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Unit 4






General Objective
Distinguish the methods of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion.

Specific Objectives
Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

state the applications of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion. draw the D/A converter circuit; resistive divider and binary ladder. describe the operation of the D/A converter circuit. draw the block diagram of the A/D converter circuit; digital ramp and successive approximation. discuss the operation of A/D converter circuit. distinguish the differences between digital ramp circuit and successive approximation circuit.




Most real-world information is analog. For instance, time, speed, weight, pressure, light intensity, and position measurements are all analog in nature. The digital system in Figure 4.1 has an analog input. The voltage varies continuously from 0 to 3 V. The encoder is a special device that converts the analog signal to digital information. The encoder is called an analog-to-digital converter or, for short, an A/D converter. The A/D converter, then, converts analog information to digital data. The digital system diagrammed in Figure 4.1 also has a decoder. This decoder is a special type; it converts the digital information from the digital processing unit to an analog output. For instance, the analog output may be a continuous voltage change from 0 to 3 V. We call this decoder a digital-to-analog converter or, for short, a D/A converter. The D/A converter, then, decode digital information to analog form.

Analog input 03V

Encoder (A/D Converter)

Digital Processing unit

Decoder (D/A Converter)

Analog output 03V

Figure 4.1: A digital system with analog input and analog output



4.1 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

A block diagram of a D/A converter is shown in Figure 4.2. The digital inputs (D, C, B, A) are at the left. The decoder consists of two sections: the resistor network and the summing amplifier. The output is shown as a voltage reading on the voltmeter at the right. Basically, D/A conversion is the process of taking a value represented in digital code (such as straight binary or BCD) and converting it to a voltage or current which is proportional to the digital value as shown in Table 4.1. Figure 4.3 shows the symbol for a typical 4-bit D/A converter.

Figure 4.2: A block diagram of a D/A converter


Digital inputs


D/A converter (DAC)

VOUT Analog output

Figure 4.3: Symbol of a D/A converter



D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

VOUT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Table 4.1

There are several methods and circuits for producing the D/A operation that has been described. We shall examine several of the basic schemes to gain and insight into the ideas used. volts



4.1.1 Resistive Divider

One method of the D/A conversion uses a resistor network with resistance values that represent the binary weights of the input bits of the digital code. Figure 4.4 shows a 4-bit DAC of this type. Each of the input resistors will either have current or have no current, depending on the input voltage level. If the input voltage is zero (binary 0), the current is also zero. If the input voltage is HIGH (binary 1), the amount of current depends on the input resistor value and is different for each input resistor, as indicated in the figure.

Figure 4.4: A 4-bit DAC with resistive divider

From the above figure, I 0 =

V V V V , I1 = , I2 = , and I 3 = . 8R 4R 2R R

Since there is practically no current into the op-amp inverting input, all of the input currents sum together and go through R f. Since the inverting input is at 0 volt (virtual ground), the drop across Rf is equal to the output voltage, so Vout= If Rf. The values of the input resistors are chosen to be inversely proportional to the binary weights of the corresponding input bits. The lowest value resistor (R) corresponds to the highest binary-weighted input (2 3). The other resistors are multiples of R (2R, 4R, 8R) and correspond to the binary weights 2 2, 21, and 20, respectively. The input currents are also proportional to the binary weights. Thus, the output voltage is proportional to the sum of the binary weights because the sum of the input currents is through Rf.



Example 4.1 Determine the output of the DAC in figure below if the waveforms representing a sequence of 4-bit numbers given below are applied to the inputs. Input D 0 is the least significant bit (LSB).



Solution to Example 4.1 First, determine the current for each of the weighted inputs. Since the inverting input of the op-amp is at 0 Volt and a binary 1 corresponds to +5V, the current through any of the input resistors is +5V divided by the resistance value:
I0 = 5V = 0.025mA 200k
5V = 0.05mA 100k

I1 =

I2 =

5V = 0.1mA 50k 5V = 0.2mA 25k

I3 =

Almost no current goes into the inverting op-amp input because of its extremely high impedance. Therefore, assume that all of the current goes through the feedback resistor Rf. Since one end of Rf (virtual ground), the drop across Rf equals the output voltage, which is negative with respect to virtual ground. Vout (D0)= (10 k ) ( -0.025mA ) = - 0.025V Vout (D1)= (10 k ) ( -0.05mA ) = - 0.5V Vout (D2)= (10 k ) ( -0.1mA ) = -1V Vout (D3)= (10 k ) ( -0.2mA ) = -2V From the timing diagram figure, the first binary input code is 0000, which produces an output voltage of 0V. The next input code is 0001, which produces an output voltage of -0.25V. For this, the output voltage is -0.25V. The next code is 0010 which produces an output voltage of -0.5V. The next code is 0011 which produces an output voltage of -0.25V + -0.5V= -0.75V. Each successive binary



code increases the output voltage by -0.25V, so for this particular straight binary sequence on the inputs, the output is a stairstep waveform going from 0V to -3.75V in -0.25V steps. This is shown in figure below.



4.1.2 Binary Ladder

Another method of D/A conversion is binary ladder or R/2R ladder, as shown in Figure 4.5 for four bits. It overcomes one of the problems in the binary ladder DAC in that it requires only two resistor values.

Figure 4.5: A 4-bit binary ladder

Start by assuming that the D3 input is HIGH (+5V) and the others are LOW (0V). This condition represents the binary number 1000. A circuit analysis will show that this reduces to the equivalent form shown in Figure 4.5(a). Essentially no current goes through the 2R equivalent resistance because the inverting input is at virtual ground. Thus, all of the current ( I= 5V/2R ) through R7 also goes through Rf, and the output voltage is -5V. The operational amplifier keeps the inverting (-) input near zero volts ( 0V) because of negative feedback. Therefore, all current goes through Rf rather than into the inverting input.



Figure 4.5(a)

Figure 4.5(b) shows the equivalent circuit when the D 2 input is at +5V and the others are at ground. This condition represents 0100. If we thevenize looking from R8, we get 2.5V in series with R, as shown. This results in a current through Rf of I = 2.5V/ 2R, which gives an output voltage of -2.5V. Keep in mind that there is no current into the op-amp inverting input and that there is no current through the equivalent resistant to ground because it has 0V across it, due to the virtual ground.

Figure 4.5(b)



Figure 4.5(c) shows the equivalent circuit when the D 1 input is at +5V and the others are at ground. This condition represents 0010. Again thevenizing looking from R8, we get 1.25V in series with R as shown. The results in a current through Rf of I = 1.25V/ 2R, which gives an output voltage of -1.25V.

Figure 4.5(c)

In Figure 4.5(d), the equivalent circuit representing the case where D 0 is at +5V and the other inputs are at ground is shown. This condition represents 0001. Thevenizing from R8 gives an equivalent of 0.625V in series with R as shown. The resulting current through Rf is I = 0.625V/ 2R, which gives an output voltage of -0.625V.



Figure 4.5(d)

Notice that each successively is lower weighted input produces an output voltage that is halved, so that the output voltage is proportional to the binary weight of the input bits.

Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot buy. Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot buy. - Clarence Thomas - Clarence Thomas



Activity 4A


The ____________ ( A/D, D/A ) converter translates from analog voltage to binary value.


A D/A converter consists of a ____________ network and a summing __________.


In a resistive divider DAC, the resistors on the inputs (a) determine the amplitude of the analog signal (b) determine the weights of the digital inputs (c) limit the power consumption (d) prevent loading on the source


Each resistor value in a resistive divider DAC is ()a the same as the other values. ()b half of the feedback resistor ()c twice the value of the next lowest value resistor ()d half the value of the next lowest value resistor


In a binary ladder DAC, there are (a) four values of resistors (b) one resistor value (c) two resistor values (d) a number of resistor values equal to the number of inputs




Determine the output of the DAC in the figure (a) below if the sequence of 4 bit numbers in part (b) is applied to the inputs. The data inputs have a low value of 0V and a high value of +5V.



Feedback To Activity 4A

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

D/A Resistor, amplifier (b) (c) (c)




4.2 Analog to Digital Converter

An analog-to-digital converter is a special type of encoder. A basic block diagram of an A/D converter is shown in Figure 4.6. The input is a single variable voltage. The voltage in this case varies from 0 to 3V. The output of the A/D converter is in binary. The A/D converter translates the analog voltage at the input into a 4-bit binary word.

Figure 4.6: Block diagram of an A/D converter



The A/D conversion process is generally more complex and timeconsuming than the D/A process, and many different methods have been developed and used. We shall examine several of these methods in detail. Among them are a digital-ramp method and a successive approximation method.

4.2.1 Digital-ramp A/D Converter

The digital-ramp method of A/D conversion is also known as the stairstepramp or the counter method. It employs a DAC and a binary counter to generate the digital value of an analog input. Figure 4.7 illustrates the block diagram of this type of converter. It contains a counter, a DAC, an analog comparator, and a control AND gate.

Figure 4.7: Block diagram of digital-ramp A/D converter



The analog voltage is applied at the left of this figure. The comparator checks the voltage coming from the D/A converter. If the analog input voltage at A is greater than the voltage at input B of the comparator, the clock is allowed to increase the count of the BCD counter. The count on the counter increases until the feedback voltage from the D/A converter greater than the analog input voltage. At this point, the comparator stops the counter from advancing to a higher count. Suppose the input analog voltage is 2V. The counter is reset to binary 0000, and the counter starts counting again. Now, for more detail on the A/D converter in Figure 4.7, let us assume that there is a logical 1 at point X at the output of the comparator. Also assume that the BCD counter is at binary 0000. Assume, too, that 0.55V is applied to the analog input. The 1 at point X enables the AND gate, and the first pulse from the clock appears at the CLK input of the BCD counter. The counter advances its count to 0001. The 0001 is displayed on the lights in the upper right of Figure 4.7. The 0001 is also fed back to the D/A converter. A binary 0001 produces 0.2V at the output of the D/A converter. The 0.2V is fed back to the B input of the comparator. The comparator checks its inputs. The A input is higher (0.55V as opposed to 0.2V), and so that comparator puts out a logical 1. The 1 enable the AND gate, which lets the next clock pulse through to the counter. The counter advances its count by 1. The count is now 0010. The 0010 is fed back to the D/A converter. The same process will be repeated for the rest of the input analog voltage. The counter would have to count from binary 0000 to 0110 before being stop by the comparator. If the input analog voltage were 2.8V, the binary output will be 1110 before being stopped by the comparator. Notice that it does take some time for the conversion of the analog voltage to a binary readout.



Figure 4.8 illustrates a conversion sequence for a 4-bit conversion. Notice that for each sample, the counter must count from zero up to the point at which the stairstep reference voltage reaches the analog input voltage. The conversion time varies, depending on the analog voltage.

Figure 4.8: The stairstep reference voltage for a 4-bit digital-ramp ADC

Example 4.2



Assume the following values for the digital-ramp ADC: clock frequency= 1MHz; DAC full-scale output= 1.5V and a 4-bit input. Determine the following values. a. b. c. The digital equivalent obtained for VA= 0.78V The conversion time The resolution of this converter



Solution to Example 4.2 .a The DAC has a 4-bit input and a 1.5V full-scale output. Thus, the number of total possible steps is 24 -1= 15, and so the step size is
1.5V = 0.1V 15 0.78V = 7.8 8 steps 0.1V

This means the steps require are

At the end of the conversion, then, the counter will hold the binary equivalent of 8, which is 1000. This is the desired digital equivalent of V A= 0.78V, as produced by this ADC. .b Eight steps were required to complete the conversion. Thus, 8 clock pulses occurred at the rate of the one per microsecond. This gives a total conversion time of 8s. .c The resolution of this converter is equal to the step size of the DAC, which is 0.1V. In percent it is 1/15 x 100% 6.67%.



4.2.2 Successive Approximation A/D Converter

The successive-approximation converter is one of the most widely used types of A/D converter. It has more complex circuitry than the digital ramp A/D converter but a much shorter conversion time. In addition, successive approximation converters (SAC) have a fixed value of conversion time that is not dependent on the value of the analog input. Figure 4.9 shows a basic block diagram of a 4-bit SAC. It consists of a DAC, a successive-approximation register (SAR), and a comparator.

Figure 4.9: A 4-bit SAC A/D converter

The basic operation is as follows: The input bits of the DAC are enabled (made equal to 1) one at a time, starting with the MSB. As each bit is enabled, the comparator produces an output that indicates whether the analog input voltage is greater or less than the output of the DAC. If the DAC is greater than the analog input, the comparators output is LOW, causing the bit of the register to RESET. If the output is less than the analog input, the 1 bit is retained in the register. The system does this with the MSB first, then the next most significant



bit, then the next, and so on. After all the bits of the DAC have been tried, the conversion cycle is complete. Example 4.3 Describe the operation of the 4-bit SAC. Assume that the constant analog input voltage is +5V. Lets assume the output characteristics of DAC are: V out= 8V for the 23 (MSB), Vout= 4V for the 22 bit, and Vout= 1V for the 20 bit (LSB). Solution to Example 4.3

Figure (a) shows the first step in the conversion cycle with the MSB = 1. The output of the DAC is 8V. Since this is greater than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator is LOW, causing the MSB in the SAR to be RESET to a 0.



Figure (b) shows the second step in the conversion cycle with the 2 2 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 4V. Since this is less than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator switches to a HIGH, causing this bit to be retained in the SAR. Figure (c) shows the third step in the conversion cycle with the 2 1 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 6V because there is a 1 on the 2 2 bit input and on the 21 bit input; 4V + 2V = 6V. Since this is greater than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator switches to a LOW, causing this bit to be RESET to a 0. Figure (d) shows the fourth and final step in the conversion cycle with the 20 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 5 V because there is a Ion the 2 2 bit input and on the 20 bit input; 4V + 1V = 5V. The four bits have all been tried, thus completing the conversion cycle. At this point the binary code in the register is 0101, which is the binary value of the analog input of 5V. Another conversion cycle now begins, and the basic process is repeated. The SAR is cleared at the beginning of each cycle.

To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. - Marilyn Vos Savant - Marilyn Vos Savant



Activity 4B

4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10

An ADC will translate a ____________ input voltage into a ______________ output. List two types of ADC circuit. The successive approximation ADC is ___________ (faster, slower) than digital ramp type. State the statement whether is true or false: The conversion time for a SAC increases as the analog voltage increases.

4.11 What digital output will be generated by the circuit in Figure 4.7 if an analog input voltage of 11.8V were applied?



Feedback To Activity 4B

4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11

analog, digital Digital ramp converter, Successive approximation converter faster false If an analog input of 11.8V were applied to the ADC circuit, the counter would be incremented until it reached a count of 1100 ( decimal 12 ).




1. Digital-to-analog conversion is the process of converting digital codes to analog quantities. 2. Analog-to-digital conversion is the process of converting analog quantities to digital codes. 3. Resistive divider and binary ladder are used to implement the D/A conversion. 4. The examples of ADC are Digital ramp and Successive approximation converters.




Question 4-1 a. Determine the weight of each input bit of figure below.


Refer to the figure above, if Rf change to 250, determine the full-scale output.


What are the disadvantages of the DAC with resistive divider inputs?



Question 4-2 a. For a 4-bit digital ramp ADC, assume that the clock period is 1 s , determine the binary sequence on the output for the analog signal in figure below.

b. For a certain 4-bit successive approximation ADC, the maximum ladder output is +8V. If a constant +6V is applied to the analog input, determine the sequence of binary states for the SAR.

If you cant excel with talent, triumph with effort. If you cant excel with talent, triumph with effort. - Dave Weinbaum - Dave Weinbaum



Feedback To Self-Assessment 4

Answer for Question 4-1 a. Thus, MSB 5V 2nd MSB 2.5V 3rd MSB 1.25V 4th MSB 0.625V b. If Rf is reduced by a factor of 4, to 250, each input weight will be four times smaller than the values above. Thus, the full-scale output will be reduced by this same factor and becomes -9.375/4 = -2.344 V. c. In a resistive divider DAC, each resistor has a different value. The MSB passes with gain = 1, so its weight in the output is 5V.

Answer for Question 4-2 a. b. SAR Comment 100 Greater than Vin, reset MSB 0 010 Less than Vin, keep the 1 0 011 Equal to Vin, keep the (final state) 0000, 0000, 1110, 1100, 0111, 0110, 0011, 0010, 1100.



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