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26 December 2004
In response to the tragedy of 26 December 2004, there are many
ways that WILTA members can and will act. The WILTA committee
felt that as an organization of educators, our focus should be on
education. WILTA’s role is to assist, advise and support teachers of
Indonesian language and culture. These resources offer a choice of
starting points for your language and culture program, but don’t
keep them just for the Indonesian class. Share them with interested
colleagues or suggest a program of integrated studies.

Discuss with care Ready-to-go Resource Collections

Before discussing sensitive and po- Each of these resource collections has been prepared especially to sup-
tentially disturbing matters with stu- port teachers in planning learning activities for their students.
dents, refer to expert advice at: Department of Education and Training
When there is a tragedy. South Aus- See Hot Topics at .
tralian Department of Health. The Curriculum Materials Information Service (CMIS) teachers have
Highly recommended. evaluated a long list of resources as suitable for WA schools and pre-
Helping children affected by the pared lists for primary and secondary contexts. Includes animated
tsunami. guides to the tsunami, photographs, diagrams. Connects resources to the WA Curriculum Framework. Very highly recommended.
Coping personally with the tsuna- Wikipedia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Wikipedia is a free Internet encyclopaedia. This page, in Indonesian,
Trade. has maps, diagrams, articles, tables and news. Save the Children Fund (UK)
Traumatic events, media and your
child. Victorian Parenting Centre. cmsattach/2093_Tsunami%20primary%20lesson%20ideas.pdf These activities for children aged 5-11 years are mainly cross-curricular.
Victorian Government - Department The emphasis throughout is on helping children understand what hap-
of Human Services. pened and to explore their own feelings and reactions. Secondary school ideas:
Project Cope at WIHD. cache/cmsattach/2095_Tsunami%20secondary%20lesson%20ideas.pdf Education Planet
Emergency Management Australia.
Nourish hope and positive action. Sites that contain lessons related to tsunamis.
Look for ideas where you can incorporate Indonesian language.
Thanks to Kellie Plant, Karen Bailey, Pamela Stewart (Access Asia).

Language activities with a geography focus.

Mapping • provinces, cities and islands (eg Mantawai Islands)of Sumatra
• Seas - Andaman, China, Timor
• countries around the Andaman Sea
• quiz questions (for Millionaire?) for example:
Di mana Sri Langka? Apa nama ibu kota Muang Thai?

Directions • Kota (pulau / negara ) Banda Aceh terletak di bagian utara (selatan / timur / barat /
utara) pulau Sumatra.
• Ada gempa bumi di laut di sebelah barat kota Banda Aceh.

Comparisons • lebih / kurang yang paling / ter… besar / luas / tinggi

Latitude and longitude • garis lintang dan garis bujur (lintang-bujur = diagonal)
• Letaknya kota Banda Aceh, 5.5 derajat lintang utara dan 95 derajat bujur timur.

Distances • Berapa kilometer dari kota …. ke kota ….

Atlas searches • Lihatlah pada daftar isi. Halaman berapa ada peta pulau Sumatra?
• Tunjukkanlah gunung / kota / sungai / pulau ….

Concept mapping • using me...kan verbs such as menyebabkan, menghancurkan, menyediakan, mengu-
mumkan, mengeluarkan, mempersiapkan, melakukan and mengunjukkan ( see bro-
chure pages), students develop concept maps related to the earthhquake/tsunami, its
results and/or relief efforts. Computer software such as Inspiration or C-Map make
concept mapping easier.

Use satellite photographs to stimulate discussion about the effects of the

tsunami and earthquake. A set of 20 pairs of Before and After satellite
photographs, including many of Banda Aceh, can be found at:

Disappearing islands
Caltech (California Institute of Technology) scien- A4 copies are suitable for pair and group work and
tists have been monitoring changes in the geology A3 copies are great as classroom posters. The col-
of the Mentawai Islands, a popular surfing destina- our versions are even better!
tion south of the earthquake’s epicenter. Mind the language! In addition to the scientific and cultural content of
these pages, notice
The website at offers excellent, easy-to-follow re-
• opportunities to develop literacy skills, for ex-
sources including:
ample, use of headings and captions, skimming
• Notes from a geologist in the field, a first-hand and scanning.
account of relief efforts in the area
• question patterns, for example, Apa yang harus
• superb annotated maps of the earthquake area aku lakukan? , Apa yang terjadi?, Bagaimana kita
• and, best of all, a poster and brochure (next tahu?
pages) to educate and warn the local popula- • use of the imperative form in response to Apa
tion about earthquakes and tsunamis. yang harus aku/saya/kami lakukan? How about
These are wonderful reading resources, with short a role-play involving ‘safety officers’ and villag-
texts fully supported by diagrams and illustrations. ers?

Viewing text for discussion, analysis and comparison

Source: Search by keyword Tsunami to find dozens of cartoons. As you might ex-
pect, most are by American cartoonists. Finding examples from Australian and especially Indonesian illustrators
would enable cross-cultural comparisons.
A related site, offers lesson plans for different phases of schooling. Some sparks:

• describe a cartoon (what has been drawn) • form pairs or groups of cartoons and explain their
• discuss what it means groupings/pairings
• discuss the illustrator’s intent. (How did s/he want • compare cartoons in Indonesian and Australian/
us to feel?) American publications.
TERM 1 2005

Tiket Konser: Rp 10.000 + Tiket masuk (gate) Kompleks Taman Impian Jaya Ancol: Rp 10.000.
Jadi dengan Rp 20.000 berarti Anda nyumbang saudara2 yang tertimpa bencana di Aceh dan Su-
mut sebesar Rp 15.000* selain tentu saja sambil nikmatin penampilan 100 artis yang berpartisipasi
sukarela dalam acara konser tsb.
Kalo kerasa kurang 'nendang' nyumbang 15 ribu perak, di lokasi nanti juga disediakan kotak2 sum-
bangan yang menanti uluran tangan Anda yang datang ke konser.
Jadi.......tunggu apa lagi.......
*Rincian sumbangan Rp 15.000 adalah tiket konser Rp 10.000 100% disumbangkan + 50% tiket masuk Ancol disumbangkan.
Jakarta, 24 Januari 2005
Ayo kita bantu teman-teman kita kembali tersenyum.
Sebagai wujud solidaritas, kesetiaka-
wanan, dan empati terhadap bencana tsu-
nami di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara, ratusan
anak-anak melakukan doa bersama untuk
anak-anak Aceh dan Nias di Tugu Prokla-
masi, Jakarta, Senin (24/1). Selain meng-
gelar doa bersama, acara yang diseleng-
garakan oleh Komite Nasional (Komnas)
Perlindungan Anak ini juga melakukan
kampanye gerakan nasional berkirim surat
dengan anak Aceh dan Nias
◄ Serombongan anak melintas di bawah
spanduk yang berisis ajakan untuk ikut
membantu anak-anak Aceh kembali

► Seorang anak dari

Sekolah Dasar (SD)
Budhidaya, Jakarta,
dengan khusyuk
berdoa untuk kebaikan
anak-anak korban
bencana tsunami.

▲ Tiga peserta dengan serius menulis ▲ Tidak hanya diikuti oleh anak-anak dari
surat yang nantinya akan dikirim kepada sekolah ternama, acara ini juga diikuti anak-
anak-anak Aceh dan Nias. anak “pinggiran”.

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