IA. HD Item Rolling Priority

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NOTE: "Active player" is a player who the guild lead decides is active eunough to receive items/stats.

Some standards can be made to determine when a player is active and when not. 1A. Player can roll any number of HD items for use per run. (Prevents the case where player can't roll on an item he needs because he needs another item that drops later more) 1B. Player can roll 1 HD item per run 2A. Player can roll any number of yellow stats for use per run (With this rule there will also be rule on how many stats you can stack) 2B. Player can roll 1 yellow stat per run When a player in guild needs an item that drops in a run where he is not and no one else on the run needs that item then 3A. Item goes to guild bank and all active players who need that item can /roll who gets it for ABL fee 3B. Raid decides who they sell the item and for what price. 4A. Some amount of used stats are kept in guild bank to hand out to active player who needs it for PFS fee. 4B. No stats are kept in guild bank. IA. HD item rolling priority
1. Players on the run All players on the run that need the item can roll for it regardless of what they have received before on the run 2. Players in the guild If there is an active player in the guild that needs the item then the item is ABLed to guild bank All active players who need it can roll (/roll command) for it 3. Sell The party decides if the item is sold as raid sell or rolled individually See also VI. If the item contains a usable stat and the receiver of the item doesn't want to use it OR the item goes for sale then the stat is extracted to guild bank (regardless of how many of those stat are in guild bank)

IB. HD item rolling priority

4. Players on the run All players on the run that need the item can roll for it regardless of what they have received before on the run 5. Players in the guild If there is a player in the guild that needs the item then the item is ABLed to guild bank for a price the raid decides All players who the raid decided can roll (/roll command) for it If no one wants the item for the price the raid decided then the item goes to raid sell

6. Sell The party decides if the item is sold as raid sell or rolled individually See also VI. If the item contains a usable stat and the receiver of the item doesn't want to use it OR the item goes for sale then the stat is extracted to guild bank (regardless of how many of those stat are in guild bank)

II. Usable stat rolling priority (non red)

1. Guild bank If there are less than 3 stones with the stat in the guild bank then the stat is put into guild bank 2. Players on the run All players on the run that need the stat and have less than 2 stones with the stat in storage can roll for it regardless of what they have received before on the run 3. Sell The party decides if the stat is sold as raid sell or rolled individually See also VI.

III. World boss proofs

World boss proofs are always banked

IV. World boss items

Proofs are spent 50% for magic users and 50% physical users For each type (caster/physical) all active players of that type roll (/roll command) on who will be the one to get HD item. Proofs are spent untill that player receives the item he desired. Proofs are spent on newest and second newest items unless there is a good reason to invest for older ones. This is because of the stats on the items. A player who has already received an item will not roll again until all active players of his type have received an item. If the item has a stat the receiver doesn't want to use then the stat is extracted and banked

V. Red stats
All red stats from non-HD items (instances and world bosses) are banked When a stat is banked all active players who want to use it roll (/roll command) for it. A player who has already received a certain type stat (for example int/matt, sta/patt etc.) will not roll again for the same stat until all active players who use that stat have also received that stat. Receiving a stat in a HD item counts towards the above roll restriction. If a player has rolled a stat and after that receives the same stat in HD item then that player skips next 2 rolls instead. 1 per player per run at most per roll type Low value stats stated in the announcements are free to greed If you have received an item A (or stat) and another item B drops then you can roll on the B. If you win the roll you give away A if there are anyone in raid who want A. All players who want item A can /roll for it. The winner gets the item. If you don't have PFS/ABL needed to give away the first item you can't roll for the second item.

VI. Need rolls and greed rolls

NOTE: If the first received item is not a stat and you still want to roll for second item that is stat then you still have to use your ABL to give the first item to the second highest roller.

VII. Low value item (and stat) individual sell

free to roll any amount

VIII. Banking refunds

The guild bank refunds all ABL/Extractor/PFS costs for items and stats that go to the guild bank. The refund is set by the guild lead and reads in the announcements.

IX. Receiving yellow stat from the guild bank

When you have your item ready so that you can equip it after you have inserted stats into it you can ask a guild leader for the missing stats and they will be given to you from the bank.

X. Recruiting
Joining players will have 2 week trial time. This is mainly to see if the player suits into the guild. If no guild member objects the recruit is made a member after this period. Only restriction a recruit has during his trial time is that he doesn't receive items or stats from the guild bank. This is because the guild bank already has stats put there by guild members so the recruit is expected to run first and contribute to the work of getting those stats before actaully receiving them.

XI. Multiple classes and characters

You name 1 class on 1 character as your main. You can roll stats and items and receive guild bank stats and items only to that. Any other classes and characters you have to gear up with sell rolls.

XII. General rules

Be polite and talk to people. Even plain "Hi" is nice to get when you log in. If you talking about general game stuff about someone preferably use the guild channel so others can take part too if they want to talk. Silent guild chat is boring to watch. If you have a problem of any sort with another guild member talk about it with him privately, in guild chat or with a guild leader. Conflicts are bound to happen from time to time and if they are not solved they wont go away by themselves. Passing any item/stat rolls not mentioned in rules above is completely optional. If you feel that someone else needs an item or stat more than you then you can pass your roll but it's only if YOU feel so. Don't go tell someone else that he should pass his roll. You have 1 main class that you are rolling for. If you want to gear up another class or another character you will have to use sell rolls to do that. No form of cheating is allowed. If a player is caught for using cheats he will be kicked out of the guild.

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