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Daniel 10:12 :, “Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst
set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard,
and I am come for thy words.” This means that the angel was carrying the answer to Daniel’s
prayer for 21 days and somewhere along the line something stood against him saying, “Sorry,
you will not give this answer to this man. Although God has answered, and asked you to go and
supply this thing to this man, you are not passing here.” He was contending with the angel. Verse
13 says, “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo,
Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of

The battle against the angel bringing the answer to Daniel was so great that Michael had to come
and assist him. What God did was to open the veil of the spiritual world so that he could see what
was going on.

The Bible says that there are three heavens. The first one is the one you see when you lift up your
eyes, that is where the airplanes travel. Above that is another one where airplanes dare not go. If
they move high to that level, they would be lost forever. That is the second heaven. When people
say that whatever goes up must come down, it is when it does not go beyond the first heavens; if
it goes beyond that, it will just be floating about there and will not come down again. This is the
arena of the dark spirits; the headquarters of the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Lucifer
and Leviathan. But above that is another heaven, which the Bible calls “the heaven of heavens.”
It is the third heaven. That is where you find the paradise and the throne of God.


The devil sets up a checkpoint at the second heaven. A checkpoint of darkness is a place of fierce
warfare. That is why the kind of prayer required to destroy the checkpoint is volcanic and
bulldozing kind of prayer, prayer with holy anger, prayer with inner fire, prayer with holy hatred,
prayer with your spiritual blood boiling. Good and bad spirits fight there. Sympathetic and
unsympathetic spirits fight there as well. There is a battle between truth and falsehood and a
battle between light and darkness there. It is a place of wicked confiscation. It is a place of
wicked storage in the warehouse of the enemy. It is a place of unprofitable delays. It is a place of
destiny destruction. It is a place of wicked spiritual accidents.

Many good things belonging to the children of God are confiscated at evil checkpoints and
stored in satanic warehouses. For example, success, children, money, prosperity, wedding gowns,
breakthroughs, health, etc. Body parts are stored in these evil warehouses. Many people are
walking about the streets without their real selves. Their real selves have been locked up and
their blessings stored in the second heaven. That is why the Bible says that no man enters into the
house of a strongman and plunders his goods except he first of all binds the strongman. The
strongman himself does not have any personal goods, what he guides is what he confiscates from
people. The warehouse of the enemy has a gateman and the gateman is the strongman.


Please, take the following prayer point: “I clear my blessings from the warehouse of the
strongman, in the name of Jesus.”

It is at this checkpoint that prayer battles take place. This is why prayer is hard work. Sometimes
the angel of our blessings get stuck unless you can pray fire prayers to release him. This is why
the enemy does not like anybody to pray. Your prayer must be sharp and violent enough to bring
answers down. The powers in the second heaven can return your prayers back to you. Imagine
the battle in the second heaven for three weeks involving the angel bringing an answer to
Daniel’s prayer.

Daniel’s continuous bombardment of that checkpoint reinforced the heavenly army. If Daniel had
not been serious with the prayer, the answer would not have come.

Check the level of your purity today. Your purity and violence determine the effectiveness of
your prayers. Check whether the enemy has a foothold in your life.

Everything that comes down to us from God passes through the second heaven. There is a
spiritual border there with satanic immigration and custom officers. It is at this point that a
household strongman stays. That is why we pray that our prayers should become hot coals of
untouchable fire. Many prayers go up and bring down nothing. I pray that your prayers shall not
be so, in the name of Jesus.

A certain brother called James prayed with aggression for a wife and the Lord called an angel
and said, “Angel, take this sister down to him.” When the angel got to the checkpoint at the
second heaven, they asked him where he was going and he answered, “I want to go and give a
wife to Brother James.” They said, “Sorry, hold on, let us call his ancestral strongman. That one
came and said, “Angel, you cannot give him this wife because his own spirit wife is here.” His
grandmother has a covenant with us here, therefore, you cannot take this girl to him. Apart from
that, his grandfather signed a covenant with us here that all the men from his family must marry
witches and this one you are taking there is not a witch. So, angel, return the wife.” The angel
returned the wife.

A brother prayed asking for promotion. But as the angel was taking the promotion to him, he was
stopped at the second heaven. They asked him where he was gong and he said, “I am going to
Brother Johnson Oko. They said, “Sorry, we don’t have that name here. His real name is not
Johnson Oko but Fadeyi, therefore you cannot take this to him. His mother had him for another
man and transferred him to the wrong father. His real father is Fadeyi. So, go back.” And the
angel went back.

Also a sister, Bimpe, prayed to God asking for promotion. She said, “O God, I pay my tithe, but
no progress, why? And the queen of heaven turned up with the angel bringing the promotion and
said, “You cannot giver her this promotion because here is a list of 40 men she has slept with and
39 of them are our agents. So, she is not going anywhere.

Beloved, this is why we must pray. It can a terrible thing when your battle has been transferred to
the checkpoint and you don’t know what to do. The first way to trouble your trouble is to deal


with the checkpoint of darkness. Once you attack the evil checkpoint a signal goes into the dark
world indicating that you are trying to be free, and they get reinforcement. If you give up at this
level, you will lose the answer. Prayers to address evil checkpoints are not prayers on the
horizontal level but on a vertical one. You must be sure of what you are doing. A person may
come from an area where they have formed a geographical covenant that nobody in that area will
prosper. When you start you prayer, it is at that checkpoint that they will stop the angel bringing
your answer. Unless you apply violence, the angel will not pass through.


Another way to trouble your trouble is by destroying curses. Your mouth contains double barrel
power. The words you speak can destroy or promote you. When a man who has a backing force
speaks some words those words can cause trouble. The words you now speak, backed up by the
force, can limit a life or explode a destiny.


A curse is a set of words issued for destructive purposes. A curse is a commission given to satan
to limit the life of a person. The enemy may decide to take 20 years out of the life of a person by
issuing a curse. A curse is a force of retardation. So, if you dream of your primary school days ,
secondary school days or that somebody converted you to a housemaid or houseboy or slave,
then you need to break the curse of retardation.

A curse is a tragedy that moves from generation to generation. You have to understand that. This
is why we have a lot of educated illiterates around. Their chains of degrees cannot help them.
Education is not an ability to nullify curses or the ability to defeat the forces limiting your life.

A family weakness can move from generation to generation. In some families, it is the curse of
premature death. God said to Eli that no man in his family would enter his grave with grey hair.
There are families like that. There are some families where their members never rise above a
particular level. In Joshua 9:23 we see the curse that was put upon a whole tribe. It says, “Now
therefore ye are cursed, and there shall none of you be freed from being bondmen, and hewers of
wood and drawers of water for the house of my God.”

A family or a community can be in a position where it never produces a great person. There are
communities where you cannot find any educated man. Therefore, a curse is a terrible thing. It
has a backing force and what you can call an enforcing spirit. Physical relocation does not stop a
curse. You need to know how to destroy it. And immediately you begin to do that, your trouble
knows that it is in trouble. Escape by physical relocation is not the answer but spiritual

I know a brother who ran away to America and did not tell any member of his family. He settled
down there, got married and had four children. He was not writing to anybody at home and
nobody knew his whereabouts, and he was doing well. But one night, he had a dream where he
saw a dog running after him until it caught up with him and started biting him. When he woke up
he knew that there was trouble.


The following morning, a letter arrived from Nigeria with the name of his junior brother at the
back as the sender. His people did not know where he was for ten years but after he had the
dream of the dog which dealt with him, the following morning, policemen came and showed him
a form he filled about four years earlier. “Were you the one that filled this form?” they asked.
And he was instantly deported to Nigeria. It was with the dress he had on that he arrived at the
airport in Nigeria, leaving his wife, children and everything over there. He relocated physically
but did not relocate spiritually and trouble followed.

An invisible force may control or destroy somebody’s destiny, future and progress if the person
is under a curse. When Elisha came out from where he received double portion of power, the
people of Jericho rushed to him and said, “Sir, the foundation of this place is pleasant but the
water is bitter and the ground does not yield fruit.” Why did they go to Elisha? Because the
anointing of God upon him could break that curse. Elijah did not break it before he left. The man
who issued the curse was Joshua. When he got to Jericho, he said, "woe unto that man that will
rebuild this city. When he is laying the foundation, his first son shall die and when he completes
it, his last son shall die.” Four hundred years later, it happened just like that. Now they wanted
the curse upon Jericho to be broken and Elisha broke it. I pray that every old curse that you are
labouring under, shall be broken today, in Jesus’ name.

Perhaps you are like Peter who was fishing and catching nothing. You could be labouring under a
curse. Something happened to Peter and I pray that the same thing should happen to you today,
in Jesus’ name. What happened to Peter? The Lord entered his boat. The Lord shall enter my
boat, in Jesus’ name.

The people of Jericho located their curse. Many of us need to locate the source of the thing
happening to us. Many people are suffering from bad diseases that doctors cannot understand. In
some families every first daughter would have a child without a husband and some none of the
women settle down. For some, the women feed their husbands. Even if the man had a job before
the marriage, he would lose it after.

These people chose Elisha because his anointing was comparable to that of Joshua. So, if a
powerful native doctor puts a curse upon somebody, he or she would need a person with a higher
anointing to break it. A certain man lost his five children and wife in one day. He went to a
powerful herbalist for retaliation and the herbalist said, “Sorry, I have looked at this thing and I
cannot do it. From what I can see, the only group of people who have the capacity to break this
kind of thing and to retaliate are those of the church by the UNILAG gate. Go there.” The man
came to see me and said, “Sir, a herbalist said I should come here.” So, the herbalist could see
what many Christians cannot see.

I know a brother who had many degrees but no job. Everything was upside down for him. Some
people took him to the highest gathering of witches in Nigeria where he tabled his problem. They
looked at him and said, “It is your grandmother that is in charge of your problem. But, you see,
whenever we have problem she is the person we contact. Therefore we cannot help you. Go
somewhere else.”


Later he came to MFM and started praying and the Lord delivered him. You may have come
from a family where no one is prospering, I prophesy to your life today that henceforth your case
shall be different, in the name of Jesus. If you have come from a family where nobody has a
lasting marriage, I prophesy unto your life that your case shall be different, in Jesus’ name.

Make the following declaration: My problems are in trouble, because God shall trouble them, in
the name of Jesus.”

There are situations where you find people who have a lot of money but no peace. In some
families some brothers threaten to kill another. In many situations, many people run in circles
because forces of retrogression have set in. If you do your best and nobody appreciates you, it
means that your heaven is becoming brass and you need to pray today.


Another way to trouble your trouble is to get rid of sin from your life. In anything you are doing,
you must remember that God is the Lord of harvest. You cannot live in sin and expect prosperity.
You cannot cheat people and prosper. An adulterous man who does not repent would one day
impregnate a woman outside marriage and that child of adultery would move into the family and
dismantle the structures he has put up. That child would be sent so that he harvests what he has
sown into life. So, anybody who is living in sin is sowing evil and as he sows evil, he would reap
evil. So, sin is terrible.

Some people have what can be called family sins. For example, Abraham told Abimelech that
Sarah, his wife, was his sister. Forty years later, Isaac told the same Abimelech that his wife was
his sister. Sixty years later, Jacob and his mother deceived their father. Eighty years later, Jacob’s
children deceived him that Joseph was dead. Hundred years later, Judah slept with his daughter
in-law who deceived him. So, you need to confess every personal and ancestral sins and get rid
of them fast.


Dealing with evil dreams is another way to trouble your trouble. Any dream that you keep having
and is setting you back, you should deal with it. All the dreams of climbing and never getting to
the top, all the dreams of running around and getting nowhere, is a way of God trying to tell you
that something wrong is going on. You need to wake up and start to fight.

God has a purpose for bringing this message to you. He has not brought it to waste your time. He
has done so that your enemies will regret. He has done so that your problems can be chained and

Close your eyes and begin to confess your sins. Tell the Lord to forgive your sins and to destroy
anything that will strengthen evil angels at the checkpoint of darkness against you. Tell the Lord
you want to pray and get results today.



1. O Lord, convert my disgrace to grace, in the name of Jesus.

2. O God, convert my disappointment to divine appointment, in the name of Jesus.
3. God, convert my weakness to strength, in the name of Jesus.
4. O God, convert my mess to divine message, in the name of Jesus.
5. O God, convert my frustration to fulfillment, in the name of Jesus.
6. O God, convert my ashes to beauty, in the name of Jesus.
7. My father, convert my pain to pleasure, in the name of Jesus.
8. My father, convert my lamentation to laughter, in the name of Jesus.
9. O God, convert my night to day, in the name of Jesus.
10. O God, arise and convert my problems to promotion, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every checkpoint of darkness, break, in the name of Jesus.
12. Every masquerade pursuing me from my father’s side, what are you waiting for?
Die, in Jesus’ name.
13. Every masquerade pursing me from my mother’s side, what are you waiting for?
Die, in Jesus’ name.
14. Inherited failure, die, in the name of Jesus.
15. (Lay your hands on your chest and pray:) Where no member of family has
reached, O Lord, take me there by fire, in the name of Jesus.
16. O caldron of darkness hanging in the heavenlies, break, in the name of Jesus.
17. My trouble, you are in trouble by fire, in the name of Jesus.


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