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BATTALION 45 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Reported to Staging Area at Queens Midtown Tunnel

- Responded to Command Post at West and Vesey St.
Operated at 6 WTC Custom house post collapse.
- Supervised search and evacuations.
Operated on Greenwich Street post collapse.
- Supervised extinguishment of various fires
Operated on West St. post collapse.
- Supervised search and evacuations.

BATTALION 46 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Reported to Staging Area at Queens Midtown Tunnel

Established Command Post at West and Chambers St.
Operated at Verizon Building.
- Supervised search and evacuations.
Operated on West St. post collapse.
- Supervised search and evacuations.

BATTALION 49 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Reported to Staging Area at Queens Midtown Tunnel

- Responded to Command Post at West and Vesey St.
Established Command Post at West and Chambers St. post collapse.
Operated at 6 WTC US Customs house post collapse.
Operated on Liberty St.
- Supervised search and evacuations.
Operated at Vesey St. Command Post.
- Acted as staging Coordinator.

ENG. 251 0050/1909 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Operations post collapse.

Reported to Command Post at West St. and Albany St.
- Secured serviceable hydrant and hooked up.
- Supplied 2 hoselines to manifold.
- Supplied 2 handlines.

ENG. 258 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Reported to West St. and Chambers St. and proceeded to

Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. While enroute
1 WTC collapsed.
Operations post collapse.
- Ordered to operate at Command Post at West St. and Chambers St.

ENG. 259 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Parked apparatus at West St. and Chambers St. and proceeded to
Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. While enroute
1 WTC collapsed.
Operations post collapse.
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Assisted with hoseline stretches in collapse area. _

ENG. 260 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed.
Operations post collapse.
- Reported to staging area at West St. and Vesey St.
- Performed various support duties as ordered.

ENG. 261 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
causing injury to 1 member.
Operations post collapse.
Reported to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St.
- Ordered to staging area.
- Ordered to perform search for victims on West St. collapse area and
debris pile.

ENG. 262 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse.
- Ordered to extinguish a large number of car fires near West St. and
Vesey St. Hose line was stretched and approximately 30 to 40 cars
were extinguished.
- Unit was then held at staging area until relieved.

ENG. 263 8087/0847 YES NO

OPERATIONS: - Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Performed recovery of victims in collapse area and on debris pile.



ENG. 274 8087/0923 - YES NO

OPERATIONS: Assigned to pick up mask cylinders from Mask Service Unit and to deliver
them to the World Trade Center. Unit arrived at WTC site as 1 WTC was
Operations Post Collapse.
- Evacuated basement of 5 WTC.
- Extinguished fire in 5 WTC.
- Extinguished multiple vehicle fires in fallout area.
- Assisted with water supply to several tower ladders.
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.

ENG. 289 8087/0915 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Assigned to pick up mask cylinders from Mask Service Unit and to deliver
them to the World Trade Center. Unit arrived at WTC site as 1 WTC was
Operations Post Collapse.
- Performed first aid to injured victims.
- Operated at site performing various support duties as ordered.

ENG. 307 2033/0959 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Performed evacuation of victims caught in area of collapse.
- Performed first aid to injured victims.
- Performed search for victims.
- Supplied tower ladder operating on I WTC debris pile.

ENG. 312 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Assisted with various hose stretches.
- Operated at site performing various support duties as ordered.

ENG.324/SAT4 0050/1825 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Operations Post Collapse.

- Ordered to stretch 5 inch supply line to Command Post at West St.
and Albany St.



ENG. 325 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Operations Post Collapse.

- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Assisted with various hose stretches.
- Performed various support duties to assist rescue operation.

LAD. 115 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Performed recovery of victims in collapse area and on debris pile.

LAD. 116 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Performed first aid to injured victims. Assisted with removal of
injured victims to EMS.

LAD. 117/3 8087/1400 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Operations Post Collapse.

- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Assisted with various hose stretches.

LAD. 128 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.

LAD. 136 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Ordered to search for victims at numerous locations in collapse area
and on debris pile.



LAD. 138 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit reported to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. Unit was
standing by when I WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust
and debris cloud and were forced to take cover.
Operations Post Collapse:
- Members regrouped and commenced widespread search of collapse area
and rubble at West St. and Vesey St.
- Removed collapse victims from under rubble and debris area to a safe area.
- Ordered to search 6 WTC. Results Negative.

LAD. 154/6 80872126 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was relocated to L-6 and was called to the WTC site at 2126 hours.
- Upon arrival at WTC site unit was ordered to stretch a line to Tower
Ladder 146.
- Unit was ordered to locate and monitor electrical vaults in NY Telephone Building.
- Unit was ordered to set up temporary lighting at site of 7 WTC collapse.

LAD. 163 2033/0954 YES NO

OPERATIONS: Unit was reporting to Command Post at West St. and Vesey St. when
1 WTC collapsed. Members were caught in dust and debris cloud
and were forced to take cover.
Operations post collapse:
- Performed search for victims in collapse area and on debris pile.
- Performed first aid to injured victims. Assisted with removal of
injured victims to EMS.
- Searched underground subway tunnels and sub-basements for victims.

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