10 Best SAP Interview Tips For Freshers Experienced

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10 Best SAP Interview Tips for Freshers Experienced

10 Best SAP Int erview Tips f or Freshers Experienced. Welcome t o SAP ABAP Int erview Quest ions.
Here in this post, we are writing article on how to crack the SAP Interview, Best SAP Interview T ips for SAP Technical Consultants. Interview is the f irst hurdle, we have to overcome to enter into SAP Industry as a SAP consultant . Companies conducting SAP Interviews f or dif f erent perspective, the recruitment's and skills could be dif f erent in each SAP Interview. Bef ore attending SAP ABAP interviews , we have to gain good conceptual knowledge on all technical and f unctional aspects of related SAP modules. Ref er this post f or more details on 10 Best SAP Interview Preparation T ips for Freshers Experienced Professionals.

10 Best SAP Int erview Tips f or Freshers & Experienced Prof essionals
T his post contains article on how to crack the SAP Interviews, SAP Interview T ips for SAP Consultants. Interview is the f irst hurdle, we have to overcome to enter into SAP Industry as a SAP consultant. Many people rejected by the interviewers because lack of communication skills. If you're good in technical aspects as well as in communication skills. T hese both technical skills and communication skills, can plays a vital role in SAP interviews. In SAP job market , most of the companies and interviewers would expect f rom job seekers is conceptual clarity, business process knowledge, clear communication skills,positive attitude and willingness to learn new things. Whether you are f resher or experienced prof essional, we should keep f ocus on these things to get success in SAP interviews. If you're newbie going to start career in SAP and f ailed to clear the interview in f irst step, it doesn't mean that you lost every thing in your lif e. Be positive learn f rom your previous mistakes, make sure that don't repeat those previous mistakes in f uture interviews, each unsuccessf ul interview would be a stepping stone f or success in coming SAP interviews. T he SAP companies and interviewers would really likes the candidates with Sincerity. In SAP interviews if you don't know the answer f or the asked questions, accept that i don't know the answer, rather than bluf f ing. Bluf f ing in interviews means that does not make interviewer trust on you. Be honest and sincere at the time of facing interviews on SAP . T he consultants who are going to attend interviews and succeed in SAP interviews, we should keep these best interview tips in mind and keep f ocusing on these best SAP ABAP Interview tips .

10 Best SAP Int erview Tips f or Freshers & Experienced Prof essionals

Updat e Your SAP CV Regularly

Be Honest and Sincere in SAP Int erviews

Show Posit ive At t it ude in Int erviews

Be punct ual on SAP Int erview Day

Ref resh Your Previous knowledge on SAP

Know t he Skills and Requirement s Needed f or Applied SAP Job

Be Self Conf ident at SAP Int erviews

Give Best Business Examples t o Impress Int erviewer

Keep Concent rat e on Communicat ion Skills

Explore and Present Yourself well bef ore Int erviewers

T he f ollowing best SAP interview tips would be handy f or the candidates who are attending SAP interviews.

1. Updat e Your SAP CV Regularly

Always keep your CV up to date in job portals. You will only get interview calls based on your CV. T heref ore, you must take utmost care in draf ting your CV. I do NOT believe in taking help f rom the prof essional writers who write the CV's f or money. If you cannot write a quality CV of yours, then what a Client can expect f rom you? How can you resolve and communicate the issues of the Client? T heref ore, you are the right person in order to write your own CV in a better way.

T he CV should showcase your most relevant experiences, strengths, capabilities, education and certif ications etc. When you are presenting a prof essional CV, you would not af f ord to have the grammatical mistakes. You may think, it is a small matter, but you should give reasonably good importance to this point, other your CV could be rejected at the entrance. By reading your CV, the client should visualize yourself as a prospective candidate. If you are successf ul with this activity, then half of the task is completed.

2. Be Honest and Sincere in SAP Int erviews

Not just you, most of you disagree with my statistics. However, my conscience says, 90% of the CVs in the market are either f alsif ying or exaggerated. I know many people would try to f ind f ault with my 90% statistics. However, if they ask their conscience, def initely, I believe, my 90% would be a smaller f igure. Falsif ying is something you have never done and exaggerating is something which you do not have. Furthermore, the kind of quality-less and basic questions that are being asked in SCN is provoking me that my statistics are correct. Trust me, you would never be successf ul in your lif e without honesty. Sanskrit proverb says "Satyameva Jayathe" (Truth alone triumphs). Even if you f ail by honest, you would enjoy that f ailure and your moral spirit would always be upbeat. If you are successf ul by dishonest, you would die every minute and every second in your lif e. T heref ore, please write your CV honestly and answer your interview in a honest manner. Please accept proudly if you do not know something. T here is no shame in it. If you try to f alsif y anything, then please remember, you are cheating your conscience, yourself , your parents, society, country, environment. Not only this, you are cheating your prospective employer and Clients. Be proud in being honest.

3. Show Posit ive At t it ude in Int erviews

Show your self respect in interview with your positive attitude and willingness to learn / share. Never be arrogant, which would not give you any any benef it, but would give you every chance to f ail. Try to express in your f eelings how you are inspired to learn something and how you are inspired to help others. T his is the best quality that the employers are looking f or. Just having good knowledge may not be suf f icient, if you f ail to show the right amount of attitude. You would f ind number of people with good amount of technical knowledge, however,very bad attitude. Attitude is not quantif iable by any means, however, it can only be f elt by others. You should know how you can demonstrate this immensely powerf ul quality. If you see in the society, some people are always respected, because of their positive attitude and helping nature.

4. Be punct ual on SAP Int erview Day

You are going to Interview, but not your f riend's marriage. Try to be at the interview at least 15 minutes

bef ore, in case if you are attending a f ace to f ace interview, unless it is a genuine reason why you are late. First impression would be your best impression. If you are early, usually, you would be in a a peace of mind. If you go to interview in a hurry way, usually, you would loose your peace of mind. Not only just punctual, some of the employer even could ask you to get some documents, if so, please be prepared that you have collected them to produce f or them. You cannot af f ord to miss the employer's organisational policies.

5. Ref resh Your Previous Knowledge and Weak areas in SAP

Interviews are stepping stones. Not every consultant in this world is successf ul in their f irst interview. Particularly, the competition is enormous and the expectation f rom the employers are also at high magnitude. T heref ore, do not much bother even if you f ail in an interview. Please note down the areas you are f ailed to answers and brush those areas f or the next interviews. T he more number of interviews that you are giving, the conf idence would be def initely boosted. For example, in the initial interview, if you have f ailed to answer the integration points between dif f erent modules, then ref resh those areas thoroughly and educate yourself in those areas. T his could help you in your f uture interviews.

6. Know t he Skills and Requirement s Needed f or Applied SAP Job

As I said, the expectations of each SAP interview is dif f erent. You may not be knowing but you can easily guess the expectations of the employer. You cannot use the same approach and preparation f or all the interviews. You may have to use dif f erent approaches and strategies in order to be successf ul in your interviews. For example some of the interviews particularly look f or conf iguration skills, theref ore, you need to demonstrate them how good you are in conf iguration of the application. Some people would expect you to be more business enriched personality, you need to attempt the questions with more business acumen. Particularly, if you are going to interviews with Top 4 Consulting f irms they would expect you to have more excellent communication and advisory skills. You need to demonstrate such skills with them. T heref ore, be prepared with dif f erent approaches f or each interview.

7. Be wit h Self Conf idence in SAP Int erviews

Self conf idence is the key f or your success. I know when you are really new to this interview process, you would be much tensed up with the kind of questions that interviewer may ask you.

T hough this is very much natural, there is no point in getting panic bef ore interview. T his would only push you towards the wrong side of the coin. T heref ore, be conf ident and be prepared f or anything. Maximum what is going to happen, you might not get the job. It is not end of the world, there is def initely better side of the coin. Every human being is living with a hope. Hope is the driving f orce of our lives. T here is def initely a brighter sunshine af ter today's night. T heref ore, there is no need to panic, be conf ident and be positive in your interviews.

8. Give Best SAP Business Examples t o Impress Int erviewer

You are going to interview NOT just to explain the conf iguration screen. You need to explain the SAP system / conf iguration with business process examples. T his would give you good amount of conf idence and the interviewer will be surely impressed with you. By seeing the dif f erent interviewers of various countries, there is a vast dif f erence between how the interview questions are being asked in dif f erent countries. Mostly if it is SAP Technical Interview in India, then they would expect you to remember the screens and transaction codes. T heref ore, you would have very less chance to bluf f with them. However, in Western countries, though they are Technical Interviews, they are mostly process driven interviews. If you are conceptually clear about the processes, then they would not put much stress about the screen, check boxes and radio buttons. T heref ore, you may have to prepare the interview accordingly. In any case, giving business example would showcase your good amount of analytical skills.

9. Keep Concent rat e on Communicat ion Skills

Communication is the most successf ul element of your whole interview process. I would say it is 90% deciding f actor whether to get success or f ailure in your interview. T here are number of consultants with very limited technical knowledge, still managing the get through the interview only with communication skills. Once selected, they are some how managing the show by pinching the other people. You cannot expect everybody would have excellent communication. However, you should ensure yourself to have a reasonable amount of communication skills. In case if you are f ailing in this area, your utmost importance would be having good amount of communication skills. If you have good communication skills and reasonable amount of technical knowledge, it would help you to crack the jinx. If you have good amount of technical skills and conceptual knowledge, but if you f ail to communicate them, then def initely, it would not serve the purpose. T heref ore, please never underestimate the importance of the communication skills

10. Explore and Present Yourself well bef ore Int erviewers

T he most important thing is how you present yourself . Your appearance, the way you dress, your body language, your sense of humor and your communication; all these would really matter. T heref ore, you can show the better body language when you have peace of mind. If you are tensed up, whatever you do, probably, you are going to mess up. T heref ore, keeping yourself cool and looking conf ident is important. As a consultant, you would be expected to visit number of client place f or them. T heref ore, your prospective employer would expect such presentation skills f rom the day of interview. Some people tend to ignore these small things, however, they play a pivotal role in taking the decision of your selection. source : sap.scn.com

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