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Autocratic leadership style defines a leader who empowers employees to make their own decisions and who uses very little direct supervision.

A) True B) False

2. With the shift in paradigm from management to leadership, the leadership style of most effective managers is no longer autocratic, but democratic.

A) True B) False

3.In the Ohio State University study of leader behavior, this type of leadership style, similar to job-centered leadership, focuses on getting the task done.

A) consideration behavior B) initiating structure behavior C) the leadership grid D) employee assessment

4. The leadership grid descibes this type of leader as having a high concern for people and a low concern for production.

A) social outcomes B) team leader C) country-club leader D) high-high leader

5. This contribution of behavioral leadership theory suggests that the manager does not have to perform both production and people functions, but should seek coleaders to complement their weaker area.

A) coleadership B) employee-centered C) country club leader D) autocratic leadership

6. Acquired needs theory is an example of this type of motivation theory.

A) hierarchy of needs B) process C) content D) reinforcement

7. The motivation theory that proposes the highest level of need is self actualization, or to develop one's full potential is...

A) two-factor B) acquired needs C) equity D) Maslow's hierarchy of needs

8. Organizations meet these needs through titles, the satisfaction of completing the job itself, merit pay raises, recognition, challenging tasks, participation in decision making, and the chance for advancement.

A) expectancy B) esteem needs C) equity D) acquired needs

9. Most research has demonstrated that money has NO limit in its ability to motivate.

A) True B) False

10. One general recommendation from this theory proposes that high performance should be rewarded, but employess must understand the inputs needed to attain certain outputs. For example, when incentive pay is used, there should be clear standards specifying the exact requirements to achieve the incentive.

A) Hertzberg's maintenance theory B) expectancy theory C) equity theory D) hierarchy of needs

11. Punishment, such as probation, fining, demoting, and so forth, is the best form of reinforcement; because it reduces undesirable behavior without causing other undesirable behavior, such as poor morale, lower productivity, etc..

A) True B) False

12. The One-Minute Manager, by Blanchard and Johnson popularized what method of motivation?

A) equity B) goal setting C) expectancy D) giving praise

13. According to Keirsey, most followers are motivated by:

A) power B) appreciation

C) money D) success

14. According to Keirsey, an NT temperament worker would appreciate a compliment of a personal nature.

A) True B) False

15. According to Keirsey, which temperament has the highest sense of reality?


16. According to Keirsey, which temperament type is most likely to be "unaware of the feelings of others and be oblivious to their hurts and joys?"


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