John A. Keel - Anomaly #2, September 1969, (Pages 19 - 38)

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IN THIS ISSUE: Preliminary study of the attitudes and opinions of non-reporting UFO witnesses and comparisons of results of various independent polls. Page 21 Psychic impressions of UFO percipients based upon a survey by Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming. Page 23 Is the contactee syndrome a disease? A summary of relative medical factors. Page 25 The Illuminati and other major "conspiracy" beliefs. Page 27 Famed author William Burroughs explains some basic techniques for mind manipulation. Page 29 A possible "M.I.B." encounter in Italy, 1952, as recounted by Dr. Jacques Vallee. Page 30 A fraudulent UFO report. Page Recent statements by novelist J.B. Priestly and RAF Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard. Page 35 Plus assorted supplementary material. ANOMALY ‘BOX 351, Murray Hill Station New York, N.Y. 10016 Réiter:| John A. Keel An unscheduled newsletter, not copyrighted except where NOT SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION. If you wish to receive the of ANOMALY please amped, self-addressed, se-sized envelope, Add= itional copies of this issue are available for 50¢ each. Did any newspaper or publicat- fon publish details on the following AP disvatch datelinei Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 22, 1968? "Several people a year may be Killed by forces from outer space, a world-renowned physi- cist said Thursday. “Swiss-born Prof. Fritz Zwicky of the California Institute of Technology, said apparently unexplained deaths could be due to people being hit by fast meteors or heavy nucleons in cosmic rays. He added that some faint traces have been indicating that the were struck by such forces." L.A. RESEARCHERS PLEASE CHECK files of the Los Angeles DAILY MIRROR , Jan. 23, 1950, for column by Dick Williams head- lined, "Did 15 - year - old Boy Happen on Secret of Flyire Disks?", Summarized by Frank Scully (page 202):"This is the story of a fifteen-year- old boy interested in short-wave construction , who accidently hit on the wave length of mag- netic frequency and everytime he dialed this frequency he shorted every motor-driven ve- hicle using the ignition sy- stem for a radius of three miles, This incident occurred back in 1941 in Appelton,Wisc. In check, Dick Williams found that motors of planes flying over his house were also short -ed. The local airfield had made record of the phenomena several times." Wisconsin researchers please sift local papers for 1941. If you find any item related to the above, covy the full text, including dete and name of newspaper, and send copy to us We are In ne way commeoted with the person cr persons adver- tizing books for sale at the follow: address: “REEL aio Wallen BY ye," POL L PART ONE Fifteen percent of the U.S. population have now seen some form of unidentified flying object or serial anomaly (AA), according to the recent nation . wide poll conducted by Spec- dalized Research. This stat- istic has now been tested in several different ways and has proven to be stable and valid, It means that approximately 30,000,000 people have now ep an AA. However, other in- depqient polls have placed the figure somewhat lower, per- haps because ly8R included the under-21 age group in its poll. Since the summer of 1968, Speo- iglized Research has been con- ducting a poll of 250 Ufolo~ gists, testing opinions and attitudes om a wide variety of related subjects. As part of ess, control 250 non-UFO-cr- iented people were also polled and asked questions identical to, or simi: to, those asked the Ufologists. College class groups and audiences at non~- UPO lectures in several major cities comprised the CG. Over- all, these Cds are very close in edusation and age to the general field of UFO research- ers. Opinions were recorded on Geniac cards anonymously, = ched, and sorted mechanically. It was found that each block of 75 cards correlated faver- ably (almost exactly) with each other block so we feel that 250 participants provide an adequate sampling for our pur- poses. TABLE 1 - GENERAL BACKGROUND ci 1. Under age 21. 30% 2. College graduates. 25% 2: High Sohool grads. 928 Still attending college or night echool. 55% 5. Engaged in a pro: or training for 6. Consider thensel: be leaders or have leader potential. 204 Ie Eneeees in @ trade. 25% 8. Politically liberal. 85% oe * © conservative. 12% 10, No response to8& 9. 3% 11, Solentifically ca 5} ig Obviously our CG represents a slightly above-average op of well-educated metropolitan liberals (Table 1). The UFO- group was evenly divided poli- Stoalty, with 50% claiming to be liberal and 50% claiming to be conservative. The CG was 858 liberal and 12% conserva- tive. 12, Ocoult oriented. 13. atheists. In future articles we will gummarize and compare the CG responses with those from the UFO group. The CG were asked a block of questions which were mot inoluded in the main UFO- group poll. Ufologists weren't asked if they had ever seen a UFO, or if they believed the objects might be soma seoret government project, These ques- tions were asked the 1966 Gellup Poll and the poll Comdusted for the UFO ject at Colorade University (1968). They were asked of our CG only. ® (CONTINUED OVERLEAF)

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