik, I would send across a scan of my birth certificate as proof, but I cannot, as I was created in a lab by a crazed Peter Della Penna fan who obtained a sample of his DNA and rudimentary cloning technology. I am passing as an Indian woman, but it's costing me a bloody fortune in makeup and hair extensions, so maybe it's for the best that the charade has finally ended. Yesterday at 06:51 Like 3

Andrew Nixon Erik - is your liver Peter Della Penna? Yesterday at 06:52 Like 3

Harvey Pendrinker I predict when this thread reaches 1000 posts that we'll all wake up and realise that it was all just a silly dream. By the way I wanna be post 1000! Yesterday at 06:52 Like

Hemant Buch Just coz u want that IPad, Harvey... Yesterday at 06:53 Like

Erik Petersen The Boys From Brazil twist this thing is taking: inspired. Della Pennas From Brazil? Yesterday at 06:54 Like

Erik Petersen Also, maybe I've just been reading this thread too long, but "Is your liver Peter Della Penna?" is now going around my head like a really obscure terrace chant. Yesterday at 06:55 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Della Penna is paid by individuals that are adverse to USA Cricket. What else has he to write about? Seriously is that so difficult to grasp? Thanks to you all he has been exposed as a fraud with an agenda to baddger USA Cricket. I wait his next blog. He has plenty material here. Feel free to copy paste copy paste..afterall plagerism is not a trait of bloggers..they can get away with that. Yesterday at 06:55 Like

Andrew Nixon Woke up this morning, what did I see - a million Peters Della Pennas staring back at me. Yesterday at 06:55 Like 9

Hassan Cheema The wikipedia update wasn't done by the real Peter della Penna. But the question is who is the real Peter della Penna? Does it really exist? Are we all created in Peter's image? When do we build a golden calf for him? King Kong ain't got shit on Peter. Yesterday at 06:55 Like 2

Michael Wagener I'm off to bed. It looks like I'm not going to get the ipad Yesterday at 06:56 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Miller Never mind Peter Della Penna, I'm Kenwyn Williams, and I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids Yesterday at 06:56 Like 16

Tony Munro Spartacus is Peter Della Penna Yesterday at 06:56 Like 2

Ieuan Fenton USACA told Greece joining the Euro would be a good idea #USACAfacts. Yesterday at 06:57 Like 3

Erik Petersen Zoiks! Yesterday at 06:57 Like

Andrew Nixon Jeez, Kenywyn still thinks he's the one doing the exposing. Yesterday at 06:59 Like

Dan McGrath Yeah, Andrew Miller, us meddlin' kids can see right through your facade. We know you're secretly jealous of Martin, so want to discredit him as a blogger. It's all a conspiracy. Yesterday at 06:59 Like

Pradyumna Mukundan uch.gif Yesterday at 06:59 Like 1

Hassan Cheema we've been told that atheists are worse than idiots, and someone tried to drum up a Lara/Sachin debate, yet USACA is still obsessed about Peter. So much hate. #sexualTension Yesterday at 07:00 Like 2

Harvey Pendrinker Excuse me, am I in the right place for an argument? Yesterday at 07:00 Like 4

Bijesh Sam can we get someone from the bcci to comment on this thread? Yesterday at 07:01 via mobile Like 1

Ieuan Fenton You aren't I'm afraid Harvey, this is a rational and *giggle* well expressed debate. Yesterday at 07:01 Like

Harvey Pendrinker This is really just like waiting for a batsman to score a century .... 992? Yesterday at 07:01 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal count down begins Yesterday at 07:01 via mobile Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim I don't know, but apparently they'll be handing out iPads in a minute, so stick around! There will also likely be more demented rambling, courtesy USACA. Yesterday at 07:02 Like

Erik Petersen Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue. Yesterday at 07:02 Like 3

Andrew Nixon Nearly at 1000 - I'm waiting for the big reveal that the man behind this page is actually Peter Della Penna - he's played us all! Yesterday at 07:02 Like 7

Daniel Brigham All good facebook threads always contain a link to something completely unrelated to the discussion. This thread is lacking that. So here's a picture of a happy dog Yesterday at 07:03 Edited Like 6

Ieuan Fenton I want an ipad! Yesterday at 07:03 Like 1

Philip Brown I'm having a go ..... NOW Yesterday at 07:03 Like 1

Bijesh Sam what if the usaca posts the 1000 comment? Yesterday at 07:03 via mobile Like

Dan McGrath Rolling for 1000 EDIT: Damn, 1001. EDIT 2: Perhaps if I delete one of my earlier comments...

Yesterday at 07:04 Edited Like 7

Ankur Singh Sumaal need a boundary Yesterday at 07:03 via mobile Like 1

Michael Wagener Yup, ESPN exists to make USACA look bad. It's its whole purpose. Yesterday at 07:03 via mobile Like 1

Sammy Edwards mine!! (in the manner of a hungry seagull from Finding Nemo) Yesterday at 07:04 Edited Like

Andrew Nixon Bijesh - you got comment 1000! Unfortunately, you don't get your iPad as you're actually Peter Della Penna and don't have authorisation from the NYPD to use one. Yesterday at 07:04 Like 10

Philip Brown Bollocks, I was 999! Yesterday at 07:04 Like

Erik Petersen Andrew: The man behind everything is Peter Della Penna. He is everywhere. He sees you right now. Yesterday at 07:04 Like 2

Ieuan Fenton By my reckoning, Bijesh Sam got the 1,000th post. Ipad him up! Yesterday at 07:04 Like 2

Hassan Cheema an illustration of what I feel like right now Yesterday at 07:04 Like 1

Devanshu Mehta By now, most Cricinfo Facebook threads would have devolved in to India vs. Pakistan arguments. You are a credit to Internet comments. I think it's because you're all just alter-egos. Yesterday at 07:05 via mobile Like 8

Bijesh Sam i got a text from the usaca! Yesterday at 07:05 via mobile Like 7

Steve Bates At what point has Peter Della Penna been exposed as a fraud? Out of him and the USACA, only he appears to have any interest in the wellbeing of cricket in the US. Please, step away before you lose any remaining credibility. If you ever had any. Yesterday at 07:05 Like 1

Harvey Pendrinker Come on guys .... we can get this to 10,000 ! Believe Yesterday at 07:06 Like

Sammy Edwards Its no fun if USACA or Rozay doesn't comment..Come on, guys, we need you.. Yesterday at 07:07 Edited Like 1

Bijesh Sam they have asked me to prove that i'm not Peter della penna Yesterday at 07:07 via mobile Like 19

Peter Miller Really pleased that Bijesh Sam is getting an I-Pad, perhaps he could have a photo taken with it by Philip Brown, as long as Philip has his accreditation sorted out first obviously. Yesterday at 07:08 Like 3

Sammy Edwards as long as you dont have a NYPD authorization, you should be fine Bijesh.. Yesterday at 07:08 Edited Like 1

Michael Wagener Bijesh, that will be difficult. Everyone is Peter Della Penna. Yesterday at 07:08 via mobile Like 3

Bijesh Sam and i'll have to produce my nypd accreditation to enter the usaca building to collect my ipad Yesterday at 07:09 via mobile Like

Peter Miller We are back here again - I'm Peter Della Penna and so is my wife.... Yesterday at 07:09 Like 3

Erik Petersen Slight problem guys. The ICC just emailed and apparently it's illegal for a cricket thread to go on for this long without somebody mentioning Sachin. Yesterday at 07:10 Like 7

Sabah Ibrahim Peter Della Penna...he lives...IN YOU/voice of Rafiki from the Lion King Yesterday at 07:10 Like

Bijesh Sam I'm expecting a call from Rozay! Yesterday at 07:10 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Peter Della Penna is more famous than Sachin....I'm Peter Yesterday at 07:11 via mobile Like 1

Sabah Ibrahim Daniel Brigham's happy dog is also Peter Della Penna. Yesterday at 07:11 Like 1

Eliya Abbas Syed Harvey Pendrinker: Come on guys .... we can get this to 10,000 ! Believe --------------------------------------------Are you a Sachin Tendulkar fan by any chance?? Yesterday at 07:12 Like 3

Michael Wagener Erik, someone mentioned Sachin at about post 400. You don't need to worry. Yesterday at 07:12 via mobile Like 4

Erik Petersen Well, that is a relief. Carry on then. Yesterday at 07:13 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal even someone mentioned Lara in this. post..but Don Bradman is still missing...? Yesterday at 07:14 via mobile Like 1

Tim Peet Lets get Don Bradman to retweet this? Yesterday at 07:16 Like 2

Sabah Ibrahim Well, if we're mentioning Bradman, I demand recognition of Harold Larwood. Yesterday at 07:16 Like 1

Daniel Brigham Sabah. He was a happy dog, but he was caught by the NYDP without his doggy birth certificate and was downgraded to 'hound' status. He couldn't live with the shame and, I'm sad to report, overdosed on Pedigree Chum. Yesterday at 07:19 Like 1

Michael Wagener The sad thing is that the owner of this page probably doesn't know who Bradman or Larwood are. He might recognise Jack Finngleton however, as he was a qualified journalist. Yesterday at 07:19 via mobile Like 4

Rory Gribbell I am peter della penna's wife Yesterday at 07:21 Like 4

Ant Sims WARDLAW! Yesterday at 07:22 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 255 likes on page Yesterday at 07:23 via mobile Like

Tim Peet Only Dwayne Leverock can settle this debate Yesterday at 07:25 Like 3

Andrew Nixon This is now the Timeless Test of facebook threads. Yesterday at 07:25 Like 7

Laura Krause It looks like Rozay is on the same flight to New York as Kenwyn... Yesterday at 07:28 Like 5

Hassan Cheema USACA's posts on this thread reminds me a bit of this. Yesterday at 07:34 Like 3

Michael Wagener What's the bet that the blog that he doesn't write is also not updated while they are in the air. Yesterday at 07:35 via mobile Like

Thejas C Balaraman At the end of the day, cricket is the real winner. (This thread would be incomplete without a Shastri) Yesterday at 07:46 Like 3

Andrew Miller The next target : Yesterday at 07:49 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman Do I get a Macbook? if we get there? Yesterday at 07:50 Like 1

Vithushan Ehantharajah LOUD NOISES Yesterday at 07:52 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal #1107 awesome Yesterday at 07:52 via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association Laura shouldn't you be loading the bats in the minivan to drop off? Yesterday at 07:53 Like

Andrew Nixon Laura comments and sure as day turns to night Kenwyn responds with more misogyny. This is quite pathetic. Yesterday at 07:54 Like 3

Sammy Edwards Heeeeeeis Baaaaaaaack, folks!!!*claps* Yesterday at 07:55 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal 257 likes Yesterday at 07:56 via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association Yes Andrew: I have a god damm good reason for keeping Laura in check. Yesterday at 07:56 Like

Sabah Ibrahim You have to love Kenwyn's thought process. Being made to look like a raving delusional lunatic by dozens of journalists, writers and fans, his first instinct is to insult a specific woman to make himself feel like he has some power still. Yesterday at 07:57 Unlike 4

Thejas C Balaraman I think its time we got Julia Gillard here to say some stern things about this USACA character. Yesterday at 07:57 Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Now that I have your attention. What are some changes you would like to see in USA Cricket? More qualified coaches, more women's cricket? More youth cricket? Yesterday at 07:58 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal anyone plz tag US President in this post....... Yesterday at 07:58 via mobile Like

Andrew Nixon Whilst you've been away Kenwyn, have you told Cricket Canada that they're wrong about the date of the Auty Cup? They still think its in Florida in November 2012. Yesterday at 07:58 Like

Thejas C Balaraman I think more of everything and less of you would be fine, person hiding behind the USACA account. Yesterday at 07:59 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association USACA isn't interested in that right now. Our broad concern is to close the deal that is CHA LLC. Grass roots cricket will have to wait. Yesterday at 07:59 Like

Andrew Nixon USACA: "Our broad concern is to close the deal that is CHA LLC. Grass roots cricket will have to wait." And therein lies the problem. Yesterday at 08:00 Like 5

Sabah Ibrahim HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, nice try. You're still crazy, but you've now also proved you're a raging asshole, so of course now is the best time to pretend to start a serious discussion, which I will bet money will snap right back into crazyperson nutbag rantingland the next time you post. Yesterday at 08:00 Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman If you don't have the grass roots cricket what the hell do you need money for :| Yesterday at 08:01 Like 5

David Mutton A new board for USACA that is elected in free and fair elections - only structural change will allow the growth in the sport that you claim to want. And, of course, a different approach to journalism. Yesterday at 08:01 Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association ANDREW you Nix!!! IN 2013 its going to be in the West Indies..Seriously man come on! In Chi Town for a couple of hours. Yesterday at 08:01 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Why is that an out bats to school kids is an admirable jesture and I applaud it. Yesterday at 08:02 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal theJas, money for Corruption nd for filling Daintly pockets Yesterday at 08:04 via mobile Edited Like

Thejas C Balaraman Jesture? Yesterday at 08:03 Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association .."a different approach to journalism"? explain that Peter. Yesterday at 08:04 Like

United States of America Cricket Association Oh in case you deft folks don't know David Mutton is one of Peter's alter egos. Yesterday at 08:05 Like

Thejas C Balaraman We are all Peters. Or Della Pennas. Or Della Pennae. Yesterday at 08:06 Unlike 6

Jon Taylor I have a friend called Stephen Mutton. I've met him in real life and everything. He appears to be a facebook friend of David Mutton's. That's some smooth talking and hard work Peter Della Penna has put into his alter ego. Yesterday at 08:08 Like 6

Peter Miller What is needed for USA cricket to disassociate itself from this delusional paranoid? This is one of the most bizarre episodes in cricket history. Really, really sad that this is the person who is "marketing" the sport. You could not make this stuff up. There are lots of posts I have missed, so has Kenwyn or Rozay given any idea what part of Della Penna's article is not true? Yesterday at 08:10 Like 7

Bijesh Sam @usaca where is my ipad? Yesterday at 08:12 via mobile Like 14

Sammy Edwards Lets see. What are the changes I want? Hmm. These would work just fine1. More transparency in the administration & selection process 2. More involvement in grass roots cricket. 3. Regularly conducting national tournaments & national camps. Yesterday at 08:13 Like 4

Ben Stinga Can't the USACA do two things at once - such as closing deals and looking after grass roots cricket? Yesterday at 08:14 Like 2

Marco Cosentino One last thing before this thread jumps the shark: we're maybe lucky that USACA's PR skills are bad enough so that they've now destroyed their reputation, but out there, in the affiliate & associate world, there are quite a few small other oligarchies that act as if cricket in their countries belongs exclusively to them (it must be pointed out that on the other hand some people are doing a very good job, fortunately). The thing is that we don't have Peter Della Pennas exposing them, and good

luck waiting for the ICC or Olympic Commitees (because in some country the Cricket Federetion is being also funded by the Olympic Committee) to cast some light on where the money they are pouring in some feds are obscurely disappearing. Granted, misusing funds is not an issue only about the sport of cricket, but nevertheless, I wish we too could have 10, 100, 1000 Peter Della Pennas out there, it maybe wouldn't solve everything, but atleast these buffoons would have a much tougher life. As things stands, nobody cares, and thousands of dollars, insead of being invested in grassroots coaching and tournaments, are lost either to greed or incompetence or both. Sorry if I went OT a bit, but I just wanted to let other people know that all of this is, PR and basic organizational skills apart, not that uncommon in the lower tiers of the game. Yesterday at 08:14 Like 11

Ankur Singh Sumaal Miller, I think u missed lie detector episode in this post....Rozay n USACA r lie they can detect untruth in Peter's article...but they can't detect what is untruth in this article Yesterday at 08:16 via mobile Like 1

Andrew Nixon Kenwyn, we've been through this. David isn't Peter Della Penna, I am! Yesterday at 08:18 Like 2

Sammy Edwards I thought we had established that with the exception of USACA, we all are Peter della Pennae. Yesterday at 08:20 Like 1

David Dubbert So USACA is still insisting that David Mutton is an alter-ego for their nemesis? It's like we're all living in a comic book. For the record, I was at David's wedding celebration, so there! Yesterday at 08:21 Like 5

Sammy Edwards David, did you have any authorization from NYPD to be at David Mutton's wedding? If not, then you are not eligible to be considered by USACA. Yesterday at 08:24 Like 4

Andrew Nixon David Dubbert, that just goes to show the lengths which Peter Della Penna will go to to discredit USACA. Yesterday at 08:27 Like 1

Erik Petersen I reckon if we all pitched in, we could buy the poor guy an iPad. Yesterday at 08:28 Like 1

Michael Selig Assuming the question "what changes would you like to see?" is a genuine one: 1) Fair and transparent elections 2) Genuine pathway from youth representative cricket to senior representative cricket 3) Stop this ridiculous obsession with razmataz T20 tournaments - accept that the best way to introduce cricket to american audiences is NOT to try to compete with baseball but sell cricket in its own right. 4) (following on from 3) introduce cricket into schools as a way of making an impact on community life. If necessary concentrate on a few areas to start with and then spread. 5) USA cricket should be about cricket in the US, not in the West Indies 6) (following on from 5) anyone who has any ideas as to the best way to spread the game in the US should be welcomed and listened to, even if they're not from a West Indian background. 7) Sack Robin Singh - anyone with such mysogenic views has no role to play in any modern organisation. Be realistic - razmatazz T20 tournaments, major sponsors, qualifying for World Cups, etc. These are all simply pipe dreams, absolutely delusional unless and until you have the grass roots to build and sustain them with/on. 9) delete this thread - it has been going on for far too long. 10) The board's representatives should behave appropriately - throwing insults and questioning people's identities and credentials on a public forum in a ranting manner is about as far off the mark as you can get.

Yesterday at 08:29 Unlike 12 Forgive me father, for I have blogged. Yesterday at 08:32 Like 5

Hemant Buch C'mon all the Re-Peters on this thread, be serious now. Mr USACA is trying to ask serious questions. That's a jesture that is big-hearted to say the least. Yesterday at 08:32 Like 2

David Taylor Yesterday at 08:32 Like

David Taylor What a fun read. Thanks for the thrills, everyone! I'm off to grab some pasta. I think I might have a Pita de la Penne. Yesterday at 08:35 Like 5

Thejas C Balaraman 17 away from the next target. 16 now. Yesterday at 08:36 Like 1

Sarah Ansell Oh PLEASE don't delete this thread! It's the funniest thing I've read in ages. I simply can't wait for that plane to land in NY - missing Kenwyn/Rozay's deliciously delusional pearls of ungrammatical & misspelt stupidity enormously! Yesterday at 08:37 Like 4

George King This thread is still going?!?! Gonna have to catch up now Yesterday at 08:40 via mobile Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay It's time to wrap this up USA cricket.Point well taken. Yesterday at 08:43 via mobile Like 1

David Kuhlwilm Bookmark Yesterday at 08:43 Like 1

Erik Petersen Just to clarify, there are no truth to the rumours that while Kenwyn is in the air, all executive secretarial duties are delegated to Gary Pratt. Yesterday at 08:46 Like 5

Rick O'Shea Rozays talking to himself again Yesterday at 08:52 Like 1

Sammy Edwards Rozay is accredited by NYPD, Rick. She can do anything, even get sponsorship from aliens... Yesterday at 08:53 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal after this comment, single needed to complete 1100 Yesterday at 08:57 via mobile Edited Like

Rick O'Shea 1100 and counting Yesterday at 08:57 Like 1

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Oh My god. Now I have to read another 350 comments. Heights of handling PR in a pathetic way USACA Yesterday at 09:07 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal we r still 6 comments away from new world record Yesterday at 09:09 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 258 likes Yesterday at 09:11 via mobile Like

Hassan Cheema so, "lets make a fool of ourselves so that everyone laughs at us" is a credible marketing policy within USACA? THAT's the best excuse we've been given? smh. Viva Ijaz Butt. Yesterday at 09:11 Like 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal Andrew Miller The next target : its close I'm feeling nervous now lol

Yesterday at 09:11 via mobile Like

Adam Tunney For those that want an everlasting momento of this thread - I'm sure it will eventually be deleted - here we go: Yesterday at 09:11 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal 259 likes Yesterday at 09:13 via mobile Like

Frank Padikkala This is not fair! Now I have to read another 500 comments to get on track! Yesterday at 09:17 Like 1

Avi Singh The mentally deranged nature of most (if not all!) of the comments from the USACA administrator make Mark Vermuelen, former Zimbabwean Test batsmen of burning-down-Zimbabwecricket's-headquarters fame, seem like a viable option to be the next Executive Secretary of the USACA! Yesterday at 09:23 Like 1

Mark Demos I am Rozay Della Gladstone Williams Yesterday at 09:25 Like 2

Jon Taylor Oh, hey, I had a thought. Just before the thread winds down, would USACA like to tell us which parts of the Della Penna article are untrue? Yesterday at 09:30 Unlike 8

Mark Demos USACA aka Gladstone Mugabe Dainty NEVER comments. He has figured that if he gets anything on recrod he is sunk. The man is a basic thuig who gets others to go on record and do his dirty work. He is a great politician of a joke of an organization but he is waiting for his big payday and so won't do anything to mess that up. Yesterday at 09:38 Like

Devanshu Mehta You know the article ESPNCricinfo (owned by Disney) writes about this thread? THAT will be the Disney Debacle. Yesterday at 09:38 Like 1

Simon Dyke so which article are we talking about Yesterday at 09:44 Like 1

Peter Miller Peter Della Penna is like Agent Smith in the Matrix Revolutions. Yesterday at 09:51 Like 3

Michael Selig I think the bit which is clearly untrue is "stakeholders and visitors who voice their disagreement or disapproval over certain content [on USACA's social media pages] are often met with hostile and insulting responses". Personally I think this thread shows that such people are met with only respect and genuine answers to the points they make. Yesterday at 09:53 Like 3

Manu George LOL This is the most hillarious FB post I've ever read....made my day!!! @ the USACA "administrator," you should join comedy central or'll make good money..and yea, take your friend Rozay with you..he/she can translate everything you say, in case the audience don't get it Yesterday at 09:56 Like 3

MJ Knoester Is it still here? Yesterday at 10:10 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal updates from CLT20 Sixer thrashed Yorks today...

Yesterday at 10:11 via mobile Like

MJ Knoester Phew! I got an error message before. It would be a shame to lose it. Yesterday at 10:11 Like 2 The Teesra wishes we had written this thread. Yesterday at 10:20 Like 1

Andrew Miller Seeing as viral marketing is the future, and this thread is going places no sane cricket conversation should ever go, don't forget you can follow every ball of England's tour of India, starting November 15! Yesterday at 10:26 Like 3

Andrew Nixon Andrew - can't Test Match Sofa provide live commentary on this thread? Yesterday at 10:27 Like 4

Andrew Miller Kenwyn would be very welcome to come on and argue his case. No, really Yesterday at 10:28 Like 4

Olly West I'm absolutely stumped as to how this thread has not once descended into punnery. Yesterday at 10:36 Like 1

Sarah Ansell Pimping? Oh why not! I take cricket photos: Yesterday at 10:43 Like 3

Sabah Ibrahim Sarah: Kenwyn will probably just criticize your 'apature'. Be warned... Yesterday at 10:47 Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal 262 likes

Yesterday at 10:48 via mobile Like

Rozay Chardonnay Did any one, bother to find out from Peter, his real motive for writing articles of such on USA cricket? Since you all are so worked up Peter Fanatics. Lets see! Maybe USA cricket turned down his job application? Did the big bad wolf "Dainty" refused to do any interviews with Peter? Did Peter get banned from covering any games concerning USA cricket, due to his notorious style of commentary? Which by the way, has me sometimes wondering, what third world country does Peter belong too. What is it? When you hang out with the pups you get bitten by the fleas By the looks of it, this message is loud and clear, its beyond you Penna Pirates. Peter has been exposed, bouncing around town pretending to be a Journalist, please! Go back to school and get the necessary stats that will qualify you...BOOM! Yesterday at 10:48 Like 1

SATIRE certainly died !!! In memory, i post this link from dreamcricket... 10 THINGS YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT USA CRICKET BUT WERE TOO AFRAID TO ASK. #8: 2012 Tournaments: All the 2012 tournaments were held in 2010. We(USACA) are always ahead of schedule. Yesterday at 10:51 Edited Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!! Yesterday at 10:52 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal ....and they said Rozay stop liking his/her comment

Yesterday at 10:54 via mobile Like

Devanshu Mehta I just printed one of Peter's articles. He's a journalist now. Yesterday at 10:54 Like 4

#8: 2012 Tournaments: All the 2012 tournaments were held in 2010. We(USACA) are always ahead of schedule. Yesterday at 10:55 Like

Rick O'Shea finally usaca seems to have realized discretion is the better part of valor Yesterday at 10:57 Like

Rozay Chardonnay NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Jury is OUT! In the case of Peter Penna alter ego David Mutton. (Wait for it) you have breached every possible code of ethics under the laws of a qualified, certified Journalist. Guilty! As charged! Stay tuned for the sentencing. (You corn balls)! Oops! my apologies. Yesterday at 10:57 Like 1

Andrew Nixon I remember when this thread was still funny. Yesterday at 10:59 Like 7

Eliya Abbas Syed And Rozay continues 'liking' his/her comments... Yesterday at 11:01 Like 1

Rick O'Shea agh. spoke too soon. time to like my own posts as welll though Yesterday at 11:02 Like

Rozay Chardonnay #PeterPirates" got to run....please do keep the comments's always good to break a record! Yesterday at 11:03 Like

David Mutton I await sentencing. Yesterday at 11:04 Like 2

Rick O'Shea rozay runs into a phone booth and changes into a kenwyn outfit before posting under his name Yesterday at 11:04 Like 3

Mark Demos Rozay aka KW is a low level para-legal who pretends to be Clarence Darrow. Yesterday at 11:06 Like 1

Sarah Ansell Bonkers! Yesterday at 11:06 Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal 263 likes Yesterday at 11:06 via mobile Like

Mark Demos Rozay aka Clarence Darrow Williams for USACA President. He already has a poster pic...the woman sitting on the sidewalk looking for some action Yesterday at 11:09 Like 1

Samir Chopra As this thread has gone viral, I want everyone to know I have a book coming out - it's called Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket (Harper Collins). Yesterday at 11:11 Unlike 9

Samir Chopra In it, I have a chapter on why cricket has not taken off in the US - sadly for me, my analysis has been blown out of the water by this thread. Damn you, USACA! Yesterday at 11:14 Like 3

Afghan Cricket I cant see some thing here guys : Yesterday at 11:14 via mobile Like 2

Erik Petersen Hang on, we're plugging things now? If you're in Nottingham, make sure to pick up your copy of the Notitngham Post. It's like a blog only printed on paper, and great value at 40p. Get it today and you can even read my column on how the USACA could learn from Trent Bridge. (I'm actually not making that up.) Yesterday at 11:14 Like 6

Mark Demos Pirates of The Pitch - Clarance Kenwyn Rozay Williams (Dainty Press) Yesterday at 11:14 Like 2

Joe Coles I'm confused. Do we like cricket, or do everything we can to ruin cricket here? Yesterday at 11:16 Like 1

Andrew Miller I can vouch for Erik, I've just found it online. But get out to the shops and pay for it you skinflints! Yesterday at 11:17 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Afghan Cricket, Short Summary of this thread but try to read each comment under this post...its hilarious Yesterday at 11:17 via mobile Like

David Mutton And this blog has been written for the past 4 years by, um, Peter Della Penna: Yesterday at 11:18 Like 3

Rick O'Shea has erik got a qualification allowing him to mention a newspaper? it's the law. Yesterday at 11:19 Like 1

Erik Petersen Meanwhile if you're in the London area and would like your copy of the Nottingham Post, give your 40p to cricket journalism overlord and occasional poster to The Thread That Will Not Die, Andy Afford, and he will fetch you a copy from his manor. Yesterday at 11:19 Like

Rory Gribbell I was unaware that USACA could dictate which journalists can watch its matches... Where do you guys play your home games? - Pyongyang? Yesterday at 11:20 via mobile Like 5

Erik Petersen Rick O'Shea: I've got "professional journalist" written on the band of my underwear. Surely that'll do. Yesterday at 11:20 Like 3

Jon Taylor Oh my god. 'David Mutton' is even more dastardly than we thought! He has been running a blog for FOUR YEARS in preparation for the moment he was finally unmasked! I think we need to get the police involved here, if they're not too busy issuing journalism permits to knife-throwers. Yesterday at 11:20 Like 4

Rick O'Shea I thought Andy Afford was Peter Della Penna. So what's he doing in London? Yesterday at 11:20 Like 1

Erik Petersen Tell you what. If you promise to give me 40p (or to Andy Afford if you're in London, or to my mum if you're in Florida), you can read it anyway. Yesterday at 11:22 Like 1

Rick O'Shea this could all be a plot by Dainty to make him seem like the acceptable face of US cricket. In which case it seems to have worked Yesterday at 11:22 Like 2

Rory Gribbell Erik Petersen don't you spread your hateful blooog on here!! Yesterday at 11:23 via mobile Like 2

Erik Petersen And here's one from a couple weeks ago about rubbish bins that send e-mails, just so nobody from the NYPD accuses me of being a cricket journalist. Yesterday at 11:24 Like 1

Richard O'Hagan Christ, is this still gong? How long before USACA picks up their ball and runs home crying to mom? Yesterday at 11:25 Like 1

Jon Taylor Erik: Dirty Den, Betty Turpin and Hilda Ogden are all alter egos of Peter della Penna. SENTENCE HAS BEEN PASSED. Yesterday at 11:26 Like 2

Rick O'Shea ERIK cannot write for a Nottingham newspaper as he is not qualified. This is disgusting and unethical. If you are not craeful 'usaca' will wade back in, although he seems to have gone into hiding for now Yesterday at 11:28 Like 1

Sammy Edwards I'm too tired to even argue with USACA..That seems to be a good strategy developed by USACA..When you cannot defeat them by logic, tire them by using inane reasons... Yesterday at 11:35 Edited Like 2

Adam Connors Feel the need to post in this historic thread. Rarely has cricket administration been so entertaining. Also, hat tip to - another cricketing community ably entertained by the USACA. Yesterday at 11:36 Like 2

Bijesh Sam I'm still waiting for my USACA ipad! Yesterday at 11:38 Like 3

Jayne Frye You get stats in school? I wonder what my strike rate was . . . Yesterday at 11:40 Like

Bijesh Sam looks like I'll have to wait till the next USACA elections to get my ipad Yesterday at 11:47 Unlike 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal Bijesh, ur iPad is mentioned in USACA future Plan its on paper.....face reality it will be gifted to Daintly's family **corruption** Yesterday at 11:56 via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Finally, everything is under control now....USACA is exposed Yesterday at 12:05 via mobile Like

Aatif Nawaz 1000 plus comments and this has turned out to be one of the most epic publicity stunts ever. Yesterday at 12:07 Like 4

Paul Frame Aatif you should get promoters to do this for any venues that fail to sell enough tickets for your shows (on the very rare occasions that this happens, like England winning a test series in Asia) Yesterday at 12:19 Like 1

Laura Krause This is an epic publicity stunt in much the same way that Lindsay Lohan's life is an epic publicity stunt. Yesterday at 12:20 Like 7

Paul Frame *logs on for the evening shift* Yesterday at 12:29 Like 2

Rick O'Shea BREAKING NEWS ON TWITTER Kenwyn Chardonnay-Williams summoned to explain hismelf to USACA board. This page could vanish soon along with Williams himself. We have watched a turkey cook himself for Thanksgiving Yesterday at 12:48 Like 2

Andrew Nixon Where Rick? I need to see it! Yesterday at 12:50 Like 1

Rory Gribbell I am retweeting that Yesterday at 12:53 Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Twitter link plz.... Yesterday at 12:54 via mobile Like

Rozay Chardonnay Don"t be disheveled Rick.....USA cricket answers to NO one. And for the record! this page is not going anywhere,change begins from here onwards. ..#LOOSER! Yesterday at 12:56 Like

Sarah Ansell LOOSER? Like knicker elastic? Yesterday at 13:02 Edited Like 5

Rick O'Shea 'USA cricket answers to NO one'. Where does all your money come from? The ICC and you think they are looking at this and thinking how well this is promoting US cricket? Bye bye Rozaykenwyn. Its been fun Yesterday at 13:00 Like

Rozay Chardonnay LOL Don't you people get it.... USA cricket is the Board... * Mark Demos voice* now this is some funny ish. Yesterday at 13:00 Like

Rory Gribbell USA cricket answers to cricketers in the US... #hashtagsdontworkidiot Yesterday at 13:02 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Inbox me that Twitter Link.....let me put those dead beat so called journalist to rest,once and for all.......USA cricket is the BOSS. Yesterday at 13:02 Like

Rick O'Shea Kenwyn has left it to the illiterate and quite stupid (but entertaining) Chardonnay to fight the fight while he tries to cling on to his job

Yesterday at 13:03 Like 2

Jackson Golden This is surreal. I just sent screenshots to as many ICC official email addresses I could find highlighting some of the responses from USACA. If you know of any other press or ICC contacts, dump their info here. The USACA must be torn down for cricket to stand a chance of growing in the US. Yesterday at 13:04 Like 6

Ankur Singh Sumaal maybe USA Cricket is Boss but USACA is a organization which is governed by empty headed ppl Yesterday at 13:06 via mobile Like 2

Rick O'Shea If Kenwyn hasnt been called into the bosses office then where is he, because Chardonnay keeps claiming not to be him. Come out come out wherever you are Yesterday at 13:07 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Rory please do leave the innocent ones out of this. Yesterday at 13:07 Like

John Pennington "USA cricket is the BOSS" - well it is national boss day, I suppose. Yesterday at 13:08 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Rick! Dont you have a doctor's appointment to catch?? you dont want that "Dysfunctional part" getting worst. Yesterday at 13:11 Like

Devanshu Mehta Hey! Somebody just deleted the first comment in this thread by David Mutton? Was it you David? Yesterday at 13:12 Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Who the Heck is KENWYN...he sure did a number on you people! Yesterday at 13:13 Like

Rozay Chardonnay And no, KENWYN is not my alter ego. Yesterday at 13:18 Like 1

David Mutton Devanshu, it is still loading up for me but regardless lots of us have screencaps of the thread so the evidence will remain even if comments are deleted. Yesterday at 13:18 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal Come on Guyzz start sharing snapshot of this post... Yesterday at 13:21 via mobile Edited Like

Rozay Chardonnay The only way cricket is going to flourish in this country is by up-rooting the bad seeds that have been planted and Terminating the bad press! e.g. the Peter Della Penna saga... Yesterday at 13:23 Like 1

Devanshu Mehta you know who else "terminated bad press"? Yesterday at 13:26 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal the only way cricket is goin to develop in US if ppls like Laura or Jamie took the charge of USACA....ppl like Dainlty should be dumped Yesterday at 13:29 via mobile Edited Like 1

Rick O'Shea This is now a bit like the last days of saddam hussein. the big mans loyalists are left to defend him but usaca himself has disappeared and run for the caves as he has been beaten Yesterday at 13:30 Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay Fussing over "spilled milk" (Penna) is Futile. Yesterday at 13:33 Like 1

Erik Petersen Jackson Golden: I wouldn't worry about that. Half the international cricket media seems to be here already. Yesterday at 13:34 Like 3

Erik Petersen "USA Cricket is THE BOSS." I know there's a lot of cricket played in New Jersey, but seriously now .. Yesterday at 13:35 Like 7

Bijesh Sam @Rozay are you single? Yesterday at 13:36 via mobile Like 3

Erik Petersen Scene: an Olive Garden, two weeks later. Bijesh waits until Rozay gets up from the table, then steals her iPad and runs from the restaurant. Yesterday at 13:37 Like 7

Rozay Chardonnay Rick, what do you do for the growth and development of cricket? Instead of trying to "bitch fight" on here, go have a glass of wine,keep out of big people business..... Yesterday at 13:37 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Rozay n USACA, this is for u Yesterday at 13:39 via mobile Like 1

Rick O'Shea Rozay. If you tell us all what you have done for US cricket and what your connection to usaca is then i promise I will go and have a glass of wine and stop asking nasty questions. deal? Yesterday at 13:39 Like

Rozay Chardonnay Chill Erik...yes I know, it's tough being you right now. Yesterday at 13:41 Like

Erik Petersen You don't know the half of it. The hangover you get from the USACA drinking game is unbelievable. Yesterday at 13:43 Like 4

Rozay Chardonnay What's your point Rick? Yesterday at 13:43 Like

Bijesh Sam @Rozay have you ever watched a test match? Yesterday at 13:43 via mobile Like

David Mutton I am still awaiting sentencing or suing. Yesterday at 13:46 Like 1

Erik Petersen I'd suggest you organise a USACA drinking game tournament but, well, um, you know ... Yesterday at 13:47 Like 3

Rick O'Shea The point rozay is that you attack everyone else but there is no evidence you have done a single thing to help cricket. so the question is why you slavishly back usaca's rants if you are, as you claim, nothing to do with them. Yesterday at 13:48 Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal I think Rozay is Mr. Daintly real destroyer of US cricket Yesterday at 13:50 via mobile Like "Rozay Chardonnay: And no, KENWYN is not my alter ego." That settles it then... Yesterday at 13:52 Like 4

Rory Gribbell Rosay: the current USA U19 cricket captain has publicly criticised the way USACA has acted on this post. You are short sighted if you believe that all cricketers representing and aspiring to represent the USA are not already involved. I can only imagine how embarrassed and ashamed they feel thanks to morons like yourself... Yesterday at 13:52 via mobile Like 6

Bijesh Sam the usa u19 captain has no right to criticize usaca! usa cricket is the boss, mind you! Yesterday at 13:57 via mobile Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Iain, ur article on cricinfo nd Comment under this post r just awesome Yesterday at 14:04 via mobile Edited Like

Jayne Frye Judging from the comments here, we are *all* Peter Della Penna. Just sayin'. Yesterday at 14:19 Like 4

Rick O'Shea Rozay and Kenwyn now both in hiding so this will wind down. expect the remarkable post to be removed along with kenwyn very soon. all he can do now is hope his employers won't act against him for bringing them into disrepute!!!!!! Yesterday at 14:39 Like 1

Rick O'Shea Proof what a headcase Williams is as if it were needed, and proof why Dainty will use this as an excuse to finish him. From before Aprils elections. Of the four who declared their candidacy, Kenwyn Williams is the least known in the cricket circles, more so at the national level. He came into the publics eye earlier this year taking up his wifes cause. Pauline Williams was suspended from playing cricket for one year by the USACA Board because it was claimed that she had left the USA squad during an ICC tournament in Canada. A few months ago Pauline received a letter allegedly authored by USACA President Glastone Dainty in which he (Dainty) agreed to lift Paulines suspension. There were further claims made in the letter. Dainty vehemently denied that he had written such a letter to Pauline Williams. Enter Kenwyn Williams. Since coming into the eye of the public Kenwyn has been making statements that at times seem to contradict his own previous statements. When USACAs Executive Secretary published an account of a meeting of the New York Region with President Dainty, Kenwyn was quick to call for a suspension of the Secretary by Dainty. In subsequent releases Kenwyns statement about the Secretary could be construed as offering support to the unconstitutionally suspended Secretary. Again, once when Dainty announced that he was suspending the Secretary, and had announced a USACA Board meeting, Kenwyn made out an Agenda for a USACA Board meeting. His rationale was that as USACA is a not-for-profit organization, and the Secretary was on suspension, anyone can volunteer to do work for the charity (USACA) and he was doing just that when he prepared the Agenda for the announced USACA Board meeting. In referring to the Secretarys (unconstitutional) suspension, Kenwyn quoted, out of context, Clive Lloyds statements in the West Indies-Chris Gayle situation, and copied them in such a way as to give the readers the impression that Lloyds words were addressing the USACA Secretarys suspension situation, and that the USACA Secretary should apologize to the USACA board in order to retain his position. Kenwyn appears to be a supporter of the Dainty ideology. After the Board meeting in Florida (October 22) Williams was full of praise for Dainty and the Board for the actions (resolutions) taken, though the public outcry against the boards actions was resounding. Kenwyn has said that he will make changes in the way things are done, without giving any specifics on the changes he is contemplating. Yesterday at 14:44 Like 3

Samuel Gilleran My face when I discover this thread is still going on: ng Yesterday at 14:55 Like 2

Sammy Edwards Is this STILL going on? I can't believe this..

Yesterday at 15:02 Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal this is ever green post nd u have to believe it Yesterday at 15:03 via mobile Like

Michael Wagener Cricket lovers have more endurance than most sports fans. We love things that take 5 days, and don't always have a result. Yesterday at 15:09 via mobile Like 6

Michael Wagener Peter how does that show that he's not a lawyer? 23 hours ago via mobile Like

Kala Samandar Read my comment above posted Monday, October 15 at 7:19pm (16 hours ago) **Why are you all wasting your time on two good for nothing knuckleheads....husband-wife....who do not represent USACA or cricket in USA? People like these two are the reason why USACA is a disgrace to cricket.** Rick: All female cricket players in East Coast and far already know that Rosay/ShellyAnn is none other than the disgraced player. 23 hours ago Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 266 likes on Page

23 hours ago via mobile Like

Wiki says: Paralegals are responsible for handling tasks such as legal writing, research and other forms of documentation for the lawyers who they work under. 23 hours ago Like

Peter Miller He is described as a senior paralegal. A paralegal is a legal assistant, not a lawyer. 23 hours ago Like

Rick O'Shea Interesting kala but which disgarced player for those of us not in the know? and a friend of mine defined a paralegal as a glorified copier/paperpusher/secretary 23 hours ago Like

David Mutton Michael, he is a paralegal. There is nothing wrong with that of course, but way back on this thread he started throwing around accusations about people misrepresenting their professional life so it seems somewhat hypocritical. 23 hours ago Like

Frank Padikkala Never in my life have I seen such hostile and inappropriate reactions from the supposed governing body of an actual sport. Personal insults have been a dime a dozen and absolutely no factual answers to the questions posted. Well done guys!

23 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea haha. so the same man who made wild accusations about the professionalsm of others is in fact, with respect to paralegals, a lowlevel penpusher in the legal profession? and as you can see from his absence here he is about to add 'former executive secretary usaca' to his stunning CV!!!!! 23 hours ago Like 1

Michael Wagener I guess that explains why he only had one year at college listed on his z linkedIn profile. 23 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Kala Samandar mr w is getting his ass whooped. he is busy cleaning up his comments on this thread to save his ass. lol 23 hours ago Like

Ant Sims are we still going? who wants tea? popcorn? 23 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea This appeared on the thirdmaan blog at the time of the elections in April. "Mr. Williams is already active on Twitter where he previously had taunted and berated the few US cricket bloggers that do regularly write and write well. He even threatened to put a gag order on all USACA officials and cricketers from talking to the media, as and when elected which he now is. Whether his strident and provocative tone will continue remains to be seen."

23 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea many of the worst usaca posts are now disappearing as williams desperately tries to save his ass. too late, kenwyn, too little way way too late. collect your cards on the way out, kenwyn, as the unedited posts are available in a number of places and have been sent to the icc etc 23 hours ago Like 2

i vaguely remember someone saying he is the boss & no one can even touch him... 23 hours ago Like 3

Jackson Golden They sure have! Everything that's been posted here has been sent to multiple ICC and cricket press contacts 23 hours ago Like

Kala Samandar rick: the disgraced player as u already know is mrs williams 23 hours ago Like

Rick O'Shea kala, I didn;t know that but it makes sense. so this a mr and mrs williams show. evenings round there house must be like the Mad Hatters Tea Party 23 hours ago Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal 267 likes Good Night Everyone xxx 22 hours ago via mobile Like

Kala Samandar williams would be proud of his achievements in regards to the spike in the number of likes of this page even though people are liking the page only because they can comment to let him know what a fart head he is 22 hours ago Like

Jayne Frye Can someone in the know tell me why she's disgraced? Pretty please? 22 hours ago Like

Ian Ashworth Pauline Williams threw her toys out of the pram mid tournament and on the morning of a match when team management didn't want her to keep wicket, apparently. So after turning up for the game she just walked out on her team. 22 hours ago Like

Jayne Frye Ta muchly! 21 hours ago Like

Jayne Frye Has anyone alerted Bored Cricket Crazy Indians (BCC!) yet? 21 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Love it! Keep it comming folks! Widdled down to a few attention seekers but the following has been established 20 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Was just told that I am messing with the wrong people! Can that person or persons id themselves? I want to make sure they know my intentions. 20 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association In case you are wondering we can't have a women's tournament because no one likes the chair of the program. 20 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Rick O'Shea sorry you are not worthy of my attention; your need for attention is falling on deaf ears so save the bandwith. 20 hours ago Like

^^^ u contradicted urself with that post 20 hours ago Like 1

Michael Wagener I'll suggest that the wrong people to be messing with are: 1. The managing editor of The Cricketer magazine. 2. Any editor of cricinfo. 3. The most widely read journalist in your country. 4. Test cricketers who actually offer to help you. 5. Anyone else for that matter. Messing with people isn't really what your job is. Instead you are supposed to interact with the media and general public in a professional manner. I know that might be an odd concept, but I'd suggest it's worth a try. 20 hours ago Like 19

Haddon Smith 20 hours ago Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay wrong again people! Pauline Williams is not my "alter ego" . 20 hours ago via mobile Edited Like 1

Jayne Frye Tom Kingham: "Own up, is that you running this Facebook, KP?" C'mon, everyone knows it's really a friend of Stuart Broad's from Notts, but Broady knows nothing about it.

20 hours ago Like 4

Rory Gribbell I hope the ICC takes some note of this thread and realises that spreading cricket to the US will never be a success whilst it is run by the USACA. I certainly am not after your attention, I am simply grateful that in France we have an intelligent and hardworking management who are interested in getting primary school children playing cricket rather than blowing their own trumpets. I wish US cricket all the best, particularly the young cricketers coming through with all this going on, however I sincerely hope that you are relieved of your position because you are doing nobody any good at all. Your posts are ridiculous, you are ridiculous and I hope that you will soon disappear for the good of US cricket 20 hours ago via mobile Like 9

Michael Wagener I'd suggest that the next article by Peter Della Penna will be one of the most read that he has ever written. 19 hours ago Like 2

Adam Tunney If you look at Rozay's profile URL, her name appears to be there (or at least, a previous "name"). She's also commented (in the same favourable manner) on pretty much everything Kenwyn has posted on his personal Facebook. Probably not wife but closely related, surely. 19 hours ago Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Really... I need my Beauty sleep, its about time..... What USA cricket did by no means is wrong.....bad press/media has to stop.It's exactly what Peter Penna and company are. Lets see if the threads can make it to 2000.... that will be interesting, I am tired with the broken record, get over it again the bad press/media that is Peter Penna is exposed. 19 hours ago Like

Rozay Chardonnay Why would you all even bring the Guy's wife into this that's is a low blow... 19 hours ago Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay I support USA Cricket 100%...that does not make me the "First lady"! you all are sooo stupid. 19 hours ago Like

Rozay Chardonnay okay I had enough....keep the post alive.....need my sleep. Goodnight! 19 hours ago Like

Adam Tunney Rozay, before you go, you forgot to like your own posts. 19 hours ago Like 17

Ian Ashworth Not only does Shellyann/Rozay comment positively on everything Williams posted on that page Adam, she also jumps all over anyone who doesn't praise him wholeheartedly. Very odd. 19 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener Rozay - do you support USA cricket or USA Cricket Association. They are very different things. Supporting USA cricket would mean that you would want a level of accountability from the board, and would want the media to play a proper role in ensuring that. 19 hours ago Like 2

Avi Singh If I may, since the USACA says that 'grassroots cricket will have to wait', it's up to those of us actually concerned about cricket (rather than becoming a megalomaniac) to support grassroots cricket the world over. So I'd like to plug my own local cricket club in Auckland, Ellerslie Cricket Club, which currently has 152 likes. I'd love to get it above USACA's current number of likes, 269, as an example of how grassroots cricket has more support than this joke of a national governing body. All support appreciated! 18 hours ago Like 10

Jashanpreet Singh Gill The Jokers of USACA keep making a fool of themselves in front of the world and they think "OO we are doing good". I wish someone was able to wake them from their fool's paradise. I still am wondering do these people still run an sports body and do these people plan to Run a IPL style league. Amazing. ICC should take actions and kick these jokers in the Butt and throw them out and go for a alternative functioning organization 16 hours ago Like 2

Sam Marcolin Was 'kick them in the Butt' an intended reference to Ijaz? If so, well played. If not, also well played 16 hours ago Like 2

Nigel Kersten After reading this entire thread in one go over the last half hour, I'm captivated. Thank you. 15 hours ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal USACA made this thread a comedy show...its pity Jokers's organization is governing cricket in US... 15 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 271 likes 15 hours ago via mobile Edited Like

Rick O'Shea Rozay says 'Why would you all even bring the Guy's wife into this that's is a low blow'. So that is kenwyn's wife pretending to be Rozay talking about her husband in the third person with reference to herself as ... hang on, let's start again 12 hours ago Like 3

Ankur Singh Sumaal very old interview interview, John Aaron, Former Executive Secretary of USA Cricket Association Well, the first thing I did after President Dainty refused to acknowledge that fifty-percent of the board was not in agreement with the process he was seeking to employ, was to write the ICC advising them that USACA was not being governed in an honest and fair manner, and encouraging them to review the matter on behalf of the thousands of cricketers and cricket fans in the USA. The informal response from the ICC suggested that the international organization was not interested in stepping in with regard to good governance of a sovereign organization. Although disappointing, the response was not unexpected. With more than half of the current USACA board objecting to the manner in which USACA is being run, it is very surprising that the ICC is reluctant to become involved. One can only speculate that the ICCs reluctance may be rooted in the potential for the growth of the game in the USA through the recently signed LLC deal, and as such is less concerned with the governance of USACA at this time. The reason behind writing to the ICC was not to seek the suspension of USACA, but to encourage some form of review and/or response from the international body. In any board, change is usually effected internally and rarely through the involvement of external

forces... Yes I agree that rebuilding process had to start with good governance, transparency and a set of protocols and guidelines aimed at establishing mutual respect between the organization and its members. That has not been the case with USACA. If the style was more inclusive, since Gladstone Dainty had a clear majority until last November, he would have heard everyones views and still done the exact same thing? The President had the support of Glasgow, Masood and Nasir. After Nabeel Ahmed resigned, any chance of [the opposition] gathering enough votes vanished [in the near-term]. In many ways it was unfortunate that 1st VP Nabeel Ahmed chose to resign from the board at the time he did. Yes, his resignation did impact the possible outcomes of some issues, but one cannot blame Ahmed for quitting, after all he had been there and experienced a similar style of leadership under Gladstone Dainty, prior to the current term of this board. Gladstone Dainty knew that all he needed was four votes from a depleted board and he would cast the deciding vote in favor of any agenda he wanted. It did not matter to him that he was forced to cast a deciding vote on both the issue of the LLC appointments and the replacement of two VPs to the USACA board. It did not matter to him that fifty-percent of his board did not agree with the process employed in the appointments of the LLC board members. More alarming and damaging however, was the appointments of the two interim vice-presidents to the USACA board, via a teleconference. Again, the votes may very well have been there to appoint the two gentlemen to the board; however, the president ignored the nominations of two other outstanding candidates. His urgency to appoint the two interim VPs is indicative of his haste to govern based on his own agenda and not that of the board. There was no reason why the incoming Regional Representatives of the North West and South West Regions should not have participated in the decision-making process of appointing the two vice presidents to the USACA board, or the four appointments to the LLC board. Ridiculous Cricket Board!! 12 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal The following is an open letter to USACA President Gladstone Dainty written by New York Regional Chairman Lester Hooper at 10:05 a.m. on Tuesday, October 11, 2011. Ridiculous USACA President Mr. Daintly 12 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Rick O'Shea as kenwyn would say, or he will say until he is shamed into resigning very soon, theres no such thing as bad publicity. actually forget that. he has no shame. so until he is fired 12 hours ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal Finally 1st ever Test Match(Social networking) in US cricket history is over Result: Draw My Conclusion: USACA is ridiculous cricket board...instead of addressing problem regarding US cricket. they just know to sue or criticise the source(one who shows concern about that problem on Social media) well played everyone..... there is still one hope that few good ppl are there involve with youth cricket in US that's a good sign for US cricket

11 hours ago via mobile Edited Like 2

Rick O'Shea a sobering thought. if kenwyn williams behaves like this in a public office imagine how he bahves professionally. And think what it would be like having him on your team in a courtroom ... he'd probably open up by telling the judge they were a unethical clown!!!!!! 11 hours ago Like 3

Harmeet Singh so like are we going for a record here of most comments on a cricket page ever or what? even the BCCI page doesn't get these many viewers. *Applause* 11 hours ago Like 1

Hemant Buch Traffic here's slowed down considerably...come back USACA and're the sparks that make getting through the day a breeze... 11 hours ago Like 2

Rick O'Shea don't expect many more updates if any at all. kenwyn is on the way out. like Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf his departure will be welcomed but his comedy posts will be sorely missed. what odds on the lovely rozay disappearing about the same time? 11 hours ago Like

Bijesh Sam sad to see this funny thread dying 11 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Hemant Buch Can't we turn this page into a campaign page to keep the guy in his position, just for comic relief? The sole job would be to entertain people on this thread and never let it die... 11 hours ago Like 2

Rick O'Shea Hemant, we could always find out where his next court appearance is and go along to watch the great man in action. suspect it would be eventful 10 hours ago Like

Krishna Balasubramani USACA - Rain stopped play?! 10 hours ago Like

Hemant Buch Rick, its a bridge too far for me, I'm afraid. Its a long way from Dubai... 10 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener Here's my summary of how things unfolded: Almost everyone in the cricket writing world thinks Peter Della Penna has done a good job. USACA and Rozay disagree. USACA also thinks Wisden, the Cricketer, ESPN, and bSkyB are blogs. USACA think that their internal politics should not be reported on. USACA also think it's totally ridiculous that they should actually be expected to support grass roots cricket. Everyone else disagrees. As a result of nobody agreeing with them, USACA think that they have won a great victory over the evil of a free press. Everyone else disagrees. Once you get this, the only thing left to do is to point and laugh everytime USACA (or Rozay) makes a ridiculous statement. (which is almost everyone they make a statement). 10 hours ago via mobile Like 12

Ankur Singh Sumaal its pity sad to see that historical thread dying 10 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 272 likes 10 hours ago via mobile Like

CricketGeek Everyone in the world think that their board is doing a bad job, and needs to be changed. The difference here is that the Americans are right. 9 hours ago Like

Rozay Chardonnay Yawns! Mona Lisa #voice. 9 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 273 likes wow 9 hours ago via mobile Like

Michael Wagener Rozay, that makes even less sense than your normal posts. 9 hours ago via mobile Like 4

Rick O'Shea Rozay back for a final rant or two before her husband gets thrown on the scrap heap 8 hours ago Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Respected Presidents and Cricket Enthusiasts, Im President of the Northwest Cricket League. When I took over in February, I had no first-hand knowledge about national cricket politics. I had heard about the unscrupulous Management and the dysfunctional state of USACA from different sources. As you know USACA found 33 [sic, 32] out of 47 leagues affiliated with USACA as non-compliant to its constitution. This was done through a very questionable process conducted by Mr. Robert Chance. This was a wicked attempt to prevent these leagues from voting in the upcoming USACA elections. Five of these non-compliant leagues filed appeals to contest the compliant process. To deal with these appeals USACA President tactfully handpicked a five-member Appeals Committee comprised of:

Faizan Janjua - Northwest Cricket League Milton Taylor - South Florida Cricket Alliance Milford Lewis - New York Cricket League Masood Yunus - Minnesota Cricket Association Sheldon Mollineau - New Jersey Cricket Association Three of the five-member committee, Milton Taylor, Milford Lewis and Sheldon Mollineau are close cronies of Mr. Dainty. Mr Dainty knew that he had his buddies on the committee and no matter what, he would get his desired decisions. I think Masood and I were picked to make the process look legitimate. I reluctantly accepted the responsibility thinking that this was my chance to help these leagues to be compliant. From the get-go the committee was given very little evidence/information to look at and only two days to conclude all appeals. At the request of Masood Yunus some additional time was given. Looking at the whole bogus compliant process, I quickly realized that these leagues were found noncomplaint for petty discrepancies and all the leagues had very strong and logical explanations/reasons. Yesterday the committee had a meeting to present a final verdict. Mr. Yunus could not attend the meeting due to other engagements. During the deliberation it was quite clear that the three gentlemen came with a pre-determined mind set to ignore all the evidence and wanted to rubber stamp Mr. Chances dubious findings. After going through the first two appeals, it was obvious for me, the direction in which all the decisions were going. It was very frustrating for me to see how these leagues were being cheated to be compliant. So I dropped out of the call early. I sincerely apologize to cricket lovers in general and especially to the five leagues, that I was so nave, that I was fooled into serving as a part of this sham committee. But this experience helped me to understand how USACA is controlling, manipulating and suppressing the development of cricket in US. I also believe that under Mr. Daintys leadership, cricket in this country will never flourish I know there are many individuals/groups who are fighting against the current thug culture of USACA. Well only succeed if we consolidate our efforts to one platform instead of nitpicking against each other. 8 hours ago via mobile Unlike 2

Michael Wagener @rick, I'm not sure that she is Kelwyn's wife. If it is, then she's stolen the identity of a 23 year old who lives in New York called ShellyAnne Gomez. If I was Mrs Williams, however I would be worried about the fixation that she seems to have on Kelwyn. 8 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association This day in USA Cricket; the machine to raise the consciousness of the world as to the state of USA Cricket has taken hold. 8 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener We are all now well aware of the state of USACA. What can you tell us about USA cricket? 8 hours ago Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association This is the official page and voice of American Cricket. Threats have fallen on deaf ears. Bloggers are anxiously awaiting the release of confidential material to blog on. 8 hours ago Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal ICC is mother of Daintly n Daintly is father of USACA nd no one is ready to develop cricket in US....time has come icc should have to look after US cricket nd Should promote good ppl to the administration of USACA...under Mr. Daintly leadership cricket will never flourish in US 8 hours ago via mobile Like

Rick O'Shea usaca post shows a lawyer isnt always truthful. this is not an official page. is is the ranting and raging of kenwyn williams. just because he is executive secretary (how anyone?) does not make this in any way official. it does make it funny though. 8 hours ago Like 5

Rick O'Shea kenwyn you are a lawyer or at least claim to know the law. so how do you justify telling complete lies about people and about journalists and their need for offiacal registration and about how you are going to litigate against people simply because you disagree with them. come on kenwyn. tell us 8 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener I'm not sure about anyone else, but I certainly don't need any confidential information to blog on. If I wanted to write about this, I would have more than enough material. 8 hours ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal on serious note, we have crossed 1300 comment under this hilarious, historical post 8 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Ben Stinga Too right USACA - as you say "the machine to raise the consciousness of the world as to the state of USA Cricket has taken hold." It certainly has. I think we all have a far clearer idea of how cricket is run is the USA. 8 hours ago Like 6

Ankur Singh Sumaal 274 likes 8 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal Plz like this page..for cricket update nd news 8 hours ago via mobile Like

United States of America Cricket Association USA will be the new organization after the dust is cleared. At the AGM in November the membership of USACA has a hard choice to make. USACA is burdened with debt and cannot get beyond it. Its annual statements which are public are never analyzed by the bloggers but the internal emails about minor issues are. This is a one person fight and an office on the board of USACA and the ICC are useless. If cricket is to grow in this country it can only do so as USA Cricket. An organization recognized as the national governing body of cricket in the USA. 8 hours ago Like 1

@Rick: remember not a lawyer rather a secretarial assistant to a lawyer(paralegal)... so disappointingly, no court action... i just cant stop laughing at the thought of imagining a document report prepared by this senior paralegal with full of spelling & grammar mistakes... copy+paste without even changing the tone... 8 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea whoa, kenwyn has finally lost it. he is now declaring that he is in effect mounting a coup against the current board and will take over in November. imagine usaca if that nutjob took charge. it might even be worth selling the tv rights to the board meetings 8 hours ago Like 5

Michael Blumberg USCA remains a joke which is so sad because the potential as a grass roots recreational game for men and women across the land is immense and it does not need to compete with baseball and softball, just complement them. In that most, if not all, USCA officials wish to rush onwards to a fully fledged commercial professional sport perhaps it would be better to have two bodies so that those with a genuine love of the game and a developed sense of responsibilty of working in the 'voluntary' sector can build a vibrant receational sport with meaningful amateur competitions,

local,regional and national but above all good facilities in the local community at clubs and even schools.. Then the self seeking grandiloquent lunatics can spend their time concocting preposterous projects in their own cocoon while the real game prospers and ever more cricketers enjoy playing the game.. 8 hours ago Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Michael but you endorse Peter for taking internal communications of a non profit organization and blogging about them. A bit contradictory it seems. Again most of you are not Americans so you are defending an act in a system that you know nothing about. Our laws and culture are to respected. Just as I am presumably the voice of USA Cricket, Della Penna cannot be the sole figure that promulgates the image of USA Cricket in the press. Especially when he is paid by an organization that is adverse to usaca. Common sense would tell you that there will be a bias in his blogging. 8 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea kenwyn, our laws and customs are respected internationally but you do not seem to have a clue about them or chose to ignore them despite being a paralegal. lets start with the First Amendment and work from there. and do you really seriously think that anyone from outside the us has no right to even speak about us cricket? 8 hours ago Like 3

David Mutton 1) Kenwyn, can I ask why you deleted my first (indeed the first) comment on this thread? It was pretty succinct: "Investigating the internal affairs of public organizations is an essential part of journalism." 2) When you write "this is a one person fight" does that mean you have lost your role as Executive Secretary? Or just that you don't think the rest of the board are capable of making the changes necessary in American cricket? 7 hours ago Like 3

Michael Wagener United States of America Cricket Association, firstly, thanks for actually addressing a question, and doing it in a rational and coherent manner. The reason that I endorse Peter Della Penna

doing that was two fold. 1. As far as I can tell the email was given to him. As a journalist (and he is one) he is entitled to use that information. If he had acquired it illegally (ie hacking) then it would be a different story. 2. There may be a bias in what he writes, but given that he is not writing a blog, but is writing articles that are edited and vetted, some of that bias is dealt with. The major difference between a blogger and a columnist is the editing process. The fact that Peter writes for what is generally regarded as the largest single sport website on the internet gives further credence to what he writes, due to their robust editing procedures. Also the status of being for-profit or not-for-profit is a red-herring. There have been a number of journalists who have targeted churches and evangelists in the United States, looking into their procedures and internal workings. This is considered good journalism as it allows the public to see what is actually happening inside some of these organisations. Some have come out squeaky clean from the examination, others have had issues. Often the best media management strategy is to acknowledge that there are some things that need to be sharpened up, and then show how those areas are being addressed. Instead of doing that you have attacked both a well respected cricket journalist, and then some of the best respected media organisations in the sport (ESPNCricinfo, The Cricketer, Wisden etc.) If cricket in the USA is going to thrive, (and I believe it can, as I wrote in my blog a few months ago) it needs the internal processes to be right. If Della Penna's article is correct (and you have not disputed a single fact so far) then things definitely need to change, and by bringing the issues into the light, he has done the USACA and USA Cricket a massive favour. 7 hours ago Like 7

Ben McCombie is the ironing that the only threats are the ones which have been made by the admin of this page noticed by anybody else? 7 hours ago Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Peter I am not the sole admin on this page. I have not deleted and instucted that no one is to be blocked or deleted. As you well know removing any member of a non pofit boad is a difficult process. Especially this ES! 7 hours ago Like

Rick O'Shea oh kenwyn, you cannot help yourself. you are the only admin as this is not an official page and so its all you and you alone. and the consistency in your spelling mistakes gives you away

7 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener Wait, do you still think David is Peter Della Penna? Really? 7 hours ago Like 1

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Check point (So that next time I come I know I have read it this post and have to read from here ) 7 hours ago Like 5

Devanshu Mehta USACA: Jokes aside, David Mutton is not Peter. That's just your paranoia getting the better of you. (I, on the other hand, am Peter) 7 hours ago Like 4

United States of America Cricket Association Michael: I don't know who you are o what you blog about but I do appeciate that you have finally admitted that Peter though and espn targets USA Cicket. In my book, respect is earned. Matin and Peter by their body of work has none of my respect. Additionally you have failed to qualify either as a journalist. Both work as blogges as their resumes indicate. 6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener You're engaging in crazy talk again. Name me 5 cricket journalists who are better qualified than Martin Williamson. You will really struggle to do that.

6 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Futher, Peter recently covered the ICC div 4 in Malaysia. The ICC refused to give him access as a jounalist can someone tell me why this well respected jounalists was denied accediation to an ICC event? Of couse not. 6 hours ago Like 1

Michael Wagener I have no idea, although that seems a very strange decision, unless it was at the direction of his local board. 6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener I am aware, however, that the page for Peter Della Penna has more likes than this page. 6 hours ago Like 2

Peter Miller " In my book, respect is earned." Did Kenwyn just say he has written a book? Please, please, please let this be true! 6 hours ago Edited Like 3

Rozay Chardonnay It's because Peter is Fake, go do your home work Michael. 6 hours ago via mobile Like

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Check 6.15 PM 6 hours ago Like 1

Michael Wagener Wait, so Peter Della Penna is fake? I've met him and he didn't seem very fake. 6 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Michael: the mere fact that you ae glued to my evey post is a clear indication that your obsession with LIKES is just that. This tead has reached over 500,000 people and you are talking about LIKES??? 6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener We were sitting next to each other in a press box. Funny place to meet someone who is not a journalist. 6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener Here's my page - CricketGeek you might notice that my reach is about 2.6 million. 6 hours ago Like 3

Ben McCombie just noticed old kenwyn williams was tagged with usaca at chicago airport yesterday on this very similar facey account -> 6 hours ago Like

Liz Parker Oh, oh.... I feel a Spartacus moment coming on. No I'm Peter.... 6 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Waning: do not advertise on this page. You will be blocked. This is the most exposrue any of you have had in your entire blogging lives so respect the opportunity. And Rick stop getting personal. 6 hours ago Like

Ben McCombie for sale: usaca's dignity - $1 ono 6 hours ago Like 3

if not for USACA & misusing his position, a certain nondescript person wouldnt have a fraction of this exposure in his next 100 lives, combined !!! 6 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association 2.6 million and no revenue to show! Brilliant! I have sat in many many press boxes. Am I a Jounalist? I have a blog in the legal world...does this make me a Journalist?

6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener I had 9000 hits in one hour from Cricinfo. This isn't nearly the most exposure that I've had. And mine would not even be considered a big blog. You probably need to be aware of how small USACA is in terms of the massive following cricket has worldwide. 6 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener I didn't say that I got no revenue. I said that I didn't get a lot of money from it. Also, I'm not a journalist. I didn't claim to be. My blog is unedited, and the articles that I have written that have been for media organisations have been guest columns. However Peter is clearly a journalist. I'm not sure why you have such difficulty believing this. And to claim that Martin isn't a journalist is simply ridiculous. 6 hours ago Like

Nicole L Sobotker Oh, the amazing moment when someone called "Rozay Chardonnay" with the username Shellyann.gomez calls Peter a fake. 6 hours ago Like 4

Rick O'Shea "This tead has reached over 500,000 people and you are talking about LIKES???" kenwyn, don't you realise they are laughing AT you not with you????? 6 hours ago Like 5

Rick O'Shea Stop getting personal!!! please stop, i am risking serious injury laughing at the hypocrisy. and please please post a link to your legal blog I beg you. I cannot wait to read it

6 hours ago Like 3

David Mutton Kenwyn, the only reason this thread has been so popular is because lots of us on Twitter and blogs have encouraged people to see the humiliating mess that you and your fellow USACA board members have made of American cricket. Furthermore asking people not to make things personal is the height of hypocrisy after you have openly insulted Jamie Harrison, been misogynistic and posted people's LinkedIn profiles. Reading between the lines it would seem that you have lost the confidence of the rest of the USACA board. Several American U19 players have commented on Twitter that you and USACA are an embarrassment. This thread demonstrates that the cricket loving public finds you a laughing stock. If you care as much about American cricket as you profess then it is time to resign. 6 hours ago Edited Like 13

Ben McCombie it's all part of the plan peter 6 hours ago Like

Erik Petersen If anybody's looking for a new USACA leader to carry on its tradition of transparency and honesty, I understand there's a former cyclist looking for work. 6 hours ago Like 6

Michael Wagener If the plan is to look like he has no idea about how the media works (not a good thing to admit if your job is a media manager) then he's succeeding spectacularly. 6 hours ago Like 1

Olly Samways I'm only one of the 500,000 because I wanted to witness to one of the greatest social media fails of all time. Watching Kenwyn commit professional suicide is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen! 6 hours ago Like 6

Ankur Singh Sumaal good thing is this post is still alive 5 hours ago via mobile Like

Andrew Nixon You know, the more and more I've read this thread, I've come to a sudden realisation. The USACA page admin is right. Peter Della Penna and Martin Williamson are frauds. And so am I. They have no credentials and don't deserve to be called journalists. And neither do I. I have informed the CricketEurope managing editor that I can no longer write for the website until I have aquired the appropriate credentials. I also fully support the USACA in their bid to rid cricket of the cancer that is Martin Williamson, Peter Della Penna and all his alter egos. All hail the USACA. Please accept my apologies. 5 hours ago Like 2

Sammy Edwards Am I in a dream? Has time stopped? This thread is STILL goinng on!!! 5 hours ago Like 4

Michael Wagener Andrew - I'm not sure that Kenwyn actually has the ability to decipher sarcasm. You might need to be a little more obvious. 5 hours ago Like 3

Rory Gribbell No Andrew Nixon I am a fraud, and so is my wife 5 hours ago Like 3

John Firth "This is the most exposrue any of you have had in your entire blogging lives so respect the opportunity. And Rick stop getting personal." - Hmm, methinks the pot just called the kettle black. 5 hours ago Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal no, I'm Peter..I'm a fraud and so as my girl friend lol 5 hours ago via mobile Like

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Check 7.03 PM . I m loving it 5 hours ago Like 2

Eliya Abbas Syed Wow... This is still going on 5 hours ago Like 2

Rick O'Shea I was ... sorry Peter Della Penna was not refused accreditation by the ICC was I ... he. another deliberate lie. and nor do you run a 'leading' legal blog. another one. 5 hours ago Like 1

United States of America Cricket Association Michael Wagener clearly you are falling apart! Double negatives and your praise for a blogger that writes about one sport is clearly a sign that you are finished on this tread. You have nothing else further to contribute! Enjoy the free ride! Andrew Nixonthanks for the great quote! Will use in due course! 5 hours ago Like 1

Andrew Nixon Thanks admin. Just wanted you to know that you now have a supporter in me. I hope everyone else also comes around. 5 hours ago Like 2

I love how the whole world & very single person including other members of USACA either has a problem, is wrong, needs a wakeup call or straight damn useless... except this certain nondescript person & his rozay (no shelly... no pauline... nooo gomez... whatever, at least hope he remembers his alter-ego name after so many namechanges)... 5 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Peter I await your next article on Espn! Have you heard yet? 5 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Mission accomplished! Enjoy the tread! Please do not advertise! Here is a rare opportunity for many people to hear your opinions. I believe that the people can bring change to USA cricket. I have given you the floor so enjoy the dance!

5 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association Btw support the AAU and the ladyeagles! 5 hours ago Like

Thejas C Balaraman Off topic but I'm unable to like Iain O'Brien's post. I lack the requisite permission apparently. 5 hours ago Like

Rick O'Shea is it too much to hope but that reads as if kenwyn has decided he is beaten. or has been summoned to the court of King Gladstone and is about to be fired. he and Rozay can share a cab to the airport 5 hours ago Like Kenwyn: Would you like to write for The Teesra? Relatively new publication, print edition coming soon. 5 hours ago Like 2

United States of America Cricket Association Iain fell on the pr 5 hours ago Like

Thejas C Balaraman HEY! Iain O'Brien's posts are disappearing. Censorship alert!! 5 hours ago Like

Bijesh Sam @usaca where is that f**king ipad? 4 hours ago via mobile Unlike 2

Jayne Frye Yes, but I have a feeling IO'B's comments have been preserved in more than one place. 4 hours ago Like

Rozay Chardonnay Calm down Sam that's not the way you beg! Ask nicely! 4 hours ago Like 5

@Bijesh: r u seriously optimistic ? last i heard even those 10 wishful voters in the last USACA elections didnt get their promised ipads... (shhh... just between us... forget abt ipad they r so broke that they cant even afford a pad...) 4 hours ago Like 2

Rozay Chardonnay Peter Penna has no journalistic legitimate talent; he craves media attention, and will apparently do anything to remain a main course in the media spotlight, such a fake PassionIt takes more than a fake passion to be a qualified journalist in the USAand it definitely takes more than befriending Williamson for popularity or having him on speed dial. From the looks of it a tadpole is capable in the UK. 4 hours ago Like 2

Thejas C Balaraman Just realized that the captain of the USA women's team when Mrs. Williams threw her tantrum is a very old friend of my dad's. Hahahaha. This is epic. Next time I meet her will ask her about it 4 hours ago Edited Like 2

Bijesh Sam I've already booked a ticket to NY to receive the USACA ipad from Williams. Looks like i'll have to cancel my booking 4 hours ago via mobile Unlike 2

Nixon, u traitor, how can u do this... u r a blooger... moreover, u r peter, for damn sake... remember !!! u'll never be forgiven !!! 4 hours ago Like 1

Rozay Chardonnay Try your best Nixon..I dont appreciate YOU liking my commentsyour sordid future awaits you you are so not relevant. 4 hours ago Like 5

Rick O'Shea yes Andrew Nixon you blooger. please do not like Rosey Chardonnays posts. That's her job. Or his. Never quite sure 4 hours ago Like

Michael Wagener Where did I use a double negative? And most (admittedly not all) great cricket writers only write about cricket. Why would it be a surprise that Peter Della Penna only writes on one sport? Also, how is it bad for cricket in USA that there is a full time cricket writer based there? You are continuing to make no sense. 4 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Michael Wagener You might notice that I have actually attempted to engage with you on the issues. You keep saying that PDP is not a journalist, but you haven't actually defined what a journalist is. Here is your chance. What, in your opinion, constitutes a journalist? 4 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Mark Demos Poor Rozay if off his meds again. Rozay please go to your bathroom cabinet. Open the door. Reach for the top shelf. The thrid pill bottle from the left. Take two and no more drinking them down with Rum. 4 hours ago Like 1

Erik Petersen Your sordid future, Andrew? Let me guess. Weekend in Leeds? 4 hours ago Unlike 2

Andrew Nixon Rozay, I'm saddened by your response. I was only trying to right my previous wrongs. I have accepted that Peter Della Penna is a fraud, and I've also accepted that I am too. I know that I'm not relevant, I'm just trying to set the record straight. 4 hours ago Like 2

Andrew Nixon Nevertheless Rozay, I will stop liking your comments if you wish, even if I agree with them. 4 hours ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal now that sounds Good Andrew 4 hours ago via mobile Like

Madhukar Sood Unless the USACA board is overhauled, nothing will come out. There have been many lone battles and Cricketers have seen many come by & brushed aside. People need to put aside their personal goals and work for Cricket. 4 hours ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal 277 likes now that's enough for this ridiculous Board 4 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal one more comment after this n it is 1400 wow 4 hours ago via mobile Like

John Pennington Tadpoles, eh? Now I'm sure our tadpoles here in the UK are good, but they're not *that* good 4 hours ago Like

Rory Gribbell "Our laws and culture are to be respected." - Can I get a shout out for cultural relativism! (Other wise known as the homeopathy of ethical positions...) 4 hours ago Edited Unlike 1

Rick O'Shea BREAKING NEWS!!!! take a screengrab of this while you can as its about to be shut down as usaca realize this might not be a good news story. kenwyn to be fired later this week. 4 hours ago Like 2

Jayne Frye The obscure, tiny (less than 30 students) special needs school I sometimes do work for (and share FB page administration duties for) for has 155 likes, which rather puts the USACA 277 in perspective doesn't it? >:-) I'd link the page, as it is a charity that serves low income families, and really needs all the donations and publicity it can get, but I'm afraid it would get deleted. 4 hours ago Like

Andrew Nixon Why would anyone want to shut this thread down or fire Kenwyn? This thread has done a great job at exposing the likes of Peter Della Penna and Martin Williamson as the unqualified, unaccredited frauds that they are. 4 hours ago Like 4

in protest, i turn my bloog upside down... 4 hours ago Like 1

Rory Gribbell Not only that, all these bloggers (which could be used as a pseudonym for freelance interestingly) will be fired muhahahah 4 hours ago Like

Jayne, u can put just that link on ur wall with public view... if it helps... 4 hours ago Like 1 sparks flew at last night's presidential debate when the subject of the USACA came up: 4 hours ago Like 9

Rory, last time... bloogers... B.L.O.O.G.E.R.S. 4 hours ago Like 3

Bijesh Sam can't wait for the ICC to kick these clowns out of their offices. hopefully it won't be too late 4 hours ago Like 5

Jayne Frye Okay, thanks to above for the suggestion, I will make some public links to the school I do work for on my wall. Every little bit helps! 3 hours ago Like 1

Jayne: Done 3 hours ago Like 1

and best wishes 3 hours ago Like 1

Bijesh Sam As I will probably be the next executive secretary of USACA, Peter will have to change his profession or start writing about major league fishing because I am going to be in charge of public relations and any and all information coming out of USACA wi...See More 3 hours ago Like

Bijesh Sam "Yes its about high time someone put Peter in his place! I think u just did votewilliams. He has shown to have broken all the code of ethics as a reporter,by personalizing stuFf,picking and choosing what to write on, internalizing stuff and placing his twist on the story, Come With the Facts Peter,you too grown for that mess" - Rozay 3 hours ago Like

Bijesh Sam "The future of cricket in the United States lies with its players. We as the administrators of the game owe it to the players to build an infrastructure where they can be successful. By running for president of the United States Cricket Association, it...See More 3 hours ago Like

Hassan Cheema the sequel has jumped the shark. Rozay/USACA, you cant continue to play the crazy mofo all the time. It gets boring after awhile. too one-dimensional I'd say. again, learn from Ejaz Butt. He went from banning 8 players to calling the England team fixers. Now that's variety. 3 hours ago Like 4

Jayne Frye Yes, doesn't someone need to develop a rather embarrassing personal medical problem so that the USACA can then issue a detailed press release about it? 3 hours ago Like

Hassan Cheema that was Nasim Ashraf. At the time we thought he was the worst PCB president ever. Ejaz Butt was the sequel. 3 hours ago Like 1

Jayne Frye ^ Thanks for the clarification. 3 hours ago Like

Jayne Frye 3 hours ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea If this page is here in a week or kenwyn is still secretary and unsuspended I will donate $1000 to a charity of his choice 3 hours ago Like 3

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Check 9.48 PM 3 hours ago Like

Sammy Edwards USACA finally lands on a cricinfo commentary page... Of course, being just a commentary 'bloog', USACA won't mind it.. 2 hours ago Like 1 Since this thread will inevitably be immortalized in book form, a plug for our podcast,, where this Friday we will discuss the most important question in this thread: "Where are our goddamn iPads?" 2 hours ago Like 5

Erik Petersen I've just got a fax from a Mr G. Boycott. He tells us to all stop our moaning, as apparently in his day they didn't even wear iPads. 2 hours ago Like 4

Ankur Singh Sumaal 280 like wow.. 2 hours ago via mobile Edited Like

Erik Petersen And that all of this would have been bloody done on an uncovered pitch. On Friendster. 2 hours ago Like

thats 280 kenwyn rozay pauline shelly ann chardonnay gomez williams profiles... keep going williams... 2 hours ago Like

United States of America Cricket Association I guess I should do USA Cricket a favour snd swat the 4 viuses that seem to keep this thing going. 2 hours ago Like

Bijesh Sam If you want to do usa cricket a favour, then please step down 2 hours ago via mobile Like 2

bijesh kindly hold onto ur request for few more moments plz... i'm still waiting for a single post with no spellings wonders !!! after that, u may... 2 hours ago Like 2

Hemant Buch Haven't you heard the Rolling Stones song..You Can't Always Get What You Want 2 hours ago Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Breaking: icc continue to support USACA as cricket board in I said earlier ICC is mother of Ridiculous Mr. Dainlty n Mr. Kenwyn

2 hours ago via mobile Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal 281 likes about an hour ago via mobile Like

Rick O'Shea Kenwyn ... really? So you are frightened that four people can bring down you and usaca? wow, I thought you were more confident than that. do you want to take me up on the $1000 wager? about an hour ago Like

David Dubbert I'm still getting over the part where you have to have had something published on paper to be considered a journalist. It is 2012, right? about an hour ago Like

Rick O'Shea BREAKING NEWS: ICC negotiating with usaca management as to how to remove kenwyn williams from office with the least loss of face all round. he has no allies and all senior ICC staff already have ipads!!!!!! about an hour ago Like 2

Ankur Singh Sumaal request to kenwyn williams nd to his father Mr. Daintly plz step down from ur respective position in US cricket board.....this move will help US cricket alot about an hour ago via mobile Like

Jashanpreet Singh Gill Check 11,14 PM about an hour ago Like

Rick O'Shea SERIOUS BREAKING NEWSThis now in Gladstone Dainty's hands as he is being hit from all sides both inside and outside the usa to stop this farce and sack kenwyn williams for bringing us cricket into disrepute. you would think he might just have given them enough ammo. kenwyns employers have also been contacted by at least a dozen people and have promised to investigate his posts about an hour ago Like 1

Sammy Edwards @USACA, the 4 viruses?? I thought there was only one- Peter della Penna.. about an hour ago Like 1

David Mutton Rick, just curious where you are getting this news? about an hour ago Like 1

Ankur Singh Sumaal Rick, u r awesome I hope all ur breaking news comes true about an hour ago via mobile Edited Like 1

Rick O'Shea is it enough to say 'sources'? but trust me that kenwyn will be gone within 48 hours. dainty realizes if he does not act very quickly then he could be pulled down by this and it is also alarming sponsors. the facts about williams employers being contacted comes from responses to some of those who have complained. williams is dumb as he could have avoided all this so easily about an hour ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea also 'sources' say legal advice has been taken by at least two of those who have been slandered on the usaca posts so he might lose his usaca position his job and prehaps even his home. over what???? how crazy and actually really sad is that?????? expect this to be deleted quickly to repost to intetrested partys about an hour ago Like

George King 48 hours later, the thread keeps on going?!?! about an hour ago Like 2

Update: the word "dumb" commits suicide for the biggest humiliation (used in association with kenwyn) about an hour ago Like

Ankur Singh Sumaal that sounds great for US cricket but I want both kenwyn n Dainlty to be kicked out of USACA both r ruining cricket in US....nd under Dainlty leadership cricket will never flourish in US.. about an hour ago via mobile Like 3

Rick O'Shea Open question to kenwyn and rozay. can you deny that this is true? 51 minutes ago Like 1

Jashanpreet Singh Gill lol. Checj 12.30 AM 31 minutes ago Like

Jackson Golden Rick if you do donate to a charity don't let Kenwyn pick. He'll choose the USACA. Why not the USYCA? 23 minutes ago Like 1

Rick O'Shea HA HA HA. or nominate the Rozay Chardonnay Fund For The Chronically Insane 21 minutes ago Like 2

Jackson Golden This country has 330 million people and you've got less than 300 likes on your official facebook page. Even if only a few people know about cricket, more people like the page for Diarrhea than you.

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