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Ashley Bonte EDET 650 Fall 2013 Character Education Student Knowledge Quiz 1.

Which of the following is not one of the ten twenty-first skills for global citizens? a. Creativity b. Problem-Solving c. Determination d. Resiliency 2. Which of the following is a character skills? 1. Proactive 2. Honesty 3. Accountability 4. Responsibility 3. Due to a power outage, Mrs. Bontes class was unable to finish their Science presentations on the Smartboard. Students instead moved outdoors and were able to use the iPad to walk around and share their findings. What character skill did the class demonstrate? a. Integrity b. Reflective Listening c. Self-Direction d. Resiliency 4. By coming in and copying your homework without being told. You are demonstrating which character skill? a. Self-direction b. Self-discipline c. Problem-Solving d. Reflective Listening 5. Students cut out their word study words weekly and sort them based on spelling patterns. Jackson cut his words into two columns, then was able to cut the rest, two words at a time! Instead of cutting each word out one at a time, what character skill was demonstrated? a. Productivity b. Reflective Listening c. Problem-Solving d. Creativity 6. Students have four designated bathroom breaks during the day. Which of the following students is practicing self-discipline?

a. Ann Marie finishes her work before anyone else and raises her hand showing the restroom sign that she needs to go. b. Seth promptly goes to the restroom even though he does not have to go in order to avoid having the go outside the bathroom break time. c. Cassie does not need to go to the restroom so she stays in the classroom continuing on her independent work while the teachers sends the rest of her group. d. Graci reminds her teacher every day ten minutes before the scheduled bathroom time to make sure she doesnt forget. 7. Cole was not following directions and cut his flipbook in half. Instead of showing the flipbook to his teacher, he asked her for a piece of tape. Cole demonstrated which character skill? a. Reflective listening b. Creativity c. Problem Solving d. Integrity 8. Group 3 was working on a project using the ipads. They finished their keynote ten minutes early. When they went to show the teacher, it someone disappeared. Instead of panicking, Alex from the group said he had an idea that wouldnt take long to do at all! They still had the images saved and could skip loading the backgrounds and just put the text that matched. What character skill did Alex demonstrate? a. Collaboration b. Creativity c. Resiliency d. Productivity 9. Connor is late to school on numerous occasions. Mrs. Bonte asked him why this is so. While Connor was explaining, Mrs. Bonte nodded her head and though deeply about his problem. She then repeated back some of the main points to confirm that she understood the problem in full. What character skill did Mrs. Bonte demonstrate? 1. Self-Direction 2. Self-Discipline 3. Integrity 4. Reflective Listening 10. Taylors offered to help the teacher by taking the lunch count to the office every day. By following through with this responsibility, Taylor is showing what character skill? a. Productivity b. Self-Direction

c. Accountability d. Problem-Solving

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