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Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 378, 2001, pp. 208–209. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol.

378, No. 3, 2001, pp. 407–409.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Babalyan, Novikov.


The Pheromone Inhibiting Spermatogenesis in Laboratory Mice

Is Associated with the Urinary Protein Fraction
V. V. Babalyan and S. N. Novikov
Presented by Academician A.D. Nozdrachev May 10, 2000

Received October 4, 2000

Physiological proteinuria reaching sometimes 20 mg (2) Physiologically active compounds are repre-
of protein per 1 ml of urine a day in mature male house sented by substances of different polarity, which are
mice is one of mysteries of rodent living activity [1]. present in both lypophilic and hydrophilic urinary frac-
The phenomenology and molecular and genetic basis tions.
of proteinuria have been studied in detail; nevertheless, (3) After separation of the low-molecular-weight
the biological implication of an increased protein and protein urinary fractions, the latter retains a high
excretion in this large systematic group is still an pheromone activity.
enigma. Thus, we have demonstrated that, after multiple
In the early 1990s, first reports appeared in which extraction, the protein urinary fraction of mature male
close functional association was demonstrated between CBA mice retains pheromone physiological activity
urinary protein and physiological activity of phero- interfering with spermatogenesis in young CBAB6F1
mones controlling the rate of sexual maturation in mice. As early as in the mid-1970s, it was suggested
female laboratory mice [2]. that the structure and function of urinary proteins (pep-
In this study, we analyzed physiological effects of tides) of mature male mice were related to the physio-
the volatile compounds contained in both protein and logical activity of the androgen-dependent pheromones
nonprotein urine fractions of six- to eight-month-old that influence sexual maturation in females. [4]. This
male CBA/LacSto mice. To evaluate the physiological suggestion was experimentally confirmed later: two
activity of the fractions, a biotest was used, namely, the compounds accelerating sexual maturation were chemi-
count of morphologically abnormal spermia [3]. cally identified as 2-(sec-buthyl)thiazoline and 2,3-dehy-
dro-exo-brevicomin and afterwards synthesized. They
Low-molecular-weight compounds were separated were also found to be associated with the so-called
from the urinary proteins by salting-out with a satu- major urinary protein (MUP) with a molecular weight
rated solution of ammonium sulfate followed by cen- of 18–19 kDa, which forms the basis of the protein
trifugation. To obtain the lipophilic fraction, the super- fraction [2].
natant was four times extracted with diethyl ether, and
the solvent was removed with a nitrogen flow under Proteins of the MUP complex belong to a family of
vacuum. The solid residual was dissolved in distilled phylogenetically ancient proteins that serve several
water to restore the initial volume. important functions in an organism, such as binding
and transport of hydrophobic physiologically active
Physiological activity of the fractions was evaluated compounds (hormones, vitamins, pheromones), inter-
from their effect on spermatogenesis in 30-day-old action with membrane receptors of the target cells, for-
male CBAB6F1 mice after a 2-h exposure to a flow of mation of functional complexes with various sub-
air containing the odorant in an olfactometer operating stances, etc. [5]. To date, at least 20 members of this
in a definite mode [3]. family have been identified; the best studied proteins
The results obtained (table) indicate the following. are fetoprotein, lactoglobulin, retinol-binding protein,
and apolipoprotein D. Despite a high variation in the
(1) In native urine of mature CBA/LacSto mice, primary structure, lipocalins are characterized by a
low-molecular-weight (volatile) compounds were conserved conformation of the protein molecule, which
found. Their effect on the 30-day-old recipients led to is barrel-shaped with an open cuplike pocket and a
an increased frequency of abnormal spermia in the epi- ligand-binding site situated within the “barrel” [2].
In the MUP complex, as many as 15 protein frac-
tions are distinguished. They differ in molecular
weight, amino-acid composition [6], and, probably, in
Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, the affinity for the volatile pheromone-like physiologi-
nab. Makarova 6, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia cally active compounds. Both qualitative and quantita-

0012-4966/01/0506-0208$25.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica”


Frequency of abnormal spermia in the caudal segment of the the MUP-complex proteins have been localized to the
epididymis (AC, %) in male CBAB6F1 mice exposed to vol- same chromosome [15].
atile components of the protein and nonprotein fractions of
urine of male CBA/LacSto mice Comparison of these data with the results obtained
in our study leads to a proposal that the MUP and OBP
Variant of treatment N AC, % proteins are involved in a phylogenetically ancient
transport chain ensuring chemical communication and
VUC 3338 10.1 ± 0.52 reproduction regulation by means of pheromones in the
P 3225 7.0 ± 0.45** animal world. If so, the question arises as to whether
Lnf 3242 7.5 ± 0.46** the artificial structural analogues of the MUP exhibit-
Hyd.Lnf 2170 7.8 ± 0.58** ing high affinity for the physiologically active com-
pounds can be used for directed (vector) regulation of
Lip.Lnf 2623 4.7 ± 0.41* reproduction by means of olfactory stimulation.
CI 2572 2.8 ± 0.33
CO 4104 2.5 ± 0.24
Notes: VUC, volatile urinary components; P, urinary protein fraction;
Lnf, low-molecular-weight nonprotein urinary fraction; Lip.Lnf, This work was partly supported by the Russian State
and Hyd.Lnf, lipophilic and hydrophilic low-molecular-weight
nonprotein urinary fractions, respectively; CO, intact males; CI, Program “Frontiers in Genetics” (project no. 2.152)
exposure of male CBAB6F1 mice to water vapor. and the program “ASGL-Olfaction Pharmacology.”
* Significant differences from the variant CI at p < 0.05.
** Significant differences from the variant CI at p < 0.01.
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