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Maximize Transmission Use

Dale Bradshaw External Program Coordinator Cooperative Research Network

Hierarchy of Methods to Increase Transmission Capacity

1. Implement transmission software in operational planning 2. Examine and implement dynamic rating of lines 3. Install Advanced Conductors 4. Install Distributed Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS) devices 5. Install distributed dynamic flow control devices 6. Install Central Station FACTS devices

Optimization Software Helps To Develop A Plan To Handle Voltage Problems

Possible Mitigation Measures Used

Applies a minimum number of mitigation measures based on a user-defined priority schedule which may include:
MW re-Dispatch MVar re-Dispatch Capacitor and Reactor Switching Transformer Tap Change Line Switching (In and Out) Phase Shifter settings Load Curtailment Defined Operating Procedures Switching Not Affected Lines Optimal Capacitor, Reactor, FACTS Placement and size

Using Optimization Software with 3D GUI

Prior to using Optimization After using Optimization

Dynamic Rating of Lines

A v e ra g e s o f R a tin g s a n d L o a d fo r A u g u s t 2 0 0 0


1000 Average (amperes)





0 S ta tic R a tin g 4 H our 1 H our 1 5 M in u te s Load

Actual Dynamic Line Design Capability

Commercial High Current Carrying Conductor

Shaped Annealed Aluminum Steel Supported Trapezoidal ACSS/TW Conductor

Performance Advantages of ACSS/TW

Operate to 154oC (32% more current)- no loss in strength. Sags Less - Lower thermal elongation. Not affected by long term creep Improved self-damping - low vibration. Increased Conductivity - 63% IACS Improved corrosion resistance Equal OD & equal AREA options

Southwires High Capacity Domestic Cables Balance of Properties New HS285 (High Strength steel with 285 ksi tensile strength)
Increased current carrying capability (>62%) Proven technology Reduced line losses Extra high strength steel good value for reconductoring

Summary of Key Issues Triggering Voltage Stability Issues and

Driving up Demand for Dynamic Reactive Compensation

Uncertainty in power flows due to competitive markets Changed more dynamic non-linear customer loads. Higher Efficiency, more dynamic motors New, high temperature, low sag conductors. Better transmission planning. High cost of new transmission lines Voltage sags and collapse has been either a major contributor or cause of 90% of blackouts in last decade.

New Conductors will increase Thermal Capacity, but Drive up Need for Dynamic Reactive Power (as will Parallel Line Contingencies)
3500 3000 2500 2000 MVAR 1500 1000 500 0 -500 0 1000 2000 MW

FACTs? First and Second Generation SuperVARtm

Hi T low Sag ACSS/TW


3000 ACSR



Thanks to Dr. Arshad Mansoor, VP, EPRI

Growing Risk of Voltage Collapse

1.1 No Caps With Caps 1.05

CA situation
With Capacitors Voltage Collapse is sharper & faster

V o lt a g e p u




Without Capacitors Voltage Collapse is slower

0.8 0 2000 4000 6000 MW Transferred 8000 10000 12000

Growing Risk of Voltage Collapse Loss of Capacitor VAR Output as a Function of Line Voltage Thus Shunt Capacitors are Only a Short Term Solution To Voltage Issues

Example of Voltage Stability and Recovery Following a Disturbance at Various System Buses with specific VAR sources, circuit topology in the 1 Lab

Motor terminal voltage (p.u.)

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 - 0.1

BUS 03 BUS 04 BUS 05

0. 1




0 .5

0 .6

0. 7


T im e (s )

Growing Potential for Voltage Instability as Measured by Transmission Power Quality Meters-FIDVR

Black line shows what a strong bus recovery would look like

Dynamic Reactive Compensation Devices Ranging from $200/kVAr down to $100/kVAr AEP DSTATCOM

UPFC Inverter Hall AEP Inez Substation +/320 MVA


Another Example of FACTS

Devices: SDG&E-Talega STATCOM Site

Examples of FACTS Power Electronics Devices: Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) AEP Inez Substation +/- 320 Mvar
Increase transmission line capacity Direct power flow along selected lines Powerful system oscillation damping Voltage support and regulation
Electronic generator to provide reactive power and insert real power


Load AEP / EPRI / Westinghouse Demonstration - 640 MVA

Electronic generator to provide reactive power and extract real power

Example of a Distributed STATCOM (DSTATCOM) for Control of Voltage and Transient Stability TVAs AMSC/GE D-VAR at Inez substation in MS.

A VAr next to the customer or at the low voltage side of a T&D interface is 2 to 3
times more effective in supporting voltage than a VAr produced by Generators or on the Transmission system. This D-VAR can peak at 2.67 nominal rating for 2 seconds.

AMSC D-VAR basics

Costs of $150/kVAr to $200/kVAr installed Can be relocated Quick Installation

Rayburn County Electric Cooperatives D-VAR (Dynamic VAr)


Systems use fast switching (1/4 cycle) and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). Increase limitations due to voltage instability concerns thus reducing congestion. Peak output of 2.67 Xs nominal for 2 seconds.

D-VAR Injection Capability and Transient Response over time

Back to the Future with a High Temperature Superconducting Synchronous Condenser

New lower cost option ($50/+ or - kVAr) for dynamic reactive compensation. Instant transient response depending on V second exciter response 2 X output for up to 2 minutes. Low operating and maintenance cost (50% less energy than current options) Cooler Supports transient stability module (inherently stable) Direct hook-up at 13.8 kV Commercially available now Prototype was successfully field-tested in TVA service area in 2005 Two More 12 MVAr SuperVARs ordered

Compressors Stator coils Pony Moto

EM Shield/Vacuum Shell Around HTS components

SuperVARtm Transient Response Complements D-VAR Transient Response over time

SuperVARtm exciter action in second boosting output to 2 X and lasts 2 minutes

High Temperature Superconducting Synchronous Condenser a Better Source of Dynamic VARs DOE ORNL
The high current is maintained to higher magnetic fields, allowing use in motors, transformers, generators
1.0E+06 6

1.0E+07 7

10 10 10 10 10 10

77 K

1.0E+05 5

2nd generation wire


1.0E+04 4 Bi2223 PIT Tape

1.0E+03 3

1st generation wire

2 4 6 8

1.0E+02 2 0

Magnetic Field (Tesla)

2nd generation YBCO HTS wire to reduce wire cost by a factor of 5x 2G wire will Increase magnetic field, critical current, and MVAR output from the same size High temperature Superconducting Synchronous Condenser by 4X to 5X 2G wire will allow large high efficiency, high torque, cost effective superconducting motors for power plants (primarily nuclear and coal) and industries

Critical Current Density (A/cm2)

Smart Wires Power Flow Control Device GATECH IPIC and SST
Defer building of new lines Massive redundancy- HI Reliability Zero footprint solution Mass produced modules Easy and rapid installation Control power flow along contract path Maintenance with existing workforce Reduced time to deploy and overall cost Will Aggravate dynamic voltage problems.

Smart Wires Power Flow Control Device

Increase or decrease steady state line current autonomously or under system controller command Defer building of new lines Able to respond autonomously in case of fast transients or communications channel failure Monitor conductor temperature & limit current as a function of conductor temperature Massive redundancy, single unit failure has negligible impact on system performance Zero footprint solution

Smart Wires Power Flow Control Device

Robust and rugged under typical fault conditions Deployed in phases as needed Mass produced modules can be kept in stock Easy and rapid installation Control power flow along contract path Minimize environmental impact Can be maintained with existing workforce Reduced time to deploy and overall cost

GATECH IPIC Utility Transformers with Phase Angle and Amplitude Control and Utility Transformers with Phase Angle Amplitude Control
Augmentation of existing transformers using a

small rated converter with no energy storage Novel approach provides simultaneous voltage regulation and phase-angle control, with graceful degradation as failures occur.
Control of line current using phase

Linear Transformer

angle control capability

Line 1

13.8kV 15o

Vs1 Controllable Transformer

Line 2


If overhead lines must be built. Then use Power Transfer Enhancement with Unique Bundle Configurations for 500 kV lines (and possibly 345 kV lines) Tennessee Tech University - Dr. Prit Chowduri

If overhead lines must be built. Then use Power Transfer Enhancement with Unique Bundle Configurations for 500 kV lines (and possibly 345 kV lines) Tennessee Tech University - Dr. Prit Chowduri

CRN TRAS products that Maximize Transmission Use

Short Term Solutions to Transmission Congestion Evaluation of Real Time Reliability and Optimization Software Evaluation of Voltage Stabilizing Technologies Enhancing Power Transfer through Alternate Bundle Configurations D-VAR Systems High Voltage DC systems

Copies Of The Full Report Are Available To CRN Members

To Join the NRECA CRN Please contact:
NRECA Cooperative Research Network (CRN) Karen Sawyer SS9-204 4301 WILSON BLVD,ARLINGTON, VA 22203-1860 E-mail: Phone: 703-907-5838

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